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succeed in doing sth.等于什么,请举例说明,

succeed in doing sth=have success in doing sth He succeeds in being admitted to a university. =He has success in being admitted to a university

succeed in doing sth 中 in可以省略吗

Succeed+in+doing+something+的insucceed in doing sth的in可以省吗我来答有奖励不是苦瓜是什么LV.9 2019-12-13聊聊不可以。succeed是个不及物动词, succeed in 是个固定的搭配。succeed in doing成功地做了…,成功地做某事succeed in + doing sth = 成功做成某事succeed to ...:继承(王位等)succeed sb:继承succeed with sth:在某方面获得成功[网络短语]succeed in doing 成功地做某事,成功做某事,成功To succeed in doing 通过Succeed in doing something 成功的做成某件事扩展资料succeed,英文单词,及物动词、不及物动词,作及物动词时意为“继承;接替;继…之后”,作不及物动词时意为“成功;继承;继任;兴旺”。短语搭配succeed with 在方面取得成功 ; 在 ; 在…上获得成功to succeed 成功 ; 继承 ; 争取成功 ; 打响Succeed Way 永康索思威founder succeed 失败succeed v 成功succeed overnight 一夜成功succeed phenomenally 惹人注目地继任succeed credibly 值得称赞地成功succeed signally 非凡地成功

He succeeded at last. He succeed at last. 这两句有什麼差

succeeded是succeed的过去式,两个的意思都是成功你的第一句话翻译出来是:最后他终于成功了。(强调成功这个事情发生在过去)第二句话是病句,应该是:He succeeds at last.最后他终于成功了。(一般式仅仅说他成功了,不强调发生的时间)

succeed in doing sth怎么造句

She succeeded in making bread.

Nothing succeeds like success 啥意思

一事成功,万事成功 小子,知道了不?

英语谚语:Nothing succeeds like success 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Nothing succeeds like success 中文意思: 一事成功,事事顺利。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Wealth may be an excellent thing for it means power leisure and liberty 财富可能是一样好东西,因为它意味著权力,安逸和自由。 We are not born for ourselves 人生非为己。 We can live without a brother but not without a friend 我们生活中可以没有兄弟,但不能没有朋友。 We can live without our friends but not without our neighbours 生活可无友,邻居不能无。 We first make our habits and then our habits make us 我们先养成习惯,然后习惯又左右我们。 We have no more right to consume happiness without producing it than to consume wealth without producing it 如果不创造财富,就没有权力享用财富;同样地,如果不能创造幸福,就没有权利享受幸福。 We hope to grow old yet we fear old age; that is we are willing to live and afraid to die 我们希望长大,但怕年老;就是,愿意生,而害怕死。 We know not what is good until we have lost it 有的时候不爱惜,失了以后空叹息。 We learn not at school but in life 学习不在校,而在生活中。 Well begun is half done 良好开端,功成一半。 英语谚语: Nothing succeeds like success 中文意思: 一事成功,事事顺利。

Nothing succeeds like success是什么意思

nothing succeeds like success(谚)一事成功百事顺; 双语例句1Orpington seems an example of the truism that nothing succeeds like success.奥尔平顿似乎验证了一个常理&一事成功百事顺。2I won the essay prize, then was offered a scholarship: nothing succeeds like success!我的作文得了奖,接着就获得了奖学金,真是一顺百顺!

whether he succeeds or fails_____concern me. A.don’t B isn’t C doesn’t


wait until keyword succeeds什么意思

wait until keyword succeeds等待直到关键字成功wait until keyword succeeds等待直到关键字成功

The man with a new idea is a crank until idea succeeds 是谁说的?



succeeds(三单), success(名), succeeded(过去式),succeeded(过去分词), successful(形容词)

每次冷启动都会出现怎么解决啊。huiqidomemory ok! Succeeds in system booting! enter BIOS setup


succeed的用法 老师说是be succeed in 但有的题目怎么没有谓语动词直接就sb succeed in?


succeeds in career 事业成功,可加S ?

