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用upstairs 造句.

upstairs 有两个词性: 1.adv.向楼上,在楼上,上楼 2.adj.楼上的 He went upstairs to go to bed. 他上楼去睡觉. The upstairs bedroom is for you. 楼上的卧房是给你的.


Define upstairs : [ "ʌp"stɛəz ] 形容词a. 楼上的副词ad. 在楼上,往楼上名词n. 楼上有名词意思






upstairs的中文翻译是adv. 往楼上,在楼上;脑力上,精神上n. 楼上(the upstairs)adj. 楼上的初中 / 高中 / CET4 / CET6 / 考研网络 楼上;由此上楼;上楼原形 upstairs例句:1.The rooms upstairs are of unequal size.楼上的房间大小不同。2.She"s upstairs getting ready.他在楼上做准备3.He"s upstairs unpacking his bags.他在楼上打开他的旅行袋取出东西。


应该没这个词,很像upstairs,楼上 这个词


upstairs[英][u02ccu028cpu02c8steu0259z] [美][u02c8u028cpu02c8stu025brz] 生词本简明释义adv.在楼上,往楼上;在高空adj.楼上的n.楼上复数:upstairs以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义 同反义词1.ADV上楼;往楼上If you go upstairs in a building, you go up a staircase towards a higher floor. He went upstairs and changed into fresh clothes...他上楼换上干净衣服。I walked upstairs and unlocked my front door.我走上楼去,打开前门的锁。


upstairs[英][u02ccu028cpu02c8steu0259z] [美][u02c8u028cpu02c8stu025brz] 生词本简明释义adv.在楼上,往楼上;在高空adj.楼上的n.楼上复数:upstairs以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义 同反义词1.ADV上楼;往楼上If you go upstairs in a building, you go up a staircase towards a higher floor. He went upstairs and changed into fresh clothes...他上楼换上干净衣服。I walked upstairs and unlocked my front door.我走上楼去,打开前门的锁。



When they are half way upstairs中half way和upstairs的词性


赖氏英语语法上的选择题:The boys are ______。 A.on upstairs B.in upstairs C.upstair D.upstairs

本句中的upstairs是副词,所以前面不加介词。下句中的upstairs为名词: They actually moved down from upstairs because the rent"s that expensive.他们确实从楼上搬到了楼下,因为房租太贵了。

They are upstairs.为什么upstairs前不加介词?

很高兴为你解答这个问题,如果能帮到你,请采纳。因为uptairs 是副词,意思是:在楼上

he was upstairs。 这英语的upstairs是什么词性?

upstairs是副词,作表语。在英语中,表地点,方位的副词可以作表语,比如:He is out。

They are upstairs.为什么upstairs前不加介词?


every night he heard the noise upstairs

gyirefvnitgvnjudf mjrrcjutvbjcxtvbkfdvbudbm


adj. 在楼上的;高级的(等于upstairs)adv. 在楼上;在较高地位


副词(Adverb)是指在句子中表示行为或状态特征的词,用以修饰动词、形容词、其他副词或全句,表示时间、地点、程度、方式等概念。副词可分为:时间副词、频率副词、地点副词、方式副词、程度副词、疑问副词、连接副词、关系副词、表顺序的副词。upstairs和downstairs都属于地点副词。可以修饰句子里的动词,表示动词发生的地点。例如:I live upstairs/downstairs. 我住楼上/楼下。这里的upstairs/downstairs可以直接修饰动词live。


upstairs adv 在楼上,往楼上 adj 楼上的 n 二楼以上各层 upstair adj 楼上的 知道了词性,例子就免了吧

upstairs 怎么读



做形容词是。。。upstairs = upstair做副词,只有upstairsupstairadj.楼上的upstairsadv.向楼上, 在楼上, 上楼adj.楼上的






upstairs 常用词汇 英 [u02ccu028cp"steu0259z]     美 [u02ccu028cp"sterz]    adv.在楼上;往楼上;在高处;头脑上n.楼上adj.楼上的;上层的


upstairs 英[u02ccu028cpu02c8steu0259z]美[u02c8u028cpu02c8stu025brz]adv. 在楼上,往楼上;在高空adj. 楼上的n. 楼上


upstairs 英[u02ccu028cpu02c8steu0259z] 美[u02c8u028cpu02c8stu025brz] adv. 在楼上,往楼上;在高空 adj. 楼上的 n. 楼上


upstairs 英[u02ccu028cpu02c8steu0259z] 美[u02c8u028cpu02c8stu025brz] adv. 在楼上,往楼上;在高空 adj. 楼上的 n. 楼上 [例句]In the upstairs reception area , you "ll see half-a-dozen portraits of the owners and their relatives.在楼上的接待区可以看到几幅企业主及其亲属的画像。

upstairs怎么读 upstairs英语解释

1、upstairs,楼上的,读音:美/u02ccu028cpu02c8sterz/;英/u02ccu028cpu02c8steu0259z/。 2、释义:adv.在(或向)楼上;在(或向)上一层;智力上。adj.楼上的。n.楼上。 3、例句:The upstairs neighbors throw things every day.楼上的邻居每天都扔东西。




