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使用Rust语言能干什么?1. 编写系统级代码Rust是一种系统级编程语言,最早是由Mozilla设计和开发的。Rust提供了高效、安全和并发的编程体验,可用于开发操作系统、编写网络协议和构建嵌入式系统。作为一种系统级编程语言,Rust拥有高效的内存管理和优秀的性能表现。使用Rust编写的程序可以比其他语言的程序更加安全和稳定。此外,Rust还有一个独特的特性:防止空指针异常,从而提高代码的可靠性和安全性。2. 开发游戏Rust的高效性能、并发性以及安全性,使其成为游戏编程的理想选择。Rust的环境支持开发底层图形API,只需要少量代码就可以实现高质量的游戏引擎。Rust还可以编译为WebAssembly,在Web游戏开发上可以更好的进行宝贵的代码再利用,更加节省开发时间和精力。3. 编写安全的Web应用程序Rust支持编写高性能,线程安全和内存安全的Web应用程序。Rust拥有更好的内存控制和类型系统,可以避免大部分常见的安全漏洞,如Buffer Overflow和Null Pointer Derefence。Rust的强大的错误机制,允许开发者在编译时检测错误并及时处理,从而减少程序崩溃的可能性。4. 编写网络服务Rust提供高效的I/O处理,使其成为编写网络服务的良好选择。在Rust中,开发者可以快速地编写高的 Web服务器,DNS服务器,代理服务器等,完全不必担心性能问题。事实上,许多项目已经证明了Rust比其他Web开发语言,如Ruby,Python和Go等,在性能和可靠性方面提供了更好的表现。而且,使用Rust编写的Web服务更容易部署和维护,使其成为企业应用的首选。5. 实现并发编程Rust拥有卓越的并发编程特性,可以轻松地编写并发程序。Rust的所有权和借用机制可以保证在编写并发程序时,不存在竞争概率,避免了常见的程序错误和死锁现象。并且,Rust的并发编程库提供充分的支持,开发者可以专注于并发逻辑编程,而无需花费大量时间在语言层面的细节上。6. 编写嵌入式系统Rust作为一种系统级编程语言,也可以用于编写嵌入式系统。与其他编程语言相比,Rust提供了更好的类型安全性和内存管理。Rust的高效性能和并发性,使其能够处理高复杂性的嵌入式系统。最重要的是,Rust的所有权和借用机制能够避免缓冲区溢出等常见问题,如此高度的可靠性对于嵌入式应用程序来说是至关重要的。7. 编写机器学习程序Rust的高性能,安全和并发性,使其成为新一代机器学习程序的领导者。Rust可以轻松处理大数据集,Rust的并发性可以大大提高机器学习的性能,同时提供更安全和更可靠的代码。Rust社区中也有一些机器学习的成熟开源库,如rustlearn,提供了完整的机器学习功能,包括深度学习,神经网络等。值得注意的是,Rust将成为未来机器学习发展的必要工具之一。8. 编写物联网应用程序在物联网时代,硬件设备数量急剧增长。Rust作为一种高安全性和高性能性的语言,将成为物联网应用程序的首选语言之一。相比其他编程语言,Rust能够更好地保证代码的安全性和可靠性,同时能够轻松地实现网络通信和数据存储。此外,Rust的性能也非常适合物联网应用程序,能够处理大量的数据和复杂的计算。结论通过本文的介绍,我们可以看出Rust的应用领域是非常广泛的。Rust作为一种安全、高效、并发的系统级编程语言,已经被广泛地应用于各种领域,如游戏开发、Web开发、嵌入式系统开发、机器学习等。在未来,Rust的应用前景将会更加广阔。因此,学习Rust并掌握其编程特性将具有重要的实际意义,并为您事业发展带来更广阔的前景。


rust 英[ru028cst] 美[ru028cst] n. 铁锈; 锈病,锈菌; 荒废,停滞; 锈,锈色; vt.& vi. (使) 生锈; [植] 害锈病; 变钝,荒废; 全部释义>>[例句]A decaying tractor, red with rust锈迹斑斑的破拖拉机更多例句>>复数:rusts 过去式:rusted 现在分词:rusting 过去分词:rusted第三人称单数:rusts相关单词: Rust RUST

急需关于《最蓝的眼睛》(the bluest eye)的英文评论?

