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gown;closely; tongue ;poet这英语用谐音怎么读?



《Django By Example》(Antonio Mele)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 密码:4ke3书名:Django By Example作者:Antonio Mele豆瓣评分:9.3出版社:Packt Publishing出版年份:2015-11-30页数:474内容简介:Learn Django by building four fully-functional, real-world web applications from scratchDevelop powerful web applications quickly using the best coding practicesIntegrate other technologies into your application with clear, step-by-step explanations and comprehensive example code作者简介:Antonio Mele holds an MSc in Computer Science. He has been developing Django projects since 2006 and leads the Spanish Django community. He has founded Zenx IT, a technology company that creates web applications for clients of several industries. Antonio has also worked as a CTO for several technology-based start-ups. His father inspired his passion for computers and programming.

《Djangoby Example》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Django by Example - Second Edition》(Antonio Mele)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: zvv7书名:Django by Example - Second Edition作者:Antonio Mele出版社:Packt Publishing出版年份:2018-5-31页数:526内容简介:If you want to learn about the entire process of developing professional web applications with Django, then this book is for you. This book will walk you through the creation of four professional Django projects, teaching you how to solve common problems and implement best practices.You will learn how to build a blog application, a social image-bookmarking website, an online shop, and an e-learning platform. The book will teach you how to enhance your applications with AJAX, create RESTful APIs, and set up a production environment for your Django projects. The book walks you through the creation of real-world applications, while solving common problems and implementing best practices. By the end of this book, you will have a deep understanding of Django and how to build advanced web applications作者简介:Antonio Mele holds an MSc in Computer Science. He has been developing Django projects since 2006 and leads the Spanish Django community. He has founded Zenx IT, a technology company that creates web applications for clients of several industries. Antonio has also worked as a CTO for several technology-based start-ups. His father inspired his passion for computers and programming.

Mr.Wang is a boss,___ factory Li Peng worked

B Mr.Wang is boss, whose factory Li Peng worked



英语作文dear. lipeng暑假计划表 要求1、坚持运动锻炼身体 2、多读好书 3、去旅游

Dear Li Ping, I"m excited that the summer vacation is coming. Here is my vacation plan to show you. First I"ll do sports as usual and learn to play table tennis. It"s good for my health. Then I plan to read four great books to improve myself. After that I"ll enjoy an interesting sight for two weeks. Also, I want to be a volunteer to serve in the volleyball games in Tai"an. Of course, I would like to help my parents do some cooking, washing and so on. I think I"ll have a good time in the vacation. May you have a nice summer vacation! Wang Hui

lama Gyurme(卓密喇嘛)的 《offering chant》唱的是什么经典?

是卓密喇嘛和Jean Philippe Rykiel共同创作的佛教歌曲。卓密喇嘛1948年生于不丹,4岁起被寄养在寺院,9岁起正式出家,专职学习研究宗教传统艺术, 20岁左右在印度和锡金修行期间开始出任Ouzme(掌管音乐的人) 。1974年起他长居法国,为使宗教音乐得以适当的保存和流传与法国钢琴家Jean Philippe Rykiel开始合作。Rykiel天生双目失明,特殊的人生体验让他对宗教艺术产生了特有的尊重和虔诚。



请问武汉市离江汉区长港路最近的戴尔售后地址电话 请发我邮箱

您好CCC-2011 湖北省 武汉市 武汉市武昌区珞喻路308号(卓刀泉高架桥西南角) 027-87864151 / 021-87872546 支持换机诊断 CCC-2012 湖北省 武汉市 武汉市洪山区珞瑜路78号长江传媒大厦2403室 027-87868911 / 027-87210567 / 027-87869055 支持换机诊断 CCC-2023 湖北省 武汉市 湖北省武汉市江岸区青年路328号元辰国际B2座13楼1304室 027-66660980

图像软抠图(soft matting) 怎么做?算法是什么

function [A]=getLaplacian1(I,consts,epsilon,win_size) if (~exist("epsilon","var")) epsilon=0.0000001; end if (isempty(epsilon)) epsilon=0.0000001; end if (~exist("win_size","var")) win_size=1; end if (isempty(win_size)) win_size=1; end neb_size=(win_size*2+1)^2; [h,w,c]=size(I); n=h; m=w; img_size=w*h; consts=imerode(consts,ones(win_size*2+1)); indsM=reshape([1:img_size],h,w); tlen=sum(sum(1-consts(win_size+1:end-win_size,win_size+1:end-win_size)))*(neb_size^2); row_inds=zeros(tlen ,1); col_inds=zeros(tlen,1); vals=zeros(tlen,1); len=0; for j=1+win_size:w-win_size for i=win_size+1:h-win_size if (consts(i,j)) continue end win_inds=indsM(i-win_size:i+win_size,j-win_size:j+win_size); win_inds=win_inds(:); winI=I(i-win_size:i+win_size,j-win_size:j+win_size,:); winI=reshape(winI,neb_size,c); win_mu=mean(winI,1)"; win_var=inv(winI"*winI/neb_size-win_mu*win_mu" +epsilon/neb_size*eye(c)); winI=winI-repmat(win_mu",neb_size,1); tvals=(1+winI*win_var*winI")/neb_size; row_inds(1+len:neb_size^2+len)=reshape(repmat(win_inds,1,neb_size),... neb_size^2,1); col_inds(1+len:neb_size^2+len)=reshape(repmat(win_inds",neb_size,1),... neb_size^2,1); vals(1+len:neb_size^2+len)=tvals(:); len=len+neb_size^2; end end vals=vals(1:len); row_inds=row_inds(1:len); col_inds=col_inds(1:len); A=sparse(row_inds,col_inds,vals,img_size,img_size); sumA=sum(A,2); A=spdiags(sumA(:),0,img_size,img_size)-A;


