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谁知道loving you的歌词

不知你说的哪个Loving You,这里有许多,你看看

commonwealth pending要多久

一般需要5个工作日Commonwealth Bank向国内转账是通过电汇或速汇金转账。费用由对方支出,要看国外是如何收费的。时间也是看对方那边。电汇:提供给对方:银行卡或存折(要多币种账户才能收得到)、姓名、SWIFT代码、工行省分行全称、联系电话和地址。以上都是要英文的。最简单的就是速汇金,又快又简便。对方会给个乏互催就诎脚挫协旦茅参考号,客户凭参考号和身份证本人到指定的柜台去拿钱。

1我现在什么都不想做 英文 连词成句 2、last a the new wrote man song month

Last month, the man wrote a new song.Come and get your food

the men are coming out of the shop什么意思

D the shop应该是介词的宾语,而in和out是副词,排除A和B;onto是介词“到...上面去”,词义错误;out of是短语介词“从.里出来”,词义正确.

翻译文章:A man was trying to find the village of Chirton.He could not find any signfor it


A woman is at the cinema, and she is enjoying the film very much, but there is a man in the nex...

小题1:D小题1:A小题1:C小题1:B小题1:B 小题1:根据A woman is at the cinema, and she is enjoying the film very much, but there is a man in the next seat,可知他们在电影院,故选D。小题1:根据but there is a man in the next seat, 可知选A小题1:联系上文and he begins looking at the floor under her.及下文描述,可知这个女人不高兴,故选C。小题1:根据One of my teeth is in the chocolate!可知这个人的牙在巧克力上。故选B。小题1:根据Take this and be quiet, please. I am listening to the film.” 描述,可知这个女人主要是想好好地看电影。故选B

At a hospital, there was a man lying in the emerg

在医院,有一名男子躺在急诊室。医生打开门,朝男子走去。2/3 的医生,“男人说,”我是OK?“ 医生竟然对他说,"好吧,有一个好消息和一个坏消息。“告诉我坏消息吧,“那人说。“好吧,”医生说,“坏消息是,我们将不得不削减你断了腿。” "哦,我的上帝,“那人说,"这到底是什么好消息?" “好消息是,”医生说,"看那边那个人,他 想要买你的鞋子。“ 判断正误(T表示正确,F表示错误)()1,一个人趴在急诊室连同他的医生。()2。医生病人带来了两条消息()3,医生告诉病人坏消息。()4人在急诊室时,感到非常高兴,他听到的第一个消息是,医生告诉他。()俗语翻译成汉语有人想买男人的鞋。

What is marketing plan?

更新1: 你是否有一份完整的marketing plan可以给我参考?感激万分. 你同我做紧ge野好似 1.ES 简单将成份project的重点讲出。同intro有分别,因为intro只是交代一开头的事情。例如:ES ~This project is to discuss the success of HKDisneyland since it is backed up by an int'l pany...........但系intro系讲现时的情况,例如:The HKDisneyland is now facing growth in the no. of visitors due to..... Table of content (目录) 将你份project入面每一个大point 写出黎。 2.Current mkt situation 而时你做紧那间公司的市场情况,take disney as an example Disney now is suffering from the loss of visitors due to the Ocean park which providing special festival themed parties. In this situation it may loss sales by 20% within 1yr ...... 3. SWOT S~Strengthen 佢有咩强项 eg. Disney is enjoying the economic of scale since it had already built up market share and benifits W~Weaknesses 弱项 eg. Since the HKDisney is *** aller than the Japan Disneyland so it loss its petative advantage. O~Opportunity机会 Since the HK Government is giving a large support for the HK Disneyland it can expand their park size without paying a large amount of rental fee it helps them to explore more customer due to more games. T~Threat危机 Since the Ocean park has started their expension construction. It will enlarge its size by 50% in the ing several years Disney is facing the threat that OP is being its biggest petitor and affecting their sales. 4. Objective 目标 例如你做呢份project目的系咩野,呢个目标要系短期,因为长期的目标叫做goal。例如 The objective of this project is to find out the reason why Disney is getting a rapid decline in sales 5. Mkt Strategy~ 4P Price promition place and product Price~ how to set a price for its product Promotion~in what way can your product be promoted eg TV magazine (remember should focus to ur target market) Place~eg. ur target market is university students then ur place should choose inside Uni campus or the area near to UNI Product~produce what kind of product for our target market. if ur target mkt is uni students u can produce electronic dictionary or notebook puters Marketing Plan is a written document that details the actions necessary to achieve a specified marketing objective(s). It can be for a product or service a brand or a product line. It can cover one year (referred to as an annual marketing plan) or cover up to 5 years. A marketing plan may be part of an overall business plan. Solid marketing strategy is the foundation of a well-written marketing plan. While a marketing plan contains a list of actions a marketing plan without a sound strategic foundation is of little use. There are many formats for marketings pl and every pany does it a little differently but the outline that follows is a very plete format. Using this format will produce a 30 to 40 page plan. Many panies prefer an abridged format that would yield a 10 to 20 page plan. Title page 1) Executive Summary Current Situation - Macroenvironment economy legal ernment technology ecological sociocultural supply chain 2) Current Situation - Market Analysis market definition market size market segmentation industry structure and strategic groupings Porter 5 forces *** ysis petition and market share petitors' strengths and weaknesses market trends 3) Current Situation - Consumer Analysis nature of the buying decision participants demographics psychographics buyer motivation and expectations loyalty segments 4) Current Situation - Internal pany resources financial people time skills objectives mission statement and vision statement corporate objectives financial objective marketing objectives long term objectives corporate culture 5) Summary of Situation Analysis external threats external opportunities internal strengths internal weaknesses key success factors in the industry our sustainable petitive advantage Marketing research information requirements research methodology research results Marketing Strategy - Product product mix product strengths and weaknesses perceptual mapping product life cycle management and new product development Brand name brand image and brand equity the augmented product product portfolio *** ysis B.C.G. Analysis contribution margin *** ysis G.E. Multi Factoral *** ysis Quality Function Deployment 6) Marketing Strategy - Market share objectives by products by customer segments by geographical markets 7) Marketing Strategy - Price pricing objectives pricing method (eg.: cost plus demand based or petitor indexing) pricing strategy (eg.: skimming or peration) discounts and allowances price elasticity and customer sensitivity price zoning break even *** ysis at various prices 8) Marketing Strategy - promotion promotional goals promotional mix advertising reach frequency flights theme and media sales force requirements techniques and management sales promotion publicity and public relations electronic promotion (eg.: Web or telephone) 9) Marketing Strategy - Distribution geographical coverage distribution channels physical distribution and logistics electronic distribution Implementation personnel requirements assign responsibilities give incentives training on selling methods financial requirements management information systems requirements month-by-month agenda PERT or critical path *** ysis monitoring results and benchmarks adjustment mechani *** contingencies (What if's) 10) Financial Summary assumptions pro-forma monthly ine statement contribution margin *** ysis breakeven *** ysis Monte Carlo method ISI: Inter Strategic Intelligence Scenarios Prediction of Future Scenarios Plan of Action for each Scenario Appendix pictures and specifications of the new product results from research already pleted

写一篇200个单词的marketing plan作文?

