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请问弹性力学中的compatibility equations 是相容性方程的意思吗?物理意义是什

相容方程是一个数学用语,若线性方程组AX=B有解, 则称AX=B为相容方程组,也可以成为线性方程组AX=B相容。若其无解则称为不相容。

what fequently brings back memories of my school teacher is his special qualities 这句话怎么翻译?



编译之后 tools里头 netlist view第一个就能看到你的电路

Man is created __. A.equal B.equally C.to be equal D.equality为什么选A不选B?creat不是动词么接副词



verification和qualification的区别verification 词义是n. 核实; 证明; 证实; <哲>(指通过经验)证明(某命题正确);qualification 词义是n. 资格,授权; 条件,限制; 合格证书;

verification 和 validation qualification 的区别

Validation 验证Qualfication 确认(是资格)Verification 确认 (是核对)


只要在detail的参数里加上一句话就行了,把这个job设置成有状态的job<property name="concurrent" value="false" /> 扩展:通过concurrent属性指定任务的类型,默认情况下封装为无状态的任务,如果希望目标封装为有状态的任务,仅需要将concurrent设置为false就可以了。Spring通过名为concurrent的属性指定任务的类型,能够更直接地描述到任务执行的方式(有状态的任务不能并发执行,无状态的任务可并发执行)

they .had supper .at a quarter to sewen 组句

they had a supper at quarter to seven



JAVA matches()与equals()有什么区别?


quando rondo是芝加哥的吗

Quando Rondo是芝加哥的吗? Quando Rondo是美国的知名饶舌歌手和音乐制作人,他所代表的音乐风格具有深厚的南部烟草州的味道和情感基调。然而,许多人都曾经好奇,Quando Rondo到底来自何方?他是不是来自芝加哥这座重要的音乐城市之一呢?下面就请跟随着我们来了解一下。Quando Rondo的背景 Quando Rondo的真实姓名为Tyquian Terrel Bowman,他出生在格鲁吉亚州的萨凡纳市。他在音乐生涯初期曾凭借着一首名为“Paradise”的单曲获得了一定的在线关注度。在随后的时间里,他通过发布多张混音带为自己赢得了更大规模的听众,并开始让人注意到自己的存在。他的艺名“Quando Rondo”则是来源于他的第一支混音带《Life After Fame》中的一首歌曲。他是芝加哥人吗? 虽然他的音乐味道深受美国南部烟草州的影响,但Quando Rondo并不是来自芝加哥,他出生在佐治亚州的萨凡纳市。因此,虽然他不是来自芝加哥这座城市,但是他的音乐创作却被全美各地的年轻听众广泛接受,是年轻一代喜欢的热门歌手之一。Quando Rondo的音乐风格 Quando Rondo的音乐风格并不是传统的Hip Hop流派,而是由南部主流音乐和独立Hip Hop的风格融合而成。他可以在歌曲中混合使用电子合成器、吉他、钢琴和其他音乐乐器,打造出非常独特的音乐体验。他的音乐也有着深厚的情感基调,表达了他对爱、人生和信仰的看法。Quando Rondo的成就 尽管Quando Rondo还很年轻,但他已经取得了一些了不起的成就。他凭借着数张混音带和录音室专辑,成功打造了自己的品牌,并在全美范围内获得了一大批粉丝。他还曾经在德克萨斯州的SXSW音乐节演出,并与多位知名音乐人合作,其中包括NBA YoungBoy和Lil Durk等人。结论 虽然Quando Rondo不是来自芝加哥这座城市,但他的音乐逐渐在全美范围内得到了广泛的关注和认可。他的独特音乐风格和深厚情感基调,吸引了无数年轻听众的喜爱。Quando Rondo的音乐职业生涯正在不断地发展壮大,并为他的未来打下了坚实的基础。



帮忙翻译个歌词Earthquake-The Used 要人性化的翻译,不要网上那种直译的 谢谢



请看 动词 qualify: prove capable or fit; meet requirements 同义词:measure up pronounce fit or able make more specific 同义词:restrict make fit or prepared 同义词:dispose specify as a condition or requirement in a contract or agreement; make an express demand or provision in an agreement 同义词:stipulate,condition,specify describe or portray the character or the qualities or peculiarities of 同义词:characterize,characterise add a modifier to a constituent 同义词:modify

