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Fingerprint 指纹 英文单词缩写是什么?



网络营销(cybermarketing,online marketing),“cyber”一词在字典中的解释为“控制复杂系统的科学”,而在实际应用中,其含意还演化为电脑和通讯实现交汇的无形“空间”。网络营销则是借助联机网络、电脑通信和数字交互式媒体的威力来实现营销目标。 网络营销的产生,是科技发展、消费者价值变革、商业竞争等综合因素所促成的。 网络营销产生的技术基础 现代电子技术和通信技术的应用与发展是网络营销产生的技术基础。 我们现在正走进电脑发展的第四个阶段:网络时代(Network Age)。 最初是主机(mainframe)时期,接下来是微型电脑(minicomputer)时期,再以后是个人电脑(personal computer)时期。这几个时期都有其各自的特征:主机时期要穿白大褂,微机时代是团体工作,个人电脑时代单调枯燥,而网络时代则很“酷”(cool)。 距离第一台计算机(1946年2月14日,世界上第一台计算机“埃尼克”在美国宾夕法尼亚大学启动)刚刚启动23年后之后,网络降临在了人间。1969年11月21日中午,6名科学家聚会加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校的计算机实验室,观看这里的一台计算机与远在千里之外的斯坦福研究所的另一台计算机联通。 这是一个历史性的时刻,可惜当时没有一个新闻记者拍下珍贵的照片,正像20年以后《时代》周刊激动而又遗憾地评论道:这些研制者根本没有想到,他们不只是连接了两台计算机,而宣告了网络世界的到来。也正如《连线》杂志所描述的那样,数字化一下子就变得时髦起来了。 国际互联网络是一种集通信技术、信息技术、计算机技术为一体的网络系统。简单地说,Internet就是众多计算机及其网络,通过电话线、光缆、通信卫星等连接而成的一个计算机网。它将入网的不同类型的网络和不同机型的计算机互联起来,构成一个整体,从而实现了网上资源的共享和网络信息的共享。Internet是目前计算机之间进行信息交换和资源共享的最佳方式。 早期的Internet主要用于军事。60年代美国国防部开始研究计算机网络通信的最佳方案,当时连接了不同地区的四台计算机。后来美国高级研究规划署(ARPA)开发研究了TCP/IP网络传输协议,并于1982年被确定为标准网络传输协议。这一协议的诞生,大大方便了各种平台、网络、大型机、中型机、小型机、微机的加入,实现了网上用户信息资源的共享,对网络的发展起了重大作用。

keep on calling的中文翻译歌词





fingerprintn.指纹,指印; vt.采指纹; [英][u02c8fu026au014bgu0259pru026ant][美][u02c8fu026au014bgu0259rpru026ant]


fingerprint指纹双语对照词典结果:fingerprint[英][u02c8fu026au014bgu0259pru026ant][美][u02c8fu026au014bgu0259rpru026ant]n.指纹,指印; vt.采指纹; 第三人称单数:fingerprints过去分词:fingerprinted复数:fingerprints现在进行时:fingerprinting过去式:fingerprinted以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Consider buying a handset with fingerprint recognition security. 可以考虑买一款有指纹识别技术的手机.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

fingerprint 是什么意思?





fingerprint[英][u02c8fu026au014bgu0259pru026ant][美][u02c8fu026au014bgu0259rpru026ant]n.指纹,指印; vt.采指纹; 第三人称单数:fingerprints过去分词:fingerprinted复数:fingerprints现在进行时:fingerprinting过去式:fingerprinted以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.They said they found no fingerprint or dna evidence the letters came from ms. jang. 警方称,他们没有在这些信件上发现张紫妍的指纹或dna痕迹。


fingerprint 英[u02c8fu026au014bgu0259pru026ant] 美[u02c8fu026au014bgu0259rpru026ant] n. 指纹,指印; vt. 采指纹; [例句]He took her to jail, where she was fingerprinted and booked.他把她带到监狱,在那里对她提取了指纹并进行了登记。[其他] 第三人称单数:fingerprints 复数:fingerprints 现在分词:fingerprinting过去式:fingerprinted 过去分词:fingerprinted




fingerprint 英 [u02c8fu026au014bgu0259pru026ant] 美 [u02c8fu026au014bgu0259rpru026ant] n. 指纹,指印; vt. 采指纹; 全部释义>>[例句]Let"s fingerprint the canoe, see if we come up with anything.让我们提取一下独木舟上的指纹,看看能不能有什么发现。更多例句>>复数:fingerprints 过去式:fingerprinted 现在分词:fingerprinting 过去分词:fingerprinted 第三人称单数:fingerprints

翻译In a free country there will always be conficting ideas, and this a source of strenght .

