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boot.inf 里的timeout=-1 是什么意思呀


secure boot是什么意思?

“secure boot mode”是启动安全引导模式。有不少网友反映在升级Win8.1后,桌面右下角一直有“SecureBoot未正确设置”的提示,非常烦人,那么怎么去掉或者隐藏这个呢?下面为大家介绍下目前比较不错的解决方法,大家可以参考下。桌面右下角显示“SecureBoot未正确配置 build9600”解决办法第一种模式BIOS:在将Secure Boot设置为Enabled后,Secure Boot Status依然为关闭状态。步骤1:在机器重启至bios界面时,不停敲击“F2”键或“Del”键进入BIOS,不同主板按键不一样,大家可以注意bios下方一般有按键提示。进入bios之后,选择Security选项,选择Reset to Setup Mode并敲回车,选择YES并按下“回车”键;步骤2:选择Restore Factory Keys并敲回车,选择YES并按下“回车”键;步骤3:按F9或FN+F9恢复BIOS默认设置;步骤4:按F10或FN+F10保存退出,并不停敲击“F2”键或“Fn+F2”键进入BIOS。检查Secure Boot Status,此时应已经变为Enabled状态,保存退出即可;步骤5:进入系统后就会发现桌面右下角显示的“SecureBoot未正确配置”提示消息消失了。第二种模式的BIOS:在Security菜单项下Secure Boot Status为关闭状态,且不可更改。如下图:步骤1:在机器重启至bios界面时,不停敲击“F2”键或“Fn+F2”键进入BIOS。选择Boot菜单项,并将Boot Mode选项选择为UEFI模式;步骤2:选择Exit菜单项,并将OS Optimized Defaults选项选择为WIN8 64bit模式;步骤3:按F10或FN+F10保存退出,并不停敲击“F2”键或“Fn+F2”键进入BIOS;步骤4:此时再检查Security菜单项下Secure Boot Status即为开启状态;步骤5:进入系统后就会发现桌面右下角显示的“SecureBoot未正确配置”提示消息消失了。



secure boot control是什么意思?

secure boot control的意思是安全引导控制。secure boot在计算机中是uefi设置中的一个子规则,简单的来说就是一个 参数设置选项,它的作用体现在主板上只能加载经过认证过的操作系统或者硬件驱动程序,从而防止恶意软件侵入。更多的人认为,这是微软为了防止安装Windows操作系统的电脑改装linux。微软设计Secure Boot的原本用意是出于对系统安全的保护,但却成了PC厂商保护市场垄断、阻碍竞争的一种手段。扩展资料secure root的利与弊uefi中规定主板出厂的时候可以内置一些可靠的公钥, 其本意是让通过认证的操作系统和软件程序可以执行操作。而事实上,微软所内置的secure roo则主要体现在垄断性,微软要求,所有预装Windows 8的OEM厂商必须内置Windows公钥,前提是必须打开Secure Boot。但为了避免受到反垄断起诉,微软明确规定,所有PC主板必须带有关闭Secure Boot的选项,这是我们在主板上看到这个选项的根本原因。而secure root则直接与Linux或其它操作系统进行对峙的状态,所以很多用户安装不了Linux系统都与这个secure root有着直接关系。微软为了避免被反垄断起诉,从而将这些关键性的东西给予外包公司进行操作。

Secure BOOT是什么,有什么作用?

Secure BOOT作用:Secure BOOT设计之初作用是防止恶意软件侵入。事实上它能够做到的仅仅是,当电脑引导器被病毒修改之后,它会给出提醒并拒绝启动,避免可能带来的进一步损失。更多的人认为,这是微软为了防止安装Windows操作系统的电脑改装linux。客观的讲,微软设计Secure Boot的原本用意可能是出于保证系统安全,但结果似乎成了PC厂商保护市场垄断、阻碍竞争的一种手段。Secure Boot是UEFI BIOS的一个子规则,位于传统(Legacy)BIOS的BOOT选项下,微软规定,所有预装Win8操作系统的厂商(即OEM厂商)都必须打开Secure Boot(在主板里面内置Win8的公钥)。部分主板该选项是Secure Boot Contrl,位于Security选项下。预装Win8系统电脑,一旦关闭这个功能(将其设置为“Disabled"),将导致无法进入系统。

secure boot mode是什么意思

“secure boot mode”是启动安全引导模式。有不少网友反映在升级Win8.1后,桌面右下角一直有“SecureBoot未正确设置”的提示,非常烦人,那么怎么去掉或者隐藏这个呢?下面为大家介绍下目前比较不错的解决方法,大家可以参考下。桌面右下角显示“SecureBoot未正确配置 build9600”解决办法第一种模式BIOS:在将Secure Boot设置为Enabled后,Secure Boot Status依然为关闭状态。步骤1:在机器重启至bios界面时,不停敲击“F2”键或“Del”键进入BIOS,不同主板按键不一样,大家可以注意bios下方一般有按键提示。进入bios之后,选择Security选项,选择Reset to Setup Mode并敲回车,选择YES并按下“回车”键;步骤2:选择Restore Factory Keys并敲回车,选择YES并按下“回车”键;步骤3:按F9或FN+F9恢复BIOS默认设置;步骤4:按F10或FN+F10保存退出,并不停敲击“F2”键或“Fn+F2”键进入BIOS。检查Secure Boot Status,此时应已经变为Enabled状态,保存退出即可;步骤5:进入系统后就会发现桌面右下角显示的“SecureBoot未正确配置”提示消息消失了。第二种模式的BIOS:在Security菜单项下Secure Boot Status为关闭状态,且不可更改。如下图:步骤1:在机器重启至bios界面时,不停敲击“F2”键或“Fn+F2”键进入BIOS。选择Boot菜单项,并将Boot Mode选项选择为UEFI模式;步骤2:选择Exit菜单项,并将OS Optimized Defaults选项选择为WIN8 64bit模式;步骤3:按F10或FN+F10保存退出,并不停敲击“F2”键或“Fn+F2”键进入BIOS;步骤4:此时再检查Security菜单项下Secure Boot Status即为开启状态;步骤5:进入系统后就会发现桌面右下角显示的“SecureBoot未正确配置”提示消息消失了。


品牌型号:漫步者音箱 系统:R101V audioout接口是音频输出口的意思。可以通过该接口连接功放、外接喇叭。简单来说,音频接口是连接麦克风和其他声源与计算机的设备,其在模拟和数字信号之间起到了桥梁连接的作用。音频接口通常与前置麦克风、线路输入和其他一系列的输入设备配合使用。 audio接口是音频插孔,即音频接口,可分为audioin接口和audioout接口。音频接口是连接麦克风和其他声源与计算机的设备,其在模拟和数字信号之间起到了桥梁连接的作用。 audio in接口可将计算机、录像机等的音频信号输入进来,通过自带扬声器播放,并且可以接入任何支持的音频设备。通常带有录音功能的迷你组合音响,都有此接口。

secure boot control是什么意思,有什么用?