绕轴旋转,绕公共法线旋转Here is a neat YouTube video showing the Gyro"s pivoting mechanism.这里是一个整洁的YouTube视频显示陀螺仪的旋转机制.2.Dart pivoting is widely used in the gannent pattern design.省道转移的原理在服装纸样设计中应用十分广泛.3.Close the unwanted neck dart by pivoting D around to A.样板从D点旋转到A点,收拢不需要的省道.


网上搜索的结果是 the Yonghegong Lama Buddhist Temple ,城铁报站时么有Buddhist这个单词,究竟哪个正确呢? 雍和宫基本翻译 Yonghe Lama Temple

ROUND TABLE featuring Nino的《潮騒》 歌词

歌曲名:潮騒歌手:ROUND TABLE featuring Nino专辑:夏待ちROUND TABLE featuring Nino — 潮騒作词:北川胜利作曲:伊藤利恵子いつもこの场所から 见つめてる街并あの日と同じように 気持ちを确かめて手を振り 驰け出すならそれが 一日の始まり新しい今日と言う日を 大切にしてたいから少しずつ寄り添えるように 心の向こう侧の光そっと揺れてるのは 束の间のひと时うたた寝の横颜 见守るのは谁?真夏のそよぐ风と阳射し时が止まったみたい目を闭じて想うのは いつもそう未来のことただ一つ変わらないもの 穏やかで温かくて抱き寄せてくれるかな どこまでも青い波间このまま 连れて行ってね ゆっくりと訳もなく 切ない时には辉く涙の粒集めて 胸にしまいましょう目を闭じて想うのは いつもそう未来のことただ―つ変わらないもの 穏やかで温かくて抱き寄せてくれるかな どこまでも青い波间このまま 连れて行ってね ゆっくりと 歩いてく手を繋ぐから

Missing pivot在线性代数中啥意思?

row1 - row2 = (k+2)y+zk+2=1k=-1

一首中文歌中有everything will be ok。好像后面就是中文的。蛮欢快的


NEB(New England Biolabs)公司是哪个国家的?

美国NEB 公司New England Biolabs

the changes make me....为题的英语作文 开头是In the past f

Now, I am a middle school student in grade nine. It"s also the last year of middle school. Therefore, I must work harder this year because I want to get good scores in the senior school entrance exam. From this semester, I get up earlier than before because I want to do some more readings. After lunch, I also spend some time in study. I usually review the knowledge I learn in the morning. After dinner, I have class in school until 21:30. It"s for students to autonomous learning. Our teachers would come to the classroom, if we have any questions we could ask them. After school, I do not study at home. I think a good rest is important for me, so I go to bed early at night. Besides, due to the exam, I spend much less time in entertainment. I don"t think it"s bad for me, because a good senior school is my priority now. I must pay my most attention to it.

round table featuring nino中主唱nino的真名叫什么?

目前还没有人知道具体的,最全面的解释实际上只有寥寥数条……提供给你:---以下引用---虽然Nino在《Rainbow》发售之后回答问题时说自己的名字是来自她的本名“二ノ宫”(Ninomiya),不过接着又说“这是我刚想出来的”,似乎是不大想回答这个问题,但是被问得烦了,所以随便编了个理由。 Nino似乎一开始不知道自己的血型,虽然实际是O型,却一直被说是B型,并且她自己也相信了。 Nino出生于4月4日4时44分,可说是奇迹般的出生。

