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equal to 放在句首做什么成分

做定语。1.equal with意为“与??平等”。In the presence of death the greatest areequal with the humblest. 在死亡面前,最伟大的人和最低贱的人是平等的。2.equal作为“相等”解时,用作形容词时,同to连用;也可用作名词,意为“相等物”,为the equal of结构。One like isequal to half a kilometer. =One like is the equal of half a kilometer. 一华里等于半公里。3.equal作“胜任的,经得起的,合适的”等解时,均同to连用。equal to anything经得起任何事情。定语是用来修饰、限定、说明名词或代词的品质与特征的。 主要有形容词、名词,此外还有代词、数词、介词短语、动词不定式(短语)、分词、定语从句等相当于形容词的词、短语或句子都可以作定语。 汉语中常用“??的”表示,定语的位置一般有两种:用在所修饰词之前的叫前置定语,用在所修饰词之后的叫后置定语,定语和中心语之间是修饰和被修饰、限制和被限制的关系。

be equal to和equals to有什么区别

1.句型“be equal to...”属于等比句型,比较双方基本等同,标准形式是“主语十be equal to+等比对象”。形容词“equal”的意思是“相等的、同样的”。该句型翻译为“……和……相当”。例句:we"re equal to them. 我们和他们一样。2.equal to ..意思是等于,相当,胜任。例句:Equal to one billion one megaton hydrogen bombs. 等于10亿个百万吨级的氢弹。

a large amount 与of a large quantity of 区别

以下三个词都是表示大量的意思,意思相同,用法不同. a large amount of谓语用单数,后接不可数名词. a large quantity of谓语用单数或复数都可,后接可数名词复数或不可数名词. quantities of谓语用复数,后接可数名词复数或不可数名词.

the structure was built high-up on the north flank of Glen Quarity specifically to command an arc

1、specifically 是副词,用作插入语(也可以称为评注性状语)表示“也就是,具体来说,确切地说,特意指出”等。2、不定式 to command 是 was built high-up 的结果,因此是结果状语。3、command 意思是“眺望/俯瞰/远远看去”,4、command a view of 是常用短语,表示“可远看到...景象”5、介词短语 to the south 意思是“面向南”:整个意思是“向南可以远远看到田园牧歌式的景象”。


一:quarrel和argue的区别:argue :指提出理由或证据为自己或自己一方的看法或立场辩护,着重说理、论证和企图说服。quarrel :指两人之间或两个团体之间不友好的、吵吵嚷嚷地大声争论某事,尤指“吵嘴、吵架”。二:quarrel和argue的用法:argue的用法:用法1:argue的基本意思是“争”,可以是双方为某事而争吵或争论; 也可以是单方运用事实或道理坚持自己的主张或证明自己的观点; 还可以是说服他人同意自己的观点。可以是激烈的争论; 也可以是沉着的辩论; 还可以是晓之以理的说服、劝说。argue还可表示为某事的真实性提供令人信服的根据,这时常可译作“说明”“表明”“显示”。用法2:argue作不及物动词时常接介词短语表示附加意义; 表示“为…而争论”时接 about , on或over; 表示“为反对…而争论”时接against; 表示“为赞成…而争论”时接for; 表示“与…争论”时接with。用法3:argue用作及物动词时,可接the matter, the point, the question之类的名词作宾语,也可接that引导的从句(有时可用虚拟语气)。用法4:argue作“说服”“劝说”解时,接out of表示“拒绝”,即“不做某事”; 接in表示“采纳”,即“做某事”。用法5:argue作“表明”解时,可接以“to be+ n./adj. ”作补足语的复合宾语。用法6:argue还可用于引出直接引语。例句:1. Few would argue that this team has experience and proven ability.这个队伍的丰富经验和表现出来的实力是众所公认的。2. I don"t think many people would argue with that.我认为多数人不会对此有异议。quarrel的用法:n.争吵,口角;反目例句:In spite of their quarrel, they remained the best of friends.他们尽管吵过架,却仍不失为最好的朋友。争吵的原因(理由)例句:We have no quarrel with the people of Spain or of any other country.我们和西班牙人民或其它任何国家的人民都没有分歧。v.吵嘴,吵架,争吵,口角 [I]例句:George shows a disposition to quarrel.乔治好吵架。不同意,挑剔;责备,埋怨 [I]例句:Don"t quarrel with your fate. You should take it into your own hands.不要埋怨命运,你应该掌握自己的命运。扩展资料:quarrel和argue近义词汇辨析argue,quarrel,debate,dispute,discuss,reason这些动词均含“辩论,争论,说理”之意。argue 指提出理由或证据为自己或自己一方的看法或立场辩护,着重说理、论证和企图说服。quarrel 指两人之间或两个团体之间不友好的、吵吵嚷嚷地大声争论某事,尤指“吵嘴、吵架”。debate 侧重指意见等对立的双方之间正式或公开的争辩。dispute 侧重对分歧进行激烈或热烈的争论或争辩,带一定感情色彩,常隐含“各持已见”或“争论不休”意味。discuss 最常用词,指就某一或某些问题表明观点、看法等,以便统一认识,解决问题。reason 指据理力争以说服对方或求得对问题作更深入的研究。

