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according to 与base on 的区别?请个位赐教~

base 是及物动词,base A on B,被动结构为be based on; based on 可作状语和定语

take down doing

1.C 儿子正在做作业,为了不影响他,音乐当然要调小了,只有turn down有“关小,调小”的意思,take down写下,脱下的意思. 2.D mind doing sth.介意做某事的意思,题目中的Certainly not表示不介意.

会计英语中,accounting concept 包括什么,怎么理解?

词性及解释 【经】 会计观念, 会计学概念, 会计基础理论1.In the internationa economic transactions,trading nations have developed an accounting concept which is called balance of payments. 在国际经济交易中,贸易国创立了一个记帐概念,称之为国际收支。来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报2.One of this accounting software"s functions is to transfer accounts automatically. 此理财软件的功能之一就是自动转帐。来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报3.Tax official: at first, the concept of the full year means that anybody have resided in china for full 365 days, not accounting temporary absence. 税务局:首先,满一年的概念是在一个历年中,在境内居住满365天,不扣除临时离境天数。来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报4.To enter(a sum) on the left-hand side of an account or accounting ledger. 记入借方把(一笔款项)记入帐簿或分类帐的左方来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报5.The left-hand side of an account or accounting ledger where bookkeeping entries are made. 帐簿上的借方记入簿记帐目的帐簿或分类帐的左方来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报6.accounting of construction enterprise 建筑企业会计核算来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报7.accounting statutes and regulations 会计法规来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报 construction unit accounting 建设单位会计来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报9.electronic data processing accounting 会计数据处理电算化来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报10.Monetary unit for accounting 记帐币制单位accounting concept 会计概念在狭义上,指对会计基本要素,例如资产、负债、产权、收入、费用、收益等所下的定义。会计概念是会计基础理论的重要组成部分。只有在正确的会计概念基础上,才能制定出健全的会计原则会计概念是随着社会经济的发展而不断变化的。长期存在的一个问题,是现代经济学家和会计学家对资产和收益等会计概念有着不同的理解。近年来一个重要发展趋向,是会计学家逐渐接受和使用经济学家的会计概念,从而使会计报表能够更真实地反映企业的财务状况和经营成果在广义上,泛指会计实务所依据的会计基础理论。其中不仅包括狭义的会计概念,而且还包括会计目标、会计假设和会计原则。例如,收入确认概念(即收入确认原则),收入与费用配比概念(即收入与费用配比原则) 等。参见概念构架(conceptual framework) As we know, accounting is a basic and vital element in every modern business. Therefore accounting is often characterized as “the language of business”. The acceleration of change in our society has contributed to increasing complexities in this “language”, which is used in recording and interpreting basic economic data for individuals, enterprises, governments and other entities. 正如我们所知,会计学在每个现代企业中都是一个基本且至关重要的因素。所以,会计通常被描述为:“商业的语言”。由于,我们所处社会的变化加速,这个用来为个人、企业、政府及其它主体记录和解释基本经济数据的“语言”,也就越来越复杂化了。 看我这么认真对待就选我吧!

prevailing exchange rate是什么意思


currency exchange rate中文翻译

Currency exchange rates are always subject to variation 货币兑换率是经常变的 Currency exchange rates are always subject to variation 货币兑换率是经常变的 Gain from fluctuation in foreign currency exchange rate 凡因外币汇率变动所获得之利益皆属之。 Loss from fluctuation of foreign currency exchange rate 凡因外币汇率变动而发生之损失皆属之。 Maintain foreign currency exchange rate on quarterly basis in qad 每个季度在qad中维护外汇兑换比率。 Do have an electronic currency exchange rate indicator at your front desk 在前台设置电子的外币兑换牌。 Foreign currency exchange rate 外币兑换率 Investors are exposed to fluctuations in the base currencies exchange rate 投资者或需承受有关结算货币兑换率波动的风险 Treasury cites progress on chinese currency exchange rate issue , 992004 美国财政部表示中国汇率问题取得进展, 2004年9月9日 Probe into popcy coordination of currency exchange rates in the east asian region 东亚区域经济体货币汇率政策协调的理论探讨 Foreign currency risk is to show an economy substance or individual are in activity of economy of concerning foreign affairs or foreign nationals , because of foreign currency exchange rate fluctuant , make its produce inaccuracy to be changed surely with the asset of foreign currency valuation or indebted value , make thereby the possibipty of possessory incur pecuniary loss 外汇风险是指一个经济实体或个人在涉外经济活动中,因外汇汇率的变动,使其以外币计价的资产或负债价值发生不确定改变,从而使所有者蒙受经济损失的可能性。

