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加拿大immaculata regional high school中学好吗

还不错吧,据介绍:学校优势排名高:过去五年BC省平均排名32位(Fraser Institute 权威数据)。毕业去向好:学校毕业生毕业率高达100%,学生被美国哈佛大学、耶鲁大学、加拿大多伦多大学、麦吉尔大学、英属哥伦比亚大学等名牌大学录取。高科技教学:完全融入当前最新高科技。学校采用最新的云技术进行教学,全部教室配备smart board 教学系统。学校全面覆盖无线网络,学生任何时候都能连接wifi。环境优越:基隆拿市本土居民比例高,属于“纯”白人地区;社区非常安全,当地居民热情友善。基隆拿市以种植业及葡萄酒业为主,散发着酒香四溢的美丽酒庄成为本市一道独特风景线,“高收入、高品质”的生活方式,让本市获得BC省“伊甸园”之称。纯正英语环境:学校地处白人社区核心地带,99%的在校学生母语为英语。学校严格控制国际学生比例,为国际学生营造纯英语环境;为提高国际学生英语水平,学校特聘专职ESL老师辅导学生英语,并开设小班授课。学校设有专门的cafeteria:学生餐厅在指定时间有热食供应,满足学生各种饮食需求。


来美国洛杉矶一周,发现了罗兰岗附近的一个很大的公园——SCHABARUM REGIONALPARK。我去了4次才把这个公园全部走完。并不是说公园大得一次走不了,而是因为前2次去都是下午4:30了,11月份的洛杉矶下午5点就天黑了,公园人不多,所以不敢夜游。特别是第二次,看见有人爬山,所以也去山上,但是走着天就快黑了,我还在山里,赶紧沿着来时的路返回去。中文网上查这个公园的信息几乎没有,只有一个是说2月份公园的樱花开得非常漂亮。可惜现在是洛杉矶的冬天,看不到。不过这个公园给我的印象非常好,有山(虽然是黄土地,全是泥),绿树,草坪,小桥,还有健身器材。 一天清晨,太阳刚刚升起,游公园,一进去映入眼帘的是绿草坪和各种叫不出名称的树。 有的枝叶繁茂,叶子绿绿的。有的树上长了一个个小小的红红的果实,绿树林中来一些小小的点缀,分外醒目。也有的树和藤蔓绕在一起,阳光从缝隙中穿透过来,感觉到温暖。有的是参天大树,树叶已经发黄干枯,不过没有完全掉下来。树木在蓝天的映衬下很美。公园左右两边都有路,我往右边走,经过一座小桥,一边是比较开阔的绿树和草坪,一边是不是太高的山,看到有人在爬山。洛杉矶地区基本很少下雨,但是绿植和草坪常年保持湿润,因为每天夜间会有自动洒水。不过高山上就很干旱,草已经枯黄,甚至黄黄的泥土都裸露了。因常年干旱,小桥下面也看不到流淌的河水了。大概走了30分钟,可以走到公园的尽头,那里有两个马圈,养了10多批马,所以公园尽头周围都是臭臭的气味。 在尽头,我向左边爬山往回走,这里的山路不是有专门人工修筑出的有台阶的路,而是一条人们经常行走的泥路,很像黄土高坡。走在这样的路上,感受着山的粗旷,和我平时居住的江南的秀美截然不同,如果要再形象一点的比喻就是,这里的山体现了男人的豪放,家乡的山是女人的温柔。 一路上不时有人在爬山经过,碰面都会友好得打招呼:good morning。人们或跑步,或散步,有独自一人,也有两三个一起,这里真是锻炼的好去处。 山路并不难走,上坡下坡路不是十分陡峭,非常适合人们悠闲散步,我走走停停,一会儿还有小松鼠,小野兔跑过,令我很惊奇。 到达山顶,放眼远眺,罗兰岗城市尽收眼底,沐浴在清晨的阳光下,在碧蓝的天空下,在远处的高山的背景下,分外的美丽动人。 继续前行,开始下山,来张自拍,不知不觉游公园已经将近1小时,结束了今天的清晨游园。

