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trailer trash是什么意思?


boni巧克力crunchy praline

Boni基本翻译n. 博奈网络释义BONI:蓝牙聊天Boni mores:善良风俗|善良习俗privatio boni:善的缺乏


1. “rather” 作为一个副词,有“相当地,多多少少地,有点”意思,其后面可放形容词或副词,比较级的形容词或副词,名词,还可以放动词:x0dx0aThis is a rather expensive lap top. 这台手提电脑有点贵。x0dx0aYou"ve done rather well. 你做得确实不错。x0dx0aMy brother is rather better today. 我哥哥今天好多了。x0dx0aIt"s rather a pity that you missed this seminar. 你错过了这次讲座,真是遗憾。x0dx0aThe rain rather spoiled our holiday. 这场雨毁了我们的假期。x0dx0ax0dx0a2.rather than 表示“更为情愿地,宁愿...?”,可以连用,也可以分开用:x0dx0aI"d be a freelance rather than a secretary. 我宁愿做个自由职业者,也不想当个秘书。x0dx0aShe would rather have the small one than the large one. 她宁可要这个小的,也不要那个大的。x0dx0aI would rather you come tomorrow than today. 我宁愿你明天过来,而不是今天。x0dx0aHe resigned rather than take part in such a dishonest transaction. 他宁可辞职,也不愿参与这场肮脏的交易。x0dx0aWe would rather stay at home than go to the gym. 我们宁愿呆在家里,也不想去健身。

英语高手进,这句话对嘛?Operating Employee leaving in SAP after they resigned.

Keying the resigned information in SAP after employee leaving. Check the staff list in SAP for employee who taking long leave and on pregnant shift.

Many agreed that the Prime Minister had in effect resigned dishonorably什么意思?


英语作文my embrassing experience100词左右急!

i would feel embarrassed, because this article was written by other"s hand, no my origin work. if you saw this one, it truly means that i am a plagiarist, so that is my embarrassing experience. What a shame to be a cheater, once be a cheater, the title of cheater will be accompany you forever. Cheater



20.函数 u=xsin(yz), 则 gradul(3,1,0)=?


oracle argus safety 认证适合做什么工作

Oracle safet广泛用于各大药企的药物警戒工作

哪位dalao有DjPaoremix NONSTOP SONGKRAN 2012?

你好:第一首:Boomerang Prod. By DJ Felli Fe-Akon第二首:Give Me Everything-Pitbull第三首:Party Rock Anthem-LMFAO第四首:Inna、wow - Dj King Et Remix第五首:Inna - Sun Is Up中间不好听的略过中间还有一首好听的叫:Sexy And I Know It-LMFAO中间略过最后一首叫palmy - kid mak 这个在酷狗或者别的里搜不到去百度可以搜到的,这些都是很难找的绝对是精华花废了很长时间才找到这么多


run 读音 [rʌn]ran 读音 [ræn]


song kran:泼水节

Songkran Festival Day是什么意思

Songkran Festival Dayn.宋干节,是泰国新年,每年的4月13日;


泰国传统新年泼水节 (Songkran) 是一项全国性的庆典。4 月13日是泰国传统历法中的第一天,在庆祝新一年来临这个喧闹欢乐的节庆时,泰国人会把水泼向认识和不认识的人

songkran festival是什么意思

Songkran Festival的意思是宋干节(泰国、老挝的泼水节)。The Songkran Festival又称“泼水节”。宋干是梵文,意为“太阳运行到白羊座,既新的太阳年开始”,这也是泰国一年中最热的时候。泼水节是泰国人最为隆重最为重视的节日,就像中国的春节那么热闹、喜庆。在这时候,泰国人通常以相互泼水来庆祝,故“泼水节”由此得来。泰国泼水节代表着清除所有的邪恶、不幸和罪恶,并怀着一切美好和纯净开始新的一年。同时泰国泼水节也带动了泰国旅游业的蓬勃发展。在Songkran Festival节日来临之前,人们要清扫家内外,焚烧旧衣服,以避晦气;节日期间人们则互相泼水祝福,还会举办布施法会、选美大赛、花车游行、美食展览、文化艺术表演等一系列庆祝活动。按照习俗,这期间人们白天要到寺庙中堆沙塔,祈求五谷丰登;晚上将浸有花瓣的香水洒在长辈的手臂上、背上,表示对长辈的美好祝福,此后长辈再将水淋在晚辈的头上,表示来自长辈的赐福。

songkran 怎么发音啊




songkran festival是什么意思

songkran festival是宋干节的意思,是泰国新年,相当于中国传统节日春节。宋干节(songkran festival day)是泰国、老挝的传统节日。节期3天,每年自公历4月13~15日举行。节日的主要活动有斋僧行善,沐浴净身,人们互相泼水祝福,敬拜长辈,放生及歌舞游戏。据说宋干节源自印度婆罗门教的一种仪式,教徒们每年都有一个宗教日要到河边沐浴,洗去身上的罪恶。因年老体迈或残疾病弱不能到河边者,其家人或好友则要为他们把水挑回,给他们泼水洗罪。泰国清迈府的宋干节因隆重热闹而享有盛名,每年都能招徕大批国内外观光游客“宋干”一词起源于梵文,意为“运行”,按泰国的风俗,太阳每次运行到白羊星座的日期,即公历每年四月十三号,作为“宋干节”的开始。“宋干节”又有国家家庭日和敬老节之称,是泰国人合家团聚的日子,无论离家多远,泰国人都会返回故里与亲人一起欢庆新年。宋干节历时三天。节日的第一天被称作“玛哈宋干日”,接下来的一天叫作“望闹”,而最后一天被称作“望泰龙宋”。而宋干节期间的活动主要有大扫除、全家一起行善积德、在庙里给佛像洒水、互相泼水等等。

