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halloween is on october 31怎么读

Halloween is on the thirty-first of October.


同学这个问题问的很好 oct词根的确值八 不过October又是指十月 因为在古罗马历中March是一月 所以October就是十月了

翻译 翻译好的会追加分 In October 1961 at Crowley Field in Cincinnati Ohio an old deaf

1961年10月在俄亥俄州辛辛那提市一场克劳利老聋子绅士名叫威廉·e·霍伊站了起来丢第一个球的世界系列。大多数人在克劳利场那天可能不记得嗬!因为他退出职业棒球58年前1903年。然而他被一位杰出的球员和聋人仍然谈论他和他的年棒球。威廉·e·霍伊Houckstown俄亥俄州出生在1862年5月23日。他成为了聋子在他两岁时。他参加了哥伦布俄亥俄聋哑学校。毕业后他开始打棒球在作为一名鞋匠。霍伊在1886年开始打职业棒球为奥什科什(威斯康辛州)的西北联盟。1888年,他开始作为一个外场手老的华盛顿参议员。他的小图和速度使他成为杰出的跑垒员。他非常擅长偷窃基地在他的职业生涯。在1888年的大联盟赛季他偷了82个碱基。他也是参议员的主要打击1888年。霍伊很聪明的,他把右手和左手击打。1889年6月19日,他否决了三名打者在板从他的外场位置。用手臂信号显示球和法官今天罢工开始因为霍伊。法官解除了他的右手臂表明,沥青是一个打击,他的左手臂信号,这是一个球。多年来,人们谈论霍伊在1903年的最后一个球的游戏。他在洛杉矶的太平洋沿岸冬季联赛。这是一个难忘的游戏因为霍伊打了一个精彩的球,赢了比赛。这是一个非常朦胧的天,因此很难看到球。在第九局与两个男人,嗬!成功抓住了飞球,第三出尽管雾。洛杉矶击败他们的反对并赢得了比赛。他退休后一直忙于大平底船。他跑一个奶牛场辛辛那提附近的20年。他也成为了一个公众演说家和旅行演讲。直到几年在他死前,他花了4 - 10英里走几个早晨一个星期。1961年12月15日威廉·霍伊逝世,享年99岁。

Middle Street Walker Newcastle NE6 4BY England UK 12 October 神马意思?

是英国的 邮政编码

october & april的英文歌词

Rasmus - October And April LyricsShe was like April skySunrise in her eyesChild of light, shining starFire in her heartBrightest day, melting (snow)Breaking through the chillOctober and aprilHe was like frozen skyIn October nightDarkest cloud in the stormRaining from his heart?Coldest snow, deepest chill?Tearing down his will?October and AprilLike hate and loveWorld"s apartThis fatal love was like poison right from the startLike light and DarkWorld"s apartThis fatal love was like poison right from the startWe were like loaded gunsSacrificed our livesWe were like love and undone?Craving to entwineFatal torchFinal thrillLove was bound to KillOctober and aprilHate and loveWorld"s apartLight and DarkWorld"s apartThis fatal love was like poison right from the startOctober and aprilOctober and aprilOctober and april

值得背诵的英语美文:An October Sunrise 十月的日出

  I was up the next morning be fore the October sunrise,and away through the wild and the woodland. The risingof the sun was noble in the cold and warmth of itpeeping down the spread of light, he raised hisshoulder heavily over the edge of grey mountain andwavering length of upland. Beneath his gaze the dew-fogs dipped, and crept to crept to the hollow places;then stole away in line and column, holding skirts,and clinging subtly at the sheltering corners whererock hung over grassland, while the brave lines of thehills came forth, one beyond other gliding.   The woods arose in folds, like drapery of awakened mountains, stately with a depth of awe, andmemory of the tempests. Autumnu2019s mellow hand was upon them, as they owned already, touched withgold and red and olive, and their joy towards the sun was less to a bridegroom than a father.   Yet before the floating impress of the woods could clear it self, suddenly the gladsome lightleaped over hill and valley, casting amber, blue, and purple, and a tint of rich red rose;according to the scene they lit on, and the curtain flung around; yet all alike dispelling fearand the cloven hoof of darkness, all on the wings of hope advancing, and proclaiming, “God ishere!” then life and joy sprang reassured from every crouching hollow; every flower, and budand bird had a fluttering sense of them; and all the flashing of Godu2019s gaze merged into softbeneficence.   So, perhaps, shall break upon us that eternal morning, when crag and chasm shall be no more,neither hill and valley, nor great unvintaged ocean; but all things shall arise, and shine in thelight of the Fatheru2019s countenance, because itself is risen.

