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too small a room 还是 a too small room

a room too small


It"s too small 太小了

Your dick is too small!


where love is , no room is too small


the room is too small to hold 2200 and people.

(isn"t big enough ) 这句话的意思是:这间房子对于住10个人来说太小了(不是足够的大).) 1.too.to(太...而不能.) 2.isn"t + 形容词 + enough + to do something.(是它的同义句,指不是足够的.去.) 此乃小女子之见解, 就是这样子的吧!


填写: one.The T-shirt are too small. Do you have big one?这件T-桖太小了。 你有大件的吗?

the shoes are too small. they___be mine.

B 表推测的肯定是 must 但是如果是表否定的推测的话 就是can的否定形式 希望能够帮到楼主

the house is too small to live

哈哈…… The house is too small to live in只能改成The house is too small for living ! for 后面只能加名词或相当于名词的词组! for living in 显然不对!我们老师整天强调D

"No business too small, no problem too big"是什么意思?


No task is too big and no detail too small.什么意思


it is too small for me

表示的是对象,意思是“对于我来说这太小了”.如:It is important for us to learn English well.中to do结构是真正的主语,这件事的对象是us,也可以说learn English well的执行者是us

never too small to dream big什么意思

never too small to dream big不要太小,大的梦想请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

Cool Hand Luke的《Sequence》 歌词

歌曲名:Sequence歌手:Cool Hand Luke专辑:the fires of lifeSequenceby Cool Hand LukeI never truly lived until I died with YouI never truly lived until I died with YouYou came and changed my lifeYou came to save my lifeYou turned Your ear and You heard me (Psalm 116:1,2)Why can"t I feel what I believe?Veni sancte SpirtusVeni sancte Spirtus?You came and changed my lifeYou came and saved my lifeWhat can I sing to give you my heartTo give up the things that tear us apartWho am I that You died for meTouched my lips and let me singSimple words for simple truthI never lived till I died withYouI almost forgotYou"re my one,You"re my one good thing (Psalm 16:2)You"re my reason,My reason to singI never really lived until I died with Youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/23595449

这句英语不懂no detail was too small to warrant…?


proteus仿真中老是出现 timestep is too small ,我修改了timestep,也把电阻从改成digital了但仿真仍中断


No job too big or too small 什么意思


i is too small to hold many people 翻译

The room is too small to hold so many people.同义句 The room is not ( large / big enough ) to hold so many people. 如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助, 请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,

there什么too small

B 就是翻译成空间的意思.


My shoes are not too big.

lt is too small.改为复数句怎么写

they are to small

no help is too small啥意思意思


the room is too small _____. 填to live 还是to live in ?

to live in

my old shoes are too small

1. 你老师说得对,此句的them的确多余,必须去掉. 2. 解释: 1)原因很简单,因为to put on中put on的宾语就是句子的主语my shoes. 如果再用them的话,就和句子主语my shoes就重复了. 除非这里有两个句子,才可以再用them来代指my shoes. 3)例如: My shoes are too small to put on. = My shoes are so samll that I can"t put them on. 第二句就含有一个that引导的结果状语从句,此时就必须加上them,因为此句中put on的宾语不能缺少.

this is() hat. lts too small

This isn"t my hat. 这不是我的帽子。It"s too small. 它太小了。

the lamp was too small改为否定句?

否定句:The lamp wasn"t too small.望采纳。

7.The dress is too small (提问两种)

How is the dress?What about the dress?


连词成句,成为肯定句:Her shoes are too small.她的鞋子太小。


They"re too small它们太小了。

a little too small

选b too small太小 (too“太”) a little 在此只是起修饰的作用 修饰too 这条裤子虽然有点小 ,但是TOM一点都不介意

quite small 与 too small 的区别 如题

quite small 是说比较小但是不至于小到离谱,too small 意思就是太小了.

the hole is too small

that不在句首一般都可以省. The hole (isn"t big enough for) such a fat panda to go through. =The hole (is too small for) such a fat panda to go through.

far too small

too...to 太...以至于不能...不支持Basilosaurus在陆地上 far too small to have...表示太小了以至于不能支持..

they are too small主谓

fit 衣服大小的合适,用fit

too small a car/very small a car/a too small car/such small a car哪个表达正确,原因

a too small car

Our flat is too small. We need a bigger one 怎么回答?