这是节选:其他见 Bluest Eye": notes on history, community, and black female subjectivity by Jane Kuenz In Toni Morrison"s The Bluest Eye, the Breedloves" storefront apartment is graced overhead by the home of three magnificent whores, each a tribute to Morrison"s confidence in the efficacy of the obvious. The novel"s unhappy convergence of history, naming and bodies--delineated so subtly and variously elsewhere--is, in these three, signified most simply and most crudely by their bodies and their names: Poland, China, the Maginot Line. With these characters, Morrison literalizes the novel"s overall conflation of black female bodies as the sites of fascist invasions of one kind or another, as the terrain on which is mapped the encroachment and colonization of African-American experiences, particularly those of its women, by a seemingly hegemonic white culture. The Bluest Eye as a whole documents this invasion--and its concomitant erasure of specific local bodies, histories, and cultural productions--in terms of sexuality as it intersects with commodity culture. Furthermore, this mass culture and, more generally, the commodity capitalism that gave rise to it, is in large part responsible--through its capacity to efface history--for the "disinterestedness" that Morrison condemns throughout the novel. Beyond exempting this, Morrison"s project is to rewrite the specific bodies and histories of the black Americans whose positive images and stories have been eradicated by commodity culture. She does this formally by shifting the novel"s perspective and point of view, a narrative tactic that enables her, in the process, to represent black female subjectivity as a layered, shifting and complex reality. The disallowance of the specific cultures and histories of African-Americans and black women especially is figured in The Bluest Eye primarily as a consequence of or sideline to the more general annihilation of popular forms and images by an ever more all-pervasive and insidious mass culture industry. This industry increasingly disallows the representation of any image not premised on consumption or the production of normative values conducive to it. These values are often rigidly tied to gender and are race-specific to the extent that racial and ethnic differences are not allowed to be represented. One lesson from history, as Susan Willis reiterates, is that "in mass culture many of the social contradictions of capitalism appear to us as if those very contradictions had been resolved" ("I Shop" 183). Among these contradictions we might include those antagonisms continuing in spite of capitalism"s benevolent influence, along the axes of economic privilege and racial difference. According to Willis, it is because "all the models [in mass cultural representation] are white"--either in fact or by virtue of their status as "replicants ... devoid of cultural integrity"--that the differences in race or ethnicity (and class, we might add) and the continued problems for which these differences are a convenient excuse appear to be erased or made equal "at the level of consumption" ("I Shop" 184). In other words, economic, racial and ethnic difference is erased and replaced by a purportedly equal ability to consume, even though what is consumed are more or less competing versions of the same white image. There is evidence of the presence and influence of this process of erasure and replacement throughout The Bluest Eye. For example, the grade school reader that prefaces the text was (and in many places still is) a ubiquitous, mass-produced presence in schools across the country. Its widespread use made learning the pleasures of Dick and Jane"s commodified life dangerously synonymous with learning itself. Its placement first in the novel makes it the pretext for what is presented after: As the seeming given of contemporary life, it stands as the only visible model for happiness and thus implicitly accuses those whose lives do not match up. In 1941, and no less so today, this would include a lot of people. Even so, white lower-class children can at least more easily imagine themselves posited within the story"s realm of possibility. For black children this possibility might require a double reversal or negation: Where the poor white child is encouraged to forget the particulars of her present life and look forward to a future of prosperity--the result, no doubt, of forty years in Lorain"s steel mills--a black child like Pecola must, in addition, see herself, in a process repeated throughout The Bluest Eye, in (or as) the body of a white little girl. In other words, she must not see herself at all. The effort required to do this and the damaging results of it are illustrated typographically in the repetition of the Dick-and-Jane story first without punctuation or capitalization, and then without punctuation, capitalization, or spacing.

tourist attractions; attraction for tourism是什么意思啊??

tourist attractions,景点,旅游圣地。attraction for…对…的吸引力。attraction for tourist,对游客的吸引力。

英语翻译,划线的句子能不能换成插入语表达方式,tourism,a fast developing

你改的有点问题,这样的话,句子就是“Tourism, which is a...”它语法是不对的。应该这样改:Tourism,which is a ...all over the world, now draws...

什么是旅游业(tourism industry)?


OMS的OMS(Open Mobile System)简介

Open Mobile System是中国移动通讯集团参照Google开发的一款基于Linux内核Android平台构建的开放式手机操作系统简称OMS,它在Android平台基础上改了主题,并加入了中移动运营的3G网络TD-SCDMA的支持。Open Mobile System是2008年4月份开始的一个系统定制计划,经过1年的修改调试后在2009年4月份开始正式推向市场,同时首款使用oms系统的是联想oPhone手机,结果导致oPhone用户大量刷机。如今官方称“OMS2.5完全兼容android2.2。用户体验得到了很大的提升,已经达到或者超越android原生系统。”


travel industry和tourism industry都是旅游业的意思。tourism industry侧重旅游风景的观光经营,而travel industry包含的含义比tourism industry更广,比如购物、游乐园这些也都包括在内。

you are understrand 什么意思


tour; tourist; tourism 这几个英语怎么读?



Beta-strand is a structural unit of protein beta sheets.This is an extended stretch of polypeptide chain typically 3 to 10 amino acids long that forms hydrogen bonds with other beta-strands in the same beta-sheet. beta-sheet(beta-折叠)是由几个beta-strand(beta-线串)组成的 (beta-strand 没找到中文翻译)

在安装GHOST系统镜像安装工具V5.0的时候出现“ Line -1: 错误:变量没有在开始声明 ”这是什么意思?



《黑道圣徒4》破解补丁已经出了,玩家可以轻松的体验这款前THQ遗作了。不过有部分玩家表示在游戏的过程中出现steam006不能存档的问题,下面分享的解决方案能够完美解决问题!《黑道圣徒4》steam006不能存档解决办法仔_看了一下才发现原_他把存档位置放在这里SmartSteamEmuremote_206420因为我自己把游戏放在C:Program Files (x86)THQSaints Row IV然后他就会存到C:Program Files (x86)THQSaints Row IVSmartSteamEmuremote_206420於是就出包了,这是权限问题啊。所以只要右_start.exe相容性以系_管理_身分执行此程式他就可以对programfiles进行读写了。

direct strand什么意思?启动子分析中的



sat 原型是 sit 坐seated 原型是 seat 就坐(使……就坐)你举的这个句子,seated 表示一种状态,就坐着的,道理跟worried,... 类似。因为题干中有just now,应该用一般过去式,用having done 不合适;而且你这样填也不合常理,having sat 是正在做的“完成”,人不能“正在坐下”1.seat和sit作为动词,都可以表示“坐”的意思.(1)seat是及物动词,比较正式,常以被动形式表示主动意义.如:He is seated between Jack and Tom. 她坐在杰克和汤姆之间.Please be seated.(=Please seat yourself.) 请坐.(2)sit通常作不及物动词用,比较口语化.如:The students are sitting at their desks. 学生们正坐在课桌旁.Sit down,please.请坐.2.seat还可作名词用(而sit只能作动词用),常见短语take a seat (相当于have a seat或take one"s seat) ,意为“坐下,就座”.如:Take your seat,please.请就坐.seat 名词.座位。 have a good seat,这里的seat指place,而不是chair。 take a seat/take your seat 坐下来,就坐 下面这个句子在口语、电影里很常见:Is the seat taken?请坐的3种说法: Sit down,please.(命令性) take your seat,please. Be seated,please.(更礼貌) 考点:作为动词的seat与sit的区别 sit--vi; seat--vt seat sb 让某人就坐有帮助请及时采纳哦 谢谢



Who is Ivan Strand?A.A poetB.A lecturerC.A sales managerD.A company president

【答案】:B解析:这段话在介绍邀请的嘉宾,通过最后一句话It"s my pleasure now to welcome Mr. Ivan Strand.可以得知Ivan Strand是邀请的嘉宾。通过This man is…frequently lectures at universities…这句话也可以推知Ivan Strand是演讲者。





TAK解压失败:1 files undecodable. Try disabling "Restore wave file meta data" (-wm0).???

