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第二个审稿人意见是attached 是什么意思




Smokestack Lightnin的《Shame》 歌词

歌曲名:Shame歌手:Smokestack Lightnin专辑:Unknown StuntmanRobbie Williams Ft.Gary Barlow - ShameWell there"s three versions of this story mine, yours and then the truthAnd we can put it down to circumstance, our childhood, then our youthOut of some sentimental gain I wanted you to feel my pain,but it came back return to senderI read your mind and tried to call, my tears could fill the Albert Hall,is this the sound of sweet surrender?What a shame we never listenedI told you through the televisionAnd all that went away was the price we paidPeople spend a lifetime this wayOh what a shameSo I got busy throwing everybody underneath the busAnd with your poster 30 foot at the back of Toys-R-UsI wrote a letter in my mind, but the words were so unkind,about a man I can"t rememberI don"t recall the reasons why, I must have meant them at the time,is this the sound of sweet surrender?What a shame we never listenedI told you through the televisionAnd all that went away was the price we paidPeople spend a lifetime this wayAnd that"s how they stayOh what a shame.Words come easy, when they"re trueWords come easy, when they"re trueSo I got busy throwing everybody underneath the busAnd with your poster 30 foot at the back of Toys-R-UsNow we can put it down to circumstance, our childhood then our youth.What a shame we never listenedI told you through the televisionAnd all that went away was the price we paidPeople spend a lifetime this wayAnd that"s how they stayPeople spend a lifetime this wayOh what a shame,what a shameSuch a shame, what a shamehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2838106

有attach attention to这个短语吗?


be attached to 的翻译及举例

be attached to sb/sth非常喜欢某人或某物 be attached to sth参与某件事或者是某个物体的组成成分 It is easy to be attached to the children you work with

be attached to造句?

The hospital is attached to that university .这医院附属于那所大学。The school is attached to the normal college .这所学校附属于师范学院。An electrode is attached to the stylus .针上接着一个电极。The camera is attached to a device .摄象机与一台装置相连。No blame is attached to his act .他的行为无可非议。It"s difficult to find be attached to in a sentence. The stigma of failure is attached to a cost reduction program .降低成本的计划有了失败的痕迹。The connecting rod is attached to the piston by the piston pin .连杆与活塞的连接是采用活塞销。You will be attached to this department until the end of the year .你在年底前将暂属于这一部门。A rigid, precise turntable is attached to the laboratory floor .一架坚固的精密的转台被固定在试验室地上。These elongate sand bodies are attached to a bulge of the mainland .这些长条形砂体连接于主陆的突出部位。Every animal is attached to nothing so much as to its own interest .每一个动物爱无别物,只有他自己的利益。This led to the conclusion that the virus is attached to leukocytes .这就引出结论,病毒是附着在白细胞上的。

问sth attaches to sth和sth be attached to sth 的区别?




attach importance to是什么意思



attach importance to doing /something重视;着重于…;对…给予重视例如:1.Politically, both sides attach importance to deepening the bilateral all-roundstrategic partnership. 政治上,双方都重视深化中欧全面战略伙伴关系。2.Li said the Chinese government will continue to attach importance to thedevelopment of bilateral ties with Bulgaria. 李肇星表示,中国政府将一如既往地重视发展同保加利亚的关系。

attach sth to sth

attach sth to sth使与...相关联

i feel attach to you和i feel attached to you 哪个对?


l am attached to you是什么意思?有人回答一下吗?


attach importance to是什么意思

attach importance to是什么意思 重视

MAYA高手帮下忙,关于Attach to motion path!!!


attach importance to do还是doing?