upstairs的读音是:英[??p"ste?z]。upstairs的读音是:英[??p"ste?z]。upstairs的详尽释义是adv.(副词)楼上,在楼上, 在上一层往楼上,向楼上,上楼在高空,往高处往更高的地位,往更高层在较高地位上,在更高层,处于更高地位在头脑里,头脑上地高水平地上层地。upstairs的例句是用作副词(adv.)Jim lived upstairs.吉姆住在楼上。一、详尽释义点此查看upstairs的详细内容adv.(副词)楼上,在楼上, 在上一层往楼上,向楼上,上楼在高空,往高处往更高的地位,往更高层在较高地位上,在更高层,处于更高地位在头脑里,头脑上地高水平地上层地n.(名词)楼上二楼以上(各层)二楼楼上房间上层adj.(形容词)楼上的,在楼上的上层的高水平的【空】在高空的二、双解释义adv.(副词)在楼上,往楼上 up the stairs; on an upper flooradj.(形容词)[A] 楼上的 situated on, living on or belonging to an upper floorn.(名词)[S] 楼上 upper floor of a house, etc.三、英英释义Noun:the part of a building above the ground floor;"no one was allowed to see the upstairs"Adjective:on or of upper floors of a building;"the upstairs maid""an upstairs room"Adverb:on a floor above;"they lived upstairs"with respect to the mind;"she"s a bit weak upstairs"四、例句Jim lived upstairs.吉姆住在楼上。They tiptoed upstairs so as not to wake the baby.他们踮着脚上楼,生怕把孩子吵醒。The boy ran upstairs quickly.男孩很快地跑上楼。We crept upstairs so as not to wake the baby.为了不吵醒婴儿,我们蹑手蹑脚地上了楼梯。The plane tried to avoid a storm by going upstairs.飞机往高空飞去,以避开风暴。He is all vacant upstairs.他头脑里空空如也。She doesn"t use the upstairs at all any more.她不再使用楼上了。The upstairs rooms are much warmer than those on the ground floor.楼上的房间要比底层的暖和得多。He is skilled in upstairs politics.他精通上层政治。五、经典引文Upstairs in her bed she still heard Aunt Lavvy"s..voice.出自:M. SinclairShe went upstairs to her bedroom.出自:M. Keane六、情景对话Lift Furnitureupstairs的反义词A:Could you help me lift some furniture, Marie?你能帮我搬一下家具吗,玛丽?upstairs的意思B:Sure, what would you like me to do?当然可以,你想让我做什么?upstairsA:Well, first, you could goupstairs and grab the yellow key.首先,你上楼去拿那把黄色的钥匙。B:The one on the table?桌子上那把吗?A:Yes. Then, you could come back down and unlock the spare bedroom here.对。然后你下来打开这儿的备用卧室。B:Then what would you like me to move?接下来你让我搬什么呢?A:Do you think you would be able to move this chair into the room by yourself?你觉得你可以自己把这个椅子搬到房间里吗?upstairsB:Sure, not a problem.没问题。A:You might want to stretch your legs a bit. You don"t want to hurt yourself. And make sure you bend your knees so you don"t hurt your back.你也许要稍稍伸伸腿,你不想弄伤自己吧。要记住曲膝,这样就不会伤到背部。B:Good idea. Anything else you"d like me to move?好主意,你还需要我搬其它东西吗?upstairs的反义词A:Just a few things—the television, the blue lamp, and the coffee table.还有几件—电视、蓝台灯和咖啡桌。B:Is that all?就这些吗?A:That"s it. I"ll beupstairs. Shout if you need anything.就这些。我马上就上楼,你如果需要什么就喊一声。七、词语用法adv.(副词)upstairs用作副词时意思是“在楼上,往楼上”。upstairs常修饰动态动词,在句中可用作状语(常置于句末)或表语。upstairs无比较级和最高级形式。adj.(形容词)upstairs用作形容词意思是“楼上的”,在句中只用作定语。n.(名词)upstairs用作名词时的意思是“楼上”,是单数名词,多与the连用。upstairs的相关临近词upstart、upstage、upstairs clothes点此查看更多关于upstairs的详细信息