WinRAR 是最新版本吗?

β折叠股或β股(β-strand)和β折叠是一个意思吗 它们有什么联系

β-折叠(β-sheet)也是一种重复性的结构,可分为平行式和反平行式两种类型,它们是通过肽链间或肽段间的氢键维系。可以把它们想象为由折叠的条状纸片侧向并排而成,每条纸片可看成是一条肽链, 称为β折叠股或β股(β-strand),肽主链沿纸条形成锯齿状,处于最伸展的构象,氢键主要在股间而不是股内。α-碳原子位于折叠线上,由于其四面体性质,连续的酰氨平面排列成折叠形式。需要注意的是在折叠片上的侧链都垂直于折叠片的平面,并交替的从平面上下二侧伸出。平行折叠片比反平行折叠片更规则且一般是大结构而反平行折叠片可以少到仅由两个β股组成。



passenger strand 什么意思

passenger strand 乘客被搁浅。

strand(time(null)) 在C语言中 为什么可以 随机化数种子 原形是什么

注(似乎函数写错,应该是srand(time(null))吧 )srand(time(null))利用时间设置随机种子产生随机数更具体的介绍 参考以下内容

conference ;strand ;inquisitive;这英语用谐音怎么读?

conference 的谐音是:抗佛润丝。strand 的谐音是:丝砖恩得。inquisitive的谐音是:引亏责题无。

strand cable是什么意思


English Question

line 是线的意思 通常很细 或者指电线 rope 是绳索 就是一般人们用来困东西的 绳子 一般比较坚韧 cord 这个和rope 可以互换 没什么区别 可以指绞索 strand 这个一般指 绞成一团的绳子 强调按制作方法 经常是一缕一缕的

当表示电线电缆时, cord, strand, wire 有什么不同?

cord: 绝缘电线、软线。 strand:有几股的意思、整体的一部分。wire:普通电缆



passenger strand 什么意思



lagging strand [生化] 后随链;延迟链;[生化] 滞后链;[生化] 随从链Leading strand [生化] 前导链;领头链;[生化] 先导链;领导股coding strand [生化] 编码链;可乐定;[生化] 非编码链antisense strand 反义链;反意链;反义股;反意义链anticoding strand 反编码链;非编码链;称为反义链sense strand 有意义链;有义链;感觉链;有意义连plus strand 正链strand mill 单线式轧机;双线轧机;多辊型钢轧机;双线式轧机negative strand 负链


连铸机里“Strand”是铸流的意思,代表连铸机的流数,如多流连铸机表示:Strand 1#, Strand 2#....


黑道圣徒2又叫做黑街圣徒2,原名Saints Rows 2 THQ的GTA模仿作品《黑道圣徒 2》目前已登陆Steam平台




PBS是磷酸盐缓冲液,PBST是磷酸盐吐温缓冲液.磷酸盐缓冲液(Phosphate Buffered Saline,简称PBS)的是常用的用于生物学研究的一个缓冲溶液。PBS可以为三种溶液的英文缩写,分别是磷酸盐缓冲溶液(phosphate buffered solution)、磷酸盐缓冲盐水(phosphate buffered saline)及 磷酸盐缓冲钠(phosphate buffered sodium),其配制方法不同,pH值不同,发挥的生物学作用亦不完全相同。生物实验中提到的PBST是指PBS溶液加上Tween-20,Tween-20为一种非离子表面活性剂,对细胞生长可产生影响.扩展资料:主要用于一些化学实验中不影响实验反应的情况下调节pH值,以便让实验的化学反应在最佳条件下进行。部分用于食品或是饲料行业加工,如食品或者饲料真菌毒素检验中Elisa方法的洗板应用或者食品微生物检验中的稀释缓冲液。组成参考资料:磷酸盐缓冲液-百度百科


PBS是磷酸盐缓冲液,PBST是磷酸盐吐温缓冲液.磷酸盐缓冲液(Phosphate Buffered Saline,简称PBS)的是常用的用于生物学研究的一个缓冲溶液。PBS可以为三种溶液的英文缩写,分别是磷酸盐缓冲溶液(phosphate buffered solution)、磷酸盐缓冲盐水(phosphate buffered saline)及 磷酸盐缓冲钠(phosphate buffered sodium),其配制方法不同,pH值不同,发挥的生物学作用亦不完全相同。生物实验中提到的PBST是指PBS溶液加上Tween-20,Tween-20为一种非离子表面活性剂,对细胞生长可产生影响.扩展资料:主要用于一些化学实验中不影响实验反应的情况下调节pH值,以便让实验的化学反应在最佳条件下进行。部分用于食品或是饲料行业加工,如食品或者饲料真菌毒素检验中Elisa方法的洗板应用或者食品微生物检验中的稀释缓冲液。组成参考资料:磷酸盐缓冲液-百度百科


PBS是磷酸盐缓冲液,PBST是磷酸盐吐温缓冲液.磷酸盐缓冲液(Phosphate Buffered Saline,简称PBS)的是常用的用于生物学研究的一个缓冲溶液。PBS可以为三种溶液的英文缩写,分别是磷酸盐缓冲溶液(phosphate buffered solution)、磷酸盐缓冲盐水(phosphate buffered saline)及 磷酸盐缓冲钠(phosphate buffered sodium),其配制方法不同,pH值不同,发挥的生物学作用亦不完全相同。生物实验中提到的PBST是指PBS溶液加上Tween-20,Tween-20为一种非离子表面活性剂,对细胞生长可产生影响.扩展资料:主要用于一些化学实验中不影响实验反应的情况下调节pH值,以便让实验的化学反应在最佳条件下进行。部分用于食品或是饲料行业加工,如食品或者饲料真菌毒素检验中Elisa方法的洗板应用或者食品微生物检验中的稀释缓冲液。组成参考资料:磷酸盐缓冲液-百度百科

