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哪有这个键啊 不是你看错了就是说这话的人打错了




nedc一共有两种意思。1、NEDC英文缩写:NEDC英文全称:National Economic Development Council中文解释:(英)全国经济发展委员会缩写分类:专业词汇2、NEDC英文缩写:NEDC英文全称:New European Driving Cycle中文解释:新欧洲驾驶周期缩写分类:专业词汇相近缩写词语:1、NED英文缩写:NED英文全称:Nederlands中文解释:尼德兰,荷兰缩写分类:天文地理2、NEDM英文缩写:NEDM英文全称:Network on Economic Development Management中文解释:经济开发管理网络缩写分类:经济管理


我来回答你吧~我也是Ghost Whisperer的超级Fans~ 你说的是大NED吧 他只在第三季出现过 Christoph Sanders顺便把小Ned也告诉你 我比较喜欢他~小俊男~~Tyler Patrick Jones


没有这个货币符号,NZD 是新西兰。


楼主 你好!!!! NED是荷兰这个国家的缩写!!!!




ned是荷兰的简称。国家荷兰王国在荷兰语中是Koninkrijk der Nederlanden,所以简称NED。荷兰是由荷兰、阿鲁巴、库拉索和荷属圣马丁4个构成国组成的君主立宪制的复合国,是以荷兰本土为核心的主权国家。NED也是低地的意思,低平是荷兰地形最突出的特点。全境为低地,四分之一的土地海拔不到1米,四分之一的土地低于海面,除南部和东部有一些丘陵外,绝大部分地势都很低。旅游景点1、荷兰国立博物馆荷兰国立博物馆,又译阿姆斯特丹皇家博物馆,为荷兰规模最大的博物馆,藏有史前至最新的各种展品。馆内最为知名的收藏就是十七世纪荷兰画家-伦勃朗的作品。二楼的中央画廊的“荣誉廊”除了伦勃朗,其它几位荷兰黄金时期的著名画家,如维梅尔、詹斯汀及法兰斯哈尔斯的作品都在这儿展示。2、梵高美术馆梵高美术馆位于荷兰的阿姆斯特丹,建于1973年,收藏有梵高黄金时期珍贵的200幅画作,约为全部作品的四分之一,素描几百件(也有说上千件),还有凡高的几乎全部书信。美术馆内还收藏有梵高和弟弟提奥收藏的日本浮世绘和其他一些画家的作品,比如高更和劳特雷克笔下的梵高肖像,高更和贝尔纳的自画像等。3、荷兰羊角村羊角村位于荷兰西北方Overijssel省,De Wieden自然保护区内。“羊角村”这个名称得于当时一群挖煤矿的工人定居於那里,他们的挖掘工作使得当地形成了大小不一的水道及湖泊。而在每日的挖掘过程中,除了煤,他们还在地下挖出许多“羊角”,经过监定确认这些羊角应该是一批生活在1170年左右的野山羊。因此,他们便将那里称作羊角村,该名称一直保留至今。以上内容参考:百度百科-荷兰


ned是:荷兰、英国和德国的缩写名。NED是荷兰、英国和德国的缩写名。作为欧洲大陆上三个最发达的经济体之一,这三个国家联手合作,不仅推动了欧洲的经济发展,也对全球经济格局带来了深远的影响。荷兰,是欧洲经济中心地带的一份子。这个位于欧洲西部的小国,在商贸方面拥有着深厚的历史背景和文化底蕴。自然的地理优势,也让荷兰成为了一个国际贸易的中心。随着经济全球化的趋势愈演愈烈,荷兰的重要性越来越凸显。荷兰的成功经验和热情,不仅给了全球经济典型的代表,而且也让我们对于未来的发展充满信心。英国,是欧洲的明珠也是西方世界的发源地之一。这个知名度极高的国家拥有强大的经济实力和广泛的国际影响力。英国因为长期对海外殖民地的控制和利用, 包括被殖民地在内,影响到了整个国际社会。英国在经济、金融、文化、科技、艺术等领域都所拥有强大的基础,不仅让这个小国走向了全球化,更让英国成为了世界的“中心城市”。德国,被誉为是欧洲最强大的国家之一。德国以其独特的思维方式和行动力闻名于世,并创造出了深远的影响。德国的强劲经济基础,不仅源于其深厚的工业基础,还源于其广泛的国际影响力和密切的国际合作。德国在这方面的成功,除了在技术上和制造方面的突破之外,还离不开对于国家层面的高度重视和全球性的战略部署。荷兰、英国和德国的关系这三个国家都有着强大而独特的文化和经济底蕴,它们紧密地联系在一起,不仅将欧洲经济发展带向了新的高度,更对世界范围内的经济格局产生了深刻且重要的影响。






ned是什么意思:内德;<美俚>十元金币;无效。ned不同情境的释义:1、NED作为非原产地的缩写:在贸易和经济领域中,“NED”通常解释为“Non-Endemic Region”,意思是非原产地地区。这个词在疾病监测和控制中也用得比较广泛,比如说非洲猪瘟在中国的爆发,就会被认为是“非原产地地区”发生了病情。2、NED作为非经营性支出的缩写:在财务会计上,“NED”还可以解释为“Non-Operating Expenditure”,意思是非经营性支出,指企业在运营过程中,因为非经营性原因而产生的开支,例如办公室装修、旅游费用等不属于正常经营成本的开支。3、NED作为数字化教育的缩写:随着数字化技术在教育领域的不断应用,“NED”还有一个新含义,即“New Educational Devices”,指的是新型的数字化教育设备,例如平板电脑、智能手机、智能黑板等。4、NED在法律领域:ned通常指无效、作废的契约或协议。当一份合同被认定为ned时,它就失去了法律效力。常见的情况包括:双方没有签名、未满足法定条件或者被迫签署等。5、NED作为医学专业的缩写:NED(No Evidence of Disease,NED,无疾病状态)是指肿瘤患者经过治疗以后使用现有检查方法未发现肿瘤残留的迹象,表示现阶段可发现的肿瘤已经从患者体内完全清除,与完全缓解同义。6、NED在其他领域的应用:NED还有一些其他的应用场景。例如,在新西兰,“NED”指的是“Non-Executive Director”,即非执行董事;在航空领域,“NED”指的是“Navigation Error Deviation”,意思是导航误差偏差;在IT领域,“NED”则可能指“Network Enabled Device”,即网络设备。

He_____for twenty years.A.has joined B.has been in the army C.joined D.have saved the army

B 吧。。。

我有一把harper牌的电箱吉他,12年前买的,琴箱里面写有designed in japan,请问吉他来历,现在价值

呵呵.....英文是 日本设计.. 你懂得 直接写made in china 没人买... 有的人一看 啥啥japan买的起劲 自己用用吧..

