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redemption ticket什么意思

redemption ticket兑换券This has sparked speculation that frequent train passengers will soon be able to use their mileage for similar ticket redemption例句筛选Please print out for redemption. Ticket cannot be redeemed without theprintout.请打印此信函以认领车票。无此信函将不得认领车票。



red dead redemption 翻译

Red dead redemption直译是红色死亡救赎,被翻译为荒野大镖客。《Red Dead Redemption》,简称RDR,是Rockstar San Diego工作室制作,Rockstar Games发行的游戏。游戏中述说前罪犯约翰·马斯顿因联邦探员以其家人性命相要挟,而被迫前往美国边境协助执法的故事 。2016年7月5日,Rockstar Games宣布《Red Dead Redemption》将于7月8日加入微软的Xbox One向下兼容计划行列;7月8日,该游戏已可在Xbox One上游玩。背景设定:20世纪初期的美国,牛仔时代已步入尾声。因联邦探员以家人性命相要挟,金盆洗手的前罪犯约翰·马斯顿(John Marston)被迫前往美国边境协助执法。游戏中可体验巨变年代中上演的激烈枪战、高潮迭起的火车劫案、赏金猎捕以及决斗。该游戏是一场在美丽的开放世界中所展开的壮烈生存战,看主角约翰·马斯顿如何一次一人地埋葬自己血腥的过去。

Salvation和Redemption的区别 如题,Salvation和Redemption两个词的区别

区别在于:redemption由redeem来的,原意是换取,赎回.比如人要行善,积德,这样给自己积攒德行,以后才可以得到救赎. 而salvation 由save 来的,不包含“换得”含义.

Johnny Cash的《Redemption》 歌词

歌曲名:Redemption歌手:Johnny Cash专辑:American RecordingsFrom the hands it came downFrom the side it came downFrom the feet it came downAnd ran to the groundBetween heaven and hellA teardrop fell In the deep crimson dewThe tree of life grewAnd the blood gave lifeTo the branches of the treeAnd the blood was the priceThat set the captives freeAnd the numbers that cameThrough the fire and the flood Clung to the treeAnd were redeemed by the bloodFrom the tree streamed a lightThat started the fight "Round the tree grew a vineOn whose fruit I could dineMy old friend Lucifer cameFought to keep me in chainsBut I saw through the tricksOf six-sixty-sixAnd the blood gave lifeTo the branches of the treeAnd the blood was the priceThat set the captives freeAnd the numbers that cameThrough the fire and the flood Clung to the treeAnd were redeemed by the bloodFrom his hands it came downFrom his side it came downFrom his feet it came downAnd ran to the groundAnd a small inner voice Said "You do have a choice."The vine engrafted meAnd I clung to the tree



Carleen Anderson的《Redemption》 歌词

歌曲名:Redemption歌手:Carleen Anderson专辑:Blessed BurdenREDEMPTION /Gackt作词:Gackt.C 作曲:Gackt.C静かに宙に还る贵方の姿を 看着你静静回归宇宙的身影what else can I do besides avenge you ?除了复仇之外 还能为你做些什麼?涙が枯れるまでずっと见つめていた我不舍移开目光 直至泪水枯竭溢れる哀しみは消せない伤迹に 满腔悲伤化作难以愈合的伤痕忘れはしないと誓った 我许下永不忘怀的誓言折れた翼を羽ばたかせ 舒展着断折的羽翼すべてを消してみせよう 为你将一切抹去いつの日か终わりを迎える 总有一天将迎来终结最後の钟が鸣り止むまで 直至最后的钟声回归沉寂you told me 你告诉过我live as if you were to die tomorrow 要活得像明天即将迎接死亡feel as if you were to be reborn now 感到自己此刻将重获新生face as if you were to live forever 做好永远面对一切而活的觉悟震える指で红い涙をなぞった 颤抖着指尖细数血红泪滴I had nothing to lose nothing truth 我已无物可失去 一切均为虚假儚い思い出が闇に堕ちてゆく 渺茫的记忆坠入无尽黑暗最後に微笑が浮かんでは消える 最后的微笑转瞬即逝温もりだけを残して 只剩一丝温暖气息优しいだけの言叶なら 若是仅存温情的言语今の仆は愈せない  如今已无法将我治愈果てしなく続く戦いに 唯有向无止境的争斗この身をすべて捧げるだけ  献上我全部的身心いつかはこの宙に谁もが还るから 世间万物终将回归浩瀚宇宙别れの言叶はいらない 你我无需告别的话语make it up折れた翼を羽ばたかせ 舒展着断折的羽翼すべて消してみせよう 为你将一切抹去いつの日か终わりを迎える 总有一天将会迎来终结最後の钟が鸣り止むまで 直至最后的钟声回归沉寂优しいだけの言叶なら  若是仅存温情的言语今の仆は愈せない  如今已无法将我治愈果てしなく続く戦いに 唯有向永无止境的争斗この身をすべて捧げるだけ  献上我全部的身心REDEMPTION..REDEMPTION..REDEMPTION /Gackt

redemption 这个单词的发音用中文音译怎么说

瑞一(re) 的哎木 (dem) P训(ption)其中木不要发明显,只要保证说完“的哎”嘴巴闭合;P是语文拼音的念法,“瑞一”和“的哎木P训”之间稍微停顿。总体读快点,顺了就是了~

