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英语send items怎么翻译?

send items它的中文意思是:发送物品

推荐信的send reminder是重新发一次吗

不完全是,就是一个提醒而已。一般可能就是说,诶你还没有给某某学生提交推荐信呢。一般情况下你都不用点这个send reminder, 因为学校每周或每过一阵会自己给老师提醒,除非你现在已经到了申请截止日期了,老师还没给你提交推荐信,那你可以送几个reminder提醒他们一下。不过不要太担心了,一般学校理解推荐信可能会晚,所以如果推荐信真的晚了一点也不至于之世界末日。希望有帮到你,祝你好运!



SWIFT 信用证中 SENDER 属于什么银行 RECIVER 又是什么银行


Send Her My Love 歌词

歌曲名:Send Her My Love歌手:Journey专辑:Greatest Hits 1 & 2SEND HER MY LOVE(Perry, Cain)From The Album: FRONTIERS (1983)Release Date: September 1983Top 40: Enters on October 22 and Peaks at #23It"s been so longSince I"ve seen her faceYou say she"s doin" fineI still recallA sad cafeHow it hurt so bad to see her cryI didn"t want to say good-byeSend her my love, memories remainSend her my love, roses never fadeSend her my loveThe same hotel, the same old roomI"m on the road againShe needed so much moreThan I could giveWe knew our love could not pretendBroken hearts can always mend.Send her my love, memories remainSend her my love, roses never fadeSend her my loveCallin" out her name I"m dreamin"Reflections of a face I"m seein"It"s her voiceThat keeps on haunting meGuitar solo...Send her, send her my loveRoses never fadeMemories remainSend her, send her, my love

use send or sent (hard) ?

更新1: which of the following are wrong? which of the following is the best? If you have qusetions you can send me a letter. If you have qusetions you could send me a letter. If you had any further qusetion please send me a letter. If you had any further qusetion please sent me a letter. 首先 点解个ms话你错呢?过去式除左可以指以前发生嘅事 重可以代表礼貌 例如公函 或者假设句.而命令系用现在式: 例:close the door please(就用现在式) If I were a boy>>>(呢个系假设句) 你呢句嘢嘅中文系:有任何问题 都可以问我 完全系现在式.如果同朋友讲 可以话 If you have qusetions you can send me a letter.(礼貌d可以用could) 礼貌版: If you had any further qusetion please send me a letter. 因为前半句要礼貌d 所有要用过去式 但系后面系要求 所以要现在式 如果你惊错嘅话 认住个please 有please就即系请你而家做d乜 又已经有礼貌嘅please字 又系而家做 所以用现在式就得 礼貌嘅公文系唔用简写 If you have any questions please send me a letter (e-mail is fine). If you have any questions please e-mail them to: ... which of the following are wrong? which of the following is the best? If you have qusetions you can send me a letter. If you have qusetions you could send me a letter. If you had any further qusetion please send me a letter. If you had any further qusetion please sent me a letter. IF you had any further question please send me a letter. Here is to tell somebody to do somthing so send is correct. However we should avoid misunderstand by writing the sentence . If you have............ ........................ Send is correct because you said "please send me a letter" this is something you are telling someone to do you should always use simple present tense for this. E.g. please do this for me (insead of "please did this for me"). 您好,我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源,您能从中得到不少帮助: 祝您好运! send is correct=] 你的老师是对的。 这不是 tense 的问题,而是 mood 的问题。 你可以这样看:句子的第一段,作者认为已把情况罗列清楚,那不过是假设;但如还有疑问,则应以平铺直述看:那就是用 send 的理由了。

Did you send my package by EMS?Using passive voice:

题主一定是一时糊涂了。In passive voice, an auxiliary be has to be used. So in order to get the right version, you"ve got to change the word did by was.Was my package sent by EMS?is the correct answer.

