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hard-boiled[英][u02c8hɑ:du02c8bu0254ild][美][u02c8hɑrdu02c8bu0254u026ald]adj.煮过熟了的; 没有感情的; 老于世故; 例句:1.Each wedding guest is given a beautifully decorated hard-boiled egg, a symbol of fertility. 每位参加婚礼的来宾都获赠一个装饰精美的煮熟了的鸡蛋生育的象征。2.That could mean munching on live sea horses or hard-boiled fertilized duck eggs-though steering clear ofadulterated chicken breasts. 那可意味着大声咀嚼生海马或是煮过熟了的已受精鸭蛋,虽然避开了掺入次级品的鸡胸肉。3.That girl of yours, she is pretty hard-boiled, huh? 你的那个女儿,很难把握,是吧?4.As a teenager, he immersed himself in american culture, especially hard-boiled detective novels and jazz. 十多岁时,他埋头于美国文化,特别是冷酷的侦探小说和爵士乐之中。5.On one occasion, he falls on his knees in front of nancy pelosi, the hard-boiled democratic speaker of thehouse of representatives. His playful gesture is supposed to lighten the atmosphere and encourage acongressional compromise on the bank rescue plan. 有一次,他曾在不讲情面的民主党籍众议院发言人南希佩洛西(nancy pelosi)面前下跪,希望借这一可笑举动来缓解气氛,促使国会在银行救援计划上做出让步。

标致3008仪表盘显示top upengine oil level是什么意思

top up engine oil level加满发动机机油油位









雷诺仪表出现top-up oil level什么意思

你好!意思是让你加满机油。 加油之前先检查一下发动机底部有没有漏油的痕迹,或者看看排气管是不是黑了,烧机油了,如果都没有问题再加机油。




期刊全名 soil biology & biochemistry期刊简称 SOIL BIOL BIOCHEM 期刊出版周期 Monthly期刊出版社/管理机构 杂志由 Elsevier Science(荷兰爱思唯尔公司) 出版或管理。 ISSN号:0038-0717

Five Olive Oil5号特级初榨橄榄油是最顶级的橄榄油吗?什么地方有?


kneel lean spoil 的过去式和过去分词

原型 过去式 过去分词kneel, knelt, knelt.lean, leaned/leant, leaned/leant,spoil, spoiled/spoilt, spoiled/spoilt,

妈呀,Soils and Foundations 被SCI踢了吗

是被踢了,爱思唯尔出版社旗下杂志。根据2014年发布的SCI期刊数据表,此期刊目前不被SCI检索。Soils and Foundations is your core geotechnical journal from Asia; the official journal of the Japanese Geotechnical Society (JGS). The journal publishes a variety of original research paper, technical reports, technical notes, as well as the state-of-the-art reports upon invitation by the Editor, in the fields of soil and rock mechanics, geotechnical engineering, and environmental geotechnics. Since the publication of Volume 1, No.1 issue in June 1960, Soils and Foundations celebrated the 50th anniversary in the year of 2010.

soils and foundations难度高吗


Crops like corn suck nutrients from the soil.

Crops like corn suck nutrients from the soil.不是corn加s,而是crop加s,是因为crops植物是多种多样的。玉米只是植物的一种。勤学好问 天天进步!


传感器线圈电流过流,解决办法:1.分离型 连接或断开线圈(端子41/42)电缆时,关闭电源2.分离型 关闭电源,检查接线端3.关闭电源,检查线圈电缆连接4.以上都解决不了只能更换电路板了


以一卷包装的冷轧辊晶粒取向硅钢。Cold Roll是冷轧辊。Grain Orient 是晶粒的取向。 In Coil指成卷的包装。

开利19XR的故障是224-115v连接1cR和1m coil的线路故障到哪个部位去原因


请问服装外贸中 Zip to be #5 Coil 是什么样的拉链?