Thomas A. Pugel: Understanding Foreign Exchange

【The Foreign Exchange Market】 It introduces the real-world institutions of currency trading. Much of the study of exchange rates is like a trip to another planet. It is a strange land, far removed from the economics of an ordinary household. It also happens that competition prevails in most international financial markets despite a folklore full of tales about how wealthy speculators manage to corner those markets. Monopoly(垄断/专利) and oligopoly(卖方市场) are evident in much of the direct investment activity as well as in the cartels. Ordinary demand and supply curves would not do justice to the facts in those areas. Foreign exchange is the act of trading different nation`s moneys.The moneys take the same forms as money within a country. An exchange rate is the price of one nation s money in terms of another nation s money. The spot exchange rate is the price for "immediate" exchange. The forward exchange rate is the price set now for an exchange that will take place sometimes in the future. The foreign exchange market is not a single gathering place where traders shout buy and sell orders at each other. Rather, banks and the traders who work at banks are at the center of the foreign exchange market. These banks and their traders use computers and telephones to conduct foreign exchange trades with their customers and with each other. The trading done with customers is called the retail part of the market. Some of this is trading with individuals in small amounts. Most of the retail part of the market involves nonfinancial companies, financial institutions, and other organizations that undertake large trades as the customers of the banks that actively deal in the market. The trading done between the banks active in the market is called the interbank part of the market. Yet the number of people employed as foreign exchange traders in banks in this industry is several thousand for the world as a whole. -- Using the Foreign Exchange Market: Spot foreign exchange serves a clearing function, permitting payments to be made between entities who want to hold or use different currencies. The exchange rate is determined by supply and demand, within any constraints imposed by the governmental choice of an exchange-rate system or regime. In the customer or retail part of the spot foreign exchange market, individuals, businesses, and other organizations can acquire foreign moneys to make payments, or they can sell foreign moneys that they have received in payments. The spot foreign exchange market thus provides clearing services that permit payments to flow between individuals, businesses, and other organizations that prefer to use different moneys. These payments are for all of the types of items included in the balance-of-payments accounts, including payments for exports and imports of goods and services and payments for purchases and sales of foreign assets. As with most payments that are purely domestic, demand deposits are used in this foreign exchange trade and in completing the international payment for the airplane. The British firm uses the pounds in its demand deposit account to acquire the dollars needed. The U.S. producer uses its demand deposit in its correspondent bank in New York for two purposes: (1) as the dollars that it sells to its customer in the foreign transaction and (2) as the same dollars that are then transferred to the U.S. producer as payment. -- Interbank Foreign Exchange Trading: Most interbank trading occurs through electronic brokering systems, with only a small remaining role for voice brokers who function by telephone. The use of brokers provides anonymity to the traders until an exchange rate is agreed on for a trade. A small amount of interbank trading involves traders at different banks in direct contact to negotiate the exchange rate and to book the transaction. A little less than 40 percent of foreign exchange trading is trading among the banks themselves in the interbank part of the foreign exchange market. What`s being traded is still the same - demand deposits denominated in different currencies. But each deal is between one foreign exchange trader and another trader, not an "outside" customer. Interbank trading allows a bank to readjust its own position quickly and at low cost when it separately conducts a large trade with a customer. For instance, if Citigroup may be unwilling to continue holding the yen. Citigroup then can sell the yen to another bank to speculate on exchange-rate movements in the near future. Such speculative positions are usually held only for a short time, typically being closed out by the end of the day. To understand what makes the exchange-rate value of a country"s currency rise and fall, you should proceed through the same steps used to analyze any competitive market. First, portray the interaction of demand and supply as determinants of the equilibrium price and quantity, and then explore what forces lie behind the demand and supply curves. U.S. exports of goods and services create a supply of foreign currency and a demand for U.S. dollars to the extent that foreign buyers have their own currencies to offer and U.S. exporters prefer to end up holding U.S. dollars and not some other currency. Importing goods and services correspondingly tends to cause the home currency to be sold in order to buy foreign currency. U.S. imports goods and services create a demand for foreign currency and a supply of U.S. dollars to offer and foreign exporters prefer to end up holding their own currencies. U.S. capital outflows create a demand for foreign currency and a supply of U.S. dollars to the extent that the investors begin with dollars and a desire to invest in foreign financial assets that must be paid for in foreign currencies. U.S. capital inflows create a supply of foreign currency and a demand for dollars to the extent that investors begin with foreign currency and desire to invest in U.S. financial assets that must be paid for in $. -- Floating Exchange Rates The simplest system is the floating exchange-rate system without intervention by governments or central bankers. The spot price of foreign currency is market-driven, determined by the interaction of private demand and supply for that currency. The market clears itself through the price mechanism. To see the likelihood of the downward slope, imagine that exchange rate has just shifted from a larger number to a less one. The demand curve for foreign exchange can be shifted to the right or raised by either of the following changes related to balance of payments. (A shift of U.S. demand toward the goods and services of other countries; A rise in U.S. willingness to lend money to or invest in other countries. ) If the demand curve shifts to the right, then the market equilibrium exchange-rate value of the pound rises. -- Fixed Exchange Rates Officials strive to keep the exchange rate virtually fixed or pegged even if the rate they choose differs from the current equilibrium rate. Their usual procedure is to declare a narrow "band" of exchange rates within which the rate is allowed to vary. Under the floating-rate system a fall in the market price of a currency is called a depreciation of that currency; a rise is an appreciation. We refer to a discrete official reduction of otherwise fixed par value of a currency as a devaluation; revaluation is the antonym describing a discrete raising of the official par. Devaluation and revaluations are the main ways of changing exchange rates in a nearly fixed-rate system, a system where the rate is usually, but not always, fixed. -- Current Arrangements Here is an overview, without getting into everything now. First, most major currencies, including the U.S. dollar, the euro, the Japanese yen, the British pound, the Swiss franc, the Canadian dollar, the Australian dollar, and the Swedish krona, have floating exchange rates relative to each other. Second, the governments of a large number of other countries sat they have floating exchange rates, though many use some amount of official exchange market intervention to "manage" the float. Third, some countries/regions have fixed exchange rates between their currencies and the U.S. dollar. The urban includes HONG KONG and Saudi Arabia. Fourth, some countries, including Denmark, Bulgaria, and former French colonies in Africa, fix the exchange-rate value of their currencies to the euro. Yet we have also noted that trading occurs in different locations around the world. For instance, for a period of time each day, trading is occurring in both New York and London as well as in other money centers in Europe. Arbitrage, the process of buying and selling to make a nearly riskless pure profit, ensures that rates in different locations are essentially the same, and that rates and cross-rates are related and consistent among themselves. Although it is more subtle, there is also an opportunity to make a riskless profit by arbitraging through the three rates-a process called triangular arbitrage. To see this, start with some number of dollars, say 150 buys 300 francs (100/0.50). Use these francs to buy pounds at the cross-rate, and you have 100 pounds (300/3). Convert these pounds back into dollars and you end up with 10 profit for each $150 you started with. This profit occurs almost instantly and with essentially no risk if you establish all three spot trades at the same time.