redemption 中文歌词

Redemption 静かに宇宙に帰る贵様の姿を    (What else can I do besides evenge you?)涙が枯れるまでずっと见つめていた 溢れる哀しみは消せない伤迹に忘れはしないと誓った 折れた翼を羽ばたかせ全てを消して见せよういつの日か终わりを迎える最後の钟が鸣り止むまで (You told melive as if you were to die tomorrowfeel as if you were to be reborn nowface as if you were to live forever) 震える指で红い涙をなぞった(I had nothing to lose, nothing truth)儚い思い出が闇に堕ちてゆく 最後の微笑みが浮んでは消える温もりだけを残して 优しいだけの言叶なら今の仆は愈せない果てしなく続く戦いにこの身を全て捧げるだけ いつかはこの宙に谁もが还るから别れの言叶はいらない(Make it up) 折れた翼を羽ばたかせ全てを消して见せよういつの日か终わりを迎える最後の钟が鸣り止むまで 优しいだけの言叶なら今の仆は愈せない果てしなく続く戦いにこの身を全て捧げるだけ RedEmption RedEmption直到泪水枯竭仍然找寻着消失在空虚的宇宙中你的身影 满盈的悲伤伴随着从未消失的伤口立下永不忘记的誓言 就让我扇动这对残翼将一切都毁灭吧直到迎接世界终结最后的钟声,停止鸣响的一刻为止 颤动的手指,轻轻拭去红色的泪水思绪坠入无尽的黑暗 脑中浮现出她最后的微笑,而又转瞬消失只留下些细微的温存 温柔的话语,无法抚平我内心的伤口只有,曲身在这无尽的战斗中 总有一天,谁都会回归宇宙的吧所以,不需要道别的话语 就让我扇动这对残翼将一切都毁灭吧直到迎接世界终结最后的钟声,停止鸣响的一刻为止 温柔的话语,无法抚平我内心的伤口只有,曲身在这无尽的战斗中 赎罪 赎罪



redemption 是什么意思

redemption 英[ru026a"dempu0283n] 美[ru026au02c8du025bmpu0283u0259n] n. 赎回;偿还;补救 名词复数:redemptions [例句]His answer was that service brought redemption and renewal.他的回答是这样做的目的是为了救赎和重生。


redemption英 [ru026a"dempu0283n]     美 [ru026a"dempu0283n]   名词 (n.)救赎;赎回;偿还1. I have no doubt that we are polluting the environment beyond redemption.我丝毫都不怀疑我们对环境的污染是不可挽回的。2. No man is beyond redemption.没有人是不可救药的。3. He craves redemption for his sins.他渴望赎清自己的罪孽。4. the redemption of the world from sin将世界从罪恶中拯救出来5. They visited the Shrine of Our Lady to pray for redemption.他们参观了圣母马利亚的神龛,为赎罪而祈祷.6. Help me with the redemption of jewelry.请帮我把珠宝饰物赎回。7.Creation and redemption belong together.创造与救赎相连一起。


redemption[英][ru026au02c8dempu0283n][美][ru026au02c8du025bmpu0283u0259n]n.赎回; 偿还; 补救; 复数:redemptions例句:1.His answer was that service brought redemption and renewal. 他的回答是这样做的目的是为了救赎和重生。2.But it is certainly not a simple path to redemption. 但是这肯定不是一条简单的救赎之路。

Redemption Day 歌词

歌曲名:Redemption Day歌手:Sheryl Crow专辑:Sheryl CrowREDEMPTION /Gackt作词:Gackt.C 作曲:Gackt.C静かに宙に还る贵方の姿を 看着你静静回归宇宙的身影what else can I do besides avenge you ?除了复仇之外 还能为你做些什麼?涙が枯れるまでずっと见つめていた我不舍移开目光 直至泪水枯竭溢れる哀しみは消せない伤迹に 满腔悲伤化作难以愈合的伤痕忘れはしないと誓った 我许下永不忘怀的誓言折れた翼を羽ばたかせ 舒展着断折的羽翼すべてを消してみせよう 为你将一切抹去いつの日か终わりを迎える 总有一天将迎来终结最後の钟が鸣り止むまで 直至最后的钟声回归沉寂you told me 你告诉过我live as if you were to die tomorrow 要活得像明天即将迎接死亡feel as if you were to be reborn now 感到自己此刻将重获新生face as if you were to live forever 做好永远面对一切而活的觉悟震える指で红い涙をなぞった 颤抖着指尖细数血红泪滴I had nothing to lose nothing truth 我已无物可失去 一切均为虚假儚い思い出が闇に堕ちてゆく 渺茫的记忆坠入无尽黑暗最後に微笑が浮かんでは消える 最后的微笑转瞬即逝温もりだけを残して 只剩一丝温暖气息优しいだけの言叶なら 若是仅存温情的言语今の仆は愈せない  如今已无法将我治愈果てしなく続く戦いに 唯有向无止境的争斗この身をすべて捧げるだけ  献上我全部的身心いつかはこの宙に谁もが还るから 世间万物终将回归浩瀚宇宙别れの言叶はいらない 你我无需告别的话语make it up折れた翼を羽ばたかせ 舒展着断折的羽翼すべて消してみせよう 为你将一切抹去いつの日か终わりを迎える 总有一天将会迎来终结最後の钟が鸣り止むまで 直至最后的钟声回归沉寂优しいだけの言叶なら  若是仅存温情的言语今の仆は愈せない  如今已无法将我治愈果てしなく続く戦いに 唯有向永无止境的争斗この身をすべて捧げるだけ  献上我全部的身心REDEMPTION..REDEMPTION..REDEMPTION /Gackt

Gackt的《Redemption》 歌词

歌曲名:Redemption歌手:Gackt专辑:RedemptionREDEMPTIONMusic:Gackt.C静かに宙に还る贵方の姿をwhat else can I do besides avenge you?涙が枯れるまでずっと见つめていた溢れる哀しみは消せない伤迹に忘れはしないと誓った折れた翼を羽ばたかせすべてを消してみせよういつの日か终わりを迎える最後の钟が鸣り止むまでyou told melive as if you were to die tomorrowfeel as if you were to be reborn nowface as if you were to live forever震える指で红い涙をなぞったI had nothing to lose, nothing truth儚い思い出が闇に堕ちてゆく最後の微笑が浮かんでは消える温もりだけを残して优しいだけの言叶なら今の仆は愈せない果てしなく続く戦いにこの身をすべて捧げるだけいつかはこの宙に谁もが还るから别れの言叶はいらないmake it up折れた翼を羽ばたかせすべてを消してみせよういつの日か终わりを迎える最後の钟が鸣り止むまで优しいだけの言叶なら今の仆は愈せない果てしなく続く戦いにこの身をすべて捧げるだけ......REDEMPTION...REDEMPTION...

Aamanda Falk的《redemption》 歌词翻译成中文是什么?

