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Clion下运行程序出现Executable is not specified,怎么解决

没什么影响 不需要设置。估计你当时改代码保存的时候项目正在运行,所以出现错误提示


vegetable音标:英[u02c8vedu0292tu0259bl] 美[u02c8vedu0292tu0259bl]翻译:n.蔬菜;植物人;生活单调乏味的人;adj.植物(性)的;得自植物的;关于植物的;蔬菜的;英英释义:noun1.edible seeds or roots or stems or leaves or bulbs or tubers or nonsweet fruits of any of numerous herbaceous plantsynonym: veggie; veg;2.any of various herbaceous plants cultivated for an edible part such as the fruit or the root of the beet or the leaf of spinach or the seeds of bean plants or the flower buds of broccoli or cauliflower例句:1.Why, this is nothing but common vegetable soup啊,这只不过是普通的蔬菜汤而已。2.In that part of the world you can feed cattle on almost any green vegetable or fruit 在那个地方,几乎任何绿色蔬菜或水果都可以给牛吃。3.We buy our fruit and vegetables at the market. 我们在市场上购买水果和蔬菜。4.Growing your own vegetables sounds like a lot of sweat. 自己种菜吃,这恐怕很累吧。5.Since losing my job I"ve been a vegetable. 失业以来我感到百无聊赖。6.All main courses come with salad or vegetables. 所有主菜都配有色拉或蔬菜。7.The vegetables are stirred into the rice while it is hot. 趁米饭热时把蔬菜拌进去。


vegetable音标:英[u02c8vedu0292tu0259bl]美[u02c8vedu0292tu0259bl]英英释义:1.edible seeds or roots or stems or leaves or bulbs or tubers or nonsweet fruits of any of numerous herbaceous plantsynonym: veggie; veg;2.any of various herbaceous plants cultivated for an edible part such as the fruit or the root of the beet or the leaf of spinach or the seeds of bean plants or the flower buds of broccoli or cauliflower例句:1.Why, this is nothing but common vegetable soup 啊,这只不过是普通的蔬菜汤而已。2.In that part of the world you can feed cattle on almost any green vegetable or fruit 在那个地方,几乎任何绿色蔬菜或水果都可以给牛吃。3.We buy our fruit and vegetables at the market. 我们在市场上购买水果和蔬菜。4.Growing your own vegetables sounds like a lot of sweat. 自己种菜吃,这恐怕很累吧。5.Since losing my job I"ve been a vegetable. 失业以来我感到百无聊赖。6.All main courses come with salad or vegetables. 所有主菜都配有色拉或蔬菜。7.The vegetables are stirred into the rice while it is hot. 趁米饭热时把蔬菜拌进去。8.Fruit and vegetables grew in abundance on the island. 该岛盛产水果和蔬菜。9.Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. 多吃新鲜水果和蔬菜。10.Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. 要多吃新鲜水果和蔬菜。


区别如下:veggie:n.蔬菜;adj.同vegetarian;复数: veggies;派生词: veggie adj.vegetable:n.蔬菜;植物人;生活单调乏味的人;复数: vegetables例句:The bottom of the garden was given over to vegetable plots.花园的尽头留作了菜地。



blood establishment computer software是什么意思


The establishment of a harmonious society 为什么要加a?


establishment of localization in cell是什么意思


翻译So also is the establishment of socially-recogn

这个句子的主语太长,所以用了倒装语序,正常语序应该是 the establishment of socially-recognised standards of measure for the quantities of these useful objects is also so. 化简了是 the establishment is also so (这种建立也是如此)。establishment 后的介词 of 短语是多层次修饰的后置定语,分步翻译如下: ~ socially-recognised standards of these useful objects 有用东西的社会公认标准 ~ the establishment of socially-recognised standards of these useful objects 有用东西社会公认标准的建立因此,这句话的意思是说 “有用东西社会公认标准的建立同样是如此” 。