Summary and Further Reading on Marketing Plan When making a marketing plan,it is important to know and state the timescale you are working with.Are you making a long term plan,a short term plan,or something in between?You may also find that some areas of your marketing plan are short term,while others will work in the long term. A business that deals with new technology may need to update their marketing plans every 3-6 months,where as a business in an established and stable industry might only need to update their plan every other year. Your targets and objectives need to be based on a realistic timescale,there is little point making a target of 400% sales growth in 2 months when you know that is impossible.Set realistic but challenging targets over an accurate timescale. Summary * A marketing plan is in addition to a standard business plan. * A marketing plan helps set realistic objectives for your business,and helps make sure that the business is focused on the most important areas of marketing. * A marketing plan can help in obtaining finance by demonstrating that the business has been thoroughly planned. * A plan should look at each of the important areas and have realistic objectives for the short,medium,or long term. * Looking at the prices of your products should take into account both consumers and petitors products. * Looking at the locations of your products should take into account where the product is sold as well as the distribution methods used to get there. * You should firmly know the unique selling points of your business and its products. * Sales of one product may help increase sales of another product; you should look at how this can be achieved. * If your product is seasonal,look at introducing a new or modified product to sell during the slower months. * Both the budgets and message of your advertising and public relations should be reviewed regularly to ensure best results. * Word of mouth is free marketing!Look at how you can encourage it. * Special offers and petitions can increase interest in your product and convert possible buyers into sales.Look at how you can maximise this. * In a SWOT,Strengths and Weaknesses are internal,while Opportunities and Threats are external.Each point should be written down briefly to provide a quick overview of the status of your business and its market(s). * A marketing plan should have a timescale relevant to the nature of your business,although different areas of the plan may have different timescales. SWOT Analysis in a Marketing Plan SWOT This is a monly used form of marketing *** ysis.It looks at both your business and the external environment to anticipate possible future action you may need to take to defend or expand your market position. SWOT stands for Strengths; Weaknesses; Opportunities; and Threats. (i) Strengths Here you should list the main strengths of your business and products/services.This should include not only the areas that your business or products are good at,but also high profit margins,successful current marketing campaigns and similar strengths.e.g.Our business has a reputation for excellent quality customer service. Strengths are internal factors,and are usually related to your business only. (ii) Weaknesses Here you should list the main weaknesses of your business and products/services.This should include the areas that you feel your business could improve on,or are limiting your quality or expansion.e.g.Our slow production speed makes it difficult for us to meet shipment dates effectively. Weaknesses are internal factors,and are usually related to your business only. (iii) Opportunities Here you should list what you believe to be the best opportunities available in your market,or new markets you believe your business can succeed in.e.g.Gap in market for *** aller versions of our products. Remember,a weakness may be an opportunity in disguise!e.g.If we fix the weakness in our manufacturing speed whilst maintaining quality,we have an opportunity to offer faster delivery to our customers. Opportunities are almost always external,although they may rely on internal strengths.e.g.An opportunity is available by advertising our strengths in quality of service. (iv) Threats Here you should list what you believe to be the biggest threats to your business.This could include petitors,government regulations,changes in customer attitudes and other such areas.e.g.Our petitors are planning to launch a big new product in the next 6 months. Threats are almost always external,although they may rely on internal weaknesses or external factors that limit your strengths.e.g.If our petitors lower their prices and we match them,we may be left with an unprofitable product.,2,

De Yang Gatal Gatal什么读?


阅读短文 选择正确答案(5分)Long ago there was a man with the name Smith. He made a living by maki

小题1:C小题2:C小题3:A小题4:A小题5:B 试题分析:短文大意:这篇短文讲述了一个做帽子的人,在森林中休息时,帽子被好奇的猴子偷走。在他气急败坏,无计可施的时候,随手扔掉了自己头上的帽子。结果,好模仿的猴子们也这样做了。最后他幸运地捡回了自己的帽子。小题1:细节理解题。根据It was very hot and the man wanted to rest a little.描述,可知他想休息一会儿。故选C。小题2:细节理解题。根据He came up to a large tree, put his caps on the ground, took one of them and put it on his head. Then he lay down and soon fell asleep.描述,可知他把一顶帽子戴在了头上。故选C。小题3:细节理解题。根据He looked up and saw many monkeys in the trees and each monkey had a cap on its head.描述,可知他看到了每只猴子都带着一顶帽子。故选A。小题4:细节理解题。根据短文倒数第二段描述,可知他要求猴子归还他的帽子。故选A。小题5:推理判断题。根据短文最后一段描述,可知猴子们喜欢模仿人的动作,故选B。

德语中是 ich bin eingeladen.还是 ich werde eingeladen.


A man was on the side of the road hitchhiking(搭便车) on a very dark night in the middle of a terr

小题1:B小题2:A小题3:C 试题分析:这篇文章讲述了在一个暴风雨的午夜,一个男人在路边搭便车,当他上了一辆车后发现没有司机,汽车在自己行使,而在转弯处的时候,却突然又冒出来一只手,他非常害怕,就跳下了车,后来才知道,这辆车坏掉了,司机在后面推车。小题1:细节题。根据文章The man looked at the road and saw a curve(拐弯处) coming his way. Terrified, he started to pray, begging for his life.可知,当汽车第一次靠近转弯处的时候,这个男人非常的恐惧。故选B小题2:细节题。根据文章when they realized the man was telling the truth because he was crying and he was certainly not drunk!可知,这个男人合理的行为使人们相信他的经历。故选A小题3:细节题。根据文章one said to the other,“Hey, there"s a stupid man who jumped into the car while we were pushing it!”可知,这个男人跳上的这个车坏掉了,司机在后面推车。故选C点评:记叙文是高考必考题型,此类题型比较好解答,在答题过程中注意结合题目在文章中找到答案的位置,注意理解作者所叙述事情的起因,经过,结果。 同时,如果第一遍不能理解,结合题目来进行理解全文,也不失为一个好的方法。

A man was walking along the...


marketing calendar是什么意思

marketing calendar营销日历例句:1.The expectation of the so-called new year rally has been a mainstay of the annual marketing calendar for fund management companies for many years, and new fund launches are often scheduled for the festive period. 多年来,在基金管理公司的年度营销计划中,对所谓“新年行情”的预期一直是宣传主调,而新基金的发行也常常选在春节期间。

No: 31,Lot 23, Lorong Riang Safu.Taman Riang Menggatal,Inanam.马来西亚语言翻译

地址不完整哦,后面应该要写上邮区编号,州属及国家名。No: 31,(门牌31号)Lot 23, (单位23)Lorong Riang Satu (Riang一巷)Taman Riang Menggatal(孟加达Riang花园)88450 (邮区编号)Inanam (下南南镇)Kota Kinabalu (亚庇)Sabah (沙巴州)East Malaysia (东马)

请问marketing manager的英文解释是什么?


