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英语、什么时候是year old 什么时候是years old ? 什么时候加横杠。

用yearold只能用单数比如heis1yearold但变成形容词范围就很广了,heisa5-year-oldstudent yearsold用于复数,例如9yearsold~希望此答案对你有帮助

years old 和year-old的区别和用法


Nineteen years old 什么意思!!


year olds还是years old?

years old。。。。

请问,“一岁”翻译成英语是"one year old"还是"one years old"???

one year old


填个数字,比如 ten

怎样区别forty-years-old 和forty years old


英语问题:请问twenty-year-old和twenty years old的区别

twenty-year-old是一个复合形容词twenty years是形容词old的状语,表示“多大”She is a twenty-year-old mother.She is twenty years old.

11— year— old和11yearsold有何区别?


10-year-old与10 years old的区别


是five years old还是five-years-old还是five-year-old还是f


"14-yese-old"和"14 years old"的区别~?


谁能给我讲解下关于years old的用法


year-old与years old的区别

year-old 可以做形容词修饰名词,所以没有复数形式 years old 是两个独立的单词,year是名词所以有复数形式 eg: i am 10 year-old = I am 10 years old.

什么时候用year old ? 什么时候用years old ?



age和...years old都可用于准确的年龄,其句型为: A: one"s age(s)+be+数字 如:1.My age is nine. 我的年龄是9岁。 2.Their ages are 8,7,and 6. 他们的年龄是8岁,7岁和6岁。 B:人+be+数字+(years old) 如:1.My brother is ten (years old).我弟弟10岁了。 2.I am thirteen (years old). 我13岁了。 另外,表示年龄大约多少岁时,可用下列介词短语(以50岁为例): 1.above (或over) fifty 50多岁 2.below (或under) fifty不到50岁 3.nearly fifty将近50岁 one"s fifties 50多岁(50~59岁) 5.about fifty 50岁左右

6-year-old和6 years old 的区别

6-year-old放在名词前,做定语6 years old 放在系动词后,作表语

years old 和year-old的区别和用法


year old ,years old ,year-old区别,语法,

year old只能是 He is only one year old.即years old的单数形式. years old就是一岁以上的了,例如She is three years old. year old 和 years old通常都作表语. 首先要声明绝对没有years-old的说法,因为加上连接符以后year必须用单数. 数字-year-old表示几岁,与前两个最大的区别就是它在句中只能充当定语. 例如:a three-year-old boy一个三岁大的小男孩. 但是不能说The boy is three-year-old.也就是说它不能充当表语, 而要说 The boy is three years old.

years old和year-old的区别

您好,years old是一个短语。例如eight years old “八岁”。而year-old相当于一个形容词。如eight-year -old意思是“八岁的”。希望对您有帮助。谢谢!

year old和years old的用法

数字-year-old意思是“几岁的”,是形容词,作定语。数字years old是个形容词短语,多用作表语。例如:I am a two-year-old boy.(我是个两岁的男孩子。);My daughter is two years old.(我女儿两岁。) 扩展资料   二者不可以互换。定语是修饰名词的,不管是主语还是宾语,只要是名词都可以用定语修饰,定语一般有形容词,定语从句,非谓语动词(现在分词,过去分词,不定式)判断句子得主语很简单,句子里真正的谓语动词前边的名词或者代词,或者不定式,动名词短语就是主语表语是位于系动词成分,be是系动词,但是系动词还有一些别的词例如表示感官的动词:   look/smell/taste/feel还有一些动词例如remain,stay,有时候也可以动作系动词,标状态的宾语从句就是跟在谓语动词后边的"句子,其实从这个意义上来看,表语从句也是宾语从句的一种,但是系动词是比较特别的一种谓语动词,所以把它单独列出来,所以能够引导宾语从句的那些引导词都可以引导表语从句,不过有几个地方主意:that引导宾语从句的话可以省略,但是在表语从句中不能省略whether/if在宾语从句中可以互换,但是在表语从句里只能用whether,不能用if。


years old是什么意思

years old的中文释义为;岁(年龄)。例句:Now, my son is eight years old and my daughter is five years old.现在我儿子八岁,女儿五岁了。 扩展资料   例句:   1.He was 14 years old when it happened.   这件事情发生的时候,他14岁。   2.The most ancient parts of the continental crust are 4000 million years old.   该大陆地壳最古老的那些部分有40亿年了。   3.Fossil hunters have unearthed the bones of an elephant believed to be 500,000 years old.   化石寻找者们挖掘出了一头被认为有50万年之久的"大象遗骨。   4.Now, my son is eight years old and my daughter is five years old.   现在我儿子八岁,女儿五岁了。   5.Jenny is seventeen years old.   珍妮17岁。   6.I"ll be 26 years old next Friday.   我下周五就26岁了。   7.I"m fourteen years old.   我14岁。   8.He is ten years old.   他十岁了。   9.Nora thought he was seventeen years old.   诺拉觉得他有17岁。   10.He"s only 24 years old and a drug addict.   他只有24岁,可已经是一个瘾君子。   11.He"s 58 years old.   他58岁。   12.I was a virgin until I was thirty years old.   我到30岁时还是个处女。   13. was twenty years old and ready for anything.   我当时二十岁,什么都愿意去做。   14.A quarter of the residents are over 55 years old.   1/4的居民在55岁以上。   15.The dirty-faced waif was only five or six years old.   这个流浪儿脸上脏兮兮的,只有五六岁大。   16.Though ten years old, this book is highly recommended.   尽管已出版10年了,这本书仍备受推崇。

years old怎么读

爷死 呕的


校宝1Course Lms是一款会用大数据说话的智能学习系统,主要帮助学校解决“招生转化效率低”“学生能力评估难”“教学管理盲区多”“家校共育沟通少”等问题。主要有以下功能:智能管理系统:招生、教学、教务、服务等过程覆盖;老师、学生、家长多方位链接;直播、录播、作业、测试多类型支撑智能技术辅助测评:基于人工智能的教学辅助,口语、作文自动化批改;自适应入学评测和分析,提升招生效率及专业度智能模考系统:全真模拟做题,报告直观精准;托福、雅思、SAT、少儿英语、高等教育、K12大数据反馈分析:大数据反馈教学结果,教研优化有据可依;学员学习过程全记录,因材施教助成长

