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problem,读音:英[u02c8pru0252blu0259m],美[u02c8prɑu02d0blu0259m]。释义:n. 问题;难题;习题adj. 成问题的;难对付的例句:We had no time to deliberate on the problem.我们没有时间仔细思考这个问题。复数:problems短语:problem area 难治理的地区,难处理的领域heart of problem 问题的核心source of problem 问题的根源problem in mathematics 数学问题problem的用法problem作“问题”解,常指客观存在的并有待解决的困难或问题,也可指提出来的疑难问题,还可指数字、事实等方面的问题、习题或思考题。problem可用于答语中,与否定词连用,表示“没有问题”。problem有时还可以作定语,表示“难对付的,很成问题的”,可修饰物,也可修饰人。


英 ["pr?bl?m]   美 ["prɑ?bl?m]  名词复数: problemsn.问题;难题;习题adj.成问题的;难对付的,读音普奥不乐木


problem[英][u02c8pru0252blu0259m] [美][u02c8prɑblu0259m] 生词本简明释义n.问题;疑难问题;习题;引起麻烦的人adj.成问题的;难处理的;关于社会问题的复数:problems以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 短语词组 同反义词1.N-COUNT问题;难题;困难A problem is a situation that is unsatisfactory and causes difficulties for people. ...the economic problems of the inner city... 内城区的经济问题The main problem is unemployment...主要的问题是失业。He told Americans that solving the energy problem was very im


problem与question都作"问题"解, 但problem的问题,亦即"难题"需要著于解决; question的问题则需要"回答"; problem通常与动词pose,present(作"构成"解),solve,tackle,settle(作"解决"解)等连用; question常与动词answer,ask,raise等连用。 例如: What""s the problem? 到底是什么问题。(或你们在争论什么?) What""s the question? 你问的是什么问题? query:对问题的疑惑,质疑 n. 疑问,疑问号,质问 v. 问 例句: 1. The minister was queried about his plans for the industry. 有人向部长提出了工业计划问题。 2. Your interesting report raises several important queries. 你的精彩报告引出了几个重要问题。

math question还是math problem

1.用problem. 2.question指比较简单的问题,一般是口头上问的; 而problem一般指难题,也可以引申为“麻烦/困难”. 3.该题前面有形容词hard = difficult“困难的”,所以用problem最好.

this is so easyno problem

thinking without 是介词 要加动词的ing

帮忙写篇英语作文。city problems

Nowdays,as the big cities are developing rapidly,more and more people are flowing into the big cities.With the development ,the problems are emerging quickly,such as the city congestion,pollution,some unsustainable factors,and so on. In these all problems,congestion is obveriously.For example,the traffic congestion.There are always traffic jams on the road.It takes us too many hours to arrive where we want to just in a city.And there are so many person on the bus that it is almost hard to take breath.Because of this,going out shopping or doing anything become a difficult thing.Meanwhile,there is a lack if hourse in the big city.Because of too many people,the average square of each person is very small.And the prices of the hourse in these big citied are extremely high.Another big problem in the big city is that there are more and more unsustainable fators exist.Having too many people will occur frequently,such as robbery,rape cases. So,in my opinion,the local government should increase some laws and strenthen the ablilty of regulation to control the people who intend to enter the city.One city must have its own capacity,if population in it is over its ablilty,the problem will get more and more worse.

《German Problemsand Personalities》txt下载阅读,求百度云资源

《German Problems and Personalities》(Sarolea, Charles)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: c6g7书名:German Problems and Personalities作者:Sarolea, Charles出版社:General Books出版年份:2010-9页数:118内容简介:German Problems and Personalities by Sarolea, Charles.

关于"City problem"为题的一篇英语作文

City ProblemsNowadays, millions of migrant workers flock into cities in search of jobs and betterliving. However, with the sharp rise in the urban population, many problems arise in the development of cities.Firstly, cities become more and more crowded, putting much pressure upon transportation, housing, sanitation, education, employment and so on. City services and facilities have been strained to a breaking point. Secondly, a growing number of private cars emit huge amount of carbon dioxide, leaving the air mercilessly polluted. What is more, the city is also threatened by rising crime. Not a single day passes without the report of someone being robbed, kidnapped or murdered. Last but not least, city-dwellers are not only separated from the natural world but also isolated from each other, even not knowing the name of their next-door neighbor.All these problems have harmed the attractiveness of the city. Unless there is some improvement, more and more people may seek to live in the suburbs.(翻译:现在,有很多外来的的工作者聚集到城市中来寻找工作机会和更好的生活。 但是,随着城市人口的急剧增加,在城市发展过程中很多问题也显现出来。首先,城市变得越来越拥挤,交通,住房,医疗,教育,求职等的压力越来越重。城市的服务和公共设施已经达到饱和状态。第二点,数量日益增长的私人用车也制造出过量的二氧化碳,空气遭到污染。而且,由于刑事案件的增多,城市也受到了一定的威胁。每天都会有抢劫,绑架,以及谋杀等的相关报告。最后非常重要的一点事,城市居民不仅远离了自然环境,而且也远离了彼此,他们甚至不知道自己邻居的姓名。 所有的这些问题都使得城市的吸引力在大大降低。除非这些问题会得到一定的改善,否则越来越多的人会选择住在郊外。)或着Nowdays,as the big cities are developing rapidly,more and more people are flowing into the big cities.With the development ,the problems are emerging quickly,such as the city congestion,pollution,some unsustainable factors,and so on. In these all problems,congestion is obveriously.For example,the traffic congestion.There are always traffic jams on the road.It takes us too many hours to arrive where we want to just in a city.And there are so many person on the bus that it is almost hard to take breath.Because of this,going out shopping or doing anything become a difficult thing.Meanwhile,there is a lack if hourse in the big city.Because of too many people,the average square of each person is very small.And the prices of the hourse in these big citied are extremely high.Another big problem in the big city is that there are more and more unsustainable fators exist.Having too many people will occur frequently,such as robbery,rape cases. So,in my opinion,the local government should increase some laws and strenthen the ablilty of regulation to control the people who intend to enter the city.One city must have its own capacity,if population in it is over its ablilty,the problem will get more and more worse.