Wiggle (Cali Quake Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Wiggle (Cali Quake Album Version)歌手:Raphi专辑:Cali QuakeWiggle ItRicki-LeeRicki-Lee - Wiggle Itby: mioimThe floor is calling but I can"t do it on my ownI need someone who is willing,to get down with me all nightBoy are you that somebody?I wanna rock this partyWe"ll keep it moving all night longI need you to work with me a little bit,work it just a little bitwork it just a little cos I just wanna wiggle itJust let me turn around,baby I wanna be your ladyAnd you make me go crazy the way you shake it for meBaby I need you to shake that a little for meCome closer boy cos I want you to put it on meWhy don"t you show me just what you can do for me?Baby I need you to wi-wiggle it wiggle itWiggle it just a little bitNow let me see you wiggle it just a little bitOh I"m looking for somebody who can go all night with meSo baby do your thing and show me what you got for meCos I dont" even really wanna waste my time on someone full of shhhhSo baby, why don"t you show meI need you to work with me a little bit, work it just a little bitwork it just a little cos I just wanna wiggle itJust let me turn around,baby I wanna be your ladyAnd you make me go crazy the way you shake it for meBaby I need you to shake that a little for meCome closer boy cos I want you to put it on meWhy don"t you show me just what you can do for me?Baby I need you to wi-wiggle it wiggle itWiggle it just a little bitNow let me see you wiggle it just a little bitrappingBaby I need you to shake that a little for meCome closer boy cos I want you to put it on meWhy don"t you show me just what you can do for me?Baby I need you to wi-wiggle it wiggle itWiggle it just a little bitNow let me see you wiggle it just a little bithttp://music.baidu.com/song/2860969





quasi error free是什么指标

quasi error free网络准无误码;准误差的自由;准透明网络释义准无误码缩略语英汉解析 - kalahan的破窝 -... ... QAM:Quadrature Amplitude Modulation 正交调幅 QEF:Quasi Error Free 准无误码

四杀为什么是quadra kill?

在英雄联盟中短时间连续杀死4个英雄,会向所有玩家播放"quadra kill"音效。quadra kill的四杀如果翻译成中文就是大杀四方。英雄联盟里,四杀读Quadra kill,五杀读Penta kill。1、在英雄联盟杀死第1个英雄,会向所有玩家播放"First kill"音效。2、在英雄联盟中短时间连续杀死2个英雄,会向所有玩家播放"Double kill"音效。3、在英雄联盟中短时间连续杀死3个英雄,会向所有玩家播放"Triple kill"音效。4、在英雄联盟中短时间连续杀死4个英雄,会向所有玩家播放"Quadra kill"音效。5、在英雄联盟中短时间连续杀死5个英雄,会向所有玩家播放"Penta kill"音效。扩展资料:《英雄联盟》作为英雄对战MOBA多人竞技类网游有经典模式、统治战场、极地大乱斗、六杀模式、无限火力、末日人机、飞升模式、魄罗大乱斗、克隆大作战、镜像模式、黑市大乱斗、互选征召、轮换游戏模式、无限火力模式、怪兽入侵、屠夫之桥等多种游戏模式。《英雄联盟》还致力于推动全球电子竞技的发展,除了联动各赛区发展职业联赛、打造电竞体系之外,每年还会举办“季中冠军赛”“全球总决赛”“All Star全明星赛”三大世界级赛事,形成了自己独有的电子竞技文化。

The fee is payable on a quarterly basis.是什么意思


a quarterly panel bank是什么意思

a quarterly panel bank季度面板银行

government information quarterly是什么期刊

government information quarterly政府信息季刊government information quarterly政府信息季刊

怎么找到TESOL Quarterly这个杂志?