1、安全引导:微软解释:"安全启动(SecureBoot),防止未经授权的引导装载程序(OS Loader)在BIOS中启动,UEFI只允许启动通过认证的引导装载程序,而恶意软件则无法再利用这种方法攻击用户。以提升运行Windows 8.1和Windows RT 8.1的PC的安全性。2、Launch CSM:CSM全名Compatibility Support Module即兼容性支持模块,是UEFI的一个特殊模块,对于不支持UEFI的系统提供兼容性支持。引导有UEFI引导模式和传统Legacy引导默认(mbr) ,该项禁止时,关闭了传统模式引导。当操作系统以传统模式引导时,不能正常进行引导。

Secure BOOT是什么,Secure BOOT的作用是什么

一、Secure BOOT是什么Secure Boot是UEFI BIOS的一个子规则,位于传统(Legacy)BIOS的BOOT选项下,微软规定,所有预装Win8操作系统的厂商都必须打开Secure Boot。部分主板该选项是Secure Boot Contrl,位于Security选项下。预装Win8系统电脑,一旦关闭这个功能,将导致无法进入系统。二、Secure BOOT的作用Secure BOOT设计之初作用是防止恶意软件侵入。事实上它能够做到的仅仅是,当电脑引导器被病毒修改之后,它会给出提醒并拒绝启动,避免可能带来的进一步损失。

Secure BOOT是什么,有什么作用?

从字面意思来讲,Secure Boot是安全启动的意思。在主板Bios设置中,Secure Boot是UEFI BIOS的一个子规则,位于传统(Legacy)BIOS的BOOT选项下,微软规定所有预装Win8操作系统的厂商(即OEM厂商)都必须打开Secure Boot(在主板里面内置Win8的公钥)。部分主板该选项是Secure Boot Contrl,位于Security选项下。Secure BOOT设计之初作用是防止恶意软件侵入。事实上它能够做到的仅仅是,当电脑引导器被病毒修改之后,它会给出提醒并拒绝启动,避免可能带来的进一步损失。BIOS中Secure Boot无法更改解决办法在Win8系统中,需要开启Secure Boot才行,而一些预装的win8、win10电脑bios默认开启的是Secure Boot,但如果打算降级win7系统的话则需要将关闭Secure Boot。对于Secure Boot无法更改,可以通过以下方法解决。方法一:1、按电脑启动快捷键F2/Del等按键进入BIOS设置,各品牌电脑进入BIOS设置方法;2、找到OS Optimized Defaults,设置成Disabled或Other OS;3、如果依然显示灰色,则Load Default Settings恢复默认设置。方法二:1、部分品牌电脑需设置BIOS密码才能修改BIOS选项;2、在Security中选择Set Supervisor Password,按回车键设置密码。

hachi,good boy come on ,oh i like it翻译成中文是什么意思?

hachi,good boy come on ,oh i like hachi,乖孩子来吧,哦,我喜欢 这是句来自欧美电影的台词——《忠犬八公的故事》,是个让人感动到落泪的电影, hachi就是那条小狗的名字 忠犬八公的故事 - 剧情 故事讲述理查·基尔饰演的大学教授收养了一只小秋田犬,取名“八公”.之后的每天,八公早上将教授送到车站,傍晚等待教授一起回家.不幸的是,教授因病辞世,再也没有回到车站,然而八公在之后的9年时间里依然每天按时在车站等待,直到最后死去.


I read my book in the morning.意思是:我在早晨读(我的)书。





in the morning, in the afternoon 是应该 用什么时态?


英语当中in the morning,in the afternoon, in the evening,at night分别是几点到几点?


英语当中in the morning,in the afternoon, in the evening,at night分别是几点到几点?

in the morning 从凌晨十二点整开始到中午十一点五十九分。in the afternoon 从中午十二点整到下午三点五十九分。in the evening 从下午四点整到晚上八点五十九分。at night 从晚上九点整到夜里十一点五十九分。

THE ANIMATION Bloom.2「メモリー」的ed

我这里有哇 给个邮箱我发给你 满意请采纳

on the morning 和in the morning 的区别? afternoon 和n


in the morning, in the afternoon 是应该 用什么时态?



高达SEED为什么叫SEEDSEED是SEED基因—全称“Superior Evolutionary Element Destined-factor”的缩写,即高度进化型人工遗传因数。在那个时代是否存在仍然未能证明它的存在,因此还是假说上的存在。但是拥有SEED的人,意味著拥有“让人类进化至上一阶段” 的可能性。而是否持有SEED,是与身为自然人还是调整者无关。现还无人发现此基因片段,似乎某些DNA解析专家已经发现此片段,但仍然属於少数人,没有达成共识,还无法进行基因调整。所以代表调整者,也就是说明人类有关基因方面的战争高达OO为什么叫00看第一季最后一集结尾的地方 第一部搭载太阳炉的高达叫高达O 还有一部新型的叫高达OO 估计在第二季要大显神威 就象之前的高达Z、高达ZZ,高达Wing,都是用最牛X的高达来为片子命名的,高达OO也一样 还有OO和oo,一个是大写、一个是小写,都是英文字母的O不是数字的0以上



Never Too Much 歌词

歌曲名:Never Too Much歌手:Luther Vandross专辑:Forever Friends - Mum In A MillionAlbum:Super HitsTitle:Never Too MuchI can"t fool myself, I don"t want nobody else to ever love meYou are my shinin" star, my guiding light, my love fantasyThere"s not a minute, hour, day or night that I don"t love youYou"re at the top of my list ‘cause I"m always thinkin" of youI still remember in the days when I scared to touch youHow I spent my day dreamin" plannin" how to say I love youYou must have known that I had feelings deep enough to swim inThat"s when you opened up your heart and you told me to come inOh, my loveA thousand kisses from you is never too muchI just don"t wanna stopA million days in your arms is never too muchToo much, never too much, never too much, never too muchWoke up today, looked at your picture just to get me startedI called you up, but you weren"t there and I was broken heartedHung up the phone, can"t be too late, the boss is so demandin"Opened the door up and to my surprise there you were standin"Who needs to go to work to hustle for another dollarI"d rather be with you ‘cause you make my heart scream and hollerLove is a gamble and I"m so glad that I am winnin"We"ve come a long way and yet this is only the beginnin"(Never too much, never too much, never too much)And I just don"t wanna stopA thousand kisses from you is neverhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7500453