strap hw and sw setting什么意思

strap hw and sw setting带硬件和软件设置strap hw and sw setting带硬件和软件设置


我自己人认为strap比thong应用的范围要广,前者不管(带)长短都有用法但后者则侧重于细长型(如:绳子)一般短小之物未见用此词,strap与生活中常见事物联系较紧密:公交车上的吊环(链)、手表带、书包带等。以下是英汉词典中对两词的解释(仅供参考),你自己体会一下。strap[strAp]n.带, 皮带vt.用带缚住, 用带捆扎strap[strAp]n.带, 皮带, 铁皮条[箍](磨刀的)皮带, 荡刀皮带吊带, 带圈表带; 肩章搭扣 鞋橡皮膏[the strap]鞭打[英]信用[爱尔兰语]轻佻的女子, 娼妓【航海】滑车带【植】小舌片【电】母线strap[strAp]vt.用带子捆扎[系上], 用皮带捆用皮带抽打; 用皮带磨【医】贴上橡皮膏strap on a wrist watch带上手表strap up a suitcase用皮带及搭扣来捆住手提皮箱strap a razor在皮带上磨剃刀strap-braken.带闸strap-downn.接联 strap-hangerstrap[strAp]n.(电车上)拉着吊带站着的 乘客strap-hangingn.(在车上因无座)拉着吊带站着strap-laidadj.用两条三股绳平列缝合的strap-oiln.[俚]鞭打strap-onn.搭接 strap-shapedadj.舌状的strapwork[`strApw:k]n.用窄带折迭而成的装饰图案strapless[`strAplIs]adj.无带的, 无肩带的 strap粗劣的葡萄酒, 掺糖蜜的甘蔗酒; [美]咖啡on(the) strap凭信用, 赊shoulder strap(制服上的)肩章; 肩带; (书包、照相机等的)背带strap in拴上安全带strap on把...用带子捆绑strap up用带子捆绑用绷带包扎(伤口等)anode strap阳极均压环, 阳极条anticreeper strap防爬带, 防爬器attachment strap搭接带, 搭接板back strap背垫条, 衬垫, 垫里, 垫座berth safety strap卧铺安全带black strap黑液层(亚铅酸钠脱臭时形成的中间层, 主要是硫化铅)boiler lagging brass strap锅炉套铜圈butt strap肩托cab strap司机室安装带centre strap网中心布带cheek strap颊革clamping strap夹板, 压板clutch driving strap离合器传动片deckle strap框带double strap双均压环draw strap牵引杆连接板, 辕杆连接板dynamo strap发电机固定带eccentric strap偏心环ejector strap喷吸器带条engine ground strap发动机接地片equalizer safety strap平衡器安全环fixing strap固定带generator adjusting strap发电机调整臂gin strap三脚起重机吊索ground strap接地母线hammer strap抗冲击钢板(拖拉机摆动牵引杆的)hand strap皮带拉手head strap顶革heel strap扒头铁板joint strap带状结点, 带状接头kicking strap护身带(压船时用)knife strap割刀刀杆, (切割器的)刀杆limitation strap制动膏布lunge strap保护带main rod strap主杆套muffler strap消声器带条neck strap颈圈, 颈枷negative strap负极板连接条pedestal strap导框托板pipe strap管卡pitman strap连杆颊板, 连杆头托座power cell strap电池接电压簧puller strap拉紧带quarter strap系鞍带; 船尾吊带refinery black strap精制糖的糖蜜saddle strap托架, 滑木single strap单均压环stake pocket strap U形螺栓柱插; 标装袋带子starter ground strap起动机接地片starter motor strap起动电动机固定带steel baling strap打包铁皮stub strap端带tank strap油桶箍条T-hinge strap丁字铰接three-way strap三向系板tie strap(金属)支撑板top strap车顶条transmission strap传动带windshield strap风挡嵌带thong[WCN]n.皮带thong[WCN]n.皮带[条, 鞭]; 鞭梢, 马缰绳thong[WCN]vt.装皮带; 用皮带捆; 用皮带打cut a large thong of another man"s leather (=cut thongs of other men"s hides)慷他人之慨





Tongue Twisted 歌词

歌曲名:Tongue Twisted歌手:Catherine Wheel专辑:Like Cats And DogsBrandon Hines - Tongue TwistedThis situation"s out of controlI wanna tell herI don"t think that she knowsShe"s my obsessionThe one I wantShe"s something specialYeah she could be the oneThat could change my lifeTeach me how to loveHow to show I careMy heart is right thereBut then she comes around, I shut downI practice my lines but I forgetIt"s all in my headThe words that I saidI can"t get them outPush you away insteadI get so confusedTo say I love youAnd I start to get tongue twisted againTongue twisted again, again, againTongue twisted again, again, againT-t-tongue twisted againInside i"m crying but my eyes are driedDon"t wanna lose but if I did I know whyShe needs attentionShe"s sensitiveShe craves affectionSomething I can"t giveShe won"t keep waiting that I knowCos flowers need water and she is my roseBut when she reaches outI shut her right outI practice my lines but I forgetIt"s all in my headThe words that I saidI can"t get them outPush you away insteadI get so confusedTo say I love youAnd I start to get tongue twisted againTongue twisted again, again, againTongue twisted again, again, againT-t-tongue twisted again, again, againTongue twisted again, again, againShe knows i"m not the talking kindSo I hope that she could read my mindI see the tears but can"t communicateWhy do I make the same mistakesIt"s all in my headThe words that I saidI can"t get them outPush you away insteadI get so confusedTo say I love youAnd I start to get tongue twisted againT-t-tongue twisted again, again, againTongue twisted again, again, againT-t-tongue twisted again, again, againTongue twisted again, again, againOh girlIt"s all in my headThe words that I saidI can"t get them outPush you away insteadI get so confusedTo say I love youAnd I start to get tongue twisted againTongue twisted again, again, againTongue twisted again, again, againT-t-tongue twisted again, again, againTongue twisted again, again, againT-t-tongue twisted again



twisted finger 什么意思

twisted finger扭曲的手指双语对照例句:1.Love promised between the fingers, finger rift twisted in the love. 爱情在指缝间承诺,指缝在爱情下绞缠。

Margareta Bengtson的《Twisted》 歌词

歌曲名:Twisted歌手:Margareta Bengtson专辑:I M Old FashionedTwistGoldfrappBlack Cherrygoldfrapp--twistBefore you go andLeave this townI want to see you one more timePut your dirty angel faceBetween my legsAnd knicker laceFight me, try meKiss me like you like meTwist it round again and againI want to run away with youYour caravan and rabbit stewDon"t buy me candyfloss or bearsSwarfega fingers, I want you thereFight me, try meKiss me like you like meTwist it round again and againRide me, try meKiss me like you like meTwist it round again and againTwist it round again and againFight me, try meKiss me like you like meTwist it round again and againFight me, try meKiss me like you like meTwist it round again and againTwist it round again and againTwist it round again and again

twisting和 twisted差别



mentormentor是导师的意思,就是你指的 带我们的前辈而Mentoring是一种工作关系祝学习进步~望采纳哦~不懂可以追问的

超级高分求shaft opening的意思..