based on 和 basing on区别

也可以这么说 based on 被动, basing on 主动

according to 与base on 的区别?请个位赐教~

补充:没错.according to 是介词短语,base on是动词短语.我们没有必要学习这种区别.最重要的是:我们懂得用这短语来写句子.研究下面的例子,你就会明白它们的区别.欲理解以上的区别,我们必须使用英语来理解...来学习英语:(1) according to 按照= 定义(a)as stated or indicated by (someone)=例句:according to historians...定义(b) in keeping with = 例句:according to instructions定义(c) as determined by = 例句:according to the alphabet(2) base on [base something upon someone or something] ...做为基础/理由= 定义(a)to ground something, such as one"s opinion, decision, or thinking, on someone or something; to found one"s ideas or attitude on something. 例句:(i)I base my opinion on many, many facts.(ii)You must not base your opinion on one bad experience.

according to 与base on 的区别?请赐教~谢谢~~

according to根据,按照;取决于;据…所说base on基于,以……为根据;在……基础上


Scarborough Fair Are you going to Scarborough Fair Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme Remember me to one who lives there She once was a true love of mine Tell her to make me a cambric shirt (Oh the side of a hill in the deep forest green) Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme (Tracing of sparrow on the snow crested brown) Without no seams nor needle work (Blankets and bedclothes the child of the mountain) Then she`ll be ture love of main (Sleeps unaware of the clarion call) Tell her to find me an acre of land (On the side of a hill a sprinkling of leaves) Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme (Washes the grave with silvery tears) Between the salt water and the sea strand (A soldier cleans and publishes a gun) Then she`ll be a true love of mine Tell her to reap it with a sickle of leather (War bells blazing in scarlet battalion) Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme (Generals order their soldiers to kill) And gather it all in a bunch of heather (And to fight for a cause they`ve long ago forgotten) Then she`ll be a true love of mine

英语单选(给原因,谢谢) 选项 A.hear B.hearing C.hearing from D.hear from

C, hearing from 固定搭配look forward to doing something 期待做某事 后面接 名词性的词语 如名词(sth) 或动名词(即ing形式的动词) 所以A D可以排除 hear from 是指收到某人的信,消息hear是听到所以B排除,选C

I am looking forward to hearing from you.中文forward,hearing分别表示什么?

我期待着很快收到你的(回信)forward是朝前,向前,和look forward to构成短语,意为期待,希望的意思,hearing是听力,听见,和介词from相连,意为收到来自于某人的消息,一般多指回信,回音希望可以帮到你!

If you were a doctor,would you tell your dying patient the truth?Why or why?作文

I will tell him that I just feel sorry that if no mirrcle happens we have to let god take you heaven because everyone has the right to know the truth.When death is coming, I"m sure each person will behave smoothly. It"s part of life,part of destiney.I tell him the truth because I"m sure it"s maybe the last chance for him to enjoy life enjoy what he loved in his life, there"s just little time to waste.

concern sth 与 concerning sth 怎么区别?

事实上没有区别...只是concerning sth 是非谓语形式,用带ING的还是不带ING其实是由它所在的句子决定的。比如说:The theme of World Expo 2010 Shanghai is “Better City, Better Life.” The prospect of future urban life, a subject of global interest, concerns every nation and its people.2010年上海世博会的主题是“城市,让生活更美好”。未来的城市生活是全球关注的话题,与每一个国家及其人民息息相关。这一句中的concerns 就是谓语啦 但是如果句子变成这样:The theme of World Expo 2010 Shanghai is “Better City, Better Life.” The prospect of future urban life is a subject of global interest, concerning every nation and its people.意思是一样的 只是在句中加了个is,而concern就和is重复了 因为一个句子中只有一个谓语嘛 所以就把concern变成非谓语形式concerning啦。

concern concerns concerning concerned,求大神破解

concern n. 关注 show concern for sth, n. 对。。。表示关注A concerns B V. A涉及到B e.g. The book concerns English Grammar. 这本书是涉及到英语语法的concerning 涉及到 (现在分词,做非谓语动词使用) e.g. The book concerning English Grammar was written by Mr. Smith. 这本涉及到英语语法的书是斯密斯先生写的(concerning English Grammar 是分词短语,作book的后置定语)concerned有几种结构,过去分词 动词的词性 as far as sb./sth. is concerned 据。。。所知 as far as I am concerned 据我所知 be concerned with 涉及到。。。= concern e.g. The book is concerned with English Grammar. be concerned about 对。。。关注,担心的 e.g. The teacher is concerned about Mary. 这个老师为Mary担心着。

求歌词:broken angel --- arash





hear of的意思是“听说”、“获悉”、“收到···的消息”,“知道”的意思;hear from意为“收到···的信(电话)”的意思。hear of意指间接地“听到”,“听说”后接名词性质的词;hear from的宾语应该是人,而不是信。  hear of、hear from、hear的区别  一、意思不同  1、hear of:听说,获悉,收到…的消息,知道。  2、hear from:得到…的消息。  3、hear:听见,听到,听,注意听。



如何区分bring in和take in

区别大的很啊。take in 有上当受骗的意思。或者是理解吸收的意思。bring in 有带来的意思比如带来很大的机遇或者利润就用bring ini hope you can take in what i meaning .


