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Myeclipse中为什么import Java.rmi.*;会出现cannot be resolved???并且定义一个接口extends Remote时也


java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems 这是什么问题,怎么改正?

这是引入类型失败的错误提示import org.wltea 说明你引入了某个jar 包 或者 类但是没有找到 就报错了检查下 IKSegmenter 这个类 的引入路径 是不是存在就找到问题了

Unresolved compilation problem:

System.out.print("i=:" + i + " j=:" + j);

mathematic求解二元多次方程租的出错,solve was unable to sol


如何解决交通问题 How to Solve the Problem of Heavy Traffic

Inmodern society the problem of heavy traffic has aroused a wide erning with this problem different people hold different opinions. As faras I am concerned to solve this problem we need to begin with the followingsteps. 在现代社会,交通拥挤的问题已经引起了广泛的关注。关于这个问题,不同的人有不同的观点。我觉得要解决这个问题我们需要从以下步骤开始。 First limiting the number of private cars is a significant step to solve the problemof heavy traffic. Private car occupies a larger space and it is responsible fortraffic jam to a large extent. Less private cars will accelerate the flow oftraffic. Second it is also a good means to open up the special roads forbuses. By doing this the phenomenon that the buses block the street whenpassengers get on or get off the buses will not occur again. At the same time it will upgrade the efficiency of buses. Finally reinforcing punish toward theover-speed cars and drunk driving so as to reduce the rate of traffic accident and then decrease traffic jam. 首先,限制私家车的数量是解决交通拥挤问题的重要一步。私家车占据了较大的空间,在很大程度上它要对交通堵塞负责。私家车会加快运输量。第二,为公共汽车建立特殊道路也是一个好方法。这样的话,乘客从公共汽车上下车阻碍了马路的现象不会再发生。同时,也会提升公交车的效率。最后,加强惩罚超速和酒后驾驶的汽车来降低交通事故的发生率,并减轻交通堵塞。 Toput it in a nutshell only we put the above advice into practice together canwe solve the problem of heavy traffic. 简而言之,我们只有把以上建议一起付诸实践我们才能解决交通拥挤的问题。

It is time the authorities concerned took proper steps to solve the traffic problems

第一,句子里有两个谓语,要么用从句:It is time that the authorities take proper steps... 要么用不定式: It is time for the authorities to take proper steps...第二,concerned 放在这里要表达什么意思呢?


由于Mathematica把方程的解表示为嵌套列表,因此不能把它作为其它数学结构的输入,但是有两种方法可以调用其中的值,而不必采用照抄或粘贴的方法.(a)如果希望利用由Solve得到的解计算表达式的值,可以利用取代运算符/. ,这样Mathematica就会自动带入相应的值.(b)由于解就是列表,因此可以用Part或[[]]从列表中“提取”解.在下面两个例子中演示这些方法的使用.假设要计算下述方程所有根的平方和:x^6-21x^5+175x^4-735x^3+1624x^2-1764x+720=0 为此,先利用Solve命令求解出方程的所有根.solutions=Solve[x^6-21x^5+175x^4-735x^3+1624x^2-1764x+720==0] {{x→1},{x→2},{x→3},{x→4},{x→5},{x→6}}仔细查看solutions, 可知它是包含子列表的列表. 先看第一部分.solutions[[1]]{x→1}由于这个列表只有一部分, 我们可以提取它的内容.solutions[[1,1]]x→1为了得到这个表达式的第二个部分(箭头后面的数), 我们进一步地提取:solutions[[1,1,2]]1为了理解为什么会这样, 我们查看一下x→1的结构.FullForm[x→1]Rule[x,1]就等价于Rule[x,1], 从而可以用solutions[[1,1,2]]提取出它的第二个参数. 类似地, 其它解也可用solutions[[2,1,2]], solutions[[3,1,2]]等表达式提取出来. 为了得到它们的平方和, 输入Sum[solutions[[k,1,2]]^2,{k,1,6}]9


solution是solve的名词形式,一般用于词组the solutions to(……的解决办法)solve=deal with=do with解决

deal with和solve的区别

deal with:与...交涉,交易;应付;处理solve:解答,解释,解决由此可看deal with可加something不能加somebody,而solve就都可以加

deal with 和solve 区别

solvevt. 解决; 解答; 解释; 清偿(债务)deal with惠顾; 与…交易; 应付; 对待

solve和do with(deal with)的区别?