The shaft opening of motor is not waterproof or oil-proof. Do not install the motorwhere harmful gases or liquid are present, or in an environment containing excessivemoisture or water vapor.马达出轴端结构并非具防水性,亦不具防油性。因此,请勿使用及安装伺服马达於有水滴、油性液体或过度潮湿之场所和具腐蚀及易燃性气体之环境。

you can calling me a psycho 是哪首歌的歌词?


如何设置gta4 inGameTrainer1.91修改器的快捷键?


The defending World Cup champion was fastest in practice.

The defending World Cup champion was fastest in practice.卫冕世界杯冠军在实践中是最快的。

The trainer stands in front of the elephant holding a long stick with a sharp metal point.

【答案】:驯象员站在大象面前,手里拿着一根带有金属尖头的长棒。句中的非谓语动词短语holding a long stick with a sharp metal point的逻辑主语是句子的主语the trainer,而不是紧挨着它的the elephant。

bodybuilding trainer翻译

bodybuilding trainer是英文词语,翻译成中文的意思是健身教练。英语(English)是印欧语系-日耳曼语族下的语言,由26个字母组成,是欧盟以及许多国际组织以及英联邦国家的官方语言,亦是世界上使用最广泛的语言。它诞生于日德兰半岛和莱茵河流域,通过英国的殖民活动传播到了世界各地,后因英美两国经济、军事和政治的世界领先地位而成为一种国际语言。古英语受低地日耳曼语影响很大,比如动词,基本词汇,发音,复合词结构,形态变化很复杂,但是与现代的标准德语还是有很大的区别。现代英语并非起源或演变自罗曼语族亦或是法语,但是数万现代英语词汇,很大一部分来自法语,约5万英语词汇与法语接近甚至是完全相同,现代英语和多数现代欧洲语言都改用字母拼写。音标是什么:音标(phonetic symbol)是记录音素的符号,也是音素的标写符号,应用于语言学中,如汉语的拼音字母、英语的韦氏音标和国际音标等。音标的提出者是H·斯维斯特 P·帕西 琼斯。英语音标中有20个元音,28个辅音,共48个。音标的制定原则是:一个音标由多个音素组成,由2个元音音素构成的音标我们称之为双元音。音标类似于汉语拼音,是记录音素的符号,是音素的标写符号,如汉语的拼音字母、英语的韦氏音标和国际音标等。它的制定原则是:一个音素只用一个音标表示,而一个音标并不只表示一个音素(双元音音标可以认为由1个双元音音素组成的,也可以认为由两个单元音音素组成;相对于单元音来说。由2个音素构成的音标我们称之为双元音)。

failure loading the trainer,是什么意思

failure loading the trainer加载the trainer失败trainer[英][u02c8treu026anu0259(r)][美][u02c8trenu025a]n.运动鞋; 教员; 驯兽师; 复数:trainers例句:1.How to meet my personal trainer is a problem. 如何才能见到我的私人教练是个问题。2.Chilean officials assigned psychologists and a personal trainer by video conference totend to the miners. 智利官员还指派数名心理医生和一名健身教练通过视频会议的方式为矿工们服务。

spring 中集成了velocity吗

当spring mvc 需要集成Velocity 时:application.xml中配置如下:[html] view plaincopyprint?<!-- 模板信息设置 --> <bean id="velocityConfigurer" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.velocity.VelocityConfigurer"> <property name="resourceLoaderPath" value="WEB-INF/views" /><!-- 设置模板防止位置--> <property name="velocityProperties"> <props> <prop key="">loopCounter</prop> <prop key="directive.foreach.counter.initial.value">0</prop> <prop key="input.encoding">UTF-8</prop><!-- 指定模板引擎进行模板处理的编码 --> <prop key="output.encoding">UTF-8</prop><!-- 指定输出流的编码 --> </props> </property> </bean> <!-- 设置视图解析工具 --> <bean id="viewResolver" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.velocity.VelocityViewResolver"> <property name="suffix" value=".vm" /> <!-- 避免乱码 --> <property name="contentType" value="text/html;charset=UTF-8" /> <property name="dateToolAttribute" value="dateTool" /> <property name="numberToolAttribute" value="numberTool" /> <property name="exposeRequestAttributes" value="true" /> <property name="exposeSessionAttributes" value="true" /> </bean> 下面是Action类中的一个方法:[java] view plaincopyprint?/** * 静态密码登录组件 * @throws Exception */ @RequestMapping(value = "/userStaticLogin") public ModelAndView userStaticLogin(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse resp) throws Exception { String errormessg = request.getParameter("errormessg"); facadeService.getTargetUrl(request,Constants.PORTAL_VERSION_3G); String ssoRequest = request.getParameter("SAMLRequest"); String ssoRelaystate = request.getParameter("RelayState"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(ssoRequest)) { request.setAttribute("ssoRequest", ssoRequest); request.setAttribute("ssoRelaystate", ssoRelaystate); } request.setAttribute("wap3gPath", configuration.getWap3gPath()); request.setAttribute("serverUrl", configuration.getServerUrl()); request.setAttribute("errormessg", errormessg); return new ModelAndView(SystemConstants.WAP_3G_VM_PATH+"login/staticlogin"); }