如何打开控制面板中(Control Panel)的 Regional Options 功能




regional studies期刊投稿要求

regionalstudies期刊投稿要求是来稿观点鲜明,论证严密。行文注释规范万字注释需要达到20到30条,将优先发表探讨新问题,具有新视角新观点新方法的学术创新之作,来稿字数在8000到25000字之间为宜,查重率应低于百分之20。regional studies期刊投稿注意事项本刊对来稿采取双向匿名评审和编委会集体审稿相结合的制度,评审过程需要2到3个月,评审结束后无论录用与否,编辑部都将及时向作者转达评审意见,稿件收到3个月后未收到用稿通知者,请及时联系编辑部稿件可自行处理,本刊有权对来稿作文字修改和技术处理。来稿需遵守学术道德和学术规范,坚决反对抄袭剽窃等一切有悖于学术操守的行为,如果有此类行为发生文责自负,本刊为内部交流,来稿不得涉密,凡在本刊发表的文章,均不代表编辑部观点。

regional director是什么意思

regional director区域总监;区域主任;区域董事;地区主任Nobody wanted to be a regional director of sales or an investment banker whenthey were kids. 还是孩子的时候谁也不想当区域销售总监或者投资银行职员。很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O

Urban Planning 和 City and Regional Planning 有什么区别

urban planning是泛指的城市规划,区别于旷野田间的地带都可以称作urban,包括小型乡镇甚至规模比较大、人工设施较齐全的村庄。city and regional planning指城市及区域规划,有特定的目标,并且城市规模一般上较大,发展较成熟。

district hospital 和 regional hospital有何不同?

district 和 region 两个词是不一样的。district 所代表的“区”一般比较小,例如一个城市里面的“分区”就可以用 district 这个词,不可以用 region。region 所代表的“区”一般比较大,例如几个城市或几个省构成的“区域”就可以用 region 这个词,不可以用 district。至于 district 和 region 具体有多大,每个国家、地区不尽相同。 一般情况,可以把 district hospital 翻译为“分区医院”,把 regional hospital 翻译为“区域医院”,就可以分辨出两个“区”的大小了。

regional director是什么意思

regional director区域主任 区域总监双语对照例句:1.The jump in prices comes down to a rise in demand, says lee quane, eca international"s regional director for asia. eca international亚洲区域总监关礼廉(lee quane)说,房租价格上涨是因为需求上升。

regional radio fm 127是什么


在新西兰Regional Council、Territorial Local Authority、District Council、 City Council 分别是什么

Regional Council 地区委员会District Council 区自治会City Council 市议会Territorial Authority 或者 Local Authority 的意思都是地方当局 Territorial Local Authority没有这个机构或者词组如果在新西兰留学只要注意City Council的信件通知就行了,所有的不管是孩子出生落户,超速超时罚款,纳税等等都是City Council负责的。

regional food和Local food区别

以下。region food是地方菜,地道菜的意思。local food除了地道菜还有当地餐馆,馆子的意思。region 的意思是区域或板块,通常指地理环境上的;是个名词。local 较常被作为形容词用,意思是当地的,如 local restaurant 当地的餐馆 也有些时候 local 被当成名词,指的是当地人,如 This is quite popular among the locals.

regional office是什么意思

Regional Office [词典] 区域办公室; [例句]My transition team held videoconferences with each regional office.我的过渡小组与每个区域办事处举办了视频会议。阿拉伯区域处arab n. 1.阿拉伯人。 2.阿拉伯马。 3.街头流浪儿(= ...regional adj. 地方(性)的;地方主义的;区域(性)的;局部的 n. 1.职务,任务。 2.公职,官职;职责,任务。 3 ...

英语regional connectivity怎么翻译?

也会小心不让距离把你吓跑行行好拜托你行行好如果你不在了要我怎么办才好我知道我一直都知道不会分开除非是你选择走掉穿越 过云端的浪漫触手可及的另一端明明在地球的另一半但只要是你 只要想到你 就会 心安沉涝悸浦颗翱涡咆娇

regional dialect是什么意思

regional dialect地域方言双语例句1. The most distinguishable linguistic feature of a regional dialect is its accent.地域方言最重要的语言区别性特征还是在于它的口音.2. Minnan dialect is a super - regional, super - provincial boundary of the Chinese dialects.闽南方言是一种超地区 、 超省界的汉语方言.3. An ethnic language variety is a social dialect of a language, often cutting across regionaldifferences.一个少数民族的语言变体是一种语言的社会方言, 它经常存在于不同的地域差别之间.*********************************************************************祝学习进步!如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!**********************************************************************