《Let"s Make History》德国乐坛奇迹盲人女歌手琼娜与拉丁元老大卫共创神作《人类创造历史》 Here I am 我在这 Feel my heart overflow 感觉心情很洋溢 I know the road I\"e taken 我知道我将要走的路 Will lead me to the top 将会带我去顶峰 And if we all stick together 如果我们永远在一起 We can make it last forever 我们会永远持续下去 And the light will shine until the end (yeah) 所有的光都在闪耀直到我们到达尽头 So join in trust and love 所以用相信和爱加入 Take my hand 握住我的手 (Chorus) Let\"s Make History 让我们创造历史 Only you and me 只有你,还有我 From now on it\"s all for one 从现在开始,我们只为了这个目的 And one for all 这个目的也是我们的 Let us reach out for the sky 让我们能触摸到天空 There\"s no mountain too high 这里没有我们无法触及的山峰 Let\"s Make History. 让我们创造历史 For too long 在很长的一段时间里 I\"e been wasting my time 我都在浪费时间 I tried to do it my way 我想用我的方式在做 For the winners to stand alone 想成为唯一的赢家 Every night was lonely and cold 每一夜,都感到孤独和冷 I had no one to talk to 我没有人可以说话 And a place I could go home 没有一个地方,让我觉得是回到了家 You changed my life for the better 你改变了我的生活,使他变得更好 All this hopeless chance still matters 使本来变得没有希望的事,变得再次有希望 I will take this chance and never let go 我将会抓住这个机会,永远不会让这个机会溜走 I have prayed, I was heard 我祈祷,我聆听 Now I know 现在,我知道 (Chorus) Let\"s Make History 让我们创造历史 Only you and me 只有你,还有我 From now on it\"s all for one 从现在开始,我们只为了这个目的 And one for all 这个目的也是我们的 Let us reach out for the sky 让我们能触摸到天空 There\"s no mountain too high 这里没有我们无法触及的山峰 Let\"s Make History. 让我们创造历史 Never give up 从来不放弃 Look ahead 向前看 Even when times are getting rough 即使时间紧迫 Don\"t ever stop 从不停止 When your best still isn\"t good enough 当你感觉最好的时候,仍然不是完美的 Get back on, 回到起点 Try again 再试一次 And you will reach 你们将会达到你们的目的 (Chorus) Let\"s Make History (History) 让我们创造历史(历史) Only you and me ( Only you and me ) 只有你,还有我 (只有你和我) From now on it\"s all for one 从现在开始,我们只为了这个目的 And one for all (one for all) 这个目的也是我们的 (是我们的) Let us reach out for the sky 让我们能触摸到天空 There\"s no mountain too high 这里没有我们无法触及的天空 Let\"s Make History 让我们创造历史 (Repeat) Let us reach out for the sky 让我们能触摸到天空 There\"s no mountain too high 这里没有我们无法触及的天空 Let\"s Make History 让我们创造历史

lease obtained什么意思

服务器规定IP地址租用期限lease obtained===地址租用开始时间



统计学里面假设检验,upper tail test 和lower tail test 是什么意思啊


Misty Mountains 歌词

misty mountains歌手:howard shore所属专辑:霍比特人:意外之旅 电影原声带 (特别版) the hobbit: an unexpected journey (special editon)歌词:Far over the misty mountains coldTo dungeons deep and caverns oldWe must away, ere break of dayTo find our long-forgotten goldThe pines were roaring on the heightsThe winds were moaning in the nightThe fire was red, it flaming spreadThe trees like torches blazed with light-

online retailer是什么意思




wholesaler,distributor ,retailer有啥关系没?


importer;distributor;retailer 三者词汇有什么区别?





还真是第一次看见taita这词查了一下字典,是这么写的A fondling name with which a child calls its father也就是孩子称呼他父亲的爱称这个child的限制应该就是taita和papá的最大区别了

from the stage什么意思? retain control over为何两个动词连在一起


解释一下retaining earnings,不要说留存收益等于盈余公积加未分配利润的,我们老师说

retained earnings(beginning)+net income-dividends=retaine earning(end of period)书上标准答案

含retain显示屏的iPad mini2与普通的iPad mini有什么区别

iPad mini2 分辨率更高,处理器更好,内存更大,价格更贵




v.保持( retain的过去式和过去分词 ) 拦住 保存 止住1.Other countries retained their traditional and habitual ways of doing things.其他国家仍然保持着他们做事的传统和习惯。2.He had retained a keen interest in the progress of the work.他对那项工作的进展一直很关心。3.She retained a number of copies for further annotation.她保留了许多副本以便作进一步的注解。


答案没有错.当cope的后面没有sth时,with就不必写.当cope的后面有sth时,with就必须写. 比如说: 1 it is such hard work that I can"t cope.-------来自 牛津高级英汉字典 第四版 p313. 2 it is such hard work that I can"t cope with it (是这个概念:有宾语,就有介词) 又如:He is a difficult man,and I don"t know how to deal (WITH HIM).

retain 和remain的区别和用法?谢谢


英语To retain your current password怎么翻译?



retain主要指保留,持有某样东西,还有“取得”的意思maintain是保持某个动作或状态的意思,如maintain stability.