Eminem的not afraid的歌词

Fucking pussy


Demons演唱:Imagine DragonsWhen the days are coldAnd the cards all foldAnd the saints we seeAre all made of goldWhen your dreams all failAnd the ones we hailAre the worst of allAnd the blood"s run staleI want to hide the truthI want to shelter youBut with the beast insideThere"s nowhere we can hideNo matter what we breedWe still are made of greedThis is my kingdom comeThis is my kingdom comeWhen you feel my heatLook into my eyesIt"s where my demons hideIt"s where my demons hideDon"t get too closeIt"s dark insideIt"s where my demons hideIt"s where my demons hideWhen the curtain"s callIs the last of allWhen the lights fade outAll the sinners crawlSo they dug your graveAnd the masqueradeWill come calling outAt the mess you madeDon"t want to let you downBut I am hell boundThough this is all for youDon"t want to hide the truthNo matter what we breedWe still are made of greedThis is my kingdom comeThis is my kingdom comeWhen you feel my heatLook into my eyesIt"s where my demons hideIt"s where my demons hideDon"t get too closeIt"s dark insideIt"s where my demons hideIt"s where my demons hideThey say it"s what you makeI say it"s up to fateIt"s woven in my soulI need to let you goYour eyes, they shine so brightI want to save their lightI can"t escape this nowUnless you show me howWhen you feel my heatLook into my eyesIt"s where my demons hideIt"s where my demons hideDon"t get too closeIt"s dark insideIt"s where my demons hideIt"s where my demons hide

Imagine dragons 的 Demons的MV的最后放了另一首歌,歌词里好像有I neve

It"s Time-Imagine Dragons

推荐Imagine Dragons 的 Demons 中文歌词!

When the days are cold随著日子逐渐难过And the cards all fold那张张摺叠起来的卡片And the saints we see以及我们所熟知的圣者Are all made of gold全都由万恶的黄金所铸When your dreams all fail当你的梦想殒落之时And the ones we hail那些我们曾拥戴的一切Are the worst of all成了最糟的梦靥And the blood"s run stale我们却苟延残喘地活著I want to hide the truth我只求隐瞒真相I want to shelter you保护着你But with the beast inside可我内心深处即将爆发的那头猛兽There"s nowhere we can hide使我们无处可藏No matter what we breed姑且不论我们受的教养为何We still are made of greed一股欲念仍在我们心底油然而生This is my kingdom come这便是逢魔时刻的降临This is my kingdom come这便是邪恶降临的时刻When you feel my heat当你感受到我炙热的体温Look into my eyes望进我的灵魂深处It"s where my demons hide一头恶魔就潜伏在那里It"s where my demons hide潜伏著一头邪恶的魔鬼Don"t get too close请别再靠近我It"s dark inside这里只有颗无比黑暗的内心It"s where my demons hide潜伏著一头邪恶的魔鬼It"s where my demons hide潜伏著一头邪恶的魔鬼When the curtain"s call每当谢幕之时Is the last of all一切结束的时候When the lights fade out灯光逐渐暗下All the sinners crawl所有的罪恶开始蠢蠢欲动So they dug your grave他们刨开你的墓And the masquerade撕毁你所戴的假面Will come calling out正呼唤邪恶的到来At the mess you made对你过去所做的事Don"t want to let you down不愿再度让你失望But I am hell bound我已是终将踏入地狱的人Though this is all for you但愿这是最后能为你做的事Don"t want to hide the truth至此我已不愿再隐瞒真相No matter what we breed姑且不论我们受的教养为何We still are made of greed一股欲念仍在我们心底油然而生This is my kingdom come这便是逢魔时刻的降临This is my kingdom come这便是邪恶降临的时刻When the curtain"s call每当谢幕之时When you feel my heat当你感受到我炙热的体温Look into my eyes望进我的灵魂深处It"s where my demons hide一头恶魔就潜伏在那里It"s where my demons hide一头恶魔就潜伏在那里Don"t get too close请别再靠近我It"s dark inside这里只有颗无比黑暗的内心It"s where my demons hide潜伏著邪恶的恶魔It"s where my demons hide潜伏著邪恶的恶魔They say it"s what you make人们说这是咎由自取I say it"s up to fate我道此乃命中注定It"s woven in my soul尽管灵魂仍然纠结I need to let you go我也只能选择让你离去Your eyes, they shine so bright你那澄澈明亮的双眸I want to save their light愿我拥有这道光芒I can"t escape this now如今我已无法挣脱Unless you show me how除非你教我如何面对那股黑暗When you feel my heat当你感受到我炙热的体温Look into my eyes望进我的灵魂深处It"s where my demons hide一头恶魔就潜伏在那里It"s where my demons hide一头恶魔就潜伏在那里Don"t get too close请别再靠近我It"s dark inside这里只有颗无比黑暗的内心It"s where my demons hide一头恶魔就潜伏在那里It"s where my demons hide一头恶魔就潜伏在那里

请问Imagine dragons 的demons 的MV最后那个片段的背景音乐是什么?

Imagine dragons 的 It"s time

救demons imagine dragons百度云,高品的,谢谢

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Imagine Dragons 的 Demons 中文歌词!

你可以用谷歌翻译器 然后在照着你音乐播放器的歌词上复制上去啊

Imagine Dragons 的 Demons 中文歌词!