Regional Sales Director是什么意思

区域销售总监双语对照词典结果:Regional Sales Director区域销售总监; 例句:1.She is a sales manager but she has a regional salesdirector over her. 她是一个销售经理,但还有一个地区经理管着她如果您有什么疑问和不解之处,欢迎追问我!!!如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

regional center是什么意思

regional center[英][u02c8ri:du0292u0259nu0259l u02c8sentu0259][美][u02c8ridu0292u0259nu0259l u02c8su025bntu025a]区域电话中心局,区域中心; 例句:1.And in another sign that the e.u. is taking the migration influx into greecemore seriously than ever before, earlier this month frontex opened a regionalcenter in the port city of piraeus, the agency"s first office outside of its warsawheadquarters. 也是欧盟比以前更加重视流入希腊的移民潮的另一个信号,本月初欧盟边防局在港口城市比雷埃夫斯开放了一个地区中心,这个机构在华沙总部之外的首个办事处。2.Has the uscis issued an approval on any other investment project of thisregional center? 移民局对这一区域中心的其他任何投资项目签发过批准书吗?

澳大利亚的regional area是指什么地方

regional areas意思就是:偏远地区regional 英[?ri:d??nl] 美[?rid??n?l] adj. 区域性; 地区的,区域的; 特定区域的,特定地区的; 方言的; areas 英["e?r??s] 美["e?r?rs] n. 领域; 面积; 地区,区域(area 的复数形式);

澳大利亚独立技术移民里面,官方所谓的“偏远地区”,用英文一般是remote area 还是 regional area呢?

Study in Regional AustraliaYou can receive five points if you meet the Australian Study Requirement to have lived and studied in regional Australia or a low population growth metropolitan area at the time you are invited to apply.There is a list of postcodes that define regional and low population growth metropolitan areas of Australia.摘自澳洲移民局官网:Department of Immigration & CitizenshipPS:偏远地区 官方给的邮编New South Wales except Sydney, Newcastle, the Central Coast and Wollongong : 2311 to 2312 2328 to 2411 2420 to 2490 2536 to 2551 2575 to 2594 2618 to 2739 2787 to 2898 Queensland except the greater Brisbane area and the Gold Coast : 4124 to 4125 4133 4211 4270 to 4272 4275 4280 4285 4287 4307 to 4499 4515 4517 to 4519 4522 to 4899 Victoria except Melbourne metropolitan area : 3211 to 3334 3340 to 3424 3430 to 3649 3658 to 3749 3753, 3756 3758 3762 3764 3778 to 3781 3783 3797 3799 3810 to 3909 3921 to 3925 3945 to 3974 3979 3981 to 3996 Western Australia except Perth and surrounding areas : 6041 to 6044 6083 to 6084 6121 to 6126 6200 to 6799 还有具体不明白的,可以google “Department of Immigration & Citizenship”

local market 和regional market 有区别吗?


district managers和regional managers的分别

区别是regional manager 负责的区域比district 大。

integrate culture和regional culture有什么区别吗

integrate culture是整合文化,regional culture是地域文化。1、所谓文化整合,是指不同文化相互吸收、融化、调和而趋于一体化的过程。文化整合的概念起初由文化人类学、文化社会学界提出并关注,后渐为地理学者重视并开始研究,也是文化地理学研究的一个重要方面。2、地域文化(Regional culture)或称区域文化,是一门研究人类文化空间组合的地理人文学科,它以广义的文化领域为研究对象,探讨附加在自然景观之上的人类活动形态、文化区域的地理特征、环境与文化的关系、文化传播的路线和走向以及人类的行为系统,包括民俗传统、经济体系、宗教信仰体系、文学艺术、社会组织等。3、文化是人类特有的社会现象和历史现象,包含物质文化和非物质文化两大部分。从世界整体文化格局来看,不同的地域、不同的国家、不同的民族在不同时期都有自己独特的文化。

什么是regional countries?

我觉得是指了一个大范围,然后在这个范围内的国家,称为了regionall conntries.像下面这个例子,新闻里用到regional countries,但是之前说了Gulf of Guinea,几内亚湾。就是指在几内亚湾一带的国家,都受到了piracy的打击。你可以理解成某个区域的几个国家,或者部分国家。Pirate attacks in the Gulf of Guinea costs regional countries $2 billion every year, Joseph Vincent Ntuda Ebode, professor at Yaounde-II University, said.Benin, a country in West Africa, has seen a huge drop in revenue because of such attacks, while Nigeria has lost nearly 7% of its oil earnings to piracy, Xinhua reported. Regional countries are being heavily affected by piracy and their inability to control their territorial waters threatens some states with political instability.

Area与 Regional的区别是什么?