Melinda Doolittle的《Wonderful》 歌词

歌曲名:Wonderful歌手:Melinda Doolittle专辑:Coming Back to YouMelinda Doolittle - WonderfulFeels like I"ve seen you beforeMaybe in a past life, you were mine and I was yours"Cause the vibe we share feels so comfortableIs it possible someone could make me lose control?Look what you"ve done to me, finding it hard to breathe"Cause I just can"t believe you"re feeling me like I"m feeling youI had to pinch myself "cause nobody else has given me such a chillAnd made me feel the way that you doI just gotta let you know in case you didn"t knowI-I-I think you"re wonderfulThere"s this thing you do to meThat thing that makes me weakBaby I-I-I think you"re wonderfulQuestioning what this is, if it"s too good to be trueI don"t wanna fool myself "cause I"m fallin" hard for youGivin" me that old school love, sayin" I"m the only oneShowin" me in so many ways that you"re crazy for meLook what you"ve done to me, finding it hard to breathe"Cause I just can"t believe you"re feeling me like I"m feeling youI had to pinch myself "cause nobody else has given me such a chillAnd made me feel the way that you doI just gotta let you know in case you didn"t knowI-I-I think you"re wonderfulThere"s this thing you do to meThat thing that makes me weakBaby I-I-I think you"re wonderfulI"d go anywhere far away from hereIt would be okay as long as you are thereYou"ll take away my pain, I"ll never be the sameYou"ve got my heart baby and I just want to sayI just gotta let you know in case you didn"t knowI-I-I think you"re wonderfulThere"s this thing you do to meThat thing that makes me weakBaby I-I-I think you"re wonderfulI just gotta let you know in case you didn"t knowI-I-I think you"re wonderfulThere"s this thing you do to meThat thing that makes me weakhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2192197





Sweetbox的《Fool Again》 歌词

歌曲名:Fool Again歌手:Sweetbox专辑:Jade 音乐宝贝 Sweetbox - Fool AgainIve never been the type to carry on like thisAnd Ive never been the type to be a sucker for your shitSo I don"t know why do got me going insaneAnd I don"t know why you think you can just come here againI don"t wanna be your fool againno, noIm not gonna be your fool againno, noI don"t wanna be that dumb little girl you"re walking on againNo I wont be your fool againNo I wont be your fool againRemember that fightWe had last New Years EveWhen I slapped you in the face for calling me a sleazeEverybody just staredThey thought I was insaneBut they just don"t know how you got me so wrapped up in your gameOh, GodI don"t wanna be your fool againno, noIm not gonna be your fool againno, noI don"t wanna be that dumb little girl you"re walking on againNo I wont be your fool againNo I wont be your fool againI don"t wanna be your fool againno, noIm not gonna be your fool againno, noI don"t wanna be that dumb little girl you"re walking on againNo I wont be your fool againNo I wont be your fool againhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1332254


Jinusean的A-yo 网上很好找的

Sweetbox的《life is cool》歌词中文翻译

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 问题描述: Sweetbox-Life Is Cool (Music) I never really try to be positive I m too damn busy being negative So focused on what I get And never understand what it means to live You know we all love to just plain But maybe we should try to rearrange There s always someone Who s got it worse than you My life is so cool My life is so cool From a different point of view My life is so cool My life is so cool From a different point of view (Music) We re all so busy tryin to get ahead Got a pillow of fear when we go to bed We re never satisfied The grass is greener on the other side We re so distracted with the jealousy Fet it s in our hands to stop the agony Will you ever be content On your side of the fence? My life is so cool My life is so cool From a different point of view My life is so cool My life is so cool From a different point of view (Music) Maybe you re the guy who needs a second chance Maybe you re the girl who s never asked to dance Maybe you re lonely soul A single mother scared and all alone Gotta remember we live what we choose It s not what you say It s what you do And the life you want Is the life you have to make My life is so cool My life is so cool From a different point of view My life is so cool My life is so cool From a different point of view (End) 解析: 生活冷酷(糖果盒子)________我的翻译 我从没有试图真的积极 我他妈(damn是粗话,电影里经常翻译为:他妈的)的总沉沦在消极中 如此看重我得到了什么 我从未明白生活的实质 你知道我们都喜欢抱怨 但也许我们应该试着重新调整 总有人比我们过的更槽 我的生活如此冷酷,我的生活如此冷酷 是的,从一个不同的角度观察 我的生活如此冷酷,我的生活如此冷酷 是的,从一个不同的角度观察 我们都忙着争先恐后 睡觉的时候都一脑门官司(直译是:一枕头的担忧,中国人习惯说一脑门官司) 我们从不满足 得不到的总比得到的好(直译是:别的地方的草总是更绿) 这样容易被嫉妒左右 忘记了我们的苦恼正在自己的手中 你就不能满足于你已拥有的吗? 男孩,也许你需要第二次选择 女孩,你也许从未被邀请起舞 也许你有孤独的灵魂 如同一个单身母亲总是孤独担忧 记住我们的生活是我们自己所选 做什么比说什么重要 你想要的生活就是你要为之努力的生活 ________我在网上找到的翻译: I never really tried to be positive 我从来没有努力去拥有积极的态度 I"m too damn busy being negative 我一直纵容自己消极的沉沦 So focused on what I get 如此看重得失 I never understand what it means to live 却从未明白过生活的实质 You know we all love to just plain 我们都喜欢抱怨 But maybe we should try to rearrange 但是也许我们应该重新整理心思 There"s always someone who"s got it worse than you 世界上总有比我们更糟糕的人或事 My life is so cool, my life is so cool 我的生活如此冷酷 Oh yeah, from a different point of view 当你从另外的角度去审视 My life is so cool, my life is so cool 我的生活如此冷酷 Oh yeah, from a different point of view 当你从另外的角度去审视 We"re all so busy trying to get ahead 我们都忙于不落人后,忙于提高自己的素质 Got a pillow of fears when we go to bed 甚至在睡觉时都担心恐惧钻进自己的被子 We"re never satisfied 我们从不满足 The grass is greener on the other side 总期待着更高更好的位置 So distracted with our jealousy 嫉妒总在前头指使 Fet it"s in our hands to stop the agony 却忘记了我们自己就可以使这一切停止 Will you ever be content on your side of the fence? 你难道就不能真正满足于上帝给我们的恩赐? Maybe you"re the guy who needs a second chance 也许你需要人生的第二次选择 Maybe you"re the girl who"s never asked to dance 也许你从来未被大家重视 Maybe you"re a lonely soul 也许你有孤独的灵魂 A single mother scared and all alone 如同单身母亲心里恐惧的对生活的未知 Gotta remember we live what we choose 你要记住我们的生活是我们自己选择的方式 It"s not what you say, it"s what you do 少说多做永远是正确的path And the life you want is the life you have to make 想过什么样的生活,就一定要为它奋斗不止