launch与send up的区别

Launch发动,推出,发射,投产。Send up发出,射出。区别在于Send up一般不用被动语态。

launch与send up的区别

Launch发动,推出,发射,投产。Send up发出,射出。区别在于Send up一般不用被动语态。


Launch发动,推出,发射,投产。Send up发出,射出。区别在于Send 一般不用被动语态。send,英语单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“上升运动”。作及物动词时意为“发送,寄;派遣;使进入;发射”。作不及物动词时意为“派人;寄信”。

send 和launch 的区别



launch的同义词不是sendlaunch[英][lu0254:ntu0283][美][lu0254ntu0283, lɑntu0283]vt.发射; 发动; [计算机]开始(应用程序); 开展(活动、计划等); vi.投入; 着手进行; 热衷于…; n.投掷; 大船上的小艇; 大型敞篷摩托艇; send[英][send][美][su025bnd]vt.送; 派遣; 使作出(某种反应); 使进入(某状态); vt.& vi.用无线电波发送,发出信息; vi.派遣,发出,派人; adj.[仅用作定语]用于发送的;

send money 和transaction的区别?

首先,send money是动词短语,表示"寄钱,送钱",而transaction表示交易,是名词。其次,transaction的范围比send money 更广。交易是一种买卖,包括send money 和receive money。


SendMessage 只处理本身的游戏对象。 BroadcastMessage 处理本身还处理子孙节点。

Android中Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.putExtra("str",string); sendBroadcast(intent);

比如你的Intent是发给你自己实现的A BroadcastReceiver的,那么他的onReceive(Context context, Intent intent)方法会得到调用,这里传进的intent就是你sendBroadcast发过来的,通过intent.getXXXExtra方法来检索对应类型的数据,比如你的intent.putExtra("key", "hello, world!");,intent.getStingExtra("key"),如果key对应的字符串没有找到则得到null;

Please check them before we send you!是不是应该为before we send them to you!

send sth to sbsend sb sth两种都可以

send 啥意思


为什么send up是取笑之意

21世纪大英汉词典 柯林斯英汉双解大词典 send up使…上升(或上涨):to send up prices使物价上涨向上级呈报(或提交):Did you send up my application?我的申请你给交上去了吗?讽刺,挖苦,嘲弄;为嘲弄而模仿:to send up somebody讽刺挖苦某人this is what dictionary says

verification email send successfully什么意思

verification email send successfully的中文翻译verification email send successfully 验证电子邮件发送成功


* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 详解如下:https://help.a****.com/document_detail/29426.html?spm=5176.product29412.3.1.7dq3BJ

sendmail 时哪个api里面的方法

单一发信接口描述请求参数名称 类型 是否必须 描述Action String 必须 操作接口名,系统规定参数,取值:SingleSendMailAccountName String 必须 管理控制台中配置的发信地址ReplyToAddress Boolean 必须 是否使用管理控制台中配置的回信地址(状态必须是验证通过)AddressType Number 必须 取值范围0~1: 0为随机账号;1为发信地址ToAddress String 必须 目标地址,多个Email地址可以逗号分隔,最多100个地址。FromAlias String 可选 发信人昵称,长度小于15个字符 例如:发信人昵称设置为”小红”,发信地址为””,收信人看到的发信地址为"小红"<>Subject String 可选 邮件主题,建议填写HtmlBody String 可选 邮件html正文TextBody String 可选 邮件text正文其他请求参数请参见 公共请求参数返回参数公共返回参数,详见公共返回参数错误码错误代码 描述 Http状态码 语义InvalidMailAddress.NotFound The specified mailAddress does not exist. 400 发信地址不存在InvalidMailAddressStatus.Malformed The specified mailAddress status is wrongly formed. 400 发信地址状态不正确InvalidToAddress The specified toAddress is wrongly formed. 400 目标地址不正确InvalidBody The specified textBody or htmlBody is wrongly formed. 400 邮件正文不正确。textBody 或 htmlBody不能同时为空InvalidSendMail.Spam Sendmail rejected by spam filter. 400 本次发送操作被反垃圾系统检测为垃圾邮件,禁止发送。请仔细检查邮件内容和域名状态等InvalidSubject.Malformed The specified subject is wrongly formed. 400 邮件主题限制在100个字符以内InvalidMailAddressDomain.Malformed The specified mailAddress domain does not exist. 400 发信地址的域名状态不正确,请检查MX、SPF配置是否正确示例请求示例 &<公共请求参数>返回示例XML格式<SingleSendMailResponse> <RequestId>12D086F6-8F31-4658-84C1-006DED011A85</RequestId></SingleSendMailResponse>JSON示例{ "RequestId": "12D086F6-8F31-4658-84C1-006DED011A85"}

