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shortcoming可数,为可数名词。 其复数形式:shortcomings; shortcoming 缺点;短处, 指某人或某事物所存在的不足或缺陷,通常用复数。 扩展资料   The shortcoming of existing heat treatment process design is analyzed.   分析了现行热处理工艺设计的弊端。   The main shortcoming of this method is low alloy yield.   其金属收率较低,是实际生产中尚待解决的.主要问题。   Function, Principle and Shortcoming of Dispatching System in Our Company   论公司调度系统的职能、原则及当前存在的不足   This is a shortcoming of our education system.   这是教育制度的缺点。

the following are my tips句中的following后面为什么不加s?

the 加形容词可以代指某一类事物,这里应该也是这个用法,所以following是形容词,而不是名词,故不用加s

drawback shortcomings weakness 三者有什么区别 应对考试= =


the following 用什么时态表示 就比如说 The following Daturday I__shopping 是填写went还是will go?

感觉要联系上下文吧。。。在接下来的那个礼拜六我去购物,全文用一般现在时,那就用将来时态will go,如果全文是过去时态,那就是went咯




following什么意思下列的。following英 /u02c8fu0252lu0259u028au026au014b,美 /[u02c8fɑu02d0lou028au026au014b]adj.下列的;(时间上)接着的;下述的n.下列;如下;(统称)拥护者,追随者;下述prep.在(某事)以后;由于v.跟随;跟着;(指时间或顺序)在…后发生,因…而发生;在…后做follow的现在分词复数: followings牛津词典adj.the following…1(时间上)接着的next in timethe following afternoon/month/year/week第二天下午;第二个月;第二年;第二周They arrived on Monday evening and we got there the following day.他们是星期一晚上到的,我们次日也抵达那里。2下述的;下列的that is/are going to be mentioned nextAnswer the following questions.回答下列问题。

That detective film is so amazing.(改为感叹句)


如何正确使用as follows 与 following

take the advice as follows,as follows 只能跟在后面take the following advice following 放在名词前面

the followings对吗

可以,following有名词意思 下面披露很多项,就是followings

the following are my tips句中的following后面为什么不加s?


请问为什么The following is a summary of our conclusions.用a不用the?

这个语气a summary 是一个小总结类似建议,希望大家理解,如果用the 特定就是命令口气, 不是一般用法。

the following 的谓语动词为什么看宾语??根据什么语法规则

the following 相当于一个指代词,因此句子中的谓语必须与实际的主语(这时在句中是在宾语位置)相一致

消逝的光芒the following是信徒吗

消逝的光芒thefollowing是信徒的。因为Techland旗下大受好评的游戏作品消逝的光芒最新资料片信徒预告发布,thefollowing就是信徒的意思,在简短的影像中主角在断崖间一路狂奔躲避丧尸追赶,不幸的是跳入水间依旧是丧尸活动之地,所以消逝的光芒thefollowing是信徒的。消逝的光芒信徒包括众多战役任务和支线任务,亦可自定义沙滩车。消逝的光芒信徒将于2016年的头三个月之内发售。消逝的光芒的游戏设定在游戏中,游戏主角Kyle Crane在一个受伤男人的身上发现了一幅神秘的地图,根据地图的说明,在哈兰城外有一批神秘的人群对僵尸病毒免疫,因此他将根据这幅地图的指引探索一片未知的地区。

在英语作文中 如果想说:接下来是我想说的。我这么翻译可以吗?following are the t

is the tips

the following 的谓语动词为什么看宾语??根据什么语法规则


the following是单数还是复数

the following 应该是做前置定语的,来修饰名词,所以得看名词的数,来决定谓语的数.following用作形容词表示“接着的”,与定冠词the连用,表示“下述的”。the following作主语时,谓语动词可用单数也可用复数。 扩展资料   例句:   The following is a summary of our conclusions.   现将我们的`几点结论综述如下。   Please mail us at the following email address.   请按下面的电邮地址发送给我们。

请问下图课文的标题为什么用says, 而不是said 或者saying?

它是谓语动词,整首诗用的都是一般现在时,而the clock是第三人称单数,所以得用says

是不是like detective要加ing?


