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如何欣赏歌曲《Lost Rivers》

  “Lost Rivers”这首歌既没有旋律,也没有歌词,从头到尾都是破碎的人声哀嚎。这首歌的演唱者珊克南契拉(Sainkho Namtchylak)的声音条件很出色。毕竟这是1991年的录音室作品!  演唱者珊克南契拉被称“人声极端分子”,有许多听起来让人窒息的歌曲。除此之外,她拥有横跨七个八度的优异音域。  每当夜深人静的时候,关掉所有的灯,窗外,灯火阑珊,窗内,一个孤寂的灵魂静静躺在床上,戴上耳机,耳畔传来了遥远的,又是最熟悉的声音,冥冥中将我带回了初生,心灵在蒙古图瓦人的声音中游荡,精神在黑夜中挣扎,希望、梦想,弥漫着自由的奔放,岁月、沧桑,品味着人世的悲怆,这就是《lost rivers》带给我无限的力量,撕心裂肺,用生命的力量爆发,震撼着我,感动着我!“Lost Rivers”这首歌既没有旋律,也没有歌词,从头到尾都是破碎的人声哀嚎。这首歌的演唱者珊克南契拉(Sainkho Namtchylak)的声音条件很出色。毕竟这是1991年的录音室作品!    Lost River是Sainkho最早期的一张作品,是她自己一个人用各种可能的发声方法来完成的人声实验专辑。单从Lost River的封面,我们已经可以感受到一股浓厚的学院派气息。恐怕经过Lost River的“折磨”后,再去面对Yoko Ono和Diamanda Galas等人的暴戾呼啸时我们会倘然得多,Sainkho那一派原始生命状态的声音宣泄予人一种强烈的艺术张力。Sainkho联合Peter Kowald(双簧贝司)、Werner Lüdi(上低音萨克斯)和Butch Morris(小铜喇叭)出版了另一张作品When the Sun Is Out You Don"t See Stars,与Lost River相比少了一份猛烈与粗犷。拉被称“人声极端分子”,有许多听起来让人窒息的歌曲。除此之外,她拥有横跨七个八度的优异音域。





they live in the rivers,river为什么➕s?

they live in the rivers。它们生活在河里。这里的river加s 表示众多的江河,数目很多。

lost rivers 是什么意思?



在河里 in the river在河上(有一架飞机) over the river


Lost Rivers翻译成中文叫迷河。这是一首音乐。表演者是Sainkho Namtchylak。整张专辑除了“Memory I”和” Memory II”两首歌曲有明显的旋律主线以外,其余歌曲全部为人声实验作品。“Lost Rivers”这首歌既没有旋律,也没有歌词,从头到尾都是破碎的人声哀嚎。这首歌的演唱者珊克南契拉(Sainkho Namtchylak)的声音条件很出色。毕竟这是1991年的录音室作品!演唱者珊克南契拉被称“人声极端分子”,有许多听起来让人窒息的歌曲。除此之外,她拥有横跨七个八度的优异音域。这首歌被网友们调侃为神曲,但喜好还是因个人而异。



如何欣赏歌曲《Lost Rivers》

Lost Rivers又名迷河。表演者是Sainkho Namtchylak。整张专辑除了“Memory I”和” Memory II”两首歌曲有明显的旋律主线以外,其余歌曲全部为人声实验作品。这首歌既没有旋律,也没有歌词,从头到尾都是破碎的人声哀嚎。这首歌的演唱者珊克南契拉(Sainkho Namtchylak)的声音条件很出色。毕竟这是1991年的录音室作品!演唱者珊克南契拉被称“人声极端分子”,有许多听起来让人窒息的歌曲。除此之外,她拥有横跨七个八度的优异音域。  Lost River是Sainkho最早期的一张作品,是她自己一个人用各种可能的发声方法来完成的人声实验专辑。单从Lost River的封面,我们已经可以感受到一股浓厚的学院派气息。恐怕经过Lost River的“折磨”后,再去面对Yoko Ono和Diamanda Galas等人的暴戾呼啸时我们会倘然得多,Sainkho那一派原始生命状态的声音宣泄予人一种强烈的艺术张力。Sainkho联合Peter Kowald(双簧贝司)、Werner Lüdi(上低音萨克斯)和Butch Morris(小铜喇叭)出版了另一张作品When the Sun Is Out You Don"t See Stars,与Lost River相比少了一份猛烈与粗犷。

lost rivers 这首歌怎么样?? 求评论


lost rivers什么意思

lost rivers具体什么意思?网页链接有人做出详细的解释,具体会不会被吓死,呵呵



Lost rivers是谁唱的?

老太婆唱的一首歌,这首歌的歌名是英文歌歌曲名是Lost Rivers又名迷河。Lost Rivers是Sainkho最早期的一张作品,是她自己一个人用各种可能的发声方法来完成的人声实验专辑。单从Lost Rivers的封面,我们已经可以感受到一股浓厚的学院派气息。恐怕经过Lost Rivers的“折磨”后,再去面对Yoko Ono和Diamanda Galas等人的暴戾呼啸时我们会倘然得多,Sainkho那一派原始生命状态的声音宣泄予人一种强烈的艺术张力。Sainkho联合Peter Kowald(双簧贝司)、Werner Lüdi(上低音萨克斯)和Butch Morris(小铜喇叭)出版了另一张作品When the Sun Is Out You Don"t See Stars,与Lost Rivers相比少了一份猛烈与粗犷。扩展资料:2012年11月21日,有网友在微博上分享了一首名为“LostRivers”的歌曲,号称可以打败任何现有的神曲,引发了网友的火爆关注。由于这首歌既没有旋律,也没有歌词,从头到尾都是破碎的人声哀嚎,被网友称为“丧乐”。记者通过著名音乐人科尔沁夫得知,这首歌的演唱者珊克南契拉(Sainkho Namtchylak)是一位非常厉害的歌手,她的声音条件很出色,这首歌可能有着深层的意义。网友在微博上说不要用音响播放这首歌曲,因此记者戴着耳机开始欣赏,但一度误以为是自己的耳机坏了,感觉一直播放的都是杂音。慢慢才发现歌曲就是这样,从头到尾都是嘶叫声。据悉,演唱者珊克南契拉被称“人声极端分子”,有许多听起来让人窒息的歌曲。除此之外,她拥有横跨七个八度的优异音域,随后记者找到她其他的一些歌曲,的确空灵动听。