It"s a good idea.But we need more money to make it true. We can plan it as soon as we have the ability对方既然说flat公寓太小 想更换一个更大的 那你就该从现实出发 说明换大公寓需要更多的钱 其实更现实的就是钱不够 否则你早就计划更换了

Give she a big cup ,this one is too small,这句话对吗?

首先这是两句话,不能用逗号。其次,give是动词,后面应该加宾格her而不是 she.还有,这有比较级,应该用bigger.

英语rather too small的rather怎么翻译?

rather too small的rather翻译为宁愿

—Could we stay here for the night?—Sorry. I have ____ to hold you all. A.too small a room B

A 本题考查形容词与too连用时的特殊词序。当形容词与too,how, as, so连用时,词序是:too/how/as/too+形容词+a/an+名词。需要注意的是,该结构必须有冠词。B、D则应分别改为:a very small room; such a small room .故选A。

this shirt is too small对too small划线提问

This shirt is too small.I can"t 【wear 穿】it.衬衫太小了,我穿不上它. ----------------------------------- 满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

They‘re too small 变为单数句子

It"s too small.



英语题,实在搞不清,该不会答案是too small吧

not large?

no favor is too small什么意思?

你好,很高兴为你解答:没有人情太小词汇favor喜爱,宠爱,好感,赞同; 偏袒,偏爱; 善行,恩惠; 赞同; 喜爱,偏爱; 有利于,便于too太,过于,过度; 也; 又; 还; 而且


too 太修饰形容词或副词But it"s too small.但它太小了。


too与small tall good不同。small tall good是形容词,too是副词。

this one is too small for me to work at句法分析?

主系表结构。this one 主语is系动词too small表语剩余的是状语。意思是,这一个太小,我穿不了。





Those shoes are __small为什么填too



 too 副词,修饰形容词small,所以要放在它前面为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

quite small 与 too small 的区别

quite 表示“相当/非常/很”这些意思,强调某事物确实很小,too 就带有一点的感情色彩,表示不满,负面意义,译作“太”。所以,两者的却别在于“quite small”偏中性“too small”偏贬义

用too small造句5句?

The schoolbag is too small to hold my books.




too small 太小

so small 和too small的意思?

意思是 太小。

hala food 什么意思

hala应该是一个名称 应该是HALA食品

他投篮偷得很准,这两种说法都对吗? he shoots accurately his shot is accurate

我觉得accurate比较中文化了,,,最好用:Got a great shot 之类的把。。

halfway decent looking 什么意思





呵呵,说得真是好听,一分也不悬赏。不过还是告诉你了,呵呵……【解决问题】安装时不要装在中文目录即可解决你所说的问题,与版本无关。比如安装时选择路径为:D:cool3d 这样就可以了。【新版推荐】 目前最新最好的版本我可以自信地说猎人亮剑版最好,因为这个软件是我汉化,我打包的。这是软件的地址:http://cslrstudio.blog.163.com/blog/static/7928770520088199341501/ 里面有截图,你完全可以把3.5版的COOL3D删掉了。


COOL3DSTUDIO猎人亮剑绿色完美版http://cslrstudio.blog.163.com/blog/static/7928770520088199341501/ 这事新的 你那个事旧版

我刚装了一个Ulead COOL 3D 3.5怎么不能用其中的功能呀!

【解决办法】 你安装时不要装在中文目录,即可解决。比如安装时选择路径为:D:cool3d 这样就可以了。官方的3.5版是这样,最新的cool3dstudio1.0也是这样,都不可以安装在中文目录。 【新版推荐】 其实在去年已经有新版本了,也就是上面说到的cool3dstudio1.0。目前最好的汉化版我可以自信地说猎人亮剑版最好,因为这个软件是我汉化,我打包的。这是软件的地址:http://cslrstudio.blog.163.com/blog/static/7928770520088199341501/ 里面有截图,你完全可以把3.5版的COOL3D删掉了。 【教程推荐】 我也以亮剑版为蓝本制作了教程。买不买随你了,呵呵……http://cslrstudio.blog.163.com/blog/static/79287705200872754244266【联系猎人】 qq:504645410

ulead cool 3d找不到指定模块


COOL 3D EnVector是个什么软件?


COOL 3D猎人亮剑版的汉化补丁应该安装在哪

呵呵,你找对人了,看来你没有去过我的博客吧!汉化补丁已经过时了,直到搞了亮剑完美版后就没有更新过这个,所以亮剑完美版在某些地方要比那个汉化补丁更完善. 网易博客不让链,贴个百度地址:http://hi.baidu.com/cslrstudios

用Ulead cool 3d 编辑的立体文字文件在“会声会影”中如何使用?