分类: 外语/出国 问题描述: 如题,谢谢 解析: retain主要指保留,持有某样东西,还有“取得”的意思 maintain是保持某个动作或状态的意思,如maintain stability.


retain,保留,保持的意思。以下列举一些例句:The company decided to retain its best employees by offering them higher salaries better benefits.(公司决定通过提供更高的薪资和更好的福利来留住最优秀的员工。)The athlete was able to retain his title as the world champion for three consecutive years.(这位运动员连续三年保持了世界冠军的头衔。)The teacher tried to retain the students" attention by using interactive teaching methods.(老师尝试使用互动教学方法来保持学生的注意力。)The company was able to retain its market share despite fierce competition from its rivals.(尽管竞争对手激烈,但公司仍能保持其市场份额。)The lawyer advised his client to retain all the relevant documents for the upcoming trial.(律师建议他的客户保留所有与即将到来的审判有关的文件。)The hotel was able to retain its reputation for excellent service by consistently meeting the needs of its guests.(酒店通过不断满足客人的需求,成功地保持了其优质服务的声誉。)The artist was able to retain his unique style while also incorporating new techniques into his work.(艺术家在融入新技术的同时,成功地保持了自己独特的风格。)The company decided to retain its current advertising agency after a thorough review of its performance.(公司经过全面评估后决定保留其现有的广告代理商。)The museum was able to retain its collection of rare artifacts by implementing strict security measures.(博物馆通过实施严格的安全措施,成功地保留了其珍贵文物的收藏。)The politician was able to retain his seat in parliament by winning the support of his constituents.(这位政治家通过赢得选民的支持,成功地保住了自己在议会的席位。)

求retain,lift,raise,arise 辨析~~详细一点~~谢谢

我说一下它们常见的意思。retain:vt.保持;留在心中,记住lift :vt 举起,抬起,提起,指用力或机械把重物提高到较高的位置 。arise:vi.1. 升起,上升 2. 产生,出现,形成 (+from/out of)raise:vt .引起,抱起;提高(价格等);养育;筹集 多指把某物从低处升到高处。详细的建议楼主在百度百科里面搜一下raise,里面也有详细的解释和辨析。希望对你有帮助的哈 O(∩_∩)O哈!

retain do sth还是retain to do sth

i-don"t-try-and-do-not-retain我想保留 -----联系文翻译更准确截取部翻译完整请采纳~

SAS retain 语句



  copy与retain的区别:  copy是创建一个新对象,retain是创建一个指针,引用对象计数加1。Copy属性表示两个对象内容相同,新的对象retain为1 ,与旧有对象的引用计数无关,旧有对象没有变化。copy减少对象对上下文的依赖。  retain属性表示两个对象地址相同(建立一个指针,指针拷贝),内容当然相同,这个对象的retain值+1也就是说,retain 是指针拷贝,copy 是内容拷贝。    当然在ios中并不是所有的对象都支持copy,mutableCopy,遵守NSCopying 协议的类可以发送copy消息,遵守NSMutableCopying 协议的类才可以发送mutableCopy消息。假如发送了一个没有遵守上诉两协议而发送 copy或者 mutableCopy,那么就会发生异常。但是默认的ios类并没有遵守这两个协议。如果想自定义一下copy 那么就必须遵守NSCopying,并且实现 copyWithZone: 方法,如果想自定义一下mutableCopy 那么就必须遵守NSMutableCopying,并且实现 mutableCopyWithZone: 方法。  首先我们需要有这样的一个前提:  [array addObject:obj];  这样obj的引用计数会增加1,如果使用remove则obj的引用计数会减一。  ios对集合的内存处理就是这样的。  那么,假设obj只被array拥有:  id temp = [array objectAtIndex:0];  [array removeObjectAtIndex:0];  如果你再要使用temp就会出错,因为这个时候obj已经被释放了。  (提醒一下,如果用NSString做测试,要注意@“abc”是常量 :-) )  由于在程序中经常会遇到集合类的传值,所以,简单的retain未必够用,需要对集合内容的拷贝,也就是深拷贝。  下面我们就来探讨一下。  Ios提供了copy和mutablecopy方法,顾名思义,copy就是复制了一个imutable的对象,而mutablecopy就是复制了一个mutable的对象。以下将举几个例子来说明。  1. 系统的非容器类对象  这里指的是NSString,NSNumber等等一类的对象。  NSString *string = @"origion";  NSString *stringCopy = [string copy];  NSMutableString *stringMCopy = [string mutableCopy];  [stringMCopy appendString:@"!!"];  查看内存可以发现,string和stringCopy指向的是同一块内存区域(又叫apple弱引用weak reference),此时stringCopy的引用计数和string的一样都为2。而stringMCopy则是我们所说的真正意义上的复制,系统为其分配了新内存,但指针所指向的字符串还是和string所指的一样。  再看下面的例子:  NSMutableString *string = [NSMutableString stringWithString: @"origion"];  NSString *stringCopy = [string copy];  NSMutableString *mStringCopy = [string copy];  NSMutableString *stringMCopy = [string mutableCopy];  [mStringCopy appendString:@"mm"];//error  [string appendString:@" origion!"];  [stringMCopy appendString:@"!!"];  以上四个NSString对象所分配的内存都是不一样的。但是对于mStringCopy其实是个imutable对象,所以上述会报错。  对于系统的非容器类对象,我们可以认为,如果对一不可变对象复制,copy是指针复制(浅拷贝)和mutableCopy就是对象复制(深拷贝)。如果是对可变对象复制,都是深拷贝,但是copy返回的对象是不可变的。  2. 系统的容器类对象  指NSArray,NSDictionary等。对于容器类本身,上面讨论的结论也是适用的,需要探讨的是复制后容器内对象的变化。  //copy返回不可变对象,mutablecopy返回可变对象  NSArray *array1 = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"a",@"b",@"c",nil];  NSArray *arrayCopy1 = [array1 copy];  //arrayCopy1是和array同一个NSArray对象(指向相同的对象),包括array里面的元素也是指向相同的指针  NSLog(@"array1 retain count: %d",[array1 retainCount]);  NSLog(@"array1 retain count: %d",[arrayCopy1 retainCount]);  NSMutableArray *mArrayCopy1 = [array1 mutableCopy];  //mArrayCopy1是array1的可变副本,指向的对象和array1不同,但是其中的元素和array1中的元素指向的是同一个对象。mArrayCopy1还可以修改自己的对象  [mArrayCopy1 addObject:@"de"];  [mArrayCopy1 removeObjectAtIndex:0];  array1和arrayCopy1是指针复制,而mArrayCopy1是对象复制,mArrayCopy1还可以改变期内的元素:删除或添加。但是注意的是,容器内的元素内容都是指针复制。  下面用另一个例子来测试一下。  NSArray *mArray1 = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSMutableString stringWithString:@"a"],@"b",@"c",nil];  NSArray *mArrayCopy2 = [mArray1 copy];  NSLog(@"mArray1 retain count: %d",[mArray1 retainCount]);  NSMutableArray *mArrayMCopy1 = [mArray1 mutableCopy];  NSLog(@"mArray1 retain count: %d",[mArray1 retainCount]);  //mArrayCopy2,mArrayMCopy1和mArray1指向的都是不一样的对象,但是其中的元素都是一样的对象——同一个指针  //一下做测试  NSMutableString *testString = [mArray1 objectAtIndex:0];  //testString = @"1a1";//这样会改变testString的指针,其实是将@“1a1”临时对象赋给了testString  [testString appendString:@" tail"];//这样以上三个数组的首元素都被改变了  由此可见,对于容器而言,其元素对象始终是指针复制。如果需要元素对象也是对象复制,就需要实现深拷贝。http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/Collections/Articles/Copying.html  NSArray *array = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSMutableString stringWithString:@"first"],[NSStringstringWithString:@"b"],@"c",nil];  NSArray *deepCopyArray=[[NSArray alloc] initWithArray: array copyItems: YES];  NSArray* trueDeepCopyArray = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:  [NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject: array]];  trueDeepCopyArray是完全意义上的深拷贝,而deepCopyArray则不是,对于deepCopyArray内的不可变元素其还是指针复制。或者我们自己实现深拷贝的方法。因为如果容器的某一元素是不可变的,那你复制完后该对象仍旧是不能改变的,因此只需要指针复制即可。除非你对容器内的元素重新赋值,否则指针复制即已足够。举个例子,[[array objectAtIndex:0]appendstring:@”sd”]后其他的容器内对象并不会受影响。[[array objectAtIndex:1]和[[deepCopyArray objectAtIndex:0]尽管是指向同一块内存,但是我们没有办法对其进行修改——因为它是不可改变的。所以指针复制已经足够。所以这并不是完全意义上的深拷贝,但是apple的官方文档将其列为deep copy了,并添加了copy和mutablity的关系说明,故在此做一说明