谁有BoA《first snow》的日语歌词吖??(最好有罗马注音的~)

First SnowLyrics: BoA Music: Takuya Harada/JUNKOO Hajimete no DEETO mita eigaFuyu no machi de au SHIINNanigenai koe de itte kuretaHatsuyuki no hi wa kitto aou toJoudan demo ureshikatta yakusoku neAi ga yobu kono hatsuyuki ni hi waFutari dake ni wa wakari aeru noShiroku somatteku machi ni ai no ato woKimi to egakou, zuttoDeaeta koro karaIchinan wo sugoshita neTama ni wa KENKA mo shita kedoAno yakusokuSaishou no kimochi modoretaNaze yuki wa fuyu shika fura nai no?Fuwafuwa shiroi hana mai ochiruFutai wo terasu TIARA ni naru yoNegai wa hitotsuKawara nai kimochi deIrare masu you ni, kimi toAi ga yobu kono hatsuyuki ni hi waFutari dake ni wa wakari aeru noShiroku somatteku machi ni ai no ato woKimi to egakou sarang he

update to reversion会默认更新至哪个版本?

tortoiseSVN中update to reversion会自动定位在最新版本,不过可以在show log中选择要回转的版本。但是update后本地的版本控制不是最新的,提交会冲突。解决冲突的办法可参考不知对你还有用没。。。

white horse是哪部美剧的主题曲


White Horse的吉他谱

其实C调的编配,女孩基本可以唱了,本来泰的歌曲的KEY不是很高。本人男生,C调的编配都能唱,当然本人的KEY还行。前奏的C F大七 Am7 F大七 ,后面就是C F A G循环。欧美歌曲的图片谱子不好找的。基本C调加变调夹就可以唱了

连词成句 lives,horse,a,white,a,on,farm

A white horse lives on a farm

(The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse by William Saroyan (1908-1981) 这文章的英文原文在哪能找到


This is a white horse 单数和复数形式:否定句,一般疑问句,肯定回


Ride a White Horse 歌词

歌名:Ride A White Horse演唱:GoldfrappNow take me dancingAt the DiscoWhere you buy yourWinniebagoI wanna ride on a white horseI want to ride on a white horseWhen the light turns into darknessWill he turn up to explain us?I wanna ride on a white horseI want to ride on a white horseLend me a whole new worldAll nightFeel lifeWhen is there ever senseTo loveThis worldIn the whirlpoolWe"ll go deeperIn this world that"sGetting cheaperI wanna ride on a white horseI want to ride on a white horseI like dancingAt the discoI want blistersYou"re my leaderI wanna ride on a white horseI want to ride on a white horse

we have a white horse改为一般疑问句?

Do we have a white horse?

IC电子元器件中的White Horse testing 是怎么回事?


求泰勒·斯威夫特 white horse 英文歌词的发音!感谢不尽!!!

taylor swift white horse 歌词

Taylor Swift - White HorseSo you"re sorrythat face of an angelcomes out just when you need it toand I paced back and forth all this timecause I honestly believed in youholding onand days track onstupid girl,I should have known, I should have knownI am not a princes, this ain"t a fairy taleI"m not the one to sweep off her feet,Lead her up the stairwellThis ain"t Hollywood, this is a small town,I was a dreamer before you went and let me downNow it too late for you and your white horse, to come aroundBaby I was naive,and lost in your eyesand never really had a chanceI had so many dreamsabout you and mehappy endingsnow I knowI am not a princes, this ain"t a fairy taleI"m not the one to sweep off her feet,Lead her up the stairwellThis ain"t Hollywood, this is a small town,I was a dreamer before you went and let me downNow it too late for you and your white horse, to come aroundnow you are on your kneesBegging for forgiveness, begging for meJust like I always wanted but I"m sooo sorryCause I"m not your princess, this ain"t a fairytaleI"m gonna find someone somewherewho might actually treat me wellThis is a big world, that was a small townthere in my rearview mirror disappears nowand its too late for you and your white horsenow its too late for you and your white horseto catch me nowO whoa whoa whoaaa try and catch me nowOohit"s too lateto catch me now

White Horse 歌词

歌曲名:White Horse歌手:White Wolf专辑:White WolfTaylor Swift - White HorseAlbum - FearlessSay you"re sorryThat face of an angelComes out just when you need it toAs I paced back and forth all this timeCause I honestly believed in youHolding on,the days drag onStupid girl,I should have known, I should have knownu266aI"m not a princess, this ain"t a fairy taleI"m not the one you"ll sweep off her feetLead her up the stairwellThis ain"t Hollywood, this is a small townI was a dreamer before you went and let me downNow it"s too late for you and your white horseTo come aroundu266aBaby I was naive,got lost in your eyesAnd never really had a chanceMy mistake,I didn"t wanna be in loveYou had to fight to have the upper handI had so many dreams about you and meHappy endings now I knowu266aI"m not a princess, this ain"t a fairy taleI"m not the one you"ll sweep off her feetLead her up the stairwellThis ain"t Hollywood, this is a small townI was a dreamer before you went and let me downNow it"s too late for you and your white horseTo come aroundu266aAnd there you are on your kneesBegging for forgiveness, begging for meJust like I always wanted but I"m so...... sorryCause I"m not your princess, this ain"t a fairy taleI"m gonna find someone somedayWho might actually treat me wellThis is a big world, that was a small townThere in my rearview mirror disappearing nowAnd its too late for you and your white horseNow its too late for you and your white horseTo catch me nowu266aOh, whoa, whoa, whoaTry and catch me nowOhIt"s too lateTo catch me nowu266aLyrics edited By Leon Lue

Taylor Swift 《White Horse》这首歌的中文歌词?