Return To Sender 歌词

歌曲名:Return To Sender歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:The Essential Elvis PresleyElvis Presley - Return To SenderReturn to senderReturn to senderI gave a letter to the postman,He put it in his sack.Bright in early next morning,He brought my letter back.She wrote upon it:Return to sender, address unknown.No such number, no such zone.We had a quarrel, a lover"s spatI write I"m sorry but my letter keeps coming back.So then I dropped it in the mailboxAnd sent it special D.Bright in early next morningIt came right back to me.She wrote upon it:Return to sender, address unknown.No such person, no such so.This time I"m gonna take it myselfAnd put it right in her hand.And if it comes back the very next dayThen I"ll understand - the writing on itReturn to sender, address unknown.No such number, no such zone.Return to sender, return to senderReturn to sender, return to sender

send me the pillow that you dream on歌词翻译

送我你在梦中枕着的枕头难道你不知道 我还在乎你吗送我你在梦中枕着的枕头那么 亲爱的 我也可以枕着它做梦每天夜里 当我入睡的时候 很孤单我在梦中分享你的爱 希望它能成真送我你在梦中枕着的枕头那么 亲爱的 我也可以枕着它做梦我等你的信 等了很久但只有回忆跟着我(这句 不确定)送我你在梦中枕着的枕头那么 亲爱的 我也可以枕着它做梦那么 亲爱的 我也可以枕着它做梦

deliver,send,dispatch 的区别是?


deliver,send,dispatch 的区别是?

deliver: to take (goods, letters, parcels, etc.) to people"s houses or places of work.send: to cause sth. to go from one place to another, esp. by postdispatch: to send (esp. goods or a message) somewhere for a particular purpose.从上面词的解释来看,deliver主要是表示投递(商品,信件,包裹等)做deliver这个事的人是邮差或者送货人,例如邮差将信投放到我的油箱中,就用deliver;The shop is delivering our new bed on Thursday.而send表示寄的时候,主语可以是寄的人(这个可以从解释中的cause看出),如我寄了封信,就用send,i send a letter to him.而dispatch是送的一种,带有某种特殊用途,send用的更广泛:例如:to dispatch food and clothing to refugee.



Doing it their way,和I send a warm wish their way,其中的“their way"前面为什么没有介词?

你好。没人回复你,就我来吧。Lingoes上的朗文词典有这么几条注释,希望对你有所帮助。1. 词组:in the same way/in different ways etc 例句:Make the drink with boiling water in the same way as tea.  Animals communicate in various ways. 总结:way之前用in乃天经地义。2. 词组:(in) the right/wrong way  例句:I think you"re going about this the wrong way. 总结:我的老天,way前面不要in了,不过,这是词典上这么说的,很权威哟。3. 词组:(in) this/that way  例句:I find it easier to work in this way (=like this).  Sorry, I didn"t know you felt that way (=had that feeling or opinion).  The drugs didn"t seem to affect Anna in the same way. 总结:way前面的in可有可无,例句1和3有,2没有。然后我再给你摘录几个柯林斯词典上的例句和注释。1. I also used to love the smooth way in which the foreigner operated. 这句是从句,用了in which。2. I hate the way he manipulates people. 我讨厌他摆布别人。这句in which都没了。词典的解释是这样的:If you mention the way that something happens, you are mentioning the fact that it happens. 反正就是the way后面直接接个句子都可以呢。想想the minute充当连词的情况,我给你举个例子:The baby began to cry the minute he saw the tiger. 如果你看完了还没懂的话,可以追问。对了,没直接回答你的问题。不过,你可以看看这个解释和例句。 If you go your own way, you do what you want rather than what everyone else does or expects. 这里的go one"s own way就是“按自己的意愿行事”。例句:In school I was a loner. I went my own way. 在学校里我独来独往,我行我素。

