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What are you good at sort of things这句话对吗

What are you good at sort of things?这句话存在语法错误,是不正确的。What are you good at 的意思是你擅长做什么事情, sort of things的意思是诸如此类。正确的句子应该是:What kind of things are you good at?意思为:你擅长做什么诸如此类的事情。

请帮我用sort of thing 造个句子 我想知道他的用法


code for booting 的含义

含义是:启动代码。重点词汇:code英[ku0259u028ad]释义:n.密码;法规;准则。v.制成法典;把…编码例句:用作名词(n.)I can break the code of this box.我能破译这个箱子的密码。词语辨析:law,constitution,regulation,code,rule,act这些名词均有“法同,法规”之意。1、law普通用词,泛指由最高当局所制订、立法机构所通过的任何成文或不成文的法规或条例。2、constitution指治理国家或国家在处理内外政务时所遵循的基本法律和原则;也指规章规则的汇集。3、regulation普通用词,指用于管理、指导或控制某系统或组织的规则、规定或原则等。4、code指某一阶层或社会所遵守的一整套法典、法规或法则;也可指与某一特殊活动或主题有关的规则。5、rule通常指机关、团体的规章、条例或比赛规则;也指对人行为、方法等所作的规定,还可指习俗所承认的规定。6、act指经立法机构通过并由行政管理签署的法案。

I am sort of suffering in noise。怎么翻译?


He is not that sort of chap who likes being made up of 是什么意思


I am sort of suffering in noise。怎么翻译?


为什么staff有时复数,有时单数?the staff is being trained,all


为什么staff有时复数,有时单数?the staff is being trained,all


英语翻:原谅那个年轻人又一次迟到是不明智的.为什么for his being late again


in failing to fail to 用法有什么不同?

fail to do 未能做成某事

As a famous saying goes, time is money, which shows the important of time. Time is valuable but...

小题1:important-importance小题2:they-it小题3:How-What小题4:play-playing小题5:are-is小题6:the-a小题7:However-Therefore小题8:rid后加of小题9:that去掉小题10:brought-bring 试题分析:短文讲的是时间的重要性。主要考查学生对冠词、代词、形容词、固定短语、固定搭配、名词性从句、主谓一致、时态的掌握情况。小题1:考查词性转换。the importance of sth意为“......的重要性”,应该用名词形式,故把important改为importance。小题2:考查人称代词。这里指代time,time不可数,应该用it,故把they改为it。小题3:考查感叹句。当感叹句的中心词是名词时,用what引导感叹句,pity遗憾的事;how修饰形容词或副词,故把How改为What。小题4:考查固定搭配。spend time (in) doing sth花费时间做某事,故把play改为playing。小题5:考查主谓一致。当动名词作主语时,谓语动词用第三人称单数,故把are改为is。小题6:考查冠词。as a result结果,是固定短语,故把the改为a。小题7:考查副词。However然而,表示转折,therefore因此,这里表示因果关系,故把However改为Therefore。小题8:考查固定短语。get rid of消除,故在rid后加of。小题9:考查宾语从句。what引导宾语从句,作put off的宾语,故把that去掉。小题10:考查时态。will后跟动词原形,故把brought改为bring。

fail后可接to do sth吗,不是接fail in doing sth?为什么?

fail to do sth.:没能做某事 fail in doing sth 是在做sth的过程中失败(去做的事情开始了,中途出问题) fail to do sth 是去做而没做成,(去做的事情没有开始)

失败做某事(做了的)是不是fail in doing?in能省略吗 fail to do 是根本就没做 翻译为没能做某事对吗


fail to do等不等同于stop doing?

