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So far, not one of them has been struck down by sudden death!

击倒 是词组

the death of her father struck sadness into her heart意思

the death of her father struck sadness into her heart意思是指:她父亲的去世使她感到悲伤。the death of her father struck sadness into her heart意思是指:她父亲的去世使她感到悲伤。重点词汇:death释义为死亡。father释义指父亲,爸爸。struck释义指罢工;打击,撞击。sadness释义为悲哀;悲伤,悲痛;使人悲伤的事。into her heart意思是指进入她的内心。英语学习如何快速提高1、首先、培养积极主动的动机。动机对于英语学习来说特别重要。学习是学生的任务,然而为了完成任务而应付学习的动机绝对是不正确的,我们的目的就是想让学生通过英语掌握一些交际的手段,看到外面世界的广大,从而了解一个完全不同的异域世界。2、其次、培养兴趣。除了动机以外,兴趣也很重要。有些学生总觉得学习英语很难,全是些单词,句子,所以总是一提到英语就头晕目眩,退而避之,从而形成了一种对英语的排斥心理。其实,正如我们在玩要时会发现其中一些有趣之处一样,当我们对英语有了一定程度的了解后,也能从中找到有趣的地方。3、最后,要勤奋。那些英语成绩好的同学,勤奋是很重要的一个因素。没有一个人是天生就会一项技能的,想有些成就,只能靠自己努力。所以要学生,第一、上课认真听讲,做好记录,抓住这35分钟的效率。第二、课后及时复习,有问题及时询问老师或同学。可想而知,他们的成功完全靠的是自己后天的努力,要勤奋的锻炼才做得到。

The blow struck him full in the face 这一拳正打在他脸上

他的脸上 为什么不用his face呢?而用 him full in the face? 这里struck是动词,所以它们放在一起构成了打一拳的含义。 full在这里应该指的是

This combination of healing myself and healing the world struck me as th里面有哪些知识点。 解释


the beatles的sgt pepper"s

《sgt pepper"s lonely heart club night》是一个很妙的想法,把心仪的(也可能已故的)所有乐手集中在一起,构建一个自己臆想的乐队,并为他们取名为佩珀军士孤寂之心俱乐部。这本就是讲述一个臆想的梦境,一个迷幻之夜,一个满足你不可能实现愿望的奇特期许。至于其中的曲目,你恐怕得自行体会。打个比方来说,这些曲目,有些属于荒诞派,有些是印象风,欣赏它们需要那么一点点的幽默感。

their own 与 themselves 的区别。


the football pools前是用in 还是on in the football pools 还是on the football pools

in the football pools

凯利麦克(Kelly Mack) The Only One中文歌词

歌曲名称:One Last Time(中文翻译:最后一次)歌手名称:Kelly Mack(凯利麦克.美国)You were perfect even then my love我亲爱的,你是那么的完美Your little smile was so sweet.连你轻轻的一个微笑,都是那么甜蜜I would sit beside your cradle.我会坐在你的摇篮旁And watch you gently fall asleep.看着你轻轻地进入梦乡I used to hold you in my arms my child我曾经用双臂抱紧你,我的孩子And marvel at your tiny hands.对你小小的双手感到惊奇I would always watch in wonder.我会总是用那么惊奇的目光看着你As you grew from boy to man.当你慢慢地从一个小男孩长大成一个男人And if you were ever in tears如果有时你哭泣I"d kiss you till the pain would disappear我会轻吻你直到你的伤痛消失If only I could hold you now.如果我现在能紧抱你In my arms one last time.最后一次用我的双鼻紧抱你Inside my heart is breaking.虽然我已经心如刀割Just watching you Jesus you were mine.就这样看着你,我就知道,天啊,你是我的You were mine.你是我的Your precious hands that used to hold me你那双珍贵的手曾经拥抱过我Nailed so tightly to the cross.紧紧地被钉在十字架上You never know how much I love you Jesus.天啊,你从来都不知道我有多么的爱你Now everything I have is lost.现在我已痛失所爱Wish that I could wipe your tears.但愿我能擦干你的眼泪I want to hold you till the pain disappears.我想紧抱着你知道你的悲痛消失If only I could hold you now如果我只能现在去拥抱你In my arms one last time.最后一次用我的双臂去抱紧你Inside my heart is breaking.我以心如刀割Just watching you Jesus you were mine.就这样看着你,我就知道,天啊,你是属于我的You were mine.你是属于我的Angels promised that one day you would raise天使承诺过有朝一日你会醒过来But the greatest love flows from the greatest pain.但最伟大的爱是在最巨大的创伤中产生的If only I could hold you now.如果我只能在现在拥抱你In my arms one last time.最后一次用我的双臂去紧抱你Inside my heart is breaking我的内心已经破碎Just watching you Jesus you were mine.就这样看着你,我就知道,天啊,你是我的You were mine. 你是我的 希望能帮到你~

