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“you know nothing john snow” 什么含义






john snow defeats king chlera英文概括

John Snow was a famous physician. Seeing many people died of cholera, he decided to help them. Cholera was a deadly disease of its day. Nobody knew how this happened and how to treat it. John Snow spent a lot of time trying to find its cause and its cure. When another outbreak hit London in 1854, he collected information about cholera. He found out that most of those who died of cholera lived near a water pump. He suspected that the water was polluted. He told people not to drink the water any more. One woman who wouldn"t listen to him soon died of cholera. With this extra evidence John Snow was able to announce with certainty that polluted water carried the virus. To prevent this from happening again,John Snow suggested that the source of all the water supplies be examined and no polluted water be drunk by people . In this way cholera was defeated in the end.

以john snow,写一篇作文

Early life and education[edit] Snow was born 15 March 1813 in York, England. He was the first of nine children born to William and Frances Snow in their North Street home. His neighbourhood was one of the poorest in the city and was always in danger of flooding because of its proximity to the River Ouse. His father worked in the local coal yards, which were constantly replenished from the Yorkshire coalfields through the barges on the Ouse. Snow was baptised at the Anglican church of All Saints, North Street. All Saints, North Street Snow studied in York until the age of 14, when he was apprenticed to William Hardcastle, a surgeon in Newcastle upon Tyne. It was there, in 1831, that he first encountered cholera, which entered Newcastle via the seaport of Sunderland and decimated the town.[1] Between 1833 and 1836 Snow worked as an assistant to a colliery surgeon, first in Burnopfield, County Durham, and then in Pateley Bridge, North Yorkshire. In October 1836 he enrolled at the Hunterian school of medicine on Great Windmill Street, London.[2] Career[edit] In 1837 Snow began working at the Westminster Hospital. Admitted as a member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England on 2 May 1838, he graduated from the University of London in December 1844 and was admitted to the Royal College of Physicians in 1850. In 1850 he was also one of the founding members of the Epidemiological Society of London, formed in response to the cholera outbreak of 1849.[3] In 1857 Snow made an early and often overlooked[4] contribution to epidemiology in a pamphlet, On the adulteration of bread as a cause of rickets.[5] Anaesthesia[edit] Snow was one of the first physicians to study and calculate dosages for the use of ether and chloroform as surgical anaesthetics, allowing patients to undergo surgical and obstetric procedures without the distress and pain they would otherwise experience. He designed the apparatus to safely administer ether to the patients and also designed a mask to administer chloroform.[6] He personally administered chloroform to Queen Victoria when she gave birth to the last two of her nine children, Leopold in 1853 and Beatrice in 1857,[7] leading to wider public acceptance of obstetric anaesthesia. Snow published an article on ether in 1847 entitled On the Inhalation of the Vapor of Ether. A longer version entitled On Chloroform and Other Anaesthetics and Their Action and Administration was published posthumously in 1858. Cholera[edit] Main article: 1854 Broad Street cholera outbreak Original map by John Snow showing the clusters of cholera cases in the London epidemic of 1854, drawn and lithographed by Charles Cheffins. Snow was a sceptic of the then-dominant miasma theory that stated that diseases such as cholera and bubonic plague were caused by pollution or a noxious form of "bad air". The germ theory of disease had not yet been developed, so Snow did not understand the mechanism by which the disease was transmitted. His observation of the evidence led him to discount the theory of foul air. He first publicised his theory in an 1849 essay, On the Mode of Communication of Cholera, followed by a more detailed treatise in 1855 incorporating the results of his investigation of the role of the water supply in the Soho epidemic of 1854.[8] By talking to local residents (with the help of Reverend Henry Whitehead), he identified the source of the outbreak as the public water pump on Broad Street (now Broadwick Street). Although Snow"s chemical and microscope examination of a water sample from the Broad Street pump did not conclusively prove its danger, his studies of the pattern of the disease were convincing enough to persuade the local council to disable the well pump by removing its handle. This action has been commonly credited as ending the outbreak, but Snow observed that the epidemic may have already been in rapid decline: There is no doubt that the mortality was much diminished, as I said before, by the flight of the population, which commenced soon after the outbreak; but the attacks had so far diminished before the use of the water was stopped, that it is impossible to decide whether the well still contained the cholera poison in an active state, or whether, from some cause, the water had become free from it. John Snow memorial and public house on Broadwick Street, Soho Snow later used a dot map to illustrate the cluster of cholera cases around the pump. He also used statistics to illustrate the connection between the quality of the water source and cholera cases. He showed that the Southwark and Vauxhall Waterworks Company was taking water from sewage-polluted sections of the Thames and delivering the water to homes, leading to an increased incidence of cholera. Snow"s study was a major event in the history of public health and geography. It is regarded as the founding event of the science of epidemiology. Snow wrote: On proceeding to the spot, I found that nearly all the deaths had taken place within a short distance of the [Broad Street] pump. There were only ten deaths in houses situated decidedly nearer to another street-pump. In five of these cases the families of the deceased persons informed me that they always sent to the pump in Broad Street, as they preferred the water to that of the pumps which were nearer. In three other cases, the deceased were children who went to school near the pump in Broad Street... With regard to the deaths occurring in the locality belonging to the pump, there were 61 instances in which I was informed that the deceased persons used to drink the pump water from Broad Street, either constantly or occasionally... The result of the inquiry, then, is, that there has been no particular outbreak or prevalence of cholera in this part of London except among the persons who were in the habit of drinking the water of the above-mentioned pump well. I had an interview with the Board of Guardians of St James"s parish, on the evening of the 7th inst [7 September], and represented the above circumstances to them. In consequence of what I said, the handle of the pump was removed on the following day. —John Snow, letter to the editor of the Medical Times and Gazette Researchers later discovered that this public well had been dug only three feet from an old cesspit, which had begun to leak fecal bacteria. The nappies of a baby, who had contracted cholera from another source, had been washed into this cesspit. Its opening was originally under a nearby house, which had been rebuilt farther away after a fire. The city had widened the street and the cesspit was lost. It was common at the time to have a cesspit under most homes. Most families tried to have their raw sewage collected and dumped in the Thames to prevent their cesspit from filling faster than the sewage could decompose into the soil. Map of cholera outbreak in London Legend for the map above It should be noted that Thomas Shapter had conducted similar studies and used a point based map for the study of cholera in Exeter, Devon years before John Snow.[9] Political controversy[edit] After the cholera epidemic had subsided, government officials replaced the Broad Street Pump Handle. They had responded only to the urgent threat posed to the population, and afterward they rejected Snow"s theory. To accept his proposal would have meant indirectly accepting the oral-fecal method transmission of disease, which was too unpleasant for most of the public to contemplate.[10] Public health officials recognise the political struggles in which reformers have often become entangled.[11] During the Annual Pumphandle Lecture in England, members of the John Snow Society remove and replace a pump handle to symbolise the continuing challenges for advances in public health.[12] Later life[edit] In 1830 Snow became a member of the Temperance Movement, and lived for a decade or so as a vegetarian and teetotaler. In the mid-1840s his health deteriorated, and he returned to meat-eating and drinking wine. He continued drinking pure water (via boiling) throughout his adult life. He never married.[13] Snow lived at 18 Sackville Street, London, from 1852 to his death in 1858.[14] Snow suffered a stroke while working in his London office on 10 June 1858. He was 45 years old at the time.[15] He never recovered, dying on 16 June 1858. He was buried in Brompton Cemetery.[16] Legacy and honours[edit] Funerary monument, Brompton Cemetery, London A plaque commemorates Snow and his 1854 study in the place of the water pump on Broad Street (now Broadwick Street). It shows a water pump with its handle removed. The spot where the pump stood is covered with red granite. A public house nearby was named "The John Snow" in his honour. The John Snow Society is named in his honour, and the society regularly meets at The John Snow pub. An annual Pumphandle Lecture is delivered each September by a leading authority in contemporary public health. His grave in Brompton Cemetery, London, is marked by a funerary monument. In York a blue plaque on the west end of the Park Inn, a hotel in North Street, commemorates John Snow. Snow was named as one of the heraldic supporters of the Royal College of Anaesthetists. The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland awards The John Snow Award, a bursary for undergraduate medical students undertaking research in the field of anaesthesia. In 1978 a public health research and consulting firm, John Snow Inc (JSI), was founded.[17] In 2001 the John Snow College was founded on the University of Durham"s Queen"s Campus in Stockton-on-Tees. In 2013 The Lancet printed a correction of its brief obituary of Snow, originally published in 1858: "The journal accepts that some readers may wrongly have inferred that The Lancet failed to recognise Dr Snow"s remarkable achievements in the field of epidemiology and, in particular, his visionary work in deducing the mode of transmission of epidemic cholera."

“you know nothing john snow” 什么含义


“you know nothing john snow” 什么含义





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为什么那姑娘老老说“John Snow,you know nothing”

人叫jon snow,你们真行,都给改成john了。



Jon Snow的原型是谁?