plc(可编程逻辑控制器)中指令类型:contacts coils这两个词是什么意思

sliding contact coil 滑动接点线圈sliding contact 滑动触点contact [] contacted contacting contacts [k?n“t2kt”k…n-t2kt“ ] n. 接触, 联系vt. 接触, 联系[NOUN] close interaction; "they kept in daily contact"; "they claimed that they had been in contact... ; "litmus paper turns red on contact with an acid" the act of touching physically; "her fingers camecoil [] coiled coiling coils v. 盘绕, 卷[NOUN] a structure consisting of something wound in a continuous series of loops; "a coil of rope" a round shape formed by a series of concentric circles a transformer that supplies high voltage tosliding []adj. 滑行的, 变化的[#slide] contact lens n. 隐形眼镜[NOUN] a thin curved glass or plastic lens designed to fit over the cornea in order to correct vision or to deliver medication choke coil 抗流圈, 扼流圈, 节流圈[NOUN] a coil of low resistance and high inductance used in electrical circuits to pass direct current and attenuate alternating current coil spring 卷簧, 圆簧, 盘簧, 螺旋弹簧, 圆弹簧[NOUN] a spring in the shape of a coil field coil 励磁线圈, 激励线圈[NOUN] the electric coil around a field magnet that produces the magneto motive force to set up the flux in an electric machine primary coil 初级线圈, 主线圈, 原线圈[NOUN] coil forming the part of an electrical circuit such that changing current in it induces a current in a neighboring circuit; "current through the primary coil induces current in the secondary

关于电磁继电器符号的疑问。继电器上的10A 250VAC/30VDC COIL:12VDC这些信息代表什么?


诺基亚手机上的 T-coil助听器模式 是什么意思?


mortal coil 为什么被翻译成人世牵挂


coil zipper是什么拉链


中间继电器COIL AC0.27A 是什么意思


罗氏线圈Rogowski Coil的工作原理


coil zipper是什么意思

Coil zipper 是尼龙拉链,尼龙拉链的拉牙看起来线圈(coil)一样的所以叫coil zipper

问特斯拉线圈(Tesla Coil)的原理及结构(20点!)

特斯拉线圈(teslacoil 也叫泰斯拉线圈 是一种结构简单拉弧能力超强的高压发生器 由美国著名物理学家和发明家特斯拉(NikolaTesla)发明。 19世纪末期 爱迪生发明的直流电已经有了相当广泛的应用。 不过在实用中 直流电有很大的缺点 不仅耗费大量的铜线 而且不能作远距离输电 每平方英里地区需要配备一个的发电机来供电 很不经济。 为了打破爱迪生的技术垄断 特斯拉制作了一个特斯拉线圈。 特斯拉线圈的原理是使用变压器使普通电压升压 然后经由两极线圈,从放电终端放电的设备。 通俗一点说 它是一个人工闪电制造器。 特斯拉线圈由一个感应圈 两个大电容器和一个初级线圈仅几圈的互感器组成 这种装置可以产生频率很高的高压电流 不过这种高压电的电流极小 对人体不会产生显著的生理效应。 目前 在世界各地都有特斯拉线圈的爱好者 他们做出了各种各样的设备 制造出了眩目的人工闪电。 他们的制作特斯拉线圈目的已经和特斯拉证明交流电的安全性不同了 制作的大部分目的是冲着它独具魅力的闪电效果。 电路图 : 图片参考:18dao.info/images/0/0b/%E7%89%B9%E6%96%AF%E6%8B%89%E7%BA%BF%E5%9C%88 图片参考:teralab.co.uk/Electronics/Tesla_Coil_1/Tesla_Coil_1_01 实物图 ; 图片参考:img.photobucket/albums/v156/cassiaphoto/Tesla_Coil_01 图片参考:img.photobucket/albums/v156/cassiaphoto/Tesla_Coil_02 图片参考:farm1.static.flickr/42/98272227_4f6f848bd4 图片参考:d2eosjbgw49cu5.cloudfront/geekervision/imgname--cccsuper_marioeae---50226711--tesla-coil-sparks5 图片参考:4.bp.blogspot/_C4vLmEvPnwo/TIN-n7Nja7I/AAAAAAAAOvc/vo-6dMH23xQ/s1600/Tesla+coil+from+above 图片参考:lh3.ggpht/_Mj0gkiJCuH8/SlbnR6Fx6AI/AAAAAAAAKy8/QSaS1gL7Jxw/s800/tesla-xiaoguo-1 图片参考:crystalradio/bbs/attachments/month_0812/20081226_4ba8b8f9e256f47f962dQ3SsQ8ymRB2Z 2010-09-26 21:22:58 补充: *** /watch?v=PZo_FlJqfpg 参考: .knowledge.yahoo/question/question?qid=7009091800077

不锈钢英语 sheet , coil , pipe 有什么区别?

sheet 主要是薄片之类的coil是线材,比如线圈,细丝之类的而pipe就是管材,大管小管之类的


这个用口语解释为, I made the coil of the motor winding...专业术语也有用在里面,就不会出错了!希望可以帮到您!


