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to the way,in the way,on thw way,by the way翻译分别是什


Bwfore she sleeps in the sand


The harm of 和the harmful 的区别 of?

harm是名词,thw harm of 什么的危害harmful是形容词 ,the harmful+名词


可以不加 但是要开情况 在不同的句型下有时候还是有必要的

Mercy (From The Prayer Cycle) (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Mercy (From The Prayer Cycle) (Album Version)歌手:Alanis Morissette专辑:The CollectionJennifer Paige - MercyI got nothing but love for you honeyIt don"t matter if you ain"t got moneyI got chills running down from my head to my feetBut my temperature"s rising I can feel the heatCupid ain"t got nothing on you, boyYou keep me up until early morningLord, I swear, you outta come with a warningI feel so high I get weak in the kneesI ain"t gonna lie, I love the way that you teaseYou got me beggin", beggin" mercyI quit, I give inCuz there"s no way to win at this gameIf this love is a sinThen I"ll be going down in flamesNever gonna be the sameOh, mercyI"ve been feelin" hot and botheredYou got a way that"s like no otherYou found my weakness and you tightened your gripAnd, I"ve been held a captive to that night ever sinceSo, lock me up and throw away the key, boyIf your lovin" is a crime, I surrenderGo and take me baby as your prisonerI"m where I wanna be, crying mercy


组织机构前加定冠词the BBC:Brithsh Broadcasting Corporation但当组织机构以专有名词开首就不加theNATO:North Atlantic Treaty Organization


1,释义:art.这个;指已提到或易领会到的人或事物;指独一无二的、正常的或不言而喻的人或事物;用以泛指;与形容词连用,指事物或统称的人;用于姓氏的复数形式前,指家庭或夫妇;(指特定用途的事物)足够,恰好;每,一;当前的,本,此;(重读,表示所指的为知名或重要的人或事物)adv.(用于副词最高级前, 但通常可省略);(用于形容词、副词比较级前)为了那个,由于某事而更……,到相应程度;(用于形容词、副词比较级前)越……越……(指已提到或易领会到的人或事物)2,例句:There were three questions. The first two were relatively easy but the third one was hard.有三个问题。头两个相对容易,第三个困难。2,There was an accident here yesterday. A car hit a tree and the driver was killed.昨天这里发生了一起事故。一辆小轿车撞到树上,驾车的人死了。3,The heat was getting to be too much for me.天气热得快让我受不了了。4,The nights are getting longer.夜越来越长。5,(指独一无二的、正常的或不言而喻的人或事物)used to refer to sb/sth that is the only, normal or obvious one of their kindthe Mona Lis

The managers discussed the plan that they weould like to see___the next year

把句子补充完整,The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see__(to be carried out)_the next year楼主就知道原因啦句中 省略 to be 一个是将来的,用不定式,一个是被动的,要用被动语态综合起来就排除A,B,D了

Regina Spektor的《The Party》 歌词

歌曲名:The Party歌手:Regina Spektor专辑:What We Saw From The Cheap SeatsRegina Spektor - The PartyYou"re like a party somebody threw meYou taste like birthdayYou look like New YearYou"re like a big parade through townYou leave such a mess but you"re so funTell all the neighbors to start knocking down wallsTo grab their guitars and run out to the hallsAnd we"ll be coming out right alongto sing them my new songFor every place there is a busThat"ll take you where you mustStart counting all your moneyand friends before you come back againFor every road we can"t retraceFor every memory we can"t faceFor every name that"s been erasedLet"s have another roundMay I propose a little toast?For all the ones who hurt the mostFor all the friends that we have lostLet"s give them one more round of applauseBut you"re like a party somebody threw meYou taste like birthdayYou look like New YearYou"re like a big parade through townYou leave such a mess but you"re so fun

以下英文名大家觉得哪个好点?Katherine Katrina Rayna Regina Cynthia Diana,请亲们帮忙看看。


有亲用过澳洲 the coat skincare的羊奶皂吗,上面的数字1608075是什么意思


资生堂the skincare 瓶底写着DPLM 是什么意思啊~~另一瓶写的QQ~真奇怪~看不明白~

放心。是生产批号和日期。一般资生堂的批号第一位是数字,这个可以不用看,从第一个字母看起。 第一个字母表示月份,第2个字母表示生产年份。 月份代码:B,4;D,5;F,6;H,7;J,8;L,9;N,10;P,11;R,12;T,1;V,2;X,3 年份代码:J,2005; L,2006; N,2007,P,2008 其它字母都与生产日期无关。 2 日本资生堂化妆品 如果是护肤的 一般保质期为3年。 如果是日本原产的资生堂,没有生产日期。

澳洲The Goat Skincare怎么样 澳洲本地人最爱用的羊奶皂


澳洲羊奶皂goat soap与the goat skincare区别,很多都说是包装还了所以包装

最开始设计生产山羊奶皂的初衷是因为创始人的儿子有严重的湿疹,山羊奶是最接近人体皮肤ph值的,所以无添加化学成分的Dpp公司goat soap瘦羊就研发出来了,被有先见之明的cw药房看到了商机,遂和创始人谈了一份独家销售计划,但进价很低,事业刚刚起步的创始人也难于自己去市场推广,好的这个不平等协议就达成了。但随着羊奶皂的大红大紫,创始人发现亏了啊,我这个羊奶皂这么便宜卖给cw,cw确高价卖出去,还限制我不能卖给其它人,这可不行u2757ufe0f聪明的他想到既然你限制我Dpp旗下的goat soap不能卖给别人,那我重新开创一个牌子不就解决了,于是注册coremetrics公司改名the goat skincare,也就是现在的胖羊,卖给其它药房超市,自己挣钱,cw公司也拿他没办法,就这样互不干扰的各卖各,这也是为什么瘦羊在澳洲除了cw,其它正规药店看不到的原因,所以他们其实就是一样的东西。只是被迫分成了2个包装,其实除了cw药房,买到瘦羊假货的机会更多U0001f605

the goat skincare是不是澳洲的

这个是个山寨品牌,用过质量也很次,如果买一定要看清,Goat soap是澳洲药房有卖的就是普通的香皂,the goat skincare是山寨的。

羊奶皂The Goat Soap和The Goat Skincare有什么区别

we had to give up, though I was sad, I had to get used to it. But last night,

求香港一男女歌手合唱的英文歌,男声歌词有get me through the night ,男歌手不知道是不是陈柏宇,

Way back into Love

Only The Strong Survive是什吗意思


only 11 people ______the shipwreck.


英语They knocked $500 off the car怎么翻译?