October 15th,2003 用英文怎么读

October the fifteenth,two thousand and three ~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~

october 12th怎么读

十月12日 ,

“10 October 2053”用英语怎么读?

2053年10月10日 october tenth,2053

1 october怎么读?

旺, 噢Q本

October 1th请问这个怎么读

1st October,菲斯特 奥克脱波

“10 October 2053”用英语怎么读?

tenth october ,twenty fifty-three



9 october怎么读


10 october 2053怎么读

ten October twenty-fifty three



october 31怎么读?

要么读作:October the thirty-first,要么读作October thirty-first。不可读成thirty the first,因为october 31中的31实际上是31th的省略写法,而31th.是序数词“第三十一”。基数词31是thirty-one,序数词是thirty-first,这是一个词。序数词前表示特指,所以前面有定冠词,表示特定的“那个”,所以是the thirty-first。扩展资料序数词可以用缩写形式来表示。主要缩写形式有:first——1stsecond——2ndthird——3rdfourth——4th fifth-5thsixth——6thtwentieth——20thtwenty-third——23rd其中1st,2nd,3rd为特殊形式,其它的都是阿拉伯数字后加th。

October 怎么读


October Swimmer 歌词

歌曲名:October Swimmer歌手:Jj72专辑:Jj72October SwimmerJJ72The dreams of dying mothersI awoke, my insides shudderedthe greycoats of the infantryvictims looking for sympathyand splash of october swimmersthe cheers of Helsinki winnersmy barbed bones of futilityleeking marrow of abilityAnd I don"t need anyoneand you don"t need anyoneI want to be a happy boythis means that you must employ my lieswhen I want youAnd I don"t need anyoneI want to be a happy boythis means that you must employ my liesAnd I don"t need anyoneand you don"t need anyoneI want to be a happy boythis means that you must employ my lieswhen I want youAnd I don"t need anyone (3x)http://music.baidu.com/song/2178210

O Henry 的《October and june》主题是什么,主要想表达什么思想?

October and june?哪个henry?

谁知道An october sunrise的中文翻译?

十月的日出I was up the next morning before the October sunrise, and away through the wild and the woodland. 十月日出前的一个早晨,我起身,穿过荒野和丛林。 The rising of the sun was noble in the cold and warmth of it; peeping down the spread of light, he raised his shoulder heavily over the edge of gray mountain and wavering length of upland. 在十月的清晨,乍暖还寒之时,日出绚丽而高贵;他在苍老连绵的大山之巅用力地伸展着他的臂膀,划破那抹晨光。 Beneath his gaze the dew-fogs dipped and crept to the hollow places, then stole away in line and column, holding skirts and clinging subtly at the sheltering corners where rock hung over grass-land, while the brave lines of the hills came forth, one beyond other gliding. 在他的凝视之下,蒙蒙的雾气缓缓散落潜向谷底,继而丝丝缕缕地溜走,笼住峭壁,狡黠地隐匿于悬在草地之上的岩石中,随即群山的雄姿逐渐呈现,山峦也越发清晰。 The woods arose in folds, like drapery of awakened mountains, stately with a depth of awe, and memory of the tempests. 树木层叠的出现,像苏醒的大山的帷幔一样,威武庄严,引起狂风暴雨的回忆。 Autumn"s mellow hand was upon them, as they owned already, touched with gold and red and olive, and their joy towards the sun was less to a bridegroom than a father. 秋用温柔的手抚摩着它们,像已拥有的那样,点缀着金色,红色和橄榄色,它们对朝阳所怀有的喜悦,像是奉献给一位新郎,更像是奉献给一位父亲。 Yet before the floating impress of the woods could clear itself, suddenly the gladsome light leaped over hill and valley, casting amber, blue, and purple, and a tint of rich red rose, according to the scene they lit on, and the curtain flung around; 然而就在树木模糊的形象即将清晰之前,突然那道令人愉悦的光芒跳过丘陵和山谷,依照他们停落的那一幕,射出了琥珀,蓝,紫以及华丽的玫瑰红,接着帘幕一甩, yet all alike dispelling fear and the cloven hoof of darkness, all on the wings of hope advancing, and proclaiming, "God is here!" 所有的一切驱散了恐惧和黑暗中的邪恶,所有的一切都插上希望之翼开始前进,渐渐清晰,"上帝就在这里!" Then life and joy sprang reassured from every crouching hollow; every flower and bud and bird had a fluttering sense of them, and all the flashing of God"s gaze merged into soft beneficence. 生命和喜悦的出现使所有在低谷中蜷缩的充满信心,每朵花、每颗芽、每只鸟都在生命和喜悦之中悸动,所有上帝凝视的光芒都融入了温和的慈悲之中。 So, perhaps, shall break upon us that eternal morning, when crag and chasm shall be no more, neither hill and valley, nor great unvintaged ocean; when glory shall not scare happiness, neither happiness envy glory; 所以,或许,当峭壁和深渊,丘陵和山谷,浩瀚的但不古老的海洋不再有,当荣耀不会吓跑幸福,幸福也不再嫉妒荣耀的时候,那无边无尽的早晨才会被打破。 but all things shall arise, and shine in the light of the Father"s countenance, because itself is risen. 所有的一切都将升起,在上帝的面容呈现的光辉之中闪耀,因为它已升起。