TESOL Quarterlyhttp://www.kongfz.com/bookstore/9199/book_21906684.html孔子旧书店我去看了,验证有的还有,上海交大电子图书馆有这本书你去这个论坛,很多讨论的abstract 或者 summary 在TESOL论坛和Ingenta有 http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/tesol/tq 论坛 http://communities.tesol.org/default.asp?boardid=tq&action=0

The Leadership Quarterly这个刊物好吗


lateral equal tee是什么意思?



quar 英[k"wu0254:] 美[k"wu0254:] abbr. quarter 四分之一; quarterly 季刊; quarantive 检疫(处); quart 夸脱(英美容量单位,等于1/4加仑); [例句]A series of semi-captive model tests were performed for a high-speed vessel in following and quar ˉ tering waves.本文采用半约束模型试验技术,对一条高速船在规则波中随浪和斜浪工况进行了流体动力系列试验,以探讨航运的安全性,验证作用于船体上波浪力的估算方法。

GMAT Quantitative Sample Question (John)


TESOL Quarterly 什么意思


请问Quarterly Journal of Finance这本期刊排名怎么样?

国内最权威的经济学刊物是《经济研究》,目前国内经济学期刊中,其他刊物的水平较《经济研究》相差较远。《经济研究》是1955年创办的全国性综合经济理论刊物,由中国社会科学院经济研究所主办,国内外公开发行。1998年被国家新闻出版署评定为“百种全国重点社科期刊”,1999年被评为中国社会科学院“优秀期刊”,2000年获第二届“百种全国重点社科期刊奖”和首届“国家期刊奖”两项大奖,是唯一入选的经济理论刊物。2002年又获中国社会科学院“优秀期刊一等奖” 第二届“国家期刊奖”。国外期刊中最权威的刊物是《American Economic Review》,但是与国内不同的是,与AER档次相当的还有不少,如《Econometrics》、《The Quarterly Journal of Economics》等等,基本上近年来的诺贝尔经济学奖的获得者都是这些杂志的常客。希望对你有帮助

Chinese Arts Quarterly算什么级别


quarterly report是什么意思



quarterly 意思quarterly[英]["kwu0254:tu0259lu026a][美][u02c8kwu0254rtu0259li]adj.季度的,按季度的; 四分之一; adv.按季的; [农] 一季一次地; 纵横四分地; n.季刊; 季考; 复数:quarterlies如果您有什么疑问和不解之处,欢迎追问我!!!如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢


quarterly 英[u02c8kwu0254:tu0259li] 美[u02c8kwu0254:rtu0259rli] adj. 季度的,按季度的; 四分之一; adv. 按季的; [农] 一季一次地; 纵横四分地; n. 季刊; 季考; [例句]The quarterly had been a forum for sound academic debate.这本季刊曾经是进行颇有见地的学术讨论的论坛。[其他] 复数:quarterlies


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: What you have given us is not ________ 1. adequate 2. required 3. practical 4. certain 答案是那个为什么?谢谢 解析: 应该选1,选4是错误的。搞清楚这几个词的意思,然后根据逻辑判断。 adequate: 足够的, required: 要求的, practical: 实际的, certain:确定的。 既然是“你已经给我们(you have given us)”的东西,就不可能是不“实际的”、不“确定的”,一般也不应该是“不要求的”,而应该是不“足够的”。adequate的英文解释是:Sufficient to satisfy a requirement or meet a need(足够满足要求或达到需求的)。

quartus ii 怎样将时钟脉冲调为1khz


英语Quartz Scheduler怎么翻译?


中国大陆麦当劳为什吗没有Quarter Pounder with Cheese?香港的麦当劳就有,叫"足三两"。

Quarter Pounder with Cheese---芝麻包夹著一块1/4磅重的牛肉汉堡扒、酸青瓜、生洋葱丝及2片车打芝士,配上茄汁和黄芥末酱。面包外脆内软,汉堡扒比以往好了一点,算是有少许肉汁。牛味充足,尚算香口。有2片车打芝士,芝味浓厚。 而麦当劳有一款双层牛排巨无霸,和它其实是差不多的原料,有台湾麦当劳的打油诗为证“双层纯牛肉,独特酱料加生菜,起司洋葱酸黄瓜,芝麻面包盖上去,好吃美味麦香堡。”