求中文歌词:imagine dragons demons


梦龙乐队 Imagine Dragons 十大经典歌曲 《Demons》最受大家欢迎

梦龙乐队(Imagine Dragons)是美国的流行摇滚的乐队,该乐队由主唱的丹·雷诺兹,吉他手韦恩讲道,贝斯手本·麦基,以及鼓手丹尼尔·普拉茨曼组成,Imagine Dragons在世界范围上都具有强大的影响力,很多人都喜欢他们的歌曲,下面这份名单是 Imagine Dragons 十大经典歌曲,喜欢的一起来看看吧。 1、Demons 《Demons》由Imagine Dragons和Alex da Kid于2013年9月17日发行,这首歌在摇滚史上下载量最高的歌曲中排行第八,在两年内卖出了410万张唱片。 2、It"s Time 《It"s Time》在公告牌百强单曲榜上排名第15,在摇滚歌曲榜上排名第3。这首歌在许多国家也进入了前十名。它还获得了2012年MTV音乐录影带大奖最佳摇滚音乐录影带的提名。 3、Radioactive 《Radioactive》是一首电子摇滚和另类摇滚歌曲,该歌曲广受听众好评,是梦龙乐队的最佳歌曲之一。这首歌在公告牌百强单曲榜上排名第三,并保持了在排行榜上停留了87周的记录,并获得2014年格莱美最佳摇滚表演奖和2013年青少年选择奖最佳摇滚歌曲奖。 4、Not Today 《Not Today》是Imagine Dragons的歌曲列表中的典型代表。他们没有很多慢歌,这首歌是其中之一。歌曲节奏缓慢,歌词打动人心。 5、On Top of the World 《On Top of the World》于2013年3月18日以数字形式发布。这首歌主要以吉他和钢琴乐器为特色。2014年它获得了青少年选择奖提名,并在热门摇滚歌曲排行榜上的排名第10。 6、Believer 这首歌在公告牌百强单曲榜上排名第四,并在公告牌热门摇滚歌曲榜上拔得头筹。另外它还在各种电影和广告中大量出现。 7、Thunder 《Thunder》是梦龙乐队的第三张专辑《进化》的第二首单曲,截止到目前,该歌曲在公告牌百强单曲榜上排名第17位,并在许多国家的单曲排行榜上跻身前十。《Thunder》创造了朗朗上口的节奏,即使你忘记了歌词,你也不会忘记歌曲的旋律。 8、Shots 《Shots》曲风偏向80年代的复古风。2015年,《Shots》在美国热门摇滚歌曲榜上排名第16位,梦龙乐队在很多电视节目中都演唱了这首歌曲,如吉米·法伦主持的《今夜秀》,艾伦·德杰尼勒斯秀等。 9、Warriors 《Warriors》于2014年9月18日以数字形式发行,它被用作WWE幸存者系列的官方主题曲。它的视频还用于宣传2014年英雄联盟世界锦标赛。 10、Battle Cryyug 《Battle Cryyug》是电影《变形金刚:绝迹重生》的宣传曲,这首歌是乐队专门为电影创作的,它在美国热门摇滚歌曲排行榜上排名第24位。

Imagine Dragons的《Demons》 歌词

歌曲名:Demons歌手:Imagine Dragons专辑:Continued SilenceDemonsImagine DragonsWhen the days are coldAnd the cards all foldAnd the saints we seeAre all made of goldWhen your dreams all failAnd the ones we hailAre the worst of allAnd the blood"s run staleI want to hide the truthI want to shelter youBut with the beast insideThere"s nowhere we can hideNo matter what we breedWe still are made of greedThis is my kingdom comeThis is my kingdom comeWhen you feel my heatLook into my eyesIt"s where my demons hideIt"s where my demons hideDon"t get too closeIt"s dark insideIt"s where my demons hideIt"s where my demons hideWhen the curtain"s callIs the last of allWhen the lights fade outAll the sinners crawlSo they dug your graveAnd the masqueradeWill come calling outAt the mess you madeDon"t want to let you downBut I am hell boundThough this is all for youDon"t want to hide the truthNo matter what we breedWe still are made of greedThis is my kingdom comeThis is my kingdom comeWhen the curtain"s callWhen you feel my heatLook into my eyesIt"s where my demons hideIt"s where my demons hideDon"t get too closeIt"s dark insideIt"s where my demons hideIt"s where my demons hideThey say it"s what you makeI say it"s up to fateIt"s woven in my soulI need to let you goYour eyes, they shine so brightI want to save their lightI can"t escape this nowUnless you show me howWhen you feel my heatLook into my eyesIt"s where my demons hideIt"s where my demons hideDon"t get too closeIt"s dark insideIt"s where my demons hideIt"s where my demons hidehttp://music.baidu.com/song/15235540

never get obsessed with your oppearance.

never get obsessed with your oppearance. 全部释义和例句>>不要为你的容颜。obsessed 英[əb"sest] 美[əb"sest] adj. 着迷的; 一门心思的; (思想) 无法摆脱的; v. 着迷; ( obsess的过去式和过去分词) 时刻困扰,缠住; 使痴迷; 使迷恋; [网络] 痴迷; 迷恋; 纠缠;

be obsessed with与be crazy about的具体区别,说的简单一些?

我查了一下be worried about是担心的状态,另一个是动作,但是我要如何区分呢? 今天做试卷看到一题 What are you_? __My…

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Algebra 挑战题 2

Prime nos. apart from 2 are all odd nos. And in this case z cannot be equal to 2 as x^y must not be equal to 1. ∴z is odd x^y is even and as for "odd to the power odd" results in odd nos. which does not match the result that x^y should be odd. Also odd square also results in odd. So there exists only one case where x=2 Consider the situation 2^n+1 is a multiple of 3 for all odd n n=1 LHS=3=3x1 P(1) is true Assume that P(k) is true where k is an odd integer. i.e. 2^k+1=3M is true where M is a odd no. For n=k+2 2^(k+2)+1 =4(2^k)+1 =4(3M-1)+1 =12M-3 =3(4M-1) which is divisible by 3 ∴P(k+1) is true By MI the statement that 2^n+1 is divisible by 3 is true for all odd nos. n ∴There exists contradiction for the situation as from the above MI it is proved that z is a multiple of 3 ∴There is no soultion It is easy to argue that x = 2 which me that 2^y +1 = z is prime. But this implies that y is a power of 2 contradicting to y not equal to x = 2. (So we don"t even need y to be odd prime in order to derive a contradiction. We just need y contains prime factor other than 2) 2008-10-19 17:08:28 补充: To finish the proof let us show that whenever 2^n + 1 is prime then n must be a power of 2 (including n =1) If n = ab and b is odd then 2^n + 1 ≡ (2^a)^b + 1 ≡ (−1)^b + 1 ≡ 0 (mod (2^a + 1)). This contradicts to 2^n + 1 being prime. Thus all factos of n are even i.e. n is a power of 2. 2008-10-19 17:10:20 补充: The proof by hawk_wing is simply taking a = 1 in the above proof. 除左x=2 y=2 z=5 xyz=20 但x y and z are distinct prime integers 即是三个不同的数? (1)All prime numbers are odd numbers. So for z to be a prime number x^y must be even. (2) For x to be a prime number and at the same time x^y is even x can only be 2 since this is the only even prime number.(If the unit digit of x is odd x^y must be odd so x^y +1 must be even and z can never be a prime number.) (3) Since y is also a prime number y must be odd. So we put 2^y +1(= z) as [ 2^(2n-1) +1] where n can be any positive integer. (4)However it can be proved by mathematical induction that 2^(2n-1) +1 is divisible by 3 for all positive integer of n that me z is divisible by 3 for any value of y and never be a prime number. So in summary you can never find 3 prime numbers that can satisfy x^y +1 = z. So no solution for xyz.