引导( conduct的现在分词 ); 带领; 控制; 传导;


saying 加上了ing的都是进行时,现在进行时或者过去进行时。said 是过去式



loving my motherland 的英语作文

She has more than five thousand years"history,she has fifty-six nations,and she has the longest river all over the world.She is a great mother of us ,and she is -China,my motherland. China is one of the biggest nation in the world.There is a huge dragon meander on her territory,which represent the industries and wisdom of our ancestors,that is Great Wall.Two strong rivers seem as the main source of 1.3 billion populations been nurtured,that is Yangtze River and Yellow River.The highest mountain in the world Qomolangmo Mount which is the pride of every chinese. China is a multiracial country ,it is composed of the biggest nation Han and other fifty-five nations ,that formed our country with rich cultures.So many patriots and great writers were born in here, such as Yue Fei and Lu Xun. I was deeply moved by their spirit of affection to our country. China is a country that never stop developing.We have successfully launched satellites,joined the WTO, solved the problems with other countries,and apply for the power of holding the 2008 Beijing Olympoic Games. China is a country who bring up all her offspringl. I was proud of her,because I love my motherland, and I love the morning of my motherland.

魔兽争霸输入motherlang 99怎么没用啊



config 一般用于系统全局环境的设置option 一般用于功能块中不同值切换不同功能setting 我比较少用! 用也是在一个模块中,用来设置该模块默认的设置!

as a fribufe to the house of oronge

你好!as a fribufe to the house of oronge作为一个fribufe到oronge房子

sail to do还是doing

do和doing都可以,要看具体使用语境,do是一般现在时,doing是现在进行时。重点词汇:sail英[seu026al]释义:v.(人)航行;(船)航行;启航;驾驶(船只);飘过,(轻快地)移动。n.帆;乘船航行;(用作交通工具的)帆船的使用;(潜艇的)瞭望塔;油布,篷帆布;帆状物,功能似帆的物体;(风车的)翼板;(旗鱼或一些史前爬行动物的)脊鳍;(僧帽水母等的)帆器。[复数:sails或sail;第三人称单数:sails;现在分词:sailing;过去式:sailed;过去分词:sailed]短语:Age of Sail风帆时代;航海世纪;航海时代。词语使用变化:n.(名词)。1、sail的基本意思是“帆”,或指乘船在海上或水上的“游览”,也可指从某地到另外一个地方的“航程”。sail还可指“船”。2、sail作“航程”解时多为不可数名词,如前有定语修饰时,其前可加不定冠词a。3、sail作“船”解时,单复数同形。

【急】Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport 歌词

歌曲:Tie Me Kangaroo Down,SportSPOKEN: There"s an old Australian stockman lying, dying. He gets himself up onto one elbow and "e turns to his mates, who are all gathered around and "e says:Watch me wallabies feed, mateWatch me wallabies feed,They"re a dangerous breed, mateSo watch me wallabies feedAltogether now!CHORUS:Tie me kangaroo down, sportTie me kangaroo downTie me kangaroo down, sportTie me kangaroo downKeep me cockatoo cool, Curl,Keep me cockatoo coolAh, don"t go acting the fool, CurlJust keep me cockatoo coolAltogether now!(CHORUS)"n" take me koala back, JackTake me koala backHe lives somewhere out on the track, MacSo take me koala backAltogether now!(CHORUS)Let me abos go loose, LewLet me abos go looseThey"re of no further use, LewSo let me abos go looseAltogether now!(CHORUS)And mind me platypus duck, BillMind me platypus duckAh, don"t let "im go running amok, BillJust mind me platypus duckAltogether now!(CHORUS)Play your didgeridoo, BluePlay your didgeridooAh, like, keep playin" "til I shoot thru, BluePlay your didgeridooAltogether now!(CHORUS)Tan me hide when I"m dead, FredTan me hide when I"m deadSo we tanned his hide when he died, ClydeAnd that"s it hangin" on the shed!!Altogether now!(CHORUS) 该歌曲视频




sailing意思是:(船)航行,航海; 航行(或航海)术; 航行计算方法; 启航; 水运航班; 航行条件; (船的)积载; 〈体〉帆船运动;sail 相关例句及物动词1. Clouds are sailing the skies.云在天空飘移。不及物动词1. The duchess sailed into the room.公爵夫人轻盈地走进了房间。2. The ship sails for Shanghai tomorrow.这船明天开往上海。3. The fleecy clouds sailed across the sky.白云飘过天空。名词1. There wasn"t a sail in sight.一条船也没看见。sail 网络解释1. 航行:的、;杂志的等;二是出版目录、手册等,如杂志的(Guide Buy in gand Leasing),(Sail)杂志创办的 see wind相关词组:sail throughsail 单语例句1. Rescuers helped the fishing boat regain the capability to sail independently and invited it to join the search for the other Vietnamese fishing boats.2. The ship was due to sail from Xiamen harbor with a shovel loader and a caterpillar excavator on Thursday afternoon.3. It"s up to my Plastic Beach naval cavalry to sail in and sort the battlefield out.4. " Historically the defender getting an opportunity to sail against a strong challenger has always helped, " he said.5. The event gives paying amateur crew members the chance to sail around the world.

sail 为什么改为sailing?

