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at the second floor 还是on the second floor

on the second floor 在二楼上. at the second floor 无此表达.

on the second floor是什么意思


on the second floor是在第二楼,那 tne second floors对吗?

在二楼只能是on the second floor,若是在二楼和三楼,这就是两层(two floors),这时,floor 就应该加s了。

THe art room is on the second floor的中文意思

美术教室在2楼 英国人second floor是3楼... 美国人 2楼...

at the second floor 还是on the second floor

on the second floor 在二楼上. at the second floor 无此表达.

on和second floor哪个是主语?

on是介词、形容词、副词,不能做主语,second floor是名词,可以做主语。on the second floor 合在一起可以算个副词

is it,on,the,second,floor什么意思?


second floor(造句?

Second floor造句加中文

on the second floor是什么意思


second floor是什么意思


英语单词second floor什么意思


second floor怎么读

secondfloor英 [u02c8seku0259ndflu0254:]美 [u02c8su025bku0259ndflu0254r]n.二楼三楼1.Ourofficeisonthe second floor.我们的办公室在二楼。2.The second floor windowisusuallynotveryhighfromtheground.二楼的窗子通常离地面不太高。3.Youcansitonthe second floor.你可以坐在第二层上。

second floor怎么读

second floor生词本英 [u02c8seku0259nd flu0254:] 美 [u02c8su025bku0259nd flu0254r]n. <美>二楼,<英>三楼双语例句1. Our office is on the second floor.我们的办公室在二楼。来自《简明英汉词典》2. The second floor window is usually not very high from the ground.二楼的窗子通常离地面不太高。来自英语晨读30分(高一)3. You can sit on the second floor.你可以坐在第二层上。来自英语晨读30分(初二)4. Haughtily, he stalked out onto the second floor where I was standing.他傲然跨出电梯,走到二楼,我刚好站在那儿。来自辞典例句5. There are a few vacancies on the second floor.在二楼有几个空房间。




in British English:ground floor(在英式英文中,楼房地面与街道相平的楼层叫ground floor,ground floor上面的一层叫first floor,ie二层)eg:His office is on the second floor(他的办公室在三楼)in US English:first floor(在美式英文中,楼房地面与街道相平的楼层叫first floor,first floor上面的一层叫second floor,ie二层)你就记住美式的按顺序数,英式的比美式多一层地下室:美式:basement 英式:cellar

second floor是词组吗


哪几国家second floor表示第三层意思

second floor 〔美国〕二楼;〔英国〕三楼。second: n. 1.秒 (=1/60分);秒(针)。 2.片刻;一 ... floor: n. 1.地板,地面。 2.(楼房的)层。 3.(船底的 ... 例句与用法1. Her office is on the second floor .她的办公室在三楼。2. She rented the second floor of the city hall for two months .她租用市政厅大会堂的二楼,为期两个月。3. The surge emptied out most of the apartments on the second floor .巨浪已经把公寓二层楼上几乎所有的房间洗劫一空。4. Haughtily, he stalked out onto the second floor where i was standing .他傲然跨出电梯,走到二楼,我刚好站在那儿。5. You need to go to the shoe department on the second floor您得上二楼的鞋靴部。 6. Reaching the antique market , straight up to second floor到了古玩城,直奔二楼。 7. It " s on the second floor , the third room on the right在第二层,右边第三个房间。 8. The second floor held a performance hall and stage而它的二楼则是表演厅及舞台。 9. The room was on the second floor , facing the street房间在第二层楼,面对着大街。 10. The business centre is on the second floor of the hotel商务中心在宾馆的第二层。


one two在英语中是基数词,用来表示数量first second 在英语里是序数词,专门用来表示次序,第几你要说one floor, two floor就是把floor看为可以数的物品,一个楼层,两个楼层,这样说会让老外混淆,入乡随俗表达第几层需要使用序数词 the second floor.

what is on the second floor?句子对吗


second floor是什么意思?




in the second floor 与 on the second floor有什么区别?

没什么区别……都是“在第2楼的意思” 如果你在一个楼的外面,问一个人某某某住在几层,他就回答"on” 比如你已经上到这个楼3层或几层的的话,再问,他就回答"in"了

on the second floor是什么意思

on the second floor。从字面意思上讲,为“在第二层”,即楼房的二层。也可以根据文章中的意思进行自己的判断,常见的有:话语中的言外之意,事物更上一层楼,进一步进行下一个动作。on the second floor 句型分析:on 作为方位介词表示在??之上,作为词组的开始。the 特殊修饰词,在序数词second之前,进行修饰,有序数词必有the。floor地板,作为整个词组的名词,前面的都是定义它的特殊之处,为中心。

the second floor与second floor的区别

加定冠词“the" 就是表示特指这一层了,特指第二层,不加就是泛泛的指。

second floor(造句)


英语单词second floor什么意思?

序数词意思就是:第二层 /二楼

second floor怎么读

second floor[英][u02c8seku0259nd flu0254:] [美][u02c8su025bku0259nd flu0254r] 生词本简明释义n.<美>二楼,<英>三楼以下结果由 金山词霸 提供网络释义1. 二层2. 第二层例句You can have a room on the second floor.你可以拥有二楼的一个房间。

second floor怎么读

secondfloor英 [u02c8seku0259ndflu0254:]美 [u02c8su025bku0259ndflu0254r]n.<美>二楼<英>三楼1.Ourofficeisonthe second floor.我们的办公室在二楼。2.The second floor windowisusuallynotveryhighfromtheground.二楼的窗子通常离地面不太高。3.Youcansitonthe second floor.你可以坐在第二层上。

second floor的英语怎么读

second floor 英[u02c8seku0259nd flu0254:] 美[u02c8su025bku0259nd flu0254r] n. <美>二楼,<英>三楼;





zero/first/second/third conditional之间有什么区别吗?

The Zero ConditionalWe can make a zero conditional sentence with two present simple verbs (one in the "if clause" and one in the "main clause"):If + present simple, .... present simple.This conditional is used when the result will always happen. So, if water reaches 100 degrees, it always boils. It"s a fact. I"m talking in general, not about one particular situation. The result of the "if clause" is always the main cluase.The "if" in this conditional can usually be replaced by "when" without changing the meaning.For example: If water reaches 100 degrees, it boils. (It is always true, there can"t be a different result sometimes). If I eat peanuts, I am sick. (This is true only for me, maybe, not for everyone, but it"s still true that I"m sick every time I eat peanuts)Here are some more examples:If people eat too much, they get fat.If you touch a fire, you get burned.People die if they don"t eat.You get water if you mix hydrogen and oxygen.Snakes bite if they are scaredIf babies are hungry, they cryThe First ConditionalThe first conditional has the present simple after "if", then the future simple in the other clause:if + present simple, ... will + infinitiveIt"s used to talk about things which might happen in the future. Of course, we can"t know what will happen in the future, but this describes possible things, which could easily come true.If it rains, I won"t go to the park.If I study today, I"ll go to the party tonight.If I have enough money, I"ll buy some new shoes.She"ll be late if the train is delayed.She"ll miss the bus if she doesn"t leave soon.If I see her, I"ll tell her.First vs. Zero Conditional:The first conditional describes a particular situation, whereas the zero conditionaldescribes what happens in general.For example (zero conditional): if you sit in the sun, you get burned (here I"m talking about every time a person sits in the sun - the burning is a natural consequence of the sitting)But (first conditional): if you sit in the sun, you"ll get burned (here I"m talking about what will happen today, another day might be different)First vs. Second Conditional:The first conditional describes things that I think are likely to happen in the future, whereas the second conditional talks about things that I don"t think will really happen. It"s subjective; it depends on my point of view.For example (first conditional): If she studies harder, she"ll pass the exam (I think it"s possible she will study harder and so she"ll pass)But (second conditional): If she studied harder, she would pass the exam (I think that she won"t study harder, or it"s very unlikely, and so she won"t pass)The Second ConditionalThe second conditional uses the past simple after if, then "would" and the infinitive:if + past simple, ...would + infinitive(We can use "were" instead of "was" with "I" and "he/she/it". This is mostly done in formal writing).It has two uses.First, we can use it to talk about things in the future that are probably not going to be true. Maybe I"m imagining some dream for example.If I won the lottery, I would buy a big house.(I probably won"t win the lottery)If I met the Queen of England, I would say hello.She would travel all over the world if she were rich.She would pass the exam if she ever studied.(She never studies, so this won"t happen)Second, we can use it to talk about something in the present which is impossible, because it"s not true. Is that clear? Have a look at the examples:If I had his number, I would call him. (I don"t have his number now, so it"s impossible for me to call him).If I were you, I wouldn"t go out with that man.How is this different from the first conditional?This kind of conditional sentence is different from the first conditional because this is a lot more unlikely.For example (second conditional): If I had enough money I would buy a house with twenty bedrooms and a swimming pool (I"m probably not going to have this much money, it"s just a dream, not very real)But (first conditional): If I have enough money, I"ll buy some new shoes (It"s much more likely that"ll have enough money to buy some shoes)The Third ConditionalWe make the third conditional by using the past perfect after "if" and then "would have" and the past participle in the second part of the sentence:if + past perfect, ...would + have + past participleIt talks about the past. It"s used to describe a situation that didn"t happen, and to imagine the result of this situation.If she had studied, she would have passed the exam (but, really we know she didn"t study and so she didn"t pass)If I hadn"t eaten so much, I wouldn"t have felt sick (but I did eat a lot, and so I did feel sick).If we had taken a taxi, we wouldn"t have missed the planeShe wouldn"t have been tired if she had gone to bed earlierShe would have become a teacher if she had gone to universityHe would have been on time for the interview if he had left the house at nine

zero conditional,first conditional,second conditional翻译成中文是什么的语法或是时态


zero/first/second/third conditional之间有什么区别吗

英文第一条件句的句型是 "If + S + 简单现在式, S + will + 原形动词",系表示未来极有可能发生的情况;第二条件句 (second conditional) 就是与现在或将来事实相反的条件句。The second conditional (also called conditional type 2) is a structure used for talking about unreal situations in the present or in the future.第三条件句 (third conditional) 则是与过去事实相反的条件句。

the first (second )conditional clause

一、第一条件句: 第一条件句是指真实条件句,主要用于陈述语气,假设的情况可能发生。第一条件句中的动词应该用一般现在时代替一般将来时;用现在完成时代替将来完成时。如:If Mary goes to the concert, she will bring her brother.If the weather is fine tomorrow, we shall go to the country.注意:在第一条件句中,主句不能用be going to 表示将来,应用shall, will。例如:If you leave now, you are never going to regret it. (错误) If you leave now, you will never regret it. (正确)二、第二条件句:第二条件句是非真实条件句的一种,它表示现在或将来不可能实现,或实现的可能性很小的一种假设。它的谓语动词所表示的动作、状态都是虚构的、假想的、不可能实现或实现的可能性很小的。第二条件句中的谓语动词用一般过去时或should (were to)+动词原形,而主句中的谓语动词则用would / should / could / might+动词原形。If I were you, I should not do that.If everyone in the country knew first aid, many lives would be saved.注意:if 条件句中如有were, should, had,可以省去if,并使用倒装语序。Were I a boy, I would join the army.在现代英语中,if非真实条件状语从句中的谓语动词如果是be,其过去形式一般用were。

英语中one conditional,second conditional,third conditional 的详细解释和区别是什么?