Introduction to Statistical Mechanics, Phase Transitions, and the Ising Model

In statistical physics, we are interested in multi-particle and many-state systems particularly where the interactions between particles play an essntial role, which can exhibit a phenomenon known as a phase transition. This phenomenon can be observed universally in nature such as the appearance of ferromagnetism in materials such as iron. The transition like this require the concept of temperature, which is quite significant in condensed matter physics. In this article I will give a brief introduction to Ising model and try to use it to investigate several properties of solid like Magnetization, Energy per spin, Specific heat per spin and susceptibility of particles. To do all of these works, I will use Mean Field Theory which is widely used in the study of statistical mechanics to symplify the calculation and use the Monte Carco Method which is useful when solving some numerical problems to simulate the process of thermalequibulum in real world. What"s more, phase transitions will also be investigated in this article so that one could have a deeper understanding about the equilibrium state under various tempreture and appreciate the tremendous beauty of the real world. All of my codes are uploaded here Magnetism is an inherently quantum phenomena which cannot be exhibited classically. To decribe the behavior of a magnetic material, we should introduce the electron"s spin and the associated magnetic moment in quantum mechanics. The Ising model is a mathematical model of ferromagnetism in statistical mechanics. In Ising Model, the spins are arranged in a graph, usually a lattice, allowing each spin to interact with its neighbors. Ferromagnetism arises when a collection of such spins conspire so that all of their magnetic moments point in the same direction, yielding a total moment that is macroscopic in size. Each spin is able to point at two directions and thus can be denoted by two numbers. After we introduce the concept of spin, the energy of the system is given by these neighbouring interactions and the interaction between the spins and an external magnetic field: For simplicity, we assume that: . for neighberhood spins. Less energy is prefered by a system, thus it can be derived that for a ferromagnetic material all spin are aligned. Assuming that our spin system is in equilibrium with a heat bath at temperature T, so that we can use the conclusion of statistical mechanics directly. The probability of finding the system in any particular state is proportional to the Boltzmann factor And then we get the measured magnetization of the system: where Mean field theory is a useful approach for calculating the properties of a spin system. The magnetization is related to the average spin alignment. For an infinitely large system, the spins will all have the same average alignment.Hence all spins must have the same average properties. The total magnetization at temprature T for a system of N spins will then be Thus we can derive M if we can calculate <si>. An exact computation of <si> would require the probabilities of all possible microstates. We cannot do this completely constricted by our ability to calculate. The only thing we can do is to consider an approximate alternative known as mean field theory. Using the result of statistical mechanics, the thermal average of si can be calculated as This is the exact result for the behavior of a single spin in a magnetic field. Now consider an approximate method: The interaction of a spin with its neighbering spins is equivalent to an effective magnetic field acting on si.So the thing we need to do first is to calculate the effective field Heff. The energy function can be rewritten in this form: which shows that the term involving J has the form of a magnetic field with Then we have the following relationship and The mean field theory we mensioned before is not always valid. A critical example is the values of the critical exponent. A more powerful approach is the Monte Carlo Method. To simulate how a spin system interacts with its environment, we will consider the particular case of a collection of Ising spins. The Monte Carlo method uses a stochastic approach to simulate the exchange of energy between the spin system and the heat bath. A spin is chosen and the energy required to make it flip is calculated. If Eflip is negative, the spin is flipped and the system moves into a different microstate. If Eflip is positive, a decision must be made. The core of the Monte Carlo method is to use the computer to generate some randon numbers which satisfy the Boltzmann distribution. The approach to realize this is to compare the numbergenerated with the function derived from the Boltzmann factos which we mensioned before. I use more than 10 progrem to finish this article and I will describe some of them so that readers could have a deeper understanding about the theory I mensioned before. All of my codes are uploaded here All of my codes are uploaded here Here I zoomed the curve so that readers could read more clearly: The method takes only about 3 steps to reach the result. Thus this is an effective method when calculate the solution. To investigate the property of average spin near transition point T=4, I calculated the equation when T=3.9. Here is the result: Further more, I tried to reset the initial condition when T=1 and look whether it converges: I plotted the curves of magnetization versus time(Loop) under different temperature: Here you can see that it satisfies our expectation! Note that the curve has a slope near the temperature 2.25. It stands for the phase transition. Notice that the curve is not so stable near its maximium. It may because it varies too fast near it. Here I show you a more mussy one: Then it can be easily seen that the points near the transition point T=2.25 is very mussy actually because of the large slope. Here I plot the curve: At the end, I will show you the states of lattice under various temperature. These picture will give you a direct image:

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歌曲:兴起发光 像是歌颂耶稣的哦 呵呵 最高的山峰因他矗立最深的海洋有他气息最小的分子为他舞动浩瀚的星河为他闪烁宇宙万物他手所造得规律和生气世世代代在他怀里得保障和安息兴起发光神的子民主的荣光照耀全地兴起发光神的子民宣扬他名直到地极

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一打开Minecraft Minecraft has crashed! ---------------------- Minecraft has stopped running becaus







轮廓算术平均偏差 Ra:指在一定的取样长度内,轮廓上各点到轮廓中线距离绝对值的平均值。Ra 能充分反映表面微观几何形状高度方面的特性,但因受计量器具功能的限制,不用作过于粗糙或太光滑的表面的评定参数。微观不平度十点平均高度 Rz:指在取样长度内5个最大的轮廓峰高平均值与5个最大轮廓谷深平均值之和。Rz 只能反映轮廓的峰高,不能反映峰顶的尖锐或平钝的几何特性,同时若取点不同,则所得Rz值不同,因此受测量者的主观影响较大。轮廓最大高度 Ry:在取样长度内,轮廓的峰顶线和谷底线之间的距离。Ry 是微观不平度十点中最高点和最低点至中线的垂直距离之和,因此它不如Rz值反映的几何特性准确,它对某些表面上不允许出现较深的加工痕迹和小零件的表面质量有实用意义。