因为sail前面有个ofof是介词介词后面接 名词 代词和动名词所以 sail后面要加上ing变成sailing


sail 动词 They were going to sail around the little island, against the tidesailing 名词 His favourite childhood pursuits were sailing, swimming and cycling



Gang Starr的《Lovesick》 歌词

歌曲名:Lovesick歌手:Gang Starr专辑:Step In The Arenamihimaru GT - Love Sick作词:hiroko/mitsuyuki miyake作曲:mitsuyuki miyake日々は足早に 変えてゆく心あなたに 気付けば私だけ裸足したたかに思う 独り愿う计画だけじゃうまく行かない雑志の恋爱マニュアル简単に决めて嫌になる今日もあなたの携帯にダイヤル胸の痛みを解り合えたらいいね…I"m just falling Love Sickほろ苦い感情ひとつになれない 无常の心I"m just falling Love Sickもう戻れないからちゃんとつかまえていて 欲しいよ何を思ってるの?男女は解り合えないよあなた见失う回答アイドリング状态の 今を変える为Hold me tightテレビドラマみたいには行かない无駄で残酷な世界いつの间にか付けなくなった ダイアリー同じ出口に 辿り着けないかもね…I"m just falling Love Sick求め合う感情トレード出来ない 无偿の心I"m just falling Love Sickブレーキは狂いだす赤く染まるランプはもう 见えない求め合う言叶同じなのにこうも违う波长は 独り游びうまくは行かないやるせないのはしかたない立ち止まる 街中で気付く抱きしめるだけでこの季节温かくしてあなた爱しく恋の病 Love Sick胸の痛みを解り合えたら胸の痛みを解り合えたらいいね…I"m just falling Love Sickほろ苦い感情ひとつになれない 无常の心I"m just falling Love Sickもう戻れないからちゃんとつかまえていて 欲しいよI"m just falling Love Sick终わり

Chingy的《Take Me》 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Take Me歌手:Chingy专辑:Success & FailureTake Me Away(我走)I cannot find a wayTo describe itIts thereInsideAll I do is hideI wishThat itWould just go awayWhat wouldYou do?You do?If you knew...What would you do?All the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayI feelLike IAm aloneAll byMyselfI need to get around thisMy wordsAre coldI dont want them to hurt youIf IShow youI dont think youd understandCause no one understsandsAll the pain]I thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Im getting nowhereOn and on and...Take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Up and on andUp and onAll the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayTake me awayTake me awayhttp://music.b***.com/song/55191898

take me 和bring me的意思?

take me to some place 把我带到某个地方去 I hope you can take me to the palace. bring me sth 把某某带给我 Please bring me the book tomorrow.

saint angelo什么品牌

saintangelo是国产的服装品牌。报喜鸟集团有限公司组建于1996年,以服装为主业,相继建设了温州、上海两大工业园区,创立报喜鸟高级男装品牌、宝鸟职业装品牌,同时控股中楠房地产开发公司进入房地产业。   国内的名牌男装也有很多,走国内高档精品男装的发展路线很受白领阶级的欢迎,那么saintangelo什么品牌?下面我们就来了解下吧!saintangelo什么品牌saintangelo是一个服装品牌,中文叫报喜鸟。属于报喜鸟控股股份有限公司旗下品牌。报喜鸟控股股份有限公司旗下主要运营意大利轻奢品牌东博利尼(TOMBOLINI)、有“衬衫之父”美誉的意大利衬衫品牌恺米切(CAMICISSIMA)、韩国英伦休闲品牌哈吉斯(HAZZYS)、法国时尚户外运动品牌乐飞叶(LAFUMA)、美式时尚休闲品牌克莱美(DANIELCREMIEUX)等品牌。报喜鸟属于什么档次报喜鸟属于国内一线品牌。报喜鸟以其精湛的工艺、新颖的设计、考究的做工、优良的品质、浓郁的时尚气息,以及其锐意进取、开拓创新的精神,奠定了其在中国男装界一线品牌的地位。报喜鸟西服类的最少都是在2200以上,定位在国内高端的西服行业。报喜鸟定位是国内一线品牌,同很多国际品牌都有合作。例如阿玛尼,BOSS,杰尼亚等都是长期合作的关系。产品质量绝对是国内西服品牌中的佼佼者。报喜鸟名列中国十大西装品牌,更是其中前列产。国内常见比较好的成衣西装主要有大杨创世、蓝豹、报喜鸟、雅戈尔、罗蒙等,上述西装主要是职场、毕业等场合穿着。在不追求高端场所、奢侈品牌或定制的情况下,从产品质量、性价比、品牌效益的角度来说都是比较好的选择。以上关于saintangelo品牌的内容介绍,以及其他相关内容的分享,大家可以作为参考建议,具体根据自己的需求进行选择男装品牌,对于以上问题我们就介绍到这里,希望可以帮助大家更好地了解saintangelo这个品牌。

take me 和bring me的意思?

take me to some place 把我带到某个地方去I hope you can take me to the palace.bring me sth 把某某带给我Please bring me the book tomorrow.



英语翻译:We must point out that the falling market here leaves us little or no margin of profit.