《White Horse》:Taylor Swift Say you"re sorry 你说你很抱歉 That face of an angel comes out just when you need it to. 有必要的时候你就显露出那天使般的面孔 As I paced back and forth all this time 我一直以来都在来回徘徊着 "cause I honestly believed in you. 因为我深信着你 Holding on, 始终坚持着就这么一直忍受着 the days drag on. 时间还长着呢 Stupid girl 傻女孩啊 I should"ve known, I should"ve known. 我早该知道的 我早该知道的 That I"m not a princess; this ain"t a fairy tale. 我不是公主 这也不是童话故事 I"m not the one you"ll sweep off her feet, 我不是那个能令你拜倒在石榴裙下的人 lead her up the stairwell. 也不是那个你会把她领到楼梯间的女孩 This ain"t Hollywood; this is a small town. 这里不是好莱坞 这儿只是一个小城镇 I was a dreamer before you went and let me down. 在你离开让我失望之前我是一个喜欢幻想的人 Now it too late for you and your white horse to come around. 现在你想回心转意 带上你的白马回到我身边已太迟了 Maybe I was naive, 也许我很天真幼稚 got lost in your eyes and never really had a chance. 沉迷在你温柔的眼神中 根本没有机会 I had so many dreams about you and me: 我有很多关于你我的美好梦想 happy endings. 幸福美满的结局 Now I know 现在我知道了 That I"m not a princess; this ain"t a fairy tale. 我不是一个公主 这也不是童话故事 I"m not the one you"ll sweep off her feet, 我不是那个能令你拜倒在石榴裙下 lead her up the stairwell. 你会把她领到楼梯间的女孩 This ain"t Hollywood; this is a small town. 这里不是好莱坞 这儿只是一个小城镇 I was a dreamer before you went and let me down. 在你离开让我失望之前我是一个喜欢幻想的人 Now it too late for you and your white horse to come around. 现在你想回心转意 带上你的白马回到我身边已太迟了 And there you are on your knees 现在你双膝跪着 begging for forgiveness, begging for me 乞求我的原谅 不停地乞求我 just like I always wanted, but I"m so sorry. 就像我常想的那样 但是我很抱歉 "Cause I"m not your princess; this ain"t a fairytale. 因为我不是你的公主 这也不是一个童话故事 I"m gonna find someone someday who might actually treat me well. 有一天我会找一个真正对我好的人 This is a big world; that was a small town, 这是诺大的一个世界 那只不过是一个小城镇 there in my rearview mirror disappearing now. 此刻就在我的后视镜里逐渐消失了 And it"s too late for you and your white horse 你和你的白马都已太迟了 now it"s too late for you and your white horse to catch me now. 现在你想要骑着你的白马追上我已经太迟了 Oh whoa whoa whoa try and catch me now. 现在就试着追上我吧 Ooh it"s too late to catch me now. 可是现在想要赶上我已太迟了歌词有几个地方不对:第一句应该是Say you"re sorry还有the days drag onthe one you"ll sweep off her feetgot lost in your eyesAnd there you are on your kneesfind someone someday

Taylor Swift的《White horse》中英文歌词。谢谢,

《White Horse》:Taylor Swift Say you"re sorry 你说你很抱歉 That face of an angel comes out just when you need it to. 有必要的时候你就显露出那天使般的面孔 As I paced back and forth all this time 我一直以来都在来回徘徊着 "cause I honestly believed in you. 因为我深信着你 Holding on, 始终坚持着就这么一直忍受着 the days drag on. 时间还长着呢 Stupid girl 傻女孩啊 I should"ve known, I should"ve known. 我早该知道的 我早该知道的 That I"m not a princess; this ain"t a fairy tale. 我不是公主 这也不是童话故事 I"m not the one you"ll sweep off her feet, 我不是那个能令你拜倒在石榴裙下的人 lead her up the stairwell. 也不是那个你会把她领到楼梯间的女孩 This ain"t Hollywood; this is a small town. 这里不是好莱坞 这儿只是一个小城镇 I was a dreamer before you went and let me down. 在你离开让我失望之前我是一个喜欢幻想的人 Now it too late for you and your white horse to come around. 现在你想回心转意 带上你的白马回到我身边已太迟了 Maybe I was naive, 也许我很天真幼稚 got lost in your eyes and never really had a chance. 沉迷在你温柔的眼神中 根本没有机会 I had so many dreams about you and me: 我有很多关于你我的美好梦想 happy endings. 幸福美满的结局 Now I know 现在我知道了 That I"m not a princess; this ain"t a fairy tale. 我不是一个公主 这也不是童话故事 I"m not the one you"ll sweep off her feet, 我不是那个能令你拜倒在石榴裙下 lead her up the stairwell. 你会把她领到楼梯间的女孩 This ain"t Hollywood; this is a small town. 这里不是好莱坞 这儿只是一个小城镇 I was a dreamer before you went and let me down. 在你离开让我失望之前我是一个喜欢幻想的人 Now it too late for you and your white horse to come around. 现在你想回心转意 带上你的白马回到我身边已太迟了 And there you are on your knees 现在你双膝跪着 begging for forgiveness, begging for me 乞求我的原谅 不停地乞求我 just like I always wanted, but I"m so sorry. 就像我常想的那样 但是我很抱歉 "Cause I"m not your princess; this ain"t a fairytale. 因为我不是你的公主 这也不是一个童话故事 I"m gonna find someone someday who might actually treat me well. 有一天我会找一个真正对我好的人 This is a big world; that was a small town, 这是诺大的一个世界 那只不过是一个小城镇 there in my rearview mirror disappearing now. 此刻就在我的后视镜里逐渐消失了 And it"s too late for you and your white horse 你和你的白马都已太迟了 now it"s too late for you and your white horse to catch me now. 现在你想要骑着你的白马追上我已经太迟了 Oh whoa whoa whoa try and catch me now. 现在就试着追上我吧 Ooh it"s too late to catch me now. 可是现在想要赶上我已太迟了