karl is getting sick 为什么get加ing


morphvox变声器,缺少驱动screaming bee audio driver,谁有驱动



rank[rANk]n.等级, 横列, 阶级adj.繁茂的, 恶臭的, 讨厌的, 下流的vt.排列, 归类于, 把...分等vi.列为, 列队n.[数] 秩ranking[5rANkiN]n.队

在排行中排第一位应该是take first in the ranking还是at the ranking?

in rank row of first

ranked match和ranking match怎么翻译

ranking match: 排名赛 (还在为名次而比赛)ranked match:已近完成晋级的比赛

ranking second还是ranking the second

having done在两件事有明显先后顺序时使用 ..ed表过去与被动 ..ing表现在与主动 本句中中国主动排第二,而没有先后顺序,所以用D.ranking

Magical Angel Creamy Mami 这个英文是什么意思

《我是小甜甜》,英文译作Magical Angel Creamy Mami(日文:魔法の天使クリィミーマミ),是スタジオぴえろ的电视卡通作品。从 1983年7月1日到1984年6月29日,全52集放映完毕。这是ぴえろ的魔法少女系列第一部。主人翁的配音由偶像歌手太田贵子担任。本片还在意大利电视台播放,不过有的歌词被改掉了。 作品原名:魔法の天使クリィミーマミ 正式译名:Magical Angel Creamy Mami 香港无线电视:我系小忌廉 中国大陆:我是小甜甜 台湾:魔法小天使 意大利:L"incantevole Creamy 10岁的女孩森泽优一次机缘巧合下得到神秘力量.可以变身成为一位漂亮且拥有动听歌喉的16岁美少女CREAMY MAMI。在一次电视台的户外节目中首次演唱而一鸣惊人。於是小优以家里所卖的奶油薄饼为名,开始了偶像CREAMY MAMI的银色传说。《我是小甜甜》里面有一个很有趣的处境,就是外表十六岁的CREAMY MAMI,其实骨子里只是一个十岁的女孩小优,所以思想上及动态上都很有趣。正因为这样,人物的可塑性就随著变高了,剧情亦因而能够变得丰富起来。小优青梅竹马的男朋友大友俊夫,也是小优暗恋的对像。小优作梦也想嫁给他,而优一直喜欢着的这个儿时的好友俊夫,却在一无所知的情况下竟对CREAMY MAMI一见钟情……并成为CREAMY MAMI的死忠歌迷,心裏只有CREAMY MAMI一人。而悠是CREAMY MAMI的秘密却不能够让别人知道,因为只要有人看到,悠的魔法就失灵了,将不能够再次变成CREAMY MAMI,优为此非常的苦恼,于是一段特殊的三角恋情就展开了,许多有趣的故事就发生了…在歌谣节的前夕,优和俊夫因为歌谣节CREAMY MAMI参加的歌唱比赛闹了很大的矛盾,因为俊夫的眼中只能看的到CREAMY MAMI,并告诉优:“你无论怎样努力都不会做到象CREAMY MAMI那样优秀的”,听到这句话后优哭着跑开了,表示不会去观看比赛。但歌谣节当天俊夫在比赛的现场发现了本已不可能来观看比赛的优,原来是优乘比赛开始前的空隙解除变身来找俊夫和解的,优最终没有找到俊夫,俊夫跟在后面却发现优走进了只为CREAMY MAMI一人准备的个人房间,这不是CREAMY MAMI的房间么,为什么……终于满怀疑虑的俊夫推开了房间的门,等待着他的是……

Mami venga aqui blanquita 这句话什么意思出自风雨哈佛路



GD:每次领奖都感觉很紧张,bigbang的话因为你们的爱才走到现在,我们会成为你们给的这项奖的称职的艺人.每年都会为此些负担,但我们也是以前看着前辈们的模样追梦。如果时间允许我们将会给予更好的音乐,vip爱你们.太阳:很感谢给这么大的奖,就像TOP哥说的一样,出道已经十年,真的有很多事情,真的很感谢一直支持我们的VIP,以及在背后默默为我们辛劳的staff们.TOP:感谢大家。我们五人站在这个舞台上几乎10年时间了,在此期间我们获得了很多奖项也一起经历了许多。对此我们很感谢家人和粉丝的默默支持。对BB来说,能为你们创造新的音乐舞台表演是最开心的事。感谢幕后支持我们的工作人员。谢谢大家【Song of the Year】大声:非常谢谢大家。感谢大家在这么长的时间一直给与我们的支持和喜爱。每个奖项对我们来说都是非常珍惜的,时间一年一年过去,大家的爱和奖项对我们越发珍贵。我们也想更加努力不让你们失望,谢谢社长,YG FAMILY,家人。我爱你们,非常感谢【Song of the Year】胜利:感谢你们!因为全世界都有粉丝支持着BIGBANG 所以我学习了很多国家的语言 感谢VIP 我知道你们知道我要说什么 但是再一次 你们是我的EVERYTHING太阳感言:“在很长一段时间里,我们五个恐怕是不能再像这样参加MAMA了”

Mami venga aqui blanquita 这句话什么意思出自风雨哈佛路?



