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for example和for instance和such as的区别是什么

for example 和for instance 我感觉差不多,都是逗号隔开,接句子;such as 直接跟名词

for instance与for example的区别

for example是列举整体之中的一个为例,在句子中多用作插入语,用逗号与主句隔开,for example之后也有逗号。for example作插入语,位置可以在句首、句中或句末。如:For example,air is invisible and of no smell.例如,空气是无色无味的物质。for instance主要用于列举表示事例情况的例子。有时,相当于like/such as,后接具体的事物。如:There are jobs more dangerous than truck driving,for instance,training tigers,fire fighting;还有比开卡车更危险的工作,例如训虎、灭火。You Can choose any one of them.for instance,this one on the left. 你可以选择其中任何一个,例如靠左边的这个。相同点:他们后面可以接句子也可以放名词。但是通常放句子比较常见。后面放名词的通常也只放一个。这两个短语都可以放在句子的前面,句子的中间,或者句子的后面。在引出的例子前面可以用逗号隔开。 不同点:for example 和 for instance的区别很小。即使外国人也很难说清楚区别,通常看个人的喜好。但是在读书和日常交流的时候,会发现 for instance更加书面话和学究话。在严谨的学术上用的更多些。

除了For example,for instance以外?“举个例子”用英文有几种说法?

e.g.exempli gratia的缩写

for example和for instance和such as的区别 用法

for example=for instance,放在句子中,后接句子,后要打逗号而such as 接词组,不要打逗号

for instance 和 for example什么区别

都是举例的意思,就如中国的同义词一样,意思一样,用发基本一样 要说区别,记得老师是这样跟我们说的:就是在一个句子或者一段话中为了行文流畅,避免重复,而使用,也就是说,在一个句子中如果要用到两个“举例”,一般是不会在同样的短语,一般用同义词表示 也有这样的说发:for example 是举一个实例,是个句子.2.for instance通常接一个事情.只不过前者较常用.

for example和for instance和such as的区别是什么


后面只有一个名词举例就只能用for instance吗

for instance 意思是:例如,譬如,比如,比方说;instance和example同义,都是“例子”的意思.因此 for instance 就等于for example,都是“举例而言”的意思. for instance可以前置或者后置 后置的例子为: Take general elections for instance. 前置的例子为: We made many improvements to our house; for instance,we painted the walls and bought new carpet.



是for an instance 还是for instance

是for instance1.There are jobs more dangerous than truck driving; for instance, training lions.有的工作比驾驶卡车更危险, 例如驯狮.2.Ethiopia, for instance uses the equivalent of just twenty kilos of oil per head a year.比如说,埃塞俄比亚每年的人均消费支出仅相当于20公斤的石油。3.They will be concerned to do the right thing — to dress properly, for instance.他们需要注意行为是否恰当——比如说,穿着得体。

for instance的用法。

for instance 意思是:例如,譬如,比如,比方说;instance和example同义,都是“例子”的意思。因此 for instance 就等于for example,都是“举例而言”的意思。for instance可以前置或者后置后置的例子为:Take general elections for instance.前置的例子为:We made many improvements to our house; for instance, we painted the walls and bought new carpet.

for instance 和 for example什么区别

是举例的意思,就如中国的同义词一样,意思一样,用发基本一样 要说区别,记得老师是这样跟我们说的:就是在一个句子或者一段话中为了行文流畅,避免重复,而使用,也就是说,在一个句子中如果要用到两个“举例”,一般是不会在同样的短语,一般用同义词表示 也有这样的说发:for example 是举一个实例,是个句子.2.for instance通常接一个事情.只不过前者较常用.


解for instance为短语,是“比如。哪来说”的意思如果只是固定短语,不需要加逗号.如果是用在句子中,则需要加逗号.故答案为不加逗号

for instance和 for example什么区别 3个方面了解一下

1、侧重点不同 For example是侧重通过示例(更倾向于项目列表),让受众易于理解。 For instance侧重给出一个佐证的案例(一个事件的经过)。 2、使用对象不同 for example是列举整体中的一个为例。 如:A few simple precautions can be taken, for example ensuring that desks are the right height. 可以采取一些简单的预防措施,比如确保桌子的高度合适。 for instance 主要用于列举表示事例情况的例子,后接具体的事物。 如:Ethiopia, for instance uses the equivalent of just twenty kilos of oil per head a year. 比如说,埃塞俄比亚每年的人均消费支出仅相当于20公斤的石油。 3、程度不同 for example使用更加日常和广泛,而for instance则更加学术化和正式。

for instance用法

for instance 意思是:例如,譬如,比如,比方说;instance和example同义,都是“例子”的意思.因此 for instance 就等于for example,都是“举例而言”的意思. for instance可以前置或者后置 后置的例子为:Take general elections for instance. 前置的例子为:We made many improvements to our house; for instance,we painted the walls and bought new carpet.