Rp Rq Rm Ra分别代表什么意思,计算公式







粗糙度仪Ra、Rz、Rq、Rt指是什么呢?Ra、Rz、Rq、Rt是粗糙度仪测量参数,粗糙度仪Ra是轮廓的平均算术偏差是能过工件表面轮廓作一中线m,装一定长度的轮廓分成两部分,使中的线两侧轮廓线与中线之所包含的面积相等。在取样长度内,被测实际轮廓上各点至轮廓中线距离jue对值,Ra充分反映表面微观几何形状高度方面特性,但因受计量器功能限制,不用作过于粗糙或太光滑的表面评参数。 粗糙度仪Rz是微观不平度的平均高度:就是在基本测量长度范围内,从平行于中线的任意线算起,自被测轮廓上五个zui高点至五个zui低点的平均距离,在取样长度内5个zui大的轮廓峰高平均值与5个zui大轮廓谷深平均值之和,Rz只能反映轮廓 的峰高峰,而不能反映峰顶的尖锐或平钝的几何特性,同时若取点不同,则所得Rz值不同,因些受测量者的主观影响较大,主要用户窄小表面。 粗糙度仪Rq轮廓均方根偏差(在一个取样长度内,纵坐标值的均方根值)粗糙度仪Rt:轮廓峰谷总高度(在评定长度内,大轮廓峰高和大轮廓谷深之和)

per astr ad astra是什么意思?

Per Aspera Ad Astra是一句拉丁语格言,循此苦旅,以达天际。也可以理解为“尽吾之力,以达天际”,大意为:通过苦难,你可以摘到星星。 《Per Aspera Ad Astra》是Haggard所创作的歌曲。歌词如下:Per Aspera Ad Astra  [On Rough Course To The Stars]循此苦旅,以达天际[Music: A. Nasseri / Lyrics: A. Nasseri]词/曲:A. Nasseri(Adesso sono qui...) [now here I am...]吾在此An old dungeon hidden from all the light密不透光的古老地牢Thirteen candles enlighten the dark十三支蜡烛划破黑暗Shadows are playing their games on the wall墙上影影幢幢And a shimmering glow fills the arch烛光透出牢门Now, as night steps aside, and a new dawn will break此刻,夜幕退去,破晓将临Silently a new age of science awakes科学的新纪元沉静中醒来Old theory that has been wrong古老的教条是错误Power of the universe宇宙之力量Will take me to the place where I belong将带我去应许之地Through the clouds of lies and fear突破谎言与恐惧的阴云In silent moments it comes near:静默间它正逼近In my deepest hour of darkness在我最黑暗困苦的年代They will shine...(feel my scorn) endlessly...splenderanno.他们将闪耀……(感受我所受的侮辱)无穷无尽地……闪耀光辉(The sword that killed the unicorn)(强权之利剑杀死了真理的独角兽)Callisto, Europa卡利斯托,欧罗巴(Adesso sono qui...) [now here I am...]吾在此Now, as night steps aside, and a new dawn will break此刻,夜幕退去,破晓将临Silently a new age of science awakes科学的新纪元沉静中醒来Splenderanno... per aspera ad astra [they will shine... through adversity and space]光辉闪耀……循此苦旅,以达天际His theories and knowledge(它们将闪耀……穿越困厄与太空)Mean danger in these times他的理论和资料And those accused of heresy这时代意味着威胁Will not longer be alive对"异端邪教"的控诉  未来永不复焉Hide, hide your secrets well藏好你的秘密For in your darkest hour you should dwell为度过这黑暗年代你应隐匿(Adesso sono qui...) [now here I am...]吾在此An old table covered with parchments and rolls旧书桌上铺着羊皮纸和书卷The great one has children of four伟人有四个孩子Callisto, Europa, Ganymed e Io卡利斯托,欧罗巴,加尼米德,伊奥The bright universe to adore崇拜这璀璨的宇宙Old theory that has been wrong古老的教条是错误Power of the universe宇宙之力量Will take me to the place where I belong将带我去应许之地Through the clouds of lies and fear突破谎言与恐惧的阴云In silent moments it comes near:静默间它正逼近In my deepest hour of darkness在我最黑暗困苦的年代They will shine...(feel my scorn) endlessly...splenderanno.他们将闪耀……(感受我所受的侮辱)无穷无尽地……闪耀光辉(The sword that killed the unicorn)(强权之利剑杀死了真理的独角兽)Callisto, Europa卡利斯托,欧罗巴扩展资料:卡利斯托,欧罗巴,加尼米德,伊奥分别是木卫四,木卫二,木卫三,木卫一。1610年伽利略通过自制望远镜观测发现了木星的这四颗卫星。这首歌出自Haggard2004年的专辑《Eppur Si Muove》,伽利略被教会所迫而承认地心说时,小声地咕哝了一句“Eppur Si Muove”,翻成英语是it (Planet Earth) does move,“它确实在动啊”。很明显,这部专辑讲的是讲的是伽利略的宇宙学说,中世纪自然科学的真理和封建迷信的谬误抗争的故事。伽利略因为他的的宇宙天体运动理论而受到了教会严重的迫害,他被判终身监禁,生命的最后五年也是在失明中度过。实际上伽利略并无丝毫反对宗教之意,他是虔诚的天主教徒。他认为自然科学真理与天主教义并无矛盾,科学的任务是探索自然规律,而教会的职能则是管理人们的灵魂,不应互相侵犯。参考资料来源:百度百科——Per Aspera Ad Astra百度百科——伽利略百度百科——木星卫星

谁能帮我翻译一下: moisture ,solid, grams ,tare


如何用aws完成 mapreduce program

js reduce错误TypeError: reduce of empty array with no initial value

js reduce()  方法对数组中的每个元素执行一个由您提供的 reducer 函数(升序执行),将其结果汇总为单个返回值。 例如: reducer 函数接收4个参数:     Accumulator (acc) (累计器)     Current Value (cur) (当前值)     Current Index (idx) (当前索引)     Source Array (src) (源数组)   您的 reducer 函数的返回值分配给累计器,该返回值在数组的每个迭代中被记住,并最后成为最终的单个结果值。 如果数组为空且没有提供initialValue,会抛出错误TypeError: reduce of empty array with no initial value 可以通过添加initialValue来解决。 详见: https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/Reduce

hadoop mapper,reducer的value设置为job.setOutputValueClass(ArrayWritable.class); 时运行卡住

