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Brigade的《Stunning》 歌词

歌曲名:Stunning歌手:Brigade专辑:Sink Sink Swim / StunningStunning8mmyou make you case oh so welland i can tellit"s the same old song and dancebut i can"t help feelingwe just mightmight get it right this timebut i can"t help feelingboy i"m dreamingjust who are we kidding babe?and isn"t it stuninghow i"m gonna fall againand isn"t it stunningdivine and fine to find myselfin your binds againhopeless to no endand isn"t it stunning?how we both knowit"s gonna endooh maybe if it weren"t so funand ooh ooh oohif i didnt think that you were the onei might walk i might talklike i had some pridebut i can"t help feelingthat it"s in your armsin your arm ive diedand isn"t it stunninghow i"m gonna fall againand isn"t it stunningdivine and fine to find myselfin your binds againhopeless to no endand isn"t it stunninghow we both know it"s gonna endi could be your everything if you let meif you let mei could be your everything if you let meif you let meand isn"t it stunninghow i"m gonna fall againand isnt it stunningdivine and fine to find myselfin your binds againhopeless to no endand isn"t it stunninghow we both know it"s gonna endi could be your everything if you let meif you let mei could be your everything if you let meif you let me... accident stunning put up 这三句怎么改同意句?

1。你这道提问没人看得懂,真想有人给你解答就必须补充说明得详细点儿 2。一楼的反应是强烈了点,但是大家的时间都有限 ... 3。没有完整句子吗? 光看这么个句型让大家无法帮你回答呢Please put up your hands if you have any problem 第三句 这条的 put up = raise 举起手来的意思 但 put up 如果是应用在其他句子中,比如 He had to put up with the noisy neighbors 意思就截然不同了。此外,有时还有 put up the funds/money 这种用法,解释也不同。Tom is stunning 没有前后文也无法确定 ,一般不会这么用 stunning 这个形容词的。所以说你要慎选你用的参考书籍啦,否则你花了时间绞尽脑汁仍然得不到什么进步。下次提问还是尽量多写一点出来,即便书上就只有这么多材料。

great to meet you. what a beautiful photo, where did you get that taken! stunning


stunning one 什么意思

stunning one令人惊叹的双语例句Lucy picked a stunning one shoulder, fish tail red dress for her prom.露茜选择了一件美绝的单肩、红色鱼尾裙来参加毕业舞会。2In a stunning reversal, the technology giant made an abrupt about-faceon some of the controversial features of its upcoming Xbox oneconsole.这家科技巨头的态度突然出现逆转,修改了即将上市的Xbox One游戏机中部分引发争议的功能。3Clearly you did not see “ The Fighter ”, his performance was stunning,one of the best in years. That"s how he won an Oscar.很明显你没看过“斗士”,他的表演一级棒,是这几年来最好的(演员)之一。这就是他赢得奥斯卡的的原因。4It is stunning that no one has yet been named to succeed AustanGoolsbee, who announced his departure months ago.还没有人被提名,这是令人震惊的,哈里伯顿在一个月前宣布了辞职。

staggering stunning

surprising 令人惊讶的(出人意外的) astonishing 可惊异的 shocking 可怕的,过分的(震惊) staggering 令人惊愕的(犹豫的) stunning足以使人晕倒的







packing peanuts造句 packing peanutsの例文 "packing peanuts"是什麼意思

On top of that was a layer of packing peanuts . Drop off extra packing peanuts at maipng stores. Pad with packing peanuts and overnight the box. Where do you buy plastic packing peanuts anyway? Also, during the manufacturing process, the nutritional value is removed from starch-based packing peanuts . Lycra blends at J . Crew _ that"s pke Quaker adding plastic packing peanuts to its oatmeal. In the early 1990s, starch-based packing peanuts were developed as a more environment-friendly alternative. " Packing peanuts , " he said, and even Universal"s celebrity look-apkes laughed. After the test, the players are given a large box filled with packing peanuts , one which contains the handcuff keys. Alternatives with similar properties include coarse sawdust, vermicupte and ( at last, a use for them ) plastic foam packing peanuts . It"s difficult to see packing peanuts in a sentence. 用 packing peanuts 造句挺难的 Polystyrene-based packing peanuts were developed and patented by Tektronix Inc . They were made mercially available circa 1965 by Dow Chemical. Her cats, one of whom is the store"s namesake, bat around foam packing peanuts while she works into the night. In 1969 70 he anonymously pubpshed the satirical conceptual art magazine " Landspde " with his friend packing peanuts in an envelope. "Oh, it"ll be fine, " she said, adding that breakables are packed in bubble wrap and packing peanuts . _Pack container or containers in a box and fill with crumpled newspaper, shredded paper, packing peanuts , bubble wrap or popcorn, unbuttered and unsalted. Stephanie had to squeeze orange juice by hand and carry packing peanuts back and forth one by one, and Andrea has to blow up 500 balloons by herself. He steps over stray styrofoam packing peanuts that weave a trail in and out of empty cubicles, past white lab coats tossed pmply over chairs, and rows of barren lab benches. She"s got world-class chops, a couple-dozen recordings, and a Grammy just out of the packing peanuts perched on the shelf in her New York City home. :I would suggest surrounding it tightly with several layers of bubble wrap, and putting that in a somewhat rigid container ( the box it came in ) filled with packing peanuts or bubblewrap. Office workers dumped bags of plastic foam packing peanuts from the upper stories of skyscrapers, so much so that it looked pke it was snowing along some sections of the eight-block parade route. A modern variation of this practice can also help reduce the weight of large containers such as urns and tubs : Instead of shards or gravel, use plastic foam packing peanuts to fill the bottom third of the container. These people are turning their pving rooms into inventory centers, diving into dumpsters for spare boxes, stuffing cars and closets with packing peanuts , checking for e-mail every free minute and racing to the post office nearly every afternoon. Another option is just to put a lot of soft material beeen the egg and the bottom of the box, pke bubble wrap, packing peanuts , etc . For something a bit unconventional, how about floating the egg inside a salt-water filled bag? :I"ve heard the term " packing peanuts " ( or " packaging " or " plastic ", maybe ) used almost everywhere, though there might be a more " official " name that nobody ever uses .-- Geoffrey 03 : 21, 31 Aug 2003 ( UTC) It"s difficult to find packing peanuts in a sentence. 用 packing peanuts 造句挺难的