for instance 和 for example什么区别

三者有小的区别:首先说for example和 for instance:相同点:他们后面可以接句子也可以放名词.但是通常放句子比较常见.后面放名词的通常也只放一个.这两个短语都可以放在句子的前面,句子的中间,或者句子的后面.在引出的例子前面可以用逗号隔开.不同点:for example 和 for instance的区别很小.即使外国人也很难说清楚区别,通常看个人的喜好.但是在读书和日常交流的时候,会发现 for instance更加书面话和学究话.在严谨的学术上用的更多些.such as 和以上两个的区别很大,比如它后面多放同类并列的几个名词,比如你的第一个例子就是很常用的用法.such as后面不接句子.such as不能像for example 那样用逗号隔开来引领后连的例子.所以,你提的两个例句,第一个可以用for example 来换:some vegetables,for example,carrots and garlic,can help cure certain diseases.但是显然不常用,所以用such as读起来更顺畅.这里的such as后面不是一个句子,such as carrots and garlic 是用来修饰some vegetables的第二句话不可以互换,也要变换句式:some animal diseases such as foot and mouth disease could be passed to humans.顺便说,foot and mouth disease只能翻译成口和脚相关的疾病,但是我觉得这里说的是口蹄疫,口蹄疫的英文应该是aftosa

‘for example’ ;‘such as’ 和‘for instance’ 之间的区别还有它们的用法?

for example=for instance 用作副词 such as用作连词详细说来:三者有小的区别: 首先说for example和 for instance: 相同点:他们后面可以接句子也可以放名词。但是通常放句子比较常见。后面放名词的通常也只放一个。这两个短语都可以放在句子的前面,句子的中间,或者句子的后面。在引出的例子前面可以用逗号隔开。 不同点:for example 和 for instance的区别很小。即使外国人也很难说清楚区别,通常看个人的喜好。但是在读书和日常交流的时候,会发现 for instance更加书面话和学究话。在严谨的学术上用的更多些。 such as 和以上两个的区别很大,比如它后面多放同类并列的几个名词,比如你的第一个例子就是很常用的用法。such as后面不接句子。such as不能像for example 那样用逗号隔开来引领后连的例子。 所以,你提的两个例句,第一个可以用for example 来换: some vegetables, for example, carrots and garlic, can help cure certain diseases. 但是显然不常用,所以用such as读起来更顺畅。这里的such as后面不是一个句子,such as carrots and garlic 是用来修饰some vegetables的 第二句话不可以互换,也要变换句式: some animal diseases such as foot and mouth disease could be passed to humans. 顺便说,foot and mouth disease只能翻译成口和脚相关的疾病,但是我觉得这里说的是口蹄疫,口蹄疫的英文应该是aftosa



for example和for instance和such as的区别是什么

三者有小的区别:首先,for example和 for instance:相同点:他们后面可以接句子也可以放名词,但是通常放句子比较常见,后面放名词的通常也只放一个,这两个短语都可以放在句子的前面、句子的中间,或者句子的后面,在引出的例子前面可以用逗号隔开。不同点:for example 和 for instance的区别很小,即使外国人也很难说清楚区别,通常看个人的喜好,但是在读书和日常交流的时候,会发现 for instance更加书面话和学究话,在严谨的学术上用的更多些。such as 和以上两个的区别很大,比如它后面多放同类并列的几个名词,比如你的第一个例子就是很常用的用法,such as后面不接句子,such as不能像for example 那样用逗号隔开来引领后连的例子。

for instance和 for example什么区别 3个方面了解一下

1、侧重点不同 For example是侧重通过示例(更倾向于项目列表),让受众易于理解。 For instance侧重给出一个佐证的案例(一个事件的经过)。 2、使用对象不同 for example是列举整体中的一个为例。 如:A few simple precautions can be taken, for example ensuring that desks are the right height. 可以采取一些简单的预防措施,比如确保桌子的高度合适。 for instance 主要用于列举表示事例情况的例子,后接具体的事物。 如:Ethiopia, for instance uses the equivalent of just twenty kilos of oil per head a year. 比如说,埃塞俄比亚每年的人均消费支出仅相当于20公斤的石油。 3、程度不同 for example使用更加日常和广泛,而for instance则更加学术化和正式。

for example和for instance有何区别?

for example是列举整体之中的一个为例,在句子中多用作插入语,用逗号与主句隔开,for example之后也有逗号。for example作插入语,位置可以在句首、句中或句末。如:For example,air is invisible and of no smell.例如,空气是无色无味的物质。for instance主要用于列举表示事例情况的例子。有时,相当于like/such as,后接具体的事物。如:There are jobs more dangerous than truck driving,for instance,training tigers,fire fighting;还有比开卡车更危险的工作,例如训虎、灭火。You Can choose any one of them.for instance,this one on the left. 你可以选择其中任何一个,例如靠左边的这个。相同点:他们后面可以接句子也可以放名词。但是通常放句子比较常见。后面放名词的通常也只放一个。这两个短语都可以放在句子的前面,句子的中间,或者句子的后面。在引出的例子前面可以用逗号隔开。 不同点:for example 和 for instance的区别很小。即使外国人也很难说清楚区别,通常看个人的喜好。但是在读书和日常交流的时候,会发现 for instance更加书面话和学究话。在严谨的学术上用的更多些。

for instance的用法。

for instance 意思是:例如,譬如,比如,比方说;instance和example同义,都是“例子”的意思。因此 for instance 就等于for example,都是“举例而言”的意思。for instance可以前置或者后置后置的例子为:Take general elections for instance.前置的例子为:We made many improvements to our house; for instance, we painted the walls and bought new carpet.