一个服装品牌,中文叫报喜鸟。属于报喜鸟控股股份有限公司旗下品牌。报喜鸟控股股份有限公司旗下主要运营意大利轻奢品牌东博利尼(TOMBOLINI)、有“衬衫之父”美誉的意大利衬衫品牌恺米切(CAMICISSIMA)、韩国英伦休闲品牌哈吉斯(HAZZYS)、法国时尚户外运动品牌乐飞叶(LAFUMA)、美式时尚休闲品牌克莱美(DANIEL CREMIEUX)等品牌。报喜鸟本部通过经营自有品牌满足中高端商务人士的着装需求,旗下包括原创品牌报喜鸟(SAINT ANGELO)、专业高级定制品牌所罗(SOLOSALI)、时尚商务休闲品牌法兰诗顿(FRANSITION)。扩展资料简介浙江报喜鸟服饰股份有限公司成立于2001年,注册资本1.92亿元,主要从事报喜鸟品牌西服和衬衫等男士系列服饰产品的设计、生产和销售。公司已拥有形象统一、价格统一、服务统一、管理统一的专卖店600多家,建立了中国运作最为规范、网络最为健全的男装专卖零售体系之一,是浙江省"五个一批"重点骨干企业。参考资料来源:百度百科-报喜鸟参考资料来源:报喜鸟-关于我们

saint,angelo 什么意思?

saint:[seint, su0259nt]n. 圣人,圣徒Angelo人名:安吉洛

Point out the figures of speech used in the following sentences.

1.The wind sounded like the roar of a train passing a few yards away. metaphor2. The manager has a feeling of victorious defeat in his heart after he fails in the match.oxymoron 3. The assistant kept a respectful distance to the boss when they met in the corridor.transfered epithet4. No one has any idea where it will go when it meanders or leaps and sparkles or just glows.personification5. The children went from adult to adult like buckets in a fire brigade.simile6. The cause of any Russian fighting for his hearth and home is the cause of free men and free people in every quarter of the globe.personification7. It is not often that one so young has such a giant intellect.metaphor8. Back and forth his head swiveled, desire waxing, resolution waning.personification9. There follows an informal essay that ventures even beyond lamb"s frontierpersonification10. The wind seized a Gulfport oil tank and dumped it away.personification11. United, there is little we cannot do in a host of co-operative ventures, divided, there is little we can do, for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder.antithesis 12. The whole city was in the sadness after the people heard that the great politician passed away.metaphor13. Let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems which divide us.antithesis 14. I am dying to know the truth of the case.exaggeration15. Sword and cross in hand, the European conquers fell upon the American continent.personification16.I leaped to my feet, bellowing like a bull.simile 17.There is a limit to what flesh and blood can bear.metaphor18. Instantly, from the dark holes all around, there was a frenzied rush of Jews, many of them old grandfathers with ……19.Still, a white skin is always fairly conspicuous.metaphor 20.United, there is little we cannot do in a host of co-operative ventures. Divided, there is little we can do, for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder. antithesis差不多吧。前两年学的。

求一首英文歌 开头是bring me

卫兰 的chocolate ice me to the sea of sugar and spice Reminiscing through some chocolate ice Tik tok take time to be gentle and kind You sweat cause you run and run all day in my mind Fly to the moon and the sun And let"s go have some fun (Come and take my hand and free our soul again) Fly to the moon and the sun And let"s go have some fun It"s 123 My love is plain to see What I do for you baby do for me Let me serenade your soul when you"re feeling down and low Let the music come alive Let tenderness arrive Let me serenade your soul when you"re feeling down and low boy You make me feel so high together we can fly REPEAT ALL ONCE

求印尼的中爪哇省邮编 temanggung

Places Kodhe pos Banyuurip 56211 Butuh 56214 Gilingsari 56229 Giyanti 56226 Guntur 56229 Jampirejo 56215 Jampiroso 56216 Joho 56229 Jurang 56222 Kebonsari 56223 Kertosari 56217 Kowangan 56218 Lungge 56229 Madureso 56229 Manding 56224 Mudal 56228 Mungseng 56225 Nampirejo 56229 Purworejo 56227 Sidorejo 56221 Temanggung I 56212 Temanggung II 56213 Tlogorejo 56229 Walitelon Selatan 56229 Walitelon Utara 56229

desirous desiring desired desirable 的区别?

1 adj. 形容词渴望的;想要的2 n. 欲望v. 请求,想要,渴望(desire的ing形式)3 v. 渴望,要求(desire的过去分词形式)adj. 渴望的;想得到的4 n. 合意的人或事物adj. 令人满意的;值得要的

Nat King Cole版的Fly Me to the Moon的歌词

Poets often use many wordsTo say a simple thingIt takes thoughts and time and rhymeTo make a poem singWith music and words I"ve been playingFor you I have written a songTo be sure that you"ll know what I"m sayingI"ll translate as I go alongFly me to the moonAnd let me play among the starsLet me see what Spring is likeOn Jupiter and MarsIn other words, hold my handIn other words, darling kiss meFill my heart with songAnd let me sing for evermoreYou are all I long forAll I worship and adoreIn other words, please be trueIn other words, I love youFill my heart with songAnd let me sing for evermoreYou are all I long forAll I worship and adoreIn other words, please be trueIn other words, I love you



英语语法It is no longer a question _________ we can fly to the moon. A that B whether 选哪个?谢谢


Marketing和Sale的什么差别? is "the process of planning and executing the pricing, promotion, and distribution of goods, ideas, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals. 2.sales---the act of selling; exchange of property of any kind, or of services, for an agreed sum of money or other valuable consideration marketing是包括购买和销售.针对购买,销售,这个部门的人员要做市场调查,产品开发,制订生产计划,定好价格,做广告宣传和包装等事项sales主要就是销售.在这个部门的员工要有说服人的能力.

desirous desiring desired desirable 的区别?

desirous 通常加 of 表示 人 渴望的,盼望的,以人为主语 desiring 是 强调 物 体 令人 渴望的 desired 是强调 人 对某物的渴望 desirable 表示 物体 本身 值得要的,合意的,以事为主语

英语I ran for Congress怎么翻译?