Sway (The Rip-Off Artist Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Sway (The Rip-Off Artist Remix)歌手:Dean Martin And Julie London专辑:Electro Lounge: Electronic Excursions In Hi-FidelityWhen marimba rhythms start to playDance with me, make me swayLike a lazy ocean hugs the shoreHold me close, sway me moreLike a flower bending in the breezeBend with me, sway with easeWhen we dance you have a way with meStay with me, sway with meOther dancers may be on the floorDear, but my eyes will see only youOnly you have that magic techniqueWhen we sway I go weakI can hear the sounds of violinsLong before it beginsMake me thrill as only you know howSway me smooth, sway me nowSway me, take meThrill me, hold meBend me, ease meYou have a way with meSway (sway)Other dancers may be on the floorDear, but my eyes will see only youOnly you have that magic techniqueWhen we sway I go weakI go weakI can hear the sounds of violinsLong before it beginsMake me thrill as only you know howSway me smooth, sway me nowMake me thrill as only you know howSway me smooth, sway me nowMake me thrill as only you know howSway me smooth, sway me nowSway meSway meSway me now

Jeff Steinberg的《Sway》 歌词

歌曲名:Sway歌手:Jeff Steinberg专辑:Velvet MartiniWhen marimba rhythms start to playDance with me, make me swayLike a lazy ocean hugs the shoreHold me close, sway me moreLike a flower bending in the breezeBend with me, sway with easeWhen we dance you have a way with meStay with me, sway with meOther dancers may be on the floorDear, but my eyes will see only youOnly you have that magic techniqueWhen we sway I go weakI can hear the sounds of violinsLong before it beginsMake me thrill as only you know howSway me smooth, sway me nowSway me, take meThrill me, hold meBend me, ease meYou have a way with meSway (sway)Other dancers may be on the floorDear, but my eyes will see only youOnly you have that magic techniqueWhen we sway I go weakI go weakI can hear the sounds of violinsLong before it beginsMake me thrill as only you know howSway me smooth, sway me nowMake me thrill as only you know howSway me smooth, sway me nowMake me thrill as only you know howSway me smooth, sway me nowSway meSway meSway me now

要一份EXO-M的Mama或者是history的歌词赏析、我们课前要演讲赏析、、 不知道能不能算……

lloyd register ASIA INSPECTION印度客户要求证明这是什么


Claire Johnston的《Sway》 歌词

歌曲名:Sway歌手:Claire Johnston专辑:SwaySway - Michael BubleEditor:wilcoWhen marimba rhythms start to playDance with me, make me swayLike a lazy ocean hugs the shoreHold me close, sway me moreLike a flower bending in the breezeBend with me, sway with easeWhen you dance you have a way with meStay with me, sway with meOther dancers may be on the floorDear, but my eyes will see only youOnly you have that magic techniqueWhen we sway I go weakI can hear the sound of violinsLong before it beginsMake me thrill as only you know howSway me smooth, sway me nowInstrumentalOther dancers may be on the floorDear, but my eyes will see only youOnly you have that magic techniqueWhen we sway I go weakI can hear the sound of violinsLong before it beginsMake me thrill as only you know howSway me smooth, sway me nowWhen marimba rhythms starts to playDance with me, make me swayLike a lazy ocean hugs the shoreHold me close, sway me moreLike a flower bending in the breezeBend with me, sway with easeWhen we dance you have a way with meStay with me, sway with meWhen marimbas start to playHold me close, make me swayLike an ocean hugs the shoreHold me close sway me moreLike a flower bending in the breezeBend with me, sway with easeWhen we dance you have a way with meStay with me, sway with me



The public type c must be defined in its own file,怎么让两个类在一个文件呢

方法一:直接写文件名: 此文件里有两个类class tt{public static void main(String[] s){}}class bb{public bb(){}}使用命令 javac 然后会出现 tt.class bb.class 两个二进制文件方法二:内部类class tt{class bb{}}}

目前Kingston 内存主要采用哪几家厂商的内存颗粒(IC)

于Kingston没有自己的内存颗粒工厂,因此不同生产批次的金士顿内存极有可能使用不同品牌的内存颗粒。即使是同品牌颗粒其生产日期也未必相同。比如阿当就曾经见到过一条Kingston内存上使用了两种批次的现代颗粒。一般说来,Kingston在内存上最常见的是HY和三星颗粒,其兼容性也得到了市场的广泛认可。比如在下图中大家可以清楚地看见三星的标识(可点击看大图)。此外,部分金士顿内存还采用了美光(Micron)等颗粒,性能也非常不错。 至于内存芯片上出现“Kingston”字样只有两种可能:一是Kingston在某一批内存上使用了不同批次甚至不同品牌的内存颗粒,为了消除消费者的担心,厂商将这些内存颗粒统一印刷上“Kingston”标识。当然这些内存也经过了严格的质量测试,同样具有良好的品质。另一种可能就是大家购买到的是假货。一般造假厂商会使用价格低廉的白板内存颗粒打磨成Kingston芯片,利用大家认为“原厂芯片最好”的误区来蒙骗消费者。MOSEL茂矽颗粒samsung三星颗粒Infineon英飞凌颗粒PSC力晶颗粒NANYA南亚颗粒HYNIX现代颗粒Hynix海力士颗粒ELPIDA尔必达颗粒Micron镁光这些颗粒金士顿都有可能用到现在最多用到的就是三星和镁光的