attach importance to 后面如果加上动词do,应该使用其动名词形式 doing,而不是动词原形 do;因为该短语意思是“认为...重要”,其中的 to 视为介词,所以后面加动名词(短语)才对。如:I attach importance to (learning) English. 我认为(学)英语很重要。

become attached to是什么意思

become attached to结缘;对…有依赖;喜爱例句1.attach or become attached to a stem word; of grammatical morphemes.依附于词根上;是一种语法现象。2.Once biofilms become attached to the surfaces of medical devices, they are extremely difficult to expunge.生物膜一旦粘附到医疗器械表面,去除将变的非常困难。3.So when we consume plants, their magnetic fields do not become attached to us.所以我们吃植物,不会被它们的磁场黏住。4.If you find a good solution and become attached to it, the solution may become your next problem.如果你找到了一个好的方法,并且依附着它,这个方法也许会成为你的下一个问题。5.Without knowing why, I had become attached to the White Tara.不知为何,我开始依赖白度母。6.Sometimes it will be merely the direction that your thoughts go into, prompted by the lower vibrations that have become attached to you.有时候,你得只是你的想法的方向进入,由低已成为连接到你的振动提示。

有Importance is attach to 这个句子么 Attach 后面接的是to么 还

attachedattach sth to sth


Please attach the label to your luggage

attach to和connect with的区别是什么?

attach to表示“相关,依附” 一般表示一种人的关系 或者 物体的物理关系一般讲人 比如 They are very attached to each other. 他们关系特别密切。但是也可以讲东西的附着关系,比如 The cheque is attached to the letter. 支票已经被附在信件上了。而 connect with 是连接,一般讲的是电器,但是也可以说两个人的思维连接比如 I connect with her idea of.... 我对于她的这一想法有共鸣。如果还有什么问题可以找我~





attach to是什么意思

一、attach to释义:vt. 依附,附属;加入;使依恋;把?放在二、短语:1、attach cuff to sleeve 车袖头到袖子上 ; 车鸡英到袖子上 ; 车袖头到袖管上2、attach importance to pay 关注3、Attach Data to Blocks 将数据附着到图块上4、attach importance to sth 对某事非常重视 ; 认为某事物重要5、attach h to 使一连 ; 使属于 ; 附属于 ; 系上扩展资料一、attach to同义词:hang onto依附;继续保留;紧紧抓住二、短语1、Hang onto burning wires 倔强将火中之栗在手中紧握2、Hang Onto Your Hats 紧紧抓住你帽子3、Hang onto it 被4、Hang Onto Your Dreams 坚持你梦想

在linux系统下,输入jstack pid,出现如下错误,请问如何解决?

pid是 process id也就是进程id得用进程的ID



deal handle tackle区别

deal 是偏重处理的主观能动性,比如遇到困难了知难而上 handle 侧重操控,指对一个问题的控制能力 tackle 指解决一个具体的难题


tackle和handle的区别如下:deal:v.发(纸牌);发放;买卖;与……有关;(非正式)买卖毒品;应对;(以某种方式)对付;打交道;论及;给予……打击。n.约定;一揽子交易;待遇;发牌;(某人的)发牌轮次;牌戏的一局;一手牌;松木;松木板;大量。I think women have a raw deal.我认为妇女受到了不公平的待遇。I prefer to deal with him direct.我更愿意直接跟他打交道。handle:v.(用手)触摸;以手(或前臂)触球;操纵(车辆);(车辆)按特定方式作出反应;处理;对付(某人或某事);有办法应付;经营;接受(或经营)赃物;泰然承受;(车辆容易或难以)驾驶;运送(货物)。n.(门的)把手;柄;(织物等的)手感;(非正式)(人或地方的)称呼;(非正式)赌注总额。We need to handle the affairs immediately.我们需要立即处理这些事情。tackle:v.应付,处理(难题或局面);与某人交涉;(足球、曲棍球等)抢球;(橄榄球或美式足球)擒抱摔倒;抓获;对付,打(尤指罪犯)。n.(足球等中的)抢断球;(橄榄球或美式足球)擒抱摔倒;(美式橄榄球的)阻截队员;体育器械(尤指渔具)。I"m trying to tackle the tasks one by one.我正在努力逐一完成任务。