不等同,意思不同。fail to do是想做但未能做stop doing是停止正在进行中的事情

fail的几种用法 fail in sth fail in doing sth fail to do sth fail sth

fail to do sth.没有,不能 fail in(doing)sth.在……方面失败 例如: I fail to see why you find it so amusing.我弄不懂你们为什么对这件事感到如此好笑. He never fails to phone his mother on her birthday.每逢母亲过生日时,他都会打电话给她. The chairman failed in trying to persuade the committee to share his opinion.主席未能说服委员会同意他的观点. He has been failing in health for the last two years.近两年来,他的健康状况一直在衰退. fail in sth 和fail st用不能直接用

fail to do sth和fail in doing sth的区别


fail to do和 fail doing有区别没?


fail to do和fail doing的区别

fail to do既可以表示没有做某事;也可以表示做了,但失败了。fail in doing表示做了,但失败了,而且是中途失败。fail to do表示还没做某事,不能做某事。 fail to do sth 不能;未能做;没有能力做某事;使…失望(这件事还没做) he failed to catch the first train. 他没能赶上第一班火车。 People seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not endwith graduation. 人们似乎没有考虑到教育并不是终止于毕业的事实。 I fail to see why you find it so amusing. 我弄不懂你们为什么对这件事感到如此好笑。 fail in sth/doing sth 在某些方面失败/不足;考试不及格(强调这件事已经做过了,结果是失败的) He has been failing in health for the last two years. 近两年来,他的健康状况一直在衰退。 (很少用doing,一般后接名词。大部分做考试不及格的意思。) 比如,当你表达一个同学没有完成作业时,可以说she failed in doing his homework.(意思是她的作业没做完),但不能说she fail to do his homework。

fail to do sth和fail in doing sth的区别

fail to do sth和fail in doing sth的区别为:使用场合不同、含义不同、用法不同。一、使用场合不同 to do sth英 [feu026al tu duu02d0 u02c8su028cmθu026au014b] 美 [feu026al tu duu02d0 u02c8su028cmθu026au014b] 解析:不定式及其短语还可以有自己的宾语、状语,虽然动词不定式在语法上没有表面上的直接主语,但它表达的意义是动作,这一动作一定由使动者(动词的使用者)发出,这一使动者(动词的使用者)我们称之为逻辑主语。 in doing sth英 [feu026al u026an duu02d0u026au014b u02c8su028cmθu026au014b] 美 [feu026al u026an duu02d0u026au014b u02c8su028cmθu026au014b] 解析:动名词做主语时,谓语动词为单数,在动名词和不定式中,作为介词的宾语是动名词。二、含义不同 to do sth释义:做不到某事。 in doing sth释义:做某事失败。


本句可连词成问句 Is that the dining hall?

in the dining hall为什么前面加the?和 in dining hall 的区别

the表示特指这个食堂啊,in the dining hall在这个食堂里

fail to do sth和fail in doing sth的区别


4. There __was__ no dining hall two years ago.为什么?

There be 遵循就近原则dining hall 是单数two years ago 两年前 用于一般过去时态be 用was

Dining hall 和canteen 有分别吗?


donteatintheclassroom.youmusteatin the dininghall

Don"t eat in the classroom. You must eat in the dining hall.意思是:不要在教室里吃东西。你必须在餐厅里吃。或者,教室里禁止用餐,就餐须在餐厅。classroom,名词,教室。dining hall,餐厅。


where is the dining hall饭堂在哪里

古代有饭厅(dining hall)么?


We can have lunch in the (dining) hall.(dine)为什么填dining

你能解释:游泳池为什么是swimming pool,为什么用swimming吗?

We uff08canuff09 eat in the dining hall

参考答案:can 表示能够,能。


有区别,todo所表示的动作是将来的一个动作 doing所表示的是过去的动作,英语中很多都是这样的区别,例如: regrettodo/doingremembertodo/doing

she is eating in the d___ hall


dining hall 和canteen有什么区别?

canteen是学校的那种大的食堂,是吃大锅饭的那种吧...dinning hall是餐厅

大学里面的那种饭堂英语怎么说?dining hall?




