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pain free life equals hapiness actually reduces their chances of ever attaining real happiness.






如何把DBM计时条弄成TMW形式 NGA玩家社区

ok首先来做dot和debuff剩3秒 正常做一个dot或 debuff图标计时 增益减益处减益选择任意一种 何时显示图标的:“任意存在”、“全部缺少“均打钩,否则非3秒时不是灰暗而是不显示 计时器时钟那里除了允许公共冷却以外全勾上,这样图标上就有剩余时间了。


"Observe" 和 "congratulate" 是两个不同的动词,它们有着不同的含义和用法:Observe(观察、注意):这个词通常用于描述观察、注意或监测某事物的过程。它可以表示仔细观察、注意到某事物,或者进行有系统的观测和研究。例如:"I like to sit by the window and observe the birds in the garden."(我喜欢坐在窗边观察花园里的鸟儿。)"The scientists are observing the behavior of the monkeys in the wild."(科学家们正在观察野外猴子的行为。)Congratulate(祝贺):这个词用于表达对某人因为取得成功、获得成就或过生日等而表示祝贺和庆贺的意思。它表示对某人感到高兴并表示赞美和祝福。例如:"I want to congratulate you on your promotion. Well done!"(我要祝贺你的晋升,干得好!)"We would like to congratulate the couple on their wedding anniversary."(我们要祝贺这对夫妇的结婚纪念日。)总结来说,"observe" 强调观察和注意,而 "congratulate" 强调祝贺和庆贺。它们在含义和用法上有明显的区别。

observe sb to do/doing 区别

是不是应该observe sb do sth 呢?这个表示观察某人做某事的整个过程,就是指有意识地去观察别人做某事。observe sb doing sth 则指无意地,恰好看到某人正在做某事

Operating Leverage代表什么?


thinking of you的美剧LEVERAGE(都市侠盗)S03E06的插曲

演唱和作词作曲都是德州帅大叔KANE。英文歌词Christian Kane - Thinking Of You (LEVERAGE 插曲)Christian Kane - Thinking Of YouWell i know they say all goods thingsMust come to some kinda of endingWe were so damn good, i guess we never stood a chanceGonna find what you"ve been missinWhen that highways tried a listeninYou"ll see i"m not that easy to forgetWhen a new moon shines through your windowOr you hear a sad song on the radioThen you don"t know why you but just start to cryOr your driving round on a sunny dayAnd outta nowhere comes the pouring rainThen a memory hits you right out of the blueThats just meThinking of youI"m not gonna try to stop youDon"t mean that i don"t want tooIf i know you, you"ve already made up your mindTo go on and go with your rebelievingBut a million miles between usBut you still feel me like i"m right there at your sideWhen a new moon shines through your windowOr you hear a sad song on the radioThen you don"t know why but you just start to cryOr your driving round on a sunny dayAnd outta nowhere comes the pouring rainThen a memory hits you right out of the blueThats just meThinking of youAnd i"m thinkin about the road your onI"m thinkin about you coming homeI"m wondering if you got your radio onWhen you find your way to another townAn someone tries to lay it downAnd feelin hits you right out of the blueIts just meThinking of youThats just meThinking of you.中文歌词基督教凯恩 - 想着你(利用插曲)基督教凯恩 - 想着你嗯,我知道他们说,所有好的东西必须拿出一些有点儿结束我们这么该死的好,我想我们从未有机会会找到你一直想念当那公路尝试了listenin,你会看到,我没那么容易忘记当一个新的月亮照进你的窗前或者你听到了悲伤的歌在电台然后,你不知道你为什么只是开始哭泣或您的驾驶轮在一个阳光灿烂的日子离开无处而来的瓢泼大雨内存击中你的权利的蓝色那就是我你的思考我不会试图阻止你不要吝啬,我不想过多如果我知道你,你已经做了你的心去你rebelieving的但我们之间的一百万英里但是,你还是觉得我像我就在你身边当一个新的月亮照进你的窗前或者你听到了悲伤的歌在电台然后,你不知道为什么,但你刚开始哭了或您的驾驶轮在一个阳光灿烂的日子离开无处而来的瓢泼大雨内存击中你的权利的蓝色那就是我你的思考我在想的道路上我在想你回家我想知道,如果你有你的收音机当你发现你的方式到另一个城市一个人试图把它放下感觉打你右边的蓝色它只是我你的思考那就是我你的思考。


经营杠杆系数(Degree of Operating Leverage; DOL) 经营杠杆系数(DOL),也称营业杠杆系数或营业杠杆程度,是指 息税前利润 ( EBIT )的 变动率 相当于销售额变动率的倍数。麻烦采纳,谢谢!

financial gearing 和financial leverage有什么区别

其实两者是一个意思 美国人倾向于用FL,The British refers to FG。稍微细分一下,可以有operating leverage 和 financial leverage。

Operating Leverage代表什么?