deal handle tackle区别

deal 是偏重处理的主观能动性,比如遇到困难了知难而上handle 侧重操控,指对一个问题的控制能力tackle 指解决一个具体的难题

Massive Attack的《Psyche》 歌词

Psyche专辑3 2 1hide with ZilchPsycheWell i can"t understand.I was your holy manI was your fool of desire.I was your bitter green soul...crucifiedPsyche.thousand miles away. painPsyche.blows my mind awayI been searching so long.Like some silver centipede songWell if you so deny me.Cut me up inside and crucify mePsyche.thousand miles away. painPsyche.blows my mind awayThe years come and kill me. so completelyEvery man just cannot be. hurt so sweetlyWhy did you come unto me? and then fool me?Everybody got to be my judge and juryPsyche. blows my mind away painPsyche. miles and miles away painThe tears cannot fill me. oh so sweetlyEvery man just cannot be destroyed completelyWhy did you come unto me. and then fool me?Everybody"s gonna be our judge and juryPsyche.Psyche....painPsyche. thousand miles away. painScream so loud. let it out. can"t stand your libertyScream so loud. let it out. can"t stand your libertyPsyche. like a winter"s day. painScream so loud. let it out. can"t stand your libertyScream so loud. let it out. can"t stand your libertyScream so loud. let it out. can"t stand your libertyScream so loud. let it out. can"t stand your libertyPsyche.Scream so loud. let it out. can"t stand your libertyPsyche. like some winter"s dayScream so loud. let it out. can"t stand your libertyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/3485246


00(男WX) 01(女WX)10(男FS) 11(女FS)20(男WS) 21(女WS)31(YJ) 40(SS) 50(男CK) 51(女CK)60(男MG) 61(女MG)70(男MM) 71(女MM)如果你是大号易容还得去《完美世界》国际版elementuserdatacharactercustomize里面找相应的角色文件夹修改里面之前保存生成的文件(文件夹的编号代表的角色和上面的一样)

nucleophilic attack是什么意思


C语言 linux编程 stack smashing detected问题,帮我看看这段代码哪栈溢出。。。。


stack-smashing 攻击是怎么回事啊?~~求解释~谢拉~

stack-smashing是一种引起设备停止并且导致允许攻击者侵入系统的攻击方法.一般它被使用在叫缓冲溢出的应用程序漏洞.多数应用程序使用C写的时候使用缓冲区(buffer),这个缓冲区是一个保存了一些 同样数据类型的数据,通常是字符数组,在堆栈里临时保存这些字符串操作的临时 值。stack-smashing攻击通常是提供一个超过实际BUFFER大小的字节数到缓冲区, 这就导致了破坏了BUFFER中的内容,这些内容可能就是调用函数的返回地址和函数 指针。

tackle, tools, implements 都是工具意思 有什么区别呢?

您好 指工具的单词间 用法区别如下: tackle .多指航海用 索具, 船具, 钓具 implement指“在工作中任何有用或必需的器械”, 尤指“较简单的农田或园艺工具”, 如: new types of farm implements新式农具。 instrument 指“用于精细工作或科学技术的工具”, 如: surgical instruments外科器械。

counter attack mankind什么时候出的










counter attack mankind歌曲含义


counter attack mankind在巨人第几集

进击的巨人最终季第八集。动画片系列《进击的巨人》改编自谏山创原作的同名漫画作品。该片第1期由WIT STUDIO负责制作,于2013年4月7日—2013年9月29日每周日0:58~1:28(北京时间)在每日放送的“Animeshower”节目首播,全25集。设定解说巨人以捕食人类为生。智力低,生态环境比吃的人外,其起源之类的不为人所熟知。身高一般在为3米—15米左右。超大型巨人体型庞大,有50m以上,智力比其他巨人要高。铠之巨人在特罗斯特战区中出现过,全身覆盖了坚硬的铠甲,士兵们携带的弹刀都无法破坏。驻屯兵团兵团是主营业务是保护每一个城市,加固墙壁。战时冲锋在第一线。





Who can I contact for assistance是什么意思



attractive 有吸引力的,引起注意的active 积极的,主动的;在自身所表达的意思就有区别,用法也有一定的区别,举例展示。举例一:From multi-patterned sweaters to attractive underclothes从各式各样的毛线衫到性感迷人的内衣举例二:In the first place you are not old and in the second place you are a very attractive man.首先你不老,其次你是个富有魅力的男人。举例三:You are expected to be an active participant.你应该成为积极的参与者。举例四:We have over 400,000 employees and had a very active set of internal bloggers.我们有40多万名员工,公司内部还有很多活跃的博客用户。



attactive是什么意思? 急


安装Mastercam9.1时要运行MetaCut Utilities2.1进行注册在哪找???