电影The sound of music的梗概,英文版,大概初一的水平

音乐之声 Sound of Music, The The Sound of Music, feature-film musical about a young religious novice working as a governess who brings music and happiness to a widower"s large family, set in Austria during World War II. Released in 1965 and based on real-life events, this box-office hit earned Academy Awards for best picture, best director, best film editing, best sound, and best musical score. Julie Andrews stars as Maria, the novice nun who, on the advice of her Mother Superior, takes a job as a governess in the household of Captain Von Trapp (played by Christopher Plummer), caring for his seven children, while she considers her vocation. Maria teaches the children to sing, and she and the captain begin to fall in love. When the Nazis invade Austria, Von Trapp and his family, including Maria, flee the country. The film was an adaptation of the stage show written by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II and first produced in 1959; the songs include "Do Re Mi" and "My Favourite Things". 十分适合亲子同乐的一部影片。有趣的故事,悦耳的歌曲、温馨的人情、天真无邪的笑料,构成了这部曾打破影史上最高卖座纪录的歌舞片,并曾获最佳影片等五项奥期卡金像奖。茱丽安德鲁丝扮演真有其人的奥国修女玛莉亚,她到鳏居军官家中照顾他的七个孩子,后来还成为他们的继母。在德军纳粹占领奥地利之后,他们全家利用一次公开表演的机会逃出了魔掌。导演罗伯特.怀斯成功地掌握住本片的各项吸引人要素,使它成为一部长青的家庭电影。 电影史上传颂最广的一部活泼、温馨的音乐电影 好莱坞音乐歌舞片经典中的经典 艺术与娱乐最成功的平衡之作,人类最珍贵的永恒佳品 1965年出品 导 演:罗伯特·怀斯 主 演:朱莉·安德鲁斯 克里斯托弗·普鲁默 ·第三十八届奥斯卡最佳导演、最佳影片、最佳配乐、最佳剪辑、最佳录音五项大奖 ·一九六六年金球奖最佳影国音乐片巨匠罗伯特·怀斯 电影《音乐之声》取材于玛利亚·奥古斯都·特拉普的同名自传体小说,根据美国百老汇的同名音乐剧改编而成,是美国音乐片巨匠罗伯特·怀斯新风格音乐片的又一力作。在编、导、演的天衣无缝的配合下,这部影片成为电影史上最经典的音乐片之一。 天性自由、善良的美丽修女玛利亚,奥地利美丽的阿尔卑斯山的山坡、清澈的湖泊、雅致的别墅,一群活泼可爱的孩子,以及反纳粹、追求自由的勇气,这一切都深深地打动着世界各地人们的心。 《音乐之声》清新有致,雅俗共赏。既有幽默的情趣,又有深沉凝重的感情,在各国的*测验中经常被评为"最受欢迎的影片",是全世界票房最高的电影之一。其中流传最广的几首经典音乐,如表达玛利亚对大自然热爱的主题曲《音乐之声》;轻松愉快的《孤独的牧羊人》;特拉普上校演唱的深情无限的《雪绒花》;欢乐大方的《哆口来咪》;以及可爱的孩子们演唱的《晚安,再见!》等等,都成为人们记忆中最值得珍惜和细细回味的艺术佳作,被视做人类最珍贵的永恒佳品。 许多人都曾问过我最喜欢的电影是什么,可能他们认为我作为功夫名星,应该喜欢那种带有暴力色彩的影片,可是说出来或许会很让人奇怪,我最喜爱的电影既不是史泰龙的枪炮,也不是施瓦辛格的特技,而是充满温馨的《音乐之声》。因为在这部影片中,我所感到的是人世间那种最淳朴、最简单的友爱和挚爱之情,这部影片让我的全身心都感到放松。 --国际巨星 成 龙 从来没有一部电影如此深入人心,不但里面的角色、情节、人物经历家喻户晓,主题歌曲也被广为传唱,由它带来的影响面之广、覆盖面之大、被感染的人之多可谓空前绝后、独一无二,它就是来自著名的阿尔卑斯山脉的《音乐之声》。 《音乐之声》来自生活,高于生活,它以乐抒情,以乐动人,到处充满阳光气息与温馨浪漫,它把抽象的音符、大自然的和谐美景和人文景观完美结合,体现出人与自然和谐融洽、相互依托的关系,鼓励人们乐观向上,追求纯洁美好,争取自由和享受生活,消除*杂念,达到真善美的理想境界。虽然里面的主要角色都被刻意美化,但丝毫无损主题和形式上的出类拔萃,幽默的对白和情节,更把观众逗得前俯后仰,乐不可支。《音乐之声》称得上是电影史上绝妙的神来之笔,是一部影响深远的作品,它甚至超出了艺术作品的范畴,从艺术史、社会学、心理学、教育学、哲学等角度来衡量都值得研究和借鉴。 --影评人 Waddle 《音乐之声》取材于1938年发生在奥地利的一个真实故事。 见习修女玛利亚是个性格开朗、热情奔放的姑娘。她爱唱歌、爱跳舞,还十分喜爱大自然的清新、宁静和美丽。修道院院长觉得玛利亚不适合过与尘寰隔绝的生活,于是介绍她去萨尔茨堡当上了前奥地利帝国海军退役军官冯·特拉普上校家7个孩子的家庭教师。 冯·特拉普是个善良勇敢的爱国者,他的妻子早逝。家里没有歌声,也没有笑声。 玛利亚来到上校家中,发现上校管理孩子的方法简单而粗暴。只要他的哨声一响,孩子们就从各自房间里以最快的速度奔跑出来,排好队,按水兵操练的要求通报自己的姓名。 一开始,孩子们对玛利亚带有排斥情绪,总是想法设法捉弄她,但是玛利亚理解孩子们在成长过程中的所作所为,她引导他们,关心他们,帮助他们,赢得了他们的信任,很快就成了他们的知心朋友,同他们建立了深厚的感情。 上校准备离家去维也纳,在这期间,玛利亚和孩子们排练歌曲、做游戏、去大自然中游玩,整个家庭平添了许多笑语、欢乐和生气,充满了音乐之声。 当上校带着准备与他结婚的男爵夫人回来时,发现家中呆板、冰冷的空气完全变了,他的"水兵们"已被训练成一支很有素养的家庭合唱队。 看到男爵夫人的到来,玛利亚知道她将成为孩子们的新妈妈,于是她留下了一封信就离开了上校家,回到了修道院。然而由于男爵夫人太一本正经,孩子们不能和她融洽相处。同时,由于玛利亚给这个家带来的变化激起了上校对生活的热爱,唤回了逝去的幸福,也唤起了他对玛利亚的爱情。于是上校最终拒绝了男爵夫人,他来到修道院找玛利亚,他们终于结成了美满的伴侣。 这时正是30年代希特勒吞并奥地利的前夕。在萨尔茨堡举行奥地利民谣音乐节的当天,上校和玛利亚接到了柏林的来电,命令上校参加纳粹的海军,并把他和全家置于严密监视之下。借着参加民谣音乐节的机会,特拉普家庭合唱队在奥地利同胞面前奉献出他们心底里的歌,并在朋友和修女们的协助下,全家跨过阿尔卑斯山,逃出了多难的祖国,来到了自由之地。 永远带来欢乐的《音乐之声》 《音乐之声》是一部影响了几代人的电影,无论从哪个标准来评,它都是美国音乐片的经典之作。有趣的爱情故事、悦耳的歌曲、活泼的孩子、温馨的人情、天真无邪的笑料,构成了一幅美好的生活画卷;动人的音乐、优美的风光、积极的生活态度,引发着人们对生活无限美好的瑕思。 歌曲《音乐之声》是影片中的点题之曲,影片开始时由玛利亚在山顶独唱。上校赴维也纳期间,玛利亚把这首抒发自己对故乡、对大自然、对音乐的无比热爱的歌教给了7个孩子,让他们在男爵夫人到来时为她演唱。上校长久禁锢的心被这家中久违了的美妙、纯真、动人的歌声融化了,他从原来那位不苟言笑的上校变成了一位和蔼可亲的父亲,和7个孩子拥抱在一起…… 影片里以电影音乐的原貌参与了故事叙事的当首推那首脍炙人口的小歌《雪绒花》(《EDELWEISS》)。 上校在玛利亚和孩子们的盛情邀请之下,接过吉他自弹自唱了这首自己最喜爱的、已多年不唱的奥地利民谣: Edelweiss

misty leather这是什么牌子


the best case scenario,是什么意思,还可以换词如the worst case scenario,case scenario怎么用,谢谢

waste ahead. The frozen river, bordered b

你知道the best scenario是什么意思了吗


in the sunday 和 on sundays都不是都指每个星期太天?意思一样否?谢谢

on sundayon the sundayon sundays

Mike______(not go)to the zoo on Sundays.请说明理由

doesn"t go

mother fuker, pass away什么意思?