ArrayWritable不能直接作为mapreduce的输入输出类型。程序不是卡住了,而是报错了。估计是这个错误java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: org.apache.hadoop.io.ArrayWritable.<init>()这个错误是ArrayWritable初始化异常,要自己实现一个ArrayWritable的派生类如果是text类型的数组 For example: public class TextArrayWritable extends ArrayWritable { public TextArrayWritable() { super(Text.class); } }即可,在maprecude中用TextArrayWritable 替换掉ArrayWritable A Writable for arrays containing instances of a class. The elements of this writable must all be instances of the same class. If this writable will be the input for a Reducer, you will need to create a subclass that sets the value to be of the proper type. For example: public class IntArrayWritable extends ArrayWritable { public IntArrayWritable() { super(IntWritable.class); } }==========================参考:http://hadoop.apache.org/docs/current/api/org/apache/hadoop/io/ArrayWritable.html




please draw a picture about what the ostrich does. 请画一张图画关于鸵鸟在干什么的。

变速箱 英语是gearbox 还是transmission

机械行业 称为 transmission






被害了吧,Viata优化大师不负责,把所有备份驱动都删了,你以后换个鼠标都用不了~!~~要精简用Vlite吧,下面是我的配置文件,感觉不错,几天测试,没有发现什么问题; vLite preset file;;#Environment:; vLite v1.1.6 beta; Framework 2.0.50727.1434; Microsoft Windows NT 6.0.6001 Service Pack 1 32-bit;;#Target:; Windows Vista Ultimate 32 位 Service Pack 1; Version 6.0.6001.18000 English (United States);[Compatibility]ACDSee / XnViewAero Glass; Aero GlassInternet Explorer; Internet Explorer[CustomHide][Components];# Multimedia #SideShow; SideShowMedia Center; Windows Media CenterMovie and DVD Maker; Windows Movie Maker 和 Windows DVD MakerWindows Calendar; Windows 日历Sound Recorder; 录音机Screensavers; 屏幕保护Sample Pictures; 示例图片Music and Video samples; 音视频示例;# Services #Application Experience; Application ExperienceComputer Browser; Computer BrowserIP Helper; IP 助手ReadyBoost; ReadyBoostRemote Registry; Remote RegistrySuperFetch; SuperFetchWebDAV (WebClient); WebDAV(WebClient)Windows Time; Windows TimeWindows Search; Windows 搜索Windows Remote Management; Windows 远程管理(WinRM)Error Reporting; 错误报告Secondary Logon; 二次登陆Distributed Link Tracking Client; 分布式链接跟踪客户端Volume Shadow Copy; 卷影复制Offline Files; 脱机文件Microsoft DFS Replication; 微软分布式文件系统(DFS)复制;# Accessories #Character Map; Character MapDisk Cleanup; Disk CleanupAccessibility; 辅助功能Welcome Center; 欢迎中心Snipping Tool; 截图工具System Information; 系统信息Wordpad; 写字板Speech Support; 语音识别;# Drivers #Diva Server; Diva ServerTV Tuners-ADS Technologies; TV Tuners-ADS TechnologiesTV Tuners-ASUSTeK Computer Inc.; TV Tuners-ASUSTeK Computer Inc.TV Tuners-AVerMedia Technologies, Inc.; TV Tuners-AVerMedia Technologies, Inc.TV Tuners-Compro Technology Inc.; TV Tuners-Compro Technology Inc.TV Tuners-Conexant Systems, Inc.; TV Tuners-Conexant Systems, Inc.TV Tuners-Creatix; TV Tuners-CreatixTV Tuners-Hauppauge; TV Tuners-HauppaugeTV Tuners-KNC ONE GmbH; TV Tuners-KNC ONE GmbHTV Tuners-KWorld; TV Tuners-KWorldTV Tuners-Lumanate, Inc.; TV Tuners-Lumanate, Inc.TV Tuners-Philips Semiconductors; TV Tuners-Philips SemiconductorsTV Tuners-Pinnacle Systems; TV Tuners-Pinnacle SystemsTV Tuners-TerraTec Electronic GmbH; TV Tuners-TerraTec Electronic GmbHTV Tuners-VidzMedia Pte Ltd.; TV Tuners-VidzMedia Pte Ltd.TV Tuners-ViXS Systems Inc.; TV Tuners-ViXS Systems Inc.Printers-Apollo; 打印机-ApolloPrinters-Brother; 打印机-BrotherPrinters-Canon; 打印机-CanonPrinters-Citizen; 打印机-CitizenPrinters-Dell; 打印机-DellPrinters-Diconix; 打印机-DiconixPrinters-Epson; 打印机-EpsonPrinters-Fuji Xerox; 打印机-Fuji XeroxPrinters-Fujitsu; 打印机-FujitsuPrinters-Gestetner; 打印机-GestetnerPrinters-HP; 打印机-HPPrinters-IBM; 打印机-IBMPrinters-Infotec; 打印机-InfotecPrinters-Konica; 打印机-KonicaPrinters-Konica Minolta; 打印机-Konica MinoltaPrinters-Kyocera Mita; 打印机-Kyocera MitaPrinters-Lanier; 打印机-LanierPrinters-Lexmark; 打印机-LexmarkPrinters-Minolta; 打印机-MinoltaPrinters-Minolta-QMS; 打印机-Minolta-QMSPrinters-NEC; 打印机-NECPrinters-NRG; 打印机-NRGPrinters-Oce; 打印机-OcePrinters-Oki; 打印机-OkiPrinters-Okidata; 打印机-OkidataPrinters-Olivetti; 打印机-OlivettiPrinters-Panasonic; 打印机-PanasonicPrinters-QMS; 打印机-QMSPrinters-Ricoh; 打印机-RicohPrinters-Samsung; 打印机-SamsungPrinters-Savin; 打印机-SavinPrinters-Seikosha; 打印机-SeikoshaPrinters-Sharp; 打印机-SharpPrinters-Sony; 打印机-SonyPrinters-Star; 打印机-StarPrinters-Tally; 打印机-TallyPrinters-Tektronix; 打印机-TektronixPrinters-Wipro ePeripherals; 打印机-Wipro ePeripheralsPrinters-Xerox; 打印机-XeroxPrinters-Generic printer; 打印机-其他常用打印机Modems; 调制解调器Scanners; 扫描仪Display adapters-Ati; 显示适配器(显卡)-AtiDisplay adapters-Intel; 显示适配器(显卡)-IntelDisplay adapters-nVidia; 显示适配器(显卡)-nVidiaDisplay adapters-S3; 显示适配器(显卡)-S3Display adapters-SiS; 显示适配器(显卡)-SiS;# Network #Internet Information Services (IIS); Internet 信息服务(IIS)Windows Collaboration; Windows 会议室Connect to a Network Projector; 连接到网络投影仪Remote Desktop Client; 远程桌面客户端Remote Desktop and Assistance; 远程桌面与协助;# System #Jet Database Engine; Jet 数据库引擎BitLocker Drive Encryption; Microsoft BitLocker 驱动器加密Microsoft Agent; Microsoft 助手Tablet PC; Tablet PCWindows Defender; Windows DefenderWindows Backup; Windows 备份Windows Easy Transfer; Windows 轻松传送Windows SAT (Performance Index); Windows 系统评估工具(体验索引)Zip Folder; Zip 文件夹Security Center; 安全中心Help; 帮助Disk Quota; 磁盘配额Disk Defragmenter; 磁盘碎片整理Malicious Software Removal Tool; 恶意软件清除工具Beep; 蜂鸣Parental Controls; 家长控制Reliability and Performance Monitor; 可靠性和性能监视器Manual Install (Setup.exe); 手动安装(Setup.exe)Run a legacy CPL elevated; 提升至管理员权限以运行老式的 CPLSync Center; 同步中心System Restore; 系统还原Performance Counters; 性能计数器Remote Differential Compression; 远程容错压缩Natural Language; 自然语言;# Hardware Support #Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI); Internet 小型计算机系统接口Fax Support; 传真机支持Printer Support; 打印机支持Modem Support; 调制解调器支持Dynamic Volume Manager; 动态卷管理器WLAN Support; 无线支持;# Games #Premium Inbox Games; 额外的游戏Inbox Games; 内置游戏Game Explorer; 游戏资源管理器[Options]DEP (Data Execution Prevention) = Default; DEP(数据执行保护) = 默认User Account Control (UAC) = Enabled; 用户帐户控制(UAC) = 已打开AntiSpyware Realtime Protection = Default; 反间谍软件实时防护 = 默认AutoPlay = Enabled; 自动运行 = 已打开Paging Executive = Enabled; 页面调度(Paging Executive) = 已打开Power scheme = High performance; 电源方案 = 高性能Power button = Default; 电源按钮 = 默认Sleep button = Default; 睡眠按钮 = 默认Hibernation = Off; 休眠 = 关闭Memory requirement = Default; 最低内存需求 = 默认Control Panel - Classic View = Disabled; 控制面版 - 经典视图 = 已关闭Show hidden files and folders = Yes; 显示隐藏文件夹和文件 = 是Show protected operating system files = Yes; 显示受保护的操作系统文件 = 是Show extensions for known file types = Yes; 显示已知类型文件扩展名 = 是IE Phishing Filter = Default; IE Phishing Filter(IE 钓鱼程序过滤) = 默认IE Phishing Verification Ballon Tips = Default; IE 钓鱼程序气泡确认提示 = 默认[Protection][Drivers]H:169.25_forceware_winvista_32bit_english_whql v_disp.inf[Unattended]SpecRegionalAcceptEULASkipNewUserSkipProductKeySkipAutoActivationNetworkLoc = 1ProtectPC = 3[Hotfixes][LanguagePacks]