consulting detective是什么意思


consulting detective是什么意思


springboot 使用scala 开发

咋说呢 ,还是使用scala做springboot开发比较流畅一些 按道理来说根据打包模式 maven sbt gradle来说三种方式都可以 maven 是最简单的 gradle 也比较简单,但是我并没有尝试gradle sbt 其实也还可以 ,你要找到方向基本就直到套路了,经过参考别人的博客,自己搭建了个demo 验证是可以正常使用的,不过maven 版的打jar 使用还是有点问题,我尝试使用多种方式指定主函数还是有问题 两种方式的我都上传到了github上,大家如果想模仿学习 可以git clone 下来泡一泡 另外搭建逻辑 大家可以参考这篇博客 google搜出来的 需要主要的,现在的springboot 的版本是2.0.5 release ,之前都是1.× ,不过大同小异, springboot 本身是支持 java 8 kotlin groovy,大家也可以尝试一下 kotlin ,kotlin 以后可能会崛起 说一下打包部署 正常来说我们做java 都会打个jar包 部署到生产环境上, springboot 据说他打包的文件生成方式和普通的 是有差别的,确实,我点击jar 解压看到的和普通有很大差别,所以才会有一个 springboot-maven-plugin 有了这个插件所以 springboot部署成jar包比较简单 但是吧 springboot对sbt 没有特殊支持 也没有这个插件,我耗费三体还是没有实现主就是报这个错 那我们说 springboot sbt scala 部署到底如何实现呢 其实在不打jar 包的情况下还是有多种实现的,比如 git 整个项目到生产环境,直接sbt run 就可以启动整个项目 ,另外还要说一下,springboot如果不启动web ,比如做定时任务,使用sbt-assembly插件 其实打成jar包也是可以使用的 还有一种就是是使用sbt-native-package插件,这个插件超级强大,简直可以用震惊!!!,他娘的,什么都可以打包,就是打不成jar包,rpm docker image zip tar.gz macos dmg win exe,这些他都可以 参考 I solved the issue by moving to sbt-native-packager plugins.sbt addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-native-packager" % "1.2.0") build.sbt scriptClasspath := Seq("*") mainClass in Compile := Some("") enablePlugins(JavaAppPackaging) Running: packaging sbt universal:stage starting the app: targetuniversalstageinx.bat 这个会生产一个脚本,直接执行这个脚本就可以,不过有时候也会失败,这个需要在 对于 maven scala springboot 项目来说,要想打成jar包运行,必须包含其中的两个maven 插件,缺一个也不行 完整的 在 IDEA 里面新建 SpringBoot 启动配置,运行后启动成功。 在 POM 目录 执行 mvn spring-boot:run 运行项目,启动成功; 线下环境 通过 java -jar jar_name.jar,运行成功; 用下面命令重新打包试试看 mvn clean package spring-boot:repackage -Dmaven.test.skip 在sbt 中 这两个是罪魁祸首 一引用就出问题


Burning - Maria ArredondoPassion is sweet强烈的感情是甜蜜的Love makes weak 而爱使我们脆弱You said you cherished freedom so你说你珍惜你的自由You refuse to let it go所以你拒绝丢失它Follow your fate跟随你的命运Love and hate不管是爱还是憎恨Never fail to seize the day一定抓住那一天But dont give yourself away .不要给你自己放弃的机会Oh when the night falls 哦 当夜晚降临And your all alone 你的所有的孤独In your deepest sleep what在你沈沈的睡眠之中Are you dreaming of你正在梦到什麽My skin"s still burning from your touch 我的皮肤因为你的碰触而剧烈照烧Oh I just can"t get enough I哦 我就是不能变得满足Said I wouldn"t ask for much我说我不要求很多But your eyes are dangerous然而你的眼睛太危险Oh the thought keep spinning in my head 对你的思念挥之不去Can we drop this masquerade我们能沈迷於这个化装舞会吗I can"t predict where it ends我不能预测它什麽时候结束If your the rock I"ll crush against如果你是岩石,我将打碎它Trapped in a crowd大家被困在这里The music is loud乐声嘈杂I said I love my freedom to我说我也爱我的自由Now I"m not sure I do现在我却不能确信我是否真的如此All eyes on you你眼睛里的所有Rings so true指环是那麽真实Better quit while you"re ahead当你的思想都离开时Now I"m not so sure I am现在我更不确信我是否真的如此Oh when the night falls哦 当夜晚降临And your all alone你的所有的孤独In your deepest sleep what在你沈沈的睡眠之中Are you dreaming of你正在梦到什麽My skin"s still burning from your touch 我的皮肤因为你的碰触而剧烈照烧Oh I just can"t get enough I哦 我就是不能变得满足Said I wouldn"t ask for much我说我不要求很多But your eyes are dangerous然而你的眼睛太危险Oh the thought keep spinning in my head 对你的思念挥之不去Can we drop this masquerade我们能沈迷於这个化装舞会吗I can"t predict where it ends我不能预测它什麽时候结束If your the rock I"ll crush against如果你是岩石,我将打碎它My soul my heart我的灵魂, 我的心If you"re near if you"re far 无论你在近处还是远处My life my love 我的生命, 我的爱恋You can have it all....ooohaaaah.你可以拥有全部Oh when the night falls哦 当夜晚降临And your all alone你的所有的孤独In your deepest sleep what在你沈沈的睡眠之中Are you dreaming of你正在梦到什麽My skin"s still burning from your touch 我的皮肤因为你的碰触而剧烈照烧Oh I just can"t get enough I 哦 我就是不能变得满足Said I wouldn"t ask for much我说我不要求很多But your eyes are dangerous然而你的眼睛太危险Oh the thought keep spinning in my head 对你的思念挥之不去Can we drop this masquerade我们能沈迷於这个化装舞会吗I can"t predict where it ends我不能预测它什麽时候结束If your the rock I"ll crush against如果你是岩石,我将打碎它ooh, if your the rock I"ll crush against.如果你是岩石,我将打碎它

分析下这个题目:Which of the following instructions should be privileged? 答案是abcefh,请说明理由

