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具体步骤如下:请更改BIOS设置。1、开机的时候长按F2键进入BIOS界面,通过方向键进入【Boot】菜单,通过方向键选择【Lunch CSM】选项,将其设定为“Enabled”。2、通过方向键进【Secure】菜单,通过方向键选择【Secure Boot Control】选项,将其设定为 “Disabled”;c, 点击F10保存设置。开启的具体步骤如下:1、先恢复add new boot option功能进入bios里面把Security-Secure Boot Control设为Disabled Boot-Launch CSM 设为Enabled,按F10 保存,重启后应该可以看到add new boot option回来了。2、dd boot option:选择后会出现一个对话框,相当于命名一个新的引导设备或选项。3、Add New Boot Option功能:增加新的引导选项,可以手动添加一些具有特殊引导功能的设备,例如符合UEFI规定,可以被识别并使用的设备。进入Add New Boot Option后,同样有下级选项。


具体步骤如下:请更改BIOS设置。1、开机的时候长按F2键进入BIOS界面,通过方向键进入【Boot】菜单,通过方向键选择【Lunch CSM】选项,将其设定为“Enabled”。2、通过方向键进【Secure】菜单,通过方向键选择【Secure Boot Control】选项,将其设定为 “Disabled”;c, 点击F10保存设置。开启的具体步骤如下:1、先恢复add new boot option功能进入bios里面把Security-Secure Boot Control设为Disabled Boot-Launch CSM 设为Enabled,按F10 保存,重启后应该可以看到add new boot option回来了。2、dd boot option:选择后会出现一个对话框,相当于命名一个新的引导设备或选项。3、Add New Boot Option功能:增加新的引导选项,可以手动添加一些具有特殊引导功能的设备,例如符合UEFI规定,可以被识别并使用的设备。进入Add New Boot Option后,同样有下级选项。

Exception ERegistryexception in module sddown.exe怎么解决


开机 出现 Exception ERegistryexception in module msccjirg.exe at 00018EF6.Failed to set data for...


detailed description是什么意思

detailed description[英][du026au02c8teu026ald disu02c8kripu0283u0259n][美][du026au02c8teld du026au02c8skru026apu0283u0259n]详细说明; 以上结果来自金山词霸

费森机器报警optical detector什么意思怎么处理

optical detector光辐射探测器; 光学探测器[英][u02c8u0254ptiku0259l du026au02c8tektu0259][美][u02c8ɑptu026aku0259l du026au02c8tu025bktu025a]

javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot retrieve mapping for action /getCardApply



covered option:the writer of the option owns an offsetting position.For a call writer owns the shares. For a put the writer is long on cash.简单来说就是,对于call option而言:卖方有option的标的资产可以在期权到期日被买方“强制”买走。对于put option而言:卖方有钱可以去买买方“强制”要卖给他的资产。也就是没有risk exposure。(卖option的人是义务方,只能接受没资格不履行。)



什么是digital option


load optimized defaults 与 load fail safe defaults 的区别

参考答案: 生命不是要超越别人,而是要超越自己。


Perceptive的动词是指通过观察和感知来获得信息和知识的能力。短语搭配:perceptive judgment知觉判断。Perceptive Pixel感知像素。Perceptive Level感知层。双语例句:1、Women are very perceptive and if you really like her, she"ll feel it。女人是很有感知力的,如果你真心喜欢她,她会感觉到的。2、He is keenly perceptive of people and the world around him and insightful about the present and the future。他敏锐地感知人的和周围的世界,他和有见地的关于现在和未来。3、He believes this sort of approach will have far wider appeal than today"s windows and mouse-based systems, and he has founded a start-up, called Perceptive Pixel, to commercialise the technology。他相信这个方法在不久的将来会比现在的窗口和鼠标系统具有更大的吸引力,他已经创办了一家叫做“感知像素”的小公司将这项技术商业化。



在mysql 中 < in_optimizer >是干什么的?怎么用?

< in_optimizer > 翻译过来就是in优化器,就是将in优化后的语句

eclipse中 .cap (系统找不到指定的文件)是什么错误,如何解决,求指导

找不到D:wiresharksohu3-1.cap 这个文件

it is not an optimistic the

1.D 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.D 10.D 11.B 12.C 13.A 14.D 15.B 分 析: 乐观的态度不是奢侈品,它是我们生活的必需品,一次不相识的人的消极话语竟然影响了作者一天的心情。明白了个中蹊跷后作者意识到:乐观主义者更关心如何解决问题,而不是毫无意义的怨天尤人,我们可以选择哭或是笑、祝福或是诅咒,用什么样的眼光去看待生活?是积极向上,还是垂头丧气?何去何从,由你决定。 1.小题1】考查动词和语境理解。 A. learn学习;得知, B. exercise练习,C. behave行为举止,D. feel感觉。你看待生活的方式将决定你的感受,你的表现,以及你与他人相处得怎样。选D。 2.小题2】 考查副词和语境理解。 A. Certainly当然,B. Additionally此外,C. Contrarily相反,D. Actually事实上。反过来,悲观会制造出一个悲伤无望、无人愿往的黑暗之地。选C。 3.小题3】 考查形容词和语境理解。A. Negative消极的,B. Impractical不实际的,C. Sensitive敏感的,D. Indifferent 漠不关心的。悲观消极的想法、态度和期待也会自成因果。选A。 4.小题4】 考查动词和语境理解。 A. drove 开车,B. walked散步,C. rushed冲出,D. ran跑步。多年前,我驱车去一个加油站加油。选A。 5.小题5】 考查形容词和语境理解。 A. common 普通的,B. beautiful美丽的,C. busy忙碌的,D. dull枯燥的。那天天气很好,我的心情也不错。选B。 6.小题6】 考查名词和语境理解。 A. accident事故,B. mistake错误,C. surprise吃惊,D. chance机会。当我去付款时,服务员说我脸色不好,因为我自我感觉很好。所以这话让我大吃一惊。选C。 7.小题7】 考查形容词和语境理解。 A. rough粗糙的,B. pale苍白的,C. hurt受伤的,D. yellow黄色的。他毫无顾忌地继续大讲我的气色如何差,还说我肤色发黄。选D。 8.小题8】 考查形容词和语境理解。 A. tired累的,B. uneasy不舒服的;心神不宁的,C. bored厌烦的,D. angry生气的。根据上文服务员的话得知,在离开加油站的时候,我觉得有点心神不宁。选B。 9.小题9】 考查副词和语境理解。 A. well好的,B. ugly丑陋的,C. strange奇怪的,D. bad坏的。我把车停在路旁,对着镜子看着自己的脸,我感觉如何?我的脸色有那么差吗?选D。 10.小题10】 考查形容词和语境理解。 A. upset不高兴的,B. sad悲伤的,C. sorry抱歉的,D. sick生病的;恶心的。等我回到家里,我已经开始觉得有点想吐。选D。 11.小题11】 考查形容词和语境理解。 A. ill生病的,B. fine好的,C. regret后悔,D. lost丢失。从again得知,再次光顾那个加油站时,我还是感觉很好。选B。 12.小题12】 考查动词和语境理解。 A. behave行为举止,B. believe相信,C. look看着;看起来,D. pretend假装。作者明白了个中蹊跷:这个地方不久前把墙漆上了一种抢眼但又难看的黄色,墙面反射的光线使里面的每一个人看起来都好像得了肝炎。选C。 13.小题13】 考查名词和语境理解。 A. conversation对话,B. visit访问,C. bargain 便宜货,D. stay逗留。不知道有多少人有过与我类似的反应,和一个根本不认识的人的一次短短对话竟然改变了我整整一天的心情。选A。 14.小题14】 考查名词和语境理解。 A. work 工作,B. confidence自信,C. health 健康,D. attitude态度。和一个根本不认识的人的一次短短对话竟然改变了我整整一天的态度。选D。 15.小题15】 考查形容词和语境理解。 A. reasonable合理的,B. serious严肃的;认真的;重要的,C temporary临时的,D. slight稍微的。那一句消极的话就大大影响了我的感觉和行为。选B。 考点: 生活态度类文章

电脑开机出现“boot option menu”怎么办?