来源:卫夕指北 ,作者卫夕本 文 约 6458 字阅 读 需 要17 min这是一个关于人类勇气和理性的传奇故事,而英雄的故事总是如此的相似。Jon Snow(琼恩·雪诺)在热门美剧《权力的游戏》中是一位带领守夜人大战异鬼大军的战士。而在19世纪的伦敦,同样也有一位如守夜人一般守护伦敦市民安全的John Snow(通常译为约翰·雪诺)。没错,名字只差一个字母。《权力的游戏》中的琼恩·雪诺《权游》作者马丁从未在任何公开场合坦露过琼恩·雪诺的原型就是现实中的约翰·雪诺,但他的故事精彩程度丝毫不比那位在北境长城大战异鬼的雪诺逊色。他在19世纪的伦敦以一己之力对抗那时的传染病夜王——霍乱,他用的不是瓦雷利亚钢制成的剑或者神奇的龙晶,而是调查和严密的逻辑。他孤身一人开启了医学史上“流行病学”这一学科,谱写了一首人类对抗传染病的勇气赞歌。约翰·雪诺医生01霍乱——那个时代的传染病之王霍乱是一种让当时的人们闻风丧胆的急性传染病,它和天花、鼠疫并列为人类三大烈性传染病,被称为“19世纪的世界病”。病菌在人体内每12分钟就会增加一倍,得了霍乱的人会在短时间内一直腹泻,腹泻到什么时候?一直到人数小时内迅速脱水死亡!霍乱患者的惨状霍乱最早发源于印度的恒河流域,大航海之后频繁的贸易把它带到了欧洲。在欧洲,霍乱有着更高的死亡率,英国第一波大规模爆发发生在1831年,造成数千人死亡,1849年再次爆发,两次爆发超过14,000人死亡。然而到了霍乱第三次在欧洲大规模爆发时,英国得到了很好的控制。要知道这次大爆发光在俄罗斯就造成了超过100万人的死亡,而英国仅仅死了不到1000人,那么英国人是靠什么战胜了这个传染病之王呢?这就要开始讲一讲我们今天的主人公约翰·雪诺的故事了——02约翰·雪诺——一个出身并不起眼的人约翰·雪诺于1813年出生在英国工业时代的重镇——约克,父亲是一名煤矿工人,通常出身在这样的家庭似乎注定了雪诺的一生会是平凡的一生。但他的父亲并不认命,决心改变孩子的命运,他节衣缩食坚持把雪诺送进了私立教会学校。19世纪的约克城1827年,14岁的雪诺被送到朗本顿市的外科医师哈德卡斯尔那里当学徒。18岁时,年轻的雪诺第一次目睹了恐怖的霍乱,作为医学学徒的他为当地霍乱中煤矿工人提供医疗帮助,毕竟,他的父亲也是一位煤矿工人,同情心激发了雪诺的使命感。23岁时,来自小地方、胸怀理想的年轻实习医生雪诺决定要去当时欧洲最大的城市——伦敦,他没有骑马,也没有坐车,而是独自徒步走了200英里来到了当时的伦敦。在伦敦,雪诺在Hunterian医学院和伦敦大学开始了他的正规医学教育,1837年,雪诺开始在威斯敏斯特医院工作。长期的实践经历和良好的医学素养让年轻的雪诺在麻醉领域表现突出,雪诺1838年被接纳为皇家外科医学院的成员,甚至他还为维多利亚女王第三个孩子分娩时进行过麻醉手术。雪诺从煤矿工人的儿子到成为给女王接生的知名医生,他用自己的勤奋以及专业完成了艰难的向上流动。然而雪诺对伦敦上流社会的诱惑毫无兴趣;他真正感兴趣的是那些悬而未决的问题。03那时的人类对霍乱一无所知人类的科技发展总是跳跃式的,仅仅在200多年前,人类其实对所有传染病的认知程度和2000年前的人类几乎没有什么进步——一无所知。对于霍乱这种烈性传染病,当时英国社会的主流观点是——霍乱是通过被污染的空气传染的。为什么这个观点深入人心呢?在回答这个问题之前,我们先来简单了解一下当时伦敦这个城市——伦敦是英国的中心,而维多利亚时代则是日不落帝国无限荣光的顶峰,工业革命随着各类蒸汽工厂的轰鸣声在急速改变这膨胀的帝国。人们开始向城市聚集,物质日益丰富,一个个传奇的财富故事在膨胀的民众中流传。19世纪的伦敦那时候的伦敦坐拥240万人,是当时欧洲最大的工业城市,也是世界上人口密度最大的城市,它的人口密度是今天孟买的三倍,彼时的伦敦并不像人们想象中的那样优雅、宁静、富足,城市的卫生状况极为堪忧——马车在肮脏的街道飞奔,马粪四处飞溅,用抽水马桶的人们把粪便通过露天简陋的下水道排入泰晤士河。整个城市臭气熏天、蚊虫漫天飞舞......牛棚、动物粪便、屠宰场、腐烂的味道充斥着大英帝国的雾都。伦敦的掏粪人“那是充满希望的春天,那是让人绝望的冬天”,狄更斯的小说中描绘了那个充满矛盾的时代......霍乱的确通常发生在卫生较差的区域,这些地方确实也臭气熏天,医学界在那时候一直认为霍乱是通过空气中的”瘴气”进行传播的。支持这个观点的人除了当时的主流医学界之外还包括《柳叶刀》编辑、现代护理学奠基人南丁格尔以及维多利亚女王等。尽管那时牛顿的力学理论早已在大众中启发了科学启蒙,但对于医学、生理学而言,19世纪中期还是蒙昧的年代。无知和霍乱同样可怕。04来自年轻医生雪诺的质疑年轻医生雪诺对于“霍乱是由空气传播”的理论有不同的看法,他认为霍乱应该是通过被污染的水进行传染的,他的这个想法最初源于一个朴素的判断——如果霍乱是通过空气进行传染的,那么发病的部位应该是肺部而不是肠道才对,他的经历能佐证他的判断——18岁的时候为治疗煤矿工人的霍乱曾很长时间活动在臭气熏天的矿井,但他自己却没有得病。当然,如果雪诺只是以这个理由去说服民众显然是行不通的;为什么?因为气味是一种直观的感受,闻过伦敦的恶臭的人们很难相信这些刺鼻的气味里没有问题。而水里的细菌是看不见的(细菌学在当时还没有被提出,显微镜尽管已经被发明,但还很粗糙,没能识别出水里的细菌);在分子层面,鼻子要比眼睛灵敏的多,腐烂物体会挥发出两种物质——尸氨和腐氨,只要几个分子进入鼻腔,人们就会感受到强烈的恶臭。没有直接的感知让人相信一件事情是困难的,比如今天的人们很容易接受戴口罩,但对于同样重要但无法直接感知的洗手很多人却并不重视,而老年人则是既不带口罩也不洗手。一个严谨的科学工作者是不会凭着朴素的判断而轻易下结论的,受过严谨医学训练的雪诺进行了相当细致的调查,他首先对伦敦进行了一项大规模的调查,发现了一个极具说服力的证据——伦敦的自来水是由两家公司所供应的,一家名为Lambeth,一家名为Southwark,在1849年8月的霍乱流行中,根据雪诺的统计,两家自来水公司居民的死亡率有着极大的差异——Southwark公司覆盖的居民死亡率为3.15%,Lambeth公司的死亡率为0.38%,二者几乎差了10倍之多,而死亡率高的Southwark公司在泰晤士河的下游,水被污染的可能性的确会更大一些。雪诺积累了很多类似的证据并加上了自己的分析,写成了《论霍乱传递模式研究》的论文,意在向人们证明霍乱是通过水污染而不是空气污染传播的,同时建议当局加强公共卫生管理,从这个意义上说,雪诺也算是伦敦霍乱的吹哨人。但由于当时空气污染的“瘴气”论过于根深蒂固,同时,雪诺的确没有发现更加直接的证据,因此他的理论在当时依然没有引起人们足够的重视,并不被主流医学界和当时的人们所接受。05魔鬼在跳舞:宽街霍乱爆发雪诺并不气馁,他本身是一名麻醉科医生,研究霍乱其实并不算他的主业,但他总是对这个盘旋在英国上空的幽灵有着宿命般的执着,他在等一个证明自己理论的机会。1854年8月31日,魔鬼再次降临——伦敦的苏豪(Soho)区的宽街附近爆发了霍乱,第一天就有56人死亡,第二天死亡人数猛增到143例,第三天178例......这个街区的人们无论贫富几乎都要失去一名成员,而有些家庭则是全家被霍乱夺命。短短几天大部分居民逃离了熟悉的家园,原本热闹的宽街变成了大型死亡现场,只有那些无力离开的人们留在了那里,恐怖在蔓延,绝望笼罩着街区。仅仅5天,超过500人因为霍乱导致的脱水而在挣扎中死去,恶魔在舞蹈.....雪诺当时在苏豪区开了一家诊所,他没有像其他富人一样逃离日日夜夜生活的家园,尽管他可以轻而易举地那样做,而是选择成为那个时代的逆行者,他是伦敦的守夜人,他决定和魔鬼正面对决。雪诺开始冒着极大的风险调查每一个街区的死亡案例,我们可以想象当时的场景——在空无一人瘟疫肆虐的伦敦街区,一位年轻的医生一家一家敲开可能躺满尸体的房门,详细询问他们的病情和日常活动情况,每一次敲门都是和死神的擦肩而过,惊心动魄。06死亡地图:和传染病直接对决在那个恐怖的9月,雪诺白天将生死置之度外详细地调查,晚上他在油灯下开始绘图,他想用更加直观的方式来向人们说明他的理论。他找到一幅伦敦的地图,把所有死亡病例详细地标注在地图上,他用黑色的小短横线代表死亡病例的数量。约翰·雪诺当时所画的死亡地图这张呕心沥血制作的地图详细地记录了死亡案例的在街道的位置以及数量,它后来被人们称之为著名的“死亡地图”。当所有的统计完成之后,雪诺进行了细致的分析,他发现大部分死亡病例都集中在伦敦宽街附近,而那里正好有一个免费的公共水泵,附近的众多街道的居民都在那里取水。离水泵230米内的街区总共死亡人数高达700人,雪诺怀疑那个水泵被污染了。因为显而易见的事实是——水泵周围死亡最多,而离水泵越远,死亡病例越少。死亡地图的中心地带,红框为水泵位置雪诺需要继续验证他的理论,他首先想到的是显微镜取样水进行观察,但结果并不如意,那时候的显微镜技术还很不成熟,除了在样水中观察到了一些白色絮状物之外他一无所获。虽然他怀疑这些白色絮状物有问题,但的确并没观察到真正的致病菌,这并不足以说服当时的人们。尽管雪诺绘制死亡地图已经很能说明一些问题,但有人质疑说,瘴气传播也能解释这张图——瘴气的中心区死亡多,离瘴气中心越远死亡越少。还有人说宽街水泵的水源比离这里不远的“小马尔堡街”水泵公认要干净得多,如果“水源论”没错的话,那小马尔堡街的水应该更加致命才对。雪诺继续像侦探一样调查附近居民的患病情况。这一次,他除了调查那些死亡病例的特征,也开始着手分析附近那些没有患病居民的特征,他发现了以下事实:1.离宽街仅180米的一家酿造麦芽啤酒的啤酒厂的工人在这次霍乱中全部没有染病,啤酒厂的老板哈金斯告诉雪诺,由于在啤酒工厂里啤酒是免费的,因此这些工人平时都不喝水而只喝啤酒;2.苏豪区离宽街不远的一个监狱有535名囚犯,也几乎没有霍乱病例,雪诺发现该监狱有自己的水井,同时也从大章克申水厂购买了大量的水,同样没有喝宽街水泵的水;3.雪诺发现了这次死亡案例中有两个离宽街非常遥远的Hampstead的霍乱死亡病例,是一位年长的寡妇和她的侄女,雪诺骑车找到了寡妇的儿子,经过询问,雪诺发现了一个惊人的事实——原来寡妇曾经住在宽街,她怀念那口井水的味道,以至于她会让仆人每天从宽街用推车给她打一大瓶水,她和她侄女的最后一瓶水都是疫情开始的8月31日从宽街水井罐装的。至此,真相终于在雪诺抽丝剥茧的调查中变得清晰——问题出在那个水泵,雪诺找到了给异鬼痛击的那块的龙晶,而整个过程如推理小说一般。1854年9月7日,雪诺向苏豪区当局报告了自己的研究,当局采纳了他的意见,在第二天取下了那个水泵的把手,关闭了那个水泵。奇迹发生了——此后伦敦地区的霍乱疫情便迅速消失。从8月31日第一例霍乱病例爆发到9月7日递交详细的调查报告,仅仅8天时间。07历史总有遗憾和曲折当然,现实的剧情总是要曲折复杂一些,尽管这次疫情被消灭,但人们像簇拥英雄一样给雪诺欢呼的场景并没有出现。伦敦的卫生状况并没有得到改善,甚至雪诺的水传播理论依然有人怀疑;在科学和愚昧的斗争中,理性并不是总能轻而易举地占上风。这时候,一位圣卢克教堂的牧师亨利·怀特黑德成为雪诺的忠实支持者,这在瘴气论占据主流的的教会中非常难得。他也生活在苏豪区,尽管他开始并不相信雪诺的理论,但他对雪诺的工作充满敬意,他利用自己在社区的影响力继续验证雪诺的研究。终于,经历了长达几个月的调查,怀特黑德采访到了一名在苏豪区宽街40号的一名叫路易斯的妇女。这名妇女的一个5个月大的女婴在爆发初期就死于腹泻,这位女婴的去世时间表明她是那波伦敦霍乱的第一个病例。亨利·怀特黑德妇女将洗过婴儿尿布的水倒进了宽街的一个污水池,而这个污水池离宽街的水泵对应的水井仅三英尺,人们挖掘之后发现这个污水池的池壁早已损坏,是这个污水池污染了水井。怀特黑德将他的发现以及对苏豪区卫生状况的调查写了一篇详尽的文章,发表在当时颇具影响力的杂志——《建设者》(The Builder)上。这时民众才真正相信了雪诺的霍乱水源传播的理论;大众读物上开始刊登关于霍乱源头的漫画。1856年,当布罗姆利的新霍乱爆发时,人们运用雪诺的理论进行了迅速的管控,有效阻止了疫情的大规模爆发,至此,雪诺的理论开始深入人心。伦敦政府也开始行动起来了——1859年,在雪诺调查宽街霍乱之后的第五年,伦敦开展了下大规模的下水道改造工程。这个由杰出工程师巴泽尔杰设计的工程历时6年完工,它是世界上第一套现代城市下水道系统,伦敦的污水与饮用水源彻底隔离,被排往泰晤士河出海口,最终汇入大西洋。1865年,法国微生物学家路易·巴斯德用著名的鹅颈瓶实验才证实了细菌的存在,形成了第一套细菌疾病理论。人类第一次认识了细菌这个物种。又过了18年,1883年,德国微生物学家罗伯特·科赫成功发现并分离了霍乱弧菌,完整彻底地证明了水中的霍乱弧菌是霍乱的真实元凶,1905年,他获得了诺贝尔奖医学奖。罗伯特·科赫至此,雪诺的理论最终大获全胜。然而,历史总是充满着遗憾——1858年6月10 日,雪诺锻炼时中风,六天后便与世长辞,年仅45岁,这距离他画那张著名的死亡地图仅仅过去四年。他并没有活到科赫在水中发现霍乱弧菌的那一天,也没有等到伦敦下水道工程动工的那一天。01约翰·雪诺的遗产雪诺无疑是伟大的。他1854年展开的这次宽街霍乱调查开启了近现代流行病大规模调查的先河,是这个领域开创性、里程碑的工作,在医学界雪诺被公认为“流行病学之父”。他所绘制的“死亡地图”也被后人工人为是“数据可视化”的开端,用简洁、直观的方式开启了那个时代的民智。北大可视化团队做的新型冠状病毒疫情可视化地图今天,在亚特兰大的美国疾病控制中心,当科学家们寻找有关流行病的简单答案时,他们有时还会互相问:“这次疫情中的水泵在哪里?”而在更广泛意义上,雪诺对宽街霍乱的研究也是人类城市发展史上的重要分水岭。自那以后,人类充分认识到了公共卫生对于城市基础设施建设的重要意义,清洁的水源和污水梳理系统纳入到了城市的规划议程,下水道成为“城市的良心”。现代伦敦的下水道系统许多年后的今天,当我们享受到大都市清洁的水源和成熟的污水处理系统依然要感谢一位叫雪诺的医生在100多年前出生入死的那次无畏调查.....在人类没有对烈性传染病进行有效控制之前,人类几千年的历史经历着宿命般的模式——“人口增长—传染病爆发—人口增长—传染病爆发”。在19世纪之前,人类单个城市的人口规模从来没有超过300万,而今天,日本的东京、印度的孟买早已朝3000万人的规模进发。人口接近3000万的超级大都市——东京雪诺的精神也鼓舞了后人,2010年10月,海地在地震之后霍乱爆发,法国的流行病学家Piarroux以人道主义的身份进入海地进行调查。法国流行病学家——Piarroux2016年出版的《致命河:霍乱和海地地震后的掩盖》一书详细描述了他对海地霍乱防治的调查与贡献。2017年4月,Piarroux被授予“法国骑士勋章”,从某种意义上,Piarroux就是今天的约翰·雪诺。霍乱并没有在地球上消失,人类也继续面临着更多新型传染病的威胁。09伦敦城不会忘记,人类不会忘记今天,如果你到伦敦的苏豪区旅行,依然能够在宽街和剑桥街的拐角处发现一家名叫“John Snow”的酒吧。而在酒吧的对面,一个孤零零的水泵模型安静的竖立在那里,那是伦敦人们纪念这位“伦敦守夜人”的丰碑。这个黑色水泵雕塑似乎在时刻提醒着未来的人们——不要忘记你所拥有的勇气和理性。伦敦苏豪区的John Snow酒吧和水泵雕塑雪诺一生没有结婚,无子嗣,他是一个严格的素食主义者;他甚至不喝酒,只喝煮沸蒸馏过的水。每当灾难肆掠的时候,人们总是会想起那些曾经为人类生命奋斗过的人所给予我们的勇气和智慧。约翰·雪诺墓