其实这道题很基础的,就是英文描述的太2了, READ CLOCK应该指的是读取设备是时钟频率,例如CPU CLOCK, 这个如果不通过内核指令是读不了的, 用户切换到核心模式,都是操作系统自动完成的,比如我发个存储文件的指令,在用户层可能就是SAVEFILE,在核心层就I/O驱动指令.但是切换的过程是不需要核心指令的,希望这个解释还算清楚操作系统的题?应该问的是那些与内核指令相关的吧a设置计时器的值,这个会影响系统进程,需要特权b读时间,这个应该不需要吧,难道是读取操作系统时间?c清除内存会影响进程调用,内存管理之类的,肯定也需要d产生陷阱指令,这个任何指令都可以产生吧,不一定非内核指令e关闭中断,这个会影响CPU占用,肯定要系统来控制f编辑硬件状态表的记录,这个涉及硬件的管理,肯定要g变用户到核心模式,可以修改核心指令那必须要h存取I/O设备,这都是操作系统干的活,肯定要 完全个人理解, 已知一个String的时间字符串 怎么取得小时 和分钟...

string hour=A.substring(12,2);string min=A.substring(15,2);











小学三年级作文300字:The Lion King

作文标题: The Lion King 关 键 词: 小学三年级 300字 字 数: 300字作文 本文适合: 小学三年级 作文来源: 本作文是关于小学三年级300字的作文,题目为:《The Lion King》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。 There is a little lion called Ziba whose father is a king .His parents are very kind to him.He has so many pals and lives a happy life . Unluckily.his father was killed one day .He thought it was his fault and he regreted a lot. He lost the touch with his family since then.His two pals helped him to lead a new life . His mother and other family members thought he had died .One day ,his girlfriend met him by accident .She persuadee him to come back to get his kingdom .He first did not take her advisebut then he agreeed with the help of a magical monkey He returned and he got to know it"s his uncle who ended his father"life .He fought against him and he won at last . He saved his mother and other lions and became king of his tribe .He is lion of great determination and iron will. He is a really Hero!

help是接 doing或to do还是do,我记得是有两个固定搭配

一、 用作及物动词的help  help用作及物动词,其意为“帮助”,常用于以下三种句式:  1. help to do sth.意为“帮助做某事”。  【情景例句】  Could you help to open the window? 你能帮忙打开窗子吗?  2. help sb. to do sth. 意为“帮助某人做某事”,其中,不定式符号to可以省略。  【情景例句】  He often helps me to study English. / He often helps me study English. 他经常帮助我学习英语。  3. help sb. with sth. 意为“帮助某人做某事”或“在……方面帮助某人”。有时在上下文意思清楚时,与help sb. (to) do sth.意思相近。  【情景例句】  You can help me carry the things. / You can help me with the things. 你可以帮我拿这些东西。  二、 习惯句式中的help  【情景例句】  Could you help me, please? 你能帮助我吗?  May I help you? / Can I help you? 我可以帮助你吗?  三、 习惯用语中的help  1. help oneself (to) +名词,意为“请随便吃……”。这是招待客人的常用语,oneself有人称和数的变化。  【情景例句】  Help yourself to some chicken. 请随便吃些鸡肉。  2. with the help of sb.或 with one"s help 意为“在某人的帮助下”。这里的with不可用under来代替。  【情景例句】  With the help of my teacher, I can pass the exam. / With my teacher"s help, I can pass the exam. 在老师的帮助下,我能通过这次考试 3. cann"t help doing 禁不住


这是一个产品标签或标识,其中“Designed by YS”表示产品的设计者为YS公司;“O2Pro”可能是产品的型号或系列名称;“Dongguan”是产品的组装地点,表示该产品在中国广东省东莞市进行了组装;“Assembled in China”表示该产品是在中国组装的。

买的51分的钻戒, E色的,VS1 三个eacellent 的,荧光是 strong blue的,有GIA证书的,这个钻戒值多少

E色 VS1 3EX 无荧光无奶咖 定制镶嵌 11000能做好,金重3.5-4克 ,无伴钻镶,秒杀你这颗裸石!


呵呵 支持楼上的


在用料上 GAMING 7 更足一点,因为比RAIDER更重嘛。G带有杀手网卡,其所带的USB接口也是极为丰富,并且音效好于R。怎么说呢,两者打个比喻就是G是升级版,R是标准版。两者在狗东上相差400块!你都买这个板子了,我还是推荐你买G系列的吧!

求新编大学英语第二版第五册unit1~7的after-class reading的译文,谢谢,拜托了



动词的过去分词形式也就是现在经行时了  区分 (1)、一般动词,在词尾直接加“ed”。  work---worked---worked,visit---visited---visited  (2)、以“e”结尾的动词,只在词尾加“d”。  live---lived---lived,  (3)、以“辅音字母+y”结尾的动词,将"y"变为"i",再加“ed”。  study---studied---studied,cry---cried---cried,  play---played---played,stay---stayed---stayed  (4)、重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母,先双写该辅音字母,再加“ed”。  stop---stopped---stopped,drop---dropped--dropped

the key to do sth .the key to doing.哪个结构是正确的?