上面的界面是进入了 bios 设置界面,其内容是设置启动设备,共有三个设备选项:(1)Hdd 是硬盘启动。(2)Sata 的从后面的 CDDVDW 推测,可能是光盘。(3)Network 是网络启动。通常是 Hdd 硬盘启动,按 回车 键就可以了。无盘终端:终端服务也叫WBT,它集成在Windows.NET Server中,作为系统服务器服务组件存在。工作原理:终端服务的工作原理是客户机和服务器通过TCP/IP协议和标准的局域网构架联系。通过客户端终端,客户机的鼠标、键盘的输入传递到终端服务器上,再把服务器上的显示传递回客户端。客户端不需要具有计算能力,至多只需提供一定的缓存能力。服务组件:Windows.NET Server终端服务由五个组件组成:Windows.NET Server服务器多用户内核、远程桌面协议、终端服务客户端软件、终端服务许可服务以及终端服务系统管理工具。

启动resin时,报出javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: java:comp/env//jms/FailoverConnectionFactory?

问题有两个可能:1 你环境变量配置不对,或者相关的jar文件没有放到指定的目录,导致无法找到class文件2 你通过console配置应用服务器设置的时候,名字没有配好。参考手册,建议一下吧。

the secret of being happy is accepting. where yo


Java 用uilayerexception抛出异常,但是事务没有回滚,已经添加到数据库了



a perception of them as self-serving and bureaucratic.作为他们一种自私自利的及官僚主义作风的觉察力self-serving adj. 自私的,自私自利的 (1) 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词只为个人打算的;一心谋私利的 If you describe someone as self-serving, you are critical of them because they are only interested in what they can get for themselvesThey suggest that my motives for proposing reform are self-serving and mercenary. 他们暗示说我之所以提议改革是贪图金钱,想谋取私利。.corrupt, self-serving politicians. 贪污腐败、一心谋私利的政治家们1. His style of dressing bespoke great self-confidence. 他的衣着风格显得十分自信。 2. You"re not your usual cheerful self today. 你今天不像往常那么快快乐乐的。 3. a self-appointed custodian of public morals 自封的公共道德的卫道士 4. She doesn"t reveal much of her inner self. 她不大流露她的内心自我。 5. He is motivated entirely by self-interest. 他做事完全出于私利。 6. He radiated self-confidence and optimism. 他显得自信乐观。 7. cheap self-assembly kitchen units 廉价的自己组装的厨房设备 8. He"s always been self-conscious about being so short. 他老为自己身材矮小而觉得难为情。 9. Her father was a quiet self-contained man. 她父亲生前是个好静而独立自主的人。 10. The economic market is a self-correcting mechanism, that does not need regulation by government. 经济市场是一种自动调节的机制,不需要政府调控。 11. Paying children too much attention when they misbehave can be self-defeating. 孩子有不良行为时,小题大做可能适得其反。 12. The man later told police that he was acting in self-defence . 事后那人告诉警察,他当时是出于自卫。 13. He gave a self-deprecating shrug. 他自谦地耸耸肩。 14. This tape will self-destruct in 30 seconds. 这盘磁带将在30秒后自毁。 15. Staff are encouraged to use the library for professional self-development. 鼓励员工利用图书馆提高自己的专业水平。 16. It takes a lot of self-discipline to go jogging in winter. 在冬天跑步是需要很大的自律力的。 17. David left his boring job to go on a journey of self-discovery . 戴维辞掉了他那份无聊的工作,走上自我发现的道路。 18. He was a shy, self-effacing man. 他是个腼腆谦逊的人。 19. The dangers of such action are self-evident. 这样的行动,其危险是明摆着的。 20. You should encourage your child"s attempts at self-expression. 对孩子表达自我的尝试,你应当加以鼓励。 bureaucratic adj. 官僚的,官僚主义的,官僚作风的 官僚式的;官僚主义的 Bureaucratic means involving complicated rules and procedures which can cause long delaysDiplomats believe that bureaucratic delays are inevitable... 外交官们认为繁文缛节造成的延迟是在所难免的。The department has become a bureaucratic nightmare. 该部门的官僚作风非常严重。1. It was another bureaucratic snafu. 又让官僚主义搞成了一团糟。 2. The asylum seekers had to contend with continued bureaucratic obstruction. 寻求政治庇护的人得不断地应付官僚主义的层层阻挠。 3. The sweat of labour washed away his bureaucratic [official] airs. 劳动的汗水冲掉了他身上的官气。 4. In this company you have to go through complex bureaucratic procedures just to get a new pencil. 在这个公司里即使是领一支新铅笔,也必须通过繁琐的手续。 5. Nowhere in Britain has bureaucratic centralization proceeded with more pace than in Scotland. 在英国,官僚集权化发展最快的就是苏格兰了。 6. This was predictably opposed by the State Department on bureaucratic grounds. 果然不出所料,这个建议被国务院用一套官僚主义的理由加以驳回。 7. A canny bureaucratic infighter, Moorer made no pretense of academic subtlety. 穆勒是个机警的官场角逐者,但他并不装作高深莫测。 8. My effort to broaden the President"s choices involved unusual bureaucratic difficulties. 我努力让总统有更大的选择余地,这在官僚机构中碰到了非凡的困难。 9. A canny bureaucratic infighter, Moorer made as pretense of academic subtlety. 穆勒是一个机警的官场角逐者,但他并不装作高深莫测。 10. The result in many cases was bureaucratic chaos. 结果在许多地方,促成了官僚主义的横行。 11. Eventually I wearied of the bureaucratic infightings. 我终于对官场的勾心斗角感到厌烦了。 12. This is a classic example of bureaucratic inefficiency. 这是一个官僚主义低效率的典型例子。 13. Mafia deputies in the Italian Parliament launched a bureaucratic counterattack against the planners. 在意大利议会里的地下黑帮势力的代表死抠条文、照章办事,向设计人员发起了有根有据的反击。 14. Our negotiating position would reflect not bureaucratic compromise but careful analysis of consequences and objectives. 我们的谈判立场不仅要反映官方的和解态度,而且要反映对后果和目标的精心分析。 15. He understood that I had not reached eminence by losing too many bureaucratic battles. 他也明白,我若是在官僚机构的你争我夺中败绩过多的话,也是不能够这样出人头地的。 16. The new President was about to undergo his first experience of the bureaucratic steamroller. 新总统眼看就要第一次尝到官僚们硬要他办某件事情的压力的滋味了。 17. But no doubt it was all part of the strain of life in the bureaucratic jungle. 但是,毫无疑问,这完全是官场中勾心斗角生活的一部分。 18. Those people who predicted an exercise in bureaucratic blandness were confounded. 那些认为这一系列政治活动将会冠冕堂皇的走过场的人是糊涂和愚蠢的。 19. But now, the old centralized bureaucratic Indian state is in steady decline. 但现在那个陈旧的中央集权国家在衰落。 20. Long hours are often a reflection of an organization"s bureaucratic inefficiency. 办事拖拉经常是一个组织机构官僚作风严重、效率低下的表现

