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be bored of还是with?



One day,a little girl wearing a red dress wanted to go home. Suddenly, it began to rain.She run to a stop signuff0cat the same time ,she found a dog.The dog was hurt ."The dog maybe lost home,I must protect the dog until its owner finds it. " the little girl thinked.One hour lateruff0cThe dog"s owner found here.He looked so sad." Its my dog. thank you, you are a good girl,“The little girl was praised then went home happily.


TheycalledmetheLeatherApron TheycalledmeSmilingJack Theyprayedtotheheavensabove ThatIwouldneverevercomeback" Canyouhearhowthechildrenweep? Chillsoffearlikeasawbladecuttingdeep Onceagainthereispain Ibringflames-Ibringcold I"mtheBloodRedSandmancominghome OnthisunholynightIwillmakeyoumyown BloodRedSandman Cominghomeagain I"mCominghomeagain Reddropsstainsatinsowhite "ThewayIsignmyname" Theneighborhood"sprettydeadatnight "AndI"mtheonetoblame" Canyouhearhowthechildrenweep? Chillsoffearlikeasawbladecuttingdeep Onceagainthereispain Ibringflames-Ibringcold I"mtheBloodRedSandmancominghome OnthisunholynightIwillmakeyoumyown BloodRedSandman Cominghomeagain I"mCominghomeagain Screamallyouwantyouwon"twakeupwithascream. "No-oneleaves..... .....TheMonstericanDream" Canyouhearhowthechildrenweep? Chillsoffearlikeasawbladecuttingdeep Onceagainthereispain Ibringflames-Ibringcold I"mtheBloodRedSandmancominghome OnthisunholynightIwillmakeyoumyown BloodRedSandman Cominghomeagain I"mCominghomeagain Onceagainthereispain Ibringflames-Ibringcold I"mtheBloodRedSandmancominghome OnthisunholynightIwillmakeyoumyown BloodRedSandman Cominghomeagain I"mcominghomeagain! 中文歌词 他们叫我皮围裙 他们叫我微笑杰克 他们祈祷以上天堂 我将永远不会回来“ 你能听到孩子们如何哭泣呢? 像锯片切割深的恐惧畏寒 再次有疼痛感 我带来的火焰-我把冷 我血红色SANDMAN回家 在这个邪恶的夜晚,我将让你自己 血红色SANDMAN 再次回家 我来了再回家 红滴染色缎这么白 “我签上我的名字” 邻里的漂亮在夜深人静的时候 “我是一个怪” 你能听到孩子们如何哭泣呢? 像锯片切割深的恐惧畏寒 再次有疼痛感 我带来的火焰-我把冷 我血红色SANDMAN回家 在这个邪恶的夜晚,我将让你自己 血红色SANDMAN 再次回家 我来了再回家 你想你会不会唤醒尖叫狂呼所有。 “没有人离开...... .....Monsterican梦“ 你能听到孩子们如何哭泣呢? 像锯片切割深的恐惧畏寒 再次有疼痛感 我带来的火焰-我把冷 我血红色SANDMAN回家 在这个邪恶的夜晚,我将让你自己 血红色SANDMAN 再次回家 我来了再回家 再次有疼痛感 我带来的火焰-我把冷 我血红色SANDMAN回家 在这个邪恶的夜晚,我将让你自己 血红色SANDMAN 再次回家 我回家了!

right said fred的《Swan》 歌词

歌曲名:Swan歌手:right said fred专辑:Up CD1Traffic jams, Concorde dronesTV"s and radios drown me outYou won"t change slamming doorsTemper, temper, that tongue of yours, drown me outI"ve told you once when it comes to loveI"m like a swan, I only love onceRight Said FredI"ve told you once push comes to shoveI"m like a swanI only love, only love, only love onceDumbells crash, babies cryA thousand voices, mostly lies, drown me outThe underground, Marble ArchThe deafening snap of breaking hearts, drown me outI"ve told you once when it comes to loveI"ve told you once push comes to shoveI"m like a swanI only love, only love, only love onceBarking dogs, the lonely roamThe great unlaid making their way home, drown me outI"ve told you once when it comes to loveI"m like a swan, I only love onceI"ve told you once push comes to shoveI"m like a swanI only love, only love, only love once



redis qps 是什么意思




《马达加斯加的企鹅》 skipper常常提到的manfredi和johnson是谁?在那里那集看到他们?