In a free country there will always be conflicting ideas, and this is a source of strength 在自由国家总有相互碰撞的观点,这是力量的源泉


好好检查下代码,Eclipse里面Project-----clean一下试试 还有就是看看配置文件里有没有定义这个Bean(如果没用注解的话)

Xcode编程为什么总在sleep时出现错误,出现conflicting types for“sleep”,以下为我的程序

#include <unistd.h>而不是stdlib.h你可以试试

印度宝莱坞电影 bang,bang男主角是谁演的

赫里尼克·罗斯汉 赫里尼克·罗斯汉是印度天王级电影明星,出演了多部印度大片,以其阳刚粗犷的男性魅力和魅惑的舞姿,强壮的体魄而著称,也因此被称为史泰龙、布拉德·皮特和迈克尔·杰克逊印度版的三合个人简介赫里尼克·罗斯汉原名: Hrithik Roshan昵称: Duggu , Bolunath中文译名:赫里尼克·罗斯汉又译:赫瑞提克·罗山宗教信仰:印度教出生日期: 1974.01.10出生地:印度星座: 魔羯座身高:1.82m体重: 74kg语言:印地语眼睛颜色: 绿色婚姻状况: 已婚 (2000/12/20)家族成员: 父Rakesh Roshan(演员、导演),母Pinky Roshan,姐姐Sunaina,妻子Suzanne, 儿子赫汉·罗森(Hrehaan Roshan)喜欢的男演员: Rakesh Roshan,Robert De Niro喜欢的女演员: Meena Kumar, Jaya Prada, Sridevi,Meg Ryan喜欢的旅游地:英国伦敦喜欢的食物: 中国菜喜欢的颜色: 白色,绿色,棕色喜欢的香水: Polo Sport人物经历赫里尼克身上充满了阳刚粗犷的男性魅力,他迷人的微笑、完美的舞姿和强健的体魄使他成为印度最为著名的男明星之一。他是当今知名度最高的印度男星之一,擅长舞蹈,被称为史泰龙、布拉德·皮特和迈克尔·杰克逊印度版的三合一。赫里尼克·罗斯汉的父亲是印度知名的导演Rakeksh Roshan,他与父亲合作了不少影片,最近的就是2006年Rakeksh导演的科幻动作大片《克里斯》,他在其中扮演人称“印度超人”的宝莱坞大英雄。赫里尼克的第一个电影角色是在Aasha中扮演一个跳舞的男孩,由此踏上大银幕,之后在电影Karan Arjun中担任主角。而2000年的影片Kaho Naa... Pyaar Hai则为他赢得了广泛关注和赞誉,从此之后他出演了许多质量上乘的歌舞爱情片,在宝莱坞树立了自己一线偶像明星的地位。在印度,赫里尼克与宝莱坞巨星Shah Rukh Khan可谓并驾齐驱,两人既是演艺事业中的竞争对手,也是私底下的好朋友。赫里尼克在世界范围内的声誉不及Shah Rukh Khan,所主演的影片也并非都是十分成功,但他凭着自身的优良条件和良好的人缘在宝莱坞站稳了脚跟,并有向世界影坛进军的趋向。2000年与苏珊·罕结婚,两人曾是中学同学,此外苏珊是导演山杰·罕的女儿,这样的婚姻在宝莱坞是司空见惯。婚后两人依然住在孟买,2006年三月喜得长子赫汉·罗森(Hrehaan Roshan)。据说现在苏珊正怀第二个孩子,罗森暂时辞掉了所有电影工作,全力在家做一个好丈夫和好爸爸。

Senior English是什么英语?


解决vue build打包Conflicting order.报错问题

Conflicting order. Following module has been added: 报错信息如下: 解决办法: 1、去每个文件中按照一致的顺序修改完 2、vue.config.js中增加:

conflicting types for built-in function什么意思

conflicting types for built-in function内置函数的冲突类型


cyberbullingcyber是网络的意思,bulling是bully的变形,意味网上霸凌,这是一种新的欺辱模式。可以理解为网友动不动就对一个人的观点进行语言攻击。具体点说:1. 重复并且不断地对其他网民使用言语暴力。2. 重复并且不断地对特定网民或网络群体进行杯葛。3. 模仿特定网民外表及行为特征,并且加以羞辱。4. 把受害人之个人资料(如真实姓名,容貌等)公开,俗称“起底”,但是有时受害者也会公布加害者之个人资料藉以自我保护,由于牵涉言论自由,犯罪加害者的个人隐私保护问题一直存在争议。把受害人容貌移花接木至他人相片中,或在这些相片旁加上诽谤性文字,俗称“改相(改图)”。5. 重复并且不断地在论坛中以言语用发帖甚至以洗版等方式公开侮辱受害人。6. 重复并且不断地伤害跟受害人有关的人士与朋友藉以孤立受害者,称为关系霸凌。7. 使用不同的帐户及身份攻击同一名受害人,导致受害人误以为很多人讨厌及攻击他。这才是真正的意思,而上面那个解释有点不对劲。

c语言报错,提示conflicting types for


电影King.Kong 有画面长宽比为16:9的吗?


求一首英文歌 节奏感比较强的,有句歌词类似king kong down

Satellites [Acoustic Versio...播放歌手:James Blunt语言:英语所属专辑:Heart to Heart发行时间:2014-03-21

求电影《金刚king kong》加长高清完整版。

去电影天堂吧 里面有的 输名字的时候用金刚

conflicting types for C语言


C++ error:conflicting declaration

直接调构造函数是不行滴........student a(n); subject b(n,s);你得实例化对象

cybering 什么意思

cyber: [ saibu0259 ] 电脑,网络 cybering 可能是"上网"

求电影《金刚king kong》加长高清完整版迅雷下载 要求:1080P DTS 国英双音轨 字幕 2005


@C语言大神:为啥函数会【conflicting types】呢,它们不是完全一样的类型吗?