JAVA RuntimeException 问题

推荐的那个答案其实不精确的。首先,“RuntimeException发生后,说明代码存在BUG”这句话是没问题的,但用来说明RuntimeException却不合适,也没有意义。因为发生任何未处理的异常,都说明代码存在BUG。这句话如何理解呢,就拿ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException来说,数组下标越界,你定义一个int is = new int[5];然后for(int index = 0;index<6;index++){int i = is[index];...}如果不看"..."中的内容,数组一定会越界,程序一定会在这里抛出异常。但如果...换成了 if(i == 4) break;那么这段代码就完全没有问题了。一般的ide,简单的代码逻辑是能分析出可能出现的情况并提示你的(但不会强制要求你改,因为语法没问题)。但编译器和ide不可能在编译时深入的去研究你的代码逻辑是否正常。而且你这段代码在语法上完全没有问题,它在编译时根本不知道这个异常是否会抛出,但是!如果下标越界那确实有问题,异常就必须要抛。所以就有人这样理解运行时异常:“RunTime:运行时,很简单,就是“运行时”异常。它表明,这个异常只有在运行的时候才能知道是否有异常,这就是运行时异常,又叫不可查异常,而编译时异常又叫可查异常!”这种说法不能算错,但也不严谨,因为很多编译时异常也是不可查的。比如你要读某一个文件123.txt,在编译时,编译器是不会去检查这个文件是否存在的(有人说,那编译时为什么不检查?你这样想:如果编译时文件存在,而且当程序还没执行到这里时,我把文件删了怎么办),这种情况下,程序也只有在运行时,才能知道文件是否存在,按上面的说法,这个异常(FileNotFoundException)也应该是运行时异常才对。但,稍微玩过java的人都知道,这个异常被强制要求处理,它是编译时异常。既然编译时异常和运行时异常都可能无法预期,那为什么还要有运行时异常和编译时异常之分呢,这个答案我找遍网络也找不到,java官方也没有详细说明,只是说运行时异常不强制要求处理,jvm会自动接管并一直向上抛出,直到栈顶或被处理。所以我自己总结了一点,我也不知道是否正确:RuntimeException,只是为了“减少代码中对异常做的处理而必须写代码”而引入的。拿一个很常见的运行时异常:nullPointException。空指针异常。这个异常发生在一个对象是null时,你对它进行了方法调用等操作。在java中,所有的Object都可以赋值为null的,如果NullPointException强制需要处理的话,那么几乎你的每一句代码都应该被try{}catch(NullpointException){}所包括,这样的java代码想想都可怕。我在一些网站上找到了这么一句话:“RuntimeException 类及其子类表示‘JVM 常用操作"引发的错误”,没错,这句话可能正说明了重点,正是因为这些异常发生在“JVM常用操作”中,也就是说这些异常随处都可能发生,而你不可能在代码的所有地方都try{}catch(RuntimeException){},所以为了简化代码,JVM对这些异常进行了默认处理:“抛出”。归根结底,运行时异常就是为了减少try{}catch(){}或throws 这类代码而引入的。纯手打,完全个人见解,欢迎讨论。



learning 与acquisition;transfer与aptitude;以及use和usage在语言学中的定义

the cognitive process of acquiring skill or knowledge the act of contracting or assuming or acquiring possession of something the act of moving something from one location to another inherent ability a particular service accepted or habitual practice

Exposition,Description,Narration,Persuasion这几种文体怎么区分? 有点概念模糊.

exposition,argumentation,description,narration是英文四大文体. 没有persuasion(说服). exposition:记录性的,实验报告,菜谱书, argumentation:辩论,中间有观点 description:描述,像诗,散文 narration:讲故事,里面会说出道理

用hibernate:java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0

HQL中"from test where userid="001""的test要大写,是对象。

java 中java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException一般是什么异常呢



sidOnLineList.remove(student.getSid()); // 移除 你看一下 sidOnLineList 这个List 里面有没有东西,然后看一下student.getSid() 这个出的的什么? 要不丕好判断

java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0 怎么解决,或者怎么做个判断,最好有一个例子


Java ArrayList元素超出错误 java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 2

for(int i = 0;i < list.size();i++){ String t[] = list.get(i); out.write((t[1]+" "+t[2]+" ").getBytes()); } out.close();感觉是这里,t的下标是从0开始的,报的错误时数组的下标越界,你改下看看


只是因为 超出范围了再看看报错的行,然后解决问题~~~~~~~~~集合中的数量一直是在变化的,却使用一个固定的值去移除

optics5 英文不认识!



最近在学习ELK,安装ELK过程中,参照官网,ElasticSearch和Kibana的使用都很顺利,但是在使用logStash将文件写入到ES这一步, ,总是遇到index_not_found_exception的异常,具体配置、出错过程和解决办法记录如下: 该文件默认路径是:<>/plugins/inputs/file/.sincedb_xx,是一个隐藏文件,里面记录的是每个被监听文件的inode,major number, minor number和position,如图:

general description是什么意思

general description[英][u02c8du0292enu0259ru0259l disu02c8kripu0283u0259n][美][u02c8du0292u025bnu0259ru0259l du026au02c8skru026apu0283u0259n]一般说明; 例句:1.The general description for this type of activity is called brainstorming. 人们通常将这类活动称为头脑风暴(brainstorming)。

general description是什么意思



consumption是consume的名词形式。英[ku0259nu02c8su028cmpu0283n] 美[ku0259nu02c8su028cmpu0283u0259n] n. 消费; 肺病; 耗尽; [医学] 消耗性疾病;