回答如下:run for...竞选;Congress国会 I ran for Congress. 我竞选国会议员;我参加国会竞选;我参加国会议员竞选。






congress (n.):国会,议会;代表大会;美国国会(Congress)它的复数形式是:congresses.第三人称单数形式是:congresses.现在分词形式是:congressing.过去式是:congressed.过去分词是:congressed.词组短语有:national people"s congress(全国人民代表大会)、library of congress美国国会图书馆)、congress party(国大党)、act of congress(国会法)、member of congress(国会议员)等。近义词有:session/conversation/meeting/parlimant同根词有:congressional(adj.)国会的;会议的;议会的congressman/congresswonman(n.)国会议员;众议院议员n. 国会; 代表大会; (用于某些国家的政党名称) 国民大会; 社交;vi. 开会,集合;[其他] 第三人称单数:congresses 复数:congresses 现在分词:congressing 过去式:congressed 过去分词:congressed

Chinese Idioms Congress是什么意思

  Chinese Idioms Congress的中文翻译  Chinese Idioms Congress  中国成语大会  --  congress英 [u02c8ku0252u014bgres] 美 [u02c8kɑ:u014bgru0259s]  n.国会; 代表大会; (用于某些国家的政党名称) 国民大会; 社交;  vi.开会,集合;  [网络]美国国会; 国大党; 大会;  [例句]A lot has changed after the party congress.  党代会后发生了很多变化。  [其他]第三人称单数:congresses 复数:congresses 现在分词:congressing 过去式:congressed 过去分词:congressed 形近词: digress egress progress

house senate,congress



柯林斯英汉双解大辞典congress /ˈkɒŋɡrɛs/ 1.集体可数名词 A congress is a large meeting that is held to discuss ideas and policies. 代表大会例:A lot has changed after the party congress.该党代表大会后很多都变了。





“traveling light”是什么意思?

  Traveling Light(2002年Joel Hanson演唱歌曲)  欧美经典歌曲,中文名称为《轻装前行》,发行时间为2002年。  由Joel Hanson&Sara Groves演唱的乡村风格歌曲。  歌手:Joel Hanson  所属专辑:《what If it is》  歌词:  I was doubling over the load on my shoulders was a weight  I carried with me everyday  我曾每天背负着大量的思想负担生活  Crossing miles of frustrations and rivers a raging  穿越无数的挫折和汹涌河流  Picking up stones I found along the way  一路上我拾起路上的石头负担越来越重  I staggered and I stumbled down pathways of trouble I was  我步履蹒跚,跌跌撞撞,一路上困难重重  hauling those souvenirs of misery  我背负着这些痛苦的回忆  And with each step taken my back was breaking Till I found the One who took it all from me  并且每一步都是如此艰难,就像有人敲打我的背,直到我找到这一切的根源。  Down by the riverside(Down by the riverside)  漫步河畔  I laid my burdens down,Now I"m traveling light  我抛弃了我的烦恼,轻装前行  My spirit lifted high(I found my freedom now)  我志气昂扬(我找到了我的自由)  I found my freedom now,And I"m traveling light  我找到了我的自由,轻松前行  Through the darkest alleys and loneliest valleys  穿过最黑暗的小径和最荒凉的山谷  I was dragging those heavy chains of doubt and fear  我曾背负着疑虑和恐惧的枷锁踟蹰不前  Then with the one word spoken the locks were broken  然后概括的说我最终打破了那些枷锁  Now He"s leading me to places Where there are no tears  现在主带领我远离那些悲伤  Down by the riverside(Down by the riverside)  漫步河畔  I laid my burdens down,Now I"m traveling light  我抛弃了我的烦恼,轻装前行  My spirit lifted high(I found my freedom now)  我志气昂扬(我找到了自己的自由)  I found my freedom now and I"m traveling light  我找到了自己的自由并且轻装前行  ( My burdens down,by the river side,My freedom high.Now I"m traveling light)  (我抛弃了烦恼,我在河边,我非常自由。我轻装前行)  Down by the riverside I laid my burdens down,Now I"m traveling light  漫步河畔忧虑烟消云散,我轻装前行  My spirit lifted high I found my freedom now  我志气昂扬,我找到了自己的自由  And now traveling light,down by the riverside(Down by the riverside)  现在我轻装前行,漫步河畔  I laid my burdens down,Now I"m traveling light  我抛弃忧愁我轻装前行  My spirit lifted high(I found my freedom now)  我志气昂扬,我找到了自己的自由  I found my freedom now,And I"m traveling light(traveling light)  我找到了自己的自由并且轻装前行  Down by the riverside(Down by the riverside)  漫步河畔  I laid my burdens down,Now I"m traveling light  我抛弃忧愁我轻装前行  My spirit lifted high(I found my freedom now)  我志气昂扬,我找到了自己的自由  I found my freedom now,And I"m traveling light  我找到了自己的自由并且轻装前行  (Traveling light Traveling light)  I found my freedom now  我找到了自己的自由并且轻装前行  (Traveling light Traveling light)