有条件的一有条件的第二有条件的第三英文第一条件句的句型是 "If + S + 简单现在式, S + will + 原形动词",系表示未来极有可能发生的情况;第二条件句 (second conditional) 就是与现在或将来事实相反的条件句。The second conditional (also called conditional type 2) is a structure used for talking about unreal situations in the present or in the future.第三条件句 (third conditional) 则是与过去事实相反的条件句。

second conditional与third conditional的区别

英文第一条件句的句型是 "If + S + 简单现在式, S + will + 原形动词",系表示未来极有可能发生的情况;第二条件句 (second conditional) 就是与现在或将来事实相反的条件句。The second conditional (also called conditional type 2) is a structure used for talking about unreal situations in the present or in the future.第三条件句 (third conditional) 则是与过去事实相反的条件句。

Section Ⅲ A Brief Introduction of Mineral Exploitation and Utilization of Tibet

The exploitation and utilization of mineral resources in Tibet may be traced up to the beginning of the Christian era.To improve the tools of pro-duction Tibetan people learned the iron and copper smelting techniques early in the 1st century under the reign of the Tibetan king Zhatri.In the early 7th century under the reign of Tarpo Sharsi,the 30th king of Tibet(during the Tang Dynasty),ploughs,spades and other iron-made tools were widely used.Later,for the decoration of Buddhas,temples and palaces gold and mineral pigments came into use.The history of Tibetan medicine began in the 4th cen-tury when many mineral medicines were used.The book“Sibu Pharmacopoeia”published in 720 recorded the usage of boron.In addition,ex-ploitation and utilization of salt and peat for daily life,lead ores for making hunting guns,jade and gem stones for decoration,as well as that of kaolin can also be traced way back in history.Regular mineral exploitation based on geological prospecting started after the founding of New China.From late 1950s to 1960s Tibet exploited mainly coal and boron,sometimes on a extensive scale.The mining areas were Tu-main for coal and the Baingoin Lake and Dujiari for boron.The exploitation of chromite and the development of geothermal resources commenced in the 1970s,when the Dongfeng chromite mine was established in Dongqiao of Am-do County.The Yangbajain geothermal power station was built and put into operation in 1977.Meanwhile,cement limestone,placer gold,peat,gypsum,salt,granite,china clay,etc.were also mined in a minor scope.Mining indus-try in Tibet has developed rapidly since the 1980s.The Dongfeng mine was shifted from Dongqiao to Lhobsa and the construction of the new mine started.A number of enterprises of the Shannan District,Qusum County and Lhasa City came to Lhobsa and set up their chromite mining branches,local or col-lective.The No.2 Geological Party,the Geophysical Prospecting Party,and the township enterprises of the Qusum and Gongga Counties mined the chromite deposit in Xianggashan on the east of Lhobsa.The advancement of mining industry in the Shannan District and its economic benefits had stimulat-ed the mining industry of Xigarze,Nagqu and some other places.In Xigarze area,apart from chromite,boron was developed in the west part.In Nagqu area,chromite,placer gold,boron and lead-zinc deposits were the key tar-gets.In 1986 the“Law of Mineral Resources”and a series of the related rules and regulations were promulgated by the State.Accordingly,the People's Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region formulated local rules and regu-lations to bring the mining industry into the orbit of legal system.The Region and the six subsidiary districts,cities and individual counties established the corresponding mineral resources management organizations.By 1991,there were more than 10 state-owned and collective mining enterprises in the Re-gion.When added in the privately owned ones,the total reached 38;of which 15 of chromite,7 of boron,2 of gold placer,6 of lead-zinc,3 of stibium,2 of coal,1 of iron,1 of limestone,1 of gemstone;others were of copper,salt,gypsum,tin placer,granite,peat,apatite,geotherm,etc.Mining has become the backbone industry in Tibet.Its proportion in the industrial output value of Tibet has distinctly increased,e.g.,6.8%in 1986,14.9%in 1987,22.5%in1988,34%in 1989,and 27.2%in 1991.Mining industry had manifested its immeasurable effects and functions in the development of national economy and in the improvement of people's life in Tibet.


1 NTSC制   NTSC制又称为恩制。它属于同时制,是美国在1953年12月首先研制成功的,并以美国国家电视系统委员会(National Television System Committee)的缩写命名。这种制式的色度信号调制特点为平衡正交调幅制,即包括了平衡调制和正交调制两种,虽然解决了彩色电视和黑白电视广播相互兼容的问题,但是存在相位容易失真、色彩不太稳定的缺点。NTSC制电视的供电频率为60Hz,场频为每秒60场,帧频为每秒30帧,扫描线为525行,图像信号带宽为6.2MHz。采用NTSC制的国家美国、日本等国家。   2 PAL制   PAL制又称为帐尔制。它是为了克服NTSC制对相位失真的敏感性,在1962年,由前联邦德国在综合NTSC制的技术成就基础上研制出来的一种改进方案。PAL是英文Phase Alteration Line的缩写,意思是逐行倒相,也属于同时制。它对同时传送的两个色差信号中的一个色差信号采用逐行倒相,另一个色差信号进行正交调制方式。这样,如果在信号传输过程中发生相位失真,则会由于相邻两行信号的相位相反起到互相补尝作用,从而有效地克服了因相位失真而起的色彩变化。因此,PAL制对相位失真不敏感,图像彩色误差较小,与黑白电视的兼容也好,但PAL制的编码器和解码器都比NTSC制的复杂,信号处理也较麻烦,接收机的造价也高。   由于世界各国在开办彩色电视广播时,都要考虑到与黑白电视兼容的问题,因此,采用PAL制的国家较多,如我国、德国、新加坡、澳大利来等。不过,仍须注意一个问题,由于各国采用的黑白电视标准并不相同,即使同样提PAL制,但在某些技术特性上还会有差别。PAL制电视的供电频率为50Hz、场频为每秒50场、帧频为每秒25帧、扫描线为625行、图像信号带宽分别为4.2,5.5,5.6MHz等。SECAM制式:又称塞康制,法文Sequentiel Couleur A Memoire缩写,意为"按顺序传送彩色与存储",1966年法国研制成功,它属于同时顺序制。在信号传输过程中,亮度信号每行传送,而两个色差信号则逐行依次传送,即用行错开传输时间的办法来避免同时传输时所产生的串色以及由其造成的彩色失真。SECAM制式特点是不怕干扰,彩色效果好,但兼容性差。帧频每秒25帧,扫描线625行,隔行扫描,画面比例4:3,分辨率720x576。采用SECAM制的国家主要为俄罗斯、法国、埃及等等。



family name,surname,last name,second name,given name 分别是是什么意思

family name姓surname姓last name (欧美人放在名字后面的)姓 second name 有些外国人名字是三个词的,所以会有中间名字given name 教名

family name,surname,last name,second name,given name 分别是是什么意思


在VB代码中"rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient"表示什么意思?请详细分析回答,尽快!多谢!