for example 和for instance 有什么区别

for instance 意思是:例如,譬如,比如,比方说;instance和example同义,都是“例子”的意思。因此 for instance 就等于for example,都是“举例而言”的意思。for instance可以前置或者后置后置的例子为:Take general elections for instance.前置的例子为:We made many improvements to our house; for instance, we painted the walls and bought new carpet.

for example和for instance的区别是什么?

for example是列举整体之中的一个为例,在句子中多用作插入语,用逗号与主句隔开,for example之后也有逗号。for example作插入语,位置可以在句首、句中或句末。如:For example,air is invisible and of no smell.例如,空气是无色无味的物质。for instance主要用于列举表示事例情况的例子。有时,相当于like/such as,后接具体的事物。如:There are jobs more dangerous than truck driving,for instance,training tigers,fire fighting;还有比开卡车更危险的工作,例如训虎、灭火。You Can choose any one of them.for instance,this one on the left. 你可以选择其中任何一个,例如靠左边的这个。相同点:他们后面可以接句子也可以放名词。但是通常放句子比较常见。后面放名词的通常也只放一个。这两个短语都可以放在句子的前面,句子的中间,或者句子的后面。在引出的例子前面可以用逗号隔开。 不同点:for example 和 for instance的区别很小。即使外国人也很难说清楚区别,通常看个人的喜好。但是在读书和日常交流的时候,会发现 for instance更加书面话和学究话。在严谨的学术上用的更多些。

for instance什么意思

for instance例如双语对照词典结果:for instance[英][fu0254: u02c8instu0259ns][美][fu0254r u02c8u026anstu0259ns]例如,比如; 拿 ... 来说; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.King abdullah has championed international dialogue between religions, for instance. 例如,阿卜杜拉国王支持不同宗教间的国际对话。

for instance可以放句末么?


for instance 和such as的用法

for instance =for example 后面接句子, 做例子for instance, she is a writer but he is a teacher.such as 接名词, 表列举there are many fruit, such as bananas, apples, etc

for example和for instance和such as的区别是什么

for example 是介乎于such as 和 for instance 之间的一种,可以使用在书面文件上,such as 一般是口语交流或者上lecture 上出现, 论文中尽量不要出现,显的不正规。for instance 则是最为书面的一种表达方式,是较为正规的论文使用方法

for instant中文意思

for instant中文意思 句子有错,应该是:for an instant 意思就是:一瞬间 ; 只是一个瞬间 ; 一会儿 若果你是要问:for instance 的话. 那麼中文意思是: 举个例 或是 例如.= for example 【很希望我的回答会对你有帮助.如有不明白,可以再追问,并祝你进步!】

怎样用 for instance造一个句子,后面分别接词组和句子的?谢谢

for instance 是例如的意思what would you do ,for instance ,if you found a man stealing your money.i like sports ,for instance ,playing basketball

for instance后加动词还是名词?


for instance 举例能当作结尾吗

你好,以下是详细解说:for example和for instance是一样的意思!就像 My god!和My gosh!一样两者都可以放于句首,可以通用。意为“比如说”such as 意为“例如”,一般放于句中,不与and so on连用例句:I have a lot of hobbies, such as reading and singing.谢谢!

for instance的用法

与for example 一样

老师好,请问such as , like , for example , for instance , as if 的区别和用法

1. such as = like,都视为介词,其后加名词、代词和动名词等,一般列举不完全的多例,且和举例之间直接相连。如:I have many friends, such as / like Tom, Mary and Jim.2. for example = for instance,视为独立成分,一般只列举一例,和举例之间用逗号隔开,例子形式多样,可以是单词、短语或句子。如:I have many friends. For example/instance, Jack is my best friend.3. as if是连词,引导方式状语从句或表语从句。有时其后的从句可以用省略语法,且有时须用虚拟语气。如:He spoke as if he knew everything.It seemed as if it was going to rain.4. as if的意思是“似乎、好像”,是作比喻;而最开始的两种单词短语的意思都是“例如,比如”,不是作比喻,而是举例。两组短语在意思上差别很大。

是for an instance 还是for instance?