原形。must的用法■表示义务、意图或建议:必须,应该I must leave at six today. 我今天必须六点钟离开。I must write a letter to the head teacher. 我非得给校长写封信不可。(强烈意图)You must go and see that film——you"d really enjoy it. 你得去看看那部电影,你会真的喜欢它的。(提建议)■表示推测:必定,一定The light is still on, so he must be at home. 灯还是亮的,他一定在家。The light was out. They must have gone to bed. 灯都熄了,他们必定睡了。注意:1. must表示推测时的否定式是can"t或couldn"t(不可能) ,因为must只用于肯定句,语气很强。2. 若对过去情况的推测用must have加过去分词。■表示主张:硬要,一定要If you must go, at least wait till the rain stops. 如果你坚持要走,至少也要等雨停了再走。The machine must break down at this busy hour. 正忙的时候机器偏偏坏了。■表示不可避免性:必然要,必定会All men must die. 人总有一死。

mami,venga aqui, blanquita 是什么意思?


Iu2019m not going to study the HUD you Melissa

I"m not going to study the HUD you Melissa翻译成中文是:我不会去学习HUD你梅利莎

Can you use shuttle service ? since production XF date is coming . 帮忙翻译一下






RENERGIE MULTI-LIFT soin lifting redefinition redefining lifting cream 谁知道这是兰蔻日霜还是晚霜




安全阀lifting lever 是手柄吗


this is nonsense and everything is shit。 什么意思

不雅的语言。意思是:这是废话,一切都是狗 屁。

请问植村秀的Lifting Mask面膜如何使用?


化妆品lifting effect什么意思

lifting effect提升效果effect[英][u026au02c8fekt][美][u026au02c8fu025bkt]n.效果; 影响; 印象; 所有物; vt.使发生; 引起; 产生(效果); 第三人称单数:effects过去分词:effected复数:effects现在进行时:effecting过去式:effected例句:1.What effect would that have? 那会有什么影响?

lifting cream是什么意思


Lifting Shadows Off A Dream 歌词

歌曲名:Lifting Shadows Off A Dream歌手:Dream Theater专辑:Guitar Talkin" (Acoustic & Clinic)Lifting Shadows Off a DreamDream TheaterAwakeMusic: Dream TheaterHe seems alone and silentThoughts remain without an answerAfraid and uninvitedHe slowly drifts awayMoved by desire and fearBreaking delicate wingsLifting shadowsOff a Dream once brokenShe can turn a drop of waterInto an oceanAs the rain is pouring downTears of sorrow wash his mindDrifting with the currentThis stream of life flows onHe seems alone and silentWaiting on his hands and kneesThe chill of winter"s darkness sits quietlyMoved by desire and fearHe takes a few steps awayLifting shadowsOff a Dream once brokenShe can turn a drop of waterInto an oceanAnd she listens openlyAnd she listens openlyHe pours his soul into the waterReflecting the mysteryShe carries him awayAnd the winds die slowlyAnd she listens openlyAnd she listens openlyLifting shadowsOff a Dream once brokenShe can turn a drop of waterInto an oceanLifting Shadows off a DreamLifting Shadows off a Dream

Let children learn to judge their own work. A child learning to talk does not learn by being co...

小题1:Let children judge their own work. /Let children learn by themselves. /Give children chances to learn by themselves.小题2:We act as if we thought that he would never notice a mistake unless it was pointed out to him, or correct it unless he was made to.小题3:If (he is) corrected too much/frequently/toooften小题4:(A teacher should) offer help when a child asks for it. A teacher should help the child when he can"t find the way to get the right answer.小题5:(The author thinks) them (that they are) nonsense /useless/ meaningless/pointless/(that) they make no sense. 试题分析:让孩子们自己评判他们的学习,让他们自己去发现错误并自己改正错误。作者为老师,应该转变以前那种给学生指出错误并监督他们改正的教学观念,注重培养孩子独立思考和判断的能力。小题1:根据第一段“Let children learn to judge their own work. A child learning to talk does not learn by being corrected all the time ...But in school we never give a child a chance to find out his mistakes for himself, let alone correct them.”可知,文章大意说的是,让孩子学会自己评判他们的工作,老师要给孩子自学的机会。故填Let children judge their own work. /Let children learn by themselves. /Give children chances to learn by themselves.小题2:根据第一段“We act as if we thought that he would never notice a mistake unless it was pointed out to him, or correct it unless he was made to.”可知,老师认为,如果不给孩子指出错误,他就不会注意到那个错误;如果不让孩子去改正错误,他就不会去改正。故填We act as if we thought that he would never notice a mistake unless it was pointed out to him, or correct it unless he was made to.小题3:根据“A child learning to talk does not learn by being corrected all the time”中的all the time可知,不应该一直提醒孩子要纠正错误,而应该让孩子自己发现并加以改正。故填If (he is) corrected too much/frequently/too often。小题4:根据第二段“Our job should be to help the child when he tells us that he can"t find the way to get the right answer.”和第三段“We should, of course, offer help to them just as they ask for it.”可知,老师应该做的事情是,当孩子找不到答案向老师求助时,老师才伸出援助之手。故填(A teacher should) offer help when a child asks for it. A teacher should help the child when he can"t find the way to get the right answer.小题5:根据“Let"s end all this nonsense(荒谬的)of grades, exams and marks. Let us throw them all out”中的nonsense可知,作者认为分数和考试是没有意义的,故填(The author thinks) them (that they are) nonsense /useless/ meaningless/pointless/(that) they make no sense.