Karma (1999 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Karma (1999 Digital Remaster)歌手:Landslaget专辑:GuldDarin - Karma《Flashback》You were searching for some evidenceThat I"ve been cheatingChecking my phone my mail my crubMy pockets for no reasonLooking for proof proof proofBut you"re only wasting timeYou told me you were gon confess if only I came cleanAnd That"s when I gave you your own medicine which you believed inBut it wasn"t true true trueStill you think I"m just denyingYou can say whatever you want about meBut the truth of the matter isI never did you wrongDid you wrongDid you wrongAnd you gon miss me when I"m goneWhen I"m goneWhen I"m goneYeah you gon regret itYeah you gon regret itRegret itYou started playing gamesSo now you gotta deal with itAnd oh it"s such a shameThat we couldn"t be real about itKarma karma karmaYeah you gon regret itYeah you gon regret itRegret itIt"s been more than a couple of monthsAnd we ain"t even speakingYou don"t return my calls thinking that youWill get evenWhy you act a fool fool foolThere is something that ain"t rightMaybe you"re the one that"s been Incognito and creepingIf it"s so then let me know cause you confuse my feelingsI"m about to lose it lose it lose itWhy tryin to switch it round round roundYou can say Whatever you want about meBut the truth of the matter is I never did you wrongDid you wrongDid you wrongAnd you gon miss me when I"m goneWhen I"m goneWhen I"m goneYeah you gon regret itYeah you gon regret itRegret itYou started playing gamesSo now you gotta deal with itAnd oh it"s such a shameThat we couldn"t be real about itKarma Karma KarmaYeah you gon regret itYeah you gon regret itRegret itI can"t believe youGive me he nonsenseHow you gonna tell me I let you downIf you got a little bit heart in youCan you please explainWhy you flip the coin aroundI know I"ve done a lot of badBut I never been in bedWith another lady trust me it"s trueAnd the proof that you claim you gotIs nothing but a way for you to come upWith an excuseTo smooth and slowly get awayToo afraid to tell it straight to my faceSix years I stayed with youLaid with yaIs this how you gonna playIt"s ok it"s alrightGo ahead and scramBy the night that wake upYou gon regret itThat you lost a good manFo shoYou started playing gamesSo now you gotta deal with itAnd oh it"s such a shameThat we couldn"t be real bout itKarma karma karmaYeah you gon regret itYeah you gon regret itRegret itYou can say whatever you want about meBut the truth of the matter is I never did you wrongDid you wrongDid you wrongAnd you gon miss me when I"m goneWhen I"m goneWhen I"m goneYeah you gon regret itYeah you gon regret itRegret itYou started playing gamesSo now you gotta deal with itAnd oh it"s such a shameThat we couldn"t be real about itKarma Karma KarmaYeah you gon regret itYeah you gon regret itRegret it

买了Kingston 2G内存Windows优化大师显示制造商是Nanya Technology 是不是假的?




“press against”是什么意思?

press against 英 [pres u0259u02c8ɡenst] 美 [pru025bs u0259u02c8ɡenst] 使贴着使贴着 She pressed herself against the wall. 她紧贴着墙靠着。 The boy pressed his ear against the door. 那男孩把耳朵贴着门。press可指按压、逼迫、新闻、出版社、印刷机等意思。1. 压,按——Press this button to start the engine. 要开动发动机就按这个按钮。2. 推,挤——He pressed his back against the door. 他将背顶在了门上。3. 压缩,压制;熨平——to press a shirt 熨衬衫4. 极力劝说,逼迫——Trade unions are pressing him to stand firm. 各工会在极力劝说他坚持立场。5. 新闻,报纸——freedom of the press 新闻自由6. 还可指人群、拥挤、压榨机、压力机、出版社等。

Einmal ist keinmal的翻译是怎样的?

【Einmal ist keinmal】是德语的一个常用表达,翻译成英文为 "Once is not enough" 或者 "One time doesn"t count"。这个短语字面意思是 "一次不算",但实际上表示 "只发生一次是无关紧要的"。语法详解:- Einmal(一次)是一个不定代词,表示一次的数量。- ist 是动词 "sein"(是)的第三人称单数形式。- keinmal 是由 "kein"(不)和 "mal"(次)组成的合成词,意思是 "不是一次"。该短语的用法是在强调某件事情只发生了一次,因此它并不重要或有影响。它可以用来表示对于稀有或特殊事件的不在乎态度。例句:1. Ich habe das Spiel nur einmal gewonnen, aber einmaliStKeinmal. (我只赢过一次这场比赛,但一次不算。)2. Er hat mich gestern zum Essen eingeladen, aber ich lehnte ab, weil ich wusste, dass einmaliStKeinmal. (他昨天请我吃饭,但我拒绝了,因为我知道一次不算。)3. Du solltest die Chance nutzen, denn einmaliStKeinmal. (你应该抓住机会,因为一次不算。)

Einmal ist keinmal是什么意思?

【Einmal ist keinmal】是德语的一个常用表达,翻译成英文为 "Once is not enough" 或者 "One time doesn"t count"。这个短语字面意思是 "一次不算",但实际上表示 "只发生一次是无关紧要的"。语法详解:- Einmal(一次)是一个不定代词,表示一次的数量。- ist 是动词 "sein"(是)的第三人称单数形式。- keinmal 是由 "kein"(不)和 "mal"(次)组成的合成词,意思是 "不是一次"。该短语的用法是在强调某件事情只发生了一次,因此它并不重要或有影响。它可以用来表示对于稀有或特殊事件的不在乎态度。例句:1. Ich habe das Spiel nur einmal gewonnen, aber einmaliStKeinmal. (我只赢过一次这场比赛,但一次不算。)2. Er hat mich gestern zum Essen eingeladen, aber ich lehnte ab, weil ich wusste, dass einmaliStKeinmal. (他昨天请我吃饭,但我拒绝了,因为我知道一次不算。)3. Du solltest die Chance nutzen, denn einmaliStKeinmal. (你应该抓住机会,因为一次不算。)

Einmal ist keinmal什么意思?