Area Manger 是地区经理,而Regional Manager是区域经理,按地域面积分应该是Regional Manager能大些,但是具体还要看各个公司自己是怎么分的了。



region; regional;cowardly ; 这英语用谐音怎么读?


regional, district, district, zone有什么区别吗?

这些词通常是用来描述不同层级的行政或地理区域。区别如下:1. Regional(区域)是指一定范围内的地区,可以包括多个县、市或州。2. District(区)通常指城市或市政府分区下的行政辖区。3. County(县)是指州、省级政府下的行政辖区,通常由多个镇、区组成。4. Zone(区域)可以指任何一种划分出来的区域,例如商业区、工业区、住宅区等等。

pleasure ; virgin ; region ; regional 这英语用谐音怎么读?

pleasure 普莱伊尔virgin 伍鳄 井region 瑞金regional 瑞金呐偶

帮我翻译一下这句话吧 immediate和regional感觉讲不通


Mark Twain began digging his way to regional fame as a newspaper reporter and humorist.

【答案】:Mark Twain began working hard to become well known locally as a newspaper reporter and humorist.

 Permian Sedimentary Basin and Regional Sedimentary Models in the Southwest China

8.9.1 IntroductionEleven third-order sequences were already recognized in Permian strata of the Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-Guangxi region(Chen Hongde et al"s another paper in the issue).We have noted that the same sequence indifferent areas are synchronous,but its characteristics are varying from area to area.There are many factors to influence sequences.This book attempts to interpret this difference in terms of basin type and then establish the development models in different types of basins and the sedimentary models of different ages throughout the study region.Finally,we make correlation of changes of sea level in the study region with global changes of sea level.8.9.2 Types of BasinsAccording to analyses of 11 sequences and their system tracts and considering other geological data,especially data of tectonic setting,we recognized 5 types of Permian basins in the study region:cratonic basin,foreland basin,passive epicontinental,rift basin,passive epicontinental strike-slip basin and back-arc rift basin. Cratonic basinsCratonic basins are in fact a large-area settling platforms or gentle slope.A typical cratonic basin in the study region was the Upper Yangtze cratonic basin.This basin covered central and southeastern Sichuan and northern Guizhou.It showed three environments in different times of Permian.It appeared as the Upper Yangtze carbonate platform in the Maokou Age,as the Upper Yangtze terrigenous clast-carbonate mixed platform in the Qixia Age,and as the Upper Yangtze carbonate gentle slope in Late Permian.The Upper Yangtze carbonate gentle slope was determined on the basis of Sequences 1,2 and 3;the Upper Yangtze carbonate platform was determined on the basis of Sequences 4,5 and 6;and the Upper Yangtze mixed platform was determined on the basis of Sequences 7,8,9,10 and 11.Carbonate platforms and mixed platforms have characteristics below:①sequences are regressive ones consisting of weakly retrograding,aggrading and weakly prograding parasequence sets,show obviously transverse changes,and usually have top unconformity;②depositional agents are mainly tide,wave and gravity flow;and③there are organic mound-reef-bank complexes which were formed by keeping up-catching-up type aggrading,prograding or mix-grading and appeared in various system tracts.Carbonate slopes have characteristics below:①sequences are progressive ones consisting of strongly prograding or strongly retrograding sedimentary wedges,and show no obviously transverse changes,and usually have a lot of terrigenous clast sediments in their lower parts;②depositional agents are mainly wave,storm wave and storm flow;and③there are deep water catching-up reef-mound complexes. Foreland basinsA typical foreland basin appeared in the Shiwan Dashan Mountains area of Guangxi Province in Late Permian.It was determined mainly on the basis of Sequences of 7,8,9,10 and 11.In such basins LST sediments are relatively poorer developed and TST and HST sediments are prosperous.The former has a weakly-prograding-weakly-retrograding parasequence set consisting of turbidite fan facies and fan-delta facies;but the latter has a strongly-prograding parasequence set consisting of fan-delta facies and alluvial fan-plain facies.In addition,TST and HST sediments are coarse in grain size;large in thickness,and not easily identified and correlated,sea level showing a high amplitude and low frequency change. Passive epicontinental rift basinsA typical passive epicontinental rift basin appeared in the Youjiang area of Guangxi in Early Permian.It was determined on the basis of Sequences 1,2,3,4,5 and 6.Such basins had an(isolated)platform alternating with(platform)basin framework.In isolated platforms,water was relatively shallower;sequences was formed by catching-up and keeping-up deposition,showing characteristics of retrograding,aggrading and prograding parasequence sets.Platform basins were compensative,in which water was shallower and sequences were formed by calcareous debris-gravity flow,showing characteristics of aggrading-prograding parasequence sets. Passive epicontinental strike-slip basinsA typical passive epicontinental strike-slip basin appeared in the Qinfang area of Guangxi in Early Permian.It was determined on the basis of Sequences 1,2,3,4,5 and 6.Such basins were controlled by strike-slip faults.They were usually poor-compensative trough-like deep water ones.Sequences filling in them are made chiefly of silicolites and are not easy to be identified but easy to be correlated.Such sequences may indicate global changes of sea level characterized by high-amplitude and low frequency.A typical back-arc rift basin appeared in the Youjiang area in Late Permian.It was determined on the basis of Sequences 7,8,9,10 and 11.Such basins had a(platform)basin-surrounding-(isolated)platform framework.Platform basins were usually non-compensative deep water ones,which were in brooding and sequences filling in them,were made of turbites and silicolites.Isolated platforms in which water was shallower were in contraction;prograding,filling-up and spilling-up,showing characteristics of aggrading-prograding parasequence sets formed sequences filling in them.It is the five types of basins that essentially decided the main characteristics of individual sequences and even individual system tracts.As to details of some sequences or system tracts,special intrabasinal environments or outbasinal conditions may interpret them.8.9.3 Regional Sedimentary ModelsRegional sedimentary models can be set up according to the distribution of the five types of basins and their sequences