Sentenced的《Noose》 歌词

歌曲名:Noose歌手:Sentenced专辑:Kaikkien Aikojen SuomimetallitNooseThe OffspringSplinterWell our souls are all mistaken in the same misguided wayWe all end up forsaken, we"re just choosing our own wayThe future now incinerates before our very eyesAnd leaves us with emptiness of no more triesWell our visions of glory have spiraled down the drainThe best of our intentions come crashing down in flamesThe depths of our despair we are unable to containIt"s shallow livingThe noose is fallingAnd all my friends are crawlingThe noose is fallingAnd enemies are risingA truth appallingOur mak"r comes a callingThe noose is fallingAnd enemies are risingWell the tracers from yesteryear are burning in the dustYour bruises are reminders of naivete and trustYou"re only feeling stronger cause your body"s getting numbNow I lay you downPut the coins in your eyesAnd blow the candles outThe noose is fallingAnd all my friends are crawlingThe noose is fallingAnd enemies are risingA truth appallingOur mak"r comes a callingThe noose is fallingAnd enemies are risingThe noose is fallingAnd all my friends are crawlingThe noose is fallingAnd enemies are risingA truth appallingOur mak"r comes a callingThe noose is fallingAnd enemies are risingNo more!No more!Nothing!No more!No more!Ever!No!More!No!More!The noose is fallingAnd all my friends are crawlingThe noose is fallingAnd enemies are risingA truth appallingOur mak"r comes a callingThe noose is fallingAnd enemies are risingThe noose is fallingAnd all my friends are crawlingThe noose is fallingAnd enemies are risinghttp://music.baidu.com/song/8943988

Coffee Spoon 歌词

歌曲名:Coffee Spoon歌手:Cold War Kids专辑:Behave YourselfCold War Kids - Coffee SpoonI can argue with the mimeI can argue with the mimehe is reading me the riot actevery lineevery lawyer in his primeevery lawyer in his primegets nostalgic for the bar"snaivete to crimeascetics wring their handsthis decadent misuseinside my china roomyou are my coffee spoonmy indulgence is a jokeand while everybody laughsI"m clipping couponsand saving my breathI was celebrating Lentwith a candle in a tentwhen you came and snatched me upout of retirementnow I"m buying finer clothesin department store windowsthrowing credit cards downnever raise my voicehttp://music.baidu.com/song/25906864

Coffee Spoon 歌词

歌曲名:Coffee Spoon歌手:Cold War Kids专辑:Behave YourselfCold War Kids - Coffee SpoonI can argue with the mimeI can argue with the mimehe is reading me the riot actevery lineevery lawyer in his primeevery lawyer in his primegets nostalgic for the bar"snaivete to crimeascetics wring their handsthis decadent misuseinside my china roomyou are my coffee spoonmy indulgence is a jokeand while everybody laughsI"m clipping couponsand saving my breathI was celebrating Lentwith a candle in a tentwhen you came and snatched me upout of retirementnow I"m buying finer clothesin department store windowsthrowing credit cards downnever raise my voicehttp://music.baidu.com/song/25906864