Sugar Ray的《Rivers》 歌词

歌曲名:Rivers歌手:Sugar Ray专辑:Fly Ep神思者 - RIVER作曲:神思者RIVER安慰了失恋朋友整整一夜听了朋友对爱整整一天的理解当我怀瑞着凄凉走过稀疏细雨街头又听到暗处有人抱着爱在哭泣此刻多么想紧紧搂住你的双肩不明白这个夜那么喜欢收聚破碎的恋不明白这个细雨那么喜欢受伤的爱陪伴这个世界那么容易扭曲年青的心虽然此时我感觉不到痛失爱人的心情却理解失去恋人的怅惘多怜希望时间不要狭杂在真爱中间让俩个人携手努力共筑情感原缘将分离驱赶至没有痛苦的边缘朋友说爱如果只在你一个人的心间不必天天念叨 不必把爱挂在床头当作风铃天天去聆听 天天去追忆旭日它只迎接两颗纯洁的心当初他把爱装在口袋 最后还不是出了意外此时此刻多么的希望 能够多看一会你的笑脸某天岁月推着我们离开了这个地方距离有可能就一辈子阻挡在我们面前车站一定装载的都是迷惘的目光啊啊人生就是这么多无奈啊啊生活就是这么多离散带不走的也只是有情人的依恋到那时哭声响起恐怕就不是你一个自己不要把伤感带进了回忆 悄悄藏在你身旁有些人可能一天做着相同的事重复着生活生命的相同节奏却有可能忘不掉曾爱过他的人看那忙忙碌碌的人群 熙熙攘攘的城市天空再也不会出现自己希望看到的忧影是否会埋怨今天的愚蠢呢当我看到朋友的难过才知道爱原来不可以去免强别人虽然我们不能得到她却可以真心的祝服她希望你过得比我好

lost rivers什么意思

迷失的河Lost Rivers出自于SAINKHO对儿时村边一条干涸小河的记忆



lost rivers是谁唱的?

老太婆唱的一首歌,这首歌的歌名是英文歌歌曲名是Lost Rivers又名迷河。Lost Rivers是Sainkho最早期的一张作品,是她自己一个人用各种可能的发声方法来完成的人声实验专辑。单从Lost Rivers的封面,我们已经可以感受到一股浓厚的学院派气息。恐怕经过Lost Rivers的“折磨”后,再去面对Yoko Ono和Diamanda Galas等人的暴戾呼啸时我们会倘然得多,Sainkho那一派原始生命状态的声音宣泄予人一种强烈的艺术张力。Sainkho联合Peter Kowald(双簧贝司)、Werner Lüdi(上低音萨克斯)和Butch Morris(小铜喇叭)出版了另一张作品When the Sun Is Out You Don"t See Stars,与Lost Rivers相比少了一份猛烈与粗犷。扩展资料:2012年11月21日,有网友在微博上分享了一首名为“LostRivers”的歌曲,号称可以打败任何现有的神曲,引发了网友的火爆关注。由于这首歌既没有旋律,也没有歌词,从头到尾都是破碎的人声哀嚎,被网友称为“丧乐”。记者通过著名音乐人科尔沁夫得知,这首歌的演唱者珊克南契拉(Sainkho Namtchylak)是一位非常厉害的歌手,她的声音条件很出色,这首歌可能有着深层的意义。网友在微博上说不要用音响播放这首歌曲,因此记者戴着耳机开始欣赏,但一度误以为是自己的耳机坏了,感觉一直播放的都是杂音。慢慢才发现歌曲就是这样,从头到尾都是嘶叫声。据悉,演唱者珊克南契拉被称“人声极端分子”,有许多听起来让人窒息的歌曲。除此之外,她拥有横跨七个八度的优异音域,随后记者找到她其他的一些歌曲,的确空灵动听。





为啥一直不翻Rivers in the desert呢 是因.来自祈雨师

rivers in the desert_有道翻译翻译结果:河流在沙漠中Rivers英 ["rivu0259:s]美 ["rivu0259:s]n. 里弗斯(人名);河流州(尼日利亚州名);河水钻更多释义>>[网络短语]Rivers 河流,里弗斯,河水钻

rivers怎么读 rivers的意思

1、rivers的读音:英[u02c8ru026avu0259z],美[u02c8ru026avu0259rz]。 2、n.河; 江; (液体)涌流; 3、rivers是river的复数; 4、[例句]The university is on the left bank of the river.大学在河的左岸。

求 I follow rivers中文歌词

Oh I beg you: can I follow?Oh I ask you: why not always?Be the ocean, where I unravel,be my only, be the water where I"m wading.我祈求你:能够追随著你吗?我想问你:为什麼不能总是...在我瓦解之处,作一片包容我的汪洋;作我的唯一,当我跋涉,作我脚边的水流...You"re my river running high,run deep, run wild.你是我那,从高山奔腾、潮涌深渊、氾滥荒野的河...I I follow, I follow youDeep sea baby, I follow youI I follow, I follow youDark doom honey, I follow you我信仰著、我信仰著你,直到无尽海洋,亲爱的我追随著你。我信仰著、我信仰著你,即使黯不见光,亲爱的我仍追随你。He a message; I"m the runner.He the rebel; I"m the daughter waiting for you.若他是圣谕,我便是竭力传信的跑者;若他被加诸反叛者的罪名,我便是持续等待你归来的女儿。(注:第一句可能是马拉松的典故,第二句可能是双城记的典故,故做此翻译)You"re my river running highrun deep, run wild.你是我那,从高山奔腾、潮涌深渊、氾滥荒野的河...I I follow you, I follow you, Deep sea baby, I follow youI I follow you, I follow youDark doom honey, I follow you我信仰著、我信仰著你,直到无尽海洋,亲爱的我追随著你。我信仰著、我信仰著你,即使黯不见光,亲爱的我仍追随你。

Lost Rivers中文翻译是什么?

该歌曲为《LostRivers》。《Lost Rivers》是由图瓦族女歌手珊蔻·娜赤娅克录制的一张人声实验专辑,亦是她的首张个人专辑,唱片内部共收知录13首唱曲,于1991年2月14日发行。专辑的同名曲目既没有旋律,没有歌词,整件事都是破碎的人类哀鸣。这首歌的录音歌手学习了传统的二重唱方法的吐娃,以及一些传统的声乐技巧的魔术道教。这部作品也表达了对信仰和图腾的敬意。虽然听起来不像一首歌,但它有更深的含义。扩展资料:从专业的点评角度来讲,这首歌充满了自由、岁月、沧桑,夹杂着世界的悲伤,它的力量让人哭泣。并蕴含着生命,从而震撼人心,感动人心。这位歌手在表演中以一种挑战人类声音极限的声音演唱。一声“怒吼”揭示了歌手的各种情绪:愤怒、悲伤、无助、悲伤、绝望,以及对美好生活的向往。它反映了日益突出的社会矛盾在当代生活中,如底层人民的压迫和弱势群体,不断强化政府和人民之间的矛盾,相反的利益在亲朋好友之间,人与人之间缺乏信任和人民艰苦的生活。



lost rivers是什么意思

这个其实是无稽之谈,只是说我们熟悉了主流的音乐,突然听到这样的歌曲,会觉得惊吓。这真的是一首很特别的歌,如果可以把她叫做歌的话。lost rivers基本是由一系列嘶哑的叫声组成的,据说是表达了歌手对于而是村旁一条干涸小河的记忆。实话说,第一次听Lost Rivers的时候确实有点被吓到了,但是我马上意识到,这首lost rivers给我的心灵带来巨大的考验的同时,带给我的是一种前所未有的感受。我感受到了人性深处有些东西在呼喊,这些东西本来是我们自己的一部分,但是我们拒绝承认她,更不敢面对她,连提都不敢去提。当然表面上我们会装作不屑去提,实则是不敢。就像哈利·波特的里面那个谁都不敢提的名字,谁的心里都知道这个名字,但是谁都拒绝知道。具体:网页链接