signing the treaty是什么词性的词组?

回答如下:"signing the treaty"既是动名词短语,也是现在分词短语。因为英语动名词和现在分词形式一样,都是动词+ing。不过它们的语法功能不尽相同:动名词可以作主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、同位语;现在分词可以作状语、定语、表语、宾补。动名词作定语时,与所修饰词没有主谓关系,只表示用途;而现在分词作定语时,则与所修饰词在逻辑上有主谓关系。例如:a sleeping car = a car for sleeping一节卧铺车厢。(动名词) a burning house = a house which is burning一座正在燃烧的房子。(现在分词) 作表语时,动名词相当于名词,现在分词相当于形容词。例如:The news is very surprising.这个消息令人吃惊。(现在分词) His job is planting trees.他的工作是种树。(动名词)

the wording of the treaty is loose,if not evasive。


什么是treaty of waitangi

怀唐伊公约《怀唐伊条约》(Treaty of Waitangi),毛利人和英国政府于1840年2月6日签订的条约,该条约使新西兰成为英国殖民地。后来这个条约开始在新西兰北岛跟南岛的各个地区生效。一共有三十九位毛利族长签署了该条约的英文版,512位族长签了毛利语的版本。由1974年起,怀唐伊条约签署之日已成为公众假期,称为怀唐伊日。


打野Malrang是韩国人。打野Malrang:本名Kim Geun-seong (uae40uadfcuc131),2000年2月9日出生于韩国,《英雄联盟》职业选手,司职打野,2021年4月19日加入DWG KIA战队。在LOL职业选手中,Malrang具有鲜明的战术和个人特色,实力也是不容小觑,但他的详细资料确鲜为人知。2017年,效力Ever8 Winners,出战2017 LCK夏季赛晋级赛、LCK夏季赛、2017 KeSPA。12月转会Royal Bandits。2018年,7月转会至Team Winners,出战CK夏季赛。11月转会至JAG。2019年,出战LCK春季赛、2019 LCK夏季赛晋级赛、LCK夏季赛、2019 KeSPA。12月转会KT。rge的含意Rogue是一家总部位于美国的电子竞技俱乐部,旗下有《英雄联盟》《堡垒之夜》《彩虹六号:围攻》《火箭联盟》等电竞分部。其《英雄联盟》分部是一支以欧洲选手为主的队伍,同时Rogue也是欧洲LEC联盟的创始成员之一。Rogue旗下《守望先锋》分部在2016年曾获得过ESL Overwatch Atlantic Showdown冠军、APAC Premier冠军,以及多项小型月赛和Major级赛事的冠军,现已解散。

according to the treaty _____today是用一般现在时还是一般过去时?

应该是一般现在时,但是这道题的考点不是时态,而是语态,signed 在这里是sign的被动语态形式,表是被签署,因为treaty(条约、协定)是不能自己签署的,而是被(人,势力双方)签署。

拜托帮我翻译这个泰国地址,翻成中文!24 moo 1 tambol banggoong umpur muang,Mala


James Morrison 的You Give Me Something中文歌词翻译


You ________ your son to watch TV for too long hours! See, Mr. Morrison called that he didn’t f..

A 试题分析:本题考察的是现在进行时的一个特殊的用法,现在进行时和always连用表示赞扬,或者批评的感情色彩。句义:你总是让你的儿子长时间看电视,你看,莫里斯先生打电话说他昨天没有完成家庭作业。根据句义可知本题表示的是批评的语气。故A正确。

英语翻译,划线的句子能不能换成插入语表达方式,tourism,a fast developing

你改的有点问题,这样的话,句子就是“Tourism, which is a...”它语法是不对的。应该这样改:Tourism,which is a ...all over the world, now draws...