Congress 是什么意思



congress 英[u02c8ku0252u014bgres]美[u02c8kɑ:u014bgru0259s]n. 国会; 代表大会; (用于某些国家的政党名称) 国民大会; 社交;vi. 开会,集合;[其他] 第三人称单数:congresses 复数:congresses 现在分词:congressing 过去式:congressed 过去分词:congressed


congress (n.):国会,议会;代表大会;美国国会(Congress)它的复数形式是:congresses.第三人称单数形式是:congresses.现在分词形式是:congressing.过去式是:congressed.过去分词是:congressed.词组短语有:national people"s congress(全国人民代表大会)、library of congress美国国会图书馆)、congress party(国大党)、act of congress(国会法)、member of congress(国会议员)等。近义词有:session/conversation/meeting/parlimant同根词有:congressional(adj.)国会的;会议的;议会的congressman/congresswonman(n.)国会议员;众议院议员


如下:n.国会;代表大会;(美国及其他一些国家的)议会;(用于某些国家的政党名称)国民大会。vi.开会;集合。读音:英 [u02c8ku0252u014bɡres]、美 [u02c8kɑu02d0u014bɡru0259s]。第三人称单数: congresses。复数: congresses。现在分词: congressing。过去式: congressed。过去分词: congressed。短语搭配:Gutian Congress 古田会议。Continental Congress 大陆会议 ; 大陆国会。congress woman 美国国会女众议员 ; 女国会议员。Hotel Congress 议会酒店 ; 会议酒店 ; 团伙所住的国会饭店 ; 国会大酒店。双语例句:Neither have some in Congress.在国会中也有不少。And it should mean something to every member of Congress and every citizen.它应该对国会每一个成员和每一个市民都有意义。We want to cooperate with both the administration and Congress.我们既想与政府合作,也想与国会合作。

selling sales sale 的具体区别到底是什么啊


feel like doing还是to do?

feel like doing。feel like doing=want to do,意为“想做……”。feel like搭配:一、feel like+名词,意为“觉得好像……”。二、feel like+物质名词,意为“摸上去像是……”。三、feel like+名词/代词,意为“觉得想做……”。四、feel like+doing,意为“想做……”。五、feel like+反身代词,意为“感到舒适;感觉身体好”,like可省略。

求易烊千玺nothing to lose和花儿乐队的静止百度云!谢谢各位大佬!!


feel like doing和feel like to do是一个意思吗

feel like doing和feel like to do的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1.feel like doing:想要做某事;觉得想做;想干某事2.feel like to do:想做的事二、用法不同1.feel like doing:基本意思是“想”“要”,指人希望、愿意或决心做某事或获得某物,是日常用语,强调主观愿望。引申可表示“缺少”“缺乏”“不够”“差”“没有”“应该”等。2.feel like to do:表示“请求,命令,建议”等,主要用于美式英语中。作“需要”解时,可接被动形式的动词不定式或主动形式的动名词。用于过去完成时,表示“未达到本来的愿望”。三、侧重点不同1.feel like doing:侧重于表示现在进行时。2.feel like to do:侧重于表示一般现在时。

feel like doing的区别是什么?

feel like doing和feel like to do的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1.feel like doing:想要做某事;觉得想做;想干某事2.feel like to do:想做的事二、用法不同1.feel like doing:基本意思是“想”“要”,指人希望、愿意或决心做某事或获得某物,是日常用语,强调主观愿望。引申可表示“缺少”“缺乏”“不够”“差”“没有”“应该”等。2.feel like to do:表示“请求,命令,建议”等,主要用于美式英语中。作“需要”解时,可接被动形式的动词不定式或主动形式的动名词。用于过去完成时,表示“未达到本来的愿望”。三、侧重点不同1.feel like doing:侧重于表示现在进行时。2.feel like to do:侧重于表示一般现在时。

42. feels like doing sth.和feel like to do sth.的区别?


take along,take apart,take in,和take on分别是什么意思?


feel like doing和 feel like to do 的区别



Riverside_Agnes Obel

“feel like”具体用法(feel like doing sth 和feel like to do sth区别及用法)

有两中意思1.感觉像……2.想;想要 后跟名词和动名词 =would like to do sth.=want to do sth.


sales [seu026alz] n. 销售(sale的复数);销售额adj. 销售的,售货的;有关销售的marketing ["mɑu02d0ku026atu026au014b] n. 行销,销售v. 出售;在市场上进行交易;使…上市(market的ing形式)sales单纯指“销售”,就是“卖”东西。marketing指“市场”,不光有“销售”,还包括“市场培育”、“公关”等 内容。营销(marketing)和销售(sales)属于不同市场环境下的“市场营销”观念。





feel like doing和feel like to do的区别是什么?

feel like doing和feel like to do的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1.feel like doing:想要做某事;觉得想做;想干某事2.feel like to do:想做的事二、用法不同1.feel like doing:基本意思是“想”“要”,指人希望、愿意或决心做某事或获得某物,是日常用语,强调主观愿望。引申可表示“缺少”“缺乏”“不够”“差”“没有”“应该”等。2.feel like to do:表示“请求,命令,建议”等,主要用于美式英语中。作“需要”解时,可接被动形式的动词不定式或主动形式的动名词。用于过去完成时,表示“未达到本来的愿望”。三、侧重点不同1.feel like doing:侧重于表示现在进行时。2.feel like to do:侧重于表示一般现在时。
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