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Breaking News究竟是Michael Jackson唱的还是 Jack Savorett

是Jason Malachi啦(手动斜眼)

Jack Savoretti的《Lifetime》 歌词

歌曲名:Lifetime歌手:Jack Savoretti专辑:Before the StormThese Kids Wear Crowns - "Lifetime".She knows, we all have to grow old,And walk the winding road,The fires we burn go cold.Today, she stumbles on her way,To find the words to say,Get back to yesterday..Give it all that you got,Cause you got to feel your heart pound,And you got got got to put your foot down,Let""s figure it out now..We""re living a lifetime in a minute.It""ll pass right by if you let it.So make it tonight, make it tonight.Cause this is our lifetimeAnd we just wanna live it.A lifetime in a minute.If you blink your eyes, you could miss it.So make it tonight, make it tonight.Cause this is our lifetimewe just wanna live.She waves, she never makes mistakesBut she""ll never get away.You can""t always play it safe..Give it all that you got,Cause you got to feel your heart pound,And you got got got to put your foot down,Let""s figure it out now..We""re living a lifetime in a minute.It""ll pass right by if you let it.So make it tonight, make it tonight.Cause this is our lifetimeAnd we just wanna live it.A lifetime in a minute.If you blink your eyes, you could miss it.So make it tonight, make it tonight.Cause this is our lifetime.So get up get up get up, ohGet up get up get up, ohGet up get up get upCause this is our lifetime.Just when we thoughtIt would last last foreverWe""re counting down the secondsIt""s now or it""s neverThese moments disappear.I know, we all have to grow old....We""re living a lifetime in a minute.It""ll pass right by if you let it.So make it tonight, make it tonight.Cause this is our lifetimeAnd we just wanna live it.A lifetime in a minute.If you blink your eyes, you could miss it.So make it tonight, make it tonight.Cause this is our lifetime.So get up get up get up, ohGet up get up get up, ohGet up get up get upCause this is our lifetimewe just wanna live.Get up get up get up, ohGet up get up get up, ohGet up get up get upCause this is our lifetimeAnd we just wanna live it.

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跪求Jack Savoretti 的《Russian Roulette》 吉他谱,清楚的!


Savorliving尚品生活一直致力于为众多家庭提供优质、时尚健康的家庭用品,让科技与生活完美结合,缔造您美满幸福的生活空间。竭诚为广大客户提供专属的产品选购和使用服务。 “享受生活、品味人生”是Savorliving产品理念,公司所有产品都选用优质材料,以欧洲、日本等先进的工艺技术流程,融合时尚实用的设计理念打造高品质产品,以领先的姿态演绎家庭生活概念,时尚与健康,品味与人生共享。 Savorliving引领时尚魅力、彰显个性、倡导健康、注重环保的高品质生活,质优类全,主要有密封罐、保鲜盒、多功能刨、调味系列、茶具、厨具及餐具家庭用品系列,每一件产品均通过严格的检测检验程序,确保每件产品均符合国内,国际制造标准,为用户呈献高品质健康的生活

《Savor Mindful Eating, Mindful Life》txt下载,求百度云资源

《Savor》(Thich Nhat Hanh)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: jqsi书名:Savor作者:Thich Nhat Hanh出版社:HarperOne出版年份:2010-3-9页数:304内容简介:Common sense tells us that to lose weight, we must eat less and exercise more. But somehow we get stalled. We start on a weight-loss program with good intentions but cannot stay on track. Neither the countless fad diets, nor the annual spending of $50 billion on weight loss helps us feel better or lose weight. Too many of us are in a cycle of shame and guilt. We spend countless hours worrying about what we ate or if we exercised enough, blaming ourselves for actions that we can"t undo. We are stuck in the past and unable to live in the present—that moment in which we do have the power to make changes in our lives. With Savor , world-renowned Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh and Harvard nutritionist Dr. Lilian Cheung show us how to end our struggles with weight once and for all. Offering practical tools, including personalized goal setting, a detailed nutrition guide, and a mindful living plan, the authors help us to uncover the roots of our habits and then guide us as we transform our actions. Savor teaches us how to easily adopt the practice of mindfulness and integrate it into eating, exercise, and all facets of our daily life, so that being conscious and present becomes a core part of our being. It is the awareness of the present moment, the realization of why we do what we do, that enables us to stop feeling bad and start changing our behavior. Savor not only helps us achieve the healthy weight and well-being we seek, but it also brings to the surface the rich abundance of life available to us in every moment.作者简介:一行禅师 世界著名的佛教禅师、宗教界精神领袖、伟大的心灵导师、当今社会最具宗教影响力的僧人之一,以禅师、诗人、人道主义者闻名。1967年被民权领袖马丁?路德?金提名角逐诺贝尔和平奖。一行禅师通晓越、英、法及中文,著作达100多种,身兼诗人、作家与学者,除了佛学论述外,还有诗集、小说、戏剧、传记等。代表作有:《与生命相约》、《你可以不生气》、《爱的正念》、《你可以爱》、《一心走路》等。他在法国建立了“梅村”禅修道场,推广正念的禅修并帮助来自世界各地的难民及儿童,毕生宣扬非暴力的和平理念与正念生活之道。张丽莲 哈佛大学营养学院公共健康系健康促进与传播专业讲师与主任。她是哈佛营养与体能预防研究中心的研究员。由她创立的网站“营养来源网为顾客、健康专业人士与行业内的记者提供相关信息。她是一行禅师的弟子。

savor the moment是什么意思

savor the moment享受这一刻




vi.[(+of)]1. 具有...味道(或气味)The room savored of tobacco.屋子里有烟草味。2. 意味,带有...的性质Her request savored of a command.她的请求含有命令意味从上面的解释可以看到,savor不仅仅是taste,还可以表示smell到某种气味,而且结构是savor of


savor:n.味; 香味; 一点儿; 兴味; v.使有味[有趣味]; 欣赏…的味; 玩味; 鉴赏; 例句:So that I could savor each minute.我想尽情享受和你独处的每一分钟。现在分词:savoring过去式:savored过去分词:savored第三人称单数:savors


滋味 味道 气味风趣 吸引力食欲 爱好 名声自己根据上下文选择相应的答案


savor 英["seu026avu0259] 美["seu026avu0259] n. 滋味; 气味; 食欲; 特定的味道或气味v.; 有…气味; 加调味品于; 使有风味; vi. 意味,带有…的性质; vt. 品尝; 欣赏; 给…加调味品; 使有风味; [例句]So that I could savor each minute.我想尽情享受和你独处的每一分钟。