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Elvis Costello的《Pump It Up》 歌词

歌名: Pump It歌手: Black Eyed PeasHa ha haPump itHa ha haAnd pump it (louder)Turn up the radioBlast your stereoRightNiggas wanna hate on us (who)Niggas can be eerin" us (who)And I know why they hatin" on us (why)Cause that"s so fabulous (what)I"am be real on us (c"mon)Nobody got nuttin" on us (no)Girls be all on us,from London back down to the US (s, s)We rockin" it (contagious),monkey business (outrageous)Just confess, your girl admits that we the shitF-R-E-S-H (fresh)D-E-F, that"s right we def (rock)We definite B-E-P, we rappin" itSo, turn it up (turn it up)C"mon baby, justPump it (louder)And say, oh oh oh ohSay, oh oh oh ohYo, yoTurn up the radioBlast your stereoRight nowThis joint is fizzlin"It"s sizzlin"Right(Yo, check this out right here)Dude wanna hate on us (dude)Dude need"a ease on up (dude)Dude wanna act on upBut dude get shut like flavor shut (down)Chicks say, she ain"t downBut chick backstage when we in town (ha)She like man on drunk (fool)She wanna hit n" run (errr)Yeah, that"s the speedThat"s what we doThat"s who we beB-L-A-C-K -E -Y-E-D-P to the E,then the A to the SWhen we play you shake your assShake it, shake it, shake it girlMake sure you don"t break it, girlCause we gonnaTurn it up (turn it up)C"mon baby, justPump it (louder)Damn (damn)Apl. de ap. from PhilippinesLive and direct, rocking this sceneWaiting on down for the B-boysAnd B-girls waiting, doin" their thingPump it, louder come onDon"t stop, and keep it goin"Do it, lets get it onMove it!Come on, baby, do itLa-da-di-da-da-di-dyon the stere-ere-ere-ere-oLet those speakers blow your mind(Blow my mind, baby)To let it go, let it goHere we goLa-da-di-da-da-di-dy (c"mon, we"re there)on the radi-adi-adi-adi-oThe system is gonna feel so fi-i-i-i-i-i-inePump it (louder)

英语改错! 1We sold our old house at a considerately higher price than we had paid for it.

1. than that we had paid for it.2. it keeps me awake 3. important for people

Mayor will carry out an inspection of our school next Monday when you can tell him how hard the ___


but unfortunately能连用么

But unfortunately that is not always the case.不幸的是心智极高水平的人不算多。Thanks,but unfortunately we already have plans.谢谢,但不巧的是我已经有计划了。But unfortunately, these are not open topics in every culture.但不幸的是,在每个文化中,这些都非公开的话题。

在设置语言时,不小心变成了英文,但在设置里点击出现了unfortunately settings has stopped,如何处理



“遗憾的是”在英语中有很多种说法,下面介绍几种比较常见的:1、Unfortunately例句:Unfortunately, no one took my messages seriously.遗憾的是,没人把我提供的信息当回事。2、It is regretful that…例句:It is regretful that strike leaders seem intent on spoiling holidays.遗憾的是罢工领导人似乎决意要破坏节日的气氛。3、It"s a pity that...It is a pity that all pupils in the city cannot have the same chances.遗憾的是,在这个城市里,并非所有的学生都能获得同样的机会。根据具体问题类型,进行步骤拆解/原因原理分析/内容拓展等。具体步骤如下:/导致这种情况的原因主要是……

unfortunately, there is no if英语翻译


Unfortunately an error has occurred. We apologise for the inconvenience. 什么意思啊


unfortunately,when i got there

1.Unfortunately,when I got there,she _,so we had only little time for a few words. A.just left B.had just left C.has just left D.was just leaving 选D,理由为:由题干可知,当我到那里的时候,是和她进行了交谈的,那么选项中,ABC就直接排除,因为ABC表示的状态是“她已经离开了”,其中C的时态也是错误的,应该使用过去完成时.那么D的选项,有动词的进行时形式表示一种“正准备离开”的状态.符合整体的题干和语境.

unfortunately his father

5.worse off worse off 意思是"贫穷的;缺钱的;情况更坏".这里的语法结构是:leave+宾语+宾补,表示"使…处于一种状态".

紧急请教各位高手,unfortunately ,xxx has stopped

unfortunately ,xxx has stopped------很不幸,XXX停止工作了。你这个是软件提示还是什么提示,如果是软件问题直接重装,如果是系统问题,重装一下系统即可。如果是装系统的话,我强烈建议你去“金木神盾系统”。“金木神盾系统”提供纯净版,原版、装机版系统下载安装,并免费给大家提供技术支持。真心不错的。

Unfortunately when I arrived she____,so we only had time for a few words.


为什么会出现unfortunately has stopped,该怎么解决


Unfortunately, the show was one of the dullest we have ever seen.



unfortunately 不幸的同义词unluckily有不会的可以再问我


因为你不可能只有一个朋友 所以这里用they 指的是你的所有的朋友应该用复数形式

unfortunately,we now have plenty of evidence that many children do not do half as well on tests as


##悬20##安卓模拟器运行程序出现:unfortunately 程序名 has stopped。


Unfortunately when I arrived she____,so we only had time for a few words.



这似乎不是一个完整的句子,你从哪里看来的 光这个的意思是 不幸的是,不是你的

Unfortunately, very few sheep (survived?) the severe winter last year.