preserve与retain区别 还有其他“保留”的区别

preserve更多的是有预留的意思,比如说在国外停车场看到写着preserved标志,你就不能在这停车了,这些是预留车位. preserve表示保留时,意思和retain差不多,就看习惯用法了. Few of her early articles are preserved.她早期的文章没有几篇留存下来. retain是保留意见,保留权利的意思.比如说: We shall retain our rights.我们将保留我们的权利. 其他的保留用得最多的是keep,这个词就不用多说了吧. 还有就是:hold保持住;reserve也有预留的意思,如餐馆预定;save保存;withhold保留


retain和strong,assign和weak的区别这两组词在意思上根本不存在相同或相近意义,也就是说它们在意义上风马牛不相及。如果说找反义词,那么strong和weak可以算一对反义词。而retain, assign就没有什么关联的地方了。1. retain: verb, to continue to have that thing(动词)保留;保持;保存He retains a deep respect for the profession.他对这个职业仍然深怀敬意The interior of the shop still retains a nineteenth-century atmosphere.这家商店的内部装修仍然保留着19世纪的风格。Other countries retained their traditional and habitual ways of doing things.其他国家仍然保持着他们做事的传统和习惯。If left covered in a warm place, this rice will retain its heat for a good hour.如果加盖放在暖和的地方,这些米饭可以保温足足一个小时。2. strong: adjective, (someone/an animal is) healthy with good muscles and can move or carry heavy things, or do hard physical work(形容词)强壮的;健壮的;力气大的I"m not strong enough to carry him.我力气不够大,抱不动他。I feared I wouldn"t be able to control such a strong horse.我怕我驾驭不了这么强壮的马。3. assign: verb, give a piece of work to someone(动词)分派工作;布置作业Later in the year, she"ll assign them research papers.今年晚些时候,她将给他们指定研究论文。When I taught, I would assign a topic to children which they would write about.我教课时会给孩子们布置一个题目,让他们就这个题目写点东西。When teachers assign homework, students usually feel an obligation to do it.当老师布置家庭作业的时候,学生们通常觉得做作业是分内之事。4. weak: adjective, someone is not healthy or does not have good muscles, so that they cannot move quickly or carry heavy things(身体)虚弱的,无力的His arms and legs were weak.他的四肢虚弱无力。I was too weak to move or think or speak.我太虚弱了,无法动弹,无法思考,也无法说话。