回答如下;October是名词,不是序数词。英语第一第二第三等(first, second, third, fourth, fifth ... )才是序数词。



on october 还是 in october

in October. 在年,月份前面都用介词in,如果在具体某一天,即日期前面用介词on.希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O


October 十月(古罗马八月)


Now is october,l like this month very much.



章鱼octopus为什么前半部分和 十月October相同

octo-前缀,来源于拉丁语,表示“八”的意思而October原意就是八月,后来历法改了,采用了十二月的恺撒历,在前面增加了January 和 February, 然后2月以后的月份就依次后退两个月这样,October就变成了十月的意思 章鱼也叫八爪鱼,有八条触手,所以也是octo-前缀

october怎么读 正确发音指南?

d. 发音“b”:将双唇紧闭,用口腔内的空气发出“b”的声音。3. 整体发音:将以上步骤结合起来,快速、自然地发出[ɑkˈtoʊbər]的音。c. 发音“t”:将舌头顶部轻轻触碰上颚,发出清脆的“t”音。e. 发音“r”:将舌头向后翘起,使舌尖紧贴上颚,发出轻微的颤音。发音指南:


国产品牌,是叫做 十月手表。

october怎么读 英语october怎么读

1、October英[u0252ku02c8tu0259u028abu0259(r)]美[ɑu02d0ku02c8tou028abu0259r],n.十月。 2、[例句]The students return in October for the start of the new academic year.学生于十月返校,开始新学年的学习。

october怎么读 正确发音指南?

d. 发音“b”:将双唇紧闭,用口腔内的空气发出“b”的声音。d. 发音“b”:将双唇紧闭,用口腔内的空气发出“b”的声音。1. 音标:[ɑkˈtoʊbər],注意其中的“o”发音为[ɑ],而不是[ɔ]。3. 整体发音:将以上步骤结合起来,快速、自然地发出[ɑkˈtoʊbər]的音。2. 发音过程:October是英语中的一个单词,意为“十月”。在英语中,它的发音为[ɑkˈtoʊbər],也可以简写为[ɒkˈtəʊbə]。下面是详细的发音指南。


octo-是“八”的词根,比如HK的八达通卡,octopus原意为八爪鱼。october就是第八个月——且慢!不是十月吗? 是十月,但是原来是八月,为了纪念凯撒(Julius Caesar),插了个July.奥古斯都有样学样插了个August。于是八月就顺延成了十月。


据我所知 sept是拉丁语的7 这个就又要说到英文的月份了 其实sept(现在的9月,也是拉丁文的9)本来是7月 而oct(现在的10月)是8的意思.这个原因就要说起奥古斯都大帝了,不说那么多了,先解决你的问题.nil-0,un-1,bi-2,tri-3,quad-4,pent-5,hex-6,sept-7,oct-8,enn-9.