solve是解决一般的问题,而deal with解决比较疑难的一些问题啊!

not until fairly recently was this problem was solved,at least partially. 这样用错在哪里

多了个was, Not until用于句首,句子要倒装。去掉第二个was.

davinci resolve studio(达芬奇) 15win10安装打不开


davinci resolve 11 lite(达芬奇调色)为什么导入不了视频

好像有视频条件,需要用视频转换器来转出MP4文件 然后才可以倒入我用的是 MacX Video Converter Pro 但其实下载哪个都无所谓啦

DaVinci Resolve18什么时候发布


davinci resolve12 mac怎么设置中文版


davinci resolve需要什么配置

DaVinci Resolve 是一款功能强大的视频编辑软件,对电脑配置要求较高,以下是建议的最低配置:操作系统:Windows 10 / macOS 10.15.6 及以上处理器:Intel Core i5 / i7 / i9,AMD Ryzen 5 / 7 / 9 或更高显卡:NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 / 1050 Ti / 1060 / 1070 / 1080 / 1650 / 1660 / RTX 2060 / 2070 / 2080,AMD Radeon RX 470 / 480 / 570 / 580 / Vega 56 / Vega 64 / Radeon VII 或更高内存:16GB 或更高存储空间:至少有 512GB 的硬盘空间请注意,实际上,DaVinci Resolve 的性能要求会根据你所处理的视频、特效和处理的数量而有所变化。如果你的视频较小,特效数量较少,那么较低的配置也可以运行软件。但如果你需要处理较大的视频文件和复杂的特效,较高的配置会更加流畅和稳定。

davinci resolve已停止工作怎么办?

当DaVinci Resolve停止工作时,可以尝试以下步骤进行解决:检查是否有软件更新,确保使用的是最新版本的DaVinci Resolve。关闭所有其他应用程序,确保系统有足够的资源运行DaVinci Resolve。尝试重新启动DaVinci Resolve,看看是否可以解决问题。如果问题仍然存在,可以尝试在DaVinci Resolve设置中重置用户数据,方法是在DaVinci Resolve启动页面上选择“Preferences”(首选项),然后在“User”(用户)选项卡下选择“Reset Saved Workspaces”(重置保存的工作区)。如果问题仍然存在,可以尝试卸载并重新安装DaVinci Resolve。如果以上步骤都没有解决问题,可以考虑与DaVinci Resolve的技术支持团队联系,以获取更多帮助和支持。总的来说,要解决DaVinci Resolve停止工作的问题,需要先找出问题的原因,然后逐一尝试各种解决方法,直到问题得到解决。

如何评价Davinci Resolve 16?

个人觉得Davinci Resolve 16是一个功能强大,十分好用的调色软件。Davinci Resolve 16是世界上唯一一款将专业8K编辑,色彩校正,视觉效果和音频后期制作功能集于一身影视后期处理软件。它能随意的在编辑,颜色,效果和音频之间即时切换,具有简化的界面和革命性的新工具,可帮助您比以往更快地完成工作。Davinci Resolve 16界面上比前代更舒服,媒体库管理感觉清爽很多。同时整体响应比较流畅,至少相同硬件比PR流畅,颜色处理上感觉比PR方便几个数量级。而且性价比很高,正版Davinci Resolve Studio一次性授权2600块,属于咬咬牙买得起系列。就算不买,用免费Davinci Resolve也感觉大概有99%的功能开放使用,业余玩玩够用。

DaVinci Resolve 12 没有写入权限怎么办?

这个软件Windows版需求:Windows 7 Pro SP1, 64-bit至少 12 GB 内存至少一张的 NVIDIA 显卡,作为 CUDA 加速使用。可以使用:Quadro 4000, GeForce GTX 580, Quadro 5000 或 Quadro 6000.NVIDIA driver 280.26DeckLink HD Extreme 3D+ 采集卡,作为上屏查看用

Davinci resolve16可以去掉原视频字幕吗?