原形是 int trans(int,int);具体定义 是 参数是数组。 所以矛盾。把 原形 声明 改成:int trans(int a[][3],int b[][3]);或int trans(int [][3],int [][3]);

eclipse编译时报错conflicting architecture profiles m/

装多了,插件冲突了!你看它说的是一次只能装一个!Only one of the following can be installed at once: Eclipse UI 3.6.1.M20100826-1330 (org.eclipse.ui 3.6.1.M20100826-1330) Eclipse UI 3.6.2.M20110203-1100 (org.eclipse.ui 3.6.2.M20110203-1100) 不行了,就重新下一个,这种问题自己处理起来也麻烦! Eclipse UI 3.6.0.I20100603-1100 (org.eclipse.ui 3.6.0.I20100603-1100)

一段LINGO程序 老提示conflicting bounds on variable,请高手指点!!!(一直LINGO菜鸟)

model:sets: vec0/1..8/:y; vec1/1..4/:d,z,s; vec2/1..2/:m,b,j,u,t,zv,zh,zr,yr,yb,yfs; !vec5(vec2,vec2)/1,4/:m/@cos(j); !vec6(vec1,vec2)/1,6/:b/d;endsetsDATA: y=4.5 960 20 1.4 1.5 10 540 167; !p=4.5;!n=960;!u0=20;!kh=1.4; !kf=1.5; !l=10; !flagh=540; !flagf=167; Pi=3.1415926536; ze=189.8;enddata s(1)=0.5*d(4)*@sum(vec1:d); s(2)=Pi*d(4)^2/16; s(3)=(d(1)+d(2))^2/8; s(4)=(d(3)+d(4))*(d(2)+d(4))/8; d(1)=m(1)*z(1)/@cos(j(1)); d(2)=m(1)*z(2)/@cos(j(1)); d(3)=m(2)*z(3)/@cos(j(2)); d(4)=m(2)*z(4)/@cos(j(2)); zv(1)=z(1)/(@cos(j(1)))^3; zv(2)=z(3)/(@cos(j(2)))^3; u(1)=z(2)/z(1); u(2)=z(4)/z(3); y(3)=u(1)*u(2); @for(vec2(i):zh(i)=2.27235*((@cos(j(i)))^2+0.1325)^(3/4)/(@cos(j(i)))^0.5); @for(vec2(i):(zr(i))^2*((0.5875-1/z(i)-1/z(i+1))*@cos(j(i)))=0.75354^2); t(1)=950000*y(1)/y(2); t(2)=0.97*u(1)*t(1); @for(vec2(i):yr(i)=zr(i)^2); @for(vec2(i):yb(i)=1-j(i)/140); @for(vec2(i):yfs(i)=@if(zv(i)#le#23,8.16-1.276*@log(zv(i)),@if(zv(i)#le#60,4.85-0.224*@log(zv(i)),@if(zv(i)#le#100,3.952-0.00607*@log(zv(i)),3.658+0.0577*@log(zv(i)))))); MIN=(@sum(vec2(i):b(i))+y(6))*@sum(vec1(i):s(i)); @for(vec2:m-1.5>=0); @for(vec2:zv>=17); @for(vec2:@bnd(8*Pi/180,j,15*Pi/180)); u(1)<=1.5*u(2); u(1)>=1.1*u(1); b(1)<=1.2*d(1); b(1)>=0.6*d(1); b(2)<=1.2*d(3); b(2)>=0.6*d(3); ze*zh(1)*zr(1)*(0.475*y(4)*t(1)*(u(1)+1)/(u(1)*b(1)*d(1)*d(1)))^0.5<=y(7); ze*zh(2)*zr(2)*(0.475*y(4)*t(2)*(u(2)+1)/(u(2)*b(2)*d(3)*d(3)))^0.5<=y(7); yfs(1)*yr(1)*yb(1)*0.475*y(5)*t(1)/(b(1)*d(1)*m(1))<=y(8); yfs(2)*yr(2)*yb(2)*0.475*y(5)*t(2)/(b(2)*d(3)*m(2))<=y(8); @for(vec2(i):b(i)*@sin(j(i))/(Pi*m(i))>=1); d(3)+d(4)>d(2); end 这样改没有语法错误了 可以运行 但是没有可行解你写的程序太乱了 开方和除法 三角函数都用的太多了 x前面根本没出现过 不知道你写了干什么用 具体是否有可行解这些要看具体的模型 你自己看看不加限制的解吧 你自己看看没加限制的解 自己算一下看看 我没法给你看 没有题目没有数据 语法没错


你的函数在使用之前需要先声明:void foo(int); //这里声明函数int main(){//; //因为foo函数的实体在main函数的后面,所以需要在main函数前面先声明一下 //或者把foo函数的实体移到main函数的前面//...}void foo(int n){}

edit conflicting domains什么意思

conflicting-priorities 优先级冲突;优先次序的冲突 全部,优先级冲突,优先次序的冲突 1. Who will resist depends on the source of the ideas and their conflictingpriorities. 哪些人将抵触变化?这要依赖于这些想法的根源,还有他们相互冲突的优先级。