return of the mack歌词翻译

Oooooh,来吧,哦是的井我试图告诉你这麼 (是我做的),但我猜你不知道,随著最悲伤的故事,宝贝,现在我什麼流量,因为从一开始就知道宝贝,当你打破了我的心,我不得不再次回来,给你们看我的。你骗我,我说我爱你,所有这些时间 你骗我,是,我试过,是的我试过,你骗我,即使你知道我会为你死,你骗我,是,我哭了,是的我哭了。[合唱 1:]返回的 mack,它是 ,返回的 mack,来,返回的 mack,哦,我的上帝,你知道我会回来,我是 在这里。[合唱 2:]返回的 mack,再次,返回的 mack,的世界顶部返回的 mack,手表我流你知道我会回来,在这里,我去。所以我备份在游戏中,(我摆动运行等)无尽所有人都知道,我回以运行放映,的原因他们不知道什麼是错的<a href="">Return Of The Mack 歌词<a> <a href="">音乐 ABC<a>和做过的所有坏话所以,宝贝,仔细听著,虽然我唱我复出首歌。你骗我,因为她说她永远不会背叛我,你骗我,,但你,但你做了你骗我,所有你说我将永远不会觉得,这痛苦你骗我,,但我做的但是我做做。[合唱 3:]返回的 mack,它是 ,返回的 mack,搁置返回的 mack,你不知道,你知道我会回来,返回的 mack,哦,小女孩 返回的 mack,再一次的女孩,返回的 mack,向上或向下你知道我会回来的 (圆和圆)。[插曲:]Ahhhhhh 标记担心你大休息站你骗我,因为他说她永远不会背叛我,你骗我,,但你,但你做了你骗我,所有你说永远不会觉得这痛苦你骗我,,但我做的但是我做做[合唱 1][合唱 2]返回的麦晋桁

she is unhappy,neither am i还是so am i

neither am I 这个是对的 ,因为主句是否定句

the unhappy american way翻译

the unhappy american way的中文翻译是:不幸福的美国方式,不快乐的美国方式。不快乐的美国方式的英文翻译为The Unhappy American Way,不开心的基本释义unhappy blackdog outofone"splate ,unhappy 是一个形容词,由 un- 和 happy 拼接而成。un- 是一个前缀,意思是“不”,“没有”或“无”,而 happy 是一个形容词,意思是“快乐的”,“幸福的”。因此,unhappy 的意思就是“不快乐的”,“不幸福的”。英文翻译的方法1、转换句子法:顾名思义,转换句子法就是在英译中,或者中译英的翻译题里,为了使将要译出的句子符合中文/英文里面的表达习惯,方法和方式等目标,而把题目中原句的语态,所用词类以及句型等进行处理转换。2、省略翻译法:这与最开始提到的增译法相反,就是要求你把不符合汉语,或者英语的表达的方式、思维的习惯或者语言的习惯的部分删去,以免使所翻译出的句子沉杂累赘。3、合并法:合并翻译法就是把多个短句子或者简单句合并到一起,形成一个复合句或者说复杂包,多出现在汉译英的题目里出现,比如最后会翻译成定语从句、状语从句、宾语从句等等。

May the force be with me 翻译


为什么是he is unhappy, too 而不是either


tackle the problem another way.是不是需要加上by


It is a quarter p_____ three in the afternoon.


tackle the day 的用法

tackle 意思是 “果断地面对” 或 “高效的应对” 。tackle the day 意思就是 “直面这一天”,根据上下文,可以变通翻译为 “着手应对一天的工作”、“处理新的一天的事务”、“义无反顾地迎接一天的开始”,等等。

