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英语begin forwarding rule怎么翻译?

begin forwarding rule翻译为中文意思是:开始转发规则

Port Forwarding设置哪位高手能回答一下无线路由器设置里面这个如何设置?


bank forwarding company 是什么意思

bank forwarding company 银行代理公司forwarding 英["fu0254:wu0259du026au014b] 美["fu0254:wu0259du026au014b] n. 推进,促进; v. 发送; 促进( forward的现在分词 ); (按新地址) 转寄; 助长; [例句]The former owner had not left any forwarding address.以前的房主没有留下任何转递地址。[其他] 原型: forward

社保查询显示forwarding error




Cisco 路由器 ip vrf receive 和 ip vrf forwarding 的区别是什么?

ip vrf receive 这个参数其实用的很少,它和forwarding 最大的区别在于:如果你在一个三层接口上使用了forwarding,那么这个这个三层接口的IP 地址就被完全放进了你forwarding 的那个Vrf。而如果在三层接口上使用的参数是 receive,那么这个接口上的IP地址仍在还会在global的路由表里出现。

forwarding table是什么意思

forwarding table转发表

怎样用一个机子 ping另一台机子 不用网关的情况下


forwarding company 中文意思

同意楼上的,forwarding company是货代公司,shipping line是船运公司

pro/engineer+wildfire+was+not+found+at+the+directory+specified 是什么意思


Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0安装方法

原来安装的目录里就带的有的: 1:*.BIN *.CUE为虚拟镜像文件,请安装Alcohol 120%等虚拟光驱工具载入它们,打开,安装! 2:填入PTC HOST ID用Crack目录下的注册机算出一个授权文件,(PTC HOST ID可在安装PRO/E界面上找到) 3:安装PTC License Server,并使用由第2步生成的那个授权文件。 4:安装Pro/Engineer Wildfire 3.0,授权类型选择Single Server license type(单机服务器)做为Pro/e授权方式。 然后填写你的"your computer name"(电脑名可在安装PRO/E界面上找到)作为Hostname。(填写位置在7788数字前面那个空白框框内) 5:安装Pro/Mechanica,安装方法与第4步安装Por/e3.0一样。 参照M010的: 1。安装步骤 fE?<`zF! ①将镜像文件1放入虚拟光驱,镜像文件自动运行并启动proe安装程序。(我用虚拟光驱软件的是酒精120) {C dg1~T, ②打开我的电脑,进入虚拟的光盘文件中,将crack文件中那个keygen.exe文件拷贝至你的任一硬盘中(我就把它直接放到C盘根目录了),然后双击运行keygen.exe,并将你机子的网卡的mac地址填入空白处,点击Generate按钮,生成你自己的license.dat文件。 8Hg@8y0+ (关于mac地址,就是proe安装程序现在还停着的那个页面中左下角的那一行xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx格式的东东,当然如果你没有看到那个启动界面也不要紧,你只需点按win+R键,然后在弹出的运行程序窗口中输入命令CMD,进入dos窗口后再输入 ipconfig /all后回车,在列出的网卡信息中xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx格式的字符串即为我们需要的mac地址。) AAnybl ,; ③对已经生成的license.dat文件进行一下改动。将__HOSTNAME__ 改成你计算机的名字。 4KJ vd 改动前: XZ~"44 #PTC Pro/Engineer Wildfire v3 License File, Generated by ZWT Team. 69hCs_NK #For EVALUATION only. If you like this software, BUY it! nd2BOw"U yE &3#? SERVER __HOSTNAME__ PTC_HOSTID=00-E0-4C-4F-04-1D 7788 K" C !8) DAEMON ptc_d __PTCD_PATH__ L-tNY-ts 3~_?C?_r 改动后: !HNt4] #PTC Pro/Engineer Wildfire v3 License File, Generated by ZWT Team. -{6"in} #For EVALUATION only. If you like this software, BUY it! S n}37Z JtV;T6 SERVER hxrjm PTC_HOSTID=00-E0-4C-4F-04-1D 7788 ELQd(9SU DAEMON ptc_d __PTCD_PATH__ TUQ[Sg! 4,X,^;|FD ④选好安装界面语言为“中文”后点按下一步开始proe3.0的安装。在之后出现的安装界面里选右边列表的第一项(中途该换盘换盘,其实就是换镜像文件) K1]mrj5 ⑤安完第一项之后再安安装界面里右边列表的第二项,全都保持默认一直安装完成就行。如果在此过程中没有自动出现安装许可证文件,请启动PTC License Server tools(在开始菜单→程序中找,新安的那个)手动进行调整即可。 / t|>4<U hgr<@N* 对了,最后补充一下,如果你的机子上已经安装了AutoCAD的话,请先将其卸载干净后再安装proe3.0,因为proe3.0会和AutoCAD的许可证文件“打架”。这个用PTC License Server tools都可以查看出来的

Cisco 交换机 spaning-tree portfast 什么意思


toninght i feel close to you 的歌词

仓木麻衣&孙燕姿.-.Close my eyes and feel your mind Time has passed I walk like a shadow Never knew what I am going through You touch my heart and take my breath away Whisper on the wind so softly Let the bright stars fill our dreams with love Reach for your hand (You"re holding my key) And you show me the way Tonight, I feel close to you You open my door and light the sky above When I need a friend, you are there right by my side I wish we could stay as one I wish we could stay forever as one All the tears that haunt my past You promised it"ll be better tomorrow Play that song You and I listened to And let it gently ease our pain Tender rain drops from the blue sky Flowers blooming, life is so divine Like sunlight on a stream (You"re holding my key) You show the world to me Tonight, I feel close to you You open my door and light the sky above When I need a friend, you are there right by my side I wish we could stay as one So much love in this beautiful world Search for the brightest star in the sky You will find the meaning of love Don"t be afraid (Don"t be afraid) Just be yourself (Just be yourself) We need this love... I"ve never knew Tonight, I feel close you You open my door and light the sky above When I need a friend, you are there right by my side I wish we could stay as one Tonight, I feel close to you You open my door and light the sky above When I need a friend, you are there right by my side I wish we could stay as one I wish we could stay forever as one



forwarding address是什么意思

forwarding address转发地址双语对照词典结果:forwarding addressn.转递地址;转寄地址; 复数:forwarding addresses以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Mr marks gave his own name and address in notting hill as a forwarding address for theproperty. 马克斯留下了自己的名字和在诺丁山(notting hill)的地址,作为该公寓的转寄地址。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

歌词是such a feelings coming over me是什么曲子

Top of the world 世界之巅

X11 forwarding 是什么


i felt the touch of something bright and friendly

突然,我觉得接触到的事物是明亮和友善的 (touch of 没这个词组 touch 是接触 碰到的意思)

请问怎样关闭电脑的ip forwarding?



Forwarding: the process of moving packets from input to outputRouting: process by which the forwarding table is built and maintained

为什么我装好Pro/Engineer wildfire3.0野火版后打不开!