求翻译 Actually,it is a morning call to send us a me


how much does it cost to send a card to your friend on computer?应该怎样回答

直接回答多少钱,比如说Ten yuan。

satsuma sendai 是日本哪个地名,麻烦提供中文译名






send to mail recipient中文word是什么意思

send to mail recipient发送给邮件收件人word英[wu025c:d]美[wu025c:rd]消息双语例句1Users can send mail to a single recipient or broadcast it to multiple users.用户可以把邮件发送给一个接收者,或者传送给多个用户。2Click send to mail recipient, and then click Add to add the command to the quick access toolbar.单击“发送至邮件收件人”,然后单击“添加”以向快速访问工具栏添加该命令。


Better Man歌手:Robbie WilliamsSend someone to love me.I need to rest in arms.Keep me safe from harm.In pouring rain.Give me endless summer.Lord I fear the cold.Feel I"m getting old.Before my time.As my soul heals the shame.I will grow through this pain.Lord I"m doing all I can.To be a better man.Go easy on my conscience.Cause it"s not my fault.I know I"ve been taught.To take the blame.Rest assured my angels.Will catch my tears.Walk me out of here.I"m in pain.As my soul heals the shame.I will grow through this pain.Lord I"m doing all I can.To be a better man.Once U"ve found that lover.U"re homeward bound.Love is all around.Love is all around.I know some have fallen on stony ground.But Love is all around.Send someone to love me.I need to rest in arms.Keep me safe from harm.In pouring rain.Give me endless summer.Lord I fear the cold.Feel I"m getting old.Before my time.As my soul heals the shame.I will grow through this pain.Lord I"m doing all I can.To be a better man.

2020-07-27ERROR: Sending non-protected broadcast

在调试程序发送广播的时候发生如下bug。导致发送的广播失败。 先来看下log: 这是我在一次开发中出现的,系统中需要发送一个应用自定义的广播,send 之后会报出Sending non-protected broadcast 的异常。 借此机会来解析protected broadcast 的使用,我们在 Android 中broadcast 发送过程解析 中了解了broadcast 发送的整个过程,通过Context 的接口最终会调用到AMS 中broadcastIntent()。 原因: 系统对自定义广播做了保护限制,对广播做了保护限定之后,只有一定权限的用户才可以使用。否则用一次就会打印一次warning,并且保存异常信息到文件中。 解决办法:

I send a message to my mom.为什么是send 而不是sent


用send out造句 被动语态

A trumpeter sent out a warning blast.号兵吹出告警的号声。Pigeons were sent out to spread the tidings of rebellion.鸽子被放出去传送发生叛乱的消息。Apostles were sent out by Christ to spread his teachings.基督派基督十二使徒之一宣传他的教义。The company sent out a press release about the launch of the new car.公司发出了即将投放这种新型汽车的新闻稿。As our ship began to sink, we sent out flares to attract attention.船开始下沉时,我们发出闪光信号以唤起人们注意。The ship"s radio sent out signals for help.轮船上的无线电发出求助信号。Since we sent out the invitations we"ve received five acceptances and one refusal.我们发出请帖以後,收到的回覆是五位接受,一位推辞。

Can you send____ it?

d ,can you send it to him ? 你只能发送“它“,不能发送“他”!