为什么不可以呢,现在家庭和事业经营的成功么.我的意思是,现在时代表的就是现在发生的事,他现在成功着,是现在的状态,不一定有频率。She loves me.可以算例子吧

succeed的用法 老师说是be succeed in 但有的题目怎么没有谓语动词直接就sb succeed in?




有关succeed的所有句型有哪些 (比如说to do 或 doing的句型)

succeed in doing sth,be successful in doing sth

He is successful He succeeds 两句话翻译起来意思一样吗

He is successful 如果加in doing,表示“在某件事上取得了成功” 如果什么都不加,直说He is successful一般表示一种状态和事实“他是成功的.”(综合各个方面和从历史到现在,他是个成功的人.) 而He succeeds中succeed作为动词,一般表示“某一次成功、在某件事上成功.”而不表示对某个人的综合的评价. 【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为您解答!

Whether you will succeed ,in my opinion,depend largely on how much effort you make.

错误1:succeed后面少了ornot,因为 Whether ……ornot是固定搭配的用法。错误2:depend要改成单三形式 depends,因为主语Whetheryouwillsucceedornot属于第三人称单数。正确的句子是:Whetheryouwillsucceedornot,inmyopinion,dependslargelyonhowmucheffortyoumake.译文: 你是否会成功,在我看来,很大程度上取决于你付出了多少努力。

上传成功用upload succeed 还是upload successful

Upload successful

succeed 和 triumph 区别?

先说success。我们接触的比较多的是success这个词,表示成功,胜利,成功的人,成功的事。用的地方比较普遍,很多事情的成功都可以用success来形容。比如,I heard about your success on the office grapevine. 我听到了办公室的传闻,说你取得了成功。注意,success对结果的描述更重一些,侧重于解释结果成功了。triumph虽然也是成功,取胜的意思,但是这个词更加注重对过程和动作的强调,给人的感觉是非常艰难的获得胜利,多用在比较大的场面。例句:The victorious army returned in triumph.获胜的部队凯旋而归。所以如果想表示成功的解决了这个数学题的话,用success比较恰当,但用triumph就感觉大词小用了。希望能帮到你!

英语Output ops:Succeeded/Total怎么翻译?

意思是:输出操作:成功/总计。重点词汇:1、Output 输出 ; 产量 ; 输出功率 ; 输出量 ; 输出端。2、ops 手术 ; 军事行动 ; 作战 ; op的复数。3、Succeeded 达到目的 ; 实现目标 ; 办到 ; 做成 ; 成功。

有succeed to do sth.吗 麻烦各位高手告诉我有关scucceed的一些短语

succeed to do sthsucceed in doing sth

Succeed at all costs but avoid appearing ambitio


succeed in doing sth 和be successful in doing sth 分别是什么意思,有什么区别?

一、表达意思不同1、succeed in doing sth :成功做某事;成功做...;成功地做某事。2、be successful in doing sth:成功地做某事。二、词性不同1、succeed in doing sth :succeed 表示“成功”,为不及物动词。2、be successful in doing sth:successful表示成功的;一帆风顺的,为形容词。三、用法不同1、succeed in doing sth :其后既不能接不定式,也不能接动名词,而是接 in doing sth,其中的介词 in 不能换成介词on 或其他介词。2、be successful in doing sth:成功做某事,在某方面取得成功。