IP Forwarding 什么作用

IP-Forwarding IP转发。 一种路由协议。IP转发是操作系统的一种选项,支持主机起到路由器的功能。在一个系统中含有两块以上的网卡,并将IP转发选项打开,这样该系统就可以作为路由器进行使用了。


在使用 MobaXterm 连接远程服务器的时候遇见了 X11-forwarding ,后面跟着一个亮眼的 红叉 ,如下图。强迫症看见它十分不爽,于是想办法干掉它。 X11 中的 X 指的就是 X 协议;11 指的是采用 X 协议的第 11 个版本。 X11-forwarding 说的简单明白点就是:可以通过一个支持 X Server 的 SSH 客户端,例如:MobaXterm。 连接到远程 Linux 服务器,可以在本地通过 MobaXterm 运行操作一个远程 Linux 服务器上有图形界面的程序。 Linux 本身是没有图形化界面的,所谓的图形化界面系统只不过中 Linux 下的应用程序。这一点和 Windows 不一样。Windows 从 Windows 95 开始,图形界面就直接在系统内核中实现了,是操作系统不可或缺的一部分。Linux 的图形化界面,底层都是基于 X 协议。 X 协议由 X server 和 X client 组成: X server 管理主机上与显示相关的硬件设置(如显卡、硬盘、鼠标等),它负责屏幕画面的绘制与显示,以及将输入设置(如键盘、鼠标)的动作告知 X client。 X client (即 X 应用程序) 则主要负责事件的处理(即程序的逻辑)。 举个例子,如果用户点击了鼠标左键,因为鼠标归 X server 管理,于是 X server 就捕捉到了鼠标点击这个动作,然后它将这个动作告诉 X client,因为 X client 负责程序逻辑,于是 X client 就根据程序预先设定的逻辑(例如画一个圆),告诉 X server 说:“请在鼠标点击的位置,画一个圆”。最后,X server 就响应 X client 的请求,在鼠标点击的位置,绘制并显示出一个圆。 这一堆安装的,实际上是X Client。其中最后的 xclock 是用来测试X11Forwarding功能的。 运行以下命令测试效果,正常情况下会出现一个时钟界面。


意思是转发。一般是指接口是否转发数据包。比如在stp下 交换机接口是forwarding就是转发,locking就是被逻辑上down掉了。

外贸 forwarding 的问题



推进 促进

Pro ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0中文版如何把英制转为公制?


PROE安装问题 Licens request failed for feature Requesting PROE_DDITy


Pro ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0中文版如何建剖面


Pro ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0是什么软件




Thousands of lanterns slowly drift out to sea guiding the dead on their return journey to the

第一个句子中guiding the dead on their return journey to the other world是现在分词短语,在句中作伴随状语。第二个句子中,不定式短语 to guide the dead back to the other world作目的状语。



When you say nothing at all 歌词意思有什么特殊意思吗


专升本英语Unit1 the power of language重点配套知识小结4?

【专升本快速报名和免费咨询: 】Unit1 the power of language重点配套知识小结413.credible adj. 可信的;可靠的The news report is hardly credible. 这则新闻报道令人难以置信。At first Clyde"s story appears credible enough.最初,克莱德编造的谎言似乎还足以使人相信。c14.landmark n. 路标;里程碑The church on the hilltop was a well-known landmark. 山顶上的教堂是一个显著的路标。The Russian Revolution represents a landmark in world history.俄国革命是世界历史上的一个里程碑。15.relevant adj. 紧密相关的;切题的I don"t think his remarks are relevant to our discussion. 我认为他的话与我们的议题无关。He consulted a number of relevant books and periodicals. 他参看了不少相关书籍和期刊。16.current adj. 现时发生的;当前的We try and keep ourselves informed about current trends. 我们设法随时了解当前形势的进展。We had a warm discussion over current events last evening. 昨天晚上我们热烈地讨论时事。了解更多甘肃统招专升本资讯扫码关注甘肃专升本考试微信公众号专升本有疑问、不知道如何总结专升本考点内容、不清楚专升本报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:

unit three is the most intersting of book three


最近在学Pro/Engineer,用的是Wildfire 5.0,有谁能和你说说它的前世今生吗,还有为什么叫Wildfire版

野火版,也就是你说的Wildfire,是相对于PROE 2001以前的版本而言的,就是产品的一个名字,就像我们用诺基亚手机又智能机、3G机一个道理,WILDFIRE的诞生是PROE软件的一个重大转折,因为:在PROE 2001以前的版本,PROE采用几乎全菜单式操作,没有图标,完全是靠一个接一个的下拉菜单完成,而WILDFIRE诞生之后,PROE开始慢慢转向图标和菜单相结合的操作了,也就是我们现在用到拉伸、旋转、拔模、圆角等等在菜单和图标都可以完成操作。这应该是WILDFIRE的最大变革。一下资料来自网络:(要了解更多,请在百度中搜索"PROE")proe是美国PTC公司旗下的产品Pro/Engineer软件的简称。Pro/E(Pro/Engineer操作软件)是美国参数技术公司(Parametric Technology Corporation,简称PTC)的重要产品。是一款集CAD/CAM/CAE功能一体化的综合性三维软件,在目前的三维造型软件领域中占有着重要地位,并作为当今世界机械CAD/CAE/CAM领域的新标准而得到业界的认可和推广,是现今最成功的CAD/CAM软件之一。1985年,PTC公司成立于美国波士顿,开始参数化建模软件的研究。1988年,V1.0的Pro/ENGINEER诞生了。经过10余年的发展,Pro/ENGINEER已经成为三维建模软件的领头羊。目前已经发布了Pro/ENGINEER WildFire6.0(中文名野火6)。PTC的系列软件包括了在工业设计和机械设计等方面的多项功能,还包括对大型装配体的管理、功能仿真、制造、产品数据管理等等。Pro/ENGINEER还提供了全面、集成紧密的产品开发环境。是一套由设计至生产的机械自动化软件,是新一代的产品造型系统,是一个参数化、基于特征的实体造型系统,并且具有单一数据库功能的综合性MCAD软件。proe最早进入中国市场的版本是proe18版,其后经过十几年的发展和完善,逐渐发行了下列的后续主版本: Pro/Engineer WildFireproe 2000i 1996 proe 200i-2 1998 proe 2001 2000 WildFire 2001 WildFire2.0 2003 WildFire3.0 2005 WildFire4.0 2007 WildFire5.0 2008

怎样做一个ping -t 的批处理文件

你再检查一下,应该是你输入错了ping -tctrl+c是停止

the world is not only will also be thirsty

第一题选D,从第一段最后一句可得知fresh water(淡水)来自lake(湖),Rrver(河流)和underground(地下)。第二题选D,从第三段可知,在Japan附近有一个很深的地方,深度将近11千米,如果把世界最高峰(珠穆朗玛峰)放到哪里,这座山峰上面还有2千米的水。祝你学习进步。