Carpe diem,quam minimum credula postero是什么意思

Carpe diem,quam minimum credula postero 全部释义和例句>> 及时行乐,”最小credula后Carpe diem,quam minimum credula postero 全部释义和例句>> 及时行乐,”最小credula后

如何定义marketing qualified leads

sales lead销售机会[网络短语]Sales Lead 销售线索,销售机会sales consultant Lead 销售主管sales consultant lead sales consultant 销售顾问

品质检查 quality inspection



inspection service:检查服务,检验服务。inspection service 通常指提供专业性检验和审查的服务,包括工业领域的质量和安全检验,政府法令法规方面如卫生、违禁物品和知识产权等,以及商业和民生方面的消费者权益类检审,如购置房、车、珠宝等产品的质量检查。在某些行业中,inspection service 是必不可少的程序,如工业原材料,产品生产质量,进出口,房地产,贵重商品销售等等。inspection service 必须由专业人士执掌并受法律法规监管。

residential quarter是什么意思

residential quarter[英][u02ccreziu02c8denu0283u0259l u02c8kwu0254:tu0259][美][u02ccru025bzu026au02c8du025bnu0283u0259l u02c8kwu0254rtu025a]居住小区,住宅区; Outdoor space environmental design in residential quarter and landscape gardening居住小区室外空间环境设计与园林造园艺术探讨residential quarter of the Aquatic Sports World of Haihe River海河水上运动世界住宅小区

residential quarter是什么意思


vibration tremor quake 有什么不同


Mccoy Tyner Quartet的《The Seeker》 歌词

歌曲名:The Seeker歌手:Mccoy Tyner Quartet专辑:4 X 4I am a seekerA poor sinful creatureThere is no weaker than I amI am a seekerYou are a teacherYou are a reacherSo reach downWon"t you reach out and lead meGuide me and keep meIn the shelter of your care each day"Cause I am a seekerYou are a keeperYou are the leaderWon"t you show me the wayI am a vessel that"s empty and uselessI am a bad seed that fell by the wayI am a loser that wants to be a winnerAnd you are my last hopeDon"t turn me awayChorus:I am a seekerA poor sinful creatureThere is no weaker than I amI am a seekerYou are a teacherYou are a reacherSo reach downWon"t you reach out and lead meGuide me and keep me, LordIn the shelter of your care each day"Cause I am a seekerYou are a keeperYou are the leaderWon"t you show me the wayOh, I know you are a mountainFrom which there flows a fountainSo let it"s water wash my sins away"Cause I am a seekerYou are a keeperYou are the leaderWon"t you show me the wayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9407399

「南瓜」英文怎么说?pumpkin/squash 中文意思!

「南瓜 」英文 应该怎么说呢?南瓜的英文叫做pumpkin,一般万圣节常见的那种大南瓜,就叫做pumpkin,而还有一种卖场比较少见的、体型比较小的叫做squash,比较常在夏季量产,虽然少见,但是还是要知道一下有这个单字喔。 下面整理了「南瓜」的英文例句与中文意思,赶快学起来吧! 1.pumpkin 南瓜 「南瓜」最常见的英文说法是pumpkin,pumpkin的中文意思就是指「南瓜」。 pumpkin 相关英文单字: 例: pumpkin pie 南瓜馅饼 pumpkin 相关英文例句与中文意思: 例: Let"s have pumpkin pie. 我们来吃南瓜派。 2.squash 南瓜 squash 也是南瓜的一种,是南瓜的另一种类型,比较小而且常见于夏季量产,虽然这说法比较少见,但还是要知道喔。另外,squash本身还有果汁饮料的意思。 squash 英文例句与中文意思: 例: He is drinking lemon squash. 他正在喝柠檬果汁饮料。 Pumpkin, pumpkin 中文, pumpkin 意思, squash 中文, squash 意思, 南瓜 英文, 南瓜 英文怎么说, 英文 南瓜