权力的游戏里Jon Snow的身世是什么?母亲是谁



意思是,我心有猛虎,在细嗅蔷薇。这句话是英国诗人西格里夫·萨松代表作《于我,过去,现在以及未来 》的经典诗句。诗文节选如下:Inu2002meu2002theu2002tigeru2002sniffsu2002theu2002rose。我心里有猛虎在细嗅着蔷薇。Looku2002inu2002myu2002heart,u2002kindu2002friends,u2002andu2002tremble,u2002审视我的心灵吧,亲爱的朋友,你应战栗,Sinceu2002thereu2002youru2002elementsu2002assemble。因为那里才是你本来的面目。扩展资料:诗歌的创作背景:作者西格里夫·萨松在第一次世界大战爆发之前自愿参军,并在一战的战场上表现英勇,屡建功勋。 但是,战场上的残酷景象和战友的阵亡让他深深体会到战争的祸害,因此他于1917年退出了军队。回到家乡之后,萨松以大量的诗歌文学作品表明他的反战立场,其中最有名的作品都是描绘战争中的恐惧和空虚的代表作《于我,过去,现在以及未来 》,其中“心有猛虎,细嗅蔷薇”成为脍炙人口的不朽经典。这首诗是著名的文学家、翻译家余光中先生翻译的。创作手法新颖灵活,韵律优美,节奏感强。“心有猛虎,细嗅蔷薇”是余光中在散文《猛虎与蔷薇》中翻译的,他自称是“勉强翻译”,但是这个翻译渐渐成为经典。 这句话,想表达的是人类内心的两面性。








《Wannabe》演唱:Spice Girls 所属专辑:《Greatest Hits》发行时间:2007-11-12歌词:Yo say you what I want what I really really want 我会告诉你什么是我想要的,我真正想要的 So tell me what you want what you really really want 所以,告诉我你想要什么,你真正想要的是什么 I"ll tell you what I want what I really really want 我会告诉你什么是我想要的,我真正想要的 So tell me what you want what you really really want 所以,告诉我你想要什么,你真正想要的是什么 I wanna I wanna I wanna I wanna I wanna really 我想要,我想要,我想要,我想要 really really wanna zigazig ha 我真的想要的是 If you want my future forget my past 如果想要我的未来,那就忘掉我的过去 If you wanna get with me better make it fast 如果想和我在一起,那就最好迅速一点 Now don"t go wasting my precious time 不要浪费我宝贵的时间 Get your act together we could be just fine 控制你的行为,我们会相处愉快 I"ll tell you what I want what I really really want 我会告诉你什么是我想要的,我真正想要的 So tell me what you want what you really really want 所以,告诉我你想要什么,你真正想要的是什么 I wanna I wanna I wanna I wanna I wanna really 我想要,我想要,我想要,我想要 really really wanna zigazig ha 我真的想要的是 If you wanna be my lover you gotta get with my friends 如果想做我的爱人,就要和我的朋友 Make it last forever friendship never ends 永远和睦相处,友情永远不变 If you wanna be my lover you have got to give 如果想做我的爱人,你应该学会付出 Taking is too easy but that"s the way it is 获得是那么的简单,但这才是我要的方式 What do you think about that now you know how I feel 你觉得怎么样,现在你知道我的感觉了 Say you can handle my love are you for real 说你能掌握我的爱情,你说的是真的 I won"t be hasty I"ll give you a try 我不会犹豫,我会给你个机会 If you really bug me then I"ll say goodbye 如果你惹我烦,我会说拜拜 I"ll tell you what I want what I really really want 我会告诉你什么是我想要的,我真正想要的 So tell me what you want what you really really want 所以,告诉我你想要什么,你真正想要的是什么 I wanna I wanna I wanna I wanna I wanna really 我想要,我想要,我想要,我想要 really really wanna zigazig ha 我真的想要的是 If you wanna be my lover you gotta get with my friends 如果想做我的爱人,就要和我的朋友 Make it last forever friendship never ends 永远和睦相处,友情永远不变 If you wanna be my lover you have got to give 如果想做我的爱人,你应该学会付出 Taking is too easy but that"s the way it is 获得是那么的简单,但这才是我要的方式 So here"s a story from A to Z you wanna get with me 这里有个故事从A到Z you gotta listen carefully 你仔细听清楚 We got Em in the place who likes it in your face 我想从你那儿得到东西 we got G like MC who likes it on an 我得到想主持人一样 Easy V doesn"t come for free she"s a real lady 她真的非常的女人 and as for me you"ll see 就像你看到的一样 Slam your body down and wind it all around 摇摆你的身体 Slam your body down and wind it all around 摇摆你的身体 If you wanna be my lover you gotta get with my friends 如果想做我的爱人,就要和我的朋友 Make it last forever friendship never ends 永远和睦相处,友情永远不变 If you wanna be my lover you have got to give 如果想做我的爱人,你应该学会付出 Taking is too easy but that"s the way it is 获得是那么的简单,但这才是我要的方式 If you wanna be my lover you gotta you gotta you gotta 如果想做我的爱人,想做,想做,想做 you gotta you gotta slam slam slam slam 你必须摇动你身体 Slam your body down and wind it all around 摇摆你的身体 Slam your body down and wind it all around 摇摆你的身体 Slam your body down and wind it all around 摇摆你的身体 Slam your body down zigazig ah 摇摆你的身体 If you wanna be my lover 如果想做我的爱人




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谁有《First Snow》《メリクリ》《Merry Chri》歌词