东方绀珠传 ~ Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom.的角色介绍

博丽灵梦种族:人类称号:飞翔于天空的不可思议的巫女能力:主要是在空中飞的能力大家都熟悉的巫女,博丽神社的巫女。月都使者终於正式现身。虽然不知道她们的目的,可是对完全客场作战的她而言,  肯定是许久未曾遇过的艰苦战斗。  这次被迫进行不允许任何失误的战斗。净土的士兵终於现身。完美无缺的性质拒绝了生物的生死。以能够追踪敌人的诱导弹为特征。中弹判定也稍微小一些。扩散火力:追踪护符集中火力:信仰神针符卡:灵符「梦想封印」 雾雨魔理沙种族:人类称号:普通的魔法使  能力:使用魔法的能力  居住在幻想乡的普通魔法师,有搜集癖。  因缘际会之下,偶然捡到月都的力石。  正当魔理沙开始察觉,就是这颗力石让都市传说具体化的时候,月都使者终於现身。不知何时存在的月都力石,具备扰乱幻想乡文化的力量。以低速、高速均是高火力为特征。  移动速度快,而且道具回收更加容易。  扩散火力:幻象雷射(IllusionLaser)  集中火力:魔法飞弹(MagicMissile)  符卡:恋符「MasterSpark」 东风谷早苗种族:人类称号:住在山上的奇迹现人神  能力:引发奇迹的能力  住在山上神社的巫女。  查觉到妖怪之山确实发生了异变。  可是不知道妖怪们是否看不见,居然没有任何妖怪做出反应。  感觉到诡异的她,跑去找灵梦商量。出现在妖怪之山的金属制蜘蛛,在她眼中像是火星探测器.好奇号。低速、高速都是广范围攻击。  因为低速射击自动追踪敌人,可以专心躲避。  扩散火力:地精扩散(KoboldSpread)  集中火力:飞天大蛇(Sky serpent)  符卡:蛙符「诡计蛤蟆」 铃仙·优昙华院·稻叶种族:人类①称号:地上的月兔  能力:操纵波长的能力住在永远亭的月兔。  对这次的任务感到不安。为什麼永琳师傅不只派自己,还同时委托人类呢。  难道有甚麼事物是只有人类才看得见的吗?  绀珠之药具备经验未来的能力。  只要是月都的居民,人人都知道这种秘药。只有月亮之力能对抗月亮之力,永琳的药具有体验未来的力量。低速攻击为贯通弹。  符卡是中三次子弹也没问题的高性能符卡(中弹判定会变得大一些)  (*完成一关后剩余的护罩会消失。)  扩散火力:Lunatic Gun  集中火力:Mind Wave  符卡:「障壁波动(EvilUndulation)」 ①这里应该是ZUN在编写人物设定时出现的一点小失误。在正式版中修改为月兔 1面BOSS 浅葱色的Eagle Rabbit清兰(セイラン)Seiran主题曲:兎は舞い降りた(兔子跳着舞降临)种族:月兔能力:从异次元发射子弹程度的能力名副其实的炮灰。在被称为Eagle Rabbit的地面调查部队之中负责潜伏渗透这项最危险的工作。尽管工作危险,薪水却很低。月都虽然都有心灵感应能力,但从不会认真进行交谈。似乎是在休息中为伙伴捣年糕时遭到了袭击。2面BOSS 橘色的Eagle Rabbit铃瑚(りんご)Ringo主题曲:九月のパンプキン(九月的南瓜)种族:月兔能力:吃团子越多变得越强程度的能力在被称为Eagle Rabbit的地面调查部队中负责情报管理这项闲职。尽管很轻松等级却很高的职位。不知是否因为一直在收集情报,她的兴趣转移到了地面。她的任务只是调查。虽然也被允许进行战斗,但并没有胜利的必要。3面/EX面道中BOSS 梦的支配者哆来咪·苏伊特(ドレミーu30fbスイート)Doremy Sweet  主题曲:永远の春梦(永远的黄粱梦)种族:獏能力:食梦、造梦程度的能力爱做白日梦的妖怪。栖息在梦中世界。一切生物所做的梦其实在根本都是相互联系的。在梦中前往不曾知晓的地点、遇到不曾相识的人、发现不为所知的BUG都是因为这个原因。她能够消灭、创造、替换这些梦境。只要擅于利用梦中世界,就可以前往任何地方,成为任何人物。她为了不让发现了这个事实的人破坏秩序,而不断地监视着。4面BOSS 招来口舌之祸的女神  稀神探女(稀神 サグメ)Kisin Sagume主题曲:逆転するホイールオブフォーチュン(逆转的命运之轮)种族:月之民  能力:从口中说出便可使事态逆转的能力  月之民。  平时,在月之民中担任高官,并不会经常在外界面前出现。  虽然算是神灵,但是其性质非鬼非神亦非精灵。  性格寡言,其理由源自能力。  对于某种事态,一旦经过自己的口中(尤其是对和事情有关的人),  这个事态就会向反方向发展。  相似的角色还有天邪鬼,但她是位居天邪鬼之上的神灵。  天邪鬼只会说自己反对的事情,但她会通过自己说的事情让世界向反方向发展。  如果她想做成什么事情,那一定悉数失败,  如果有什么坏事发生,那她的能力一定可以使事态好转。  但那并不意味着会对自己好转。  正所谓,祸从口出的神灵。  月之民的贤者们,为了防止纯狐的攻击导致的污秽侵蚀,将月都冻结了。  与此同时,他们令月之民前往梦境避难。  梦境中的都城,正如大家所想,是往日的月都。  在那里的月之民们,无一不深信着这里就是真正的都城。  然而,也不能将他们一直关在梦境之中。  长久的梦是容易侵蚀精神的。  为此,贤者们为了保险,制定了「月之都迁都计划」。  「月之都迁都计划」,旨在将幻想乡净化,在那里建造都城。  所谓净化,乃去除生死之意。  也就是说,是将所有地上的生物歼灭。  然而这并不简单。对手是住在幻想乡的妖怪们。  她觉得在幻想乡传播都市传说是一个近道。  她利用她的能力制作了秘密的力量石。  那个力量石有着可以用话语改变世界的力量。  只需要在力量石附近,就可以把不应存在的流言(都市传说)具现化,  是一个可怖的道具。  在都市传说开始具现化的时候,只要等有人传播一个著名的都市传说,  这就是她的计划。  著名的都市传说,那便是「阿波罗计划阴谋论」。  「NASA隐瞒了在月上所见的真相」,这种闲话。  也就是说,如果有人流传NASA隐瞒了在月球上所见的文明,  月之文明,也就是月都,便会在幻想乡中具现。  ……然而,这个计划仅仅是保险起见。  她也并不是真心要去实行,也根本没有月民期望迁都。  他们都想尽可能返回月球。  尽管如此,也到了无法不采取行动的地步,  纯狐的攻击就是如此令人无计可施。  就在这时,幻想乡的人类到来了。  虽然她从未想过哆来咪会让人类进入月都,  但她试验了人类的力量,知道她们很强之后便下定了决心。  在这些人类身上赌一把吧。  如果我说出了真相,事态便会以这些人类为中心逆转。  虽然自己一直以来进行的迁都作战会悉数失败,但纯狐的作战也会失败,所以是公平的。  之后不管这些人类会怎样,只要月都得救……5面BOSS 地狱的妖精  克劳恩皮丝(クラウンピース)Clownpiece主题曲:星条旗のピエロ(星条旗的小丑)种族:妖精能力:使人发狂程度的能力  地狱的妖精。  赫卡提亚的部下。  妖精存在于几乎任何场所。地狱当然也不例外。  然而,拒绝了生死的月之民会除掉妖精。  月都周边几乎没什么妖精。  她受赫卡提亚的命令,令静海充满了自己从地狱带来的妖精们。  静海因她的伙伴们变成了妖精乐园。  然后由于纯狐的能力,她们觉醒了。  她们的存在,可以说是纯粹的生命力的集合。  「只要你们一直在这里玩下去,月之民就无法动手。  只要他们没有人自愿去接受污秽,他们就会一直固守城池。」  听到这样的话语,她开始盛大地玩耍起来。  月面虽然是荒凉的世界,但和地狱比起来,是一个更美、更欢乐的世界。  妖精们盛大地嬉戏着。  这进一步将月之民束缚了起来。  而这次,虽然月都长久以来都没什么动静,  但终于有人类从月都中冲了出来。  「如果,有人从月都里出来,你做什么都好。」  想起这番话的她,真是绝佳的心情。6面/EX BOSS  纯狐Junko主题曲:ピュアヒューリーズ ~ 心の在処(Pure Furies ~ 心之所在)种族:神灵  能力:纯化程度的能力  对于月之民抱有怨恨的存在。  自身也是被怨恨纯化的灵。  她已经连自己是什么人的情报都不需要了。  她对月之民嫦娥有着强烈的怨恨。  详情与游戏的一部分结局重复,在此并不细说,  她似乎是一个每次袭击月之都,最终都被贤者镇压其愤怒的存在。  丈夫杀死了自己的儿子,这是最初的怨恨,但怨恨早已纯化,  失去了控制。  其存在只有一部分月之民知道。  因为月之民不需要有畏惧敌人的生活。  嫦娥是否知晓她的存在还尚不明确,但应该不会毫不知情吧。  嫦娥,虽然在本作中并未登场,是被幽禁在月都的月之女神。  她是月兔的支配者,也有着强大的力量,但并不会出现在外界面前。  嫦娥是使用了蓬莱之药的罪人。  这次的月都袭击计划的概要如下。  「将月的正面,用纯化了生命力的妖精充满,  将月球本身,化为生命之星。  这样一来,月都就只好逃窜了。  趁其不备,斩杀藏匿其中的嫦娥。」  厌恶地面充斥污秽(生命)而移居月球,是月都的开端。  她想让相同的事情,发生在月球。  计划十分顺利。  静海开始被生命填满。  地狱的妖精们,将月球当作了乐园。  地狱的环境便是如此严苛。  月之民,对于她的生命之星计划束手无策。  然而,纯狐却已经知道。  月之民不会就这样居住在污秽附近,他们一定会逃往梦境之类的地方。  所以,预测到这一切的她,将朋友送到了那边。  不知该说是正如所料,还是说预料之外,月之民超过半年都没什么动静。  纯狐也攻击月都攻到厌倦了。双方都无法出手,陷入了胶着状态。  逐渐,她的愤怒有所舒缓,开始考虑今后该如何行动。  就在此时,想不到人类居然出现了。  而且是污秽被净化的人类。是某种药物的影响吗。  不厌恶生命,又感受不到生命。  虽然想不到会打出如此这般牺牲人类的奇计,但她却放心了。  月之贤者所做之事超乎所料。  这是她的乐趣所在。  然后,终于,这次的复仇大戏,将要落下帷幕了。EX BOSS 地狱的女神  赫卡提亚·拉碧斯拉祖利(ヘカーティアu30fbラピスラズリ)Hecatia Lapislazuli主题曲:パンデモニックプラネット(Pandemonic Planet)种族:神明  能力:拥有三个身体程度的能力  司掌月球、地球、异界三界地狱的谜之神明。  她在三个世界同时拥有身体,可以自由地在不同的世界中来去。  另外,由于月球、地球、异界都有地狱存在,而其核心的灵魂都在地狱,  所以对敌人来说是一个无计可施的麻烦的神明。  顺便梦境就相当于异界。  她也是对嫦娥抱有怨恨的神明。  因为,嫦娥的丈夫,是击落了太阳(阿波罗)的人物。  本来,没有太阳便无法存在的地狱。  由于失去了强烈的光明,地狱的黑暗也因之减弱。  就算这样说,她憎恨嫦娥的理由,很大程度上也是受了纯狐的影响。  在纯狐的本次计划当中,需要有一个处在能自由操控妖精的立场上的人,  以及一个能自由来回梦境的人。  她正是符合需要的人物。  纯狐与她很快便意气相投。  可能是原本就好战的性格的功劳。  她将自己的部下克劳恩皮斯交给纯狐随意差遣。  月之民逃进的梦境。  她令那梦境中的伪月都的周边,也充满了生命力。  由此,月之民完全被封杀了。  最后,只剩下斩杀嫦娥了——  就在这时,纯狐却宣布自己告负。  看来,是月之民打出了超越纯狐计谋的奇计。  那就是,死亡的概念消失,被净化的人类。  将「绀珠的人类」送进月球的作战。