excessive quantities of water are 还是is beingused


英语翻译High-quality customer service is preached(宣扬)by many,but

高质量的客户服务被很多商家所宣扬,但具体到实践,却不那么容易. 购物者有所抱怨时,其实很少反映给零售店的老板或管理者,他们会告诉自己的朋友,亲戚,同事,甚至陌生人以及任何能真正听取他们意见的人. 根据Verde Group 和 Wharton School的一项联合研究证实,通常情况下,商店管理者只有在很多老顾客都已经另寻他处时,才最后知道问题所在. “这种抱怨伤害了零售商,也消遣了消费者.”verde group的主席,Paula courtney说道,“商店丢失了顾客,购物者却也需要另寻别处.” 通常平均每个抱怨者要告诉至少另外4个人,并且不再进入这家商店.对于每个不满意的顾客,因为其负面评价,一个商店至少要丢掉另外3个顾客.这样的滚雪球效应产生的后果可以给零售商带来极大的损失. 最后一行verg应该是very吧


playground : 一般指附属于学校或公园内的活动场地,也可指游乐场或儿童游戏场地。stadium : 指周围有看台的露天大型运动场。gymnasium : 可简写为gym,指不受天气影响的室内体育馆、健身房或运动场馆。court : 通常指周围有围墙的专用球场



Improve the air quality can make our city a better place to live in.

这句话是个错句,首先improve要换成现在分词形式或者不定式, 第二,to live in是动词不定式做后置定语,但是如果修饰的那个名词是place、time或者way的时候,后面的介词通常要省略,这是肯定 的

the air quality in the city,as

可以. as和which引导非限制性定语从句时 都指代整句 as从句位置比较灵活 置前 置中 置后 都可以.而which只能放后面

quarter horses造句 quarter horsesの例文 "quarter horses"是什麼意思

Anderson raises quarter horses and rides as often as she can. -- He breeds and shows American saddlebreds and quarter horses . She began to show American Quarter Horses in the late 1980s. However, she continued to show Quarter Horses in pleasure driving. In his spare time, Shatner enjoys breeding and Quarter Horses . He also produced early films about Quarter Horses in the Southwest. The mules are used for short races, much pke quarter horses . Diesel trucks are Belgians or Clydesdales, not thoroughbreds or quarter horses . Trinity Meadows is holding a mixed meeting of thoroughbreds and quarter horses . Additionally, he raises American Quarter Horses and mules on his ranch. It"s difficult to see quarter horses in a sentence. 用 quarter horses 造句挺难的 E . Paul Waggoner raised Quarter Horses on the ranch. Michael is remarkably talented with thoroughbreds and quarter horses . The track will run a season featuring quarter horses next October and November. That awkwardness _ quarter horses can"t have. There are also 100 quarter horses that guests can take on trail rides. That all goes out the window when the quarter horses e to town. They race 24 quarter horses , which she trains. It became the standard racing distance for Quarter Horses and inspired their name. They replaced the *** aller horses with American Quarter Horses . Carter finished his career with 23, 970 mounts aboard American Quarter Horses . Based at Quarter Horses and Thoroughbreds for flat racing. She became a renowned breeder of American Quarter Horses . I think racing quarter horses at that particular time of year will be fantastic, Because he was unemployed, he decided to try his luck at quarter horses . In 1960, after high school, he started training and showing quarter horses . He also maintains ownership in 50 quarter horses . He pved in Tempe, Ariz ., where he kept three quarter horses . She trains the couple"s quarter horses . It also boards and trains quarter horses , which are bred to be sprinters. European nations such as Germany and Italy have imported large numbers of Quarter Horses . It"s difficult to see quarter horses in a sentence. 用 quarter horses 造句挺难的 Funt raised quarter horses and cattle on it. In 1986, he began training Thoroughbreds and American Quarter Horses in New Mexico. That goes back to his days training quarter horses , which usually race at night. They first had quarter horses , but then Pegram persuaded Baffert to switch to thoroughbreds. Yes, there were some breaks when I was training both quarter horses and thoroughbreds. After he retired, he raised quarter horses at his ranch in Aubrey, Texas. Videos, art and clever exhibits dramatize the importance of quarter horses in American pfe. Quarter Horses have also been trained to pete in dressage and can be good jumpers. He also raised cattle and quarter horses . Babb is " considered the premier auctioneer in the country for American Quarter Horses ." I"ve had 9-10 great filpes in thoroughbred racing, plus quarter horses . "I"ve got 21 quarter horses , and I buy and sell horses. The quarter horses race at night, Quarter Horses may exhibit sabino-pke patterning from the same geic sources as other breeds. Owners of good Quarter Horses brought him some of their best mares to breed for speed. Cropouts also occur when o sopd-colored Quarter Horses produce a foal with Appaloosa coloring. He also bred purebred quarter horses . So why did he show up at Lone Star last night with a pair of quarter horses ? There are quarter horses whose names don"t include the words " Dash," Dr . Willy Perez, the ophthalmologist, and his wife, Cathie, bred quarter horses . It"s difficult to see quarter horses in a sentence. 用 quarter horses 造句挺难的