就是the river和the rivers ,一个句子中没有单复数的那种准确表达,那应该

那就看句子中指的是一条还是多条。如:The Yellow River is one of the longest rivers in the world .I used to swim in the river near my town .答题不易,满意请采纳!有问题追问!谢谢!

Rivers crew是什么意思?

我建议你在舞步中加一些hiphop进去,这样可以丰厚你的舞蹈,由于breaking自身比拟硬派,女生跳起来不怎样美观,假设能参与一些女性的元素进去,看起来就会很谐和,不要一味地吸取breaking的觉得,由于breaking的很多觉得都没有顾及女性的特性…但是,女生跳breaking有一种共同的滋味,就是柔中带刚,跳得好的显得比拟阳光,我见过很多B-girl,跳的时分弄了一大堆的地板步,不只看起来很烦,而且没有太大美感,所以我觉得不用完整跳breaking的东西,宁可多创新一些舞步…当然,像chair一类的特地举措还是可以多练的,那些都是breaking的标志…我有一个breaking的视频教程网,可以去看看: 假设你想多学成套的舞蹈可以去优酷网搜。 2011-10-24 8:29:35

the other rivers 和 any other rivers 两个选项搞不清楚

any other表示“其他任何一个...”后接单数。

lost rivers的意思

有网友在微博上分享了一首名为“LostRivers”的歌曲,号称可以打败任何现有的神曲,引发了网友的火爆关注。由于这首歌既没有旋律,也没有歌词,从头到尾都是破碎的人声哀嚎,被网友称为“丧乐”。记者通过著名音乐人科尔沁夫得知,这首歌的演唱者珊克南契拉(Sainkho Namtchylak)是一位非常厉害的歌手,她的声音条件很出色,这首歌可能有着深层的意义。记得第一次听到这张作品时是多么的惶恐不安,但又隐约地觉得这是多么的惊为天人,毕竟这是1991年的录音室作品!网友在微博上说不要用音响播放这首歌曲,因此记者戴着耳机开始欣赏,但一度误以为是自己的耳机坏了,感觉一直播放的都是杂音。慢慢才发现歌曲就是这样,从头到尾都是嘶叫声。据悉,演唱者珊克南契拉被称“人声极端分子”,有许多听起来让人窒息的歌曲。除此之外,她拥有横跨七个八度的优异音域,随后记者找到她其他的一些歌曲,的确空灵动听。记者电话询问了著名音乐人科尔沁夫,他说珊克是他很喜欢的一个歌手,这首歌应该是个例外:“她的音乐非常出色,也在中国演出过许多次。她学习的是图瓦传统的双声唱法,也包括一些巫教的传统声乐技巧,可能这首歌是她向信仰和图腾致敬。虽然大家听起来根本不像一首歌,但其拥有更深层的含义,所以千万不要觉得听不懂就调侃说是神曲。[1] 听Los t River不能随便,至少像这样鬼哭狼嚎的东西暂时只能独享,广为传播的话我们可能会给认作异教徒。至今我也无法定义这种音乐,恐怕也不是“图瓦”两个字能够概括得下,暂且称作极端人声实验吧!

听说一首歌叫lost rivers 很恐怖,只能听几秒钟,是真的吗?


改错 Is there a rivers near the village?

Is there a river near the village?

lost rivers

Lost Rivers又名迷河。表演者是Sainkho Namtchylak。整张专辑除了“Memory I”和” Memory II”两首歌曲有明显的旋律主线以外,其余歌曲全部为人声实验作品。“Lost Rivers”这首歌既没有旋律,也没有歌词,从头到尾都是破碎的人声哀嚎。这首歌的演唱者珊克南契拉(Sainkho Namtchylak)的声音条件很出色。毕竟这是1991年的录音室作品!演唱者珊克南契拉被称“人声极端分子”,有许多听起来让人窒息的歌曲。除此之外,她拥有横跨七个八度的优异音域 。中文名称:迷河外文名称:Lost Rivers歌曲原唱:Sainkho Namtchylak音乐风格:学院派地 位:是Sainkho最早期的一张作品----资料来源于百度百科,更多详情请参见百度百科词条。

rivers and lakes是什么意思


Lost Rivers这首歌到底想表达什么?

这首歌 创作于苏联解体后 一夜之间曾经称霸世界的苏联体系崩塌 没有人知道发生了什么 制作人想让珊蔻表达出来 但是这种时候用歌词都不能表达出来 只有通过这种嘶吼表达










A has the same effect as B.


rivers河 常用释义[英] ["rɪvəz]n.河流; 河; (river的复数); (人名)里弗斯; (地名)里弗斯[例句]The state of the rivers will embarrass the enemy in a considerable degree.河流的水情会在很大程度上牵制敌人的行动。

Red Light (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Red Light (Lp Version)歌手:Georgia Satellites专辑:Georgia SatellitesRed Lightthe strokesto strokes88Two could be complete without the rest of the worldTwo could be complete without the rest of the worldDo it for the people that would die for your sakeAn entire generation that has nothing to sayHow to makeYour way to meOn let"s say you made me a deal with meAnd I got your name and you"re on my checkWhen you"re all trashed up with your big red beltI might almost say that you might need helpI could drop you off at the next red lightIf it don"t make sense or it don"t feel rightAll the girls could never make me love meThe way I love youCan"t you see the skies is not the limit no moreI can see the elevator crash through the floorI can still see yesterday sailing awayAnd 7 billion people who got nothing to sayAre you comingHome to meWell I saw your face then I heard that songI was so inviting it hurt my bonesBut it looked like you but your eyes are grayAnd your hair is gone but your mind"s OKYes I like your smile but your forehead"s coldI don"t want you to be afraid and goI was cheating lives for youI was there on the nail for youI was waiting...For my baby to arriveRight by my sideOh please leave me alone tonightForget the pastTwo could be complete without the rest of the worldOh you know I said it just to get you to laughDo it for the people that would die for your sakeAn entire generation who entertained you for blameThe light is redThe camera"s onGet yourself a lawyer and a gunBait your friends of friends like everyone...Can be so competitiveOh the skies not the limitAnd your never gonna guess what is ooooooo