很大区别:retain:保持strong:强如果是retain strong: 保持那么强


对变量进行值的初始化和保留到下一个迭代步的作用。举例:有个数据集有10条记录。retain a;a=sum(a,1);则10条记录的a变量的值是1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.如果不retain a;则都是1.在你使用INPUT语句的时候结合RETIAN可以认为是对新增变量的一个值初始化,当然你要赋予一个初始值。如果没用retain,结果就是只有第一行有值。不知道这么说是否帮到你。


retain有存留之意例如We retained the original fireplace when we decorated the room.我们装修房间时保留了原来的壁炉 (存留之意-原本有的东西保留下来)在表示 主动的行为,即对象是有意识的保持 比如保持安静,保持温暖之类,keep quiet, stay quiet, keep warm stay warm都可以 在表示 被动的行为,即一个事物保持另一个事物的状态,只能用keep 比如: keep me warm, keep me alive 等等 希望采纳


retain 保留,留住,拦住(及物动词) preserve 保存,维护,维持,禁猎(及物,注重保护,不让其灭绝或遭到破坏)


retaining 是动名词 可做形容词用;retaintion是名词

retain 和remain的区别和用法?谢谢

remain doing1.retain 存留之意We retained the original fireplace when we decorated the room.我们装修房间时保留了原来的壁炉 (存留之意-原本有的东西保留下来)2.remain 是保持 原来状态 (关键在"状态" )remain standing, seated 一直站着,坐着试想想看,如果用retain 的话,完全就马屁不通了

retain 和remain的区别和用法?谢谢







有的,牛津上: retain v [Tn] (esp fml 尤作文雅语) keep (sth) in one"s possession or use 保持或保留(某物): We retained the original fireplace when we decorated the room. 我们装修房间时保留了原有的壁炉. continue to have (sth); not lose 仍然有(某事物); 未丧失; 保住: Despite losing his job he retains his pension. 他虽然失去了工作, 但仍然享有养老金. These roses retain their scent. 这些玫瑰花仍有余香. He is 90 but still retains (the use of) all his faculties. 他已90高龄, 但身体功能都很好. The police retained control of the situation. 警方仍然控制着局势. keep (sth) in one"s memory 记住(某事物): be able to retain numbers, dates, facts, etc 能记住数目、 日期、 事实等 She retains a clear impression/memory of the incident. 她对那件事印象很深[记得很清楚]. keep (sth) in place; hold or contain 止住(某物); 保持; 容纳: A dyke was built to retain the floods. 修了一道堤坝挡住洪水. Clay soil retains water. 黏土能保持水分. (law 律) book the services of (esp a barrister) by making a payment 付定金聘请(尤指讼务律师): a retaining fee 聘用定金.

retain 和hold memory



  retain有保持; 留在心中,记住; 雇用等意思,那么你知道retain的 近义词 有哪些吗?下面我为大家带来retain的近义词及辨析,接下来一起来学习一下吧。  retain近义词:   keep, retain, reserve, preserve, conserve, withhold   retain近义词辨析:   这些动词均有"保持,保存"之意。   keep 最常用词,指长时间牢固地保持或保存。   retain 指继续保持。   reserve 正式用词,指为了将来的用途或其他用途而保存、保留。   preserve 主要指为防止损害、变质等而保存。   conserve 一般指保存自然资源,保全人的精力、力量等。   withhold 指扣住不放,暗示有阻碍。   retain的英语例句:   1. Daily facial exercises help her to retain the skin"s elasticity.   每天做面部运动帮助她保持皮肤弹性。   2. Disney will retain a 51 percent controlling interest in the venture.   迪斯尼将保留该项目51%的控股权。   3. Vegetables should retain some firmness and should not be soggy and waterlogged.   蔬菜应保持一定的硬挺度,不应潮乎乎的浸透了水。   4. He decided to retain him for the trial.   他决定聘请他为出庭律师。   5. He is likely to retain the England captaincy.   他有望继续担任英格兰队队长。   6. to retain your independence   保持独立   7. He has managed to retain most of his fortune.   他设法保存了他的大部分财产.   8. We shall retain our rights.   我们将保留我们的权利.   9. China dishes retain heat longer than metal pans.   瓷器盘子比金属盘子保温时间长.   10. Retain copies of all correspondence, since you may need them at a later date.   要保留好所有信件的副本,日后可能会用到。   11. Native people were allowed to retain some sense of their traditional culture and religion.   当地原住民获准可以保留一些自己的 传统 文化 和宗教。   12. This season I expect us to retain the championship and win the European Cup.   这个赛季我期待我们能够保住冠军头衔,赢得欧洲杯。   13. How does an aging politician retain his hold on the loyalty of the voters?   一个年迈的政客是怎样使选民继续支持他的 呢 ?   14. He drove the idea in somehow, and hoped that his pupils would retain it.   他设法灌输这一概念而且希望他的学生们记住它.   15. They built a wall round the shore of the lake to retain the water.   他们沿着湖边筑起一道堤来挡水.