表示游标类型 是存储在客户机的内存中就是你的RS记录集是存在客户端的内存中

secret 三年六个月 歌词

3ub144 6uac1cuc6d4(三年六个月) - uc2dcud06cub9bf(Secret)uc218ub85duc568ubc94: ubc1cub9e4uc815ubcf4: (uc8fc)TSENTER, 2009.10.13 you and you and me for a long timeyou and you and me for a long time(这点英文都不会你实在太对不起你的英语老师了)uc78auc744uc218uac00uc5c6uc5b4uc694 ud568uaed8ud55cuc2dcuac04ij"eul"su"ga"eobs"eo"yo" ham"gge"han"si"gan"一届 苏噶 奥扫哟 汗盖汗西干3ub1446uac1cuc6d4uc774ub77cub294 uc624ub79cuc2dcuac04sam"eon"yuk"gae"weol"i"ra"neun" o"raen"si"gan"桑娘牛该 窝里啦嫩 奥来西噶ub9ceuc774ud798ub4e4uc5c8uc5b4uc694 ub9ceuc774uae30ub2e4ub838uc5b4uc694manh"i"i"deul"eoss"eo"yo" manh"i"gi"da"ryeoss"eo"yo"马尼 痕毒料扫哟 马尼Ki骚哟uc544ud508 uc2dcuac04uc18duc5d0uc11c ub0a0 ub193uc544uc904uaed8uc694 my lovea"peun" si"gan"sog"e"seo" nal" noh"a"jul"gge"yo" my love啊 Pun 吸干搜该扫 那脑儿就该要 My loveSorry,Rap翻译无能rap)uc810uc810ubb34uac81uac8c ub298uc5b4uc9c0ub294 ub450 uc5b4uae68 rap)jeom"jeom"mu"geob"ge" neul"eo"ji"neun" du" eo"ggae" ud558uc9c0ub9cc uc774uc81c ud3bcuce60uaebcuc57c uc228uaca8ub454 ub0a0uac1cha"ji"man" i"je" pyeol"cil"ggeo"ya" sum"gyeo"dun" nal"gae"ub204uad6cubcf4ub2e4 ub192uac8c uc62cub77cuac00 i"m so flynu"gu"bo"da" nop"ge" ol"ra"ga"i"m so fly3ub1446uac1cuc6d4uc774ub780 uc2dcuac04uc740 ub0b4uac90uc57dsam"eon"yuk"gae"weol"i"ran" si"gan"eun" ud558ub8e8ud558ub8e8uac00 ub354 uc774uc0c1 uc9d0uc774 uc544ub2cc uae30ub300uac10ha"ru"ha"ru"ga" deo" i"sang" jim"i" a"nin" gi"dae"gam"uc783uc744uac8c uc5c6uc5b4 uc65cub0d0uba74 ub0b4uac90 ub0a0ilh"eul"ge" eobs"eo" wae"nya"myeon" nae"gen" nal"uc228 uc26cuac8c ud558ub294 uc74cuc545uacfc ucda4uacfc ubb34ub300uac00 sum" swi"ge" ha"neun" eum"ag"gwa" cum"gwa" mu"dae"ga" uc788uae30 ub584ubb38uc5d0 ub09c uacc4uc18d ub178ub798 ud558uaca0uc9c0iss"gi" ddyae"mun"e" nan" gye"sog" no"rae" ha"gess"ji"1ubd841ucd08uac00 1ub144uac19uc558ub358 uc2dcuac04uc774uc5c8uc8e0yir"bun"yir"co"ga" yir"nyeon"gat"ass"deon" si"gan"i"eoss"jyo"一步李桥噶 医疗噶他大 西噶你奥叫ub9e4uc77cud798ub4e4uace0 ub9e4uc77cuc544ud504uace0 uc6b8ub2e4 uc7a0ub4e4uace0mae"il"il"deul"go" mae"il"a"peu"go" ul"da" jam"deul"go"(曼儿)【括号是儿化音】 已很度古 (曼儿)一老排骨 武打家带故uc2dcuacc4uac00 uace0uc7a5ub0acuace0 ub9c8uc74cub3c4 uace0uc7a5ub0acuace0si"gye"ga" go"jang"nass"go" ma"eum"do" go"jang"nass"go"细给噶狗将乃公 马恩Do古将乃狗ud798ub4e4ub54c ub178ub7a0 ud588uace0 uc544ud50cub54c ub178ub7a0ud588uc8e0 my lovedeul"ddae" no"rael" haess"go" a"peul"ddae" no"rael"haess"jyo"my love嘿等待No来还够 阿普带No来还九 My loveuc78auc744 uc218uac00 uc5c6uc5b4uc694 ud568uaed8ud55cuc2dcuac04 ij"eul" su"ga" eobs"eo"yo" ham"gge"han"si"gan" 一届 苏噶 奥扫哟 汗盖汗西干3ub1446uac1cuc6d4uc774ub77cub294 uc624ub79cuc2dcuac04sam"nyeon"yuk"gae"weol"i"ra"neun" o"raen"si"gan"桑娘牛该 窝里啦嫩 奥来西噶ub9ceuc774 ud798ub4e4uc5c8uc5b4uc694 ub9ceuc774 uae30ub2e4ub838uc5b4uc694manh"i" deul"eoss"eo"yo" manh"i" gi"da"ryeoss"eo"yo"马尼 痕毒料扫哟 马尼Ki骚哟uc544ud508 uc2dcuac04 uc18duc5d0uc11c ub0a0 ub193uc544uc904uaed8uc694 my lovea"peun" si"gan" sog"e"seo" nal" noh"a"jul"gge"yo"my love啊 Pun 吸干搜该扫 那脑儿就该要 My love又是万恶的Rap..rap)uafc8uc774uc788uace0 uc5f4uc815uc774 uc788uae30 ub55cuc5d0 uc2dcuc791ud55c uc774uc0c1rap)ggum"i"iss"go" yeol"jeong"i" iss"gi" ddaem"e" si"jag"han" i"sang"ub0b4uac8c ub4f1 ub3ccub9b4 uc218 uc5c6uc5b4 uc774uc81c uc2dcuc791ud55c uc774uc0c1nae"ge" deung" dol"ril" su" eobs"eo" i"je" si"jag"han" i"sang"ud55cuc228 uc274 uc2dcuac04uc870ucc28 uc5c6ub358 uc9c0ub09cub0a0ub4e4han"sum" swil" si"gan"jo"ca" eobs"deon" ji"nan"nal"deul"uadf8 uc5b4ub5a4 uac83uacfcub3c4 ube44uad50 uc548 ub420 ub178ub825uc758 uac12uc5b4uce58geu" eo"ddeon" geos"gwa"do" bi"gyo" an" doel" no"ryeog"yi" gabs"eo"ci"uafc8uc774uc788uace0 uc5f4uc815uc774 uc788uae30 ub55cuc5d0 uc2dcuc791ud55c uc774uc0c1ggum"i"iss"go" yeol"jeong"i" iss"gi" ddaem"e" si"jag"han" i"sang"ub0b4uac8c ub4f1 ub3ccub9b4 uc218 uc5c6uc5b4 uc774uc81c uc2dcuc791ud55c uc774uc0c1nae"ge" deung" dol"ril" su" eobs"eo" i"je" si"jag"han" i"sang"ud55cuc228 uc274 uc2dcuac04uc870ucc28 uc5c6ub358 uc9c0ub09cub0a0ub4e4han"sum" swil" si"gan"jo"ca" eobs"deon" ji"nan"nal"deul"uadf8 uc5b4ub5a4 uac83uacfcub3c4 ube44uad50 uc548 ub420 ub178ub825uc758 uac12uc5b4uce58geu" eo"ddeon" geos"gwa"do" bi"gyo" an" doel" no"ryeog"yi" gabs"eo"ci"ub09c ubbffuc744 uc218 uc788uc8e0 ub9d0ub3c4 uc548ub3fcub294 uafc8uac19uc740 uc77cuc744nan" mid"eul" su" iss"jyo" mal"do" an"dwae"neun" ggum"gat"eun" il"eul"难米袋苏该就 马Do汉代路 哭噶吞一路ub09c ub450ub835uc9c0 uc54auc8e0 ub204uac00 ubb50ub798ub3c4 uae30ub2e4ub838uc5b4uc694nan" du"ryeob"ji" anh"jyo" nu"ga" mweo"rae"do" gi"da"ryeoss"eo"yo"他读六比还就 努噶毛来都 Ki大聊骚哟uc6b8ub2e4uac00ub3c4 uc6c3uc5c8uace0 ud798ub4e4ub550 uc77cuc5b4ub0acuc8e0ul"da"ga"do" us"eoss"go" deul"ddaen" il"eo"nass"jyo"er大噶都无扫够 嘿等待一老那就uc774uc81c ubcf4uc5ecuc904uaed8uc694 ub098ub97c ubcf4uc5ecuc904uaed8uc694 my lovei"je" bo"yeo"jul"gge"yo" na"reul" bo"yeo"jul"gge"yo" my love一介抱腰就该哟 抱腰就该要 My loveuc78auc744 uc218uac00 uc5c6uc5b4uc694 ud568uaed8ud55cuc2dcuac04 ij"eul" su"ga" eobs"eo"yo" ham"gge"han"si"gan" 一届 苏噶 奥扫哟 汗盖汗西干3ub1446uac1cuc6d4uc774ub77cub294 uc624ub79cuc2dcuac04sam"nyeon"yuk"gae"weol"i"ra"neun" o"raen"si"gan"、桑娘牛该 窝里啦嫩 奥来西噶ub9ceuc774 ud798ub4e4uc5c8uc5b4uc694 ub9ceuc774 uae30ub2e4ub838uc5b4uc694manh"i" deul"eoss"eo"yo" manh"i" gi"da"ryeoss"eo"yo"马尼 痕毒料扫哟 马尼Ki骚哟uc544ud508 uc2dcuac04 uc18duc5d0uc11c ub0a0 ub193uc544uc904uaed8uc694 my lovea"peun" si"gan" sog"e"seo" nal" noh"a"jul"gge"yo" my love啊 Pun 吸干搜该扫 那脑儿就该要 My loveuc9c0uae08 uc774 uc21cuac04ub9ccuc744 uae30ub2e4ub838uc5b4uc694ji"geum" i" sun"gan"man"eul" gi"da"ryeoss"eo"yo"几根伊苏噶马努 Ki大料扫哟uc8fduc744 ub9ccud07c uc774 uc790ub9b4 uae30ub2e4ub838uc5b4uc694jug"eul" man"keum" i" ja"ril" gi"da"ryeoss"eo"yo"菊更忙坑一介里 gi大料扫哟uae30uc5b5uc774 ub0a8uaca8uc838uc11c ub9ceuc774 ud798ub4e4uc5c8uc5b4uc694gi"eog"i" nam"gyeo"jyeo"seo" manh"i" deul"eoss"eo"yo"gi要以南(Ki药)叫扫 马尼很毒料扫哟ud758ub838ub358 ub208ubb3cub9ceud07c uc9e7uc9c0uc54auc740 uc2dcuac04uc774uc5d0uc694heul"ryeoss"deon" nun"mul"manh"keum" jjalb"ji"anh"eun" si"gan"i"e"yo"夹击压嫩西噶你 爱遥。

At the Insect Museum 作文40字

Both sides of the door in the museum, were two mighty big dinosaurs, as if to welcome our arrival, into the museum, we first toured the aquarium. Aquarium lights are shining dark blue, wavy line on the wall there is a road, as if we are deep guest. "Look! Sturgeon!" I do not know who shouted. I looked, and sure enough! Sturgeon in the tank a long sleeping when the bottom tightly. Down the corridor, we saw a ribbon-like electric eel like swimming in the water. "I"ve heard it can help people with electric shock was lost consciousness it!" My good friend Liu Bowen said. I nodded, "Hey, what is the fish? Really beautiful!" I said. Liu Bowen explains: "Although it is very beautiful red and white pattern, can someone give it the name of security do not how to - clown fish!" "Poor little thing!" Out of the aquarium, we came to the Museum of Entomology. "Disgusting! Look at the long centipede!" Liu Chang spit out his tongue. This insect museum insect specimens and television through the video to us in detail introduced insect World. We walked down the floor, came to my long-awaited dinosaur world. The scene before and I imagine, there are many electric dinosaur roar of terror issue. "Look! This is my favorite dragon sword!" I pointed to a green dinosaur that Liu Bowen was looking at the other tall, formidable dinosaur, said: "T. rex and more fun!" Liu Chang again We both pulled out of a winged, standing before the dinosaurs branches called: "Look, look at the fishing master pterodactyl!" Out of the dinosaur world, we also visited a green home, cell house, one of the origin of such content-rich exhibition hall. We are not happy afternoon in the teacher"s request, we left it attracts the eye of the Beijing Museum of Natural History. Today, we not only long experience, they know a lot of knowledge, which makes it a desire to learn more

文献中常出现的consecutive patients怎么理解?


文献中常出现的consecutive patients 啥意思?怎么理解?在线等。多谢!


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谁知道莫文蔚翻唱zone的一首secret base的中文名叫什么

