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So do I和The same to you和Me,too.的区别?

so do i:赞同别人意见时用1. 我也一样2. 我也这么想3. 我也是4. 我也是这样The same to you:回应别人的祝福时用你也一样Me,too:可以用作有和别人相同方面的情况时用,我也是

the same to you与you too的区别

the same to you 多用于祝福语you,too 一般的都能用

You do too和the same to you的用法

do是对方句中动词的一个替代,而the same to you一般用于回答对方的关心,节日祝贺

google map不能显示地图,是怎么回事,求救。

GPRS或wifi没打开。Google map是在线地图,需要实时访问Internet。 查看原帖>>

What are fats? What kinds of foods have trans fats?

什么是油脂? 什么样的食物有trans油脂?

请问如何替换google earth上的卫星照片和矢量数据

图新地球,国产最强的三维数字地球,秒杀谷歌地球1、绿色免安装,解压就用,因此可以放到U盘里面随身用;2、官方免费软件(有部分功能点付费,后面缺点里面介绍),所以直接使用,不担心各种付费陷阱的坑;3、谷歌地球的数据图新地球都能正常调用,即谷歌影像、历史影像、谷歌地形等,另外经常谷歌地球打不开的时候,图新地球还能连接上历史影像;4、在线地图极多,高德、百度、腾讯、天地图等等,基本在线地图一网打尽,全部地图都集成到图新地球,因此资源极其丰富,另外支持自定义图源,也就是自己发现的新地图,都可以通过自定义图源接入。特别点,图新地球支持任意图层混合加载。5、数据格式支持很全,KML KMZ、SHP、CAD(DXF、DWG)等矢量格式,都可以直接加载。另外,诸如栅格数据:TIF、IMG、MBT都支持直接加载,DEM数据诸如:hgt、tif、dem等都支持直接加载。这个是谷歌地球做不到的,因此数据支持方面,图新地球比谷歌地球强大很多。6、标绘编辑,点线面编辑图新地球都支持,还支持各种复杂的矢量编辑,如:插入节点、删除节点、继续绘制、线面互转、线面分割、线面合并、逆序等各种实用编辑工具,因此数据支持方面,图新地球比谷歌地球强大。7、全能下载功能,这点也是一个很有意思的点,图新地球里面所有在线地图,都可以通过图新地球随意下载,而且该功能完全免费,没有任何什么转发群一类的坑。甚至,自己制作的图源都可以通过图新地球直接下载。8、POI搜索、路径规划都支持,而且不像谷歌地球搜索结果是加偏的。9、分析测量工具很强大,这个是谷歌地球远远比不了的。10、 还支持自己导入倾斜模型(OSGB)、人工模型(OBJ)


Why do we eat food ? My wer is depending on different points of view which will be summarized as follows: 1)Natural selection :as a living creature it is very natural for us to eat food in order to cope with the process of "natural selection". In other words animals and plants survive or bee extinct in accordance with their ability to adopt themselves to the conditions of nature. 2)Physiology: as a living creature it requires certain kinds of food in order to maintain the process of "Metaboli *** " as well as "Organici *** ". In other words by metaboli *** food is built up into living matters or vice versa(living matters is broken down into simple substances). As for anici *** there are different which will co-operate with each or one another to perform various functions so as to carry out the normal or necessary ability for survival. 3)Psychology:as a living creature it requires certain kinds of food in order to satisfy and escape from the feelings of hunger fatigue distress depression eOwing to these yummy food or gourmet is especially required for their consumptions. 参考: 部份资料根据中国香港牛津大学出版社的现代高级英汉双解辞典 We eat food because we need nutrients and energy for living and food give us nutrients and energy we need not just only yummy. For example we eat rice(also for noodles bread etc) for carbohydrates which provide energy for us. We eat meat for protein and lipids lipids can provide us energy too. If we are not having food as we have no energy supply we can only live for about 10 days. 参考: ilovescience!! because no food we will die.

the same to you too是什么意思




怎样制作google earth 的3D模型,并上传发布

sketch up SketchUp 是一款可供您用于创建、共享和展示 3D 模型的软件。 它通过一个简单而详尽的颜色、线条和文本提示指导系统,让人们不必键入坐标,就能帮助其跟踪位置和完成相关建模操作。就像人们在实际生活中使用的工具那样,SketchUp 为数不多的工具中每一样都可做多样工作。这样人们就更容易学习、更容易使用并且(最重要的是)更容易记住如何使用该软件。 从而使人们更加方便地以三维方式思考和沟通。 通过对该软件的熟练运用,人们可以借助其简便的操作和丰富的功能完成建筑和风景、室内、城市、图形和环境设计,土木、机械和结构工程设计,小到中型的建设和修缮的模拟及游戏设计和电影电视的可视化预览等诸多工作。 现在SketchUp共有多个版本,其中从SketchUp 5.0以后,该软件被Google公司收购继而开发出的Google SketchUp 6.0及7.0等版本,可以配合Google公司的Google 3D warehouse(在线模型库)及Google Earth(谷歌地球)软件等与世界各地的爱好者及使用者一同交流学习,同时还可与 Auto CAD、3DSMAX等多种绘图软件对接,实现协同工作。



None of us knows how to open the door. 这句英语是从句还是不定式阿?为什么Know要第三人称单数?


organic foods可数吗

是 is,不过应该是Organic food is the best choice.吧 best 是最高级,"选择"的话最好是用choice.

暮光之城里面这句话是谁说的I love three things in this world. Sun, moon and you. Sun for morning,


为什么GOOGLE EARTH无法显示卫星地图?



英语知识大全produce的过去式和用法例句学习啦 焯杰 2016-04-11 18:35:56  produce有生产;引起;提出;制片;分娩等意思,那么你知道produce的过去式是什么吗?下面是学习啦小编为大家整理的produce的过去式和用法例句,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!  produce的各种时态:  过去分词: produced  过去式: produced  现在分词: producing  produce的用法:  produce的用法1:produce的基本意思是“生产”,可指生产一切有形的或无形的东西,引申可作“制作,创作”解,可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词,用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。  produce的用法2:produce也可作“出示,提供; 引起,导致; 出版,上演”解,作此解时用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。produce可用于被动结构。  produce的用法3:在口语中,表示“把某人带来给某人看看”, produce后可接sb for sb。例如:The girl is an authentic girl.I"ll produce her for you if you want.这个女孩很可靠,如果你要见她,我会带她来给你看看。  produce的过去式例句:  1. She produced the knife during arguments with her friends.  在和朋友争吵的时候,她掏出了刀。  2. Meetings held today produced little in the way of an agreement.  今天举行的会议基本没有达成什么协议。  3. Organic food is unadulterated food produced without artificial chemicals or pesticides.  有机食品是未使用人工化学制剂和杀虫剂的纯净食品。  4. He told his story to The Sunday Times and produced photographs.  他把自己的经历讲述给了《星期日泰晤士报》的记者,还提供了照片。  5. Since its inception the company has produced 53 different aircraft designs.  该公司自成立以来已经完成了53种不同样式飞行器的设计。  6. The tramp produced a stump of candle from his deep pockets.  流浪汉从深口袋里掏出了一截蜡烛。  7. In some places maps are scarce, and are often crudely produced.  有些地方很少有地图,而且通常绘制得都很粗糙。  8. When I produced this piece of work, my lecturers were very critical.  当我拿出这件作品时,我的讲师们提出了诸多批评意见。  9. The old lady cackled, pleased to have produced so dramatic a reaction.  看到引起如此大的反应,老太太高兴得咯咯笑了起来。  10. Ozone is produced by the reaction between oxygen and ultra-violet light.  臭氧由氧气和紫外线发生反应而产生。  11. He snapped his fingers, and Wilson produced a sheet of paper.  他打了个响指,威尔逊便递过一张纸来。  12. Many other surveys have produced results essentially in agreement with these figures.  许多其他调查已经得出了与这些数据基本一致的结果。  13. After some initial problems, acetone was successfully produced in quantity.  解决了最初的一些问题之后,终于成功地制造出了大量丙酮。  14. He produced a gun and he came into the house.  他掏出枪来,走进房子。  15. Sheep"s milk is produced in much the same way as goat"s milk.  绵羊奶和山羊奶的生产过程差不多。

google earth 怎么在线看卫星地图?给我个网地


Is organic food(有机食品) healthier?

