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请大侠赐教:请问水电站的调压井(surge shaft)和压力竖井(pressure shaft)的区别联系?



pressure的意思:压力;压迫。pressure,英 ["preʃə(r)],美 ["preʃər]    n. 压强;压力;压迫v. 施压过去式: pressured 过去分词: pressured 现在分词: pressuring 第三人称单数: pressures例句:1、My father suffers from high blood pressure.我父亲有高血压。2、The pressure of work was too great for him.工作的压力使他承受不了。pressure近义词:stress,英 [stres],美 [stres]    n. 压力;强调;重音vt. 强调;重读过去式: stressed 过去分词: stressed 现在分词: stressing 第三人称单数: stresses例句:Stress can be extremely damaging to your health.压力对你的健康会是非常有害的。




《高压监狱满天星》就是《高压监狱》,是最近短视频平台上许多人刷到的一个电影,那么高压监狱满天星在哪看呢? 目前国内不能直接观看,大家可以在国外网站观看。


电影《prison high pressure》中文名是《警网重重》。

prison high pressure电影在哪看

可以在网络视频平台如爱奇艺、腾讯视频等观看 prison high pressure(高压监狱)。您也可以在流媒体平台如Netflix、Hulu等观看这部电影。请注意,由于该电影在不同平台有不同的名称,您可能需要搜索不同的关键词才能找到它。

high- pressure prisons3怎么回答好呢?

high-pressure prisons three高压监狱英语:High pressure prison。英语:High pressure prison。prison,英文单词,名词、动词,作名词时意为“监狱;监禁;拘留所,人名;(德)普里松”,作动词时意为“监禁,关押”。high是一个英文单词,形容词、副词、名词,作形容词时意思是“高的”。造句1、He has been in prison for five years.他坐了五年牢。2、He was sent to prison for damaging public property.他因破坏公共财产被处监禁。3、Are there alternatives to prison?除了监禁还有其它办法吗?4、He broke prison and went abroad.他越狱逃到国外去了。5、He was in prison for ten years.他在狱中待了10年。6、No,he"s in prison.不,他在蹲监狱。

prison high pressure翻译中文

prison high pressure翻译中文如下:1、prison,英文单词,名词、动词,作名词时意为“监狱;监禁;拘留所,人名;(德)普里松”,作动词时意为“监禁,关押”。2、high是一个英文单词,形容词、副词、名词,作形容词时意思是“高的;高级的;崇高的;高音调的”,作副词时意思是“高;奢侈地”,作名词时意思是“高水平;天空;由麻醉品引起的快感;高压地带”。3、pressure,英语单词,主要用作为动词、名词,作动词时译为“迫使;密封;使……增压”;作名词时译为“压力;压迫,[物] 压强”。图片双语例句I leave this prison of decay.我离开这座腐烂的监狱。What did we do in prison?我们在监狱里做了什么呢?It was a prison from which no one escaped.那是一个没有人从那里逃掉的监狱。So audiences have high expectations for this one.所以观众对这一部的期待特别高。Where is it?How high is it and what lies above it ?它在哪里?它和什么在它上面躺卧是多高度?Not a high quality sound AT ALL, but I have fun with it.没有一个高品质的声音在所有,但我已与它的乐趣。The pressure now was relentless.压力现在毫无减弱之意。He didn"t put any pressure on her.他并没有给她施加任何压力。She finally flipped under the pressure.她在这种压力下终于发疯了。

加工中心报警2003 lube level pressure error

有可能是油管堵塞了 你加的油是不是有渣滓的 也有可能油泵坏了

加工中心发那科系统 报警 N.2003 LUBE PRESSURE LOW 请问哪位师傅知道怎么搞


lube unit oil level too low !和lube unit pressure too low !翻译成中文是什么意思?

lube unit oil level too low !试管单位油水平过低lube unit pressure too low !试管单位压力过低

LUBE PRESSURE LOW(油雾压力力低)报警怎么处理

杨俊 饰 村姑

电压VOLT:110V/220V 频率FREQ:60Hz/50Hz 功率POWER:1.5W 排气量OUTPUT:1.5L/min 气压PRESSURE:0.011Mp

电压VOLT:110V/220V 属于宽电源频率FREQ:60Hz/50Hz 中外的电压都可以用功率POWER:1.5W 排气量OUTPUT:1.5L/min 每分钟1.5升的排气量气压PRESSURE:0.011Mp这样不考虑其他因素,我们知道一度电就是一千瓦时。那么他的功率是1.5w。20小时是30w,4小时是6w,24小时是36w。那么他一天24小时耗电0.036度。

英语翻译问题。relieve sb of pressure。这个结构是译为减少压力还是解除压力?