刚学数组,编了一个程序,但是总是报错conflicting type, 求大神帮我看下

只说类型冲突这个问题。在开头这两个函数是这样声明的:void scoreinput(int, int);void scoreenter(int, int);参数是两个int 类型;而在后面的定义中却是:void scoreinput(int lcv, int projects[SCORE_NUM])和void scoreenter(int projects[SCORE_NUM], int lcv)参数是一个int数组和一个int类型。要知道数组在作为形参时,传递的是地址。所以开头的声明应该是:void scoreinput(int, int a[]);void scoreenter(int a[], int);其中a是形参的名字,当然可以随意改(不过应该是要和定义中的名字一样的),关键是要有后面的中括号"[]"。



king crimson怎么念

读音是:英[ku026au014b'kru026amzn]。重点词汇:king。英[ku026au014b]释义:n.君主,国王;某物之王,首屈一指者;(国际象棋中的)王;极具影响;(纸牌中的)老K;(英国)男性国王在位时使用的国歌。v.<古>立……为王。【名】(King)(德、英、葡、捷、西)金,(中)金(普通话·威妥玛),(泰)京,(东南亚国家华语)京(人名)。[复数:kings;第三人称单数:kings;现在分词:kinging;过去式:kinged;过去分词:kinged]短语:King Kong金刚;许冠杰;大金刚;片。词语使用变化:kingn.(名词)king的基本意思是“君主,国王”,指一个君主制国家中处于至高无上地位的男人,与其相对应的阴性名词是queen。king用于比喻还可表示“巨头,大王”或某一行业中的“杰出人物”。表示封、立、宣布或选举某人为国王时,其前一般不用冠词,其余情况下常加定冠词the。

kingk barbie是什么意思

应该是king kong barbie 金刚芭比

covid-19 &drug repurposing

Drug repurposing involves the identification of new applications for existing drugs at a lower cost and in a shorter time. There are different computational drug-repurposing strategies and some of these approaches have been applied to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Computational drug-repositioning approaches applied to COVID-19 can be broadly categorized into (i) network-based models, (ii) structure-based approaches and (iii) artificial intelligence (AI) approaches. Network-based approaches are divided into two categories: network-based clustering approaches and network-based propagation approaches. Both of them allowed to annotate some important patterns, to identify proteins that are functionally associated with COVID-19 and to discover novel drug–disease or drug–target relationships useful for new therapies. Structure-based approaches allowed to identify small chemical compounds able to bind macromolecular targets to evaluate how a chemical compound can interact with the biological counterpart, trying to find new applications for existing drugs. AI-based networks appear, at the moment, less relevant since they need more data for their application. key: 1)基于网络(聚类和传播) 2)基于结构 3)基于AI 提示关键过程是病毒刺突蛋白与人血管紧张素转化酶2(ACE2)和跨膜丝氨酸蛋白酶2(TMPRSS2)的相互作用:刺突蛋白的受体结合结构域与人ACE2的肽酶结构域结合。Mpro介导病毒的复制和转录 计算了药物靶标与HCoV相关蛋白之间的网络邻近度,以筛选人蛋白相互作用组模型下HCoV的候选可重复使用药物 A newly described coronavirus named severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which is the causative agent of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), has infected over 2.3 million people, led to the death of more than 160,000 individuals and caused worldwide social and economic disruption 1 ,[2]( "WHO. Coronavirus disease (COVID-2019) situation reports. (2020)."). There are no antiviral drugs with proven clinical efficacy for the treatment of COVID-19, nor are there any vaccines that prevent infection with SARS-CoV-2, and efforts to develop drugs and vaccines are hampered by the limited knowledge of the molecular details of how SARS-CoV-2 infects cells. Here we cloned, tagged and expressed 26 of the 29 SARS-CoV-2 proteins in human cells and identified the human proteins that physically associated with each of the SARS-CoV-2 proteins using affinity-purification mass spectrometry, identifying 332 high-confidence protein–protein interactions between SARS-CoV-2 and human proteins. Among these, we identify 66 druggable human proteins or host factors targeted by 69 compounds (of which, 29 drugs are approved by the US Food and Drug Administration, 12 are in clinical trials and 28 are preclinical compounds). We screened a subset of these in multiple viral assays and found two sets of pharmacological agents that displayed antiviral activity: inhibitors of mRNA translation and predicted regulators of the sigma-1 and sigma-2 receptors. Further studies of these host-factor-targeting agents, including their combination with drugs that directly target viral enzymes, could lead to a therapeutic regimen to treat COVID-19. key: 亲和纯化质谱 26 332 66 69The recent epidemic outbreak of a novel human coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2 causing the respiratory tract disease COVID-19 has reached worldwide resonance and a global effort is being undertaken to characterize the molecular features and evolutionary origins of this virus. In this paper, we set out to shed light on the SARS-CoV-2/host receptor recognition, a crucial factor for successful virus infection. Based on the current knowledge of the interactome between SARS-CoV-2 and host cell proteins, we performed Master Regulator Analysis to detect which parts of the human interactome are most affected by the infection. We detected, amongst others, affected apoptotic and mitochondrial mechanisms, and a downregulation of the ACE2 protein receptor, notions that can be used to develop specific therapies against this new virus. key: 125 proteins (31 viral proteins and 94 human host proteins) and 200 unique interactions. Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Various studies exist about the molecular mechanisms of viral infection. However, such information is spread across many publications and it is very time-consuming to integrate, and exploit. We develop CoVex, an interactive online platform for SARS-CoV-2 host interactome exploration and drug (target) identification. CoVex integrates virus-human protein interactions, human protein-protein interactions, and drug-target interactions. It allows visual exploration of the virus-host interactome and implements systems medicine algorithms for network-based prediction of drug candidates. Thus, CoVex is a resource to understand molecular mechanisms of pathogenicity and to prioritize candidate therapeutics. We investigate recent hypotheses on a systems biology level to explore mechanistic virus life cycle drivers, and to extract drug repurposing candidates. CoVex renders COVID-19 drug research systems-medicine-ready by giving the scientific community direct access to network medicine algorithms. It is available at . AI方法: Background The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has caused more than 193,825 deaths during the past few months. A quick-to-be-identified cure for the disease will be a therapeutic medicine that has prior use experiences in patients in order to resolve the current pandemic situation before it could become worsening. Artificial intelligence (AI) technology is hereby applied to identify the marketed drugs with potential for treating COVID-19. Methods An AI platform was established to identify potential old drugs with anti-coronavirus activities by using two different learning databases; one consisted of the compounds reported or proven active against SARS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2, human immunodeficiency virus, influenza virus, and the other one containing the known 3C-like protease inhibitors. All AI predicted drugs were then tested for activities against a feline coronavirus in in vitro cell-based assay. These assay results were feedbacks to the AI system for relearning and thus to generate a modified AI model to search for old drugs again. Results After a few runs of AI learning and prediction processes, the AI system identified 80 marketed drugs with potential. Among them, 8 drugs (bedaquiline, brequinar, celecoxib, clofazimine, conivaptan, gemcitabine, tolcapone, and vismodegib) showed in vitro activities against the proliferation of a feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) virus in Fcwf-4 cells. In addition, 5 other drugs (boceprevir, chloroquine, homoharringtonine, tilorone, and salinomycin) were also found active during the exercises of AI approaches. Conclusion Having taken advantages of AI, we identified old drugs with activities against FIP coronavirus. Further studies are underway to demonstrate their activities against SARS-CoV-2 in vitro and in vivo at clinically achievable concentrations and doses. With prior use experiences in patients, these old drugs if proven active against SARS-CoV-2 can readily be applied for fighting COVID-19 pandemic. The infection of a novel coronavirus found in Wuhan of China (SARS-CoV-2) is rapidly spreading, and the incidence rate is increasing worldwide. Due to the lack of effective treatment options for SARS-CoV-2, various strategies are being tested in China, including drug repurposing. In this study, we used our pre-trained deep learning-based drug-target interaction model called Molecule Transformer-Drug Target Interaction (MT-DTI) to identify commercially available drugs that could act on viral proteins of SARS-CoV-2. The result showed that atazanavir, an antiretroviral medication used to treat and prevent the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), is the best chemical compound, showing an inhibitory potency with Kd of 94.94 nM against the SARS-CoV-2 3C-like proteinase, followed by remdesivir (113.13 nM), efavirenz (199.17 nM), ritonavir (204.05 nM), and dolutegravir (336.91 nM). Interestingly, lopinavir, ritonavir, and darunavir are all designed to target viral proteinases. However, in our prediction, they may also bind to the replication complex components of SARS-CoV-2 with an inhibitory potency with Kd < 1000 nM. In addition, we also found that several antiviral agents, such as Kaletra (lopinavir/ritonavir), could be used for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2. Overall, we suggest that the list of antiviral drugs identified by the MT-DTI model should be considered, when establishing effective treatment strategies for SARS-CoV-2. key: 同时基于药物-靶点相互作用和分子结构 注意力机制学习药物序列和靶点氨基酸序列的亲和力,Docking We performed RNA-seq and high-resolution mass spectrometry on 128 blood samples from COVID-19-positive and COVID-19-negative patients with diverse disease severities and outcomes. Quantified transcripts, proteins, metabolites, and lipids were associated with clinical outcomes in a curated relational database, uniquely enabling systems analysis and cross-ome correlations to molecules and patient prognoses. We mapped 219 molecular features with high significance to COVID-19 status and severity, many of which were involved in complement activation, dysregulated lipid transport, and neutrophil activation. We identified sets of covarying molecules, e.g., protein gelsolin and metabolite citrate or plasmalogens and apolipoproteins, offering pathophysiological insights and therapeutic suggestions. The observed dysregulation of platelet function, blood coagulation, acute phase response, and endotheliopathy further illuminated the unique COVID-19 phenotype. We present a web-based tool ( enabling interactive exploration of our compendium and illustrate its utility through a machine learning approach for prediction of COVID-19 severity. key: RNA-seq and high-resolution mass spectrometry 跨组学 鉴定与疾病严重程度相关的分子特征 219 molecular features 表明在COVID-19下确实可以调节关键的生物学过程,包括补体系统激活,脂质转运,血管损伤,血小板激活和脱粒,凝血,和急性期反应 我们还提供了一个应用示例,该示例利用此资源基于所有组学数据开发疾病严重性预测模型