Organic food is no healthier,but We Chinese have to depend on it!. Organic food has no nutritional or health benefits over ordinary food, according to a major study published resently.Researchers from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine said consumers were paying higher prices for organic food because of its perceived health benefits, creating a global organic market worth an estimated $48 billion in 2007.A systematic review of 162 scientific papers published in the scientific literature over the last 50 years, however, found there was no significant difference."A small number of differences in nutrient content were found to exist between organically and conventionally produced foodstuffs, but these are unlikely to be of any public health relevance," said Alan Dangour, one of the report"s authors."Our review indicates that there is currently no evidence to support the selection of organically over conventionally produced foods on the basis of nutritional superiority." But things are somehow different within China. A series of food safety scandals emerged in China recently. In one of the latest cases, steamed buns in Shanghai were reported, last week, to have been dyed, sold past their expiration date, or laced with coloring additives to mislead consumers. so for most chinese consummers,choosing organic food maybe the better way to safeguard their health. 1、什么是有机食品?2、有机食品从营养角度来说,并不更健康,但是从生产加工过程来看,更安全。3、在国外,食品安全管理到位,有机食品和普通食品都是安全的,因而,有机成为商家的一个卖点,说白了,就是噱头。4、中国情况不一样,道德缺失是不屑一争的事实。相对于普通食品而言,有机食品多一道管理要求,或许更安全一些,所以,建议选用有机食品。

let() open our books这道题括号里填us we哪个合适?



food怎么读语音: 英音[fu:d] 美音[fud] 。food 基本解释:n. 食物,食品;粮食;养料;资料短语搭配:Organic Food有机食品 ; 有机食物 ; 无机食品 ; 以上的有机天然材料food poisoning[内科]食物中毒 ; 食物中毒 ; 让我食物中毒 ; 食品中毒junk food垃圾食品 ; 垃圾食物 ; 没有营养的食品 ; 渣滓食品food 用法和例句:Refrain from ordering any food .克制不要点任何食物。The second reason is food .第二个原因是食物。Food and water is scarce .因为食物和饮用水奇缺。And heat physically softens food .并且热量使得食物变软。What is special about organic food ?有机食品有何特殊之处?

organic food有机食品

Organic food is natural (天然的). There is no additives (添加剂), no pesticide (刹剂) or fertilizer (化肥). It"s safer to eat. And it"s good for our health.It also tastes (口感) good.It"s more nutritious (有营养的).足够你写了 http://hi.baidu.com/denver_space/blog/item/12302e3431b08b5e251f149f.html这是我查到的一篇有关有机食品优点的文章,里面列举了十大好处,如果你英语还不能自己完全看懂,我帮你总结一下:1. Hormone Free 不含荷尔蒙(无激素)2. Pesticide/Herbicide Free 无杀虫和除草剂,即无化学成份(这个我在前面提到了)3. Antibiotic Free无抗生素4. Higher Nutrient Levels 营养更丰富(这个我在前面提到了)5. Prenatal Benefits 这个是指对养育子女的好处,即对孕妇无害,不会影响下一代6. Organic food Tastes Better 口感好(这个我在前面提到了)7. No artificial colorings 无人造色素8. Promotes a healthier water table 可以提供更健康的地下水位9. Higher levels of antioxidants 含有更多的抗衰老物质10. Supports the local economy 支持地方经济的发展(不用从外地长途运输)对环境好,这个更重要protects the environment10.

organic food和natural food的区别

标注为有机(organic)和天然(natural)的食品(food),都意味着它们不含任何人造化学物质。但标注为有机的食品(organic food),还表示它产自更加严格和经过控制的环境下。天然食品(natural food)通常指自然产生和不含化学品的食品,但没有明确的“天然食品”或“纯天然食品”认证。而各国有机认证机构给有机食品(organic food)提供了明确的定义和详细标准,只有符合标准的食品才可以使用有机(organic)标签。



five foot ten apiece


谷峰goophone 4gs高配版 三星S5830 和 HTC G3(wildfire s)这三款手机让你选你会选择哪个?


it s not good bey 的歌词

it"s not good byelaura pausiniand what if i never kiss your lips againor feel the touch of your sweet embracehow would i ever go onwithout you there"s no place to belongwell, someday love is gonna lead you back to mebut "till it does i"ll have an empty heartso i"ll just have to believesomewhere out there you"re thinking of meuntil the day i let you gountil we say our next helloit"s not good-bye"til i see you againi"ll be right here rememberin" whenand if time is on our sidethere"ll be no tears to cryon down the roadthere is one thing i can"t denyit"s not good-byeyou"d think i"d be strong enough to make it throughand rise above when the rain falls downbut it"s so hard to be strongwhen you"ve been missin" somebody so longit"s just a matter of time i"m surebut time takes time and i can"t hold onso won"t you try as hard as you canto put my broken heart together againuntil the day i let you gountil we say our next helloit"s not good-bye"til i see you againi"ll be right here rememberin" whenand if time is on our sidethere"ll be no tears to cryon down the roadthere is one thing i can"t denyit"s not good-byeuntil the day i let you gountil we say our next helloit"s not good-bye"til i see you againi"ll be right here rememberin" whenand if time is on our sidethere"ll be no tears to cryon down the roadthere is one thing i can"t denyit"s not goodbye是这个吧翻译:现在,如果我从来没有亲吻你的嘴唇再次 或感受到淡淡的甜你的怀抱。 怎样,我会永远继续下去吗? 如果没有你有没有地方属于 总有一天,好爱,是要带领你回到我的, 但直到它离开,有一个空洞的心。 因此,我将不得不相信有些地方在那里你考虑我 直到一天,我让你去, 直到我们说我们下次你好它不再见。 直到我看见你再次 我会在这里的记忆是什么时候。 如果时间是站在我们这一边 将不会有眼泪,哭了就下来道 有一件事我不能否认它不再见 你认为我会坚强足以令它通过 与崛起时,作以上表示雨中摔倒。 但抯所以要争取成为强大的时候,你已经失踪有人这么久 这只是个时间问题,我敢肯定, 以及时间需时,我不能忍着点, 所以不会你尝试努力,你可以 把我破碎的心一起再次? 直到一天,我让你去, 直到我们说我们下次你好它不再见。 直到我看见你再次 我会在这里的记忆是什么时候。 如果时间是站在我们这一边 将不会有眼泪,哭了就下来道 有一件事我不能否认它不再见 这不是不再见… … 。 直到一天,我会让你去, 直到我们说我们下次你好它不再见。 直到我看见你再次 我会在这里的记忆是什么时候。 如果时间是站在我们这一边 将不会有眼泪,哭了就下来道 我也不能否认的,而不是再见 这不是再见 直到我看见你 我会在这里的记忆,当 时间是站在我们这一边 没有更多的眼泪,哭了 我和斜面否认 这不是再见 再见 没有更多的眼泪,哭了 是的,这不是再见。

求Cradle Orchestra 的Ooo La La的歌词!!!!