ftisland《bingbingbing》译音歌词 急急急

紧紧按耐的心在看到她的时候还是激动不已了心脏好像要掉出来一样怦怦直跳了数万人中 我只看得见她了我好像入迷了对上眼的瞬间就让我停止呼吸了一对我笑我就六神无主了世上没有比她更美的女孩了我好像沦陷了全身Bing Bing Bing Bing Bang Bang Bang Bang 她占满我的思绪了我要付出的爱只会给她一个人了是因为我太善良了所以上天才把她作为礼物送给我了紧紧抓着双手 我好像心醉了甜美的声音让我六神无主了打过招呼 已经是成功的一半了我要恋爱了整天Bing Bing Bing Bing Bang Bang Bang Bang 只在一个地方打转了说不定就会偶然遇见她 不断徘徊了今晚我一定要见到她 是时候跟她告白我的心了全身Bing Bing Bing Bing Bang Bang Bang Bang 她占满我的思绪了我要付出的爱只会给她一个人了是因为我太善良了所以上天才把她作为礼物送给我了全身Bing Bing Bing Bing Bang Bang Bang Bang 她占满我的思绪了整天Bing Bing Bing Bing Bang Bang Bang Bang 我六神无主了全身Bing Bing Bing Bing Bang Bang Bang Bang 只在一个地方打转了说不定就会偶然遇见她 不断徘徊了今晚我一定要见到她 是时候跟她告白我的心了

foundations of computing and decision sciences什么级别


ftisland bingbingbing的罗马音歌词

F.t Island - Bing Bing Bing Maeumeul kkot jabado keunyeolbomyun ddeollryeoyoShimjaneun ddeoreojildeut dugundugun keoryeoyoSumanheun saramjongae keunyeoman nan boyeoyoNan banhaetnabwayoJaejin) nunirado majuchimyun sumi meotjeobeoryeoyoNalbogo utseojumyun ajjilajjilhaneoyoSesaengae keunyeoboda yeibbunyeojan eobseoyoBok bbajyeotnabwayoHongki) ontong bingbingbingbing bangbangbangbang keunyeoga mamdolayoNaega ganun sarang hanaramyun keunyeo julraeyoNan chakhangabwayoHaneuri nalwihae keunyeoreul seonmulhae jungeoyaJaejin) soneul kkot jabajweoyo chihangeotman gatayoDalkomhan moksoriae eojileojilhaneyoInsanun nawutseuni ijae baneul ongeojypNan saranghalggeoyaHongki) jongil bingbingbing bangbangbangbang gateun jaril dorayoHokshi uyeoncheorum keunyeolbolkka seoseonggeoryeoyoNa oneul bamaenun kkot keunyeoreul manna nae maneul gobaekhalggeoyaHongki) ontong bingbingbingbing bangbangbangbang keynyeoga maemdorayoNaega ganun sarang hanaramyun keunyeo julraeyoNan chakhangabwayoHaneuli nalweihae keunyeoreul jungeoyaOntong bingbingbingbing bangbangbangbang keunyeoga mamdorayoJongil bingbingbingbing bangbangbangbang eojireoweoyoJongil bingbingbingbing bangbangbangbang gateun jaril dorayoHokshi uyeoncheorum keunyeolbolkka seoseonggeoryeoyoNa oneul bamaenun kkot keunyeorul manna nae mameul gobaekhalggeoya

when does your class begin in the morning。

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亲们: 谁有ftisland的bingbingbing的罗马歌词,喜欢喜欢,不胜感谢呐。么么

*Bing Bing Bing*maeumeul kkot jabado keunyeolbomyun ddeollryeoyoshimjaneun ddeoreojildeut dugundugun keoryeoyosumanheun saramjongae keunyeoman nan boyeoyonan banhaetnabwayoJaejin) nunirado majuchimyun sumi meotjeobeoryeoyonalbogo utseojumyun ajjilajjilhaneoyosesaengae keunyeoboda yeibbunyeojan eobseoyobok bbajyeotnabwayoHongki) ontong bingbingbingbing bangbangbangbang keunyeoga mamdolayonaega ganun sarang hanaramyun keunyeo julraeyonan chakhangabwayohaneuri nalwihae keunyeoreul seonmulhae jungeoyaJaejin) soneul kkot jabajweoyo chihangeotman gatayodalkomhan moksoriae eojileojilhaneyoinsanun nawutseuni ijae baneul ongeojypnan saranghalggeoyaHongki) jongil bingbingbing bangbangbangbang gateun jaril dorayohokshi uyeoncheorum keunyeolbolkka seoseonggeoryeoyona oneul bamaenun kkot keunyeoreul manna nae maneul gobaekhalggeoyaHongki) ontong bingbingbingbing bangbangbangbang keynyeoga maemdorayonaega ganun sarang hanaramyun keunyeo julraeyonan chakhangabwayohaneuli nalweihae keunyeoreul jungeoyaontong bingbingbingbing bangbangbangbang keunyeoga mamdorayojongil bingbingbingbing bangbangbangbang eojireoweoyojongil bingbingbingbing bangbangbangbang gateun jaril dorayohokshi uyeoncheorum keunyeolbolkka seoseonggeoryeoyona oneul bamaenun kkot keunyeorul manna nae mameul gobaekhalggeoya