关于meet with problems的问题

遇到困难一般都翻译为meet problems中间是不加with的所以例句中也不用加with作介词

meet some problems还是meet with some problems?



this problem will be solved in the nearfuture,await,"best regards这个问题将在不久的将被解决,等待“诚挚的问候this problem will be solved in the nearfuture,await,"best regards这个问题将在不久的将被解决,等待“诚挚的问候

小妹我问道题:what‘s __problem? Lucy got __ in the forest。答案是第一个是the 第二个是lost,求详解


How can we solve the problem of earthquake

Actually we can"t control the destructive forces of nature - earthquke. But we can minimize the destrutive force of earthquake. By the following suggestions and equitments: 1) earthquake-detecting equipment which can help us design and construct buildings bridges and other structures that can better withstand those forces from earthquke. e.g. Jr. Neork for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES). NEES is a collaboration designed to improve the sei *** ic design and performance of the U.S. civil and mechanical infrastructure. 2) methods of retrofitting buildings so that they can better withstand damage. for instance:investigate the use of *** art materials systems in retrofitting buildings to withstand earthquake damage. 3)study the use of soil-strengthening techniques . such as grouting and deep densification to help prevent earthquake-induced liquefaction and lateral spreading of the ground. Others : for example: some fluid sei *** ic dampers will minimize earthquake damage to wood-frame homes. 参考: eurekalert/pub_releases/1997-12/VT-VTRP-011297 Earthquake is a problem of nature we cannot prevent it. We can only minimize the damages done by earthquakes by inventing more precision equipments that can precisely detect the occurrence of any oning earthquakes. Also we can build more strong buildings that can stand the impacts by earthquakes.

NO TPM Or TPM has problem

报的是光驱错误。不知道你是什么牌子笔记本,一般BIOS里都有硬盘检测程序。检测下硬盘,然后把光驱拆下来试试。TPM就不用管了 你这个板子应该不支持这个。

Events cannot be delivered through this filter until the problem is corrected.


how will I deal with my English problems?为题 写一篇100词的作文

Try to do it by yourself and then you won"t find it difficult any more.Just have a try !

have/ have a problem(in) doing sth.?

1. have difficulty (in) doing sthhave difficulty (in) doing sth意为“做某事有困难”。2. habe trouble (in) doing sthhave difficulty(in) doing sth做某事有困难...habe trouble (in)doing sth做某事有困难...havebother(in) doing sth做某事费劲3. have a problem(in) doingsthhave bother(in) doing sth做某事费劲...have a problem(in)doing sth做某事有困难...havea good time(in) doing sth做某事很开心4. have difficulty(in) doing sthhave luck(in) doing sth做某事时有运气(走运)...havedifficulty(in) doing sth做某事有困难...habe trouble (in)doing sth做某事有困难

莎士比亚说:“to be or not to be is a problem ”下面是什么来着?

这是莎士比亚戏剧《哈姆雷特》中的名句To be, or not to be - that is the question:Whether "tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them. To die - to sleep - No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to. "Tis a consummation Devoutly to be wish"d. To die - to sleep. To sleep - perchance to dream: ay, there"s the rub! For in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause. There"s the respect That makes calamity of so long life. For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, The oppressor"s wrong, the proud man"s contumely, The pangs of despised love, the law"s delay, The insolence of office, and the spurns That patient merit of the unworthy takes, When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin?

It is a problem___me???to还是for???

It is a problem to me

In some cases,different approaches( )conflicting theories.the same scientific problem lead toto

【答案】:the approach to…为固定搭配,意为“……方法(途径)”。句意:在有些况下对同一科学问题不同研究方式会得出完全相悖的结论。

"No business too small, no problem too big"是什么意思?


what is the common problem for chinese and Ameri


求一篇题目为“The problem Existing in the Chinese Social Security System"的英文作文

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