求英语作文! we cannot do without gratitude 和how to overcome the pressure of exam 两篇

how to overcome the pressure of exam Students often face loads of stress in their life.First there is stress of exams and following it is the even more dreaded fear and stress of exam results.However,life is full of challenges and ups and downs and one should learn to effectively deal with it rather than succumbing to its pressure. Given below are some tips that can help you to effectively handle pressure and stress of exam results. With the approaching of results,students become quite tensed as there is pressure of expectations on them.As a parent and as a teacher,we often place huge expectations on our student钬檚 shoulders. While expectations and motivations are good till a certain extent,there are times when this faith and expectation becomes a huge cause of stress for the child. If you are facing such a situation,you should express it and talk it out with your friends,teachers and family members. how to overcome the pressure of exam There are many cases of suicide and depression we hear occurring in students just because they fall short of performing well in exams.However,you should learn to effectively deal with failures as a failure is not an end to life.Take failure in your stride and work harder the next time instead of giving up hope. Do not let negative energies surround you.When the days of results approach you,you must hope for the best and be prepared for the worst.After all,what has been done cannot be changed and you will reap the fruits of the seeds you had sown. There are various stress management techniques for children too and you must take help of them to avoid unnecessary stress and tension in your life. Thus,follow the given tips and have a positive frame of mind so as to effectively handle the pressure of exam results. we cannot do without gratitude The point of Thanksgiving is to remember the things we have to be grateful for.It"s our special time to give thanks...not just for the obvious,like food,but for the thousands of fortunate moments,the multitude of blessings that we receive each year. That"s not always as easy as it sounds.We tend to remember the bad things much more easily than the good.That"s where this article comes in.using the tips below,you can make thankfulness an everyday habit.It"s a skill that will benefit you throughout the year. Begin by keeping a gratitude journal.Don"t write down negative things; only positive ones.For example,"I"m grateful that I made it through that heavy rush hour traffic safely." "I"m grateful that I got to see a beautiful sunset." "I"m grateful that I have a class at school that I really like." Think of all the good things that happened because something bad happened first.For example,"If that slow driver hadn"t pulled in front of me,I would have gotten a speeding ticket." "If I hadn"t tripped on the playground,I would never have met such a nice person." "If I hadn"t experienced unemployment,I would never have acquired the skills that got me a more fulfilling job." Don"t focus on what you don"t have.Focus on what you do have.For example:"I"m so fortunate to have a warm place to sleep in the winter." "I"m so fortunate to live in a safe neighborhood where I can take walks." "I"m so fortunate to be able to see the beauty around me." Think about people you"ve known that have made you thankful for their existence.They can be family,friends or simply people that you"ve read about or seen on television.Imagine how many other people there are who might be equally as wonderful.You just haven"t met them yet. Think about people who have made life hard for you.Now think about the things you accomplished because of them.Did you finish something because they said that you couldn"t?Did you get better at something because they made fun of you when you did it badly?Did their cruel actions make you vow never to treat others that way?Even the negative forces in your life can be hidden blessings,worthy of your gratitude. Think about the animals that have given you joy:Dogs that love you with every inch of their hearts,cats that think your lap is the best place to nap in the whole world,birds whose songs uplift your spirit,squirrels whose antics put a grin on your face and so on. Think about the places that make you smile:A favorite hangout,a wooded trail,an exciting city,a great spot from which to view the sky,a hill that you once rolled down.Give thanks for all these things. Now pass it on.True gratitude involves action.Lend a hand.Pitch in.Make a gift.Give your time.Listen.Give back as often as you can.Even a friendly greeting can make all the difference in the world. Create your own opportunities for gratitude.Do you know someone who never seems happy?Be ready with a smile and a kind word each time you see them.It may require patience,but eventually,they"ll smile first when they see you.Your interactions with them will be much more pleasant.Guess what?You"ll have a new reason to be thankful! Let others know when they"ve done something that you"re thankful for.For example,"I"ll never forget how you stuck up for me.It meant a lot." "That email you sent really made my day." "You make shopping here a pleasure." An attitude of gratitude spreads like ripples from a tossed pebble,benefitting all it touches. Remember that hard times make good times sweeter.Also keep in mind that obstacles and challenges not only make you stronger,but they force you to explore outside of the comfortable routine that you"ve settled into.Without challenges,there can be no progress.Without obstacles,there can be no achievement.Be thankful for the opportunities that they provide. In conclusion,giving thanks is a powerful tool that can dramatically improve your life and the lives of those around you.Start by embracing gratitude"s special day,then make it a habit!