宝儿《First snow》歌词Amazing grace! How sweet the soundThat saved a wretch like me!I once was lost, but now am found;Was blind, but now I see."Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,And grace my fears relieved;How precious did that grace appearThe hour I first believed.Through many dangers, toils and snares,I have already come;"Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,And grace will lead me home.The Lord has promised good to me,His Word my hope secures;He will my Shield and Portion be,As long as life endures.Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,And mortal life shall cease,I shall possess, within the veil,A life of joy and peace.The earth shall soon dissolve like snow,The sun forbear to shine;But God, Who called me here below,Shall be forever mine.When we"ve been there ten thousand years,Bright shining as the sun,We"ve no less days to sing God"s praiseThan when we"d first begun.奇 异 恩 典 , 何 等 甘 甜 , 我 罪 已 得 赦 免 !前 我 失 丧 , 今 被 寻 回 , 瞎 眼 今 得 看 见 。如 此 恩 典 , 使 我 敬 畏 , 使 我 心 得 安 慰 ;初 信 之 时 , 我 蒙 恩 惠 , 真 是 何 等 宝 贵 !救 主 应 许 , 爱 我 真 切 , 使 我 今 得 盼 望 ;主 是 盾 牌 , 是 我 产 业 , 是 我 生 命 保 障 。历 经 艰 险 , 劳 苦 奔 走 , 我 今 来 到 主 前 ;全 靠 主 恩 , 扶 持 保 佑 , 恩 典 带 进 永 久 。 住 在 天 家 , 千 万 年 世 , 如 日 无 限 光 亮 ;时 时 颂 赞 , 永 不 止 息 , 仍 象 凯 歌 初 唱 。 BoA的《メリクリ》日文:二人の距离がすごく 缩まった气持ちがした 自然に腕が组めて 见えた空 见上げた时に コンビニでお茶选んで 当たり前に分け合って 君の胸にくるまれている ずっと ずっと そばにいて 大好きな君を 见つめていたい snow flakes 君の温もりは 冬の赠り物 ほら雪だよ どこかで辛いことや 寂しさにぶつかっても 君想うこの气持ちに 正直でいると誓うよ 「めげるとこれ听けよホラ」って 贷してくれたcdは 君がくれた呗のlove letter ずっと ずっと 居たくて 付き合ってくれて ねえありがとう もっと 好きな人强く 抱きしめなさいと 雪は降るよ 赠り物を探しながら 结ぶはずのない气持ちが 结び合えたことの不思议 感じてた ずっと ずっと そばにいて 同じ梦探す 旅をしたい snow flakes 空や街角に 白い息を吐く ほら雪だよ the white white snow"s comin" tonight. make a wish for your kiss. 中文:感觉上 我俩之间的距离 似乎靠近许多在自然而然挽着手 仰望 冷冷天空的时候在便利商店选了罐茶 理所当然的与你分享被怀抱在你的胸膛中永远 永远 陪着我我想深深看着 最爱的你snowflake 你的温暖是冬天的礼物 你瞧 下雪了即使碰到了难过的事情 与寂寞 遭遇我发誓将永远诚实面对 想你的这份心情当我沮丧的时候 你借我叫我听听看的cd是你给我的一封 歌的情书一直 一直 想告诉你谢谢你愿意 陪伴我雪在飘落 叫人把心爱的人更紧紧地拥抱怀中一面寻觅着礼物 一面感受着原本不可能结合的两颗心 彼此结合的不可思议永远 永远 陪着我我想踏上旅途 去寻找同样的梦snowflake 天空 在街角吐着白色的气息 你瞧 下雪了the white white snow`s coming tonight,make a wish upon your kiss.一直 一直 想告诉你谢谢你愿意 陪伴我雪在飘落 叫人把心爱的人更紧紧地拥抱怀中一面寻觅着礼物 一面感受着原本不可能结合的两颗心 彼此结合的不可思议永远 永远 陪着我我想踏上旅途 去寻找同样的梦snowflake 天空 在街角吐着白色的气息 你瞧 下雪了the white white snow`s coming tonight,make a wish upon your kiss. 罗马拼音:futari no kyori gasugoku chijimatta kimochi ga *****a shizen ni ude ga kumete mieta sora miageta toki ni konbini de ocha erande atarimae ni wakeatte kimi no mune ni kurumarete iru zutto zutto soba ni ite daisuki na kimi wo mitsumete tai snowflakes kimi no nukumori wa fuyu no okurimono hora yuki da yo dokoka de tsurai koto ya sabishisa ni butsukattemo kimi omou kono kimochi ni s houjiki de iru to chikau yo megeru tokore kike yo hate ka*****e kureta shiidei wa kimi ga kureta uta no love letter zutto zutto iitakute tsukiatte kurete nee arigatou motto suki na hito tsuyoku dakishimenasai to yuki wa furu yo okurimono wo sagashinagara musubu hazu no nai kimochi ga musubiaeta koto no fushigi kanjiteta zutto zutto soba ni ite onaji yume sagasu tabi wo *****ai snowflakes sora ga machikado ni shiroi iki wo haku hora yuki da yo the white white snow`s coming tonight make a wish for your kiss 宝儿 Merry-Chri [ uba54ub9ac-ud06cub9ac (Merry-Chri) - BoA ] uc0acub791ud558ub294 uc0acub78cuc744 ub9ccub09c ub0a0 (saranghanu016dn saramu016dl mannan nal) ub0b4uac90 ub354 uc5c6ub294 ud589ubcf5uc774 uc628 uac70uc8e0 (negen du014f u014fmnu016dn hengbogi on gu014fjyo) uc790uc5f0uc2a4ub808 ub9ceuc740 uc5f0uc778ucc98ub7fc ud314uc9f1uc744 ub07cuace0 (jayu014fnsu016dre manu016dn yu014fninchu014fru014fm palcchang"u016dl kkigo) uac70ub9acub97c uac77uace0 uc788uc8e0 (gu014friru016dl gu014fkko icchyo) uac19uc740 ud558ub298 uc544ub798 uc788ub2e4ub294 uac83uacfc (gatu016dn hanu016dl are ittanu016dn gu014fkkwa) uac19uc740 uc21cuac04ub4e4uc744 ub290ub07cub294 uac83ub3c4 (gatu016dn sun"gandu016dru016dl nu016dkkinu016dn gu014ftto) uc870uae08uc529 uc11cub85cub97c ub2eeuc544uac00ub294 uc6b0ub9acuc8e0 (jogu016dmsshik su014froru016dl dalmaganu016dn urijyo) ub0b4uac90 ub204ubb34ub098 uc18cuc911ud558uae30uc5d0 (negen nu014fmuna sojunghagie) uc870uae08 ub354 ud568uaed8 ud558uace0ud508 ub098uc758 uc0acub791uc774uc8e0 (jogu016dm du014f hamkke hagopu016dn naye sarang"ijyo) uadf8 uc544ud508 uc0c1uccd0ub3c4 uc544ubb3cuc5b4uac00uc694 (gu016d apu016dn sangchyu014fdo amuru014fgayo) uadf8ub300uac00 uacc1uc5d0 uc788uae30uc5d0 uc790uc720ub85cuc6b4 uac70uc8e0 (gu016ddega gyu014fte ikkie jayuroun gu014fjyo) uc678ub85cuc6e0ub358 ub108ubb34 ud798ub4e4uc5c8ub358 (werowu014fttu014fn nu014fmu himdu016dru014fttu014fn) uaca8uc6b8uae4cuc9c0ub3c4 ubd04uc774 ub418ub294 uac70uc8e0 (gyu014fulkkajido bomi dwenu016dn gu014fjyo) uccabub208uc774 uc640ub3c4 ud63cuc790uc600ub358 ub098ub294 (chu014fnnuni wado honjayu014fttu014fn nanu016dn) uc6b8uc9c0 uc54auc544uc694 ubbf8uc18cuc9c0uc744 uc218 uc788uc8e0 (ulji anayo misojiu016dl su icchyo) uc0acub791uc744 ub450ub824uc6ccud558ub358 ub098uc5d0uac8c (sarang"u016dl duryu014fwu014fhadu014fn naege) uadf8ub300uac00 ub4e4ub824uc900 CDub294 (gu016ddega du016dllyu014fjun CD nu016dn) ub0b4uac8cub85c ubcf4ub0b4uc900 uadf8ub300uc758 LOVE LETTER (negero bonejun gu016ddeye LOVE LETTER) ub2e4uc2e0 ubabb ub9ccub0a0 uc0acub791uc774uae30uc5d0 (dashin mon mannal sarang"igie) ud558ub8e8uc5d0ub3c4 ub09c uba87 ubc88uc529 ub0b4uac8c ub2e4uc9d0ud558uc8e0 (haruedo nan myu014ft bu014fnsshik nege dajimhajyo) ALWAYS ud558uace0ud508 ub9d0uc774 uc788uc5b4uc694 (ALWAYS hagopu016dn mari issu014fyo) ub098ub97c ub9ccub098uc900 ub2f9uc2e0uaed8 (naru016dl mannajun dangshinkke) ub108ubb34 uac10uc0acud574uc694 (nu014fmu gamsaheyo) ud558uc580 ub208uc774 ub0b4ub9acub294 uc774 uac70ub9acuc5d0uc11c (hayan nuni nerinu016dn i gu014friesu014f) uadf8ub300uac00 ub0b4uac8c ud574uc900 uc18cuc911ud55c uc57duc18d (gu016ddega nege hejun sojunghan yaksok) ub208ubcf4ub2e4 ud558uc580 uc0acub791uc744 uc18duc0aduc544uba70 (nunboda hayan sarang"u016dl soksagimyu014f) ud568uaed8 ud558uc790uace0 (hamkke hajago) ALWAYS ubd80uc871ud55c ub098uc600uc5c8uc9c0ub9cc (ALWAYS bujokan nayu014fssu014fcchiman) uadf8ub300uc758 uc0acub791uc774 ub098ub97c ucc44uc6ccuc8fcuace0 uc788uc8e0 (gu016ddee sarang"i naru016dl chewu014fjugo icchyo) SNOWFLAKES ud558ub298ub3c4 ucd95ubcf5ud558ub124uc694 (SNOWFLAKES hanu016dldo chukbokaneyo) ub098uc758 uc804ubd80uc778 uadf8ub300ub97c ub108ubb34 uc0acub791ud574uc694 (nae ju014fnbuin gu016dderu016dl nu014fmu sarangheyo) THE WHITE, WHITE SNOW"S COMING TONIGHT MAKE A WISH UPON YOUR KISS

喜万年6sn7wgt直代5692 6h8c vt-231五十年代怎么样

喜万年 6SN7GT/VT-231 直代5692 6H8C CV181 四十年代高身电子管.此管是40年代高身电子管,声音高贵 华丽 到位。

皇马,巴萨,bbc msn是什么意思

皇马的BBC组合指的是皇马前场的三叉戟组合,分别为贝尔(Bale),本泽马(Benzema)和C罗(Cristiano Ronaldo),BBC是三个人名字的首字母组合;2011-2012赛季皇马BBC组合曾在这个赛季打入118球,创造了西班牙单赛季三叉戟组合的进球纪录。巴萨的MSN组合指的是巴萨前场的三叉戟组合,分别为梅西(Messi),苏亚雷斯( Suarez)和内马尔(Neymar),MSN是三个人名字的首字母组合;本赛季,即刚刚结束的2014-2015赛季巴萨的MSN组合共打入122球,刷新了BBS组合创造的单赛季进球纪录。



求nightmare snow的平假名歌词

今(いま) 何时(いつ)か教(おし)えて 梦(ゆめ)と云(い)って 抱(だ)きしめて廃墟(はいきょ)の街(まち)に见覚(みおぼ)えがあるあなたとめくった写真(しゃしん)集(しゅう)の中(なか)どうしてひとり あたしはひとりすぐにすぐに梦(ゆめ)なんだと気(き)づく瓦砾(がれき)を走(はし)る なにか蹴飞(けと)ばす梦(ゆめ)から覚(さ)める出口(でぐち)をさがすのはやくいかなきゃ はやくいかなきゃどこかであなたの声(こえ)がしてるの动(うご)いている时(とき)の中(なか)しか永远(えいえん)なんて见(み)えないんだ…今(いま) 何时(いつ)か教(おし)えて 梦(ゆめ)と云(い)って 抱(だ)きしめて止(と)まりかけた あたしの心(こころ)を动(うご)かして お愿(ねが)い隣(となり)にあなたはいるたぶん违(ちが)う梦(ゆめ)をみて太阳(たいよう)なんかいらないあなたの笑颜(えがお)が 今(いま) 恋(こい)しくてあなたを想(おも)う こんなに想(おも)うそんなあたしを梦(ゆめ)でみつけたのもっと知(し)りたい もっと知(し)りたいあなたのことをもっともっと知(し)りたいなんとかしなきゃ しっかりしなきゃどんな世界(せかい)にもせつなさが溢(あふ)れる时(とき)が爱(あい)しい なぜか爱(いと)しい今(いま)はもっとあなたを知(し)りたい忘(わす)れてたよ 信(しん)じなければどんなことでもはじまらないんだ一(いち)分(ふん)一(いち)秒(びょう)でも ずっとずっと抱(だ)きしめて悪(わる)い梦(ゆめ)をみていただけと嗫(ささや)いてください隣(となり)にあなたがいた今(いま)もきっとそばにいるのアラームが鸣(な)ったってあなたの声(こえ)しか届(とど)かないんだとろけたいんだ头(あたま) 痛(いた)いんだ“君(きみ)を守(まも)る"e;とか たまには闻(き)きたいんだはじけたいんだ笑(わら)っていたいんだはじめたいんだ今(いま) 何时(いつ)か教(おし)えて 梦(ゆめ)と云(い)って 抱(だ)きしめて止(と)まりかけた あたしの心(こころ)を动(うご)かして お愿(ねが)い隣(となり)にあなたはいるたぶん违(ちが)う梦(ゆめ)をみて太阳(たいよう)なんかいらないあなたの笑颜(えがお)が 今(いま) 恋(こい)しくて


SNoW--NightmaRe告诉我 现在是什么时间 今(いま) 何时(いつ)か教(おし)えて Ima, nanjika oshiete 抱紧我 告诉我这只是一场梦魇 梦(ゆめ)と云(い)って 抱(だ)きしめてYume to itte dakishimete这个废墟般的都市我却似曾相识廃墟(はいきょ)の街(まち)に见覚(みおぼ)えがあるHaikyo no machi ni mioboe ga aru就在与你一同翻看过的相册之中あなたとめくった写真(しゃしん)集(しゅう)の中(なか) Anata to mekutta shashinshuu no naka为何我独自一人为何我如此孤独どうしてひとり あたしはひとり Doushite hitori atashi wa hitori一定马上察觉这只是一场梦魇すぐにすぐに梦(ゆめ)なんだと気(き)づくSugu ni sugu ni yume nanda to kidzuku在瓦砾之中仓皇奔逃不觉踢到了什么瓦砾(がれき)を走(はし)る なにか蹴飞(けと)ばす Gareki wo hashiru nani ka ketobasu我要从们中醒来我要去寻找出口梦(ゆめ)から覚(さ)める出口(でぐち)をさがすの Yume kara sameru deguchi no sagasu no我必须加快脚步我必须加快脚步はやくいかなきゃ はやくいかなきゃ Hayakuikanakya hayaku ikanakya听见了你的声音 却不知来自何方 どこかであなたの声(こえ)がしてるの Dokoka de anata no koe ga shiteru no唯有在流逝的时光之中动(うご)いている时(とき)の中(なか)しか Ugoiteiru toki no naka shika才能找到所谓的永远...永远(えいえん)なんて见(み)えないんだ…Eien nante mienainda告诉我现在是什么时间今(いま) 何时(いつ)か教(おし)えて Ima nanjika oshiete 抱紧我 告诉我这只是一场梦魇 梦(ゆめ)と云(い)って 抱(だ)きしめて yume toitte dakishimete让你刚刚死去的心 重新开始跳动 求求你 止(と)まりかけた あたしの心(こころ)を动(うご)かして お愿(ねが)い Tomarikaketa atashi no kokoro wougokashite, onegai 如今你就在我的身边隣(となり)にあなたはいる Tonari ni anata wa iru 或许正做与我不同的梦たぶん违(ちが)う梦(ゆめ)をみてTabun chigau yume wo mite 而我已不再需要阳光太阳(たいよう)なんかいらないTaiyou nanka iranai 因为身边有你爱忴的笑颜あなたの笑颜(えがお)が 今(いま) 恋(こい)しくて Anata no egao ga ima koishikute思念着你的自己深爱着你的自己あなたを想(おも)う こんなに想(おも)う Anata wo omou konna ni omou 我在梦中看到的全部是这样的自己そんなあたしを梦(ゆめ)でみつけたのSonna atashi no yume de mitsuketa no 希望了解到更多希望知道得更多もっと知(し)りたいもっと知(し)りたいMotto shiritai motto shiritai 我好想去了解更多关于你的事情あなたのことをもっともっと知(し)りたいAnata no koto wo motto motto shiritai我必须做点什么我必须拼命振作なんとかしなきゃしっかりしなきゃNanto ka shinakya shikkari shinakya 无论怎样的世界伤心总是难免的どんな世界(せかい)にもせつなさが溢(あふ)れるDonna sekai ni mo setsunasa ga afureru 时而你如此可爱为何会如此可爱时(とき)が爱(あい)しいなぜか爱(いと)しいToki ga itoshii naze ga itoshii 我好想去了解更多关于你的事今(いま)はもっとあなたを知(し)りたいIma wa motto anata wo shiritai我几乎忘记如果不去相信忘(わす)れてたよ信(しん)じなければWasureteta yo shinjinakereba无论什么事都不会有开端どんなことでもはじまらないんだDonna koto demo hajimaranainda即使只有一分一秒一(いち)分(ふん)一(いち)秒(びょう)でもIppun ichibyou demo 请一直一直将我抱紧ずっとずっと抱(だ)きしめてzutto zutto dakishimete 即使这只是一场梦魇悪(わる)い梦(ゆめ)をみていただけとWarui yume wo miteita dake to 也请与我你悄声耳语嗫(ささや)いてくださいsasayaite kudasai 曾经陪伴着我的你隣(となり)にあなたがいたTonari ni anata ga ita 如今也一定在我的身边今(いま)もきっとそばにいるのIma mo kitto soba ni iru no 即使闹钟声响起アラームが鸣(な)ったってAraamu ga nattatte 我的耳中也只有你的声音あなたの声(こえ)しか届(とど)かないんだAnata mo koe shika todokanainda想要沉醉其中我却头痛欲裂とろけたいんだ 头(あたま) 痛(いた)いんだToroketainda Atama itainda有时也想渴望听见你愿守护我的誓言 “君(きみ)を守(まも)る";とかたまには闻(き)きたいんだ"Kimi wo mamoru" toka tama ni wakikitainda希望为你绽放希望为你欢笑はじけたいんだ笑(わら)っていたいんだHajiketainda Waratte itainda希望为你从此开始はじめたいんだHajimetainda告诉我现在是什么时间今(いま) 何时(いつ)か教(おし)えてIma nanji ka oshiete 抱紧我告诉我这只是一场梦魇梦(ゆめ)と云(い)って抱(だ)きしめてyume to itte dakishimete让你刚刚死去的心重新开始跳动求求你止(と)まりかけたあたしの心(こころ)を动(うご)かして お愿(ねが)いTomarikaketa atashi no kokoro wougokashite, onegai如今你就在我的身边隣(となり)にあなたはいるTonari ni anata wa iru或许正做与我不同的梦たぶん违(ちが)う梦(ゆめ)をみてTabun chigau yume wo mite而我已不再需要阳光太阳(たいよう)なんかいらないTaiyou nanka iranai因为身边有你爱忴的笑颜あなたの笑颜(えがお)が今(いま) 恋(こい)しくてAnata no egao ga ima koishikute


