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合同里的witness and hold points 是什么意思?

witness point 见证点hold points 停工待检点

Who’s got the highest points? “ ‘s ”指的是has吗?

你好,为你解答,正确答案为:是的,这里"s = has不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

求阻力支撑点的计算方法Pivot Points(轴心点)分析方法?用于外汇、黄金、股票当天的阻力支撑点计算......


求股票、外汇、黄金的“阻力支撑点”的计算方法?也就是常说的Pivot Points(轴心点)分析方法?



  vantage points  n.有利位置,优越地位,优势( vantage point的名词复数 )  [例句]There are views and vantage points, outward to Shanghai, and inwards to the Pavilion"s central event space.  有意见和了望点,离港前往上海,向内至展馆的中央活动空间。

树木介绍~刺桐 (15points )

刺桐 学名: Erythrina variegata L. 科名: 蝶形花科 Fabaceae 别名: 梯枯、鸡公树 刺桐在不同地方也有不同的名称 由于它主要分布在热带亚洲及太平洋洲诸岛的珊瑚礁海岸,所以英文称之为coral tree (珊瑚树),又因枝干上的刺像极了老虎爪,所以也称之为tiger"s claw。 太平洋诸岛对剌桐的其他称呼: 斐济岛:drala dina 东加及萨摩亚都:gatae 库克岛:atae 马奎萨斯岛:natae 吕宋岛Takalo族人:baging 雅美族人:shbang 排湾族人:vucul 卑南族人:tultuld 阿美族人:kalunilun 分布: 热带亚洲、太平洋诸岛、琉球等地。 特征: 落叶乔木,干上有许多小黑刺,所以有刺桐的称号,几乎只有在开花的地方没有刺 。 互生的三出复叶,具小腺质托叶,青绿色,摸起来是光滑的纸质,刚长出来时被有许多黄褐色的茸毛。顶端的小叶呈阔菱形或近圆形,长宽均约有9 – 15公分,叶先端是锐尖形,叶基是圆形或截形; 叶柄很长,约有8 – 12公分,小叶柄基部有蜜腺一对。 顶生的「拟总状花序」可长达近20公分;花鲜红色,沿着花轴作倾斜状排列。 花序与花:总状花序,花朵未开花前由硬质的苞片包住,之后二裂张开伸出花瓣,花绽开时转变成为红色,且从苞片中跑出5枚花瓣与很多雄蕊; 5枚花瓣中,几乎将整朵花包裹住的「旗瓣」特别发达,卵状长椭圆形而略反卷,而另外两对的「翼瓣」及「龙骨瓣」,呈长椭圆形,形小较不显眼,此时的花形就非常像蝴蝶飞舞,所以称为蝶形花科;雄蕊有 10个,呈「单体小蕊」,雌蕊只有一个,又长又醒目,很容易观察,不过在开花的季节,以春季花开旺盛,此时的叶子都掉光了,剩下光凸凸的茎干。 花粉粒:花粉粒呈现三角圆形,花粉粒的采集很简单,但是要注意到如果是尚未成熟完全绽开的花,她的花粉粒往往会带有许多的油脂;而且花粉粒很容易破裂跑出油脂,有时发现带有花粉管的例子。 果实为荚果,呈长条念珠状,两端略膨胀,约15 – 30公分长,刚结果时为暗褐色,成熟时则转为黑色。种子圆形,深红色。 备注: 1 ) 蝶形花之花冠最上方花瓣特大,名旗瓣;位于外方,旁两瓣略相平行,称曰翼瓣;下一对,在其底缘合生,称骨瓣;五瓣排列,如蝴蝶形,故称蝶形花冠。 2 ) 有毒部份 : 未熟种子 叶及茎皮有毒,均含有毒生物碱, 影响人类神经系统, 引起头昏及嗜睡 。 有关刺桐的其他资料 : 刺桐的拉丁属名为希腊文erythros红色的意思,可见它的花朵早就为人所注目。孙元衡曾以刺桐为题作了两首诗:「诗题下还有夹注:『刺桐花,色红如火,环绕营署,春仲始花,一望无际,实为台郡大观,故称刺桐城』:春色绕空白海涯,柳营绕遍到山家;昆仑霞吐千层艳,华岳莲开十丈花。」红惹惹的花朵配上春天的景色,逼得人们不得不用它来做为季节性的指标。 每当刺桐花开的时候,又是冬去春来的喜讯。不论是台湾岛上的平埔族人、卑南族人、阿美族人、排湾族人,亦或是居住在兰屿岛上的雅美族人,都是以刺桐开花的季节做为工作历的指标,刺桐与台湾住民有着极为密切关系。 刺桐花几乎成了平埔族的代名词,以台湾平埔族群对话为主题的《再见刺桐花开》,就是在描写平埔子民的新生与期待;公元两千年初春在国家剧院上演的《刺桐花开》,描述了唐山公与平埔妈的爱情故事。早年的《番社采风考》中描述著:「番无年岁,不辨四时,以刺桐花开为度。」可见刺桐花成了平埔族重要的季节指标。刺桐花开是平埔族噶玛人捕鱼的季节,当火红的刺桐花开时,男人整理竹排、渔具,准备在海祭之后出海捕抓飞鱼。 每年的二月,火红的刺桐花从菲律宾烧到兰屿及东部沿海之后,飞鱼的汛期也跟着来临,除了噶玛兰人之外,居住在兰屿岛上的雅美族人,或是再往南的巴丹群岛的住民,同样都在刺桐花开的同时,进行招鱼祭的仪式,期待着当年的丰收。飞鱼与刺桐花,成了调节季节的信物。 居住在台东的卑南族人,同样以刺桐花讯做为工作历的指标,每当刺桐花开的时候,就是种地瓜的时期;火红的花朵,提醒大家要结伴而行,避免迷路或发生危险,因为此时正是惊蛰之后,百物钻动的时节。 阿美族人常在宅地田园的外围种上刺桐做为记号,甚至视其为神的树。每当进行除秽的时候,会用刺桐的叶片将屋里的秽气驱赶出来。 如果刺桐不开花,那表示天有异象,正是革命的时机。1720年11月,台湾南部大地震;隔年1721年(清朝康熙60年)夏初,台湾南部的刺桐花不开的自然异现,鸭母王朱一贵利用这个怪现象,配合进行叛乱。《台湾文化志》史诗记载了「地震民讹桐不华,处堂燕雀自喧哗。无端半夜风尘起,几处平民旌旆遮。」「台多刺桐,辛丑春阖郡无一华者。有妖僧异服,倡言大难将至。….」