。try to do ,mange to do ,succeed in doing 三者的区别与联系,以及try to do与try doing 的区别

1. manage to do sth.manage to do sth. 意为“设法完成或做到某事”,含有成功之意=succeed in doing sth. eg.He managed to organize a live concert. = He succeeded in organizing a live concert. 他设法组织了一次现场直播的音乐会。 eg.The day before yesterday, I managed to get in contact with the lady, who"s in charge of this project in the company.前天,我成功地同那家公司负责这个项目的女士取得了联系。2. try to do sth.意为“尽力/努力做某事”,是否成功,并不肯定。 eg. He tried to work it out, but he failed.他努力想把它算出来,但没成功。eg. He didn”t try to do it. 他不肯努力去干 3. try doing sth.意思是尝试做某事。往往隐含着做某事把握不是很大,还有些犹豫,可能会失败,还要重试的意思。eg. why didn"t you try riding a bike to go to school? 为什么不试着骑车去学校呢? eg. She tried washing her hair with a new shampoo. 她试着用一种新的香波洗头发。    

would succeed in getting over

succeed in doing固定搭配

I succeeded because I willed it,never hesitated!

I succeeded because I willed it ; I never hesitated .(Bonaparte Napoleon , French emperor ) 我成功是因为我有决心,从不踌躇 。 (法国皇帝 拿破仑. B .)

No one can succeed()chance C.for D.on 选哪个请解释?

chance的用法之固定搭配:1、by chance,表示“偶然;意外地”的含义。例句:They are just there by chance.它们只是偶然在这儿。2、have a chance,表示“ 有机会;有希望”的含义。例句:So at least you have a chance.所以至少你还是有机会的。3、by any chance,当副词来用,表示“万一”的含义。例句:You have to rein in your temper if by any chance she refuses you.万一她拒绝了你,你可不许发火。4、chance on,表示“偶然发现;巧遇”的含义。例句:There is a 40% chance of favourable weather on Saturday and a 50% chance on Sunday.周六出现适宜天气的可能性为40%,周日为50%。5、take the chance,表示“碰运气;冒风险”的含义。例句:Kid and mother. Take the chance to play like a kid.孩子和母亲。借此机会,象小孩一样玩一次。6、jump at the chance,表示“ 抓住机会”的含义。例句:You have to jump at the chance.你必须把握机会。

i look up to him succeeding对吗,还是只可以用his?



可以的。succeed,成功,接替;succeedingly,接替地,逐渐地,可放句首和句尾。例句,Speckle noise suppression gets stronger in homogeneous regions as the window size increases succeedingly.Succeedingly, they finished all the work.

I am to succeeding这句有错误吗?

有啊 ,应该是 I am to succeed 或者I am succeeding 都是我将成功的意思



succeed doing对吗

succeed doing是不对的,succeed doing不合语法,succeed是不及物动词,后面必须加介词。常见搭配:succeed in doing sth.表示“做某事很成功”。词根:successn.成功,成就;胜利;大获成功的人du或事物[复数successes] adj.successive连续的;继承的;依次的;接替的 successful成功的;一帆风顺的 succeeding随后的,以后的 adv.successfully成功地;顺利地 n.success成功,成就;胜利;大获成功的人或事物 succession连续;继位;继承权;轮栽 successor继承者;后续的事物 vi.succeed成功;继承;继任;兴旺 vt.succeed继承;接替;继…之后 succeed的用法: 1:succeed的基本意思是“成功”“获得成功”,指某人在工作、理想、抱负、尝试等方面获得成功或达到目的,作此解时succeed为不及物动词,后面通常接“in+n./v-ing”结构。 2:succeed还可作“继承”解,指继承财产、地位、头衔,也可指某物或某事以时间、顺序继续或跟着某事物而来。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。 3:succeed后接介词to,在意义上和作用上与succeed没有什么差别。

succeed 成功,的过去分词是什么?

succeed: v.成功,继承,继续 词形变化: 形容词:succedent 名词:succeeder 动词过去式:succeeded 过去分词:succeeded 现在分词:succeeding 第三人称单数:succeeds

iphone stackshot succeed什么意思





succeeding[英][su0259k"si:du026au014b][美][su0259k"si:du026au014b]adj.以后的,随后的; v.成功( succeed的现在分词 ); 完成; 继承; 达到目的;

Have one more try,uff3fuff3fyou will not succeed. A.and


英语题目 Bill Gates is one of the_______persons in the world. (succeed)