The boss ______ the worker how to do it, or the accident couldn’t have happened. A.can’t hav

A 试题分析:意为:当时老板不可能告诉工人如何做这件事(是对过去的推测),否则这个事故不可能发生。在英语中,我们对过去的推测,常使用情态动词(not)+have done 结构,故选 A点评:情态动词对中国学生来讲是一个难点,而情态动词+have done(表对过去的一种推测)更是一个难点和重点,学生要注意区别。

sql语句中的unsigned和not null是什么意思?

unsigned 是int 无符号,就是都是正数not null表示该字段不允许空值

He returned with such provisions ____were need . 横线处为什么不能填that


求 Unrestrained Wind 歌词及歌词翻译

i married the streets and atlanta has been my best man我结婚的街道和亚特兰大一直是我最好的男人my momma quit her job and now she works with six figures我的妈妈辞掉了工作,现在她与六位数字工程cause im a self-made nappy-headed rich nigga造成IM自制尿布为首的丰富的niggaprivate planes help me travel in peace私人飞机可以帮助我在和平旅游to four cities in one day and four countries in one week四个城市在一天之内,在一个星期内的4个国家cause i work for myself and no one else cause im too smart too因为我的工作为自己,并没有其他人造成IM太聪明太put one of my partners right through culinary art school通过烹饪艺术学校把我的合作伙伴之一now he my personal chef so that bread he get it现在他个人的厨师,使面包,他得到它put them all in houses cleaned up all of my friends credit在房子and now they witness all the glitz and the glamour他们全部清理了所有我的朋友信贷and now they witness all the glitz and the glamour现在,他们见证所有的浮华和魅力catch us eating at straits atlanta with women with table manners赶上我们在两岸亚特兰大饮食与餐桌礼仪的妇女order in singapore and lobster为了在新加坡和龙虾celebrating coming from nothing to winning grammys and rappers winning oscars庆祝未来从没有赢得格莱美奖,并赢得奥斯卡奖的说唱歌手and they say rappers shouldnt act nahh suckers他们说,说唱歌手不应该采取行动nahh吸盘we see samuel jackson like whats up mother f**kerrr我们看到像什么了母亲f ** kerrr塞缪尔杰克逊i used to dream (i used to dream) oh whoah我曾经梦想(我曾经梦想)哦whoahabout the money and the cars and girls (and the girls)but now i sing (now i sing) oh whoah关于钱的轿车和女孩(女孩)because im sitting on top of the world (the whole world)因为坐在世界之巅(全世界)and now i sing sing sing sing cause im sitting on top of the world现在我唱就唱唱就唱引起IM坐在世界之巅and now i sing sing sing sing sitting on top of the world现在我唱就唱唱就唱引起IM坐在世界之巅i know them haters dont stop plotting and wish you would fall我知道他们的仇敌,不停止策划,并希望你将下降cause im standing on top looking down at it all造成IM站在上面看着这一切i see you down there to yall this aint like i got it all我看你有yall这是不喜欢我这一切homie i aint get enough im still trying to triple up哥们我是没有得到足够的IM仍然试图三倍so all we got is street cred and a cool building up因此,我们得到的是街头威望和冷静的建立say im doing too much shit i say i aint did enough说IM做太多狗屎,我说我是不是没有足够的remember saying damn if i could just get to a million plus记得说,该死的,如果我可以只获得一百万加and now im like shit what the f**k is a million bucks像狗屎,现在IM F ** K是一百万美元triple that on my bun thanks to bigs and run三重,感谢我的发髻,大个子和运行but nevermind what ive been through just look at what i become但nevermind IVE已经通过,只是看在我成为什么all the shit ive avoided what i done for my sons所有的狗屁IVE避免什么我做了我的儿子hand dollars and momma just call her手美元和妈妈打电话给她i sold dope and dropped out of school seems its all they can see我卖涂料和辍学似乎他们可以看到they dont notice none of my family did that since me他们不通知我的家人都没有,因为我i broke that cycle now my family live a life of我打破了这一周期,现在我的家庭生活的生活mandatory minimals but not when the judge sentence them强制性minimals,但不能当法官判处他们cousins in college where you think they get tuition from你认为他们得到的学费从在学院的表兄弟jeffrey standing around wishing huh杰弗里站在周围希望呵呵while you standing around looking dumband 以及当你站在周围寻找哑i make it happen taking action over time got damn good at it我做到这一点随着时间的推移采取行动,得到了在这该死的好i used to dream (i used to dream) oh whoah我曾经梦想(我曾经梦想)哦whoahabout the money and the cars and girls (and the girls)关于钱的轿车和女孩(女孩)but now i sing (now i sing) oh whoahbecause im sitting on top of the world (the whole world)但现在我唱(现在我唱)哦whoahbecause mi sitting on top of the world (the whole world)因为坐在世界之巅(全世界)and now i sing sing sing sing cause im sitting on top of the world现在我唱就唱唱就唱引起IM坐在世界之巅and now i sing sing sing sing sitting on top of the world现在我唱,唱就唱唱歌坐在世界之巅