两种结构都是正确的 the key to doing sth做.的关键,是介词,to词性不会发生变化的, 如果是表目的话就应该是不定式“to do sth"

cotton sheeting是什么面料

一般是指全棉的平布,常用的有20X20/60X60, 30X30/68X68之类的平纹面料。

the key to doing还是do?

the key to do sth

桌子上的钥匙,用the key to something,这句话怎么说



拨定留存收益(appropriated retained earnings) 拨定留存收益是指公司 董事会 指定了用途不可用于当期股利分配的利 润。


Mustang(福特野马)是美国福特汽车公司推出的2005款野马汽车。由于Mustang I野马概念车的两座设计实用性太低,被福特高层驳回后,1963年10月,福特推出了Mustang II概念车,将布局改为了发动机前置,并采用四座布局。1964年4月17日,经过福特团队反复论证、修改后的第一代量产版Mustang于纽约世博会上正式发布,野马自此正式向全世界展示了它的风范。福特的时间表把握得非常之巧,此时正值战后生育高峰期的一代刚刚进入购车的年龄,这一代人对车的要求与其父母大相径庭,他们想张扬自己的个性,野马应运而生。车身侧面虽然仍以沉稳为主,但是一条梯形的凹线从前翼子板开始,直贯后翼子板,将整车的动感展露出来。尾部也以稳重为主,垂直尾灯采用了特征化条矩形式设计,怎么看都是一款轿车,要不是尾翼的提醒,很难将野马划为跑车之列。总的看来,野马的外形沉稳有余而动感不足,不过周身散发的那种稳重硬朗的气质,让人很容易感受得到。另外,野马给人一种极其质朴的感觉,如果驾驶野马牛仔装会比西装革履更加合适。以上内容参考:百度百科-福特野马

use pedestrian crossing

“你必须一直在人行道上,你在距离十字路口50米之内的距离横穿马路(不走斑马路)会被罚款50美元.” pedestrian crossing 是人行道的意思.

zebra crossing中文翻译

You must when you close to a zebra crossing 当你开车接近斑马线时你必须减速。 Faipng to give precedence to pedestrians on zebra crossing 没有让斑马上的行人先行 Are there traffic pghts at every zebra cross 每个人行横道处都有交通灯吗? You must give way to pedestrians on a zebra crossing 在斑马前,必须让行人先横过马路。 Transport department - using zebra crossings 运输署-使用斑马 Faipng to stop at zebra crossing 没有在斑马线前停车 Transport department - zebra crossings 运输署-斑马 Take the zebra crossing , pedestrian overpass or underpass to cross the road 过马路要走斑马线、人行天桥或地下通道! You can walk through the zebra crossing only when the traffic pghts turn green 只有当交通号志变成绿色时,你才可以通过斑马线。 Zebra crossing markings showing pedestrian crossing , give way pnes and zebra controlled area 表示行人斑马让路及斑马管制区的标记 You must not cross the road within the area marked by zigzag pnes . use the zebra crossing 行人不得在之字范围内过马路,应从斑马横过。 Do not stop on the black and white stripes of the zebra crossing but stop at the give way pne 切勿在斑马的黑白条纹上停车,应在让路前停下来。 Zebra crossings are marked with black and white stripes on the road and zigzag pnes on either side 斑马是路面上有黑白相间条纹的行人过路处,两旁划上之字。 Make use of crossing facipties ( eg . pedestrian traffic pght , zebra crossings , footbridge and pedestrian subway ) 利用行人过路设施(如行人交通灯、斑马线、行人天桥和行人隧道) 。 Even when there are no zigzag markings , never park , or load unload goods or passengers , or overtake just before a zebra crossing 即使没有之字,也不可以在斑马前泊车上落货或超车。 If you need to cross the road and there is a zebra crossing nearby you should always use it even though you may have to walk further to do so 如要横过马路,而附近又设有斑马,即使要多走几步,也要使用斑马。 Until you have stepped onto a zebra crossing , the traffic does not have to stop for you . you must never cross on the zigzag pnes 如有需要,行人应首先在斑马上踏出一步,因为在行人未踏上斑马前,车辆便不须停下。 Road rules and lane markings are indicative only , and pedestrians need the strength of their convictions to insist on their rights at zebra crossings 道路规章和标志线只具有象征意义,行人需要有强大的信念,才能坚持他们在斑马线上的权利。 When approaching a zebra crossing , look out for pedestrians waiting to cross particularly children , the elderly , the disabled and people with children 驶近斑马时,须留意是否有等候横过马路的行人特别是儿童老年人伤残人士及带小孩的行人等。 In a zebra controlled area marked by the zigzag pnes unless the vehicle is giving precedence to a pedestrian using the zebra crossing or is waiting to make a left or right turn 除非让路给正在横过马路的行人,否则不得在斑马上的条纹或之字区内停车 You must not stop on the zebra crossing , you must not stop in the area marked by the zigzag pnes except when giving way to pedestrians on the crossing or waiting to turn left or right 切勿在斑马前的之字区内停车。除非你要让行人过马路,或等候转左或转右。 Liner 400 / 450mm is auxipary in road construction activity , used in zebra crossing ( pedestrian crossing ) and entrance and exit to a highway , hand pull marker 斑马线热熔划线机是热熔标线施工的辅助设备,它是用来涂敷斑马线(人行横道线)及高速公路出入口标线的,施工方向为拉力方向。 In the area marked by the zigzag pnes on the approach to a zebra crossing , you must not overtake the moving vehicle nearest to the crossing , or the leading vehicle which has stopped to give way to a pedestrian on the crossing 在斑马前的之字区内,不可超越靠近斑马的行驶中车辆,或超越正停下让路给行人的车辆。

1.现在新闻为什么都把主席叫“president”? 2.内蒙古干嘛叫“Inner Mongolia”?