1.答案:most successful 2.修饰名词persons,当然用形容词successful. 而根据句意“最成功的人士之一”,应该进一步使用形容词的最高级:(the) most successful 3.固定结构:one of the + 形容词最高级 + 名词复数 “最...之一”

以 How to Succeed in a Job Interview为题目的英语作文

How to Succeed in a Job InterviewNowadays, the interview has become indispensable in seeking a job. Its success will determine whether or not you will get the job you applied. Then how to succeed in a job interview? There are many factors involved. According to psychologists,it depends more on the first impression you leave which is half a battle: how you look, how you sound and what you say are of great importance. In the first place, how you look makes up 55% of a first impression. This includes facial expressions, body language, and eye contact, as well as clothing and general appearance. Among those, clothing is the most important to show your respect to the interviewer and to leave the interviewer a good impression in the end. In the second place, how you sound makes up 38% of the first impression. This includes how fast or slowly, loudly or softly you speak. So make sure that you sound friendly, interested, confident and happy in answering any inquires in the interview. Finally, what you say counts for only 7% of the message. Therefore, attach more importance to your appearance and expressions rather than your words. To conclude, no one can escape from the interview. Remember the above points, and you will succeed in the interview.

英语作文范文:How to Succeed in a Job Interview?

How to Succeed in a Job Interview?   It is undeniable that an interview plays a critical role in job-hunting. Through the interview, an employer can meet their future employees in person and know them more thoroughly. Sometimes the written form of examination cannot reveal candidates" real talents or problems. Besides, it is also beneficial for candidates to take an interview. They will have a chance to make their employers understand them better.   A number of factors contribute to the success in a job interview. Personally, I think job-hunters should pay attention to the following points. First, they should be well prepared professionally. That means they should be ready to answer all the important questions concerning their future job. Secondly, they should express themselves confidently and honestly. Last but not least, they should pay enough attention to their appearances, that is, they should be properly dressed.   As far as I am concerned, I will get academically ready first, and then be relaxed to answer all the questions. I will also dress up and behave properly. I do believe that so long as I make good preparations, I will perform well in the interview. 如何在面试中取得成功? 不可否认的是,面试在求职过程中起着至关重要的作用。通过面试,用人单位可以满足他们未来的员工,并了解他们更彻底。有时笔试形式不能反映考生的实际才能和问题。此外,也有利于候选人参加面试。他们将有机会让他们的雇主更了解他们。 在求职面试中,有许多因素促成了面试成功。就我个人而言,我觉得求职者应该注意以下几点。首先,他们应该精心准备的专业。这意味着他们应该准备好回答关于他们未来的工作的所有重要问题。其次,他们应该自信和诚实地表达自己。最后但并非最不重要的,他们应该给予足够的重视,这是,他们应该正确着装。 就我而言,我会先把学业做好准备,然后轻松回答所有的问题。我也会盛装打扮和举止得体。我相信只要我做好准备,我会在面试中表现出色。

you willsucceedsoonerorlater

答案是B,本题考查并列连词的特殊句式.本题中含有特殊句式:"祈使句+and/or+一般将来时的句子"=If引导的条件句+主句.and 表示顺接语气;or否则,相当于与上文语义相反的条件;本句="If"you work hard,you"ll succeed sooner or later.故B正确.


The road to后面要接名词性的词语,地名或名词或名词从句。succeed是动词啊,要用success.

nothing succeeds without a strong will什么意思

直译过来就是“没有顽强的意志是做不成事情的”也就是我们所说的“有志者事竟成”--“Nothing is impossible to a willing heart”

作文题:1. Nothing Succeeds without a Strong Will 要求

A well-known proverb goes that “where there is a will, there is a way”, which means that one can find a way to success as long as he or she has a strong will. With a strong will, one can focus all his energy on one point, which makes his success possible. Without a strong will, however, one can be easily distracted from his goal or discouraged by setbacks, which leads to his ultimate failure.   History abounds with examples of strong-willed figures winnin g success. Actually, there is no better illustration of the proverb than the deeds of Gou Jian, king of Yue in ancient China. Defeated by Fu Chai, king of Wu, Gou tried every means possible to steel his will. Eventually, with the help of Fan Li and Xi Shi, he managed to rebuild his country and his armies and had Fu Chai taste the bitterness of failure.