跪求Angel form montgomery歌词(要带中文的)

I am an old womanNamed after my mother,My old man is anotherChild that"s grown oldIf dreams were lightningAnd thunder were desireThis old house would have burnt downA long time agoMake me an angel that flies from Montgomery,Make me a poster of an old rodeoJust give me one thing that I can hold on to,To believe in this livin" is just a hard way to goWhen I was a young girlI had me a cowboyHe weren"t much to look at,Just a free ramblin" man.But that was a long timeAnd no matter how I try,The years just flow by Like a broken down dam.Make me an angel that flies from Montgomery,Make me a poster of an old rodeoJust give me one thing that I can hold on to,To believe in this livin" is just a hard way to goThere"s flies in the kitchenI can hear "em in there buzzin"And I ain"t done nothin" Since I woke up today.How the hell can a personGo to work in the mornin"Come home in the evenin"And have nothin" to say?Make me an angel that flies from Montgomery,Make me a poster of an old rodeoJust give me one thing that I can hold on to,To believe in this livin" is just a hard way to go

This songs like the voice of sea是什么结构?

This song like the voice of sea从字面意思看这个句子要表达的意思是这首歌像海的声音,这时候like作为介词,是“像”的意思,所以正确的句子应该是:This song is like the voice of sea.主语是this song, 谓语是is,后面的是表语。

汽车行业, OEM厂商的职位中,Dealer Marketing, retail marketing 和普通的marketing有什么区别


De Yang Gatal Gatal 为啥没有钢琴谱


they heard the voice of an old woman coming from




高分悬赏marketing plan

那就要看看你是需要怎样的marketing plan了,因为毕竟4P和online marketing的方式不一样,而且有几个东西你要特别清楚地就是,这是不是一种trend?通常一种基本的marketing plan最重要的就是brainstorming,know-how,risk plan,market demand, price trend等等,这些资料都是需要去收集回来的。计划和规划好后才能真正的去执行。想知道详情的话,可以消息我

怎样理解the sound of the voice inbeijing opera


marketing plan怎么做啊,麻烦给个范例最好英语的!

A Marketing Plan is a written document that details the actions necessary to achieve a specified marketing objective(s). It can be for a product or service, a brand, or a product line. It can cover one year (referred to as an annual marketing plan), or cover up to 5 years.A marketing plan may be part of an overall business plan. Solid marketing strategy is the foundation of a well-written marketing plan. While a marketing plan contains a list of actions, a marketing plan without a sound strategic foundation is of little use.

the voice of a singer

天生就带有的意思. be born with the voice of a singer 天生就有歌星的嗓音.

电脑位什么以开机就出现SELF TEST G CHECK YOUR R MONIT IS WORKING B主机不报警电源指示灯亮风扇在转动



mongoose.schema和mysql.schema是两种不同的数据库模式设计语言。mongoose.schema是Mongoose库(一个基于Node.js的ODM库)中的一种规范化、声明式的数据模型语法,用于在MongoDB数据库中定义模型和模式。它通常用于Node.js环境下,常常用于管理MongoDB中的文档。mysql.schema是MySQL数据库的模式设计语言。它用于设计和定义MySQL数据库的表结构、字段类型、主键、外键、索引等结构。它是一种SQL(Structured Query Language,结构化查询语言)-based语法,通常用于MySQL数据库管理系统中。因此,mongoose.schema和mysql.schema在语法上存在一些不同,但本质上都是用于定义数据库模式的语言。两种语法都可以根据具体的业务需求进行数据库模型的设计和定义。