October的读音:英[ɒkˈtəʊbə(r)] 美[ɑːkˈtoʊbər]意思:十月。例句:Most seasonal hiring is done in early October大部分季节性招聘在10月初进行。复数:Octobers






octo-前缀,来源于拉丁语,表示“八”的意思。 而October原意就是八月,后来历法改了,采用了十二月的 恺撒 历,在前面增加了January 和 February, 然后2月以后的月份就依次后退两个月。 这样,October就变成了十月的意思。

october是几月 october的来历

1、october是十月。 2、英语中的十月,来自拉丁文octo,即“八”的意思,也是根据老历法来的。老历法的8月,正是凯撒大帝改革历法后的10月。公元前713年,历法被修改,增加了两个月放在年尾,而到了公元前153年,才以1月1日作为新一年的开始。


October 十月


1、October英[?k?t??b?(r)]美[ɑ?k?to?b?r],n.十月。2、[例句]The students return in October for the start of the new academic year.学生于十月返校,开始新学年的学习。


十月 october是十月,来自拉丁文Octo,即8的意思。也是根据老历法来的。老历法的8月,正是凯撒大帝改革历法后的10月。公元前713年,历法被修改,增加了两个月放在年尾,而到了公元前153年,才以1月1日作为新一年的开始。 10月是公历年中的第十个月,是大月,总有31天。在北半球,10月是秋季的第二个月。十月的英文是october,来自拉丁文Octo,即8的意思。也是根据老历法来的。老历法的8月,正是凯撒大帝改革历法后的10月。公元前713年,历法被修改,增加了两个月放在年尾,而到了公元前153年,才以1月1日作为新一年的开始。 月份的英文全称 January 一月 February 二月 March 三月 April 四月 May 五月 June 六月 July 七月 August 八月 September 九月 October 十月 November 十一月 December 十二月


october是什么意思:十月1、The students return in October for the start of the new academic year. 学生于十月返校,开始新学年的学习。2、The castle is open daily from May to October inclusive. 这个古堡从五月起每天开放,直至十月底。3、The park is open from 1 May to 31 October. 公园从5月1日到10月31日开放。4、The film festival takes place in October. 电影节将于十月举行。5、The amusement park is open May through October. 游乐园从五月到十月每天都开放。6、The amusement park is open daily from May to October inclusive. 游乐园从五月到十月每天都开放。


01 十月 october是十月,来自拉丁文Octo,即“8”的意思。也是根据老历法来的。老历法的8月,正是凯撒大帝改革历法后的10月。公元前713年,历法被修改,增加了两个月放在年尾,而到了公元前153年,才以1月1日作为新一年的开始。 10月是公历年中的第十个月,是大月,总有31天。在北半球,10月是秋季的第二个月。十月的英文是october,来自拉丁文Octo,即“8”的意思。也是根据老历法来的。老历法的8月,正是凯撒大帝改革历法后的10月。公元前713年,历法被修改,增加了两个月放在年尾,而到了公元前153年,才以1月1日作为新一年的开始。 月份的英文全称 January 一月 February 二月 March 三月 April 四月 May 五月 June 六月 July 七月 August 八月 September 九月 October 十月 November 十一月 December 十二月






October 【音标】:[u0254k"tu0259ubu0259] 【词典解释】:名词 n.1.十月 中文:噢颗头波




october读作英[u0252ku02c8tu0259u028abu0259(r)]美[ɑu02d0ku02c8tou028abu0259r]。October是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意为“十月”。短语搭配:October Road十月之路 ; 漫漫回家路 ; 十月的路 ; 十月风光。October Sonata十月奏鸣曲。in October在十月 ; 金秋十月 ; 月份。october双语例句:1、You should nail down the agreement in october .你应在十月份就把协定确定下来。2、As you see, if you are to do well, you will have to seal decisions in August or better yet, do so inOctober.如你所见,如果你做得足够好,有关各问题的决定你都会在八月搞定,要不然也在十月才决定吧。3、Hope to see you in October?!期待与你们相见在十月!











October 12th的缩写是什么?