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: Unfortunately, very few sheep () the severe winter last year. 选项: a、a. survived b、 b. endured c、 c. spent d、 d. remained alive 解析: A存活


I can"t afford to buy it. 我买不起. He no longer smokes. 他不再吸烟了 I always take pride in your excellent performance. 我总是为你的精彩表现感到骄傲. Please pay attention to my pronunciation. 请注意我的发音. Unfortunately this is not the book I have been looking for. 不幸的是,这不是我一直在找的书.


unfortunately:adv.不幸地,遗憾地; 可惜; 不巧; 例句:1.Unfortunately,we think italy is far too large to rescue.不幸的是我们认为意大利可能大到没法救.2.Unfortunately this is not true.不幸的是这并不是真的....




unfortunately:adv.不幸地,遗憾地; 可惜; 不巧; 例句:1.Unfortunately, we think italy is far too large to rescue. 不幸的是我们认为意大利可能大到没法救。2.Unfortunately this is not true. 不幸的是这并不是真的。misfortunate:adj.不幸的;可怜的例句:1.He who has no idea about what to do the next day is the most misfortunate man.不知道明天该做什么的人,是最不幸的人。2.No other misfortunate can be compared with the loss of time. 任何一种不幸都无法与失去的时间相比.这两个词的用法不一样,一个形容词,一个是副词,E智网为您解答,希望可以帮助到您!






unfortunately[美] [u028cnu02c8fu0254:rtu0283u0259nu0259tli]u2003u2003[英] [u028cnu02c8fu0254:tu0283u0259nu0259tli]u2003u2003adv. 不幸地,遗憾地; 可惜; 不巧比较级:more unfortunately最高级:most unfortunately


unfortunately的英语单词音标是【u028cnu02c8fu0254u02d0tu0283u0259nu0259tli】;释义为不幸地。双语例句1、Unfortunately, her only son died in a car accident。不幸的是她唯一的儿子死在了一场车祸当中。2、Unfortunately,we were trapped by the sandstorm and couldn"t see anything。遗憾的是,我们被沙尘暴困住了,什么也看不见。3、Unfortunately, I lost the game。不幸的是,我输了这场比赛。4、Unfortunately,we can"t come this evening after all。不幸的是 我们今晚来不了了。5、I like the city, but unfortunately it is crowded。我喜欢这个城市,但是这里太拥挤了。6、Chris has unfortunately left his keys at home。Chris不巧把钥匙落在家里了。


unfortunately的英语单词音标是【u028cnu02c8fu0254u02d0tu0283u0259nu0259tli】;释义为不幸地。双语例句1、Unfortunately, her only son died in a car accident。不幸的是她唯一的儿子死在了一场车祸当中。2、Unfortunately,we were trapped by the sandstorm and couldn"t see anything。遗憾的是,我们被沙尘暴困住了,什么也看不见。3、Unfortunately, I lost the game。不幸的是,我输了这场比赛。4、Unfortunately,we can"t come this evening after all。不幸的是 我们今晚来不了了。5、I like the city, but unfortunately it is crowded。我喜欢这个城市,但是这里太拥挤了。6、Chris has unfortunately left his keys at home。Chris不巧把钥匙落在家里了。


unfortunately[英][u028cnu02c8fu0254:tu0283u0259nu0259tli][美][u028cnu02c8fu0254u02d0rtu0283u0259nu0259tli]adv.不幸地,遗憾地; 可惜; 不巧; 最高级:most unfortunately比较级:more unfortunately


unfortunately 报错英 [u028cnu02c8fu0254u02d0tu0283u0259nu0259tli] 美 [u028cn"fu0254rtu0283u0259nu0259tli] adv. 不幸地






英 [u028cnu02c8fu0254:tu0283u0259nu0259tli]美 [u028cnu02c8fu0254u02d0rtu0283u0259nu0259tli]adv. 不幸地,遗憾地; 可惜; 不巧网 络 很遗憾; 不幸地; 不幸的是; 遗憾地 比较级: more unfortunately 最高级: most unfortunately1. I like cats but unfortunately I"m allergic to them. 我喜欢猫,但遗憾的是我对猫过敏。来自《权威词典》2. Unfortunately the plan backfired. 不幸的是,计划产生了适得其反的结果。来自《权威词典》3. Unfortunately, I won"t be able to attend the meeting. 真可惜我不能参加这次会议。来自《权威词典》4. Unfortunately,no questions from the audience broke the continuity of his harangue. 令人遗憾的是,没有听众提出问题来打断他的高谈阔论。来自《简明英汉词典》5. I called on you yesterday, but unfortunately you were out. 昨日来访,适值外出,甚憾。



unfortunately 和unlucky的区别


eclipse运行android项目时报错,模拟器里提示unfortunately 项目名 has stopped。

有时候想再次运行看看自己测试用的程序时还得重新在Eclipse中再次Run As。网上搜了大半天也没个有效的解决方案,相同的问题也没几个,有点奇怪难道只有我和少数人碰到过。最后在Logcat中看到一个错误于是在关掉模拟器修改RAM和VM Heap的大小,原来默认是500和16的,我改成700和32了,再次启动模拟器,之后就没出现“unfortunately,lanucher has stopped”的提示。



Unfortunately, when I dropped in, 这里unfortunately修饰谁,为何放在前边?





此外还有without luck;miserable--miserably;






不幸地 adv


unfortunately不幸的是双语对照词典结果:unfortunately[英][u028cnu02c8fu0254:tu0283u0259nu0259tli][美][u028cnu02c8fu0254:rtu0283u0259nu0259tli]adv.不幸地,遗憾地; 可惜; 不巧; 最高级:most unfortunately比较级:more unfortunately以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Unfortunately, we think italy is far too large to rescue. 不幸的是我们认为意大利可能大到没法救。






unfortunately是unfoutunate变过来的 unfoutunate是形容词 unfoutunately是副词 副词会放在句首的,副词的位置很灵活 如: Unfortunately, most adults with pertussis can expect to cough for at least 3 months. 不幸的是,大多数有百日咳的成人期望咳嗽至少3个月.