and system tracts in the study region.Figs.8.36,8.37and 8.38 are three regional sedimentary models we set up.From the three models we can read out the Permian sedimentary evolution of the study region.Again,these models help predicting areas favorable for generating,storing and covering of oil-gas.The Caledonian Movement made the Yangtze Landmass and the Cathaysian Landmass have been jointed the South China Plate to a large extent.From Devonian on,with opening of Paleotethys,passive continental margins appeared in the south,west and north sides of the South China Plate,and thus the Upper Yangtze area and adjacent areas were in a tensile tectonic stress state throughout the Hercynian Movement.It is in the stress state that Permian sedimentary basins in the Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-Guangxi formed.These basins had obvious inheritance in the Late Paleozoic depositional history,but owing to their locations and peripheral environments as well as synsedimentary faulting and the Dongwu Movement at the end of Early Permian,the sedimentary pictures of the study region were varying both from stage to stage and from basin to basin to some extent,distinct from their late sedimentation.The west part of the study region,i.e.,areas east of the Sichuan-Yunnan Old Land,changed from a carbonate platform through a mixed platform to a carbonate gentle slope and received very thick shallow marine carbonate sediments.The southeast part of the study region changed from a strike-slip basin to a foreland basin,owing to its special tectonic location,and the sediments showed a certain complexity.The vast area between both changed from a passive epicontinental rift basin which had a platform alternating with basin framework to back-arc rift basin which had a basin surrounding platform framework,and the sediments showed considerable diversity.8.9.4 Global Correlatability of Sea Level ChangesThe changes of sea level are also an important factor to influence sequences.The eleven third-order sequences identified in Permian strata of the study region represent 11 times of third-order sea level cycles.The curve of sea level cycles drawn by means of the 11 sequences had a certain correlatability with Vail et al.(1977)and Ross curve(Fig.8.39).Vail et al.regarded the Leonardian and Guadalupian of Lower Permian in Europe and North America as the lower progressive sequence of a second-order sea level cycle and the Upper Permian there as the upper regressive sequence of this cycle.The Leonardian and Guadalupian in Europe and North America correspond to Sequences 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 in the study region,i.e.the Qixia Formation and the Maokou Formation of Lower Permian.Ross(1988)regarded the whole Permian as the upper regressive sequence of the second second-order sea level cycle of Upper Paleozoic.According to Zeng Yunfu et al.(1993),the Lower Permian in the Youjiang compound basin corresponds to the upper regressive sequence of the Hercynian sea level cycle and the upper Permian does to the lower progressive sequence of the Indo-Chinese sea level cycle.Considering that the study region and even southern China are lack of more or less of Devonian and Carboniferous strata and that the top unconformity of the Maokou Formation is widespread,we consider the Lower Permian to be a relatively independent second-order sequence,in which the Qixia Formation corresponds to TST sediments,and most of the Maokou Formation does to HST sediments,and the bottom of the Maokou Formation does to CS sediments.The Qixia Formation and the Maokou Formation in the study region and even southern China have 6 third-order sequences,and compared with most of Europe and North America,and they are short of one sequence or two sequences.This is because the bottom of the Qixia Formation is short of one sequence and the top of the Maokou Formation suffered denudation.In the Youjiang basin area where Carboniferous and Permian are continuous deposition.However,the bottom of the Qixia Formation has a sequence corresponding to that absent sequence,but we incorporated it into Sequence I in order to correlate throughout the study region.Fig.8.36 Regional sedimentary model of the Qixia Age of Permian in the study regionFig.8.37 Regional sedimentary model of Maokou Age of Permian in the study regionFig.8.38 Regional sedimentary model of Late Permian in the study regionOn the other hand,the curve of sea level change for the Upper Permian of the study region has considerable differences from Vail et al."s curve and Ross curve.The upper Permian of the study region represents the early progressive stage of a second-order sea level cycle occurred during Late Permian and Early Triassic and is a progressive Carbonate sedimentary sequence,which is similar those in Alps,Outer Caucasus,Iran,northern Vietnam,Japan and so on.The second-order progressive sequence corresponds to 4 third-order sequences identified by Dennison(1984)in the Upper Permian of Tethys,of which the two sequences of the Kazanian correspond to the three sequences of the Wujiaping Formation in the study region,i.e.,Sequences 7,8 and 9,and the two sequences of the Tatarian correspond to the two sequences of the Changxing,i.e.,Sequences 10 and 11.Obviously,the Upper Permian of the study region is typical in Tethys.Vail et al."s curve and Ross" curve are too simple in describing medium-short cycles because data they used were chiefly from North America,West Europe,Russia and the Gondwana Land whose Late Permian sedimentary records are not typical:either dominated by continental facies in some areas or lack of some or all of the strata corresponding to the Changxing Formation.Yin Hongfu et al.(1994)thought that these differences may be due to that the Cimmerides separating Paleotethys from Mesotethys fast moved towards Eurasia continent and that Paleotethys closed from east to west.It follows that changes of sea level reflected by the sequences of Late Permian in the study region are typical in the world.Therefore we recommend that the segment of Late Permian in the curve of global sea level cycles of Phanerozoic Eon should be corrected using the curve for the Upper Permian in the Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-Guangxi region.Fig.8.39 Changes of sea level in the study region and global changes of sea level during Permian