第三季的 The Penguin Who Loved Me

谁知道Red Hot Chili Peppers乐队的详细资料啊?上有


我有资源,你要吗? 如果想知道更多资讯可以关注啪嗒动漫pada.18183.com哦 也可以加入我们的群156681445一起嗨翻二次元哦~





以when i was a teenager i volunteered开头的完形填空

When I was a teenager I volunteered to work at the water station at a 10,000m race. My job was to1 water to the runners. I remember being so2 to see all the different kinds of people who passed by and grabbed a cup of water. Some ran past, some walked past and a few wheeled past. I saw so many types of people doing it. I thought maybe I could do it too! So the next year I3 up for the race.That first 10,000m race was quite an experience. I jogged, I walked, I jogged and I walked4, I didn"t know if I could finish. Then came a defining (决定性)5 .At one point near the end, a 70-year-old man ran past me, very, very fast, and I felt6 because I was 50 years younger than he but I couldn"t even keep up with him. I felt7 for a second.But then I realizedsomething. He was running his race and I was running mine. He had8abilities, experience, training and goals for himself. I had mine. Remember my9 was only to finish.After a minute, it10 me that this was a lesson I could draw from. I learned something about myself in that moment. I turned my embarrassment into11.I decidedthat I would not give up on running races. In fact, I would run even more races and I would learn how to train and prepare12 and one day I would be one of those 70-year-old persons who were still running. As I crossed the finish line, I was proud of my accomplishment. In life we all have those moments where we13ourselves to others. It"s only natural . Don"t allow those moments to14 you. Turn them into motivation and let them inspire you. With the proper preparation and training, you can improve your result to15anything you want in life. 1.A.bring outB.pass outC.take outD.pick out2.A.excitedB.worriedC.concernedD.anxious3.A.gaveB.madeC.signedD.dressed4.A.At timesB.In timeC.In allD.After all5.A.victoryB.decisionC.momentD.conclusion6.A.embarrassedB.annoyedC.movedD.thrilled7.A.relaxedB.defeatedC.puzzledD.inspired8.A.specialB.evidentC.commonD.different9.A.mottoB.planC.goalD.direction10.A.worriedB.hitC.reachedD.hurt11.A.attractionB.devotionC.inspirationD.expectation12.A.slightlyB.hardlyC.clearlyD.properly13.A.introduceB.relateC.presentD.compare14.A.weakenB.woundC.amuseD.cheer15.A.reserveB.deliverC.achieveD.abandon

Tom volunteered to help us.volunteered为什么加ed



A 因为有3500个学生所以用复数,后面用have不用has

he volunteered to do it中volunteer为什么加ed?




问几个英语单词的同义词 more than、seemed to、appeared

over/overweigh超过,比.更 as if/as though好像,似乎是 第三个如果是appear则近似于show,emerge;如果是appear to ,那么是看起来像,似乎是的意思,与seem to类似,欢迎指正

求解释 appeared to have 到底什么意思

定语从句。先行词the effect,关系代词that,the effect就是后面have的宾语。在这个从句中,从句主语是owning a cat——动名词作主语,appeared to作从句谓语。appear to do 是词组“似乎,显得……,表面上看……”,你应该把它跟have分开来理解。“他被/似乎养只猫/就能带来这样的效果/吓了一跳。”

appeared to me是什么意思


two hundreds和two hundred的区别是什么



redsquare读作[red "skwɛː]。

deferred income和acrrued income 的区别 属于资产还是负债

deferred income和acrrued income是二种会计科目,应计收入(Accrued income)和递延收入(Deferred income)。1、应计收入是指企业已经提供了商品或劳务,尚未收到现金并未入账的本期收入。凡属本期应得之收入,虽未收取现金,但在计算本期损益时必须加以确认。所以,在期末时要运用会计调整方法,一方面将归属本期应收的收入先行登记入账并列入利润表,同时将未收款项的收账权利确认为应收款项列入资产负债表。2、递延收入,指尚待确认的收入或收益,也可以说是暂时未确认的收益,它是权责发生制在收益确认上的运用,相当于预收账款。在预收现金时不确认收入,而确认负债(如“预收账款”);然后在后续会计期间交付商品或提供劳务时确认收入,并同时确认前述负债减少。温馨提示:以上信息仅供参考。应答时间:2021-01-04,最新业务变化请以平安银行官网公布为准。 [平安银行我知道]想要知道更多?快来看“平安银行我知道”吧~

c#怎么操作redis geo

1、首先确保虚拟机redis安装功并单独虚拟机进行set get存取值 2、本机连接虚拟机redis确保虚拟机redis 6379外打启iptables  modprobe ip_tables iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -i eth0 --dport 6379 -j ACCEPT没iptables 先进行安装升级 apt-getsudo apt-get install iptables3、windows安装phpredis模块 (注本用php5.3 并且扩展vc9编译)