dining hall的复数怎么写

dining halls


running man160131 E284背景音乐,插曲,歌曲资源[RMFW]00.00.20 成员在上海:カンu30fbミングク-《梦》00.01.08 1926年上海:Jim Shafer-《A Walk Through The Graveyard》00.02.02 K先生的战斗:Battle 2-《ubc15uc601》00.04.23 独立军同僚出现:新娘面具OST-《uac01uc2dcud0c8》00.05.21 K先生及同僚被包围:野人时代OST-《Justice (Kim Doo Han Theme)》00.07.59 隐秘的传来一封信:京城往事OST-《ub3d9ubc29uc758 ube5b》00.09.39 公布任务内容:ub2ecud30cub780,&张英奎-《uadc0uc2dcuc7a5》00.11.15 大家出发执行任务:Harry Gregson-Williams -《Destiny》00.11.57 大家参观南京路:群星-《东海渔歌》00.13.10 国光cp发现任务车:商易-《小刀会组曲》00.13.41 光洙一次就中芥末饺子:崔满植-《Habanera》00.14.39 朴智星发现任务车:ub2ecud30cub780&张英奎-《uc88buc740 ub188 (Bonus Track)》00.15.18 朴智星第一次挑战:《Going To Bali》00.16.12 Haha跟郑大世的比拼:ubc15uae30ud5cc-《ud48duc18dud14cub9c8》00.17.20 石镇Haha变身今天同志:V.A-《Kidding (Piano Ver.)》00.18.15 观看变脸:黄英华-《东海渔歌》00.19.31 执行变脸任务:uc774ud558ub298-《uc911ud544.uc218ub3d9 uc601uc5c5 Theme》00.21.10 大家开始找情报员:John Powell -《Hotel Regina》00.22.17 接头成功:John Powell-《调査》00.26.38 愤怒的懵智:中西亮辅-《心のざわめき》00.27.08 寻找情报员的大神:uae40uc9c0uc560 (uc791uace1)-《uadf8ub140uc758 uc815uccb4》00.28.11 绝对的强者——郑大世:Daniel Pemberton-《Breaking In (Searching the Factory)》00.28.43 每个任务都是错的狗哥:ub9acuc30d (Leessang)-《uacb8uc190uc740 ud798ub4e4uc5b4 (谦逊很难)》00.30.27 uae40ud76cuc9c4 (O.S.T) 《 ub300uacb0》00.34.15 Various Artists 的《 ub3d9ubc29uc758 ube5b》00.35.10 《winds of kyung sung》00.38.38 国洙相遇 Various Artists 的《 uc5fcud0d0》00.40.57 ub2ecud30cub780 & uc7a5uc601uaddc 的《 uc9c0ub3c4ub97c ucc3euc544uc11c》00.43.05 The Soundtrackings 的《 uc548uc0c1uad6c》00.44.35 John Powell 《hotel regina》00.48.55 Thomas Newman 《L"Americian (from "spectre" soundtrack)》00.50.15 刘在石 池石镇相遇:Klive Kraven feat.king Magnetic《GamBler"s Vendetta》00.52.10 《inspector Gadget Main theme 》00.53.00 THOMAS NEWMAN —《Careless(From “specstre”soundtrack)》00.54.37 Bennie Benjamin & Gloria Caldwell《Don"t let me be misunderstood》00.56.58 Daniel Pemberton —《The Vinciguerra Affair》00.57.55 Daniel Pemberton—《Mission:Rome》00.58.45 John Powell《TreadstoneAssassins》01.00.28 《Why Don"t You Do Right?》01.04.08 Various Artists 《 uc791uc804uc2e4ud328》01.06.27ub2ecud30cub780 & uc7a5uc601uaddc 《ub9ccuc8fcuc758 ub9e4》01.13.25 在石淘汰池笑然:ucd5cub9ccuc2dd 《Habanera》01.15.20 Hans zimmer《Absurdity》01.16.35 《Red theater of the absurd 》01.20.48 ub2ecud30cub780 & uc7a5uc601uaddc 《 ud658ud76cuc758 ub3c4uc8fc2 (Bonus Track)》01.22.30 hans zimmer《The Railroad waits for no one 》01.23.40 Daniel Pemberton—《Take you down》补充:00.25.24 大枣: “Into Confusion” Slayers Try OST00.25.54 争夹: “Family Movie” Paul Ross Thomson00.29.47 中招: “ud68cuc0acub294 ud14cud2b8ub9acuc2a4” uadf8uc758 ud558ub8e8OST00.31.02 召集: “Kung Fu 1” 黄英华, 功夫OST00.31.43 日军: “ud504ub864ub85cuadf8” uc870uc120uba85ud0d0uc815 - uac01uc2dcud22cuad6c uaf43uc758 ube44ubc00OST00.36.58 有钱: “uc911ud544 ud0dcuad8cub3c4” ud488ud589uc81cub85c (品行不良) OST00.39.22 盤问: “Outro” ub3c4ub9c8 uc548uc911uadfcOST00.42.01 皮箱: “Dairy Van Implosion” Christopher Lennertz; Agent Carter OST01.09.09 分开: “uac1duc2e4” uc88buc740ub188 ub098uc05cub188 uc774uc0c1ud55cub188OST01.18.02 争持: “uc0acub9c9uc758 uae38” uc88buc740ub188 ub098uc05cub188 uc774uc0c1ud55cub188OST01.23.18 落场: “uc57cuc778 I” uc57cuc778uc2dcub300OST01.25.12 结尾: “Down by the Riverside” ubaa8ub358ubcf4uc774 OST