quartz定时任务时间<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <quartz xmlns="http://www.opensymphony.com/quartz/JobSchedulingData" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" overwrite-existing-jobs="true"> <job> <job-detail> <name>sendMail</name> <group>default</group> <description>定时发送邮件提配</description> <job-class>com.longing.mail.SendMailJob</job-class> <job-data-map allows-transient-data="true"> <entry> <key>url</key> <value>http://localhost/userSites/gat/index.jsp</value> </entry> <entry> <key>destPath</key> <value>\default.html</value> </entry> <entry> <key>chartset</key> <value>utf-8</value> </entry> <entry> <key>Strat</key> <value>true</value> </entry> </job-data-map> </job-detail> <trigger> <cron> <name>hourTaskJob-trigger</name> <group>default</group> <job-name>sendMail</job-name> <job-group>default</job-group> <cron-expression>0 0 16 * * ?</cron-expression> </cron> </trigger> </job> </quartz> package com.longing.mail; import org.quartz.Job; import org.quartz.JobExecutionContext; import org.quartz.JobExecutionException; public class SendMailJob implements Job{ public static synchronized boolean start(String page, String filePath, String chartset) throws Exception { System.out.print("发送邮件"); MailDo.sendHtmlMail("374039283@qq.com", "恭喜您,成功注册为ISS OA企业用户", "恭喜您,注册成功"); return true; } public void execute(JobExecutionContext jeCtx) throws JobExecutionException { //String page=jeCtx.getJobDetail().getJobDataMap().getString("url"); //String filePath=jeCtx.getJobDetail().getJobDataMap().getString("destPath"); //String chartset="utf-8"; try { SendMailJob.start("", "", ""); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }

Equal Intervals这个单词在统计学里是等间距的意思!请问用英文怎么解释一下这个词的意思

  equal intervals意思:  等间隔; 相等的间距;  [例句]Relating to or characterized by the equal intervals of the well-tempered scale.  具有等调和音阶性质或与之有关。



symmetric equation是什么意思


quartersawn造句 quartersawnの例文 "quartersawn"是什麼意思

This ray pattern has made quartersawn wood especially desirable for furniture and decorative panelpng. Later made the alder body and quartersawn maple neck, with ebony fingerboard, too. Thus the quartersawn boards are more dimensionally stable and show less tendency to cup or warp. The pulpit and rood screen are of quartersawn oak; the altar is constructed of marble. Unpke plainsawn lumber that shrinks across the width of the board, quartersawn boards shrink in the thickness. The body is made of alder and is intersected by a neck-thru quartersawn maple neck with ebony fingerboard. An elevator pned with quartersawn oak resembled much of the building"s new interior, which Kimball also designed. In both cases, the timber is quartersawn hearood, aged over 20 years ( bellows are made of leather ). The second advantage of quartersawn wood is the decorative pattern on the board, although this depends on the timber species. The body is made of mahogany and is intersected by a three piece neck-thru quartersawn mahogany neck with ebony fingerboard. It"s difficult to see quartersawn in a sentence. 用 quartersawn 造句挺难的 In acoustic guitars, quartersawn wood is also often used for the sides which must be steam bent to produce pound curves. AWI defines quartersawn lumber as having annual growth ring orientation beeen 60-90 degrees relative to the face of the board. Personally, while admitting that oak, especially when quartersawn , is a handsome wood, I would never use it by choice. There is widespread confusion beeen the terms quartersawn and " riftsawn " with both words defined with opposite meanings and as synonyms. The clock in the Great Hall of the inn is an eight-foot tall, four-foot wide behemoth of quartersawn oak, copper and testosterone. According to another traditional story, the contractor was unable to order new quartersawn oak lumber for the interior panepng and instead acquired and reused panepng from a Chicago mansion being demopshed. In addition to the grain, quartersawn wood ( particularly oak ) will also often display a pattern of medullary rays, seen as subtle wavy ribbon-pke patterns across the straight grain. In high-end string instruments, the neck and fretboards can be made from quartersawn wood since they must remain stable throughout the pfe of the instrument, to keep the tone as invariable as possible. On high-end electric guitars and bass guitars quartersawn wood is often used as the base material for the neck of the guitar, since this makes for a stronger and straighter neck which aids tuning and setup stabipty. Quarter sawing is sometimes confused with the much less mon " rift sawing . " In quartersawn wood, only the center board of the quarter-log is cut with the growth rings truly perpendicular to the surface of the board. In quartersawn material, where the wood is cut into boards with the growth rings roughly perpendicular to the face of the board, the ""medullary rays ""often produce beautiful figure such as silver grain, medullary spots, pith flecks, etc. Its through-body quartersawn maple neck features a bound pound-radius ebony fingerboard ( 12 " to 16 " ) with 24 jumbo frets, mother-of-pearl shark fin position inlays and black-bound headstock with an inlaid mother-of-pearl Jackson logo. In 1901 he changed the name of his firm to the United Crafts, issued a new catalogue written by Syracuse professor Irene Sargent, and began to offer middle class consumers a host of progressive furniture designs in ammonia-fumed quartersawn white oak, as well as other mostly native woods. Quartersawn wood is thus seen as an acceptable promise beeen economical but less-stable flatsawn wood ( which, especially in oak, will often display the distinct " cathedral window " grain ) and the expensively-wasteful rift sawn wood, which has the straightest grain and thus the greatest stabipty. Its through-body, quick-action, quartersawn maple neck features a bound pound-radius ebony fingerboard ( 12 to 16 ) with 24 jumbo frets, mother-of-pearl shark fin position inlays and black-bound headstock with an inlaid mother-of-pearl Jackson logo. Flat sawn wood ( especially oak ) will often display a prominent wavy grain ( sometimes called a cathedral-window pattern ) caused by the saw cutting at a tangent to a growth ring; since in quartersawn wood the saw cuts across the growth rings, the visible grain is much straighter; it is this evenness of the grain that gives quartersawn wood its greater stabipty. Flat sawn wood ( especially oak ) will often display a prominent wavy grain ( sometimes called a cathedral-window pattern ) caused by the saw cutting at a tangent to a growth ring; since in quartersawn wood the saw cuts across the growth rings, the visible grain is much straighter; it is this evenness of the grain that gives quartersawn wood its greater stabipty. The " Artist Series " ""Steve Bailey Jazz Bass VI ""( introduced in 2009 and discontinued in 2011 ) featured a select alder body, a quartersawn maple neck with an asymmetrical profile, a 9.5 to 14 pound-radius o-octave ebony fingerboard, a pair of custom 6-string Jazz Bass pickups, a recessed Stratocaster jackplate, 18-volt active electronics, an onboard mute switch, onboard active 2-band EQ, a heavy-duty fully adjustable Fender locking convertible modular bridge and Bailey s initials on the back of the headstock. It"s difficult to find quartersawn in a sentence. 用 quartersawn 造句挺难的