这是罗马音...第二季——NightmaRe 作词:山野英明 作曲:SNoW 呗:SNoW ima nanjika oshiete yumetoitte dakishimete haikyo no mati ni mioboe ga aru anata to mogutta shashinshuu no naka doushite hitori atashi ha hitori suguni suguni yumenanda to kizuduku gareki wo hashiru nanikake tobasu yume kara sameru deguti wo sagasuno hayaku yikanakya hayaku yikanakya dokokade anata no koe ga shiteruno ugoiteiru toki no nakashika eien no nante mienainda ima nanjika oshiete yumeto itte dakishimete tomari kaketa atashi no kokoro wo ugokashite taiyou nanka iranai anata no egao ga ima koishikute anata wo omou konnani omou sonna atashi wo yumeni mitsuketano motto shiritai mottoshiritai nantoka shinakya shikkari shinakya donna sekainimo setsunasa ga abunai toki ga itoshii nanzega itoshii imaha motto anata wo shiritai wasuretetayo shinjinakereba donnakotodemo hajimaranaiwa ippon itibyoudemo zutto zutto dakishimete marui yumewo miteitadakedo sasayaite ku da sa i tonarini anataga ita imamo kitto sobani iruno aragatta matatte anatano koeshika todokanaina todoketaina tamaitaina kimiwo mamottaka tamaniha kikitaina hashiritaina warattetaina hajimetaina ima nanjika oshiete yumeto itte dakishimete tomari kaketa atashi no kokoro wo ugokashite taiyou nanka iranai anata no egao ga ima koishikute



关于msn photo病毒问题....

木马清除大师工作人员又率先截获了MSN照片蠕虫新变种 该蠕虫目前正通过MSN疯狂传播 由于该蠕虫是一个全新的变种 并 且在电脑系统运行后无进程 大大加大了发现的难度 所以目前大多数杀毒软体都对此毫无反应 所以我们建议用户不要轻易在MSN上接收好友发过来的莫名其 妙的文件。3。0版本增加了对多种该蠕虫变种的查杀 2.0用户请重新下载使用 技术分析: MSN蠕虫目前又有新变种传播 传播图例如下: 图片参考:lofocus/img/MsnWormSample1 中毒用户会向MSN好友发送“hey you got a photo album? anyways heres my new photo album ?或者“Nice new photos of me and my friends and stuff and when i was young lol...!!(请接收我的照片)”等英文消息,并会传送“”压缩档。如果用户接收并运行该档,就会中毒。 该zip档解压缩后如下图所示: 图片参考:lofocus/img/MsnWormSample2 运行流程: 该蠕虫运行后 会向Windows目录下复制一个自己zip档的副本 并且向system32目录下写入一个s开头的Dll档 并且注册为组 件 这样每次启动电脑 该元件就会自动插入到系统进程并运行 所以用户很难找到并删除该档 唯一表现现象就是在MSN上疯狂向好友发送病毒档 大量 消耗系统资源和网路带宽.同时该蠕虫给骇客留下了后门 骇客可以轻易窃取用户电脑内的资料 所以对个人和企业用户危害相当大. 木马清除大师-"MSN照片"蠕虫专杀工具清除截图: 图片参考:lofocus/img/MsnWormKill1.JPG 解决方案: 1.木马清除大师用户直接升级到2007.6.2日病毒库即可彻底清除. 2.下载木马清除大师专杀工具几秒钟即可清除. 3.不要轻易在MSN上接收好友发过来的莫名其妙的文件。 我深同感受: 我都中左呀!!!!! 话系咩private photo (私家照片) (什么都没有) 真系 好想 同send 俾我的同学 绝交! 回答: 1. 你有无防毒软件? 好彩我有 nod 32 ! 及时 check 到 ! 隔离 兼 delete. 如果没有的话 , 上 yahoo download D 防毒软件 (试用) 删除那可恶的病毒!! 2. 有防毒软件 就可以删除到! 无咩影响的 (暂时性) 因为有防火墙,会暂时 阻隔病毒! 但如果 没有 及时 删除的话, 可能 整部电脑都 唔用得! 备注: 我的 msn : [email protected] 参考: myself

sang 和snu 的中文?

相思 [ xiāng sī ] 生词本基本释义 详细释义[ xiāng sī ]彼此思念,多指男女因互相爱慕而又无法接近所引起的思念:~病。两地~。

SNH48 Team HII的成员名单

成员生日出生地身高血型期数昵称第二届总选举排名  陈怡馨 1996年1月3日福建省 166 O3嘟嘟 郝婉晴 1993年11月1日山东省165 B3晴格格30 李清扬 1997年6月16日湖北省 168AB 3kuma酱 林楠 1994年6月23日广东省 168 3Luna 刘炅然 1994年9月2日山东省167  3怪兽25 刘佩鑫 1996年1月11日辽宁省168B3鱼酱、背心 27 沈梦瑶1998年8月14日上海市167O5神喵    孙珍妮 5月5日上海市164O6珍妮  王柏硕 1997年12月12日山东省163O3 sukey  王金铭 1996年7月18日辽宁省167 B  6dream、田田   王璐 1996年5月20日河南省 165 3璐宝 Team HII队长王露皎 1995年2月17日四川省  160    5饺子、鹿角   吴燕文 1994年10月18日河南省168AB3兔兔 Team HII副队长谢妮 2000年2月12日上海市161 3蟹老板 妮子  徐晗 1993年1月15日四川省 162O 3小乌龟31 徐伊人 1996年2月20日浙江省169O3老司机 许杨玉琢 1995年9月25日湖南省163 3绵羊  袁航 1996年5月20日贵州省164A5航哥    杨惠婷 1998年4月8日广东省160A3Miyo 张昕 1995年10月19日广东省168A3紫菜、菜菜子   韩萌 康欣 梁慧雯 周秋均 张曦尹 杨吟雨  李豆豆  参考资料

SNH48的王柏硕真的是王子杰的亲女儿吗… 为什么粉丝都说是女儿,是一种戏称吗


What Doesn’t Kill You 歌词

歌曲名:What Doesn"t Kill You歌手:Kelly Clarkson专辑:2011年7月欧美新歌速递Q 981626865you know the bed feels warmersleeping here aloneyou know i dream in colorand do the things i wantyou think you got the best of methink you had the last laughbet you think that everything good is gonethink you left me broken downthink that i"d come running backbaby you don"t know me, cause you"re dead wrongwhat doesn"t kill you makes you strongerstand a little tallerdoesn"t mean i"m lonely when i"m alonewhat doesn"t kill you makes a fireput that thing on lighterdoesn"t mean i"m over cause you"re gonewhat doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, strongerjust me, myself and iwhat doesn"t kill you makes you strongerstand a little tallerdoesn"t mean i"m lonely when i"m aloneyou heard that i was starting over with someone newbut told you i was moving on over youyou didn"t think that i"d come backi"d come back swingingyou try to break mebut you seewhat doesn"t kill you makes you strongerstand a little tallerdoesn"t mean i"m lonely when i"m alonewhat doesn"t kill you makes a fireput that thing on lighterdoesn"t mean i"m over cause you"re gonewhat doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, strongerjust me, myself and iwhat doesn"t kill you makes you strongerstand a little tallerdoesn"t mean i"m lonely when i"m alonethanks to you i got a new thing startedthanks to you i"m not a broken heartedthanks to you i"m finally thinking bout meyou know in the end the day to left was just my beginningin the end…what doesn"t kill you makes you strongerstand a little tallerdoesn"t mean i"m lonely when i"m alonewhat doesn"t kill you makes a fireput that thing on lighterdoesn"t mean i"m over cause you"r gonewhat doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, strongerjust me, myself and iwhat doesn"t kill you makes you strongerstand a little tallerdoesn"t mean i"m lonely when i"m alonewhat doesn"t kill you makes you strongerjust me, myself and iwhat doesn"t kill you makes you strongerstand a little tallerdoesn"t mean i"m lonely when i"m alone i"m alone

what doesn t kill you 什么意思


yes,it is.we can make a snowman. 问句是什么?急!!!

yes,it is.we can make a snowman.问句 : It is a big snow, isn"t it ? What can we do now?雪很大,不是吗?我们现在能干什么呢?



Snoop Dogg And Mia X的《Slow Down》 歌词

歌曲名:Slow Down歌手:Snoop Dogg And Mia X专辑:The Game Is To Be Sold, Not To Be ToldMorcheeba - Slow downTake your time nowFeel like standing stillGet your baringsUntilWhen the day is throughAll you got to do is slowdownWhen the day is hereAll you got to do is slowdownFull of tension"Cause you love the chaseYou just need yourOwn spaceWhen the day is throughAll you got to do is slowdownWhen the day is hereAll you got to do is slowdownwhen you had enoughOf the fastest stuff to slowdownWhen you see from spaceMust be a mess slowdownWhen the day is hereAll you got to do is slowdownWhen the day is hereAll you got to do is slowdownWhen it"s hard out thereAnd you gonna bail, slowdownYou just seem sometimesTo forget your mind slowdownDown down down down down











亲子阅读《Sloth Wants to Snooze》树懒想打个盹儿

适读年龄:4-6岁 树懒想打个盹,但是他去了很多地方都很吵,最后是怎么睡着的呢?Sloth wanted to snooze.树懒想打个盹儿。 She crawled into the bushes.她爬进了灌木丛。The bugs were too noisy.虫子太吵了。 She swung over the pond.她转进了池塘。The frogs were too noisy.青蛙们太吵了。 She climbed into the vines.她爬进了葡萄藤。The monkeys were too noisy.猴子们太吵了。 She swung onto the ground.她转向地面。The lizards were too noisy.蜥蜴们太吵了。 She crawled near the camp.他爬进了野营地。The humans were too noisy.人们太吵了。 She climbed onto the rocks.她爬上了岩石。The big cats were too noisy.大猫们太吵了。 She climbed into a tree.她爬上了树。The birds were too noisy.鸟儿们太吵了。 "The rainforest is too noisy.I can"t sleep,"“这个雨林太吵了,我睡不着。”she told the bat.她告诉蝙蝠。"You"re so tired,you forget,Sloths can sleep anywhere."“你太累了,你忘了,树懒们可以在任何地方睡觉。”said the bat.蝙蝠说。 Sloth smiled.树懒笑了。She closed her eyes and snoozed at last.她闭上眼睛,最后打盹了。u2022 END u2022