貌似只有英语的呢,那就先把英语歌词贴这里,试试看我有没有这个能力翻译Redemption - Amanda Falkeverything that I was to blame forwas a trade forYour hand in minethe spear that pierced the side of my Saviorwas a payment for my lifeYou"ve seen everyone of us flounderin the waterwe were drowningbut You dwell and delight in the impossibleof raising us to our feetoh Love that runs on oceans with the least of theseoh Love my coveringbecause You gave it allwhen I fall from my feet I knowYour love covers allcovers all covers allYou send word to open my shackleshealing salve on my wrists and feetnow the old is gone and forgottenand the new is coming with the morningoh Love that never fails to set the prisoner freeoh Love running wild with mebecause You gave it allI can stand to my feet and knowYour love covers allcovers all covers allbecause You gave it allwhen I fall from my feet I knowYour love covers allcovers all covers allbecause You gave it allI can stand to my feet and knowYour love covers allcovers all covers all

《red dead redemption 2 》中文名是什么?

《荒野大镖客2》。游戏简介:中文名:荒野大镖客:救赎2。原版名称:Red Dead Redemption 2。游戏平台:Xbox One/PS4。游戏语言:繁体中文、英语等。开发商:Rockstar San Diego。游戏价格:标准版385RMB。在Steam平台上,游戏《荒野大镖客2》的名字为《Red Dead Redemption 2》。玩家在Steam商店页面中输入该名字即可进入商店页面,登录Steam账号,购买该游戏并下载即可游玩《荒野大镖客2》。游戏介绍:《荒野大镖客:救赎2》(Red Dead Redemption 2)是一款由Grand Theft Auto V及Red Dead Redemption的制作团队所开发的一款沙盒第三人称游戏。《荒野大镖客:救赎2》的故事背景是1899年的美国西部。正值美国西部领土扩张末期,执法人员开始搜捕其余的亡命之徒。主角亚瑟所在的范德林帮由于前期行动失利而开始逃亡,后期帮派内部逐渐复杂化,而主角也需要做出自己的抉择。

Jazmine Sullivan的《Redemption》 歌词

歌曲名:Redemption歌手:Jazmine Sullivan专辑:Love Me BackJazmine Sullivan - RedemptionI met him at the state store he was tryna hollaI aint care If he was old enough to be my fatherI knew his wife and went to school wit his daughterHe was a boss that I knew went harderGave me my first taste bud I had to take it fartherI mean I had to go harderI started callin up his crib just to get himAnd I aint even care I asked his wife if she was wit himCame home late and he got into a fight and he called me that nightHe said he never want to see me on the blockI said I don"t need you but I need that rockI couldn"t take it so I had to go see himStole my momma car and drove around all eveningAnd when I found him I thought that he would lace meI aint got no money but you know I"ll let you taste meHe pulled his gun out and told me I was stupidI started crying, prayed to god he wouldn"t do itHelp please, lord I plead, just save me(if you"re really there)Hear a sinners cry... hey(This is my redemption song) redemption...songI met this chick in philly who said she like to sangI aint mean it but I said its good to have a dreamMy daddy used to beat my momma I saw it everydaySo when I got with her I did the same thingSo I never let her singAnd every chance I got I told her if she ever left meI"ll kill her, that"s how I made her respect meForget me, neverMade her believe it don"t get no betterI told her it was crazy out thereShe said she don"t care but she cant stay hereThe last time I hit her she went into the kitchenI aint pay her no mind, aint even kno that she was missingShe came out bleeding wit her eyes all blackI looked and saw she had something behind her backShe pulled a gun out and told me I was stupidDropped to my knees and prayed to god she wouldn"t do itHelp please, Lord I plead, just save me(if you"re really there)Hear a sinners cry... hey(This is my redemption song) Redemption... SongI really need... to know if you are thereIf you could just, just hear a sinners cryYou could remake me (remake me)Ohhh just save me (just save me)I promise if you get me through this i"ll changeI need to be set freeHelp please, Lord I plead, just save me(if you"re really there)Hear a sinners cry... hey(This is my redemption song) Redemption... SongForgive me father (forgive me father)I know I"ve done wrong (i know i"ve done wrong)But I have nowhere else to turn (but i have no where else to turn)So hear me (so hear me)And save me (and save me)Oh oh oh oh oh...If you"re really there



Redemption 怎么解释呢?意思是什么啊?

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  Redemption的翻译是赎回,您所说的这个词语,是属于CMA核心词汇的一个,掌握好CMA词汇可以让您在CMA的学习中如鱼得水,这个词的意义如下:向投资者退还证券例如股票、债券或共同基金的本金。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多财会问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!


直到泪水枯竭仍然找寻着消失在空虚的宇宙中你的身影 满盈的悲伤伴随着从未消失的伤口立下永不忘记的誓言 就让我扇动这对残翼将一切都毁灭吧直到迎接世界终结最后的钟声,停止鸣响的一刻为止 颤动的手指,轻轻拭去红色的泪水思绪坠入无尽的黑暗 脑中浮现出她最后的微笑,而又转瞬消失只留下些细微的温存 温柔的话语,无法抚平我内心的伤口只有,曲身在这无尽的战斗中 总有一天,谁都会回归宇宙的吧所以,不需要道别的话语 就让我扇动这对残翼将一切都毁灭吧直到迎接世界终结最后的钟声,停止鸣响的一刻为止 温柔的话语,无法抚平我内心的伤口只有,曲身在这无尽的战斗中 赎罪 赎罪


赎回; 偿还; 补救


n.赎回; 偿还; 补救;


在宗教语境中,Redemption通常指的是上帝通过耶稣基督的救赎,使人类从罪恶中得到拯救和救赎的过程。在商业和金融领域,Redemption通常指的是赎回债券或股票等金融产品的过程。拓展:在宗教语境中,Redemption是基督教信仰中的一个重要概念。基督教认为,人类因为原罪而堕落,需要通过信仰和行善来得到上帝的救赎。耶稣基督被认为是上帝的儿子,他通过自己的牺牲和复活,为人类赎回了罪恶,使人类得到了救赎和拯救。这种救赎的过程被称为Redemption。在商业和金融领域,Redemption通常指的是赎回债券或股票等金融产品的过程。债券Redemption指的是债券到期后,债券发行人按照约定的利率和本金向债券持有人支付债券本金和利息的过程。股票Redemption则指的是公司回购自己的股票,从而减少股本和股东人数的过程。这种Redemption通常是为了改善公司的财务状况或者提高股东的收益率。除了宗教和金融领域,Redemption还可以指其他方面的救赎和挽回。例如,电影《救赎》(The Redemption)讲述了一个前罪犯试图通过拳击比赛来挽回自己的尊严和赎回自己的过程。这种Redemption强调的是个人的努力和奋斗,通过自己的努力来赎回自己的过去和未来。