owl;regional ;marginal ; intellectual 这英语用谐音怎么读?

owl [au028al] 啊窝regional [u02c8riu02d0du0292u0259nl] 瑞珍闹marginal [u02c8mɑu02d0du0292u026anl] 马振闹 intellectual[.u026antu0259"lektu0283uu0259l] 因特来客戳

city-regionalism 是什么意思

城市区域主义区域主义 (The Localism),又称地区主义(The Regionalism),是第二次世界大战后新兴的一种理论,强调“巩固国家或城市与周边地区的利益及外交”。

英语翻译Approaching potential impacts from a regional scale help?

人们对其自身生活居住的区域有着特殊关注,在此情况下,从区域尺度上探究气候变化的潜在影响有助于满足人们的此类需求. in the context of 在…情况下;在…背景下 approach (着手)探讨,研究 place 安放到位(这里可理解为“与需求对口”的意思),2,接近潜在影响从区域尺度的气候变化和变化帮助地方上下文中的具体问题,人们居住地。,1,Approaching potential impacts from a regional scale helps place climate variability and change in the context of specific concerns to people where they live: 从区域规模接近潜在的影响,帮助地方气候变率和变化的背景下,他们住的地方的人特别关注的问题。,1,结尾处从句有语法错误。应删除先行词people 将定语从句改为宾语从句,这样就通顺了。 在对他们的居住地特有的关注之下,从区域性的规模探究潜在的影响有助于落实气候的多变性和变化。 百度教育团队【海纳百川团】,1,人们居住地从区域尺度的气候变化和变化帮助地方的具体问题接近潜在的影响。,0,【‘推荐答案"翻译的不对!是这意思】: “研究源自区域范围内的潜在影响,有助于对该地区所住居民特别关注中的气候变异和变化给予评估,以供其参考。” place:在这里是:“提出(问题等)以供参考”、“给…定等级;评定;估定(价值)”的意思。 regional scale:可翻译为”区域范围内”、“区域层面上”。例句: We revi...,0,英语翻译 Approaching potential impacts from a regional scale helps place climate variability and change in the context of specific concerns to people where they live.

local government 和 regional council 区别?

goverment 是政府,就比如县政府之类的council 是议会,是代表们开会的地方。