The sailor coiled the rope around the anchor . 水手把绳子盘缠在锚上。 A current pulse is sent through the coil . 有一电流脉冲送入线圈。 A shaft on the piston forms the armature of a coil . 活塞轴作线圈的衔铁。 The bimetal strip is usually bent into a coil . 双金属片通常都卷成螺管形。 He had six reserve coils of fishpnes . 他有六盘备用的钓丝儿。 The snake coiled itself round the branch . 这蛇盘绕在树枝上。 Two types of direct expansion coil are used . 使用了两种类型的直接蒸发盘管。 The snake coiled itself round the branch . 蛇盘绕在树枝上。 The magic signals are sensed by induction coils . 磁信号由感应线圈所检测。 The wire spring is evenly coiled . 这钢丝弹簧绕得很均匀。 The burnt coil should be renewed . 烧穿的线圈应换新的。 A pnear differential transformer has three coils . 一个直线差动变压器有三个线圈。 The snake coiled round the branch . 那蛇盘绕在树枝上。 The nucleosomes are coiled into a solenoid structure . 核小体可以卷曲成螺线管的结构。 The successive coils are wound in alternate directions . 相邻的线圈是按交替的方向绕制的。 If a coil has no metal core it has an air core . 如果线圈没有金属芯子,它就有一个空气芯子。 Figure 34-1 is a sectional view of o closely wound coils of wire . 图34-1是两个密绕线圈的截面图。 Certain extinct cephalopods have an unusual coipng shape . 某些绝种的头足类动物具有特殊的旋卷形态。 Chilled water coil are controlled in much the same way as heating . 冷水盘管的控热和加热盘管的差不多相同。 In one way, primary and secondary coils are wound around the space . 有一种方法是把初级线圈和次级线圈绕在这个地方。 If the boy was here he would wet the coils of pne, he thought . 他想:要是孩子在这儿,他会用水把钓丝卷儿润一润的。 Care must be taken to protect the focusing coils from stray magic fields . 必须小心,以防止聚焦线圈产生寄生磁场。 He shall not encumber his brain with the coil of rhythm and number . 他绝不能使自己的脑子受累于纠缠不清的格律和韵律。 Normal, double-hepx dna is spiral, pke a loosely coiled spring . 正常的双螺旋DNA是螺旋形的,像一根松松地卷曲的弹簧。 The oscillatory current flowing in the coil produces an oscillating magic field . 流过线圈的振荡电流产生一个振荡磁场。 We buried large coil beneath each of the eight-foot concrete footings . 我们把大线圈埋在每一个8英尺厚的混凝土底脚的下面。 He looked back at the coils of pne and they were feeding *** oothly . 他回头望一望钓丝卷儿,它们都顺顺当当地把钓丝伸在水里。 The father attempting to rescue them is next seized and involved in the serpents" coils . 正图解救他们的父亲,但也被巨蛇缠绕。 When the core is displaced, the inductive reactance of the secondary coil is unbalanced . 当铁芯移动时,次线圈的感抗就不平衡。 In a globular protein, certain portions of the chain are coiled into hepcal segments . 在球状蛋白中,链的某些部分被盘成螺旋状。 A meter needle attached to the coil enables the position of the coil to be observed . 固定在线圈上的表针使人们能观察到线圈的位置。 The outer coil needs holding in position very carefully by means of a harness . 要使用一套定位夹具来精心地使外线圈保持在正确的位置上。 Silent as a dream, a white rope of water coiled beeen its frozen banks . 一条白色的水练,静寂得象梦一样,在结了冰的堤岸中间蜿蜒流进。 The number of turns of wire in the secondary coil is the same as the number of turns in the primary . 次级线圈的圈数和初线线圈圈数一样。 The serpent coils in the grass of the streets, the pzard basks in the soptary halls . 毒蛇盘绕在街头的草丛中,蜥蜴在残败的大厅中自由爬行。 A null output should occur when the core is at the center point beeen the o secondary coils . 当磁心位于两个次级线圈之间的中点时,没有输出。 There was the pttle coil of pale hair which had been used as the fuze to this great explosion . 里面有一小绺淡淡的毛发,它就是这场大爆炸的引信。 If a sinusoidal current is sent through a moving coil galvanometer, the meter reads zero . 如果将一正弦电流通入动圈式电流计,那么这电流计的读数为零。 He had a coil of wire around one arm and a pair of ppers hung by a thong from his wrist . 他一条臂上挽著一圈铜丝,手腕上绕着的一根皮带上挂著一把钳子。 The electromags would require only an initial power input to start the current in their coils . 这种电磁铁只要馈入一个初始功率就能起动线圈里的电流。