其中的「桐不华」及「无一华」就是指刺桐不开花。 除了四季分明的特性做为季节指标之外,粗大的树干排湾族取来做谷仓的隔板,以防止鼠辈肆虐;在玻里尼西亚一带,其松软的干材主要用来制做独木舟的船外浮杆,以提供平衡和稳定的功能;阿美族人则取来做为捕鱼的渔网浮苓和蒸煮米饭的蒸斗;卑南族人则用来做蒸斗、板凳或引火柴。 台湾地区以刺桐为小地名的多得不可胜数,比较有名的如云林县的刺桐乡,屏东县的刺桐脚,或是有刺桐城之称的台南府城。然而,真正有名气的当属大陆的泉州。从外国人的游记来看,《马可波罗行纪》将泉洲称之为zaitun,显然是刺桐的译音。其在行纪上描述泉洲如下:「余敢断言,如有一艘船舶运送胡椒到亚历山大港,则同时必有百艘船运来刺桐港。刺桐是世界上最大的两个港口之一。」另外,1271年的8月25日,意大利犹太商人雅各.德安科纳沿着上海来到了中国东南沿海的城市—刺桐港(福建泉洲),写下了厚厚的一部《刺桐见闻录》,可惜封埋了七个世纪之久,才由英国学者大卫.塞尔本,将其手稿翻译成《光明之城》这本书,打破了马可波罗最早到中国的历史事实。 刺桐属约有200种,而本种主要分布于热带亚洲(中国华南地区、台湾、印度、马来西亚、印尼、柬埔寨、高棉、越南)到大洋洲的波里尼西亚等地。在台湾,由于刺桐的生长迅速、花朵艳丽,所以它和它的一些亲戚(例如黄脉刺桐、珊瑚刺桐、鸡冠刺桐、蝙蝠刺桐等)普遍为各乡镇市公所及学校等栽植作为行道树、公园绿荫及校园绿树(图7),而事实上,刺桐仅原生于南台湾及兰屿、绿岛。   刺桐的达悟话叫“suvan”,意思是「松软木材」,所以在兰屿,刺桐的枝条可被砍来当篱笆或是作为薪柴,除此之外,它也是兰屿岛上的一种重要的植物,因为当刺桐绽开火红的花朵时,就表示飞鱼季开始了。春天是刺桐的花期,所以在这时候前往兰屿,出了机场向右走(往红头方向),约百步时往山边望去(图8),就是刺桐了! 刺桐属于落叶中乔木,开花的时候,整株植物叶子都掉落精光,只剩下一长串的蝶形花或是红色的花苞。 资料整理自下列网址 : db.tesri/tree/old_tree/introduce_8_03 tnl/article/column/hanwen/01031/01031 e-info/topic/plant/Erythrina-variegata/Erythrina-variegata content.edu/primary/nature/ks_ck/plaang14ca content.edu/primary/nature/ks_ck/plaang14ca tree/story/p08 .) 石栗 Candlenut Tree(中国香港的树木有什么特征?? ) 学名:Aleurites moluccana u2022高大而生长迅速的常绿乔木 u2022最高可达9米 u2022原产于马来西亚 u2022被广泛种植的遮荫或观赏树种 辨别特征 u2022嫩叶有一层白白黄黄的粉状小鳞片覆盖。远看树冠有如披了一层雪霜 u2022叶片阔大,形状多变。嫩叶常呈手掌状,成长后则是阔椭圆形 u2022叶边有波纹 u2022秋天结果,果实深褐色,木质坚硬 石栗生长迅速、耐寒,且对市区环境适应力强。加上其树冠浓密,有遮荫效能,故是绝佳的绿化树种。正因石栗拥有这么多的优点 她便成为中国香港种植数量最多的行道树种。 2.) 常绿臭椿 Ailanthus fordii 俗称:(中) 福氏臭椿 (英) Green ailanthus 常绿臭椿是常绿乔木,具有近似棕榈科植物的习性。常绿臭椿对土质的要求不高,耐旱、耐寒,生长迅速,可种植于田间作抵挡风沙的保护树,是荒山造林的理想树木品种。 在中国香港的大型公园,例如:动植物公园、荔枝角公园及天水围公园等,均有种植。 常绿臭椿具有扩张的树冠,顶生的叶簇,外形像张开的雨伞,远看就像将多把雨伞摆放在树冠上。 常绿臭椿的羽状复叶,面积颇大,每片叶有6至13对小叶。小叶呈披针形,叶背有明显的中脉及叶脉。 3.) 蒲葵 Livistona chinensis (英) Chinese fan palm Fountain palm 蒲葵原产于中国南部及琉球一带,我们可以在中国香港的太平山,找到大量蒲葵的踪影。 蒲葵的生长速度虽然缓慢,但非常耐寒,又能抵受强风,加上树形优美,故被广泛种植作为园景树木。 蒲葵具有单一而不分枝的圆筒形树干,树干粗壮,表面有明显落叶后遗留下来的叶痂。 叶呈扇形,在树干的顶端成螺旋形生长,形成一浓密的树冠。 4.) 罗汉松 常绿乔木,别名土杉,枝密平展,圆锥形树冠。为亚热带树种,种子与花托似一尊罗汉,故此得名。喜阳光,较耐寒,适合庭园种植。 5.) 白千层 Melaleuca leucadendron (中) 纸皮树 (英) Paper-bark tree 白千层原产于澳洲,在中国香港亦很常见。 由于白千层的灰白色海绵质树皮,可以逐层剥离,因而得名。 白千层具有多层可剥离的海绵质树皮,触感松软,很易辨认。 开花时,穗状的白花看起来就像一个个用来洗瓶子的刷子,样子有趣。 叶子尖长,触感颇厚;若把叶片揉碎,会散发出阵阵香味。 白千层虽拥有「纸状树皮」,但树干内层不易燃烧,万一发生山火时,可减低火势蔓延的机会,帮助抵抗林火;叶子可提炼出白树油,作多种医药用途。 由于白千层耐寒,又能抵受潮湿以及干旱的环境,故被广泛种植于新界的路旁和郊区,以绿化环境。 由于白千层耐寒,又能抵受潮湿以及干旱的环境,故被广泛种植于新界的路旁和郊区,以绿化环境 植物是绿色的保卫者,保护着人类的健康。 绿色植物有着最大的吸收二氧化碳的能力,同时又是制造氧气的工厂。人们曾经计算过,每公顷的阔叶林,每天能吸收1吨二氧化碳,释放出0.73吨氧气。绿色植物通过光合作用,调节了空气中的二氧化碳和氧气,不断更新空气。松树的针叶和松脂容易被氧化而放出臭氧来;如果臭氧浓度过大时,树木还能吸收臭氧;净化空气。稀薄的臭氧不仅不臭,反而使人感到轻松愉快。无怪人们漫步松林中,就会感到空气清新,精神舒畅了。而有些疗养院还专门设在松林中哩。 松树会释放臭氧的树木