◆ I can"t make it, unfortunately. ◆ Unfortunately for him, the police had been informed and were waiting outside.◆ It won"t be finished for a few weeks. Unfortunately!◆The enclosed photograph is unfortunately not good enough to reproduce. ◆I was unfortunately delayed. 以上信息参看牛津高阶,基本上涵盖了unfortunately作状语时的位置关系.


unfortunately不幸的是双语对照词典结果:unfortunately[英][u028cnu02c8fu0254:tu0283u0259nu0259tli][美][u028cnu02c8fu0254:rtu0283u0259nu0259tli]adv.不幸地,遗憾地; 可惜; 不巧; 最高级:most unfortunately比较级:more unfortunately以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Things unfortunately aren"t so black and white. 不幸的事不是那么黑色和白色。


unfortunatelyadv.不幸地,遗憾地; 可惜; 不巧; [英][u028cnu02c8fu0254:tu0283u0259nu0259tli][美][u028cnu02c8fu0254:rtu0283u0259nu0259tli]


unfortunately不幸地,遗憾地; 可惜; 不巧双语例句1. Unfortunately, there is little prospect of seeing these big questions answered. 不幸的是,几乎不可能看到这些重大问题得到回复。2. Catching colds is unfortunately an occupational hazard in this profession. 不幸的是,容易感冒是这个行业的职业性风险。3. Unfortunately, Grandma always seems to awaken at awkward moments. 不幸的是,奶奶好像总是醒来的不是时候。*********************************************************************祝学习进步!如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!**********************************************************************


unfortunately[英][u028cnu02c8fu0254:tu0283u0259nu0259tli][美][u028cnu02c8fu0254:rtu0283u0259nu0259tli]adv.可惜; 不幸地,遗憾地; 不巧; 最高级:most unfortunately比较级:more unfortunately例句:1.Unfortunately the complications of modern society entirely suit lawyers. 不幸的是,现代社会的复杂特性与律师这个职业完全契合。2.I like cats but unfortunately I"m allergic to them. 我很喜欢猫,但遗憾的是我对猫过敏


unfortunately 英[u028cnu02c8fu0254:tu0283u0259nu0259tli] 美[u028cnu02c8fu0254u02d0rtu0283u0259nu0259tli] adv. 不幸地,遗憾地;可惜;不巧 最高级:most unfortunately;比较级:more unfortunately [例句] 1.Unfortunately, we think italy is far too large to rescue. 不幸的是我们认为意大利可能大到没法救. 2.Unfortunately, most companies lack the ability to reconfigure and make use ofsuch resources. 可惜,大多数公司都缺乏重新调配、利用这类资源的能力. 3.Unfortunately we are now seeing the consequences of this centralization. 不幸的是,现在我们看到了高度集中带来的苦果. 4.Unfortunately this is not true. 不幸的是这并不是真的. 5.Unfortunately, that"s not really true. 不幸地是,这并不是正确的.


unfortunately 英[u028cnu02c8fu0254:tu0283u0259nu0259tli] 美[u028cnu02c8fu0254:rtu0283u0259nu0259tli] adv. 可惜; 不幸地,遗憾地; 不巧; [网络] 不幸运地; 不幸的; 不幸地; [例句]Flurry, unfortunately, doesn "t tell us how many of those were androids and how many were apples.不过,很可惜,Flurry的报告并未详细说明安卓与苹果设备各自的激活量。[其他] 比较级:more unfortunately 最高级:most unfortunately

Fender Telecaster和stratocaster有什么区别

1、以标准款为例:fender strat 是单单单3个拾音器,单摇琴桥,琴体背面贴身体的地方有一个凹卧设计,前面也有一个斜面,这样的人体工程学导致 抱在怀里很舒服。标准款ST三单拾音器枫木指板配置。2 tele款 琴体 没有这两点设计,身体会感觉比较咯,外边右手小臂那里的琴体也比较磨, 另外tele是固定琴桥 2个单线圈是拾音器.但这种琴体的共振设计会使得吉他延音会长一点。标准款TL枫木指板配置3、从年代上看tele比strat出现的早,tele是最早的fender后来strat是在tele基础上改进得来的。4、ST因为是三单(SSS)或者单单双(HSS)拾音器,所以会有五个档位切换,而TL是单单拾音器,是三个档位。5、TL标准款都是枫木指板,这种指板表面会有一层清漆,音色脆、明亮。ST款会有枫木和玫瑰木两种选择,玫瑰木没有清漆涂面,出来的声音会温暖点,选择哪种指板要看个人喜好而定。标准款单单双玫瑰木指板配置

the saying tells us the true essence of communication with oythers in the society.这句us后面


谁知tokio hotel 那首alien的中英文歌词?

呦 你也是炒饭啊!!

tokio hotel 唱的 [love is dead] 歌词

Love Is Deadby Tokio Hotelalbum: Scream (2007) I hold your letter in my frozen hand The last line was long as long as it burns my look carries on With every word another feeling dies I"m left here in the dark No memories of you I close my eyes It"s killing me We die when love is dead It"s killing me We lost a dream we never had The world in silence and should forever feel alone Cause we are gone and we will never overcome It"s over now Vultures are waiting for what"s left of us What can we take? It all has no worth if we lose our trust They"re coming closer, want you and me I can feel their claws Let me go now Try to break free It"s killing me We die when love is dead It"s killing me We lost a dream we never had The world in silence should forever feel alone Cause we are gone and we will never overcome It"s over now Now, now It"s over now Now, now, It"s over now It"s over now It"s over now Vultures are waiting for what"s left of us Taking the last of you and the last of me. It"s killing me We die when love is dead It"s killing me We lost a dream we never had The world in silence should forever feel alone Cause we are gone and we will never overcome It"s over now Now, now It"s over now Now, now It"s over now It"s over now我超喜欢这首的!!!

谁知道东京旅馆TOKIO HOTEL唱的的歌词翻译?

Love is Dead 爱已死I hold your letter in my frozen hand 我冰冻的手拿著你的信The last line was long, as long as it burns 最后一行很长, 只要仍燃烧My look carries on 我会继续看下去With every word another feeling dies 每一个字都令另一种感觉死掉I"m left here in the dark 我被遗留在黑暗中No memories of you 拥有你的回忆已没了I close my eyes 我闭上眼睛It"s killing me 正杀掉我We die when love is dead 当爱已死, 我们亦死It"s killing me 正杀掉我We lost a dream we never had 我们失去一个没拥有过的梦The world in silence should forever feel alone 沉静的世界应永远感到孤单"Cause we are gone and we will never overcome 因我们已离去, 我们永不克服It"s over now 现在已完结了Vultures are waiting for what"s left of us 秃鹰正等候我们留下的What can we take, it all has no worth 我们还可带走什麼, 已毫无价值If we lose our trust 假若我们失去彼此的信任的话They"re coming closer, want you and me 它们正走近, 想要你和我I can feel their claws 我可感受到它们的利爪Let me go now 让我离去吧Try to break free 尝试挣脱It"s killing me 正杀掉我We die when love is dead 当爱已死, 我们亦死It"s killing me 正杀掉我We lost a dream we never had 我们失去一个没拥有过的梦The world in silence should forever feel alone 沉静的世界应永远感到孤单"Cause we are gone and we will never overcome 因我们已离去, 我们永不克服It"s over now 现在已完结了 Vultures are waiting for what"s left of us 秃鹰正等候我们留下的Taking the last of you 取走最后的你And the last of me 和最后的我It"s killing me 正杀掉我We die when love is dead 当爱已死, 我们亦死It"s killing me 正杀掉我We lost a dream we never had 我们失去一个没拥有过的梦The world in silence should forever feel alone 沉静的世界应永远感到孤单"Cause we are gone and we will never overcome 因我们已离去, 我们永不克服It"s over now 现在已完结了