ALIVE 我的自由式

secret base~君かくれたもの~歌词

secret base~君がくれたもの词曲:町田纪彦翻唱:茅野爱衣/户松遥/早见沙织(未闻花名里的三位女主角,即本间芽衣子/安城鸣子/鹤见知利子)君きみと夏なつの终わり 将来しょうらいの梦ゆめ与你在夏末约定将来的梦想大おおきな希望きぼう忘わすれない远大的希望不要忘记了1010年后ねんごの88月がつ十年后的八月また出会であえるのを 信しんじて我相信我们还能再相遇最高さいこうの思おもい出でを共创最美好的回忆...出会であいは ふっとした 瞬间しゅんかん相识 是那么不经意的瞬间帰かえり道みちの交差点こうさてんで我在回家途中的十字路口声こえをかけてくれたね 「一绪いち绪に帰かえろう」听见你的一声“一起回家吧”仆ぼくは 照てれくさそうに カバンかばんで颜を隠かくしながら我当时有点尴尬 还拿书包遮着脸本当ほんとうは とても とても 嬉うれしかったよ其实我 心里好高兴 真的好高兴あぁ 花火はなびが夜空よぞら きれいに咲さいて ちょっとセツナクせつなく啊 烟火在夜空中 灿烂盛开 几许伤感あぁ 风かぜが时间じかんとともに 流ながれる啊!风随着时光 流逝嬉うれしくって 楽たのしくって 冒険ぼうけんも いろいろしたね满心欢喜的 兴致冲冲地 我们四处探险二人ふたりの 秘密ひみつの 基地きちの中なか就在我们的秘密基地中君きみと夏なつの终おわり 将来しょうらいの梦ゆめ大おおきな希望きぼう忘わすれない与你在夏末约定 将来的梦想 远大的希望 勿忘记1010年后ねんごの88月がつ また出会であえるのを 信しんじて我相信 十年后的八月 我们还能再相遇君きみが最后さいごまで 心こころから 「ありがとう」叫さけんでいたこと 知しっていたよ我知道 一直到最后 你仍在心底呼喊着“谢谢你”涙なみだをこらえて 笑颜えがおでさようなら せつないよね强忍着泪水 笑着说再见 无限感叹涌现最高さいこうの思おもい出でを那一段最美好的回忆...あぁ 夏休なつやすみも あと少すこしで 终おわっちゃうから啊!暑假就快要过完了あぁ 太阳たいようと月きつ仲良なかよくして啊!太阳和月亮默契十足悲かなしくって 寂さびしくって 喧哗けんかも いろいろしたね想到令人悲伤 或许有些寂寥 我们也多有争吵二人ふたりの 秘密ひみつの 基地きちの中なか就在我们的秘密基地中君きみが最后さいごまで 心こころから 「ありがとう」 叫さけんでいたこと 知しっていたよ我知道 一直到最后 你仍在心底呼喊“谢谢你”涙なみだをこらえて 笑颜えがおでさようなら せつないよね强忍着泪水 笑着说再见 无限感叹涌现最高さいこうの思おもい出でを那一段最美好的回忆...突然とつぜんの 転校てんこうで どうしようもなく你突然要转学 你我都可奈何手纸てがみ书かくよ我会写信给你电话でんわもするよ也会打电话给你忘わすれないでね仆ぼくのことを千万不要忘记我いつまでも 二人ふたりの 基地きちの中なか永远别忘记 那段在秘密基地中的日子君きみと夏なつの终おわり ずっと话はなして 夕日ゆうひを见みてから星ほしを眺ながめ与你在夏末 聊了这么多 从黄昏到繁星点点君きみの頬ほおを 流ながれた涙なみだは ずっと忘わすれない流过你双颊的泪水 我永远不会忘记君きみが最后さいごまで 大おおきく手てを振ふってくれたこと きっと忘わすれない直到最后 你紧紧握住我的手 这感觉也将长在我心中だから こうして 梦ゆめの中なかで ずっと永远えいえんに于是就这样 让我们在梦中相会吧 永远的...君きみと夏なつの终おわり 将来しょうらいの梦ゆめ大おおきな希望きぼう忘わすれない与你在夏末约定 将来的梦想 远大的希望 勿忘记1010年后ねんごの88月がつ また出会であえるのを 信しんじて我相信 十年后的八月 我们还能再相遇君きみが最后さいごまで 心こころから 「ありがとう」 叫さけんでいたこと 知しっていたよ我知道 一直到最后 你仍在心底呼喊着“谢谢你”涙なみだをこらえて 笑颜えがおでさようなら せつないよね强忍着泪水 笑着说再见 无限感叹涌现最高さいこうの思おもい出でを...那一段最美好的回忆...最高さいこうの思おもい出でを...那一段最美好的回忆...扩展资料:故事简介《那朵花》是一部用直达内心的笔触描写青春期的少男少女在面对恋情、友情、纠葛时,有欢欣笑容也有伤心泪水的青春原创动画片。从小时候起一直青梅竹马的6人,却在升上高中之后彼此有了距离。不太与人们接触的主角宿海仁太、有点被小太妹熏染的安城鸣子、进入重点高中的松雪集与鹤见知利子、放弃读高中而展开旅行的久川铁道、只有幼年死去的本间芽衣子(灵魂,只有仁太能看见)还是一如从前。有一天,芽衣子对仁太说:“帮我实现一个愿望吧”。仁太虽然有点为难,却还是答应帮助面码实现愿望。以此为契机,为了实现芽衣子的愿望,分散在各处的大家又再次地聚集在一起。

secret base~君かくれたもの~的中文意思是什么?

Secret Base~君がくれたもの~歌手:ZONE作词:ZONE作曲:ZONE歌词:君(きみ)と夏(なつ)の(お)わり 将来(しょうらい)の梦(ゆめ)kimi to natsu no owari shourai no yume与你在夏末的约定 将来的梦想大(おお)きな希望(きぼう) 忘(わす)れないoo ki na kibou wasurenai远大的希望不会忘记十年(じゅうねん)後(ご)の八月(はちがつ)juunengo no hachigatsu十年后的八月また出会(であ)えるの 信(しん)じてmata deaeru no wo shinjite我相信我们还能再相见最高(さいこう)の思(おも)い出(で)を…saikou no omoide wo……怀着最美好的回忆出会(であ)いは ふっとした 瞬间(しゅんかん)dea i wa futto shita shunkan初次邂逅是个不经意的瞬间帰(かえ)り道(みち)の交差点(こうさてん)でkaeri michi no kousatende在回家途中的十字路口声(こえ)をかけてくれたね 「一绪(いっしょ)に帰(かえ)ろう」koe wo kakete kureta ne issho ni kaerou听见你的一声『一起回家吧』仆(ぼく)は 照(て)れくさそうに カバンで 颜(かお)を隠(かく)しながらboku wa tereku sasou ni Kaban de kao wo kakushi nagara我当时有点脸红 还用书包遮住脸本当(ほんとう)は とても とても 嬉(うれ)しかったよhontou wa totemo totemo ureshikattayo其实心里是多么多么的高兴あぁ 花火(はなび)が夜空(よぞら) きれいに咲(さ)いて ちょっとセツナクaa hanabi ga yozora kirei ni saite Chotto setsu naku啊烟花在夜空中绚烂绽放莫名感伤あぁ 风(かぜ)が时间(じかん)とともに 流(なが)れるaa kaze ga jikan to tomo ni nagareru啊风随着时光流逝嬉(うれ)しくって 楽(たの)しくって 冒険(ぼうけん)も いろいろしたねureshikutte tanoshikutte多少开心的 多少欢快的冒险也经历了很多次二人(ふたり)の 秘密(ひみつ)の 基地(きち)の中(なか)bouken mo iroiro shita ne在两人的秘密基地里君(きみ)と夏(なつ)の终(お)わり 将来(しょうらい)の梦(ゆめ)futari no himitsu no kichi no naka与你在夏末的约定 将来的梦想大(おお)きな希望(きぼう) 忘(わす)れないkimi to natsu no owari shourai no yume远大的理想不会忘记十年(じゅうねん)後(ご)の八月(はちがつ)ooki na kibou wasurenai十年后的八月また出会(であ)えるのを 信(しん)じてjuunengo no hachigatsu我相信我们还能再相见君(きみ)が最後(さいご)mata deaeru no o shinjite你由始至终扩展资料:《Secret Base~君がくれたもの~》中文译名为《Secret Base~你给我的所有~》是由日本女子乐团ZONE所演唱。作为日本流行乐坛的经典名曲之一,这首由女子乐团ZONE在2001年演唱的歌曲,曾一度飙升至日本公信榜的第二位。两度登上红白合战的舞台,成为ZONE乐团史上销量最高的单曲。同时也是TBS连续电视剧《キッズ ウォー》主题曲、TV动画《今天的5年2班》和《我们仍未知道那天所看见的花的名字》(又名 未闻花名)片尾曲以及Drama《孩子们的烦恼3》 主题曲。

secret base~君かくれたもの~(secret base~你给我的所有)歌词

歌曲:secret base~君がくれたもの~(secret base~你给我的所有)演唱:ZONE作词:町田纪彦作曲:町田纪彦日文歌词:君(きみ)と夏(なつ)の终(お)わり 将来(しょうらい)の梦(ゆめ)大(おお)きな希望(きぼう) 忘(わす)れない10年后(じゅうねんご)の8月(はちげつ) また出会(であ)えるのを 信(しん)じて最高(さいこう)の思(おも)い出(で)を…出会(であ)いは ふっとした 瞬间(しゅんかん)帰(かえ)り道(みち)の交差点(こうさてん)で声(こえ)をかけてくれたね "一绪(いっしょ)に帰(かえ)ろう"仆(ぼく)は 照(て)れくさそうにカバンで颜(かお)を隠(かく)しながら本当(ほんとう)は とても とても 嬉(うれ)しかったよあぁ 花火(はなび)が夜空(よぞら)きれいに咲(さ)いて ちょっとセツナクあぁ 风(かぜ)が时间(じかん)とともに 流(なが)れる嬉(うれ)しくって 楽(たの)しくって冒険(ぼうけん)も いろいろしたね二人(ふたり)の 秘密(ひみつ)の 基地(きち)の中(なか)君(きみ)と夏(なつ)の终(お)わり 将来(しょうらい)の梦(ゆめ)大(おお)きな希望(きぼう) 忘(わす)れない10年后(じゅうねんご)の8月(はちげつ) また出会(であ)えるのを 信(しん)じて君(きみ)が最后(さいご)まで 心(こころ)から"ありがとう"叫(さけ)んでたこと 知(し)ってたよ涙(なみだ)をこらえて 笑颜(えがお)でさようならせつないよね最高(さいこう)の思(おも)い出(で)を…あぁ 夏休(なつやす)みも あと少しで终(お)わっちゃうからあぁ 太阳(たいよう)と月(つき) 仲良(なかよ)くして悲(かな)しくって 寂(さみ)しくって喧哗(けんか)も いろいろしたね二人(ふたり)の 秘密(ひみつ)の 基地(きち)の中(なか)君(きみ)が最后(さいご)まで 心(こころ)から"ありがとう" 叫(さけ)んでたこと 知(し)ってたよ涙(なみ)をこらえて 笑颜(えがお)でさようならせつないよね最高(さいこう)の思(おも)い出(で)を…突然(とつぜん)の 転校(てんこう)で どうしようもなく手纸(てがみ) 书(か)くよ 电话(でんわ)もするよ忘(わす)れないでね 仆(ぼく)のことをいつまでも 二人(ふたり)の 基地(きち)の中(なか)君(きみ)と夏(なつ)の终(お)わり ずっと话(はな)して夕日(ゆうひ)を见(み)てから星(ほし)を眺(なが)め君(きみ)の頬(ほほ)を 流(なが)れた涙(なみだ)は ずっと忘(わす)れない君(きみ)が最后(さいご)まで大おお)きく手(て)を振(ふる)ってくれたこときっと忘(わす)れないだから こうして 梦(ゆめ)の中(なか)でずっと永远(えいえん)に…君(きみ)と夏(なつ)の终(お)わり 将来(しょうらい)の梦(ゆめ)大(おお)きな希望(きぼう) 忘(わす)れない10年后(じゅうねんご)の8月(はちげつ) また出会(であ)えるのを 信(しん)じて君(きみ)が最后(さいご)まで 心(こころ)から"ありがとう" 叫(さけ)んでたこと 知(し)ってたよ涙(なみだ)をこらえて 笑颜(えがお)でさようなら せつないよね最高(さいこう)の思おも)い出(で)を…最高(さいこう)の思(おも)い出(で)を中文歌词:与你在夏末的约定 将来的梦想远大的希望不会忘记十年后的八月我相信我们还能再相见怀着最美好的回忆初次邂逅是个不经意的瞬间在回家途中的十字路口听见你的一声『一起回家吧』我当时有点脸红 还用书包遮住脸其实心里是多么多么的高兴啊 烟花在夜空中绚烂绽放莫名感伤啊 风随着时光流逝多少开心的多少欢快的冒险也经历了很多次在两人的秘密基地里与你在夏末的约定 将来的梦想远大的理想不会忘记十年后的八月我相信我们还能再相见你由始至终仍在心底呼喊着『谢谢你』我其实是知道的强忍着泪水 笑着说再见 有些伤感吧怀着最美好的回忆……啊 暑假就快要结束了啊 太阳和月亮也变得友好令人悲伤的 令人寂寞的我们也争吵了好多次在两人的秘密基地里你由始至终仍在心底呼喊着『谢谢你』我其实是知道的强忍着泪水 笑着说再见 有些伤感吧怀着最美好的回忆……突如其来的转学彼此也无能为力我会写信给你 也会打电话给你所以千万别忘记我永远别忘记 我们两人在秘密基地中的日子与你在最后的夏末 说不完的话从夕阳西下到繁星点点在你面颊流过的眼泪 我永远不会忘记你直到最后都不停地用力向我挥手我一定不会忘记如果这是一场梦能不能永远不要醒与你在夏末的约定 将来的梦想远大的理想不会忘记十年后的八月我相信我们还能再相见你由始至终仍在心底呼喊着『谢谢你』我其实是知道的强忍着泪水 笑着说再见 有些伤感吧怀着最美好的回忆……怀着最美好的回忆……