consumption,消耗;用尽。 基本介绍 中文名 :用尽 外文名 :consumption 英音 :[ku0259n"su028cmpu0283u0259n] 美音 :[ku0259n"su028cmpu0283u0259n] 词性 :名词 汉语解释,英语翻译,同根词, 汉语解释 consumption n.[U ] 用尽 1.This food is for our consumptionon the trip. 这些食物供我们旅途中吃。 2.消耗量;消费量[S1] There"s too great a consumptionof alcohol in Britain. 在英国酒的消耗量太大了。 3.消费 products for domestic consumption 供国内消费的产品 4.憔悴;肺痨;痨病 英语翻译 consumption [ ku0259n"su028cmpu0283u0259n ] n. the process of taking food into the body through the mouth (as by eating) 同义词:ingestion intake uptake involving the lungs with progressive wasting of the body 同义词:pulmonary tuberculosis phthisis wasting disease white plague (economics) the utilization of economic goods to satisfy needs or in manufacturing "the consumption of energy has increased steadily" 同义词:economic consumption usance use use of goods and services the act of consuming something 同义词:using up expenditure 21世纪大英汉词典 consumption [ku0259n"su028cmpu0283u0259n] n. 消耗,消费;耗尽,用完 消耗量,消费量 【医学】消耗性疾病;身体耗损,憔悴;(尤指)痨病 同根词 词根: consume adj. consuming 消费的;强烈的 consumed 充满的;对…着迷的 consumable 可消耗的;可消费的 consumptive 消耗性的;浪费的;肺病的 n. consumer 消费者;用户,顾客 consumable 消费品;消耗品 consumeri *** 保护消费者利益运动;用户至上主义 consumptive 肺病患者;痨病患者 v. consuming 消耗(consume的ing形式) consumed 消耗(consume的过去式和过去分词) vi. consume 耗尽,毁灭;耗尽生命 vt. consume 消耗,消费;使…着迷;挥霍


Over ~ over the text / core crystal can beRed | sleeve | word | love | small | that day with Mei Qing Que visit in the next county, and a rare smile did not come out of San trouble, the palace of the Qing Mei smiling but frequently interrupted by phone company He hurried back to start up. Mei Qing Que hit two telephone calls later, he gave the phone off, and then holding the hand of Yin Sang, walking in the old and young filled the town streets. After lunch, Sang Yin grandmother back home. Sang did not laugh at eyeing, Mei Qing Que feel very comfortable, accompanied. After listening to the dialect of the town two days, ten years to understand five, he also boasted clever with language talent, Sang Yin laugh loudly,mbt zapatos, to the grandmother, Mei Qing Que truly dumbfounded, listening to people speak, such as listening to bible, do not know Sang Yin said what people are surrounding him with a strange smile, as onlookers a rare treasure, as his heart waves scared. Lane through the door too, like to see along the way Yin Sang greet everyone, Mei Qing Que only smile apologetically at the back, it just felt stiff smile to see a quaint large yard, or before ** the kind of building, high canopies black tiles, in addition to the external walls are basically wooden structure, through a few small yard, yard sizes, yard sizes are different, like there is a silver pool, the water inside the dark, there are two relatively large , patio up around chickens and ducks raised close to it smell taste, the last one of the largest, high-wall is painted phoenix Diao, only the color of some off, following the whole of a large bright light has been worn Cheng stone, Hefa brown Sang grandmother lying in the sun chair, take possession of a blue embroidered dress black pants, black cotton shoes to wear self-satisfied, almost white hair, sparse, but meticulously comb. Saw the elderly, Sang Yin smiling eyes narrowed a line, and smiles tenderly pounced. Sang grandmother also loved the pounding of her forehead said something, Sang Yin smile more open. Grandma"s attention such as Mulberry upon him, Sang Yin He knelt down before pulling a smile said something, Sang grandmother smiled and nodded, said something, she said in Mandarin, You look nice. Hey. standing in front of the elderly, or a little embarrassed empty-handed. Sang Yin grinning to the room to move stool and small table, followed by Mei Qing Que away, suddenly the room light is too dark so he was not quite fit. The decoration is very simple room, a cabinet,radii shoes sale, on top of a very old TV cabinet also put some assorted things, a small table, four wooden stools, there are several separate wooden bench, plum Que just felt like back to the liberation, except that the TV outside. Sang Yin grandmother has been talking with loud, laughing smiling, listening to my grandmother"s voice, sometimes a few rebuke. Mei Qing Que wonder, such a large house, it only old one? She said that an uncle also live here, but today the family went to visit relatives, my grandmother said to her mother"s aunt aunt home eightieth birthday. Sang Yin also collecting some candy out, and soon the yard will squeeze a lot of people, adults and children, the young are old, all eyes turn around the plum flowers Que, suddenly let him dumbfounded, like he was these two ten years is seen the world, and when the crowd had been so red? Jiji sorts for a moment, Sang Yin from time to time to see his eyes, grin, smile are just so angry in his heart, people eat something, say a conversation, it gradually dispersed, and then lie on the straight Yin Sang Wai in the grandmother in Zeixiao, she said he was going to ask Shan Xiaozhao what,?uggs online bestellen, she deliberately said, will be. Mei Qing Que bite the bullet and sit down, my grandmother looked at him for a smile, if only with the city (he points, Sang Yin family in the city and countryside say say) said, . let"s go, we go to help and you should not have been to the farm"s kitchen, right? have a boyfriend first told me, brought back to me. folks who know you like TV star in this good-looking people waited as the boyfriend, so curious are run, I heard you opened the vehicles They have never seen even a big TV over the car? car you had better pay attention to safety, although I did not want to marry her too far, but look at her for you, you told her, I worry more, you"re better than her large, the place for her ignorance, more to play better. She was admitted to his feelings of identity, no wonder all the village gossip over a crowd of onlookers, he just slightly improved depressed mood. Then see Tuzao, pot, dark walls, high floor, eaves, something not seen any modern, though the walls black, and good clean, dirty things not seen, or so he stunned a little one, If it is normal to see these in other places, it is estimated that he would leave immediately. But all this seems Yin Sang very familiar. Sang grandmother to sit down and help light a fire,mbt scarpe, Sang Yin stop, about memory in accordance with what was on TV or to the impression, light a fire, only one will be on the nose Xunde Sang Yin tears streaming face, see you played to start with, the performance of today do not deliberately you to accompany her grandmother to speak. heat of a noon leftovers, like mushrooms, chicken, fry for a cabbage, a cuttlefish ball soup, fragrant. Yin Sang meal is in laugh, grandma"s teeth is not very good, she can easily pick the ball and chewed the meat to her, her grandmother is more Guzhe plum Que.More articles related to topics: Ralph Lauren Espa?a Travel beach culture - xu19851114_26625 Chapter confrontation culture - most Ai heater _24847 abercrombie and fitch nederland Chapter XV suspects text - Joannable_47087

linux下 /etc/fstab 中的option选项sw什么意思



1.说清楚要得不!什么情况下出现的,一般出现这个错误是调用一个DLL的函数,直接运行EXE文件不会出现这个错误,且调用该函数也成功的。2.首先可能,操作数据库经常会出现c000008错误;这是由于引擎补丁没有打的问题 。3.其次可能,调用某些过程,这些过程没有初始化好。比如UserSend之前的工作没有做。

我的电脑上自动弹出 External exception c0000006 怎么才可以把他关掉。

试试这个方法是否能够解决:在“开始——运行” 输入cmd 回车,在命令提示符下分三次输入以下三个命令,输入完毕回车(也可以分别复制这三个命令,然后在“命令提示符”窗口里光标处右键单击“选择粘贴”),记住了,是三次,不是一次全复制这三个命令咯,第一个命令完成后再输入第二个命令。1、for %1 in (%windir%system32*.dll) do regsvr32.exe /s %1 (完成这一步大概需要几分钟时间)2、for %i in (%windir%system32*.dll) do regsvr32.exe /s %i (完成这一步大概需要几分钟时间)3、for %i in (%windir%system32*.ocx) do regsvr32.exe /s %i 完成后请重启,但愿重启后可以帮你解决此问题。