remain 和retain的区别。详细些。

remain [不]保持,仍是;剩下;继续;忍耐;持久1. Train fares are likely to remain unchanged. 火车票价很可能会保持不变。2. In spite of their quarrel, they remain the best of friends. 尽管有过争吵,他们仍是最好的朋友。3. Very little of the house remained after the fire. 火灾之后,这座房子所剩无几。4. He will remain as manager of the club until the end of his contract. 他将继续担任俱乐部经理,直至合同期满。retain [及]保留;维持;记忆;雇用;聘请1. He struggled to retain control of the situation. 他曾努力保持对局势的控制。2. The house retains much of its original charm. 这所房子保留了许多原有的魅力。3. She has a good memory and finds it easy to retain facts. 她记忆力好,很容易记住事情。


retain英 [ru026au02c8teu026an] 美 [ru026au02c8ten] vt. 保持; 留在心中,记住; 雇用; 付定金保留过去式: retained 过去分词: retained 现在分词: retaining 第三人称单数: retains


retain作“保留,保存,保持”解时是较为正式的用语,含有不失去的意味,指继续“保持”或“保存”某事物。可用于指保留贵重的物品,老人保持活力,记忆中保持一定的事实等。 retain是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。 搭配: retain on; retain sth on(over) sth 扩展资料   Disney will retain a 51 percent controlling interest in the venture.   迪斯尼将保留该项目51%的控股权。   Vegetables should retain some firmness and should not be soggy and waterlogged.   蔬菜应保持一定的.硬挺度,不应潮乎乎的浸透了水。   He decided to retain him for the trial.   他决定聘请他为出庭律师。



微信男生英文网名大全 Curtain落幕

  Silent(无言)   Tattoo(纹身)   Knight(骑士)   Gardenia(栀子)   hangover(宿醉)   Arrogant(傲慢)   Betrayal(背叛)   Flowers 繁花   Mathew 马修   Better Man ?? 好男人   Surplus(多余)   Provoke(招惹)   primary (最初)   hushnow(安静)   Rascal(痞子)   Bitter(苦涩)   Eternally 永恒      Very cold. 很冷漠   Subsequently(后来)   Only care (只是在乎)   Chihiro (千寻)   Finish.(散场)   Garbage(废物)   Allure Love 倾城恋   Mo Maek 莫陌   Tenderness 温存   Loco 装疯断念。   Car3 AbouT 在乎   异魂梦ue7feHereTica   tsundere(傲娇)   Something Stupid 愚蠢的事   Overbearing(霸道)   Rampant(猖狂)   Curtain 落幕   Please、远离我   We Will Rock You 。 我们来摇滚   Keep on dancing 保持跳舞   Evildoer(妖孽)   farewell(告别)   Casually(随便)


WebService是一个SOA(面向服务的编程)的架构,它是不依赖于语言,不依赖于平台,可以实现不同的语言间的相互调用,通过Internet进行基于Http协议的网络应用间的交互。 WebService实现不同语言间的调用,是依托于一个标准,webservice是需要遵守WSDL(web服务定义语言)/SOAP(简单请求协议)规范的。 WebService=WSDL+SOAP+UDDI(webservice的注册) Soap是由Soap的part和0个或多个附件组成,一般只有part,在part中有Envelope和Body。 Web Service是通过提供标准的协议和接口,可以让不同的程序集成的一种SOA架构。 Web Service的优点 (1) 可以让异构的程序相互访问(跨平台)(2) 松耦合 (3) 基于标准协议(通用语言,允许其他程序访问) Web Service的基本原理 (1) Service Provider采用WSDL描述服务 (2) Service Provider 采用UDDI将服务的描述文件发布到UDDI服务器(Register server) (3) Service Requestor在UDDI服务器上查询并 获取WSDL文件 (4) Service requestor将请求绑定到SOAP,并访问相应的服务。

lofty mountains是什么意思

lofty mountains词典山岳网络巍峨的群山双语例句 1The lofty mountains were crowned with snow.高山顶上积满了雪。2Weihai Liugongdao,“ end of heaven ”, Bible Hill, iron lofty mountains, Chishan France and China Institute.威海刘公岛、“天尽头”,圣经山,铁嵯山,赤山法华院。

急求The way to rainy mountain的英文阅读!! 作者是N.Scott Momaday,谢啦!