Today a little birdy came to me and said"Dry your eyes and you never cry again."Then I took a good look at his faceInstantly I knew my life would changeYou look like a god when you play this guitarThe first time you played for me he warmed my heartNow we are together every single dayI hope we never ever change our wayOoo la la I"m yoursOoo la la Forever never never moreOoo la laI"m yoursOoo la la Forever never never moreNobody is perfect on this herdWe have to reach inside to realize what will worthHis energy makes me feel like a queenEveryday together is so vainWe could be home it"s for all I knowBut it doesn"t matter he"s under my new homeCoz we"ve got every single thing we needHim needs guitar re my piano in meOoo la la I"m yoursOoo la la Forever never never moreOoo la la I"m yoursOoo la la Forever never never moreBaby I just want to supposed I"ve found one as if warm with youBut we can sleep all day and we know may else to doWe can watch the sunrise till it saysYesIt"s the time of life we never ever forgetI just want to save all rates(I just want to save all rates)Coz baby you"re my favoriteYeahNow you got me singing Ooo la la Singing Oooooooooo la la la la yaOoo la laI"m yoursOoo la la Forever never never moreOoo la la I"m yoursOoo la la Forever never never moreOoo la la laSinging Ooo la la YesOoo la la laI"m yoursYeahLa la la la …

I play violio in my school orchestra 是什么句型?

主谓宾结构的简单句:主语I, 谓语动词是play,宾语是the violin,介词短语in my school orchestra 属于地点状语。

the food that had been laid out for the dead is thrown into a river or into the sea可去第二个into?




Jane is high school student in the Unit...

A 试题分析:句意:Jane是一个18岁的美国高中生。18-year-old 18岁,做定语,修饰后面的名词,注意有连字符时year不用复数;单词eighteen读音以元音开头,所以前面用冠词an,故选A。



英语 求解 HOW can you make yourself [understood](understand) if you cannot express yourself clearly

被人理解 被动语态

bifer BFT12怎么ROOT

步骤1. 下载ROOT工具"ROOT精灵"步骤2. ROOT教程(1). 首先打开ROOT精灵客户端,插好数据线,连接您的手机,然后打开手机中的USB调试功能(2). 手机连接成功后会看到以下界面,只要点击“一键ROOT”按钮即可开始ROOT!(3). 接下来您只需要等待3-5分钟的时间,剩下的事情ROOT精灵会帮你完成!在此期间务必保证手机的正常连接哦。(4). 如果您看到下图这个提示,恭喜您的手机已经成功获取ROOT权限。如果一次没有成功的话也不要着急,一般多试几次就可以了若"root精灵"没有root成功,可以试试别的root软件,像360一键root,kingroot,百度一键root等,因为也许这个软件不支持你的手机而别的软件支持。

有没有适合bf_k11 bifer系统4.4.2的root



我的手机root授权不了怎么办 安卓系统的手机应该都是可以进行手机root的,请问你是使用什么进行授权的呢?有的那种软体确实成功率比较低,像是电脑版的应用宝就不会了,成功率是比其他的要高的,安全系数也高,你可以在工具箱里进行一键root。不过如果是华为这类牌子的手机要先解除限制再root。 我的手机Root怎么授权不了 通过第三方软体获得Root许可权,可以访问和修改手机作业系统里几乎所有的档案,但这样操作有可能影响手机的稳定性,出现宕机、重启等人为性故障。另外获取许可权后一般对储存器和CPU等主机板上主要部件引起不良。Root属于修改作业系统软体,按照条例不属于包修范围。三星为了提升顾客满意度,对Root顾客提供免费升级韧体服务,如果Root已影响到手机硬体需要更换主机板,则需要收取主机板费用。若您的机器Root后需将机器恢复到原来的系统版本,请将机器送到三星服务中心,由售后工程师帮助检查处理。自行将装置恢复出厂设定是无法取消Root许可权的。 我的手机被root授权了怎么办 手机获取root许可权没有什么问题。 如果不想手机获取root许可权的话,就使用软体解除root。 安装应用宝软体到电脑上。 使用资料线把手机连线到电脑上。 从应用宝工具箱上找出解除root就能对手机操作了。 root许可权就解除了。 我的手机是vivo不能授权root 怎么办啊 vivo手机是不支援root的,所以没有办法。 root手机会产生以下不良影响: 手机异常:root开放后,容易误改或误删系统档案,可能会导致手机宕机、重启、使用异常等问题; .安全隐患: 一些非法程式会在您不知情的情况下,造成您隐私泄露和费用上的损失; 系统无法升级:手机root后,将无法线上升级系统,会导致升级失败,手机也会有无法开机的风险; 无法保修:root导致的硬体问题售后是不予保修的。 解除root的方法如下: 操作韧体升级即可恢复系统。进入韧体升级包传送门,选择手机型号,点选资源下载,在韧体升级处下载韧体包恢复系统。 我的手机root不了怎么办 无法一键Root可以由于以下原因所导致:1、手机未解锁:有些手机在出产的时候,官方(例如htc和索爱等)做了对手机Rom保护,这会导致Root的失败,这时候需要先去手机的官方网站下载解锁工具,对手机进行解锁。解锁之后,再用腾讯手机管家(PC版) for Android进行Root,应该就可以Root成功了。2、特殊的Rom:由于有些装置的Rom和系统环境的特殊性,腾讯手机管家(PC版) for Android暂时是还不支援Root的。还不行的话你可以在腾讯手机管家官网反馈一下让他们帮忙解决一下 请按下列步骤进行操作: 1 下载 360手机助手(pc 版) 2 电脑运作 360手机助手 3 机子开启USB除错模式后连上电脑 4 此时机子会自动下载驱动 (此step如失败,便须由 step3 再重来一次! ) 5 运作 360 ROOT, 点选 "一键Root机" 6 等一会 ~~~ 7 机子自动 Root 成功了 ^^ 因为Root 机增加了手机资料被盗风险, 我的手机是三星 *** -t11怎么授权root 尊敬的三星使用者您好: 根据您的描述,三星官网无法获得第三方软体的ROOT许可权,并且也不建议三星手机使用者为手机获得这个软体许可权的。因为这种软体并不稳定而且危害极大,极易造成手机效能上的缺陷或系统上的不稳定,并且现在网上有很多的可以修改ROOT的软体,使用者可以随意的下载安装使用,但是会对手机会造成很多的不良现象(例如无法开机等多种故障)。建议您不要获取ROOT许可权。 评价、建议、吐槽,请点选:support.samsung../survey 我的手机是:bifer 怎么授权root,我差不多试过所有root软体都没能授权? 电脑安装甜椒,开启手机设定,应用程式,除错,勾选,USB除错模式,,,,连线资料线到电脑,选择甜椒,应用工具,,,选择ROOT破解,,,重启后提示成功,安装SUPERUSER即可....刷机工具你可以试试XIAZAIBA的刷机工具...目前安卓手机并没有统一ROOT方案,一个是因为硬体不同,系统版本不同,系统ROM开发商不同,所以ROOT就不一样。比如联想A60可以用刷机精灵ROOT,A66T可以用Z4ROOT,中兴V88O可以用卓大师,联想P770可以用百度一键ROOT………………等等等等,,同款手机换新系统,ROOT方案也不同。。。来自--IT狂魔(知道团队) 我的手机怎么ROOT许可权不了 我的手机怎么ROOT许可权不了,手机可以自动识别并禁止安装root软体,建议您不要将手机ROOT,我们的智慧机目前没有开放ROOT许可权。主要有两个方面的原因:1、ROOT开放后,可能会导致手机使用异常,宕机重启等问题。2、从安全形度考虑,一些非法程式,在您不知情时劫持手机的通讯功能、桌面等,会造成使用者个人隐私和费上用的损失。官方也是没有提供获取ROOT许可权的方法和指令码。因此不建议操作此功能,否则容易带来严重后果,并且ROOT后手机是不保修的。 我的手机vivo x3f 用什么root 授权 您好! 我们的智慧机目前没有开放root许可权。主要有两个方面的原因: ①root开放后,可能会导致手机使用异常,宕机重启等问题。 ②从安全形度考虑,一些非法程式,在您不知情时劫持手机的通讯功能、桌面等,会造成使用者个人隐私和费上用的损失。且无法支援手机端或者vivo助手进行线上升级。因此不建议操作此功能,否则容易带来严重后果,并且root后导致的硬体问题售后是不予保修的。 如果有任何问题可以随时来咨询我们的。非常感谢您对我们vivo的支援,祝您生活愉快!