Redemption翻译为:赎回或[电影]搏击之王第五集; 易混淆单词:redemption例句:1.The story"s about redemption? 故事是关于救赎的?望采纳,谢谢


redemption 英[rɪˈdempʃn] 美[rɪˈdɛmpʃən] n. 赎回; 偿还; 补救; 全部释义>>[例句]His redemption will cost you plenty!他的救赎将让你付出巨大代价!

redemption 是什么意思





redemption的意思是:1、赎回,赎买,赎身。2、履行,实践,偿还,(票据的)兑现。3、赎罪,救济,超度。4、补救,补偿之物,可取的地方,长处。例句:1、Sinners are doomed without redemption from the beginning.罪人从一开始就注定得不到救赎。2、Spiritual redemption can take a huge turn in the direction of your life.精神上的救赎可以使你的生活方向发生巨大的转变。3、The bank carries out cash redemption business on weekdays.本银行在工作日进行现金赎取业务。4、He craves redemption for his sins.他渴望赎清自己的罪孽。5、He craves redemption for his sins.他渴望对其罪孽的救赎。6、No man is beyond redemption.没有人是不可就药的。7、Some specialized securities possess mandatory redemption features.一些专业证券具有强制赎回的特征。8、The film is a nuttily engaging tale of betrayal and, perhaps, redemption.这部电影是一个关于背叛和救赎的疯狂诱人故事。9、Also, my soul needs redemption.还有就是我的灵魂需要救赎。

redemption /怎么读

redemption 英[ru026au02c8dempu0283n] 美[ru026au02c8du025bmpu0283u0259n] n. 赎回; 偿还; 补救; [网络] 赎回条款; 偿还; 补偿; [例句]Some funds have lock-ins or long redemption notice periods.一些基金设有投资锁定期或较长的赎回通知时间段。[其他] 复数:redemptions 形近词: ademption redemptive peremption 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义 百度百科相关单词:Redemption [词典] [电影]搏击之王第五集

Jealous (Digitally Remastered 2004) 歌词

歌曲名:Jealous (Digitally Remastered 2004)歌手:The King Sisters专辑:Imagination/Warm And WonderfulJEALOUS诗:京 曲:Dir en grey心は伤ついて愈せずに色あせてゆく爱は崩れゆく中で花と咲き乱れて···彼に迷いだしたアノ曰から何故か心が拒绝していた彼の姿が変形してゆく远くあまりにも近すぎて仮面を被ろうか?彼の前では引き挛る颜を隠せるから体に迷う私の心はいつの曰にか离れてゆく毒の花のように咲いてみせるわそして返り咲く花となる心は伤ついて愈せずに色あせてゆく爱は崩れゆく中で花と咲き乱れて···毒の花のように咲いてみせるわそして返り咲く花となるもう昔のように笑えなくなった彼を爱した私ではない一度だけ二月のアノ夜に乱れる人を抱いていた爱する「贵方」忘れられず心は伤ついて愈せずに色あせてゆく爱は崩れゆく中で花と咲き乱れて···By:Setsuki_nana





憎恨、憎恶英文怎么说?秒懂 hate/ hatred/ dislike 中文意思!

憎恨、憎恶英文 怎么说?常见的说法有三个,分别是 hate、hatred、dislike,这三个英文单字都可以表达某种程度上的讨厌、不喜欢。 下面整理了「憎恨、憎恶」的英文例句与中文意思,赶快学起来吧! 1.hate 讨厌、憎恶 hate的意思是指「to dislike someone or something very much」,也就是指你非常不喜欢某个人或某样东西。hate 本身可以当成动词或是名词。 下面列出hate 英文例句与中文意思。 例: Jenny hates her teacher. 珍妮厌恶她的老师。 例: Tom hates travelling by plane. 汤姆讨厌乘飞机旅行。 2.hatred 憎恨、憎恶 hatred 的意思是指「an extremely strong feeling of dislike」,也就是强烈的不喜欢的意思。hatred 本身是名词,不当动词用。 下面列出hatred 英文例句与中文意思。 例: She gave me a look of intense hatred. 她给了我强烈的仇恨表情。 例: He looked at me with hatred. 他怀着仇恨看着我。 3.dislike 讨厌、不喜欢 dislike的意思是指不喜欢某物或是某人的意思,like 本身是指喜欢,而dislike 是like的反义词。dislike 本身可以当动词或是名词。 下面列出dislike 英文例句与中文意思。 例: Why do you dislike her so much? 你为甚么这么不喜欢她? 例: She took an instant dislike to me. 她立刻不喜欢我。 dislike, dislike 中文, dislike 意思, hate, hate 中文, hate 意思, hatred, hatred 中文, hatred 意思, 憎恨 英文, 憎恶 英文

Sentimental Journey (2002 - Remastered) 歌词

歌曲名:Sentimental Journey (2002 - Remastered)歌手:Kay Starr专辑:Movin"Doris Day - Sentimental JourneyGonna take a sentimental journeyGonna to set my heart at easeGonna make a sentimental journeyTo renew old memoriesI got my bag, got my reservationSpent each dime i could affordI like a child in wild anticipationI long to hear that "All aboard"Seven that"s the time we leave at sevenI"ll be waiting up for heavenCounting every mile of railroad trackThat takes me backI never thought my heart could be so yearningNow why did i decide to roamI gonna take a sentimental journeySentimental journey homedu du du ......Sentimental journey~The END~

Simply Red的《Stars》 歌词

歌曲名:Stars歌手:Simply Red专辑:Stars Collectors EditionSimply Red - Starsanyone who ever held youwould tell you the way i"m feelinganyone who ever wanted youwould try to tell you what i feel insidethe only thing i ever wantedwas the feeling that you ain"t fakingthe only one you ever thought aboutwait a minute can"t you see thati wanna fall from the starsstraight into your arms,and i, i feel yai hope you comprehendfor the man who tried to hurt youhe"s explaining the way i"m feelingfor all the jealousy i caused youstates the reason why i"m trying to hideas for all the things you taught meit sends my future into clearer dimensionsyou"ll never know how much you hurt mestay a minute can"t you see thatstraight into your armsi, i feel yatoo many hearts are brokena lover"s promise never came with a maybeso many words are left unspokenthe silent voices are driving me crazyafter all the pain you caused memaking up could never be your intentionstay can"t you see that