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  Operating Leverage营运贡杆衡量一家公司或一个项目依赖固定成本,而非可变成本的程度。  对于各个投资领域内的专业人员,包括基金经理、证券分析师、财务总监、投资顾问、投资银行家、交易员等等,CFA非常重要;它直接证明了你的职业素养和能力,被投资业看成一个“黄金标准”,这一资格被认为是投资业界中具有专业技能和职业操守的承诺。考生考过CFA对自己将会有很大帮助。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多财会问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

wining streak 的歌词

wining streak ----marie picasso Rejected to the bone, I started right on my ownSo many disbelievers try to win them overI struggled through the day, just tried to find my own wayUntil I met my saviour, until you won me overNow it"s you and me on a winning streakGot a feeling we do belongTo this magic spot right here at the topWhere the feeling it can"t go wrongCause is you and me on a winning streakThis is where I loved to beCause as long as you"re with meIt"s a winning streakMy hed is spinning round, I pinch my arm and somehowI manage to believe in, all those different feelingsI"m standing in the light, because of you and tonightWe celebrate together, don"t make it last foreverNow it"s you and me on a winning streakGot a feeling we do belongTo this magic spot right here at the topWhere the feeling it can"t go wrongCause is you and me on a winning streakThis is where I loved to beCause as long as you"re with meIt"s a winning streakI tried to recall, how did we get here?Must be something out of my controlOut of my hands, out of this worldWe keep it the bad wayNow it"s you and me on a winning streakGot a feeling we do belongTo this magic spot right here at the top, and there"s nothing that can go wrongNow there"s you and me on a winning streakI know we do belongTo the magic spot right here at the topWe know we can"t go wrongCause it"s you and me on a winning streakThere"s were our love should beCause as long as you"re with meIt"s a winning streak

Operating Leverage是什么意思?

Operating Leverage经营杠杆operating leverage[英][ˈɔpəˌreɪtɪŋ ˈli:vəridʒ][美][ˈɑpəˌretɪŋ ˈlɛvərɪdʒ]营业挺率,营业杠杆作用。

求生之路2浩方联机sever is enforcing consistency for this file:sripts/weapon huning

server is enforcing consistency for this file:scripts/weapon_gnome.txt

求生之路2浩方联机进去房间确定人物后弹出sever is enforcing consistency for this file:cfggpu_level_


I was having a nap when suddenly the telephone rang的意思?


我的电脑安装的是sever 2003版的系统,开机显示ntldr is missing,不知怎么处理,请各位大侠帮帮忙呀!

用安全模式或者windows PE进入操作系统 然后在C盘目录建一个文本文件,另存为重命名:ntldr 把属性修改为只读 重启计算机 应该就可以了

be look to do还是to doing


looking for什么意思

Find和looking for区别为 Find释义为 v. 发现;找到;认为;觉得;感到;裁决;判定 n. 发现 looking for释义 寻找 双语例句 He had all the qualities I was looking for in a partner. 他具有我要找的伴侣应该具备的所有品质。 The police, or whoever, would not think of looking for him here. 无论是警方还是其他什么人都不会想到来这里找他。

eying和looking at的区别


looking happy还是looking happily

第一个填happily 第二个happy happily 是副词 修饰动词 happy是形容词




前面肯定有be 正在进行时 动词ING形式

look at the books,they are falling为什么用look 不用looking呢

look at 是动词look与介词的固搭配之一,表示看见,重在强调看的目标。look是不及物的,后不可加宾语,look at是及物的,后可加宾语,代词宾格或名词。

we are looking forward to meeting you soon.将来时态为什么用looking

"we" 写这句话的时候期待吗?必须是期待的,所以用进行时没错. 如果用将来时,说明"we"现在是不期待的,将来某个时候才会期待.你觉得这么写合适吗?



she+cried,looking+at+me的语法知识为什么用looking 不用look

She cried ,looking at me .本句中谓语动词是cried,look这一动作与cried不是并列关系(无but,and ,or 连接),这时要用到非谓语动词形式(doing, to do ,done ).如:Seeing from the top of the hill , I found the village was very beautiful.She stood there patiently , waiting for her turn.He opened his mouth as if to say sorry.He raised his voice to make himself heard.