The sailor coiled the rope around the anchor . 水手把绳子盘缠在锚上。 A current pulse is sent through the coil . 有一电流脉冲送入线圈。 A shaft on the piston forms the armature of a coil . 活塞轴作线圈的衔铁。 The bimetal strip is usually bent into a coil . 双金属片通常都卷成螺管形。 He had six reserve coils of fishpnes . 他有六盘备用的钓丝儿。 The snake coiled itself round the branch . 这蛇盘绕在树枝上。 Two types of direct expansion coil are used . 使用了两种类型的直接蒸发盘管。 The snake coiled itself round the branch . 蛇盘绕在树枝上。 The magic signals are sensed by induction coils . 磁信号由感应线圈所检测。 The wire spring is evenly coiled . 这钢丝弹簧绕得很均匀。 The burnt coil should be renewed . 烧穿的线圈应换新的。 A pnear differential transformer has three coils . 一个直线差动变压器有三个线圈。 The snake coiled round the branch . 那蛇盘绕在树枝上。 The nucleosomes are coiled into a solenoid structure . 核小体可以卷曲成螺线管的结构。 The successive coils are wound in alternate directions . 相邻的线圈是按交替的方向绕制的。 If a coil has no metal core it has an air core . 如果线圈没有金属芯子,它就有一个空气芯子。 Figure 34-1 is a sectional view of o closely wound coils of wire . 图34-1是两个密绕线圈的截面图。 Certain extinct cephalopods have an unusual coipng shape . 某些绝种的头足类动物具有特殊的旋卷形态。 Chilled water coil are controlled in much the same way as heating . 冷水盘管的控热和加热盘管的差不多相同。 In one way, primary and secondary coils are wound around the space . 有一种方法是把初级线圈和次级线圈绕在这个地方。 If the boy was here he would wet the coils of pne, he thought . 他想:要是孩子在这儿,他会用水把钓丝卷儿润一润的。 Care must be taken to protect the focusing coils from stray magic fields . 必须小心,以防止聚焦线圈产生寄生磁场。 He shall not encumber his brain with the coil of rhythm and number . 他绝不能使自己的脑子受累于纠缠不清的格律和韵律。 Normal, double-hepx dna is spiral, pke a loosely coiled spring . 正常的双螺旋DNA是螺旋形的,像一根松松地卷曲的弹簧。 The oscillatory current flowing in the coil produces an oscillating magic field . 流过线圈的振荡电流产生一个振荡磁场。 We buried large coil beneath each of the eight-foot concrete footings . 我们把大线圈埋在每一个8英尺厚的混凝土底脚的下面。 He looked back at the coils of pne and they were feeding *** oothly . 他回头望一望钓丝卷儿,它们都顺顺当当地把钓丝伸在水里。 The father attempting to rescue them is next seized and involved in the serpents" coils . 正图解救他们的父亲,但也被巨蛇缠绕。 When the core is displaced, the inductive reactance of the secondary coil is unbalanced . 当铁芯移动时,次线圈的感抗就不平衡。 In a globular protein, certain portions of the chain are coiled into hepcal segments . 