dns points to prohibited ip什么意思


Trigger Points

The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook作者: Clair Davies / Amber Davies / David G. Simons副标题: Your Self-Treatment Guide for Pain Relief, Second EditionISBN: 9781572243750 〔十位: 1572243759〕定价: USD 19.95出版社: New Harbinger装帧: Paperback出版年: 2004简介 ······ Trigger point therapy is one of the most intriguing and fastest-growing bodywork styles in the world. Medical doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists, and massage therapists are all beginning to use this technique to relieve formerly undiagnosable muscle and joint pain conditions that studies have shown to be the cause of nearly 25 percent of all doctor visits. The technique involves applying short, repeated massage strokes to trigger points, tiny contraction knots in muscle tissue where restricted circulation and lack of oxygen cause referred pain. Trigger points create pain throughout the body in predictable patterns characteristic to each muscle, producing discomfort ranging from mild to severe. Trigger point massage increases circulation and oxygenation in the area and often produces instant relief. This dynamic technique has made a huge impact among health professionals and the public alike, becoming an overnight classic in the field of pain relief. The book has sold over 145,000 copies since the release of the first edition in 2001. The second edition is a complete update and includes a new chapter specifically for massage professionals, as well as a chapter on systematic muscle relaxation techniques that can reinforce the therapeutic power of trigger point work.==================呼吸触发(respiratory triggering)属于呼吸门控技术的一种。从图51可以看出,如果呼吸节律较好,一般人平静吸气后即开始呼气,从一次平静呼气末到下一次吸气前有一段时间呼吸运动相对停止,如果利用这一段时间进行MR成像,将明显减少呼吸运动伪影。所以一般以呼吸末为触发点,开始进行射频脉冲的激发和采集,到下一次吸气前停止扫描。一般利用压力传感器探测呼吸节律,以一次吸气末作为一个时间点,经过事先设置的触发延时到达触发时刻,这时立刻进行射频脉冲激发和信号采集。因此触发延时的设置应该适当,以便使触发开始时刻正好为呼吸末,触发延时有时也被称为触发点(trigger point),是指一次吸气末到开始触发扫描的时间段,一般用一个呼吸周期的百分比来表示,根据呼吸节律的不同,可选择为10%~50%,如呼吸频率为每分钟15次,一般选择在25%左右。呼吸触发技术另一个需要合理设置的参数是图51中的停止扫描阶段,实际上这个阶段正好是受检者吸气和呼气的阶段,停止扫描阶段常被称为触发窗(trigger window),是指前一次触发的扫描结束到后一次触发的扫描开始之间的时间段,这一时段不能进行激发和采集。触发窗也用一个呼吸周期的百分比来表示,根据呼吸节律不同可选择为30%~ 70%,如呼吸频率为每分钟15次,一般选择35%~40%。从图中可以看出实际上一个触发窗内包含有一个触发延时(或称触发点)。http://www.yxyxgl.com/Article_Show.asp?ArticleID=245