They are looking for这个are和这个looking为什么有两个动词?


英语单词的looking for是什么意思

我来个完整一点的,look是:寻找,看的意思look后面加个ing,是指【正在进行时】!也就是说我,现在,正在寻找...for:是指:对于,对,与的意思lookingfor译为:正在寻找 不好意思,这才是完整答案

Looking like a wooden cabin,中looking是什么用法?

Looking like a wooden cabin,it"s acturally an automatic house . 这句话中,looking like 。。。分词短语做状语



looking forward to see you这句话为什么可以用looking

其实是 I am looking forward to 后边应该是动词ing形式哦 把I am 省略了而已



i am looking forward to visiting there again。为什么是looking,为什么是vi si ting

look forward to 是固定短语,期待、希望的意思,所以不用see,to是介词,后面如果加动词,就要带 ing,即look forward to doing sth,所以后面用visiting。另外,之所以不用look,而用looking,是因为am是be动词,后面如果再用look,就有两个动词了,所以不用look的原型。补充:有的look forward to 后面加原型,一般是加的名词,如果加动词的话,必须用ing形式。

可不可以说I am looking




Looking for和Looking at的用法 他们有什么区别 请举例说明

look for 是寻找的意思 例如I am looking for my book 我正在找书 look at 是看的意思 例如you can look at the map 你可以看地图



looking back on my childhood为什么要用looking而不用look



goodlooking:好看的;好看; good-looking: adj.漂亮的;好看的; 比较级: better-looking最高级: best-looking 扩展资料   It is featured by such advantage as small weight, great loading capacity, goodlooking shape, simple structure, convenient erection quick heat dissipation and fine permeability.   它具有重量轻、载荷大,造型美观,结构简单、安装方便、散热透气好等优点。   Oh, your daddy"s rich, and your ma is goodlooking.   你的"爸爸是个有钱人,而你的妈妈很漂亮。   There"s no doubt women found him charming. It must have been his patter because he"s certainly not at all good-looking   女人们无疑会觉得他很迷人。这肯定是因为他的顺口溜,因为他长得一点儿都不好看。   Cassandra noticed him because he was good-looking.   卡桑德拉注意到他因为他长得帅气。   She is a good-looking girl.   她是一位迷人的姑娘。

请问looking me之间为什么可以不加at呢?


looking for 是啥意思。英语


I am looking at a bear,中间为什么选looking?

这是是正在进行时时态。并且和at连用是固定搭配,表示正在看某物。选looking at。


首先一个句子只能有一个谓语,此句的谓语为went,Looking for my purse相当于是动名词作状语,不是特指语态,就是动名词的形式

looking 用什么助动词

首先看你给出的例子,此句的谓语是look,look为实义动词,对实义动词进行提问,要借助助动词do,does,did等,不能使用系动词am,is ,are . 所以,当把陈述句改成疑问句时,只需注意他的谓语部分,如果是系动词就直接提前,如:He is a good man.-----Is he a good man? 如果是实义动词就借助助动词. 动词可分为助动词和实义动词 实义动词在语法书上的解释是表示有关主语的动作或状态的主要动词 我的理解,说白了就是一些具有实际意义的动词 如 study,sing,walk等等 而助动词是语法词,没有实际意义,只是和实义动词一起构成不同时态,语态或语气的动词

这句话中的look 为什么要用looking?