secret base ~君がくれたもの 简谱

开始612233333 322222 211111 155551233333335 333332123323211 23211111111175 5111111175 11111111255 53566111111175 5111111175 11111111255 5535665~6 666777 777111 5356666 665777 773711123216 23216 23215 55356663216 2321 66621612 23333 322222 211111 1555551233333335 33333321233612 2333332222222111111 1555551233333335 3333332123323211 232115~6 666777 777111 5356666 665777 77371112176 65 67712176 75 535666 6656777 777111 321233 31236 232166621 512 23333 322222 211111 1555551233333335 33333321233512 2333332222222111111 1555551233333335 3333332123323211 23211好了,但是有些音调和之间的停顿时间要靠自己的音感啦祝你能完美的演奏出来

secret base~君かくれたもの~10 years after ver.是什么

《Secret Base ~君がくれたもの~(10 years after Ver.)》(Secret Base ~你给我的所有~(10年后版))歌:本间芽衣子(茅野爱衣)、安城鸣子(户松遥)、鹤见知利子(早见沙织)作词/作曲:町田纪彦编曲:阿部尚德(原编曲)、estlabo(重新编曲)歌词:君と夏の终わり,与你在夏末约定将来の梦 大きな希望,将来的梦想 远大的希望忘れない,别忘记10年後の8月,在十年后的八月また出会えるのを信じて,我相信还能再与你相遇最高の思い出を,最美好的回忆出会いは ふっとした,相识 是在那么不经意的瞬间 帰り道の交差点で ,瞬间 我在回家途中的十字路口声をかけてくれたね ,听见你的一声一绪に帰ろう,一起回家吧仆は 照れくさそうに ,我当时有点害羞カバンで颜を隠しながら ,还拿书包遮著脸本当は とても とても ,其实我心里非常非常的嬉しかったよ,开心あぁ 花火が夜空,啊 烟火在夜空中きれいに咲いて,灿烂盛开ちょっとセツナク,稍微有点伤感あぁ 风が时间とともに,啊 风和时间一起流れる,飘过流逝嬉しくって 楽しくって ,我很高兴 也很愉快冒険も いろいろしたね,可以冒险的地方也去过了二人の 秘密の 基地の中,就在我们的秘密基地中君と夏の终わり 将来の梦,与你在夏末约定 将来的梦想大きな希望 忘れない,远大的希望 别忘记10年後の8月,十年后的八月また出会えるのを 信じて,我们还能再相遇 我相信君が最後まで 心から ,你到了最后 心底还呐喊著ありがとう,谢谢你叫んでたこと 知ってたよ,你内心呼喊的事我是知道的哦涙をこらえて,强忍著泪水笑颜でさようなら,笑著说再见せつないよね,痛苦难耐最高の思い出を,最美好的回忆あぁ 夏休みも,啊 暑假あと少しで ,还有多少终わっちゃうから,就会结束了あぁ 太阳と月 仲良くして,啊 太阳和月亮 默契十足悲しくって 寂しくって ,有点悲伤 有点寂寞喧哗も いろいろしたね,连吵架 我们也经常发生二人の 秘密の 基地の中,就在两人的秘密基地中君が最後まで 心から ,你到了最后 心底ありがとう 叫んでたこと,还呐喊著 谢谢你知ってたよ,我是知道的哦涙をこらえて,强忍著泪水笑颜でさようなら,笑著说再见せつないよね,痛苦难耐最高の思い出を,最美好的回忆突然の 転校で,你突然 要转学どうしようもなく,你我都无可奈何手纸 书くよ,我会写信给你电话もするよ 忘れないでね,也会打电话给你 请不要忘记仆のことを,关于我的事いつまでも 二人の 基地の中,无论什么时候 两人 都在基地中君と夏の终わり,与你在夏末ずっと话して,一直在聊天夕日を见てから星を眺め,从黄昏到繁星点点君の頬を 流れた涙は,你双颊 流动过的泪水ずっと忘れない,我一直都不会忘记君が最後まで ,你到了最后大きく手を,我的手振ってくれたこと,被紧紧握住きっと忘れない,都不会忘记だから こうして,就这样梦の中で ずっと永远に,让我们永远在梦中相会吧君と夏の终わり 将来の梦 ,与你在夏末约定 将来的梦想大きな希望 忘れない,远大的希望 别忘记10年後の8月,在十年后的八月また出会えるのを 信じて,我相信还能再与你相遇君が最後まで 心から,你到了最后 心底ありがとう 叫んでたこと,还呐喊著 谢谢你知ってたよ,你内心呼喊的事我是知道的哦涙をこらえて,强忍著泪水笑颜でさようなら,笑著说再见せつないよね,痛苦难耐最高の思い出を,最美好的回忆最高の思い出を,最美好的回忆扩展资料故事简介《我们仍未知道那天所看见的花的名字。》是一部用直达内心的笔触描写青春期的少男少女在面对恋情、友情、纠葛时,有欢欣笑容也有伤心泪水的青春原创动画。从小时候起一直青梅竹马的6人,却在升上高中之后彼此有了距离。不太与人们接触的主角宿海仁太、有点被小太妹熏染的安城鸣子、进入重点高中的松雪集与鹤见知利子、放弃读高中而展开旅行的久川铁道、只有幼年死去的本间芽衣子(灵魂,最初只有仁太能看见)还是一如从前。有一天,面码对仁太说:“帮我实现一个愿望吧”。仁太虽然有点为难,却还是答应帮助面码实现愿望。以此为契机,为了实现面码的愿望,分散在各处的大家又再次地聚集在一起。

secret base~君かくれたもの~歌词?

Secret Base~君がくれたもの~歌手:ZONE作词:ZONE作曲:ZONE歌词:君(きみ)と夏(なつ)の(お)わり 将来(しょうらい)の梦(ゆめ)kimi to natsu no owari shourai no yume与你在夏末的约定 将来的梦想大(おお)きな希望(きぼう) 忘(わす)れないoo ki na kibou wasurenai远大的希望不会忘记十年(じゅうねん)後(ご)の八月(はちがつ)juunengo no hachigatsu十年后的八月また出会(であ)えるの 信(しん)じてmata deaeru no wo shinjite我相信我们还能再相见最高(さいこう)の思(おも)い出(で)を…saikou no omoide wo……怀着最美好的回忆出会(であ)いは ふっとした 瞬间(しゅんかん)dea i wa futto shita shunkan初次邂逅是个不经意的瞬间帰(かえ)り道(みち)の交差点(こうさてん)でkaeri michi no kousatende在回家途中的十字路口声(こえ)をかけてくれたね 「一绪(いっしょ)に帰(かえ)ろう」koe wo kakete kureta ne issho ni kaerou听见你的一声『一起回家吧』仆(ぼく)は 照(て)れくさそうに カバンで 颜(かお)を隠(かく)しながらboku wa tereku sasou ni Kaban de kao wo kakushi nagara我当时有点脸红 还用书包遮住脸本当(ほんとう)は とても とても 嬉(うれ)しかったよhontou wa totemo totemo ureshikattayo其实心里是多么多么的高兴あぁ 花火(はなび)が夜空(よぞら) きれいに咲(さ)いて ちょっとセツナクaa hanabi ga yozora kirei ni saite Chotto setsu naku啊烟花在夜空中绚烂绽放莫名感伤あぁ 风(かぜ)が时间(じかん)とともに 流(なが)れるaa kaze ga jikan to tomo ni nagareru啊风随着时光流逝嬉(うれ)しくって 楽(たの)しくって 冒険(ぼうけん)も いろいろしたねureshikutte tanoshikutte多少开心的 多少欢快的冒险也经历了很多次二人(ふたり)の 秘密(ひみつ)の 基地(きち)の中(なか)bouken mo iroiro shita ne在两人的秘密基地里君(きみ)と夏(なつ)の终(お)わり 将来(しょうらい)の梦(ゆめ)futari no himitsu no kichi no naka与你在夏末的约定 将来的梦想大(おお)きな希望(きぼう) 忘(わす)れないkimi to natsu no owari shourai no yume远大的理想不会忘记十年(じゅうねん)後(ご)の八月(はちがつ)ooki na kibou wasurenai十年后的八月また出会(であ)えるのを 信(しん)じてjuunengo no hachigatsu我相信我们还能再相见君(きみ)が最後(さいご)mata deaeru no o shinjite你由始至终扩展资料:《Secret Base~君がくれたもの~》中文译名为《Secret Base~你给我的所有~》是由日本女子乐团ZONE所演唱。作为日本流行乐坛的经典名曲之一,这首由女子乐团ZONE在2001年演唱的歌曲,曾一度飙升至日本公信榜的第二位。两度登上红白合战的舞台,成为ZONE乐团史上销量最高的单曲。同时也是TBS连续电视剧《キッズ ウォー》主题曲、TV动画《今天的5年2班》和《我们仍未知道那天所看见的花的名字》(又名 未闻花名)片尾曲以及Drama《孩子们的烦恼3》 主题曲。