在球状蛋白中,链的某些部分被盘成螺旋状。 A meter needle attached to the coil enables the position of the coil to be observed . 固定在线圈上的表针使人们能观察到线圈的位置。 The outer coil needs holding in position very carefully by means of a harness . 要使用一套定位夹具来精心地使外线圈保持在正确的位置上。 Silent as a dream, a white rope of water coiled beeen its frozen banks . 一条白色的水练,静寂得象梦一样,在结了冰的堤岸中间蜿蜒流进。 The number of turns of wire in the secondary coil is the same as the number of turns in the primary . 次级线圈的圈数和初线线圈圈数一样。 The serpent coils in the grass of the streets, the pzard basks in the soptary halls . 毒蛇盘绕在街头的草丛中,蜥蜴在残败的大厅中自由爬行。 A null output should occur when the core is at the center point beeen the o secondary coils . 当磁心位于两个次级线圈之间的中点时,没有输出。 There was the pttle coil of pale hair which had been used as the fuze to this great explosion . 里面有一小绺淡淡的毛发,它就是这场大爆炸的引信。 If a sinusoidal current is sent through a moving coil galvanometer, the meter reads zero . 如果将一正弦电流通入动圈式电流计,那么这电流计的读数为零。 He had a coil of wire around one arm and a pair of ppers hung by a thong from his wrist . 他一条臂上挽著一圈铜丝,手腕上绕着的一根皮带上挂著一把钳子。 The electromags would require only an initial power input to start the current in their coils . 这种电磁铁只要馈入一个初始功率就能起动线圈里的电流。 The reheat coil adjusts supply air temperature to offset building heat losses due to tran *** ission . 再热盘管调节送风温度,以补偿因传热造成的建筑热损失。 The spray coils are frequently used to chill the secondary water circuit to the induction units in winter . 冬季人们常用喷水盘管冷却诱导器中的次级水流。 He seemed content to watch me as i fished, or the circpng gulls, or the slow river coipng past . 他看我钓鱼,看海鸥盘旋,或河水缓缓流过,似乎就心满意足了。 A pair of capacitive rings attached to the respective pole piece is used to detect movement of the coil . 两个分别附在各自极靴上的电容环被用来探测线圈的运动。 Like pght meromyosin, tropomyosin contains o peptide chains in a coiled coil conformation . 象轻酶解肌球蛋白一样,原肌球蛋白含有两个肽链,其构型为盘旋螺旋。 Coopng coils are introduced into the regenerator to control the temperature and remove the excess heat . 在再生器中放进冷却盘管能控制温度,也能除去过多的热量。 These currents bee the source of new electromagic waves which can be detected by suitable pickup coils . 这些电流成为能被合适的拾波线圈检测的新的电磁波源。 The filler is downstream of the coil to prevent snow from loading in severe winter storm weather . 过滤器安排在盘管的下风侧。这样在严冬风雪天气时,可以防止积雪。