send it on歌词翻译

直到你的意思是你说的话 爱情不是一个爱 童梦你走 我们都给予了 是什么给做出改变 发送的 谈 只是一方面可以治愈另一 相距 实现你的心 只有激发起火灾 一个什么行动 连锁反应将永不停止 使我们强 光线照射和发送它 只是微笑,世界将与你一起微笑 小爱的行为 然后,将成为2 1 如果我们的机会 若要变更情况 想象一下,所有的,我们可以这样做 如果我们... 发送的 谈 只是一方面可以治愈另一 相距 实现你的心 只有激发起火灾 一个什么行动 连锁反应将永不停止 使我们强 光线照射和发送它 发送的 有电源的所有选择我们 因此,我从现在开始不能等待的时刻 一个字一个字 直到你的意思是你说的话 爱不仅是爱情 直到你给它距离 发送的 谈 只是一方面可以治愈另一 相距 实现你的心 只有激发起火灾 一个什么行动 连锁反应将永不停止 使我们强 光线照射和发送它 发送的 发送的 谈 只是一方面可以治愈另一 相距 实现你的心 只有激发起火灾 一个什么行动 连锁反应将有助于事情开始 使我们强 光线照射和发送它 光线照射和发送它 光线照射和发送它

D Angelo的《Send It On》 歌词

歌曲名:Send It On歌手:D Angelo专辑:Ultimate D AngeloDisney Channel Friends - Send It On(Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato & Jonas Brothers)A word is just a wordUntil you mean what you sayA Love is a loveTil you give it awayWe all got to giveYeah something to give to make a changeSend it onOn and onJust one hand can heal anotherBe apartReach your heartJust one spark stars a fireWith one little actionThe chain reaction will never stopMake us StrongShine a Light and Send it OnJust smile and the world will smile along with youThat small acts of loveThen the one will become twoIf we take the chancesTo change circumstancesImagine all that we could doIf we...Send it onOn and onJust one hand can heal anotherBe apartReach your heartJust one spark stars a fireWith one little actionThe chain reaction will never stopMake us StrongShine a Light and Send it OnSend it onThere"s Power in all the choices we makeSo i"m starting now not a moment to waitA word just a wordUntil you mean what you sayA love is just a loveUntil you give it awaySend it onOn and onJust one hand can heal anotherBe apartReach your heartJust one spark stars a fireWith one little actionThe chain reaction will never stopMake us StrongShine a Light and Send it OnSend it onJust one hand can heal anotherBe apartReach your heartJust one spark stars a fireWith one little actionThe chain reaction will help things startMake us StrongShine a Light and Send it OnShine a Light and Send it OnShine a Light and Send it On


”Chinese NEC“ 表示Chinese no elsewhere classified. 这表示此人的民族信息是100%的中国人,是一个完整的信息表示。和这个相对的是“Chinese nfd”nfd表示no further defined,这个就不是一个完整的信息表示,表示你是种族是被认为chinese,但是可能有进一步的详细情况,但是这里没有给出,有可能是马来西亚华人,或者是中国人和其他民族混血,或者是国外出生的华人等。




send 除了有“寄”的意思,还有“派遣、打发”的意思,可以send somebody to do something,而post则不能。He sent his son to return the books to the library.他派他儿子把书还给图书馆。You"d better send the letter by air.这封信你最好寄航空。post主要用于英式英语,只是 post 作名词使用时,可解作“柱、杆、岗位、海报”等。Do you mind posting a letter for me?你能帮我寄封信吗?The notice was nailed to a post.布告钉在一根柱子上。


你好,英语post和send当然有区别。先撇开post还有其它意思不管,即使但从发送角度来说也有区别。post 从单词来看是和邮递有关,所以严格意义上是通过邮政系统来发送。send 虽然也以邮递为主,但不局限于通过邮政系统来发送。比如可以自己雇人直接发送等等。以上仅供参考!