线程池对执行同步或异步的任务很重要。本文展示如何利用Spring开发并监控线程池服务。创建线程池的其他两种方法已讲解过。使用技术JDK 1.6.0_21Spring 3.0.5Maven 3.0.2第1步:创建Maven工程下面是一个maven工程。(可以使用Maven或IDE的插件创建)。第2步:添加依赖库将Spring的依赖添加到Maven的pom.xml文件中。<!-- Spring 3 dependencies --><dependency><groupId>org.springframework</groupId><artifactId>spring-core</artifactId><version>${spring.version}</version></dependency><dependency><groupId>org.springframework</groupId><artifactId>spring-context</artifactId><version>${spring.version}</version></dependency>使用下面的插件创建可执行jar包。<plugin><groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId><artifactId>maven-shade-plugin</artifactId><version>1.3.1</version><executions><execution><phase>package</phase><goals><goal>shade</goal></goals><configuration><transformers><transformerimplementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer"><mainClass>com.otv.exe.Application</mainClass></transformer><transformerimplementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.AppendingTransformer"><resource>META-INF/spring.handlers</resource></transformer><transformerimplementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.AppendingTransformer"><resource>META-INF/spring.schemas</resource></transformer></transformers></configuration></execution></executions></plugin>第3步:创建任务类创建一个实现Runnable接口的新TestTask类。这个类表示要执行的任务。package com.otv.task;import org.apache.log4j.Logger;/*** @author* @since 17 Oct 2011* @version 1.0.0**/public class TestTask implements Runnable {private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(TestTask.class);String taskName;public TestTask() {}public TestTask(String taskName) {this.taskName = taskName;}public void run() {try {log.debug(this.taskName + " : is started.");Thread.sleep(10000);log.debug(this.taskName + " : is completed.");} catch (InterruptedException e) {log.error(this.taskName + " : is not completed!");e.printStackTrace();}}@Overridepublic String toString() {return (getTaskName());}public String getTaskName() {return taskName;}public void setTaskName(String taskName) {this.taskName = taskName;}}第4步:创建TestRejectedExecutionHandler类TestRejectedExecutionHandler类实现了RejectedExecutionHandler接口。如果没有空闲线程并且队列超出限制,任务会被拒绝。这个类处理被拒绝的任务。package com.otv.handler;import java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionHandler;import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;import org.apache.log4j.Logger;/*** @author* @since 17 Oct 2011* @version 1.0.0**/public class TestRejectedExecutionHandler implements RejectedExecutionHandler {private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(TestRejectedExecutionHandler.class);public void rejectedExecution(Runnable runnable, ThreadPoolExecutor executor) {log.debug(runnable.toString() + " : has been rejected");}}第5步:创建ITestThreadPoolExecutorService接口创建ITestThreadPoolExecutorService接口。(译者注:这个接口的主要功能是通过设置的参数创建一个线程池)package com.otv.srv;import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;import com.otv.handler.TestRejectedExecutionHandler;/*** @author* @since 17 Oct 2011* @version 1.0.0**/public interface ITestThreadPoolExecutorService {public ThreadPoolExecutor createNewThreadPool();public int getCorePoolSize();public void setCorePoolSize(int corePoolSize);public int getMaxPoolSize();public void setMaxPoolSize(int maximumPoolSize);public long getKeepAliveTime();public void setKeepAliveTime(long keepAliveTime);public int getQueueCapacity();public void setQueueCapacity(int queueCapacity);public TestRejectedExecutionHandler getTestRejectedExecutionHandler();public void setTestRejectedExecutionHandler(TestRejectedExecutionHandler testRejectedExecutionHandler);}第6步:创建TestThreadPoolExecutorService类TestThreadPoolExecutorService类实现了ITestThreadPoolExecutorService接口(上一步创建的接口)。这个类可以创建一个新的线程池。package com.otv.srv;import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue;import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;import com.otv.handler.TestRejectedExecutionHandler;/*** @author* @since 17 Oct 2011* @version 1.0.0**/public class TestThreadPoolExecutorService implements ITestThreadPoolExecutorService {private int corePoolSize;private int maxPoolSize;private long keepAliveTime;private int queueCapacity;TestRejectedExecutionHandler testRejectedExecutionHandler;public ThreadPoolExecutor createNewThreadPool() {ThreadPoolExecutor executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(getCorePoolSize(),getMaxPoolSize(),getKeepAliveTime(),TimeUnit.SECONDS,new ArrayBlockingQueue(getQueueCapacity()),getTestRejectedExecutionHandler());return executor;}public int getCorePoolSize() {return corePoolSize;}public void setCorePoolSize(int corePoolSize) {this.corePoolSize = corePoolSize;}public int getMaxPoolSize() {return maxPoolSize;}public void setMaxPoolSize(int maxPoolSize) {this.maxPoolSize = maxPoolSize;}public long getKeepAliveTime() {return keepAliveTime;}public void setKeepAliveTime(long keepAliveTime) {this.keepAliveTime = keepAliveTime;}public int getQueueCapacity() {return queueCapacity;}public void setQueueCapacity(int queueCapacity) {this.queueCapacity = queueCapacity;}public TestRejectedExecutionHandler getTestRejectedExecutionHandler() {return testRejectedExecutionHandler;}public void setTestRejectedExecutionHandler(TestRejectedExecutionHandler testRejectedExecutionHandler) {this.testRejectedExecutionHandler = testRejectedExecutionHandler;}}第7步: 创建IThreadPoolMonitorService接口创建IThreadPoolMonitorService接口package com.otv.monitor.srv;import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;public interface IThreadPoolMonitorService extends Runnable {public void monitorThreadPool();public ThreadPoolExecutor getExecutor();public void setExecutor(ThreadPoolExecutor executor);}第8步:创建ThreadPoolMonitorService类ThreadPoolMonitorService类实现了IThreadPoolMonitorService接口。这个类用来监控已创建的线程池。package com.otv.monitor.srv;import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;import org.apache.log4j.Logger;/*** @author* @since 17 Oct 2011* @version 1.0.0**/public class ThreadPoolMonitorService implements IThreadPoolMonitorService {private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ThreadPoolMonitorService.class);ThreadPoolExecutor executor;private long monitoringPeriod;public void run() {try {while (true){monitorThreadPool();Thread.sleep(monitoringPeriod*1000);}} catch (Exception e) {log.error(e.getMessage());}}public void monitorThreadPool() {StringBuffer strBuff = new StringBuffer();strBuff.append("CurrentPoolSize : ").append(executor.getPoolSize());strBuff.append(" - CorePoolSize : ").append(executor.getCorePoolSize());strBuff.append(" - MaximumPoolSize : ").append(executor.getMaximumPoolSize());strBuff.append(" - ActiveTaskCount : ").append(executor.getActiveCount());strBuff.append(" - CompletedTaskCount : ").append(executor.getCompletedTaskCount());strBuff.append(" - TotalTaskCount : ").append(executor.getTaskCount());strBuff.append(" - isTerminated : ").append(executor.isTerminated());log.debug(strBuff.toString());}public ThreadPoolExecutor getExecutor() {return executor;}public void setExecutor(ThreadPoolExecutor executor) {this.executor = executor;}public long getMonitoringPeriod() {return monitoringPeriod;}public void setMonitoringPeriod(long monitoringPeriod) {this.monitoringPeriod = monitoringPeriod;}}