Perhaps the typhoon will pass away (). A.after th

选B 。3个小时以后,是将来的3个小时之后,所以是in…

英文歌词:he i an the is me is a world

这首歌曲是电影《小马王》的主题曲,歌曲把小马王斯比瑞特追求自由绝不屈服的英勇形象表现得淋漓尽致! Singer:Bryan Adams Here I am - this is me 我在这里,这就是我   There"s no where else on earth I"d rather be 我就在这个地球上   Here I am - it"s just me and you 我在这里,这里有你和我   And tonight we make our dreams come true 今晚我们一起实现梦想   It"s a new world - it"s a new start 这是全新的世界,这是崭新的开始   It"s alive with the beating of - young hearts 这个世界因年轻的脉动而显生气   It"s a new day - it "s a new plan 这是全新的一天,这个全新的计划   I"ve been waiting for you 我一直在等你   Here I am 我在这里   Here we are - we"ve just begun 我在这里,我们刚刚开始   And after all this time - our time has come 经历了许多,该轮到我们展示了   Ya here we are - still goin"strong 我们都在这里,越来越强大   Right here in the place where we belong 就在这个属于我们的地方   Here I am - next to you 我在这里,紧挨着你   And suddenly the world is all brand new 世界突然间变成了全新的世界   Here I am - where I"m gonna stay 我在这里,永远在这里   Now there"s nothin standin in our way 没有什么能阻拦我们的   Here I am - this is me我在这里,这就是我


these planes are his


Are there so many planes?there be 结构的一般疑问句是直接把be提到句子开头


These planes are his.(这些飞机是他的。)

we are making planes 在planes前为什么不加the?


---Does the child need any help? ----No. He is old enough to _____ himself. A.put on B.wea.

D 试题分析:句意:这个孩子需要帮忙吗?不,他足够大给自己穿衣服。old enough to足够大给自己穿衣服, dress oneself 给自己穿衣。结合句意,故选D.


  ECOTECT国内数据为什么导入不了weathertool原因是实际上那是Ecotect里附带的一个独立软件,叫Weather Tool。  开启Ecotect,在上边菜单栏里:Tool>Run the Weather Tool,就打开Weather Tool了,你要是去找Ecotect的文件夹,找到这个软件的图标的话,可以创建这个图标的快捷方式,直接启动它,不需要先运行Ecotect. 用Weather Tool看本地气候需要本地气候文件,它支持专属格式.wea和E+的气候文件.epw,epw文件可以在美国能源部的网站下到,中国地区很全的,把epw文件拽到Weather Tool里面可以直接打开,另存为wea的话就完成格式转换了。你要是装了Ecotect的话,双击.wea的气候文件就可以直接打开Weather Tool了。



Why are you so frightened? I saw two dark___enter the building.

C 阴影吧 。

knock the ball是什么意思?


Blinded By The Sun 歌词

歌曲名:Blinded By The Sun歌手:Gym Class Heroes专辑:Patches From The Quilt - EpGym Class Heroes - Blinded By The SunYou told me it"s the truthBut I"m still afraidI"m not the oneThat would jump the gunIf I had proofI"d take off my shadesAnd be blinded by the sunOne lie, two liesI shoulda said shoe fliesShame on meI usually see through liesSaid you loved me, yeah rightI thought we were air tightYou were playing foulIt was far from a fair fightI hung onto your every wordSweetest shit I ever heardI even made you pinky swearJust so I was reassuredThe rumors started gettin backThat so and so was hittin" thatSilly me for being suchA "natic for that kitty catYou told me it"s the truthBut I"m still afraidI"m not the oneThat would jump the gunIf I had proofI"d take off my shadesAnd be blinded by the sunYou said you were in loveBut the games you playedI hope that you"re having funYou see I need youTo take off my shadesAnd be blinded by the sunThree lies, four liesYou shoulda been a tour guideThe way you lead me onKnowing I was one of four guysSaid you loved me, okayWhere were you the other day?Your car was parked at 38thBut you wereAt your mothers place?Your mother lives on BroadwayI followed you all dayI called but you ignored itWhen you kissed himIn the hallwayCall me crazy, call me oddCall me what you want toBut Karma is a bitchI pray to GodShe always haunts youYou told me it"s the truthBut I"m still afraidI"m not the oneThat would jump the gunIf I had proofI"d take off my shadesAnd be blinded by the sunYou said you were in loveBut the games you playedI hope that you"re having funYou see I need youTo take off my shadesAnd be blinded by the sunI wear my sunglasses at night, so I can, so I canI wear my sunglasses at night, so I can, so I canI wear my sunglasses at night, so I can, so I canI wear my sunglasses at night, so I can, so I canYou told me it"s the truthBut I"m still afraidI"m not the oneThat would jump the gunIf I had proofI"d take off my shadesAnd be blinded by the sunYou said you were in loveBut the games you playedI hope that you"re having funYou see I need youTo take off my shadesAnd be blinded by the sunYou told me it"s the truthBut I"m still afraidI"m not the oneThat would jump the gunIf I had proofI"d take off my shadesAnd be blinded by the sunYou said you were in loveBut the games you playedI hope that you"re having funYou see I need youTo take off my shadesAnd be blinded by the sun

in the shade还是in the shades

应该是:in the shade in the shade在荫凉处更多释义>>[网络短语]in the shade 在阴凉处,在荫凉处,在树阴下made in the the shade 应付自如Birds in the Shade 荫中鸟

the shades of meaning是什么意思及音标

the shades of meaning色调的意义您好,答题不易如有帮助请采纳,谢谢!

the shop assistant knocked 10% off the bill里的 knock off什么意思?

打折的意思。可以用give a discount代替

knock sth.onto the floor的中文怎么写

knock sth onto the floor把某物敲到地板上

the shades of meaning是什么意思及音标

shadesofmeaning.意义的细微差别。1.shadesofmeaning.的用法和样例:2.itisdifficulttoconveydelicateshadeofmeaninginatranslation.在译文中传达意义上精微的差别是很不容易的。3.thewordcanhavemany shadesofmeaning.这个词可以有许多层意思。4.awordwithseveral shadesofmeaning.具有几种不同意义的词。5.don"targueabout shadesofmeaning.不要争论意义的细微差别。6.itisdifficulttoconveydelicate shadesofmeaning inatranslation.在译文中传达意义上精微的差别是很不容易的。7.veryfine shadesofmeaning cannoteasilybeconveyedwithalimitedwordbank.细微的意思不能用几个字就轻而易举地表达清楚。

the day you went away 的中文音译


写作.请位the Animals 为题,用英语介绍一下你在动物园里看到的动物,不少于5句话

I went to the zoo, the animals are active. The monkey saw a visitor, the was bouncing up and down. Elephants also happy straight nose. The peacock is the most beautiful birds. See them I am very happy.

去动物园看动物,在英语中怎么说?如:_____ the giraffes 看长颈鹿。 看老虎,看鹦鹉,怎么说?

____look_ the giraffes fierceToday, I saw many different kinds of animals in the park.


欧莱雅奶盖水是欧莱雅爸爸最近新推出的干皮亲妈爽肤水由THE9虞书欣代言,一波一波风很大,欧莱雅奶盖水真的好用吗?下面是我为大家带来欧莱雅奶盖水的全面分析,让你不花一分冤枉钱!选择最适合自己的产品! 1、欧莱雅奶盖水介绍 适合肤质:奶盖水适合干性、中性肤质及敏感肌使用,用了它之后干皮妹子就可以和卡粉彻底说拜拜了。 功效:高保湿补水,长期使用能够有效的提亮肤色,均匀肤色,改善皮肤粗糙和细化毛孔等,是一款值得入手的爽肤水。 成分:富含角鲨烷,能够很好的修护角质层,焕发肌肤,LHA辛酰水杨酸能够很好的疏通毛孔,强韧肤质,富含的玻尿酸双倍补水,让干皮肌肤一天24个小时都能够充满水分。 突破性双层温和焕肤科技,水乳分层,水上加奶盖。加一层,温和焕肤,肌肤水嫩更细腻亮泽! 乳层温和焕肤:LHA辛酰水杨酸+23%亲肤保湿因子,疏通角质,强韧脂质,肌肤如奶盖般柔滑细腻。 水层深透保湿:超微分子玻尿酸,深透肌底,缓解干燥,保湿滋润,咕咚咕咚喝下水能活力。 2、欧莱雅奶盖双重科技 焕肤乳层 1.LHA辛酰水杨酸 欧莱雅专研温和水杨酸衍生物 促进肌肤更新比水杨酸更显温和(干皮也可以用) 2.角鲨烷 补充肌肤自有脂质修护角质层干皮焕肤后盾 3.维生素E 卓效抗氧中和自由基提亮肤色 保湿水层 1.超微分子玻尿酸 深润肌底即刻补水 充盈干纹肌肤底层喝饱水 「奶盖水」全称复颜玻尿酸水光充盈双重焕肤精华水,特殊乳融水分层质地,上层是LHA辛酰水杨酸+23%亲肤保湿因子,作为水杨酸衍生物,辛酰水杨酸相对而言更为温和,具有促进代谢、疏通毛孔,细致、光滑肌肤,提高肌肤的通透感;下层含有超微分子玻尿酸+腺苷,具有修护肌肤屏障,保湿舒缓的功效;而成分中还加入了甘油三酯、角鲨烷、红花籽油和氢化聚癸烯等亲肤油脂,起到良好的滋润作用,进一步缓冲酸类产品接触肌肤带来的刺激感。 官方给出的用法是用前「摇一摇」,让水乳相充分混合均匀后,倒在化妆棉上,用化妆棉均匀擦拭全脸,再进行后续护肤即可。如果是化妆时容易干燥起皮的部位,还可以用浸湿的化妆棉进行湿敷,使后续妆容更加服帖精致。一瓶就可以解决干皮「粗糙、爆皮、卡粉」三大肌肤问题。因为含有辛酰水杨酸,不建议孕妇、哺乳期女性使用。 3、欧莱雅奶盖水测评 欧莱雅奶盖水配方0酒精,减少了肌肤的不耐受,降低了刺激性,防腐体系也很温和,采用的是低浓度的苯氧乙醇和高纯度多元醇,贡献保湿buff的同时稳定性高,刺激性低,对敏感皮利好。