for instance是什么意思


for example 和for instance 有什么区别



您是想问for instance的用法是什么吗?该连接词的用法如下:for instance:主要用于列举表示事例情况的例子,后接具体的事物或给出一个佐证的案例。相比于for example,for instance更加书面化,在严谨的学术上用得更多些。例句:Prouduct A are better than product B,for instance,product B can save more money。产品A比产品B好,例如,产品B可以节省更多的钱。

for example和for instance的区别在哪里?

for example是列举整体之中的一个为例,在句子中多用作插入语,用逗号与主句隔开,for example之后也有逗号。for example作插入语,位置可以在句首、句中或句末。如:For example,air is invisible and of no smell.例如,空气是无色无味的物质。for instance主要用于列举表示事例情况的例子。有时,相当于like/such as,后接具体的事物。如:There are jobs more dangerous than truck driving,for instance,training tigers,fire fighting;还有比开卡车更危险的工作,例如训虎、灭火。You Can choose any one of them.for instance,this one on the left. 你可以选择其中任何一个,例如靠左边的这个。相同点:他们后面可以接句子也可以放名词。但是通常放句子比较常见。后面放名词的通常也只放一个。这两个短语都可以放在句子的前面,句子的中间,或者句子的后面。在引出的例子前面可以用逗号隔开。 不同点:for example 和 for instance的区别很小。即使外国人也很难说清楚区别,通常看个人的喜好。但是在读书和日常交流的时候,会发现 for instance更加书面话和学究话。在严谨的学术上用的更多些。

for instance用法及例句

for instance=for example,但比for example高级.句首、句中、句末均可使用.建议作文中使用以代替for example。 例句: Imagine, for instance, that you lost your bank card. 例如,设想你丢了银行卡。 扩展资料   There are a number of improvements; for instance, both mouse buttons can now be used   在许多地方有了改进,例如,鼠标的左右键都可以使用了。   Teenage sex, for instance, may come not out of genuine desire but from a need to get love.   例如,青少年的性行为可能并不是源于真正的情欲,而是出于一种对爱的需要。   What would you do, for instance, if you found a member of staff stealing?   比如说,如果你发现有职员偷东西,你会怎么办?

for instance是什么意思

是“比如”的意思,同 for example。

是for an instance 还是for instance

for instance例如


比如,例如instance和example同义,都是“例子”的意思.因此 for instance 就等于for example,都是“举例而言”的意思.for instance可以前置或者后置后置的例子为:Take general elections for instance.前置的例子为:We made many improvements to our house; for instance,we painted the walls and bought new carpet.

for instance什么意思

forinstance的意思:例如,比如。forinstance英[fu0254:u02c8instu0259ns]美[fu0254ru02c8u026anstu0259ns] 例如,比如,拿...来说。instance英[u02c8u026anstu0259ns]美[u02c8u026anstu0259ns]n.情况;例子,实例;要求,建议;[法]诉讼手续。vt.举…为例。forinstance的用法示例如下:1.For instance, a request scope starts and stops in a servlet container. 例如,请求范围的开始和结束都在一个servlet容器中。2.This is the approach taken by Castor, for instance, in its mapped binding support. 例如,Castor在它的映射绑定支持中采用了此方法。扩展资料:instance这个单词14世纪中期进入英语,直接源自古法语的instance。instance最初源自古典拉丁语的instantia,意为存在。形容词+instance的一些词汇:1.typicalinstance典型的例子。2.abundantinstances丰富的例子。3.extremeinstance极端的例子。介词+instance的一些词汇:1.asaninstance作为例子。instance+介词的一些词汇:1.instanceofbadbehavior恶劣行为的例子。2.instanceoutofmany许多例子。

for instance后接什么

for instance=for example,意思是“例如”,在句中作状语,后面跟一个完整的句子。 扩展资料   双语例句:   Imagine, for instance, that you lost your bank card.   例如,设想你丢了银行卡。   Veiseh, for instance, travelled a lot in his youth.   比如维瑟,他年轻的时候去过很多地方。   Should you tell your friends, for instance, that they"re being recorded while you all watch the big game together?   比如,朋友在你家一起观看大型比赛时,你会告诉他们说他们都被录下来了吗?   Carpets, for instance, seem to be slightly better places to drop your food than wood or tile.   比如,地毯和木制品、瓷砖相比,似乎是一个相对更好点的"掉落食物的地方。   Those who were more self-disciplined, for instance, were no more likely to live to be very old.   比方说,那些更加自律的人并非更有可能活到很老。

for instance啥意思

for example

for instance是什么意思

例如,等于for example

银行账户里 instituition 是什么意思

  institution英 [u02ccu026anstu026au02c8tju:u0283n] 美 [u02ccu026anstu026au02c8tu:u0283n]  n.(大学、银行等规模大的) 机构; 惯例,制度,规定,建立; 社会事业机构; <口>名人,名物;  [例句]Bernard works at the same institution as Arlette.  伯纳德和阿莱特在同一家机构工作。  [其他]复数:institutions 形近词: prostitution restitution destitution

title iv institutions是什么意思

title iv institutions 全部释义和例句>>标题四机构institution 英[u02ccu026anstu026au02c8tju:u0283n]美[u02ccu026anstu026au02c8tu:u0283n]n. (大学、银行等规模大的) 机构; 惯例,制度,规定,建立; 社会事业机构; <口>名人,名物;[例句]Bernard works at the same institution as Arlette.伯纳德和阿莱特在同一家机构工作。[其他] 复数:institutions 形近词: prostitution restitution destitution