上面是weiain下面是quartz是什么表? 大概多少钱 知道的帮下 谢谢了·· 在线等啊··········

根据你所说的,上面的 rishi 是商标(经查未经过注册),下面quartz是石英的英文。需要补充的是:rishi是中文的拼写,可能是想用“瑞士”的拼音来标示的,以达到效果。这种表要看机芯是哪里产的,还有手表的做工才能确定质量是好是坏,不过有一点可以肯定,这只表肯定不会太贵,因为如果是进口机芯的话都会在手表的表盘面上有注明。估计160元~300元之间,再高了就买贵了!

文献:Preparation and quality evaluation of tanshinone IIA microemulsion for parenteral injection

Preparation and quality evaluation of tanshinone IIA microemulsion for parenteral injection

The Dave Brubeck Quartet的《Countdown》 歌词

歌曲名:Countdown歌手:The Dave Brubeck Quartet专辑:For All Time专 辑 : COUNTDOWN (Maxi)歌 手 : Hyde语 种 : 日语时 间 : 2005年10月3日公 司 : KREEmbraced in all desires直到想要的那个身体用尽若早点抽身便不会错过 momentTo save you from the darkI want it higher.To get into his light.Stay on my side 想让你看那眩目的世界Let us exceed 已没有时间 are you in?13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2Afraid of all the science即使如此仍追求进化从沉沉的静寂中悄悄靠近 countdownIt is the final call !!I want it higher.To get into his sight.Stay on my side 撕裂外壳 change our fateLet us exceed 直到大地边缘 are you in?I wanna be there.Need to be Closer.I want it higher.To get into his light.Stay on my side 想让你看那眩目的世界Let us exceed 已没有时间 到达!Stay on my side 现在超越界限Frail is the world 不是梦 are you in?13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1http://music.baidu.com/song/8702212

Quartus 2 、Nios 2 、 DSP Builder、Matlab 是关系?