歌曲名:BOOM-HAH-BOOM-HAH-HAH歌手:雅-miyavi-专辑:AZN PRIDE-THIS IZ THE JAPANESE KABUKI ROCK-雅-miyavi- - BOOM-HAH-BOOM-HAH-HAH作词:雅-miyavi-/TYKO作曲:雅-miyavi-踊りなHONEYもっと淫らに吐息络まして SHAKE×2 UR BODY朝までPARTY 乱痴気騒ぎ本能のままに LET"S SPEND THE NITE一晩中 耳元でMC爱を挿入 MY MIC TECHNIQUE瞳 そらさずに もっと、そうCHECK ME吸い込まれそうさ YOU"RE SO SEXYWE"RE ONE 一つになってTOO COOL なこの夜にLET"S GET FREE 裸のままFORGET IT 抱き合えばBECOME ONE 何もかもTONIGHT"S THE NIGHT 忘れられるさPLZ STAY W/ME 夜明けまでTHE WHOLE NITE LONG 踊り明かそうぜLET"S GO CRAZY踊りなHONEYもっと淫らに吐息络まして SHAKE×2 UR BODY朝までPARTY 乱痴気騒ぎ本能のままに LET"S SPEND THE NITE所诠 俺らPARTY ANIMAL 欲深き猿お手々叩いて LET"S FALL IN LOVEI KNOW U WANNA 爱のBANANA空しいかな BUT IT"S 悲しい性 HUH...WE GET FUNKY WE ALSO 健全な男子美射涂を感じて まるでJUNKYたまには乱心 烦悩でDANCINGEVERYBODY IZ LIKE A CRAZY MONKEYWE"RE ONE 一つになってTOO COOL なこの夜にLET"S GET FREE 裸のままFORGET IT 抱き合えばBECOME ONE 何もかもTONIGHT"S THE NIGHT 忘れられるさPLZ STAY W/ME 夜明けまでTHE WHOLE NITE LONG 踊り明かそうぜU ONLY LIVE ONCE人生なんて楽しんでなんぼじゃんね。THAT"S WHY SUCH A LIFEこんな夜は満月のせいにして着饰ってるもんも テメーで作ったその壳もGET RID OF IT ALL 全部とっぱらっていっそ壊してしまえばいいそしたら朝日も优しく迎えてくれるはずさ

The job __too demanding ,he quit it and found

答案是 A,being 现在分词的独立主格结构 作状语如果选D ,则是并列句,逗号后面须加and

这三个英语单词的区别在哪? spool reel coil

spool- 线轴,线管reel-卷轴,卷筒;卷线车coil-卷,盘绕;把...卷成圈


choose”系常用词,指“一般的选择”,侧重“凭个人意志或判断进行选择”。 select”强调“在广泛的范围内精选、淘汰”, 侧重“以客观为标准进行选择”。 扩展资料   Leave it to you to choose between the two methods.任你在这两种方法中作出抉择   They"re selecting maize seeds. 他们在选玉米种。   英文中表示“选择”的词语还有“pick ”,“elect”。   “pick”强调“从个人角度在众多中进行挑选”, 有时含有“任意选择”的"意思。例如: Pick the best, please. 请你挑最好的。   “elect ”指通过投票选择某人担任某职位。例如: We all elected him monitor. 我们一致推举他当班长。

a short of goods中的short是什么词性?

是sort,名词,a sort of一种。













开机出现Selected boot device failed…是怎么回事啊?

开机出现“Selected boot device failed…”是计算机出现故障不能照常启动。原因和解决办法:1、开机出现reboot and select proper boot device or Insert boot media in select boot 是由于CMOS里面被篡改了启动顺序,变成光盘启动了,而且在光驱无盘的情况下不能自动更改回硬盘启动。2、试试能不能用其他热键进入BIOS,比如F2,能进去的话就手动修改BOOT ORDER,进不去的话就很麻烦,很有可能是主板遭到病毒侵害了3、不排除其他通道造成的故障,可以换个光驱试试。4、系统引导部分出问题了,这句话的意思是:重新启动,然后选择启动盘,或者将可引导盘插入选择的引导设备。5、检查cmos中是否设置了硬盘引导,如果设置了,很可能是硬盘出问题了,使用光盘引导后检查。6、进入BIOS后用方向键选择Advance BIOS Features然后按回车进入菜单,进入后使用方向键选择First BOOT Device点回车进入使用方向键选择HDD-0然后按F10保存退出。就将启动方式改为硬盘启动了。扩展资料:可造成计算机出现故障的部分:计算机是由硬件系统(hardware system)和软件系统(software system)两部分组成的。一、硬件系统传统电脑系统的硬体单元一般可分为输入单元、输出单元、算术逻辑单元、控制单元及记忆单元,其中算术逻辑单元和控制单元合称中央处理单元(Center Processing Unit CPU)。硬件系统:电源、主板、CPU、内存、硬盘、声卡、显卡、网卡、调制解调器、光驱、显示器、键盘、鼠标、音响、打印机、视频设备、闪存卡、移动存储卡及读卡器。二、软件系统所谓软件是指为方便使用计算机和提高使用效率而组织的程序以及用于开发、使用和维护的有关文档。软件系统可分为系统软件和应用软件两大类。1、系统软件:系统软件System software,由一组控制计算机系统并管理其资源的程序组成,其主要功能包括:启动计算机,存储、加载和执行应用程序,对文件进行排序、检索,将程序语言翻译成机器语言等。包括:操作系统(Operating System,OS)、语言处理系统(翻译程序)、服务程序、数据库管理系统。2、应用软件为解决各类实际问题而设计的程序系统称为应用软件。从其服务对象的角度,又可分为通用软件和专用软件两类。参考资料来源:百度百科、计算机