Moreover, even though humans have been upright for millions of years, our feet and back continue

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Bruno Mars

just the way you are

Right On Time (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Right On Time (Album Version)歌手:Red Hot Chili Peppers专辑:CalifornicationOne shot all I needI

谁能帮我翻译下Bruno Mars的Talking to the Moon 这首歌歌词 不要翻译器翻译过的

I know you"re somewhere out there我知道你在那某处Somewhere far away某个遥远的地方I want you back 我希望你回来I want you back 我希望你回来My neighbors think 我的邻居觉得I"m crazy 我疯了But they don"t understand 但他们不明白You"re all I have 你是我的全部You"re all I have 你是我的全部At night when the stars晚上当星星light up my room照亮了我的房间I sit by myself我自己一个人坐Talking to the Moon 对月亮倾诉Try to get to You 试着得到你In hopes you"re on 希望你在哪the other side 在另外一方Talking to me too 也和我一起说话Or am I a fool 或者我很傻who sits alone 一个人坐着Talking to the moon 对着月亮说话I"m feeling like I"m famous 我感觉到我很出名The talk of the town 与整个镇对话They say 他们说I"ve gone mad 我疯了YeahI"ve gone mad 我疯了But they don"t know 但他们不知道what I know 我所知道的Cause when the 因为当 sund goes down 太阳下山someone"s talking back 有一个人回应我YeahThey"re talking back他们回应At night when the stars在晚上当星星light up my room照亮我的房间I sit by myself我一个人坐着Talking to the Moon对着月亮说话Try to get to You试着得到你In hopes you"re on希望你在哪the other side在另外一方Talking to me too与我说话Or am I a fool或许我很傻who sits alone一个人坐着Talking to the moon与月亮对话Do you ever hear me calling?你有听到我叫你吗Cause every night因为每个夜晚I"m talking to the moon我都和月亮说话Still trying to get to you依然像试着得到你In hopes you"re on希望你在哪the other side在另外一方Talking to me too与我说话Or am I a fool或许我很傻who sits alone一个人坐着Talking to the moon与月亮对话I know you"re somewhere out there我知道你在远方某一个地方Somewhere far away 一个很遥远的地方

谁能帮我翻译下Bruno Mars的Talking to the Moon 这首歌歌词 不要翻译器翻译过的

I know you"re somewhere out there我知道你在那某处Somewhere far away某个遥远的地方I want you back 我希望你回来I want you back 我希望你回来My neighbors think 我的邻居觉得I"m crazy 我疯了But they don"t understand 但他们不明白You"re all I have 你是我的全部You"re all I have 你是我的全部At night when the stars晚上当星星light up my room照亮了我的房间I sit by myself我自己一个人坐Talking to the Moon 对月亮倾诉Try to get to You 试着得到你In hopes you"re on 希望你在哪the other side 在另外一方Talking to me too 也和我一起说话Or am I a fool 或者我很傻who sits alone 一个人坐着Talking to the moon 对着月亮说话I"m feeling like I"m famous 我感觉到我很出名The talk of the town 与整个镇对话They say 他们说I"ve gone mad 我疯了YeahI"ve gone mad 我疯了But they don"t know 但他们不知道what I know 我所知道的Cause when the 因为当 sund goes down 太阳下山someone"s talking back 有一个人回应我YeahThey"re talking back他们回应At night when the stars在晚上当星星light up my room照亮我的房间I sit by myself我一个人坐着Talking to the Moon对着月亮说话Try to get to You试着得到你In hopes you"re on希望你在哪the other side在另外一方Talking to me too与我说话Or am I a fool或许我很傻who sits alone一个人坐着Talking to the moon与月亮对话Do you ever hear me calling?你有听到我叫你吗Cause every night因为每个夜晚I"m talking to the moon我都和月亮说话Still trying to get to you依然像试着得到你In hopes you"re on希望你在哪the other side在另外一方Talking to me too与我说话Or am I a fool或许我很傻who sits alone一个人坐着Talking to the moon与月亮对话I know you"re somewhere out there我知道你在远方某一个地方Somewhere far away 一个很遥远的地方

The Power of Will (Album Version) 歌词


Bruno Mars的《talking to the moon》吉他谱 六线谱跪求扒求!在百度上面

以下内容复制粘贴到记事本再用记事本查看,看上去会比较规整:Bruno Mars: Talking to the MoonCapo 2: 小王子82 De|---2----------2-----------2--------------2---------------------------------|B|--------3----------3------------3-----------------3------------------------|G|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|D|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|A|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|E|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| F#7e|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|B|--2-------------2----------------2-------------------2---------------------|G|--------3---------------3-----------------3--------------------3-----------|D|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|A|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|E|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|Bme|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|B|------3---------------3-----------------3------------------3---------------|G|--------------4---------------4-------------------4----------------4-------|D|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|A|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|E|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| A Ge|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|B|-------2------------2---------------3--------------3-----------------------|G|-------------2-------------2---------------0----------------0--------------|D|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|A|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|E|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| Ge|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|B|------3----------------3---------------------------------------------------|G|--------------0----------------0-------------------------------------------|D|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|A|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|E|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|I know you"re somewhere out thereSomewhere far awayI want you backI want you backMy neighbors think I"m crazyBut they don"t understandYou"re all I haveYou"re all I haveChorus:Em AAt night when the stars light up my roomEm AI sit by myself G-A-BmTalking to the Moon G-A-BmTry to get to You G AIn hopes you"re on the other sideBm A GTalking to me too G AOr am I a fool Awho sits alone Bm ATalking to the moon EOhhhhhhI"m feeling like I"m famousThe talk of the townThey sayI"ve gone madYeahI"ve gone madBut they don"t knowwhat I knowCause when thesun goes downsomeone"s talking backYeah They"re talking backChorus...DI know you"re somewhere out thereF#7Somewhere far awayEnd on Intro

求Bruno Mars的Talking to the moon的歌词,谢谢了!

7楼Talking To The MoonI know you"re somewhere out thereSomewhere far awayI want you backI want you backMy neighbors thinkI"m crazyBut they don"t understandYou"re all I haveYou"re all I haveChorus:At night when the starslight up my roomI sit by myselfTalking to the MoonTry to get to YouIn hopes you"re onthe other sideTalking to me tooOr am I a foolwho sits aloneTalking to the moonI"m feeling like I"m famousThe talk of the townThey sayI"ve gone madYeahI"ve gone madBut they don"t knowwhat I knowCause when thesund goes downsomeone"s talking backYeahThey"re talking backChorus:At night when the starslight up my roomI sit by myselfTalking to the MoonTry to get to YouIn hopes you"re onthe other sideTalking to me tooOr am I a foolwho sits aloneTalking to the moonDo you ever hear me calling?Cause every nightI"m talking to the moonStill trying to get to youIn hopes you"re onthe other sideTalking to me tooOr am I a foolwho sits aloneTalking to the moonI know you"re somewhere out thereSomewhere far away

”Cost leadership” 定 ”Differentiation” ?