android用cmake怎么导入cpp文件夹,undifined reference to

ndroid Studio升级到2.2之后,我们可以先配置好NDK开发的一些所需工具,如图,在SDK Tools中勾选安装CMake、LLDB、NDK。 CMake: 外部构建工具。如果你准备只使用 ndk-build 的话,可以不使用它。 LLDB: Android Studio上面调试本地代码的工具。Android Studio自带DEMO了解CMAKEAndroid Studio升级到2.2版本之后,在创建新的project时,界面上多了一个Include C++ Support的选项。勾选它之后将会创建一个默认的C++与JAVA混编的Demo程序。就让我们先来看看这个官方标准Demo吧。开始之前最好先下载好NDK,见NDK开发 从入门到放弃(一:基本流程入门了解),即在Project Structure界面Android NDK location处下载或选择正确的路径。或者使用上方提供的工具安装方法来进行下载。否则,创建的新project也会报错,需要配置好后clean。File -> New -> New Project,在如下界面中勾选Include C++ Support,然后一路 Next,直到 Finish 为止即可。 项目打开后我们查看目录结构,与常规项目不同的是多了.externalNativeBuild文件夹、cpp文件夹、CMakeLists.txt文件,如下图:这三个东西都是NDK部分: 1. .externalNativeBuild文件夹:cmake编译好的文件, 显示支持的各种硬件等信息。系统生成。 2. cpp文件夹:存放C/C++代码文件,native-lib.cpp文件是该Demo中自带的,可更改。需要自己编写。 3. CMakeLists.txt文件:CMake脚本配置的文件。需要自己配置编写。Gradle中也有两处不同: java代码:public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {@Overrideprotected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);// Example of a call to a native methodTextView tv = (TextView) findViewById(;tv.setText(stringFromJNI());}/*** A native method that is implemented by the "native-lib" native library,* which is packaged with this application.*/public native String stringFromJNI();// Used to load the "native-lib" library on application startup.static {System.loadLibrary("native-lib");}}12345678910111213141516171819202122231234567891011121314151617181920212223从native-lib.cpp的代码中我们能看到它使用的是静态注册的方式,动态注册的方式代码同传统JNI。#include <jni.h>#include <string>extern "C"jstringJava_com_example_person_myapplication_MainActivity_stringFromJNI(JNIEnv* env,jobject /* this */) {std::string hello = "Hello from C++";return env->NewStringUTF(hello.c_str());}12345678910111234567891011CMakeLists.txt文件中我们需要注意的是下面这三个地方。两个library的名字(需一致)以及一个cpp文件的路径,彼此需要对应一致,当我们自己定义library以及自己创建cpp文件时需要对应修改。

一篇阅读的第一句是:I remember the way the light toughed her hair.She turned her head,and our eyes

I remember the way the light touched her hair. She turned her head, and our eyes met, a momentary awareness in that raucous fifth grade classroom. I felt as though I‘d been struck a blow under the heart. Thus began my first love affair. Her name was Rachel, and I mooned my way through the grade and high school, stricken at the mere sight of her, tongue-tied in her presence. Does anyone, anymore, linger in the shadows of evening, drawn by the pale light of a window—her window—like some hapless summer insect? That delirious swooning, asexual but urgent and obsessive, that made me awkward and my voice crack, is like some impossible dream now. I would catch sight of her, walking down an aisle of trees to or from school, and I"d become paralyzed.  She always seemed so poised, so self-possessed. At home, I‘d relive each encounter, writhing at the thought of my inadequacies. We eventually got acquainted and socialized as we entered our adolescence, she knew I had a case on her, and I sensed her affectionate tolerance for me. "Going steady" implied a maturity we still lacked. Her Orthodox Jewish upbringing and my own Catholic scruples imposed an inhibited grace that made even kissing a distant prospect, however fervently desired. I managed to hold her once at a dance—chaperoned, of course. Our embrace made her giggle, a sound so trusting that I hated myself for what I"d been thinking. At any rate, my love for Rachel remained unrequited. We graduated from high school, she went on to college, and I joined the Army.  When World War II engulfed us, I was sent overseas. For a time we corresponded, and her letters were the highlight of those grinding endless years. Once she sent me a snapshot of herself in a bathing suit, which drove me to the wildest of fantasies. I mentioned the possibility of marriage in my nest letter, and almost immediately her replies became less frequent, less personal. Her Dear John letter finally caught up with me while I was awaiting discharge. She gently explained the impossibility of a marriage between us. Looking back on it, I must have recovered rather quickly, although for the first few months I believed I didn‘t want to live. Like Rachel, I found someone else, whom I learned to love with a deep and permanent commitment that has lasted to this day.  1、According to the passage, how old was the author when his first love affair began?  A. Before he entered his teens.  B. In his early teens.  C. In his middle teens.  D. When he was just out of his teens.  「正确答案」A  2、How did the author behave as a boy in love?  A. His first love motivated him toward hard study.  B. His first love evoked sentimental memories.  C. He was overpowered by wild excitement and passion.  D. He fulfilled his expectations and desires.  「正确答案」C  3、According to the passage, what held them back from a loving kiss?  A. Her Jewish origin did not allow it.  B. His Catholic adherence forbade it.  C. They were not sure whether it was proper or ethical to kiss in line with their religious decorum.  D. Kissing was found to be inelegant or even distasteful.  「正确答案」C  4、According to the passage, what was Rachel‘s response to the author"s tender affection before the war?  A. She recognized and accepted his love affectionately.  B. She thwarted his affection by flatly turning him down.  C. She fondly permitted him to adore her without losing her own heart to him.  D. She didn‘t care for him at all and only took delight in playing with his feelings.  「正确答案」C  5、Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?  A. Statement and example.  B. Cause and effect.  C. Order of importance.  D. Linear description.  「正确答案」D

November Spawned A Monster 歌词

歌曲名:November Spawned A Monster歌手:Morrissey专辑:This Is... 1990Sleep on and dream of loveBecause it"s the closest you willGet to lovePoor twisted childSo ugly, so uglyPoor twisted childOh hug me, oh hug meOne novemberSpawned a monsterIn the shape of this childWho later cried :"but jesus made me, soJesus save me fromPity, sympathyAnd people discussing me"A frame of useless limbsWhat can make goodAll the bad that"s been done ?And if the lights were outCould you even bearTo kiss her full on the mouth(or anywhere?)Oh, poor twisted childSo ugly, so uglyPoor twisted childOh hug me, oh hug meOne novemberSpawned a monsterIn the shape of this childWho must remainA hostage to kindnessAnd the wheels underneath herA hostage to kindnessAnd the wheels underneath herA symbol of where mad, mad loversMust pause and draw the line.So sleep and dream of loveBecause it"s the closestYou will get to loveThat novemberIs a timeWhich i mustPut out of my mindOh, one fine dayLet it be soonShe won"t be rich or beautifulBut she"ll be walking your streetsIn the clothes that she went outAnd chose for herself.

spawned vehicle是什么意思

有个短语Car spawner --> Vehicle spawn “车产卵 请斟酌

error:the executable to be spawned is missing是什么意思?


