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1、study up 用功准备考试2、study out 拟定;解决;设计3、study on 研究4、study for 为...学习词汇解析:study英文发音:[ˈstʌdi]中文释义:n.学习;研究;功课;课业;学业;用于某些学科名称例句:I had an opportunity to go to New York and study我曾经有一个去纽约学习的机会。扩展资料study的用法:1、study的基本意思是“学习”“研究”“攻读”“仔细察看”,指通过读书和思索倾注精神而获得知识或比较深入系统地学习或周密地研究。2、study强调学习的连续性和细致性。3、study可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。4、用作及物动词时,接名词、代词或带疑问词的动词不定式或从句作宾语,有时还可接“反身代词+形容词”构成的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。

“a case study on”与“a case study of”的区别?

on是关于,有关的意思 The teacher made ments on our positions. 老师就我们的作文作了讲评 of也有在...方面的意思 A study of intelligent education architecture 别人的论文有人用of 有人用on 其实并无区别 你还可以用about,concerning等 不过习惯上用on的多一些

A Study on 中文是什么字?


study in与study on的区别?

study in是在...领域学习.也可以等同于study atstudy on是对...进行研究的意思

a study on 和a study of 的区别

study on 表示从事某一方面的研究或学习 ,比如:The sum total of study on the subject is contained in this report.这份报告包括了关于这一课题研究的主要内容。study of 表示对...的学习或研究The Study of Task-based Teaching Method 任务型教学方法的研究

两个英语词组的区别 study of 和study on

study of 中的 study 是名词 study on 中的 study 是动词"对...进行研究"的意思

study on 和 study of 的区别

study on 表示从事某一方面的研究或学习 ,比如:The sum total of study on the subject is contained in this report.这份报告包括了关于这一课题研究的主要内容。study of 表示对...的学习或研究The Study of Task-based Teaching Method 任务型教学方法的研究

on study是什么意思?


以Study Online为题的英语作文

  网上学习 Study Online   Nowadays, with the development of technology, people can do a lot of things through computers. Some people can work at home because they can manipulate the business by Internet. In the developed countries, a new form of study has been carried out, many young people choose to study online.   如今,随着技术的发展,人们可以通过电脑做很多事情。有些人可以在家里工作,因为他们可以通过网络操作业务。在发达国家,一种新的学习方式已经开始实施,许多年轻人选择在网上学习。   On the one hand, studying online can save people a lot of time. For some people, the school is so far away from their home, it takes a long time to go to school. If they study online, they don"t need to spend the time on the road, they just click on the button and then the knowledge is presented.   一方面,网上学习可以节省人们很多时间。对一些人来说,学校是如此远离家园,走到学校需要很长的时间。如果他们在线学习,不需要花时间在路上,他们只需要点击按钮,然后知识就会呈现在眼前。   On the other hand, studying online also saves a lot of money. Without the large spend on the education and the fees on other sides, many families struggle to pay for their children"s educational cost. Studying online costs little, even for free. It provides a good way for some people who want to learn knowledge while without enough money.   另一方面,网上学习也可以节省很多钱。不用花大把钱在教育和其他方面的费用,很多家庭难以支付孩子的教育费用。在线学习成本小,甚至免费。对于一些想学习知识但是没有足够钱的人,它提供了一种很好的学习方式。   Studying online has certain advantages, it helps some people to improve themselves.   在线学习有一定的优势,它可以帮助一些人来提高自己。   网上学习的好处The Advantages of Online-Study   As the fast development of the technology, people use computer every day, it has become part of their life. With computer, people can do a lot of things, such as reading news, making friends and so on. The online-learning is more and more popular, because it has many advantages.   随着科技的高速发展,人们每天都使用电脑,电脑成为了我们生活中的一部分。我们可以用电脑做很多事情,比如看新闻,结交朋友等。网上学生越来越受欢迎,因为它有很多好处。   First, online-learning is a flexible way. The traditional way of study is to sit on the classroom, but now, people can sit at home, or sit at the coffee shop, they can have access to the knowledge. It is convenient and efficient, people can learn if they want, there is no need to worry about the location.   第一,网上学习是一种灵活的方式。传统方式的学习是坐在教室里面,但是现在,人们可以坐在家里,坐在咖啡店里,也能接触到知识。这是多么方便和高效率啊,只要人们想学习就可以学到,不用担心位置的问题。   Second, online-learning can save a lot of money. When people want to take the course, they have to hand in a lot of money, buying books, paying for the teachers. While study online can skip over these unnecessary stuff, people can listen to the course immediately, they just need to click on the button. How fast it is, people can save money and also gain knowledge.   第二,网上学习可以省很多钱。当人们想要参加课程时,他们要交很多的钱,买书,请老师。然而网上学习可以省略掉这些不必要的麻烦,人们可以立刻听课,只要他们点击按钮。多么快速啊,人们可以省下钱,也能学到知识。   Online-learning is a new way for gaining knowledge, online courses are flexible, cheap and saving time. With these, I believe online study will become more popular in the future.   网上学习是一种新的学习知识的方法,网上课程灵活,便宜,省时。有了这些优势,我相信网上学习在将来会更受欢迎。 以Study Online为题的英语作文