White Horse 歌词

《White Horse》是美国乡村流行乐女歌手Taylor Swift 泰勒·斯威夫特演唱的一首歌曲,词曲由泰勒·斯威夫特和莉兹·罗斯编写 ,音乐由泰勒·斯威夫特和内森·查普曼制作。这首歌曲收录在泰勒·斯威夫特第二张录音室专辑《Fearless》 ,并作为专辑中的第二支单曲,由大机器唱片公司发布于2008年12月7日 。White HorseTaylor SwiftSay you"re sorryThat face of an angelComes out just when you need it toAs I paced back and forth all this time"Cause I honestly believed in youHolding onThe days drag onStupid girl,I should have known, I should have knownThat I"m not a princess, this ain"t a fairy taleI"m not the one you"ll sweep off her feet,Lead her up the stairwellThis ain"t Hollywood, this is a small town,I was a dreamer before you went and let me downNow it"s too late for youAnd your white horse, to come aroundMaybe I was naive,Got lost in your eyesAnd never really had a chanceMy mistake I didn"t know to be in loveYou had to fight to have the upper handI had so many dreamsAbout you and meHappy endingsNow I knowI"m not a princess, this ain"t a fairy taleI"m not the one you"ll sweep off her feet,Lead her up the stairwellThis ain"t Hollywood, this is a small town,I was a dreamer before you went and let me downNow it"s too late for youAnd your white horse, to come aroundAnd there you are on your knees,Begging for forgiveness, begging for meJust like I always wanted but I"m so sorry"Cause I"m not your princess, this ain"t a fairytaleI"m gonna find someone someday who might actually treat me wellThis is a big world, that was a small townThere in my rear view mirror disappearing nowAnd its too late for you and your white horseNow its too late for you and your white horse, to catch me nowOh, whoa, whoa, whoaTry and catch me nowOh, it"s too lateTo catch me now译文你说你很抱歉那天使般的面孔有必要的时候才会出现我一直以来都在来回徘徊着因为我深信着你始终坚持着,一直忍受着the days track on.时间还长着呢傻女孩啊我早该知道的 我早该知道的我不是公主 这也不是童话故事我不是那个能令你拜倒在石榴裙下的人也不是那个你会把她领到楼梯间的女孩这里不是好莱坞这儿只是一个小城镇在你离开让我失望之前我是一个喜欢幻想的人现在你想回心转意 带上你的白马回到我身边 已太迟了也许我很天真幼稚沉迷在你温柔的眼神中 根本没有机会这是我的错误,我不想再爱你必须全力以赴才能占上风我有很多关于你我的美好梦想幸福美满的结局现在我知道了我不是公主 这也不是童话故事我不是那个能令你拜倒在石榴裙下的人你会领到楼梯间去的女孩这里不是好莱坞这儿只是一个小城镇在你离开让我失望之前我是一个喜欢幻想的人现在你想回心转意 带上你的白马回到我身边已太迟了现在你双膝跪地乞求我的原谅 不停地乞求我就像我常希望的那样 但是我还是很抱歉因为我不是你的公主 这也不是一个童话故事总有一天我会找到一个真正对我好的人这是偌大的一个世界 那只不过是一个小城镇此刻就在我的后视镜里逐渐消失了对于你和白马一切都太晚了现在你想要骑着你的白马追上我已经太迟了现在就试着追上我吧可是现在想要赶上我已太迟了《White Horse》的创作灵感来源于泰勒·斯威夫特的一个前男友,具体原因是,泰勒在之前认为她的这位男朋友是自己的白马王子,但是当她发现她的这个男朋友脚踏两条船后,便向他提出分手。这首歌主要写的是泰勒在接受这段感情已经结束了的事实时的心情。泰勒说她本来是准备把这首歌放进第三张专辑《Speak Now》里的,但在后来因为《实习医生格蕾》一剧提前出现在《Fearless》里 。

Taylor White horse中文歌词

你说你很抱歉,那张天使般的面容 只有在需要时才会出现一直以来我都在徘徊 因为我对你深信不疑一天又一天,始终相信着你傻女孩啊,我早就该知道我早就该知道我不是公主,这也不是童话故事我不是那个能让你一见倾心的女子让你百般疼爱 这里也不是好莱坞,只是一个小镇我一直都在做梦,直到你离去让我伤心绝望 即使你牵着白马想要回到我身边,也已经太迟也许我很天真幼稚,沉迷于你那温柔的双眼 无可救药是我错了,我不知道爱一个人 你得去拼尽全力才能占据上风我曾有很多关于你我的美好梦想还有美满的结局,现在我却知道 我不是公主,这也不是童话故事我不是那个能让你一见倾心的女子 让你百般疼爱这里也不是好莱坞,只是一个小镇 我一直都在做梦,直到你离去让我伤心绝望即使你牵着白马想要回到我身边,也已经太迟 现在你双膝跪地 乞求着,乞求我能够原谅你虽然我一直期盼你能这样,但我还是要说对不起 因为我不是你的公主,这也不是童话故事 总有一天我会找到一个真正对我好的人世界如此宽广,这只不过是一个小镇现在就在我的后视镜里逐渐消失即使你牵着白马想要回到我身边即使现在你骑着白马想要追上我,也已经太迟噢,喔,喔,喔 快来追上我吧噢,可现在想要追上我也已经太迟