谁知道东京旅馆TOKIO HOTEL唱的的歌词?还有resuce me,

Love Is Deadi feel a cold breath of windblack sky in mourning-veili see no worth-living reasonoh no,it"s driving me insanepangs of lovenever thought i would feel this wayi see your face in every cloudand i say to myselfdon"t let me, lete me fade awaylove is deadi walk through desert fieldsblack ravens surrounding mei have no more jest for lifeno more,i"m bleeding from insidea once opened heartnever thought i would feel this wayi search for any reason or causewhich i could never findso i blame myself for things i don"t understandlove is deadall my life is paindrowned in tearsnever thought i would feel this wayeveryday i die once moremy heart turns blacknever again safe and warmlove is deadRescue Me lyricsThis used to be our secretNow I"m hiding here aloneCan"t help but read our names on the wallAnd wash them off the stoneI trusted you in every wayBut not enough to make you stayTurn aroundI"ve lost my groundCome and rescue meI"m burning can"t you see?Come and rescue meOnly you can set me freeCome and rescue meRescue meRescue meWe lied when we were dreamingOur crying was just fakeI wish you could deny itHere and todayMy S.O.S on radioThe only chance to let you knowWhat I fearCan you hear?Come and rescue meI am burning can"t you see?Come and rescue meOnly you can set me freeCome and rescue meRescue meYou and meYou and meYou and meThe walls are coming closerMy senses fade awayI"m haunted by your shadowI reach to feel your faceYou"re not hereAre you here?Come and rescue meRescue meCome and rescue meI"m burning can"t you see?Come and rescue meOnly you can set me freeCome and rescue meRescue meYou and meYou and meRescue meYou and meSet me freeRescue me

Tokio Hotel的Attention歌词(要有时间戮的!)

Ooh Ooh, ooh Ooh, ooh From the minute that you got my attention I was taken and I have to mention I was trying to not let it show But I knew I wasn"t gonna let you go From the way that you came right to me Looking all hot with the style that threw me No one would"ve ever known it You would be the one who take this heart and hold it 从见到你的那一刻我就被你深深的吸引了尽管我尽量掩饰对你的爱恋但我知道我不会让你溜走的你向我走来,性感又出众但没人会了解,你将成为我的梦中情人You got that extraordinary way Got to be next to ya every single day You do something that I just can"t explain Wanna take the chance and tell you you"re the one for me 你太完美了我会无时无刻的陪伴你我无法明白你做的一些事但我会把握机会让你成为我的唯一Ooh, I love you so Just look in my eyes, they"ll tell you where this could go Yeah Do you know it Ooh, I love you so Look in these eyes, they"ll tell you where this could go I just want you to know 哦,我太爱你了只要你看着我的眼睛就会知道我的心思我只想让你知道You can san say anything you want to No stress "cause I understand you We got a vibe you can"t define Want everyone know that boy is mine We won"t fight and stop and stare at the way you hold me You take me there at times I feel I lose control Forget everyone but the hand I"m holding 你可以无所不聊,因为和我在一起不会有压力我们心心相通,我们不会吵架我们只会关心彼此间的拥抱我迷失了忘却了所有除了你紧握着我的手You got that extraordinary way Got to be next to ya every single day You do something that I just can"t explain Wanna take the chance and tell you you"re the one for me 你太完美了我会无时无刻的陪伴你我无法明白你做的一些事但我会把握机会让你成为我的唯一Ooh, I love you so Just look in my eyes, they"ll tell you where this could go Yeah Can you feel it Ooh, I love you so Look in these eyes, they"ll tell you where this could go I just want you to know 哦,我太爱你了只要你看着我的眼睛就会知道我的心思我只想让你知道Please know this I"ll always be right here And you don"t have to look Nowhere else babe Don"t think for a minute This love will change Oh you should know that 请你明白,我永远会在这里所以你不用到其它地方去找我,我的宝贝不要怀疑我对你的爱会有所改变因为你知道那是不可能的Ooh, I love you so Just look in my eyes, they"ll tell you where this could go Yeah Can you feel it Ooh, I love you so Look in these eyes, they"ll tell you where this could go I just want you to know 哦,我太爱你了只要你看着我的眼睛就会知道我的心思我只想让你知道Ooh, I love you so Just look in my eyes, they"ll tell you where this could go Yeah Can you feel it Ooh, I love you so Look in these eyes, they"ll tell you where this could go I just want you to know 哦,我太爱你了只要你看着我的眼睛就会知道我的心思我只想让你知道

Chelsea Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Chelsea Hotel歌手:Leonard Cohen专辑:Songs From The RoadLenord Cohen - Chelsea Hotel No.2I remember you well in the Chelsea Hotel,you were talking so brave and so sweet,giving me head on the unmade bed,while the limousines wait in the street.Those were the reasons and that was New York,we were running for the money and the flesh.And that was called love for the workers in songprobably still is for those of them left.Ah but you got away, didn"t you babe,you just turned your back on the crowd,you got away, I never once heard you say,I need you, I don"t need you,I need you, I don"t need youand all of that jiving around.I remember you well in the Chelsea Hotelyou were famous, your heart was a legend.You told me again you preferred handsome menbut for me you would make an exception.And clenching your fist for the ones like uswho are oppressed by the figures of beauty,you fixed yourself, you said,"Well never mind, we are ugly but we have the music."Ah but you got away, didn"t you babe,you just turned your back on the crowd,you got away, I never once heard you say,I need you, I don"t need you,I need you, I don"t need youand all of that jiving around.I don"t mean to suggest that I loved you the best,I can"t keep track of each fallen robin.I remember you well in the Chelsea Hotel,that"s all, I don"t even think of you that often.「Created by WenChu(WC),20040829,Shanghai.....」