ACCA注册页面学校一栏没有我们学校,怎么申请免考,qualification/class name一栏怎么填啊?

我如果没有记错的话,如果学校一栏的选项没有你们学校,那麼边上应该会有个空格让你填写自己的学校,学校的英文应该在贵校自己的网站上有。qualification就是Bachelor Degree,class name就是财务管理专业Finance Management

英国申请表里面要填 name of degree 和 qualification 我是法学本科 应该怎么填呢


Qualification and ability , which is more important ?

Qualification and ability , which is more important?As Hamlet would say, that is indeed "the question". Clearly, in life one is rewarded for possessing both. Therefore, should one go for qualification, a visible asset which produces immediate rewards, or toil and labor to develop and acquire ability, a quality that may not be immediately visible to others until demonstrated and hopefully is then rewarded?Qualification, if real and obtained through work and training is in fact proof of one"s ability, but in today"s world, phony qualifications abound. "Proofs" of qualification are too easily acquired. Is it any surprise, therefore, that many people opt for "qualifications" which may entail paying huge sums of money to legally or otherwise obtain them?In other words, ability is real and lasting, while qualification, unless backed by ability, may be nothing more than the paper it is written on.In summary, qualification is what gets you in the door, but ability is what keeps you inside. Both are equally important.注:这是加拿大大学水平的短文(我是加拿大人,前英语老师)。若你对莎士比亚的汉姆雷特戏剧不熟悉,你可以省略文章的第二句 "As Hamlet would say ... " 。

澳洲大学说的Award Certificate和Qualifications是一回事吗?


have the qualification__填介词


certificate 与qualificate 的区别

首先...没有qualificate这个单词的。是qualification.很多证书的表达都是certificate qualification for/of XXXX 或者 XXXXX certificate 与qualificate 微小的区别在于, qualification 比较侧重于表达各种职业认证或执业能力的证书。certificate比较侧重于一般的能力,比如英语四六级这种

港大申请问题?什么是obtained qualification

obtained qualification 是指已经拿到的证书,相对应的还有一个current application,是指正在拿的证书,好比你现在在读研究生,那你obtained qualification 就是学士学位,具体得看楼主的个人情况啦。


A 【school leaving qualification】 is an academic qualification awarded for the completion of highschool.【high-school-leaving-qualification】【中学毕业证书】

professional qualification是什么意思?



qualify的名词是qualification,形容词是qualified。qualify读音:英[u02c8kwu0252lu026afau026a],美[u02c8kwɑu02d0lu026afau026a]。释义:vt. 限定,修饰;使具有资格;证明…合格。vi. 取得资格,有资格。变形:过去式qualified,过去分词qualified,现在分词qualifying,第三人称单数qualifies。词汇搭配:qualify sb for the job 使某人适合干这工作qualify oneself for the post 使自己有条件担任此职qualify sth with water 在…中掺水词语用法qualify的基本意思是“(使)有资格”,指通过宣誓、作保、遵照必要形式或条件而获得合法或适当的权力,还可指取得或具备某一职业的合格条件。引申可作“限制”“修饰”解。qualify可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时可接名词或代词作宾语,意为“使某人有资格做某事”。qualify还可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。