我的电脑上自动弹出 External exception c0000006 怎么才可以把他关掉。

1、首先打开电脑左下角的开始菜单栏,选择打开“运行”。2、然后在弹出来的窗口中点击输入“cmd”,回车确定。3、然后在弹出来的窗口中点击输入“shutdown -a”,回车确定。4、然后右键单击任务栏选择打开“启动任务管理器”。5、选择想要关闭的进程,点击“结束任务”。6、再回到命令行模式里,按一下回车执行shutdown -a //意思也就是不关机,或者阻止关机。7、然后就可以不重启电脑了。

电脑弹出 external exception c06d007e 怎么解决



1.说清楚要得不!什么情况下出现的,一般出现这个错误是调用一个DLL的函数,直接运行EXE文件不会出现这个错误,且调用该函数也成功的。2.首先可能,操作数据库经常会出现c000008错误;这是由于引擎补丁没有打的问题 。3.其次可能,调用某些过程,这些过程没有初始化好。比如UserSend之前的工作没有做。








futures 期货options 选择, 选择权Generally speaking, futures contract, not the commodity, is sold and bought in the futures market. 一般来说,在期货市场上买进卖出的是期货契约,而不是商品。Silver: quiet. Value fluctuate lower in line with other precious metals on both bullion and futures market. 银:清淡。由于受最近交易低潮的影响,银和其他贵重金属一样,期货和现货市场的数量下降。"The government has two options, to reduce spending or to increase taxes." "政府只有两种选择,不是削减开支便是增加税收。"Make a list of the various options. 列出可供选择的项目。Language courses are wrongly thought to be soft options. 人们误以为选修语言课程较轻松。


在CFA考试中,一旦提到期货市场,有两个专业名词是不可避免的:Contango与Backwardation。一级的考生在学习第67个Reading “Investing in Commodities”就会接触到;在二三级的学习中,大家又会接触到”normal contango” 和”normal backwardation”的概念。因此有必要在这里给大家做一个整理,以免混淆。

现在我的电脑显示 soyo按了 del进不去怎么办?拔了硬盘的线重启他会进去一个设置页面aptio




Windows优化大师安装后怎么没有wopti 不能加密了

为进一步保护用户重要文件的安全,Windows优化大师向使用者提供了Wopti 文件加密器模块。Wopti 文件加密器能将各种文件加密后压缩存放,不仅提高了用户文件的安全性并且节省了磁盘空间的占用。加密说明:对于非执行程序文件,加密后存放的文件名为:原文件名+".womec"。例如:若待加密文件为“sysfile.bmp”,则加密后文件为“sysfile.bmp.womec”;对于执行程序文件(文件扩展名为EXE、COM、BAT的文件),加密后文件名保持不变。值得注意的是,无论是非执行执行程序文件还是执行程序文件,加密后都可在密码校验正确无误后直接打开或运行。在加密前,用户可在Wopti 文件加密器的设置选项中设置“加密成功后删除原始文件”、“加密时如果输入的密码为空字符串,则采用第一项的密码作为口令”、“加密时采用Windows优化大师压缩算法的压缩级别”等项目。解密说明:对于已加密的文件,Wopti 文件加密器能将其解密为原始文件。值得注意的是,加密文件解密后的存放的文件名为原始文件名。例如:若原始文件为“关于编写调用DLL的报告.doc”,加密后文件为“关于编写调用DLL的报告.doc.womec”,即便用户将加密后文件名改为“a.doc.womec”,解密后依然为“关于编写调用DLL的报告.doc”。在解密前,用户可在Wopti 文件加密器的设置选项中设置“解密成功后删除加密文件”等项目。选择待处理文件。用户进入Wopti 文件加密器后,在左下方的文件夹数中选择待处理文件所在的文件夹,然后在右下方的文件列表中选择待处理文件并添加到待处理文件列表。添加的方式可以是鼠标双击右下方文件列表中的文件,或按住Ctrl或Shift键多项选择后将其拖放到待处理文件列表中。另外,您也可以点击“浏览”按钮添加待处理文件。


  为进一步保护用户重要文件的安全,Windows优化大师向使用者提供了Wopti 文件加密器模块。   Wopti 文件加密器能将各种文件加密后压缩存放,不仅提高了用户文件的安全性并且节省了磁盘空间的占用。   加密说明:对于非执行程序文件,加密后存放的文件名为:原文件名+".womec"。例如:若待加密文件为“sysfile.bmp”,则加密后文件为“sysfile.bmp.womec”;对于执行程序文件(文件扩展名为EXE、COM、BAT的文件),加密后文件名保持不变。值得注意的是,无论是非执行执行程序文件还是执行程序文件,加密后都可在密码校验正确无误后直接打开或运行。在加密前,用户可在Wopti 文件加密器的设置选项中设置“加密成功后删除原始文件”、“加密时如果输入的密码为空字符串,则采用第一项的密码作为口令”、“加密时采用Windows优化大师压缩算法的压缩级别”等项目。   解密说明:对于已加密的文件,Wopti 文件加密器能将其解密为原始文件。值得注意的是,加密文件解密后的存放的文件名为原始文件名。例如:若原始文件为“关于编写调用DLL的报告.doc”,加密后文件为“关于编写调用DLL的报告.doc.womec”,即便用户将加密后文件名改为“a.doc.womec”,解密后依然为“关于编写调用DLL的报告.doc”。在解密前,用户可在Wopti 文件加密器的设置选项中设置“解密成功后删除加密文件”等项目。   选择待处理文件。用户进入Wopti 文件加密器后,在左下方的文件夹数中选择待处理文件所在的文件夹,然后在右下方的文件列表中选择待处理文件并添加到待处理文件列表。添加的方式可以是鼠标双击右下方文件列表中的文件,或按住Ctrl或Shift键多项选择后将其拖放到待处理文件列表中。另外,您也可以点击“浏览”按钮添加待处理文件。   点击“刷新”,刷新文件列表;点击“选项”,设置Wopti文件加密综合设置。  加密和解密操作。如果用户已经输入加密口令,单击“加密”按钮可对已添加的待处理文件进行加密操作,在加密过程中,若Wopti 文件加密器检查到该文件已经进行过加密处理将提示用户是否跳过该文件;单击“解密”按钮可对已添加的待处理文件进行解密操作,在解密过程中,若Wopti 文件加密器检查到该文件没有进行过加密处理将提示用户是否跳过该文件。  “加密成功后删除原始文件”:选择此项,在加密过程中,若加密成功将删除待处理文件列表中的原始文件。   “加/解密时如果输入的密码为空字符串,则采用第一项的密码作为口令”:选择此项,在加/解密过程中,若待处理文件列表中的某项文件没有设置密码,则Wopti 文件加密器以第一项待加/解密文件的密码作为加密口令,便于用户批量加/解密文件。   “加密时采用Windows优化大师压缩算法的压缩级别”:用户可设置Wopti 文件加密器在加密过程中采用Windows优化大师压缩算法的压缩级别为:最快压缩率(压缩速度最快,但压缩率较小,因此压缩后文件占用的磁盘空间较大);默认压缩率(Windows优化大师默认的压缩率,速度较快,压缩率较高,压缩后文件占用磁盘空间较小);最大压缩率(压缩速度较慢,压缩率最高,压缩后文件占用的磁盘空间最小)。   “解密成功后删除加密文件”:选择此项,在解密过程中,若解密成功将删除待处理文件列表中的加密文件。   点击“确定”,保存“设置-普通”的设置;点击“取消”,不保存当前设置,返回Wopti文件加密程序。  “操作完成后弹出提示信息”:选择此项,在加密或解密过程中,每处理完毕一项,将弹出提示信息窗口向用户报告成功与否的处理结果。   “操作全部结束后自动清空待处理文件列表”:选择此项,在加密或解密处理结束,将自动清空待处理文件列表。   “启动时检查文件关联”:选择此项,每次启动Wopti 文件加密器时将自动检查已加密文件的关联。该选项是便于用户能够直接打开非执行程序的已加密文件(womec文件)而设立的,建议用户选择。   “双击添加待处理文件”:选择此项,在鼠标双击右下方文件列表中的文件将添加文件到待处理文件列表。   点击“确定”,保存“设置-其它”的设置;点击“取消”,不保存当前设置,返回Wopti文件加密程序。  注意:对于Windows操作系统启动自动运行的执行文件,应用程序在使用过程中要调用的动态链接库、字体文件等请不要加密,以免影响系统和应用程序的正常运行。