Hotel California 歌词

歌曲名:Hotel California歌手:Carol Gonzalez专辑:The Music In MeOn a dark desert highway.Cool wind in my hair.Warm smell of colitas risingUp through the air Up ahead in the distance.I saw a shimmering lightMy head grew heavy and my sight grew dimI had to stop for the nightThere she stood in the doorwayI heard the mission bellAnd I was thinking to myselfThis could be heaven or this could be hellThen she lit up a candleAnd she showed me the wayThere were voices down in corridorI thought I heard them say... ...Welcome to the Hotel CaliforniaSuch a lovely place (such a lovely face)There"s plenty of rooms at theHotel CaliforniaAny time of year you can find it hereHer mind is Tiffany-twistedShe got the Mercedes-BenzShe got a lot of pretty,Pretty boys that she calls friendsHow they dance in the courtyardSweet summer sweatSome dance to rememberSome dance to forgetSo I called up the captainPlease bring me my wineHe said we haven"t had that spiritHere since nineteen sixty nineAnd still those voices areCalling from far awayWake you up in the middle of the nightJust to hear them say... ...Welcome to the HotelCalofornia Such a lovely place(such a loveely face)They livin"it up at the Hotel CaliforniaWhat a nice surprise bring your alibisMirrors on the ceillingThe pink champagne on iceAnd she said we are all just prisonersHere of our own deviceAnd in the master"s chambersThey gathered for the feastThey stab it with their steely knivesBut they just can"t kill the beastLast thing I remember,I was running for the doorI had to find the passage backTo the place I was beforeRelax said programmed to receiveYou can check out any time you likeBut you can never leave

tokio hotel—pian of love中文歌词

The pain of love爱情的伤痛won"t break us up绝不会让我们分离We don"t need your salvation我们不需要被拯救The pain of love爱情的伤痛will never stop绝不会在半途终止We are our own creation我们是彼此的产物The pain of love 爱情的伤痛is in our hearts就在心灵的深处It"s deeper than the ocean它深于海洋The pain of love爱情的伤痛waits in the dark就在黑暗中等待We take it in slow motion我们慢慢接受And we go on而我们继续向前and we go on继续向前and on继续and on继续and on继续We don"t belong我们从来不属于we don"t belong我们永远不属于belong to anyone任何一个人The pain of love won"t last forever爱情的伤痛将不会永远持续Promise me承诺我promise me承诺我We"ll celebrate the pain together我们将一起庆祝这深刻的痛The pain of love这爱情的痛love爱 love爱The pain of love爱情的伤痛in all of us我们被它包围It hits you like a hammer让我们接受这铁锤猛击一样的痛The pain of love爱情的疼痛we can"t turn off我们不能终止Lets celebrate the drama让我们赞美这美妙戏剧一般的爱The pain of love爱情的疼痛don"t let it crush别让它破碎We will be all forgiven否则我们将被彼此遗忘The pain of love爱情的疼痛I wanna touch我想要触碰Without it"s not worth living没有伤痛会不值得我活下去And we go on而我们继续向前and we go on继续向前and on继续and on继续and on继续We don"t belong我们从来不属于we don"t belong我们永远不属于belong to anyone任何一个人The pain of love won"t last forever爱情的疼痛将不会永远持续Promise me承诺我promise me承诺我We"ll celebrate the pain together我们将一起庆祝这深刻的痛The pain of love这爱情的痛love爱 love爱We climb the mountains我们翻越高山walk the deserts我们横跨沙漠For our love只是为了我们的爱Lets make a pact tonight在今夜给我们彼此一个烙印So we can feel this pain of love forever让我们永生永世地记住爱之疼痛And we go on而我们继续向前and we go on继续向前and on继续and on继续and on继续We don"t belong我们从来不属于we don"t belong我们永远不属于belong to anyone任何一个人And we go on而我们继续向前and we go on继续向前and on继续and on继续and on继续We don"t belong我们从来不属于we don"t belong我们永远不属于belong to anyone任何一个人The pain of love won"t last forever爱情的伤痛将不会永远持续Promise me承诺我promise me承诺我We"ll celebrate the pain together我们将一起庆祝这深深的痛The pain of love这爱情的痛love爱 love爱The pain of love爱情的伤痛The pain of love爱情的伤痛

Pain of love——Tokio Hotel 中英文歌词

Pain of Love The pain of love, Won"t break us up. We don"t need your salvation. The pain of love Will never stop We are our own creation. The pain of love Lives in our heart It"s deeper than the ocean The pain of love Waits in the dark We take it in slow motion And we go on, and we go, on and on and on and on We don"t belong, we don"t belong, belong to anyone The pain of love will last for ever Promise me, Promise me We celebrate the pain together, The pain, of love, of love, of love The pain of love In all of us It hits you like a hammer The pain of love We can turn off Let"s celebrate the drama The pain of love Don"t let us crush We will be off forgiven The pain of love I want to touch Without this nothing was lived And we go on, and we go on and on and on and on We don"t belong, we don"t belong, belong to anyone The pain of love will last forever Promise me, Promise me We celebrate the pain together, The pain, of love, of love, of love We climb the mountain Or the dessert For our love Let"s make a pact Tonight so we can feel this pain of love forever And we go on, and we go on and on and on and on We don"t belong, we don"t belong, belong to anyone And we go on, and we go on and on and on and on We don"t belong, we don"t belong, belong to anyone The pain of love will last forever Promise me, Promise me We celebrate the pain together, The pain, of love, of love, of love The pain of love, the pain of love爱之痛 爱之痛 也不能分开我们 我们不需要你们来拯救 爱之痛 以后也不会止住 我们生就如此 爱之痛 扎在我们心中 深过大海 爱之痛 伺机在黑暗里 我们忍痛匍匐 但我们依然继续,还要继续,一直下去 我们不属于,不依附于谁 爱之痛将永无止境 答应我,允诺我 我们一起以痛当歌 爱之痛,爱之痛 爱之痛 其实所有人都有 它如重锤击伤你心 爱之痛 我们可以抛开 不妨好好庆贺这出戏 爱之痛 压不垮我们 我们不需要宽恕 爱之痛 我只想尝触 没了它便了无生趣 所以我们依然继续,还要继续,一直下去 我们不属于,不依附于谁 爱之痛将永无止境 答应我,允诺我 我们一起以痛当歌 爱之痛,爱之痛我们攀山越岭 无惧荒漠 只为我们的爱 我们今晚就定下约定 从此能永沐于爱之痛我们依然继续,还要继续,一直下去 我们不属于,不依附于谁 爱之痛将永无止境 答应我,允诺我 我们一起以痛当歌 爱之痛,爱之痛唔,不是我译的,我觉得这个译得不错,所以。。。。希望有用~