请问在传感器领域里的strain、force 、pressure这三个词确切含义是什么?


discharge pressure是什么意思

discharge pressure生词本英 [disu02c8tu0283ɑ:du0292 u02c8preu0283u0259] 美 [du026asu02c8tu0283ɑrdu0292 u02c8pru025bu0283u025a]排气压力,出口压力,输送压力网 络排出压力;排放压力;排气压力;出口压力双语例句1. Check that discharge pressure is normal. 检查排出压力是否正常.2. The discharge pressure loss in large capacity scroll compressor is discussed in this paper. 论文重点针对如何解决在大排气量下涡旋压缩机排气压力损失问题展开了讨论.3. With the compressor clutch engaged, record the discharge air temperature and the compressor discharge pressure. 当压缩机离合器合上时, 记录排放空气温度和压缩机排放压力.4. Machine design for compressing air or gas from an initial intake pressure to a discharge pressure. 一个可使原始压力变得更高压力压缩空气的机械装置.5. Do not overheat cylinder to increase pressure or discharge rate. 禁止使钢瓶过热来增加压力或流速.

斯柯达全新明锐行车电脑显示TYRE PRESSURE表示什么?


英语高手帮下忙,帮我翻译并随意写几句话what pressures do you have now?how do you deal with them?

1 你有怎样的压力?你如何处理它们?2 这学期遇到什么困难了吗?如何解决的?3 大学第一学期结束了,你有什么想法(思考)吗?4 你准备如何度过即将来临的寒假?汉语答案给我,我给你翻。

新明锐长按胎压监测键显示TYRE PRESSURES STONED 是什么意思


check tirepressures什么意思


tire pressures too low是什么意思

tire pressures too low轮胎压力太低双语对照例句:1.Price pressures too seem to be easing. 价格压力看起来也在减小。2.Many other parents felt the move eased certain financial pressures too. 还有许多家长认为此举也减轻了他们的经济压力。


Many college students say that they are facing so many pressures in their lives that they are on the go from morning till night. What, then, are the pressures on college students? There are generally three kinds of pressures on college students. The first pressure comes from the students themselves. In order to become top students and to win a scholarship, many students spend more time on studying but less time on recreation or rest. The second pressure stems from their peer groups. Finding that their classmates are staying up late, many students will feel guilty if they do something else. They think the only way to overcome the fear of being left behind the others is to study even harder. The last pressure derives from the competition in finding a job after graduation. There is a sharp increase in the number of college graduates in job markets in recent years, making it hard for college students to find jobs. Many students believe that the more knowledge they learn now at college, the more chance they will have in finding a job in the future on the job market. A certain amount of pressures is not necessarily a bad thing. It stimulates students to make continuous efforts with their studies. However, too much pressure is certainly harmful to one's well being. College students ought to come to terms with themselves and the world around them. Moreover, they ought to learn how to relieve themselves of unnecessary pressures in their daily lives.

i am under a lot of pressure,复数为何不用s?

需要加s pressure在不同情况下分为可数和不可数 两种.1.在物理意义中“压力”可数 ,可用pressures.2.像血压等blood pressure,这种则不可 数.

rear left low check all tyre pressures 是什么意思





Pressure is force that you produce when you press hard on something. N-UNCOUNT She kicked at the door with her foot, and the pressure was enough to open it. The pressure of his fingers had relaxed. The best way to treat such bleeding is to apply firm pressure. The pressure in a place or container is the force produced by the quantity of gas or liquid in that place or container. N-UNCOUNT also N in pl The window in the cockpit had blown in and the pressure dropped dramatically. Warm air is now being drawn in from another high pressure area over the North Sea. If there is pressure on a person, someone is trying to persuade or force them to do something. N-UNCOUNT also N in pl He may have put pressure on her to agree. + "on" Its government is under pressure from the European Commission. The political pressures to do something are pretty enormous. If you are experiencing pressure, you feel that you must do a lot of tasks or make a lot of decisions in very little time, or that people expect a lot from you. N-UNCOUNT also N in pl Can you work under pressure? Even if I had the talent to play tennis I couldn"t stand the pressure. The pressures of modern life are great. + "of" If you pressure someone to do something, you try forcefully to persuade them to do it. VERB He will never pressure you to get married. V n to-inf The Government should not be pressured into making hasty decisions. "be" V-ed + "into" Don"t pressure me. V n His boss did not pressure him for results. V n + "for"