Other things being equal,a man with confidence is easier to succeed


succeeded in hosting

succeeded in hosting 是正确的,因为后面用的是made啊 and 是连词,连接两个并列的成分.后前是过去式,前面的也相应的用过去式啊!


Succeed doing和 Succeed in doing有什么区别?

Succeed doing和Succeed in doing的区别:突出含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、突出含义不同Succeed doing:办到;成功。Succeed in doing:做某事成功。二、用法不同Succeed doing用法:接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。Succeed in doing用法:已经成功地做成了某事,不能用于被动语态。三、侧重点不同Succeed doing侧重点:想要成功地做成某事,还未开始做。Succeed in doing侧重点:已经成功地做成了某事。

区别一下succeed 和 success 和 successful 和 successfully

答案是:success是名词,可以用来做主语,宾语表语等 failureisthemotherofsuccess失败是成功之母successful是形容词,可以用来做定语,表语等,thisisaverysuccessfulspeech这是一次非常成功的演讲succeed是动词,后面可以跟有词组:succeed indoingsth比如:hesucceededinworkingoutthemathproblem他成功的演算出了那道数学题~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~



A lot of people have tried,but ----have succeeded



succeed是动词successful是形容词 success是名词都有"成功"之意succeedvi.1. 成功,办妥;获得成效[(+in)]He succeeded in getting the job.他谋得了那份工作。Our plan has succeeded.我们的计划成功了。2. 发迹;兴旺[(+in)]3. 接着发生;接连[(+to)]4. 继任;继承[(+to)]The millionaire"s eldest son will succeed to his estate.这百万富翁的长子将继承他的产业。vt.1. 继...之后;接续The storm was succeeded by calm.暴风雨后一片宁静。2. 接替;继承The younger man will succeed Mr. White as director.那位较年轻的男士将接替怀特先生当主任。successfuladj.1. 成功的;结果圆满的;胜利的[(+in)]It was a successful experiment.那是一次成功的试验。2. 一帆风顺的;有成就的;发迹的She was a successful novelist.她是一个有成就的小说家。successn.1. 成功;成就;胜利[U][C]They have achieved remarkable success in their work.他们在工作方面成绩显著。2. 成功的事;取得成就的人[C]She was a success as an actress.她是位成功的女演员。

succeed in和succeed的用法有什么不同吗?

succeed in + doing sth = 成功做成某事succeed to ...: 继承(王位等)succeed sb: 继承succeed with sth:在某方面获得成功succeed,success,successful的区别和用法一、succeed的用法◆他的计划成功了。误:His plan was succeeded.正:His plan succeeded.析:succeed 表示“成功”,是不及物动词,因此不能用于被动语态。◆他终于把那个问题解决了。误:At last he succeeded to solve the problem.正:At last he succeeded in solving the problem.析:表示做某事做成功了,succeed 后通常不接不定式,而接 indoing sth。又如:He succeeded in getting the job.(他谋到了那份工作),She succeeded in (passing) the exam.(她考试及格了)。注:有时此结构可用作反语,如:I tried toclean the watch, but only succeeded in breaking it.(我想把表弄干净,结果却弄坏了)。◆继邱吉尔出任首相的是谁?误:Who succeeded after Churchill as Prime Minister?正:Who succeeded Churchill as Prime Minister?析:succeed 表示“接替(某人)”,是及物动词,其后无需用介词 after。但它若表示“继承(职位、头衔、财产等)”,则是不及物的,后跟宾语时带介词 to(此时也不用 after),如:She succeeded to the mayoralty.(她继任市长职位),比较:She succeeded him to the mayoralty.(她接替他担任市长)。二、success的用法◆失败是成功之母。误:Failure is the mother of successes.正:Failure is the mother of success.析:success 表示抽象意义的“成功”,是不可数的;表示具体意 义的“成功的人或事”, 则是可数的。比较:Gig sucess does not usually occur early.(大器晚成),His new book was a great success.(他新出版的书获得了巨大成功)。再比较:He has had great success in business.(他事业上很成功),He was a great success in business.(他事业上很成功)。◆你说服她改变主意了吗?误:Did you have any success to persuade her to change her mind?正:Did you have any success in persuading her to change her mind?析:have success in doing sth=做某事有结果或效果。又如:What success did you have in finding a new job?(你想找份新工作结果如何?)三、successful的用法◆演出很成功。误:The performance was successive.正:The performance was successful.析:successful=成功的;successive=连续的,接连的,一连串的。如:We have won five successive games. (我们已连胜五场比赛)。◆你想找所新房子你找到了吗?误:Were you successful to find a new house?正:Were you successful in finding a new house?析:表示成功地做某事,be successful 后不能接不定式,而是接 in doing sth,又如:They were successful in launching a communication satellite. (他们成功地发射了一颗通讯卫 星)。