询问有关陈苑淇的个人资料?? 20 points

中文名 : 陈苑淇 原名: 陈琬琪 (「陈苑淇」是旧公司环球唱片帮佢改的,因为说佢欠水和木,在娱乐圈发展是会有太多是非的。) Jolie在美国大学上普通话堂时,时常都会说错自己名字──事关『琬』和『苑』的普通话读法是不同的,交功课也会一时 *** 名,一时写艺名。 英文名 : Jolie Chan (Jolie这个英文名,是佢Mommy帮佢拣的佢Mommy说本来有想过叫佢做Crystal,觉得这个名字很高贵,但后来发现有位朋友的女儿都是叫Crystal,长大之后很刁蛮,所以最后都是pick了Jolie… …但结果都是一样,激气!而其实一直都不知Jolie这名字的意思和来源,直到中学take French,Jolie的French teacher才告诉佢Jolie me “pretty”in French.) 出生日期 : 23 Aug 1982 出生地点 : 中国香港 星座 : 狮子/处女 身高 : 176 cm 体重 : 52 kg 家庭成员 : 妈妈 爸爸 弟弟 学历 : St. Paul"s Convent School、经济学学士Tuffs University Boston MA 喜欢的音乐类形 : R&B Hip Hop 喜欢的歌手 : 张学友 Beyonce 周杰伦,Gwen Stefani,Usher 喜欢的地方 : 中国香港 L.A 嗜好 : 唱歌 跳舞 Boxing 喜爱颜色 : 粉红 喜爱食物 : 黑朱古力 Coffee 最渴望的事情 : 开第一次个人演唱会 公司: 环球(旧)、宝号娱乐(旧) 演出经验 : 音乐影带 2002 黄耀明、张国荣『这么远那么近』MV女主角 2004 『合久必婚』MV (与李克勤合唱) 『The Color of the Night』MV 『终于知道』MV 『幸运水晶』MV 『任我行』 MV 『环球10周年演唱会 Live』 唱片 2004 The Audience is listening Jolie 广告 2003-2004 McDonald广告TVC 环球中文精选碟『存为爱』TVC 环球英文精选碟『Somewhere In Time』TVC [ 东方红 ] 纤体产品 (平面) Miryoku – Beauty Salon (平面) DermaNew Skin Care (平面) Neway Grand Open TVC 红十字会捐血广告(环球唱片公司版) 奖项(Awards) : 2004 劲歌金曲歌手互投出新人两强 新城劲爆颁奖礼2004劲爆优异新登场歌手 2005年度劲歌金曲杰出表现铜奖 佢真系有176cm?? 中文全名 : : 陈苑淇 英文全名 : : Jolie 出生日期 : : 23 Aug 身高 : : 5"9" 体重 : : 115lbs 头发 : : 深啡 眼 : : 深啡 家庭成员 : : 妈妈 爸爸 弟弟 教育程度 : : Tuffs University Boston MA Year 3 嗜好 : : 唱歌 跳舞 食物 : : 朱古力 三文鱼 水果 : : 士多啤梨 芒果 甜品 : : 各种 喜欢 : : 笑 吃东西 不喜欢 : : 落雪 喜欢的地方 : : 中国香港 纽约 喜欢的音乐 : : R&B Hip Hop 喜欢的歌星 : : 许志安 Brian Mcknight Alicia Keys 喜欢的组合 : : Boys II Men Destiny Child 喜欢的电影 : : Sixth Sense 喜欢的男演员 : : Tom Curise 梁朝伟 喜欢的女演员 : : Julia Roberts 喜欢的颜色 : : 粉红色 喜欢的服装 : : Miss Sixty Diesel Prada Sport 喜欢的车型 : : 开荙跑车(Benz) 最尊敬的人物 : : 妈妈 最想做的事情 : : 开第一场个人演唱会 想旅游的地方 : : 欧洲 (巴黎) 难忘的事情 : : 第一次出show (Mega Summer环球新力量Showoff大派对) solo跳tap dance 曾演出音乐影带 2002 : 黄耀明、张国荣『这么远那么近』MV女主角 2003 : 与李克勤合唱『合久必婚』MV 2003 : "The Color of the night" MV 曾参与演出 July 02 : 女童军暑期活动系列《Mega Summer 环球新力量Show Off 大派对》 March 03 : 中国香港女童军『齐参与u2027共分享u2027显关怀』周年大会操 June 03 : 环球中文精选碟『存为爱』TVC July 03 : Neway Grand Open TVC Aug 03 : 女童军暑期活动系列《Mega Summer 环球音乐大赏》 Sept 03 : 环球英文精选碟『Somewhere In Time』TVC Oct 03 : McDonald广告 曾参与广告 June 03 : 环球中文精选碟『存为爱』TVC Sept 03 : 环球英文精选碟『Somewhere In Time』TVC Oct 03 : McDonald广告TVC 2003 : [ 东方红 ] 纤体产品 (平面) 2004 : Miyuku 护肤品 (平面)

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我想楼主要把思路改一下,当我看到你的贴时做测试也做了一段时间,突然想明白了,Polygon的Points集合是没法加动画的,Polygon只是为了,做图标……,做动画也无非是整体变化,要是想做形状的变形动画可以用Path,我写了个简单的Demo希望对你有帮助。 <UserControl x:Class="SilverlightApplication1.Page" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" > <Grid> <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" > <Path Fill="RoyalBlue" Stroke="Orange" StrokeThickness="1" > <Path.Data> <PathGeometry> <PathGeometry.Figures> <PathFigure StartPoint="10,10" > <PathFigure.Segments> <LineSegment x:Name="lineTest" Point="10,100" /> <LineSegment Point="100,100" /> <LineSegment Point="100,10" /> <LineSegment Point="10,10" /> </PathFigure.Segments> </PathFigure> </PathGeometry.Figures> </PathGeometry> </Path.Data> <Path.Triggers> <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Path.Loaded" > <BeginStoryboard> <Storyboard> <PointAnimation Storyboard.TargetName="lineTest" Storyboard.TargetProperty="Point" From="10,100" To="10,200" Duration="0:0:5" /> </Storyboard> </BeginStoryboard> </EventTrigger> </Path.Triggers> </Path> </StackPanel> </Grid></UserControl>

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How are points awarded? 怎样给(打)分? "When you ask a question you are awarded points. What are these points for?"

帮忙写一篇Turning Points in life的英语作文!两三百词!万分感谢!