新明锐长按胎压监测键显示TYRE PRESSURES STONED 是什么意思


新世纪大学英语系列教材第二版综合教程1college pressures翻译

A teacher who studies education has done a lot of research on students with excellent grades, and found that the most intelligent students can always get high scores if they don"t see them. According to the professor, other education experts and top students, it is more important for students to know how to give full play to their potential.一位研究教育的老师针对成绩优异的学生做过重点研究,发现最聪明的学生不见的总能得高分。根据这位教授、其他教育专家以及优等生们自己的观点,懂得如何充分发挥自己的潜能对于学生来说更为重要。The top students in the class are excellent because they have mastered several basic principles. First of all, top students know how to prioritize. They never sacrifice their study time to make a phone call, watch TV or eat snacks. In other words, learning is always before entertainment.在班上名列前茅的学生之所以学习优秀,是因为他们掌握了几个基本原则。首先,优等生知道如何决定轻重缓急。他们从来不会为了打电话、看电视或者吃零食而牺牲学习时间。换言之,学习总是摆在娱乐之前。In addition, top students always pay attention to learning anytime, anywhere. A student with excellent performance is also an excellent athlete. He uses outdoor training time to recite biology terms every day. Another student used the time of brushing his teeth every morning to remember a new word. Without exception, all the students interviewed believed that when to study was a matter of personal preference.另外,优等生们总是注意随时随地学习。有位成绩优异的学生同时也是优秀的运动员,每天利用户外训练时间背生物学术语。而另一位学生则利用每天早上刷牙时间记一个新单词。所有受访的学生无一例外都认为,在什么时间学习完全是个人偏好问题。Some people learn well in the dead of night, while others like to start learning when they can clearly remember what they say in class. Nevertheless, all the top students agree that if you want to perform well at any time, one of the main factors is perseverance.有些人在夜深人静时学习效果好,有些人则喜欢趁着自己还能清晰地记得上课所讲的内容,-放学回家就开始学习。尽管如此,所有优等生都一致认为,如果想任何时候都表现优秀,一个主要的因素就是要持之以恒。Students must also learn to be organized. For example, there is a top student who is active in school bands, track and field teams, rugby associations and debate groups. He revealed that he kept things in order because he couldn"t afford to waste time looking for things everywhere.学生还必须学会有条理。举个例子,有一位优等生在学校乐队、田径队、橄榄球协会和辩论小组里都很活跃。他透露,他之所以把东西放得井井有条是因为他浪费不起到处找东西的时间。Another student likes to organize the notes of the day immediately and put them in the folders marked with different colors so that they can be used for review at any time near the exam. Another skill that the top students advocate is effective reading, which includes fast reading, improving memory and asking questions to fully understand the author"s meaning.还有一位学生喜欢把当天的笔记马上整理出来并放进用不同颜色标记的文件夹里,以便临近考试时能随时用来复习。优等生们提倡的另一个技巧是有效的阅读,其中包括快速阅读,提高记忆能力以及主动提出问题以便充分理解作者的意思。扩展资料这部分内容主要考察的是表语从句的知识点:可以由名词、形容词或相当于名词或形容词的词或短语充当表语的成分。然而要注意,表语从句属于名词性从句,只是表语的其中一种情况——由名词充当表语。常见的引导表语从句的从属连词(Subordinating Conjunction)有when,where,why,who,how,that。它们都有代词(Pronoun)词性,即具备名词(Noun)性质,所以可以引导主语从句、同位语从句、宾语从句、表语从句全部四种名词性从句。用来说明主语的身份、性质、品性、特征和状态的,表语常由名词、形容词、副词、介词短语、不定式、动词的-ing、从句来充当,它常位于系动词(be, become, appear, seem,look,sound,feel,get,smell等词)之后。如果句子的表语也是由一个句子充当的,那么这个充当表语的句子就叫做表语从句。

求一篇College Pressures的120字作文



blood-pressures网络飙血压;初始速度网络释义1. 飙血压飙血压 (Blood Pressures) / 杀手乐团 (The Kills)推荐人:北部HITO LATE NIGHT SHOW/奇哥 一直以来,对於一女一男的组合颇情有独|基于2个网页2. 初始速度...能以选定速度与长途接见办事器的调制解调器精确地协商。对付任一可能性,都应降隆重制解调器的初始速度 (blood pressures),然后

most of us have lots of pressures改错?

most of us have lots of pressure.

under pressure的意思

地质水中一个十分主要的事实是:当受到很大水压时,脆性材料如岩石等有变成延性材料的趋势。 High-pressure gas could be released by pressure on a trigger. 一按扳机高压气体就会被释出。 This valve must be marked with a maximum set pressure not to exceed the marked working pressure on the water heater. 这种安全法必须标注不能超过的最大设置压力和热水器的最大工作压力。 Earnings at airlines have already been under pressure amid waning demand and a record surge in the price of crude oil. 随着市场需求的疲软和原油价格再创历史新高,航空公司的收入已经面临很大的压力。


意思不同。presure:压力表、调压计、突变压力、最高静压;pressure,主要用作为动词、名词,作动词时译为“迫使;密封;使……增压”;(更多的是指物理上的压力,如水压、大气压) pressure的用法 用作名词(n.) The pressure of the water turns this wheel, and this is used to make electric power. 水压驱动这个轮子从而产生电力。 I hope that the tire pressure is right. 我希望轮胎的压力正好。 The pressure of the crowd made it impossible for me to stand still. 人群的压力使我不可能站直。 He changed his mind under the pressure from others. 他在别人的逼迫之下改变了主意。 pressure英文短句/例句 1.Compressive Strength, Compression Strength抗压强度,耐压强度 2.Oil Pressure Test Forstrength油压强度试验 3.An Instrument For Measuring Pressure, Especially High Pressure.压力计,压强计用来测量压力、尤其是高压的工具 4.Water Pressure Test For Strength And Tightness水压强度和密封性试验 5.Air Pressure Test For Strength And Tightness气压强度及气密试验 6.Testing Method For Compressive (Crushing) Strength Of Fired Whiteware Materials陶瓷抗压强度试验方法

pressure excess是什么意思


threshold pressure是什么意思

threshold pressure 阈限压力

英语:39. His self-confidence made him _____ to pressure.