  时下不少SNS网站红得似火,社会化网络SNS服务在国内正处于朝气蓬勃的发展势态。越来越多的网站加入到SNS行列中来,本期《站长》杂志的排行榜本着客观、公允的原则,按照SNS的影响力和成长度评选出具有代表性的“五大影响力SNS”和“五大新锐SNS”并附上简单的评语,希望能给读者朋友带去更多建站灵感:)  五大影响力SNS:  校内网  SNS网站在美国大行其道时,国内还是个空白,将领先中国互联网几年的美国模式复制意味着一条通往成功的捷径。于是校内网的创始人王兴开发了第一个项目"多多友"。但是在市场上遭到冷遇,王兴认为最重要的原因在于定位的过于宽泛与推广的不利。于是,他瞄准了一个更加细分的市场——大学生的SNS网站-校内。校内是中国最早的校园SNS社区,目前是中国大学生市场具有垄断地位的校园网站。  51.com成立于2005年8月,是目前中国最大的社交网站。51致力于为用户提供稳定安全的数据存储空间和便捷的交流平台,用户不但可以方便的发布照片、日记、音乐等,还可方便的将这些数据与朋友分享。截止2008年6月,51已拥有1.2亿注册用户,月独立用户超3150万。  MySpace  MySpace是仅次于Yahoo的世界第二大网站。它成立于2003年9月,是目前全球最大的社交网站。它为全球用户提供了一个集交友、个人信息分享、即时通讯等多种功能于一体的互动平台。截止到2007年底,MySpace的Alexa全球排名已经稳定在第六名。与此同时,有数据显示,每个MySpace的注册用户的平均浏览页面数高达30以上,用户粘性极强。  一起网  一起网是海量信息技术有限公司设计、开发并运营的全面网络生活平台。2008年8月5日,一起网迈出开放第一步,成为中国第一个利用 Apache Shindig 开源项目完整支持 OpenSocial 标准的开放平台。一起网旨在成为一个全面的生活网络平台,模仿真实世界,一切可以在真实生活中对应的功能都将可以在一起网中找到。  开心网  开心网是一个在线社区,通过它您可以与朋友、同学、同事、家人保持更紧密的联系,及时了解他们的动态;与他们分享你的照片、心情、快乐。开心网有很多围绕白领用户需求设计的功能,买卖朋友是一种,还有很多大家或多或少在别的网站体验过的功能如:“动他/她一下”,“发起投票和参与投票”,“送礼物给她/他”等。开心网已经成为小白领打发无聊的最佳方式。  五大新锐SNS  驴友录  03年建站,是宁波北仑区最早建立的网络社区之一,经过近5年的发展,现已有15万注册用户,日均新帖量达25000,日PV近百万。大量的的网络热点、焦点话题诞生于此论坛,引起了当地各界的广泛关注,形成了巨大的公共影响力,已经成为宁波区域论坛中一颗闪耀的新星。  战友网  战友网,至力于做中国最大的军人社交网络,创建一个专供军人及其家属联系的社区,同时也供军人退役后寻求帮助。站长的目标是将战友网办成一个不带政治色彩的大网站,供中国军人和战友及其家人相互联系。  空姐网  空姐网致力于打造中国最大的空姐、空乘、地面服务等民航人士交流平台,为所有有空姐梦的年轻女孩提供空姐类信息的交流平台,分享自己的相关经历及经验技巧。空姐网是个人站里面做的很成功的站点,日IP过万,而且网站已经形成了很强的粘稠度,可以说是民航类的领头羊。  大学生网  从2006年,大学生网站长就有过要做大学生网的想法,想让大学生在这个网站上感觉到有一个真正属于自己的家。后来知道了当时脑子里面想的这个形式专业一点叫做SNS,UCHome 成就他的梦想。  妖业蛋  网站名称源于地方方言“妖业蛋”,在徐州周边及鲁南皖北一带,指顽皮捣蛋,鬼点子多,喜欢做一些意想不到的举动的孩子,所以妖业蛋的定位是追求个性的年轻人群。

谁有Wiz Khalifa的black and yellow(feat.Juicy j,snoop dogg & T-Pain)[G-Mix]的歌词,急求呀!!!






因为方程x^2-anx-an=0有一根为Sn-1 所以(Sn-1)^2-an*(Sn-1)-an=0 an=(Sn-1)^2/Sn 当n>=2时,有an=Sn-S(n-1) Sn-S(n-1)=(Sn-1)^2/Sn Sn^2-SnS(n-1)=Sn^2-2Sn+1 2Sn-SnS(n-1)=1 2Sn=SnS(n-1)+1 Sn-S(n-1)=SnS(n-1)-S(n-1)-Sn+1 Sn-S(n-1)=(Sn-1)(S(n-1)-1) 即[Sn-1]-[S(n-1)-1]=(Sn-1)(S(n-1) 即1/[S(n-1)-1]-1/[Sn-1]=1 1/[Sn-1]-1/[S(n-1)-1]=-1 所以数列{1/(Sn-1)}是以1/(S1-1)为首项,-1为公差的等差数列. 由(Sn-1)^2-an*(Sn-1)-an=0及S1=a1可求出S1 (Sn-1)^2-S1*(S1-1)-S1=0得S1=1/2 首项1/(S1-1)=1/(1-1/2)=2,3,因S1=a1,故有 (a1-1)^2-a1(a1-1)-a1=0 解得a1=1/2 及 (1/2+a2-1)^2-a2(1/2+a2-1)-a2=0 解得a2=1/6 同理解得a3=1/12 将Sn-1代入方程x^2-anx-an=0,得 (Sn-1)^2-an(Sn-1)-an=0 将an=Sn-S(n-1)代入上式,得,1,Sn-1是前n-1项的和S(n-1),还是前n项的和Sn再减1?请加括号表达清楚。,1,设数列{an}的前n项和为Sn,且方程x^2-anx-an=0有一根为Sn-1 求证:数列{1/Sn-1}为等差数列, n=1,2,3...

谁知道《snow (hey oh)》 中文翻译?

你没有悬赏分数怎么给你??给分数我就翻译给你《纷纷飘落的雪(hey oh)》hey oh是感叹词嘿~!噢!

求Snow(Hey Oh)的歌词!~~~

Come to decide that the things that I tried were in my life just to get high on. 来做决定吧,决定那些我曾试过很多次将它们融入我这一生中的事情 When I sit alone, come get a little known 当我一人独处时,便慢慢能弄明白一些 But I need more than myself this time. 但现在,我需要的多过我本身 Step from the road to the sea to the sky, and I do believe that we rely on 从陆地走向大海走向天边 ,然后,我真的相信了我们所依靠的 When I lay it on, come get to play it on 当我依靠着它,试着接近去深入它 All my life to sacrifice. 我奉献了我的一生 Hey oh... listen what I say oh Hey oh... 听我说吧 I got you hey oh, now listen what I say oh 我得到了你hey oh,现在听听我说吧 When will I know that I really can"t go 当我知道我真的离不开 To the well once more - time to decide on. 再次来到井旁-由时间来决定 Well it"s kiliing me, when will I really see, all that I need to look inside. 好吧,它将杀了我,何时我才能真正看清,所有我要看的都在井底 Come to belive that I better not leave before I get my chance to ride, 来吧,请相信,在我有机会可以逃走前我最好不要离开 Well it"s killing me, what do I really need - all that I need to look inside. 好吧,它将杀了我,什么才是我真正所需,所有我需要的都在井底 Hey oh... listen what I say oh Hey oh... 听我说吧 Come back and hey oh 回来hey oh look at what I say oh 看看我说了什么 The more I see the less I know 我看到的越多便知道地越少 The more I like to let it go - hey oh, woah... 便更乐意去放手-hey oh, woah... People need the cover of another perfect wonder where it"s so white as snow, 人们需要另一个完美幻想世界的掩护,那里就像是白雪一样纯洁 Finally divided by a word so undecided and there"s nowhere to go; 最终,却被一句未知的话语瓦解,无处可逃 In between the cover of another perfect wonder and it"s so white as snow, 就在那个被掩盖的完美幻想世界里,一切是那么洁白,就像雪一样 Running through the field where all my tracks will be concealed and there"s nowhere to go 奔跑穿过田野,那儿我所有的足迹都将被掩盖,终将无处可去 Ho! Ho! Went to descend to ammend for a friend of the channels that had broken down. 来到下行修正为了那么毫无出路的朋友 Now you bring it up, I"m gonna ring it up - just to hear you sing it out. 现在你把它放出来,我很想把它圈起来--只为听听你将它唱出 Step from the road to the sea to the sky, 从陆地走向大海走向天边 And I do belive what we rely on, 然后,我真的相信了我们所依靠的 When I lay it on, come get to play it on 当我依靠着它,试着接近去深入它 All my life to sacrifice 我奉献了我的一生 Hey oh... Listen what I say oh Hey oh... 听我说吧 I got your hey oh... listen what I say oh 我得到了你hey oh,... 听听我说吧 The more I see, the less I know 我看到的越多便知道地越少 The more I like to let it go - hey oh woah... 便更乐意去放手-hey oh, woah... People need the cover of another perfect wonder where it"s so white as snow. 人们需要另一个完美幻想世界的掩护,那里就像是白雪一样纯洁 Finally divided by a word so undecided and there"s nowhere to go 最终,却被一句未知的话语瓦解,无处可逃 In between the cover of another perfect wonder where it"s so white as snow 就在那个被掩盖的完美幻想世界里,一切是那么洁白,就像雪一样 Running through the field where all my tracks will be concealed and there"s nowhere to go. 奔跑穿过田野,那儿我所有的足迹都将被掩盖,终将无处可去 I said hey hey yeah oh yeah, tell my love now. 我说hey hey yeah oh yeah,现在就告诉我的爱 Hey hey yeah oh yeah, tell my love now. hey hey yeah oh yeah,现在就告诉我的爱 People need the cover of another perfect wonder where it"s so white as snow, 人们需要另一个完美幻想世界的掩护,那里就像是白雪一样纯洁 Finaly divided by a word so undecided and there"s nowhere to go. 最终,却被一句未知的话语瓦解,无处可逃 People need the cover of another perfect wonder where it"s so white as snow... 人们需要另一个完美幻想世界的掩护,那里就像是白雪一样纯洁... Running through the field where all my tracks will be concealed and there"s nowhere to go. 奔跑穿过田野,那儿我所有的足迹都将被掩盖,终将无处可去 I said hey oh yeah oh yeah... 我说hey oh yeah oh yeah... tell my love now 现在就告诉我的爱 Hey yeah yeah... oh yeah. Hey yeah yeah... oh yeah



Snow Patrol的《Fancy》 歌词

歌曲名:Fancy歌手:Snow Patrol专辑:Late Night Tales-Late Night TalesYou think you"re cute, you think you"re fineYou"re always trying to steal my shineGet off of me, don"t mess with meYou know who you areI"ve always been so nice to you, girlHelping you girl, there for you girlYou always tried to compete with me, girlUsing me girl, abusing me girlFlirtin" with every man you seeEspecially if the man likes meBaby where"s your self esteemFind your own identity(Your head ain"t right) No congratulating schemer(Your head ain"t right) You"s a liar and a cheaterAnd I don"t want you I don"t want you I don"t want you no moreDon"t come knockin" at my doorI don"t know what you came here forif you didn"t know then now you knowYou think you"re cute, you think you"re fineYou"re always trying to steal my shineGet off of me, don"t mess with meYou know who you areRoll those eyes girl, twist them hips girlSwing those hands all in the airIf you wonder why you never had a girlfriendI think I made myself clearGirl change your ways right now todayStop hating me, baby find your own identity(Your head ain"t right) No congratulating schemer(Your head ain"t right) You"s a liar and a cheaterAnd I don"t want you I don"t want you I don"t want you no moreDon"t come knockin" at my doorDon"t know what you came here forif you didn"t know then now you knowYou think you"re cute, you think you"re fineYou"re always trying to steal my shineGet off of me, don"t mess with meYou know who you areGirlfriend Lord knows that I"ve triedNo matter how much I give to youyou wanna use me for what I gotYou take me kindness for weaknessyou take advantage of peopleOne day you shall reap what you sew,girl get your head up out the cloudsGirlfriend, you think you"re cuteGirlfriend, don"t ya think you"re fineGirlfriend, you"re always tryingAlways trying to steal my shineGirlfriend, you think you"re cute (Repeat)You think you"re cute, you think you"re fineYou"re always trying to steal my shineGet off of me, don"t mess with meYou know who you are (Repeat 3 times)