taylor swift《white horse》歌词翻译

吼吼吼~~~Say you"re sorry 你说你很抱歉 That face of an angel comes out just when you need it to. 有必要的时候你就显露出那天使般的面孔 As I paced back and forth all this time 我一直以来都在来回徘徊着 "cause I honestly believed in you. 因为我深信着你 Holding on, 始终坚持着 the days drag on. 时间还长着呢 Stupid girl 傻女孩啊 I should"ve known, I should"ve known. 我早该知道的 我早该知道的 That I"m not a princess; this ain"t a fairy tale. 我不是公主 这也不是童话故事 I"m not the one you"ll sweep off her feet, 我不是那个能令你拜倒在石榴裙下的人 lead her up the stairwell. 也不是那个你会把她领到楼梯间的女孩 This ain"t Hollywood; this is a small town. 这里不是好莱坞 这儿只是一个小城镇 I was a dreamer before you went and let me down. 在你离开让我失望之前我是一个喜欢幻想的人 Now it too late for you and your white horse to come around. 现在为时已晚 你和你的白马来到我身旁都已无法挽回了 Maybe I was naive, 也许我很天真幼稚 got lost in your eyes and never really had a chance. 沉迷在你温柔的眼神中 根本没有机会 Maybe I was naive, 也许我很天真幼稚 got lost in your eyes and never really had a chance. 沉迷在你温柔的眼神中 其实根本没有机会 (My mistake 是我误解了 i didn"t know to be in love 我不知道原来在爱情里 You had to fight to have the upper hand 你必须得努力才能占得上风) I had so many dreams about you and me: 我有很多关于你我的美好梦想 happy endings. 幸福美满的结局 Now I know 现在我知道了 That I"m not a princess; this ain"t a fairy tale. 我不是一个公主 这也不是童话故事 I"m not the one you"ll sweep off her feet, 我不是那个能令你拜倒在石榴裙下 lead her up the stairwell. 你会把她领到楼梯间的女孩 This ain"t Hollywood; this is a small town. 这里不是好莱坞 这儿只是一个小城镇 I was a dreamer before you went and let me down. 在你离开让我失望之前我是一个喜欢幻想的人 Now it too late for you and your white horse to come around. 现在你想回心转意 带上你的白马回到我身边已太迟了 And there you are on your knees 现在你双膝跪着 begging for forgiveness, begging for me 乞求我的原谅 不停地乞求我 just like I always wanted, but I"m so sorry. 就像我常想的那样 但是我很抱歉 "Cause I"m not your princess; this ain"t a fairytale. 因为我不是你的公主 这也不是一个童话故事 I"m gonna find someone someday who might actually treat me well. 有一天我会找一个真正对我好的人 This is a big world; that was a small town, 这是诺大的一个世界 那只不过是一个小城镇 there in my rearview mirror disappearing now. 此刻就在我的后视镜里逐渐消失了 And it"s too late for you and your white horse 你和你的白马都已太迟了 now it"s too late for you and your white horse to catch me now. 现在你想要骑着你的白马追上我已经太迟了 Oh whoa whoa whoa try and catch me now. 现在就试着追上我吧 Ooh it"s too late to catch me now. 可是现在想要赶上我已太迟了 taylor swift在偶们美国和加拿大很红呢~

Taylor Swift 的White Horse歌词

so you"re sorry that face of an angel comes out just when you need it to and i paced back and forth all this time cause i honestly believed in you holding on and days track on stupid girl,i should have known, i should have known i am not a princes, this ain"t a fairy tale i"m not the one to sweep off her feet,lead her up the stairwell this ain"t hollywood, this is a small town,i was a dreamer before you went and let me down now it too late for you and your white horse, to come around baby i was naive,and lost in your eyes and never really had a chance i had so many dreams about you and me happy endings now i know i am not a princes, this ain"t a fairy tale i"m not the one to sweep off her feet,lead her up the stairwell this ain"t hollywood, this is a small town,i was a dreamer before you went and let me down now it too late for you and your white horse, to come around now you are on your knees begging for forgiveness, begging for me just like i always wanted but i"m sooo sorry cause i"m not your princess, this ain"t a fairytale i"m gonna find someone somewhere who might actually treat me well this is a big world, that was a small town there in my rearview mirror disappears now and its too late for you and your white horse now its too late for you and your white horse to catch me now o whoa whoa whoaaa try and catch me nowoohit"s too lateto catch me now

求解" other " " the other " "others" "the others"和"another"的区别

other 其他的 后面加名词 What other books do you have ?你有什么其他的书么?" the other " 另一个 通常跟One 连用 I have two books, one is an English book , the other is a math book. 指的是 两个事物之间的另外一个怎么样 "others" 等于 other 加 名词 What others do you have? 你有什么其他的书么?跟第一句一样"the others" 这个一般不怎么用到吧 貌似没有的"another 再来一个 I want another book.我想要另外一本书

This is a white horse 单数和复数形式:否定句,一般疑问句,肯定回

This is a white horse. / These are white horses.This is not a white horse. / These are not white horses.Is this a white horse? / Are these white horses?Yes, it is. / Yes, they are.