首相 总理英文为prime minister为了和 蒙古 区分开,个人观点,

zebra crossing什么时候加s

当第三人称做主语的时候zebra crossing加s。如:Most good drivers stop at zebra crossings.大多数好司机都会在斑马线前停车。Cars must also stop at zebra crossings if a pedestrian is waiting.如果有行人在等待,汽车必须在斑马线那里停下来。zebra crossing和pedestrian lane的区别:zebra crossing是斑马线的意思。zebra就是斑马,crossing是街道的人行道,单独使用时也可以表示十字交叉路口。而pedestrian lane指的是人行道或者步行街,上面没有条纹斑马线的。这里需要注意区分,因为北美和澳洲也比较常用pedestrian lane表示斑马线。如:Could you pull up closer to the pedestrian lane?可以停得离人行道/步行街近点吗?

how long does the spring festival last?该怎样回答?

The Spring Festival lasts fifteen days.学习是一件愉快的事! (*^__^*) 请及时采纳,多谢!



zebra crossing 还是 pedestrain crossing?两者有什么区别?谢谢


英语翻译,last thing是什么意思?

你好!last thing的意思是最后的事情。


在Sprtingboot启动时,提示如下错误。 Description: Failed to configure a DataSource: "url" attribute is not specified and no embedded datasource could be configured. Reason: Failed to determine a suitable driver class Action: Consider the following: If you want an embedded database (H2, HSQL or Derby), please put it on the classpath. If you have database settings to be loaded from a particular profile you may need to activate it (no profiles are currently active). 然后在网上找的解决办法是@SpringBootApplication(exclude = {DataSourceAutoConfiguration.class,DataSourceTransactionManagerAutoConfiguration.class}) 但是添加之后,依旧出现了上面的问题。原因是去除的不够彻底。 所以解决方法如下: @SpringBootApplication(exclude = {DataSourceAutoConfiguration.class,DataSourceTransactionManagerAutoConfiguration.class,DruidDataSourceAutoConfigure.class ,HibernateJpaAutoConfiguration.class})

breathtaking scenery是什么意思


Meeting Room 和 Council Chamber 和 Conference Room有啥区别啊?

Chamber 可用于法庭, 也可以用在商业机构。如很多商会叫 Chamber of Commerce.Chamber 带有闭门会议、较严肃性质的会议。Council 是理事会

Breaking Benjamin+Forget It歌词翻译

it"s a crime you let it happen to me 你对我做的一切,是种罪恶行为never mind I"ll let it happen to you 无所谓,我会把一切“回报”给你I don"t mind forget it 我无所谓,忘记这一切there"s nothing to lose but my mind and all the things I wanted 除了我的思想,和我想要的一切,我已没什么能再失去everytime I get it throw it away 每次我得到时,又将一切丢掉it"s a sign I get it 这就是我得到的标志I wanna stay 我想停留by the time I lose it 当我失去I"m not afraid 没什么担心害怕I"m alive 我还活在这世上but I can surely fake it 但我可以装成我是很关心how can I believe 我拿什么相信when this cloud hangs over me 这悬在我头上的阴云you"re the part of me that I don"t wanna see 你是我不愿看见的我自己的那部分forget it (x14) 忘记它吧there"s a place I see you following me 有时候我看见你偷偷地跟着我just a taste of all that might come to be 想一想,将要发生的一切I"m alone 我是孤独的but holding breath you can breathe 屏住呼吸,你仍可以生存下来to question every answer counted 去质问一切有价值的答案just fade away 只在慢慢消退please let me stay 请让我停留caught in your way 我被困在你行走的路上forget it, forget it 忘记,忘记just fade away please let me stay caught in your way forget it, forget it it"s a crime you let it happen to me I don"t mind 你对我做的一切是种罪恶无所谓I love it easy to please 我喜欢可以轻易满足的东西never mind 别介意forget it 忘却just memory 只是回忆on a page inside a spiral notebook 停留在那盘旋上升的笔记本里just fade away 渐渐消退please let me stay 我想留在这里caught in your way 在你的世界里迷失I can live forever here 我能在这里永生Just fade away please let me stay caught in your way I can live forever here how can I believe when this cloud hangs over me you"re the part of me that I don"t wanna see I can live forever here

Breaking Benjamin的《Forget It》 歌词

歌曲名:Forget It歌手:Breaking Benjamin专辑:We Are Not Alone〖 Breaking Benjamin 〗One of Best Songs from Ben BurnleyIt"s a crime you let it happen to meNever mind, I"ll let it happen to youI don"t mind, forget it, there"s nothing to loseBut my mind and all the things I wantedEvery time I get it I throw it awayIt"s a sign, I get it, I wanna stayBy the time I lose it I"m not afraidI"m alive but I can surely fake itHow can I believeWhen this cloud hangs over meYou"re the part of meThat I don"t wanna seeForget it, forget it, forget it, forget itForget it, forget it, forget it, forget itForget it, forget it, forget it, forget itForget it, forget itThere"s a place I see you following meJust a taste of all that might come to beI"m alone but holding breath you can breatheTo question every answer countedJust fade awayPlease me let me stayCaught in your way (forget it, forget it, forget it)Just fade awayPlease me let me stayCaught in your way (forget it, forget it, forget it)It"s a crime you let it happen to meI don"t mind, I love it, easy to pleaseNever mind, forget it, just memoryOn a page inside a spiral notebookJust fade awayPlease let me stayCaught in your wayI can live forever hereJust fade awayPlease let me stayCaught in your wayI can live forever hereHow can I believeWhen this cloud hangs over meYou"re the part of meThat I don"t wanna seeI can live forever here

council congress区别!