39 .B 40. D 41. C 42. D 43 .A 44. A 45. A 46. D 47. B 真不容易啊,查了好几个单词呢~~求过!!

723天与时并进:PIER PRESSURE 标题怎译?及闻中问字解?

更新1: but today Chief Executive Donald Tsang said there is no way 无办法 it or the Star Ferry Pier on which demolition work has already begun 开始佐 can be spared (spared 怎解?). 更新2: He said he respects 尊重 the public"s views on preserving 保留 the city"s history and promised 承诺 the ernment will launch 展开 a new round 新一轮 of public discussions on heritage (heritage 怎解?) preservation 保留 next month. 更新3: ATV Main News You may revise it if you like. Thanks (1)PIER PRESSURE “pier”是解作“码头”之意 “pressure”是解作“压力” “PIER PRESSURE” 是指“因码头拆卸所带来的压力” 指的当然是 *** 方面所受的压力 (2)SPARE “spare”应是解作“赦免/免去” 指的是“免去遭拆卸的结果”。 “now Chief Executive Donald Tsang said there is no way 无办法 it or the Star Ferry Pier... can be spared”全句是指“特首 *** 指出现在已经无辨法可免去天星码头或皇后码头遭拆卸的结果 因为拆卸的工程已经开始进行”。 (3)HERITAGE “heritage”是指“历史遗迹” 本文指的当然是如天星码头或皇后码头这些历史遗迹。 “the ernment will launch ...preservation next month”全句就是指 *** 方面 将会于下月展开新一轮的公开咨询 讨论关于历史遗迹的保存问题。 "Pier Pressure" 是借用法。原句是"peer pressure",意思是受同僚所做事情而产生的压力。许多时,我们去做一件事并非是自愿的,可能因为我个看到身边的同僚或同学都做某件事情,我们没做便好像不是一份子,那时候我们就是受了peer pressure。由于pier跟peer同音,所以新闻主持就用了借用,去说 *** 在清拆天星码头时候遇到的压力。 to spare 解作“赦免/幸免” The employer spares John from the recent round of layoff. John is spared from the recent round of layoff. heritage preservation 古物/古迹保留/保存 Hertiage也可以解作家族的背境或历史,或传统 The city has a heritage of displaying Christmas lights on both sides of the harbour. John is proud of his mixed heritage: his Chinese father and British mother.

“压降”的两种英文说法pressure drop和pressure differential有何区别?请指教!谢谢



differentialpressure 背压

differential pressure是什么意思

压差; 压力降; 压力落差; 差动压力压差;差压;差动压力;分压



stress & pressure 用法区别?


pressure bypass是什么意思


Something as simple as______some cold water may clear your mind and relieve pressure.A. to drin...

B 考查动名词作主语的用法。句中的Something as simple as drinking some cold water共同作主语,谓语是clear和relieve。不定式虽然也可以作主语,但在此题中有as…as结构,所以要选择和something较一致的动名词而不是不定式。答案是B项。

low tire pressure是什么意思

low tire pressure双语例句1. Tire pressure low, rear right . Check tires. 轮胎气压低, 右后.

以how to deal pressure为主题,写一篇如何缓解压力的英语作文

  Because of the high developing speed of the world, pressure has become a serious problem in nowadays. As our students, we also have to face with much pressure, such as the study pressure, exam pressure,relationship pressure and so on. But how can we cope with pressure? This is the most important.  由于世界的高度发展,压力已经成为现今一个严重的问题。作为学生,我们也必须面对压力,比如学习压力,考试压力,关系压力等等。但是,怎样缓解压力呢?这是最重要的。  Firstly, we should face the pressure appropriately. Pressure is inevitable in our daily life, so we can"t be afraid of them and try our best to cope with them. Secondly, tell our pressure to others. Talking is a very effective way to ease pressure, and during the talking, we may get some suggestions and solutions. Finally, trust ourselves. We should believe ourselves that we can deal with any troubles by ourselves or by others" help.  首先,我们应该正对面对压力。压力是我们日常生活中不可避免的,所以我们不能害怕她,要尽力去解决它们。其次,向别人倾诉压力。聊天是缓解压力的有效方式,在聊天过程中,我们可能会得到一些建议和解决方法。最后,要相信自己。我们应该相信自己我们可以通过自己或他人的帮助处理任何麻烦。

how to deal with peer pressure

As the world keeps transforming and our society developing with times, Mental problem has come to a field we should pay attention to .And the phenomenon of Peer presure problem has rise to an up level. As a college student,we probably meet more difficulties than elder people because we are in a situation that we"ve had some views about life but actually we haven"t growed up in some degree.Disblief,suspicons,envy,and other bad factors trully exist in our lives when getting along with peers and how can we deal with them?I think that we should try to to be more positive towards our lives,towards our friends and people around us,fill our lives with significant activities ,coordinate with others so we can get trust from each other.In this way we"d change our mind towards someone that used tp be disgusting to you and get inner balanced. Problems are always there and that"s just the matter of how we solve them.一气呵成~绝对原创