Mastercam仔细安装步骤,百度等搜索出来的请勿打扰。我主要是找不到MetaCut Utilities2.1文件


安装Mastercam9.1时要运行MetaCut Utilities2.1进行注册在哪找???


怎样卸载the metacut utilities


Panic Attack 歌词

歌曲名:Panic Attack歌手:Rin

Panic Attack 歌词

歌曲名:Panic Attack歌手:Dream Theater专辑:International Fan Clubs CD - RomavariumPanic AttackDream TheaterOctavariumMusic: Dream TheaterAll wound upOn the edgeTerrifiedSleep disturbedRestless mindPetrifiedBouts of fearPermeateAll I seeHeighteningNervousnessThreatens meI am paralyzedSo afraid to dieCaught off guardWarning signsNever showTension strikesChoking meWorries growWhy do I feel so numbIs it something to do with where I come fromShould this be fight or flightI don"t know why I"m constantly so uptightRapid heartbeat pounding through my chestAgitated body in distressI feel like I"m in dangerDaily life is strangled by my stressA stifling surgeShooting through all my veinsExtreme apprehensionSuddenly I"m insaneLost all hope for redemptionA grave situation desperate at bestWhy do I feel so numbIs it something to do with where I come fromShould this be fight or flightI don"t know why I"m constantly reelingHelpless hysteriaA false sense of urgencyTrapped in my phobiaPossessed by anxietyRunTry to hideOverwhelmed by this complex deliriumHelpless hysteriaA false sense of urgencyTrapped in my phobiaPossessed by anxietyRunTry to hideOverwhelmed by this complex deliriumhttp://music.baidu.com/song/56790365

Panic Attack 歌词

歌曲名:Panic Attack歌手:The Paddingtons专辑:First Comes FirstPanic AttackDream TheaterOctavariumMusic: Dream TheaterAll wound upOn the edgeTerrifiedSleep disturbedRestless mindPetrifiedBouts of fearPermeateAll I seeHeighteningNervousnessThreatens meI am paralyzedSo afraid to dieCaught off guardWarning signsNever showTension strikesChoking meWorries growWhy do I feel so numbIs it something to do with where I come fromShould this be fight or flightI don"t know why I"m constantly so uptightRapid heartbeat pounding through my chestAgitated body in distressI feel like I"m in dangerDaily life is strangled by my stressA stifling surgeShooting through all my veinsExtreme apprehensionSuddenly I"m insaneLost all hope for redemptionA grave situation desperate at bestWhy do I feel so numbIs it something to do with where I come fromShould this be fight or flightI don"t know why I"m constantly reelingHelpless hysteriaA false sense of urgencyTrapped in my phobiaPossessed by anxietyRunTry to hideOverwhelmed by this complex deliriumHelpless hysteriaA false sense of urgencyTrapped in my phobiaPossessed by anxietyRunTry to hideOverwhelmed by this complex deliriumhttp://music.baidu.com/song/329291

Panic Attack 歌词

歌曲名:Panic Attack歌手:Turin Brakes专辑:Ether SongYou"ve been needy of a place to stay,But watch yourself don"t hide away,In a panic you caught yesterday.Ohohoh~~While your memory"s been letting you down,You"re lost for what to do in this town,Like you never saw it coming,But Oh my God.Well all these governments take places,That you can never understand,Why all these things that you believed in,They never got the upper hand.Well you may find friends in higher places,But you"ll get swallowed by the town,The kids who are hanging around for ages,So still make sure you keep your head down.Ohohoh~~~You"ve been needy of a holiday,To stop yourself from hiding away,In a panic you caught yesterday.OHOHOHWhile your memory"s been letting you down,You"re lost for what to do in this town,Like you never saw it coming,But Oh my God.Well all these governments take places,That you can never understand,And all these things that you believed in,They never got the upper hand.Well you may find friends in higher places,But you"ll get swallowed by the town,The kids who are hanging around for ages,Just you make sure you keep your head down.yeah~~~~~ah~But Oh my God.Well all these governments take places,That you can never understand,And all these things that you believed in,They never got the upper hand.Well you may find friends in higher places,But you"ll get swallowed by the town,The kids who are hanging around for ages,Just you make sure you keep your head down.yeah~~~~~ah~http://music.baidu.com/song/2620826