University life is an important turning point.Some people think that the University is to learn knowledge and skills of the local culture,some people think that the University is to develop the capacities of my own,I also very much agree with the same.In universities,you can learn a lot in primary and secondary schools are not learning the knowledge.For example,people with interpersonal skills,self-learning ability and self-life,and values of culture and so on.All these will be in your future,with the help of a very important and very far-reaching implications.These aspects of culture,are essential in the university four years have tempered and thus develop.

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for explaning difficult grammar points在句(1)中作a special grammar program的定语。for the conference在在句(2)中作目的状语。

After explaining his plan in great detail,Bob _____ its main points in a few sentences


JAY-Z和Linkin Park合作的Points of Authority / 99 Problems / One Step Closer

百度,酷狗,酷我上都有的~http://www.prism.gatech.edu/~gtg820x/pa99osc.mp3歌词:Points Of Authority/99 Problems/One Step Closer If you havin" girl problems I feel bad for you, sonI got ninety-nine problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit meYou got it, Mike?He"s got the rap patrol on the gat patrolFoes that wanna make sure his casket"s closedRap critics who say he"s "Money, Cash, Hoes"He"s from the hood, stupid, what type of facts are those?If you grew up with holes in your sapitosYou"d be celebratin" the minute you was havin" doughSo fuck critics: You can kiss our whole assholeIf you don"t like the lyrics you can press fast-forwardGot beef with radio if we don"t play the showThey don"t play our hits?we don"t give a shit, soAll these mags tryin" to use our assSo advertisers can give "em more cash for adsFuckers, I don"t know what you take us hasOr understand the intelligence that Jay-Z hasFrom rags to riches, we ain"t dumbWe got ninety-nine problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit meNinety-nine problems but a bitch ain"t oneIf you havin" girl problems I feel bad for you, sonI got ninety-nine problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit meThe year is ninety-four and my trunk is rawIn the rear-view mirror is the mo"fuckin" lawI got two choices, y"all: Pull over the car orBounce on the double, put the pedal to the floorNow I ain"t tryin" to see no highway chase with JakePlus I got a few dollars?I can fight the caseSo I pull over to the side of the roadAnd I heard: "Son, do you know what I"m stoppin" you for?""Cause I"m young and I"m black and my hat"s too low?Do I look like a mind-reader, sir? I don"t knowAm I under arrest or should I guess some more?"You was doin" fifty-five in a fifty fourLicense and registration and step out of the carAre you carryin" a weapon on you? Know a lot of you are"I ain"t steppin" out of shitAll my paper"s legit"Well, do you mind if I look around the car a little bit?"Well, my glove compartment is locked?so"s the trunk in the backAnd I know my rights so you gon" need a warrant for that"Now aren"t you sharp as a tack? You some type-a lawyer or somethin"?Somebody important or somethin"?"Haha, I ain"t passed the bar but I know a little bitEnough that you won"t illegally search my shit"We"ll see how smart you are when the K9"s come"I got ninety-nine problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit meNinety-nine problems but a bitch ain"t oneIf you havin" girl problems I feel bad for you, sonI got ninety-nine problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit meNinety-nine problems but a bitch ain"t oneIf you havin" girl problems I feel bad for you, sonI got ninety-nine problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit meNinety-nine problems but a bitch ain"t oneIf you havin" girl problems I feel bad for you, sonI got ninety-nine problems but a bitch ain"t oneNow, once upon a time not too long agoA nigga like myself had to strong-arm a hoThis is not a ho in the sense of havin" pussyBut a pussy havin" no God damn sense tryin" to push meI tried to ignore him and talk to the LordPray for him "cause some fools just love to performYou know the type: Loud as a motorbikeBut wouldn"t bust a grape in a fruit fightThe only thing that"s gonna happen is I"m-a get to clappin"And he and his boys gon" be yappin" to the captainAnd there I go, trapped in the kit-kat againBack through the system with the riff-raff againFiends on the floor scratchin" againPaparazzis with they cameras, snappin" themDA tried to give the nigga shaft againHalf a mil for bail "cause I"m AfricanAll because this fool was harassin" themTryin" to play the boy like he"s saccharineBut ain"t nothin" sweet?"bout I hold my gunI got ninety-nine problems?bein" a bitch ain"t oneNinety-nine problems but a bitch ain"t oneIf you havin" girl problems I feel bad for you, sonI got ninety-nine problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit meNinety-nine problems but a bitch ain"t oneIf you havin" girl problems I feel bad for you, sonI got ninety-nine problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit meShut up when I"m talkin" to youShut upShut upShut upShut up when I"m talkin" to youShut upShut upShut upShut up I"m about to breakEverything you say to meI got ninety-nine problems but a bitch ain"t oneHitI need a little room to breatheI got ninety-nine problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit meEverything you say to meI got ninety-nine problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit meI need a little room to breathe啊~狂顶LP!!!!!!!!!!!

Add up your score and see how many points you get


what makes a good class leader?等等的作文3个suggested points




points[i] = v.points[i]; 这一段是什么意思?

这一段的意思是对points"数组"里的每个元素对象进行赋值,不是两个数组直接赋值。实际上在C/C++语言里数组是不允许直接通过等号=就进行直接赋值的,但是如果数组是在结构体或者对象class里面,可以通过整个结构体或对象进行整体赋值。比如:int nums[10];int nums2[10];nums2 = nums这样直接数组赋值是允许的;struct test{int nums[10];}test t1;test t2 = t1这种数组在结构体里面是可以通过结构体对象赋值的。解释说明:编译器对结构体或者对象的赋值是通过整体内存拷贝进行的,当然这里说的是默认赋值,如果重载等号后是根据自定义来进行深度复制。这里问题就会出现了,结构体或者对象成员是指针的话,如果依然用默认赋值函数的话,只是对左值对象的指针赋值为右值对象指向的内存,那原来左值对象的指针就变成了野指针,而且还有个问题,如果后面右值对象发生值的改成,左值对象依然会改成,因为他们指向同一内存空间。这就是为什么要有重载进行深度复制的原因。