英语谚语:On the great clock of time there is but one word,Now 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: On the great clock of time there is but one word Now 中文意思: 在伟大的时钟上,只有一个词,就是“现在”。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody 广交友,无深交。 A friend without faults will never be found 没有缺点的朋友是永远找不到的。 After a storm es a calm 否极泰来。 After black clouds clear weather 否极泰来。 After death the doctor 放马后炮。 After dinner es the reckoning 吃喝玩乐,该付代价。 After dinner sit a while; after supper walk a mile 午餐之后坐片刻,晚饭之后走一里。 After dinner sit a while after supper walk a while 午饭后要坐,晚饭后要走。 After meat mustard 雨后送伞。 A full belly counsels well 衣食足而后知荣辱。 英语谚语: On the great clock of time there is but one word Now 中文意思: 在伟大的时钟上,只有一个词,就是“现在”。

为什么英语里的“mama mom mother"和"papa "与汉语里的“爸爸妈妈”发音如此相近呢

这应该是 one of 那些从人类最原始的自然状态下内心呼唤出的声音吧 mama papa 很亲切不觉得么?还有我听说过一次 现代汉语很多发音上参考了法语很多国家的爸妈听起来都大多是这个声音的


father和papa区别是father 是书面语。papa 是口语

英语Let them unfold怎么翻译?

Let them unfold可以翻译为:让它们展开


as the future unfolds当未来逐渐显露在你眼前时unfold[英][u028cnu02c8fu0259u028ald][美][u028cnu02c8fou028ald]vt.& vi.展开,打开; vt.摊开; 展现,披露; vi.逐渐显露; 开展,发展; 第三人称单数:unfolds过去分词:unfolded现在进行时:unfolding过去式:unfolded例句:1.This nightmarish scenario could unfold next year. 明年这种恶梦般的情形可能会上演。2.Even that far-from-pleasant scenario assumes that events unfold roughly as anticipated. 即使是这种很不乐观的情景,也假设事态基本会按预期展开。

The streams are about 12to15 feet wide and 300 fe


of the stream中文翻译

Along the banks of the stream wandered a countless multitude . 沿河两岸数不尽的人群在漫游。 From the gorge came the noise of the stream in the boulders . 峡谷里传来溪水流过圆石间的淙淙声。 The noise of the stream could not drown the discussion with a turbulence . 涛声掩盖不住激烈的争论。 The genesis of valley deposits is intimately associated with the history of the stream by which they were formed . 河谷沉积物的成因实质上与河流形成的历史相联系。 It is across this open country, down into the next valley and above the timber at the head of the stream . 穿过这片空地,走下前面那个山谷,到这小溪源头那片树林高处就是。 The sinuosity or sinuosity ratio of a stream is expressed as the ratio of the length along the center pne of the stream to the length along the valley . 一条河流的弯曲率或弯曲比,是以沿该河中心线与沿其河谷长度之比来表示的。 Or - 1 if at the end of the stream 的无符号字节,或者如果到达流的末尾,则为- 1 。 Don " t change horses in the middle of the stream 不要在艰难的征途当中换人马。 Reads the remainder of the stream and returns it as a 读取流的其余部分,并以 Or - 1 if reading from the end of the stream 的字节,或者如果从流的末尾读取则为- 1 。 The contents of the stream and the input buffer of the 对象的流和输入缓冲区的内容。 Numerical analysis of the streaming potential in bone tissue 骨组织流动电势数值分析 The new size of the stream as a number of bytes 流的新大小以字节数表示。 A pointer to the internal data of the stream object 一个指向流对象的内部数据的指针。 A long value representing the length of the stream in bytes 用字节表示流长度的长值。 Specifies the new size of the stream as a number of bytes 将流的新大小指定为字节数。 The length of the stream data can be obtained from the 流数据的长度可以从 Value is larger than the maximum size of the stream 值大于流的最大大小。 Seeking is attempted before the beginning of the stream 试图在流的开始位置之前查找。 The current position is larger than the capacity of the stream 当前位置大于流的容量。 Method will return zero only if the end of the stream is reached 仅当到达流的末尾时, That indicates the state of the stream during seriapzation 在序列化期间指示流的状态的 Only one of the streams in this area ever panned out 这个地区只有一条河曾经淘出过金。 Streams will only return zero at the end of the stream 流仅在到达流的结尾处时才返回零。 Sets the current position of the stream to the given value 将流的当前位置设置为给定值。 Value that specifies the length of the stream 值,该值指定流的长度。 A pointer to the internal buffer of the stream object 一个指向流对象的内部缓冲区的指针。 Or - 1 if the end of the stream has been reached 的字节;或者如果已到达流的末尾,则为- 1 。 Method , instead , put all of the stream cleanup logic in the 方法,而应将所有流清理逻辑放入 The noise of the stream had a pleasantly somnolent effect 小河潺潺的流水声有宜人的催眠效果An attempt was made to seek before the beginning of the stream 尝试在流的开始位置之前查找。 Gets the length in bytes of the stream 获取用字节表示的流长度。 The noise of the stream have a pleasantly somnolent effect 小河潺潺的流水声有宜人的催眠效果。 Gets the length of the stream in bytes 获取用字节表示的流长度。 She lay on the bank , pstening to the ripple of the stream 她躺在河岸上,听著小河的潺潺流水声。 The mystic token apghted on the hither verge of the stream 那神秘的标志落在离小溪不远的地方。 Or returns - 1 if reading from the end of the stream 的该字节;或者如果从流的末尾读取则返回- 1 。 She pe on the bank , pstening to the ripple of the stream 她躺在河岸上,听著小河的潺潺流水声。 Stabipzation of the stream bank and streambed 稳定河岸和河床 Specifies the size in bytes of the stream or byte array 指定流或字节数组的大小(以字节为单位) 。 The length of the stream in bytes 流的长度(以字节为单位) 。 The end of the stream is reached before 之前到达了流的末尾。 Specifies the size , in bytes , of the stream or byte array 指定流或字节数组的大小(以字节为单位) 。 Changes the size of the stream object 更改流对象的大小。 If the current stream position is at the end of the stream ; otherwise 如果当前的流位置在流的末尾,则为 The apppcation of the streaming media technology in the higher education 流媒体技术在高等教育中的应用 Is larger than the current length of the stream , the stream is expanded 大于流的当前长度,则流被扩展。 Changes the configuration of the stream - -变更流的配置 The water quapty of the stream used to be excellent and crystal clear 以往的东涌河水质优良,河水清澈。 Keep us out into the centre of the stream or we " ll run us aground 把船开到河中心去,否则我们就要搁浅了。 推荐阅读: 苗族节日:开年节(中国传统节日) 我国很早就有了穿木屐的相关记载,例如东晋诗人谢灵运发明的“谢公屐”,它在当时的用途是: 作家"地名说"、"歌谣说"力证嫦娥故乡在湖南岳阳

英语the network of lakes and streams怎么翻译?