Panic Attack 歌词

歌曲名:Panic Attack歌手:Dream Theater专辑:Chaos In MotionPanic AttackDream TheaterOctavariumMusic: Dream TheaterAll wound upOn the edgeTerrifiedSleep disturbedRestless mindPetrifiedBouts of fearPermeateAll I seeHeighteningNervousnessThreatens meI am paralyzedSo afraid to dieCaught off guardWarning signsNever showTension strikesChoking meWorries growWhy do I feel so numbIs it something to do with where I come fromShould this be fight or flightI don"t know why I"m constantly so uptightRapid heartbeat pounding through my chestAgitated body in distressI feel like I"m in dangerDaily life is strangled by my stressA stifling surgeShooting through all my veinsExtreme apprehensionSuddenly I"m insaneLost all hope for redemptionA grave situation desperate at bestWhy do I feel so numbIs it something to do with where I come fromShould this be fight or flightI don"t know why I"m constantly reelingHelpless hysteriaA false sense of urgencyTrapped in my phobiaPossessed by anxietyRunTry to hideOverwhelmed by this complex deliriumHelpless hysteriaA false sense of urgencyTrapped in my phobiaPossessed by anxietyRunTry to hideOverwhelmed by this complex deliriumhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1698243

Panic attack(恐慌症)是一种怎样的症状?

顾名思意就是恐惧慌张。当无法面对处理身边的人和事的时候有些心理承受力比较弱的人会产生焦虑,紧张的心理,大部分出现在比较自卑的人群身上,伴随着在一段特定时间内,有强烈害怕或不适感受,突然发生下列症状中四项以上: 心跳加速或心悸 出汗 发抖或颤栗 感觉呼吸困难或窒息感 梗塞感似会呛到 胸痛不适 恶心或腹部不适反胃 害怕失去控制或即将发狂 感觉异常,麻木或刺痛的感觉 冷颤或脸潮红 头痛、不稳感、头昏沉、或快晕倒的感觉 失去现实感、感觉事物不真实,失去自我感、感觉与自己疏离 就可以确定为恐慌症。 ======治疗方法:首先是锻炼心态,让身心放松;然后明白自己为什么恐慌,原因在哪来,分析这个原因是不是对的;逐步提高自信,暗示自己错误的是不需要的,给自己一个更好的选择;最后给自己一个定位,有了定位就不会恐慌了;当然自己操作起来可能太难,还可能强化恐慌,如果条件允许我建议你参加心理咨询,这样才能更彻底的消除恐慌症。



Oriented Attachment和self-assembly的区别是什么

Oriented Attachment,取向生长这个概念最早是Penn和Banfield合作提出来的。他们在研究水热处理TiO2纳米晶体的时候,发现TiO2可以形成一维链状结构,而且这个结构是由一些个domain组成的,他们利用高分辨电镜研究发现,这些个domain的晶体取向是完全一致的,所以他们提出了取向生长的概念。Self-Assembly 自组装 是指基本结构单元(分子,纳米材料,微米或更大尺度的物质)自发形成有序结构的一种技术。大体来说,Oriented Attachment取向生长只是局部现象,Self-Assembly自组装是大块有序结构。Oriented Attachment只是Self-Assembly的一种方式。【TSD。M】

Oriented Attachment和self-assembly的区别是什么

Oriented Attachment,取向生长这个概念最早是Penn和Banfield合作提出来的。他们在研究水热处理TiO2纳米晶体的时候,发现TiO2可以形成一维链状结构,而且这个结构是由一些个domain组成的,他们利用高分辨电镜研究发现,这些个domain的晶体取向是完全一致的,所以他们提出了取向生长的概念。Self-Assembly 自组装 是指基本结构单元(分子,纳米材料,微米或更大尺度的物质)自发形成有序结构的一种技术。大体来说,Oriented Attachment取向生长只是局部现象,Self-Assembly自组装是大块有序结构。Oriented Attachment只是Self-Assembly的一种方式。