lifting a box

for是介词 后面都要加

lifting cream 是什么意思

lifting cream起重膏lifting cream起重膏

shop-lifting 的解释!

shop-lifting: 入店行窃全句翻译:“他基本上是个好男孩,所以我不认为他会入店行窃。”

韩国Ultra V lifting面部提升效果好吗


lifting system是什么意思

lifting system升力产生装置双语对照词典结果:lifting system[英][u02c8liftiu014b u02c8sistu0259m][美][u02c8lu026aftu026au014b u02c8su026astu0259m]升力产生装置; 例句:1.The Riser and Lifting System, which pumps the slurry from the seafloor tothe Production Support Vessel.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

light lifting是什么意思?


"Martial Arts","武术"Wushu与"功夫"Kungfu"到底什么关系?



lifting:v. 举起,抬起;解除(法令等);使(情绪)高涨;掘出,挖出 (lift 的现在分词)cancel:vt. 取消;删去vi. 取消,撤销;相互抵消n. 取消,撤销n. (Cancel)(法)康塞尔(人名)第三人称单数 cancels; 现在分词 cancelling 或 canceling;过去式 cancelled 或 canceled;过去分词 cancelled或canceled


lifting在美容里指提升,提拉肌肤,提拉的效果在化妆品中是可以经过科学分析和效果测试的,通过简单的面部成像分析可以得出是否有提拉效果。 扩展资料   firming在化妆品中的意思是紧致。一般在具有紧致肌肤功能的化妆品产品中,会出现firming一词,随着年纪的增长,皮肤水分和胶原蛋白的大量流失,肌肤的保湿能力减弱,肌肤会出现松弛的.情况,而紧致的功能,正是为了对抗肌肤松弛、缺乏紧实感的问题。   Firming和Lifting在化妆品中的区别   Firming在化妆品中是紧致肌肤,Lifting在化妆品中是提拉肌肤,两者是不一样的功效。   紧致和提拉,都是化妆品中常用的语言,对于紧致肌肤的功能而言,主要是让肌肤紧致饱满、轮廓清晰,但目前这个功效在化妆品测试中是无法进行客观测量,主要是个人感受而得出的。   提拉肌肤不一样,提拉的效果在化妆品中是可以经过科学分析和效果测试的,通过简单的面部成像分析可以得出是否有提拉效果。

Burning My Soul 歌词

歌曲名:Burning My Soul歌手:Dream Theater专辑:Stream of ConsciousnessBurning My SoulDream TheaterFalling Into InfinityMusic: Dream TheaterA thorn in my side, a chip on my shoulderA lump in my throat, the size of a boulderThe chill up my spine, can"t get any colderAnd you wonder why I can"t smileA knot in my gut, an ape on my backIn the heat of the moment, I"m knocked off the trackYou drop the ball, I pick up the slackAnd you ask me why my hairs grayTwisting, turningLosing all sense of yearningLiving and learningThe pressure keeps on burning my soulBurning my soul (Burning my soul)Burning my soul (Burning my soul)I say it"s green and then you tell me it"s redKeep your thoughts and ideasLocked inside of your headWe"ve got someoneWho can think for you insteadAnd he sounds just like the last oneTwisting, turningLosing all sense of yearningLiving and learningThe pressure keeps on burning my soulBurning my soul (Burning my soul)Burning my soul (Burning my soul)Burning my soul (Burning my soul)Burning my soul (Burning my soul)Responsible thinkersThrow caution to the windBut I find myselfSpeaking from withinI can"t live my lifeWalking on eggshellsTo stay on your good sideUsing your wordsControlling my lifeCan"t you see it"s my wordsThat gives you your lifeSo I hurt your feelingsWell I"m really sorryBut I don"t give a shit...Twisting, turningLosing all sense of yearningLiving and learningThe pressure keeps on burning my soulBurning my soul (Burning my soul)Burning my soul (Burning my soul)Burning my soul (Burning my soul)Burning my soul (Burning my soul)Burning my soul (Burning my soul)Burning my soul (Burning my soul)

warn sb to do sth warn doing 区别

warn sb to do sthThe North Korea is warning the USA not to approach its waters.朝鲜警告美国不要靠近朝鲜领海。warn doingThe North Korea has warned carring out nuclear test.朝鲜警告要核试验。

warn sb about/of doing对吗?

◆warn+sb.+of (about)+sth.警告,提醒某人某物。如:The morning paper warned people of the heavy foggy weather.晨报提醒大家注意大雾天气。

warn sb to do还是doing

warn sb to do sth提醒某人做某事 warn sb.not to do sth...警告某人不要做某事 网上有这个题目的: 3)Mrs.Smith warned her daughter ___ after drinking. A.never to drive never driver C.never driving D.never drive 答案:A.warn sb to do sth.的否定形式为warn sb not to do sth.此处用的是否定词never.