短文改错 a well-dressed man entered

A well-dressed man entered a famous jewelry shop. He explained he wished to buy a pearl for hiswife"s birthday and the price didn"t matter since business had been very good for him that year. After examining a nice black one that cost $5000, he paid for it in cash, shook hands with the jeweler, and left. A few days later the man returned and said that his wife liked the pearl so much that she wanted another one just like it. It had to be exactly the same size and quality, as she wanted a pair of earrings made, "Can you give me any advice on how to get such a pearl?" said the man. The jeweler regretfully replied, "I would say it"s exactly impossible to find one exactly like that pearl." The rich man insisted that the jeweler advertise in the newspapers, offering $ 25,000 for the matching pearl. Many people answered the advertisement but nobody had a pearl that was just right.

be registered with和register with有啥区别啊?预约一个人到底要用前一

register作动词表示“登记,注册”时,后跟介词with。All the local newspapers should be registered with the municipal authorities.所有地方性报纸都应到市政部门注册登记。.请问您有提前预约吗?Did you register in advance?您预约的是哪位医生? Which doctor did you prepare to see?

java bufferedwriter flush 必要性问题


“registered mail”指什么?

对registering mail for safety 挂号邮件;挂号信

手机游戏出现error occurred registering device该怎么解决


脑筋急转弯:Why are people tired on April Fool’s Day?

Because they have just had a long March. ( 因为他们刚过了长长的三月.March 三月;行军)

Freddie Aguilar的《Anak》 歌词

歌曲名称:Anak歌手:Freddie Aguilar语言:菲律宾语所属专辑:18 Greatest Hits发行时间:2009-06-03歌词:Nang isilang ka sa mundong itoLaking tuwa ng magulang moAt ang kamay nila ang iyong ilawAt ang nanay at tatay mo"yDi malaman ang gagawinMinamasdan pati pagtulog moSa gabi napupuyat ang iyong nanaySa pagtimpla ng gatas moAt sa umaga nama"y kalong kaNg iyong amang tuwang tuwa sa iyoNgayon nga ay malaki ka naNais mo"y maging malayaDi man sila payag walang magagawaIkaw nga ay biglang nagbagoNaging matigas ang iyong uloAt ang payo nila"y sinuway moHindi mo man lang inisip naAng kanilang ginagawa"y para sa iyoPagka"t ang nais mo"y masunod ang layaw moDi mo sila pinapansinNagdaan pa ang mga arawAt ang landas mo"y naligawIkaw ay nalulong sa masamang bisyoAt ang una mong nilapitanAng iyong inang lumuluhaAt ang tanong anak ba"t ka nagkaganyanAt ang iyong mga mata"y biglang lumuhaNg "di mo napapansinNagsisisi at sa isip mo"yNalaman mong ika"y nagkamaliNagsisisi at sa isip mo"yNalaman mong ika"y nagkamaliNagsisisi at sa isip mo"yNalaman mong ika"y nagkamali

I Want To Know What Love Is (Remastered Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:I Want To Know What Love Is (Remastered Lp Version)歌手:Foreigner专辑:Definitive CollectionArtist:The ForeignerAlbum: Complete Greatest HitsTitle: I Want To Know What Love IsI gotta take a little time,a little time to think things overI better read between the lines,in case I need it when I"m older.Now this mountain I must climb,feels like the world upon my shouldersThrough the clouds I see love shine,it keeps me warm as life grows colderIn my life there"s been heartache and painI don"t know if I can face it againCan"t stop now, I"ve travelled so far, to change this lonely lifeI want to know what love is,I want you to show meI want to feel what love is,I know you can show meOh oh..............I"m gonna take a little time,a little time to look around meI"ve got nowhere left to hide,It looks like love has finally found meIn my life there"s been heartache and painI don"t know if I can face it againCan"t stop now, I"ve travelled so far, to change this lonely lifeI want to know what love is, I want you to show meI want to feel what love is, I know you can show meLet"s talk about love - I want to know what love isThe love that you feel inside -I want you to show meAnd I"m feeling so much love -I want to feel what love isNo, you just can"t hide -I know you can show meI want to know what love is(let"s talk about love), I know you can show meI wanna feel it too -I want to feel what love isI wanna feel it too,and I know and I know - I know you can show meShow me love is real,Yeah ....................... I want to know what love is...I want you to show me<End>.........................@@@@@