英语:establishment 和institution 的用法区别

此时两个词均为名词词性 establishment 意思是企业、建立:institution意思是制度、建立:establishment institution 翻译为 建立制度institution establishment 翻译为 制度的建立

achievement 和establishment 与accomplishment 表示实现,成就时有什么区别?

accomplishment 成就, 完成, 技艺(强调过程) accomplishment - 完成、实现、成就例子:He has very high accomplishment in system of account. (他在账目系统方面有很高的造诣。)achievement 成就, 功绩(强调结果)achievement - 成就、成绩例子:He was rewarded by the government for his scientific achievement. (他因科学成就获得了政府奖励。)establishment - 多指 建立、设立、创办例子:The establishment of a modernized hospital. (一所现代化医院的建立。)

FDA认证中的 establishment 是什么意思啊?

Proprietary Device Name 仪器名称Common/Generic Device Name 一般/未注册仪器名称Classification Name 类别Device Class 仪器等级Product Code 仪器分类代码Regulation Number 注册编号、名称类别Medical Specialty: 医学领域Owner/Operator 制造商Owner/Operator Number 制造商编号Registered Establishment Name: 注册仪器名称Establishment Registration Number: 仪器注册号码Date of Listing: 发布日期Listing Status: 发布状态Establishment Operations 仪器运作Manufacturer,Specification Developer生产商,开发商


建立阶段(establishment stage)


establishment of company是什么意思




medical establishment是什么意思

medical establishment医疗机构;医疗建制;医疗院所例句1.The Medical establishment was not doing the right thing either.医疗机构也没有行正确之道。2.No one could accuse the global medical establishment of ignoring malaria.没人可以指责全球医疗机构对疟疾的忽视。3.The initial period may adopt assigns the partial Medical establishment"s way, the condition to have lets loose gradually again.初期可以采取指定部分医疗机构的方式,条件具备再逐步放开。4.For 20 years, the medical establishment and the pharmaceutical industry vigorously promoted plastic surgery.在过去20年间,医疗机构和医药行业卖力推广整容手术。5.Must arrive at the regular Medical establishment to go see a doctor and to consult.要到正规的医疗机构就医和咨询。6.Statement of quality control of medical establishment traditional medicine pharmaceutics浅述医疗机构中药制剂的质量控制

投文章时 establishments 是什么意思



8D 栏位说明:各栏位填写说明 Column filled instruction: 1.如果栏位空间不够,请自行调整或增加必要的附件;If the space isn"t enough, pls ad...

the establishment是什么意思

建立~~establish v.建立希望对你有帮助 求采纳

vinpearl speed- boat terminalestablishment是什么意思


establishment 和 firm的区别

关于商业的?establishment 泛指一档生意,不一定合法/注册. 如 He has his own establishment selling flowers on a street corner.firm 侧是正式公司, 一般来说多用于服务性行业. 如 law firm, P.R. firm.



the establishment是什么意思

n.成立 建立

在傲慢与偏见中,版纳特太太在第一章中有一句话,求这句话的翻译和其中 establishment的意思




what an establishment

要考虑到你的女儿啊,想到对她们中的任何一个来说,是多么大的企业. establishment是企业的意思,来源于古法语的第二组动词establir的第三人称复数现在式establissent和拉丁语的establire,意思是“建立”或“成就”,希望我能帮助你解疑释惑.


establishment翻译为:建立。建立是一个动词,读音为Jiàn Lì,顾名思义让某种事物从无到有的一个过程。有开始成立,产生。设置,设立,兴建,建设等的含义在内。建,汉语常用字(一级字),读作jiàn,此字始见于甲骨文,本义是指立朝律,引申义为建立、创设、竖立、建筑等义。会意字。从廴,从聿。聿初文像手持笔形。甲骨文物旁有小点,盖为土粒之形。树立木柱一类东西的时候,为了树得正,往往需要有人把它扶正,所以在所树之物的两侧有时也会增加手形,下面或有柱础一类的东西。以为即“建”字。立,汉语常用字,读作lì,最早见于甲骨文。本义是人站在地上,后引申为树立、设立、建立等词义。在中国哲学文化历史上,“立”字与其他众多文字一样,在不同的时期,存在着不同的解释。从慧识哲学文化的层面上解析,“立”的正确会意应该是:大,为道;一,为德。以图象义,“大”居“一”上,即道以德显为立。老子曾经在他的五千言当中说:“吾未知其名,字之曰道,吾强为之名曰大。”告诉人们,大,就是道的名。