RADIUS(Remote Authentication Dial In User Service)是一种在网络接入服务器(Network Access Server)和共享认证服务器间传输认证、授权和配置信息的协议。 RADIUS 使用 UDP 作为其传输协议。此外 RADIUS 也负责传送网络接入服务器和共享计费服务器间的计费信息。 RADIUS是分布式客户机/服务器系统,它保护网络不受未授权访问的干扰。在Cisco实现中,Radius客户机运行于路由器上,并向中央RADIUS服务器发出认证请求,这里的中央服务器包含了所有的用户认证和网络服务访问信息。Cisco利用其AAA安全模式支持RADIUS,RADIUS也可以用于其他AAA安全协议,比如,TACACS,KERBEROS或本地用户名查找,所有Cisco平台都支持RADIUS。RADIUS 主要特征如下: 客户 / 服务器模式:网络接入服务器作为 RADIUS 的客户端,负责将用户信息传递给指定的 RADIUS 服务器,然后根据返回信息进行操作。 RADIUS 服务器负责接收用户连接请求,认证用户后,返回所有必要的配置信息以便客户端为用户提供服务。 RADIUS 服务器可以作为其他 RADIUS 服务器或认证服务器的代理。网络安全:客户端与 RADIUS 记帐服务器之间的通信是通过共享密钥的使用来鉴别的,这个共享密钥不会通过网络传送。此外,任何用户口令在客户机和 RADIUS 服务器间发送时都需要进行加密过程,以避免有人通过嗅探非安全网络可得到用户密码。灵活认证机制: RADIUS 服务器支持多种用户认证方法。当用户提供了用户名和原始口令后, RADIUS 服务器可支持 PPP PAP 或 CHAP, UNIX 登录和其它认证机制。协议的可扩充性:所有的事务都是由不同长度的“属性-长度-值”的三元组构成的。新的属性值的加入不会影响到原有协议的执行。RADIUS 通信的例子:The following example assumes login authentication, exec authorization, and startu2212stop exec accounting is implemented with RADIUS when a user Telnets to a router, performs a command, and exits the router (other management services are not available) TACACS & TACACS+:Terminal Access Controller Access Control System终端访问控制器访问控制系统。通过一个或多个中心服务器为路由器、网络访问控制器以及其它网络处理设备提供了访问控制服务。TACACS 支持独立的认证(Authentication)、授权(Authorization)和计费(Accounting)功能。 TACACS+应用传输控制协议(TCP),而RADIUS使用用户数据报协议(UDP)。TACACS+ Traffic Example:The following example assumes login authentication, exec authorization, command authorization, startu2212stopexec accounting, and command accounting is implemented with TACACS+ when a user Telnets to a router,performs a command, and exits the router

Illegal Attacks 歌词

歌曲名:Illegal Attacks歌手:Ian Brown专辑:The World Is YoursIan Brown - Illegal Attacksalbum:The World Is YoursGunnin" with this US of AIn Iraq and Iran and in AfghanistanDoes not a day go byWithout the Israeli Air ForceFail to drop it"s bombs from the sky?How many mothers to cry?How many sons have to die?How many missions left to fly over Palestine?‘Cause as a matter of factsIt"s a pact, it"s an actThese are illegal attacksSo bring the soldiers backThese are illegal attacksIt"s contracts for contactsI"m singing concrete factsSo bring the soldiers backWhat mean ya that you beat my peopleWhat mean ya that you beat my peopleAnd grind the faces of the poorSo tell me just how come were the TalibanSat burning incense in TexasRoaming round in a LexusSittin" on six billion oil drumsDown with the Dow Jones, up on the NasdaqPushed into the war zonesIt"s a commercial crusade‘Cause all the oil men get paidAnd only so many soldiers come homeIt"s a commando crusadeA military charadeAnd only so many soldiers come homeSoldiers, soldiers come homeSoldiers come homeThrough all the blood and sweatNobody can forgetIt ain"t the size of the dog in the fightIt"s the size of the fight in the dog on the day or the nightThere"s no time to reflectOn the threat, the situation, the bark nor the biteThese are commercial crusades‘Cos all the oil men get paidThese are commando crusadesCommando tactical rapeAnd from the streets of New York and Baghdad to Tehran and Tel AvivBring forth the prophets of the LordFrom dirty bastardsFillin" pockets with the profits of greedThese are commercial crusadesCommando tactical raidsPlayin" military charades to get paidAnd who got the devils?And who got the Lords?Build yourself a mountainDrink up in the fountainSoldiers come homeWhat mean ya that you beat my peopleWhat mean ya that you beat my peopleAnd grind the faces of the poorEndhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10273068