I can not bring him to my point of view . 我无法说服他同意我的观点。 I offer a word of remark on the point . 对于那一点我想稍微说几句话。 It "s inadvisable to overemphasize this point . 这一点不宜过分强调。 Mr. attlee made a searching point . 艾德礼先生提出了一个尖锐的论点。 She could contest the point with him no further . 她不能再跟他辩驳。 What is your point of view on nuclear power ? 你对核动力有什么看法? I am glad you raised that point . 你能把那一点指出来,我感到很高兴。 Be sure to make this point clear to everyone . 务使大家明了这一点。 We each have a different point of view . 我们每个人都有不同的观点。 In speaking one should be short and to the point ... 说话要简捷扼要。 This is a key point that is often overlooked . 这是常被忽略的要点。 We need one more point to win the game . 我们再得一分就能胜这一局。 An interior point cannot be an extreme point . 一个内点不可能是极点。 This involved a point of personal regret . 这在我个人方面颇感歉然。 She outpned the main points of the talk . 她作了那次讲话内容的提要。 "i"m a good man," he pointed at himself . “我是好人,”他指著自己。 Critical points of r are eigenvectors of a . R的临界点是A的特征向量。 There are the points wherein we differ . 这些就是我们意见不同的地方。 There were o significant points of caution . 有两点他必须十分当心。 We made it a point to do things for them . 我们坚持为他们做些事情。 Harrison strolled north to a point . 哈里森大步朝北面一个地方走去。 Your reasoning on this point is faulty . 你在这一点上的推论是错误的。 I have some sympathy with that point of view . 我比较赞成这种看法。 We want to be quite clear on this point . 关于这一点,我们要完全弄清。 The velocity at the stagnation points is zero . 在停滞点处,流速为零。 Our trip takes midway as a starting point . 我们的旅行以中途岛为起点。 She should strain a point to rejoin him . 她应该克服成见同他和好。 One answer points out the next question . 一个答案又引出了下步的问题。 Murray nemser was a case in point . 默里尼姆塞尔就是一个适当的例子。 The plane is o dimensional in points . 平面在点几何中是二维的。 We"ve always understood your point of view . 我们向来都很理解你的观点。 Please make sure you understand this point . 务请你们体谅这一点。 A trip in one point would have spoiled all . 走错一著,全盤皆输。 Opinions are divided on that point . 意见就在那一点上对立起来了。 His manner was abrupt to the point of rudeness . 他举止唐突,近乎粗鲁。 The revolutionary point remained primary . 革命的观点继续占上风。 He lost the point because the ball was out . 他因为球出界丢了分。 The far point of a normal eye is at infinity . 正常眼的远点在无穷远处。 Claire pointed to the hole a foot away . 克莱尔指指一英尺来远的那个洞。 She pointed to those things, winking . 她指著那些东西,挤眉弄眼。 Its beam pointed at the white ceipng . 它的光对著雪白的天花板。 My point of bpss is not upward, but here . 我的福,不在天上,而在这儿。 At this point the gauge pressure was read . 立即记录油压表读数。 I was near the point of breakdown . 我已经到了精神崩溃的边缘了。 Everyone has his own strong and weak points . 每人都有自己的长处和短处。 He recognized famipar points at once . 他顿时记起了熟悉的地方。 Thomas mann seconded these points . 托马斯曼表示赞同这些观点。 Administration was not his strong point . 经营管理并非他的特长。 Please weigh the above points and see if they are practicable . 请酌定。


1、point表示点数,打印和印刷单位,pixels是像素的单位,用在显示器,或者数字图片,他们主要的区别是用途不一样 2、换算关系一英寸=72pt(点)=96px(像素) 3、pt和px是point和pixels的简称

points(3,1) - 0.05什么意思,MATLAB中的

>> help pointspoints not found.Use the Help browser search field to search the documentation, ortype "help help" for help command options, such as help for methods.可见,points不是matlab中的函数,可能是自写的。计算结果会因自写程序不同而不同,意义也不同。但从上面三句看,xt,yt 应 坐标值,text(xt, yt, "Point 4")这句是在图上标文本,位置是在点(xt,yt ),内容是"Point 4" 。














point 源自拉丁语 pungere刺。因为一刺就出现一个点 [pCInt] n 尖(端);末端 the point of a nail 钉尖 尖岬 小数点 Read 4.7 as ‘four point seven." 4.7 读作“四点七。” (= decimal point) 句点(.) 〈几何〉点 场所;地点 Stop at this point. 停在此地。 (时间的)点;(特定)时刻;瞬间 It was a turning point in his career. 这是他事业上的转折点。 At the point he got up and left the room. 此时他站起来,离开了屋子。 (罗盘上的)方位点,罗经点,两罗经点间的差度 (= point of the compass) (温度表的)度 the melting point of gold 黄金的熔点 (价格涨落的)点 Prices on the stock exchange advanced two points. 股票市场价格涨了两点。 (比赛等的)分数,得分 We won by 5 points. 我们赢了5分。 要点;含义;论点;寓意 I don"t see your point. 我不懂你的意思。 I don"t see the point of waiting for her, she is probably not coming. 我不知道等她有什么意义,她可能不来了。 特点;特质 Painting isn"t her strong point. 绘画非她的特长。 用处;用途 There"s no point in wasting time. 耗时间没用。 电插座 (= power point) 尖兵 (针灸的)穴位 (修完某一课程所得的)学分 〈印〉点、磅、磅因(字号单位) (pl)〈铁路〉道岔 point vt, vi (常与to, at连用)指向;使对准 (与to连用)指认出,指出 (用灰泥)勾抹(墙缝);抹平 (猎犬)站住以鼻指示(猎物) 用脚趾指向一点 弄尖;削尖 给…加标点;加小数点 point at 瞄准 (= point towards) point out 指出;把注意力引向 aim direct indicate show point [pBInt; pCint] 断点;可寻址指针 A place or time in a sequence of events. 一个事件序列中的空间点或时间点。 A place used to hold or produce the address of another storage location. 一种容纳或产生另一存储单元地址的单元或位置。参阅pointer。 poinciana [pCinsi5AnE] n. 黄蝴蝶属 (Poinciana)植物 凤凰木(一种热带树) point [pCInt] n.点, 尖端, 分数, 要点, 分数 vt.弄尖, 指向, 指出, 瞄准, 加标点于 vi.指, 指向, 表明