mail 主要用于美式英语,邮寄,跟邮政有关系 Is there any mail this morning? 今天上午有邮件吗? I have mailed the letter. 我已将该信付邮。 send 除了有“寄”的意思,还有“派遣、打发”的意思,可以send somebody to do something.,而mail 则不能。 He sent his son to return the books to the library. 他派他儿子把书还给图书馆。 You"d better send the letter by air. 这封信你最好寄航空。 post 主要用于英式英语,和 mail 的意思和用法差不多,只是 post 作名词使用时,可解作“柱、杆、岗位、海报”等 Do you mind posting a letter for me? 你能帮我寄封信吗? The notice was nailed to a post. 布告钉在一根柱子上。

用Excel vba调用Outlook的用户名,也就是已发信箱中的邮件发件人sender


pleases send revised manuscript and signed cta as attachments,是什么意思

pleases send revised manuscript and signed cta as attachments请发送修改后的手稿和签名CTA作为附件满意请采纳,谢谢!

vb用SendKeys 什么 在同时按下“ctrl+alt”后不放 再按下z键


C# SenderKeys.Send("{Space}")问题

空格不是功能键,直接用“ ”SendKeys.Send(" ");



ollydbg中bp send下断后, 堆栈窗口无调用call的信息, 这是因为缺少插件吗?

这种问题,挂到 广海 看雪 吾爱破解 比较靠谱。这个跟插件没关系吧。你的问题描述不清楚,什么叫堆栈窗口无法调用call的信息。如果bp send断了,只有3层,一般来说,是使用了线程发包,所以调用层数很少,大致都是功能函数使用消息的方式通知发包线程来做的,发包是异步线程做的,所以不好跟踪。一般来说,这样的程序,bp send不会有多大效果。还有一种可能是,程序中使用了不同的发包函数。你可以尝试断WSASend看看,或者把所有的发包函数都断一下。如果线程发包,尝试跟踪封包数据的写入,因为在上层应该还有一个专门的发包函数,负责写入封包数据,通知发包线程完成发包过程,这样来说比较符合封装逻辑。至于怎么跟踪到这个调用发包线程的发包函数,个人没太多注意,没对付过线程发包。还有种方式就是,可以尝试从关键数据入手,先找到关键的call,然后通过nop方式对call进行向下跟踪,看看能不能找到线程发包函数。以上。


认证的学习了一下您的代码,有一点搞不清楚 det2 = GetDoubleEntTable(entObj2, Pnt2) 函数,这个pnt2是什么东西,是图元entObj2上的点吗?? det2 = GetDoubleEntTable(entObj2, Pnt2) 这个det2 的转换,还是有点不理解,我的程序如下,麻烦高人看看,如何修改 我现在想做的是,不用选择图元,而是直接引用两个图元,lineObj1,和arcNsObj进行sendcommand 圆角命令,代码如下,结果还是和原来一样。 Dim Pnt1 As Variant Dim det1 As Stringdet1 = axEnt2lspEnt(lineObj1) Dim Pnt2 As Variant Dim det2 As Stringdet2 = GetDoubleEntTable(arcNsObj, startPointNs) "startpointNs 是arcNsObj图元的起点 AcadApp.ActiveDocument.SendCommand "_fillet" & vbCr & "r" & vbCr & "2" & vbCr & "t" & vbCr & "t" & vbCr & det1 & vbCr & vbCr & det2 & vbCr & vbCr 执行最后一句代码时,监视到 det1="(handent "89")" det2="(list(handent "88")(list 25 0 0))"





Refer the Purchase Order Copy & we are in Process to send you the signed PO copy in couple of Hours.


Button btn = sender as Button; //创建Button对象 这句话中Sencler和as是什么。怎么使用Sender和as


btn = (Button)sender;这句话的意思请解释谢谢!