Windows NT是Microsoft推出的面向工作站、网络服务器和大型计算机的网络操作系统,也可做PC操作系统。它与通信服务紧密集成,提供文件和打印服务,能运行客户机/服务器应用程序,内置了Internet/Intranet功能,已逐渐成为企业组网的标准平台。本文介绍以Windows NT Server 4.0为准。 1.Windows NT的主要特点 ①32位操作系统,多重引导功能,可与其它操作系统共存。 ②实现了“抢先式”多任务和多线程操作。 ③采用SMP(对称多处理)技术,支持多CPU系统。 ④支持CISC(如Intel系统)和RISC(如Power PC、R4400等)多种硬件平台。 ⑤可与各种网络操作系统实现互操作。如:UNIX、Novel Netware、Macintosh等系统;对客户操作系统提供广泛支持,如MS-DOS、Windows、Windows NT Workstation、UINX、OS/2、Macintosh等;支持多种协议:TCP/IP、NetBEUI、DLC、AppleTalk、NWLINK等。 ⑥安全性达到美国国防部的C2标准。 2.Windows NT的两个版本 Windows NT的两个版本分别是Windows NT Workstation 和Windows NT Server 。Windows NT Workstation的设计目标是工作站操作系统,适用于交互式桌面环境;Windows NT Server的设计目标是企业级的网络操作系统,提供容易管理、反应迅速的网络环境。两者在系统结构上完全一样,只是为适应不同应用环境在运行效率上做相应调整。Windows NT Server具有更多的高级功能,可把Windows NT Workstation 看作它的子集。 Windows NT Server Windows NT Workstation 专为服务器进行了优化,硬件 适合个人用户,当工作站上有如 配置要求较高。 CAD/CAM等高级应用要求时选用。 最多支持32个处理器。 可支持2个处理器。 充当网络服务器,可无限制连 充当网络服务器,可以连入不超过 入客户机,完成繁重的网络任务。 10个客户机,完成有限网络服务功能。 可支持多达256个远程客户。 同时只能支持一个远程客户存取。 支持Macintosh文件及打印, 不支持Macintosh文件及打印,不具备 具备磁盘容错功能。 磁盘容错功能。 3.Windows NT引入的新概念 (1)NTFS(Windows NT File System):Windows NT采用的新型文件系统。可提供安全存取控制及容错能力,在大容量磁盘上,它的效率比FAT高。 (2)共享:对网络资源设置一定的权限许可,没有得到权限许可,就无法访问网络资源。 (3)用户账户(User Account):要想使用网络资源,必须有用户账户。Windows NT对用户和服务程序,都要求提供合法账户。专为应用程序或服务进程创建的账户即服务账户,在系统启动时,服务进程使用服务账户登录以获得在系统中使用资源的权利和权限。普通用户账户由用户登录时提供,用于Windows NT控制该用户在系统中的权利和权限,与服务账户本质上无区别。 (4)域(Domain):是Windows NT中数据安全和集中管理的基本单位。网络由域组成,域具有唯一的名称。域可以看作由运行NT的服务器组成的系统,一组电脑共用相同的账户及安全数据库。 (5)工作群组(Workgroup):一种资源与系统管理皆分散的网络结构。工作群组里,每台电脑之间是对等关系,彼此可以是服务器,也可以当作工作站。 (6)权利(Right):授权某用户可以在系统上执行某些操作。权利用来保护系统整体。 (7)权限(Permission):用来保护特定对象。权限规定可以使用某一对象的用户以及用什么方法使用。 (8)安全审核:Windows NT将记录发生在电脑上各项与安全系统相关的过程


BM07B-GHS-TBT(LF)(SN)(N)是JST生产的一款针座连接器。详细参数:连接器类型 接头触头类型 外罩触点间距 - 配接 0.049"(1.25mm)针脚数 7排数 1加载的针脚数 全部样式 板至电缆/导线护罩 带遮蔽 - 4 墙安装类型 表面贴装端接 焊接紧固类型 锁销滑道绝缘高度 0.159"(4.05mm)触头形状 矩形触头表面处理 - 配接 锡触头表面处理 - 柱 锡触头材料 磷青铜绝缘材料 聚酰胺(PA9T),尼龙 9T特性 拾放,焊接保持工作温度 -25°C ~ 85°C材料可燃性等级 UL94 V-0绝缘颜色 天然额定电流 1A额定电压 50V接合堆叠高度 7.3mm这款产品主要是应用在显示器上。

JST连接器都有 (LF)(SN) 是什么意思 LF 和SN是具体是什么意思





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求SNOOP DOGG的一首歌,MV是他在赌场

lay low,是lay low没错,和nate dogg的,其他的几个RAPPAS我不认识,呵呵是那个刚开始一个男的说:tings are going so well,all I need is you and your boys lay low for a while,in other words,stay out the club,就这个

Snoop Dogg的《Wet》 歌词

歌曲名:Wet歌手:Snoop Dogg专辑:WetNicole Scherzinger - WetI feel like everybody"s standing around me watching me nowI feel like whatever I do tonight would be the talk of the townThey wanna know how I"m gonna move my bodyWhen the beat goes"Cause something comes over meWhen the beat goesWell, Imma rip my clothes offTake a leap and surf through the crowdYeah, yeahDrippin" down my neckSoakin" wetSink or swim or you drownYeah, yeahLet"s get a little wetI like the way you"re workin" me outLet"s get a little wetI like the way you"re workin" me outBody"s getting super hotFeels like a hundred degreesI"m waitin" for a man with the fanWho can give me a breezeIf you touch me therePlease beware you can start up a fireI don"t mind if you take me homeCool me off in the showerWell, Imma rip my clothes offTake a leap and surf through the crowdYeah, yeahDrippin" down my neckSoakin" wetSink or swim or you drownYeah, yeahLet"s get a little wetI like the way you"re workin" me outLet"s get a little wetI like the way you"re workin" me outI love it when the heat from the beat melts me to the groundI love it when it gets so wet starts tricklin" downThis beat is filthy dirtyI feel it all over meYeah e-yeahHa-ha-haHa-ha-haHa-ha-haHa-ha-haWell, Imma rip my clothes offTake a leap and surf through the crowdYeah, yeahDrippin" down my neckSoakin" wetSink or swim or you drownYeah, yeahLet"s get a little wetI like the way you"re workin" me outLet"s get a little wetI like the way you"re workin" me out

Snoop Dogg的《Wet》 歌词

歌曲名:Wet歌手:Snoop Dogg专辑:DoggumentaryNicole Scherzinger - WetI feel like everybody"s standing around me watching me nowI feel like whatever I do tonight would be the talk of the townThey wanna know how I"m gonna move my bodyWhen the beat goes"Cause something comes over meWhen the beat goesWell, Imma rip my clothes offTake a leap and surf through the crowdYeah, yeahDrippin" down my neckSoakin" wetSink or swim or you drownYeah, yeahLet"s get a little wetI like the way you"re workin" me outLet"s get a little wetI like the way you"re workin" me outBody"s getting super hotFeels like a hundred degreesI"m waitin" for a man with the fanWho can give me a breezeIf you touch me therePlease beware you can start up a fireI don"t mind if you take me homeCool me off in the showerWell, Imma rip my clothes offTake a leap and surf through the crowdYeah, yeahDrippin" down my neckSoakin" wetSink or swim or you drownYeah, yeahLet"s get a little wetI like the way you"re workin" me outLet"s get a little wetI like the way you"re workin" me outI love it when the heat from the beat melts me to the groundI love it when it gets so wet starts tricklin" downThis beat is filthy dirtyI feel it all over meYeah e-yeahHa-ha-haHa-ha-haHa-ha-haHa-ha-haWell, Imma rip my clothes offTake a leap and surf through the crowdYeah, yeahDrippin" down my neckSoakin" wetSink or swim or you drownYeah, yeahLet"s get a little wetI like the way you"re workin" me outLet"s get a little wetI like the way you"re workin" me out

snoop dog 在嘻哈帝国十一集里唱的歌?

这首 Peaches N Cream 狗爷的第十三张录音室专辑《Bush》里的一首歌

Snoop Dogg的《Sets Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Sets Up歌手:Snoop Dogg专辑:Ego Trippin-GeffenSnoop Dogg- sets up (clean)(feat. Pharrell)by.pLuMeSChorus: Pharrell(Sets Up!) Chest outIn and out, in and outLift your arm, lift your armIn a circle, in a circleSwang out, hang out, bang outShow these motherfuckers right where you from(Sets Up!) Chest outIn and out, in and outLift your arm, lift your armIn a circle, in a circleSwang out, hang out, bang outShow these motherfuckers right where you fromCoolest of the cool, I"m the god damn manHeater so hot need a god damn fanEverybody want gangsta, suckas don"t live ittil" they talkin" through that glass like "see you in a minute"That"s not the Bigg Bo$$ DoggI"ve been in it since a youngin", I"m a Eastside hogg21st Street ridin", Rollin" with my partnersHat to the back in a rag spillin" vodkaStompin" through the city in my big blue Chuck"sLil" homies on the corner not givin" a fuckSo I chunked up the set like what"s happenin" with youShit I just do what I do, I"m just stackin" it tooIs what he said to a loc as I dipped on outOr as we say on the Eastside, you Cripped on outSee the sunshine and palm trees, livin" it upDon"t forget the block boys givin" it upWhere you from loc?(Sets Up!) Chest outIn and out, in and outLift your arm, lift your armIn a circle, in a circleSwang out, hang out, bang outShow these motherfuckers right where you from(Sets Up!) Chest outIn and out, in and outLift your arm, lift your armIn a circle, in a circleSwang out, hang out, bang outShow these motherfuckers right where you fromShow me where you"re fromShow me where you"re fromShow me where you"re fromShow me where you"re from:Snoop Dogg:For the rules of the game, represent your shitFlag around the steering collar makin "em sickShoot, the L.B. made me, gangbang for realIf ya made it through the "80s I"m a product of the shadySnoop D-O-doub", it"s what I doesI"m worldwide love, the homies is like cuzStuck to the script and kept claimin" the teamThey love it when I chunk it on the TV screenLike a, Bo$$ would do, how the fuck could youdeny my gangsta, haters in my rearviewAll around the world they respectin" a GOverseas they respectin" the C, that"s on meI did it like I did it mayneUh, if you ain"t did it you ain"t did a thangUh, you come through you better holler at meYou need beats you better holler at PNow put your sets up(Sets Up!) Chest outIn and out, in and outLift your arm, lift your armIn a circle, in a circleSwang out, hang out, bang outShow these motherfuckers right where you from(Sets Up!) Chest outIn and out, in and outLift your arm, lift your armIn a circle, in a circleSwang out, hang out, bang outShow these motherfuckers right where you fromShow me where you"re fromShow me where you"re fromShow me where you"re fromShow me where you"re from...