英语personal qualification怎么翻译?

personal qualification翻译成汉语是:个人资质。


需要的东西:1.policy number【 身份证号 】;2.certificate No【 社保卡卡号 】;外资企业入职程序:1.通常由人力资源部包办;2.报道当天交体检报告原件;3.签署劳动协议算被录用;4.外企入职表格只过走程序。

qualification criteria是什么意思


为什么是 He was a man with good __( quality)填qualification而不是 quality

此处用于“资格”词义,应用“qualification”,quality 词义为“质量”。词句主要根据句意所需要的词义而而对单词进行相应变化。


依照你目前的情况,你应该不是申请去读研究生吧,猜想你是申请去插读本科。所以你应该填第二项,也就是below honours degree level qualifications,实际上就是高中学历。如果你参加的2+2项目,在读完国内2年后,能够给你发一个什么qualification(资格证),也可以添第三项。不过,我觉得你最好添第二项。





eligibility qualification都有资格的意思,但有什么区别


没有资格做某事用 qualification怎么说

have no qualification to do sth


qualifiedv. 限制qualification n. 资格



雅思中, qualification资格证 certificate证书 有什么差别?

1.qualification是指获得某种资格和条件。(通过考试获得的)资格,学历;资格考试  (完成某项活动或任务所需的)素质,技能,资历。2.certificate则是证书,偏向于纸面上的东西,证明书,证明某事的真实性;文凭,结业证书。


Qualification n. W3 [C usually plural] 〔通过考试或学习课程取得的〕资格;学历 | [C usually plural] 〔胜任某一工作或职位所需的〕技能条件,资格;资历 | [U] 取得资格,合格,达到标准


qualityKK: []DJ: []n.1. 质,质量[U]Quality often matters more than quantity.质量往往比数量更重要。He examined the quality of the furniture carefully.他仔细检查家具的品质。2. 特性[C]merchandise of quality优质商品3. 品质One quality of wood is that it can burn.木料的一个特点是能燃烧。Modesty is one of his good qualities.谦虚是他的美德之一。4. 实质[C]5. 身份,地位[U]6. 才能,本领[U]7. 高位,显赫的社会地位[U]people of quality达官贵人8. 音色,音质[U]9. 【逻】(命题的)质10. 【主英】(内容比较严肃的)大报;高级报刊a.[Z][B]1. 优良的,优质的,高级的These shoes are made of quality leather.这些鞋是用高级皮革制成的。2. 上流社会的3. (报刊)内容严肃的The Times is a quality newspaper.泰晤士报内容严肃。qualificationKK: []DJ: []n.1. 赋予(或取得)资格[U]She passed her qualification for the Olympic gymnastic competition.她获得了奥林匹克体操比赛的资格。2. 资格,能力[P][(+for)][+to-v]What are the qualifications for an airline pilot?当一名民航飞机驾驶员要具备哪些条件?3. 资格证书,执照[C]a secretarial qualification担任秘书的资格证明4. 限制,限定;限定性条件[U][C][+(that)]They accepted my plan without qualifications of any kind.他们毫无保留地接受了我的计划。5. 归属;描述[U]The qualification of his policy as conservative is justified.把他的政策称为保守主义是有道理的