末闻花名ed secret base是翻唱谁的歌


跪求 Secret Base ~君がくれたもの~的lrc歌词

Secret base~君がくれたもの作词/作曲:町田纪彦编曲:YUPAby:草帽仔^_^君と夏の终わり 将来の梦 与你在夏末约定 将来的梦想大きな希望 忘れない 远大的希望 别忘记10年后の8月 また出会えるのを 信じて 在十年后的八月 我相信还能再与你相遇 最高の思い出を... 最美好的回忆...]出会いは ふっとした 瞬间 帰り道の交差点で 相识 是在那么不经意的 瞬间 我在回家途中的十字路口]声をかけてくれたね「一绪に帰ろう」 听见你的一声「一起回家吧」仆は 照れくさそうに カバンで颜を隠しながら 我 当时有点害羞 还拿书包遮著脸]本当は とても とても 嬉しかったよ 其实我心里 非常 非常的 开心あぁ花火が夜空 きれいに咲いて ちょっとセツナク 啊 烟火在夜空中 灿烂盛开 稍微有点伤感あぁ 风が时间とともに 流れる 啊 风和时间一起 飘过流逝嬉しくって 楽しくって 冒険も いろいろしたね 很高兴 很愉快 可以冒险的 地方也去过了二人の 秘密の 基地の中 就在我们的秘密基地中]君と夏の终わり将来の梦 大きな希望 忘れない 与你在夏末约定 将来的梦想 远大的希望 别忘记10年后の8月 また出会えるのを 信じて 我相信十年后的八月 我们还能再相遇君が最后まで 心から 「ありがとう」 你到了最后 心底还呐喊著「谢谢你」]叫んでいたこと 知っていたよ 你内心呼喊的事我是知道的哦]涙をこらえて 笑颜でさようなら せつないよね 强忍著泪水 笑著说再见 痛苦难耐最高の思い出を... 最美好的回忆...]あぁ 夏休みも あと少しで 终わっちゃうから 啊 暑假 还有少少 就会结束了あぁ 太阳と月 仲良くして 啊 太阳和月亮 默契十足]悲しくって 寂しくって 喧哗も いろいろしたね 有点悲伤 有点寂寞 连吵架 我们也经常发生[02:28.70]二人の 秘密の 基地の中 就在两人的 秘密的 基地中君が最后まで 心から 「ありがとう」 你到了最后 心底还呐喊著「谢谢你」叫んでいたこと 知っていたよ 你内心呼喊的事我是知道的哦涙をこらえて 笑颜でさようなら せつないよね 强忍著泪水 笑著说再见 痛苦难耐最高の思い出を... 最美好的回忆...突然の 転校で どうしようもなく 你突然 要转学 你我都无可奈何手纸 书くよ 电话もするよ 忘れないでね 仆のことを 我会写信给你 也会打电话给你 请不要忘记 关于我的事いつまでも 二人の 基地の中 无论什么时候 两人 都在基地中君と夏の终わり ずっと话して 夕日を见てから星を眺め 与你在夏末 一直在聊天 从黄昏到繁星点点君の頬を 流れた涙は ずっと忘れない 你双颊 流动过的泪水 我一直都不会忘记]君が最后まで 大きく手を振ってくれたこと きっと忘れない 你到了最后 紧紧握住我的手 都不会忘记だから こうして 梦の中で ずっと永远に... 就这样 让我们永远在梦中相会吧...君と夏の终わり 将来の梦 大きな希望 忘れない 与你在夏末约定 将来的梦想 远大的希望 别忘记10年后の8月 また出会えるのを 信じて 在十年后的八月 我相信还能再与你相遇]君が最后まで 心から 「ありがとう」 你到了最后 心底还呐喊著「谢谢你」叫んでいたこと 知っていたよ 你内心呼喊的事我是知道的哦涙をこらえて 笑颜でさようなら せつないよね 强忍著泪水 笑著说再见 痛苦难耐]最高の思い出を... 最高の思い出を... 最美好的回忆... 最美好的回忆..

求secret base吉他弹唱和弦谱啊!!!不要指弹啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!!弹唱和弦啊!!

这个版本可以吗?secret base~君がくれたもの~ 作词:町田纪彦 作曲:町田纪彦 原唱:ZONE 开头: C D 君(きみ)と夏(なつ)の终(お)わり 将来(しょうらい)の梦(ゆめ) G Em 大(おお)きな希望(きぼう) 忘(わす)れない C D 10年后(じゅうねんご)の8月(はちがつ) G G また出会(であ)えるのを 信(しん)じて C D G 最高(さいこう)の思(おも)い出(で)を…… 间奏依旧是C D G Em, C D G 主歌: C D 出会(であ)いは ふっとした 瞬间(しゅんかん G Em 帰(かえ)り道(みち)の交差点(こうさてん)で C D G 声(こえ)をかけてくれたね「一绪(いっしょ)に帰(かえ)ろう」 C D G Em 仆(ぼく)は 照(て)れくさそうに カバンで颜(かお)を隠(かく)しながら C D G 本当(ほんとう)は とても とても 嬉(うれ)しかったよ C D G Em あぁ 花火(はなび)が夜空(よぞら) きれいに咲(さ)いて ちょっとセツナク C D G あぁ 风(かぜ)が时间(じかん)とともに 流(なが)れる C D 嬉(うれ)しくって楽(たの)しくって G Em 冒険(ぼうけん)もいろいろしたね C D G 二人(ふたり)の秘密(ひみつ)の 基地(きち)の中(なか) 高潮部分: C D 君(きみ)と夏(なつ)の终(お)わり 将来(しょうらい)の梦(ゆめ) G Em 大(おお)きな希望(きぼう) 忘(わす)れない C D 10年后(じゅうねんご)の8月(はちがつ) G G また出会(であ)えるのを信(しん)じて 无论哪段,只要是高潮,都是C D G Em,C D G这个循环,把握节奏就对了 副歌部分: F D *** G F D G 突然(とつぜん)の転校(てんこう)で どうしようもなく C D 手纸 书くよ 电话もするよ Em G7 忘れないでね 仆のことを C D G いつまでも 二人の 基地の中 接着又是高潮,按原歌的顺序弹 这首secret base~君がくれたもの~的谱是扫弦谱,指弹比较复杂,扫弦为4/4拍,就是扫弦里最基本的节奏,要把握节奏,音要准,可以根据个人唱的音的高低使用变调夹,楼主不夹,就是ZONE原版的那样,一般用C或D或者E调,G调太高,本人是唱不上去了~~~~

secret base~你给我的所有 歌词 日语版的 要那种在汉字上面注音的


未闻花名secret base英文版,歌词

《secret base》Our big hope, and dreams of the futureThe end of summer with you, I will never forgetIn August 10 years from now, I believe we"ll meet againThe best momories...we met at the intersection walking home.You called outo to me, didn"t you? "Let"s walk together"I looked embarrased and hid my face behind my bagBut actually, I was really, really happyAh, the fireworks that bloom in the sky seem a bit lonelyAh, the wind flows with the timeSo happy, having so much fun, we had so many adventuresInside our secret base that belonged to only usOur big hope, and dreams of the futureThe end of summer with you, I will never forgetYou screamed "Thank You" from the bottom of your heart until the endBut isn"t it lonelyTo say goodbye, holding back your tears and smiling?The best momories...Ah, summer break will be ending soonAh, I hope the sun and moon can get alongSo sad, so lonely, we had so many fightsInside our secret base that belonged to only usYou screamed "Thank You" from the bottom of your heart until the endBut isn"t it lonelyTo say goodbye, holding back your tears and smiling?The best momories...There"s nothing we can do about your sudden transferSo I"ll write to you, I"ll call youSo please, don"t forget meForever, inside our secret baseAt the end of summer we watched the sunset and gazed at the starsThose tears that fell down your cheeks, I"ll never forget themYou waved your hand with all of your strength, I"ll never forget thatSo let me live in this dream for eternity...Our big hope, and dreams of the futureThe end of summer with you, I will never forgetIn August 10 years from now, I believe we"ll meet againYou screamed "Thank You" from the bottom of your heart until the endBut isn"t it lonelyTo say goodbye, holding back your tears and smiling?The best momories...The best momories...

He left ______ with my secretary that he would call again in the afternoon.He said he would kee...

A 试题分析:考查名词和短语:word做为“消息,口信”时不加冠词.keep/break one"s word信守/违背诺言为固定结构 ,句意:他给秘书留了口信,说他下午会再打电话的,他说会信守诺言的。选A。点评:这题主要考查的是word的用法,除了“单词”,word还可以做“消息,诺言”讲,还有和word有关的短语,也是记忆的重点,特别是word的单复数,冠词的搭配,都是记忆时要注意的。

求大神帮忙写一篇英语作文Directions:In this section,you are asked to writ

The above table illustrates the change of   population aged above 60,by listing the figures in four selected years and   indicating their proportion of total population.   It is clear that the population of people over 60 years old went up steadily from   year 1990 to year 2013.The number rose from 98.19 million in 1990 to 136.47   million in 2003,and continued its increase to 240 million in 2010.In 2013,it   reached 430 million.In the meantime,it could be shown that senior citizens -   those who are over 60 years old were gradually occupying a more and more   significant part in the total population.In 1990,merely 8.8% of total   population is over 60.The proportion increased to 10.2% in 2003 and then even   went up faster.In 2010,it jumped dramatically to 18.7%,only three years   after,the most recent figure shows that people over 60 made up 30.5% of total   population.   There are several reasons which cause this change.The most important ones are   increase in people"s life span and decrease in new-born babies.With the   development of modern medical technology,people can live much longer than   before.At the same time,young couples tend to have fewer kids,mostly only   one.Both lead to the increasing proportion of old people in total population.   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   稍微有点长了,可适当删减.供您参考!

Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds是什么意思

近似往返时间在毫秒 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~求采纳


每一天都有一个让你梦想成真的机会。 意思是说,你要把握住每一天,相信每一天。

Spend all your time waiting for that second chance,


Rjbofhiphop《Second chance》歌词中文翻译?