n.委员会;(郡、镇等)政务会;(尤指旧时讨论特定步骤的)协商会议;市政(或地方管理)服务机构 n.国会;代表大会;(用于某些国家的政党名称)国民大会;社交vi.开会,集合


she has English on Monday

请问词组中为什么有的用on有的用in,比如星期一早晨 on monday moning 在下午 in the afternoon 谢谢

表示时间的介词1. at, in 和on是用于表示时间的介词,表示具体的时刻可以用at。We got used to getting up at six. 我们习惯于6点起床。I"ll meet you at a quarter to eight. 咱么7点45分见。2. 一天的各个时间最常见的词组有:in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at daybreak, at sunrise, at noon, at night, at midnight等。It always takes me ages to wake up in the morning. 每天早晨我都需要花好长时间才能醒过来。three o"clock in the morning. 凌晨三点钟。I work best at night. 我在晚上工作效率高。3. 如果专指某一天上午、下午等,或要对这天上午或下午加以描述,就用on而不用in。See you on Monday morning. 星期一早上见。On a cold afternoon in January, I met her in the street. 在1月的一个寒冷的下午,我在街上遇到了她。On that particular evening, there was a strange excitement in the air. 在那个特别的晚上,空气中都弥漫着兴奋。I don"t like see people on the nights when I"ve been working late.当晚上工作很晚的时候,我不愿意见别人。4. 谈到具体的某一天或特殊场合,用on。Come back on Tuesday. 星期二回来。On a summer day, in the month of May, he was born. 在5月的一个夏日,他出生了。We are going to give him a surprise party on his birthday. 在他生日的时候,我们准备给他开一个惊喜晚会。Granny"s coming to lunch on Christmas Day. 奶奶圣诞节来吃午饭。5. 泛指圣诞节、新年、复活节时,都用at。Are you going away on Easter? 复活节你们外出吗?Children feel happy at Christmas. 孩子们过圣诞节非常高兴。6. 谈到较长的时间,如星期、月、季、年、世纪等时,用in。It happened in Easter week. 事件发生在复活节的那一周。What month were you born in? 你是那个月出生的?We usually go to the beach in summer. 我们通常是夏季去海滩。I went to Dalian in 1997. 我1997年去了大连。In the 21st century, computer science will develop greatly. 在21世纪,计算机科学将会得到大发展。

Gisli的《I M Trying》 歌词

歌曲名:I M Trying歌手:Gisli专辑:How About That?QT - I"m Tryin"My past overshadows what"s goin on right nowAnd it hurts so badI never thought I"d be all by myself,But then I made you madToo many times before, that"s why you locked the doorOn our loveThen you threw away the keyNow I"m looking out the windowSeeing you with someone else.I know I made mistakes before but this oneHit the books, now I"m just historyI can"t adjust to the fact that you ain"t comming backAnd it just eats at me!I"m tryingNot to think about the pastReminiscing on the the love we hadI"m tryingAnd it"s killing me InsideCause I had to let you go Bye-ByeTo figure out what"s next, ohTryna figure out where to goIt"s like I"m lost and I"ll never be foundWithout my love aroundSearchin! Tryna find the answers to the riddleFelling so little in this big ol worldAnd I hear the clock tickingTick tock, Aftershock, that"s what my bodies feeling!I know I made mistakes before but this oneHit the books, now I"m just historyI can"t adjust to the fact that you aint comming backAnd it still eats at me!I"m tryingNot to think about the pastReminiscing on the the love we hadI"m tryingAnd it"s killing me InsideCause I had to let you go Bye-ByeI"m trying to forget about the hugs and the kissesIt hurts to know that a part of me is missingMy better half, my All I haveAint comming back, I"m trying!I"m tryingNot to think about the pastReminiscing on the the love we hadI"m tryingAnd it"s killing me InsideCause I had to let you go Bye-ByeI"m trying

I feel the touch of your hand And I understand how much I need your love You have given me wings An

Oh Baby I (Need You So)I feel the touch of your handAnd I understand how much I need your loveYou have given me wingsAnd I can do things I"ve never dreamed ofAnd I promise for as long as we"re togetherI will cherish this everlasting loveChorus----------Oh baby I need you soYou know that I can"t let goAlways and forever I just want you to knowI wanna be where you areNo matter how near or farAnd I wanna be the only oneWho can open the door to your heartOh baby I, oh baby I, oh baby I (x2)All your secrets I"ll keepThey"re safe here with meMy arms will comfort youThere"ll be no river too wideNo mountain"s too highMy heart will follow youI"ll go anywhere for as long as we"re togetherI will cherish this everlasting loveChorus----------Oh baby I need you soYou know that I can"t let goAlways and forever I just want you to knowI wanna be where you areNo matter how near or farAnd I wanna be the only oneWho can open the door to your heartOh baby I, oh baby I, oh baby I (x2)Bridge---------There may be times some rain will fallBut I won"t mind it if you"re here with meOh, we"ll get by and through it allWe"ll have all of the love that we need, oh babyOh, oh babyOh, my darlingI"ll go anywhere for as long as we"re togetherI will cherish this everlasting loveChorus----------Oh baby I need you soYou know that I can"t let goAlways and forever I just want you to knowI wanna be where you areNo matter how near or farAnd I wanna be the only oneWho can open the doorOh baby I need you soTogether our love will growAlways and forever I just want you to knowI want to be where you areNo matter how near or farAnd I want to be the only oneWho can open the door to your heart