Snoop Dogg的《Boom》 歌词

歌曲名:Boom歌手:Snoop Dogg专辑:2011年3月欧美新歌速递1Snoop Dogg Feat. T-Pain - BoomSnoop Dogg:Get your money, whip ya hairExecutive branch blow my smoke like a playerYeah in the club, yes it cracksCute little mama, but they stack with backsI"m smokin" great purple urpleYou and Doggie world come and join my circleI"ll break down herbal til I move like a turtleMy money is green and my Porsche is turboIn hot pursuit, come rock with SnoopMaybe it"s the lawyer, her body"s the truthI"m in the game for real, it pay"s to chillI walk in the club and they front the billI"m the big dogg, best bewareYou"re coming with me, if you stop the stareShe"ll be on my team in my car on the way to the spotYes you are, toasting up, posting upAnd when we"re done, we west coasting loveFor shendo blowin" endo,How much for the Dog in the windowOh. what?Boom!Boom!Say what? say what?Boom!Talk to em T-painT-pain - HookBaby I"m a Dogg! (I"m a Dogg!), beware! (beware!)I"ll do whatever, however I want! (I want!)If you call me out! (call me out!), oh yeah! (oh yeah!)Now put your hand in the air, whip your hair and goLa la la la laBoom shakalaka when I drop all of my apples, sayLa la la la la?, Shawty know that I aint playingSnoop Dogg:I"m all about the money, the money I gotOn the VIP tip, Maserati in the lotKill em with stars where the bottle never stopsGot a model on my lap, Baby show me wat you gotWith a cup of landy, Tiffany and SandyGirls who like girls, wanna do it todayReal tough, this suites is nextOne more drink gon" lead to sexThese girls is bad, the flow is pack?They shut the Dogg down when he reach the maxWhatcha trying to drink? Clearer yetShe got Apple Bottom, homie, all I need to do is mackI does it well, your game is whackI guess to the bit is no chit chatNow where do we go? I beats the gushShe"s in love with the gangster, that"s what upThat"s what up. Boom!That"s what up. Boom!That"s what up. Boom!Speak to em T-painT-pain - HookBaby I"m a Dogg! (I"m a Dogg!), beware! (beware!)I"ll do whatever, however I want! (I want!)If you call me out! (call me out!), oh yeah! (oh yeah!)Now put your hand in the air, whip your hair and goLa la la la laBoom shakalaka when I drop all of my apples, sayLa la la la la?, Shawty know that I aint playingSnoop Dogg:Boom shakalaka here comes the chief like I smoke goodWith T-pain, Snoop Dogg, we doctorBig 808 now filled the basin in ya chakraAnd watch me smoke like a shottaCoke bottle shape like green eyesDrunk offa love like a colt 45I keep kush in my lungsI"m gonna smoke til I dieJust bust a bad one for my homie D-DimesBoom!They do it for fortune, some for fameI got five different strains,You ever taste purple rainTurn up the volume, adjust the gameAin"t a damn thing change, it"s still a G-ThangLil mama whip ya hairExhale the Chronic as the smoke disappearsI"m ready to ballYour girl on my team, and she ready to fallAnd if you didn"t know, I"m the big Snoop DoggBoom!Say what? say what?BoomTalk to em T-painT-Pain - HookBaby I"m a Dogg! (I"m a Dogg!), beware! (beware!)I"ll do whatever, however I want! (I want!)If you call me out! (call me out!), oh yeah! (oh yeah!)Now put your hand in the air, whip your hair and goLa la la la laBoom shakalaka when I drop all of my apples, sayLa la la la la?, Shawty know that I aint playingEndSnoop Dogg Feat. T-Pain - Boom


Dr.Dre- the next episode what"s the difference forget about dre xxplosive still dre the watcher fuck wit dre day Snoop Dogg最经典的专辑是"Doggystyle",是West Coast的G.Funk风格的代表作,其中 "Gin And Juice" "Murder Was The Case" "Ain"t No Fun" "Doggy Dogg World"都比较经典! 其他专辑里也有很多好歌~ Head Doctor Nuthin" But A G Thang Doggfather Who Am I (What"s My Name) Keep It Real Midnight Love Snoop Bounce Still a G thang No More Games Drop It Like It"s Hot Signs I Wanna Fuck You Snoop Dogg好歌真的不少,就不一一列举了~!

跪求snoop dogg dog的friends的歌词!!

Life is much mo" preciousThan you"ll thinkLike a game"ll make yo chips sinkIt"s so hardHard to trust a smile and faceWhen niggas got intentions already taking yo placeKeep my head up and stand tallIf I stumble, then I"ll fallWill you pick me up at all?Will you pick me up at all?I"m a keep it gangsta till my endCause some people do pretendAnd ain"t too many of us that we can call friendsThat we can call friendsOhhhhhhh[Goldie Loc]Now all I gotta do is keep my head upAnd walk a straight line when fake friends won"t mindBut I"m kind-heartedSnoop DoggAnd don"t like being stepped onIf I wasn"t real, I wouldn"t be in this positionLike that, dogg, I got a whole lot to sayI"m by myself with my rhymes when we kick it all dayLil" Jay used to say I"d never be nobodyBut you know what I never do?Smoke it off like GottiFive million dollar hits puttin in saxophonesTray Deee & Snoop, we sound good on this microphoneI never threaten nobody to make it happenLet me show you how we eat a full meal off this rappin"But if I had a chance to give it backI"d give it to the ones who helped me do thatDo that, straight from the heartEastside till I dieWe ain"t no contract friends, we doggs for life[Tray Deee]It"s a trip how we CripSuppose the enemies stillWith both sides ride causing plenty of tearsInsane"s and 20"s both from the same cityA bunch of down niggas and it ain"t that manyMe, C, and the G can think back to the startHomies chillin", getting high, shooting craps in the parkAnd having a heartHead up like G"s, take it out in the streetHold ya own was the code that I growed to viewSo I fucked with and stuck with a chosen fewBut Snoop Dogg, you can call me, whatever the caseAnd homie that ain"t nothing that the set could eraseYou put me with the homie, Goldie, though we never had spokeA Insane with a 20, now we hell of a closeAnd y"all kids, my kids, so we family nowCause I could never see you doing bad withoutAnd that"s realLife is much mo" preciousThan you"ll thinkLike a game"ll make yo chips sinkIt"s so hardHard to trust a smile and faceWhen niggas got intentions already taking yo placeKeep my head up and stand tallIf I stumble, then I"ll fallWill you pick me up at all?Will you pick me up at all?I"m a keep it gangsta till my endCause some people do pretendAnd ain"t too many of us that we can call friendsThat we can call friends...真佩服你名字都能打错

在美国eminem和Snoop Doggy Dogg哪个比较有影响力!

是 阿姆了。。

Snoop Dogg的《Crazy》 歌词

歌曲名:Crazy歌手:Snoop Dogg专辑:Tha Blue Carpet Treatment-Geffen RecordsDaughtry - CrazyThere"s no hiding whomWhen every wound brings the darkest place to lightSo why not assumeThat straight out of the wombI"ve been marked by a beast of some kind(Marked by a beast of some kind)And there are so many reasons why you"re notCrazy for leavingJust crazy for staying so longI"m amazed you"re still breathingAmazed you can feel at allFor all the pain I causedI"m the one crazy after allThe one crazy after allThere"s no need for signsWhen your crying eyes said a million words a nightAnd I"d rather dieThan see you time for all the wrongs that you can"t make rightYou"re notCrazy for leavingJust crazy for staying so longI"m amazed you"re still breathingAmazed you can feel at allFor all the pain I causedI"m the one crazy after allI"m so far gone found my way back to broken somehowYeah when you moved onI can"t find my way outYou"re not crazy for leavingJust crazy for staying so longI"m amazed you"re still breathingAmazed you can feel at allFor all the pain I causedI"m the one crazy after all(I"m the one crazy after all)I"m the one crazy after allThe one crazy after all(I"m the one crazy after all)I"m crazy

snoop knife fork的同类词



187应该是ONE NIGHT SEVEN但是不知道怎么译

跪求snoop dogg 的G in And Juice 歌词,谢~谢~

Intro: dre*man pissing*Heah hah hah!Im serious nigga one of yall niggaz got this ass motherfuckin upAiy baby, aiy baby... aiy baby get some bubblegum in this motherfuckerSteady long, steady long niggaVerse one: snoopWith so much drama in the l-b-cIts kinda hard bein snoop d-o-double-gBut i, somehow, some wayKeep comin up with funky ass shit like every single dayMay i, kick a little something for the gs (yeah)And, make a few ends as (yeah!) I breeze, throughTwo in the mornin and the partys still jumpinCause my momma aint homeI got bitches in the living room gettin it onAnd, they aint leavin til six in the mornin (six in the mornin)So what you wanna do, sheeeitI got a pocket full of rubbers and my homeboys do tooSo turn off the lights and close the doorsBut (but what) we dont love them hoes, yeah!So we gonna smoke a ounce to thisGs up, hoes down, while you motherfuckers bounce to thisChorus: repeat 2xRollin down the street, smokin indo, sippin on gin and juiceLaid back [with my mind on my money and my money on my mind]Verse two:Now, that, I got me some seagrams ginEverybody got they cups, but they aint chipped inNow this types of shit, happens all the timeYou got to get yours but fool I gotta get mineEverything is fine when you listenin to the d-o-gI got the cultivating music that be captivating heWho listens, to the words that I speakAs I take me a drink to the middle of the streetAnd get to mackin to this bitch named sadie (sadie? )She used to be the homeboys lady (oh, that bitch)Eighty degrees, when I tell that bitch pleaseRaise up off these n-u-ts, cause you gets none of theseAt ease, as I mob with the dogg pound, feel the breezeBeeeitch, Im justChorusVerse three:Later on that dayMy homey dr. dre came through with a gang of tanquerayAnd a fat ass j, of some bubonic chronic that made me chokeShit, this aint no jokeI had to back up off of it and sit my cup downTanqueray and chronic, yeah Im fucked up nowBut it aint no stoppin, Im still poppinDre got some bitches from the city of comptonTo serve me, not with a cherry on topCause when I bust my nut, Im raisin up off the cotDont get upset girl, thats just how it goesI dont love you hoes, Im out the doAnd Ill beChorusRollin down the street, smokin indo, sippin on gin and juice (beeotch!!)Laid back [with my mind on my money and my money on my mind]Rollin down the street, smokin indo, sippin on gin and juice (beeotch!!)Laid back [with my mind on my money and my money on my mind]

求snoop dogg {boom}的歌词,谢谢

Get your money, whip ya hair Executive branch blow my smoke like a player Yeah in the club, yes it cracks Cute little mama, but they stack with backs I"m smokin" great purple urple You and Doggie world come and join my circle I"ll break down herbal til I move like a turtle My money is green and my Porsche is turbo In hot pursuit, come rock with Snoop Maybe it"s the lawyer, her body"s the truth I"m in the game for real, it pay"s to chill I walk in the club and they front the bill I"m the big dogg, best beware You"re coming with me, if you stop the stare She"ll be on my team in my car on the way to the spot Yes you are, toasting up, posting up And when we"re done, we west coasting love For shendo blowin" endo, How much for the Dog in the window oh. what? Boom! Boom! Say what? say what? Boom! Talk to ‘em T-pain Baby I"m a Dogg! (I"m a Dogg!), beware! (beware!) I"ll do whatever, however I want! (I want!) If you call me out! (call me out!), oh yeah! (oh yeah!) Now put your hand in the air, whip your hair and go La la la la la Boom shakalaka when I drop all of my apples, say La la la la la Shawty know that I aint playing I"m all about the money, the money I got On the VIP tip, Maserati in the lot Kill ‘em with stars where the bottle never stops Got a model on my lap, Baby show me wat you got With a cup of landy, Tiffany and Sandy Girls who like girls, wanna do it today Real tough, this suites is next One more drink gon" lead to sex These girls is bad, the flow is pack? They shut the Dogg down when he reach the max Whatcha trying to drink? Clearer yet She got Apple Bottom, homie, all I need to do is mack I does it well, your game is whack I guess to the bit is no chit chat Now where do we go? I beats the gush She"s in love with the gangster, that"s what up That"s what up. Boom! That"s what up. Boom! That"s what up. Boom! Speak to ‘em T-pain Baby I"m a Dogg! (I"m a Dogg!), beware! (beware!) I"ll do whatever, however I want! (I want!) If you call me out! (call me out!), oh yeah! (oh yeah!) Now put your hand in the air, whip your hair and go La la la la la Boom shakalaka when I drop all of my apples, say La la la la la Shawty know that I aint playing shakalaka here comes the chief like I smoke good with T-pain, Snoop Dogg, we doctor Big 808 now filled the basin in ya chakra And watch me smoke like a shotta Coke bottle shape like green eyes Drunk offa love like a colt 45 I keep kush in my lungs I"m gonna smoke til I die Just bust a bad one for my homie D-Dimes Boom! They do it for fortune, some for fame I got five different strains, You ever taste purple rain Turn up the volume, adjust the game Ain"t a damn thing change, it"s still a G-Thang Lil mama whip ya hair Exhale the Chronic as the smoke disappears I"m ready to ball Your girl on my team, and she ready to fall And if you didn"t know, I"m the big Snoop Dogg Boom! Boom! Say what? say what? Boom! Talk to ‘em T-pain Baby I"m a Dogg! (I"m a Dogg!), beware! (beware!) I"ll do whatever, however I want! (I want!) If you call me out! (call me out!), oh yeah! (oh yeah!) Now put your hand in the air, whip your hair and go La la la la la Boom shakalaka when I drop all of my apples, say La la la la la Shawty know that I aint playing

snoop dogg跟他以前的老板suge knight是怎么闹翻的,还有suge knight是因为什么罪在1997年被判入狱?


Snoop Doggy Dogg 那些专辑经典

现在改名snoop lion了 我觉得好听的有sweat I wanna rock 其实他很多都是跟别人合唱的

在美国说唱界是Snoop Dogg的名气大还是阿姆名气大?不懂的不要来扯淡。

哈哈哈哈 Eminem?你该问问他们 Tupac是谁
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