A single knoll rises out of the plain in Oklahoma, north and west of the Wichita Range. For my people, the Kiowas, it is an old landmark, and they gave it the name Rainy Mountain. The hardest weather in the world is there. Winter brings blizzards, hot tornadic winds arise in the spring, and in summer the prairie is an anvil"s edge. The grass turns brittle and brown, and it cracks beneath your feet. There are green belts along the rivers and creeks, linear groves of hickory and pecan, willow and witch hazel. At a distance in July or August the steaming foliage seems almost to writhe in fire. Great green and yellow grasshoppers are everywhere in the tall grass, popping up like corn to sting the flesh, and tortoises crawl about on the red earth, going nowhere in the plenty of time. Loneliness is an aspect of the land. All things in the plain are isolate; there is no confusion of objects in the eye, but one hill or one tree or one man. To look upon that landscape in the early morning, with the sun at your back, is to lose the sense of proportion. Your imagination comes to life, and this, you think, is where Creation was begun. I returned to Rainy Mountain in July. My grandmother had died in the spring, and I wanted to be at her grave. She had lived to be very old and at last infirm. Her only living daughter was with her when she died, and I was told that in death her face was that of a child.I like to think of her as a child. When she was born, the Kiowas were living the last great moment of their history. For more than a hundred years they had controlled the open range from the Smoky Hill River to the Red, from the headwaters of the Canadian to the fork of the Arkansas and Cimarron. In alliance with the Comanches, they had ruled the whole of the southern Plains. War was their sacred business, and they were among the finest horsemen the world has ever known. But warfare for the Kiowas was preeminently a matter of disposition rather than of survival, and they never understood the grim, unrelenting advance of the U.S. Cavalry. When at last, divided and illprovisioned, they were driven onto the Staked Plains in the cold rains of autumn, they fell into panic. In Palo Duro Canyon they abandoned their crucial stores to pillage and had nothing then but their lives. In order to save themselves, they surrendered to the soldiers at Fort Sill and were imprisoned in the old stone corral that now stands as a military museum. My grandmother was spared the humiliation of those high gray walls by eight or ten years, but she must have known from birth the affliction of defeat, the dark brooding of old warriors.Her name was Aho, and she belonged to the last culture to evolve in North America. Her forebears came down from the high country in western Montana nearly three centuries ago. They were a mountain people, a mysterious tribe of hunters whose language has never been positively classified in any major group. In the late seventeenth century they began a long migration to the south and east. It was a journey toward the dawn, and it led to a golden age. Along the way the Kiowas were befriended by the Crows, who gave them the culture and religion of the Plains. They acquired horses, and their ancient nomadic spirit was suddenly free of the ground. They acquired Tai-me, the sacred Sun Dance doll, from that moment the object and symbol of their worship, and so shared in the divinity of the sun. Not least, they acquired the sense of destiny, therefore courage and pride. When they entered upon the southern Plains they had been transformed. No longer were they slaves to the simple necessity of survival; they were a lordly and dangerous society of fighters and thieves, hunters and priests of the sun. According to their origin myth, they entered the world through a hollow log. From one point of view, their migration was the fruit of an old prophecy, for indeed they emerged from a sunless world.Although my grandmother lived out her long life in the shadow of Rainy Mountain, the immense landscape of the continental interior lay like memory in her blood. She could tell of the Crows, whom she had never seen, and of the Black Hills, where she had never been. I wanted to see in reality what she had seen more perfectly in the mind"s eye, and traveled fifteen hundred miles to begin my pilgrimage.

帮我翻译,急! Captain Robert Scott (1868 - 1912 )was an officer in the English navy. From

Robert Scott 船长曾是英国的一位海军,从1901到1904年,他领导一个叫做Royal Geographical Society 的英国科学组织去探索南极洲。他的队伍向南行驶到了无人曾去过区域,他从岩石,天气,温度种提取信息,制作地图。当他返回英国时,他成为了一个民族英雄。几年之后,Scott 决定组织另一场探险。他说他想对南极洲做一次完整的科学研究,但是他真正的目的是成为第一个登上南极的人。他带了3名医生,一些科学家,还有其他的一些人。Scott 的队伍乘着一艘叫做“Terra Nova”的船出发与1910年7月。当他们到达澳大利亚时,得知 Amundsen 也在去南极的路上。Amundsen 和 Scott 是非常不同的人,他们也制定了截然不同的计划。Amundsen 将所有的事安排的很小心仔细,正如伟大的北极探险家所做的,他带了哈士奇雪橇队。Scott 带了2只小马和几只狗,但他计划大部分时间让他的人拉雪橇。在他早期的探险中,当狗变得虚弱,船员们会杀了狗当做自己和其他30只狗的食物。Amundsen 也做了同样的事,这样的做法帮助他到达了南极,但是之后人们叫他“食狗者”。而Scott 不肯吃他的狗,是他所犯错误中的一个。

to make a moutain out of a mole-hill



语法标注解释 taint英音:[teint]美音:[tent] 及物动词 vt. 1. 使感染,使腐坏;沾染;污染The meat was tainted. 这肉腐坏了。 2. 玷污,败坏;腐蚀Bad books will taint the young mind. 坏书会毒害年青人的思想。 3. 【古】弄脏不及物动词 vi. 1. 腐坏,败坏;被污染名词 n. [U][S][(+of)]1. 腐坏,污染;感染2. 玷污,污点
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