Uncaught ReferenceError显示“is not defined错误”怎么办?

最可能的是引用的各个js的调用顺序有误,重新调整其引用顺序。1 .出现这个错误,最可能的是引用的各个js的调用顺序有误,重新调整其引用顺序。2 .还有一个原因就是在你引用js时,路径出错,不是你项目中正确的文件路径。3 .还有一个原因是你的js中有某些值是不存在的。4 .除了以上这个具体的错误,还可能遇到类似的Uncaught ReferenceError: XXXX is not defined错误,这类错误就要多检查传值错误,或者某些值不存在。

什么是non-commissioned officer

non-commissioned officer[英][u02ccnu0254nku0259u02c8miu0283u0259nd u02c8u0254fisu0259][美][u02ccnɑnku0259u02c8mu026au0283u0259nd u02c8u0254fu026asu025a]n.军士,士兵; 非委任官员双语例句1J3 Land is composed of 7 military staff officers and 1 non-commissioned officer.J3地面处由7名军事参谋和1名军士组成。2The J2 is composed of 3 military staff officers and 1 non-commissioned officer.J2处由3名军事参谋和1名军士组成。3If I like a soldier, he can get to be a non-commissioned officer quick.如果我喜欢一个士兵,他就可以很快成为没有委任状的军官。provided by jukuu4It is composed of 7 military staff officers and 1 non-commissioned officer.该处由7名军事参谋和1名军士组成。5Nursing non-commissioned officer ( NNCO) is a special necessary colony.Educate to NNCO is a new thing.护理士官是军队卫生工作中不可缺少的特殊群体,护理士官教育是新生事物。

谁有I learned how to accept life as it is from my father.的全文啊~~

Learning to AcceptI learned how to accept life as it is from my father. 36 . He did not teach me acceptance when he was strong and healthy. But rather when he was 37 and ill.My father was38 a strong man who loved being active, but a terrible illness 39 all that away. Now he can no longer walk. And he must sit quietly in a chair all day. Even talking is 40 . One night, I went to visit him with my sisters, we started41 about life, and I told them about one of my 42 . I said that we must always things up 43 . we grow-our youth. Our beauty, our friends-but it always 44 that after we give something up. We gain something new in its place. Then suddenly my father 45 up. He said,” But, Peter. I gave up 46 ! What did I gain?” I thought and thought, but I could not think of anything to say. 47 . He answered his own question:” I 48 the love of my family. ” I looked at my sisters, and saw tears in their eyes, along with hope and thankfulness.I was also 49 me his words. After that , when I began to fell irritated (愤怒的)at someone. I 50 remember his words and become 51 . If he could replace his great pain with a feeling of live for others. then I should be 52 . To give up my small irritations. In this 53 , I learned the power of acceptance from my father.Sometimes I 54 what other things I could learned from him if I had listened more carefully when I was a boy. For now, though, I am grateful for this one 55 .36. A. Afterwards B. Therefore C. However D. Meanwhile37. A. tired B. weak C. poor D. slow38. A. already B. still C. only D. once39. A. took B. threw C. sent D. put40. A. impossible B. difficult C. stressful D. hopeless41. A. worrying B. caring C. talking D. asking42. A. decisions B. experience C. ambitions D. beliefs43. A. as B. since C. before D. till44. A. suggests B. promises C. seems D. requires45. A. spoke B. turned C. summed D. opened46. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything47. A. surprisingly B. Immediately C. Naturally D. Certainly48. A. had B. accepted C. gained D. enjoyed49. A. touched B. astonished C. attracted D. warned50. A. should B. could C. would D. might51. A. quiet B. calm C. relaxed D. happy52. A. ready B. likely C. free D. able53. A. case B. form C. method D. way54. A. doubt B. wonder C. know D. guess55. A. award B. gift C. lesson D. word答案与解析:36. C however意思是“然而”,表示转折或对比,多位于句中,前后要加逗号,可以位于句首或句末。Afterwards 意思是后来,therefore意思是因此,meanwhile 意思是同时。37.B weak意思是虚弱的,与ill是同类概念。Tried意思是疲劳的,poor意思是贫穷的,slow意思是慢的。都不属于健康的范畴。38.D. once 曾经,与一般过去时连用,表示过去发生的事。already已经,常与现在进行时连用,表示已经完成的动作。Still仍然是,与下文作者所讲的父亲得了重病矛盾。Only仅仅。39. A take…away “把…拿走。因为得了重病,它把一切都带走了,表示父亲不再是一个强壮的人。Throw away 扔掉,send away 发送 put away 放好,储存。40.B. difficult 困难的,从上文中可以判断出父亲甚至说话都很困难。impossible 不可能的表示连说话也不会了。与下文矛盾。stressful 紧张的,压力重的。 Hopeless 绝望的。41.C talk about 谈论,议论,内容可重可轻。下文的内容说明了他们在谈论生活。Worry about 对…感到焦虑操心。care about 关系。ask about 问…的问题。42.D belief 信念,信仰,意为内心承认谋事是真实的,下文的内容表达了作者的信念,decision 决定。 Experience 经历,ambition 抱负,志气。43.A as引导时间状语从句,意思是随着,这里表示随着我们的成长。Since引导时间状语从句常与现在进行时连用。Before 引导时间状语从句表示“在…之前”。 till 引导时间状语从句表示“一直……”。44.C it seems that 意思是:似乎表示事物似乎是什么样的,作者认为似乎我们丢弃一些东西后,一些新的东西代替了原来的。suggest 表明。 promise 承诺。require 需要45.A speak up 大声的说,表示父亲这时发表了自己的看法,turn up 朝上翻出现,sum up 总结,概括。open up 打开,揭露。46.D everything 一切,父亲认为他放弃了一切,something 一些东西,anything 任何东西,nothing 没有任何东西。47. A surprisingly 令人吃惊的,比较父亲前后说的话可以看出,他的话真的是令人吃惊,immediately马上, naturally 自然的。certainly一定,必定48. C gain 获得由于父亲得病,受到了家庭的照顾,所以他得到了家庭的爱,have 有,accept 接受,enjoy 享受……的乐趣。希望帮到你