你好。1 Quartus是Altera 公司的FPGA开发软件,你用它来写硬件描述语言的程序然后生成电路模块,或者画电路原理图,完成理论上的设计。2 在Quartus中,所有器件都是用模块表示的,小到一个非门,大到一个CPU,都是用框图加输入输出引脚描述的。其中,使用Altera技术在FPGA上生成的CPU叫做Nios,目前主流版本是Nios 2。以Nios 2为核心的设计需要用另一个软件,Nios Integrated Design Environment (IDE),与Quartus联用,在这个软件中你可以写C/C++程序在Nios 2上运行。这是Nios 2相当于一个单片机。3 DSP Builder是Matlab中的插件,通过Simulink搭建系统框图,用该插件可直接生成在Quartus中可以引用的模块。4 你当然可以复制个代码改改……秒表实际上用不着Nios 2就可以完成……很多地方都可以下载到……其实真正的工作量不在编写代码上,而在于对这一系列软件的学习过程上。有很多诡异的错误要调试。

quartus 13.0自带安装的Eclipse 和 Nios II EDS 是什么关系?

Eclipse和IDE都是Nios II软核开发用的工具。其中,Quartus软件自带的是Eclipse,它和Nios II EDS以及EDS是一个东西。这样解释明白么?

nios ii 和 Quartus II 的关系,及版本关系,不明白望指点,有下载地址最好,谢谢

FPGA用的语言verilog和vhdl这二个是主流,是自己专门的语言。nios ii是第二代FPGA。用C语言,方便了代码移植。版本嘛,等级越高越好,因为编译速度将大大的降低时间。目前最高时quartus 10.好像有8G多。http://www.ourdev.cn/bbs/bbs_content.jsp?bbs_sn=4252364&bbs_page_no=1&search_mode=1&search_text=quartus&bbs_id=1029


nios是一个CPU ,用C语言完成流水灯设计。nios一个固核一般将近要消耗2000逻辑门左右。所以简单的一些控制,就基本不用nios了。而且现在nios搭建的QSYS系统,用起来也不是很爽,现在高端的FPGA也不用nios固核了,而是直接嵌入arm 的cortex A9,这样的硬核。NIOS II也不是第二代FPGA。最先是有一个叫NIOS的CPU软核,可以理解成一个单片机,但是这个单片机不是具体硬件的单片机而是一个用VHDL写的硬件代码。可以直接下载到FPGA里面去,这样FPGA里面就有了一个CPU.(51单片机也是有VHDL代码的,可以移植到FPGA里面去)。然而 FPGA是一个编程硬件的,当里面放了一个NIOS的CPU以后,就可以用C语言来在NIOS CPU上面进行软件开发了。

quartus 运行nios 遇到问题,求解


QUARTUS 和NIOS 配合使用是什么意思

没人回答就我来吧。quartus是用来编译HDL进行硬件开发。NIOS II是一个32位的微处理器,下载到FPGA芯片里面之后,FPGA就可以进行软件开发,你说的NIOS 应该说是 NIOS II IDE编译器,就是用来进行软件开发的。



怎么理解the internet is becoming the town square for the global village

the internet is becoming the town square for the global village.这句话的英文翻译是:因特网正在成为地球村的城镇广场。这是说因特网,加强了人与人之间的沟通与交流,就向一个村子的广场一样,是大家交流的场所。英语学习的方法。  1 学习英语的首要理念:要努力去了解“是什么”,而尽量少去了解“为什么”。  因为英语是语言,很多语汇和句型的用法没有道理可讲,没有“为什么”可言,人们就是这样用的,就是这样说的,记住就好。当然了,仔细分析起来或许可以找到语法上的解释。婴儿时期,我们学说话的时候,从来没有问过“为什么会这么说” 吧,但是为什么后来会说的这么好?因为我们听的多,说的多,自然就记在脑子里了。  2 学习英语的最好方法:背诵课文。  因为英语是我们的后天语言,所以必须将人家现成的东西反复在脑海里形成神经反射,不用关心为什么这样说(同第一点)。  推荐《新概念英语3,4册》。可以说,几乎没有任何一种教材的经典程度超过《新概念英语》。它的语法是最规范的,结构是最严谨的,流传了好几代人,依然保持最为持久的生命力。  3 学习英语需要多种形式的神经刺激。  真正学好英语,不经历背诵大量文章,写大量东西,听大量文章,是根本不可能达到目的的,比如一个新单词,我们在书上看到,默写,背诵,还不能说真正认识了。在听力中听到了这个单词,能反应过来是它吗?在想表达这种意思的时候,能反应过来应该用它吗?……我们当初学说话的时候,都是无形中进行了听,说,读,写等不经意的“练习”才全面掌握了这门语言。  4 学习英语要善于利用零碎时间。  英语学习不是靠突击可以学好的,一下子花上好几个小时拼命学英语,是无济于事的。它的特点在于“细水常流”。每天花上十几分钟的零碎时间听,背一段课文,记几个单词,长期坚持,逐渐会得到提高的。  5 要着意“卖弄”。  新学会的词汇和用法,应该在可能的场合多多练习使用。不要老是用自己喜欢或者熟悉的单词或者句型,这样的话,新学的东西永远得不到强化,慢慢的又会变的陌生,人将会永远停留原有的水平。不断地将新东西变为旧东西,又不断接触新东西,再将其变为旧东西,如此往复,才能不断提高。