无法导出C:Program FilesWoptiTmpBakup.Reg:写入文件时出错。可能有磁盘或文件系统错误。


javax.mail.MessagingException: 553 authentication is required

这是javamail的验证方法中的一种改写Authenticator的getPasswordAuthentication()方法private class Authenticator extends javax.mail.Authenticator{ public PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() { String un = user; String pw = password; return new PasswordAuthentication(un, pw); }}应用这个之前需要设置props.put( "mail.smtp.auth ", "true "); 然后Authenticator auth = new Authenticator();Session mailSession = Session.getInstance(props,auth);还有一种方法是在Transport中设置Transport transport = mailSession.getTransport( "smtp ");transport.connect( "mail.smtp.auth ", "username ", "password ");transport.sendMessage(mimeMsg,maillist);transport.close();* sorze * sorze * 等级:transport.connect( "mail.smtp.auth ", "username ", "password "); “mail.smtp.auth”应改为""或者类似的,其实写成这样就可以了transport.connect( "username ", "password "); mail.smtp.host在propperties中就设置了


注意!无法通过 JET SQL 来设置或者修改上述属性,JET SQL 不支持此功能,你可以联系微软开发小组要他们在下一个版本中增加此功能。Function AppendCaption() "引用DAO Dim Tbf As DAO.TableDef Dim fld As DAO.Field Dim p As DAO.Property Dim cp As DAO.Property On Error Resume Next Dim i As Integer Dim TableName As String Dim FieldName As String FieldName = "First_name" TableName = "test" For Each Tbf In CurrentDb.TableDefs "Debug.Print Tbf.Name For Each fld In Tbf.Fields "Debug.Print Fld.Name If fld.Name = FieldName And Tbf.Name = TableName Then Set cp = fld.CreateProperty("Caption", 12, "aa") fld.Properties.Append cp Set cp = fld.CreateProperty("Description", 10, "aa") fld.Properties.Append cp End If For Each p In fld.Properties If p.Name = "caption" Then Debug.Print Tbf.Name & ":" & fld.Name & ":" & "pro:"; p.Name & "--" & p.Value "Fld.Properties.Delete "Caption" "删除属性 End If Next Next Next End Function下面再给一段函数 Function GetFieldProperty(F As Field, _ ByVal PropName As String) As Variant " " Returns NULL if the property doesn"t exist " On Error Resume Next GetFieldProperty = F.Properties(PropName)End Function Sub ModifyFieldProperty(F As Field, ByVal PropName As String, _ ByVal PropType As Long, _ ByVal NewVal As Variant) Dim P As Property On Error Resume Next Set P = F.Properties(PropName) If Err Then " " Add property (as long as NewVal isn"t Null) " If Not IsNull(NewVal) Then On Error Goto 0 " fail if can"t add Set P = F.CreateProperty(PropName, PropType, NewDesc) F.Properties.Append P End If ElseIf IsNull(NewVal) Then " " Delete property " On Error Goto 0 " fail if can"t delete F.Properties.Delete PropName Else " " Modify property " On Error Goto 0 " fail if can"t alter P.Value = NewDesc End If Set P = NothingEnd Sub调用函数如下: Sub Test() Dim db As Database, F As Field Dim v As Variant v = "This is a description" Set db = DBEngine(0).OpenDatabase("NWIND.MDB") " change name/path Set F = db!Employees!Title " Get existing description Debug.Print "Existing Title Description is: "; Debug.Print GetFieldProperty(F, "Description") " Delete description ModifyFieldProperty F, "Description", dbText, v Debug.Print "After deleting Description: "; Debug.Print GetFieldProperty(F, "Description") " Add description ModifyFieldProperty F, "Description", dbText, "Employee"s Title" Debug.Print "After adding new Description: "; Debug.Print GetFieldProperty(F, "Description") " Modify existing title ModifyFieldProperty F, "Description", dbText, "Emp Title" Debug.Print "After modifying Description: "; Debug.Print GetFieldProperty(F, "Description") " Clean-up Set F = Nothing db.Close End Sub再提供一个别人发表的代码(未测试)"*******************************************************************************"Function: TableDefExist(strTableDef)"Description: Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether an table define" in currently database."Example: TableDefExist("TEXT")=True"*******************************************************************************Function TableDefExist(ByVal strTableDef As String) As BooleanOn Error GoTo TableDefExist_Err If CurrentDb.TableDefs(strTableDef).Name = strTableDef Then TableDefExist = True End If TableDefExist = True Exit FunctionTableDefExist_Err: TableDefExist = False Exit FunctionEnd FunctionPrivate Sub CreateTRDTableDef()On Error GoTo Err_CreateTRDTableDefDim rstTRDTableSource As DAO.RecordsetDim rstTableDefine As DAO.RecordsetDim tdfTable As DAO.TableDefDim dbCurrentDatabase As DAO.DatabaseDim fldField As FieldDim intCount As IntegerDim strTableName As String DoCmd.Echo True, "Creating table definition......" Set dbCurrentDatabase = CurrentDb Set rstTRDTableSource = dbCurrentDatabase.OpenRecordset("SELECT DISTINCT TRD_NAME,TABLE_NAME FROM TBL_TABLE_SOURCE", dbOpenDynaset) Do While Not rstTRDTableSource.EOF strTableName = rstTRDTableSource("TRD_NAME") & " - " & rstTRDTableSource("TABLE_NAME") DoCmd.Echo True, "Creating " & strTableName & " table definition....." If TableDefExist(strTableName) Then dbCurrentDatabase.TableDefs.Delete strTableName End If Set rstTableDefine = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM TBL_TABLE_SOURCE WHERE TRD_NAME=" & """ & _ rstTRDTableSource("TRD_NAME") & "" AND TABLE_NAME="" & rstTRDTableSource("TABLE_NAME") & "" ORDER BY SEQUENCE", dbOpenDynaset) Set tdfTable = dbCurrentDatabase.CreateTableDef(strTableName) Set fldField = tdfTable.CreateField(rstTableDefine.Fields("FIELD_NAME"), GedFieldType(rstTableDefine.Fields("DATA_TYPE")), rstTableDefine.Fields("FIELD_SIZE")) tdfTable.Fields.Append fldField dbCurrentDatabase.TableDefs.Append tdfTable SetMyProperty fldField, "Caption", dbText, rstTableDefine.Fields("Caption") SetMyProperty fldField, "Description", dbText, rstTableDefine.Fields("DESCRIPTION") rstTableDefine.MoveNext With rstTableDefine Do While Not .EOF Set fldField = tdfTable.CreateField(.Fields("FIELD_NAME"), GedFieldType(.Fields("DATA_TYPE")), .Fields("FIELD_SIZE")) tdfTable.Fields.Append fldField SetMyProperty fldField, "Caption", dbText, rstTableDefine.Fields("Caption") SetMyProperty fldField, "Description", dbText, rstTableDefine.Fields("DESCRIPTION") .MoveNext Loop End With Set tdfTable = Nothing rstTableDefine.Close Set rstTableDefine = Nothing rstTRDTableSource.MoveNext Loop rstTRDTableSource.Close Set rstTRDTableSource = Nothing DoCmd.Echo True, "Ready"Exit_CreateTRDTableDef: Exit Sub Err_CreateTRDTableDef: MsgBox "Error: " & Err & vbCrLf & Err.Description Resume Exit_CreateTRDTableDef End Sub"*******************************************************************************"Function: GedFieldType(strDataType)"Description: Returns a integer value that indicates data types"Example: GedFieldType("dbText")=10"*******************************************************************************Function GedFieldType(strDataType As String) As IntegerSelect Case strDataType Case "dbText" GedFieldType = 10 Case "dbDate" GedFieldType = 8 Case "dbDouble" GedFieldType = 7 Case "dbFloat" GedFieldType = 21 Case "dbInteger" GedFieldType = 3 Case "dbLong" GedFieldType = 4 Case "dbMemo" GedFieldType = 12 Case "dbNumeric" GedFieldType = 6 "old is 19 Case "dbSingle" GedFieldType = 6 Case "dbTime" GedFieldType = 22 Case "dbChar" GedFieldType = 18 Case "dbCurrency" GedFieldType = 5 Case Else GedFieldType = 0End SelectEnd Function"*******************************************************************************"Sub: SetMyProperty(Obj,Name,Type,Setting)"Description: Custom a user property"Example: SetMyProperty fldField, "Caption", dbText, "Test Information""*******************************************************************************Sub SetMyProperty(Obj As Object, strName As String, intType As Integer, strSetting As String) Dim Prp As Property Const PrpFail As Integer = 3270 On Error GoTo Err_SetMyProperty Obj.Properties(strName) = strSetting Obj.Properties.RefreshExit_SetMyProperty: Exit SubErr_SetMyProperty: If Err = PrpFail Then Set Prp = Obj.CreateProperty(strName, intType, strSetting) Obj.Properties.Append Prp Obj.Properties.Refresh Else MsgBox "Error: " & Err & vbCrLf & Err.Description End If Resume Exit_SetMyPropertyEnd Sub