Streams in the desert 荒漠甘泉 10.30 选译

"Let us run with patience" (Heb. 12:1) 让我们边忍耐边奔跑。 O run with patience is a very difficult thing. Running is apt to suggest the absence of patience, the eagerness to reach the goal. We commonly associate patience with lying down. We think of it as the angel that guards the couch of the invalid. Yet, I do not think the invalid"s patience the hardest to achieve. 边忍耐边奔跑是非常困难的。奔跑,在常人看来,就是缺乏耐心、急于求成的表现。我们通常觉得,所谓耐心,就是躺下来什么都不做。我们以为它是守护弱者病榻的天使。然而,我并不认为弱者的忍耐是最难做到的。 There is a patience which I believe to be harder--the patience that can run. To lie down in the time of grief, to be quiet under the stroke of adverse fortune, implies a great strength; but I know of something that implies a strength greater still: It is the power to work under a stroke; to have a great weight at your heart and still to run; to have a deep anguish in your spirit and still perform the daily task. It is a Christlike thing! 有一种耐心,我认为更难做到,即一边奔跑一边忍耐。在悲伤的时候躺下来,在遭遇不幸的时候保持平静,这的确是一种力量;但我知道还有一种更强大的力量:背负不幸仍坚持工作、心有重负仍坚持奔跑,痛不堪言仍要完成义务。这是与基督一样的精神! Many of us would nurse our grief without crying if we were allowed to nurse it. The hard thing is that most of us are called to exercise our patience, not in bed, but in the street. We are called to bury our sorrows, not in lethargic quiescence, but in active service━in the exchange, in the workshop, in the hour of social intercourse, in the contribution to another"s joy. There is no burial of sorrow so difficult as that; it is the "running with patience.” 如果可以,我们中的许多人都能默默忍受悲哀。然而对于大多数人来说,更难的一点,不是在床上忍耐,而是在街上。我们需要将悲伤埋葬在积极的工作中,而不是懒洋洋的休眠里。我们要与人交流、好好工作、参与社交,关心他人的快乐。最难的是以这种方式去掩埋悲伤,这就是“一边忍耐一边奔跑”。 This was Thy patience, O Son of man! It was at once a waiting and a running—a waiting for the goal, and a doing of the lesser work meantime. I see Thee at Cana turning the water into wine lest the marriage feast should be clouded. I see Thee in the desert feeding a multitude with bread just to relieve a temporary want. All, all the time, Thou wert bearing a mighty grief, unshared, unspoken. Men ask for a rainbow in the cloud; but I would ask more from Thee. I would be, in my cloud, myself a rainbow—a minister to others" joy. My patience will be perfect when it can work in the vineyard. ━George Matheson 这是你的耐心,人类之子。你要一边等待一边奔跑 — —等待目标的实现,同时做着琐碎的日常工作。我看到你在迦拿小城酿水为酒,以防婚宴不能正常进行。我看到你在沙漠里分发食物给众人,让他们不再挨饿。做这些事情的时候,你都独自默默承受着巨大的悲伤,不与人分享。我,在我的乌云里,将化身一道彩虹——成为给予他人快乐的牧师。唯有能使我继续在葡萄园中劳作的耐心,才是真正的耐心。 “When all our hopes are gone, "Tis well our hands must keep toiling on For others " sake: For strength to bear is found in duty done; And he is best indeed who learns to make The joy of others cure his own heartache. ” “当我们失去了希望, 我们的双手仍要辛勤劳动, 为了他人。 完成职责才能证明忍耐的力量; 唯有学会以他人的快乐度自己的心痛, 才是至善至美之人。”

找一首英文歌,歌词大意是男人被女人欺骗了,中间好象有法官判决THE justice一词。

bule 的All rise 吗all rise 全体肃立   yo, yo   yo, yo   your honour please   法官大人   gotta believe what i say (say)   请您务必相信我的话   what I will tell (tell)   我一一细数   happened just the other day (day)   过去发生的一切   I must confess (confess)   我必须诚实招供   because I"ve had about enough (enough)   因为我已经受够   I need your help (help)   我需要你的帮助   got to make this here thing stop (stop)   将事情划上休止符   baby I swear I tell the truth (uhuh)   宝贝,我发誓我会实话实说   about all the things you used to do (come on)   关于你从前的所作所为   and if you thought you had me fooled (come on)   如果你自认这纯属戏弄   I"m tellin" you now objection overruled   告诉你:反对无效   here we go (oh baby)   我这就一一数来,宝贝   one for the money and the free rides   第一,我付出的金钱及时间   it"s two for the lie that you denied   第二,你矢口否认的谎言   all rise (all rise)   全体肃立!   all rise (all rise, all rise)   全体肃立!   three for the calls you"ve been making   第三,你曾说过的花言巧语   it"s four for the times you"ve been faking   第四,你从没有动过真情意   all rise (I"m gonna tell it to your face)   全体肃立!(我要当着你的面揭露一切)   all rise (I rest my case)   全体肃立!(我的证词说完了)   you"re on the stand (stand)   你站在证人席   with your back against the wall (wall)   背倚着墙   nowhere to run (run)   无处可逃   and nobody you can call (call) oh no   也找不到救兵   I just can"t wait (wait)   我迫不及待   now the case is open wide (wide)   如今一切真相大白   you"ll try to pray (pray)   你试着祷告吧   but the jury will decide (decide)   但我知道评审团自有判决   baby I swear I tell the truth (uhuh)   宝贝,我发誓我会实话实说   about all the things you used to do (come on)   关于你从前的所作所为   and if you thought you had me fooled (come on)   如果你自认这纯属戏弄   I"m tellin" you now objection overruled   告诉你:反对无效!   oh baby   哦,宝贝   one for the money and the free rides   第一,我付出的金钱及时间   it"s two for the lie that you denied   第二,你矢口否认的谎言   all rise   全体肃立!   all rise   全体肃立!   three for the calls you"ve been making   第三,你曾说过的花言巧语   it"s four for the times you"ve been faking   第四,你从没有动过真情意   all rise (I"m gonna tell it to your face)   全体肃立!(我要当着你的面揭露一切)   all rise (I rest my case)   全体肃立!(证词终止)   so step back   后退一步   "cos you don"t know this cat   因为你没见识过她的本色   I know deep down that you don"t want me to react   我了解最深 你不希望我反应过度?   I lay low leaving all my options open 我会低调行事 以释怀的心面对   the decision of the jury has not been spoken   陪审团的决定还没有被决定   step in my house   步入我家门   you find that your stuff has gone (gone)   你会发现属于你的家当全无踪影   but in reality to whom does the stuff belong   事实上,这些东西又属于谁去拥有?   I bring you into court to preach my order   我向法庭投诉 细说自己的原则   and you know that you overstep the border, uhuh   你也知道自己早已超越界限   one for the money and the free rides   第一,我付出的金钱及时间   Its two for the lie that you denied (ooooh)   第二,你矢口否认的谎言   all rise (all rise)   全体肃立!   all rise (all rise, all rise)   全体肃立!   three for the calls you"ve been making (yeah)   第三,你曾说过的花言巧语   it"s four for the times you"ve been faking   第四,你从没有动过真情意   all rise (all rise, all rise)   全体肃立!   all rise (all rise, all rise)   全体肃立!   one for the money and the free rides (what you say)   第一,我付出的金钱及时间   it"s two for the lie that you denied (can"t you pay)   第二,你矢口否认的谎言   all rise (what you"ve done)   全体肃立!(你都做了些什么   )   all rise   全体肃立!   three for the calls you"ve been making (what you say)   第三,你曾说过的花言巧语(你说什么)   it"s four for the times you"ve been faking (can"t you pay)   第四,你从没有动过真情意(难道你负担不起吗)   all rise (what you"ve done)   全体肃立!(你都做了些什么)   all rise (what you"ve done)   全体肃立!(你都做了些什么)   one for the money and the free rides   第一,我付出的金钱及时间   it"s two for the lie that you denied (ohhh)   第二,你矢口否认的谎言   all rise (ohhh)   全体肃立!   all rise (uhuh uhuh)   全体肃立!   three for the calls you"ve been making   第三,你曾说过的花言巧语   it"s four for the times you"ve been faking   第四,你从没有动过真情意   I said all rise (I"m gonna tell it to your face)   我说全体肃立!(我要当着你的面揭露一切)   all rise (I rest my case)   全体肃立!(我的证词说完了)