Clementine (2006 Remastered Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Clementine (2006 Remastered Lp Version)歌手:Bobby Darin专辑:Definitive Pop: Bobby DarinIn a cavern down by a canyonExcavatin" for a mine,There lived a miner from North CarolinaAnd his daughter, chubby Clementine.Now every mornin", just about dawnin"A"when the sun begins to shineYou know she would rouse up, wake all a dem cows upAnd walk "em down to her Daddy"s mine.A"took the foot bridge, way "cross the waterThough she weighed two-ninety nine.The old bridge trembled and disassembled(Oops!) dumped her into the foamy brine.Hey, crackle like thunder, (ho, ho) she went under(ho, ho) blowin bubbles (bubble sound) down the line.Hey, I"m no swimm"a but were she slimm"aI might"a saved that Clementine.(Ho) broke the record, way under waterI thought that she was doin" fine.I wasn"t nervous ya until the serviceThat they held for Clementine.Hey you sailor (ho, ho) way out in your whalerWith a harpoon, your trusty line.If she shows now, yo, there she blows now,It just may be chunky Clementine.(One more time)Oh my darlin", oh my darlin", oh my darlin"Oh my darlin" , oh my darlin" sweet Clementine,You may be goneBut!You"re not forgotten,Fare thee wellSo long, Clementine(Bubble sound) Bye!




1、tired怎么读英语。 2、tire怎么读。 3、imtired怎么读。 4、dance怎么读。1.读音:英[?ta??d]美[?ta??rd],释义:adj.疲倦的;疲劳的;累的;厌烦的。 2. 例句:I was too tired to walk any further.我累得再也走不动了。 3. tired的基本意思为“(身体或精神)疲倦的,困倦的”,形容气力、精力等减少或衰竭,也可表示“陈旧的,陈腐的”;还可表示“对某人(某事物)或做某事不耐烦”,指兴趣减少或衰竭。



英文片语| tired除了累,还可以表示什么呢?

又是学片语的时间了,这次Anna要来介绍的是跟tired有关的片语,除了累,tired还可以表示什么呢? Tired 累 1. Be tired of sth 对某事/人感到厌烦 I"m tired of learning algebra. 我对学代数感到厌烦。 2. tired sth. (tired-looking) 老旧的 That tired old (tired-looking) coat belongs to my grandmother. 那件老旧的大衣是我奶奶的。 3. Dog/Dead tired 非常非常累 4. Sick and tired of… 受够… I"m sick and tired of telling you to do your homework. 我受够一直叫你写功课了! tired, 片语, 累


tired的英式发音是[u02c8tau026au0259d],美式发音是[u02c8tau026au0259rd],单词介绍如下:1、基本释义:疲倦的,厌倦,厌烦,疲劳的,困倦的,陈旧的,陈腐的,陈词滥调的,使疲劳,疲倦,困倦,tire的过去分词和过去式。2、使用:I"m sick and tired of all the arguments.我对所有这些争论烦透了。She was tired of hearing about their trip to India.她听腻了他们的印度之行。He always comes out with the same tired old jokes.他总是讲些千篇一律老掉牙的笑话。He shook his head tiredly.他厌倦地摇了摇头。3、双语例句:Michael is tired and he has to rest after his long trip.迈克尔累了,他在长途旅行以后必须休息。He had to cancel some engagements because of tiredness.他太累了,不得不取消一些约会。I didn"t want to hear another one of his tired excuses...我不想听他的又一个老掉牙的借口。


tired英 ["tau026au0259d]美 [tau026ard]adj.疲倦的; 困倦的; 对…不耐烦的; 陈旧的v.(使)疲劳( tire的过去式和过去分词); 对(做)某事感到厌倦网 络累;厌倦的;疲倦;厌倦如果用中文标注发音的话,类似于“胎儿的”


tired 英["tau026au0259d] 美[tau026ard] adj. 疲倦的;困倦的;对…不耐烦的;陈旧的 v. (使)疲劳( tire的过去式和过去分词);对(做)某事感到厌倦 最高级:most tired;比较级:more tired [例句]Are you waking up tired?你醒来的时候很累吗?