With the hospitality so ___ of these people, they opened their house to over fifty guests.

hospitality= 友好, 热情好客chracteristic= 明显,特征这句子的意思就是, 因为这些人热情好客的特点,他们邀请了过50为客人(不知道对不对)因为他们邀请了50为客人,说明他们非常热情所以:a。热情好客的很独特b。热情好客的特点c。热情好客的很特别d。热情好客得很具体当然要选b啦~

翻译歌词Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy

Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy 优质古典情人I can dim the lights我可以让灯光暗淡And sing you songs full of sad things给你唱那些忧伤情歌We can do the tango just for two我们可以跳两人探戈I can serenade and gently play我可以为你唱小夜曲On your heart strings让它轻和着你的心跳Be your Valentino just for you只做你的瓦伦蒂诺Ooh love Ooh lover boyOh 爱情 oh 爱人What ya doin" tonight, hey boy?今夜你在做什么呢,嘿,男孩?Set my alarm, turn on my charm定好我的闹钟,放送我的魅力That"s because I"m a good old fashioned lover boy因为我是你的古典情人Ooh let me feel you heartbeatOh 让我感受你的心跳(Grow faster faster)(犹如小鹿乱撞)Ooh can you feel my love heatOh 你能感受爱情的热度吗?Come on and sit on my hot seat of love过来坐在我爱的位置And tell me how do you feel right after all告诉我你的感受I"d like for you and I to go romancing我愿意为你展开浪漫追求Say the word your wish is my command为你说那些甜言蜜语Ooh love Ooh lover boyOh爱情 oh 爱人what ya doin" tonight hey boy?今夜你在干嘛呢,嘿,男孩?Write my letter, feel much better为你写信,让我好过一点And use my fancy patter on the telephone用我磁性的嗓音给你打电话When I"m not with you当我不在你身边Think of you always I miss you我总是想着你或许会想念(I miss those long hot summer nights)(我怀念那些漫漫夏日,激情似火的夜晚)When I"m not with you当我不在你身边Think of me always, love you, love you记得我永远爱你,爱你Hey boy where did you get it from?嘿,男孩,你从哪儿学来的这些?Hey boy where did you go?嘿,男孩,你去过哪?I learned my passion我在我古典的学校里In the good old fashioned school of lover boys学会如何做一个古典的情人Dining at the Ritz we"ll meet at nine precisely在Ritz用餐,准九点,不见不散(One two three four five six seven eight nine o"clock)(我数着,一二三四五六七八点)I will pay the bill, you taste the wine你品尝美酒,我来结账Driving back in style in my saloon will do quite nicely优雅的送你到我的沙龙Just take me back to yours that will be fine把我送到你那就行(Come on and get it)(来吧,行动起来)Ooh love(Oh爱情)(there it goes again)(它又来袭)Ooh lover boyOh 爱人(There he goes again just like a good old-fashioned lover boy)(那个古典爱人再一次出现)what you did tonight hey boy?(今夜你都做了什么?嘿,男孩)Ev"rything"s all right just hold on tight没什么,你只要紧紧地抱着我That"s because I"m a good old fashione(fashioned) lover boy因为我是你的优质古典爱人That"s because I"m a good old fashione(fashioned) lover boy因为我是你的优质古典爱人

Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy 歌词

歌曲名:Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy歌手:The Treorchy Male Voice Choir专辑:Treorchy Sing QueenI can dim the lightsAnd sing you songs full of sad thingsWe can do the tango just for twoI can serenade and gently playOn your heart stringsBe your Valentino just for youOoh love Ooh lover boyWhat ya doin" tonight, hey boy?Set my alarm, turn on my charmThat"s because I"m a good old fashioned lover boyOoh let me feel you heartbeat(Grow faster faster)Ooh can you feel my love heatCome on and sit on my hot seat of loveAnd tell me how do you feel right after allI"d like for you and I to go romancingSay the word your wish is my commandOoh love Ooh lover boywhat ya doin" tonight hey boy?Write my letter, feel much betterAnd use my fancy patter on the telephoneWhen I"m not with youThink of you always I miss you(I miss those long hot summer nights)When I"m not with youThink of me always, love you, love youHey boy where did you get it from?Hey boy where did you go?I learned my passionIn the good old fashioned school of lover boysDining at the Ritz we"ll meet at nine precisely(One two three four five six seven eight nine o"clock)I will pay the bill, you taste the wineDriving back in style in my saloon will do quite nicelyJust take me back to yours that will be fine(Come on and get it)Ooh love(there it goes again)Ooh lover boy(There he goes again just like a good old-fashioned lover boy)what you did tonight hey boy?Ev"rything"s all right just hold on tightThat"s because I"m a good old fashione(fashioned) lover boy