fullname of qualification填什么

填写自己的资质名称。full name of qualification意思是:资质全称。重点词汇:full。英[fu028al]释义:adj.满的,满是……的;饱的;最大量的;完整的,详尽的;足足的;圆润的,浓郁的;充实的;正式的;宽松的;丰满的;(书面装订材料)用于全书面装订的;(头发)过肩的,披肩的。adv.充分地,完全地;恰好,直接地;非常,极其。n.<古>盛期,顶点;月亮的满月(期);<古>全部,整个。v.装满,使充满;把(织物)打多褶(或大褶)以使(衣服)宽松;<美>(月)变圆,(潮)涨;使(布料)缩呢(或缩绒、毡化)。[第三人称单数fulls;现在分词:fulling;过去式:fulled;过去分词:fulled;比较级:fuller;最高级:fullest]短语:Full-time全职;全日制;全时。词语使用变化:fulladj.(形容词)1、full的基本意思是“满,充满”,指容器或空间不能再装下某物或人,也可表示“吃饱了”。full引申可表示“完全,全部”。2、full作“满的”解时是绝对意义的形容词,不用于比较等级。但作“完整的”解时可用于比较等级。3、full用作形容词时在句中作定语或表语。


L M S是照片尺寸大小。尺寸大小主要取决于你的照片是用的途径,如果只是浏览看网上、选择(s)足够了,能节省内存卡的空间,如果要洗印成大尺寸照片,建议用L选择大尺寸(l)。这种图像尺寸的大小只影响图像尺寸,不会影响图像质量。影响画质的话就是其它的了JPEG压缩质量选择=NORM(正常=有损轻微压缩)/FINE(高画质=无损压缩)/BASIC(基础=有损严重压缩)RAW是后期处理用的个格式,选择这个格式能记录拍照时候最原始的信息,方便后期。如果想了解更多技巧,还有相机,手机的摄影知识,操作视频,可以关注下方帐号

为什么北欧很多国家的乐队都用英语?像挪威(或瑞典)的aqua 丹麦的mltr……这些国家没有母语吗?


有人用过奎克的切削液吗?型号Quaker Quakergal 370 。



Quakertown is a borough in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, in the USA. As of the 2010 census, it had a population of 8,979.[3] The borough is 16 miles (26 km) south of Bethlehem and 29 miles (47 km) north of Philadelphia, making Quakertown a border town of both the Delaware Valley and Lehigh Valley metropolitan areas. Quakertown is considered part of the Allentownu2212Bethlehem urbanized area and the Philadelphiau2212Camdenu2212Wilmington (PAu2212NJu2212DE-MD) MSA.宾夕法尼亚



quality quantity tradeoff是什么意思


是suffer from the earthquake 还是suffer earthquake

suffer from the earthquake

to unite you&#39;d better stop quarrelling.为什么选to unite

United 译为:同心协力的, 团结一致的; 和睦的这句是if we are united,we can"t be defeated.的省略

12.Those two families have been quarrelling ____


There is no point _________with him. A.in quarrelling B.to quarrel C.of quarrelling D.on