succeed是动词successful是形容词 success是名词都有"成功"之意succeedvi.1. 成功,办妥;获得成效[(+in)]He succeeded in getting the job.他谋得了那份工作。Our plan has succeeded.我们的计划成功了。2. 发迹;兴旺[(+in)]3. 接着发生;接连[(+to)]4. 继任;继承[(+to)]The millionaire"s eldest son will succeed to his estate.这百万富翁的长子将继承他的产业。vt.1. 继...之后;接续The storm was succeeded by calm.暴风雨后一片宁静。2. 接替;继承The younger man will succeed Mr. White as director.那位较年轻的男士将接替怀特先生当主任。successfuladj.1. 成功的;结果圆满的;胜利的[(+in)]It was a successful experiment.那是一次成功的试验。2. 一帆风顺的;有成就的;发迹的She was a successful novelist.她是一个有成就的小说家。successn.1. 成功;成就;胜利[U][C]They have achieved remarkable success in their work.他们在工作方面成绩显著。2. 成功的事;取得成就的人[C]She was a success as an actress.她是位成功的女演员。

succeed in和succeed的区别是什么?

succeed in + doing sth = 成功做成某事succeed to ...: 继承(王位等)succeed sb: 继承succeed with sth:在某方面获得成功succeed,success,successful的区别和用法一、succeed的用法◆他的计划成功了。误:His plan was succeeded.正:His plan succeeded.析:succeed 表示“成功”,是不及物动词,因此不能用于被动语态。◆他终于把那个问题解决了。误:At last he succeeded to solve the problem.正:At last he succeeded in solving the problem.析:表示做某事做成功了,succeed 后通常不接不定式,而接 indoing sth。又如:He succeeded in getting the job.(他谋到了那份工作),She succeeded in (passing) the exam.(她考试及格了)。注:有时此结构可用作反语,如:I tried toclean the watch, but only succeeded in breaking it.(我想把表弄干净,结果却弄坏了)。◆继邱吉尔出任首相的是谁?误:Who succeeded after Churchill as Prime Minister?正:Who succeeded Churchill as Prime Minister?析:succeed 表示“接替(某人)”,是及物动词,其后无需用介词 after。但它若表示“继承(职位、头衔、财产等)”,则是不及物的,后跟宾语时带介词 to(此时也不用 after),如:She succeeded to the mayoralty.(她继任市长职位),比较:She succeeded him to the mayoralty.(她接替他担任市长)。二、success的用法◆失败是成功之母。误:Failure is the mother of successes.正:Failure is the mother of success.析:success 表示抽象意义的“成功”,是不可数的;表示具体意 义的“成功的人或事”, 则是可数的。比较:Gig sucess does not usually occur early.(大器晚成),His new book was a great success.(他新出版的书获得了巨大成功)。再比较:He has had great success in business.(他事业上很成功),He was a great success in business.(他事业上很成功)。◆你说服她改变主意了吗?误:Did you have any success to persuade her to change her mind?正:Did you have any success in persuading her to change her mind?析:have success in doing sth=做某事有结果或效果。又如:What success did you have in finding a new job?(你想找份新工作结果如何?)三、successful的用法◆演出很成功。误:The performance was successive.正:The performance was successful.析:successful=成功的;successive=连续的,接连的,一连串的。如:We have won five successive games. (我们已连胜五场比赛)。◆你想找所新房子你找到了吗?误:Were you successful to find a new house?正:Were you successful in finding a new house?析:表示成功地做某事,be successful 后不能接不定式,而是接 in doing sth,又如:They were successful in launching a communication satellite. (他们成功地发射了一颗通讯卫 星)。