Thrice的《Red Sky》 歌词

歌曲名:Red Sky歌手:Thrice专辑:Vheissured skySons of All Pussyswords:ken music:ken爱する人よ 辉ける星よどうかその场所へと导いて嗫く风よ 流してしまうの时の欠片集め 组み上げようstill I am in the red skyここに立って そして贵方に乞う辿ってみるよ 丽しい君の下へ降り注ぐ 五月雨は绮丽に煌いて优しささえも包んでしまう欲望が支配するいっそ、醒めないで绮丽に散れるからこの胸抱いて 狂うような夜に咲くit"s just time to be into an emotionI wake in the madness I sleep in the sadnessDon"t you know I want be believin" in my tomorrowI"m need holy day I need more silent timeDon"t let me go I"ll fill my soul and sell my soulstill I am in the red skyここに立って そして贵方に乞う辿ってみるよ 丽しい君の下へ降り注ぐ 五月雨は绮丽に煌いて优しささえも壊してしまう欲望が支配するいっそ、醒めないで绮丽にキエルからこの胸抱いて 狂うような夜を裂くit"s just time to be into an emotionstill I am in the red skyここに立って そして仆は乞う辿ってみるよ 丽しい君の下へ降り注ぐ 五月雨は绮丽に煌いて优しささえも包んでしまう欲望が支配するここへ来て抱いて深く流し込んで迹形さえも残さず 贵方の全てを仆へwith this song, feel no fear, to the sky, we feel in red sky爱する人よ 辉ける星よ 辿ってみるよ 贵方へ

求翻译thrice的red sky!!!

我知道下面藏着的那东西是什么,因为我已经看到它那闪着光芒的牙齿。击沉我们的船是他与礁石的阴谋  风的一个偷情的妻子,她的舌头是一把饥渴的刀。  她能使你的生活自始至终充满着一个善意的吻。    你能看到天空变红了吗?  当黎明唤醒我的时候 我便知道今晚我们将使我们的床如同在海底般一样。    我知道海洋在说什么,我曾记得她打电话给我。  在我的梦里, 她微笑着对我低语         (星星退去面纱后。  云儿将拽上你的帆 你能否看见暴风雨的即将来临?)  你能看到天空变红了吗?  当黎明唤醒我的时候 我便知道今晚我们将使我们的床如同在海底般一样。   观察着天空变红 像流动在我们全身的鲜血一样 马上 这海洋将结束他的死亡 我们将从海底升起一个新的帝国

strain credulity

accelerated urbanization译为加速的都市化 随着经济的快速增长Along with economical swift growth as directe译为如所指示的 strain/stretch credulity译为防止受骗

Red Right Hand 歌词

歌曲名:Red Right Hand歌手:Nick Cave & the bad seeds专辑:The Best of Nick Cave & the Bad SeedsRed Right HandNick CaveLet Love In (also X-Files, Scream)Take a little walk to the edge of townGo across the tracksWhere the viaduct loomsLike a bird of doomAs it shifts and cracksWhere secrets lie in the border firesIn the humming wiresHey man, you knowYou"re never coming backPast the square, past the bridgePast the mills, past the stacksOn a gathering storm comesA tall handsome manIn a dusty black coat withA red right handHe"ll wrap you in his armsTell you that you"ve been a good boyHe"ll rekindle all those dreamsIt took you a lifetime to destroyHe"ll reach deep into the holeHeal your shrinking soulBut there won"t be a single thing that you can doHe"s a god, he"s a manHe"s a ghost, he"s a guruThey"re whispering his nameThrough this disappearing landBut hidden in his coatIs a red right handYou don"t have no money?He"ll get you someYou don"t have no car?He"ll get you oneYou don"t have no self-respectYou feel like an insectWell don"t you worry buddyCause here he comesThrough the ghetto and the barrioAnd the bowery and the slumA shadow is cast wherever he standsA stack of green paper in hisRed right handYou"ll see him in your nightmaresYou"ll see him in your dreamsHe"ll appear out of nowhere butHe ain"t what he seemsYou"ll see him in your headOn the TV screenAnd hey buddy, I"m warningYou to turn it offHe"s a ghost, he"s a godHe"s a man, he"s a guruYou"re the one microscopic cogIn his catastrophic planDesigned and directed byHis red right hand


《The Incredible Shrinking Man》(Matheson, Richard)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码:0xjz书名:The Incredible Shrinking Man作者:Matheson, Richard

Redis Stream类型的使用

最近在看 redis 这方面的知识,发现在 redis5 中产生了一种新的数据类型 Stream ,它和 kafka 的设计有些类似,可以当作一个简单的消息队列来使用。 解释: xadd 命令 返回的是数据的id, xx-yy (xx指的是毫秒数,yy指的是在这个毫秒内的第几条消息) 指定指定Stream的大小比模糊指定Stream的大小会稍微多少消耗一些性能。 ~ 模糊指定流的大小,可以看到指定的是1,实际上已经到了3. 使用redis的事务操作,获取到同一毫秒产生的多条数据,时间戳一样,序列号不一样 -: 表示最小id的值 +: 表示最大id的值 (: 表示开区间 直接写 毫秒 不写后面的序列号即可。 start 和 end 的值写的一样即可获取单挑数据。 使用 count 进行限制 使用方式和 XRANGE 类似,略。 需求: 往Stream中加入3条消息,然后删除第2条消息 注意: 需要注意的是,我们从Stream中删除一个消息,这个消息并不是被真正的删除了,而是被 标记为删除 ,这个时候这个消息还是占据着内容空间的。如果所有Stream中所有的消息都被标记删除,这个时候才会回收内存空间。但是这个Stream并不会被删除。 查看Stream中元素的长度 注意: 如果 xlen 后方的 key 不存在则返回0,否则返回元素的个数。 上方的意思是,保留 stream-key 这个Stream中最后的2个消息。 minid 是删除比这个id小的数据,本地测试的时候 没有测试出来 ,略。 XREAD 只是读取消息,读取完之后并不会删除消息。 使用 XREAD 读取消息,是完全独立与消费者组的,多个客户端可以同时读取消息。 count 限制单次读取最后的消息,因为当前读取可能没有这么多。 即读取队列尾的下一个消息,在非阻塞模式下始终是 nil 注意: 1、创建Stream的名称是 stream-key 2、创建2个消息,aa和bb $ 表示从最后一个元素消费,不包括Stream中的最后一个元素,即消费最新的消息。 1636362619125-0 某个消息的具体的ID,这个 g3 消费者组中的消息都是 大于> 这个id的消息。 也可以通过 xautoclaim 来实现。 1、 2、