It is good at us.的错误地方

When we are asked the question:去掉the question,后面紧跟了asked的内容 who do you think is the greatest person in the world? I consider the majority of us will give the same answer immediately that is my father and改为or,因为说的是单数,最伟大的是一个 my mother. Yes, our parents are the greatest persons in the world. They are those person l累赘应去掉who loves”s”去掉,语法错误,因为前面用的是复数 us with their soul and heart, they are proud of their child"s success and never disappoint for their failure. 宜改为but never feel disappointed for their failure. They are sure their own child will do the best of himself. I"m the only child in my family. There were once many people 加who asked my mother why she chose to have just one baby, especially a girl, 加逗号即变成非限制性定语从句修饰整个句子which seems to去掉to reasonless应该为unresonable. At that time my mother would answer them smilingly: 宜改为And my mother always answered with a smile “I want to bring her up with my soul and heart.” How generous they are. I still remember how my 去掉my patient they are改为were when I learn改为 learned how to walk and how to talk. I"m a naughty girl in my childhood, and I had many bad habits, thus father and mother always改为were often angry at me, but they never give应改为 gave me up, they taught how to get rid of my bad habits and how to be a good girl. Thanks for them I give away many of my bad habits. I still remember改为 remembered clearly that when I was young, how hard-working my parents are改为were. They worked day and night in order to earn money as much as possible. They made every effort to let me live a happy childhood. I still remember when I felt depressed, they cheered me up, and they told me: you"re very good, come on, you can do it. Now I am growing up and leave my hometown to another strange city, I began应改为begin to realize how great they are. My dear friends, have you realize改为realized that our parents are always the closest person改为persons to us, they will trust and support us forvever改为forever, not 改为no matter how poor we are now. So when you are wasting money, have you ever thought how hard your parents are? When you are addicting to games, have you thought of your parents white hair is becoming more and more. When you are complaining for how hard you life are改为is, have you realized that you are your parents" hope. So my friends, stop shouting at them, care them more, it is them who give your life, it is them who give the chance to see the wonderful world, it is them who let you know you are the happinest 改为happiest person in the world. (加it 变成强调句)So let"s say together: Thank you, my dear father and mother!本来在word上全部用红色标注了,只可惜在这里显示不出,我的功夫白费了,不过认真点看还是可以看出的,你自己对照着看吧,希望你你有个精彩的演讲!

How do you _____ your spare time?填什么呢?A.employ B.take C.choose D.cost 为什么选A啊?

D ? 听说时间就是金钱哦

作文 my senior high school life 100字,高一水平

We have studied in Songpu High School for several months. When I first went into the school gate and saw my new classroom and teachers I thought I would have a new start . The school life is very busy and exciting. There are many activities in our school, Such as Sports Meeting, Science Week and Art Week and so on. We all take an active part in it . I have made many new friends and we often help and learn from each other in study. Our teachers have taught us a lot . They not only teach us how to study but also teach us how to be a useful person in society. They tell us is a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing well and many other things. Habit is a second nature, so teachers often remind us to make a good habit. People often said: There is no royal to learning. Now I feel it is true. The study now is far more different than before. I often find there are something difficult to understand at once. At this time, you must spend a lot of time studying by yourself or you won"t make progress. Of course study is hard but when you make progress you"ll find it is interesting. Our school is clean and beautiful. There are many trees and flowers around it. In order to make our school more and more beautiful we should try our best to keep it clean. Don"t throw rubbish on the ground. We are members of Songpu High school. Today we are pound of Songpu, tomorrow Songpu will be prounded of us.

life is strange 最开头的look 无论如何鼠标都无法离开look周围一个小圈


Which two are equivalent? (Choose two)




谁有Mandy Moore top of the world 的歌词?

"Top Of The World"For a time, I thought my faith, it must be hiding 很长时间里,我认为我的信念,一定被藏了起来Searching through the sky, hoping to find a way 在天上寻找,希望能找到一条路A way, to get me through the day 一条可以让我度过每一天的路Don"t know where I belong, is this where I should stay 不知道我属于哪里,这里是我应该待的地方吗[Chorus:]Lift me up, when I am falling 扶我起来,当我跌倒的时候You"re my friend, when I was calling 你是我的朋友,当我呼喊你的时候Now I"m on top of the world 现在我在世界顶端Top of the whole wide world 全世界的顶端Yeah, you"ve always been believing 是,你一只相信的Gave my life a whole new meaning 给我的生命一个新的意义Now I"m on top of the world 现在我在世界顶端Top of the whole wide world 全世界的顶端There"s a strength in me, it seems, I have forgotten 我的身体里有一种力量,好像已经被我忘记了Now I, realized today, I"m starting to dream again 现在,我终于清楚了,我又有了新的梦想Again, was a matter of when 在一次,以前不再是问题I guess we all lose our way, now and then 我想我们都迷失方向,现在和以后[Chorus:]Lift me up, when I am falling 扶我起来,当我跌倒的时候You"re my friend, when I was calling 你是我的朋友,当我呼喊你的时候Now I"m on top of the world 现在我在世界顶端Top of the whole wide world 全世界的顶端Yeah, you"ve always been believing 是,你一只相信的Gave my life a whole new meaning 给我的生命一个新的意义Now I"m on top of the world 现在我在世界顶端Top of the whole wide world 全世界的顶端You lift me up, when I was falling 你扶我起来,当我摔倒的时候You lift me up, when I was falling 你扶我起来,当我摔倒的时候[Chorus:]Lift me up, when I am falling 扶我起来,当我跌倒的时候You"re my friend, when I was calling 你是我的朋友,当我呼喊你的时候Now I"m on top of the world 现在我在世界顶端Top of the whole wide world 全世界的顶端Yeah, you"ve always been believing 是,你一只相信的Gave my life a whole new meaning 给我的生命一个新的意义Now I"m on top of the world 现在我在世界顶端Top of the whole wide world 全世界的顶端(Whole wide world)Yeah, you"ve always been believing 是,你一只相信的Gave my life a whole new meaning 给我的生命一个新的意义Now I"m on top of the world 现在我在世界顶端Top of the whole wide world 全世界的顶端Yeah, you"ve always been believing 是,你一只相信的Gave my life a whole new meaning 给我的生命一个新的意义Now I"m on top of the world 现在我在世界顶端Top of the whole wide world 全世界的顶端Yea, yeahTop of the whole wide world 全世界的顶端Yeah, you"ve always been believing 是,你一只相信的Gave my life a whole new meaning 给我的生命一个新的意义Now I"m on top of the world 现在我在世界顶端Top of the whole wide world 全世界的顶端自己翻译的