【Einmal ist keinmal】是德语的一个常用表达,翻译成英文为 "Once is not enough" 或者 "One time doesn"t count"。这个短语字面意思是 "一次不算",但实际上表示 "只发生一次是无关紧要的"。语法详解:- Einmal(一次)是一个不定代词,表示一次的数量。- ist 是动词 "sein"(是)的第三人称单数形式。- keinmal 是由 "kein"(不)和 "mal"(次)组成的合成词,意思是 "不是一次"。该短语的用法是在强调某件事情只发生了一次,因此它并不重要或有影响。它可以用来表示对于稀有或特殊事件的不在乎态度。例句:1. Ich habe das Spiel nur einmal gewonnen, aber einmaliStKeinmal. (我只赢过一次这场比赛,但一次不算。)2. Er hat mich gestern zum Essen eingeladen, aber ich lehnte ab, weil ich wusste, dass einmaliStKeinmal. (他昨天请我吃饭,但我拒绝了,因为我知道一次不算。)3. Du solltest die Chance nutzen, denn einmaliStKeinmal. (你应该抓住机会,因为一次不算。)

Einmal ist keinmal什么意思?

【Einmal ist keinmal】是德语的一个常用表达,翻译成英文为 "Once is not enough" 或者 "One time doesn"t count"。这个短语字面意思是 "一次不算",但实际上表示 "只发生一次是无关紧要的"。语法详解:- Einmal(一次)是一个不定代词,表示一次的数量。- ist 是动词 "sein"(是)的第三人称单数形式。- keinmal 是由 "kein"(不)和 "mal"(次)组成的合成词,意思是 "不是一次"。该短语的用法是在强调某件事情只发生了一次,因此它并不重要或有影响。它可以用来表示对于稀有或特殊事件的不在乎态度。例句:1. Ich habe das Spiel nur einmal gewonnen, aber einmaliStKeinmal. (我只赢过一次这场比赛,但一次不算。)2. Er hat mich gestern zum Essen eingeladen, aber ich lehnte ab, weil ich wusste, dass einmaliStKeinmal. (他昨天请我吃饭,但我拒绝了,因为我知道一次不算。)3. Du solltest die Chance nutzen, denn einmaliStKeinmal. (你应该抓住机会,因为一次不算。)





standard mux super smart 这几种VLAN有什么区别?

MUX VLAN一般用于DSLAM接入设备,每个用户一个VLAN,并与上网PVC关联起来(不同于普通VLAN关联到以太网口),到上层汇聚设备再加上外层VLAN,可以唯一区分上网用户。super vlan用于SR设备,解决共用网关问题,即不同VLAN用户可以使用相同网关ip,从而节省IP地址资源。SMART VLAN用于接入设备,同一vlan可以实现下行流量互相隔离,上行不隔离,使用互动电视业务时,一般使用SMART VLAN来标识用户。

JLS--the last song中文歌词


自行车码表上的功能:DST RTM AVG MAX ALM ODO CAL 神马意思

自行车码表上的功能:DST RTM AVG MAX ALM ODO CAL 神马意思1. DST:当次骑行路程。2. RTM:骑乘时间。3. AVG:平均骑乘速度。4. MAX:最高骑乘速度。5. ALM:闹钟。6. ODO:总骑行里程。7. CAL:消耗卡路里数。

什么是“输入状态稳定”? 英文叫做:input-to-state stable 因该是随机控制系统里的一个词,谢谢!

input:465 45 12345 8897output:56 54543217988

---The education system rather than the teachers is to answer for the overburden on the students.

义┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈hang about 闲荡 闲逛 逗留 徘徊,这里可意译为:即将带来 being carried out (正在实施的)分词短语作后置定语,修饰reform ---The education system rather than the teachers is to answer for the overburden on the students. 该为学生负担过重负责的是教育体制而不是教师。--- I agree. i hope the reform being carried out in our country will hang about the desired results 我同意(您的看法)。希望我国正在进行的改革即将带来理想的结果。

求《你们是否依然情 while your lips are still red》的中英文歌词

While Your Lips Are Still Red By : Nightwish Sweet little words made for silence 甜蜜的话只为惬意的平静 Not talk 无须言语 Young heart for love 年轻的心为爱而生 Not heartache 无须悲伤 Dark hair for catching the wind 乌黑的秀发随风飘扬Not to veil the sight of a cold world 不要为冰冷的世界蒙上面纱Kiss, while your lips are still red 轻吻你那依旧红润的双唇 While he"s still in silent rest 趁着他还沉默的时候 Rest while bosom is still untouched, unveiled 在内心尚未被触及显露的时候停下吧Hold another hand while the hand"s still without a tool 牵起你的手,趁着它还没有躲开 Drown into eyes while they"re still blind 让泪水浸没双眼,趁着那依旧朦胧的视线 Love while the night still hides the withering dawn 在这凋零黎明来临前的黑夜彼此依恋 First day of love never comes back 初遇的时光已一去不再 A passionate hour"s never a wasted one 激情的岁月永不消褪 The violin, the poet"s hand 提琴之弦,诗人之笔 Every thawing heart plays your theme with care 每颗溶化的心演奏着爱的主题曲Kiss, while your lips are still red 轻吻你那依旧红润的双唇 While he"s still in silent rest 趁着他还沉默的时候 Rest while bosom is still untouched, unveiled 在内心尚未被触及显露的时候停下吧Hold another hand while the hand"s still without a tool 牵起你的手,趁着它还没有躲开 Drown into eyes while they"re still blind 让泪水浸没双眼,趁着那依旧朦胧的视线 Love while the night still hides the withering dawn 在这凋零黎明来临前的黑夜彼此依恋……

星际争霸2(StarCraft II)破解补丁Razor1911版本的破解补丁怎么用啊???