San Francisco的歌词

san francisco[三番市] 【阿甘正传】主题曲 歌手:scott mckenzie if you"re going to san francisco be sure to wear some flowers in your hair if you"re going to san francisco you"re gonna meet some gentle people there for those who come to san francisco summertime will be a love-in there in the streets of san francisco gentle people with flowers in their hair all across the nation such a strange vibration people in motion there"s a whole generation with a new explanation people in motion people in motion for those who come to san francisco be sure to wear some flowers in your hair f you come to san francisco summertime will be a love-in there if you come to san francisco summertime will be a love-in there

San Francisco 歌词

歌曲名:San Francisco歌手:黄莺莺专辑:If We Are Only FriendsJill Sobule - San FranciscoShe shuts the door behind me,waits for me to get undressedShe ask if I need water,I can barely understand herI think she asked me what I doand I said that I"m a singerShe laughs and claps her handsAnd then she beginsAnd she sings:"I like to go to San FranciscoI like to goPut flowers in my hairI like to go to San FranciscoI like to meetSome people there"She looks just like a sparrow,but she"s strong just like a wrestlerShe kneads and pulls and climbs on topIt hurts, but I will try to take itAsk her if she"s ever beenBeen to San FranciscoShe tells me that she can"t leaveThey won"t let her leaveShe sings:"I like to go to San FranciscoI like to goPut flowers in my hairI like to go to San FranciscoI like to meetSome people there"And in Golden Gate ParkShe"ll throw a FrisbeeShe"ll bring a dogAnd she"ll meet a boyAnd they"ll fall in loveAnd she"ll feel so freeStill walk on his backWonder "bout the place I"m inand how they treat the girlsI know that it"s legitimateBut still it makes me wonderShe gets up to leaveAnd I put back on my clothesI tip her well, she bows to meI really hope one day she gets to go"...To San FranciscoI like to goPut flowers in my hairI like to go to San FranciscoI like to meetSome people there" (Some people there)http://music.baidu.com/song/2578171



TTT全称是train the trainer 还是training the trainer,两个都看到有人用。



1,【地】 蒂珀雷里( 爱尔兰中南部一内陆郡, 首府Clonmel ); 2,【物】 蒂珀雷里之歌( 第一次世界大战期间由Tipperary 郡出征的士兵 唱的行军歌). 3,美国能源企业天然气公司Tipperary Corp.(TPY)


药量是多少,维持药量吃了多少? 一般来说trab高的话不能停

完型:开头是:A group of graduates have hightly been established in their careers.