coils 英[ku0254u026alz]美[ku0254u026alz]n. 线圈; 镀锡卷板,卷带马口铁; (一) 卷( coil的名词复数 ); 盘卷之物; 一圈(绳索、金属线等);v. 将…卷[盘]成圈或螺旋形( coil的第三人称单数 ); (使) 缠绕,盘绕;[例句]The steel arrives at the factory in coils.钢材被成卷地运到工厂。


coiled-coil n. 复绕(双螺管)灯丝; [例句]Rho-associated coiled-coil kinase ( ROCK) and Dial, as the downstream targets of Rho, induce the formation of the stress fibres.Rho通过活化其下游靶分子促进应力纤维的形成,其中Rho-associated coiled-coilkinase(ROCK)和Dial在该过程中起关键作用;

coil zipper是什么拉链

你说的coil zipper,就是俗称的尼龙拉链啊。也叫聚酯拉链,聚酯就是涤纶。由于这个尼龙拉链的齿牙是聚酯单丝经成型机螺旋成型而成的,故英文经常用coil zipper来指代尼龙拉链的。

有关Tesla Coil (特斯拉线圈)问题

更新1: 何博士﹕你个人看法认为无线输电这可能性大吗?我总觉得这么大的能量存在于大气中是有问题的,可能在这Tesla Coil 发射塔方圆数十里也要生人勿近! 1.高电压电力装置测试仪器之一 所以需要超高电压来测试。 2.特斯拉线圈(Tesla Coil)是一种使用共振原理运作的变压器(共振变压器),由美籍塞尔维亚科学家尼古拉特斯拉在1891年发明[1],主要用来生产超高电压但低电流、高频率的交流电力。特斯拉线圈由两组(有时用三组)偶合的共振电路组成。特斯拉线圈难以界定,尼古拉特斯拉试行了大量的各种线圈的配置。特斯拉利用这些线圈进行创新实验,如电力照明,荧光光谱, X射线,高频率的交流电流现象,电疗和无线电力,以便进行电力传输。 3. 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /mons/f/fa/Lightning_simulator_questacon02 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /mons/thumb/f/fa/Lightning_simulator_questacon02/800px-Lightning_simulator_questacon02 upload.wikimedia/ *** /mons/f/fa/Lightning_simulator_questacon02 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /zh/7/78/Telsa_Coil_2 zh. *** /zh-/%E7%B4%85%E8%89%B2%E8%AD%A6%E6%88%92%E7%B3%BB%E5%88%97 2009-09-21 09:33:29 补充: 本来已经可以在世界安装既,因为有其他利益上既冲突,所以迟到家阵仲未实行安装,无线输送电流是一种突破性工艺,到时好多人冇工作啦。 2009-09-21 09:46:52 补充: 方法如下 在外太空建立一座太阳能发电站,再做特斯拉线圈由两组(有时用三组)将电源变换,又在地球上做接收器,或者在任何的地方包括家里,汽车,火车,轮船,飞机上都可以安装接收器,你就有免费电源用啦。 在外太空太阳是24小时供应的,也不怕发射塔方圆数十里也要生人勿近! 在外太空也没有打雷的,也不必还税,不过多了一个向地球或宇宙发放辐射既特斯拉线圈,你要吗?

这三个英语单词的区别在哪? spool reel coil

spool- 线轴,线管reel-卷轴,卷筒;卷线车coil-卷,盘绕;把...卷成圈

maxwell有限元分析中,coil terminal和winding的区别



coilsn.镀锡卷板,卷带马口铁; (一)卷( coil的名词复数 ); 盘卷之物; 线圈; 一圈(绳索、金属线等); v.将…卷[盘]成圈或螺旋形( coil的第三人称单数 ); (使)缠绕,盘绕; [英][ku0254u026alz][美][ku0254u026alz]

尼龙软管的包装长度, M/coil是什么意思啊?

coil 是一圈或者一卷的意思 M是单位:米的缩写 综合就是一卷多少米





这两个单位怎么读:长度单位ft/coil,导体电阻单位ohm/kft? 谢谢您的赐教。


这种二极管 叫什么? 怎么个原理 简单说下就行 另外右下角的coil 是什么


fiberglass coil 是什么东西






coil 在中央空调什么意思







coil 的意思是 盘绕 盘起来 读音为 “阔已哦” 你就把他想成是 “可以哦” 根据读音就可以记住怎么拼写的 你就记住 一个人把一 卷 圈线 盘绕 在头发上 ... 你就对他说 coil (可以哦) 这样你应该明白了八?!

请问COIL 除了有线圈的意思,还有别的意思吗?尤其是空调生产的专业术语中。





coil 大意是 盘绕 盘起来,所以一般是指卷或者线的意思。spring 是弹簧的意思coils spring 螺旋弹簧


coil的意思:(n)卷;圈;盘;一圈;圈形;环形;子宫节育环;宫内节育器;盘管;线圈;(汽油发动机的)点火线圈;苦恼;烦恼。(vt)卷,盘绕(绳子、头发等)。(vi)卷;盘绕;蜿蜒。coil的双语示例:1、Dan played with the tangerine peel, letting it uncoil and then coil again.丹摆弄着那片橘子皮,将它不停地展开来卷回去。2、He turned off the water and began to coil the hose.他关掉水龙头,开始把水管盘起来。3、She has decided to use the coil instead of the pill.她已决定使用子宫节育环,不吃避孕药。4、Alternating current flows into the primary coil.交流电流入初级线圈。5、a coil of wire.一圈金属线。