qualification英 [u02cckwu0252lu026afu026au02c8keu026au0283n] 美 [u02cckwɑ:lu026afu026au02c8keu026au0283n] n. 资格,授权;条件,限制;合格证书 资格; 资格赛; 限制条件; 资格证书 复数:qualifications (1)(通过考试获得的)资格,学历;资格考试 Your qualifications are the examinations that you have passed. They will be encouraged to mix academic A-levels with vocational qualifications... 将鼓励他们在取得优秀学习成绩的同时也要获得一定的职业资质。Lucy wants to study medicine but needs more qualifications. 露西希望学医,但是需要通过更多的资格考试(2)(通过考试后)取得资格,合格,达到标准 Qualification is the act of passing the examinations you need to work in a particular profession. Following qualification, he worked as a social worker. 通过资格考试认证之后,他做了一名社会工作者。(3)(完成某项活动或任务所需的)素质,技能,资历 The qualifications you need for an activity or task are the qualities and skills that you need to be able to do it. Responsibility and reliability are necessary qualifications... 有责任感、值得信赖是必备的素质。That time with him is my qualification to write this book. 我和他曾经相处过一段时间,所以才能写出这本书。(4)限制条件;限定事项 A qualification is a detail or explanation that you add to a statement to make it less strong or less general. The empirical evidence considered here is subject to many qualifications... 此处提及的实验证据有诸多限制条件。This statement requires qualification and clarification. 这份陈述需要进行限定和澄清。If something is stated or accepted without qualification, it is stated or accepted as it is, without the need for any changes.无条件地;毫无保留地 The government conceded to their demands almost without qualification. 政府几乎是无条件地同意了他们的要求。1.Jack has obtained a medical qualification. 杰克取得了行医资格证书. 2. They had every qualification for success. 他们具备获得成功的各种条件. 3. The qualification of his policy as conservative is justified. 把他的政策称为保守主义是有道理的. 4. She passed her qualification for the Olympic gymnastic competition. 她获得了奥林匹克体操比赛的资格. 5. A degree is by no means an essential qualification for a journalist. 一纸文凭并不是成为一名记者的关键条件. 满意 ,请立即采纳,谢谢!


形容词qualified; qualified:adj.具备…的学历(或资历);具备…的知识(或技能);符合资格;有限度的;有保留的;有条件的 扩展资料   I don"t know much about it, so I don"t feel qualified to comment.   关于此事我所知不多,所以觉得没资格评论。   Poor working conditions have led to a steady haemorrhage of qualified teachers from our schools.   工作条件欠佳导致各校大量合格教师不断流失。   You cannot assume that a speaker of English is ipso facto qualified to teach English.   你不能假定会说英语的人就有资格教英语。


名词 n. 1.赋予(或取得)资格[U]She passed her qualification for the Olympic gymnastic competition. 她获得了奥林匹克体操比赛的资格。2.资格,能力[P][(+for)][+to-v]What are the qualifications for an airline pilot? 当一名民航飞机驾驶员要具备哪些条件?3.资格证书,执照[C]a secretarial qualification 担任秘书的资格证明4.限制,限定;限定性条件[U][C][+(that)]They accepted my plan without qualifications of any kind. 他们毫无保留地接受了我的计划。5.归属;描述[U]The qualification of his policy as conservative is justified. 把他的政策称为保守主义是有道理的。看第二个例句,有复数形式,是可数的


qualification的意思是:(通过经验或具备技能而取得的)资格; 资历; 学历; 限定条件; 获得资格;有关例句:1、Thequalification has gained currency all over the world.(这种资格在全世界都得到了普遍认可。)2、The importantqualification concerns that word “everything”.((反数据库中)重要的限定(qualification)在于“一切”这个词。)3、You must first decide your aim in getting a languagequalification.(首先你要确定你获取语言证书的目的。)4、Dynamicqualification has broad implications.(动态鉴定有着广泛的含义。)


qualification没有动词形式 因为没有qualifise这个单词

permit license和qualification区别是什么啊,高手指点@!

一个是许可证,一个是资格证书,很不一样哦~~比方说 教师资格证书要用 qualification营业许可证执照要用 license表示入境许可,工作的要用 permit希望对你有帮助哦~




Yes u r right, put ur first qualification as Senior high school Student or A-Levelsubject: Math, PE, General Chinese, Physical, Chemistry, etc...institution: xxx Secondary high school.

Qualification name应该怎么填??




Patent和 Qualification 的复数都是加s吗?

是的,前者是专利的意思,可数直接加S,后者指资格证书,或资格条件的时候可数直接加S What are the qualifications for an airline pilot? 当一名民航飞机驾驶员要具备哪些条件?


qualification:n.an exam that you have passed or a course of study that you have successfully completed(给了限定条件,如必须通过学习,考试通过后方可获得的)。certificate:n.&v.an official document that may be used to prove that the facts it states are true(强调官方的,正式的)credential:n.&v.a document attesting to the truth of certain stated facts(未必必须通过官方的证明)

请教:在文凭上,Qualification 究竟是什么意思?