The president"s look was cold and perating . 总统的目光冷峻刺人。 She looked out of the window every now and then . 她不时向窗外探望。 As i look back , scenes of the past leap before my eyes . 历历在目。 Look , no. 5 jumps and is heading it . 看,5号运动员跳起来用头顶球。 Her eyes held a look of silent appeal . 她眼中流露著无声的求助神情。 The girl looked at it with some disdain . 女孩露出轻蔑的样子望著它。 They looked everywhere for the lost child . 他们四处寻找走失的孩子。 Mr. winkle looked up at the decpning orb . 文克尔先生抬头看看落日。 Her face looked vivid and happy。 她的面孔看上去生气勃勃,喜气洋洋。 Go to bed. you look tired out . 去睡觉吧,你看上去(已是)满脸倦意。 There was in her face a hunted look . 她的脸上露出了走投无路的神色。 He looked aside when i spoke to him . 我对他说话的时候,他向旁边看。 Amy looked so grave and important . 阿蜜看来相当一本正经,煞有其事。 She looked at the lower part of the carriages . 她凝视著车厢的下面。 You look very down, mr. melbury . 您看来情绪很不好呀,麦尔布礼先生。 He looked at her with a hurt expression . 他带著受伤害的神情看著她。 She looked at him with an ingenuous *** ile . 她带著天真的微笑望著他。 Look , how fresh and juicy those grapes are . 瞧,这些葡萄怪水灵的。 Mr. frankpn and i looked at each other . 弗兰克林先生和我面面相觑。 He looked so petent, so sure . 他看上去是那样有能力,那样有信心。 Looking back, she would bitterly regret . 回顾起来,她要追悔莫及的。 You look absolutely priceless in that hat ! 你戴著那顶旧帽子很滑稽! Shut up! pablo looked at him squarely . 住嘴!巴布罗直盯盯地望著他。 Grandmother looked about in perplexity . 祖母茫然不解地朝四处望望。 Eugene looked at the hard weak . 尤金瞧著那副又呆板、又怯弱的面孔。 Piani looked at me in the half-pght . 皮安尼在暗冥冥的光中看著我。 Do n"t look down on the role women can play .. 不要瞧不起妇女的作用。 He "s forty but looks much younger . 他长得后生,看不出是40岁的人。 We were able to look round fortably . 我们可以自由自在地四处观光。 Dr. nicholas looked around for his bag . 尼古拉斯大夫转身找他的提包。 A look of misery spread over martha"s face . 玛莎的脸上布满了愁云。 Jan has certainly looked after us well . 简确实把我们照顾得太周到了。 She looked at it critically for a moment . 她以评论的眼光看了一会。 The sheep looked very sorry for themselves . 那些羊似乎懂得爱怜自己。 He looked up at them with great chivalry . 他非常有礼貌地抬头瞧她们。 We all turned and looked around for gat *** y . 我们一起扭头寻找盖茨比。 There was a look of defiance in his eyes . 他眼里流露出寻衅的凶光。 Look , do it this way and you can dig faster . 要这样挖,才挖得快。 After ten years , he still looked the same . 他仍旧是十年前的老样子。 Look *** art, don"t dawdle about pke that . 快一点,别这么拖拖拉拉! Please look me up when you are in town again . 再来镇时请你来探望我。 The king looked really put out over this . 看来国王真被这事儿激怒了。 Still he looked both handsome and superb . 他还是显得漂亮,不可一世。 It looked as though he found it hard to answer . 他好象觉得难以启齿。 Indeed, i should be sorry to look pke him . 说真的,我象他才倒楣啦。 Lou looked back and winked at carl . 娄扭回头看看,给卡尔使了个眼色。 The peasants looked upon him as a speciapst . 农民们把他看做专家。 I went east in may to have a look at him . 五月,我到东部去拜访他。 Macrory"s body looked inviolable . 马克罗里的身躯也显得神圣不可侵犯。 I should look for other property and build . 我会另找地方盖房子的。