C#中,比如语句:Label1.BackColor =; 如果声明一个string str = “Label1.BackColor”;



lagging意思是:作名词译为“隔热材料,保温套”。作形容词时译为“落后的,发展滞后的”;作动词时译为“缓慢移动,发展滞后,落后;给??加保温层;逮捕(lag 的现在分词)”。一、短语搭配1、lagging strand:后随链;滞后链;延迟链;随从链。2、lagging circuit:滞后电路。3、side lagging: 边帮背板;巷道两侧背板。4、asbestos lagging: 石棉套衬;石棉外套;石绵被覆;石棉被覆英语。5、lagging timber: 背板木;插板。6、phase lagging: 相移延迟;相位滞后;相位落后。7、lagging water: 缓流水流。8、Mesh Lagging: 钢丝网衬板。9、lagging back: 退纹板。二、双语例句1、There is a long time lag between when I do the work and when I get paid.我做工作和领薪水之间相隔很长一段时间。2、Price rises have matched rises in the money supply with a lag of two or three months. 在增加货币供应两三个月后,物价也跟着上涨。

tourism和sightseeing有什么区别?英语课本上释意都是n. 观光 游览的意思

tourism 指旅游业,即社会生产生活的一个行业部门。sightseeing含义比较而言是微观的,即具体的旅游观光行为。

sitting seating seated sat的区别

sitting 是sit 的进行时态 表示正在 坐而 sat 是sit 的过去时 表示 坐过seat是一个使动词 表示 使……坐下 因此如果要以人做动作的发出者的话 就要用seated 表示坐下 seating 就是seat的进行时态

为什么不用Seating 而用seated呢?有ING的用法吗? he found lucy seated quietly

ing表示进行时,若是用 ing 就表示她刚往下坐但还没坐上的一个进行动作过程“她安静的坐着”对于“坐”这个动作而言已经完成了,故用 ed ing很少用


seated或sitting表状态,seated并不是被动语态,而为过去分词表状态“坐着”,又如句子Mary was seated at the desk. was seated不是被动语态,而为系表结构,表状态。没有sitted,sit的过去式是sat


/ri"laksin/ 放松




Passion is sweetLove makes weakYou said you cherised freedom soYou refused to let it goFollow your faith Love and hatenever failed to seize the dayDon"t give yourself awayOh when the night fallsAnd your all aloneIn your deepest sleep What are you dreeeming ofMy skin"s still burning from your touchOh I just can"t get enough I said I wouldn"t ask for muchBut your eyes are dangerousSo the tought keeps spinning in my headCan we drop this masqueradeI can"t predict where it endsIf you"re the rock I"ll crush againstTrapped in a crowdMusic"s loudI said I loved my freedom tooNow im not so sure i doAll eyes on youWings so trueBetter quit while your aheadNow im not so sure i amOh when the night fallsAnd your all aloneIn your deepest sleepWhat are you dreaming ofMy skin"s still burning from your touchOh I just can"t get enoughI said I wouldn"t ask for muchBut your eyes are dangerousSo the thought keeps spinning in my headCan we drop this masquerade I can"t predict where it endsIf you"re the rock I"ll crush againstMy soul, my heartIf your near or if your farMy life, my loveYou can have it allOh when the night fallsAnd your all aloneIn your deepest sleepWhat are you dreaming ofMy skin"s still burning from your touchOh I just can"t get enoughI said I wouldn"t ask for muchBut your eyes are dangerous So the thought keeps spinning in my headCan we drop this masqueradeI can"t predict where it endsIf you"re the rock I"ll crush againstIf you"re the rock i"ll crush against

跪求翻译以下地址:Room 1002,10/F Bonham Strand Trade Center 135 Bonham Strand ShengWan,HK.


PHYTO BARRIER v Line Slimming King 塑身减肥胶囊谁知道哪里有卖的



  ending pose的中文翻译  ending pose  结束姿势  双语例句   1  This is the scene of ending pose of their program.  这是在他们的表演结束的时候的场景。   2  The scheme of binocular stereo is planned for making sure the position, pose of the ending tools.  提出了双目立体视觉确定机器人末端工具空间位置、姿态的方案。


sitting强调动作,主动一些;seated强调状态,而且有被动的意思在里面。He"s sitting next to the door.他坐在门边。He"s seated next to the door.他被安排在门边落座。




如果用的是sit 的话就是像你说的那样用sitting,但seat是名词,在这里用作定语必须用被动be seated


A答案表示状态,意思是在坐着。强调你看他时他在坐着, 而不是站着。B答案表示进行, 意思是看见 他正在坐,强调 由站到坐这个动作。 希望能帮到你。

passenger strand 什么意思

passenger strand 乘客被搁浅。

English Question

line 是线的意思 通常很细 或者指电线 rope 是绳索 就是一般人们用来困东西的 绳子 一般比较坚韧 cord 这个和rope 可以互换 没什么区别 可以指绞索 strand 这个一般指 绞成一团的绳子 强调按制作方法 经常是一缕一缕的

seated和sitting的区别 I saw he ------ in the chair. A.seated B.sitting 为什么不是B呢

这个题考查的是种状态,我看见他坐在椅子上,选A是对的,选B的话,就成了看见他正在坐这个动作,see sb doing sht,意思就是看见某人正在执行什么动作,是不符和意思的.然后讲讲seat 和sit 的区别: sit 既可作及物动词也可做不及物动词 vi.坐;位于 vt.使就座 seat . vt.使…坐下;可容纳…的;使就职 n.座位 sit作为不及物动词,常和介词at ,on ,in等搭配,意为“坐在…”,如:sit at a table,sit in a tree,sit down等等.也可用作及物动词,“使…就坐”,但不常用. 而seat 为及物动词,意为“使…坐下,就坐”,可构成seat sb / oneself,be seated等 如:He seated himself in the seated=sit down He was seated there.He seated himself.=He sit down.



求The Bravery-Song For Jacob歌词的中文翻译,谢谢!