A group of graduates,highly established in their careers,got together to visit their old university professor. The conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and in life.offering his guests coffee,the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and a variety of cups——plastic,glass,crystal(水晶),some plain—looking,some expensive,some fine——telling them to help themselves to the coffee. When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand,the professor said:“If you noticed,all the nice—looking,expensive cups were taken up,leaving behind the plain and cheap ones.While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves,that is the source of your problems and stress.” “What all of you really wanted was coffee,not the cup,but you consciously went for the best cups and were eyeing each other"s cups.” “Now consider this:Life is the coffee and the jabs,money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain life,and do not change the quality of life.Sometimes,by concentrating only on the cup,we fail to enjoy the coffee.So,don"t let the cups drive you...enjoy the coffee instead.”

what a relief it was when the boulders suddently disappearanced




kettle spoon启动之后为什么会在桌面创建一个名叫data-integration的文件夹,怎么让它放在其他地方?




kaori kirara 是谁



KiraraFantasia里的凉风青叶,是芳文社旗下动漫《NEW GAME!》里的女主之一,小伙伴们喜不喜欢她呢?想知道她的技能和属性吗?那就来看看小编今天带来的凉风青叶图鉴吧!更多人物:KiraraFantasia角色大全凉风青叶介绍日本四格漫画《NEW GAME!》中登场的虚拟角色,是个天然呆、永远积极向上的思考的女孩,由高田忧希配音。凉风青叶身材娇小,双马尾发型又有着娃娃脸,经常被误认成小孩子。穿着职场套装,因穿法错误让光误以为是学生制服。性格认真、社交能力高,能和同事、上司毫无隔阂的相处,即使毫无3D经验,也会积极的学习。将来备受前辈的期待,但也有少根筋的一面。技能属性属性职业法师血量1790物防856属性风物攻602魔防1663星级五星魔攻1871速度103技能雪人暴风雪对全体敌人进行风属性的超强力攻击+己方全体的魔法攻击力一定回合内小幅度提升超级粒子安魂曲射击对敌人全体进行风属性的超强力攻击今天开始工作哦自身的魔法攻击力在一次攻击内大幅度提升角色分析大招是AOE,两个CD技能分别是AOE和自身魔法攻击提高。职业是魔法使,可以带魔法石多一次AOE。风属性,特别克制第一章。


KiraraFantasia里的引继码是我们找回游戏数据的重要凭证,小伙伴们知道使用引继码需要注意什么东西吗?小编今天就带来了KiraraFantasia引继码的新手使用指南,如果你不知道怎么用它,就来快来看看吧!引继码使用指南:必备注意事项!日服手游是没有账号注册一类的机制的,一般进入游戏都是直接生成一个账号,而密码(引继码)需要自己设置。具体操作如下,进入设置界面,点击引き_ぎ_定设置完之后是这样的kirara fantasia目前引继码处于bug状态,因此使用要十分注意!1,如果你在游戏中(就是标题页面下面那个初始化)清数据的话,会导致引继码失效,同时号也没了。2,如果你是别人那拿来的初始的话,你哪怕改了引继码原来的号主还是能登录。另外如果原号主在游戏中初始化的话,那么同第一条,你的号也会没了。3,如果你是别人那拿来初始,或者是自己想多刷几个,Android切记要在游戏外,系统设置中清应用数据。ios我不知道,可能需要卸载重装。其他疑难杂症:有条件的绑一下google play,体感比较稳。卡49.9的是网络不行,那个进度条不是下载了49.9%的意思,49.9%的地方要下很多数据,网卡的就会要等很久。遇到105错误重试几次,我自己还没遇到,有条件建议挂代理。卡loading,卡进度条,检测数据包完整性,或者清数据重下。卡初始卡标题,绑google,检测数据完整性。

收集飞来的星星吧!任天堂FC红白机上的独立游戏《Kira Kira Star Night DX》

相信你自己的眼睛,不要怀疑,任天堂FC红白机上又有新游戏了。而且是粉亮亮闪闪发光的少女系游戏。 日本专门制造FC红白机的互换机厂商「ColumbusCircle」,将在7月31日发售一款名为《KiraKiraStarNightDX》的任天堂FC红白机游戏软体。不是单纯的只有ROM供人下载,而是实际会发售游戏卡带的喔。 本作是一款独立游戏,由漫画家RIKI所操刀绘制。玩法类型属于动作类游戏,玩家要操纵主角Kirara,将快速飞来的星星,尽可能一个都不漏地全部收集到取得高分。玩法简单,但要顺利全部收集那些会飘忽不定,且快速移动的星星们,可不是件容易的事喔! 本作将8位元任天堂FC红白机的硬体机能表现运用至极限,并且邀请许多目前在游戏界的一流音乐制作人们来为此游戏制作配乐。本作目前已可在Amazon.jp上进行预购。 (引用来源:ねとらぼ) 你或许会喜欢 在缴税的五月办4G手机,竟然送这个... 头跟着点、音乐non-stop!超适合戴耳机玩的巨星养成游戏! 有了这张卡,国外旅游无限上网吃到饱






KiraraFantasia这款芳文社的粉丝作品可以说是好评如潮,但是很多国内的小伙伴表示也很想玩,那么怎么办呢?首先,你要先学会注册一个账号!那么要怎么注册呢?来看看下面的介绍吧!日服游戏没有注册账号的机制。一般你进入游戏就会生成一个账号,数据会保存在手机里。日服游戏没有国内的账号机制,除了和谷歌绑定之外就是ID和引继码了。ios能和Game Center直接绑定所以说,我们要是想玩这个游戏还不丢失存档的话,最好的方法就是要绑定谷歌,不然就是要记得自己的iD引继码了!IOS的玩家就另当别论了!最新的游戏资讯,更全面的游戏攻略,你们可以搜索深空KiraraFantasia获取哦!

kirara(再续前缘) TV OVA 等等等都在哪里啊?!?~~?!?~!?~?!~?!?~?


日文中kirara 是什么意思





(再续前缘(kirara) 漫画)
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