求Diamond Eyes-Shinedown歌词及中文翻译

Diamond Eyes-----Shinedown钻石眼——Shinedown(演唱)(INTRO) 引子I am the shadow, and the smoke in your eyes,我是个影子,是你眼中的烟雾I am the ghost, that hides in the night我是个鬼魂,隐藏在夜色中Boom-Lay Boom-Lay BOOM! (x4)(VERSE)Wait, wait a minute take a step back等一下,等一下,后退一下you gotta think twice before you react你要三思而后行so stay, stay a little while所以停下,停一下because the promise I kept is the road to exile因为我的承诺是条流放之路HEY! whats the circumstance嘿!这是什么状况you"ll never be great without taking a chance so不把握时机你就永远不会成功 所以wait, you waited too long等一下,你已经等得太久had your hands in your pocket双手放在口袋里when you shoulda been gone当你应该离去的时候(CHORUS)Boom-Lay Boom-Lay BOOM!One push is all you"ll need你只是需要一个动力Boom-Lay Boom-Lay BOOM!It"s a philosophy这是一个哲学Boom-Lay Boom-Lay BOOM!We watch with wounded eyes我们用受伤的眼看着Boom-Lay Boom-Lay BOOM!So I hope you recognize因此我希望你知道Im on the front line我站在前线dont worry I"ll be fine别担心 我会好好的the story is just beginning故事才刚刚开始I say goodbye to my weakness我告别我的软弱so long to the regret让我后悔了许久的软弱and now I see the world through diamond eyes而现在我透过钻石眼看世界(VERSE)DAMN! damn it all down该死!通通见鬼took one to the chest without even a sound so无声无息胸口挨了一枪WHAT! what are you worth这又怎样! 你的价值是什么the things you love or the people you hurt你爱的东西还是你伤害的人HEY! it"s like deja vu嘿!就像似曾相识一样a suicidal maniac with nothing to lose一个一无所有的自毁疯子so wait, it"s the exception to the rule因此等一下,那是个常规中的例外everyone of us in EXPENDABLE*我们每个人都有尽头(CHORUS) 副歌Boom-Lay Boom-Lay BOOM!One push is all you"ll need你只是需要一个动力Boom-Lay Boom-Lay BOOM!It"s a philosophy这是一个哲学Boom-Lay Boom-Lay BOOM!We watch with wounded eyes我们用受伤的眼看着Boom-Lay Boom-Lay BOOM!So I hope you recognize因此我希望你知道(HOOK)I"m on the front line我站在前线don"t worry I"ll be fine别担心 我会好好的the story is just beginning故事才刚刚开始I say goodbye to my weakness我告别我的软弱so long to the regret让我后悔了许久的软弱and now I know that I"m alive而现在我知道我活着Im on the front line我站在前线dont worry I"ll be fine别担心 我会好好的the story is just beginning故事才刚刚开始I say goodbye to my weakness我告别我的软弱so long to the regret让我后悔了许久的软弱and now I see the world through diamond eyes而现在我透过钻石眼看世界(BRIDGE)Every night of my life我生命中的每一个夜晚I watch angels fall from the sky我看着天使从天上落下来Every time that the sun still sets每个日暮时分I pray they don"t take mine我祈祷他们不要带走我[*Guitar Solo*] 吉他 独唱Im on the front line我站在前线dont worry I"ll be fine别担心 我会好好的the story is just beginning故事才刚刚开始I say goodbye to my weakness我告别我的软弱so long to the regret让我后悔了许久的软弱I"m on the front line我站在前线don"t worry I"ll be fine别担心 我会好好的the story is just beginning故事才刚开始I say goodbye to my weakness我告别我的软弱so long to the regret让我后悔了许久的软弱and now I know that I"m alive而现在我知道我活着Im on the front line我站在前线dont worry I"ll be fine别担心 我会好好的the story is just beginning故事才刚刚开始I say goodbye to my weakness我告别我的软弱so long to the regret让我后悔了许久的软弱and now I see the world through diamond eyes而现在我透过钻石眼看世界(重复 x2)Boom-Lay Boom-Lay BOOM!(重复 x8)第一个回答的哦,望楼主采纳,谢谢

If no ,you will be fined哪错了?

No改成not,if not,等于,if it is not,或if it 后只有名词,if No 不可单独构成状语,if not 则可以。

Returned mail: see transcript for details 是什么意思??

回邮:全文见详情 原来星期三下午接获讯息, 2007年2月7日5时30分18秒-0700(格林尼治)从sjcitkcprof02[]-----以下地址有致命失误:获取内核锁procmail的:〔6898〕5时30分41秒2007年2月7日星期三


Dear GM AdminPwn,How are you?I am writing to find some help from you.My ID in Dead Frontier is exilong and I was banned because of my post of selling acount in the forum. I am sorry that I didn"t read the rule carefully before that post. Hope you can help me to the the account unbanned. I will really appreicate that and I promise I won"t do anything like that in the future.Best regardsYours sincerelyXXX



金杯毒酒poisoned chalice是什么意思,顺便求来源 是不是类似烫手山芋什么的……




poisoned poisonous的区别




poisoned 英语翻译


open 和 opened 的用法区别


propertionable proportional proportionate proportioned 区别?

proportionable 形容词 成比例的;相称的。这个词不常用,至少牛津高阶里无此词。proportional adj (to sth) 成比例的;相称的。主要用于数字proportionate adj (to sth) 字典标注和proportional 是SYN也就是同意,用法也一样proportioned adj 尤用于副词后面,按比例的;有某种比例关系的

bye bye bye:lovestoned中文翻译

《bye bye bye》是瑞典乐队组合Lovestoned演唱的歌曲。歌曲收录在专辑《Rising Love》中。并不是什么单词。【Lovestoned】他们是一个来自瑞典的组合,2010年出新专辑《RisingLove》,其中,Risinggirl作为主打歌曲首先推广于各大网站,并获得不错的好评。【概况】当他们70%的retro-synthesiser声音和与众不同的吉他的旋律,可以让你拥有置身夏天的感觉,轻快的吉他、大鼓和ukulele配合的声音仿佛柔和的微风拂过。他们花费了两年多的时间在这张同名专辑上面,并在2010年4月21日在德国和瑞典两个国家发行。【专辑简介】能从偶像团体跳出,进而拥有属於自己事业高峰且持续发热的少之又少,但是由五人男孩团"NSync建立起知名度的贾斯汀,在团体藉散后,除了俊俏外型依旧吸引大批粉丝爱戴,更逐步充实自我音乐真本领,转为才气型男,创作、演唱、舞蹈、戏剧一把罩,夺下四座葛莱美奖嘉冕,短短五年个人单飞生涯,仅靠两张专辑,便惊人创下全球近1千四百万的销售佳绩。