2016.1.31期running man插曲


fail to do和fail doing的区别

fail to do没有做成和fail doing做失败

fail in doing / fail to do有什么区别

fail in 在某一方面失败了,在某一方面不足fail to不能~

dining hall 餐厅中dining是否为动词的ing形式?那它的原形是什么?

dining hall 本身就是一个名词

dining hall要双写吗


fail to do和 fail doing有区别没?

有区别,to do所表示的动作是将来的一个动作doing所表示的是过去的动作,英语中很多都是这样的区别,例如:regret to do/doing remember to do/doing

fail in 名词 fail to do 没做成什么事fail doing fail做什么事失

fail to do 既可以表示没有做某事;也可以表示做了,但失败了.fail in doing 表示做了,但失败了,而且是中途失败.fail to do 表示还没做某事,不能做某事.★最重要的是:“考试失败”必须说:fail to pass the test.或 fail the test.或 didn"t pass the test 绝对不能说是:fail passing the test.我特别去问英语老师的!

fail to do和fail doing区别

有哦。。fail to do sth. 没有,不能fail in(doing)sth.在……方面失败例如:I fail to see why you find it so amusing. 我弄不懂你们为什么对这件事感到如此好笑。He never fails to phone his mother on her birthday.每逢母亲过生日时,他都会打电话给她。The chairman failed in trying to persuade the committee to share his opinion.主席未能说服委员会同意他的观点。He has been failing in health for the last two years. 近两年来,他的健康状况一直在衰退。

sector-leading product是什么意思?

sector leading product部门主导产品/行业领先产品sector n. 部门;扇形,扇区;象限仪;函数尺leading adj. 领导的;主要的n. 领导;铅板;行距v. 领导(lead的ing形式)

fail to do和fail doing的区别

fail to do shy是神马意思?

fail to do和fail doing的区别

因为一般通用fail to do,意为:没有能力做某事; eg: He failed to pass the competition. 而fail in doing sth 意为:在某些方面失败 比如当你表达一个同学没有完成作业时,可以说she failed in doing his homework.(意思是她的作业没做完),但不能说she fail to do his homework (意思是她没有能力做作业)

dining hall的意思及造句是?

餐厅 The dining hall can hold 1000 students. 那个餐厅可以容纳1000个学生就餐 The dining hall is behind the classroom 饭厅在教室的后面

dining hall、dinning hall 区别?

dinning hall=dininghall一个是两个单词,一个是一个单词

fail to do/ fail in doing的区别是什么?

"Fail to do"和"fail in doing"的区别在于前者是指没有做某件事情,而后者是指在做某件事情时失败了。例如:He failed to complete the project on time.(他没有按时完成这个项目。)He failed in his attempt to climb the mountain.(他试图攀登这座山但失败了。)

“dining hall”是什么意思?

"dining hall"的意思大餐厅

dining hall是什么意思

dining-hall英 ["dau026anu026au014bh"u0254:l] 美 ["dau026anu026au014bh"u0254l]常用词典牛津词典,饭厅双语例句1.The room connects with the dining hall by means of a hallway.这房间通过一条过道与餐厅相连.2.In this dining hall 1000 people can be served at one sitting.这个饭厅可同时供一千人就餐3They played the guests into the dining - hall.他们奏乐把宾客迎进餐厅.