各自的意思就不说啦。一般会出现在选择题或者是完形填空中。三个词都有研究的意思。区别:study偏重于理论研究一般指研究成果 research则多指做实验实践性的研究而得出的结果而且较study正式 search则有搜索性追寻式的学习偏重搜索追寻一般不常用 给你一个论文的题目便于理解 eg: A Study on the Research of Internet Search Engines

你整天在学习什么?写为Have you been studying all day?对还是错,为什么?

Have you been studying all day? What have jiuduil

they will study on computer at home 这样说可以吗

你这句话直译就是他们会在家里的电脑上学习。(这里的电脑上,指的是在电脑的上面,比如坐在电脑上)正确的翻译是They will study through the internet at home. 他们将在家里通过互联网学习。这就是英语思维和中文思维的一些不同。你的翻译就是纯粹的中国式英语造成的错误。中文可以说我们在家里的电脑上学习。但翻译时,要把正确的意思翻译出来,而不是把每个字面的意思直接翻译。直接按照字面翻译,电脑上就是ON COMPUTER.在中英文互译时,要理解一句话的意思,然后用第二种语言把这个句子的正确意思表达出来。并不是每字每句的直接翻译和对接。

studyonline中文 翻译


请问on study和in study的区别是什么?急求!谢谢


work/play/study on computers 和ing形式有什么不一样?

这三个词既可以作动词,也可以做名词,加-ing既是动名词,也是现在分词,关键看在句子里面作何成分: 1.They are working on computers now. 2.They often work on computers. 3.We like the work on computers. 4.We like working on computers. 5.Working on computers is a lot of fun.

以The Study On开头翻译90后大学生消费行为研究 以The Study On开头翻译90

The Study On consumer behavior of post-90s University students

英语介词study on/of/for;research on/of/for

我觉得study应该看用的地方,study for English就是对的。。。。。。。。research 就是加 on的...................

study at home on computers与study on computers at home有什么区别呢?

on computer 和 at home都是study的状语一个是地点状语一个是方式状语看你重点是哪个,谁在前面都可以

study on the computer可以,那么study with the computer应该也行啊?

行啊,谁说不行?意思不太一样哈。study on the computer —— 在电脑上学习(学习内容都在电脑里,不用电脑你就啥也干不成了)study with the computer —— 用电脑学习 (电脑只是一个工具,不用也照样学习)

study on our own中,on和own怎么解释?整个短语如何理解?

on one"s own 是一个固定词组 意思是某人自己 study on our own 就是自学的意思

study on 后面是要接动名词吗?


“study on ones own”是什么意思????


study of与study on的区别是?

study on

两个英语词组的区别 study of 和study on

study of 中的 study 是名词study on 中的 study 是动词"对...进行研究"的意思

study on 和 study of 的区别

study on 表示从事某一方面的学习或研究study of 表示对...的学习或研究

study on和study about


study on 后面是要接动名词吗

study on 后面是要接动名词吗study on 研究,on 为介词,后接名词或动名词。


study up 用功准备考试 study out 拟定;解决;设计study in +地点study for 为...学习study on 研究

study in与study on的区别?

study in是在...领域学习.也可以等同于study at study on是对...进行研究的意思

In a swiss study, researchers sprayed oxytocin in


It is only in the study of man himself that the major social sciences have substituted(未完


It is only in the study of man himself that the m

that 指代前文的 study 或是 the study of one local variation. 具体还是要结合上下文来理解的。除非印刷错误什么的,否则出现这 that of western civilization一定有其原因和必要。

It is only in the study of man himself that the major social sciences have substituted(未完

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