If we are to remain competitive, we need to instig

这是一个比较复杂的If 引导的条件句,If we are to remain competitive,是从句,意思是如果我们想要保持竞争力。以下是主句,意思是我们需要发起一个计算机科学革命。starting with getting primary school children to learn coding做主句的状语从句,意思是在发起这次革命的同时要让小学生开始学习编码。


Jack and the beans is based on true story?!!不过那不是真的发生的故事啊?

The giant ______(climb)up the beanstalk


jack and beanstalk的英文简介

Jack and the Beanstalk is an English fairy tale, closely associated with the tale of Jack the Giant Killer. It is known under a number of versions. Benjamin Talbart"s moralized version of 1807 is the first appearance in print, but Joseph Jacobs popularized it in English Fairy Tales (1890). Jacobs"s version is most commonly reprinted today and is believed to more closely adhere to the oral versions than Tabart"s, because it lacks the moralizing of that version. The story was made into a play by Charles Ludlam.【Plot summary】The story tells of a boy named [[Jack wwwww rrtrrr (hero)|Jack]] who was sent to market one day by his mother to sell their last possession, the cow. As Jack was on his way he met a stranger who offered to trade five "magic" beans for the cow. Jack accepted the trade and returned back home with the beans in his pocket. Jack"s mother was angered that he had not obeyed her instructions to sell the cow and threw the beans out of the window.As Jack slept, the beans germinated in the soil, and a gigantic beanstalk grew in their place by morning. When Jack saw the huge beanstalk, he immediately decided to climb it. He arrived in a land high up in the clouds that happened to be the home of a giant. When he broke into the giant"s castle, the giant quickly sensed a human was near:Fee-fi-fo-fum! I smell the blood of an Englishman. Be he "live, or be he dead, I"ll grind his bones to make my bread. However, Jack was saved by the giant"s wife and as he escaped from the palace, he took a bag of gold coins with him. Jack desired to seek out more treasures from the castle in the clouds and climbed once more up the beanstalk. This time he stole a hen which laid golden eggs. Again he was saved from harm by the giant"s wife.Jack disregarded being nearly discovered by the giant twice and decided to go up the beanstalk a third time. This time, he stole a magical harp that played by itself. The instrument did not appreciate being stolen and called out to the giant for help. The giant chased Jack down the beanstalk, but Jack managed to get to the ground before the giant did. Jack, seeing an axe on the ground beside him, immediately chopped the beanstalk down. The giant fell to earth, hitting the ground so hard that it split, pulling the beanstalk down with him. That was the end of the giant and the beanstalk.【Origin】In Walter Crane"s woodcut the harp reaches out to cling to the vineThe origin of Jack and the Beanstalk is unknown, although the author was almost certainly British or German.[4] The earliest printed edition which has survived is the 1807 book The History of Jack and the Bean Stalk, printed by Benjamin Tabart, although the story was already in existence sometime before this, as a burlesque of the story entitled The Story of Jack Spriggins and the Enchanted Bean was included in the 1734 second edition of Round About Our Coal-Fire.In the usual version of the tale, the giant is unnamed, but many plays based on the story name him as Blunderbore; a giant of that name also appears in Jack the Giant Killer.The giant"s "Fee! Fie! Foe! Fum!" was included in William Shakespeare"s King Lear.【Variants】Other tales of this type include the Italian Thirteenth and the French How the Dragon was Tricked.The Brothers Grimm drew analogies between this tale and the German The Devil With the Three Golden Hairs, where the devil"s mother or grandmother acted much like the wife in this tale: a female figure protecting the child from the evil male figure.The tale is unusual in that the hero, although grown, does not marry at the end of it but returns to his mother; this is found in few other i love you tales, although some, such as some variants of Vasilisa the Beautiful, do feature it.【Controversies】The story portrays a hero unscrupulously hiding in a man"s house, playing on his wife"s sympathies in order to rob and finally murder the owner of the house. In Tabart"s moralized version, a fairy woman explains to Jack that the giant had robbed and killed his father, thus transforming the acts into justified retribution.Jacobs dropped the justification on the grounds that it had not been in the version he had heard as a child, and because children knew that robbery and murder were wrong without being told so by a fairy tale.Many modern interpretations have followed Tabart and painted the giant as a villain, terrorizing smaller folk and often stealing items of value, so that Jack becomes a legitimate protagonist. For example, the 1952 film starring Abbott and Costello blames the giant for Jack"s ill fortunes and impoverishment, as he has been stealing food and wealth from the smaller folk of the lands below his home, including the hen that lays golden eggs, which in this version originally belonged to Jack"s family. In other versions it is implied that the giant had stolen the hen and the harp from Jack"s father. However, Brian Henson"s 2001 TV miniseries Jack and the Beanstalk: The Real Story is an alternative version of the tale which abandons Tabart"s additions and significantly vilifies Jack, due to Henson"s disgust with Jack"s morally questionable actions in the original story.