qualifications 怎么填

qualifications英[kwu0252lu026afu026a"keu026au0283nz]美[kwu0252lu026afu026a"keu026au0283nz]n.资格; 条件; 资格,条件; 合格证书( qualification的名词复数 ); 限制网络先决条件; 资格,条件双语例句 Lucy wants to study medicine but needs more qualifications.露西希望学医,但是需要通过更多的资格考试。




qualifications英[kwu0252lu026afu026a"keu026au0283nz]美[kwu0252lu026afu026a"keu026au0283nz]n.资格; 条件; 资格,条件; 合格证书( qualification的名词复数 ); 限制网络先决条件; 资格,条件


qualification英-[,kwu0252lu026afu026a"keu026au0283(u0259)n]美-[,kwɑlu026afu026a"keu0283u0259n]释义n. 资格;条件;限制;赋予资格谐音读法:阔嘞飞 开甚


qualification资格,授权; 条件,限制; 合格证书But what is the best way to exploit your qualification? 但怎样才能最充分地利用这一资质?

qualiflcation 什么意思

qualification[.kwɔlifi"keiʃən, .kwɔləfə"keiʃən] n. 资格, 限制, 资历n. What sort of qualifications do you need for the job? n. 做这项工作需要什么资格? 1. He"s got all the right qualifications but is temperamentally unsuitable.他具备一切合格的条件,惟独性情不适合。 2. I can recommend him without qualification.我可以毫无保留地推荐他。 3. The scientific research personnel who held the post without qualification must be transferred to another post.必须把滥竽充数的科研人员调到其他工作岗位上去。 4. What sort of qualifications do you need for the job?做这项工作需要什么资格? 5. What is your highest education qualification?


靠力非 开迅


n.资格,授权; 条件,限制; 合格证书; n.资格; 限制; 学历;


qualification英 [u02cckwu0252lu026afu026au02c8keu026au0283n] 美 [u02cckwɑ:lu026afu026au02c8keu026au0283n] n.资格,授权;条件,限制;合格证书词汇难度:高考 / CET6 / 考研 / IELTS / TOEFL / TEM8复数: qualifications 资格 条件 限制 合格证书1They will be encouraged to mix academic A-levels with vocational qualifications 将鼓励他们在取得优秀学习成绩的同时也要获得一定的职业资质。2Following qualification, he worked as a social worker. 通过资格考试认证之后,他做了一名社会工作者。


qualification 英[u02cckwu0252lu026afu026a"keu026au0283n] 美[u02cckwɑlu0259fu026au02c8keu0283u0259n] n. 资格,授权;条件,限制;合格证书 名词复数:qualifications [例句]But the success needs qualification.然而成功也要有资格限制。


qualifition 资格 雷哥词典有这个单词,有道没有


IELTS 考 研 TOEFL CET6qualification音节划分:qualiu25aafiu25aacau25aation生词本常见度:中频词,你记住了吗?去背诵英 [u02cckwu0252lu026afu026au02c8keu026au0283n]美 [u02cckwɑ:lu026afu026au02c8keu026au0283n]n. 资格,授权; 条件,限制; 合格证书复数: qualifications派生词:qualificatory双语例句1. That time with him is my qualification to write this book.我和他曾经相处过一段时间,所以才能写出这本书。来自柯林斯例句2. The social cachet of some form of qualification in India is powerful.在印度,具有某种资格享有巨大的社会威望。来自柯林斯例句3. Last year, one in five boys left school without a qualification.去年,五分之一的男孩没有获得资格证书就离校了。来自柯林斯例句4. The government conceded to their demands almost without qualification.政府几乎是无条件地同意了他们的要求。来自柯林斯例句5. Following qualification, he worked as a social worker.通过资格考试认证之后,他做了一名社会工作者。来自柯林斯例句


qualification[英][u02cckwu0252lu026afu026au02c8keu026au0283n][美][u02cckwɑ:lu026afu026au02c8keu026au0283n]n.资格,授权; 条件,限制; 合格证书; 复数:qualifications例句:1.No international ship agency can provide service for international liner shipping business operator with no or lost business qualification. 各国际船舶代理企业不得为未取得经营资格或已丧失经营资格的国际班轮运输业务经营者提供代理服务。


quality guitars是高品质吉他的意思 ,不是牌子。

you must specify a folder with fully qualified pathname or choose cancel什么意思?


Quad-core ARMv7 Processor是什么cpu型号?