attach()可以理解为绑定数据集,绑定后使用该数据集中的变量,就不用$符号了。比如数据集iris,提取数据中Species列的操作方法是iris$Species,但当attach(iris)后, 直接写Species就可以了。detach()是attach()的逆向操作,即解绑该数据集。

3DMAX里有个attach是在哪 的,请详细告诉一下!用来附联什么图的

attach是在制作了很多物体之后确定了他们的位置之后,让其保持位置不变且理论上成为一体。首先建好物体之后,选中其中一个物体,点鼠标右键菜单栏里有convert to,选中里面有convert to editable poly选中之后进入修改面板,在右侧的工具栏里就有attach。点attach然后在点想合并的物体。当然想分离就用它旁边的 detach





很重要含attach 用英语怎么写

attach great importance to sth

attach to sb

attach to 使依恋, 把...放在 be dependent on sth 是依靠 前者是感情方面的 爱恋之类 后者侧重实际上的依靠 一般是物质的 比如 我依靠水和食物活下去


可以根据另一个文件来判断 ,多改几次 我改了MP3 pdf rar 最终是pdf 是另一个压缩包内容的教程

attach importance to是什么意思



要区分它们的不同用法,最好的办法就是看各自的英文解释,那样会一目了然:attached:1. If you are attached to someone or something, you like them very much非常喜欢…的,热爱…的She is very attached to her family and friends.她非常热爱家人和朋友。2. If someone is attached to an organization or group of people, they are working with them, often only for a short time(通常只是短时间)从属于…的,为…工作的Ford was attached to the battalion"s first line of transport.福特曾在该营的第一运输队服役。3. If one organization or institution is attached to a larger organization, it is part of that organization and is controlled and run by it隶属于…的;附属的a think-tank, attached to the Academy of Sciences为科学院出谋划策的智囊团At one time the schools were mainly attached to the church.这些学校曾一度归教会主管。enclosed: An enclosed community of monks or nuns does not have any contact with the outside world与外界隔绝的;封闭的monks and nuns from enclosed orders与世隔绝的修道士和修女The rules state that samples must be enclosed in two watertight containers.规则要求样本必须装在两个水密容器中。实际上,enclosed作为形容词的用法在现代英语中还没有旁边接受,只能从它作为过去分词的角度来考虑它的用法。而attached已经在现代英语中专门用作形容词了。因此,很多英语词典中收录了attached作为单独的形容词词条来进行解释,并列出具体用法;而enclosed只能从动词enclose的词条中推测过去分词的用法。

be attached to是什么意思



这里的attached不是过去式,而是过去分词,属于过去分词作定语的用法。过去分词短语作定语表示动作和被修饰词的被动关系。例如He is reading a book written by Smith. written by Smith就是一个过去分词短语,修饰a book,因为书是被写,所以这里是过去分词written。同样,因为这些statements是被加上去而不是主动发出attach这个动作的,因此这里用了attached,过去分词形式。






ATTACH文件打开方法:1.Dreamweaver ;2.EclipsePHP ;3.editplus ;4.zend studio 这个是php官方默认的编辑器;5.记事本也可以直接打开,





[attach][/attach]文件怎么下载呢?说是种子下载,却只出现这个为什么? 谢谢

attach是论坛服务器的附件添加的默认格式,出现你说的这种情况有可能是1. 时间很长,附件已经被论坛服务器删除,只留下代码在,这种情况下已经不能再看到图片了;2. 作者自己在修改帖子的时候出现失误,将一些附件代码删除,造成服务器只识别字符,不能再识别附件,这种情况需要作者自己修改帖子;3. 最好的情况就是你的浏览器浏览的时候因为网速慢等原因没有载入完全,从而只显示字符,这种情况下多刷新几次就好了。


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