求高达oo第2季ed trust you歌词【动新版】

trust you 完整版的中日英歌词 花は风に揺れ踊るように hanawa kazeni yure odoruyouni 雨は大地を润すように amewa daichiwo uruosuyouni この世界は寄り添い合い 生きてるのに kono sekaiwa yorisoiai ikiterunoni 何故人は伤つきあうの naze hitowa kizutsukeauno 何故别れは访れるの naze wakarewa otozureruno 君が远くに行ってもまだ kimiga tookuni yuttemomada いつもこも心の真ん中 itsumo kono kokorono mannaka あの优しい笑颜で埋め尽されたまま ano yasashii egaode umetsukusaretamama 抱きしめた君の欠片に dakishimeta kimino kakerani 痛み感じてもまだ 繋がるから itami kanjitemomada tsunagarukara 信じてるよ shinjiteruyo また会えると mata aeruto I"m waiting for your love I love you I trust you 君の孤独を分けてほしい kimino kodokuwo wakete hoshii I love you I trust you 光でも暗でも hikaridemo yamidemo 二人だから 信じあえる futaridakara shinjiaeru No 离さないで No hanasanaide 世界の果てを谁が见たの sekainohatewo daregamitano 旅の终わりを谁が継げるの tabinoowariwo daregatsukeruno 今は答えが见えなくて 长い夜でも imaha kotaegamienakute nakaiyorudemo 信じた道を进んでほしい shinjitamichiwo susundehoshii その先に光が待つから sonosakini hikarigamatsukara 君が教えてくれた歌は kimiga oshietekureta utaha 今もこの心の真ん中 imamo konokokoronomannaka あの优しい声とともに 响いてる anoyasashiikoetotomoni hibiiteru 溢れる気持の雫が afureru kimochino shizukuga 暖かく頬伝う atatakaku hoho tsutau 强くなるね tsuyokunarune 信じてるよ shinjiteruyo 繋がってるとは tsunagatterutoha I"m always by your side I love you I trust you 君のために流す涙が kiminotameni nagasunamidaga I love you I trust you 爱を教えてくれた aiwo oshietekureta どんなに君が道に迷っても donnani kimigamichini mayottemo そばにいるよ sobaniiruyo Waiting for your love Always by your side You are the one that I love You are the one that I trust You are the only one I love you I trust you 君の孤独を分けてほしい kimino kodokuwo wakete hoshii I love you I trust you 光でも暗でも hikaridemo yamidemo I love you I trust you 悲しみでも喜びでも kanashimidemo yorokobidemo I love you I trust you 君のスベテを守りたい kiminosubetewomamoritai どんなに君が道に迷っても donnani kimigamichini mayottemo そばにいるよ sobaniiruyo 二人だから 信じあえる futaridakara shinjiaeru No 离さないで No hanasanaide 仿如花朵在风中飘摇 仿如细雨滋润大地 世间万物都彼此依偎 共同生存 为何人却要彼此伤害 为何总有别离 即使你已远行 在我心深处 总为那温柔笑颜所填满 紧紧拥抱着你的碎片 虽觉疼痛 却依然相连 我深信 还会再见 I"m waiting for your love I love you I trust you 请与我分享你的孤独 I love you I trust you 无论光明或是黑暗 我们都在一起 彼此信任 No 不要分开 谁将看见世界的尽头 谁将继承旅途的终点 尽管现在仍是看不见答案的漫漫长夜 我也想往坚信的道路前行 因为在那一头有光明等待 你教会我的那首歌 如今仍在我心中 与你温柔的声音一起响彻 流下满载着心情的水滴 温暖了脸颊 我会变得坚强 我深信 紧紧相连就是 I"m always by your side I love you I trust you 为你流下的眼泪 I love you I trust you 告诉了我什么是爱 就算你在路上迷失了方向 我也会在你身边 Waiting for your love Always by your side You are the one that I love You are the one that I trust You are the only one I love you I trust you 请与我分享你的孤独 I love you I trust you 无论光明或是黑暗 I love you I trust you 无论悲伤与欢乐 I love you I trust you 我想要守护你的一切 就算你在路上迷失了方向 我也会在你身边 我们都在一起 彼此信任 No 不要分开 超强版 哈~哈~哈~哈~哈 哈拿瓦卡贼尼鲁雷欧多利诱你 阿美娃带一鸡幼乳喔手又泥 抠诺谁盖娃又离首吟爱 遗客衣对鲁诺尼 哪贼喝亦抖娃客衣指指客碍阿武挪 哪贼袜卡累娃殴斗指累乳挪 客衣咪娃头苦妮大爱膜妈打 遗汁膜括挪口口喽诺马拿卡 阿诺呀杀戏嘎喔得五没刺股杀累他妈妈 打客医吸没打客医咪挪卡给啦咪 一带迷看鸡代挨磨马打 汁哪卡乳卡啦 心急带挨乳唷 妈打爱挨五头娃 I"m waiting for your love I love you I trust you 客医迷挪狗抖苦卧蛙苛哀带母戏 I love you I trust you 喝一嘎礼代哀摸雅咪给磨 忽打你挡达拉 性急啊爱哀乳 No 哈拿沙拿姨大爱

高达oo的trust you日文歌词,罗马五十音和中文歌词


求清唱开头的trust you就是那个高达oo第二季 片尾曲


Goodbye Is The Saddest Word 歌词

《Goodbye Is The Saddest Word 》演唱者: The Manhattans作词:B. Riley作曲:B. RileyMamma you gave life to meTurned a baby into a ladyAnd mamma, all you had to offer Was a promise of a lifetime of loveNow I know there is no other love like a Mother"sLove for her childI know that love so complete someday must leaveMust say goodbyeGoodbye"s the saddest word I"ll ever hearGoodbye"s the last time I will hold you nearSomeday you"ll say that word and I will cryIt"ll break my heart to hear you say GoodbyeMamma you gave love to meTurned a young one into a womanAnd Mamma all I ever needed Was a guarantee of you loving me"Cause I know there is no other love like a mother"sLove for her childAnd it hurts so that something so strong someday"ll be goneMust say goodbyeGoodbye"s the saddest word I"ll ever hearGoodbye"s the last time I will hold you nearSomeday you"ll say that word and I will cryIt"ll break my heart to hear you say GoodbyeBut the love you give will always liveYou"ll always be there every time I fallYou want to be the greatest love of allYou take my weakness and you make me strongAnd I will always love you till forever comesAnd when you need meI"ll be there for you alwaysI"ll be there your whole life thruI"ll be there thru the lonely daysI"ll be there this I promise you mammaI"ll be your beacon thru the darkest nightI"ll be the wings that guide your broken flightI"ll be your shelter thru the raging stormAnd I will love you till forever comesGoodbye"s the saddest word I"ll ever hearGoodbye"s the last time I will hold you nearSomeday you"ll say that word and I will cryIt"ll break my heart to hear you say GoodbyeTill we meet again until then goodbye.