white horse temple中文翻译

Certainly . the white horse temple is the first temple of chinese buddhi *** 当然了解了白马寺是中国最早的一座佛教寺院。 With a history of over 4 , 000 years , luoyang boasts such historical sites as the longmen grottoes , the white horse temple , the museum of ancient tombs , and the bai white garden , which is a favorite for japanese tourists . bai juyi mausoleum in luoyang 它也是中国七大古都之一, 4000多年的历史,给它留下门石窟白马寺关林古墓博物馆等众多的名胜古迹,其中的白园深受日本游人的关注。 Add : 19 daonan road , xigong area , luoyang china 100 meters to railway station , only 100 steps to the long - distance bus station , bus station ; surrounding landscape : longmen , white horse temple , national peony garden -金久隆快捷酒店是今年4月份的开业的一家新的快捷酒店,地理位置优越,得天独厚独具匠心的建筑设计,距火车站100米处,离长途汽车站公交站仅有百步之遥,是您出行旅游购物出差等的理想下榻场所。

关于羽泉的我们和white horse差不多= =


泰勒斯威夫特white horse的歌词是什么意思

Say you"re sorry that face of an angel comes out just when you need it to每当你需要说抱歉的时候,你的脸看起来就像天使as I paced back and forth all this time进进退退,这段时间cause I honestly believed in you只因为我真心的相信你holding on and days drag on ladynerdy.blogspot.tw歹戏拖棚stupid girl,I should have known, I should have known...笨女孩,我早该知道,我早该知道了…I"m not a princess, this ain"t a fairy tale我不是公主,这不是童话故事I"m not the one you sweep off her feet, lead her up the stairwell我不是那个被你迷的晕头转向、被你领上楼的女孩This ain"t Hollywood, this is a small town,这不是好莱坞,这只是一个小镇I was a dreamer before you went and let me down在你离开让我失望之前,我曾是个充满梦想的女孩Now it"s too late for you and your white horse to come around现在你带著白马出现,已经太迟了…Maybe I was naive, ladynerdy.blogspot.tw或许我很天真got lost in your eyes and never really had a chance在你眼里迷失了自我,连逃脱的机会都没有My mistake, I didn"t know to be in love这是我的错,我从来不知道You had to fight to have the upper hand爱是要争取的,看谁占上风I had so many dreams about you and me我曾经幻想著我俩的未来happy endings快乐的结局now I know...ladynerdy.blogspot.tw现在我懂了I"m not a princess, this ain"t a fairy tale我不是公主,这不是童话故事I"m not the one you sweep off her feet, lead her up the stairwell我不是那个被你迷的晕头转向、被你领上楼的女孩This ain"t Hollywood, this is a small town,这不是好莱坞,这只是一个小镇I was a dreamer before you went and let me down在你离开让我失望之前,我曾是一个充满梦想的女孩Now it"s too late for you and your white horse to come around现在你带著白马出现,已经太迟了…And now you are on your knees现在你跪在我面前Begging for forgiveness, begging for me求我原谅Just like I always wanted这是我一直想要的but I"m so sorry...但是我很抱歉…Cause I"m not your princess, this ain"t a fairytale因为我不是你的公主,这也不是童话故事I"m gonna find someone someday who might actually treat me well某天我会找到某个真心对待我的人This is a big world, that was a small town这是个大世界,那只是一个小镇there in my rearview mirror disappears now那些回忆已经消失在我的後照镜了and it"s too late for you and your white horse现在你带著白马出现,已经太迟了now it"s too late for you and your white horse to catch me now现在你骑著白马来接我,已经太迟了…whoa whoa whoaaatry and catch me now带我走Ooh噢it"s too late to catch me now已经太迟了

泰勒斯威夫特white horse的歌词是什么意思?

Say you"re sorry   你说你很抱歉   That face of an angel   那天使般的面孔   comes out just when you need it to.   有必要的时候才会出现   As I paced back and forth all this time   我一直以来都在来回徘徊着   "cause I honestly believed in you.   因为我深信着你   Holding on,   始终坚持着就这么一直忍受着   the days drag on.   时间还长着呢   Stupid girl   傻女孩啊   I should"ve known, I should"ve known.   我早该知道的 我早该知道的   That I"m not a princess; this ain"t a fairy tale.   我不是公主 这也不是童话故事   I"m not the one you"ll sweep off her feet,   我不是那个能令你拜倒在石榴裙下的人   lead her up the stairwell.   也不是那个你会把她领到楼梯间的女孩   This ain"t Hollywood; this is a small town.   这里不是好莱坞 这儿只是一个小城镇   I was a dreamer before you went and let me down.   在你离开让我失望之前我是一个喜欢幻想的人   Now it"s too late for you and your white horse to come around.   现在你想回心转意 带上你的白马回到我身边 已太迟了   Maybe I was naive,   也许我很天真幼稚   got lost in your eyes and never really had a chance.   沉迷在你温柔的眼神中 根本没有机会   My mistake,i didn"t wanna be in love   这是我的错误,我不知道我在恋爱中   you had to fight to have the upper hand   你必须全力以赴只手遮天   I had so many dreams about you and me:   我有很多关于你我的美好梦想   happy endings.   幸福美满的结局   Now I know   现在我知道了   That I"m not a princess; this ain"t a fairy tale.   我不是一个公主 这也不是童话故事   I"m not the one you"ll sweep off her feet,   我不是那个能令你拜倒在石榴裙下   lead her up the stairwell.   你会把她领到楼梯间的女孩   This ain"t Hollywood; this is a small town.   这里不是好莱坞 这儿只是一个小城镇   I was a dreamer before you went and let me down.   在你离开让我失望之前我是一个喜欢幻想的人   Now it too late for you and your white horse to come around.   现在你想回心转意 带上你的白马回到我身边已太迟了   And there you are on your knees   现在你双膝跪着   begging for forgiveness, begging for me   乞求我的原谅 不停地乞求我   just like I always wanted, but I"m so sorry.   就像我常希望的那样 但是我还是很抱歉   "Cause I"m not your princess; this ain"t a fairytale.   因为我不是你的公主 这也不是一个童话故事   I"m gonna find someone someday who might actually treat me well.   有一天我会找一个真正对我好的人   This is a big world; that was a small town,   这是偌大的一个世界 那只不过是一个小城镇   there in my rearview mirror disappearing now.   此刻就在我的后视镜里逐渐消失了   And it"s too late for you and your white horse.   你和你的白马都已太迟了   Now it"s too late for you and your white horse to catch me now.   现在你想要骑着你的白马追上我已经太迟了   Oh whoa whoa whoa try and catch me now.   现在就试着追上我吧   Ooh it"s too late to catch me now.   可是现在想要赶上我已太迟了 其实也可以理解为白马王子的意思、