《Falling》   In and out of love With you  Sometimes I love you  Sometimes u make me blue  Sometimes I feel good  At times I feel used  Lovin you darling  Makes me so confused  I keep on  Falling  In and out of love with you  I never loved someone  The way that I love you  Oh, oh , I never felt this way  How do you give me so much pleasure  And cause me so much pain  Just when I think  I"ve taken more than would a fool  I start fallin" back in love with you  I keep on  Falling  In and out of love with you  I never loved someone  The way that I love you  I keep on I keep on  In and out In and out In and out  I never loved someone  The way that I love you

我经常划船 英语翻译 cycling;cycle;go cycling 各用于? 我一直不清楚



基本信息歌曲:Kong歌手:侧田编曲:雷颂德专辑:《No Protection(Dual Disc Version)》发行日期:2006.03.24歌曲介绍这是专辑中最悲情的一首歌,这首歌不按规则的出牌最终还是征服了许多听众。歌词我我没有害过人只想失恋也有名份我太乐意献一吻为什么这温柔会犯禁若你我可抱着睡连命也甘心短几岁谁能及我将性命也豁出去若与你好有罪全是律例不对我要追离弃世界亦要追宁愿天去收我也替你受重伤金刚跟美女恋上也是个传奇狂想纵是遗憾收场都必需跟你明刀明枪子弹不怕上一级级上塔尖欣赏欣赏你忧伤就算你早有别人无碍我争取梦中人扶摇直上高到共你能拥吻别说到太高深能自愿便相衬够决心越中箭我越勇敢不屑不信不怕打击更令我坚强这纵是妄想能得到你给举世景仰我有我梦与想多高攀也敢攀上这份爱传奇无双苦命人相拥俯看世上风霜歌名《kong》取自美国电影《king kong》,表示会像电影中的金刚一样,不畏任何因素的阻挠,不管旁人的看法和态度,以坚定的决心去争取与心爱的人在一起。



king kong是什么药

king kong是金刚的意思不是药你朋友逗你呢

John Barry的《King Kong》 歌词

歌曲名:King Kong歌手:John Barry专辑:Moviola Ii: Action And AdventureAh nah nah nahDon"t come to my roomIf you"ve got nothing good to sayCan"t run me over in a parked carAh nah nah nahYou"re always speaking for soundTripping over wordsI know it"s habit and you mean wellyou mean wellAh nah nah nahOne of us is leavingAnd it won"t be meYou take my drum and you beat itSo it never healsAh nah nah nahWe know our lines too wellWe are water tightAnd all the good thigns that you mean to saythey get lostDon"t come to my roomWhen you"ve got nothing good to sayCan"t run me over in a parked carA parked carOne of us is leavingAnd it won"t be meYou take my drum and you beat itSo it never healsOne of us is leavingOne of us is leavingOne of us is leavingOne of us is leaving

kong king 翻译成汉语怎么说


为什么 KING KONG 翻译成金刚


陈奕迅的《King Kong》 歌词

歌曲名:King Kong歌手:陈奕迅专辑:Third Encounter Live陈奕迅 - King Kong曲:Eric Kwok 词:林宝 编:Eric Kwok即管取笑我高脂肪 这KingKong真的可一气过 哼一千首爱歌根本不会怕他跟他怎讲只因一身脂肪抵挡得起炮火大大大大大大大条道理份量大就可吸多点空气来日日夜夜侍候及承受你单薄的丝质梳化怎可以媲美成廿八吋大睥你话瘦多好看 但我话其实你没有眼光照道理这般看 下个大气候会大兴粗壮你话要抛低我你便会欣赏我但我话其实你还未够磅用重量衡量爱情没法挡你话我应沮丧会像我般向往但我话这是最大的解放让重量去做最后的解放腹肌一块过 不必三尖八角小姐可以脂肪中滑浪及游乐不必安慰我 即使多脂肪这胸襟都不须找软尺去量度份量就是力量若还未够他日就在月夜下抱着大楼全面为你爆钮

为什么be afraid of doing 要加of

因为这个是一个固定搭配。be afraid of doing 就是固定搭配所以直接记住就可以了意思是 害怕做某事

be afraid of doing 与be afraid to do 的区别


be afraid to do和be afraid of doing的区别


be afraid to do和be afraid of doing的区别

看过很多人对这两个短语的辨析,但都觉得解释得不很到位,甚至会有种越看越糊涂的感觉.两个短语都有“不敢去做某事”的意思,但be afraid to do sth.真正的意思是“害怕做某事”,也就是主语对做某事内心感到恐惧;be afraid of doing sth.表示主语内心里不情愿做某事,也可以说是不希望发生某事,但自己不一定能避免它.例如:He was afraid to go out alone at night.(他害怕晚上独自外出.暗含的意思是“他对于晚上独自外出缺乏安全感”.)He came late to school and was afraid of being scolded by the teacher.(他上学迟到了,害怕被老师吵.暗含的意思是“他不情愿被老师吵”.)用“不敢.”来辨别这两个短语很能说明问题.He is afraid of being beaten by his father.他怕被他爸打.(不是他敢不敢的问题,他是不情愿.)He is afraid to touch the snake.他不敢碰那条蛇.(他内心里恐惧蛇.)

afraid of 要不要加动词的ing形式?


be afraid of doing sth是什么意思? afraid of doing sth意思是“害怕某事会发生”,重点在“怕”;be afraid to do sth意思是“(因为害怕而)不敢做某事”,重点在“不敢”.2.如:The little boy is afraid to return home because he is afraid being beaten by his father.这个小男孩因为害怕会被他老爸打,所以不敢回家.如果写成:The little boy is afraid of returning home because he is afraid to be beaten by his father.就很搞笑了:这个小男孩因为不敢被他老爸打,所以害怕会回家.3.另外,还有be afraid of sb/sth的用法“害怕某人/物”,但是后者只有be afraid to do sth“不敢做某事”.

be afraid to do sth ,be afraid of doing sth的区别

be afraid to do sth害怕去做某事be afraid of doing sth害怕某事会发生

be afraid of doing还是be afraid todo afraid of doing sth意思是“害怕某事会发生”,重点在“怕”;be afraid to do sth意思是“(因为害怕而)不敢做某事”,重点在“不敢”.2.如:The little boy is afraid to return home because he is afraid being beaten by his father.这个小男孩因为害怕会被他老爸打,所以不敢回家.如果写成:The little boy is afraid of returning home because he is afraid to be beaten by his father.就很搞笑了:这个小男孩因为不敢被他老爸打,所以害怕会回家.3.另外,还有be afraid of sb/sth的用法“害怕某人/物”,但是后者只有be afraid to do sth“不敢做某事”.扩展资料:afraid,发音英[u0259u02c8freu026ad];美[u0259u02c8fred],形容词,恐怕; 害怕的; 担心的; 畏惧,害怕。例句She was afraid of waking her husband. 她怕吵醒她丈夫。I"m afraid of telling her. 我不敢告诉她