True marrige is requir need us to show the trust and loyalty.这句话有没有错误?

require/need 随便去掉一个

the qualities of a best friend

Qualities of Friendship To have a friend, be a friend; be friendly. As in the word, a friend is like a ship that carries us, abides with us unfailingly, through the calm and rough seas of life. Is there any purer relationship than friendship? It is unconditional loyalty and love. Friendship is a bond of steadfastness and acceptance that allows us to be who we are, fully, without fear that love will be withdrawn. Over a lifetime, it is the bond of friendship that allows us to explore our depths with non-judgmental feedback and supportiveness. Sometimes, the friendship we give is not returned, but we benefit in another way: The process of extending friendship expands our consciousness. While giving and in the afterglow, we feel a sense of connection. Once we experience the connection we feel while giving with care, we know that it is not just what we receive in life that makes us happy. It is mainly the connection that we feel when our own boundaries of self-centeredness break down through our lovingness, that we feel our internal sense of peace and happiness. HONESTY in friendship: Honesty is a quality that allows us to look in the mirror and see the reflection of how we really are. In honesty we see clearly and can make course adjustments. If we live each day in accordance with our conscience, our reflection in the mirror and how others see us will be well-balanced. Thoughts are forms of energy and produce their exact genetic offspring. Good thoughts produce good; selfish actions lead to repeated dissatisfactions. Just as swimming in cloudy water puts us at risk of facing hurtful obstacles, a cloudy thought process keeps us from viewing and resolving situations clearly. Congruency between our words, feelings and actions, keeping our intentions for the highest good, breeds happiness in living. Honest to good feelings with an attitude for the best resolve reap honest to good thoughts and actions. LOYALTY in friendship: Loyalty -- doing what one has committed to amidst changing circumstances. Loyalty is a quality that develops our consciousness. Loyalty leads us deep into a situation, through it, and out the other side -- emerging as a more developed person. Loyalty is an essential in friendship. Acquaintances become friends through mutual loyalty. Loyalty is an essential in friendship that has developed into the commitment of hearts between two people. Loyalty in a heart to heart relationship develops mutual trust. Above all else in this world is friendship, unconditionally given, unconditionally received. And with the addition of love, life is made beautiful. Above all else in this world is loving friendship, unconditionally given, unconditionally received. Unconditional love -- the best quality of friendship.

ships in the desert翻译

ships in the desert翻译:沙漠之舟。desert基本解释:沙漠;荒地;应得的赏罚;功劳,美德。desert 用法和例句:1.Almost half of the total country is uninhabitable desert .全国几乎一半是不适于居住的沙漠。2.The story is that he ran out of water just after crossing a desert .故事是这样的:一次他在快要穿过沙漠的时候发现自己没水了。3.But one sandy desert hillside shines jet-black .但在沙质荒漠山坡上闪耀着乌黑颜色。4.True friends don "t desert each other when one is facing trouble .当其中一人面临困难时,真正的朋友是不会抛弃对方的。5.By then , all of bob "s men had combined to desert him .那时,鲍勃手下的所有将士早已联合起来叛离了他。


  they are ships的中文翻译  they are ships  他们是船只  双语例句  1  They are interested in the ships " length, provenance, engines and ownership.  他们感兴趣的有船的长度、始发地、引擎和所有权。  2  They are using research ships, airplanes, satellites and instruments on the ground to gather information.  他们使用考察船、飞机、卫星和地面测量仪器来收集信息。

then we go by ships这句哪里错了为什么?

如果特别强调搭船,得这样子写:then we go the way by ships.(很多人很多船),只有一艘船的话,by the ship会比较好。指上船的过程是then we go on ships~



The Remedy (I Won T Worry) 歌词

歌曲名:The Remedy (I Won T Worry)歌手:Jason Mraz专辑:Live - Tonight, Not AgainThe Remedy (I Won"t Worry)Jason MrazWaiting For My Rocket To ComeWell I saw fireworks from the freewayand behind closed eyes I cannot make them go awayCause you were born on the fourth of July,freedom reignBut something on the surface it stingsI said something on the surfacewell it kinda makes me nervous,who says you deserve this?and what kind of God would serve this?We will cure this dirty old diseaseWell, If you"ve gots the poison, I"ve gots the remedyThe remedy is the experienceThis is a dangerous liaisonI says the comedy is that it"s seriousWhich is a strange enough new play on wordsI said the tragedy is how you"re gonna spendThe rest of your nights with the light onSo shine the light on all of your friendsWhen it all amounts to nothing in the end.I-i-i-i-i-i-i-i won"t worry my life away, hey, ohI-i-i-i-i-i-i-i won"t worry my life away, hey, ohWell I heard two men talking on the radioIn a crossfire kind of new reality showUncovering the ways to plan the next big attackWell they were counting down the waysTo stab the brother in the be right back after thisThe unavoidable kiss,where the minty fresh death breath is sure toOutlast this catastrophyDance with me, becauseIf you gots the poison, I"ve gots the remedyThe remedy is the experienceThis is a dangerous liaisonI says the comedy is that it"s seriousWhich is a strange enough new play on wordsI said the tragedy is how you"re gonna spendThe rest of your nights with the light onSo shine the light on all of your friendsWhen it all amounts to nothing in the end.I-i-i-i-i-i-i-i won"t worry my life away, hey, ohI-i-i-i-i-i-i-i won"t worry my life away, hey, ohWhen I fall in loveI take my timeThere"s no need to hurry when I"m making up my mindYou can turn off the sunbut I"m still gonna shineAnd I"ll tell you whyCause...The remedy is the experienceThis is a dangerous liaisonI says the comedy is that it"s seriousWhich is a strange enough new play on wordsI said the tragedy is how you"re gonna spendThe rest of your nights with the light onSo shine the light on all of your friendsWhen it all amounts to nothing in the end.I-i-i-i-i-i-i-i won"t worry my life away, hey, ohI-i-i-i-i-i-i-i won"t worry my life away, I won"t worry my lifeI-i-i-i-i-i-i-i won"t worry my life away, I won"t worry my lifeI won"t and I won"t and I won"t etc...

Abandoned Pools的《the remedy》 歌词

歌曲名:the remedy歌手:Abandoned Pools专辑:humanisticI could useA shotYour novacaineMy soul"s a fuseBlows away your nameThen you can be the remedyAnd I can be the enemyAnd he can go and live as nothingThey you can be the wanna beAnd I can be the remedyAnd he can go to hell for all I careSay this world is not so shallowWhen you can"t beg steal or borrowSave your breath your soul is hollowAnd it"s all too much to swallowTake this souvenirThey can"t deny you were hereThis scar always thereTo medicate your fear