establishment的翻译是:机构; 大型组织; 企业; 旅馆; (通常反对变革的)当权派,权势集团; (统称)权威人士; 建立; 创立; 确立。短语搭配establishment works培植工程;establishment period培植期 ; 筹备复业期 ; 成林期;vulgar establishment朔望高潮间隙 ; 商潮间隙;supernumerary establishment常额以外establishment strength编制人员;Establishment Subcommittee人事编制小组委 ; 人事编制小组委员会;establishment method模型制备;Retail establishment翻译 ; 零售店英语双语例句:1、The establishment of civilization, but not machines.文明的建立的不是机器而是思想。2、After the establishment of the common economy everyone should be able to choose what to do where why with whom together.在公有制经济确立后,每个人应该能够选择做什么,在那里、为什么要和谁一起(工作)。3、Assignment analysis is the premise to the establishment of mission organizations. But it should be performed in the conventional organizations.任务分析是任务型组织设立的前提,但是,这项工作必须是在常规组织中进行的

table前面接哪个介词? 谢谢啊




TableRow row = ((Table)e.Row.Cells[0].Controls[0]).Rows[0];什么意思







是DataTable对象的Rows吧?DataTable dt;这里的dt.Rows表示行对象。dt.Rows[i]表是第i行;dt.Rows[i][j]表是第i行第j列;



Lime Stabilization

Admixtures are occasionally used to stabilize soils in the field,particularly fine-grained soils. The most common admixtures are lime,cement,and lime-fly ash. The main purposes of soil stabilization are to ① modify the soil,② expedite construction,and ③ improve the strength and durability of the soil.The types of lime commonly used for stabilization of fine-grained soils are hydrated high- calcium lime ( Ca( OH)2) , calcitic quick lime ( CaO ) , monohydrated dolomitic lime ( Ca( OH)2·MgO) ,and dolomitic quick lime. The quantity of lime used for stabilization of most soils usually is in the range of 5% - 10% . When lime is added to clayey soils,several chemical reactions occur,cation exchange and flocculation-agglomeration,and they are also pozzolanic. In the cation exchange and flocculation-agglomeration reactions,the monovalent cations generally associated with clays are replaced by the divalent calcium ions. Based on their affinity for exchange,the cations can be arranged in a series:勘查工程专业英语 Any cation can replace the ions to its right. For example,calcium ions can replace potassium and sodium ions from a clay. Flocculation and agglomeration produce a change in the texture of clay soils. The clay particles tend to clump together to form larger particles. These reactions tend to ① decrease the liquid limit,② increase the plastic limit,③ decrease the plasticity index,④ increase the shrinkage limit,⑤ increase the workability,and ⑥ improve the strength and deformation properties of a soil.Pozzolanic reaction between soil and lime involves a reaction between lime and the silica and alumina of soil to form cementing material. For example,勘查工程专业英语where C represents CaO; S represents SiO2; H represents H2O.The pozzolanic reaction may continue for a long period of time.Figure 10. 7 shows the variation of the liquid limit,the plasticity index,and the shrinkage limit of a clay with percentage of lime admixture. The first 2% - 3% lime ( on the dry weight basis) substantially influences the workability and the property ( such as plasticity) of the soil. The addition of lime to clayey soils affects their compaction characteristics.Figure 10. 7 Variation of liquid limit,plasticity index,and shrinkage of clay with lime additiveLime stabilization in the field can be done in three ways:1) The in situ material and / or the borrowed material can be mixed with the proper amount of lime at the site and then compacted after the addition of moisture.2) The soil can be mixed with the proper amount of lime and water at a plant and then hauled back to the site for compaction.3) lime slurry can be injected into the soil to a depth of 12 to 16 ft ( 3. 6 - 4. 9 m ) . A common injection unit is a hydraulic-lift mast with cross beams that contain the injection rods. The injection rods are pushed into the ground by the action of the lift mast beams. The slurry is generally mixed in a batching tank about 10 ft ( 3 m) in diameter and 36 ft ( 11 m) long and is pumped at high pressure to the injection rods.Because the addition of hydrated lime to soft clayey soils immediately increases the plastic limit,thus changing the soil from plastic to solid and making it appear to “dry up”,limited amounts of it can be thrown on muddy and troublesome construction sites. This action improves trafficability and may save money and time. Quick limes have also been successfully used in drill holes having diameters of 4 to 6 in ( 102 - 152 mm ) for stabilization of subgrades and slopes. For this type of work,holes are drilled in a grid pattern and then filled with quick lime.