How. to Deal with Pressure作文

How. to Deal with Pressure作文

英语作文:how to deal with pressure急急急


how to deal with pressure


Pressuremeter Test ( PMT)

In 1954,a young French engineering student named Louis Menard began to develop a newtype of in-situ test: the pressuremeter test. Although Kogler had done some limited work on a similar test some twenty years earlier,it was Menard who made it a practical reality.The pressuremeter is a cylindrical balloon that is inserted into the ground and inflated. Measurements of volume and pressure can be used to evaluate the in-situ stress, compressibility,and strength of the adjacent soil and thus the behavior of a foundation.The PMT may be performed in a carefully drilled boring or the test equipment can be combined with a small auger to create a self-boring pressuremeter. The latter design provides less soil disturbance and more intimate contact between the pressuremeter and the soil.The PMT produces much more direct measurements of soil compressibility and lateral stresses than do the SPT and CPT. Thus,in theory,it should form a better basis for settlement analyses,and possibly for pile capacity analyses. However,the PMT is a difficult test to perform and is limited by the availability of the equipment and personnel trained to use it.Although the PMT is widely used in France and Germany,it is used only occasionally in other parts of the world. However,it may become more popular in the future.






都可以压力pressuretensionoverwhelming force压强 pressureintensity of pressure

pressure后面是接of 还是on

短语:at high pressure 使劲地;快速地be (或 come) under (the) pressure (to do something) 在压力(催促)下做某事bring pressure to bear upon (或on) someone 对某人施加压力[亦作 put pressure upon (或on) someone]pile the pressure on 施加压力;增加负担pressure of events 逼人的形势(指局势骤变,要求人从速抉择)pressure upon过分地(或不适当地)利用(相识关系、友谊、某人的慷慨、好脾气等)信赖;依靠put (或 place) pressure on (或 upon) someone = bring pressure to bear upon (或 on) someonethe pressure of the times 不景气,时势的艰难under pressure 在压力(或强制)下,被迫under the pressure of 在…的压力下;在…的逼迫下work at high pressure 紧张(或高速度)地工作;使劲干work at low pressure 萎靡不振(或懒洋洋)地工作



pressure怎么读 英语pressure怎么读

1、pressure英[u02c8preu0283u0259(r)]美[u02c8preu0283u0259r],n.压力; 挤压; 压强; 大气压; 催促; 心理压力,vt.施加压力; 迫使; 使(机舱等)增压。 2、[例句]The pressure of work is beginning to get to him.工作的压力使他烦恼起来。


pressure可数,pressure意思是: n. 压力;挤压;压强;大气压; v. 施加压力;迫使;使(机舱等)增压 扩展资料   The new sports centre will take the pressure off the old one.   新的体育运动中心将减轻老体育运动中心的`压力。   Pressure is mounting on the government to change the law.   迫使政府修改法律的压力不断增加。   This drug is used to lower blood pressure.   这种药用于降血压。   Some people can only operate well under pressure.   有些人只有在压力下才工作得好。   Water supplies to the house are at low pressure.   这房子的供水水压低。

pression 和 pressure有什么区别吗?


stress 同 pressure 有何分别??

stress 同 pressure 作名词用都解作压力,但意思是有一点不同的。 pressure (noun = 压力 verb = 施加压力) stress (noun = 压力,紧张 verb = 强调) stressed (adjective) 紧张 pressure 是外在的,例如 financial pressure work pressure pressure from boss pressure from peer e stress 是精神上的,也可说是受到外来压力的内在反应。 在没有特别指明是那种压力的情况 stress 也可指外来压力。 作为名词 stress 同 pressure 多数情况下是可以互相替代的。 e.g. You need to be able to handle pressure in this job. Not many people enjoy the stresses/pressures of city life. Stress is often a factor in the development of long-term sickness. He was pressured into accepting the agreement. People feel stressed under financial pressure. 2009-03-29 21:36:20 补充: 「pressure... 我们感觉 唔到」这是 layneegispooop说的,我并没有如些说。