the little white horse是什么意思


WHITE HORSE 是什么酒??有个马的标志

白马啊 有可能是红葡萄酒 也可能是威士忌需要你提供更多的资料啊

white horse 歌词的中文翻译


White Horse 歌词

《White Horse》演唱:Taylor Swift作词:Taylor Swift&Liz Rose作曲:Taylor Swift,Liz Rose所属专辑:《Fearless》发行时间:2008年12月8日歌词:Say you"re sorry你说你很抱歉That face of an angel comes out just when you need it to.那天使般的面孔有必要的时候才会出现As I paced back and forth all this time我一直以来都在来回徘徊着"cause I honestly believed in you.因为我深信着你Holding on,始终坚持着,一直忍受着the days track on.时间还长着呢Stupid girl傻女孩啊I should"ve known, I should"ve known.我早该知道的 我早该知道的That I"m not a princess; this ain"t a fairy tale.我不是公主 这也不是童话故事I"m not the one you"ll sweep off her feet,我不是那个能令你拜倒在石榴裙下的人lead her up the stairwell.也不是那个你会把她领到楼梯间的女孩This ain"t Hollywood; this is a small town.这里不是好莱坞这儿只是一个小城镇I was a dreamer before you went and let me down.在你离开让我失望之前我是一个喜欢幻想的人Now it"s too late for you and your white horse to come around.现在你想回心转意 带上你的白马回到我身边 已太迟了Maybe I was naive,也许我很天真幼稚got lost in your eyes and never really had a chance.沉迷在你温柔的眼神中 根本没有机会My mistake,i didn"t wanna be in love这是我的错误,我不想再爱you had to fight to have the upper hand你必须全力以赴才能占上风I had so many dreams about you and me:我有很多关于你我的美好梦想happy endings.幸福美满的结局Now I know现在我知道了white horse单曲封面I"m not a princess; this ain"t a fairy tale.我不是公主 这也不是童话故事I"m not the one you"ll sweep off her feet,我不是那个能令你拜倒在石榴裙下的人lead her up the stairwell.你会领到楼梯间去的女孩This ain"t Hollywood; this is a small town.这里不是好莱坞这儿只是一个小城镇I was a dreamer before you went and let me down.在你离开让我失望之前我是一个喜欢幻想的人Now it too late for you and your white horse to come around.现在你想回心转意 带上你的白马回到我身边已太迟了And there you are on your knees现在你双膝跪地begging for forgiveness, begging for me乞求我的原谅 不停地乞求我just like I always wanted, but I"m so sorry.就像我常希望的那样 但是我还是很抱歉"Cause I"m not your princess; this ain"t a fairytale.因为我不是你的公主 这也不是一个童话故事I"m gonna find someone someday who might actually treat me well.总有一天我会找到一个真正对我好的人This is a big world; that was a small town,这是偌大的一个世界 那只不过是一个小城镇there in my rearview mirror disappearing now.此刻就在我的后视镜里逐渐消失了And it"s too late for you and your white horse.对于你和白马一切都太晚了Now it"s too late for you and your white horse to catch me now.现在你想要骑着你的白马追上我已经太迟了Oh whoa whoa whoa try and catch me now.现在就试着追上我吧Ooh it"s too late to catch me now.可是现在想要赶上我已太迟了泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift),1989年12月13日出生于美国宾夕法尼亚州,美国乡村音乐、流行音乐创作女歌手、演员、慈善家。

powers and roots啥意思

这个是在手机刷机时出现的选项,意思: 权限和根源的意思。选择选项就是要获得手机的权限可以卸载一些普通不能卸载的软件。望采纳!

From her first women’s hat shop, opened in 1910, Gabrielle Coco Chanel rose to become one of th..

小题1:B小题1:C小题1:D 小题1:推理题:从第一段的句子:Her fashion themes included simple suits and dresses, 第三段的Her relaxing fashions, such as short skirts with casual look,说明香奈儿的风格是简单的,舒服的。所以不包括B。小题1:排序题:文章里有明确的时间,对比就可以得到答案是C小题1:推理题:从文章描写的香奈儿的各种成就可知她的思维很积极也有创造力。选D



Lilian (Single Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Lilian (Single Version)歌手:Depeche Mode专辑:John The RevelatorLILIA词·曲 Falcom Sound Team J.D.K.编·兼崎顺一リリア 虹色の瞳澄んだ心のプリズム远い异国 可怜な少女君の微笑みに 草原も ほら 笑ってる柔らかな髪 游ばせながらまっすぐ 仆を 见つめていた青い空高く そよ风が优しく舞うためらいがちに差し出す君の白い指が眩しくて今 君に触れたいはにかんだその頬时が过ぎ 流れてくまま君が変わっていく前にうららかな木漏れ日の中で君とまどろんでいたいやがて旅立つ日がきても今 君を抱きたい震るわせたその肩悲しみに溺れたままで君が染まっていく前に日の光浴びて辉いた君を见つめていたいやがて旅立つ日がきてもリリア 梦见る唇甘い铃の音响かせ青い风をまとう少女リリア 虹色の瞳リリア 梦见る唇远い异国 可怜な少女リリア 梦见る唇甘い铃の音响かせ青い风をまとう少女おわり

estimates of english speakers from 1950 to 2050 是什么意思


The American Civil war lasted four years before the North won in the end.