请问reform 和 restructure 有什么区别 ?

reform:对于法律,体系等的改变,改革。例如:税法改革。 restructure:对于体系的较大重建,例如:那个公司自上而下的重组了。

求Stevie Nicks的Leather & Lace中文翻译

我不知道这儿的leather和lace是什么意思,所以没有翻译。Is love so fragile... 爱是如此脆弱And the heart so hollow 心是如此苍白Shatter with words...消逝的话语Impossible to follow无法追寻You"re saying I"m fragile... I try not to be你说我是如此脆弱,我尽量摆脱I search only... for something I can"t see 我只是想追寻一些我不明白的事情I have my own life... and I am stronger我有自己的生活,我将更加坚强Than you know比你知道的(更坚强)But I carry this feeling但是我坚信这感觉When you walked into my house当你走进我的房间That you won"t be walking out the door你再也无法走开Still I carry this feeling我一直坚信这感觉When you walked into my house当你走进我的房间That you wont be walking out the door你再也无法走开Lovers forever... face to face爱永远相随My city or mountains无论是城市还是乡村Stay with me stay仅仅跟随我I need you to love me我需要你的爱I need you today现在我需要你Give to me your leather...给我你的leatherTake from me... my lace带走你的laceYou in the moonlight你在月光下With your sleepy eyes紧闭着双眼Could you ever love a man like me你曾经爱过像我这样的男人吗?And you were right你说的对When I walked into your house当我走进你的房间I knew I"d never want to leave 我知道我将不再离开Sometimes I"m a strong man有时我是一个坚强的男人Sometimes cold and scared有时冷酷,害怕And sometimes I cry有时哭泣But that time I saw you但是见到你的那个瞬间I knew with you to light my nights我知道你将点亮我的黑暗Somehow I"d get by无论怎样物品将得到First time I saw you见到你的那一刻I knew with you to light my nights我知道你将点亮我的黑暗Somehow I would get by无论怎样物品将得到Lovers forever... face to face爱永远相随My city or mountains无论是城市还是乡村Stay with me stay仅仅跟随我I need you to love me我需要你的爱I need you today现在我需要你Give to me your leather...给我你的leatherTake from me... my lace带走我的laceLovers forever... face to face爱永远相随My city or mountains无论是城市还是乡村Stay with me stay仅仅跟随我I need you to love me我需要你的爱I need you to stay现在我需要你Give to me your leather给我你的leatherTake from me... my lace带走我的laceTake from me... my lace带走我的laceTake from me... my lace带走我的lace


你的球拍是flex品牌的3U表示拍子的重量,2U3U4U表示的就是球拍的重量 2U比3U重比4U重,数字越小,球拍越重;V代表竖向,H代表横向,上面的意思就是竖向拉线小于22磅,横向小于24磅;G2是描述柄粗细的,胜利的G后面数字越小柄就越细的,YY刚好相反的,G后面的数字越大柄就越细的

Stiff Upperlip 歌词

歌曲名:Stiff Upperlip歌手:Mott The Hoople专辑:Original Album ClassicsMr Hudson - Stiff Upper Lip-----MaxRNB - Your First R&B Source!-----Oh, now I"m walking back to our placeWhich is soon to be your placeWatching my feet, they"re as stubborn as concreteI"m knee deep in the jumble of our livesThrowing shit into bin bags, I reach for the doorThe dog"s at my heel, thinks we"re going for a walkAnd I realise We never been as fucked as thisSo grown up now we"re squabbling like kidsYour mother"s plates, dashed on the floorI can"t keep a stiff upper lip any moreWe never been as fucked as thisOut on the street and we"re screaming like kidsThe neighbours watch, well let them talkI can"t keep a stiff upper lip any moreOh...Leaving, throwing all of the black bagsIn the back of the black cabYou see I"m not bluffing, noI"m actually leaving, and now I"m sleepingOn the front step of my mate"s placeCos he stopped there, cos he"s shit facedAnd I realise We never been as fucked as thisSo grown up but we"re squabbling like kidsYour mother"s plates, dashed on the floorI cant keep a stiff upper lip any moreWe never been as fucked as thisOut on the street and we"re screaming like kidsThe neighbours watch, well let them talkI can"t keep a stiff upper lip any more Life"s too short to get caughtLife"s too short to get caughtOn the shady side of the streetLife"s too short to get caught-----MaxRNB - Your First R&B Source!-----

stiff cheese是什么意思



 远坂 凛(とおさか りん, Rin Tohsaka, 声优:植田佳奈/台湾:杨凯凯)  身高:159cm 体重:47kg 三围:B77/W57/H80(cm)  生日:2月4日 血型:O型  本作UBW(Unlimited Blade Work)线的女主角。与士郎在同一个学园读书的美女魔术师。为有着悠久历史的魔术名门远坂家的继承人,传说远坂家祖上的大师父是魔法使,而远坂家世代为冬木市这块土地的管理者,继承先父的遗志参加圣杯戦争。在学校扮演着优等生的身份,但事实她是一名爱嘲讽和作弄别人的小恶魔型少女但同时也是一个爱照顾人的大姐姐。作为魔术师有着高强的实力,不过经常在重要的地方发生失误。   凛擅长的是|宝石魔术|,一般魔力在自己体外后容易气化难以保存,但是远坂的血统与宝石相性相当的高,每日都可以把自己多余的魔力保存,日积月累下来下的威力(跟价值)都相当可观,其中凛有十颗威力高达A+可伤害从者的宝石,但是在Saber的对魔力下也无用。  由于宝石魔术是属于用完即丢的模式,花费相当的大,凛其实是个贫穷的大小姐。


关于stiff方程,任何计算数学或数值分析的书都该讲,如科大版. 所谓stiff方程,就是刚性很大,或者说存在两(多)重尺度,一个尺度比另外一个尺度大很多. 所导致的麻烦就是在计算中很难兼顾两者.例如下面的方程:dx=-100x-100.1ydy=100.1x-100y两个特征值lambda_1=-200.1, lambda_2=-0.1所以解表现为a1*exp(-200.1*X)+a2*exp(-0.1*X),无论你用什么样的尺度(单一尺度)都不能很好刻画解的行为.一个是快变行为,一个是慢变行为. 所有这样的方程计算时候,稳定性条件比较苛刻. 实际情况要比这还复杂得多.

firm stiff 和 hard 区别

stiff 通常用于形容人的身体部位。。" Shoe: Outer covering for the foot, usually of leather, with a stiff or thick sole and heel, and generally reaching no higher than the ankle (unlike a boot)."鞋:人脚的保护性外套,通常以皮革制成,具有坚厚鞋底和鞋根,高度一般不超过足踝(与靴类有别)。 hard通常用来形容物体或事情GP has also worked hard in developing marketing and transport opportunities in East China.天然气与电力部门的同事们还一直努力开拓中国华东地区的天然气销售和运输业务。firm比较多是用来形容团队,性格或工作有关的firm offer固定的报价