Redis Stream类型的使用

最近在看 redis 这方面的知识,发现在 redis5 中产生了一种新的数据类型 Stream ,它和 kafka 的设计有些类似,可以当作一个简单的消息队列来使用。 解释: xadd 命令 返回的是数据的id, xx-yy (xx指的是毫秒数,yy指的是在这个毫秒内的第几条消息) 指定指定Stream的大小比模糊指定Stream的大小会稍微多少消耗一些性能。 ~ 模糊指定流的大小,可以看到指定的是1,实际上已经到了3. 使用redis的事务操作,获取到同一毫秒产生的多条数据,时间戳一样,序列号不一样 -: 表示最小id的值 +: 表示最大id的值 (: 表示开区间 直接写 毫秒 不写后面的序列号即可。 start 和 end 的值写的一样即可获取单挑数据。 使用 count 进行限制 使用方式和 XRANGE 类似,略。 需求: 往Stream中加入3条消息,然后删除第2条消息 注意: 需要注意的是,我们从Stream中删除一个消息,这个消息并不是被真正的删除了,而是被 标记为删除 ,这个时候这个消息还是占据着内容空间的。如果所有Stream中所有的消息都被标记删除,这个时候才会回收内存空间。但是这个Stream并不会被删除。 查看Stream中元素的长度 注意: 如果 xlen 后方的 key 不存在则返回0,否则返回元素的个数。 上方的意思是,保留 stream-key 这个Stream中最后的2个消息。 minid 是删除比这个id小的数据,本地测试的时候 没有测试出来 ,略。 XREAD 只是读取消息,读取完之后并不会删除消息。 使用 XREAD 读取消息,是完全独立与消费者组的,多个客户端可以同时读取消息。 count 限制单次读取最后的消息,因为当前读取可能没有这么多。 即读取队列尾的下一个消息,在非阻塞模式下始终是 nil 注意: 1、创建Stream的名称是 stream-key 2、创建2个消息,aa和bb $ 表示从最后一个元素消费,不包括Stream中的最后一个元素,即消费最新的消息。 1636362619125-0 某个消息的具体的ID,这个 g3 消费者组中的消息都是 大于> 这个id的消息。 也可以通过 xautoclaim 来实现。



Multiple R-squared是什么意思

Multiple R-squared多个平方很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O




因为含有surf特征提取算法在OpenCV2.0版本中是放在nonfree头文件中。换成了3.0版本之后,对nonfree模块测试的还不够,所以暂时还没有直接给出像之前2.0版本那样方便的nonfree库。而是放在了xfeatures2d头文件和xfeatures2d库中。xfeatures2d比nonfree多了实验性二维特征算法(Experimental 2D Features Algorithms)。想在3.0版本中使用SURF的话,暂时需要自己对OpenCV进行编译。只是在编译之前,还需要下载opencv_contrib,然后在编译时将其modules文件夹路径添加到CMAKE中的OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH通过编译得到xfeatures2d的库文件就OK了。使用时的语法也变了。创建检测器要用Ptr<SURF> detector = SURF::create( );而不再是SurfFeatureDetector detector( );

多余的话(英语中的赘词赘句redundancy )

反对啰嗦累赘委员会决定,在召开首届会议之前不开会,因此在召开首届会议之前没有会。 他们希望在首届会议前发布的的会前公告阐明这一点,以免误会。 所以,他们的首届会议将是实际上的首届会议,在首届会议之前不开会。 这样就可避免在首届会议召开之前有人出席,因为这会令那些人误会,而这正是他们向通过减少误会和减少啰嗦累赘来予以避免的。 (The Committee for the Reduction of Redundancy and the Anti-proliferation of Repetition has decided not to meet until they have their first meeting and thus will not be meeting until the first time. Their Pre-meeting Statement wanted to make this clear before they had their first meeting, so that it would not be confusing. So their first meeting will actually be their first meeting and they will not have a meeting before the first meeting. This should avoid having people show up for their first meeting before it is held, since to do so would be confusing to those who did so and this is what they want to avoid by reducing the confusion and lessening the repetition.) 英语中有些官样文章,就是这么啰里啰嗦的。甚至有些词组,也都经不起仔细推敲, 如某些连带situation(局面), , process(进程), level(水平) 等的词,本身就具有了局面,进程,水平的意思了: emergency situation(紧急状况), crisis situation(危机局面), standoff situation(对峙局面), rehabilitation process(康复过程), peace process(和平进程), learning process(学习过程), healing process(痊愈过程), planning process(规划过程). Confidence level(信心水平), intensity level(强度水平). 还有这些老生常谈: added bonus(附加补贴), closed fist(握紧的拳头), future potential(未来潜力), money-back refund(退款), young children(年轻小孩), end result(终极结果), free gift(免费礼物), bare naked(赤身裸体), joint cooperation(携手合作), subject matter(主题事项), general public(普罗大众), future plan(未来计划), advance warning(预先警告), outer rim(外环), inner core(内核), first time ever(平生第一次), shrug one"s shoulders(耸肩) , serious crisis(严重危机), security guard(保安), past experience(以往的经验), school teacher(学校老师) 所以,我们作为学校的老师应该根据以往的经验,携手合作,预先警告年轻的小孩注意“避免啰嗦重复”这一主题事项,为此制定未来计划,发挥他们的未来潜力,以期取得终极结果。 (Therefore, as schoolteachers, we should, based on our past experience, carry out joint cooperation to provide advance warning to young children on the subject matter of Reduction of Redundancy and Repetition, and come up with future plans to tab their future potential in order to achieve the end result. )




介词结构preposition-predicate construction-----------------------------希望采纳,你的支持我们的动力!