why did she say that she grew like a Beanstalk

why did she say that she grew like a Beanstalk?翻译为中文是: 她为什么说她长得像一棵豆茎?注:完全没有问题!请提问者及时采纳答案!

jack and the beanstalk 的大意

杰克和豌豆茎是一个童话故事一个小男孩顺着豌豆藤爬上了天。。。。 Jack lives with his mum ,a poor widow .They are very poor. The only thing they have is a milking cow. Jack goes to the market to sell the cow. On the way to the market he meets a kind man .The man tells Jack that he will buy his milking cow for some magic beans. Jack returns home and shows his mum the magic beans. When he tells his mum about the beans she is angry .She throws them out of the window. The next morning Jack wakes up to find a giant beanstalk outside his window. Jack climbs the beanstalk. At the top of the beanstalk he sees a beautiful castle. He goes into the castle and he hears a giant. He hides in the cupboard. Before the giant finds him ,Jack takes the hen and harp with him. The giant chases Jack down the beanstalk ,Jack chops the beanstalk. The hen lays more and more golden eggs. Jack and his mother lives happily. 下载地址:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XODc4ODk5MDQ=_rss.html

Jack and the beanstalk.Jack lives with his mum ,a poor widow .They are very poor. The only的意思!


jack and the beanstalk 的大意 用英文写

杰克和豌豆茎是一个童话故事一个小男孩顺着豌豆藤爬上了天.Jack lives with his mum ,a poor widow .They are very poor.The only thing they have is a milking cow.Jack goes to the market to sell the cow.On th...

jack and beanstalk 有什么寓意?能用英语来总结下吗

The story tells of a boy named Jack who was sent to market one day by his mother to sell their last possession,the cow.As Jack was on his way he met a stranger who offered to trade five "magic" beans for the cow.Jack accepted the trade and returned back home with the beans in his pocket.Jack"s mother was angered that he had not obeyed her instructions to sell the cow and threw the beans out of the window.As Jack slept,the beans germinated in the soil,and a gigantic beanstalk grew in their place by morning.When Jack saw the huge beanstalk,he immediately decided to climb it.He arrived in a land high up in the clouds that happened to be the home of a giant.When he broke into the giant"s castle,the giant quickly sensed a human was near:Fee-fi-fo-fum!I smell the blood of an Englishman.Be he "live,or be he dead,I"ll grind his bones to make my bread.However,Jack was saved by the giant"s wife and as he escaped from the palace,he took a bag of gold coins with him.Jack desired to seek out more treasures from the castle in the clouds and climbed once more up the beanstalk.This time he stole a hen which laid golden eggs.Again he was saved from harm by the giant"s wife.Jack disregarded being nearly discovered by the giant twice and decided to go up the beanstalk a third time.This time,he stole a magical harp that played by itself.The instrument did not appreciate being stolen and called out to the giant for help.The giant chased Jack down the beanstalk,but Jack managed to get to the ground before the giant did.Jack,seeing an axe on the ground beside him,immediately chopped the beanstalk down.The giant fell to earth,hitting the ground so hard that it split,pulling the beanstalk down with him.That was the end of the giant and the beanstalk.简单的:Jack lives with his mum ,a poor widow .They are very poor.The only thing they have is a milking cow.Jack goes to the market to sell the cow.On the way to the market he meets a kind man .The man tells Jack that he will buy his milking cow for some magic beans.Jack returns home and shows his mum the magic beans.When he tells his mum about the beans she is angry .She throws them out of the window.The next morning Jack wakes up to find a giant beanstalk outside his window.Jack climbs the beanstalk.At the top of the beanstalk he sees a beautiful castle.He goes into the castle and he hears a giant.He hides in the cupboard.Before the giant finds him ,Jack takes the hen and harp with him.The giant chases Jack down the beanstalk ,Jack chops the beanstalk.The hen lays more and more golden eggs.Jack and his mother lives happily.

jack and the beanstalk告诉我们什么道理



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Mein Herz Brennt (Piano Instrumental) 歌词