oracle flashback database的过程中是否有应用归档日志

oracle的flashback只是oracle 10g之后添加的回收站功能。在不开启归档日志的情况下依然可以使用。所以和归档日志没有关系。另外:oracle的flashback功能对sys用户和system表空间是无效的。

Cement Stabilization

Cement is increasingly used as a stabilizing material for soil, particularly for the construction of highways and earth dams. The first controlled soil-cement construction in the United States was carried out near Johnsonville,South Carolina,in 1935. Cement can be used to stabilize sandy and clayey soils. As in the case of lime,cement helps decrease the liquid limit and increase the plasticity index and workability of clayey soils. For clayey soils,cement stabilization is effective when the liquid limit is less than 45 - 50 and the plasticity index is less than about 25.Like lime,cement helps increase the strength of soils,and strength increases with curing time. Table 10. 1 presents some typical values of the unconfined compressive strength of various types of untreated soil and soil-cement mixture made with approximately 10% cement by weight.Table 10. 1 Typical compressive strengths of soils and soil-cement mixturesGranular soils and clayey soils with lowplasticity obviously are most suitable for cement stabilization. Calcium clays are more easily stabilized by the addition of cement,whereas sodium and hydrogen clays,which are expansive in nature,respond better to lime stabilization. For these reasons,proper care should be given in the selection of the stabilizing material.For field compaction,the proper amount of cement can be mixed with soil either at the site or at a mixing plant and then carried to the site. The soil is compacted to the required unit weight with a predetermined amount of water.Similar to lime injection,cement slurry made of Portland Cement and water ( water-cement ratio = 0. 5∶ 5) can be used for pressure grouting of poor soils under foundations of buildings and other structures. Grouting decreases the hydraulic conductivity of soils and increases the strength and the load-bearing capacity. For design of low-frequency machine foundations subjected to vibrating forces,stiffening the foundation soil by grouting and thereby increasing the resonant frequency is sometimes necessary.

C#/ :DataTable 不包含Columns定义

字段名字错了吧, 认真检查。






首先 datatable 需要构建 datacolumndatatable dt=new datatable();dt.columns.add(new datacolumn("列名"))添加数据方法(){ datarow dr=dt.newRows(); dr["xxx"]=xxx; ...dt.Rows.Add(dr);}

LACROSSE ESTABLISHED 1897注册过商标吗?还有哪些分类可以注册?