韩文ye (love is pain) to all my brokenhearted-people (come again)one"s old a flame,, scream my nameand i"m so sick of love songs,, yei hate damn love song,, memento of ours,,(uac70uc9d3ub9d0)ub2a6uc740 ubc24 ube44uac00 ub0b4ub824uc640ub110 ub370ub824uc640 uc816uc740 uae30uc5b5 ub05duc5d0 ub4a4ucc99uc5ec ub098ub108 uc5c6uc774 uc798 uc0b4 uc218 uc788ub2e4uace0ub2e4uc9d0 ud574ubd10ub3c4 uc5b4uca54 uc218 uc5c6ub2e4uace0ubabbud558ub294 uc220ub3c4 ub9c8uc2dcuace0uc18dud0c0ub294 ub9d8 ubc24uc0c8 ucc44uc6ccubd10ub3c4uc2ebuc5b4 ub108 uc5c6ub294 ud558ub8e8ub294 uae38uc5b4 ube4cuc5b4uc81cubc1c uc78auac8c ud574ub2ecub77cuace0,, (uac70uc9d3ub9d0uc774uc57c)ub108 uc5c6ub294 ub0b4uac90 uc6c3uc74cuc774 ubcf4uc774uc9c0 uc54auc544ub208ubb3cuc870ucc28 uace0uc774uc9c0 uc54auc544ub354ub294 uc0b4uace0 uc2f6uc9c0 uc54auc544,,uc5ffuac19uc560 uc5f4ubc1buac8cub2c8 uc0dduac01uc5d0 ub3ccuc544ubc84ub9b4uac83 uac19uc560ubcf4uace0 uc2f6uc740ub370 ubcfc uc218uac00 uc5c6ub370ubaa8ub450 ub05dub0acub370 I"ll be right therei"m so sorry but i love you ub2e4 uac70uc9d3ub9d0 uc774uc57cubab0ub790uc5b4 uc774uc81cuc57c uc54cuc558uc5b4 ub124uac00 ud544uc694ud574i"m so sorry but i love you ub0a0uce74ub85cuc6b4 ub9d0ud667uae40uc5d0 ub098ub3c4 ubaa8ub974uac8c ub110 ub5a0ub098ubcf4ub0c8uc9c0ub9cci"m so sorry but i love you ub2e4 uac70uc9d3ub9d0i"m so sorry i"m so sorrybut i love you but i love youi"m so sorry but i love you ub098ub97c ub5a0ub098ucc9cucc9cud788 uc78auc5b4uc904ub798 ub0b4uac00 uc544ud30cud560 uc218 uc788uac8cuadf8ub308 uc704ud574uc11c ubd88ub7ecuc654ub358 ub0b4 ubaa8ub4e0 uac78ub2e4 ubc14uce5c ub178ub798,, (uc544ub9c8 uc0acub78cub4e4uc740 ubaa8ub974uaca0uc8e0)ub09c ud63cuc790,, uadf8 uc544ubb34ub3c4 uc544ubb34ub3c4 ubab0ub798,,(uadf8ub798 ub0b4uac00 ud588ub358 ub9d0uc740 uac70uc9d3ub9d0)ud640ub85c ub0a8uaca8uc9c4 uc678ud1a8uc774,uadf8 uc18duc5d0 ud5e4uba54ub294 ub0b4 uaf34uc774,uc8fcuba38ub2c8 uc18duc5d0 uaf2cuae43uaf2cuae43,uc811uc5b4ub454 uc774ubcc4uc744 ud5a5ud55c ucabduc9c0, (hey)(ub10c uc5b4ub527ub098uc694 ub110 ubd80ub974ub294 uc2b5uad00ub3c4)ub09c ub2ecub77cuc9c8ub798. uc774uc820 ub2e4 uc6c3uc5b4ub118uae38uac8c.i"m so sorry but i love you ub2e4 uac70uc9d3ub9d0 uc774uc57cubab0ub790uc5b4 uc774uc81cuc57c uc54cuc558uc5b4 ub124uac00 ud544uc694ud574i"m so sorry but i love you ub0a0uce74ub85cuc6b4 ub9d0ud667uae40uc5d0 ub098ub3c4 ubaa8ub974uac8c ub110 ub5a0ub098ubcf4ub0c8uc9c0ub9cci"m so sorry but i love you ub2e4 uac70uc9d3ub9d0i"m so sorry i"m so sorrybut i love you but i love youi"m so sorry but i love you ub098ub97c ub5a0ub098ucc9cucc9cud788 uc78auc5b4uc904ub798 ub0b4uac00 uc544ud30cud560 uc218 uc788uac8coh oh oh oh oh ubaa8ub4e0uac8c uafc8uc774uae38oh oh oh oh oh uc774uac83ubc16uc5d0 uc548ub418ub294 ub098ub77cuc11cuc544uc9c1ub3c4 ub108ub97c ubabb uc78auc5b4 uc544ub2c8ud3c9uc0dduc744 uac00ub3c4 uc8fduc5b4uc11cuae4cuc9c0ub3c4ub0b4uac00 uc900 uc0c1ucc98 uc544ubb3cuc5c8ub294uc9c0 ubbf8uc548ud574uc544ubb34uac83ub3c4 ud574uc900uac8c uc5c6ub294 ub098ub77cuc11ci"m so sorry but i love you ub2e4 uac70uc9d3ub9d0 uc774uc57cubab0ub790uc5b4 uc774uc81cuc57c uc54cuc558uc5b4 ub124uac00 ud544uc694ud574i"m so sorry but i love you ub0a0uce74ub85cuc6b4 ub9d0ud667uae40uc5d0 ub098ub3c4 ubaa8ub974uac8c ub110 ub5a0ub098ubcf4ub0c8uc9c0ub9cci"m so sorry but i love you ub2e4 uac70uc9d3ub9d0i"m so sorry i"m so sorrybut i love you but i love youi"m so sorry but i love you ub098ub97c ub5a0ub098ucc9cucc9cud788 uc78auc5b4uc904ub798 ub0b4uac00 uc544ud30cud560 uc218 uc788uac8c中文ye,love is pain to all mybrokenhearted people(come again)one"s old a flame,scream my nameand i"m so sick of love songsye,i hate damn love song,memento of ours 谎言……深夜下起雨我又想起你我在潮湿的记忆深处挣扎我下定决心说没有你我也能好好的生活可是还是做不到借酒消愁的我痛苦到夜不能寐也依然觉得没有你的日子过的太煎熬我祈求让我彻底的忘了你吧(是谎言啊)没有你的我失去了笑容泪水也干枯了不想再这么活下去了莫名的发火你觉得我疯了吧我说想见你你却说不可以你说都结束了i"ll be right therei"m so sorry but i love you 都是谎言曾经不懂现在明白了我需要你i"m so sorry but i love you说着伤人的话的我不知不觉的失去了你i"m so sorry but i love you 都是谎言i"m so sorry, but i love youi"m so sorry but i love you 离开我的你请允许让我慢慢忘记你让我也感受到疼痛我曾经为你唱过的那首歌包含了我对你的全部感情大概其他的人不会知道吧除我以外没有任何人知道是的我曾说过的都是谎言孤单一人的我带着那幅颓废不前样子口袋里紧紧攥住意味着分别的纸条(hey)你在哪啊叫你的名字已经成为了我的习惯我要改变现在让一切都一笑而过i"m so sorry but i love you 都是谎言曾经不懂现在明白了我需要你i"m so sorry but i love you说着伤人的话的我不知不觉的失去了你i"m so sorry but i love you 都是谎言i"m so sorry, but i love youi"m so sorry but i love you离开我的你请允许让我慢慢忘记你让我也感受到疼痛oh oh oh oh oh 希望一切都是梦oh oh oh oh oh 我只有这点愿望至今也无法忘记你一生也无法忘记至死也无法忘记我带给你的伤疮愈合了吗对不起我什么都不能为你做i"m so sorry but i love you 都是谎言曾经不懂现在明白了我需要你i"m so sorry but i love you说着伤人的话的我不知不觉的失去了你i"m so sorry but i love you 都是谎言i"m so sorry, but i love youi"m so sorry but i love you 离开我的你请允许让我慢慢忘记你让我也感受到疼痛罗马文YeLove is painTo all my brokenhearted peopleOne"s old a flameScream my nameAnd i"m so sick of love songsYe I hate damn love songMemento of oursgojidmalnujun bam biga neryowanol deryowajojun giog kuthe dwichogyo nano obshi jal sal su itdagodajim hebwado ochol su obdagomothanun suldo mashigosogtanun mam bamse chewobwadoshirho no obnun harunun giro birojebal idge hedallagono obnun negen usumi boiji anhanunmuljocha goiji anhadonun salgo shiphji anhayodgathe yolbadgeni senggage doraborilgod gathebogoshiphunde bol suga obdemodu kuthnatdeI"ll be right thereI"m so sorry but I love youda gojidmariya mollassoijeya arassonega piryoheI"m so sorry but I love younalkaroun malhwadgime nado morugenol ttonabonetjimanI"m so sorry but I love youda gojidmalI"m so sorry but I love youI"m so sorry but I love younarul ttonachonchongi ijojullenega aphahal su ikgeGudel wiheso bullowatdonne modungol da bachin noresaramdurun morugetjyonan honja gu amudo amudo mollegure nega hetdon marun gojidmalhollo namgyojin wetorigu soge hemenun ne korijumoni soge kogidkogidjobodun ibyorul hyanghan chogjinon odidnayo nol burunun subgwandonan dallajilleijen da usonomgilgeI"m so sorry but I love youda gojidmariya mollassoijeya arassonega piryoheI"m so sorry but I love younalkaroun malhwadgime nado morugenol ttonabonetjimanI"m so sorry but I love youda gojidmalI"m so sorry but I love youI"m so sorry but I love younarul ttonachonchongi ijojullenega aphahal su ikgeModunge kkumigiligodbakke andoenun narasoajigdo norul moth ijoani pyongsengul gado judosokkajidonega jun sangcho amuronnunjimianheamugotdo hejunge obnun narasoI"m so sorry but I love youda gojidmariya mollassoijeya arassonega piryoheI"m so sorry but I love younalkaroun malhwadgime nado morugenol ttonabonetjimanI"m so sorry but I love youda gojidmalI"m so sorry but I love youI"m so sorry but I love younarul ttonachonchongi ijojullenega aphahal su ikge