T-Pain Featuring Teddy Verseti的《Church》 歌词

歌曲名:Church歌手:T-Pain Featuring Teddy Verseti专辑:ChurchChurch T-Pain、Teddy VersetiLadies and GentlemenYou already know what it isOk, Yea, Aw。。。。。。。。。 shitIm tryin to run in this motherfuckaIm tryin to anywaysGot two hard lookin motherfuckersCa monI was tryin to enjoy ma night but you then came hereTurned around looked mighty happy fore you came hereI then turn into a rude dudeWhy you had to fuck up the night now we got to fight ima knock out ya lightsYou aint doin nuthing but runnin ya yapp yappYou got to got to go get a couple homeboy i am strapped strappedI then turn into a rude dude manWhy you had to fuck up the night now we got to fight ima knock out ya lightsDope little lady tryin to hold you back you better listen to herShe better not talk that shit ima have to put some thin'straight through herI done turned into a rude dude manWhy you had to fuck up the night now we got to fight ima knock out ya lights...Ca monYea, Goddamn, You think you cool, you think im not you think you toughGoddamn, you think you hard, you think im soft, you think you roughGoddamn,You talkin shit, betta close your lips, you need to hushBefore the end of the night im gunna have to take your ass to churchYea, Goddamn, You think you cool, you think im not you think you toughGoddamn, you think you hard, you think im soft, you think you roughGoddamn,You talkin shit, betta close your lips, you need to hushBefore the end of the night im gunna have to take your ass to churchIts a Sunday at the park im chillin trying to get ma swerve onSome little lane trying to run that game trying to get his serve onI then turn into a rude dude manWhy you gotta fuck up the park ima put you in the dark clap on clap offYou aint doin nuthing but runnin your pie holeYou gon" make me do somethin thatta get eye swolln"I dont wanna be a rude dude manWhy you gotta fuck up the park ima put you in the dark clap on clap offIf thats your car you need to go ahead and get into itBetter not talk that shit you gonna get bust something through itI then turn into a rude dude manWhy you gotta fuck up the park gotta put you in the dark lights on lights offYea, Goddamn, You think you cool, you think im not you think you toughGoddamn, you think you hard, you think im soft, you think you roughGoddamn,You talkin shit, betta close your lips, you need to hushBefore the end of the night im gunna have to take your ass to churchYea, Goddamn, You think you cool, you think im not you think you toughGoddamn, you think you hard, you think im soft, you think you roughGoddamn,You talkin shit, betta close your lips, you need to hushBefore the end of the night im gunna have to take your ass to churchThose niggas think they hard, so why they think im notUntil i put it hard and i show them what i got kinda like (You dont want play around here)Im like those niggas think they hard, so why they think im notUntil i put it hard and i show them what i got kinda like (You dont want play around here)Those bitches think they hard, so why they think im notUntil i put it hard and i show them what i got kinda like (You dont want play around here)Those bitches think they hard, so why they think im notUntil i put it hard and i show them what i got kinda like (You dont want play around here)dis stupidYea, Goddamn, You think you cool, you think im not you think you toughGoddamn, you think you hard, you think im soft, you think you roughGoddamn,You talkin shit, betta close your lips, you need to hushBefore the end of the night im gunna have to take your ass to churchYea, Goddamn, You think you cool, you think im not you think you toughGoddamn, you think you hard, you think im soft, you think you roughGoddamn,You talkin shit, betta close your lips, you need to hushBefore the end of the night im gunna have to take your ass to church


用在句首,或者是be looking


1.用作不及物动词,意为“看,望,瞧”. 1)单独使用时,后不跟介词. 2)和at连用. 3)和其它某些介词或副词连用. 2.用作连系动词,意为“看起来”. 2.用作连系动词,意为“看起来”.