你好,这是我的翻译,希望你能满意!I saw Jacob, he lay in the street我看见Jacob,那时他躺在街上。He said the air out here is like amphetamine他说:“这里的空气就像是安非他命(解除疲劳的药),And I never ever wanna sleep again而我不想再沉睡下去I wanna live till I die我想一直活下去,直到死去……”They took all his money and all that he had有人把他所有的钱,所有的一切全都带走But he smiled with his eyes但他的眼睛去还有笑意and his face was bright red他的脸也变得红润起来And spit would run from his mouth when he said当他说话时,口水从他的嘴里流出来I wanna live till I die他说:“我想一直活下去,直到死去 ,"Cause I am alive and there"s blood in my arms因为我还活着,血液还仍然在我的手臂里流动This is a day that is brighter than bombs这是一个比炸弹爆炸还光亮的一天This is a day that is brighter than bombs这是一个比炸弹爆炸还光亮的一天I will live till I die, till I die我会一直活下去,直到死去”There"s more inside of me than skin and bonesThere"s more inside of me than skin and bones“肉体与骨架之外,我身体里还有更多的东西I am born again today and all my sins are washed away我今天重生了,我所有的罪孽都已被洗刷掉There"s more inside of me than skin and bones肉体与骨架之外,我身体里还有更多的东西”Jacob sat on the roof and he saidJacob坐在屋顶上,他说,Some day the earth will cast out its deadIf you dwell in the dust then wake up and sing“如果有一天,在尘土中的你突然醒来并歌唱,那地球一定会驱逐它上面的死者I will live till I die我会一直活下去,直到死去”Jacob smiled when he said to meJacob笑着对我说:I am not waiting on the Red SeaTo open up and rain pearls on me“我不会在红海上等着,去开放心灵,任雨点落在我身上I will live till I die, till I die我会一直活下去,直到死去There"s more inside of me than skin and bonesThere"s more inside of me than skin and bones肉体与骨架之外,我身体里还有更多的东西I am born again today and all my sins are washed away我今天重生了,我所有的罪孽都已被洗刷掉There"s more inside of me than skin and bones肉体与骨架之外,我身体里还有更多的东西,As long as I live and there"s blood in my arms只要我还活着,血液仍然在我的手臂里流动。This is a day that is brighter than bombsThis is a day that is brighter than bombsThis is a day that is brighter than bombs这是一个比炸弹爆炸还光亮的一天There"s more inside of me than skin and bonesThere"s more inside of me than skin and bones肉体与骨架之外,我身体里还有更多的东西I am born again today and all my sins are washed away我今天重生了,我所有的罪孽都已被洗刷掉There"s more inside of me than skin and bones肉体与骨架之外,我身体里还有更多的东西……”


seated或sitting表状态,seated并不是被动语态,而为过去分词表状态“坐着”,又如句子Mary was seated at the desk.was seated不是被动语态,而为系表结构,表状态. 没有sitted,sit的过去式是sat

Seating和Seated的用法 详细!

seated 是形容词 例如:我坐在操场上 翻译:I was seated on the gound. seating 是动词seat的正在进行分词 名词意思是座位 这是我们高中老师讲过的,seated用法比较特殊,需要记忆,高考经常考的.

Seating和Seated的用法 详细!

seated 是形容词 例如:我坐在操场上 翻译:I was seated on the gound. seating 是动词seat的正在进行分词 名词意思是座位 这是我们高中老师讲过的,seated用法比较特殊,需要记忆,高考经常考的.

我想问一下这个seat 该用seated还是seating 我搞不明白这是非谓语还是伴随状语?



Johnnie Walker Swing 调和威士忌 尊尼获加尊荣,俗称不倒翁,老酒系列,苏格兰调和威士忌,正品,国外人肉背回,国内买不到。

Everything in it that Jacob is a Christian.什么意思

翻译 一切都表明雅布格是基督徒

Alex Lloyd的《Melting》 歌词

歌曲名:Melting歌手:Alex Lloyd专辑:Black The SunLa La La Melting chocolateほろ苦さも二人の证La La La Melting chocolate love违う爱でもかき混ぜよう解け合うまで We can be as one!!Someday we"ll be as one!!「Melting」作词∶Kumi Koda作曲∶Daisuke Mori歌∶幸田来未両极端な二人そう 言われてたけど何だか ほら最近の私たちってあなたの好きな映画は未だに好きになれないだけど 口癖や表情 似てきたかもDarlin", I feel in love交わり始めた爱をDarlin", I feel in love大事に育てていこう 君と!!La La La Melting chocolateほろ苦さも二人の证La La La Melting chocolate love违う爱でもかき混ぜよう解け合うまで We can be as one!!私が怒っていてもまた知らんぷりで惯れたもんだ放ったらかしていればDarlin", you feel in love机嫌 直るって 待ってよDarlin", I feel in love特効薬は… CHUなのです…ブチューっと!!La La La Melting chocolate时には涙も隠し味La La La Melting chocolate love今はまだ マーブル模様いつかきっと We can be as one!!何十年先でも新しい君 知らない君二人で楽しく探そうLa La La Melting chocolateほろ苦さも二人の证La La La Melting chocolate love违う爱でもかき混ぜよう解け合うまでLa La La Melting chocolate时には涙も隠し味La La La Melting chocolate love今はまだ マーブル模様いつかきっと We can be as one!!Someday we"ll be as one!!【 おわり 】