LACROSSE ESTABLISHED 1897商标总申请量1件其中已成功注册1件,有0件正在申请中,无效注册0件,0件在售中。经八戒知识产权统计,LACROSSE ESTABLISHED 1897还可以注册以下商标分类:第1类(化学制剂、肥料)第2类(颜料油漆、染料、防腐制品)第3类(日化用品、洗护、香料)第4类(能源、燃料、油脂)第5类(药品、卫生用品、营养品)第6类(金属制品、金属建材、金属材料)第7类(机械设备、马达、传动)第8类(手动器具(小型)、餐具、冷兵器)第9类(科学仪器、电子产品、安防设备)第10类(医疗器械、医疗用品、成人用品)第11类(照明洁具、冷热设备、消毒净化)第12类(运输工具、运载工具零部件)第13类(军火、烟火、个人防护喷雾)第14类(珠宝、贵金属、钟表)第15类(乐器、乐器辅助用品及配件)第16类(纸品、办公用品、文具教具)第17类(橡胶制品、绝缘隔热隔音材料)第18类(箱包、皮革皮具、伞具)第19类(非金属建筑材料)第20类(家具、家具部件、软垫)第21类(厨房器具、家用器皿、洗护用具)第22类(绳缆、遮蓬、袋子)第23类(纱、线、丝)第24类(纺织品、床上用品、毛巾)第26类(饰品、假发、纽扣拉链)第27类(地毯、席垫、墙纸)第28类(玩具、体育健身器材、钓具)第29类(熟食、肉蛋奶、食用油)第30类(面点、调味品、饮品)第31类(生鲜、动植物、饲料种子)第32类(啤酒、不含酒精的饮料)第33类(酒、含酒精饮料)第34类(烟草、烟具)第35类(广告、商业管理、市场营销)第36类(金融事务、不动产管理、典当担保)第37类(建筑、室内装修、维修维护)第38类(电信、通讯服务)第39类(运输仓储、能源分配、旅行服务)第40类(材料加工、印刷、污物处理)第41类(教育培训、文体活动、娱乐服务)第42类(研发质控、IT服务、建筑咨询)第43类(餐饮住宿、养老托儿、动物食宿)第44类(医疗、美容、园艺)第45类(安保法律、婚礼家政、社会服务)

vegetable 和vegetables的区别





vegetables英 ["vedʒɪtəblz] 美 ["vedʒɪtəblz] n. 蔬菜( vegetable的名词复数 ); 生活单调的人,植物人; 菜蔬;Fresh fruits and vegetables are important and so is bran. 新鲜的水果和蔬菜很重要,麦麸也是。


veg是英国英语口语体,=vegetable和vegetables,即蔬菜,单复数相同,都是veg。比如He likes the traditional meat and two veg for his main meal. 他主餐喜欢传统的一荤两素。


单词记忆用音标和音节来了记忆。vegetables 蔬菜ve ge ta bles


vegetables 是vegetable 的复数形式既然是复数形式,就不是三单



vegetables 可数怎么变?





vegetable表示蔬菜的种类时,是可数的;表示蔬菜这一整体概念时,是不可数的。 例如: We should often eat vegetable which is good for us. 我们应该经常吃蔬菜,这对我们有好处。 扩展资料   These vegetables can be grown from seed.   这些蔬菜可以撒籽栽种。   The vegetables were cooked to perfection.   这些蔬菜烧的`火候恰到好处。   The vegetables were planted in neat rows.   蔬菜一行行种得整整齐齐。   Their diet consists largely of vegetables.   他们的日常饮食以蔬菜为主。   Their diet consisted largely of vegetables.   他们的日常饮食以蔬菜为主。




vegetables的读法是:/u02c8vedu0292tu0259b(u0259)lz/。一、详细释义n.蔬菜;植物;植物人;(vegetable的复数)。二、短语搭配lesser-known vegetables 不太出名的蔬菜。三、例句1.We fenced off a rabbit-proof area for vegetables and netted the top.我们围出了一片兔子进不来的地方种蔬菜,并把上方用网罩住。2.Overcooked vegetables won"t look appetizing,no matter how they are plated.煮得过火的蔬菜无论如何摆盘看起来都让人没胃口。3.A riotous display of bright red,green,and yellow vegetables.鲜红色、绿色和黄色蔬菜的杂彩纷呈。4.I may trot round to Portobello market for vegetables.我也许会跑去波特贝洛市场买点蔬菜。


dishes和vegetables的区别:意思不同、读音不同、用法不同。1、读音不同dishes:英 ["du026au0283u026az]     美 ["du026au0283u026az]。    vegetables:英 ["vedu0292u026atu0259blz]     美 ["vedu0292u026atu0259blz]。   2、意思不同dishes:pl. 餐具;碗盘;dish的复数形式。vegetables:蔬菜,vegetable的复数形式。3、用法不同vegetables的意思是蔬菜。We"ve grown many vegetables in our garden.我们在花园里种了许多蔬菜。dishes的意思是餐具;碗盘。Remember the old refrigerator glass dishes?还记得那些老式的玻璃餐具吗?