更新1: Some say CostLeadership implies + efficency & - flexibility, Differentiation imples flexibily. Is it always correct? If MTR is inflexble in relative to bus, does it implies CostLeadership by providing less stations? What is the differentiation of KMB in relative to MTR? ,Cost leadership and product differentiation in most cases go the opposite way. That me it is not easy for a pany to enjoy lower cost while pursuing a strategy of product differentiation. So "Cost-leadership implies + efficency & - flexibility" is often correct. Cost-leadership generally arises as a result of economies of scale (e.g. by automation so that products can be produced at lower cost, or by sharing administrative costs among several divisions). It is easier to observe the characteristics of cost-leadership in manufacturing industries. If a pany turns to automation to lower its production cost, it will definitely bee subject to certain restricitons in respect to production (e.g. the minimum batch size to achieve cost effectiveness). Products can be produced faster and at lower cost, but the pany loses the flexibility to switch production from one product to another. Product differentiation normally me foing cost effectiveness. One reason is that differentiated products, i.e. those having distinctive features, are not as much demanded as the mon products. Compare sports car like Ferrari with Toyota cars, or PDA phones with the more mon Nokia or Sony Ericson. Company pursuing a strategy of product-differentiation refuse to expand it production line too much to avoid unsold stock.,参考: BBA,cost leadership me you have bigger capacity to cut price. So charging high price is ok. Low price is a kind of differentiation. MTR and KMB both use differentiation. Reasons: To be honest, there is no enough information to support MTR and KMB adopt cost leadership. As their price flexibility is almost none. On the other hand, both MTR and KMB spends money to advertise their difference, eg 多点时间, 多点生活,参考: me,

Like Glue (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Like Glue (Album Version)歌手:Sean Paul专辑:Dutty RockYeah yeah, yeah yeah, feel dat trend now, yeah yeahSean-A-Paul, so mi go so thenWell I don"t really care what people sayI don"t really watch what dem waan doStill I got to stick to my girls like glueAnd I mon nah play number twoAll I know the time it is gettin dreadNeed alot of trees up in my headGot alot of damsel in my bed to run dat re-eeeddd!!!!Well enough likkle girl dem bought they own dem got di goody goodyOne ting mi haffi tell dem Dutty got di woody woodyFrontway backway Dutty K man have di shooby shoobyVirgin dem waan gimme and mi have to tooky tookyHot girls outta road dat seh dem see mi see miAnd a tell mi seh dem have somethin fi gimme gimmeHow much a one night dem all a dream bout di jimmy jimmyDem a promise and a tell mi seh a fi mi fi miBut a promise is a comfort to a fool, so coolWell yuh dun know seh dat man haffi rule, di schoolWe nuh pet dem just wet dem up just like a poolAnd a dignitary we haffi use up mi toolWell I don"t really care what people sayI don"t really watch what dem waan doStill I got to stick to my girls like glueAnd I mon nah play number twoAll I know the time it is gettin dreadNeed alot of trees up in my headGot alot of damsel in my bed to run dat re-eeeddd!!!!So how can they waan big up dem chestBut they dun know Dutty Cup we deyah rated as di bestA wouldn"t they love diss this is Sean-A-Paul thisWe nuh cater fi nuh guy and only girls we a requestSo gimme di gal dem, yo and every minute I"m wid itFi get di gal dem exquisite and get dem regular visitJust gimme di gal dem, now dem all a pressure mi cellularSeh a mi a di dappa dem waan fi be dem big poppaGimme di gal dem, after di chronic we tek a dragAnd I don"t mean to brag everyday I got to shagGimme di gal dem, everytime I look inna my mindIt"s only girls dat weh mi find and true mi love dem designWell I don"t really care what people sayI don"t really watch what dem waan doStill I got to stick to my girls like glueAnd I mon nah play number twoAll I know the time it is gettin dreadNeed alot of trees up in my headGot a little of damsel in my bed to run dat re-eeeddd!!!!Some guy a live dem life and dem nuh really waan check itDem have nuh girl nuh wife nuh woman dem nah select itSometime mi haffi wonder if dem headset dem wreck itJah know dem ago bun well if dem don"t waan correct itSo please, dem nuh wannabeesDem hangout wid too much dogs and catch fleasDem nuh waan nuh honey, dem only waan di moneyDat"s how mi know seh dem bwoy deh all a move funnyLook like dem lost, livin in di pastOne ting mi haffi tell dem (?)Dem better move fast, before we get crossedBadman nuh cater fi dem just because, mi go so thenWell I don"t really care what people sayI don"t really watch what dem waan doStill I got to stick to my girls like glueAnd I mon nah play number twoAll I know the time it is gettin dreadNeed alot of trees up in my headGot alot of damsel in my bed to run dat re-eeeddd!!!!Well enough likkle girl dem bought they own dem got di goody goodyOne ting mi haffi tell dem Dutty got di woody woodyFrontway backway Dutty K man have di shooby shoobyVirgin dem waan gimme and mi have to tooky tookyHot girls outta road dat seh dem see mi see miAnd a tell mi seh dem have somethin fi gimme gimmeHow much a one night dem all a dream bout di jimmy jimmyDem a promise and a tell mi seh a fi mi fi miBut a promise is a comfort to a fool, so coolWell yuh dun know seh dat man haffi rule, di schoolWe nuh pet dem just wet dem up just like a poolAnd a dignitary we haffi use up mi toolWell I don"t really care what people sayI don"t really watch what dem waan doStill I got to stick to my girls like glueAnd I mon nah play number twoAll I know the time it is gettin dreadNeed alot of trees up in my headGot alot of damsel in my bed to run dat re-eeeddd!!!!Well I don"t really care what people sayI don"t really watch what dem waan doStill I got to stick to my girls like glue

run on the stairs 还是running on the

run on the stairs.在楼梯上跑。run是动词,做谓语。running 有时是动名词,有时是现在分词。如:I am running.是现在分词。I like running.是动名词,做宾语。running n. 运转;赛跑;流出 adj. 连续的;流动的;跑着的;运转着的 run vi. 经营;奔跑;运转 vt. 管理,经营;运行;参赛 n. 奔跑;赛跑;趋向;奔跑的路程。run是一般式,running是现在分词,做非谓语,有正在进行的含义,至于二者意思,running n. 运转;赛跑;流出 adj. 连续的;流动的;跑着的;运转着的 run vi. 经营;奔跑;运转 vt. 管理,经营;运行;参赛 n. 奔跑;赛跑;趋向;奔跑的路程。run语法:1、run的基本意思是“跑”“移动”,指人、动物或车辆以一定速度前进或移动,指水流、血液或眼泪比较湍急、源源不断地在一段时间内流淌。2、run主要用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词或由that引导的从句作宾语,有时还可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化成介词to或for的宾语。3、run还可用作系动词,意思是“用”“达到”“变得”,常接形容词作表语。用于比赛时可接序数词,表示“跑第几名”。4、run的现在进行时可表示按计划或安排、打算将要发生的动作,此时句中一般有表明将来的时间状语或特定的上下文。