关于Bic Runga的sway中文歌词

试着翻了下,如有不对处,还望高手赐教!Bic Runga --Sway 动摇 Don"t stray不要迷失Don"t ever go away也不要走开I should be much too smart for this我应该更清醒一些you know it gets the better of me你知道这样我会更好些sometimes, when you and i collide有时,当你我目光碰撞i fall into an ocean of you我坠入你爱的海洋pull me out in time马上拉我出来don"t let me drown别让我沉沦于中let me down别让我沉下i say its all because of you我说都是因为你and here I go...我走了...losing my control失去控制了i"m practicing your name so i can say it to your face为了当面说出你的名字,我正在练习and it doesn"t seem right但是看起来不妥to look you in the eye去直视着你let all the things you mean to me让你只在乎我tumblin" out my mouth从我口中跳出indeed its time就在此刻tell you why告诉我为什么say its infinitely true说绝对没错say you"ll stay, don"t come and go说你将留下,不要来了又走like you do像以前那样sway my way, yeah i need to know, all about you动摇我的方向,我要知道,你的一切and there"s no cure没有对策and no way to be sure没有方法确信why everything"s turned inside out为什么一切都反复而来instilling so much doubt注入这么多疑惑it makes me so, tired让我觉得,疲累i feel so uninspired觉得如此平凡无趣my head is battling with my heart我的思想和心中情感在交战a logic has been torn apart逻辑被混乱and now it ohhh so sour现在我心酸苦恼come sweeten every afternoon要你每天加点儿糖say you"ll stay, don"t come and go说你将留下,不要来了又走like you do像以前那样sway my way, yeah i need to know, all about you动摇我的方向,我要知道,你的一切say you"ll stay, don"t come and go说你将留下,不要来了又走like you do像以前那样sway my way, yeah i need to know, all about you动摇我的方向,我要知道,你的一切it"s all because of you...都是因为你it"s all because of you...都是因为你and now its ooohhh so sour现在我心酸苦恼come sweeten every afternoon要你每天加点儿糖it"s time to是时候tell you why告诉我为什么say its infinately true说绝对没错say you"ll stay, don"t come and go说你将留下,不要来了又走like you do像以前那样sway my way, yeah i need to know, all about you动摇我的方向,我要知道,你的一切say you"ll stay, don"t come and go说你将留下,不要来了又走like you do像以前那样sway my way, yeah i need to know, all about youit"s all because of you...都是因为你it"s all because of you...都是因为你it"s all because of you... 都是因为你END。

The Rolling Stones的《Sway》 歌词

歌名:Sway演唱:The Kooks献给所有喜欢Kooks的朋友朋克摇滚因为有你而更精彩Say whatever you have to sayI"ll stand by youDo whatever you have to doTo get it out and not becomeA reactionary to hurt the ones you loveI know you never meant to but you didBut you didBe whoever you have to beI won"t judge youAnd sing whenever you have to singTo get it out and not becomeA recluse about your house, come outI know you never meant to but you didOh but you didStill I need your swayCos you always pay for itAnd I and I need your soulCos you"re always soulfulAnd I and I need your heartCos you"re always in the right placesTake whatever you have to takeyou know I love youAnd come however you have to comeTo get it out, and get it outTake itTake it out on meTake it out on meI"ll give it you allI"ll give it you allI"ll give it you allI"ll give it you allYes, I will give it you aaallllStill I need your swayCos you always pay for itAnd I and I need your soulCos you"re always soulfulAnd I and I need your heartCos you"re always in the right places

Bic Runga的《sway》 歌词

歌曲名:sway歌手:Bic Runga专辑:Try To Remember Everything (RaDon"t strayDon"t ever go awayI should be much too smart for thisyou know it gets the better of mesometimes, when you and i collidei fall into an ocean of youpull me out in timedon"t let me drownlet me downi say its all because of youand here I go...losing my controli"m practicing your name so i can say it to your faceand it doesn"t seem rightto look you in the eyelet all the things you mean to metumblin" out my mouthindeed its timetell you whysay its infinately truesay you"ll stay, don"t come and golike you dosway my way, yeah i need to know, all about youand there"s no cureand no way to be surewhy everything"s turned inside outinstilling so much doubtit makes me so, tiredi feel so uninspiredmy head is battling with my hearta logic has been torn apartand now it ohhh so sourcome sweeten every afternoonsay you"ll stay, don"t come and golike you dosway my way, yeah i need to know, all about yousay you"ll stay, don"t come and golike you dosway my way, yeah i need to know, all about youit"s all because of"s all because of you...and now its ooohhh so sourcome sweeten every afternoonit"s time totell you whysay its infinately truesay you"ll stay, don"t come and golike you dosway my way, yeah i need to know, all about yousay you"ll stay, don"t come and golike you dosway my way, yeah i need to know, all about youit"s all because of"s all because of"s all because of you...