see anybody could good to you your mind your mind是哪首英文歌的歌词

Bang Bang演唱:Jessie JShe got a body like an hourglass,but I can give it to you all the timeShe got a booty like a Cadillac,but I can send you into overdrive (oh)(Stop and wait, wait for that, stop,hold up, swing your bat)See anybody could be bad to you,you need a good girl to blow your mind,yeahBang bang into the room(I know you want it)Bang bang all over you(I"ll let you have it)Wait a minute let me take you there (ah)Wait a minute tell you (ah)Bang bang there goes your heart(I know you want it)Back, back seat of my car(I"ll let you have it)Wait a minute let metake you there (ah)Wait a minute tell you (ah)She might"ve let you hold her hand in school,but I"mma show you how to graduateNo, I don"t need to hear you talk the talk,just come and show mewhat your momma gave(Oooh yeah)(Your love gotta be baby,love but don"t say a thing)See anybody could be good to you,you need a bad girl to blow your mindBang bang into the room(I know you want it)Bang bang all over you(I"ll let you have it)Wait a minute let me take you there (ah)Wait a minute tell you (ah)Bang bang there goes your heart(I know you want it)Back, back seat of my car(I"ll let you have it)Wait a minute let metake you there (ah)Wait a minute tell you (ah)It"s Myx MoscatoIt"s frizz in a bottleIt"s Nicki full throttleIt"s oh, ohSwimming in the grottoWe winning in the lottoWe dipping in the pot of blue foamKitten so goodIt"s dripping on woodGet a ride in the engine that couldGo, Batman robbin" itBang, bang, cockin" itQueen Nicki dominant, prominentIt"s me, Jessie, and AriIf they test me they sorryRide us up like a HarleyThen pull off in this FerrariIf he hanging we bangingPhone ranging, he slangingIt ain"t karaoke night but get the miccause he singingB to the A to the N to the G to the uhB to the A to the N to the G to the heySee anybody could be good to you,you need a bad girl to blow your mind(your mind)Bang bang into the room(I know you want it)Bang bang all over you(I"ll let you have it)Wait a minute let me take you there (ah)Wait a minute tell you (ah)Bang bang there goes your heart(I know you want it)Back, back seat of my car(I"ll let you have it)Wait a minute let metake you there (ah)Wait a minute tell you (ah)Bang bang into the room(I know you want it)Bang bang all over you(I"ll let you have it)Bang, bang, bang, bang,bang, bang,Bang, bang, bang, bang,bang, bang, bangBang bang there goes your heart(I know you want it)Back, back seat of my car(I"ll let you have it)Wait a minute let metake you there (ah)Wait a minute tell you (ah)

求咕咕娃娃乐队(The Goo Goo Dolls)的let love in的中文歌词(英文歌词见补充)

【let love in--让爱进来】(有些地方是意译的 希望满意:)You wait, wanting this worldTo let you in你等待,等待这个世界接受你的到来And you stand there你站在这里A frozen lightIn dark and empty streets宛如光线在黑夜空旷的街道里凝结You smile hiding behindA God-given face上帝赐予你微笑的脸庞,而你却把它隐藏But I know you"re so much more可我知道你不只这样Everything they ignore他们所忽略的一切Is all that I need to see就是我所要看见You"re the only one I ever believed in你是我迄今唯一相信的人The answer that could never be found没有理由,没有原因The moment you decided to let love in你决定接受爱的那一刻Now I"m banging on the door of an angel我仿佛被天使的幸运袭在了门上The end of fear is where we beginThe moment we decided to let love in我们接受爱的那一刻,便不再害怕I wish我希望Wishing for you to find your way希望你能找到自己的方向And I"ll hold on for all you need我会给你一切所需That"s all we need to say这便是我们能说的I"ll take my chances whileYou take your time withThis game you play我会抓住机会在这场爱的游戏里But I can"t control your soul可我无法控制你的灵魂You need to let me know你要让我知道你的心You leaving or you gonna stay你要离去还是留下来You"re the only one I ever believed in你是我迄今唯一相信的人The answer that could never be found没有理由,没有原因The moment you decided to let love in你决定接受爱的那一刻Now I"m banging on the door of an angel我仿佛被天使的幸运袭在了门上The end of fear is where we beginThe moment we decided to let love in我们接受爱的那一刻,便不再害怕There"s nothing we can do aboutThe things we have to do withoutThe only way to feel againIs let love in再次感知的唯一方式就是注入爱,接受爱没有它我们寸步难行There"s nothing we can do aboutThe things we have to live withoutThe only way to see againIs let love in再次感知的唯一方式就是注入爱,接受爱没有它我们寸步难行You"re the only one I ever believed in你是我迄今唯一相信的人The answer that could never be found没有理由,没有原因The moment you decided to let love in你决定接受爱的那一刻Now I"m banging on the door of an angel我仿佛被天使的幸运袭在了门上The end of fear is where we beginThe moment we decided to let love in我们接受爱的那一刻,便不再害怕



on entering the room,the child was attracted by the christmas tree beautifull

beautifull decorated 是定语,修饰前面的the christmas tree;如果要用decorations的话应该改成by the christmas tree"s beautifull decorations 或者by the beautifull decorations of the christmas tree.

Look What You Made Me Do歌词中文


歌词里有i used to be so beautiful now look at me,求歌名

Absolutely AnythingCG5 I run I hide because I want A little freedom But I can"t get just what I want No I can"t beat "em Why did I do I even dare? She"s here and there and everywhere I"m in the depths of dark despair I can"t succeed I"ll never be the same again The things I"ve seen here It"s absolutely evident I"m not asleep You think I must be dreaming this? That all I do is reminisce? There"s nothing here to reminisce Nothing for me Can you hear me calling? Calling out to you? I"m falling apart I"m falling This body I must renew I"ll do anything anything Anything that you need me to do Absolutely anything for you I will be aware of the ink swim or sink Watching out for anything out of the blue But this nightmare"s coming true I used to be so beautiful Now look at me My actions are undutiful It"s clear to see Come on and step out of that cage There"s a new chapter turn the page I"ll take my place up on the stage All eyes on me I can hear you calling Calling out to me I"m falling down I"m falling Won"t you set me free? I"ll do anything anything Anything that you need me to do Absolutely anything for you I will be aware of the ink swim or sink Watching out for anything out of the blue But this nightmare"s coming true What have I got myself into? Have you ever wondered what heaven is like? I"d like to dream that it is quite beautiful A soft valley of green grass blanketed by a warm sun I don"t think I"ll ever get to see it Are you ready to ascend my little errand boy? The heavens are waiting You"ll do anything anything Anything that I ask you to do But you don"t have a clue "Cuz I can guarantee guarantee The demon"s always after me and you But this nightmare"s coming true Look what you"ve got yourself into Doo do do doo doo doo dooo Doo do do doo doo doo dooo Doo do do doo doo doo dooo Doo do do doo doo doo dooo