歌曲名:LIE BURIED WITH A VENGEANCE歌手:Dir en grey专辑:The Marrow of a BoneI rail at the sordid youSomething"s missing from my mindHaizuri mawaru munashiki iki you saSomething"s missing from my heartThis is the real worldSou da oshi mitsu seru kanjou o ? ji komeSo attack So attackDelete everythingCrime without reason does existI am the soul of revengeSomething"s missing from my earsHai sakebi mebaeru aijou kaSomething"s missing from my voiceThis is the real worldChi de chi o arai seigi o kakageroSo attack So attackDelete everythingCrime without reason does existI am the soul of revengeMind Over AllNanimokamo nagesuteroHas my head gone mad?Mu kachi ni ore o kazatta saru tomo kaHas my heart gone mad?This is the real worldDobunezumi, haiena, kuso buta bakariSo attack So attackDelete everythingCrime without reason does existI am the soul of revengeMind Over AllNanimokamo nagesuteroTaste the destinyAre you the most superior leader of all?Fuck, you"re a motherfucker

be afraid to do和be afraid of doing的区别

看过很多人对这两个短语的辨析,但都觉得解释得不很到位,甚至会有种越看越糊涂的感觉.两个短语都有“不敢去做某事”的意思,但be afraid to do sth.真正的意思是“害怕做某事”,也就是主语对做某事内心感到恐惧;be afraid of doing sth.表示主语内心里不情愿做某事,也可以说是不希望发生某事,但自己不一定能避免它.例如:He was afraid to go out alone at night.(他害怕晚上独自外出.暗含的意思是“他对于晚上独自外出缺乏安全感”.)He came late to school and was afraid of being scolded by the teacher.(他上学迟到了,害怕被老师吵.暗含的意思是“他不情愿被老师吵”.)用“不敢.”来辨别这两个短语很能说明问题.He is afraid of being beaten by his father.他怕被他爸打.(不是他敢不敢的问题,他是不情愿.)He is afraid to touch the snake.他不敢碰那条蛇.(他内心里恐惧蛇.)


歌名《kong》取自美国电影《king kong》,将自己比作电影中的金刚一样,不畏任何因素的阻挠,不管旁人的看法和态度,以坚定的决心去争取与心爱的人在一起

be afraid of doing sth和be afraid to do sth的区别 afraid of doing sth意思是“害怕某事会发生”,重点在“怕”;be afraid to do sth意思是“(因为害怕而)不敢做某事”,重点在“不敢”.2.如:The little boy is afraid to return home because he is afraid being beaten by his father.这个小男孩因为害怕会被他老爸打,所以不敢回家.如果写成:The little boy is afraid of returning home because he is afraid to be beaten by his father.就很搞笑了:这个小男孩因为不敢被他老爸打,所以害怕会回家.3.另外,还有be afraid of sb/sth的用法“害怕某人/物”,但是后者只有be afraid to do sth“不敢做某事”.

一种长方形黑药丸上面字母是king kong

金刚 大力丸壮阳药


名字而已, 没大多的意义

king kong1024如何恢复出厂设置

建议按以下步骤进行:1、先行备手机内的数据 (短信、联系人、下载的应用程序等),然后请按以下步骤操作恢复出厂设置 :2、两种方式:(1)手机在开机状态下,进入手机设置—存储—菜单拉到最下,点击恢复出厂设置即可。(2)先把手机彻底关机,然后同时按住“音量减键”+“电源键”,直到手机出现Hboot界面,然后松手,按音量选择页面中的FACTORY RESET这一项,选好之后按下电源键确定即可清除所有数据恢复出厂设置。3、重启手机后,手机便恢复出厂设置了。

电影《无耻混蛋》酒吧中猜人名那场戏,盖世太保头上那张「King Kong」的卡片有什么隐喻或彩蛋吗?

首先第一,盖世太保Hellstrom在游戏的开始即说明,写的人物可以是真实的,也可以是虚构的。此处是第一伏笔。很多影评对《无耻混蛋》的指责就是,无视历史,竟然编出希特勒希姆莱戈林等人被一并炸死的剧情。然而此处即是昆汀的第一次隐喻:这部电影你可以当真实来看,也可以理解为完全虚构。 第二,游戏的规则是问十个用“是/否”来回答的问题,最后来说出自己头上的人物。此处为伏笔二。 如果你是德国人,你不会去破坏游戏规则:只有10个问题,之后必须作出回答。 “上尉,你还不如这杯苏格兰威士忌更像德国人。” 无论是金刚还是黑奴,在上面10个问题中都是合理的答案。但为什么德国人先说现实存在的黑奴,后说虚构的金刚呢? 其实此处是昆汀的再次隐喻:“你以为这是真实的,其实这都是虚构的”。骂人猴子是有明显侮辱性的,在他们喝酒之前,德国人已经怀疑他们是间谍了,这个看似玩笑的小游戏却直接体现出了英国人对纳粹的侮辱。而女星开始的时候觉得是个游戏,但是到最后已经感觉到了德国人的态度,所以她是玩不下去了。而英国人还沾沾自喜的以为自己的小聪明得逞了。

韩国King Kong Entertainment经济公司旗下都有哪些艺人?