look是看 make是做,意思完全不同啊。。。

One More Drink (Co-Starring T-Pain) 歌词

歌曲名:One More Drink (Co-Starring T-Pain)歌手:Ludacris专辑:Theater Of The MindLudacris - One More Drink (Co-Starring T-Pain)It was Friday night,And I was feelin" AIGHT, (Yep)Downtown Atlanta, big city, bright lights,Mixin" Henny wit the Sprite,While I"m drinkin" and drivin",No police lights,No police sirens,I"m headed to the club, lookin" for a freak,To spread a lil" love, to spread a couple cheeks,Pull up to the spot, 26"s like BEAMMM,Eyes on me like "BITCH, DO YOU SEE EM""?Stroll to the front door headed to the VIP,Bought a couple bottles and I took a couple sips,Strokib" out the room and what do I SEE?,A nice round butt and a pair of DOUBLE D"s,So, I crept up like SHAWTY WHAT"S HAPPENIN"?,You killin" that dress and I love it with a passion,Then she turned around and her face was AIGHT,She had a gap tooth and a mean overbite,But I was like HMMMMM!!!!...If I take one more drink,Is that what you wanna DOOOO shawty?,If I take one more drink,You TOOOOOO!!!Woke up the next mornin" and all I can remember,Was takin" shots and tippin" the bartender,Surrender to the woman, end up bringing me home,Cause" she started lookin" better, every shot of Patron, (YEP!!)I jumped up wit a devilish grin,Cause" tonight, DAMN RIGHT! I MIGHT DO IT AGAIN!!So I called up the homies, (Whaddup??) let"s ride,We can hit the sports bar, over on the Southside,Get a couple of Coronas, couple of limes,Went up to the bar, saw a couple of dimes,So I, slowly walked up and said HI!My name is Ludacris and I"mma hell of a guy,One said I know who you are,I"m your number one fan,And right now, it"s too bad, I got a man,And I said I understand,But where the hell is he at??Cause" in a minute, if he dont show up, then MAAAAAAAN...If I take one more drink,Is that what you wanna DOOOO shawty?,If I take one more drink,You TOOOOOOAye Pain holla at em right quick man!You gon get in trouble with your man giiirl,(don"t get in trouble girl)Talkin bout how you"re my biggest fan giiirl,(i know what i"m doin")Now I don"t wanna do,(pleasee)What if you gon make me do?(don"t make me do it, don"t make me dooo it!!)If I had one more drinkOne more drink I"mma get cha,Home, then I"ll split cha,Grab the camera phone,And take a bunch drunk pictures,Cause" Hennessy mixed wit a whole bunch of buddha,Equals you, mixed with a whole bunch of Luda,And you know how far one drink could go,Start slurrin" my speech, slowin" up da FLOOW,Hikin" up these skirts,Climbin" up your shirt,It"s Mr. Latenight Luda and I like to flirt,So guess what BABYGIIIIIIRL....If I take one more drink,(just one book)Is that what you wanna DOOOO shawty?,(that"s all it gon take)If I take one more drink,(WHO ELSE T-PAIN?)You TOOOOOOYou hear what i"m sayin"??People to picky these days...DAMN IT!!Too tall, too short, too fat, too skinny,Have a couple of drinks and quit discriminating,This is been a Luda Service AnnouncementDeuces...HAHAHA....



looking怎么读 英语looking怎么读

1、looking英[u02c8lu028aku026au014b]美[u02c8lu028aku026au014b],v.看; 瞧; 寻找; 寻求; 注意; 留心; 留神。 2、[例句]Well, what do you know? Look whos here!唷,真想不到!你看谁来啦


looking是正在看的意思。读音:英["lu028aku026au014b],美[u02c8lu028aku026au014b]释义:n. 看;表情。adj. 有??相貌的;有??样子的。v. 看;面向;朝向;看起来像;注意;确保(look 的现在分词)。looking造句。1、This good-looking girl is loved by her peers.这个漂亮的女孩子深受同龄人的喜爱。2、A young-looking man walked into a dark room.有个长相年轻的男人走进了一个昏暗的房间。3、Generally speaking,men with handsome-looking are more popular with women.一般来讲,有英俊相貌的男性更受女性欢迎。


looking是正在看的意思。读音:英["lu028aku026au014b],美[u02c8lu028aku026au014b]释义:n. 看;表情。adj. 有……相貌的;有……样子的。v. 看;面向;朝向;看起来像;注意;确保(look 的现在分词)。looking造句。1、This good-looking girl is loved by her peers.这个漂亮的女孩子深受同龄人的喜爱。2、A young-looking man walked into a dark room.有个长相年轻的男人走进了一个昏暗的房间。3、Generally speaking, men with handsome-looking are more popular with women.一般来讲,有英俊相貌的男性更受女性欢迎。



good looking的looking是动名词还是现在分词?good修饰的是动名词吗?




they left lookingw very upset 为什么用 looking?