points怎么读 英语points怎么读

1、points英[pu0254u026ants]美[pu0254u026ants],n.论点; 观点; 见解; 重点; 要点; 核心问题; 意图; 目的; 理由;v.(用手指头或物体)指,指向; 瞄准; 对着; 朝向;point的第三人称单数和复数。 2、[例句]The point you make is perfectly valid.你提出的论点完全站得住脚。

points at的意思和point to的意思一样吗?

point to与point at都含有“指……”的含义,但二者侧重点不同。point to侧重指方向,意为“指向”,另外还有“意味着”的意思;point at侧重指的对象,意为“指着”。如果表述的内容强调对象就用point at;如果强调方向,则用point to。例如:1.To have a grievance is pointing to have a purpose in life. 有委屈就意味着有目标。2.The finger of the clock points to twelve.钟的指针指向十二点。3.The teacher is pointing at the map and saying,“Here is Beijing". 老师指着地图说:“这是北京。”4.He pointed at the diagram to illustrate his point. 他指着图表来说明他的论点。拓展资料:point something at :对准,at this point in time : 此时,at point : 在某一点。


power points 词性及解释 功率点 Power Point Power Point简称PPT.Power Point是微软公司出品的office 软件系列重要组件之一(还有Excel,Word等).Microsoft Office PowerPoint 是一种演示文稿图形程序,文件扩展名为.ppt.Power Point是功能强大的演示文稿制作软件。可协助您独自或联机创建永恒的视觉效果。它增强了多媒体支持功能,利用Power Point制作的文稿,可以通过不同的方式播放,也可将演示文稿打印成一页一页的幻灯片,使用幻灯片机或投影仪播放,可以将您的演示文稿保存到光盘中以进行分发,并可在幻灯片放映过程中播放音频流或视频流。对用户界面进行了改进并增强了对智能标记的支持,可以更加便捷地查看和创建高品质的演示文稿。

Yahoo (20points!!URGENT!)

更新1: NOT copy from article!!! What Kenh"s wer is ALL copy and paste from "marketingteacher" which ALL info is i had already. ,what kind of *** ysis does Ken provides, ha?! weakness (2) says Online Advertising is very profitable today. Why is it a weakness ?! not quite anized thought !! 2008-03-08 09:23:20 补充: Glad that people are concerned about Plagiari *** like Mick. I think plagiari *** also applies here !! 2008-03-08 09:24:11 补充: Plagiari *** is aggravated by the easy access to and the ease of cutting and pasting from a wide range of materials available on the inter. Plagiari *** is regarded as a very serious offence in the academic world. 2008-03-08 12:51:30 补充: target consumers or audiences or visitors munity seeking infotainment general public needs email, dictionary, messaging, etcteens and youngsters interested in entertainment new on celebrities, music, movies, gossips general traders in stock market (who do not pay premium services from the brokers for real-time data feed)teachers and students in education institution *** usiness people who are searching for business or pany informationbusinesses going to advertise their products and services Revenue generating services About 88% of its total evenue came from marketing services (as of 2006)Advertisement placement, Search indexing, YellowPage, Bizfinder/ Wheretogo, Auctions, Shopping, Career (Jobs), Web Hosting, Premium services (personals, mail, e..) Strengths global presence total presence in 29 countries hundred million visitors and billions page views (according to web traffic *** ysis panies) over 130 million users per month and 3.4 billion pageview daily on all Yahoo websites huge array of information covering almost every ects in life, family, education, business/merce, munication, advertising, e.. huge array of services for your needs such as email, chats, directories, anti-spyware, searching, personals/dating, auctions, shopping, wer(knowledge), chats, e.. localization on news, contents, useful info, directories, services Weaknesses cannot obtain further economy of scales in services provisionno drastic anic growth unless through acquisition too much overhead per countries (laying off 1,000 employees ie. 7% of the workforce 14,300 staff)fierce petition in the market such as search engine (by Google), email services (by Gmail, Hotmail, etc), instant messaging (by MSN, QQ, etc), so on and so forth ### others pls do not copy my reply 2008-03-08 12:54:53 补充: Yahoo services include News, Weather, Sports, Travel, Finance, Insurance, Business, YellowPage, Search engine, Learning, BizFinder, HotJobs, Wheretogo, Answers, Maps, Autos, Real Estates, Technology, Classified, Directory Music, Movies, TV, Celebrities, Games, Greetings, Group, Chat, Buzz(人气) and... 2008-03-08 12:55:07 补充: and... Auctions, Shopping, LifeStyle, Tokens, Personals(友缘人), Astrology, Messages (forum), Video, Mobile Mail, Addres *** ook, Calendar, Messenger, Search, Toolbar, Dictionary, Trlation, Photo, Briefcase, Geocities, BLOG, Avatars, Anti-spyware, and more beta ones on trial 2008-03-08 12:55:56 补充: docs.yahoo/docs/family/more/,参考: Yahoo!, Wikipedia, Alexa,,唉, 楼主已经讲明话要 dont copy and paste. 阿 Ken (001) d 答案都系系一d非常官方既地方抄返来, 因为我地通常都就咁写 Yahoo, 而阿 Ken (001) 系写 Yahoo!, 一定系抄返来. 我d答案都被佢一字不漏地抄过两次, 第一次检举迟左, 被佢成为最佳答案, 第二次及早检举成功. consumer 既 demographic profile 又欠奉. 所以, what kind of *** ysis does Ken provide? I am sure it is not quite anised. 2008-03-07 09:31:46 补充: 楼主, thank you very much for your pliment in response to guru.1.2.3 and me. Incidentally, I noticed that kenh.cheung0104 (001) had copied one of my previous wers word by word for the third time yesterday. I have already 检举 but it seems that nothing has been done., Target --> Demographic Profile: All puter / inter user. Strengths: 1) Yahoo!"s Overture is a tremendously profitable Inter advertising business. It focuses on affiliate advertising for large adverting accounts, in the same way as Google"s Adsense programme. This is an important ine stream for Yahoo!. 2) Yahoo! has over 350 million users of its services and solutions. This makes it a very powerful marketing pany, with a very well known brand. Some reports indicate that is it is the most popular website in the World. 3) A key long-term strength is Yahoo!"s international business presence. As the Inter expands and it is adopted by more nations the opportunities for Inter brands begin to emerge. 2008-03-05 10:38:42 补充: Weaknesses: 1) Differentiation is difficult for Yahoo!. Almost all of its packaged services are available from other sources. (i) Search facilities are available on MSN and Google. 2008-03-05 10:38:57 补充: (ii) Free E-mail accounts are available from Hotmail (MSN) or G-Mail (Google), and many, many others. (iii) New is available from CNN or the BBC. (iv) Shopping is available everywhere on the Inter. Google has Froogle. 2008-03-05 10:39:22 补充: 2) Online advertising is a new ine stream for anizations such as MSN, Yahoo! and Goggle. Yes, today they are very, very profitable. 2008-03-05 10:39:39 补充: 3) However, as technology develops and new unforeseen advertising media emerge, the future is uncertain for these ine streams. This is a weakness for Yahoo! and its petitors. 2008-03-05 10:40:00 补充: 4) Another ine stream that has been key to Yahoo! is derived from its partnerships with telemunication providers. If ever this channel is changed or removed, the ine stream would be affected.,参考: =),