lovestoned bye bye bye歌词

歌名:Bye Bye Bye,歌手:Lovestoned所属专辑:Rising LoveWhen I see you当我看到你looking back at me回头看着我watching these eyes still我们一直对视through your fingers你能感觉到什么吗and your eyes你的眼睛have told a thousand lights有无数道的光芒but I cant tell this time但我还是what you really mean it无法理解你的意思We"ve been crossing the wire我们遇见彼此and still no spark但还是没能擦出火花lost and tired, falling apart迷失,疲倦,最终分离we"ve been together for forever tell me why why why我们曾说要永远在一起告诉我为什么do we have to turn around and say goodbye bye bye我们真的要转身对彼此说再见吗and the only thing that"s left to do is cry cry cry而且我唯一剩下能做的事情就是哭泣nothing left for me to say to you but bye bye bye除了再见之外我不能再说些什么I can sing another broken song我可以唱一首伤心的歌曲trying to hold on to your picture.拿着你的相片流眼泪out of face你消失了you hide behind your face躲在人群中it"s more than I can take我无能为力I know you run deeper你越陷越深We"ve been crossing the wire我们遇见彼此and still no spark但还是没能擦出火花lost and tired, falling apart迷失,疲倦,最终分离we"ve been together for forever tell me why why why我们曾说要永远在一起告诉我为什么do we have to turn around and say goodbye bye bye我们真的要转身对彼此说再见吗and the only thing that"s left to do is cry cry cry而且我唯一剩下能做的事情就是哭泣nothing left for me to say to you but bye bye bye除了再见之外我不能再说些什么you left me hanging on the light你带走了我赖以生存的光芒why you stealing all my time为什么你还要偷走我的时间you take a piss me你把我丢弃you"ve been drving too slow你太过拖拉so I gotta let you go所以我必须让你走before you break me em~yeah~在你让我心碎之前we"ve been together for forever tell me why why why我们曾说要永远在一起告诉我为什么do we have to turn around and say goodbye bye bye我们真的要转身对彼此说再见吗and the only thing that"s left to do is cry cry cry而且我唯一剩下能做的事情就是哭泣nothing left for me to say to you but bye bye bye除了再见之外我不能再说些什么we"ve been together for forever tell me why why why我们曾说要永远在一起告诉我为什么do we have to turn around and say goodbye bye bye我们真的要转身对彼此说再见吗and the only thing that"s left to do is cry cry cry而且我唯一剩下能做的事情就是哭泣nothing left for me to say to you but bye bye bye除了再见之外我不能再说些什么Bye Bye扩展资料:《bye bye bye》是瑞典乐队组合Lovestoned演唱的歌曲。歌曲收录在专辑《Rising Love》中。歌曲背景2010年出新专辑《Rising Love》,其中,Rising girl作为主打歌曲首先推广于各大网站,并获得不错的好评。当他们70%的retro-synthesiser声音和与众不同的吉他旋律相结合,可以让你拥有置身夏天的感觉,轻快的吉他、大鼓和ukulele配合的声音仿佛柔和的微风拂过。他们花费了两年多的时间在这张同名专辑上面,并在2010年4月21日在德国和瑞典两个国家发行。

( lovestoned 唱的) bye bye bye 那首歌翻译成中文是什么意思

when i see you 当我凝望你   looking back at me 你也回首看我   watching this eye still 彼此凝视   do your fingers 你是否感到我的爱   and your eyes   have told thousands lights 在你的眼眸中有无数道光芒   but i cant tell this time   what you really meant 但是此时此刻我不知道你想表达什么   we"ve been crossing the wires 我们邂逅   and still no sparks 但是我们最终没能在一起   lost in tight   falling apart 在亲密中迷失,分崩离析   we"ve been together forever tell me why why why 告诉我为什么我们不能永远在一起   tell me how could you turn around and say goodbye bye bye bye 告诉我怎样才能让你回头说晚安   and the only thing that"s left to do is cry cry cry 你离开之后我只有哭泣   not left me the city,you bye bye bye 不要独自离开,留下我在这陌生的城市   I can sing   another broken song 你走之后,我会唱着伤心的歌曲   crying to hold on   to your picture 紧紧握着你的照片一直哭泣   out of face 你从我的视线消失   you hide behind your face 你把自己隐藏在人群中   it is more than what i can take我无能为力   move around the people 我只能在人流中盲目的穿梭   we"ve been crossing the wire 我们邂逅   and still no spark 但是我们最终没能在一起   lost in tight   falling apart 在亲密中迷失,分崩离析   we"ve been together forever tell me why why why 告诉我为什么我们不能永远在一起   tell me how could you turn around and say goodbye bye bye bye 告诉我怎样才能让你回头说晚安   and the only thing that"s left to do is cry cry cry 你离开之后我只有哭泣   not left me the city,you bye bye bye 不要独自离开,留下我在这陌生的城市   you left me hanging on the light你带走了我生命中赖以生存的光芒   why u still know my type 可为什么你依然知道我的心跳   you take a piss me你不屑一顾把我丢弃   you"ve been drving too slow 这种痛苦是如此的漫长    so i gotta let you go 所以我必须让你走   before you break me 在你摧毁我之前   em ayaah..   we"ve been together forever tell me why why why 告诉我为什么我们不能永远在一起   tell me how could you turn around and say goodbye bye bye bye 告诉我怎样才能让你回头说晚安 and the only thing that"s left to do is cry cry cry 你离开之后我只有哭泣   not left me the city,you bye bye bye 不要独自离开,留下我在这陌生的城市   we"ve been together forever tell me why why why 告诉我为什么我们不能永远在一起   tell me how could you turn around and say goodbye bye bye bye 告诉我怎样才能让你回头说晚安   and the only thing that"s left to do is cry cry cry你离开之后我只有哭泣   not left me the city,you bye bye bye 不要独自离开,留下我在这陌生的城市   bye bye

.A can can can what can be caned

第一个can是名词,金属容器,罐 第二个can是情态动词 能够 第三个can是动词 装罐 第四个can是情态动词 能够 第五个can是动词 装罐 这整个句子的意思是一个罐子能装所有能装罐的东西.这是个英文绕口令.

求传说中的Benedict Cumberbatch字体


【求片子】Benedict Cumberbatch演的Hwaking。2004年BBC的。


Benedict Cumberbatch 本尼迪克特康伯巴奇的寄信地址 和哪里可以看到他的动态


求Benedict Cumberbatch读的福尔摩斯有声书mp3格式,请问有么?