Pain of love——Tokio Hotel 中英文歌词

Thepainoflove爱情的伤痛won"tbreakusup绝不会让我们分离Wedon"tneedyoursalvation我们不需要被拯救Thepainoflove爱情的伤痛willneverstop绝不会在半途终止Weareourowncreation我们是彼此的产物Thepainoflove 爱情的伤痛isinourhearts就在心灵的深处It"sdeeperthantheocean它深于海洋Thepainoflove爱情的伤痛waitsinthedark就在黑暗中等待Wetakeitinslowmotion我们慢慢接受Andwegoon而我们继续向前andwegoon继续向前andon继续andon继续andon继续Wedon"tbelong我们从来不属于wedon"tbelong我们永远不属于belongtoanyone任何一个人Thepainoflovewon"tlastforever爱情的伤痛将不会永远持续Promiseme承诺我promiseme承诺我We"llcelebratethepaintogether我们将一起庆祝这深刻的痛Thepainoflove这爱情的痛love爱 love爱Thepainoflove爱情的伤痛inallofus我们被它包围Ithitsyoulikeahammer让我们接受这铁锤猛击一样的痛Thepainoflove爱情的疼痛wecan"tturnoff我们不能终止Letscelebratethedrama让我们赞美这美妙戏剧一般的爱Thepainoflove爱情的疼痛don"tletitcrush别让它破碎Wewillbeallforgiven否则我们将被彼此遗忘Thepainoflove爱情的疼痛Iwannatouch我想要触碰Withoutit"snotworthliving没有伤痛会不值得我活下去Andwegoon而我们继续向前andwegoon继续向前andon继续andon继续andon继续Wedon"tbelong我们从来不属于wedon"tbelong我们永远不属于belongtoanyone任何一个人Thepainoflovewon"tlastforever爱情的疼痛将不会永远持续Promiseme承诺我promiseme承诺我We"llcelebratethepaintogether我们将一起庆祝这深刻的痛Thepainoflove这爱情的痛love爱 love爱Weclimbthemountains我们翻越高山walkthedeserts我们横跨沙漠Forourlove只是为了我们的爱Letsmakeapacttonight在今夜给我们彼此一个烙印Sowecanfeelthispainofloveforever让我们永生永世地记住爱之疼痛Andwegoon而我们继续向前andwegoon继续向前andon继续andon继续andon继续Wedon"tbelong我们从来不属于wedon"tbelong我们永远不属于belongtoanyone任何一个人Andwegoon而我们继续向前andwegoon继续向前andon继续andon继续andon继续Wedon"tbelong我们从来不属于wedon"tbelong我们永远不属于belongtoanyone任何一个人Thepainoflovewon"tlastforever爱情的伤痛将不会永远持续Promiseme承诺我promiseme承诺我We"llcelebratethepaintogether我们将一起庆祝这深深的痛Thepainoflove这爱情的痛love爱 love爱Thepainoflove爱情的伤痛Thepainoflove爱情的伤痛

Pain of love——Tokio Hotel 中英文歌词

The pain of love爱情的伤痛won"t break us up绝不会让我们分离We don"t need your salvation我们不需要被拯救The pain of love爱情的伤痛will never stop绝不会在半途终止We are our own creation我们是彼此的产物The pain of love 爱情的伤痛is in our hearts就在心灵的深处It"s deeper than the ocean它深于海洋The pain of love爱情的伤痛waits in the dark就在黑暗中等待We take it in slow motion我们慢慢接受And we go on而我们继续向前and we go on继续向前and on继续and on继续and on继续We don"t belong我们从来不属于we don"t belong我们永远不属于belong to anyone任何一个人The pain of love won"t last forever爱情的伤痛将不会永远持续Promise me承诺我promise me承诺我We"ll celebrate the pain together我们将一起庆祝这深刻的痛The pain of love这爱情的痛love爱 love爱The pain of love爱情的伤痛in all of us我们被它包围It hits you like a hammer让我们接受这铁锤猛击一样的痛The pain of love爱情的疼痛we can"t turn off我们不能终止Lets celebrate the drama让我们赞美这美妙戏剧一般的爱The pain of love爱情的疼痛don"t let it crush别让它破碎We will be all forgiven否则我们将被彼此遗忘The pain of love爱情的疼痛I wanna touch我想要触碰Without it"s not worth living没有伤痛会不值得我活下去And we go on而我们继续向前and we go on继续向前and on继续and on继续and on继续We don"t belong我们从来不属于we don"t belong我们永远不属于belong to anyone任何一个人The pain of love won"t last forever爱情的疼痛将不会永远持续Promise me承诺我promise me承诺我We"ll celebrate the pain together我们将一起庆祝这深刻的痛The pain of love这爱情的痛love爱 love爱We climb the mountains我们翻越高山walk the deserts我们横跨沙漠For our love只是为了我们的爱Lets make a pact tonight在今夜给我们彼此一个烙印So we can feel this pain of love forever让我们永生永世地记住爱之疼痛And we go on而我们继续向前and we go on继续向前and on继续and on继续and on继续We don"t belong我们从来不属于we don"t belong我们永远不属于belong to anyone任何一个人And we go on而我们继续向前and we go on继续向前and on继续and on继续and on继续We don"t belong我们从来不属于we don"t belong我们永远不属于belong to anyone任何一个人The pain of love won"t last forever爱情的伤痛将不会永远持续Promise me承诺我promise me承诺我We"ll celebrate the pain together我们将一起庆祝这深深的痛The pain of love这爱情的痛love爱 love爱The pain of love爱情的伤痛The pain of love爱情的伤痛