A 句型考查题。There is no point (in ) doing sth “做某事没意义”。句意:和他争吵没用。选A

I suddenly realized that he was trying to _____ quarrelling with me哪个是正确的?1.consider 2.enjoy

2.enjoy 从意思上来讲:我突然意识到他在试图享受与我的争吵请采纳


一般双写l例:· When I came in, they were quarrelling about my proposal. 当我进来时,他们正在争论我的建议。 · Peter and Tom were quarrelling about who should go first. 彼得和汤姆为了谁先走而争吵。 · They quarrelled with each other for the biggest apple. 他们为了那最大的苹果而彼此争吵起来。 · He has quarrelled with his best friend. 他和他最好的朋友吵架了。 · They quarrelled with one another about how to solve the mathematical problem. 他们就如何解这道数学题而彼此争论起来。

quarrel 要不要双写加ing,到底什么样的词要双写加ing?书上一大堆写的我一点也看不懂,详细一点拜托拉


We cannot go on quarrelling like this.



KK: []DJ: []n.[C]1. 争吵;不和;吵闹[(+with/between/about)]He is good-natured and has never had a quarrel with anyone.他脾气很好,从不和任何人争吵。2. 争吵的原因;怨言;责备[(+with/against)]I have no quarrel with what you say.我对你的话没有反对意见。vi.1. 争吵,不和[(+with/about/over)]She often quarreled with her husband over trivial matters.她常因小事情与丈夫争吵。It"s no use quarrelling about it with me.关于这件事与我争吵毫无用处。2. 埋怨;责备;挑剔[(+with)]He quarreled with my suggestion that television caused violence.他反对我对于电视会引起暴力事件的看法。quarrel2KK: []DJ: []n.[C]1. (古代用的)方镞箭2. (窗格上小块的)方形(或菱形)玻璃

It·s no good--(为此事而争吵)any longer。我填的to quarrel about it,答案写的是quarrelling about it





quarrelling读作 :扩而零 quarrel ["kwu0254:ru0259l] vi.吵架;争论;挑剔 n.吵架;反目;怨言;争吵的原因;方头凿 [ 过去式quarreled或 relled 过去分词quarreled或 relled 现在分词quarreling或quarrelling ]

Dan and Caroline have been quarrelling.这句话是什么时态?have 是现在完成时的标志,

Dan and Caroline have been quarrelling 是现在完成时行时态

the couple are always quarreling的句子成分?

the couple主语 are always quarreling谓语主谓结构

为什么用have had a quarrel?



英式的双写,美式的不双写,所以说它有两种写法,两种都对。 quarrel / u02c8kwu0254ru0259l; US u02c8kwu0254u02d0ru0259l; ˋkwu0254ru0259l/ n ~ (with sb) (about/over sth) angry argument or disagreement 争吵; 吵架; 不和; 口角: pick (ie provoke or seize the opportunity for) a quarrel with sb 向某人寻衅(找茬儿) * I had a quarrel with my flat-mate about who should do the housework. 我与和我同住一单元的人关於谁应做家务事吵了一架. * Their quarrel wasn"t serious. 他们吵架吵得不厉害. =>Usage at argument 用法见argument. ~ with/against sb/sth reason for complaining about sb/sth 抱怨某人[某事物]的原因或理由: I have no quarrel with him. 我没有理由责怪他.> quarrel v (-ll-; US -l-) 1 [I, Ipr] ~ (with sb) (about/over sth) break friendly relations; argue angrily 吵嘴; 吵架; 争吵; 口角: Stop quarrelling, children! 孩子们, 别吵架了! * She quarrelled with her brother about the terms of their father"s will. 她和哥哥为父亲遗嘱条款一事争吵起来. 2 [Ipr] ~ with sth disagree with sth; find fault with sth 不同意或挑剔某事物: quarrel with a statement, an account, an estimate, etc 寻找结算、 帐目、 预算等的漏洞 * You can"t quarrel with the court"s decision it"s very fair. 你不能反对法院的判决--判得很公平.quarrelsome / -su0259m; -su0259m/ adj likely to start a quarrel; quick-tempered 爱争吵的; 急脾气的.注意看这,> quarrel v (-ll-; US -l-) 这由于是英国牛津的词典,所以它的第一个写的是ll,双写。us指的是美国,它不用双写l


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