为什么用the loving girl 而不用the loved girl

  首先看一下loving和loved的词义区别:  loved v. 热爱(love的过去分词) adj. 恋爱的;受珍爱的。  loving adj. 亲爱的;钟情的;忠诚的 n. (Loving)人名;(英、瑞典)洛文。  很显然用the loving girl 更讲得通,其次这也是习惯用法,记住就是了。  祝你学习进步!



能帮我找一下白贤灿烈合唱的那首love song的歌词及翻译吗?

I do believe All the love you giveAll of the things you doLove you Love yoI"ll keep you safe Don"t you worryI wouldn"t leave Wanna keep you nearCause I feel the same way tooLove you Love youWant you to know that i"m With youI will love you and love you and love youGonna hold you and hold you and Squeeze youI will please you for all timesI dont wanna lose you and lose you and lose youCause i need you i need you I need youSo I want you to be my ladyYou"ve got to understand My loveYou are beautiful beautiful beautifulbeautiful beautiful beautiful GirlYou are beautiful beautiful beautifulbeautiful beautiful beautiful GirlI will love you and love you and love youGonna hold you and hold you and Squeeze youI will please you for all timesI dont wanna lose you and lose you and lose youCause i need you i need you I need youSo I want you to be my ladyYou"ve got to understand My loveYou are beautiful beautiful beautifulbeautiful beautiful beautiful GirlYou are beautiful beautiful beautifulbeautiful beautiful beautiful Girl

伯贤和朴灿烈的Love song歌词。谢谢。

LoveSong 白贤 灿烈 - EXOI do believe all the love you give我相信你对我毫不保留的爱All of things you do以及你做的所有事情Love you love you爱你爱你I"ll keep you safe don"t you worry我会护你周全不用担心I wouldn"t leave wanna keep you near我不会离开想要一直呆在你身边Cause I feel the same way too因为我也有同样感觉Love you love you爱你爱你Want you to know that I"m with you想让你了解我将伴你身边I will love you and love you and love you我会爱你爱你一直爱你Gonna hold you and hold you and squeeze you拥抱着你 和你相拥 紧紧依偎I will please you for all times和我在一起 每时每刻都是开心I don"t wanna lose you and lose you and lose you我不想没有你离开你失去你Cause I need you I need you I need you因为我需要你So I want you to be my lady因为我想要你成为我的女人You"ve got to understand my love你会明白 我的挚爱You are beautiful beautiful beautiful你是那么美丽动人 那么美丽动人 那么美丽动人beautiful beautiful beautiful girl那么美丽动人 那么美丽动人 那么美丽动人的女孩You are beautiful beautiful beautiful你是那么美丽动人 那么美丽动人 那么美丽动人beautiful beautiful beautiful girl那么美丽动人 那么美丽动人 那么美丽动人的女孩I will love you and love you and love you我会爱你爱你一直爱你Gonna hold you and hold you and squeeze you拥抱着你 和你相拥 紧紧依偎I will please you for all times和我在一起 每时每刻都是开心I don"t wanna lose you and lose you and lose you我不想没有你离开你失去你Cause I need you I need you I need you因为我需要你So I want you to be my lady因为我想要你成为我的女人You"ve got to understand my love你会明白 我的挚爱You are beautiful beautiful beautiful你是那么美丽动人 那么美丽动人 那么美丽动人beautiful beautiful beautiful girl那么美丽动人 那么美丽动人 那么美丽动人的女孩You are beautiful beautiful beautiful你是那么美丽动人 那么美丽动人 那么美丽动人beautiful beautiful beautiful girl那么美丽动人 那么美丽动人 那么美丽动人的女孩

求《a little love fiona fung》歌词?

求Fiona Fung的《A little love》专辑里所有歌曲的歌词。当然 歌曲本身没有greatness as you smallest as me you show me what is deep as sea a

ping DNS不通 但能上网


Mariah Carey的We Belong Together的歌词及翻译!