疲倦的英语:tired。读音:英/u02c8tau026au0259d /。美/u02c8tau026au0259rd /。adj.疲倦的,累的;枯燥乏味的,陈腐的;厌烦的;破旧的。v.(使)感到累,(使)感到疲劳;厌倦,使厌倦(tire的过去式和过去分词形式)。短语:1、be tired of厌烦;厌倦;厌烦做某事2、be tired out疲倦极了;疲倦;筋疲力尽;非常疲倦例句:1、他勉强挤出了一丝疲倦的笑容。He managed a weary smile。2、他拖着疲倦的步子慢慢地走着。He dragged his tired feet slowly along。3、我们不得不迈着疲倦的步子继续登山。We had to plod wearily on up the hil。4、他们拖着疲倦的脚步走动时,脚镣发出当啷当啷的响声。shackles clanked between their ankles as they moved tiredly。5、而且,他是一个不知疲倦的电学家。Added to this, he is an untiring electrician。6、那个疲倦的男孩极想休息。The tired boy crated after rest。7、当晚他们进屋吃饭时,疲倦的保罗说:我想爷爷做地图的时候已经老了。When they went in for dinner that night, a very tired Paolo said, I think Grandfather was old when he made his map。8、她工作努力,仿佛从不知疲倦似的。She works hard as if she never knew fatigue。




tired的名词形式是tiredness。tired是tire的过去分词和过去式,tire主要用作名词与动词,作名词时意为:轮胎;头饰。tired形容词,疲倦的;疲惫的;厌倦的;累的。读音:英 [u02c8tau026au0259d],美 [u02c8tau026au0259rd]。短语搭配:get tired 累了;厌倦了。feel tired感到疲惫;感到疲倦;感到累了。be tired累;厌倦;厌烦。tired out疲惫;累;筋疲力尽。双语例句:1、They are not a little tired of being mured up in the cottage。他们住在与世隔绝的小别墅里觉得极其烦问。2、I have to look after these animals when you get tired of them。当你开始讨厌这些动物时,我就得来照看它们。3、he was quite tired and emotional。他很累,而且情绪又容易激动。4、I am now tired and extremely hungry with a headache into the bargain。我现在又累又饿,而且还头疼。5、 He was so tired that he found it hard to think,never mind talk。他累得都无法思考,更不用说谈话了。




太儿得 太儿得


tired的音标是[_ta__d]。tired的音标是[_ta__d],可以根据音标拼读,作为形容词表示疲倦的、厌倦的、厌烦的意思。相关例句:The boy was so tired that he fell asleep immediately这男孩太累了,马上就睡着了。相关例句:The boss threw away boxes of tired vegetables老板扔掉了几箱不新鲜的蔬菜。


tired的名词和动词是:tiredness。tired的名词形式是tiredness。tired是tire的过去分词和过去式,tire主要用作名词与动词,作名词时意为:轮胎;头饰。作动词时意为:(使)疲劳,疲倦,困倦。tiredness:n.疲劳;疲倦;疲惫;劳累。The tone of his text bespeaks a certain tiredness.他的笔调透出一种倦意。Symptoms include tiredness, paleness, and lethargy.症状包括疲倦、脸色苍白、没有精神He failed, along of his tiredness.他没有取得成功,因为他太累了。He felt sick from tiredness.他因疲劳感到不舒服。




tired的读法为[u02c8tau026au0259d]。基本释义:adj.疲倦的;厌倦;厌烦;疲劳的;困倦的;陈旧的;陈腐的;陈词滥调的。v.(使)疲劳,疲倦,困倦。tired是tire的过去分词和过去式,读法为:英 [u02c8tau026au0259d]美 [u02c8tau026au0259rd]。比较级:more tired,最高级:most tired。tire的副词:tiredly ,tire的名词:tiredtiredness。短语:look tired看起来累,feel tired感到疲倦。例句:1、He dragged his tired feet slowly along. 他拖着疲倦的步子慢慢地走着。2、The tired boy crated after rest. 那个疲倦的男孩极想休息。3、By the end of the day we were tired but happy.一天结束时,我们很累,但很高兴。4、I"m too tired even to think.我累得连想也不愿意想。



be tired 和tired单纯从字面上解释,语法有什么区别....