线程池对执行同步或异步的任务很重要。本文展示如何利用Spring开发并监控线程池服务。创建线程池的其他两种方法已讲解过。使用技术JDK 1.6.0_21Spring 3.0.5Maven 3.0.2第1步:创建Maven工程下面是一个maven工程。(可以使用Maven或IDE的插件创建)。第2步:添加依赖库将Spring的依赖添加到Maven的pom.xml文件中。<!-- Spring 3 dependencies --><dependency><groupId>org.springframework</groupId><artifactId>spring-core</artifactId><version>${spring.version}</version></dependency><dependency><groupId>org.springframework</groupId><artifactId>spring-context</artifactId><version>${spring.version}</version></dependency>使用下面的插件创建可执行jar包。<plugin><groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId><artifactId>maven-shade-plugin</artifactId><version>1.3.1</version><executions><execution><phase>package</phase><goals><goal>shade</goal></goals><configuration><transformers><transformerimplementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer"><mainClass>com.otv.exe.Application</mainClass></transformer><transformerimplementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.AppendingTransformer"><resource>META-INF/spring.handlers</resource></transformer><transformerimplementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.AppendingTransformer"><resource>META-INF/spring.schemas</resource></transformer></transformers></configuration></execution></executions></plugin>第3步:创建任务类创建一个实现Runnable接口的新TestTask类。这个类表示要执行的任务。package com.otv.task;import org.apache.log4j.Logger;/*** @author* @since 17 Oct 2011* @version 1.0.0**/public class TestTask implements Runnable {private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(TestTask.class);String taskName;public TestTask() {}public TestTask(String taskName) {this.taskName = taskName;}public void run() {try {log.debug(this.taskName + " : is started.");Thread.sleep(10000);log.debug(this.taskName + " : is completed.");} catch (InterruptedException e) {log.error(this.taskName + " : is not completed!");e.printStackTrace();}}@Overridepublic String toString() {return (getTaskName());}public String getTaskName() {return taskName;}public void setTaskName(String taskName) {this.taskName = taskName;}}第4步:创建TestRejectedExecutionHandler类TestRejectedExecutionHandler类实现了RejectedExecutionHandler接口。如果没有空闲线程并且队列超出限制,任务会被拒绝。这个类处理被拒绝的任务。package com.otv.handler;import java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionHandler;import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;import org.apache.log4j.Logger;/*** @author* @since 17 Oct 2011* @version 1.0.0**/public class TestRejectedExecutionHandler implements RejectedExecutionHandler {private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(TestRejectedExecutionHandler.class);public void rejectedExecution(Runnable runnable, ThreadPoolExecutor executor) {log.debug(runnable.toString() + " : has been rejected");}}第5步:创建ITestThreadPoolExecutorService接口创建ITestThreadPoolExecutorService接口。(译者注:这个接口的主要功能是通过设置的参数创建一个线程池)package com.otv.srv;import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;import com.otv.handler.TestRejectedExecutionHandler;/*** @author* @since 17 Oct 2011* @version 1.0.0**/public interface ITestThreadPoolExecutorService {public ThreadPoolExecutor createNewThreadPool();public int getCorePoolSize();public void setCorePoolSize(int corePoolSize);public int getMaxPoolSize();public void setMaxPoolSize(int maximumPoolSize);public long getKeepAliveTime();public void setKeepAliveTime(long keepAliveTime);public int getQueueCapacity();public void setQueueCapacity(int queueCapacity);public TestRejectedExecutionHandler getTestRejectedExecutionHandler();public void setTestRejectedExecutionHandler(TestRejectedExecutionHandler testRejectedExecutionHandler);}第6步:创建TestThreadPoolExecutorService类TestThreadPoolExecutorService类实现了ITestThreadPoolExecutorService接口(上一步创建的接口)。这个类可以创建一个新的线程池。package com.otv.srv;import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue;import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;import com.otv.handler.TestRejectedExecutionHandler;/*** @author* @since 17 Oct 2011* @version 1.0.0**/public class TestThreadPoolExecutorService implements ITestThreadPoolExecutorService {private int corePoolSize;private int maxPoolSize;private long keepAliveTime;private int queueCapacity;TestRejectedExecutionHandler testRejectedExecutionHandler;public ThreadPoolExecutor createNewThreadPool() {ThreadPoolExecutor executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(getCorePoolSize(),getMaxPoolSize(),getKeepAliveTime(),TimeUnit.SECONDS,new ArrayBlockingQueue(getQueueCapacity()),getTestRejectedExecutionHandler());return executor;}public int getCorePoolSize() {return corePoolSize;}public void setCorePoolSize(int corePoolSize) {this.corePoolSize = corePoolSize;}public int getMaxPoolSize() {return maxPoolSize;}public void setMaxPoolSize(int maxPoolSize) {this.maxPoolSize = maxPoolSize;}public long getKeepAliveTime() {return keepAliveTime;}public void setKeepAliveTime(long keepAliveTime) {this.keepAliveTime = keepAliveTime;}public int getQueueCapacity() {return queueCapacity;}public void setQueueCapacity(int queueCapacity) {this.queueCapacity = queueCapacity;}public TestRejectedExecutionHandler getTestRejectedExecutionHandler() {return testRejectedExecutionHandler;}public void setTestRejectedExecutionHandler(TestRejectedExecutionHandler testRejectedExecutionHandler) {this.testRejectedExecutionHandler = testRejectedExecutionHandler;}}第7步: 创建IThreadPoolMonitorService接口创建IThreadPoolMonitorService接口package com.otv.monitor.srv;import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;public interface IThreadPoolMonitorService extends Runnable {public void monitorThreadPool();public ThreadPoolExecutor getExecutor();public void setExecutor(ThreadPoolExecutor executor);}第8步:创建ThreadPoolMonitorService类ThreadPoolMonitorService类实现了IThreadPoolMonitorService接口。这个类用来监控已创建的线程池。package com.otv.monitor.srv;import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;import org.apache.log4j.Logger;/*** @author* @since 17 Oct 2011* @version 1.0.0**/public class ThreadPoolMonitorService implements IThreadPoolMonitorService {private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ThreadPoolMonitorService.class);ThreadPoolExecutor executor;private long monitoringPeriod;public void run() {try {while (true){monitorThreadPool();Thread.sleep(monitoringPeriod*1000);}} catch (Exception e) {log.error(e.getMessage());}}public void monitorThreadPool() {StringBuffer strBuff = new StringBuffer();strBuff.append("CurrentPoolSize : ").append(executor.getPoolSize());strBuff.append(" - CorePoolSize : ").append(executor.getCorePoolSize());strBuff.append(" - MaximumPoolSize : ").append(executor.getMaximumPoolSize());strBuff.append(" - ActiveTaskCount : ").append(executor.getActiveCount());strBuff.append(" - CompletedTaskCount : ").append(executor.getCompletedTaskCount());strBuff.append(" - TotalTaskCount : ").append(executor.getTaskCount());strBuff.append(" - isTerminated : ").append(executor.isTerminated());log.debug(strBuff.toString());}public ThreadPoolExecutor getExecutor() {return executor;}public void setExecutor(ThreadPoolExecutor executor) {this.executor = executor;}public long getMonitoringPeriod() {return monitoringPeriod;}public void setMonitoringPeriod(long monitoringPeriod) {this.monitoringPeriod = monitoringPeriod;}}



he heard the vioce repeating句子中为什么用repeating?

He heard the voice repeating. 其中He 主语,heard of 谓语,the voice 宾语,repeating (重复)作宾语的补足语,逻辑主语是宾语。全句汉语意思是:他听到那个声音在重复。

平原绫香 The Voice~"Jupiter"English Version~

Everyday I listen to my heartIn times when I can"t seeWhen my faith is nowhere to be foundI trust the voice in meSo when you"re lost wishing for an angelOr a hand to pull you throughWhen the world is on your shoulderJust trust the voice in youEveryday I listen to my heartWhen I"m too numb to feelWhen my strength is nowhere to be foundI trust the voice in...Me, in meSometimes life moves in mysterious waysAnd you don"t know where it will endIt"s a fight, no one can fill your placeAnd nothin"s like you plannedBut when you call looking for an answerTo justify what you have to doBaby don"t look any furtherJust trust the voice in youEveryday I listen to my heartWhen I"m just too blind to seeWhen my faith is nowhere to be foundI trust the voice in meWhen the world is on your shoulderAnd you"re looking for your wayEveryday I listen to my heartWhen I"m too numb to feelWhen my strength is nowhere to be foundI trust the voice in meWe all have our own private warYou know those times when doubt fills your headWhen all good abvice will only get you misledEveryday I listen to my heartIn times when I can"t seeWhen my faith is nowhere to be foundI trust the voice in meEveryday I listen to my heartWhen I"m too numb to feelWhen my strength is nowhere to be foundI trust the voice in...Me, in me

changed the voice

修改 hesperchen :) It was very noisy.Her answer to the question could not be heard by us. the prep.between "answer" and "question" should be "to" ..

the sound of the voice in Beijing opera怎么理解?