I didn"t mean it When I said I didn"t love you so   当我说我并不那样爱你的时候,我并非本意I should have held on tight   我应该抱得更紧   I never should"ve let you go   我不应该让你走   I didnt know nothing   我什么都不知道   I was stupid   我好笨 I was foolish   我好蠢   I was lying to myself   我在骗我自己   I could not fathom that I would ever Be without your love 我无法设想,没有了你的爱我该怎么办   Never imagined I"d be Sitting here beside myself   从来没有想过,我会一个人坐在这里  cause I didn"t know you   因为我不了解你   cause You didn"t know me   因为你不了解我   But I thought I knew everything   但是我以为我知道一切   I never felt   我从来没有感觉到   The feeling that I"m feeling now   我现在体会到的这种感觉   Now that I don"t Hear your voice   现在我听不见你的话语   Or even touch or kiss your lips   甚至无法抚摸你,无法亲你的唇   Cause I don"t have a choice   因为我别无选择   Or what I wouldn"t give   或者我不能让步   To have you lying by my side right here   让你此时此刻躺在我的身边 Coz baby   因为宝贝   When you left   I lost a part of me   当你离开的时候,我不再完整   It"s still so hard to believe   这一切仍然难以想象   Come back baby please   宝贝,请回来吧   Coz we belong together   因为我们属于彼此   Who else am I gonna lean on   有谁能让我依靠着呢   When times get rough   当日子变得糟糕   Who"s gonna talk to me on the phone   又有谁能和我在电话里倾诉   Till the sun comes up   直至太阳高升   Who"s gonna take your place   谁能取代你的位置   there aint nobody there   根本没有人,   oh baby baby   噢,宝贝 We belong together   我们属于彼此   I can"t sleep at night   我夜不能寐   When you"re all on my mind   脑海中满是你   Bobby Womack"s on the radio   台里面放着Bobby Womack的歌   Singing to me 对我唱着   Bobby Womack   "If you think you"re lonely now"   “如果你认为你现在很孤独的话”   Wait a minute   稍等片刻   This is too deep, too deep   太压抑了,太压抑了 I gotta change the station   我要改变这种境况   So I turn the dial   所以我调换了频道   Trying to catch a break   想要放松一下   And then I hear Babyface   这时我听见了Babyface   I only think of you   我想到的只有你   And it"s breaking my heart   我的心撕裂般的痛   I"m trying to keep it together   我尽力想要在一起   But I"m falling apart   但是我已经崩溃了   I"m feeling all out of my element   我感觉浑身每个细胞都要脱离我   I"m throwing things   我有些自暴自弃   Crying   Trying to figure out Where   the hell I went   wrong The pain   reflected in this song   一边哭一边想我到底哪里错了   这种痛苦就映射在这首歌中 Ain"t even half of what   这甚至还不到一半   I"m feeling inside   我内心深处强烈的感觉到   I need you   我需要你   Need you back in my life   我需要你回到我的生活中   baby   宝贝   When you left   I lost a part of me   你走了,我失去了自我 It"s still so hard to believe   这一切仍然难以想象   Come back baby please   宝贝,请回来吧   Coz we belong together 因为我们属于彼此你说的是这个么??

一般说on monday 和in the evening 那monday evening前用in还是on还是?

on monday evening 在具体的某一天的上午,下午,晚上都用on.

星期一读书为什么是reading on monday为什么又不是monday read books?

您好,on Monday是时间状语,修饰read,置于其后。

是on Sunday evening还是in Sunday evening

on Sunday evening



owing to the deeply love for basketball 有什么语法错误?怎么修改

语法好像没有问题,但建议把deeply改为deep,因为love 是名词,应当用形容词修饰。

on the evening on Monday有错吗

没有错意思是:周一晚上in和on都可以作为时间介词使用,但它们之间是有区别的。区别如下:in后面接时间段,即在较长的一段时间内,如in the morning/afternoon/evening在早晨/下午/晚上、in the daytime/night在白天/夜里、in a day/week/month/year在一天/一周/一个月/一年内、in August在八月、in spring/summer/autumn/winter在春天/夏天/秋天/冬天、in 2007在2007年、in the winter holiday在寒假、in one"s life在某人一生中。on后面接特定的日子、具体的日期、星期几、节日等,如on Saturday在星期六、on weekdays在平时、on New Year"s Day在元旦、on my birthday在我生日那天、on that day在那天、on the following day在第二天、on September 20,2010在2010年9月20 日。但在表示上午、下午或晚上的单词前一般用介词in,但表示具体或特定的某一天的上午、下午或晚上应用介词on。如on Sunday morning在周日的早上。

英语On Monday morning怎么翻译?


每周一on Monday 还是on Mondays.mornings是不是每个早上.可以直接用吗

on every Monday morning

on Monday morning还是on the monday morning?

在具体某一天的早上用介词on。on做时间介词,可以表示在具体某一天或具体某一天的早上,下午以及晚上,举例:on June 1st在六月一号,on Sunday morning在周日上午。注意:当morning,afternoon,evening被of短语修饰时,习惯上用in,而不用on。例如:in the eary morning of October 1st (在10月1日的清晨)on其他用法介绍on做方位介词,可以表示在...表面,举例:on the desk在桌子上。例如:There is a book on the desk。桌子上有一本书。on做时间介词,还可以表示在某一节日的当天。比如:on Children"s Day在儿童节。on New Year"s Day在新年这一天。on还可以表示关于的意思,例如:Can you give me some advice on how to improve my English?你能给我一些建议如何提高我的英语吗?

是in the Monday morning 还是in Monday morning

其实,应该是"on Monday morning",这里的"morning"有了"Monday"作修饰以后,就表示在具体的某天的早晨,应该用介词"on",再者"Monday"属专有名词,前面是不应该带定冠词"the"的. 哈哈!



是in monday morning 还是 on monday morning

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