这是一件让 MacBook 如虎添翼的神器

事出有因,不过归根结底,还是因为触控板太 NB 了。 作为一个 20 年的 Win Boy,虽然早就在连绵不绝的安利声中被灌输了「触控板秒杀触摸板」的观念,但在真正入手 MacBook Pro 13 之前,我对 Mac 触控板的认知还只是停留在四指捏合打开 Launchpad 这个层级而已。所以,不出意外地,等到真入手了 MBP13,我猝不及防地被触控板给惊艳到了—— 如果你对我之前的文章有印象,你应该能知道我之前特别喜欢败鼠标,触控板算是让我彻底戒了鼠标。换到 MBP13 上没过两天,我手上收集的罗技轨迹球鼠标 MX ERGO 和 M570、Evoluent VM4S 都开始进入退役状态了,相反,我入了 Setapp 会员,用上了传说中可以解锁触控板全部姿势的神器,BetterTouchTool,简称 BTT。 上手触控板增强神器 BTT,像是为我瞬间打开了新视界:原来触控板还能这么强?!不过,就像是所有「升级双螺旋」的既定套路一样,用上了 BTT 之后,我又开始止不住地嫌弃 MBP13 自带的触控板太弱鸡。 强大到连触控板都 HOLD 不住的 BTT,到底是什么? BTT 是 macOS 上与 jitouch 齐名的触控板手势增强软件。 MacBook 的触控板简单来说,就是把触控手势映射成系统动作,比如「四指捏合打开启动台」这个所有 Mac 用户所熟知的手势动作,逻辑上就是把「四指捏合」这个手势,映射成了「打开启动台」这个系统级动作。 BTT 这种触控手势增强软件对触控板的改进和优化,就是为用户提供了更多的手势,和更多可供映射的动作。MacBook 内置的触控板应用,把「手指点按数量」和「手指点按力度(也就是 Force Touch)」这两个手势维度,映射了有限的系统动作。而相比于 MacBook 内置的这套二维手势动作库,BTT 活生生就是一整套的三维手势动作库: MacBook 内置的手势动作系统和 BTT 配置的手势动作系统之间的复杂程度的区别,可以用下面这个图示来对比: 如果以数量作对比,macOS 内置只有 14 套手势动作可用,而 BTT 光是手势就有超过 100 套,可供映射的系统动作也超过了 100 套,也就是说,BTT 可以提供 n 套手势动作,n = 100 和 100 的自由排列组合(我仅存的数学技能包已经不足以支撑我计算出 n 的值了)。而且,这其中还没有考虑手势映射组合键,因为,MacBook 的按键能创造出多少对组合键我实在是计算不出来…… 比如我在系统内置的触控板手势动作之外,用 BTT 自定义了一套自己顺手的手势,举一些常用手势动作的例子: 三指轻拍: · 在 Safari 中:u2318 + R,刷新当前页面 · 在 Sublime 中:u2318 + M,强制调用默认浏览器预览当前文档 四指轻拍:u2325 + Space,启动 Alfred 搜索框 三指连拍:当前窗口全屏 右侧两指轻拍抵住,随后左指轻拍:复制 单指点击左上角:启动屏幕快照 三指点击:u2318 + W,关闭当前页面 双指点击,右指更重:u2318 + u232b,强制删除 你看,如果能组建出一整套顺手的手势,那 BTT 几乎可以让你除了输入字符之外的所有操作,都直接在触控板上用手势完成,你不用再在 MacBook 的的键盘上找组合键去截图,也不用在状态栏上拉菜单锁屏,更不用打开终端输入代码来显示 Finder 的隐藏文件,只需要在触控板上打个响指,Duang 一下,你在 Mac 上的工作效率就能起飞。 触控板 HOLD 不住 BTT,不过换上妙控板,还有另外一个原因… 正是因为 BTT 太强大了,所以反过来,一旦使用了 BTT 这种第三方的手势增强软件,我反倒觉得 MacBook 自带触控板会有点力不从心,主要问题是,它对手势的识别精度很难匹配上 BTT 手势的复杂和精细程度。 我使用 MacBook 的 60% 的时间都是在使用编辑器 Sublime 码稿子,所以我用 BTT 给 sublime 定义了一组高频使用手势动作: · 三指轻拍 u2318 + M:强制调用默认浏览器预览当前文档 · 三指点击 u2318 + W:关闭当前文档 这组手势之间的差别不是很大,一个是三指轻拍、另一个是三指点击,但是定义的动作却是大相径庭,一个是预览文档、另一个是关闭文档,所以如果触控板误识别手势,比如把预览文档手势识别成了关闭文档,码稿的节奏肯定就被打断了。但是在码稿时,我经常会遇到触控板误识别这两个手势的情形,一来二去反复被坑,最后我每次在 Sublime 里面用三指手势的时候都得提心吊胆。 连这种算不上复杂的三指手势都很难让我用得放心大胆,你就可以想象当触控板遇到像是什么「两指轻拍抵住左侧第三指左划」「两指点击左指更重」这种刚上手时你自己都控制不住你自己的复杂手势时,最终会演出什么让你预想不到的结局(也是作死,我把这种复杂的手势都绑上了像是什么复制粘贴、强制删除这类高频动作)。 所以,MacBook 自带触控板的好与不好,就为我换上妙控板埋下了伏笔。不过,换妙控板的真正导火索,还是因为 MBP 的触控板不是太好和显示器配合着一起用。 大部分时间,我都是用 MBP 在桌面上办公,本来我的桌面上已经备上了两个宝贝——明基的 27 寸 4K 显示器和 ikbc 的 87 键青轴键盘,所以我自然是不会愿意将就 MBP 自带的 13.3 英寸视屏幕和怼手蝶式键盘了,不过我要真用上外接显示器和键盘,那问题也就来了:连外接显示器,我还怎么爽触控板和 BTT? 是这样? 还是这样? 两种姿势当然都不完美,所以,留给我的选择就只有买妙控板了。 在下单之前,我并没有实际上手体验过妙控板,所以当时下定决心剁手之前我的心思还挺微妙的:淘宝上 700 的价格确实是肉痛,不过妙控板可以完美解决「显示器 + 触控板」这个痛点,而且它的触控面积比 MBP 自带触控板更大,体验也许会更好些?另外,这么贵的配件,如果它识别 BTT 手势的精度能高一截的话,那 700 的价格真是赚到了… 最后,我就这么忐忑地在淘宝上下了单,不过事实证明,迫不得已真入了妙控板之后,结局是出乎意料得完美: u2611 配合显示器在桌面上使用 u2611触控面积大,触感反馈好 u2611识别复杂手势精准度更高 在桌面上配合显示器使用这一点,就不细说了,妙控板本身就是为 iMac 和 Mac Pro 这类没有自带触控板的 Mac 设备所设计的,所以在桌面上用本身就是如鱼得水,我更想详细聊的,还是设计到实际体验的后两点: 丨触控面积大,触感反馈好 虽然触控板的体验已经非常优秀了,不过触控面积更大还是能很明显地提升体验,尤其是对于喜欢用多屏显示器的人来说。不管是 Mac 还是 Windows,不管是触控板 / 妙控板还是鼠标,在两块屏幕之间拖鼠标都是挺吃力的一件事儿,触控板的面积更小,就越是容易拖到触控板的边缘、换手的次数也就越高、操控的效率也就越低,这是显而易见的。 妙控板在这方面的优势就是,它的面积更大,它的触控尺寸有 160 × 115mm,比 MBP13 的 135 × 84mm 触控板的触控面积多出了 62%……很夸张对不对? 从 MBP13 的触控板换过来的最初几天,触控面积更大、触控更得心应手是妙控板给我的最初感觉之一,另一个感觉就是,妙控板的触感反馈比 MBP13 的触控板更舒服。 MBP 自带触控板和妙控板都是以 Taptic Engine 模拟真实拍 / 按 / 压的触感,它们都可以达到欺骗触觉神经级别的拟真程度,不过两者模拟出来触感完全不同,我的感觉是,触控板模拟出的感觉类似于按在玻璃瓶铁盖上的那种检查食物是否变质的凸点,触感脆、尖锐,而妙控板模拟出的触感是按在有物理轴的毛玻璃上,触感软、绵长,长时间点按不会像触控板一样累手。 你可能会问,同样是用的 Taptic Engine,妙控板的触感为什么和触控板完全不一样? 因为苹果公开披露的妙控板和触控板的技术资料比较少,第三方的拆解视频又不能直接对比差异,所以我没办法从专业角度对比两者的不同、分析妙控板为什么会比触控板的手势识别精度更高,我猜测可能的解释之一是,妙控板作为单独的外设而不是 MacBook 的机身配件,在设计上不用被厚度、尺寸所局限,所以优化体验的空间更大。例证是,妙控板的触控层玻璃下和铝合金边框之间很明显有预留空间,在手指按压时出了触感反馈之外,妙控板实际上是有一个真实向下的形变的,所以,它的触感反馈会比触控板更真实,或者说,欺骗性更强。 丨识别复杂手势精准度更高 除了触控体验更好,妙控板能够打动我、让我觉得它物超所值到值得为它打 Call,还是因为它确实解决了 MacBook 触控板识别精度不够高的痛点。 很明显的感觉是,换用了妙控板之后,MBP 识别 BTT 复杂手势的成功率提高非常多,基本上一天重度使用下来,也不大会遇到手势被误识别的状况,但是直到现在,MBP 自带触控板还是不太能准确识别到「双指点击右指更重 = u2318 + u232b」强制删除这种不算是特别复杂的手势。 所以,一来二去,我会下意识地不是很信任 MBP 的触控板,在办公室我会理所当然地连上显示器、架上键盘用妙控板,而即便是回家之后,我也习惯性地会收纳好妙控板带回家继续用。出了出差没得选,否则能用妙控板我就尽量不用触控板。 这就是我为什么给 MacBook 配上了妙控板。过程很复杂,结局却挺美好。 文末福利 Tip: 数字尾巴公众号(ID: dgtlestyle)聊天框回复“ iOS 经典壁纸