Button btn = (Button)sender;有大神详细解释下,这句什么意思? sender怎么理解?

sender 是 object 对象,而 object 从对象的层次关系来说是最顶层的对象,基本上所有的控件都是object。所以,通常对于事件的参数,都会以 object sender 这样的形式来定义(子对象可以直接赋给你对象)。Button btn = (Button)sender; 这句代码是强制将传递过来的 sender 参数(object)转换成 Button。需要提示的是,这种强制转换是建立在你明确知道传递过来的参数是哪种类对象的情况下,否则会出错。

Dear Sender, I am on annual leave for one week . For any urgency, pls kindly contact Amy Zhang *113

亲爱的Sender,我离开一周去度过我的年休假。如果有急事,请友好地联系Amy Zhang *113。

求教: response.sendRedirect(""); 的用法!!

response.sendRedirect(""); 地址栏会改变,request作用域丢失。reqeust.getRequestDispatcher("").forward(request, response);转发request作用域保存,地址栏不改变,另外两者请求次数不同。request作用域存在生命周期,一次请求一次响应,request依然存在,但是重定向是请求两次的,所以作用域丢失了。转发则反之。如果不明白建议楼主参考:。希望对你有帮助。

send in the Marines 什么意思


期刊直接reviews send back to author是啥意思

reviews send back to author意思是:评论发回作者。指期刊把评论发回给作者。重点词汇:author。英['u0254:θu0259(r)]释义:n.作者,著者;作家;发起者,创始人;作品。v.撰写,写作;发起,创造。[复数:authors;第三人称单数:authors;现在分词:authoring;过去式:authored;过去分词:authored]短语:implied author隐含作者;隐藏作者;隐指作者。词语使用变化:authorn.(名词)1、author的意思是“作者”,专指从事文学作品创作的人;特指男性作家;与之相对的阴性名词为authoress,但此词现已很少使用;引申可作“策划者,造成…的人”解。2、author意为“作者”,“作家”,常指文章或书的创作者,要注意同“校订者”,以及“翻译”和“编辑”区分开来。author作为“文学家”的统称时,往往单独使用。

英语里短语动词put away send out


and a company may leverage "owned" media by sendi


send sb sth 造句 send sth to sb show sb sth showsth to sb 4个都造句

send sb sth I can send you $100 a month.我可以每月寄100美元给你。send sth to sb I can send $100 to you a month我可以每月寄100美元给你show sb sth Let me show you the house我来带你看看房子show sth to sb Let me show the house to you我来带你看看房子


关于send,diliver和transport三者的区别:transport运输,运送deliver投递,递送包裹等send 打发,派遣,寄信,送信,派人,一般与to 一起用。另外:transport一般指成批的发送,运输,输送,有固定的流程、制度、规范和协议。而send是一般意义上的发送,没有严格意义上的制度、流程要求,另外还有寄送,打发的意思!希望对你有帮助


transpor 运输send 送


transport运输,运送deliver投递,递送包裹等send 打发,派遣,寄信,送信,派人,一般与to 一起用。




看权限有没有设置到。写法没有问题的。 SmsManager sms = SmsManager.getDefault(); List<String> texts = sms.divideMessage(smsContent); for (String text : texts) { sms.sendTextMessage(phoneNumber, null, text, null, null); }


看权限有没有设置到。写法没有问题的。 SmsManager sms = SmsManager.getDefault(); List texts = sms.divideMessage(smsContent); for (String text : texts) { sms.sendTextMessage(phoneNumber, null, text, null, null); }