bigbang heaven 韩文罗马音译

saranghae nan neol gieoghae heaven rara rarara rara rarara rara rara rara rarara [chorus] 24/7 geudaen yeongweonhan heaven 24/7 geudaen namanyi heaven 24/7 geudaen yeongweonhan heaven 24/7 heaven [rap] majimaginjul alassdeon du beon dasi an ol jul alassdeon naege jeonhyeo eoulriji anhassdeon sarangi eoneu mudeoun yeoreum nal dagawassjyo gidarigo gidarideon nayi banjjog hangsang neol ggumggweowassjyo neon nae maeumyi ansigceo bogo ddo bogo jugo ddo jugoman sipjyo nan seolreime mogmalra wae nae sarangeun da domangga ddeusdaero doeji anha sogman ta aldagado moreugessda geuraedo neomankeumeun nohcigo sipjiga nun apeseo meoleojigo sipjiga anha you are the one in my life geudaen ceongugboda areumdabda [chorus] neoreul saranghae neoreul bureune neoreul gieoghae neoreul gidarine geudaeyi mal hanmadi saranghandaneun geu hanmadi neoreul saranghae neoreul gieoghae gibbeum seulpeum nunmul haneul byeol geurigo ceongug [verse 1] nae modeun saenghwal soge geudaega sumeul swigo nayi jeonhwagien eoneusae neoyi ireumman boigo haruedo myeoc beonssig neoyi geu soneul butjabgo ibmajcumyeon sesangeul da gajin gibuniya oh baby maeil deuleoganeun minihompi dalkomhan hyanggi oh baby nae sarangeul jeonhagieneun jjalbeun munjameseji saramdeuli nolryeodae haruwaenjongil haengboghae oh baby yojeum cam salmanhae bacause of you [bridge] haruharuga duryeobjiman nega ddo ddeonagalggabwa naegeseo hyimihaejilggabwa neomu gamsahae neomu saranghae nae mamyi ceongugmunyi dan han sarama


是这样吗School of Communication University of China Nanguang No. 3666 road in Jiangning District of Nanjing City Hongjing in Jiangsu Province, China 211172

hibernate Criteria 如何实现 having查询


what is the best way of learning english 300~400字~大学作文~T^T 要一天之内啊!

What is the best way of learning English? Don"t rush to look for the answer, since the question is too big for one to tell about what you expected, but everyone can learn English more efficiently with the help of a good way of learning. “I can speak a little bit, but can"t express myself clearly. Moreover, people often misunderstand what I mean.” I bet that many English-Chinese Dictionaries or glossaries can be found out in your study, while there is none of English-English dictionary on your book shelf. Even if there is any, it has probably never been used. Like most of learners, you must have spent oceans of time on building up your vocabulary. However, you rarely try to understand what a word really means in English, and as a result, you are frequently misunderstood when speaking. Another problem is that you can not express yourself before others tell you how. Strange enough, they used the words which you seemingly had known very well. You had unconquerable difficulties to make them alive, because you had been addicting to the bad habits of learning Chinese explanations of English words. One should learn English words from meaning to meaning, not from words to words, since one thing rooted in a specific culture has its uniquity. In other words, it is very difficult to find the equivalent between two cultures. The explanations of a word do not be what it exactly means in English. Obviously, you always try to find an equivalent between Chinese and English. That is the reason why you are misunderstood. You will be able to use the words properly and naturally, if you understand what it means in English. It is high time that you put you English-Chinese Dictionary away. From now on, use the one in English explanation. As an English learner, I hope more people provide us with their experiences of learning English. The flowing are some topics about English. Don"t hesitate to make contact with me, if you love the language too

ranking criteria中文是什么意思

ranking criteria排名的标准

Foundations of Materials Science andEngineering资料


请问laem chabang的SCT港口的全称是什么?


the way to do 与the way of doing 有什么不同

区别是:the way to do表明一种倾向,一种打算,意思是将要做某事的方法。而the way of doing则是客观的谈论这个事情本身,通常事情已经发生了的事情的方法。例句辨析:the way to do1、Is this the way to do it? 这是干这事的办法吗?2、But once you"re here, you realize actually it"s not the way to do it. 但是当你置身于此的时候,你就会发现事实上我的用法是错误的。3、This is not going to be the way to do it. 这不是处理它的方式。the way of doing1、That"s the way of doing business. He can only follow the old routine. 这是办事的老规矩。他只会照常规办事。2、The article stresses the necessity of intermediate check to civil engineering lab and then introduces the way of doing the check work well. 文章论述了建筑工程实验室期间核查工作的必要性,并对如何正确开展实验室期间核查工作进行了讨论。3、But with apple threatening to disrupt the way of doing business on which its fortuneis founded, Microsoft may have little choice. 但由于苹果有可能破坏微软的财富所依赖的经营模式,微软可能没有多少选择机会。

can you express yourself in english

Does your ability use English an expression your own meaning?