I found the phone I must"ve missed your message You got it wrong, It wasn"t what your friend said. Tell by your tone, I"ve taken it too far again. (Just when I thought I"d gone and fixed it all again.) Your friends are telling you, You gotta move on. (Just when I thought I"d gone and wrecked it all again.) You turned around so I could tell you what took so long. I don"t know why i ever waited to say. Cuz I"m just dying just to see you again . Instead of holding you, I was holding out. I should"ve let you in, but I let you down. You were the first to give ,I was the first to ask. Now I"m in second place, to get a second chance. I should"ve known, took you and I for granted Gotta let you know, I was never underhanded. Tell by your tone, I"ve taken it too far again. (Just when I thought I"d gone and fixed it all again.) My friends are telling me they saw you with someone. (Just when I thought I"d gone and wrecked it all again.) You turned around so I could tell you what took so long. I don"t know why i ever waited to say. Cuz I"m just dying just to see you again . Instead of holding you, I was holding out. I should"ve let you in, but I let you down. You were the first to give, I was the first to ask. Now I"m in second place, to get a second chance. [Second Chance lyrics on]My last mistake, putting my friends first. I tried to laugh it off but I made things worse. You were the first to give, I was the first to ask. Now I"m in second place, to get a second chance. What you give is always what you get. There"s so much I haven"t given yet. If you could give another second chance. (Just when I thought I"d gone and fixed it all again.) My friends are telling me they saw you with someone. (Just when I thought I"d gone and wrecked it all again.) You turned around so I could tell you what took so long. I don"t know why I ever waited to say. Cuz I"m just dying just to see you. Instead of holding you, I was holding out. I should"ve let you in, but I let you down. You were the first to give, I was the first to ask. Now I"m in second place, to get a second chance. My last mistake, putting my friends first. I tried to laugh it off but I made things worse. You were the first to give I was the first to ask. Now I"m in second place to get a second chance. Instead of holding you, I was holding out I should"ve let you in, but I let you down You were the first to give, I was the first to ask Now I"m in second place, to get a second chance. 我发现手机 我大概已经错过了你的信息 你弄错了,那不是你的朋友说。 告诉你的口气,我已经采取了太远了。 (就在我以为我会去和固定这一切了。) 您的朋友告诉你,你必须继续前进。 (就在我以为我已经走了,打破重来一遍。) 你转过身来,所以我能告诉你什么了这么久。 我不知道为什么我永远等着说。 cuz我只是死只是为了再次见到你。 而不是握着你,我拿着了。 我应该让你,但是我让你失望。 你是第一个给,我是第一个要求。 现在,我在第二位,获得第二次机会。 我应该早就知道,带你和我是理所当然的 得让你知道,我从来没有秘密的。 告诉你的口气,我已经采取了太远了。 (就在我以为我会去和固定这一切了。) 我的朋友告诉我,他们看见你的人。 (就在我以为我已经走了,打破重来一遍。) 你转过身来,所以我能告诉你什么了这么久。 我不知道为什么我永远等着说。 cuz我只是死只是为了再次见到你。 而不是握着你,我拿着了。 我应该让你,但是我让你失望。 你是第一个给,我是第一个要求。 现在,我在第二位,获得第二次机会。 [第二次机会就 http://www.metrolyrics.com歌词]我最后的错误,把我的朋友第一次。 我想一笑而过,但我把事情弄得更糟。 你是第一个给,我是第一个要求。 现在,我在第二位,获得第二次机会。 你总是给你什么。 有这么多我没有给呢。 如果你可以给另一个第二次机会。 (就在我以为我会去和固定这一切了。) 我的朋友告诉我,他们看见你的人。 (就在我以为我已经走了,打破重来一遍。) 你转过身来,所以我能告诉你什么了这么久。 我不知道为什么我永远等着说。 cuz我只是来看看你死。 而不是握着你,我拿着了。 我应该让你,但是我让你失望。 你是第一个给,我是第一个要求。 现在,我在第二位,获得第二次机会。 我最后的错误,把我的朋友第一次。 我想一笑而过,但我把事情弄得更糟。 你是第一个给我是第一个要求。 现在,我在第二位获得第二次机会。 而不是握着你,我伸出 我应该让你,但是我让你失望 你是第一个给,我是第一个问 现在,我在第二位,获得第二次机会。

Second chance - Rjbofhiphop的歌词




second chance 的歌词

I found the phoneI must"ve missed your messageYou got it wrong, It wasn"t what your friend said.I can tell by your tone, I"ve taken it too far again.Just when I thought I"d gone and fixed it all again.Your friends are telling you, You gotta move on.Just when I thought I"d gone and wrecked it all again.You turned around so I could tell you what took so long.I don"t know why i ever waited to say.Cuz I"m just dying just to see you again .Instead of holding you, I was holding out.I should"ve let you in, but I let you down.You were the first to give ,I was the first to ask.Now I"m in second place, to get a second chance.I should"ve known, took you and I for grantedFaber DriveGotta let you know, I was never underhanded.Tell by your tone, I"ve taken it too far again.Just when I thought I"d gone and fixed it all again.My friends are telling me they saw you with someone.Just when I thought I"d gone and wrecked it all again.You turned around so I could tell you what took so long.I don"t know why i ever waited to say.Cuz I"m just dying just to see you again .Instead of holding you, I was holding out.I should"ve let you in, but I let you down.You were the first to give, I was the first to ask.Now I"m in second place, to get a second chance.My last mistake, putting my friends first.I tried to laugh it off but I made things worse.You were the first to give, I was the first to ask.Now I"m in second place, to get a second chance.What you give is always what you get.It seems so different with(out) a second chance.Just when I thought I"d gone and fixed it all again.My friends are telling me they saw you with someone.Just when I thought I"d gone and wrecked it all again.You turned around so I could tell you what took so long.I don"t know why I ever waited to say.Cuz I"m just dying just to see you again .Instead of holding you, I was holding out.I should"ve let you in, but I let you down.You were the first to give, I was the first to ask.Now I"m in second place, to get a second chance.My last mistake, putting my friends first.I tried to laugh it off but I made things worse.You were the first to give I was the first to ask.Now I"m in second place to get a second chance.Instead of holding you, I was holding outI should"ve let you in, but I let you downYou were the first to give, I was the first to askNow I"m in second place, to get a second chance.

Second Chance 歌词

歌曲名:Second Chance歌手:Z.Z. Hill专辑:Brand New Z.Z. Hillone more chanceUh huh alrightThis time gonna do my best to make it rightCant go on without you by my sideHold onShelter come and rescue me out of this stormAnd out of this cold I need someoneOh why oh why why whyIf you see hertell her this from meAll I need isOne more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(See)(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at love(Alright)One more chance at loveSearching for that one who is going to make me wholeHelp me make these mysteries unfoldHold onLightning about to strike in rain only on meHurt so bad sometimes its hard to breatheOh why whyIf you see herTell her this from meAll I need isOne more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more chance for love)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at loveAnd I would walk around this world to find herAnd I dont care what it takes noWhyId sail the seven seas to be near herAnd if you happen to see herSee tell her this from meOne more chance at love(Yeah, Yeah)One more chance at love(Tell her this from me)One more chance at love(Yeah, Yeah)One more chance at loveOne more chance at loveOne more chance at love(Lovin you)One more chance at love(I cant find)One more chance at love(Lovin you)One more chance at love(Yeah one more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(For love)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(Yeah I cant stop)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(Lovin you)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(I cant stop)One more chance at love(Lovin you)(Aaow)One more chance at love(I cant stop)

Second Chance 歌词

歌曲名:Second Chance歌手:Yo Gotti专辑:Live From The KitchenTinchy Stryder feat. Taio Cruz - Second ChanceI can"t believe I got a second chance at loveI can"t believe I got a second chance at loveI can"t believe I got a second chance at loveI can"t believe I got a second chance at loveThem mistakes I will learn from themNow you"ve changed, you were stern back thenClose the case, where"s the lidRebuild the bridge that I burned down thenBack to an item all resurrectedNow we"re back online, we"re connectedYou"re older, I"m wiser, let"s paint this picture perfectI could have been anywhere by now, but nowhere feels better than homeYeah yeah yeahIf you don"t know you should know right now that you"re the only that I wantOh oh ohI can"t believe I got a second chance at loveI can"t believe I got a second chance at loveI can"t believe I got a second chance at loveI can"t believe I got a second chance at loveYeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Yeah, ohYo, if the vision ain"t clear for nowWipe my e1, and I cleanse them outWent from up to down, to I nearly drownedAnd now we"re back around 360And I missed you more than you miss meIt"s a four letter word that my lips readNow we"re doing it faster in light speedAnd the time is right so kiss meI could have been anywhere by now, but nowhere feels better than homeYeah yeah yeahIf you don"t know you should know right now that you"re the only that I wantOh oh ohI can"t believe I got a second chance at loveI can"t believe I got a second chance at loveI can"t believe I got a second chance at loveI can"t believe I got a second chance at loveYeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Yeah, ohYeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Yeah, ohThey said the doors were closing inGrab the towel throw them inLet"s try a second time, if it"s wrong we fit the crimeNow the doors are opening, take my hand let"s try againYeah, we"re born to fight, welcome some soldiers inI can"t believe I got a second chance at loveI can"t believe I got a second chance at loveI can"t believe I got a second chance at loveI can"t believe I got a second chance at loveYeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Yeah, ohYeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Yeah, ohI can"t believe I got a second chance at loveI can"t believe I got a second chance at love

Second Chance 歌词

歌曲名:Second Chance歌手:Mark Medlock专辑:Club TropicanaFaber Drive - Second ChanceI found the phoneI must"ve missed your messageYou got it wrongIt wasn"t what your friend saidTell by your toneI"ve taken it too far again(Just when I thought)(I"d gone and fixed it all again)Your friends are telling youYou gotta move on(Just when I thought)(I"d gone and wrecked it all again)You turned aroundSo I could tell you what took so longI don"t know why I ever waited to sayCuz I"m just dying just to see you againInstead of holding youI was holding outI should"ve let you inBut I let you downYou were the first to giveI was the first to askNow I"m in second placeTo get a second chanceI should"ve knownTook you and I for grantedGotta let you knowI was never underhandedTell by your toneI"ve taken it too far again(Just when I thought)(I"d gone and fixed it all again)My friends are telling meThey saw you with someone(Just when I thought)(I"d gone and wrecked it all again)You turned aroundSo I could tell you what took so longI don"t know why I ever waited to sayCuz I"m just dying just to see you againInstead of holding youI was holding outI should"ve let you inBut I let you downYou were the first to giveI was the first to askNow I"m in second placeTo get a second chanceMy last mistakePutting my friends firstI tried to laugh it offBut I made things worseYou were the first to giveI was the first to askNow I"m in second placeTo get a second chanceWhat you give is always what you getThere"s so much I haven"t given yetIf you could give another second chance(Just when I thought)(I"d gone and fixed it all again)My friends are telling meThey saw you with someone(Just when I thought)(I"d gone and wrecked it all again)You turned aroundSo I could tell you what took so longI don"t know why I ever waited to sayCuz I"m just dying just to see youInstead of holding youI was holding outI should"ve let you inBut I let you downYou were the first to giveI was the first to askNow I"m in second placeTo get a second chanceMy last mistakePutting my friends firstI tried to laugh it offBut I made things worseYou were the first to giveI was the first to askNow I"m in second placeTo get a second chanceInstead of holding youI was holding outI should"ve let you inBut I let you downYou were the first to give I was the first to askNow I"m in second placeTo get a second chance