安卓开发报错Android FATAL EXCEPTION:main

ComponentInfo:NullPointerException,没做过android相关的开发,但是很明显根本原因是空指针异常,可以debug去定位;下面这些是有可能会用到的定位信息,或者从开始的入口去一步一步进入,肯定可以找到的~android.os.Looper.loop( java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

菜鸟满地打滚求大神!!!安卓开发报错Android FATAL EXCEPTION:main

亲,是空指针异常,Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException把代码发上来看看?

谁知到这段JAVA语句哪里出错了 java.lang.RuntimeException: Unab

运行时异常 空指针

android classnotfoundexception 但明明存在

When the fox first saw



安卓开发报错Android FATAL EXCEPTION:main


The Shawshank Redemption(肖申克的救赎)

It has been one year by now since I saw The Shawshank Redemption first time.Whereas,what I still remember clearly is Andy"s intelligence,courage and the pursuit of hope which have been deeply rooted in my mind.My evaluating Andy is able to be boiled down to a word――strong.For instance,he who was falsely accused and convicted(犯罪)of the murder of his wife and her secret lover was sentenced to two life imprisonment(终身监禁,无期徒刑). Although initially he was very isolated,lonely and hopeless,afterwards he employed his advantage over others as a banker to launder(洗黑钱)money for the wardenry(监狱长)instead of abandoning himself or yeilding to(向……屈服)destiny,winning him the respect of all people in Shawshank and demonstrating his worth.What"s more,he unexpectedly spent 20 years tunneling(挖地道)secretly with a little hammer and he successfully escaped from the prison.In short,his strong soul saved himself. Nevertheless,his strongness is less than my reverence(崇敬)for him.As Michael carried out,a stronger man save himself, a great man can save another.What I admire him most lies in his greatness of redemption for Shawshank.Firstly,he helped several warders(监狱官)exempt(免除,豁免)taxation to exchange ice beer for his friends,all of whom enjoyed rare and short freedom leisurely(轻松地,悠闲地).Then,he kept writing letters to the government to ask for bankroll(资金)to develop the library and after nearly ten years,a new library appeared.Besides,regardness of warders" objection(反对)and punishment,he played The Wedding of Figaro in the radio room,letting the wonderful music which represents hope spread above Shawshank.Most impressively,he could have escaped early from the tunnal,but it was not until the wardenry killed Tommy who knew the real murderer that he ultimately resolved to escape to expose warders" cruel actions to the public and give back blue sky to Shawshank. As far as I"m concerned,Andy is utterly(全然地,绝对地)different with other prisoners.Under no circumstance would he give up the pursuit of hope in the prison of life,so he is the incarnation(化身,典型)of strength in my mind.The film tells us no matter what happens, never doubt yourself and pursue our hopes and dreams. 经典台词: 有一种鸟是永远也关不住的,因为它的每片羽翼上都沾满了自由的光辉!生命可以归结为一种简单的选择:要么忙于生存,要么赶着去死。不要忘了这个世界上还有可以穿透一切高墙的东西,他就在我们的内心深处,他们无法达到,也触摸不到,那就是希望。 懦怯囚禁人的灵魂,希望可以感受自由。强者自救,圣者渡人。 希望是美好的,也许是人间至善,而美好的事物永不消逝。 刚入狱的时候,你痛恨周围的高墙;慢慢的,你习惯生活在其中;最终你会发现自己不得不依靠它而生存。那就是体制化。

paramore the only exception准确中文歌词翻译


控制面板找不到Regional and Language Options

这个貌似不复杂,你用的英文的什么系统?XP还是VSTIA?QQ连接不到你系统的字库,咱们的QQ不是基于unicode编写的,当然会这样胡乱显示了。你先这样试试一下载安装你那个系统的简体中文语言包”二然后,首先打开“control panel”,然后选择“regional and language options”,接着选择“administrative”,把“non unicode language”选项设为“chinese prc”。先试试,不行再说。

fiber-optic transceiver是什么东西,光纤收发器和光模块什么关系,高手指点,感谢啦




happiness celebration invitation desription怎么读 发音标 punish improve sick rich怎么变成名词 不懂