英语 成功 succeed 的几种变形

Successfully 是副词adv…….

success in doing sth.和succeed in doing sth.的区别



succeeded是succeed的过去式是动词He succeeded at last.


succeed用法你应该说的是succeed是没有succeded的succeed可以用作动词succeed的基本意思是“成功”“获得成功”,指某人在工作、理想、抱负、尝试等方面获得成功或达到目的,作此解时succeed为不及物动词,后面通常接“in+ n./v -ing”结构。succeed还可作“继承”解,指继承财产、地位、头衔,也可指某物或某事以时间、顺序继续或跟着某事物而来。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。succeed后接介词to,在意义上和作用上与succeed没有什么差别。succeed用作动词的用法例句If you work hard you will succeed.如果你努力工作,你就会成功。We succeeded in repairing the engine.我们成功地修好了发动机。When the duke dies, his eldest son will succeed to the title.公爵去世之后,他的长子将继承他的爵位。succeed用法例句1、I have a sneaking suspicion that they are going to succeed.我隐隐觉得他们恐怕要成功了。2、He was too inexperienced and too inexpert to succeed.他太缺乏经验,太不熟练,难以成功。3、They are waiting anxiously to see who will succeed him.他们焦急地等待着看谁会接替他上任。


succeed的用法和搭配succeed in + doing sth = 成功做成某事。succeed用法是succeed in doing sth.成功地做了某事。过去式是succeeded. 短语是succeed in。例句:If at first you don"t succeed, try, try again.初试不成功,努力勿懈怠。例句:He was utterly ruthless in his determination to succeed.他下定决心争取成功。

succeed 成功,,的过去分词是什么?



是succeed的过去式 “成功”的意思He succeeded 他成功了


ucceed[英][su0259ku02c8si:d][美][su0259ku02c8sid]vi.成功; 继承; vt.继承,继任,继位; 随…之后; 第三人称单数:succeeds过去分词:succeeded现在进行时:succeeding过去式:succeeded满意请采纳,谢谢


succeed[英][su0259ku02c8si:d][美][su0259ku02c8sid]vi.成功; 继承; vt.继承,继任,继位; 随…之后; 第三人称单数:succeeds过去分词:succeeded现在进行时:succeeding过去式:succeeded


succeededv.成功( succeed的过去式和过去分词 ); 完成; 继承; 达到目的; [英][su0259k"si:du026ad][美][su0259k"si:du026ad]Few foreign internet companies have succeeded in china. 几乎没有外国互联网公司在中国取得过成功


He succeed to write a good book as a successful work, it is realy a success.