现货新版第三版 Reading Explorer Foundations 与第二版的区别


请问excel里函数sumif(range,criteria,sun rang)


It might seem strange造句

1|So it is strange that the games would borrow so much from an animated short film, especially without involving Hibon or anyone else on the project. 2But it is strange that the OECD is so uninterested in the lessons from Iceland"s decision to call time on a chunk of its foreign liabilities, and put a financial wall around its economy to stop investors getting out.

strange love歌词的中文翻译

奇怪的爱 凯伦o 哦,爱,爱是奇怪的 哦哦 当有内在美, 外面没有什么CH CH CH变化 哦,我知道,我想在这首歌爱的人在看着我 雨或暴风雪,我想是唯一的地方,靠近我更需要的心 发光的不可怕,只要有你和我在一起 哦,因为爱是不总是你认为它会 爱,哦,爱是奇怪的,哦哦哦 当有内在美, 外面没有什么CH CH CH变化 奇怪的爱情,奇怪的爱彼此 奇怪的爱情,奇怪的爱彼此 不能根据封面来判断一本书 奇怪的爱情,奇怪的爱彼此 爱,爱是奇怪的,哦哦哦 当有内在美, 外面没有什么CH CH CH变化 发光的不可怕,只要有你和我在一起 哦,因为爱是不总是你认为它会 爱,爱是奇怪的,哦哦哦 当有内在美, 外面没有什么CH CH CH变化 奇怪的爱情,奇怪的爱彼此 奇怪的爱情,奇怪的爱彼此 不能根据封面来判断一本书 奇怪的爱情,奇怪的爱彼此 奇怪的爱情,奇怪的爱彼此 奇怪的爱情,奇怪的爱彼此 不能根据封面来判断一本书 奇怪的爱情,奇怪的爱彼此 原歌词 Strange Love Karen O Oh,love,love is strange Oh-oh When there"s beauty on the inside, The outside there"s nothing to ch-ch-ch-change Oh after I know,after it I want this song to love with someone watching over me Rain or storm,the only place I wanna be is close to the heart of everything I even need The lightening"s not frightening when you are with me Oh cause love is not always what you think it"ll be Love,oh love is strange,oh-oh-oh When there"s beauty on the inside, The outside there"s nothing to ch-ch-ch-change Strange love,strange love for one-another Strange love,strange love for one-another Can"t judge a book by its cover Strange love,strange love for one-another Love,love is strange,oh-oh-oh When there"s beauty on the inside, The outside there"s nothing to ch-ch-ch-change The lightening"s not frightening when you are with me Oh cause love is not always what you think it"ll be Love,love is strange,oh-oh-oh When there"s beauty on the inside, The outside there"s nothing to ch-ch-ch-change Strange love,strange love for one-another Strange love,strange love for one-another Can"t judge a book by its cover Strange love,strange love for one-another Strange love,strange love for one-another Strange love,strange love for one-another Can"t judge a book by its cover Strange love,strange love for one-anothe

be strange to后面接人还是物?

两种用法都有,具体要看你怎么用。例如:The place is strange to me.这地方我不熟悉.*生手的,外行的;不习惯的be strange to sth例如:My uncle is strange to city life.我叔父不习惯都市生活.

be strangto sb是什么意思?求帮忙

be strange to 对...来说,感到陌生;对...不熟悉(生疏,不习惯);对...感到奇怪.be strange to sb 就是对某人不熟悉或是感到奇怪,要结合上下文来判断。参考一下例句:This place is strange to me.这地方对我来说很陌生。Her sister is strange to country life.她的妹妹不习惯乡村生活。




strange的名词是stranger,意思为“陌生人”。strange可以做形容词也可以做副词,它的比较级为stranger,最高级为stranges.Telling a complete stranger about your life is difficult 要对一个素昧平生的人谈自己的生活经历是比较困难。The women knew nothing of the dead girl. They were strangers. 女人们都对死去的女孩一无所知。她们互不相识。I don"t know him at all.; He"s a perfect stranger to me. 我与他素不相识。


1. 奇怪的,奇妙的,不可思议的She was startled by a strange voice.一个奇怪的声音使她吓了一跳。It"s strange that he"s failed in the exam.他竟然不及格,真是想不到。2. 陌生的;生疏的,不熟悉的[Z][(+to)]The place is strange to me.这地方我不熟悉。3. 生手的,外行的;不习惯的[Z][F][(+to)]My uncle is strange to city life.我叔父不习惯都市生活。She is strange to the work but will soon learn.她对这个工作还很生疏,但很快就会学会的。4. 冷淡的,不亲近的[(+to)]ad.1. 奇怪地2. 陌生地;外行地3. 冷淡地

His hobby is writing in his spare time这是一个什么时态?



KK: [[]]DJ: []a.1. 奇怪的,奇妙的,不可思议的She was startled by a strange voice.一个奇怪的声音使她吓了一跳。It"s strange that he"s failed in the exam.他竟然不及格,真是想不到。2. 陌生的;生疏的,不熟悉的[Z][(+to)]The place is strange to me.这地方我不熟悉。3. 生手的,外行的;不习惯的[Z][F][(+to)]My uncle is strange to city life.我叔父不习惯都市生活。She is strange to the work but will soon learn.她对这个工作还很生疏,但很快就会学会的。4. 冷淡的,不亲近的[(+to)]ad.1. 奇怪地2. 陌生地;外行地3. 冷淡地 Do you know why she is so strange to him?你知道她为什么对他如此冷淡吗?It"s strange for her to be so rude.真奇怪,她竟然会如此粗暴无礼。He stood in a strange street.他站在一条陌生的街道上。 a strange exaltation that was indefinable; a strange fantastical mind; what a strange sense of humor she has.不确定的异常兴奋;异常的空想;她的幽默感是多么不同寻常。City life is strange, in a strange place, amongst strange people.在陌生的地方与陌生的人相处—在城市生活好不习惯。Strange though it may seem..., ie Although it seems strange...尽管这事似乎很奇怪...Writers have delighted in telling stories of strange lands and strange peoples.作家们都乐于讲述陌生的国度和陌生的民族的故事。You have shown me a strange image, and they are strange prisoners.你向我展示的是奇异的景象,他们是奇特的囚徒。A strange ending to a strange life.一个奇特生命的奇特结局。A strange man and a strange story.真是怪人怪事。For the rest, they were strange books and strange authors.别的书他却全都陌生,作者也陌生。He glanced at the titles and the authors" names, read fragments of text, caressing the volumes with his eyes and hands, and, once, recognized a book he had read. For the rest, they were strange books and strange authors.他看书名,看作者名,读了些片断,用眼和手爱抚着书卷,只有一次他认出了一本读过的书,别的书他却全都陌生,作者也陌生。It is a strange picture, he said, arid a strange sort of prisoners.他说:奇怪的画面,奇怪的囚徒。 Piano Club有一首单曲叫“strangeTokio HotelKerli - Strange

the way to do sth和the way of doing sth 有什么区别?

the way of doing 是已经发生事情的方法。the way to do 是做的方法

spare time doing sht 有这个用法嘛

spend time onin doing sth不知道你有没拼错?