英语section 和 points的区别


What are yoy strong points?答案外加答案意思

应该是your strong points ,意思是你的强项是什么?

求Points of authority/99 problems/One step closer歌词

[JAY-Z]If your havin girl problems I feel bad for you sonI got 99 problems but a bitch ain"t one[MIKE SHINODA]I got the rap patrol on the gat patrolFoes that wanna make sure my casket"s closedRap critics that say he"s "Money Cash Hoes"I"m from the hood stupid what type of facts are thoseIf you grew up with holes in your zapatosYou"d celebrate the minute you was havin doeI"m like fuck critics you can kiss my whole assholeIf you don"t like my lyrics you can press fast forwardGot beef with radio if I don"t play they showThey don"t play my hits well I don"t give a shit SORap mags try and use my black assSo advertisers can give em more cash for adsI don"t know what you take me asor understand the intellegence that Jay-Z hasI"m from rags to ritches niggas I ain"t dumbI got 99 problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit me[CHESTER BENNINGTON]Everything you say to me(Takes me one step closer to the edge and I"m about to break)Yea, I need a little room to break(Cause I"m one step closer to the edge and I"m about to break)[JAY-Z]The year is "94 and in my trunk is rawIn my rear view mirror is the mother fuckin lawI got two choices yall pull over the car orBounce on the devil put the pedal to the floorNow I ain"t tryin to see no highway chase with JakePlus I got a few dollars I can fight the caseSo I.....pull over to the side of the roadAnd I heard "Son do you know why i"m stoppin you for?"Cause i"m young and i"m black and my hats real lowDo I look like a mind reader sir, I don"t knowAm I under arrest or should I guess some mo?"Well you was doin fifty five in a fifty four""Uh huh""Liscense and regestration and step out of the car""Are you carryin a weapon on you I know alot of you are"I ain"t steppin out of shit all my papers legit"Do you mind if I look round the car a little bit?"Well my glove compartment is locked so is the trunk and the backAnd I know my rights so you gon" need a warrent for that"Aren"t you sharp as a tack are some type of lawyer or something?""Or somebody important or somethin?"I ain"t pass the bar but I know a little bitEnough that you won"t illegally search my shit"Well we"ll see how smart you are when the K-9"s come"I got 99 problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit me[CHESTER BENNINGTON & JAY-Z]Aight, Everything you say to me...I got 99 problems but a bitch ain"t oneCuz I"m one step closer to the edge and I"m about to break)I need alittle room to breathI got 99 problems but a bitch ain"t one(I"m about to break)I got 99 problems but a bitch ain"t one(I need alittle room to breath)I got 99 problems but a bitch ain"t one, HIT ME(Break...Break..Break...)SHUT UP WHEN I"M TALKING TO YOUSHUT UPSHUT UPSHUT UPSHUT UPI"M ABOUT TO BREAKEverything you say to me...I got 99 problems but a bitch ain"t one(I"m about to break)Everything you say to me...I got 99 problems but a bitch ain"t one(I"m about to break)Everything you say to me...I got 99 problems but a bitch ain"t one(I"m about to break)Everything you say to me...I got 99 problems but a bitch ain"t one(I"m about to...)Everything you say to me...I got 99 problems but a bitch ain"t one(I"m about to break)If your havin" girl problems I feel bad for you son...I got 99 problem but a bitch ain"t one...HIT ME!

MATLAB:调试器的断点debugger breakpoints 是什么意思?有什么作用?


桥牌 HC points 是什么意思

大牌点(HP: High-card Points)