我英英词典的给你翻译一下托福中应该只要求形容词形式吧adjective1.not easily bent or changed in shape; rigid. (坚硬的)"a stiff black collar" (坚硬的黑领边)synonyms: rigid, hard, firm, inelastic, inflexible"stiff cardboard" (坚硬的卡纸)2.severe or strong. (情况严峻)(这个比较少用到)"they face stiff fines and a possible jail sentence"(他们面临严峻的审判结果)synonyms: harsh, severe, heavy, crippling, punishing, stringent, drastic, draconian"a stiff fine"(很重的罚款,fine是罚款的意思,这个也可能考到呦)


中文名:远坂凛 日文名:远坂凛(とおさかりん)英文名(罗马音):Tohsaka Rin CV=植田佳奈身高:159cm  体重:47kg生日:2月3日  血型:O 代表颜色:红色 黑色(和saber相反)  三围:B77 W57 H80 父:远坂时臣  母:远坂葵  妹:间桐樱特长:所有的事情都擅长,这也是最大的缺点  喜欢的东西:宝石磨制 捉弄士郎讨厌的事情:全部的电子仪器 突发事件萌点:傲娇,双马尾,魔术师,大小姐,校园偶像,虽然平时做得很好,但关键时刻总会犯错凛の背景:有着悠久历史的魔术名门远坂家现在的主人,传说远坂家祖上的大师父是魔法使,而远坂家世代为冬木市这块土地的管理者。穗群原学园的第一美人,和士郎同一个学园的优等生。具有成绩优秀,容姿端庄,品行良好一切条件的完美美少女,并因此而闻名。十分受男同学欢迎,在女同学中的人缘也不错。据说甚至还有她的一支非正式的后援队。  但是,那只是她的表面现象而已。只有她的几个亲密的朋友才知道她的本性其实是个爱恶作剧和捉弄自己喜欢的人的小恶魔。是一位具有天生才能的魔术师,作为其中一个Master和Archer建立契约(本想召唤Saber,却阴差阳错的召唤出了Archer原因:Archer是士郎的未来型,它通过救士郎所用的宝石作为媒介,召唤了Archer).以胜利作为目标。  作为魔术师实力非常强凛,是士郎他们比不上的战斗专家。以宝石魔术和“Gando”作为武器,自己站在战斗的最前线。在Heaven Feel路线True End后,对外宣称要赴英留学,前往伦敦的魔术协会,在那里与ルヴィアゼリッタ争夺主席的位置。因为拥有使用五大元素的资质,在圣杯战争前就已取得伦敦时计塔的入学资格。   项鍊上的宝石是在游戏中序章前夜,解读遗言时得到的,藏有十年份的魔力。另外还备有储存十七年魔力的十颗魔弹宝石。使用时,每颗都有相当于A 级魔术的威力。也有其它的宝石,只是魔力的储藏量劣于前述十颗。能以侦察用的紫水晶将猫头鹰或翡翠鸟作为使魔。   在FATE路线里,将十颗宝石中的黄玉(topaz)用在セイバー身上。在森林里对抗バーサーカー一战中,用了三颗吸引バーサーカー的注意力、五颗给予其致命一击,最后一颗放在自己腹部作为防御。   Unlimited Blade Work路线中,一颗用在バーサーカー身上。教会的一战中,与キャスター的对战用掉七颗。最后的两颗在柳洞寺时作为防御被圣杯的黑泥吞没。   Heaven Feel 路线中,为了得到宝石剑的仿制品,而将所有宝石的魔力注入アゾット剑(AZOTH)交给士郎。アゾット剑(AZOTH)为十年前绮礼相赠作为护身之用。   凛也教会士郎很多东西,至少,她把侍郎从一个三角猫教成了一个半战斗专家。而且,她也是最早注意到士郎的魔术天赋的人。在后来的战斗中,因为召出宝石剑而被魔术协会审问,但后来却被著名魔术师宝石翁收为弟子,只不过被取消了远坂家当家的资格罢了。

spit roasting 是什么意思

spit-roastvt 在火上叉烤spit roasting电转烤肉架,烤肉店;Rotisserie, also known as spit-roasting, is a style of roasting where meat is skewered on a spit – a long solid rod used to hold food while it is being cooked over a fire in a fireplace or over a campfire, or roasted in an oven. This method is generally used for cooking large joints of meat or entire animals, such as pigs or turkeys. The rotation cooks the meat evenly in its own juices and allows easy access for continuous self-basting.

什么是roasting spit


yet 和still的区别是啥

still和yet在意义上都作"仍然、还"解,在有些情况下,可以通用。 a.I have still a few more pages to read.(=I have a few more pages to read yet.) still一般与现在时态或进行时态连用,而不与过去时或完成时连用。 b.The money is still here if you want it. c.Are you still living in that room? d.It is eleven o"clock but Henry is still hard at work. yet几乎总是放在句尾,still一般放在句中。比较still和yet在句子中的位置: e.You must work harder yet.(=You must work still harder.) f.We have exported a lot of good,but we must export more yet. (=We have exported a lot of goods,but we must export still more.) still 出现在疑问句中,常表示"惊讶、生气"等情态。 g.What!Are you still working?I thought you had gone home. h.Is that fellow still here?I wish he"d go away.(生气) 试比较下面两句话: i.Isn"t William here yet? j.Is William still not here? 两句话都译成:威廉还没有来吗?但是,在表达情感的程度上却不一样:人们在期待着威廉,而他却没有来,这使得说话者感到十分惊讶,而且可能生气了。这里j句比i句表示的惊讶和生气程度更加强烈。 注意下面两句在意义上的不同: k.Is William still here?威廉还在这儿吗? 1.Is William here yet?威廉来了吗? k句表示威廉已经来过这里了,但说话者不知道他现在离开这里没有。I句表示人们在期待着威廉,但说话者不知道他现在来了没有。



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