不可以 只能局部替换且背景不复杂

do with, deal with, solve , handle, get rid of ,

do with,deal with,handle区别不大都为处理,deal with更口语化solve更侧重于要去解决这个问题get rid of 为摆脱的意思


Unresolved-conflicts-exist-for-some-items.某些项目存在未解决的冲突。items项目双语对照词典结果:itemsn.物料项目 (任何一种自制或采购的零部件或组装件,如最终产品、部件、子部件、零件或原材料); 条( item的名词复数 ); 一项; 一则; 一件商品(或物品); 易混淆单词:ITEMS以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Spend money on items that you understand. 把钱花在你熟悉的项目上。

how do you solve bad feeling为题的作文

We all experience bad moods occasionally,for it is impossible to be happy all the time.We may feel sad or pessimistic,even angry with the whole world,when we are in a bad mood.This is normal,but it is important to know how to change our mood.The first step is self-awareness.We must recognize our bad feelings before we can do something about them.It is no use trying to ignore them.Instead,we must make the decision not to be a sourpuss. Once we have made up our minds to cheer up,it is time to take action.One thing we can do is exercise.Physical activity is stimulating and can lift our spirits.It is the best therapy there is.Another way to improve our mood is to find something fun to do.We can indulge in something we enjoy,such as movie or a trip to the park,or buy ourselves a special treat.Finally,we can seek out a loyal friend.A good friend will listen to our complaints,and his companionship will make us feel better. In conclusion,bad moods are inevitable.We are bound to experience them,but that doesn"t mean we have to let them continue.We are in charge of our thoughts and feelings.If we can take the steps above,we will be able to beat the blues and change our attitude.来自网络


"ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED"错误通常是由于DNS解析问题导致的,表示无法解析域名。这可能是由于网络连接问题或者DNS设置错误引起的。以下是一些可能的解决方法:检查网络连接:确保你的设备已连接到可用的网络,并且网络连接正常。可以尝试连接其他网站或应用程序来确认网络连接是否正常。清除DNS缓存:有时候设备上的DNS缓存可能导致解析问题。你可以尝试清除设备上的DNS缓存。具体方法取决于你使用的操作系统。在Windows上:打开命令提示符(CMD),输入命令"ipconfig /flushdns",然后按回车键。在Mac上:打开终端,输入命令"sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder",然后按回车键。更改DNS设置:你可以尝试更改设备的DNS设置为公共DNS服务器,例如Google DNS(和8.8.4.4)或Cloudflare DNS(和1.0.0.1)。具体方法取决于你使用的操作系统。在Windows上:打开网络连接设置,找到你正在使用的网络连接,右键点击并选择"属性",然后在"Internet协议版本4(TCP/IPv4)"的属性中,选择"使用下面的DNS服务器地址",输入首选DNS和备用DNS地址,最后点击"确定"保存更改。在Mac上:打开网络设置,选择你正在使用的网络连接,点击"高级",然后切换到"DNS"选项卡,点击"+"按钮添加DNS服务器地址,输入首选DNS和备用DNS地址,最后点击"OK"保存更改。重启设备和路由器:有时候简单地重启设备和路由器可以解决网络问题。尝试重启你的设备和路由器,然后再次尝试访问网页。如果以上方法仍然无法解决问题,可能是其他网络设置或网络配置问题导致的。你可以尝试联系你的网络服务提供商或系统管理员寻求进一步的帮助和支持。

dissolve melt区别

两个词最大的区别就是要dissolve的东西一般是固体,在液体里融化,要melt的东西虽然也是固体,但它也可以是液体比如,我们可以说snow is melting, 但一般不能说snow is dissolving. 而且,dissolve 更强调物体内含的组织的彻底分解,不光是化解掉。比如,做实验的时候虽然一个物体已经melted,但它可能还没达到dissolved.



what is your opinion of money?what do you think of all-out donation?can we solve the problem of


Before a problem can be solved,it must be obvious__the problem itself is.