October 英[u0254ku02c8tu0259ubu0259] 美[ɑku02c8tobu025a] n. 1.十月 名词 n. 1.十月 September and October are the months of the year during which most English people take their holidays. 一年中9、10两个月是大多数英国人休假的月份.








octo-前缀,来源于拉丁语,表示“八”的意思 而October原意就是八月,后来历法改了,采用了十二月的恺撒历,在前面增加了January 和 February,然后2月以后的月份就依次后退两个月 这样,October就变成了十月的意思






october的读音为 [u0252ku02c8tu0259u028abu0259(r)],其中[o]发音类似于汉语中的“哦”,[c]读作/k/音,[t]发/θ/音,[b]发/b/音,最后一个字母[r]需要带有轻微的滚音。整个单词的重音在第二个音节上,即“to”这个音节上。以下是关于英语中与“october”相关的拓展知识:“October” 是指每年的第十月,英文全拼为“O-C-T-O-B-E-R”。这个月份通常被认为是秋季的开始,在北半球的许多国家里也是收获季节。有些人可能不知道,但“october”这个单词实际上来源于拉丁语。它来自两个拉丁词“octo”和“-ber”,前者意为“八”,后者则表示“月份”。因此,“October”直接翻译过来就是“第八个月”,这是因为在古罗马历法中,一年的第八个月是从我们现在的八月开始计算(现代历法改成了以一月作为起始月)。同样值得一提的是,“October”这个单词在英语中也是最难拼写的几个月份之一,经常被人误拼为“Octember”或“Octobor”。在西方文化中,“October”与万圣节(Halloween)有着紧密的联系。万圣节通常在10月31日举行,是西方传统的庆祝活动之一。人们喜欢在万圣节当晚穿上各种恐怖的服装,化身成鬼怪或其他

october 怎么读

“October”是英语中的第十月,一般读作[u0252ku02c8tu0259u028abu0259(r)]。下面将介绍这个单词的发音及其相关的语法和词义,以便更好地理解和运用。发音 “October”这个单词的重音在第一音节上,即“oc-”,读作[u0252k-]。其中,“o”发短元音[u0252],后面的“c”和“t”分别发[k]和[t]音,最后的“-ber”读作[bu0259(r)],其中“-er”发弱元音[u0259(r)]。因此,“October”的正确发音为[u0252ku02c8tu0259u028abu0259(r)]。语法 “October”是一个名词,表示“十月”,常用于日常生活和商业等方面。在英语中,名词通常需要与冠词、形容词、代词等搭配使用,以便更好地表达语义。例如:I was born in October. (我出生在十月。)The weather in October is usually cool and dry. (十月的天气通常凉爽干燥。)October is a busy month for retailers. (十月对于零售商来说是一个忙碌的月份。)词义 “October”是英语中的第十月,即一年中的第十个月份。这个月份的名称来自拉丁语“Octo”,意思是“八”,因为在罗马时代,这个月份实际上是一年中的第八个月份。在现代英语中,这个月份通常是秋季的中间月份,天气开始变得凉爽,树叶开始变色,并且有一些重要的节日和庆祝活动,如万圣节等。


月份中 十月的意思哦可偷悖


october读音是英【u0252ku02c8tu0259u028abu0259】,美【ɑu02d0ku02c8tou028abu0259r】。双语例句:1、十月是一年中的第十个月。October is the tenth month of a year.2、尽管现在是十月,天气仍然相当晴朗和温暖。Even though it"s October, it"s still rather sunny and warm.3、我十月份来。I will come in October.4、十月的一个清晨,一位好心的女士将一只小喜鹊送到我家照顾。Early one October morning, a nice woman sent a young magpie to my home for care.英语音标:1、音标就是记录音素的符号,是音素的标写符号,它的制定原则是:一个音素只用一个音标表示,一个音标只表示一个音素。2、英语是拼音文字,字母就表达语音。英语有40多个发音,却仅有26个字母。为了能准确标识发音,引入了语音符号,这些语音符号称作音标(Phonetic symbol)。国际音标分为英式音标(DJ音标)和美式音标(K.K.音标)。3、国际音标,如其名,是设计来标注国际各种语言的发音的,很多语言学家把国际音标做局部修改以标记他们所研究的语言,所以国际音标也有很多种。