歌词里有you leave me speechless 和you leave me breathless the way you look me

The Veronicas - SpeechlessFeels like I have always known youAnd I swear I dreamt about youAll those endless nights I was aloneIt"s like I"ve spent forever searchingNow I know that it was worth itWith you it feels like I am finally homeFalling head over heelsThought I knew how it feelsBut with you it"s like the first day of my lifeCuz you leave me speechlessWhen you talk to meYou leave me breathlessThe way you look at meYou manage to disarm meMy soul is shining throughCan"t help but surrenderMy everything to youI thought I could resist youI thought that I was strongSomehow you were different from what I"ve knownI didn"t see you comingYou took me by surprise andYou stole my heart before I could say noFalling head over heelsThought I knew how it feelsBut with you it"s like the first day of my lifeYou leave me speechlessWhen you talk to meYou leave me breathlessThe way you look at meYou manage to disarm meMy soul is shining throughI can"t help but surrenderOh noMy everything to youYou leave me speechless(the way you smile, the way you touch my face)You leave me breathless(it"s something that you do I can"t explain)I run a million miles just to hear you say my nameBabyYou leave me speechlessYou leave me breathlessThe way you look at meYou manage to disarm meMy soul is shining throughI can"t help but surrenderMy everything to youEND


One-T乐队 对歌迷而言One-T And Cool这个乐队同“Gorillaz”一样算是个影子乐队,歌迷们没人知道她们长什么样子,可能是临时凑起来的乐队,因为她们似乎也只出了《The Magic Key》这首歌,MV还是用手绘动画的形式表现的 虽然简单,但还很不错。这是一首带魔力的歌曲,越听越过瘾,听一遍不过瘾,迫使你接下去听二遍三遍N遍。 其实One-T And Cool主唱是一个年仅13岁的DJ,来自法国的普罗旺斯,小小年纪就可以把 House 音乐玩得出神入化,但是因为她的年纪,为了不和法国的青少年保护法抵触,她一直隐姓埋名,在朋友的帮助下独自组织了很多次精彩的派对,但是没有人知道她的真实姓名,没有人见过她长什么样,她每次的DJ表演都会戴一个面具,每次的面具都不一样。她所有的MV中也一律是以卡通形象露面,让人不识庐山真面目。The Magic Key 歌手:One-T 专辑:kdbtest Listen up! To my days change my ways This sudden end to my days Makes me wish I"d changed my ways Spent more time with the posse One-t, nine-t, bull-t, me From up here, life seems so small what"s the meaning of it all? Miss the way it used to be One-t, nine-t, bull-t, me Where in the world could I be? Homies looking so cool, cool, I"m cool-t! Tuxedos made of snow Is there something I should know? Mom and Pop and little bro Dead and gone so long ago Could this be paradise at last? The first test I"ve ever passed Music"s the odyssey It"s here for you, for me Just listen find the magic key Music"s the odyssey It"s here for you, for me Just listen let your life be free Blissful days, what you gonna do? Still I miss my old t-crew Can"t afterlive without"em I just wish they only knew! May they have lived without a home But my homies love me kept me warm Taught me to forget "bout the game Money, hatred, hunger, pain This sudden end to my days Makes me wish I"d changed my ways Spent more time with the posse One-t, Nine-t, Bull-t, me Music"s the odyssey It"s here for you, for me Just listen find the magic key (yours truly) Music"s the odyssey (yeah) It"s here for you, for me (magic key) Just listen like your life be free Missing you, missing you Missing you, magic crew Missing you, missing you Missing you, magic crew Had a meeting with my maker The superhuman baker He popped me in the oven And set the dial to lovin" Now I watch over my boys Help"em keep on making noise Never pictured me with wings Guess I"ve heard of stranger things Music"s the odyssey It"s here for you, for me Just listen find the magic key (Cool T yours truly) Music"s the odyssey (aha aha) It"s here for you, for me (yeah yeah) Just listen like your life be free (Cool T yours truly) Music"s the odyssey It"s here for you, for me Just listen find the magic key Listen up! Music"s the odyssey It"s here for you, for me Just listen let your life be free Listen up!__________________________________________________peerless -Darin doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer why not president, be a dreamer you can be just the one you wanna be police man, fire fighter or a post man why not something like your old man you can be just the one you wanna be doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer why not president, be a dreamer you can be just the one you wanna be i know that we all got one thing that we all share together we got that one nice dream we live for you never know what life could bring coz nothing last for ever just hold on to the team you play for i know you could reach the top make sure that you won"t stop be the one that you wanna be now sing this with me we may have different ways to think but it doesn"t really matter we all caught up in the steam of this life focus on every little thing that"s what does really matter luxury cars and bling thats not real life i know you could reach the top make sure that you won"t stop be the one that you wanna be now sing this with me doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer why not president, be a dreamer you can be just the one you wanna be police man, fire fighter or a post man why not something like your old man you can be just the one you wanna be last year i used to dream about this day now i"m here i"m singing for you i hope i could inspire you coz i"ve got all the love, coz i"ve got all love for you doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer why not president, be a dreamer you can be just the one you wanna be police man, fire fighter or a post man why not something like your old man you can be just the one you wanna be

good lucky for me 什么意思?