迷人的肌肉 望采纳

“dining hall”是什么意思?

dinner 晚餐,hall 大厅,dinning hall则译为餐厅

dining hall用三单和非三单造句


dining hall与dining room


英语单词"餐厅"是dinning hall还是dining hall,速达有分

dining hall

dining hall与dining room


能不能说at the dining hall


this is a dining hall后面一句是什么?

this is a dining hall的中文翻译为:这是一个食堂

By the time this talk is over, we are learning a lot of about the learnt. 翻译一下,谢谢


为什么in the dining hall不是in dining hall?

the 会限定范围特指

dining hall可数吗

dining hall就是饭厅,应该是可数的

restaurant 和 dining hall 的区别

restaurant是餐馆dining hall是食堂

dining hall前面介词是啥


分别用dining hall grass gym造

1、I go dining outside.(我出去吃饭。) I went dining outside.2/The hall is crowded.(过道很拥挤。) The hall was crowded.3/The grass is green.(草是绿色的。) The grass was green.4/The gym is big.(体育馆很大。) The gym was big.

dining hall同义词

The dining hall is (next )(to )the gym

diding hall咋读?

你问的可能是dining hall 食堂,餐厅。它的音标是["daɪnɪŋ hɔːl],它的谐音是: 待宁吼。

dining hall怎么造句

There are many students in the dining hall.

have/ have a problem(in) doing sth.?

1. have difficulty (in) doing sthhave difficulty (in) doing sth意为“做某事有困难”。2. habe trouble (in) doing sthhave difficulty(in) doing sth做某事有困难...habe trouble (in)doing sth做某事有困难...havebother(in) doing sth做某事费劲3. have a problem(in) doingsthhave bother(in) doing sth做某事费劲...have a problem(in)doing sth做某事有困难...havea good time(in) doing sth做某事很开心4. have difficulty(in) doing sthhave luck(in) doing sth做某事时有运气(走运)...havedifficulty(in) doing sth做某事有困难...habe trouble (in)doing sth做某事有困难

dining hall 和dining room 有什么区别?拜托各位大神

dining hall 和 dining-room的区别实际上就是hall和 room的区别,haIl译作"大厅"比较大的房间,装修也比较豪华。而 room译作"房间",小一些,也简单一点。

dining hall的是可数名词还是不可数名词?


用dining hall 造句并翻译

There was no dining hall in my school two years ago. 我们的学校两年前没有餐厅。

dⅰnⅰng hall的汉语意思?

dining hall“食堂;餐厅”。

have difficulty in doing sth的翻译是什么?




dining hall什么意思中文翻译




starting over 歌词

歌曲名:starting over歌手:Korn专辑:untitledLRC edit:恻影Got to face your fearlying on the floorStep into nothing, what the hell am I here for?So come on and playStab me in my heartSo long this time was wasted ripping me apartWe are the hurt inside your headLost in the void of what is deadConstantly twisting things I saidHappiness is boring, need pain insteadIt"s starting over, starting overCan"t stand it"s over, God is gonna take me outMy time is over, this time is overWhy is this over? God is gonna take me out(God is gonna take me out)Crawling on the floorAll around this spaceTalking to myselfWhat is this thing I"ve got to face?Walking through a doorHas it been a waste?Going on and on thinking I could find my placeWe are the hurt inside your headLost in the void of what is deadConstantly twisting things I saidHappiness is boring, need pain insteadIt"s starting over, starting overCan"t stand it"s over, God is gonna take me outMy time is over, this time is overWhy is this over? God is gonna take me outGod is gonna take me out (God is gonna take me out)God is gonna take me outYou can"t seeI"m torn away from you and everything that"sclose to meI cannot face the truth, it"s nothing thatI believeJust run away from me and thank me when you"refree from meCome take meCome take meCome take meCome take meCome take meCome take me (We are the hurt inside your head)(Lost in the void of what is dead)Come take me (Constantly twisting things I said)(Happiness is boring, need pain instead)Come take me (We are the hurt inside your head)(Lost in the void of what is dead)Come take me (Constantly twisting things I said)(Happiness is boring, need pain instead)
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