发短信除了 send text messages 可以说 text a message吗,问题二,给某人发短信怎么说

send a message to sb

Electric Light Orchestra的《Send It》 歌词

歌曲名:Send It歌手:Electric Light Orchestra专辑:Balance Of PowerDisney Channel Friends - Send It On(Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato & Jonas Brothers)A word is just a wordUntil you mean what you sayA Love is a loveTil you give it awayWe all got to giveYeah something to give to make a changeSend it onOn and onJust one hand can heal anotherBe apartReach your heartJust one spark stars a fireWith one little actionThe chain reaction will never stopMake us StrongShine a Light and Send it OnJust smile and the world will smile along with youThat small acts of loveThen the one will become twoIf we take the chancesTo change circumstancesImagine all that we could doIf we...Send it onOn and onJust one hand can heal anotherBe apartReach your heartJust one spark stars a fireWith one little actionThe chain reaction will never stopMake us StrongShine a Light and Send it OnSend it onThere"s Power in all the choices we makeSo i"m starting now not a moment to waitA word just a wordUntil you mean what you sayA love is just a loveUntil you give it awaySend it onOn and onJust one hand can heal anotherBe apartReach your heartJust one spark stars a fireWith one little actionThe chain reaction will never stopMake us StrongShine a Light and Send it OnSend it onJust one hand can heal anotherBe apartReach your heartJust one spark stars a fireWith one little actionThe chain reaction will help things startMake us StrongShine a Light and Send it OnShine a Light and Send it OnShine a Light and Send it On

Don, t send中文意思


I have sent 和I have send 哪个结构是对的?

第一个I have sent是对的,这是完成时。


send的用法如下:send可以带双宾语,即:send sb sth=send sth to sb:送某样东西.send sb to sp:把某人送到某地。send for:派人去请。send away开除。send up发射。send out发送出去。send基本含义v.邮寄; 发送; 传达; 转致; 告知; 派遣; 打发; 安排去;[例句]Myra Cunningham sent me a note thanking me for dinner迈拉·坎宁安给我寄了张便笺感谢我招待的晚餐。第三人称单数:sends现在分词:sending过去式:sent过去分词:sentsend双语例句Have you anything to send?你有东西要寄吗?。Do you have any catalogs to send me?你有什么商品目录可以寄给我吗?We send them to him.我们把它们(明信片)寄给他。send用法用作动词send的基本意思是“派; 打发”,指通过某人或某种手段把东西送给某人或送到某目的地。也可作“用无线电波发送”“使…猛然或迅速移动”“发出信息”等解。用于比喻, send还可作“使…兴奋,使激动”“施与,赐给”解。send也可用作使役动词,作“使…处于”“使…变得”解。

为什么can be 后面的寄是sent 而不是send?



send英 [send] 美 [su025bnd]vt. 发送,寄;派遣;使进入;发射vi. 派人;寄信n. 上升运动n. (Send)人名;(德)森德专业释义及短语:send [send]vt.1、打发,派遣,差遣,派…前去(请人等):to send somebody to do something2、派某人去做某事to send (someone) for a doctor3、派某人去请大夫4、使前往;使进入(to ):to send to the prison进监狱5、寄,发送(信件,邮包等):to send a letter to somebody6、投,掷;击出:to send a punch to the jaw一拳击在下巴上7、使进入(某状态);迫使(in, into):to send someone into madness8、使某人发疯9、指点:to send someone to the police指点某人去警察局10、(上天)赐福给,降(福、祸等):God send us!上帝保佑!11、[俚语]使高兴,使…兴奋:It sends me into the sky.这真令我飘飘欲仙。12、散发出,放出(香味等):to send forth a sweet odor发出一股香味【电子学】vi.派遣;发出,派人:He was sent abroad.他被派到了海外工作。【电子学】发信号adj.[仅用作定语]用于发送的短语:1、God send it may not be so! 但愿不是这样!2、send flying 撵走,解雇;使四散3、send someone mad 令某人发疯4、send someone packing (或about his business) 解雇某人;撵走某人5、send someone sprawling 把某人打倒在地6、send someone to Coventry 见 Coventry变形:vt. sent . sendingsend2 [send]n., vi. sended 或sent, sending 【航海学】 = scend【词组短语】send out 发送;派遣;放出send in 递送;呈报;命…进来send for 召唤,派人去叫;派人去拿send back 送回;退还send a message 发信息【例句】1、Please send the book along to me.请快些把那本书寄给我。2、You should come or send a representative at least.你应该来,或者说,至少派一位代表来。3、The dispute at the moment revolved about the question of whom to send.当时的争论是围绕着派谁去好这一问题而进行的。




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