pressure的动词形式是pressure本身,pressure既可作动词又能作名词。pressure作动词时译为“迫使;密封;使u2026u2026增压”;作名词时译为“压力;压迫。 扩展资料   一、pressure词性转换   第三人称单数: pressures   复数: pressures   现在分词: pressuring   过去式: pressured   过去分词: pressured   二、短语搭配   under pressure 面临压力,在压力之下;受到压力   high pressure 高压,高气压;高度紧张   blood pressure 血压   low pressure 低气压;松懈   pressure vessel 压力容器   high blood pressure 高血压   air pressure 气压;风压   gas pressure 气压;气体压力;煤气压力   pressure difference 压力差;差压;压力补偿器;气压梯度   static pressure 静压   三、双语例句   1.The pressure of work is beginning to get to him.   工作的.压力使他烦恼起来。   2.ome people can only operate well under pressure.   有些人只有在压力下才工作得好。   3.University teachers are under pressure to publish.   大学教师有不得不发表作品的压力。   4.He never gets ruffled, even under pressure.   即使在压力之下,他也从不感到沮丧。   5.He didn"t put any pressure on her.   他并没有给她施加任何压力。   6.The pressure now was relentless.   压力现在毫无减弱之意。


pressure与stress的区别如下:一、pressure。(1)名词解释。n.:压力;挤压;压强;大气压;v.:施加压力;迫使;使···增压;(2)双语例句。She kicked at the door with her foot, and the pressure was enough to open it。她用脚踢门,力气之大足以把门踹开。The window in the cockpit had blown in and the pressure dropped dramatically。驾驶舱的窗户突然向内破裂,气压急剧降低。The best way to treat such bleeding is to apply firm pressure。治疗这种流血的最好方法就是牢牢将伤口压住。二、stress。(1)名词解释。n.:精神压力;心理负担;紧张;压力;应力;强调;重要性;v.:强调;着重;重读;用重音读;(使)焦虑不安;疲惫不堪;(2)双语例句。Katy could think clearly when not under stress。在没有精神压力的情况下凯蒂思路清晰。Of course, the British will suffer such daily stresses patiently。当然,英国人将会耐心地承受这些日常压力。Stress and lack of sleep can aggravate the situation。压力和睡眠不足会使情况恶化。三、具体区别。1、含义不同。stress是指精神上的压力,如:考试之前,面试之前的紧张;pressure是指物理上的压力,例如:水压、大气压等等。2、压力的侧重点不同。stress侧重指承受外来的压力,也指由于某种原因而引起的心理、生理或情绪上的紧张。pressure在科学上,指单位面积上所受到的压力。用于引申时,指某事物所产生的压力或影响力等。3、从句的不同。stress可以作为动词可以引导从句,但是pressure不可以。


pressure用法及固定搭配:pressure动词是它本身pressure,英语单词,主要用作为动词、名词,作动词时译为“迫使;密封;使……增压”;作名词时译为“压力;压迫,[物] 压强”。短语搭配under pressure 面临压力,在压力之下;受到压力high pressure 高压,高气压;高度紧张blood pressure n. 血压low pressure 低气压;松懈pressure drop 压力下降,压强下降hydraulic pressure [机]液压;水压pressure vessel 压力容器

pressure是什么意思 解释pressure一词的含义?


·关于PRESSURE 的单词,词组

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 答案中没有PRESSURE也行 解析: 一、pressure 1、at high(low) pressure (副)紧张地(悠闲的) 2、put(bring) pressure on(upon) (vi) 对(某人)施加压力They put(brought) pressure on me to sell my precious land. 他们给我施加压力要我卖掉宝贵的土地。 3、under pressure (副)(形)被迫,迫不得已;在压力下。 4、under the pressure of (介)在。。。逼迫下,因。。。逼不得已,在。。。压力下。 pressure cabin (名)(飞机内的)气密座舱,增压舱 pressure cooker (名) 高压锅 pressure guage(名)压力计 pressure group (名)压力集团 pressure suit(名)(太空人等的)压力服,增压服,太空服。 照《英汉多功能词典》一字字敲上来的,希望能够帮到你。 二、bear on/upon 对...施加压力;与...有关;对...有影响 三、lean on 对...施加压力;讹诈;逼迫;倚靠;依靠 四、strain n. 过度的疲劳, 紧张, 张力, 应变 vt. 扭伤, 损伤 v. 拉紧, 扯紧, (使)紧张, 尽力 五、stress n. 重压, 逼迫, 压力, 重点, 着重, 强调, 重音 vt. 着重, 强调, 重读 六、tension n. 紧张(状态), 不安, 拉紧, 压力, 张力, 牵力, 电压 vt. 拉紧, 使紧张 七、force n. 力量, 武力, 精力, 魄力, 势力, 暴力, [复]军队, 影响力 vt. 强制, 强加, (用武力)夺取, 促使, 推动, 施加压力 八、heat n. 热, 热度, 热烈, *** , 压力 vi. 加热, 激昂, 发热, 发怒 vt. 把...加热, 使激动 abbr. [军] High Explosive-Anti-Tank, 破甲弹 希望这些够用了。。。