Before a problem can be solved,it must be obvious__the problem itself is.

what 引导的是主语从句,在从句中做表语,且这个是真正主语,it为形式主语

问:Use a creative approach to solving problems这里solve为什么是ing形式?




solve 和 overcome 的区别

solve 和 overcome 的区别两个单词都有解决的意思, 后者强调是战胜,程度比前者高.solve vt. 解决; 解答; 解释; 清偿(债务);overcome vt. 战胜,克服; 压倒,制服,…不堪;vt. 被(烟、感情等)熏[压]倒,使受不了;vi. 受到…的极大影响;

Figure out和solve 作“解决”时候怎么区别


figure out和solve的区别

figure out有计算出的意思,侧重于数字计算solve有解决的意思,侧重于证明推理。一般figure out用于计算数据,而solve对应数学中的证明题,这个样子

atom软件窗口下部出现key binding resolver,怎么关闭


Only a type can be imported resolves to a package

only a type can be imported:myType resolves to a package的意思是只有一种可以进口:MyType解析到一个包。例句 1 The absence of a value resolves to False when comparing for equality or inequality. 当比较等于或不等于时,值的缺少解析为False。 2 It resolves to some value or is smashed with failure after completion of the operation. 完成操作后,它会获得一个值或者出现错误。 3 The instanceof operator resolves to true if the given object is an instance of the given class. 如果给定对象是给定类的实例,则instanceof操作符解析为真。 4 The reason why a great man is great is that he resolves to be a great man. 伟人之所以伟大,是因为他立志要成为伟大的人。 5 In this example the comparison test resolves to true and so the incoming message assembly is propagated down the dynamic output terminal Match1. 在本例中,比较测试解析为真,因此传入消息组件传播到动态输出终端Match1。

You may rely on it that they will help you solve the problem.帮忙分析一下句子结构


How can we solve the problem of earthquake

Actually we can"t control the destructive forces of nature - earthquke. But we can minimize the destrutive force of earthquake. By the following suggestions and equitments: 1) earthquake-detecting equipment which can help us design and construct buildings bridges and other structures that can better withstand those forces from earthquke. e.g. Jr. Neork for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES). NEES is a collaboration designed to improve the sei *** ic design and performance of the U.S. civil and mechanical infrastructure. 2) methods of retrofitting buildings so that they can better withstand damage. for instance:investigate the use of *** art materials systems in retrofitting buildings to withstand earthquake damage. 3)study the use of soil-strengthening techniques . such as grouting and deep densification to help prevent earthquake-induced liquefaction and lateral spreading of the ground. Others : for example: some fluid sei *** ic dampers will minimize earthquake damage to wood-frame homes. 参考: eurekalert/pub_releases/1997-12/VT-VTRP-011297 Earthquake is a problem of nature we cannot prevent it. We can only minimize the damages done by earthquakes by inventing more precision equipments that can precisely detect the occurrence of any oning earthquakes. Also we can build more strong buildings that can stand the impacts by earthquakes.




1.用法不同 2.solve是符号解(解析解),roots是数值解 3.roots只能解多项式方程,solve可解别的方程(只要它解得出的话)和方程组例子: solve("x^2+2*x+3") ans = -1+i*2^(1/2) -1-i*2^(1/2) roots(1:3) ans = -1.0000 + 1.4142i -1.0000 - 1.4142i


题主给出的代码,为什么用solve函数求不出来?由于给出的方程比较复杂,用solve函数求解,得到是无解,所以应改用vpasolve函数求解。具体实现方法如下:1、由于vpasolve函数不适应求解数组形式的数据,所以只能逐个求解。2、应使用for循环语句来完成求解。即for i=1:8S=vpasolve(eval(eq(i))) %eq为具体的表达式end3、实现代码:syms q%assume(q>0);b = tand(70);t = (2*3068)/(2*0.01256*0.00351);d = sqrt(13)*t-(2/3)*t*b;p = (-20000000:20000000:120000000);a = ((3*q-4*d*b+sqrt(9*(q^2)-24*d*b*q-24*(b^2).*p*q-16*(b^2)*(q^2)))/(4*(b^2)));r = (sqrt((2/(3*q)).*(p-a)));eq=sqrt(((p-a).^2)+(r.^2)*(q.^2))+r.*(d+a.*b);for i=1:length(r)S=vpasolve(eval(eq(i)))end4、运行上述代码,可以得到如下结果。
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