vegetables英语的读法/u02c8vedu0292tu0259b(u0259)lz/.释义:n.蔬菜;植物;植物人;(vegetable的复数)。短语搭配:lesser-known vegetables不太出名的蔬菜。例句:1、We fenced off a rabbit-proof area for vegetables and netted the top.我们围出了一片兔子进不来的地方种蔬菜,并把上方用网罩住。2、Overcooked vegetables won"t look appetizing, no matter how they are plated.煮得过火的蔬菜无论如何摆盘看起来都让人没胃口。3、A riotous display of bright red, green, and yellow vegetables.鲜红色、绿色和黄色蔬菜的杂彩纷呈。4、Let the vegetables soften over a low heat.让蔬菜在低热下变软一点。5、Transport vegetables from the south to the north to fill the winter gap.调运南方蔬菜到北方填补冬季空档。




vegetables是可数名词。 vegetables n.蔬菜;植物人;生活单调乏味的人 vegetable的复数 例句: We buy our fruit and vegetables at the market. 我们在市场上购买水果和蔬菜。 扩展资料   All main courses come with salad or vegetables.   所有主菜都配有色拉或蔬菜。   Growing your own vegetables sounds like a lot of sweat.   自己种菜吃,这恐怕很累吧。   The vegetables are stirred into the rice while it is hot.   趁米饭热时把蔬菜拌进去。


vegetables[英]["vedu0292u026atu0259blz] [美]["vedu0292u026atu0259blz] 生词本 简明释义 n.蔬菜( vegetable的名词复数 );生活单调的人,植物人;菜蔬 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 1.N-COUNT蔬菜Vegetables are plants such as cabbages,potatoes,and onions which you can cook and eat. A good general diet should include plenty of fresh vegetables. 良好的日常饮食应该包含大量的新鲜蔬菜. ...traditional Caribbean fruit and vegetables. 加勒比地区传统的水果和蔬菜 ...vegetable soup. 蔬菜汤 2.ADJ蔬菜的;植物的Vegetable matter comes from plants.


一、vegetables既是可数名词,也是不可数名词。vegetables是vegetable的复数形式,在用作名词表示蔬菜的种类时,是可数名词;在用作名词泛指“蔬菜”这一概念时,是不可数名词。二、例句:1.he city has a plentiful supply of vegetables even in winter.即使在冬天那个城市的蔬菜供应也充足。2.We grow many different vegetables:potatoes, eggplant, etc.我们种了许多不同的蔬菜,如土豆、茄子等。3.The vegetables are stirred into the rice while it is hot.趁米热时把蔬菜拌进去。4.All our vegetables are supplied by local growers.我们所有的蔬菜均由当地菜农供应。5.These vegetables have had all the goodness boiled out of them.这些蔬菜的营养都被煮掉了。



vegetables什么意思 vegetables怎么解释

1、vegetables是蔬菜的意思。green vegetables“绿色蔬菜”,例如:cabbage:“圆白菜”。root vegetables“块根蔬菜”,a vegetable garden“菜园”。 2、当表示蔬菜种类时,是可数名词,例如:“There are two vegetables in my vegetable garden.”。 3、当表示蔬菜这一整体概念时不加s,例如:“We should often eat vegetable which is good for us.”。


poke[pEuk]n.刺, 戳, 懒汉, 袋子vt.戳, 捅, 拨开, 刺vi.戳, 刺, 捅, 伸出, 刺探, 闲荡stab[stAb]n.刺, 刺伤的伤口, 一阵突然而强烈的感觉, 中伤, 伤痛v.剌, 刺伤, 伤害(感情等)sting[stiN]n.刺, 刺痛, 针刺v.刺, 刺痛, 刺激stick[stik]n.棍, 棒, 手杖v.粘住, 粘贴vt.刺, 戳


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1.SAP中标准价格是通过定额算出来的,实际价格的算法取决你的计价方式 2.material overhead也是定额算的,但有些公司不集成是手工做分录做的 3.material cost的价格取决于你的计价方式,但一般不是info record的采购价格,是计价算出来的,这个...