京剧中演员唱腔的声音特点包括:1. 高亢、尖锐而悠长的嗓音:京剧的唱腔多用头声演唱,因此高亢、尖锐而悠长的嗓音是京剧声音特点之一,由此表现出角色的情感和性格。2. 浑厚、宏大的气息:演员需要通过这种气息让声音达到足够的音量,并以此扩大角色的形象和态度。3. 重视音调的起伏、跌宕:京剧唱腔中充满变化,声音起伏跌宕,展现角色的丰富情感变化。4. 利用特定的音乐乐器来加强声音效果:例如,京剧中常用的锣、鼓、琵琶、二胡等乐器,可以为演员唱腔提供平衡并增添音乐效果,从而表现出更加准确的音乐美感。这些声音特点都是为了在京剧表演中准确地表达角色的情感,让观众有更加丰富的视听体验。

the voice on long distance是什么意思?

the voice on long distance 意思是远距离的声音

listen!the voice ----(sound)like the singing of birds


The Voice ~ "Jupiter" English Version ~ 歌词

歌曲名:The Voice ~ "Jupiter" English Version ~歌手:平原绫香专辑:The Voice平原绫香 - The Voice~"Jupiter"English Version~Everyday I listen to my heartIn times when I can"t seeWhen my faith is nowhere to be foundI trust the voice in meSo when you"re lost wishing for an angelOr a hand to pull you throughWhen the world is on your shoulderJust trust the voice in youEveryday I listen to my heartWhen I"m too numb to feelWhen my strength is nowhere to be foundI trust the voice in...Me, in meSometimes life moves in mysterious waysAnd you don"t know where it will endIt"s a fight, no one can fill your placeAnd nothin"s like you plannedBut when you call looking for an answerTo justify what you have to doBaby don"t look any furtherJust trust the voice in youEveryday I listen to my heartWhen I"m just too blind to seeWhen my faith is nowhere to be foundI trust the voice in meWhen the world is on your shoulderAnd you"re looking for your wayEveryday I listen to my heartWhen I"m too numb to feelWhen my strength is nowhere to be foundI trust the voice in meWe all have our own private warYou know those times when doubt fills your headWhen all good abvice will only get you misledEveryday I listen to my heartIn times when I can"t seeWhen my faith is nowhere to be foundI trust the voice in meEveryday I listen to my heartWhen I"m too numb to feelWhen my strength is nowhere to be foundI trust the voice in...Me, in me- End -


database schema 是指数据库的模式结构定义,就是你创建了哪些表,表中的属性是什么 database instance 是指你创建的这个数据库

end up doing 和turn up有什么区别

turn up 是出现,发生的意思 end up doing 是以做什么什么为告终,和end up with doing 一样,举个例子,he turns up at last time in the wedding site 他最终在结婚现场出现了,things turn up according to its own clock 事物的发生遵循它自己的轨迹,these kinds of things will definitely end up (with) failing ,这种事情绝对会以失败告终

the changing world100字作文?

We are living in a rapidly changing world. Leaders worldwide have to respond immediately to new signs of political situation. Nationwide, economic and political reforms witness daily progress in all walks of life. Changes in science and technology bring about new breakthroughs and new products. In world today changes always take place somehow somewhere.These rapid changes influence us in different ways. Firstly, some changes have great effects on lifestyle and improved living conditions. Secondly, by means of modern machines people work more efficiently and enjoy more leisure hours. Thirdly, access to up to date information enables people to broaden their visions. In a word, changes make people become accustomed to the modern world.Seeing these great changes, we should take a positive attitude. Rapid changes are challenges and opportunities to modern people, because changes colour life and make the world progress day by day. We wish that the new changes would keep brilliant records in human history. Let"s face changes, accept changes and try to make the world change for the better.

The new england bring with them the culture of the old world

不是多余的the new england bring with them the culture of the old worldthe new england 主语them宾语the culture of the old world 宾语补足语






schooln.学校; 专科学校; 学派; 期末考试大厅; 一伙赌徒; 鱼群; 海兽群; 院; 科; 上课v.送…上学; 使受教育; 成群; 培养; 训练; 训练在平地比赛adj.受过西化教育的; 源自西方的schooling n. 学校教育; 通过经历或体验获得的教育; 学费; 训练; vt. 教育(school的ing形式); 训练;



China Daily,china today和beijing review哪个语言更地道

《北京周报》 Beijing review其他两家报纸在国际上都是能属上名字的 CHINA DAILY 最好

China Today和Beijing Review这两种杂志哪个更好?