可数。pressurepressure在科学上,指单位面积上所受到的压力。用于引申时,指某事物所产生的压力或影响力等。为克服外力界压力而造成的身心和情绪等方面的压抑。用于物时,指任何力或合力作用于一个物体上面造成的应变。相关词组:apply〔exert, put〕 pressure on sb 对某人施加压力。ease off〔lighten〕 the pressure 减轻压力。relieve the pressure 解除…的压力。yield to popular pressure 屈服于民众的压力。atmospheric〔hydraulic〕 pressure 气〔液〕压。diplomatic〔financial, international〕 pressure 外交。


pressure的意思:压力;压迫。pressure,英 ["preu0283u0259(r)],美 ["preu0283u0259r]    n. 压强;压力;压迫v. 施压过去式: pressured 过去分词: pressured 现在分词: pressuring 第三人称单数: pressures例句:1、My father suffers from high blood pressure.我父亲有高血压。2、The pressure of work was too great for him.工作的压力使他承受不了。pressure近义词:stress,英 [stres],美 [stres]    n. 压力;强调;重音vt. 强调;重读过去式: stressed 过去分词: stressed 现在分词: stressing 第三人称单数: stresses例句:Stress can be extremely damaging to your health.压力对你的健康会是非常有害的。




pressure和stress的区别:stress是指精神上的压力:如:考试之前,面试之前的紧张,pressure使之物理上的压力:例如:水压、大气压等等。pressure只可作n,stress既可作n,又可做v,stress做n时,意思偏于精神方面的压力 pressure做名词时,意思偏于物理方面的压力 stress 指引起其形状、大小改变的力.用于指人时,指感情、心理上的紧张、苦恼。1. stress 的用法(1) stress 的意思是“因忧虑而产生的压力”,且因为这种压力而无法使自己放松下来。如:The stress of her job caused her to lose sleep. 工作的压力使她失眠。They were worn down by the stress of feeding five children. 养活5个孩子的压力使他们精疲力竭。The stress was beginning to take its toll on their marriage. 这种压力开始影响到他们的婚姻。(2) 指重量或挤压所产生的压力。如:The distribution of stress is uniform across the bar. 杆上压力分布是均衡的。Shoes with high heels put a great deal of stress on knees and ankles. 高跟鞋会对膝盖和脚踝产生很大的压力。2. pressure的用法pressure有两个主要意思是:(1) 指利用影响、辩论或威胁等而施加给某人以压力。如:Did your father put pressure on you? 你父亲给你施加压力了吗?Back-benchers put pressure on the government to provide safeguards. 普通议员向政府施压以提供保障措施。(2) 指因忧虑或工作过劳而产生的工作或生活上的压力,此时与 stress 大致同义。如:I hate being put under so much pressure. 我讨厌承受如此大的压力。It"s hard to stay sane under such awful pressure. 处于这种可怕的压力之下,不疯才怪呢。Now that the deadline is approaching we all feel under pressure. 最后期限就要到了,我们都感到压力很大。(3) 指政治或经济的等方面的压力。如:The government acted in response to economic pressure. 政府因经济压力而采取行动。The statement was made against a background of intense pressure from the government. 这一声明是顶着政府的巨大压力发表的。(4) 指重量或挤压所产生的压力,与 stress 用法相近。如:Can you take my blood pressure? 你能量一下我的血压吗?The metal frame tends to twist under pressure. 这种金属框受压后容易变形。There appears to be a problem with the oil pressure. 看来是油压出了问题。The pressure of the water turns the wheel.水的压力使轮子转动。How do you demonstrate that the pressure remains constant? 你怎样证明压力一直不变?







pressure stress press有啥区别

Pressure是名词,就是压力的意思。Stress 是强调的意思press n 媒体,“压”这个动作

大家怎么理解额定压力(Rated Pressure)的概念

我在一个资料上看到关于这个额定压力的说法,但是不是很理解,拿出来和大家讨论一下:资料中提到,额定压力概念不是一个准确的表述方式,我们常规定义的额定压力没有太大的意义。所谓我们定义压力,是为了保证泵的使用寿命达到预期寿命,如果泵超负荷运行,其寿命就会大大低于预期寿命。如果需要准确预测泵的寿命,需要知道泵的实际的工作循环是什么,即Duty Cycle。根据这个duty cycle可以计算其等效的负载压力,从而可以更精确的预测泵的使用寿命。我的问题是:如果额定压力没有什么实际意义的话,为什么我们所有的样本中都定义了这个参数呢?望各位大虾各抒己见啊 查看原帖>>


pressure [pres·sure || "preu0283u0259(r)]n. 压, 按, 榨v. 对...施加压力; 迫使




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