Run On (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Run On (Lp Version)歌手:Arthur Conley专辑:More Sweet SoulLord God Almighty let me tell the newsmy head got wet in midnight dewgreat God i been down on my bended kneestalking to a man from galileemichael spoke and he sound so sweeti thought i heard the shuffle of angels" feetHe put one hand upon my headgreat God Almighty let me tell you what He saidgo tell that lonesome liargo tell that midnight ridertell the gamblin", ramblin" backslidertell them God Almighty gonna cut "em downyou might run on for a long timerun on, ducking and dodgingrun on, journey, for a long timelet me tell you God Almighty gonna cut you downyou might throw your rock, hide your headwork in the dark with your fellow mensure as God made you rich and pooryou"re gonna reap just what you sowyou might runwhat is the real thing ?runwhat is the real thing ?come on>some people go to church just to sit in the firetrying to make a date with a neighbor"s wifebrother let me tell you just as sure as you"re bornyou better leave that woman alone

orient overseas container line是什么意思


Why did USA enter the first world war?

Why the United States Entered World War I The US entered the war for a variety of reasons. Here are some summaries of explanations given by WikiAnswers Contributors. Submarine Warfare and the Lusitania There were unauthorized German submarines along the US East coast. Germany"s resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare in the spring of 1917 provided the final straw for US politicians, and America declared war. The first and foremost answer would be the sinking of the Lusitania, an British cruise/transport ship, bound for Britain from New York. The German U-boat ring sought to sink all supply ships headed for Britain in order to starve the island. It sank the Lusitania as part of its efforts. 1195 people died, including 128 Americans. The Lusitania"s sinking was the biggest influence on the American decision to enter the war. German submarine warfare (the Lusitania is included in this) sunk many ships over several years. Had it not been for the Lusitania, the US would have stayed out of the War. Economics Some say the "bankers" were involved. The U.S. had huge economic investments with the British and French. If they were to lose, then they would not be able to pay the U.S. debt back (amounting to about two billion dollars while Germany only borrowed a mere 27 million). If Allies could not pay back all the loans made to them by the American bankers, the US"s economy could collapse. France and England were financing their war with US loans. In addition, they were buying massive amounts of arms from the US on credit. The US wanted to make sure that it got paid back. Germany also purchased arms, but in a much more limited fashion. Politics Propaganda from both sides influenced the American decision. Woodrow Wilson did not want to go to war but when Teddy Roosevelt decided to run for another term, Wilson felt threatened and announced that there would be a preparedness program and possibly that the country would go to war. By entering the war, the US got to flex its muscles on the world stage and establish itself as a world power. After both sides of the Mexican civil war demanded that our troops leave and public opinion badly swayed against US intervention in Mexico, Wilson had no choice but to withdraw. By having the threat of Germany helping Mexico fight back against him, Wilson knew he had to take action. He couldn"t go back into Mexico because the American people would not allow it. He really had no beef with Germany, he just wanted to save face before Mexico could fight back. Ideology President Wilson wanted to make the world safe for democracy ("Wilson"s War Address to Congress"). It was partly for idealistic reasons (propaganda was not seen as an evil until after the Great War). The occupation of Belgium and the sinking of the Lusitania changed a lot people"s minds in the US about Germany. There was more to it than just the submarine warfare and the sinking of the Lusitania although those were the formal and legalistic reasons for declaring war. I think that over time a moral sense had developed that Britain and France were fighting the good fight for freedom against a genuine evil. If that sense had not existed I think the US would have let the Lusitania pass. As it was, it was nearly two years after she was sunk that we finally did declare war. Zimmerman Telegram Other points influenced entrance to the war, but the Zimmerman Telegram (sometimes called the "Zimmerman note" or "Zimmerman telegraph") finally pushed the US to war. The Zimmerman Telegram was sent from the German foreign secretary to the German Ambassador to Mexico. It stated the following: On the first of February, 1917, submarine warfare will be reinstated unrestrictively. The US has to stay neutral. Germany proposes an alliance with Mexico on the following basis: If the US goes to war, Mexico must fight on the home front in an financially supported alliance with Germany; If Mexico agrees to fight, they will reconquer New Mexico, Texas and Arizona. The telegraph was intercepted by British Intelligence and transmitted to the American government by the Brits. This infuriated Americans. It was the same sort of alliance that plunged Europe into war. Other WikiAnswers Contributors agree: The clincher was "discovery" of the Zimmerman Telegram (it was de-coded by the British and forwarded to US diplomats; with obvious self-interest on the part of the Brits). Answer Entry of the United States President Wilson before Congress, announcing the break in official relations with Germany on February 3, 1917. America"s policy of insisting on neutral rights while also trying to broker a peace resulted in tensions with both Berlin and London. US president Woodrow Wilson repeatedly warned that he would not tolerate unrestricted submarine warfare, and the Germans repeatedly promised to stop. In January 1917 the German military decided that unrestricted submarine warfare was the best gamble to choke British supplies before the American troops could arrive in large numbers. A proposal to Mexico to join the war was exposed in February, bringing war closer. (See Zimmerman telegram). After further U-boat attacks on American merchant ships, Wilson requested that Congress declare war on Germany, which it did on April 6, 1917 (see: Woodrow Wilson declares war on Germany on Wikisource). The House approved the war resolution 373-50, the Senate 82-6, with opposition coming mostly from German American districts. Wilson hoped war could be avoided with Austria-Hungary; however, when it kept its loyalty to Germany, the US declared war on Austria-Hungary in December 1917. Although the American contribution to the war was important, particularly in terms of the threat posed by an increasing US infantry presence in Europe, the United States was never formally a member of the Allies, but an "Associated Power." Significant numbers of fresh American troops only arrived in Europe in the summer of 1918, when they started arriving at 10,000 a day. Germany miscalculated that it would be many more months before large numbers of American troops could be sent to Europe, and that, in any event, the U-boat offensive would prevent their arrival. The United States Navy sent a battleship group to Scapa Flow to join with the British Grand Fleet, a number of destroyers to Queenstown, Ireland and several submarines to the Azores and to Bantry Bay, Ireland to help guard convoys. Several regiments of U.S. Marines were also dispatched to France. However, it would be some time before the United States would be able to contribute significant manpower to the Western and Italian fronts. The British and French wanted the United States to send its infantry to reinforce their troops already on the battlelines, and not use scarce shipping to bring over supplies. Thus the Americans primarily used British and French artillery, airplanes and tanks. However, General John J. Pershing, American Expeditionary Force (AEF) commander, refused to break up American units to be used as reinforcements for British Empire and French units (though he did allow African American combat units to be used by the French). Pershing ordered the use of frontal assaults, which had been discarded by that time by British Empire and French commanders as too costly in lives of their troops. To the astonishment of the Allies, the dispirited Germans broke and ran when the Americans came running, and the AEF suffered the lowest casualty rate of any army on the Western Front. (Most of its deaths were due to disease.) The U.S. had a large economic interest vested in certain countries that were in the war. The U.S had loaned millions and millions of dollars to Britain as well as billions to another country, thus it was in their interest to assure that the Allies won - even if that meant entering the war themselves. Answer VI. EXPLAINING US ENTRY--CONTENDING THEORIES: A. Three economic explanations: 1. Neutral rights, commerce protection--"we must protect our 2-way trade with Britain, to capture the efficiencies of the international division of labor." What kind of U.S. war does this explanation predict? A limited U.S. war to protect U.S. commerce with Britain, with no land war on the continent against Germany? 2. Neutral rights, business cycle variant (export protection)--"we must protect our 1-way exports to Britain, to ease US unemployment." What kind of U.S. war does this explanation predict? A limited U.S. war at sea to protect U.S. commerce with Britain? A strategy of prolonged stalemate rather than a push for decisive victory? 3. "Merchants of Death"--protection of munitions makers--"we must protect/expand our munitions exports to Britain, to keep US munitions makers and workers prosperous." Again, does this explanation predict a U.S. strategy of prolonged stalemate? B. National security/balance-of-power: the US fought to contain German military power. What does this explanation predict we should find in the U.S. archives? In U.S. public rhetoric justifying the war? C. US mobilization strategy ---> US was unable to prevent the war, tempted Germany to cut US trade with Britain before the US could mobilize. What does this explanation predict we should find Germans saying about the U.S. in the German archives? D. US misperceptions: Wilson didn"t foresee a long war, the German sub campaign, or the growth of US dependence on exports to allies. E. Common US/allied democratic culture. F. British propaganda, manipulation of US opinion.