求迈克尔杰克逊《HIStory: Past, Present, and Future Book I 》专辑的全部歌曲的歌词的中英翻译


Blood,Sweat And Tears歌词

好不容易找到了,给点辛苦分吧。。。。。YoYo c"mon sonYo they killin em out there sonThey dyin out there son, word upYo they killin us son, I"m tellin youY"all niggas c"mon that"s my wordY"all better c"monYo wake up sonThey dyin sonYo, c"mon nigga, wake upC"monIt took me 24 years to figure out what makes this world go roundIt"s not man holding ground with dope soundWe gots to askWhy do you feel that a meal can make you illWhen you know that Broke Bill can stillSee right through your plastic assBefore crack was a sport and we had thoughts of getting busyBefore death left, and fame had his wayThe town: BrownsvilleThe place: The IllFollow the trail of resh blood drips you"ll end up on my bricksThe Marks:Home of the warrior thrown homeOur true thugs that"s dead and goneIn the hills most effective chromeReturn to these gravesShowin youngsters what I"m facinCause we had troubleWe been strugglin since single shot gaugesThat"s straight ghetto bad luckBut, I done passed up more shitThan you may ever touchWhat, we on sacred groundsWithout the guidance of our fathersAll we know is how to double clutch revolversMe and my own staff flaunt a different pathI"m tryin to dip shit minus in your highnessThe finest of kickin halfHonest to god, I"m layin down my cardIt"s been hard, for too many yearsBlood sweat and tearsThese 3 words(Man got somethin to say)Blood, sweat, tears(MOP Family)These 3 words(We went to the death, we knew he was dead and gone)Blood, sweat, tears(We comin all the way from New York City, hear me out)These 3 wordsBlood, sweat, tearsThese 3 wordsBlood, sweat, tearsGo head niggaA whole lot changed since my brother left(I can feel you baby)And since my mother"s death(I can feel you baby)But as time past, I could see my life flashLeavin the body and there"s no breath(I can feel ya)I chose not to let my beretta swingCause I"m a veteranAnd I"m livin for the better thingsIt"s cold-hearted BCheck the majority of blacksThey slingin crack, livin in poverty(True life testament)What you gotta do is live what your life giveAnd make the best of it(Try to see the rest of it)Cause you could easily fall victim to these streetsAnd death"s most definate(Blood)Is for the brothers that diedThe mothers that criedThe brothers that triedAll we do is(Sweat)Steady puttin to workHandling dirtHolding your turfWe all shed(Tears)For the loved onesThe thug onesAnd all deceased peersAnd while these other cats play hardIm"a praise godAnd thank god that I"m hereBlood sweat and tearsThese 3 words(Til the break of dawn)Blood, sweat, tears(Birella)These 3 words(Til the break of dawn)Blood, sweat, tears(21 gun salute)Ghetto niggaStreet niggaHouse niggaWe all niggasBlack on black crime cause niggas drop dimesYou put down yoursBut Im"a keep mineIm"a keep mine niggaUncle Sam don"t drop his shit for nobodySo nobody gonna take my shit from meSo while you house niggas is fighting for the limelightI be down here with my niggasUndergroundDirtyHoldin mineHouse niggaBlood sweat and tearsBlood, sweat, tearsThese 3 wordsBlood, sweat, tears

me to和me too的区别

A--I like apples B-- Me too. 语法上应用I too,但口语中常用me too 相似的例子 Who broke the glass? It"s me.( 语法上应用It"s I ,但是口语中常用me 来代替)



me too 与 me to 是什么意思?

me too

me to和me too的区别

A--I like applesB-- Me too.语法上应用I too,但口语中常用me too相似的例子Who broke the glass?It"s me.( 语法上应用It"s I ,但是口语中常用me 来代替)

me to和me too的区别




给推荐些歌曲呗 最好是英文激情歌曲 要类似吉克隽逸 - I Feel Good 这种程度的歌曲


you can ask a什么什么to put food into your mouth

小题1:D 小题2:D 小题3:C 小题4:A 小题5:D

the same to you 和 you too的区别


have a good time for you 是应该用介词for 还是应该用介词to?


senior school与high school有什么区别?

senior school:(英国的11岁以上儿童的)大龄儿童学校,中国书面也用在高中 high school:美国泛指中学

high school和senior school有什么区别

senior school与high school的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、广泛性不同。一、意思不同1、senior school:高级中学。2、high school:完全中学。二、用法不同1、senior school:是高级中学的简称,初级中学与高级中学,两者同属中等教育的范畴。高级中学高等的教育机构,上承初中,下启大学,一般为三年制。高中教育指初中以后的普通高级中学教育,包括:普通高中、成人高中、职业高中、中等专业学校、中级技工学校等,均属于中等教育的范畴。2、high school:完全中学(highschool[英])既有初级中学的学段,又有高级中学学段的学校,是一种学校制度。初中属于9年义务教育阶段,而高中不属于义务教育,在学校的设置中,已经有许多完全中学脱钩为两所学校。三、广泛性不同1、senior school:为14到18岁青年开办的学校。2、high school:为11到18岁青年开办的学校。

today is a good day与today is a great day的区别

today is a good day 今天是个好日子today is a great day 今天是个伟大的/超级好的日子 后者的程度深很多

today is a good day 。。。 是什么意思,麻烦翻译下,谢谢


windproof lighter是什么意思

windproof lighter防风打火机windproof[英]["wu026andpru:f][美]["wu026andu02ccpru:f]adj.防风的,御风的; 例句:1.In the showroom at the zhongbang factory, the range of smokingaccessories is vast: windproof lighters, leather cigarette packs, sleekashtrays, slender cigarette holders and carved mahogany pipes. 在中邦工厂的产品陈列室,各式烟具琳琅满目:防风打火机、皮质烟盒、时髦的烟缸、细长的烟嘴以及红木雕刻的烟斗。2.Our usual gear for working in the field consists of wool or polyester baselayers, lightweight fleeces, windproof bib overalls, heavier fleece tops ordown vest/ jacket, windproof shell, warm hat and sunglasses. 我们在勘察现场工作时的装备通常包括羊毛或聚酯内衣、轻量化抓绒、防风连体服、重量级抓绒上衣、羽绒马甲或羽绒服、防风外套、保暖帽和太阳镜



Hips Do Not Lie Bamboo歌词翻译


Something Good 歌词

歌曲名:Something Good歌手:Ugk (Underground Kingz)专辑:Best Of UgkSOMETHING GOODMaria and the CaptainThe Sound of music OSTPerhaps I had a wicked childhoodPerhaps I had a miserable youthBut somwhere in my wicked, miserable pastThere must have been a moment of truthFor here you are, standing there, loving meWhether or not you shouldSo somewhere in my youth or childhoodI must have done something goodNothing comes from nothingNothing ever couldSo somewhere in my youth or childhoodI must have done something goodFor here you are, standing there, loving meWhether or not you shouldSo somewhere in my youth or childhoodI must have done something goodNothing comes from nothingNothing ever couldSo somewhere in my youthOr childhoodI must have done something . . .Something goodhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8344708

一首英文歌,歌词好像有this is cool

IrisAnd I"d give up forever to touch you我愿永远放弃接近你Cause I know that you feel me somehow我知道你能感受到我的存在You"re the closest thing to heaven that I"ll ever be你高在天堂 而我将去地狱And I don"t want to go home right now我不想现在回家And all I can taste is this moment此时我愿意体味And all I can breathe is your life我能呼吸的是你的生命Cause sooner or later it"s over迟早将会过去I just don"t want to miss you tonight只是今晚我不想再失去你And I don"t want the world to see me我不想让整个世界看到我Cause I don"t think that they"d understand我想他们不理解我When everything"s made to be broken当一切都将逝去I just want you to know who I am我只想让你知道我是谁And you can"t fight the tears that ain"t coming不必抗争,不起易落泪的你Or the moment of truth in your lies谎话被揭穿时When everything feels like the movies当一切都如电影般Yeah you bleed just to know your alive你用鲜血证明你的存在And I don"t want the world to see me我不想让整个世界看到我Cause I don"t think that they"d understand我想他们不理解我When everything"s made to be broken当一切都将逝去I just want you to know who I am我只想让你知道我是谁And I don"t want the world to see me我不想让整个世界看到我Cause I don"t think that they"d understand我想他们不理解我When everything"s made to be broken当一切都将逝去I just want you to know who I am我只想让你知道我是谁And I don"t want the world to see me我不想让整个世界看到我Cause I don"t think that they"d understand我想他们不理解我When everything"s made to be broken当一切都将逝去I just want you to know who I am我只想让你知道我是谁I just want you to know who I am我只想让你知道我是谁I just want you to know who I am我只想让你知道我是谁I just want you to know who I am我只想让你知道我是谁