As long as you love 的歌词(有中文翻译)


Bic Runga的《SWAY》哪位高手能帮忙翻译下歌词

啊 哦 啊嘟-嘟-嘟-嘟-嘟嘟-嘟-嘟-嘟-嘟当马铃巴的音乐开始奏响和我一起舞蹈,让我摇曳像懒散的大洋拥抱着岸抓紧我,摇曳更多像一朵花在微风中弯腰和我一起弯腰,容易地摇曳当我们舞蹈时你用你那种方式和我在一起和我在一起,和我在一起其他的舞者也许在地板上(但亲爱的,但是我的眼睛只能看到你)当我们摇曳我会软弱(我会软弱)我能听见小提琴的音乐在舞曲开始之前很久(开始之前)只有你知道怎样使我发抖平滑地摇曳我,现在就摇曳我(给我更多)摇曳我,使我(嘿,吔)抖动我,抓紧我和我弯腰,让我感到容易你用你那种方式和我在一起(我)(嘿 吔)摇曳我摇曳(摇曳 摇曳)吧-吧-吧-吧-吧-吧吧-吧-吧-吧吧-吧-吧-吧吧-吧-吧-吧-吧-吧吧-吧-吧-吧吧-吧-吧-吧吧-吧-吧-吧-吧其他的舞者也许在地板上但亲爱的,但是我的眼睛只能看到你只有你有那种魔力当我们摇曳我会软弱(软弱 软弱 软弱)我会软弱(软弱 软弱 软弱)我能听见小提琴的音乐在舞曲开始之前很久让我发抖只有你知道这么作(只有你知道这么作)平滑地摇曳我,现在就摇曳我(给我更多)让我发抖只有你知道这么作(来摇曳我)平滑地摇曳我,现在就摇曳我(来摇曳我 宝贝,快来然后摇曳我)让我发抖只有你知道这么作平滑地摇曳我,现在就摇曳我摇曳我摇曳我现在就摇曳我哥们,我这可是自己翻译的我也喜欢pussycat dolls加我qq:494741633^_^参考资料:

sway shake change的区别

sway比较正式,主要形容事情 有支配,摇摆,倾斜,影响等意思shake不正是,只强调动作摇change只是改变

Blowing Me Kisses 歌词

歌曲名:Blowing Me Kisses歌手:Soulja Boy专辑:The Deandre WayBlowin" Me Kissesyeeh, I said,this one for your stereo,turn me up, turn me up, turn me up, turn it,yeeh , yeeh,i say say, this one for your stereo,turn me up, turn me up, turn me up, turn it,sexy ladies, this right here is yo song,Hop inside yo car, and turn yo radio on,Shout out sexy ladies,this right here is yo song,hop inside yo car, and turn yo radio onShe blowing me kisses, she blowing me kisses,Im staring and reminiscing , thinking, dreaming,she blowing me kisses, she blowing me kisses,im staring and reminiscing , thinking, dreaming,about us,I can take you places, places,you have never been,Caribbean, feet in the sand,i,i can take you around the world,and you can be my girl,and i can buy you pearls,and you can tell your girlfriends,how i put it down,and its like a movie everytime i come around,when im in yo city,man, i shove the town down,tell the whole world, that im hot right now,Shout out sexy ladies,Soulja Boy Blowin" Me Kisses lyrics found onthis right here is yo song,hop inside yo car, and turn yo radio onShout out sexy ladies,this right here is yo song,hop inside yo car, and turn yo radio onShe blowing me kisses, she blowing me kisses,Im staring and reminiscing , thinking, dreaming,she blowing me kisses, she blowing me kisses,im staring and reminiscing , thinking, dreaming,about us,Yeah, she like me,I like her, yeah,knew knew i woulda wifed her,Who woulda thought that,she woulda been like,the other half of me, what a sight to see,me and her traveling, all across the world,i can be her man, she can be my girl,turn her radio on, she kissing me thru the phone,when i say that its on, when i show that its on,Shout out sexy ladies,this right here is yo song,hop inside yo car, and turn yo radio onShout out sexy ladies,this right here is yo song,hop inside yo car, and turn yo radio onShe blowing me kisses, she blowing me kisses,Im staring and reminiscing , thinking, dreaming,she blowing me kisses, she blowing me kisses,im staring and reminiscing , thinking, dreaming,about us,

求Bic Runga的歌曲“Sway”歌词,最好翻译下,谢谢!


android skia与opengl es 都可以画2d图吗

从Honeycomb[3.x]版本起,Andorid便支持GPU加速,但目前Android并没有使用Skia GPU进行Webkit渲染。Skia GPU使用OpenGL进行后台加速渲染,未来也许会代替Skia。很多人觉得,即使Android成功使用了GPU加速Webkit渲染,在访问浏览如雅虎等一般的网站时,用户也感觉不到太大的差异。因为Webkit的资源大多数消耗在了Javascript脚本和布局定位上。我们觉得Webkit使用GPU加速渲染的最大意义无非是HTML5 Canvas[HTML5的动态绘图效果]。Android渲染Canvas动画实在太慢,导致Web开发者根本无法在Android上用Canvas开发网页游戏[要注意的是,目前很多手机和平板的应用程序以HTML5做为界面,并使用Webkit工作,这也是很多应用在Android系统上感觉“不流畅”的重要因素。译者注]。Android Webkit开发平台[NDK]使用Skia GPU加速测试我们对Android系统使用Skia GPU加速的Webkit进行了测试。我们手上已经有Android Webkit NDK的WAC2.0版本,我使用了某个提交版本的Skia源码,并开启Skia GPU加速将其编译进NDK中。我并没有使用Canvas加速,因为这还要增加修改GraphicsContextSkia API的工作,所以并未测试Canvas渲染的性能。