search和look for的区别

"Search" 和 "look for" 都可以表示寻找某物,但它们的用法和含义略有不同:Search"Search" 通常表示进行一次有目的的搜寻,通常是为了找到某个特定的东西。它可以表示进行一次全面的搜索,例如:The police are searching the area for the missing child.(警方正在搜寻失踪的孩子。)I searched my bag but couldn"t find my keys.(我搜查了我的包,但没找到我的钥匙。)Look for"Look for" 通常表示寻找某个特定的东西,但不一定需要进行全面的搜索。它可以表示随意地寻找,例如:I"m looking for my phone. Have you seen it?(我在找我的手机。你看到了吗?)She"s looking for a new job.(她在找新工作。)需要注意的是,"search" 和 "look for" 的含义有时会重叠,具体使用时需要根据语境和需要选择合适的词语。


zookeeper是动物管理员的意思。ZooKeeper是一个分布式的,开放源码的分布式应用程序协调服务,是Google的Chubby一个开源的实现,是Hadoop和Hbase的重要组件。它是一个为分布式应用提供一致性服务的软件,提供的功能包括:配置维护、域名服务、分布式同步、组服务等。ZooKeeper的目标就是封装好复杂易出错的关键服务,将简单易用的接口和性能高效、功能稳定的系统提供给用户。ZooKeeper包含一个简单的原语集,提供Java和C的接口。ZooKeeper代码版本中,提供了分布式独享锁、选举、队列的接口,代码在$zookeeper_homesrc ecipes。其中分布锁和队列有Java和C两个版本,选举只有Java版本。它的原理:ZooKeeper是以Fast Paxos算法为基础的,Paxos 算法存在活锁的问题,即当有多个proposer交错提交时,有可能互相排斥导致没有一个proposer能提交成功,而Fast Paxos做了一些优化,通过选举产生一个leader (领导者),只有leader才能提交proposer,具体算法可见Fast Paxos。因此,要想弄懂ZooKeeper首先得对Fast Paxos有所了解。ZooKeeper的基本运转流程:1、选举Leader。2、同步数据。3、选举Leader过程中算法有很多,但要达到的选举标准是一致的。4、Leader要具有最高的执行ID,类似root权限。5、集群中大多数的机器得到响应并接受选出的Leader。

求Sum41的in too deep的中英对照歌词。

Song title In Too Deep Album All Killer No Filler The faster we"re fallingWe"re stoppin?and stallingWe"re running in circles againJust as things were looking upYou said it wasn"t good enough,But still we"re trying one more timeMaybe we"re just trying too hardWhen really it"s closer then it is too farCause I"m in too deepAnd I"m trying to keepUp above in my headInstead of goin" underCause I"m in too deepAnd I"m trying to keepUp above in my headInstead of goin" under"Stead of goin" underSeems like each time I"m with you,I lose my mind, because I"m bendin" over backwards to relateIt"s one thing to complain but when you抮e driving me insaneWell then I think it"s time that we took a breakMaybe we"re just trying too hardWhen really it"s closer then it is too farCause I"m in too deepAnd I"m trying to keepUp above in my headInstead of goin" underCause I"m in too deepAnd I"m trying to keepUp above in my headInstead of goin" under"Stead of goin" under("Stead of goin" under)"Stead of goin" underI can"t sit back and wonder whyIt took so long for this to dieI hate it when you fake itYou can"t hide itYou might as well embrace itSo believe meIt"s not easyIt"s seems that something抯 telling meI"m in too deepAnd I"m trying to keepUp above in my headInstead of goin" underCause I"m in too deepAnd I"m trying to keepUp above in my headInstead of goin" under"Stead of goin" underInstead of goin" under againInstead of goin" under"Stead of goin" under again"Stead of goin" under again("Stead of goin" under again

Search和look for的区别 英语作业

look for指一般意义上的“寻找” search指投入极大精力去“搜寻,查找”

Maps-maroon 5 的中文歌词

I miss the taste of a sweeter life 我怀念曾经的甜蜜日子I miss the conversation 我怀念温柔的你侬我侬I"m searching for a song tonight 今晚我只求情歌来疗伤I"m changing all of the stations 但怎么寻找都难寻佳音I like to think that we had it all 曾经认为我们天造地设We drew a map to a better place 共同描绘未来美好蓝图But on that road I took a fall 但途中我不慎失败受困Oh baby why did you run away 可宝贝为何你要抛弃我I was there for you in your darkest times 在你最黑暗的日子里我为你不离不弃I was there for you in your darkest nights 在你最忧郁的时光里我为你不离不弃But I wonder where were you when I was at my worst down on my knees 但如今当我陷入人生低谷 孤立无援的时候 你又在哪And you said you had my back so I wonder where were you 你不是说过会支持我的么 但如今 你又在哪When all the roads you took came back to me 无论你如何选择离开 我都能发现你So I"m following the map that leads to you 沿着你的足迹The map that leads to you 我不懈追寻ain"t nothing I can do 追随你不止步The map that leads to you 沿着你的足迹Following, following, following to you 紧紧追寻 不放弃希望The map that leads to you 追随你不止步ain"t nothing I can do 克制不住自己The map that leads to you 沿着你的足迹Following, following, following 紧紧追寻 不放弃希望I hear your voice in my sleep at night 梦里都是你的音容笑貌Hard to resist temptation 诱惑总总让人难以自持Cause something strange has come over me 不知为何有种特别情愫And now I can"t get over you 就是无法忘记你的身影No I just can"t get over you 怎么做也无法忘记你啊I was there for you 我为你不离不弃In your darkest times 在你最黑暗的日子里I was there for you in your darkest times 在你最忧郁的时光里 我始终陪在你身边But I wonder where were you when I was at my worst down on my knees 但如今当我陷入人生低谷 孤立无援的时候 你又在哪And you said you had my back so I wonder where were you 你不是说过会支持我的么 但如今 你又在哪When all the roads you took came back to me 无论你如何选择离开 我都能发现你So I"m following the map that leads to you 沿着你的足迹 我不懈追寻The map that leads to you 追随你不止步ain"t nothing I can do 克制不住自己The map that leads to you 沿着你的足迹Following, following, following to you 紧紧追寻 不放弃希望The map that leads to you 追随你不止步And nothing I can do 克制不住自己The map that leads to you 沿着你的足迹Oh oh oh Oh oh ohYeah yeah yeah Yeah yeah yeahOh oh Oh ohOh oh Oh ohOh I was there for you 我为你不离不弃Oh In you darkest times 在你最黑暗的日子里Oh I was there for you 我始终陪在你身边Oh In your darkest nights 在你最忧郁的时光里Oh I was there for you 我为你不离不弃Oh In you darkest times 在你最黑暗的日子里Oh I was there for you 我始终陪在你身边Oh In your darkest nights 在你最忧郁的时光里But I wonder where were you when I was at my worst down on my knees 但如今当我陷入人生低谷孤立无援的时候 你又在哪And you said you had my back so I wonder where were you 你不是说过会支持我的么 但如今 你又在哪When all the roads you took came back to me 无论你如何选择离开 我都能发现你So I"m following the map that leads to you 沿着你的足迹 我不懈追寻The map that leads to you 追随你不止步ain"t nothing I can do 克制不住自己The map that leads to you 沿着你的足迹Following, following, following to you 紧紧追寻 不放弃希望The map that leads to you 追随你不止步ain"t nothing I can do 克制不住自己The map that leads to you 沿着你的足迹Following, following, following 紧紧追寻 不放弃希望