这款CPU是四核(Quad-core)使用ARMv7指令集的CPU(ARMv7 processor),没有说明该CPU是哪一个型号的


四核处理器(quad-core processor)是具有4个独立内核的芯片,它能读取和执行中央处理单元(CPU)的指示,比如添加、移动数据和分支。

电脑cpu只显示quad-core processor什么意思 性能怎么样 是什么cpu

四核处理器(quad-core processor)是具有4个独立内核的芯片,它能读取和执行中央处理单元(CPU)的指示,比如添加、移动数据和分支。

Quad-core ARMv7 Processor是什么cpu型号?

Quad-core ARMv7 Processor的意思是支持ARM V7指令集的四核芯片,并无法确定CPU具体型号。Quad-core(四核) ARMv7 Processor (ARMv7指令集)、CPU型号应该是厂商+(系列+型号)。具体举例 :三星Exynos 7420。三星是CPU的具体厂商,Exynos是CPU的系列,7420是具体产品型号;常见的手机CPU系列有高通骁龙(Snapdragon),华为海思,华为麒麟,联发科(MTK),三星Eexynos。扩展资料:Quad-core ARMv7 Processor CPU型号的区分:1、先看CPU前面的字母,其中字母越靠前代表着CPU越新,-般来说i、p、t前面的字母型号代表的都是比较好的。而E开头的通常为台式机使用,T还有P的话笔记本电脑使用的更多,P开头的此较特别的一点是节能的功能。另外台式机还有用K的,这表示不仅仅支持睿频,还能够支持超频,不过如果不懂硬件的就可以忽视带K的CPU了。2、如果前面的字母相同后面的数字不同,那么说明COU属于同一种系列,例如E3200、 E5700、 E6700,在这时,数字越高的型号性能就越出色。还有英特尔的酷睿系列,i5就是面向主流的中高端产品,而i7就属于高端产品。


Everbright 光大 QUARTZ 石英 WATER RESISTANT 防水就知道这些了,呵呵

Linear least squares,Lasso,ridge regression有何本质区别

Linear least squares,Lasso,ridge regression三者是有本质区别的。一、最小二乘法(Linear least squares)。最小二乘法(又称最小平方法)是一种数学优化技术。它通过最小化误差的平方和寻找数据的最佳函数匹配。利用最小二乘法可以简便地求得未知的数据,并使得这些求得的数据与实际数据之间误差的平方和为最小。最小二乘法还可用于曲线拟合。其他一些优化问题也可通过最小化能量或最大化熵用最小二乘法来表达。二、套索工具(Lasso)算法。套索工具源于Photoshop,在Photoshop CS6中,需要自由绘制出形状不规则的选区时,可以使用套索工具。选择使用套索工具后,在图像上拖拽鼠标指针绘制选区边界,松开鼠标左键时,选区将会进行自动闭合。套索工具算法,通过构造一个惩罚函数获得一个精炼的模型;通过最终确定一些指标的系数为零,套索工具算法实现了指标集合精简的目的。这是一种处理具有复共线性数据的有偏估计。套索工具的基本思想是在回归系数的绝对值之和小于一个常数的约束条件下,使残差平方和最小化,从而能够产生某些严格等于0的回归系数,得到解释力较强的模型。R统计软件的Lars算法的软件包提供了套索工具算法。根据模型改进的需要,数据挖掘工作者可以借助于套索工具算法,利用AIC准则和BIC准则精炼简化统计模型的变量集合,达到降维的目的。因此,套索工具算法是可以应用到数据挖掘中的实用算法。三、岭回归算法(ridge regression)。在回归分析中,用一种方法改进回归系数的最小二乘估计后所得的回归称为岭回归算法。在多元回归方程中,用最小二乘估计求得的回归系数值尽管是其真值β=(β0,β1,···βp)1的无偏估计,但若将与β分别看成p+1维空间中两个点的话,它们之间的平均距离E(—β)1(-β)(称为均方差)仍可能很大,为减小此均方差,用(k)=(X′X+KI)-1X′Y去代替2,称(K)为β的岭回归估计。其中X为各变量的观测值所构成的一个n×(p+1)阶矩阵,Y是随机变量的观测值组成的n维向量,I为p+1阶单位阵,K是与未知参数有关的参数,选择它使E{[(K)-β]1[(K)-β]}达到最小。


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