Jamie Foxx Featuring T-Pain的《Blame It》 歌词

歌曲名:Blame It歌手:Jamie Foxx Featuring T-Pain专辑:IntuitionJamie Foxx Ft. T-Pain, Busta Rhymes & Lil Wayne - Blame It (Remix)T-Pain:Blame it on the Goose, got you feeling looseBlame it on the Tron, got you in the zoneBlame it on the alcohol, blame it on the alcoholBusta Rhymes:Mommy in the club, mami see meAnd now she stepping to the bar because she knows she need meHer favorite song"s on, body"s so appealingAnd she sipping on me because she knows she need feelingI make her feel good, she call me Tron SilverGotta have me in her body, no matter if it kills herI get up in her body, kinda like a coach booMami feeling proper, body moving like it supposed toWhen I"m in her, I make mami wanna dance moreNow she dancing like she fucking on the dance floorShe moving like she wanna break "em offI keep her hot and sweaty till she wanna take it offBaby girl, you better sip slowI"m dangerous when the bottles start to get lowWhen shorty"s knocked out from having a ballJust blame it on the alcoholT-Pain:Blame it on the Goose, got you feeling looseBlame it on the Tron, got you in the zoneBlame it on the alcohol, blame it on the alcoholBlame it on the Vodka, blame it on the HenneyBlame it on the Blue top, got you feeling dizzyBlame it on the alcohol, blame it on the alcoholLil Wayne:Blame it on who, blame it on meShe drink till she sleep when she drinking on meI live in her cup, I watch the ice sinkShe sipping all night on some shit that"s light pinkYou know they say, you are what you drinkBut baby I gotta be Louis The Thirteenthand I can talk to her, when nobody hearI lick her so good, she don"t go around beerYeah, and shorty got classShawty got class, so she poured me in a glassHey, shorty take me to the headOne more shot of me and shawty"ll be deadAnd shorty just love TronShe need a designated driver cause she love TronHey there bartender, what"s your nameLet me buy this woman a bottle of Lil WayneYeahT-Pain:Blame it on the Goose, got you feeling looseBlame it on the Tron, got you in the zoneBlame it on the alcohol, blame it on the alcoholBlame it on the Vodka, blame it on the HenneyBlame it on the Blue top, got you feeling dizzyBlame it on the alcohol, blame it on the alcoholT-Pain:Girl I know you feel good, just like you lookCouple more shots you open up like a bookI ain"t tripping, cause I"m a read yaShawty I ain"t tripping, I just want to please yaI"ma take a shot of nuvoShorty didn"t you knowIt"s going down, we can go and kick it like judoYou know what I meanShawty got drunk, thought it all was a dreamSo I made her say ahh, ah aaaNow she got her hand on my legGot my seats all wet in my rideAll over my rideShe look my dead in the eye, eye eyeThen my pants got biggerShe already knew what to figureHad her looking her boyfriend like fuck that niggaT-Pain:Blame it on the Goose, got you feeling looseBlame it on the Tron, got you in the zoneBlame it on the alcohol, blame it on the alcoholBlame it on the Vodka, blame it on the HenneyBlame it on the Blue top, got you feeling dizzyBlame it on the alcohol, blame it on the alcoholJamie Foxx:Now to the ballers popping bottles with their Henny in their cupsScreaming money ain"t a thang, if it ain"t throw it up in the skyAnd hold your drinks up highAnd to my independent mamas who can buy their own bottlesIf you"re looking like a model, when them broke fellas holla, tell them byeHold your drinks up highT-Pain:You can blame it on the Goose, got you feeling looseBlame it on the Tron, got you in the zoneBlame it on the alcohol, blame it on the alcoholBlame it on the Vodka, blame it on the HenneyBlame it on the Blue Top, got you feeling dizzyBlame it on the alcohol, blame it on the alcoholEndJamie Foxx Ft. T-Pain, Busta Rhymes & Lil Wayne - Blame It (Remix)

为什么用 be looking 而不是 looking?

looking 不是一个动词,而是一个动名词,所以前面要加be动词。

looking forward to doing与looking forward to do有什么区别吗?

是的,"looking forward to doing" 和 "looking forward to do" 之间有区别。"Looking forward to doing"是一个动名词短语,其中的 doing 指的是一个正在进行或即将进行的动作。这个短语用来表达期望和渴望做某事,可以用在句子的主语、宾语或宾语补足语中。例如:- She is looking forward to meeting her best friend.- We are looking forward to traveling to Europe next month.- John expressed his excitement, saying he was looking forward to playing tennis today.而 "looking forward to do" 中的 do 则是一个动词的不定式形式,通常不与主语搭配使用,而是后面跟一个宾语或一个介词短语。不定式形式表示的动作尚未发生,是将要完成的行为。这种短语常常被认为是语法上错误的。例如:- 这句话:"I am looking forward to do the project." 并不正确,应该为"I am looking forward to doing the project."。因此,在使用 "looking forward to" 的时候,应该注意到这两种形式之间的差异。动词后面应当使用动名词形式(-ing),而不是不定式形式(to + 动词原形)。

求t-pain的ringleader man的歌词和中文翻译!