i enjoy to make love in the hotel翻译成汉语


Love Hotel秋的别馆 歌词

歌曲名:Love Hotel秋的别馆歌手:周华健专辑:一起吃苦的幸福Love Hotel秋的别馆词D 曲:周华健关上窗隔绝外界纷纷扰攘静下心听见爱随时间流淌已是秋凉 人去远方是或非再不用伪装躲藏那时你直视著我炽热目光 世界不过是咫尺见方多少次相拥恨不能见一丝希望 告诉自己就荒唐这一场往日温存只留下苦涩难尝但也已无伤现在的你会枕在谁的胸膛共看星光有多久不再对谁敞开心房这些年岁月划过牵你的手掌温柔脸庞 寂静长廊记忆中相识的最初模样我红了眼眶等待天亮在邱的别管把记忆封了箱不再想往日温存只留下苦涩难尝但也已无伤现在的你会枕在谁的胸膛共看星光

Are you ( )complete ready?为什么填completely

因为ready是形容词,应该用副词修饰形容词,所以如此。学习是一件愉快的事! (*^__^*) 请及时采纳,多谢!

被彻底震惊为什么是be completely shocked be动词后面不是加形容词吗?


I had flipped.Completely.

1957年夏天,一年级的那个暑假,布莱斯·罗斯基搬到朱莉·贝克家对面,两人就此成为了邻居。从见到布莱斯的第一眼开始,朱莉就因为他的一双dazzling eyes而对他一见倾心。 她主动上前提出帮他忙,跟在他身后围着他跑,在他来到新学校的第一天热情拥抱他,坐在他后排偷偷嗅着他头发上西瓜味的香气,甚至幻想和期望着他们之间还未发生的初吻。 朱莉的心动却让布莱斯避之不及,他心里只有一个念头: “我只希望朱莉·贝克能离我远点”。 朱莉的热情主动在他看来“不识趣”且“毫无自知之明”。他为了躲避朱莉使出浑身解数,故意接近朱莉的宿敌雪利,和她一起吃饭聊天散步,但就算这样也不能使朱莉的热情减退,反倒因为自己的小算盘被雪利发现而挨了她一巴掌。布莱斯只能期望来年升入初中之后不再和朱莉同班,逃脱她的魔掌,彻底结束自己的噩梦。 作为电影女主角的朱莉,完美诠释了美国文化当中女主角该有的特点:勇敢乐观,生机勃勃,敢于与众不同,有自己坚持的梦想,也有着脚踏实地的能力,像是一棵生命力顽强的树。总之给人一种不管在哪儿、做什么,她都能生活得很好的感觉。 朱莉知道永动机,她在科技展览会上展示的课题是观察鸡蛋的孵化过程,并且把孵出来的小鸡带回家养在后院。她还喜欢看爸爸画画,更喜欢在他画画时和他聊天。爸爸一边画画一边告诉她:“一幅画绝非简单拼凑就能完成的,一头牛只是一头牛,草地也只是长满了鲜花和青草,而穿过枝桠的阳光也仅仅只是一缕薄光。但如果你把它们衔接拼凑起来,却能收获意想不到的成果。” 在同龄女生聊着打耳洞、睡衣派对等等话题的时候,朱莉最喜欢的事情却是爬到梧桐树顶看好几个小时的风景,大口呼吸大树顶端的沁人心脾的气息,思考着整体是否胜于部分的总和这样的问题。就像布莱斯的外公说过的,她是一个好女孩,是 “a girl like that doesn"t live next door to everyone." 然而那时候布莱斯还只是个小男孩,他还无法看到朱莉彩虹般绚烂缤纷的内心。 但布莱斯的外公切特可以看到,所以他脱掉平常一直穿着的拖鞋,换上工作靴和朱莉一起修整她家的院子,和她一个小时内说的话甚至比他和布莱斯说过的所有话还要多。他对朱莉说他在报纸上看到她的报道,说如果他太太还在的话,一定会陪朱莉坐到那棵树上,她可以在上面坐一整夜。他也完全理解朱莉爸爸告诉朱莉的那个关于整体胜于部分总和的道理。他告诉她而且人也如此,但有时候人甚至还没有那么好。 所以朱莉开始审视自己身边从小学就认识的同学,发现的确和切特说的一样,有些人的整体反而小于他的部分总和。朱莉也因此渐渐不确定自己对布莱斯的感觉,当她再次望向布莱斯那双忽闪忽闪的蓝眼睛,她发现除了好看的双眼,布莱斯的整体其实没那么好。 在去参加布莱斯家的晚宴之前,朱莉望着爸爸给她画的那棵梧桐树,她终于想明白,布莱斯从来都不算是她的朋友。在梧桐树被砍时布莱斯没有站在她这边,怀疑她送来的鸡蛋有沙门氏菌并偷偷扔掉,甚至和朋友在背后开她家人的玩笑。她确定自己不再喜欢布莱斯了,意识到这一点之后的她也感觉到了前所未有的平和。 而在这个时候,布莱斯却喜欢上了朱莉。 一开始或许只是擅自扔掉鸡蛋的愧疚,居然变成了实验课上无法移开的注视,脑海中挥之不去的想念。直到在学校的慈善竞标会上,朱莉投给了其他男生,布莱斯看着朱莉和其他男生面对面吃午餐,看着他们聊天并且笑得很开心,布莱斯终于没办法坐视不管。 布莱斯的朋友加利特对这一切完全无法理解:“你对她动心了吗?你怎么了?” 他认为布莱斯疯了,为了这个噩梦般的邻居、无所不知的讨厌鬼、甩不掉的跟屁虫朱莉·贝克,布莱斯居然丢下共进午餐的校花。 当布莱斯提着装着脏碗脏碟的篮子回家时,他却一直想着朱莉。他意识到加利特说对了一件事, 他心动了,完全心动了。 整部电影里我最喜欢的台词就是这一句,当旁白里的布莱斯说出这句话时,有一种“完蛋了”的感觉,而他心里知道这其实太好了。 电影的最后,朱莉从窗帘的缝隙里看到布莱斯在她的院子里种了一棵树,朱莉无须多问,因为她从叶子的形状和枝干的纹路就可以看出来,是一棵她最喜欢的梧桐树。于是朱莉从房子里走了出来,走向他。 布莱斯望着她,用那双再次忽闪忽闪的大眼睛。他终于明白: “当她走出那扇门,我回想起第一次见她,怎么会有人想从朱莉·贝克的手里挣脱呢?” 随着主题曲《Let It Be Me》响起,从朱莉那句“需要帮忙吗”开始,他们真正地开始交流了。而布莱斯知道他们会说很久很久。“有些人会渐露平庸,有些人会小有所成,还有些人会出类拔萃,但你偶尔才能遇上一个光彩夺目的人。当你真正遇到这一刻,才能明白其中的美好。”这是布莱斯的外公对他说过的一段话,十分经典。而翻译为中文也有无数个版本,流传最广的大概是一首小诗的那个版本:“有人住高楼,有人在深沟;有人光万丈,有人一身锈。世人万千种,浮云莫去求;斯人若彩虹,遇上方知有。” 希望你我也能在这千万人之中,遇到那个在你眼中闪闪发光的人,如彩虹般绚烂的人。