很多人在观看英文影视剧的过程中,经常会看到tired这个英文单词,究竟tired这个英文单词真正含义是什么?主要应用在哪些场景?下面让我们一起去了解吧。 简要回答 tired是个英文单词,翻译成中文的意思是:疲倦的;疲劳的;困倦的;陈腐的;陈词滥调的等。 详细内容 Cucumber is good for soothing tired eyes 黄瓜有助于舒缓眼部疲劳。 I was too hot and tired to eat more than a few mouthfuls 我又热又累,只吃了几口就吃不下了。 Michael is tired and he has to rest after his long trip. 迈克尔累了,他在长途旅行以后必须休息。 It was the first time we admitted to ourselves that we were tired. 这是我们第一次承认自己累了。 I am tired of all the speculation 我厌烦了所有的推测。 I didn"t want to hear another one of his tired excuses 我不想听他的又一个老掉牙的借口。 My arms are tired, and my back is tense. 我的胳膊很累,背部肌肉紧绷得难受。 I was tired of being a bookkeeper. 我厌倦了当簿记员。 What we see at Westminster is a tired old ritual. 我们在威斯敏斯特教堂看到的是一种经年不变的古旧仪式。 Mummy, I"m tired! 妈妈,我累了。 You"re tired, aren"t you? 你是累了不是? I expect you"re tired 我想你累了。 It"s been a heavy day and I"m tired 忙了一天,我累坏了。 I"m tired of listening to all this. 这些话我都听腻了。


英音:["tai05d]美音:[ta01rd] tired 形容词 a. 1. 疲倦的[(+from/with)]I was tired after shoveling snow all day. 铲了一天的雪我很累了。 2. 厌倦的;厌烦的 She was tired of watching television. 她看电视看得厌倦了。 3. 陈腐的;破旧的a tired old car 一辆破旧的汽车 回答就回答最准确的








tired 英[u02c8tau026au0259d] 美[u02c8tau026au0259rd] adj. 疲倦的; 厌倦; 厌烦; 疲劳的; 困倦的; 陈旧的; 陈腐的; 陈词滥调的; v. (使)疲劳,疲倦,困倦;[词典] tire的过去分词和过去式;[例句]He dragged his tired feet slowly along.他拖着疲倦的步子慢慢地走着。[其他] 原型: tire 比较级:more tired 最高级:most tired。Do you mind driving?I"m feeling pretty tired.(你来开车好吗? 我太累了。)He was tired and crotchety.(他累了,动不动就发火。)He does look tired.(他的确显得很疲倦。)He looked tired and dishevelled.(他衣冠不整,显得很疲倦。)She remarked how tired I was looking.(她说我看上去显得特别累。)Cucumber is good for soothing tired eyes.(黄瓜对缓解眼睛疲劳很有效。)I"m tired of her petty jealousies.(我厌烦她那小肚鸡肠的忌妒。)She looked sad and tired.(她看上去又伤心又疲惫。)Babies cry when they are tired.(婴儿疲倦时会哭。)Tony looked tired and over-anxious.(托尼看起来累了而且过于忧虑。)l expect you"re tired.(我想你是累了。)We were both tired.(咱俩都累了。)He"s tired so lll make allowances for him.(他累了,所以我会体谅他的。)When I"m tired tend to make mistakes.(我累了就容易出错。)

tired怎么读 英语tired怎么读

1、读音:英[u02c8tau026au0259d]美[u02c8tau026au0259rd],释义:adj.疲倦的;疲劳的;累的;厌烦的。 2、例句:I was too tired to walk any further.我累得再也走不动了。 3、tired的基本意思为“(身体或精神)疲倦的,困倦的”,形容气力、精力等减少或衰竭,也可表示“陈旧的,陈腐的”;还可表示“对某人(某事物)或做某事不耐烦”,指兴趣减少或衰竭。


tired [tau026au0259d]