可以的。before 是过去完成时的标志。过去时和过去时在这个句子里都是可以的。过去完成时更强调一段时间。

The American Civil War lasted four years ________ the North won in the end.


civil war raged for years in the __Yugoslavia。

C前南斯拉夫学习是一件愉快的事! (*^__^*) 请及时采纳,多谢!

Motorcycle Drive By (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Motorcycle Drive By (Lp Version)歌手:Third Eye Blind专辑:Third Eye BlindMOTORCYCLE DRIVE BYThird Eye BlindSummer time and the wind is blowingOutside in lower ChelseaAnd I don"t know what I"m doing in this cityThe sun is always in my eyesIt crashes through the windowsWhen I"m sleeping on the couchWhen I came to visit youThat"s when I knewThat I could never have youI knew that before you didStill I"m the one who"s stupidAnd there"s this burningJust like there"s always beenI"ve never been so aloneAnd I"ve never been so aliveVisions of you on a motorcycle drive byThe ciggarette ash it flies in your eyesAnd you don"t mindAnd you smile and sayThe world it doesn"t fit with youI don"t believe youYou"re so sereneCareening through the universeYour axis on a tiltYou"re guiltless and freeI hope you take a piece of me with youAnd there are things I would like to doThat you don"t believe inI would like to build somethingBut you"ll never see it happenAnd there"s this burningLike there"s always beenI"ve never been so aloneAnd I"ve, I"ve never been so aliveWhere"s the soul?I wanna knowNew York City"s evilThe surface is everythingBut I could never do thatSomeone would see through thatAnd this is the last timeWe"ll be friends againAnd I"ll get over youYou wonder who I amAnd there"s this burningJust like there"s always beenAnd I"ve never been so aloneI"ve never been so aliveI go home to the coastIt starts to rainI paddle out on the waterAloneI taste the saltI taste the painI"m not thinking of you againSummer dies and swells riseThe sun goes down in my eyesSee this rolling waveDarkly coming to take me homeAnd I"ve never been so aloneAnd I"ve never been so alive








RS应该是右摇杆,键盘上是四个箭头键。方向键是指键盘上的“←”,“→”,“↑”,“↓” 左右上下四个键称为方向键,是为了用户控制光标方向而设计的。一般在Word或者游戏中经常用到。“←”表示向左移动,“→”表示向右移动,“↑”表示向上移动,“↓”表示向下移动。使用技巧:word中的方向键在文档中的方向键可以实现光标上下左右移动,使光标到达用户想要编辑的位置。游戏中的方向键游戏中使用方向键一般较多,可以通过食指、中指、无名指三根指头控制四个方向键。一般的游戏还可以通过“W”、“S”、“A”、“D”四个键控制方向。以上内容参考:百度百科-方向键


Rs racingsport是RS racingsport的缩写,意思是比赛和运动。rs车型的车都是高性能车,比如奥迪旗下的rs3、rs4、rs5、rs6。Rs5是一款中型高性能车,有双门轿跑车车型和四门车型。 rs5的四门版轴距为2826 mm,长宽高分别为4777 mm、1866 mm和1398 mm。 Rs5采用2.9升双涡轮增压v6发动机,最大扭矩为450马力和600牛米。这台发动机的最大功率转速为5700至6700转/分,最大扭矩转速为1900至5000转/分。 这台发动机配备缸内直喷技术,采用铝合金缸盖和缸体。 使用铝合金气缸盖和 气缸体 可以减轻发动机的重量,从而提高汽车的机动性和燃油经济性。 与这台发动机匹配的是8at变速箱。 使用8at变速箱可以提高汽车的换挡平顺性和燃油经济性,8at变速箱的可靠性和耐久性也更好。 rs5的前悬架采用五连杆独立悬架,后悬架采用五连杆独立悬架。 前后采用五连杆独立悬架可以提高汽车的操控性和乘坐舒适性。 前后五连杆悬架的使用也会增加造车成本。 奥迪rs5配备了全时四驱系统。








RS=reference signal 参考信号,就是导频信号位置信息根据mimo的方式不同有所不同,具体参考36.211


=Radio Sonde 无线电高空测候;Radio Station 无线电台;Reader Stop阅读器停止;Reception Station (无线电)接收台;Record Separator 记录分隔符;Regulating Station【自】调节站;Relay Selector【信】继电器式选择器;Remote Station 遥控站;Repair Shop 修理车间;Research Summary 研究总结;Reverse Signal【信】反转信号;Right Side 右侧;Royal Society 皇家学会(促进自然科学发展机构)[英]Radius Server 认证服务器





请英语达人赐教! 我新买的鞋子上有“RS”,是什么意思?

RS [简明英汉词典] =Radio Sonde 无线电高空测候 RS [新词词典] abbr.=Radius Server,认证服务器






是关于手性碳的命名吧 大学的有机书上都有 就是把一个碳上的四个基团根据次序规则 把最小的那个放在离你最远的地方 把另外三个基团对着你成一个三角架 然后根据次序规则去从大到小数 如果是顺时针就是R 是逆时针就是S 我说不太清楚 你自己去找本书看吧


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