计算机域名www.google.com.hk中的“coin”是(  )。


There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood中visiting作什么成分




Too Much War 歌词

歌曲名:Too Much War歌手:Pato Banton专辑:Never Give InToo muchkylie Minogue 凯莉米诺2010全新大碟 Aphrodite-爱神Got to have itIt"s like a shockwave to my brainTo get it togetherI"ve had a headful to explainIt gives me a funny feelingI"ve got to find out if it"s trueI"d give you the answer babyI don"t know what we"re going throughIt"s too much, It"s too muchIt"s too much, this kind of lovefor the first time, for the first timeIt"s way too much, this kind of lovenot the last time, not the last timeWhen you read my bodyCan you touch my mindWill we make it happenEach and every timeThey say it doesn"t happenLightning struck twiceFirst one got me hotLast was cold, but nicePush me to the brimAnd then fill me to the breakI can"t function, I can"t fakeIt"s too much WoooooIt"s too much, this kind of lovefor the first time, for the first timeIt"s way too muchthis kind of lovenot the last time, not the last timeIt"s too much, this kind of lovefor the first time, for the first timeIt"s way too much, this kind of lovenot the last time, not the last timeI see what it isI can"t say, I can"t say what it isIf I say what I feel it"s too muchI can"t say, I can"t say what it isIf I say what I feel it"s too muchI can"t say, I can"t say what it isIf I say what I feel it"s too muchI can"t say, I can"t say what it isIt"s too much, this kind of lovefor the first time, for the first timeIt"s way too much, this kind of lovenot the last time, not the last time (it"s too much)It"s too much, this kind of lovefor the first time, for the first timeIt"s way too much, this kind of lovenot the last time , the way I feel about you(the way I feel about you) it"s too much(the way I feel about you) it"s too muchOh, (the way I feel about you) it"s too much(the way I feel about you) it"s too muchkylie Minogue 凯莉米诺2010全新大碟 Aphrodite-爱神http://music.baidu.com/song/7406605

华硕笔记本X205TA怎么设置u盘启动 BIOS 里没有 BOOT 没有launch csm 选项


this book is for you哪个单词是动词


this book is for 为什么用you不用your?

This book is for you.for在这里是介词,英语中,介词后面要跟名词或宾格代词当它的宾语,所以,应该用宾格代词you,而不用your, your是物主代词,物主代词后面还要跟名词。

This book is for you. This book is give you. 区别?

This book is for you. This book is give you. 区别?This book is for you. 和 This book is give you 区别?



有一首英文歌,歌词里有everybody right now every body look now....请问是什么歌,

can you feel it ?

code for booting 的含义

含义是:启动代码。重点词汇:code英[ku0259u028ad]释义:n.密码;法规;准则。v.制成法典;把…编码例句:用作名词(n.)I can break the code of this box.我能破译这个箱子的密码。词语辨析:law,constitution,regulation,code,rule,act这些名词均有“法同,法规”之意。1、law普通用词,泛指由最高当局所制订、立法机构所通过的任何成文或不成文的法规或条例。2、constitution指治理国家或国家在处理内外政务时所遵循的基本法律和原则;也指规章规则的汇集。3、regulation普通用词,指用于管理、指导或控制某系统或组织的规则、规定或原则等。4、code指某一阶层或社会所遵守的一整套法典、法规或法则;也可指与某一特殊活动或主题有关的规则。5、rule通常指机关、团体的规章、条例或比赛规则;也指对人行为、方法等所作的规定,还可指习俗所承认的规定。6、act指经立法机构通过并由行政管理签署的法案。



school 的汉语意思是什么

楼主给这么多财富值,肯定有诈!!!!!但我还是想告诉你,是学校的意思。 $_$


这是发音中清辅音改浊辅音 [g]




school英 [skuu02d0l] 美 [skul] n. 学校;学院;学派;鱼群vt. 教育[l]的位置不一样 发音也不一样,当念like等时,l是发le的音,形象一点就是‘了"的音,舌头一下子就放到上牙膛;而在发wall的时候,l是发[ol]的音,这时,舌头要有一个滑翔,从上牙内部牙龈处滑到上牙膛来发这个音。



英文中school是读成 [sku:l] 还是 [sgu:l] 是不是要浊化

一般来讲在S后面的清辅音要浊化~~~~~! 但是这两个读音都是被接受的.

This storybook is for you.(改为同义句) _______a storyb

It"s for

school的准确发音 那个音是故,还是库,音标是k,但是听起来都是g

音标:/sku:l/ 但读起来k-g 如stand中t-d




“School” 的读音为 /skuu02d0l/,其中 /sk/ 是清辅音,/uu02d0/ 是长元音,/l/ 是浊辅音。“School” 是英语中常见的单词,指的是学校。其读音 /skuu02d0l/ 可以分成三个音素,即清辅音 /s/ 和 /k/,长元音 /uu02d0/,以及浊辅音 /l/。这个单词的读音较为简单,但在英语中正确发音仍然很重要。英语常见单词发音指南,如何正确发音英语单词:1、学习英语单词的正确发音是提高口语和听力能力的重要一步。建议学习者通过模仿母语人士的发音,或使用语音识别软件来纠正发音错误。2、在发音过程中,可以通过注意语音连读和重音位置来帮助自己更好地理解和表达单词和句子。3、另外,不同方言和口音的存在可能会导致相同单词的发音略有不同。因此,了解常见方言和口音的发音规律也有助于提高英语语音能力。



elementary school怎么读

Elementary school的读音是 [u02ccelu026au02c8mentu0259ri skuu02d0l],意思是“小学”。其中“elementary”读作[u02ccelu026au02c8mentu0259ri],意思是“基础的、初级的”“school”读作[skuu02d0l],意思是“学校”。拓展:除了Elementary school,还有其他的学校名词,例如:Middle school:中学,包括初中和高中。High school:高中,通常是指10年级到12年级的学校。College:大学,通常是指本科院校。University:大学,通常是指综合性大学,包括本科、研究生和博士生教育。清华大学Vocational school:职业学校,专门培养某些职业技能的学校。Art school:艺术学校,专门培养艺术人才的学校。Business school:商学院,专门培养商业管理人才的学校。Law school:法学院,专门培养法律人才的学校。Medical school:医学院,专门培养医学人才的学校。





Maroon 5的《Secret》 歌词

歌曲名:Secret歌手:Maroon 5专辑:Songs About JaneSecretMaroon 5 Watch the sunriseSay your goodbyesOff we goSome conversationNo contemplationHit the roadCar overheatsJump out of my seatOn the side of the highway babyOur road is longYour hold is strongPlease don"t ever let go Oh NoI know I don"t know youBut I want you so badEveryone has a secretOh can they keep itOh No they can"tI"m driving fast nowDon"t think I know how to go slowWhere you at nowI feel aroundThere you areCool these enginesCalm these jetsI ask you how hot can it getAnd as you wipe of beads of sweatSlowly you say "I"m not there yet!"I know I don"t know youBut I want you so badEveryone has a secretBut can they keep itOh, no they can"tI know I don"t know youBut I want you so badEveryone has a secretBut can they keep itOh, no they can"thttp://music.baidu.com/song/8182426
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