Something In The Water 歌词

《Something In The Water》所属专辑:《Greatest Hits: Decade #1》演唱:Carrie Underwood歌词:He said i"ve beenWhere you"ve been beforeDown every hallway"s a slamming doorNo way outNo one to come and save meWasting a lifeThat the good lord gave youThere"s somebody sayingWhat i"m saying to youOpen my eyes and told me the truthHe said just a little faithAnd it"ll all get betterSo i followed that preacher manDown to the riverAnd now i"m changedAnd now i"m strongerThere must"ve beenSomething in the waterOh there must"ve beenSomething in the waterWell i heard what he saidAnd i went on my wayDidn"t think about itFor a couple of daysThen it hit meLike a lightning late one nightI was all out of hopingAll out of fightCouldn"t fight back my tearsSo i fell on my kneesSaying god if you"re there comeAnd rescue meFell all pouring downFrom aboveGot washed in the waterWashed in the bloodAnd now i"m changedAnd now i"m strongerThere must"ve beenSomething in the waterOh there must"ve beenSomething in the waterAnd now i"m singing allAlong to amazing raceCan"t nobody wipeThis smile off my faceGot joy in my heartAngels on my sideThank god almighty i saw the lightGonna look ahead no turning backLive every day give it all that i haveTrust in someone bigger than meEver since the day that i believed i am changedAnd now i"m strongerThere must be something in the waterOh there must be something in the waterOh there must be something in the waterOh there must be something in the waterOh yeahI am changedStrongerWas blind but now i see

Something In The Water ( Does Not Compute ) (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Something In The Water ( Does Not Compute ) (Lp Version)歌手:Prince专辑:1999JoJo - Something In The WaterWhat am I doing?Watchin" all his movementsPullin" apart everything that he"s doingWhat is the reason at switchin" up free stuffLike I"m held up by the policeI need freedomAnd I"m just not myselfNeed control, cause I just don"t have any leftOnly way to explain itThe water is taintedThere"s something in the waterSomebody help me outCause there"s something in my systemThe doctors haven"t foundBut I know it"s thereDamn it I know it"s thereI really want himIt"s gettin" strongerFeel like I"m drowningDon"t drink the waterJust put your glasses downCause there"s something in the waterThis isn"t like meI really don"t like thisSomebody must"ve taken my Fiji and spiked itFish outta waterI"m pushin" ya fartherHe calls, I act like I don"t wanna be botheredBut I can"t help myselfI"m in deep, feel like I"m runnin" out of breathOnly way to explain itThe water is taintedThere"s something in the waterSomebody help me out"Cause there"s something in my systemThe doctors haven"t foundBut I know it"s thereDamn it I know it"s thereI really want himIt"s gettin" strongerFeels like I"m drownin"Don"t drink the waterJust put your glasses down"Cause there"s something in the waterThere"s something in the waterSomebody help me out"Cause there"s something in my systemThe doctors haven"t foundBut I know it"s thereDamn it I know it"s thereI really want himIt"s gettin" strongerFeelin" like I"m drownin"Don"t drink the waterJust put your glasses down"Cause there"s something in the water

Something In The Water 歌词

歌曲名:Something In The Water歌手:Gene专辑:The John Peel Sessions 95 - 99JoJo - Something In The WaterWhat am I doing?Watchin" all his movementsPullin" apart everything that he"s doingWhat is the reason at switchin" up free stuffLike I"m held up by the policeI need freedomAnd I"m just not myselfNeed control, cause I just don"t have any leftOnly way to explain itThe water is taintedThere"s something in the waterSomebody help me outCause there"s something in my systemThe doctors haven"t foundBut I know it"s thereDamn it I know it"s thereI really want himIt"s gettin" strongerFeel like I"m drowningDon"t drink the waterJust put your glasses downCause there"s something in the waterThis isn"t like meI really don"t like thisSomebody must"ve taken my Fiji and spiked itFish outta waterI"m pushin" ya fartherHe calls, I act like I don"t wanna be botheredBut I can"t help myselfI"m in deep, feel like I"m runnin" out of breathOnly way to explain itThe water is taintedThere"s something in the waterSomebody help me out"Cause there"s something in my systemThe doctors haven"t foundBut I know it"s thereDamn it I know it"s thereI really want himIt"s gettin" strongerFeels like I"m drownin"Don"t drink the waterJust put your glasses down"Cause there"s something in the waterThere"s something in the waterSomebody help me out"Cause there"s something in my systemThe doctors haven"t foundBut I know it"s thereDamn it I know it"s thereI really want himIt"s gettin" strongerFeelin" like I"m drownin"Don"t drink the waterJust put your glasses down"Cause there"s something in the water

有谁知道拳皇97里的SHINGO 和KYO是什么关系?是不是师徒啊?

草剃京,就是kyo,是矢吹真吾,shingo的师傅,因为矢吹真吾不是草剃家的人,没有血液遗传,所以打出来的招式不带火 详情可见拳皇97漫画

请问 turn to doing 还是 turn to do


请问是manage to do sth.还是manage doing sth.?

楼主,您好manage doing sth.表示已经做成某事manage to sth.表示正在努力做某事类似于(try to do sth.表示努力做某事 try doing sth.表示尝试做某事)谢谢采纳!
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