高分求Gran Torino- Clint Eastwood & Jamie Cullum歌词大意

Gran Torino 老爷车(Jamie Cullum & Clint Eastwood)So tenderly 如此温和your story is 你的故事只是nothing more than what you see 你所见到的和你所做过的事情or what you"ve done or will become 你会变得坚强standing strong do you belong 你会表里如一in your skin; just wondering 只是还有点怀疑gentle now the tender breeze blows 微风轻轻地吹whispers through my Gran Torino 飒飒吹过我的老爷车whistling another tired song 吹哨着另一首疲惫的歌engine hums and bitter dreams grow 引擎嗡鸣 苦涩的梦继续heart locked in a Gran Torino 心锁于老爷车it beats a lonely rhythm all night long 整晚敲击孤独的节奏it beats a lonely rhythm all night long 整晚敲击孤独的节奏it beats a lonely rhythm all night long 整晚敲击孤独的节奏[*sung by Jamie Cullum*]Realign all the stars above my head 重新排列头顶上的所有星星Warning signs travel far 警告牌越行越远I drink instead on my own Oh! how I"ve known 我借酒消愁the battle scars and worn out beds 我多么熟悉战争的伤痕和磨损的睡床gentle now the tender breeze blows 微风轻轻地吹whispers through my Gran Torino 飒飒吹过我的老爷车whistling another tired song 吹哨着另一首疲惫的歌engines hum and bitter dreams grow 引擎嗡鸣 苦涩的梦继续heart locked in a Gran Torino 心锁于老爷车it beats a lonely rhythm all night long 整晚敲击孤独的节奏these streets are old they shine 这些街道都老了with the things I"ve known 我熟悉的那些事物闪耀着光and breaks through the trees 闪闪光辉穿过树丛their sparklingyour world is nothing more than all the tiny things you"ve left behind你的世界不过是你抛弃的那些微小的事物So tenderly 如此温和your story is 你的故事只是nothing more than what you see 你所见到的和你所做过的事情or what you"ve done or will become 你会变得坚强standing strong do you belong 你会表里如一in your skin; just wondering 只是还有点怀疑gentle now the tender breeze blows 微风轻轻地吹whispers through my Gran Torino 飒飒吹过我的老爷车whistling another tired song 吹哨着另一首疲惫的歌engines hum and bitter dreams grow 引擎嗡鸣苦涩的梦继续heart locked in a Gran Torino 心锁于老爷车it beats a lonely rhythm all night long 整晚敲击孤独的节奏may I be so bold and stay 我可以鲁莽地留下来吗I need someone to hold 我需要一个可以拥抱的人that shudders my skin 使我的肌肤战悚their sparkling 的是他们的光芒your world is nothing more than all the tiny things you"ve left behind你的世界不过是你抛弃的那些微小的事物Realign all the stars above my head 重新排列头顶上的所有星星Warning signs travel far 警告牌越行越远I drink instead on my own Oh! how I"ve known 我借酒消愁the battle scars and worn out beds 我多么熟悉战争的伤痕和磨损的睡床gentle now the tender breeze blows 微风轻轻地吹whispers through my Gran Torino 飒飒吹过我的老爷车whistling another tired song 吹哨着另一首疲惫的歌engines hum and bitter dreams grow 引擎嗡鸣 苦涩的梦继续heart locked in a Gran Torino 心锁于老爷车it beats a lonely rhythm all night long 整晚敲击孤独的节奏it beats a lonely rhythm all night long 整晚敲击孤独的节奏it beats a lonely rhythm all night long 整晚敲击孤独的节奏