scott forstall何时离职

scott forstall史葛福斯特

Frank Sinatra&Tommy Dorsey的《Love Lies》 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Love Lies歌手:Frank Sinatra&Tommy Dorsey专辑:Night And DayLove LiesI was lost, then I found youNever thought it would be this wayI showed you my heart, left it unguardedLike a thief in the night you stole it awayNow you"re gone, the pain goes on and onI still hear you whispering to me through the shadows of the nightLove lies, you"re just a victim of the headlinesYou"re running on into a cold nightYou"re just a number of the love liesAll alone you call it survivalHe lost at love to a stranger"s linesWalking the streets, searching with vengeanceFor a face that he dreams of night after nightTime goes on, all signs of life stolen, simple dreams were all brokenBest of times become desperation but how many tears must you cry to surviveLove lies, you"re just a victim of the headlinesYou"re running on into a cold nightYou"re just a number of the love liesLove lies, you"re just a victim of the headlinesYou"re running on into a cold nightYou"re just a number of the love liesThey met late one night in the cityBoth men knew only one would stayScratched a picture of a heart on a bulletAnd took his life awayLove lies, you"re just a victim of the headlinesYou"re running on into a cold nightYou"re just a number of the love liesLove lies, you"re just a victim of the headlinesYou"re running on into a cold nightYou"re just a number of the love lieshttp://music.b***.com/song/7394689



we happy few.we band of brothers



连词成句为:We are happy teachers. 意思:我们是快乐的老师.

Windows10 移动C盘Users目录(C盘瘦身)

因电脑C盘是一个128G的SSD,长时间使用下,电脑空间大幅度增长,最恶劣的情况下C盘可用空间不达1G,然后在网上搜索各种C盘瘦身教程,空间可用空间终于恢复到16G,之后就再也无法降低了。 今天无意间在小众软件上看到了一款名为SpaceSniffer的磁盘空间分析软件,分析后,发现C盘User用户目录占用高达20多G,本来想逐个瘦身大文件,但查了一个大文件的作用后就崩溃了,工作量太大,得弄到猴年马月去。本想就此放弃,但16G可用空间太扎眼了,灵机一动,想到能否将C盘的Users目录整体迁移呢?立即Google,在CSDN上的一篇博文上发现了相关教程,原理是将该目录移动到其他盘后,建立二者之间的软链接。下面是我的实操步骤及教程之外的异常处理: 因要移动C盘的Users目录,所以无论登陆哪个用户,都会导致该目录下的部分文件被占用,无法移动,所以需要进入恢复模式的命令行模式中完成目录迁移 进入路径:系统设置-更新和安全-恢复-高级启动-立即重新启动 重启后,选择疑难解答-高级选项-命令行模式,选择后,电脑可能会重启,等待,进入命令行用户登陆界面,输入用户密码(没有密码直接点击“继续”),进入命令行模式 上述3条命令不要急着敲,先看下面的注意部分!!!否则掉坑摔死别怪我!!! 注意 做这一步时,无比仔细敲入每个字母,敲入后不要点回车,多检查几遍,我就是大意然后入坑,差点没爬上来,处理异常时心酸的想哭 第一坑:复制,恢复模式下的命令行模式中,所有的盘符与正常系统可能会不一致,所以一定要挨个盘符敲一遍,确认下命令行的每个盘符与正常系统的盘符差异之处,记录下来,简而言之,我的正常盘符是C,D,E,然后想将C盘的Users迁移到D盘中,因为我的硬盘有隐藏盘(一键恢复系统),所以命令行模式下的盘符与正常盘符的关系为: 命令行.C = 正常.C 命令行.D = 一键拯救隐藏盘 # 就是这个,坑死我了!!! 命令行.E = 正常.D 命令行.F = 正常.E 所以,复制的命令需要改为: 如果提示是否需要覆盖,输入a(all,全部覆盖) 接下来将C盘的Users目录改名为user 第二坑:软链接,这个其实也不算坑,就是我自己大意了,忘记输入/J参数了,导致后面无法正常登陆,仔细输入以下命令,千万不要忘记 /J 参数: 如果没有报错,则可以按住关机键,强制关机。 开机后,正常登陆,如能登陆成功,则将C盘的user目录删除,自此C盘Users目录瘦身成功! 如无法登陆,提示“user profile service 服务登陆失败”,嘿嘿,恭喜,你入坑了,继续往下看吧! user profile service 服务登陆失败的原因是用户在登陆时,无法找到用户的配置文件,故报错。 故障原因: 1、mklink 链接双方错误 2、mklink 命令忘记带参数/J 解决办法: 1、登陆界面,按住键盘shift,鼠标点击电源按钮,选择重启,shift键不要松手,直到重启成功; 2、选择疑难解答-高级选项-命令行模式,将第一次设置的软链接使用以下命令删除: rmdir C:\users 3、重新设置正确的映射链接 4、强制关机,开机,进入登陆界面,尝试是否可以登陆成功,如仍不成功,继续下一步操作 5、登陆界面,按住键盘shift,鼠标点击电源按钮,选择重启,shift键不要松手,直到重启成功; 6、选择疑难解答-高级选项-更改启动行为-重启 系统再次重启,键盘输入“启动安全模式”对应的数字 7、如果是第一次进入安全模式,需要长时间等待系统初始化 8、初始化完成后, 如果弹出以下窗口,不要理会,能点确定的点确定,点不了的点击屏幕黑色部分,此时界面一片漆黑,键盘:Crtl+Alt+Delte,调出任务管理器,文件-运行新任务-regedit,确定; 如果正常进入安全模式,键盘:Windows+r,调出运行对话框,输入:regedit,确定 9、注册表进入:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionProfileList,最后有两个文件夹,以“s-1-5...”开头的,一个有“.bak”后缀,一个没有。 备份注册表(全部)到本地磁盘上,然后选中没有.bak的项,右键,删除,重启电脑,正常登陆即可 10、进入C盘,删除user目录(原Users目录),至此大功告成,C盘瘦身20G以上文件,并且无须像其他教程那样,后续仍需要定时或不定时的清理,用此方法,基本上C盘就不用再N此瘦身了,一劳永逸的解决战斗无疑是令人心情愉悦的。 参考文章:

请帮我翻译一篇文章翻译成中文 3 MAXIMUS AIR CARGO 原文: 1 MAXIMUS AIR CARGO with its Headquarters i

1 最大的空运港口在阿拉伯联合大公国的首都阿布达比中有它的总部最大所有的货物航空公司在阿拉伯联合大公国及总理操作员中特大的在中东的货物飞机。2 藉由操作一完全拥有舰队现在包含一 -124-100 Ruslan, 空中公共汽车 A 300-600 射频. Ilyusin IL-76 TD 坦白的和最近附加的洛克希德 l-382 hercules 货物飞机, 最大的空运货柜不只有有那理想飞机为差不多任何的空运货柜需求, 它有也快速地得到强烈的名誉为它的 "最好的-方法" 对区域空运货柜特许状市场。3最大的空运货柜在允许一空气操作员证书 (AOC) 和一平民证书耐飞性符合阿拉伯联合大公国的汽车-OPS 指挥民用航空当局标准, 可比较的广口瓶 OPS-1.



Mr. Johnson told us that he_____to work in the headquarters of the corporation later this month.?

told us是过去式,但是后面跟的句子是个将来时,这种不能用will,要用would来表示将来时。later this month是这个月的晚些时候,表达的是将来时间。

New Song We Sing (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:New Song We Sing (Album Version)歌手:Meredith Andrews专辑:Wow Worship [Purple]NEW SONG WE SING by Meredith AndrewsYou are the God who reconcilesthe wayward heart through ChristThe old has gone, the new has comeWe are reconciled by love, We are reconciled by loveYou are the God who reconcilesthe wayward heart through ChristThe old has gone, the new has comeWe are reconciled by love, We are reconciled by loveAnd this is the new song we singTo the king of heavenThis is the new song we bringAfter all you"ve givenWe stand before you redeemedAs your children This is the new song we singWe who were once so far awayare brought near by Your bloodThe barrier has been destroyedBy Your grace we freely come, by Your grace we freely come (break!)And this is the new song we singTo the king of heavenThis is the new song we bringAfter all you"ve givenWe stand before you redeemedAs your children This is the new song we singWe live in You, we live for youWe live to you our kingWe stand in You, we stand for YouWe stand as your redeemedWe live in You, we live for youWe live to you our kingWe stand in You, we stand for YouWe stand as your redeemedAnd this is the new song we singTo the king of heavenThis is the new song we bringAfter all you"ve givenWe stand before you redeemedAs your children This is the new song we singAnd this is the new song we singTo the king of heavenThis is the new song we bringAfter all you"ve givenWe stand before you redeemedAs your children This is the new song we sing




headquarters英 [u02cchedu02c8kwu0254:tu0259z] 美 [u02c8hedkwu0254:rtu0259rz] n.指挥部; 司令部; (机构,企业等的)总部; 总店网络总部; 公司总部; The building is the headquarters of the family firm. 这座大楼是该家族公司的总部。


Alpha squad call headquarters


headquarters here is Alpha squad



Headquarters 总部是什么意思?求解释清楚一点啊,谢谢哥哥姐姐 。。


headquarters vs. headquarter单数还是复数

headquarters 到底是单数还是复数呢?它后面的动词到底该怎么用?似是而非的单复数变化总是让你晕头转向。让我来帮你擦亮眼吧!   headquarters这个词打眼一看,真像是一个复数形式,因为加了“s”嘛。但实际上,headquarters是个单数名词,只是以“s”结尾,意思是公司的总部。例如:   I"m going to headquarters this weekend to meet with the CEO.   我这个周末要去总部见CEO。   headquarters后面既可以接单数动词,也可以接复数动词,但是复数更为常用。例如:   The headquarters of Microsoft are in America.   微软的总部设在美国。   但是,当headquarters所指代的是一种权威而不是指“总部”所在的地方时,常常接单数动词。例如:   The headquarters has approved to donate $3,000 to charity.   总部已经同意向慈善机构捐款3000美元。   如果你漏掉了“s”,不要以为“没关系,不会产生歧义”。没有了“s”的headquarter可不再是名词了,而是一个动词,是“提供给总部,建立总部”的意思。例如:   The new company will headquarter in Paris.   新公司会将总部设在巴黎。   The Texas Oil Company is headquartered in White Plains, New York, but its name is derived from the state of Texas.   德克萨斯石油公司的总部设在纽约的怀特普莱恩斯,公司的名字却来自德克萨斯这个州名。




指挥部; 司令部; 总部(机构,企业等的); 总店

求一首英文歌名,是个女的唱的很安静的歌,第一句是:so many years

Leann Rimes - You Light Up My Lifeso many nights,i"d sit by my window,waiting for someone to sing me his many dreams,i kept deep inside me,alone in the dark,but now you"ve come along.and you light up my life,you give me hope, to carry light up my days and fill my nights with song.rollin" at sea,adrift on the waterscould it be finally,i"m turning for home.finally a chance to say hey, i love younever again to be all alone.cause you light up my life,cause you, you light up my lifeyou give me hope to carry onit can"t be wrong,when it feels so rightcause you,you light up my life
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