歌曲名:Mein Herz Brennt (Piano Instrumental)歌手:Rammstein专辑:Mein Herz Brennt (Deluxe Edition)Nun liebe Kinder gebt fein achtich bin die Stimme aus dem Kissenich hab euch etwas mitgebrachthab es aus meiner Brust gerissenMit diesem Herz hab ich die Machtdie Augenlider zu erpressenich singe bis der Tag erwachtein heller Schein am FirmamentMein Herz brenntSie kommen zu euch in der NachtD?monen Geister schwarze Feensie kriechen aus dem Kellerschachtund werden unter euer Bettzeug sehenNun liebe Kinder gebt fein achtich bin die Stimme aus dem Kissenich singe bis der Tag erwachtein heller Schein am FirmamentMein Herz brenntSie kommen zu euch in der Nachtund stehlen eure kleinen hei?en Tr?nensie warten bis der Mond erwachtund drücken sie in meine kalten VenenNun liebe Kinder gebt fein achtich bin die Stimme aus dem Kissenich singe bis der Tag erwachtein heller Schein am FirmamentMein Herz brennthttp://music.baidu.com/song/52758662

Unstoppable 歌词

歌曲名:Unstoppable歌手:Cookbook & Uno Mas专辑:While They SleptYou can talk all you wantBut my skin is really thickI"m the leader of the crowdAnd my game is really sleakI"m unstoppable, unstoppable, unstoppable, unstoppableYou can talk all you wantBut my skin is really thickI"m the leader of the crowdAnd my game is really sleakI"m unstoppable, unstoppable, unstoppable, unstoppableSaid, you ready for tomorrow?When I smash it like a ball in the clubOn the news, I"ll be rockin" like a rockstarI"m unstoppable, unstoppable, unstoppable, unstoppableCrazy F baby, Hello girl I got a black resident in a yellow cabIn my red shoes and my swags so sick I need a cess poolI"m never in a bad mood but I can make her bit moveYou like my attitude, ain"t nobody else on my magnitudeSee ain"t nothing stopping me, I feel like ain"t nothing after meHuh, Whatcha talking about that? I ran in a bank and I walked out setYeah and I walk it like I talk but I run this shit, yeah run it like mafiaI"m on the A list cause I"m all young moneyYou can talk all you wantBut my skin is really thickI"m the leader of the crowdAnd my game is really sleakI"m unstoppable, unstoppable, unstoppable, unstoppableSaid, you ready for tomorrow?When I smash it like a ball in the clubOn the news, I"ll be rockin" like a rockstarI"m unstoppable, unstoppable, unstoppable, unstoppableNow shake your body,Like you got the jungle fever rushing through your veinsWe gettin" crazy and the club is banging through your brainWhen I say jump, you jump, jump is knockin knockinI wanna see~ you jump like this beat is rockin"You can"t ride my bracelet, kinda fancy but it"s hotYou wanna come along and see and holler at meMaybe I lost it, maybe not cause I got gameLike a burning flame, yeah that"s me, uh huhYou can talk all you wantBut my skin is really thickI"m the leader of the crowdAnd my game is really sleakI"m unstoppable, unstoppable, unstoppable, unstoppableSaid, you ready for tomorrow?When I smash it like a ball in the clubOn the news, I"ll be rockin" like a rockstarI"m unstoppable, unstoppable, unstoppable, unstoppableFa-fa-fa-fa-fa, follow the leaderFa-fa-fa-fa-fa, follow the leaderFa-fa-fa-fa-fa, follow the leaderYou can talk all you wantBut my skin is really thickI"m the leader of the crowdAnd my game is really sleakI"m unstoppable, unstoppable, unstoppable, unstoppableSaid, you ready for tomorrow?When I smash it like a ball in the clubOn the news, I"ll be rockin" like a rockstarhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15025010



lean 和against的区别

首先词性就有区别,如果你想问的是against当靠的意思的情况,前者是动词 靠在什么东西上,后面这个是介词比如 He slewed the car against the side of the building. 他的车滑到了大楼的一侧,抵住了。此外这两个词也可以连着用。就是指的 靠在... 倚在...

单词解释有个lean 1倾斜 趋身,2靠待(against) 3依赖 (on upon)括号是什么意思



我好喜欢这款黑色的那个五弦的了 lz在哪买的 淘宝吗?


在法律中,solicit 有帮助的意思,字面意思为从某人处获得(某物),其他的意思还有拉客询问什么的都是从其字面意思引申而来的.abet本身只有教唆的意思,但 往往是与aiding and abetting 连用组成词组,意为教唆他人(罪)instigate有煽动的意思,但其字面意思为开始做某事,且也为最常用的意思.

Rather Than 和 Instead Of 有什么区别?

instead of "替代",重点词在of上.它是个介词,所以该加上名词性结构,如名词(短语) 代词宾格 宾语从句等,但是介宾结构也可以,尤其小心的是动词该用动名词形式,即Ving;rather than (是...)而不是... 从语法角度上看它是个连词,前后成分在形式上必须保持一致,所以后面的结构应该与前面保持一样,就有可能出现代词主格,动词的各种形式,不一而足,但关键是和与它对比的结构形式要一致!如: I"ll go there instead of him. I rather than he(与I一致) will go there.再如: Yesterday he walked here instead of driving here. Yesterday he walked here rather than drove(与walked一致) here.请采纳答案,支持我一下。