october怎么读:英[u0252ku02c8tu0259u028abu0259r],美[ɑu02d0ku02c8tou028abu0259r]。一、基本释义October是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意为“十月”。二、短语搭配1、October Road十月之路;漫漫回家路;十月的路;十月风光。October Crisis十月危机。2、in October在十月;金秋十月;月份。October Sky月的天空;十月天空。3、October Sonata十月奏鸣曲。October Road漫漫回家路;十月的路。4、An October Sunrise十月的日出。三、october双语例句1、You should nail down the agreement in october.你应在十月份就把协定确定下来。2、As you see, if you are to do well, you will have to seal decisions in August or better yet, do so inOctober.如你所见,如果你做得足够好,有关各问题的决定你都会在八月搞定,要不然也在十月才决定吧。3、Hope to see you in October!期待与你们相见在十月!4、House estate prices bottomed out in October.房地产价格十月份降到最低点。5、Michaelmas daisies can flower as late as October.紫菀甚至迟至10月也能开花。6、Autumn starts in August, and goes on to October.秋天从八月开始,一直持续到十月。7、Please send your accounts for the period finishing with 10 October.请把截止到十月十号的账目送来。8、Leaves begin to fall in October.十月里树叶开始落下。9、The hot weather extended into October.热天气一直持续到十月。10、October is the tenth month of a year.十月是一年中的第十个月11、Even though it"s October, it"s still rather sunny and warm.尽管现在是十月,天气仍然相当晴朗和温暖。12、Early one October morning, a nice woman sent a young magpie to my home for care.十月的一个清晨,一位好心的女士将一只小喜鹊送到我家照顾。


october,读音:英[u0252ku02c8tu0259u028abu0259r],美[ɑu02d0ku02c8tou028abu0259r]。释义:n. [天]十月。复数:Octobers。短语:October Sky月的天空;十月天空。October Crisis十月危机。October Road漫漫回家路;十月的路。An October Sunrise十月的日出。october的例句1、House estate prices bottomed out in October.房地产价格十月份降到最低点。2、Michaelmas daisies can flower as late as October.紫菀甚至迟至10月也能开花。3、Autumn starts in August, and goes on to October.秋天从八月开始,一直持续到十月。4、Please send your accounts for the period finishing with 10 October.请把截止到十月十号的账目送来。5、Leaves begin to fall in October.十月里树叶开始落下。6、The hot weather extended into October.热天气一直持续到十月。

求音乐:october and april翻译中文 求中英文歌词……


下面的美国东部时间换成北京时间是何时: 10am Eastern (Daylight) Time on Thursday October 23, 2014?




The date of his birth is October 3rd.为什么中间要用birth

他出生的日期birth出生(名词)他出生的日期是10月3日。相当于His birthday is October 3rd.

An October Sunrise 英语美文阅读

I was up the next morning before the October sunrise, and away though the wild and the woodland. The rising of the sun was noble in the cold and warmth of it; peeping down the spread of light, he raised his shoulder heavily over the edge of grey mountain and wavering length of upland. Beneath his gaze the dew-fogs dipped, and crept to the hollow places; then stole away in line and column, holding skirts, and clinging subtly at the sheltering corners where rock hung over grassland, while the brave lines of the hills came forth, one beyond other gliding. The woods arose in folds, like drapery of awakened mountains, stately with a depth of awe, and memory of the tempests. Autumn"s mellow hand was upon them, as they owned already, touched with gold and red and olive, and their joy towards the sun was less to a bridegroom than a father. Yet before the floating impress of the woods could clear itself, suddenly the gladsome light leaped over hill and valley, casting amber, blue, and purple, and a tint of rich red rose; according to the scene they lit on, and the curtain flung around; yet all alike dispelling fear and the cloven hoof of darkness, all on the wings of hope advancing, and proclaiming, "God is here!" then life and joy sprang reassured from every crouching hollow; every flower, and bud and bird had a fluttering sense of them; and all the flashing of God"s gaze merged into soft beneficence. So, perhaps, shall break upon us that eternal morning, when crag and chasm shall be no more, neither hill and valley, nor great unvintaged ocean; but all things shall arise, and shine in the light of the Father"s countenance, because itself is risen.

of后为什么能跟October 31

没有为什么的。of 是介词,可以跟很多单词形式,包括名词,形容词,副词。这是语法规律。例句:Thank you for your letter of October 31. (名词)The arrival of happy hour cheered everyone up. (形容词)The restaurant is full of well fed and contented diners. (副词)希望帮到了你,满意敬请采纳,谢谢。我是加拿大人,前海外英语老师。