<tell me why>歌手:Declan Galbraith歌词:In my dream,children sing A song of love for every boy and girl The sky is blue and fields are green: And laughter is the language of the world Then i wake and all i see Is a world full of people in need Chorus: Tell me why(why) does it have to be like this? Tell me why (why) is there something i have missed? Tell me why (why) cos i don t understand When so many need somebody We don t give a helping hand Tell me why? Everyday i ask myself What will i have to do to be a man? Do i have to stand and fight To prove to everybody who i am? Is that what my life is for To waste in a world full of war? chorus: (children)tell me why?(declan)tell me why? (children)tell me why?(declan)tell me why? (together) just tell me why, why, why? chorus: chorus chant: Tell me why (why,why,does the tiger run) Tell me why(why why do we shoot the gun) Tell me why (why,why do we never learn) Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn? (why,why do we say we care) Tell me why(why,why do we stand and stare) Tell me why(why,why do the dolphins cry) Can some one tell us why we let the ocean die? (why,why if we re all the same) Tell me why(why,why do we pass the blame) Tell me why (why,why does it never end) Can some one tell us why we cannot just be friends? Why,why

Tokio hotel

bill 和 tom 都说无法忍受跟除了对方以外的人这样整天在一起~

求助 歌词里面有个 tell me why 我知道

tell me why(Declan Galbraith 演唱歌曲)In my dream,children sing a song of love for every boy and girl .The sky is blue and fields are green and laughter is the language of the world.Then I wake and all I see is a world full of people in need.Tell me why(why),does it have to be like this?Tell me why(why),is there something I have missed?Tell me why(why),cos I don"t understand,when so many need somebody,we don"t give a helping hand.Tell me why?Every day, I ask myself,what will I have to do to be a man?Do I have to stand and fight, to prove to everybody who I am?Is that what my life is for, to waste in a world full of war?Tell me why(why),does it have to be like this?Tell me why(why),is there something I have missed?Tell me why(why),cos I don"t understand,when so many need somebody,we don"t give a helping hand.Tell me why (tell me why),tell me why (tell me why),tell me why (tell me why),just tell me why!Tell me why(why),does it have to be like this?Tell me why(why),is there something I have missed?Tell me why(why),cause I don"t understand,when so many need somebody,we don"t give a helping hand,Tell me why?(Why,why,does the tiger run)Tell me why?(Why,why,do we shoot the gun)Tell me why?(Why,why,do we never learn)Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn?(Why,why,do we said we care)Tell me why?(Why,why,do we stand and stare)Tell me why?(why, why, do the dolphins cry)Can someone tell us why we let the ocean die?(Why,why,if we"re all the same)Tell me why?(Why,why,do we pass the blame)Tell me why?(Why,why,does it never end)Can someone tell us why we can not just be friends?Why,why,(do we close our eyes)Why,why,(do the greedy life)Why,why,(do we fight for land)Can someone tell us why we don"t understand?Why,why?!



Tell me why的歌词

in my dream,children singa song of love for every boy and girlthe sky is blue and fields are green:and laughter is the language of the worldthen i wake and all i seeis a world full of people in needtell me why(why) does it have to be like this?tell me why (why) is there something i have missed?tell me why (why) cos i don"t understandwhen so many need somebodywe don"t give a helping hand tell me why?everyday i ask myselfwhat will i have to do to be a man?do i have to stand and fightto prove to everybody who i am?is that what my life is forto waste in a world full of war?tell me why(why) does it have to be like this?tell me why (why) is there something i have missed?tell me why (why) cos i don"t understandwhen so many need somebodywe don"t give a helping hand ?(declan)tell me why?(children)tell me why?(declan)tell me why?(children)tell me why?(declan)tell me why?(children)tell me why?(together) just tell me why, why, why?tell me why(why) does it have to be like this?tell me why (why) is there something i have missed?tell me why (why) cos i don"t understandwhen so many need somebodywe don"t give a helping hand ?tell me why (why,why,does the tiger run)tell me why(why why do we shoot the gun)tell me why (why,why do we never learn)can someone tell us why we let the forest burn?(why,why do we say we care)tell me why(why,why do we stand and stare)tell me why(why,why do the dolphins cry)can some one tell us why we let the ocean die?(why,why if we"re all the same)tell me why(why,why do we pass the blame)tell me why (why,why does it never end)can some one tell us why we cannot just be friends?tell me why why

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