中译英: 在结局的这一幕,King Kong在帝国大厦的顶层被警方的直升机乱枪扫射而死。

At the end of this episode, King Kong in the top floor of The Empire State Building was shot to death by the police helicopter

金刚 king_kong 电影说明了什么?

金刚从未去主动攻击人类,只是傻傻的追随着爱,而人却主动出击一次次将他置于死地,赶尽杀绝,这其实正是人类内心懦弱和自私的极端表现,事实上人类也是这样一步步毁灭这个原本和谐美好的自然的。金刚怎么死的?与其说是被美女害死的,倒不如说是被人性丑陋的一面害死的吧。 很难想像,强壮而粗野的金刚,却在一个纤弱女子面前,显出内心深藏着的脆弱与孤独。金刚为爱燃尽了整个生命,他得到的是那个女子的一个微笑、一个抚摸、一行泪水。仅此而已。最后的帝国大厦楼顶,金刚右手掩胸,和ANN一同远眺朝阳冉冉升起。左手掩胸,意思是,太美了。他一边看着朝阳一边温柔地将ANN轻轻托在手中。太美了。他是指景,还是人,亦或指他的爱情,谁都不知道。只是那一瞬间,仿佛回到远古丛林中的那个岩壁上,金刚和ANN相依看着朝阳冉冉升起,那万丈霞光,天边的红云,美到令人心碎的清晨,ANN甜蜜微笑,左手掩胸,试图告诉金刚,这太美了。 当金刚再也支撑不住即将倒下的那一刻,眼中流露出的眷恋。。。它盯着ANN美丽的双眸,仿佛要用尽全身力气看到她的心底。他竭力将手伸向她,却无法触碰到她,那一刻,他想告诉她,他是那样地爱着她,直至精疲力竭,粉身碎骨。相信看到这个画面,每个观众的内心都是悲哀的,但这也很美,美的让人无法触摸,遥不可及。

King Kong的《Paranoia》 歌词

歌曲:Paranoia歌手: King Kong所属专辑:《Trouble Again》歌词:Please could you stop the noise,Im trying get some rest.From all the unborn chicken,Voices in my head.Whats that,Whats that,Whats that,Whats that,When i am king,You will be first against the wallWith your opinionsWhich is of no consequence at allAmbition makes you look pretty uglyKicking squeeling gucci little piggyYou dont rememberYou dont rememberWhy dont you remember my name anymoreOff with his head manOff with his head manWhy wont he remember my name?I guess he doesoooohhhhhhhhhoooohhhhhhhhhoooohhhhhhhhhoooohhhhhhhhhrain downrain downrain downrain downCome on rain down on meCome on rain down on meFrom a great heightFrom a great heightFrom a great heightFrom a great heightThats it sir,Youre leaving,The crackle of pig skin,The dust and the screaming,The yuppies networking,The panic,The panic,The vomit,The vomit,God loves his children,God loves his children,

谁知道电影《king kong》(金钢)中女主角的真实姓名和简介?


侧田 kong 的歌词大意是什么???``KING KONG ???



cycle [u02c8saikl] n. 循环, 周期 词性变化 cycling [u02c8saikliu014b] n. 循环, 振荡 周期工作 (循环)变化, 周期性变化 发出脉冲 骑自行车 交变负载, 交变应力 反应堆功率循环 cycling life test 闪烁寿命试验 词性变化 cycle [u02c8saikl] vt. 使循环,使轮转 circulate [u02c8su0259:kjuleit] vt. & vi. (使)循环, (使)流通 repeat [riu02c8pi:t] vi. 重复说[做] (枪)连打 (小数等)循环 [美] 投票多于一次的违法行为 (食物)留有味道 loop n. 环, 圈, 弯曲部分, 循环 vt. 使成环, 以圈结, 以环连结 vi. 打环, 翻筋斗

《金刚》King Kong是意译还是音译?


be afraid to do与be afraid of doing有什么区别 afraid to do 主要指按照经验或常识不敢去做某事或没有勇气去做某事.如:The little boy was afraid to go out at night.这个小男孩晚上不敢出去.注:在现代英语中,也可以用be afraid of doing 结构来表示上述意思.如:He was afraid to tell[of telling]his wife.他不敢告诉他妻子 afraid of doing 主要表示担心会发生某事(是一种无意行为),此时不能用be afraid to do 结构.如:I was afraid of hurting his feelings.我怕伤了他的感情.请再体会下列句子:The girl was afraid to speak English before so many people because she was afraid of making mistakes.这个女孩不敢在那么多人面前说英语,因为她怕出错.She was afraid to swim because she was afraid of drowning.她不敢游泳,因为她担心会被淹死



电影《金刚》(king kong)是中国话吗?



be afraid to do 不敢,胆怯去做某事,是主观上的原因不去做,意为"怕";be afraid of doing 担心出现doing的状况、结果。 doing 是客观上造成的,意为"生怕,恐怕"。例如:She was afraid to wake her husband.她不敢去叫醒她丈夫。She was afraid of waking her husband.她生怕吵醒她丈夫。

be afraid of doing sth造句

I am afraid of playing basketball



“be afraid of doing ”与“be afraid to do ”的区别是什么?

  一、be afraid to do主要指按照经验或常识不敢去做某事或没有勇气去做某事。如: The little boy was afraid to go out at night.这个小男孩晚上不敢出去。  二、be afraid of doing 主要表示担心会发生某事(是一种无意行为),此时不能用be afraid to do 结构。如: I was afraid of hurting his feelings.我怕伤了他的感情。

电影《金刚》中king kong到底啥意思啊

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