“根” 根Roots(1977) 导演: Marvin J. Chomsky 约翰·尔曼 John Erman 演员: Maya Angelou .....Nyo Boto Ji-Tu Cumbuka .....Wrestler Moses Gunn .....Kintango Thalmus Rasulala .....Omoro (Kunta"s father) Hari Rhodes .....Brima Cesay (as Harry Rhodes) William Watson .....Gardner Ren Woods .....Fanta LeVar Burton .....Kunta Kinte/Toby Reynolds 爱德华·阿斯纳 Edward Asner .....Capt. Thomas Davies OJ·辛普森 O.J. Simpson .....Kadi Touray 根 "Roots"剧情简介: 1 噩运当头 1750年,在西非冈比亚,一黑人男婴呱呱落地,奥摩罗骄傲地为儿子取名为昆塔·肯特。宾娜和奥摩罗看着他们的儿子一天天长大,心中无比欣慰。16岁的 肯特和其他男孩一起,离开家人,跟随部落中德高望重的前辈在森林中学习生存技艺。然而,不幸的肯特在一次独自外出时,被白人奴隶贩子抓住。 17岁的肯特就这样被一根索链剥夺了他作为人的自由、权利与尊严,像牲口一样被野蛮地带上了去美洲大陆的轮船。他离开了熟悉的鼓声、熟悉的黑非洲。离开了父母、亲人,和周围同他一样命运的人们,开始了屈辱而悲惨的奴隶生涯。然而,从这一刻起,争取自由的火焰在昆塔·肯特心中如此强烈而执着地燃起。 2 逃离雷诺兹 在轮船上,昆塔·肯特和其他黑人遭到残酷的虐待。到达目的地安那波利斯,昆塔被卖给了弗吉尼亚的姻草庄园主雷诺兹。雷诺兹规定黑人奴隶不能用原来的姓名,昆塔被改名叫做托比。昆塔在这儿遇到了他一生中的第一个也是唯一一个朋友,弗德拉。当昆塔了解到心爱的女伴芬塔被卖到了离他不到20英里的另一个庄园时,他决定出逃,去找芬塔,一起回非洲。然而在出逃途中他被艾密司抓了回来,在烈日下遭到严刑拷打。艾密司还强迫昆塔承认自己的名字叫托比。 3 破灭的挣扎 1776年,26岁的昆塔·肯特争取自由的梦想依然那么强烈。然而这次的出逃使他付出的代价是被砍去了右脚的五个脚趾,使得他再也无法逃跑。黑人女奴贝拉精心照料他,并鼓励他站起来,迈动双脚。时光过去两年,昆塔成了庄园主的车夫,还知道了一些庄园主的秘密,例如,庄园主和他兄弟的妻子在郊外偷情。在费德拉的撮合下,昆塔和贝拉结为夫妻。而昆塔为了争取自由仍然计划出逃,但是因为贝拉怀有身孕,昆塔只能痛苦地放弃了他一生中最后的机会。 4 岁月依旧 1806年,昆塔和贝拉的女儿凯丝已经是一个16岁的少女。凯丝和黑人奴隶诺阿相爱。而诺阿不甘自己奴隶的命运,决定逃走。正当凯丝一家为逃走的诺阿暗暗高兴时,诺阿却被抓回了庄园。原来要给安妮小姐作贴身女仆的凯丝,因帮助诺阿逃跑,被卖给了另一个庄园主马萨·摩拉。当晚,马萨·摩拉强暴了凯丝。 二十多年后,凯丝的儿子切金·乔治成为了两个孩子的父亲,他们依然住在马萨·摩拉庄园。切金·乔治一直不明白自己的身世,觉得马萨·摩拉对自己就像父亲一样好,而母亲凯丝警告儿子不要相信马萨·摩拉的鬼话和诺言。凯丝终于在不得以的情况下,痛苦地告诉儿子马萨·摩拉是他的父亲。切金·乔治这才认清了这个老恶棍的嘴脸。 5 重返家园 为了抵马萨·摩拉的欠债,切金·乔治被送去英格兰服役,条件是他回来后,成为一个自由人。十七年后,乔治回到了妻子的身边,儿子和女儿都已长在成人,亲人相见百感交集。儿子汤姆是个铁匠,已经是两个孩子的父亲。然而,乔治获得自由的证书,被镇上两个种族歧视的白人视为是一名不文的东西,深深刺伤了父子二人。乔治再次告别妻子和孩子们,要为他们找回真正的自由。此时美国内战爆发。 6 告别苦难 美国内战结束,南方失败,奴隶制废除,黑人奴隶在法律上真正获得了自由。庄园主马萨·哈威要离开庄园,他告诉黑人们可以留在庄园,或者跟他走。汤姆一家为了等候父亲乔治归来,决定留在庄园。一天夜间,几个蒙面人放火要加害汤姆一家。汤姆和几个小伙计一起查找这伙蒙面人,却惨遭毒打。父亲乔治突然出现在家人的面前,他们惩罚了作恶多端的埃文·布伦。全家起程去新的地方开辟自己的家园,乔治将这个家族黑非洲的历史一一告诉他的后代,并让他们要永远牢记一个名字—昆塔·肯特! —————————————————————————————— 断锁怒潮 Amistad 导 演: 史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格Steven Spielberg 主 演: 摩根·弗里曼Morgan Freeman 奈杰尔·霍桑Nigel Hawthorn 安东尼·霍普金斯Anthony Hopkins 首映日期: 1997 影片类型: 动作 / 影片时长: 2:34:43 1839年夏,关着53名非洲黑人的西班牙运奴船“阿米斯塔德号”行驶到距古巴海岸不远处,遇上狂风暴雨。黑奴首领辛克带头造反,以武力控制了全船。他们只有一个目的:返回家园。“阿米斯塔德号”在美洲东海岸漂流两个月,在美国康涅狄格州海岸被美国海军拦截。53名非洲人以谋杀船员的罪名被起诉。一开始,废奴运动的积极分子请来伶牙利齿的青年律师罗杰.鲍德温,证明这些黑人来自非洲,而在当时contraband黑奴已是非法行为,于是在法院获判无罪。但后来,代表南方保守势力的人又将此案上诉至最高法院,对立的两股政治势力要借这个案件一争高下......
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