succeed 动词success 名词successful 形容词




所谓宏,就是一组指令集,通过执行类似批处理的一组命令,来完成某种功能。Microsoft Office的组件都可以支持宏(Macro)的操作,而Office的宏是指使用VB Script指令集(VB编程语言的子集,可以使用VB的常用语句)编写的针对Office组件的小程序。利用宏,我们可以完成很多程序原本并不支持的特殊应用,比如完成某种特殊的数据计算,或者文档的特殊格式排版等等。下面,就让我们举个简单的例子,看看宏在word中如何应用。一、宏的录制   在这里举一实例。例如,在Word 97中,要插入字符,则往往要到符号框中查找半天。对于一些常用的符号,如“¥”,便可以使用宏来使工作简化。   1.单击“工具”选单中“宏”子选单,再单击“录制新宏”选项。   2.给宏取名为“Yuan”,再单击“键盘”。   3.在弹出的对话框中指定快捷键,可指定为“Ctrl+Y”,再关闭该对话框回到“录制宏”对话框。单击“确定”按钮启动记录器。   4.运行“插入”选单中的“符号”子选单,从弹出的“符号”框中选择“¥”,插入后再关闭。另外,也可以指定到工具栏,从弹出的“自定义”对话框中的“命令”栏中把“Normal.NewMacro1.Yuan”拖放到工具栏中。   5.单击“停止录制”工具栏中的“停止录制”按钮。   6.单击“工具”选单中“宏”子选单,再单击“宏”命令。   7.选择第二步中的宏名称,再单击“编辑”按钮。   这时我们可以从中看到以下代码:   Sub Yuan()    Selection.InsertSymbol Font:=″楷体—GB2312″,CharacterNumber:=-27,Unicode:=True   End Sub   以后,当你需要插入字符“¥”时,只需按下快捷键“Ctrl+Y”,或者是在工具栏点击“Normal.NewMacrol.Yuan”便可以了。   二、宏的编辑   宏录制器将以上宏操作翻译为Visual Basic代码。但是,录制宏时会受到一些限制。许多复杂的宏,例如,要用到循环语句,便无法录制。为了提高录制的宏的功能,就可能需要修改录制到模块中的代码。   具体操作为:单击“工具”选单中“宏”子选单,再单击“宏”命令。选择第二步中的宏名称,再单击“编辑”按钮。   然后便加载Visual Basic编辑器,我们可以看到所录制的宏自动生成的Visual Basic代码。   例如,在C:My Document中有200个Word文档,依次命名为“1.doc”,“2.doc”,“3.doc”,…“200.doc”,我们需要把文件格式改变为文本文件,即txt文件。   先以1.doc为例,录制一个宏,打开文档,另存为txt文件,再关闭该活动文档。生成的Visual Basic代码如下:   Sub Macro1()    ChangeFileOpenDirectory ″C:My document″   Documents.Open FileName:=″1.doc″   ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:=″1.txt″,FileFormat:=wdFormatText   ActiveWindow.Close   End Sub   下一步便进行编辑,用一个循环语句依次打开各个文件,转化后再关闭。代码如下:   Sub Macro1()   dim i   for i=1 to 200    ChangeFileOpenDirectory ″C:My document″    Documents.Open FileName:=i & ″.doc″    ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:    =i & ″.txt″,    FileFormat:=wdFormatText    ActiveWindow.Close   next i   End Sub   再次运行该宏,便可以轻松完成任务。宏的作用由此可略见一斑。

在网上可以搜到一大串be succeed的句子,谁能给出succeed的用法正解?谢谢!

succeed为动词原形succeed in doing 成功的做某事


succeed的过去式和过去分词succeeded英 [su0259k"si:du026ad]美 [su0259k"sidu026ad]成功


succeeds, success, succeeded,succeeded, successful




一个英语句子只能有一个谓语动词,这里是succeeded,而其他的动词只能用“非谓语”形式.非谓语形式包括ing 动词,不定式和分词.这里用了ing形式,作介词in的宾语.再如: I like sing. 这句错了,因为like 和sing 两个都是动词,必须要把一个变成非谓语形式才对: I like singing/to sing.

为什么是He finally succeeded 而不是He finally success.

因为加了ed是动词过去式带有形容词的成分 而且是过去式时态 不加ed的是一般现在时 ______我是活雷锋,为人民服务!亲的好评是我前进的动力!



succeeded in后加什么?

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