David Arkenstone的《Legends》 歌词

歌曲名:Legends歌手:David Arkenstone专辑:Spirit WindMadina Lake - LegendsI watch the sun fall down to kill the dayAnother part of me just went up in flamesBecause I"m bored and dumb and dying to changeIt"s the simple life driving me insaneThen you explode in my headAnd now you"re all over meI come alive with youYou know you set me freeLet"s go!Let"s burn this town right to the groundAnd we"ll go down like every legend before usWe"ll part the seas, make historyWhile chasing dreams like every legend before usYou and me, we hit the streetsBecause the thrill of living gives me energyI wanna steal a car and rob a bankI wanna find a cure that will save the worldBecause our lives are going up in flamesAs we watch like it"s a movieI come alive with youYou"re like the drug inside of my headLet"s burn this town right to the groundAnd we"ll go down like every legend before usWe"ll part the seas, make historyWhile chasing dreams like every legend before usI open up like a window for youSo come on in and destroy me like you doYou come on in after midnight for meAnd drag me out while the city falls asleepMartyrs and kingsHeroes and thievesWe"re chasing dreams like every legend before usLet"s burn this town right to the groundAnd we"ll go down like every legend before usWe"ll part the seas, make historyWhile chasing dreams like every legend before usLet"s burn this town right to the groundAnd we"ll go down like every legend before usWe"ll part the seas, make historyWhile chasing dreams like every legend before ushttp://music.baidu.com/song/8806161



npm install 官网资料(git+https在package.json配置)

来自官网 https://www.npmjs.cn/cli/install/ npm install 别名 npm i 参数别名--save-dev 是 -D This command installs a package, and any packages that it depends on. npm install 会安装工程需要的包,并且会安装包的依赖包 If the package has a package-lock or shrinkwrap file, the installation of dependencies will be driven by that,with an npm-shrinkwrap.json taking precedence if both files exist. 如果有package-lock文件,会按照这个文件进行安装,如果两个文件都存在,则npm-shrinkwrap.json优先 (如果,更改package.json的地址,需要删除lock) npm install <git remote url>: Installs the package from the hosted git provider, cloning it with git. For a full git remote url, only that URL will be attempted. 从托管的git提供程序安装包,并用git克隆它。对于完整的git远程url,将只尝试该url。 <protocol>://[<user>[:<password>]@]<hostname>[:<port>][:][/]<path>[#<commit-ish> | #semver:<semver>] <protocol> is one of git, git+ssh, git+http, git+https, or git+file 协议是 git, git+ssh, git+http, git+https, git+file中的一种 If #<commit-ish> is provided, it will be used to clone exactly that commit. If the commit-ish has the format #semver:<semver>, <semver> can be any valid semver range or exact version, and npm will look for any tags or refs matching that range in the remote repository, much as it would for a registry dependency. If neither #<commit-ish> or #semver:<semver> is specified, then the default branch of the repository is used. 如果提供了#<commit ish>,它将用于精确克隆该提交。如果commit ish的格式为#semver:<semver>,<semver>可以是任何有效的semver范围或确切版本,npm将在远程存储库中查找与该范围匹配的任何标记或引用,就像查找注册表依赖项一样。如果未指定#<commit ish>或#semver:<semver>,则使用存储库的默认分支。 Examples: npm install git+ssh://git@github.com:npm/cli.git#v1.0.27 npm install git+ssh://git@github.com:npm/cli#semver :^5.0 npm install git+https://isaacs@github.com/npm/cli.git npm install git://github.com/npm/cli.git#v1.0.27 GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -i ~/.ssh/custom_ident" npm install git+ssh://git@github.com:npm/cli.git 验证过的: gitLab的工程,作为包引入主工程,放在package.json中 "webgme-xxx": " git+https://gitlab.xxx.cn/hhhh.git ", 通过npm install 可以成功安装 通过npm install webgme-xxx 可以成功安装 通过npm install git+https://gitlab.xxx.cn/hhhh.git 可以成功安装 使用cnpm install 不管加不加git+等,均报错 git+的这种用法,在node_modules中包的package.json中有描述


emergent自然发生的,强调突变,emergency theory of emotion 情绪应急论比如说你给110 打电话,人家问你怎么了,你可以说emergenturgent 急迫的, 紧要的,口语或者你聊天很常用,We have an urgent thing.我们有一件紧要的事情。exigent他带有一定的需求在里面,所以是有需求的紧急,exigent=requiring much effort instant片刻, 顷刻, 刹那I"ll be back in an instant.我马上就回来。长于in 搭配

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0range monster/pink cool girl什么意思

橙色怪物 / 粉色酷女孩

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it is an instrument. if we have a cup,some rice or beans,some paper and some string. We can make it

它是一个工具(或者器具、仪器、乐器)。如果我们有一个杯子、一些大米或豆类、一些纸和一些线(或者细绳),我们就可以制作它。 没想明白这是个什么东东~~

快要安装好了出现installation terminated 怎么回事?怎样解决掉

你安装的是什么?通常installation terminatedr 都是因为安装文件损坏失败




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