coil[英][ku0254u026al][美][ku0254u026al]n.(一)卷,(一)盘; 盘卷之物; 线圈; 纷乱,纠缠不清; vt.盘绕; 卷成一圈; vi.绕成盘状; 卷绕成圈; 第三人称单数:coils过去分词:coiled复数:coils现在进行时:coiling过去式:coiled同义词v.1. 卷绕,盘looprollwrapcorkscrewintervolveturntwistconvolutearoundtwirlcurlwindtwinereelsnakewreatheentwinespiraln.1. 卷,盘,圈;螺旋管vortexrondurecirclehelixwhorlrollringbraidloopcurlcorkscrewspiralcurlicue其他释义contortintertwineenroll例句:1.The coil type and steel gauge are much more important. 弹簧线圈的品种还有钢材厚度才是更重要的。2.The team is looking at other materials to decrease coil sizeand boost efficiency. 小组正在研究其他材料,来减小线圈的尺寸和提高效率。3.Coil counts don"t matter unless that is the only differencebetween two beds. 线圈数量根本不是问题,除非这是两张床之间唯一的区别。4.This produces a current in a surrounding coil, according tothe researchers, led by aerospace engineering professorrichard james. 这样,周围的线圈中会有电流产生,据航空航天工程学教授理查德詹姆斯率领的研究小组的研究人员说。5.Posco has raised its benchmark hot-rolled coil prices bymore than 60 per cent this year to cover higher raw materialcosts. 浦项制铁今年已将热轧板卷的基准价格上调逾60%,以弥补原材料成本上涨的影响。

hairy是什么意思,oily hair是什么意思

1、hairy英[u02c8heu0259ri]美[u02c8heri],adj.多毛的; 惊险的; 可怕(但刺激)的。 2、[例句]He was wearing shorts which showed his long, muscular, hairy legs他穿着短裤,露出自己强壮多毛的长腿。

double boiled soup中文是什么意思

double boiled soup :双煮的汤


2.damage 通常表示事物的价值或功能部分受损,如:the ship was damaged in the bottom.那条船的底部被损坏.3.destroy表示事物全部被毁,无法修复的毁坏,如:destroy all of the three enemy warships把3艘敌舰全部歼灭;4.break强调“打碎”之类的毁坏,范围和用法较广,break是破了,不一定指身体上的,可能是没有生命的东西,比如玻璃,汽车EG:My car breaks down.6.spoil意为损坏,破坏,宠坏,溺爱,不仅指美观、价值受到损坏,也指完整性、完美性及整体感受到破坏,如:spoil the party 破坏聚会,spoild her grandson把她的孙子宠坏了

Spare the rod spoil the child是什么意思

Spare the rod spoil the child生词本pr.棍棒下出孝子 报 错大家都在背: unicorn是什么? 海外吃喝指南 高中人教版单词 考研必备词汇双语例句1. Spare the rod , spoil the child. 不打不成器.来自辞典例句2. What do you think of the old saying:"spare the rod , spoil the child. "? 你对 " 孩子不打不成器 " 这句老话怎么看?来自辞典例句3. As the old saying goes,"spare the rod, spoil the child. " 常言道, “ 省下了棍子, 惯坏了孩子 ”.来自互联网4. First of all, as a proverb says spare the rod, spoil the child. 首先, 就像谚语说的一样, “不打不成材”.来自互联网5. Spare the rod and spoil the child. 小孩子不打不成器.

Spare the rod and spoil the child是什么意思

  Spare the rod and spoil the child  [释义]不打不成器;  [网络]惜了棍子,害了孩子。; 玉不琢不成器; 孩子不打不成器。;  [例句]Yeah, but I still believe in that proverb, “ Spare the rod and spoil the child ”.  是的,但是我很信仰圣经中的那句格言“孩子不打不成器”。

spare the rod and spoil the child是什么意思?


Spare the rod spoil the child是什么意思

不打不成器。Spare the rod spoil the child:英: [speə(r) ðə rɒd spɔɪl ðə tʃaɪld] 美 :[sper ðə rɑːd spɔɪl ðə tʃaɪld] 例句:1、Spare the rod and spoil the child. 省了棍棒,坏了孩子。小孩不打不成器。2、Should parents spare the rod and spoil the child? 家长应不应该闲了棍子、惯了孩子?3、Parents who "spare the rod to spoil the child" “闲了棍子,惯了孩子”的家长扩展资料:spare用法:英 [speə(r)]  美 [sper]  1、adj:不用的;闲置的;备用的;外加的;空闲的;空余的2、v:抽出;拨出;留出;匀出;省得;免去;饶恕;赦免;放过;使逃脱3、n:备用品;备用轮胎第三人称单数: spares现在分词: sparing 过去式: spared 过去分词: spared例句:1、If possible keep a spare pair of glasses accessible in case your main pair is broken or lost如果有可能的话,最好准备一副备用眼镜,以防常用的那副眼镜打碎或者丢失。2、They don"t have a lot of spare cash 他们没有多少闲钱。3、You got here with ninety seconds to spare 你到这里的时候还剩90秒钟时间。4、We have lost everything, but thank God, our lives have been spared 我们已经失去了一切,不过谢天谢地,总算是保住了性命。5、I wanted to spare Frances the embarrassment of discussing this subject 讨论这个话题太尴尬,我不想让弗朗西斯难堪。搭配习语:spare与以下词性连用n.1、spare change多余的零钱2、spare equipment备用设备3、spare bedroom闲置的卧室4、a moment to spare空闲时间5、time to spare余闲6、spare someone"s life保全某人的性命