显示器black stabilizer是什么意思

power system stabilizerun.电力系统稳定器系统稳定装置例句1.Design of a Robust Power System Stabilizer Based on Fuzzy Logic Control基于模糊逻辑的鲁棒电力系统稳定器设计2.Effect of Exciter and Power System Stabilizer on Subsynchronous Resonance Damping电力系统稳定器抑制次同步谐振的效果3.Time delay impact on the performance of the power system stabilizer时间延迟对电力系统稳定器性能的影响4.A Simulation Study on Parameter Optimization of Power System Stabilizer电力系统稳定器参数优化的仿真研究5.Simulation and Design of Power System Stabilizer with Double-Fuzzy Structure双模糊结构电力系统稳定器的设计与仿真


image stabilizer,是“影像稳定器”、“光学影像稳定器”、“光学影像稳定系统”的意思,再说白一点,就是最通俗的“防抖”而已。希望我的回答帮到你,满意请采纳。




stabilizer的开关按钮是光学防抖功能开启/关闭按钮。开启防抖功能后,可以在手持拍摄时减弱因为手抖动而引起的拍摄模糊。关闭防抖功能,一般在使用三脚架或者相机放在固定不动的位置上拍摄时关闭防抖功能,可以防止因为防抖系统的介入而影响画质。 演示机型:佳能r6 系统版本:佳能1.3.1 stabilizer的开关按钮是光学防抖功能开启/关闭按钮。开启防抖功能后,可以在手持拍摄时减弱因为手抖动而引起的拍摄模糊。关闭防抖功能,一般在使用三脚架或者相机放在固定不动的位置上拍摄时关闭防抖功能,可以防止因为防抖系统的介入而影响画质。




佳能镜头上stabilizer键平时是关着的,若是开着的话视频拍摄时会有噪声且及其费电。关于佳能镜头上“stabilizer”的介绍如下:属于佳能IS(Image Stabilizer),即系镜头防抖技术;IS防抖技术是世界上第一种被应用在民用产品上的光学防抖技术,是佳能公司在1995年发明的;首只应用该技术的镜头为佳能EF 75-300mm F4-5.6 IS USM镜头,如今,IS防抖技术也已经发展到了第二代,佳能EF 70-200mm F/4L USM IS就是采用二代防抖技术镜头。该技术的具体原理为:它属于典型的镜片移动式光学防抖,在所有的佳能的防抖镜头中,全部安装有陀螺传感器,它能够准确地检测人手产生的全方位振动,然后把它转化为电信号,经过镜头内部的芯片处理之后,控制一组修正光学镜片与感光元件(胶片)做平面平行的移动,在一定程度上抵消由于手抖造成光线偏移。




stabilizer开关是防抖开关,在相机镜头上会出现此开关。stabilizer on:开启防抖功能,打开后,可以在手持拍摄时减弱因为手抖动而引起的拍摄模糊。stabilizer off:关闭防抖功能,一般在使用三脚架或者相机放在固定不动的位置上拍摄时关闭防抖功能,可以防止因为防抖系统的介入而影响画质。相机使用注意事项:1、相机进水后不要直接开机测试,可能导致设备损坏。2、相机不用时,需要取下镜头保存,以免灰尘进入。3、购买镜头时建议使用相机同品牌镜头。4、相机长时间不使用,需要定期充电,以免电池老化。5、相机无法使用,可能是快门装置损坏,建议联系售后维修。6、相机镜头要妥善保管,不要让镜头受潮,以免影响画质。


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