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Reddit只是一个浪费时间的网站看是吗看错。它是一个无限提供相关信息的网站,如果你知道这样去看的话。不断地发布帖子和对帖子进行投票, Reddit大量的用户也整理了数量惊人的信息,结合Reddit这种整理的方式,这也就变成了一个有上千个讨论热门话题的社区组成的网站了,你也可以通过使用这个网站了解到几乎任何东西,如果你能看到正确的地方上去的话,这对你的工作,个人生活和兴趣爱好是有所用处。我不是说你不应该为了寻找乐趣而来Reddit,如果这能帮助你放松,这个很好!如果你是那种担心如何保持一个好的信息饮食的人,你可能会对看因它的memes和喵星人的照片而犹豫不决。那是不合理的,像大多数社交网站,Reddit是完全由你来创造了。订阅memes,你就会获得memes,关注一些有用的东西,你也就会获得一些有用的东西。下面是如何少说废话和通过使用Reddit来达到自我完善的目标。不要订阅浪费时间的看板如果你有使用Reddit,而却没有一个,你这样是在错误地使用它。没错,时不时看一下首页会觉得挺有趣的,你将不能在这个网站随心所欲做你能做的,除非你注册了。如果你没有一个,你得去注册一个。然后前往Reddit的我的订阅看板,并且清理一下。不,严格来说是如果一些看板觉得没有什么用处,就把它给取消掉。把有趣的看板移除掉可能会觉得很难,但是如果你想有效地利用Reddit,不想其他让你分心的东西进入你的首页。如果你仍然想时不时看那些让你分心的看板,在你留出时间作为休息时能直接看到它们。如果那对你没有起到作用,你可以使用两个,一个作为看有用的东西,另一个只是当作好玩的而已。只有在工作后或者休息时才使用娱乐的那一个,在工作时间段,Reddit只是用来调查。寻找有用的看板现在是时候用有用处的看板取代掉无价值的看板了,显然什么对于你来是有用的,取决于你靠什么来谋生的,或者你自己有什么个人目标。我们已经向你展示了你能学到很酷的东西的看板和保持健康技巧的看板,还有其他有用的看板吗看下面有一些建议:r/GetMotivated提供各种励志的帖子,如果你喜欢这一种类型的话。r/Entrepreneur有关于别人创业的技巧和信息r/Frugal 有很多省钱的技巧(包括一些愚蠢的技巧)r/DIY概述许多自己动手做的项目这只是刚开始,当然:最有用的看板是你能找到和你工作和爱好相关的看板,你应该利用subreddit search来搜索隐藏起来的社区,并且有关你的工作和爱好的已编资源和讨论。你可以看看Reddit Metrics,一个热门社区的指南,里面有一些可能对你有用。订阅那些有用的信息,你将会对Reddit会如此有用而感到吃惊。




Mistaken Identity (Remastered) (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Mistaken Identity (Remastered) (Album Version)歌手:Biohazard专辑:Urban DisciplineJust call me a case of mistaken identitywhy don"t you come over and we"ll discuss over coffeeyou cast your life in a way that means it"s all been for lovebut I think we"ll both agree that won"t get there "til duskso switch on that smile and we"ll both fade awaywhile wait for the carnival and the papers to statewhat we both know to be true, that this breath ain"t the same without youall my seasons change.All my reasons have left to go awayOh yeah I"ve been down some, but I"ll be okayYou talk of roses and aphrodisiacs,you"re yelling out obscenities,you"re looking to react to the call of the moon that is begging you for timewe sift through the matter and the concept of doomwhile we raise dirty glasses and try to resumethis challenge, that is walking up hill to youOh yeah I"ve been down some, but I"ll be okayOh yeah I"ve been down some, but I"ll be okayJust call me a case of mistaken identitywhy don"t you come over and we"ll discuss over coffeeyou cast your life in a way that means it"s all been for lovebut I think we"ll both agree that won"t get there "til duskYou came up empty when you were called to the lineYou gave what you could, now it"s time to resignThe chorus is waiting there for youOh yeah I"ve been down some, but I"ll be okayOh yeah I"ve been down some, but I"ll be okay

redis pub/sub 一段时间之后接收不到消息

这是最主要的部分:This is how Pub/Sub works performance wise in Redis.You have two things.1) Subscribers to channels (SUBSCRIBE)2) Subscribers to *patterns* (PSUBSCRIBE)3) Publishers (PUBLISH)You can consider the work of subscribing/unsubscribing as a constanttime operation, O(1) for both subscribing and unsubscribing(actually PSUBSCRIBE does more work than this if you are subscribedalready to many patterns with the *same* client).All the complexity on the end is on the PUBLISH command, that performsan amount of work that is proportional to:a) The number of clients receiving the message.b) The number of clients subscribed to a pattern, even if they"ll notmatch the message.This means that if you have N clients subscribed to 100000 differentchannels, everything will be super fast.If you have instead 10000 clients subscribed to the same channel,PUBLISH commands against this channel will be slow, and take maybe afew milliseconds (not sure about the actual time taken). Since we haveto send the same message to everybody.Also, if you have clients subscribed to 10000 *patterns* publish willbe slower than usually, but the work to do for every existing patternis smaller compared to the work that there is to do for every client*receiving* the message.About memory, it is similar or smaller than the one used by a key, soyou should not have problems to subscribe to millions of channels evenin a small server.Salvatore



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(1) 用作谓语动词的主动语态:Sarah prepared diner for her parents.(2) 用作谓语动词的被动语态:Diner had been prepared by Sarah before her parents came back.(3) 动词不定式做补语:The diner took two hours to prepare.固定短语:(1) prepare something (直接)准备某事,如:to prepare a presentation, prepare a public speech(2) prepare for something 为某事(目的)而做准备,如:to prepare for the interview(3) to prepare someone for something, to prepare someone to do something 使某人为某事做准备,或使某人准备好去做某事,如:to prepare the new player for the winter games, to prepare my child to go to school(4) be prepared to do something, be prepared for something 在心理上准备好做某事,或者应对某事的发生,如:be pewpared to die, be prepared for a long-time waiting