second chance 的歌词

shinedown[ti:second chance][al:the sound of madness]shinedown - second chancemy eyes are open wideby the wayi made it through the dayi watch the world outsidebye the wayi am leaving out todayi just saw halley"s comet shootingsaid why you always running in place?even the man in the moon disappearssomewhere in the stratospheretell my mother,tell my fatheri"ve done the best i canto make them realisethis is my lifei hope they understandi"m not angry, i"m just saying...sometimes goodbyeis a second chanceplease don"t cry one tear for mei"m not afraid ofwhat i have to saythis is my one and only voiceso listen close,it"s only for todayi just saw hailey"s comet shootingsaid why you always running in place?even the man in the moon disappearssomewhere in the stratospheretell my mother,tell my fatheri"ve done the best i canto make them realisethis is my lifei hope they understandi"m not angry, i"m just saying...sometimes goodbyeis a second chancehere"s my chancethis is my chancetell my mother,tell my fatheri"ve done the best i canto make them realisethis is my lifei hope they understandi"m not angry, i"m just saying...sometimes goodbyeis a second chancesometimes goodbyeis a second chanceendliam finn[00:00.00][00:15.10]my eyes are open wide[00:18.64]by the way[00:20.74]i made it through the day[00:24.71]I watch the world outside[00:28.12]by the way[00:30.50]I am leaving out today[00:34.10]I just saw halley"s comet said[00:39.87]why are you always running in place[00:43.73]even the man in the moon disappeared[00:49.59]somewhere in this stratosphere[00:53.22]tell my mother tell my father[00:58.42]I have done the best I can[01:02.50]to make them realize[01:05.26]this is my life[01:07.52]I hope they understand[01:12.56]I am not angry I am just saying[01:18.71]sometimes good bye is a second chance[01:24.91]please don"t cry one tear for me[01:28.18]I"m not afraid of what I have to say[01:34.41]this is my one and only voice[01:37.73]for today so listen close[01:40.53]it"s only for today[01:44.00]I just saw halley"s comets said[01:49.85]why you always running in place[01:53.76]even the man on the moon disappeared[01:59.54]somewhere in this stratosphere[02:02.73]tell my mother tell my father[02:07.75]I have done the best I can[02:11.98]to make them realize[02:14.60]this is my life[02:16.99]I hope they understand[02:21.99]I am not angry[02:24.02]I am just saying[02:28.20]sometimes goodbye is a second chance[02:41.59]here is my chance[02:46.28]this is my chance[02:55.51]tell my mother tell my father[03:00.64]I"ve done the best I can[03:04.73]to make them realize[03:07.35]this is my life[03:10.30]I hope they understand[03:14.79]I am not angry I am just saying[03:20.87]sometimes goodbye is a second chance[03:25.66]sometimes goodbye is a second chance[03:30.48]sometimes goodbye is a second chance[03:35.20]

Second Chance 歌词

歌曲名:Second Chance歌手:Shinedown专辑:The Sound Of MadnessSecond ChanceShinedownmy eyes are open wideby the wayi made it through the dayI watch the world outsideby the wayI am leaving out todayI just saw halley"s comet saidwhy are you always running in placeeven the man in the moon disappearedsomewhere in this stratospheretell my mother tell my fatherI have done the best I canto make them realizethis is my lifeI hope they understandI am not angry I am just sayingsometimes good bye is a second chanceplease don"t cry one tear for meI"m not afraid of what I have to saythis is my one and only voicefor today so listen closeit"s only for todayI just saw halley"s comets saidwhy you always running in placeeven the man on the moon disappearedsomewhere in this stratospheretell my mother tell my fatherI have done the best I canto make them realizethis is my lifeI hope they understandI am not angryI am just sayingsometimes goodbye is a second chancehere is my chancethis is my chancetell my mother tell my fatherI"ve done the best I canto make them realizethis is my lifeI hope they understandI am not angry I am just sayingsometimes goodbye is a second chancesometimes goodbye is a second chancesometimes goodbye is a second chance

Second Chance 歌词

歌曲名:Second Chance歌手:Johnny Burnette专辑:Best OfFaber Drive - Second ChanceI found the phoneI must"ve missed your messageYou got it wrongIt wasn"t what your friend saidTell by your toneI"ve taken it too far again(Just when I thought)(I"d gone and fixed it all again)Your friends are telling youYou gotta move on(Just when I thought)(I"d gone and wrecked it all again)You turned aroundSo I could tell you what took so longI don"t know why I ever waited to sayCuz I"m just dying just to see you againInstead of holding youI was holding outI should"ve let you inBut I let you downYou were the first to giveI was the first to askNow I"m in second placeTo get a second chanceI should"ve knownTook you and I for grantedGotta let you knowI was never underhandedTell by your toneI"ve taken it too far again(Just when I thought)(I"d gone and fixed it all again)My friends are telling meThey saw you with someone(Just when I thought)(I"d gone and wrecked it all again)You turned aroundSo I could tell you what took so longI don"t know why I ever waited to sayCuz I"m just dying just to see you againInstead of holding youI was holding outI should"ve let you inBut I let you downYou were the first to giveI was the first to askNow I"m in second placeTo get a second chanceMy last mistakePutting my friends firstI tried to laugh it offBut I made things worseYou were the first to giveI was the first to askNow I"m in second placeTo get a second chanceWhat you give is always what you getThere"s so much I haven"t given yetIf you could give another second chance(Just when I thought)(I"d gone and fixed it all again)My friends are telling meThey saw you with someone(Just when I thought)(I"d gone and wrecked it all again)You turned aroundSo I could tell you what took so longI don"t know why I ever waited to sayCuz I"m just dying just to see youInstead of holding youI was holding outI should"ve let you inBut I let you downYou were the first to giveI was the first to askNow I"m in second placeTo get a second chanceMy last mistakePutting my friends firstI tried to laugh it offBut I made things worseYou were the first to giveI was the first to askNow I"m in second placeTo get a second chanceInstead of holding youI was holding outI should"ve let you inBut I let you downYou were the first to give I was the first to askNow I"m in second placeTo get a second chance

second chance 歌词大意

(Oooooh, oooooh)(oooooh,ooooo H)When you flew out of the nest当你飞出巢You made a mistake你犯了一个错误Flew all the way back路飞回来When you got back to your den你回到巢穴时One minute too late was already wrecked迟到一分钟已经毁了I, I我,我It"s a fraction of a whole but it"s so hard to control这是一个整体的一小部分,但它很难控制I, I get this straight我,我就直说了You can"t can"t count on a second chance你不能指望不上第二次机会The second chance will never be found第二次机会永远不会被发现的You can"t can"t count on a second try你不能指望不上的第二次尝试The second try will never come "round第二次尝试不会回心转意(Oooooh, oooooh)(oooooh,ooooo H)You stick to what you knew before你坚持你知道之前Don"t know what you like不知道你喜欢什么Just made up your mind只是让你的心灵The picture still hangs on the wall照片还挂在墙上From back in the day从一天When you had it all当你拥有了一切I, I我,我It"s a fraction of a whole but it"s so hard to control这是一个整体的一小部分,但它很难控制I, I get this straight我,我就直说了You can"t can"t count on a second chance你不能指望不上第二次机会The second chance will never be found第二次机会永远不会被发现的You can"t can"t count on a second try你不能指望不上的第二次尝试The second try will never come "round第二次尝试不会回心转意You can"t can"t count on a second chance你不能指望不上第二次机会The second chance will never be found第二次机会永远不会被发现的You can"t can"t count on a second try你不能指望不上的第二次尝试The second try will search to come down第二次尝试将搜索下来I, I我,我It"s a fraction of a whole but it"s so hard to control这是一个整体的一小部分,但它很难控制I, I get this straight我,我就直说了You can"t can"t count on a second chance你不能指望不上第二次机会The second chance will never be found第二次机会永远不会被发现的You can"t can"t count on a second try你不能指望不上的第二次尝试The second try will never come "round第二次尝试不会回心转意You can"t can"t count on a second chance你不能指望不上第二次机会The second chance will never be found第二次机会永远不会被发现的You can"t can"t count on a second try你不能指望不上的第二次尝试The second try will search to come down第二次尝试将搜索下来满意请采纳哦!

Second Chance 歌词

歌曲名:Second Chance歌手:Silence Of September专辑:Sleep Of ReasonSilence of September - Second ChanceQQ : 349777127something"s changing deep inside i can"t tell what it issomething"burning, something"aching i can feel it on your lipsthe words that you"e saying they don"mean the same thing,that they used toyou were the bullet in my gun now you"e the sky without the sunsomething is wrong herethe doors have been closed all your loved ones are ghosts now and foreverdon"t wait up for mejust go to bed with your misery i know,i will not be your second chance (i will not close my eyes no more)i will not be your second chance (set the world on fire, burn, burn, burn)almost lost, but not quite found there are no words to say we were perfectbut we smashed it into pieces anywaythe words that you said they wrong and you know it,yeah you know ityou were so eager just to show meall the things that I did wrongcoz you were perfect you were something better all alonglife is for living,but live it without medon"wait up for mejust go to bed with your misery i know,I will not be your second chance (i will not close my eyes no more)i will not be your second chance (set the world on fire, burn, burn, burn)i will not forgive you you cannot defeat medon"wait up for mejust go to bed with your misery i know,I will not be your second chance (i will not close my eyes no more)i will not be your second chance (set the world on fire, burn, burn, burn)

英文歌词求翻译!!破产姐妹《Second Chance》

当你从你犯了一个错误的巢,路飞回来你回家时,一分钟的时间太晚,已经很晚了我.....我.....这是一个希望的一小部分,但难控制我.....我.....把这列火车合唱你不能指望依靠第二次机会但第二次机会永远不会被发现你不能指望依靠第二次尝试但第二次尝试将回家(ooooo H,哦)你坚持你知道之前,不知道你喜欢什么只要把你的心PIC是在墙上挂上了一天,回来当你拥有了一切我.....我.....这是一个希望的一小部分,但难控制我.....我.....把这列火车合唱你不能指望依靠第二次机会但第二次机会永远不会被发现你不能指望依靠第二次尝试但第二次尝试将永远不出来你不能指望依靠第二次机会但第二次机会永远不会被发现你不能指望依靠第二次尝试但第二次尝试将搜索下来我.....我.....这是一个分数一个希望,但很难控制我.....我.....把这列火车合唱你不能指望依靠第二次机会但第二次机会永远不会被发现你不能指望依靠第二次尝试但第二次尝试将永远不出来你不能指望依靠第二次机会但第二次机会永远不会被发现你不能指望依靠第二次尝试但第二次尝试将搜索下来

是the second chance还是a second chance


No Second Chance 歌词

歌曲名:No Second Chance歌手:CHARLIE专辑:No Second Chanceone more chanceUh huh alrightThis time gonna do my best to make it rightCant go on without you by my sideHold onShelter come and rescue me out of this stormAnd out of this cold I need someoneOh why oh why why whyIf you see hertell her this from meAll I need isOne more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(See)(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at love(Alright)One more chance at loveSearching for that one who is going to make me wholeHelp me make these mysteries unfoldHold onLightning about to strike in rain only on meHurt so bad sometimes its hard to breatheOh why whyIf you see herTell her this from meAll I need isOne more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more chance for love)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at loveAnd I would walk around this world to find herAnd I dont care what it takes noWhyId sail the seven seas to be near herAnd if you happen to see herSee tell her this from meOne more chance at love(Yeah, Yeah)One more chance at love(Tell her this from me)One more chance at love(Yeah, Yeah)One more chance at loveOne more chance at loveOne more chance at love(Lovin you)One more chance at love(I cant find)One more chance at love(Lovin you)One more chance at love(Yeah one more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(For love)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(Yeah I cant stop)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(Lovin you)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(I cant stop)One more chance at love(Lovin you)(Aaow)One more chance at love(I cant stop)
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