Aloe Vera Facial Oil 有什么功用 以及 怎么使用?



甜杏仁油 - 对面疱皮肤有调理作用,对富贵手的敏感性皮肤也有保护功效。食用可治咳嗽。



空调常用的冷却系统evaporative cooling Chilled Water Coils Direct Expansion cooling 三者如何区分?

前两种你理解的是正确的。这两种空气和制冷剂或载冷剂(比如水)是不接触的evaporative cooling 这种是蒸发冷却式系统是全空气的一种,利用喷淋室时空气降温减湿,向空气中喷淋温度比空气温度低的冷水,使空气近似等焓的降温减湿变化。 前两种空气和制冷剂或载冷剂(比如水)是不接触的。evaporative cooling 这种系统是空气与水相互接触的一种空调方式。

chemical toilet是什么意思


poilce station是什么意思

sannomiya station 三宫车站;神户三宫站;距离三之宫车站 station 英 [ˈsteɪʃn] 美 [ˈsteʃən] n.车站; 所,局; 身份; 电视台 vt.配置,安置; 驻扎 复数: stations 过去式: stationed 过去分词: stationed 现在分词: stationing 第三人称单数: stations 双语例句 1. His office was in keeping with his station and experience. 他的办公室与其身份和阅历相称。 2. The money to build the power station ought to have been sufficient. 建设电站的资金本该足够了。 3. The railway station smelt powerfully of cats and drains. 火车站上有冲鼻的猫味和臭水沟味。 4. At the police station, I was charged with assault. 在警察局,我被指控殴打他人。 5. They arrested the men and frog-marched them to the local police station. 他们逮捕了这些人,并把他们押送到当地警察局。

spoil alert什么意思


汽车行驶途中屏幕出现oil pressure是什么意思什么问题,谢谢急问

汽车行驶途中屏幕出现oil pressure是机油压力不足,也就是机油的油量过少,需要添加汽车发动机机油,具体操作步骤:一、打开驾驶室这边的车门。二、拉动驾驶员腿部左侧位置处的引擎盖开关。三、向上掀起发动机引擎盖。四、用支撑杆支撑起发动机引擎盖。五、拧下发动机的机油盖,加入机油。

turbulence, turmoil, chaos 三个单词如何区分呢?

chaos:是躁动,是没秩序的。非常乱的。 完全乱的那种turmoil:也是躁动和动荡的意思,可是没有chaos那么严重。turbulence:turbulence和turmoil可以兑换这用。可是很少人会用turbulence来形容动荡。一般人都会用它来行用飞机上不稳定的气流。不知道我这样说你明白了没有。:P 望采纳

turmoil chaos的区别

turmoil |ˈtərˌmoil|nouna state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertaintychaos |ˈkāˌäs|nouncomplete disorder and confusion从翻译上来看 turmoil和chaos差不多 不过你可以把turmoil翻译成骚乱,chaos翻译成混乱 这样看应该可以看出一定的区别。(这个只是因为大量中文翻译中这么翻译而已 不是固定的)这两个单词在生活中运用可以是互通的 只不过有的场景下有习惯用哪个的问题而已。




油啊!O EI O,这样读。不知道你看的懂不


“本田oillife负数表明发动机油已经无法使用,否则会损伤发动机。以下是关于本田的简要介绍: 1、起源: 该公司由本田宗一郎于1948年9月在日本静冈县滨松市创立,总部在日本东京。。 2、发展: 2021年8月2日,2021年《财富》世界500强排行榜发布,本田位列第48名。”
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