Meredith Brooks的《Somedays》 歌词

歌曲名:Somedays歌手:Meredith Brooks专辑:Blurring The EdgesSomeday-John Legend《August Rush》As days go byand fade to nightsI still questionwhy you leftI wonder howit didn"t work outbut now you"re goneand memories all I have for nowbut no it"s not overwe"ll get older we"ll get overwe"ll live to see the day that I hope forcome back to meI still believe thatwe"ll get it right againwe"ll come back to life againwe won"t say another goodbye againyou"l live forever with mesomeday, somedaywe"ll be togethersomeday, somedaywe"ll be togetherI heard somedaymight be todaymysteries of destinies theyare somehowand are somewayfor all we knowthey come tomorrowfor todaymy eyes are openmy arms are raised for your embracemy hands are here to mend what is brokento feel again to walk on the faceI believe there is more to lifeoh I love you much more than lifebe stillI believe I can change your mindrevive what is dying insideand someday, somedaywe"ll be togethersomeday, somedaywe"ll be togethersomeday, somedaywe"ll be togetherwe"ll be togetherwe"ll be togethersomeday

求Meredith Andrews的As Long As It Takes的中英歌词

I"m tired, do I have to keep proving myself? I"m weary and drawing from an empty well I need You more than I ever have So, Jesus, come and shatter my darkness somehow And I won"t speak until You speak I won"t move until You move me I won"t sing, sing over me I will wait as long as it takes I"m restless for something significant But I"m helpless "cause I"ve done all I can I want You more than I ever have So, Jesus, come and hold me, I"m shaking right now And I won"t speak until You speak I won"t move until You move me I won"t sing, sing over me I will wait as long as it takes You are the comforter so comfort me You"re the sustainer so be enough for me You are my Father and Your love for me Is where I"ll find my rest I won"t speak And I won"t speak until You speak I won"t move until You move me I won"t sing, sing over me I will wait as long as it takes Jesus, I will wait as long as it takes我累了,我必须继续证明我自己?我很疲惫,从一个空井我需要你比我以往任何时候都更所以,耶稣,来把我的黑暗,不知何故我不会说直到你说我不会离开直到你让我感动我不会唱,唱过我我会等多久我不安的有但我很无奈,因为我已经做了我能做的一切我想你比我以往任何时候都更所以,耶稣,来抱我,我现在发抖我不会说直到你说我不会离开直到你让我感动我不会唱,唱过我我会等多久你是如此的安慰安慰我你的支持者,对我来说是足够的你是我的父亲,你对我的爱是,我会找到我的休息我不说话我不会说直到你说我不会离开直到你让我感动我不会唱,唱过我我会等多久耶稣,我会等多久





Meredith Andrews的《Strong God》 歌词

歌曲名:Strong God歌手:Meredith Andrews专辑:Worth It AllFather to the fatherless Defender of the weakFreedom for the prisoner we singThis is God in His holy placeThis is God clothed in love and strengthSing out lift your voice and cry outAwesome is our strong God mighty is our GodYou"re with us in the wilderness faithful to provideEv"ry breath and ev"ry step we seeThis is God in His holy placeThis is God clothed in love and strengthSing out lift your voice and cry outAwesome is our strong God mighty is our GodSing out raise your hands and shout outAwesome is our strong God mighty is our GodThere is no higher noThere is no greater noThere is none stronger than our GodThere is no higher noThere is no greater noThere is none stronger than our GodThere is no higher noThere is no greater noThere is none stronger than our GodSing out lift your voice and cry outAwesome is our strong God mighty is our GodSing out raise your hands and shout outAwesome is our strong God mighty is our God





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实习医生格蕾 Meredith Grey 这是电影名称不明白可以追问我,满意的话请点击【采纳】




寓意如下:Sylvia西尔维娅,来源于拉丁语。意为森林少女。人们认为西尔维娅是一个美丽富有的女性,冷静,循规蹈矩,精明的女商人。这个名字我身边就有人在用。Meredith性别:中性中文拼写: 梅瑞狄斯说明: (威尔士)"来自海的守护神"。Meredith被看做古典美人,聪明、独立、富有。个性: 是天生决策者,有创业的能力,行动积极,并具有交际手腕,容易成为领导者及开拓者。根据自己的喜好决定吧。



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CS游戏设置--视频设置--游戏设置--选第一个 这是因为你在显示设置那里用了openGL加速,有两种原因不能进去: 第一:你的显卡不支持openGL加速 (ATI的最好选择 3D加速 )! 第二:你的驱动不支持openGL加速 建议下载最新的官方驱动!

Meredith Andrews唱的only to be yours中文歌词

  Undivided, strip everything else away,我与你再也无法分割 把其他一切无关的都带走  Burn the idols, the things in my life that have replaced You,将你的圣像燃烧,在我生命里,只能靠它们来将你代替.  I lay my life down here on Your alter, 曾经我将生命献于你的圣坛  Empty my hands of all I"ve been holding back 双手空空 踌躇不前  Take everything I have, only to be Yours, 你把我的一切夺走归属于你  Lord, Yours Lord, take it from my hands until I"m holding on to only You.你像上帝一样从我手中夺走一切直到只剩下你  Captivated, You"ve stolen my heart away,被你迷惑 你偷走了我的心  I"ve been liberated, 我被释放  the chains of this world forever broken, 这个世界的链条被永远的破坏  You laid Your life down,你献出生命  Now I surrender,那么我认输  lifting my hands, 放开我的手  I"m holding nothing back 我已一无所有  So take everything I have, only to be Yours, Lord, Yours Lord, take it from my hands until I"m holding on to only You.  For every need I want is found in You, 我想要的一切都是你  every breath in me a gift from You,我的每一次呼吸都是因为你  I have nothing here apart from You,除了你我一无所有  I am Yours Lord, only Yours我是你的 只是你的  Take everything I have, only to be Yours, Lord, Yours Lord, take it from my hands until I"m holding on to only You.  刚刚自己翻译的.好多语境意会不来啊.我就当是锻炼自己了.对不住啦.你凑合看吧.没有翻译的部分是重复的.



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meredith  中文拼写: 梅瑞狄斯   说明: (威尔斯)"来自海的守护神"。Meredith被看做古典美人,聪明,独立,富有。   个性: 是天生决策者,有创业的能力,行动积极,并具有交际手腕,容易成为领导者及开拓者,但小心过分自信。男女都可用
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