求新编英语教程6 black english peter farb的译文

黑人英语Peter Farb极少数美国白人意识到大多数美国黑人患有语言分裂症—— 一种独特的病症。底层黑人的双语问题是不寻常的,因为他不讲口语式的或“不正确”的形式的标准英语。相反,他们说方言,这种方言有一个截然不同的语法规则和发音体系,即使对白人听众来讲,黑人们似乎在努力说标准的英语。任何说黑人英语的人很可能发现自己被指责为是使用下等标准英语的人,而实际上他说的是一种完全不同的方言,这种方言与白人的标准英语是一致的,同样是优雅的。整个黑人英语问题是与种族主义和极少讨论这种问题的良好意图联系在一起的,即使这个领域的专家也很少提及此事。有一种极端的说法,种族主义者有意识或无意识地将黑人英语问题归咎于黑人的体性特征,比如嘴唇厚或者舌头大;他还肯定:黑人英语是低等的语言,它必须被消灭。另外一种极端的说法是一位自由主义者提出的。他反驳道:他发现黑人英语仅仅是从白人英语中脱离出来的一部分;他认为黑人英语只是美国南部的一种方言,而且他将这种问题归因于黑人被剥夺了教育权利。这两种观点都是错误的。黑人英语从标准英语的分离跟种族分离和教育的缺失是没有关系的。在新大陆,黑人英语的历史表明:从一开始这就是不同的,曾经两者还具有更加不同的地方,不过那个时代已经过去了。当然,一些黑人说的英语跟白人完全相同,但是这种例子都是最近的和特别的;绝大多数的黑人有时候或者一直在讲黑人英语。我不认为黑人英语是个褒义的词汇,它被白人们误用为这是在跟黑人兄弟说真正的灵魂。对与描述黑英语来讲,这些丰富的具有隐喻意的词汇没有语法那么重要。它们来自于同样的过程,这个过程同样产生了俚语,行话,和标准英语中的隐语,并且,他们如同标准英语一样,它们已经渗透成为一般词汇的一部分了。它们当中的很多词,如常规,广场,摇摆,说唱,酷,小鸡,挖,撕掉,曾经都是黑英语使用者的绝对财产,不过现在已经被白人们广泛使用了。我所指的不是那些一直都在变化的肤浅的词汇,而是其大不相同的历史,发音体系,和基本结构。我们今天所听到的黑英语应该是由五大因素影响下的结果,他们是:非洲语言;西非的洋泾浜语;南美种植园奴隶以及北部加拿大奴隶所讲的克里奥尔语;标准英语;最后就是北部少数名族聚居地区的城市化。非洲语言对黑英语的影响之前一直都被否认的,直到在1949洛伦佐特纳发表了他对格勒语15年的研究成果,这说法才被人们接受。格勒语是查尔斯顿的沿海地区,南卡罗来纳州,和萨凡纳,乔治亚等地区使用的方言。格勒语在黑英语历史上具有重要地位,格勒地区最迟在1858年就开始不断地从非洲直接接收黑人奴隶了,因此非洲语言对黑英语的影响在这个地区应该持续的时间比较长。特纳积累的令人信服的证据显示:在发音,词汇和语法方面,格勒语和许多非洲西部语言是相似的。他列出了大约4000个格勒语单词涉及到人名,数字还有其他物体,这些都是直接从非洲语言中借来的。其中的一些字:如手提包,恙,山药,和土豆(马铃薯”),最后进入标准英语。第二个因素,洋泾浜语的影响就更加明显了,因为,在新大陆,讲这种语言的那些奴隶们的后人到处都是——不管这些语言是否是从英语,法语,荷兰语,西班牙语,还是葡萄牙语而来——它们在发音与语法方面都有共同的特征。例如,黑英语中得常见结构:他把门关上了。在标准英语中找不到直接的对称说法,不过在葡萄牙洋泾浜语,西非的Weskos,海地的法国克里奥尔语,苏里南的萨克里奥尔语,等等语言中都找到了相似的结构。通过18世纪的书信,历史书本和旅行记录对奴隶语言进行的分析表明这些分布于美国大陆南北部的奴隶中的大多数人都讲洋泾浜语。这些都是正如所料的一样,因为黑人们讲许多种不同的语言,当他们被带到西非奴隶工厂的时候,他们不得不发明一些交流的方法。无论他们的母语是什么,他们不得不学第二种语言。这种洋泾浜英语最早在1719年通过黑奴贸易传播到了全世界。我们之所以确定是那个年代是因在丹尼尔.迪佛出版的《鲁滨孙漂流记》中星期五这个角色就有迹象,在这本书中出现了大量的这些洋泾浜语和使用西非语和以一周的某一天给奴隶取名字的例子。因此多数已经到达新大陆的奴隶必须讲洋泾浜英语以便于与他人,甚至与监督员们交流。在随后的几代人里,只有少数的黑人被教授了标准的英语。然而很显然的是大多数的黑人通过将英语词汇加入母语或洋泾浜语言结构中的方式,把洋泾浜语扩大为克里奥尔语——这种语言被一些语言学家称为种植园克里奥语,即使在北方地区也有人说这种语言。令人奇怪的是人们花了很长时间才意识到黑人英语不是标准英语错误发音的产物,更不是标准英语语法错误的随机堆积。黑英语的表达是与语法相符的,并且正如标准英语的表达由一些规则生成的一样,黑英语的表达也是有规则生成的。人们可能认为黑人英语的表达不是“好英语”,但这不是重点,因为与标准英语相比,黑人英语使用了一套不同的规则,这才是重点。

My Summer English Courses的英语作文

My Summer English CoursesEnglish is my favorite subject and I like to look for some extra books to read. In order to improve my English to a higher level, I had decided to take part in a summer English course, which took part of my summer holiday time. The main subject of the summer English course was British and American literature, introducing us a varity of Brithsh and American writers along with their selected readings. It"s no doubt that in British literature William Shakespeare enjoys the highest reputation. He wrote many classical works and imposed great influence upon writers of later generations. His famous sad love story Romeo and Juliet is one of my favorite. Moved by their pure love, I feel very soory for them for not living together happily ever after.There were also many other interesting works, and I thought there were still a lot that I need to learn. The summer English courses helped me very much in improving my English.

The next morning 放句首加不加介词 为什么

英语习惯,the next morning 前面的介词on 总是被省略的,直接说即可。

the next sunday next sunday following sunday the following sunday 他们的区别和用法

next Sunday指的是以现在的时间为准的下周日。the next Sunday,是以过去的某时间为准的下周日(不是即将到来的周日,而是已经过去的)。比如,你在给别人讲一个经历,说,去年三月3号,我做了什么什么事,然后第二个星期的星期天又怎么怎么样了,这种情况用the next Sunday。following Sunday一般不这么用啊。只要有了个定语following修饰了,前面往往得加个定冠词。the following Sunday就是接下来的周日,可能是现在的时间,也可能是过去的时间,也可能是将来的时间。

next morning 与 the next morning区别


the next morning前加不加介词?


求the next morning 和next morning 的区别?

next morning是明天上午的意思 用于一般时 the next morning 是第二天上午 可用于过去和将来时

the next morning和next morning的区别

两种的时态不一样。前者用过去将来时They said they would leave the next morning.用一般将来时。we will leave next morning.