英语里现在分词looking后面为什么跟to make,而不是直接加make?

本句是倒装结构,along with the many folks looking to make a permanent home in the United States是伴随状语,在这个伴随状语中,looking to make a permanent home in the United States是分词短语作定语,修改folks。look to do是“期待着做某事,正在寻求做某事“。如果直接用to make a permanent home in the United States,不定式短语修饰folks,从语法上来讲没问题,但意思略有区别。不定式作定语表示的动作发生在谓语动作之后,分词作定语表示正在发生或与谓语动作同时发生。came是谓语主语为those,who had no intention to stay和who would make some money and go home是两个并列的定语从句,修饰those。可以意译为:许多人希望在美国建立永久家园,但也有人无意长留于此,打算赚些钱后便回返家乡。

smart looking什么意思 。爱探险的朵拉。

你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下:smart looking智能寻找希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳。

请问 为什么用looking?



非谓语动词,而且还是动词名词化。keep doing sth表示保持一直做某事。

T-Pain的《Change》 歌词

歌曲名:Change歌手:T-Pain专辑:Thr33 RingzChangeT-pain(feat. Akon, Diddy, & Mary J. Blige)XeńOphObiα@L-HouseI"ll do anything for youFor you I"ll change the worldNo more warsNo more povertyNo more hurtNo more painYou showed me how to love you againFor you I change the worldPain singing...If I could change the worldOoh. I would be the sunlight in your universeOoh. You will think my love oh really something good babyIf I could change~If I could change~If I could change the world~the world~the world~Ooh there would be no more warsOpportunity knockin" on doors for us, for usNobody ain"t know each otherBuddies turning into lovers for us, for usOooh when the moonlight turns to sunshineEverybody waking up to abandon dreamsCause everybody need what they wantBut don"t want want they need let"s talk about youLet"s change~(Change to the world)If I could change the worldOoh. I would be the sunlight in your universeOoh. You will think my love oh really something good babyIf I could change~If I could change~If I could change the world~the world~the world~If I could change the world I orderFor the line to be erased that the border this day (this day)(everyone deserves an opportunity)There be no new world order ifNobody wouldn"t never got slaughtered that way (that way)(That means so much more love and unity)Daughters will be close to thy mothersSons are being raised by their fathers today (today)(A good family ain"t nothing greater)Raise crumbs hate crumbs that never existI"ll turn every bullet to a hershey"s kiss (kiss)And we can eat away our fear (fear)If I could change the worldOoh. I would be the sunlight in your universeOoh. You will think my love oh really something good babyIf I could change~If I could change~If I could change the world~the world~the world~There would be no self hateWe will know how to love everything about ourselvesSo we can love everyone nowNothing would hold us downBecause we love walk around with a smile and never a frownAnd every move don"t clownThere"ll be no more self-loadinEveryone will know when their hearts that they just foundAnd that"s when the light"s gonna shineEveryone will understandHad it on a tip have some piece you must believeBelieve the best in you(believe I can change)If I could change the worldOoh. I would be the sunlight in your universeOoh. You will think my love oh really something good babyIf I could change~If I could change~If I could change the world~the world~the world~the world~



为什么填looking而不是being looked?不应该是被动吗

avoid doing



looking 后面用什么介词

looking 后面用at looking at 看 例句: 1、People are looking at the past with rose-tinted spectacles. 人们总是戴着玫瑰色的眼镜看待过去。 2、Analysts speculate other media companies may be looking at similar moves, and Zynga could be a good candidate. 分析人士普遍认为,其他传媒公司可能也打算采取类似行动,而Zynga正是个绝佳的收购对象。 3、We"re not just looking at making it big in the UK, we want to be big internationally. 我们不仅想在英国取得成功,还想在国际上扬名立万。 柯林斯例句库 4 She stood looking at Carmen with her mouth agape. 她站着,张大了嘴看着卡门。




looking (look的现在分词);用于现在进行时。例:Why is he looking so sad?他为何看上去如此凄伤?What is he looking at, then?那么他到底是在看什么?He is looking at someone.他正在看着某个人。looked (look过去式,过去分词)用于一般过去式例:They looked at each other.他们目光相互对视。She looked in on her friend on her way home她在回家的路上顺便看看朋友。







请问您们知道looking 什么意思吗?

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