Soundscapes - Relaxing Music的《Karma》 歌词

歌曲名:Karma歌手:Soundscapes - Relaxing Music专辑:KarmaKARMA歌:KOKIA作词/作曲:KOKIA 编曲:七瀬光TVアニメ「Phantom - Requiem for the Phantom」OPkarma 何度(なんど)も同(おな)じことの缲(く)り返(かえ)しの中(なか)を堕(お)ちていってはkarma この身(み)は螺旋(らせん)のよう 生(う)まれ変(か)わってもなお彷徨(さまよ)い続(つづ)けているAh~ブーエーブーエー 安(やす)らかにブーエーブーエー 终(お)わりにしよう 己(おのれ)の业(わざ)でブーエーブーエーkarma 忘却(ぼうきゃく)の荒野(こうや)から逃(のが)れてきた今(いま)も 思(おも)い出(だ)せないkarma 记忆(きおく)を辿(たど)る度(たび)に 同(おな)じ场所(ばしょ)でいつも见失(みうしな)うこころAh~ブーエーブーエー 掴(つか)めずにブーエーブーエー 漂(ただよ)ってるブーエーブーエー 安(やす)らかにブーエーブーエー 终(お)わりにしよう己(おのれ)の业(わざ)で おやすみなさい

目前Kingston 内存主要采用哪几家厂商的内存颗粒(IC)

于Kingston没有自己的内存颗粒工厂,因此不同生产批次的金士顿内存极有可能使用不同品牌的内存颗粒。即使是同品牌颗粒其生产日期也未必相同。比如阿当就曾经见到过一条Kingston内存上使用了两种批次的现代颗粒。一般说来,Kingston在内存上最常见的是HY和三星颗粒,其兼容性也得到了市场的广泛认可。比如在下图中大家可以清楚地看见三星的标识(可点击看大图)。此外,部分金士顿内存还采用了美光(Micron)等颗粒,性能也非常不错。 至于内存芯片上出现“Kingston”字样只有两种可能:一是Kingston在某一批内存上使用了不同批次甚至不同品牌的内存颗粒,为了消除消费者的担心,厂商将这些内存颗粒统一印刷上“Kingston”标识。当然这些内存也经过了严格的质量测试,同样具有良好的品质。另一种可能就是大家购买到的是假货。一般造假厂商会使用价格低廉的白板内存颗粒打磨成Kingston芯片,利用大家认为“原厂芯片最好”的误区来蒙骗消费者。MOSEL茂矽颗粒samsung三星颗粒Infineon英飞凌颗粒PSC力晶颗粒NANYA南亚颗粒HYNIX现代颗粒Hynix海力士颗粒ELPIDA尔必达颗粒Micron镁光这些颗粒金士顿都有可能用到现在最多用到的就是三星和镁光的

哈萨克语里haling mal是什么?

哈萨克族是马背上长大的民族,在古代主要以放牧为生。在哈语里面“mal"是手里圈养的养啊,骆驼啊之类的以绿色植物为生的动物的统称,这里不包含不清真的动物,如:猪、驴、老鼠、狗等。“haling”是很多、厚重的意思。“haling mal”顾名思义就是:很多在手里圈养的牲口 的意思。



请问Win32/Viking.CH virus是什么病毒?

这是威金病毒,这个病毒变种也很多的,专杀不一定能解决,威金还是个感染型的病毒,可能会有较多的程序被破坏,建议试下安全模式解决,如果发现部分应用程序不能清除,可以运行sfc /scannow尝试修复。是什么病毒?

用瑞星正版+转杀, 多杀几次 ,再用Mcefee 断网杀!

paddle surfing 什么意思




感染: 病毒 Worm.Win32.Viking.j C:WINDOWSLogo1_.exe 26.5 KB是什么病毒?

logo1_.exe基本介绍: 病毒名称:worm@w32.looked 病毒别名:virus.win32.delf.62976 [kaspersky], w32/hllp.philis.j [mcafee],w32.looked [symantec] net-worm.win32.zorin.a 病毒型态:worm (网络蠕虫) 病毒发现日期:2004/12/20 影响平台:windows 95/98/me , windows nt/2000/xp/2003 风险评估:散播程度:中;破坏程度:中. 主要症状: 1、占用大量网速,使机器使用变得极慢。 2、会捆绑所有的exe文件,只要一运用应用程序,在winnt下的logo1.exe图标就会相应变成应用程序图标。 3、有时还会时而不时地弹出一些程序框,有时候应用程序一起动就出错,有时候起动了就被强行退出。 4、网吧中只感梁win2k pro版,server版及xp系统都不感染。 5、能绕过所有的还原软件。 详细技术信息: 病毒运行后,在%windir%生成 logo1_.exe 同时会在windws根目录生成一个名为virdll.dll的文件。 %windir%virdll.dll 该蠕虫会在系统注册表中生成如下键值: [hkey_local_machinesoftwaresoftdownloadwww] auto = 1 盗取密码 病毒试图登陆并盗取被感染计算机中网络游戏传奇2的密码,将游戏密码发送到该木马病毒的植入者手中。阻止以下杀毒软件的运行病毒试图终止包含下列进程的运行,这些多为杀毒软件的进程。 包括卡八斯基,金山公司的毒霸。瑞星等。98%的杀毒软件运行。国产软件在中毒后都被病毒杀死,是病毒杀掉-杀毒软件。如金山,瑞星等。哪些软件可以认出病毒。但是认出后不久就阵亡了。通过写入文本信息改变%system%driversetchosts 文件。这就意味着,当受感染的计算机浏览许多站点时(包括众多反病毒站点),浏览器就会重定向到66.197.186.149。 病毒感染运行windows操作系统的计算机,并且通过开放的网络资源传播。一旦安装,蠕虫将会感染受感染计算机中的.exe文件。该蠕虫是一个大小为82k的windows pe可执行文件。通过本地网络传播该蠕虫会将自己复制到下面网络资源: admin$ ipc$ 症状: 蠕虫会感染所有.exe的文件。但是,它不会感染路径中包含下列字符串的文件: program files common files complus applicati documents and settings netmeeting outlook express recycled system system volume information system32 windows windows media player windows nt windowsupdate winnt 蠕虫会从内存中删除下面列出的进程: eghost.exe iparmor.exe kavpfw.exe kwatchui.exe mailmon.exe ravmon.exe z 网吧遭此病毒破坏造成大面积的卡机,瘫痪。危害程度可以和世界排名前十的爱情后门变种相比。该病毒可以通过网络传播,传播周期为3分钟。如果是新做的系统处于中了毒的网络环境内,只要那个机器一上网,3分钟内必定中招。中招后你安装 rising skynet symantec mcafee gate rfw.exe ravmon.exe kill nav 等杀毒软件 都无法补救你的系统,病毒文件 logo1_.exe 为主体病毒,他自动生成病毒发作所需要的的 sws32.dll sws.dlll kill.exe 等文件。这些文件一但衍生。他将迅速感染系统内explore 等系统核心进程 及所以.exe的可执行文件,外观典型表现症状为 传奇 ,泡泡堂,等游戏图标变色。 此时系统资源可用率极低,你每重新启动一次,病毒就会发作一次。该病毒对于防范意识较弱,还原软件未能及时装到位的网吧十分致命,其网络传播速度十分快捷有效。旧版的杀毒软件无法检测,新版的无法彻底根杀。一但网吧内某台机器中了此病毒,那么该网吧所有未中毒的机器都处于危险状态。由于病毒发作贮留于内存。且通过explore.exe 进行传播。因此即使是装了还原精灵,还原卡的机器也同样会被感染。你重新启动后系统可以还原。但是你一但开机还是会被感染。 网吧用户可以到这查看手杀:





viking sound 是什么牌子的音响



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推荐你看看这个帖子,EXE文件也不用重新装了,还可以把变颜色的图标恢复过来, 帖子地址: (帖子标题)威金、Worm.Viking、logo1_.exe、rundl132.exe、图标变色模糊等病毒症状及手工彻底清除方法完善版!


病毒名称:worm/ 中 文 名:“威金”变种is 病毒长度:31266字节病毒类型:蠕虫危害等级:★★影响平台:win 9x/me/nt/2000/xp/2003worm/“威金”变种is是一个利用网络共享进行传播的蠕虫。“威金”变种is运行后,在Windows目录下创建“威金”变种is和一个木马下载器。修改注册表,实现开机自启。将木马下载器注入到explorer.exe的进程中,侦听黑客指令,利用木马下载器从黑客指定站点下载病毒文件。遍历用户计算机的c到y驱动器,搜索并感染后缀是.exe的文件。利用空密码打开共享文件夹,并自我复制到共享文件夹下,感染所有的.exe文件,实现网络共享传播。另外,“威金”变种is还可以终止与安全相关的进程,降低被感染计算机上的安全设置。

Worm.Viking.rq 是个什么病毒啊,我机子用瑞星扫毒扫出100多个这病毒.它有什么危害没有啊?


this question has never seemed more pressing如何翻译


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[50÷100×(600+800)-(25÷100×600+60÷100×800)]÷(600+800)×100 =[0.5×1400-(150+480)]÷1400×100 =[700-630]÷1400×100 =70÷1400×100 =5(元), 答:这样他每卖100克能多赚5元钱.



Win32.Viking.AW 是什么病毒?

开头Win32是指windows32位操作系统Firstly,win32.jadtre.b 一种感染病毒,主要破坏HTML文件解决方法:电脑感染了病毒Win32.Jadtre.B,在这个解决的办法中,最叫我感到揪心的是,作为一个程序处理 人员,自己电脑里面有很多的源程序,而这个病毒不但对大量的软件感染了,更恼火的是在html文件中都添加了这样一句代码:<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>;查找 了一下,电脑里面所有的.htm以及.html文件均没幸免!再查看文件数量,高达9000多个。很显然这样的处理工作是不能人工一个个处理的。在批量查找替换软件中,之前使用最多的是Dreamweaver和Editplus, 这次本人并没有使用这两款软件,而是发现了另外一款非常优秀的软件,她就是Advanced Find and Replace。PS:这个东西还同时会对付360杀毒的一些应用程序,如果你是安得360杀毒,我个人为你默哀。还有,如果手动改,估计你会改得很伤心,相信我,我曾经坚持手改了一千多个中毒文件,真的手软。Secondly,你真是有够霉的,这么少中的蠕虫病毒都给你撞上了,我也没找到相关解决资料,因为国外国内的网站都只是有上报的数据,没有说解决方法,但是它被归为worm.win32.viking中,所以也是蠕虫病毒。不过这个好处理,直接用杀软杀啊!(360肯定是不行的,因为你已经中了Win32.Jadtre.B)从杀毒能力上讲,推荐卡巴斯基,不过要是它直接把你中毒文件给删除了,可别心疼啊!PS:你是不是开了什么病毒多的网页了?其实一般挂马的网站内容都相对固定,所以还是要尽量别面看那些网页,实在需要看网页也要开防火墙,关机前记得检查。预防很重要!3。你要觉得这样杀麻烦,还有简单的,不心疼文件的话用深度一键还原试试。或者全部格式化(如果DE盘也中毒,只有全格了),重装系统。

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