Goo Goo Dolls的《Iris》 歌词

歌曲名:Iris歌手:Goo Goo Dolls专辑:City Of Angels: Music From The Motion PictureAnd I"d give up forever to touch youCuz I know that you feel me somehowYou"re the closest to heaven that I"ll ever beAnd I don"t want to go home right nowAnd all I can taste is this momentAnd all I can breathe is your lifeCuz sooner or later it"s overI just don"t want to miss you tonightAnd I don"t want the world to see meCuz I don"t think that they"d understandWhen everything"s made to be brokenI just want you to know who I amAnd you can"t fight the tears that ain"t comingOr the moment of truth in your liesWhen everything feels like the moviesYeah, you"d bleed just to know you"re aliveAnd I don"t want the world to see meCuz I don"t think that they"d understandWhen everything"s made to be brokenI just want you to know who I amSoloAnd I don"t want the world to see meCuz I don"t think that they"d understandWhen everything"s made to be brokenI just want you to know who I amAnd I don"t want the world to see meCuz I don"t think that they"d understandWhen everything"s made to be brokenI just want you to know who I amI just want you to know who I amI just want you to know who I amI just want you to know who I amhttp://music.baidu.com/song/56728968

Something Good 歌词

歌曲名:Something Good歌手:Maria And The Captain专辑:Musical LoveSOMETHING GOODMaria and the CaptainThe Sound of music OSTPerhaps I had a wicked childhoodPerhaps I had a miserable youthBut somwhere in my wicked, miserable pastThere must have been a moment of truthFor here you are, standing there, loving meWhether or not you shouldSo somewhere in my youth or childhoodI must have done something goodNothing comes from nothingNothing ever couldSo somewhere in my youth or childhoodI must have done something goodFor here you are, standing there, loving meWhether or not you shouldSo somewhere in my youth or childhoodI must have done something goodNothing comes from nothingNothing ever couldSo somewhere in my youthOr childhoodI must have done something . . .Something goodhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7292134



fu manchu的《boogie van》 歌词

歌曲名:boogie van歌手:fu manchu专辑:king of the roadBreak - One NineGot your boots onGearjammer setBoogey Van so farHow do you read me?Three"s and Eight"s highSome kind of joyrideDouble-nickel right byFu ManchuIn here - everything I needStyle - built for speedMother Trucker runnin" lowFour wheels - overflowOthers passin" byStill movin" down the lineSo say~ the written wordTwo down - now the ThirdThe greatest thing I"ve seenDo y"all know what I mean?Meeting Twenty was the planMe and my Boogey VanLike most - Chevys coast to coastPeople start to rideDream machine burnin" widesLayin" a furious yard It smokes awful farHighback chair is lowRollin" faster off they goTires roll flare to flareCustom shine everywhereOne-fifty I don"t careHalf-way cross the landMe and my Boogey VanMovin" on down the lineHere we go one more timehttp://music.baidu.com/song/14175434


too做为副词用法特殊,修饰形容词时,只能直接跟在 be 动词后面,如:it is too cold. 而没有 It is a too cold night. 只能说 the night is too cold.而rather没有这种特殊用法,做副词的时候,只要放在形容词前面就可以了。所以应该填 rather 表示相当It is a rather difficult question. 这是个相当难的问题。


意思是 哲♂学 ,有兴趣的可以自己去了解一下我也不太清楚

如何在outlook中的canlendar中显示to do list


HAKKA FOOD PROCESSING注册过商标吗?还有哪些分类可以注册?

HAKKA FOOD PROCESSING商标总申请量1件其中已成功注册0件,有1件正在申请中,无效注册0件,0件在售中。经八戒知识产权统计,HAKKA FOOD PROCESSING还可以注册以下商标分类:第1类(化学制剂、肥料)第2类(颜料油漆、染料、防腐制品)第3类(日化用品、洗护、香料)第4类(能源、燃料、油脂)第5类(药品、卫生用品、营养品)第6类(金属制品、金属建材、金属材料)第8类(手动器具(小型)、餐具、冷兵器)第9类(科学仪器、电子产品、安防设备)第10类(医疗器械、医疗用品、成人用品)第11类(照明洁具、冷热设备、消毒净化)第12类(运输工具、运载工具零部件)第13类(军火、烟火、个人防护喷雾)第14类(珠宝、贵金属、钟表)第15类(乐器、乐器辅助用品及配件)第16类(纸品、办公用品、文具教具)第17类(橡胶制品、绝缘隔热隔音材料)第18类(箱包、皮革皮具、伞具)第19类(非金属建筑材料)第20类(家具、家具部件、软垫)第21类(厨房器具、家用器皿、洗护用具)第22类(绳缆、遮蓬、袋子)第23类(纱、线、丝)第24类(纺织品、床上用品、毛巾)第25类(服装、鞋帽、袜子手套)第26类(饰品、假发、纽扣拉链)第27类(地毯、席垫、墙纸)第28类(玩具、体育健身器材、钓具)第29类(熟食、肉蛋奶、食用油)第30类(面点、调味品、饮品)第31类(生鲜、动植物、饲料种子)第32类(啤酒、不含酒精的饮料)第33类(酒、含酒精饮料)第34类(烟草、烟具)第35类(广告、商业管理、市场营销)第36类(金融事务、不动产管理、典当担保)第37类(建筑、室内装修、维修维护)第38类(电信、通讯服务)第39类(运输仓储、能源分配、旅行服务)第40类(材料加工、印刷、污物处理)第41类(教育培训、文体活动、娱乐服务)第42类(研发质控、IT服务、建筑咨询)第43类(餐饮住宿、养老托儿、动物食宿)第44类(医疗、美容、园艺)第45类(安保法律、婚礼家政、社会服务)

gloves, the, too, are, small怎么连词成句

The gloves are too small.你好! 本题不明白再问!其它题目请另外求助; 如果帮到你,请及时采纳,谢谢!
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