如果没猜错,提示应该是‘namespace"must be declared for mapper这个意思是namespace必须在dtd中被定义为mapper结点的元素,建议楼主用alt+/看一下是不是还可以出来一个namespace,如果出来就表示是拼写错了

使用Pytorch实现Transformer,如何巧妙的使用或者停用 optimizer.zero_grad()来训练大模型?

optimizer.zero_grad()意思是把梯度置零,也就是把loss关于weight的导数变成0.pytorch对于每个batch大都执行了这样的操作:optimizer.zero_grad() ## 梯度清零preds = model(inputs) ## inferenceloss = criterion(preds, targets) ## 求解lossloss.backward() ## 反向传播求解梯度optimizer.step() ## 更新权重参数1,由于pytorch的动态计算图,当我们使用loss.backward()和opimizer.step()进行梯度下降更新参数的时候,梯度并不会自动清零。并且这两个操作是独立操作。2,backward():反向传播求解梯度。3,step():更新权重参数。

Optibac益生菌好不好? Optibac婴幼儿益生菌怎么吃

Optibac婴幼儿益生菌怎么吃呢,益生菌是常见的婴儿补充产品,有许多肠胃不好的宝宝家长会选择给宝宝的奶粉里面或者食物里面添加一点益生菌、益生菌的种类有很多,那么这款英国的Optibac婴幼儿益生菌怎么样呢?马上介绍 Optibac婴幼儿益生菌怎么吃 OptiBac probiotics For babier&children(婴幼儿益生菌):这款是OptiBac旗下卖得最好的一款益生菌。适用于新生儿、孕妇及母乳喂养妈妈。宝宝由于自身免疫系统发育尚未成熟,母传抗体在出生后逐渐消失,六七岁以下都处于易感期,宝宝肠胃功能、免疫功能不完善,机体抵抗力较弱,消化系统紊乱,肠胃吸收不良及容易感染疾病等,这些症状不仅会阻碍宝宝体格发育,对宝宝的智力及社交能力发育都会带来不同程度影响。适当补充益生菌,可以维持肠道菌丛平衡,保持益生菌优势地位,改善宝宝免疫力,促进肠胃消化吸收,预防各种传染性疾病等。医学研究表明,良好的益生菌平衡能帮助宝宝健康成长,尤其对服用抗生素宝宝、刨妇产婴儿、早产婴儿、有消化问题如疝气、腹泻、便秘、乳糖不耐受、易过敏和湿疹宝宝。Optibac益生菌好不好 包装完整,字迹清晰,磨砂的表面,蓝配红的颜色,很好看。外包装印有条形码,生产日期,中文说明。亮点与细节 包装背面,附完整的中文标识,配料表,生产厂家,地址电话等都有,让人放心 内包装里也有生产日期,就算把外包装扔掉,也不担心不知道生产日期,很贴心 外包装生产批号,生产日期清楚 试用过程与体验 这是刚把益生菌倒碗里,临近水的地方,刚倒进去,就有融合的迹象了 略微搅和几下,基本就融合差不多了。喝之前的样子,感觉跟母乳的颜色很接近 因为是试用,孩子太小,说不出来体验,这袋我喝了,味道不错,没有什么异味,我觉得孩子可以接受试用心得 优点:融水性挺好,喝上去口感也可以,颜色也很像母乳,孩子接受度高手 缺点:太小的孩子,喂起来不方便,如果包装内有配备的喂药器等,就更完美了,多贵几块钱也愿意 Optibac probiotics怎么用 来自英国的益生菌,菌株为嗜乳酸杆菌、婴儿双歧杆菌、两歧双歧杆和双歧杆菌。每包30亿,常温保存即可。新生儿、儿童、孕妈妈都可以实用。剂量分别是:0-3岁,每天一包;3-12岁,每天最多2包,孕妈妈:每天一包。


"最佳解决方法 “关于如何转到1280 X 1024” 见到 使用手册"意思如上

load optimal defaults是什么意思?

加载最佳默认值。重点词汇解析:load 常用词汇 英 [lu0259u028ad]     美 [lou028ad]    n. 负荷;重担;装载量v. 装载;给(枪)装子弹;[计算机] 装入1、S+~(+A)This camera loads easily.这架照相机装胶卷很容易。2、S+~+ n./pron.Help me to load the goods.帮我装货物。固定搭配:bear a load 担重担,负重任carry a load 挑担子,喝醉扩展资料词汇用法——load作名词时基本意思是“负荷;负担”,可指人、畜、车辆、船只或飞机所负荷的东西,也可指人精神上的负担。load作“装载,装载量”解时,指的是交通工具的所能运载量的大小。load还可作“工作量,负荷量”解,一般是指一个人或一台机器所工作的数量。

电脑前几天启动时需要按F2才启动,但现在无法键入F2还有load optimaldefault是真么意思啊选择ok还是取消

OK 建议换个主板电池应该就没问题了。。。

BIOS里的Load Optimal Defaults(载入最佳缺省值)这一项是做什么用的?

Load Optimal Defaults:(载入BIOS预设优化值) x0dx0a恢复到厂商本身写入的最佳设定,如果硬件不支持的情况下,有可能会导致启动失败. x0dx0aBIOS是默认load optimal defaults x0dx0a在Load Optimized Defaults中,选择此选项,会出现:“Load Optimized Defaults (Y/N)?”的菜单,询问是否载入出厂时的缺省值,请按“Y”或“Enter”键,即可载入出厂时的缺省值。 x0dx0ax0dx0a这里的参数都是按比较保守的指标设置的。厂家提供这种预置项的目的是想让用户在第一次装机后加电时能顺利开机,或者是在碰到故障(如原 因不明的死机等、系统常提示保护性报错等)时能启动系统查找故障原因。

《Optimal Experience》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Flow》(Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 88iv书名:《Flow》作者:Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi豆瓣评分:8.7出版社:Harper Perennial Modern Classics出版年份:2008-7-1页数:336内容简介:You have heard about how a musician loses herself in her music, how a painter becomes one with the process of painting. In work, sport, conversation or hobby, you have experienced, yourself, the suspension of time, the freedom of complete absorption in activity. This is "flow," an experience that is at once demanding and rewarding--an experience that Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi demonstrates is one of the most enjoyable and valuable experiences a person can have.作者简介:Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi is a Hungarian psychology professor, who emigrated to the United States at the age of 22.

联想笔记本电脑load optimal defaults是什么


经济学问题.关于optimal quantity的.求大牛帮忙解释下原因.

生产草坪机数量和边际收益边际成本的关系 cost of producing lawn-mowing就是假设中的生产草坪机的成本 经济学中最基本的边际成本、边际收益的最优量就是optimal quantity
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