Benedict Cumberbatch读的福尔摩斯有声书链接: 资源我发你私信私信在屏幕右上角注意查收满意及时采纳,谢谢亲铜球 的亲可以向我求助找不到私信的亲可以给我留邮箱,免费包邮

一个欧美男星,名字缩写是CE,是谁(就像Benedict Cumberbatch的名字缩写是BC一


一个欧美男星,名字缩写是CE,是谁(就像Benedict Cumberbatch的名字缩写是BC一


the outcome,critics say,has undermined...成分

the outcome,critics say,has undermined.的成分分析如下:The outcome 句子主语,critics say, 是插入语has undermined.. 是句子谓语。


2k10中oneday中文歌词以及歌曲简介 专辑:Light   歌手:MatisYahu   语言:英语   流派:Reggae   发行时间:2009-08-25   该歌曲是游戏《NBA2k10》收录的OST之一.受到很多NBA2ker的喜爱   还被收录到了2010南非世界杯官方专辑《聆听世界杯》当中。 </FONT>sometimes i lay 有时我躺在under the moon 月光下and thank god i"m breathing 感谢上帝让我活在这世上then i pray 然后我祈祷don"t take me soon 不要那么快的让我逝去cause i"m here for a reason 因为我有留下的理由sometimes in my tears i drown 有时我会流下眼泪but i never let it get me down 但那从不会让我消沉so when negativity surrounds 所以每当这些情绪围绕在我身边i know some day it"ll all turn around 我都知道这些终将过去because 因为all my live i"ve been waiting for 美好的生活在等待着我i"ve been praying for 我一直在祈祷for the people to say 像人们所期待的一样that we dont wanna fight no more 人们之间不再有争斗they"ll be no more wars 世上不再有战争and our children will play 让我们的孩子快乐的玩耍one day one day one day one day one day one day 有一天it"s not about 这并不是意味着win or lose 谁赢谁输we all lose 因为我们都已失去when they feed on the souls of the innocent 当战争吞噬了无辜的灵魂blood drenched pavement 当走在被鲜血染红的路面keep on moving though the waters stay raging 当面对海啸的袭来in this maze you can lose your way (your way)面对这些时你会失去方向it might drive you crazy but dont let it faze you no way (no way)虽然这些可能会使你变得疯狂,但不要让这些影响你前进的方向sometimes in my tears i drown 有时我会流下眼泪but i never let it get me down 但那从不会让我消沉so when negativity surrounds 所以每当这些情绪围绕在我身边i know some day it"ll all turn around 我都知道这些终将过去because 因为all my live i"ve been waiting for 美好的生活在等待着我i"ve been praying for 我一直在祈祷for the people to say 像人们所期待的一样that we dont wanna fight no more 人们之间不再有争斗they"ll be no more wars 世上不再有战争and our children will play 让我们的孩子快乐的玩耍one day one day one day one day one day one day 有一天one day this all will change 直到有一天这一切改变treat people the same 人们以诚相待stop with the violence 不再有暴力down with the hate 彼此不再有憎恨one day we"ll all be free 有一天我们都将拥有自由and proud to be 自豪的躺在under the same sun 同一片阳光之下singing songs of freedom like 为自由而歌唱one day one day one day one day 有一天all my live i"ve been waiting for 美好的生活在等待着我i"ve been praying for 我一直在祈祷for the people to say 像人们所期待的一样that we don"t wanna fight no more 人们之间不再有争斗they"ll be no more wars 世上不再有战争and our children will play 让我们的孩子快乐的玩耍one day one day one day one day one day one day 终会有这么一天</FONT></FONT> PS:背景是美国黑人悲惨遭遇。

Save me – Shinedown的歌词 最好是中英文的~


setInterval()匿名函数调用一个函数时提示该函数提示not defined



如果要说某个地方已经用了空调,用air-conditioned,比如an air-conditioned room(开了空调的房间);如果是形容某样东西有空调功能或单讲空调功能,则用air-conditional,比如air-conditional system(空调系统).

self-owned enterprises什么意思?

private-owned company/ enterprises

state-owned business 什么意思

state-owned business 网络 国有企业; [例句]It was moreover a step away from individual initiative, towards collectivism and municipal and state-owned business.而且这也是公司摆脱个体创造,走向集体化和市营、国营迈出的一步。


national library ,国家图书馆state library,州立图书馆state-owned enterprise 国有企业

(1)I owned a _____.怎么造句?


What was the first car you owned?是什么意思


The best thing I have owned作文?


family-owned company是什么意思

family-owned company家族公司;



it was owned by 什么意思






be owned


ultimately owned是什么意思

ultimately owned最终拥有例句1.All land in Scotland is ultimately owned by the crown.苏格兰的所有土地最终都为王国政府所拥有。2.It"s found that more than70% of Chinese listed companies are ultimately owned by the state and controlled by government.研究发现,70%的上市公司最终控制人是国家政府部门。国家直接或者通过国有企业集团间接控制这些上市公司。


privately-owned私有;私营; 私有; 私营; 双语例句1Most local radio stations are privately-owned.大多数地方电台为私人所有。2The Communist government of Cuba is easing its restrictions on privately-owned restaurants as part of new reforms announced today.古巴共产主义政府今天宣布了新的改革措施,其中一项就是减轻对私营餐馆的限制。


state-owned国有的双语对照词典结果:state-owned[英][steu026at"u0259u028and][美][steu026at"ou028and]adj.州立的; 公; 例句:1.China"s state-owned banks appear eager to lend more. 中国国有银行似乎热切地希望加大放贷。

owned outright是什么意思

owned outright的中文翻译owned outright 拥有完全的;完全拥有


privately-owned 私营的;私有企业的;私有的例句筛选1.In extreme cases , they call for the outright expropriation of privatelyowned assets .在极端的情况下,他们号召立即剥夺私人财产。2.The fact that part of the banking sector is now privately owned is alsosignificant.如今银行业已部分私有,这也具有重要意义。

all he owned was

owned 和前面All he 构成句子的主语,而was是谓语,主谓搭配


How long has your family owned a boat? owned作谓语 是现在完成时 不是过去完成时 现在完成时:have/has done 过去完成时:had done

wholely owned是什么意思

wholely owned完全拥有拼音双语对照双语例句1The one man company refers to a limited company whose capital or shares are wholely owned by one shareholder.摘要一人公司系指股东仅为一人,并由该股东持有公司的全部出资或所有股份的有限公司(包括有限责任公司和股份有限公司)。

He owned himself defeated 为什麼一句中有两个动词?这是什麼文法?



company-owned 网络 公司自有的; [例句]This memo explains the use of company-owned laptop computers and pertinent company policies.这份备忘录解释了有关归公司所有的手提电脑的使用问题和相关的公司政策。
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