求助,我这配置能玩Life is strange 吗

就差不多猜到结局了,为了自己爱的人:DONTNOD ENTERTAINMENT游戏发行:Life is Strange游戏类型:冒险游戏制作。 可最终做选择的时候完全没有犹豫:奇异人生游戏名称。中文名称,就算舍弃全世界又有什么关系两个结局 完美结局与自杀结局其实玩开头的时候

奇异人生暴风前夕LiFeis Strange Before The Storm需要什么配置要求


高中高二作文3100字:The change of my life

作文标题: The change of my life 关 键 词: 高中高二 3100字 字 数: 3100字作文 本文适合: 高中高二 作文来源: 本作文是关于高中高二3100字的作文,题目为:《The change of my life》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。 The change of my lifeBefore I entered this school--- Guangdong Teachers College of foreign language and art,I had a colourful andwonderful dream. Until now , I still remember what my former English teacher told me . He said that this college is great.It must be a good choice if you really want to improve English.It is true.Most of the teachers here are responsible ,the equipments are advanced. Even though the college is not as large as others,the environment here is so nice.There are many trees ,flowers and grasses.Everyday,many students are reading books here and there.Some students are even talking with each other in English .However,I do not want to talk about the college,what I want to talk about is the changes in my thoughts of my love,my family and my communication with others.Why do I talk about my love firstly? It is quite simple,because I still have no lovers.It is very difficult for us to find a boy here,which surprises my father,my mother and me when we stepped into Guangdong Teachers College of foreign language and art.It is not a good phenomenon.It is out of balance.However,It is not what we can change.What I can do is just to blamed my English teacher,I ask him why he can ask me to go to a college which has so few boys.I do not think I will be homesick since I know I will leave home,so do my families.I do not cry when I leave my home,I am just very exciting that I can have a new life.When I stay here alone,I do not really miss my families, I just feel that my families are accompanied with me at any time. In order to save money, I never make a telephone home. But I acquire my mother to call me at least once or twice a week. When my mother calls me ,I will talk to her for at least one hour. She always complaints that I have too much to talk to her. But I know that when she hears my voice ,she is very happy. I am also very happy when I hear what she complaints,because I know it is a happy complaint.When I am sick, I never let her know. I am afraid that she will rush here to take care of me. I am just joking. I know that she must be very worried about me at home. I just want her to know that her daughter is happy ,healthy and hard-working. Compared with my mother, my father"s love is simple. He just asks me whether I need money ,asks me not to be too economic. I really do not want to get money from my parents. I am an adult now , I have my own thoughts. so I start to do some part-time jobs. My first part-time job is to pretend to be a fans. It is a piece of cake. During the International Labour Day , there is a show held in the Hengbao Square. What I should do is just to sit in the first row, whistle ,applaud and lap the bar full of air. I can get in touch with the singing star in zero-distance. I shaked hands with him and got the CD with his autograph. I got the salary seven days later and learnt that what we see through the TV set are not all true. The second part-time job is to ask the supervisor of those clothes shop to fill in the forms and record their phone numbers and the address of their shops. Certainly it is not as easy as the first one. It is very difficult for us to do this job. There are many people who have been cheaten. So they do not believe others any more. I am just a stanger. I cannot let them put 100% faith in me. But what I can do is just to try my best to communicate with them and persuade them to fill in the forms. Actuslly it is a challenging task. It tests my patience and my self-respect. Now I have got my salary. Few days ago ,I supervised the examination in my college. It is a low-priced job. Despite the senseless, I felt something interesting. It reminded me of my former life. Sometimes their behaviors make my laugh. I think that if I do more jobs , I can be well prepared for my future. I will be more confident when I stepped into the society. I know my parents love me very much , they do not want me to be too tired. So even I stay away from my families ,I always feel that we are together. I love my families. The families are the most important persons to me ,they will not cheat me ,they will not betray me. They are the persons who will accompanied with me all their lifes. Unlike other children,I can express my love obviously. Kiss my families and saying “I love you”are an easy job for me .Before entering this college ,I think that I have known many dark aspects of this society. But now ,I realize that I am wrong. I will never grow up unless I step into the society deeply and get in touch with many kinds of people. Since I begin my life here,I realize how much I miss the former friends. We blended in with each other, we respected for each other. When I felt too tired to study or unhappy ,they will make me laugh and relax. They never looked down upon others. Now ,I feel that the world has changed ,it is too complicated. The souls of people are not pure any more. Their thoughts are too complicated to understand. When they smile to you ,maybe it does not mean that they treat me as a real friend. It seems that they fear to be hurt. They always want to protect themselves at any time. They never open their hearts easily. I share the stories with my former friends. Someone praises this phenomenon. They said that it is very normal. And it would not be a bad thing. These phenomenon can prove this society is improving gradually, the IQ and EQ of people are higher and higher. Meanwhile, I hear another different voice,they said that it is the lamentability of this society. As the society develops, how people balance the money and other things has changed invisibly. The whole society has changed greatly, many strange and unbelievable phenomenon happen non-stop. I am afraid that I have to support the ones who are critical of the society. I am the victim. I treat them greatly who treat me badly. I cannot imagine how terrible the society will be when I go to work. Now ,I have passed the MX-office computer level examination. But I am not satisfied with the mark. I want to pass the C-language examination ,the second level computer confirmation. My aim is to spare my effort to get as many confirmations as possible. I want to make the way of my career more smooth. From the beginning of my college life to now , I am aware of the growth of my thought and soul. I feel that anything good will become terrible,everyting terrible is nothing. I am determined to study hard ,treat myself well. At any time,we must love ourselves and our families. Making the life of ourselves wonderful is the highlight of our life.Everything in this college is very good. The meals in our restaurant are very delicious. When we are eating vegetables,we will find a worm, at this time ,we will praise that this vegetable is the real green food. When we are eating meat, we sometimes will receive the gift of the chef, a stone, as large as a thump. It is enjoyable to have the meals in the restaurant, because there are no couples in the restaurant. The conditions of our dorms are good. There is an air conditioner in every dorm. However it cannot work. Moreover, there are many mosquitoes kissing you every day. The leaders of this college rather care about the healthy of the students. It is they who give us the chance to do the morning exercise every morning. The equipments in this college are advanced, which cannot be used by us. What a pity! We can surf the internet without any fee. But the speed is quite slow. If we have no lovers, we will not feel uncomfortable when we are walking in the paths. Because there is no chance for us to see the couples. To speak frankly,the life in this college is not free at all. But now I do not think that it is necessary . It is very helpful for us to own a comfortable environment to study and live.Today, I am proud of Guangdong Teachers College of foreign language and art. I believe that Guangdong Teachers College of foreign language and art

He likes reading short stories in his spare time.

【答案】:B本题是对形容词的考查。题干:他喜欢在空闲时间读短小的故事。题干画线词spare意为“多余的,空闲的”。四个选项:short意为“短的”, free意为“自由的,空闲的”,busy意为“忙的”,lon9意为“长的,长期的”,故正确选项为B。

tokio hotel〈strange》歌词

歌名:Strange歌手:Tokio Hotel feat KerliA freak of natureStuck in realityI don"t fit the pictureI"m not what you want me to beSorryUnder the radarOut of the systemCaught in the spotlightThat"s my existenceYou want me to changeBut all I feel is strange...StrangeIn your perfect worldSo Strange...StrangeI feel so absurd in this lifeDon"t come closerIn my armsForever you"ll be strange...StrangeYou want to fix me,Push meInto your fantasyYou try to get me,Sell meYour personalityYou try to lift meI don"t get betterWhat"s making you happyIs making me sadderIn your golden cageAll I feel is strange...StrangeIn your perfect worldSo Strange...StrangeI feel so absurd in this lifeDon"t come closerIn my armsForever you"ll be strange...StrangeLike meStrangeWhen you touch meStrangeWhen you kill meStrangeAll I feel is strangeIn my dreams together we"ll beStrange...StrangeIn your perfect worldStrangeI am so, so afraidStrangeI am so, so afraidStrange...StrangeIn your perfect worldSo Strange StrangeI feel so absurd in this lifeDon"t come closerYou turn slowlyIn my armsForever you"ll be strangeStrangeLike me

ps4 life is strange有中文吗





Life is a strange不是人多,life is a strange的意思是生活是奇怪的。

spare time to do 和 spare time doing 的区别 应该有这两种说法的吧.

spare time doing 是对的 spare time to do 没有听到过呢

英语cropping up every day怎么翻译?



night<——>day, strange<——>familiar
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