音:["tai05d]形容词 a. 1. 疲倦的[(+from/with)]I was tired after shoveling snow all day. 铲了一天的雪我很累了。 2. 厌倦的;厌烦的[F][(+of)]She was tired of watching television. 她看电视看得厌倦了。 3. 陈腐的;破旧的a tired old car 一辆破旧的汽车


tired[英]["tau026au0259d] [美][tau026ard] 生词本简明释义adj.疲倦的;困倦的;对…不耐烦的;陈旧的v.(使)疲劳( tire的过去式和过去分词);对(做)某事感到厌倦比较级:more tired最高级:most tired以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词1.ADJ-GRADED疲劳的;累的If you are tired, you feel that you want to rest or sleep.Michael is tired and he has to rest after his long trip.迈克尔累了,他在长途旅行以后必须休息。




tired[英]["tau026au0259d] [美][tau026ard] 生词本简明释义adj.疲倦的;困倦的;对…不耐烦的;陈旧的v.(使)疲劳( tire的过去式和过去分词);对(做)某事感到厌倦比较级:more tired最高级:most tired以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词1.ADJ-GRADED疲劳的;累的If you are tired, you feel that you want to rest or sleep.Michael is tired and he has to rest after his long trip.迈克尔累了,他在长途旅行以后必须休息。


tired [英]["tau026au0259d][美][tau026ard] adj. 疲倦的;困倦的;对…不耐烦的;陈旧的 v. (使)疲劳( tire的过去式和过去分词);对(做)某事感到厌倦 比较级:more tired 最高级:most tired 双语例句 1. She gets very bad-tempered when she"s tired. 她累的时候就爱发脾气. 2. Handmade goods appeal to those who are tired of cookie-cutter products. 手工制品受到那些已厌倦划一产品的人的欢迎. 3. He was tired and crotchety. 他累了,动不动就发火. 4. He looked tired and dishevelled. 他衣冠不整,显得很疲倦. 5. She looked tired and dispirited. 她显得疲倦而且神情沮丧.

tired 和 tiring 有什么区别

tired是指人的感觉,意思到”感觉到疲倦“,如I feel tired.tiring是指某个事物的特点,意思是”使人感觉到疲倦“,如,Today is a tiring day.



tired 几个音节?双音节?单音节?


be tired 和tired单纯从字面上解释,语法有什么区别....



两个都是形容词,前者是累的,劳累的,后者是繁忙的,一般用于be busy (in) dong sth 或者be busy with sth 中

a tired back为何用tired

具体原因如下:首先得搞清楚tired和tiring的区别:tired:“感到疲倦的,感到厌倦的” 一般修饰人 如:I am tired。tiring:“令人疲倦的,令人厌倦的” 一般修饰sth 如:a tiring journey 。但是,注意 a tired back 这个时候用tired ,而不用tiring,因为是“一个感到疲倦的背影”,所以还是要根据意思来。be tired of sth 对...厌倦 固定搭配。 在本题中是用形容词做伴随状语,表示主语的状态,已经有了谓语动词started ,所以be不需要用。




tired[u02c8tau026au0259d]adj. 疲倦的,累的;枯燥乏味的,陈腐的;厌烦的;破旧的


tired介绍如下:英[u02c8tau026au0259d]美[u02c8tau026au0259rd]adj. 疲倦的; 厌倦; 厌烦; 疲劳的; 困倦的; 陈旧的; 陈腐的; 陈词滥调的v. (使)疲劳,疲倦,困倦[词典] tire的过去分词和过去式[例句]He dragged his tired feet slowly along.他拖着疲倦的步子慢慢地走着。[其他] 原型: tire 比较级:more tired 最高级:most tired。形容词1. She was tired of watching television.她看电视看得厌倦了。2. I was tired after shoveling snow all day.铲了一天的雪我很累了。3. You make me tired.你烦死我了。4. I"m tired of your conversation.你的讲话我听腻了。5. tired的解释5. He was too tired to go any further.他累得一步也挪不动了。

red 歌词翻译


thousand hundred million加s吗

数词表示具体数字时,就是数词,不能加s 当数词加了s时,它就变成了名词,这时就不是具体数字了.也就是说,没有确定数目. 如: one hundred people一百个人 hundreds of people数百个人 tens of数十 twos and threes三三两两

thousand、 hundred和of的用法


ingredient 和component区别

ingredient指的是原料,通常用来说食品,你可以说the ingredients of cocacolacomponent指的是元件,通常用来指机械,或者是一些组装物,你可以说 CPU is the key component of a computer


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