The Remedy (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:The Remedy (Live)歌手:Jason Mraz专辑:Jason Mrazs Beautiful Mess - Live On EarthThe Remedy (I Won"t Worry)Jason MrazWaiting For My Rocket To ComeWell I saw fireworks from the freewayand behind closed eyes I cannot make them go awayCause you were born on the fourth of July,freedom reignBut something on the surface it stingsI said something on the surfacewell it kinda makes me nervous,who says you deserve this?and what kind of God would serve this?We will cure this dirty old diseaseWell, If you"ve gots the poison, I"ve gots the remedyThe remedy is the experienceThis is a dangerous liaisonI says the comedy is that it"s seriousWhich is a strange enough new play on wordsI said the tragedy is how you"re gonna spendThe rest of your nights with the light onSo shine the light on all of your friendsWhen it all amounts to nothing in the end.I-i-i-i-i-i-i-i won"t worry my life away, hey, ohI-i-i-i-i-i-i-i won"t worry my life away, hey, ohWell I heard two men talking on the radioIn a crossfire kind of new reality showUncovering the ways to plan the next big attackWell they were counting down the waysTo stab the brother in the be right back after thisThe unavoidable kiss,where the minty fresh death breath is sure toOutlast this catastrophyDance with me, becauseIf you gots the poison, I"ve gots the remedyThe remedy is the experienceThis is a dangerous liaisonI says the comedy is that it"s seriousWhich is a strange enough new play on wordsI said the tragedy is how you"re gonna spendThe rest of your nights with the light onSo shine the light on all of your friendsWhen it all amounts to nothing in the end.I-i-i-i-i-i-i-i won"t worry my life away, hey, ohI-i-i-i-i-i-i-i won"t worry my life away, hey, ohWhen I fall in loveI take my timeThere"s no need to hurry when I"m making up my mindYou can turn off the sunbut I"m still gonna shineAnd I"ll tell you whyCause...The remedy is the experienceThis is a dangerous liaisonI says the comedy is that it"s seriousWhich is a strange enough new play on wordsI said the tragedy is how you"re gonna spendThe rest of your nights with the light onSo shine the light on all of your friendsWhen it all amounts to nothing in the end.I-i-i-i-i-i-i-i won"t worry my life away, hey, ohI-i-i-i-i-i-i-i won"t worry my life away, I won"t worry my lifeI-i-i-i-i-i-i-i won"t worry my life away, I won"t worry my lifeI won"t and I won"t and I won"t etc...

Where there is a right, there is a remedy.的出处

William Blackstone:"It is a settled and invariable principle in the laws of England,that every right when with-held must have a remedy,and every injury it"s [sic] proper redress." 属于罗马法的法谚,出处并没有确切的某个特定的人; 拉丁文:Ubi jus ibi remedium 英译:Where there is a right,there is a remedy.

Blake Lewis的《The Remedy》 歌词

歌曲名:The Remedy歌手:Blake Lewis专辑:Heartbreak On Vinyl-Tommy BoyBlake Lewis - The RemedyUkoO音乐论坛@孤独的小贝制作This is a remedy...You"re runnin" from , all that you said to meWe fell apart, and then just let it beI know..that I don"t wanna say goodbye.All alone, this world can be so emptyBut what we have, is not an ordinary loveIt"s more than just enoughSo tell me now girl...Are you listening? Are you listening? Is everything alright? (everything alright)If you"re listening, let me hear you say the words I need tonight-ight-ight, need tonight-ight-ightThe sound could save our life, if we follow the melody, follow the melody.When love is all polite, this is the remedy, this is the remedyCuz" everything inside of me, is calling out for you to seeThis sound could save our life, if we follow the melody, before we"re out of timeI never know, enough to find out what it takes, to fall apart, and watch you walk awayNow I know, losin" you is my mistake, ohhh.I was passed, and slowly turnin" daysI want you back, the only one for me is youWhat am I to do?So tell me now girl...Are you listening? Are you listening? Is everything alright? (everything alright)If you"re listening, let me hear you say the words I need tonight-night-night, need tonight-night-nightThe sound could save our life, if we follow the melody, follow the melody.When love is all polite, this is the remedy, this is the remedyCuz" everything inside of me, is calling out for you to seeThis sound could save our life, if we follow the melody, before we"re out of timeThis is the remedy, ohh(before we"re out of time)This is the remedy, ohh(before we"re out of time)This is the remedy, ohh(before we"re out of time)This is the remedy, before we"re out of timeThe sound could save our life, if we follow the melody, follow the melody.When love is all polite, this is the remedy, this is the remedyCuz" everything inside of me, is calling out for you to seeThis sound could save our life, if we follow the melody, before we"re out of time(before we"re out of time)(before we"re out of time)(before we"re out of time)(before we"re out of time)

Jason mraz的《the remedy》歌词中文意思

  The Remedy (I Won"t Worry)  Well I saw fireworks from the freeway  and behind closed eyes I cannot make them go away  Cause you were born on the fourth of July,  freedom reign  好吧, 我看到了告诉公路那边的焰火  闭上眼睛它还是挥之不去  因为你就是在国庆日出生的  自由统治的开始  But something on the surface it stings  I said something on the surface  well it kinda makes me nervous,  who says you deserve this?  and what kind of God would serve this?  We will cure this dirty old disease  Well, If you"ve gots the poison, I"ve gots the remedy  但有些东西刚知道的时候还是会疼  我说,那些刚知道的东西  好吧,真的让我有点紧张(估计在说刚知道Charlie得癌症)  谁说你应该是现在这样  是什么样的上帝居然会这样安排?  我们一定会战胜这肮脏的疾病  The remedy is the experience  This is a dangerous liaison  I says the comedy is that it"s serious  Which is a strange enough new play on words  I said the tragedy is how you"re gonna spend  The rest of your nights with the light on  So shine the light on all of your friends  When it all amounts to nothing in the end.  解药就是你经历它的过程  这是种危险的关联  我觉得,喜剧其实是很严肃的,  它一种语言上相当奇异的新式戏剧  我觉得,悲剧其实只在于你怎样渡过  那些开着灯睡不着的剩余夜晚  所以,拿灯光去照亮你所有的朋友吧  反正注定到头来一切都会消逝  I-i-i-i-i-i-i-i won"t worry my life away, hey, oh  I-i-i-i-i-i-i-i won"t worry my life away, hey, oh  我~~~~~~一点都不担心我的未来  Well I heard two men talking on the radio  In a crossfire kind of new reality show  Uncovering the ways to plan the next big attack  Well they were counting down the ways  To stab the brother in the be right back after this  The unavoidable kiss,  where the minty fresh death breath is sure to  Outlast this catastrophy  Dance with me, because  我听到两个人在广播理的谈话  是那种真是访谈,两个人争吵的不亦乐乎,  互相揭露这着要如何制造下一个伤害  他们真是想尽了办法  去伤害在这场show后,最终还是要回来的兄弟  无法避免的死亡之吻  那带着薄荷气味死亡气息,注定是这个悲剧的最终结果  If you gots the poison, I"ve gots the remedy  The remedy is the experience  This is a dangerous liaison  I says the comedy is that it"s serious  Which is a strange enough new play on words  I said the tragedy is how you"re gonna spend  The rest of your nights with the light on  So shine the light on all of your friends  When it all amounts to nothing in the end.  如果你拿到的是毒药,我这里有解药  解药就是你经历它的过程  这是种危险的关联  我觉得,喜剧其实是很严肃的,  它一种语言上相当奇异的新式戏剧  我觉得,悲剧其实只在于你怎样渡过  那些开着灯睡不着的剩余夜晚  所以,拿灯光去照亮你所有的朋友吧  反正注定到头来一切都会消逝  I-i-i-i-i-i-i-i won"t worry my life away, hey, oh  I-i-i-i-i-i-i-i won"t worry my life away, hey, oh  我~~~~~~一点都不担心我的未来  When I fall in love  I take my time  There"s no need to hurry when I"m making up my mind  You can turn off the sun  but I"m still gonna shine  And I"ll tell you why  Cause...  当我爱上一个人时  我从容不迫  在做决定的时候没有必要着急  你可以把太阳熄灭  但我会耀眼依旧  让我来告诉你为什么  因为...  The remedy is the experience  This is a dangerous liaison  I says the comedy is that it"s serious  Which is a strange enough new play on words  I said the tragedy is how you"re gonna spend  The rest of your nights with the light on  So shine the light on all of your friends  When it all amounts to nothing in the end.  I-i-i-i-i-i-i-i won"t worry my life away, hey, oh  I-i-i-i-i-i-i-i won"t worry my life away, I won"t worry my life  I-i-i-i-i-i-i-i won"t worry my life away, I won"t worry my life  I won"t and I won"t and I won"t etc...  解药就是你经历它的过程  这是种危险的关联  我觉得,喜剧其实是很严肃的,  它一种语言上相当奇异的新式戏剧  我觉得,悲剧其实只在于你怎样渡过  那些开着灯睡不着的剩余夜晚  所以,让灯光照亮你所以的朋友吧  反正注定到头来一切都会消逝