木村カエラRing a Ding Dong歌词

なんで君(きみ)の天気(てんき)は雨(あめ)nande kimi no tenki wa ameこんなに仆(ぼく)の空晴(そらはれ)だよkonnani boku no sora hare dayoお気(き)に入(い)りの仆(ぼく)のかさを君(きみ)にo ki ni iri no boku no kasawo kimi ni"さしてあげるよ""sashiteagaruyo"涙(なみだ)も上(うえ)がれnamida mo ue gareRing a Ding DongRing a Ding Ding Dong X3みんなわけあうよminnawakeauyoRing a Ding DongRing a Ding Ding Dong X3ドレミファミレドdo re mi fa mi re doRing a Ding Dong君(きみ)がいつもくれる言叶(Iことば)kimi gaitsumokureru kotoba天使(てんし)も大好(だいす)きだtenji mo daisuki daありがとうarigadouだからママdakara mama仆(ぼく)もちゃんといえるよboku mochiyantoieruyoいつもありがとうitsumo arigadou幸(しあわ)せとまれshiawase tomareRing a Ding DongRing a Ding Ding Dong X3かわりはないよkawarihanaiyoRing a Ding DongRing a Ding Ding Dong X3ドレミファミレドdo re mi fa mi re doむにゃーむにゃーと眠(ねむ)るmuniya-muniya-to nemu ru梦(ゆめ)のドア开(ひら)くyume no door hira ku関东(かんとう)で鸣り响でkantou de na ri nibi de谁(だれ)も彼(かれ)も踊(おど)りだすdare mo kare mo odo ridasu小鸟(ことり)や花(はな)や仆(ぼく)も歌(うた)いだすkotori ya hana ya boku mo uta idasuお日様(ひさま)颜出(かおで)してもwa hisamakaode shitsumo"おはよう""ohayou"one two Three Four Five Six !!Ring a Ding DongRing a Ding DongRing a Ding DongRing a Ding DongRing a Ding Dong.....

30 ,Eujil-ro,Jung-gu,Seoul SouthKorea 是韩国哪里


upperclassman your english is really bad什么意思




the one 后接定语能用doing吗?

the one 后面可以接doing作定语。

什么是U.L. Cross Listing Label

楼主,能否给点提示?U.L.美国的一种安全认证简称cross listing海外上市的意思label是标签的意思可是这三个词放在一起,我真不知道怎么讲,或许有上下文更容易理解。

The young teacher has ____ competent.





在angular中我们定义directive方法时,可以看到 return { restrict: "AE", scope: {}, template: "", link: function() {} } 除了代码中出现的属性,还有一些其他的属性可供配置,这里不作详述。 今天我们要说的重点是 scope 字段。

微星 Z170 Krait GAMING主板超频怎么设置 u是6600k 有知道的发改过的图给我看


想买个白色b150大板,看中了微星的B150 KRAIT GAMING,这个最大支持多大的内存啊?

这款主板最大支持64g的四代内存。单条最大16g。内存规格内存类型DDR4内存插槽4×DDR4 DIMM最大内存容量64GB

我主板是微星b150 krait gaming,想要弄个win7系统,老司机们帮看看这样可以不。

你是把win8改成win7吧?那就还需要关闭BIOS里的UEFI启动模式及硬盘格式由GPT格式更改为MBR格式。具体步骤以联想的为例进行说明:  1. 按F1进入bios设置界面;  2. 再按上下方向键选择到“OSOptimized Defaults [Win8 64Bit]”处,接下来按回车键,将[]里面的“Win8 64Bit”换成“disabled”,关闭UEFI启动模式;  3. 按左右方向键将上面的光标从“Exit”处移至“Boot”选项,在确认“BootMode”后面[]里面的选项为“LegacySupport”;  4. 按上下方向键将光标移至“BootPriority”处,按下回车键,将[]里面的“UEFI First”选择更换为“LegacyFirst”即可。  5. 使用u启动制作好启动盘的u盘插入到电脑,在重启的时候看到开机画面时连续按下F12键进入启动菜单,将USB设置为第一启动盘;  6. 进入u启动u盘界面,选择win2003PE系统;  7. win8硬盘的格式,硬盘格式默认是“GPT”(GUID分区表),装win7的话会报错,需要把硬盘清空,将其格式转换成MBR格式,才能成功安装win7系统;  8. 使用分区工具对硬盘进行重新分区的操作,找到并打开桌面上的“DiskGenius分区工具”;  9. 鼠标选择到硬盘,点击右键,然后选择到“转换分区表类型为MBR格式(B)”,点击鼠标左键,将会弹出一个确定窗口,接下来只需点击确定即可。  10. 完成分区表类型的转换以后,点击左上角的“保存更改”按钮,确定保存;  11. 至此,就可以开始安装win7系统了。

三星pm961支持微星b150 krait gaming这块主板吗


用8700k配个Z370 KRAIT GAMING主板,先用核显可以玩dnf么?


看到个微星的Z170 KRAIT GAMING银环蛇主板,感觉外观挺炫的,这个是x99的板子么?

这个主板芯片组就是Z170,搭配最新的LGA 1151接口的处理器。截至到2015年8月7日只有两款CPU可搭配:酷睿i7-6700K、i5-6600K



准备入手块微星Z170 KRAIT GAMING主板,想问下M.2接口是走PCI-E还是SATA通道或者两者都支持?


微星B250 KRAIT GAMING 内存超频怎么弄

如果你开启就这个界面的话,不能进bios的话,建议开机箱清下bios,放电,如果可以进bios的话,恢复成默认设置。你超频失败引起的,上面提示f1进入bios 设置,按f2加载默认值继续,按alt+l加载最后一次好的设置值继续!

微星Z270 KRAIT GAMING 机箱风扇 rgb的可以直接接不接控制器么


微星z170a krait gaming怎么样设置m2启动


微星 B150 KRAIT GAMING主板 (Intel B150/LGA 1151)它的M.2接口支持PIce通道么,支

这个主板可不贵啊。这是微星B150主板里最便宜档次的了 当然内存插槽少。

Failing Me (Runaway) 歌词

歌曲名:Failing Me (Runaway)歌手:Soraya专辑:Dreamer ReloadedYeah, like the threat of the darkest cloudsrolling in on a sunny dayYeah, like a field that has no wayYeah, like a dog that wanders aimless with no nameYeah, like a cut without the pain(Yeah) YOU GOT TO FEEL THIS!YOU GOT TO TAKE THE PAIN! (Yeah)YOU GOT TO LET GO!And I"m just trying to get through to youBut I am failingLie like I"m not even hereMy heart is breakingTrying to see through your stareIt looks right through meSmile and pretend I"m not thereTo keep from going crazyYeah, like the day that your guardian angel decided to fly awayYeah, like a bruise that doesn"t fadeYeah, like a memory that tortures your soul until your dying dayYeah, like a life you couldn"t save(Yeah) YOU GOT TO FEEL THIS!YOU GOT TO TAKE THE PAIN! (Yeah)YOU GOT TO LET GO!And I"m just trying to get through to youBut I am failingLie like I"m not even hereMy heart is breakingTrying to see through your stareIt looks right through meSmile and pretend I"m not thereTo keep from going crazyI"ve tried to get through to youI"ve tried toI"ve triedI"ve tried to get through to youI"ve tried toAnd I"m still just trying to get through to youBut I am failingLie like I"m not even hereMy heart is breakingTrying to see through your stareIt looks right through meSmile and pretend I"m not thereTo keep from going crazyI"ve tried to get through to youI"ve tried toI"ve tried to get through to youI"ve tried to get through ...I"ve tried to get through to youI"ve tried to
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