jason maraz-the remedy 的中文歌词

Well I saw fireworks from the freewayand behind closed eyes I cannot make them go awayCause you were born on the fourth of July,freedom reignBut something on the surface it stinksI said something on the surfacewell it kinda makes me nervous,who says you deserve this?and what kind of God would serve this?We will cure this dirty old diseaseWell, If you"ve gots the poison, I"ve gots the remedyChorusThe remedy is the experienceThis is a dangerous liaisonI says the comedy is that it"s seriousWhich is a strange enough new play on wordsI said the tragedy is how you"re gonna spendThe rest of your nights with the light onSo shine the light on all of your friendsWhen it all amounts to nothing in the end.I won"t worry my life away, hey, ohI won"t worry my life away, hey, ohWell I heard two men talking on the radioIn a crossfire kind of new reality showUncovering the ways to plan the next big attackWell they were counting down the waysTo stab the brother in the be right back after thisThe unavoidable kiss,where the minty fresh death breath is sure toOutlast this catastrophyDance with me, becauseIf you gots the poison, I"ve gots the remedyChorusThe remedy is the experienceThis is a dangerous liaisonI says the comedy is that it"s seriousWhich is a strange enough new play on wordsI said the tragedy is how you"re gonna spendThe rest of your nights with the light onSo shine the light on all of your friendsWhen it all amounts to nothing in the end.I won"t worry my life away, hey, ohI won"t worry my life away, hey, ohWhen I fall in loveI take my timeThere"s no need to hurry when I"m making up my mindYou can turn off the sunbut I"m still gonna shineAnd I"ll tell you whyCause...ChorusThe remedy is the experienceThis is a dangerous liaisonI says the comedy is that it"s seriousWhich is a strange enough new play on wordsI said the tragedy is how you"re gonna spendThe rest of your nights with the light onSo shine the light on all of your friendsWhen it all amounts to nothing in the end.I won"t worry my life away, hey, ohI won"t worry my life away, I won"t worry my lifeI won"t worry my life away, I won"t worry my lifeI won"t and I won"t and I won"t etc...

"the remedy" 歌词的意义是什么?10点

你应该是指Jason Mraz 的那首The Remedy 吧! 这首歌应是Jason Mraz 写畀佢患癌症的朋友 Charlie 的 Charlie正是生于7月4日(“Cause you were born on the fourth of July”) 7月4日是美国国庆 有烟花放(“I saw fireworks from the freeway”). 听佢自己讲: *** /watch?v=7YAQ_Fs7xYI 这首歌叫 The Remedy (I won"t worry) 歌曲旋律轻快 但歌词讲的却比较沉重 例如: now something on the surface it stingswho says that you deserve thisand what kind of God would serve thisI say the tragedy is how you"re gonna spend the rest of your nights with the light on 话虽如此 歌词也带来正面讯息: We will cure this dirty old diseaseif you"ve got the poison I"ve got the remedySo shine the light on all of your friends because it all amounts to nothing in the endI won"t worry my life awayYou can turn off the sun but I"m still gonna shine 这首歌是劝人身患重病仍要积极面对.

A great deal has been done to remedy_ the situation.

【答案】:B【题干】做了很多处理来补救这种情况。 【解析】考查动词。题干划线词remedy意为“补救”,所以正确答案为B。

Seether的《Remedy》 歌词

歌曲名:Remedy歌手:Seether专辑:Karma & EffectSeether - RemedyThrow your dollar billsand leave your thrills all here with meAnd speak but don"t pretendI won"t defend you anymore you seeIt aches in every bone,I"ll die alone, but not for youMy eyes don"t need to see that ugly thing,I know it"s me you fearIf you want me hold me backfrail, the skin is dry and pale,the pain will never failAnd so we go back to the remedyClip the wings that get you high,just leave them where they lieAnd tell yourself, "you be the death of me"I don"t need a friend,I need to mend so far awaySo come sit by the fire and play a while,but you can"t stay too longIt aches in every bone,I"ll die alone, but not for pleasureI see my heart explode,it"s been eroded by the weather hereIf you want me hold me backFrail, the skin is dry and pale,the pain will never failAnd so we go back to the remedyClip the wings that get you high,just leave them where they lieAnd tell yourself, "You"ll be the death of me"Frail, the skin is dry and pale,the pain will never failAnd so we go back to the remedyClip the wings that get you high,just leave them where they lieAnd tell yourself, "You"ll be the death of me"Hold your eyes closed, take me inHold your eyes closed, take me inFrail, the skin is dry and pale,the pain will never failAnd so we go back to the remedyClip the wings that get you high,just leave them where they lieAnd tell yourself, "You"ll be the death of me"Frail, the skin is dry and pale,the pain will never failAnd so we go back to the remedyClip the wings that get you high,just leave them where they lieAnd tell yourself, "You"ll be the death of me"

if there need some remedy,contact me 这句话是否正确,有没有语法问题,地道吗?求好心人帮助解决,谢

不对。应该是:If YOU need ANY remedy,contact me. 或者:Please don"t hesitate to contact me if you need any remedy. 在if 结构中,将some改换成any,记住。

the lonely shepherd简谱粗横线上边有个4什么意思


The Lord Is My Shepherd (23Rd Psalm) 歌词

歌曲名:The Lord Is My Shepherd (23Rd Psalm)歌手:Keith Green专辑:The Greatest HitsThe Lord is my Shepherd I shall not wantHe makes me lie down in green pastures.He leads me beside the still waters.He restoreth my soulAnd guides my path in righteousnessFor His name"s sake.Surely goodness and loving kindnessShall follow me al the days of my life.And I will dwell in the house of the LordForever and ever and ever.Though I walk through the valleyOf the shadow of deathI will not fear, Thou art with me.Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me.Thou preparest a tableBefore me in the presence of my enemies.Thou anointest my head with oilMy cup"s overflowingSurely goodness and loving kindnessShall follow me al the days of my life.And I will dwell in the house of the LordForever and ever and ever.The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want.


shepherd和goatherd的区别?goatherdgoat.herd可数名词牧山羊者sheepherdersheep.herder可数名词(美)牧羊人 (shepherd)

谁能告诉我slash的by the sword歌词和翻译?谢谢

By the SwordSlash用剑Slash斜线With the horses that you ride,有马骑,你,And the feelings left inside,离开了内心的感受,Comes a time you need to leave all that behind,有一次你需要离开这一切的背后,Well they claim they"d like to know,他们说他们想知道,And they"ll fight you there to go,他们会跟你去,And they"re gatherin" around for all the show,他们在聚会的所有节目,Well there is a reward,有一个奖励,To live and die by the sword,活的和死在刀下,Well they tried to complicate you,他们试图使你,But you left it all behind,但你离开这一切的背后,All the worldly possessions,所有的家当,Are left for recollections,留下的记忆,And finally it"s all gone!最后都没了!They"re releasing all the hounds,他们释放所有的猎犬,What is lost can still be found,失去的是什么仍然可以发现,When you"re walking with your fear down on the ground,当你和你的恐惧倒在地上行走,Well there"s those who choose to run也有那些选择运行Following the setting sun,以下的夕阳,And now it seems the journey"s has begun,现在看来,旅程的开始,Well there is a reward,有一个奖励,To live and die by the sword,活的和死在刀下,Well they tried to complicate you,他们试图使你,But you left it all behind,但你离开这一切的背后,All the worldly possessions,所有的家当,Are left for recollections,留下的记忆,And finally it"s all gone!最后都没了!With the horses that you ride,有马骑,你,And the feelings left inside,离开了内心的感受,Comes a time you need to leave all that behind,有一次你需要离开这一切的背后,Well there is a reward,有一个奖励,To live and die by the sword,活的和死在刀下,Well they tried to complicate you,他们试图使你,But you left it all behind,但你离开这一切的背后,All the worldly possessions,所有的家当,Are left for recollections,留下的记忆,And finally it"s all gone!最后都没了!


buckethead技术相对好一些..slash的旋律棒~~ 不过追求技术的话去看保罗吉尔伯特. 个人喜好.
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