RING AROUND THE ROSEY的原版谁有?就是黑死病时的童谣。23671936④3要完


谁有TV--Z.O.E Dolores(ED)--Ring on the World无损版的下载地址

饿你竟然看 狂野禁区 ...... 那个多少年的东西 2004年前的 我看都不看 怎么说呢 感觉有点不怎么样

Duran Duran的《The Reflex》 歌词

歌曲名:The Reflex歌手:Duran Duran专辑:DecadeThe ReflexDuran DuranYou"ve gone too far this timeBut I"m dancing on the valentineI tell you somebody"s fooling aroundWith my chances on the dangerlineI"ll cross that bridge when I find itAnother day to make my stand oohHigh time is no time for decidingIf I should find a helping hand oohSo why... don"t you use it?Try... not to bruise itBuy... time don"t lose itSo why... don"t you use it?Try... not to bruise itBuy... time don"t lose itThe reflex is an only child he"s waiting by the parkThe reflex is in charge of finding treasure in the darkAnd watching over lucky clover isn"t that bizarreEvery little thing the reflex doesLeaves you answered with a question mark~~~~~~I"m on a ride and I want to get offBut they won"t slow down the roundaboutI sold the Renoir and the TV setDon"t want to be around when this gets outSo why... don"t you use it?Try... not to bruise itBuy... time don"t lose it~~~~~~The reflex is an only child he"s waiting by the parkThe reflex is in charge of finding treasure in the darkAnd watching over lucky clover isn"t that bizarreEvery little thing the reflex doesLeaves you answered with a question mark~~~~~~So why... don"t you use it?Try... not to bruise itBuy... time don"t lose itThe reflex is an only child he"s waiting by the parkThe reflex is in charge of finding treasure in the darkAnd watching over lucky clover isn"t that bizarreEvery little thing the reflex doesLeaves you answered with a question markOh the reflex what a game he"s hiding all the cards ...

Duran Duran的《The Reflex》 歌词

歌曲名:The Reflex歌手:Duran Duran专辑:Now That"s What I Call Music! 25 YearsThe ReflexDuran DuranYou"ve gone too far this timeBut I"m dancing on the valentineI tell you somebody"s fooling aroundWith my chances on the dangerlineI"ll cross that bridge when I find itAnother day to make my stand oohHigh time is no time for decidingIf I should find a helping hand oohSo why... don"t you use it?Try... not to bruise itBuy... time don"t lose itSo why... don"t you use it?Try... not to bruise itBuy... time don"t lose itThe reflex is an only child he"s waiting by the parkThe reflex is in charge of finding treasure in the darkAnd watching over lucky clover isn"t that bizarreEvery little thing the reflex doesLeaves you answered with a question mark~~~~~~I"m on a ride and I want to get offBut they won"t slow down the roundaboutI sold the Renoir and the TV setDon"t want to be around when this gets outSo why... don"t you use it?Try... not to bruise itBuy... time don"t lose it~~~~~~The reflex is an only child he"s waiting by the parkThe reflex is in charge of finding treasure in the darkAnd watching over lucky clover isn"t that bizarreEvery little thing the reflex doesLeaves you answered with a question mark~~~~~~So why... don"t you use it?Try... not to bruise itBuy... time don"t lose itThe reflex is an only child he"s waiting by the parkThe reflex is in charge of finding treasure in the darkAnd watching over lucky clover isn"t that bizarreEvery little thing the reflex doesLeaves you answered with a question markOh the reflex what a game he"s hiding all the cards ...



criticism of the hotel design is of two types. it is a faithful replica of nothing that ever existe

是的,这是一个前所未有的作品 ,这个单独的2句话 不好具体翻译,要结合前后文才能翻译准确,但句子的意思应该是强调 前所未有

the world is too much with us 选自哪个诗集


the seventieth


in the poems和into the poems有什么区别?

in the poems意思是在诗里面,指的是诗内容into the poems意思进入诗所表达的境界。



英语翻译求翻译 I gave you The gold of the sun The Silver Moon Gave?

我给你 太阳的金 银白色的月亮 给你星星 画你的天空 在时间轴 命运写 金色的字母 你和我 多久了我等待 找到像 适合做好计划 有一天,让我 你和我 我会告诉 什么这些词组有一点我们 那我们现在不离开以后 当我看到你,我觉得这样完整 我走到哪里 和这些traits"m试图描述 千言万语那么一点的说 这改变了一切的感觉 改变世界 这就是爱,1,英语翻译 求翻译 I gave you The gold of the sun The Silver Moon Gave you the stars To draw your sky On the timeline Fate wrote With golden letters You and me How long have I waited Find someone like That fit well in the plans That one day made me You and me I"ll tell What these phrases have a bit of us That we do not leave now for later When I see you I feel so plete Where I go And these traits"m trying to describe Thousand words is so little to say A feeling that changes everything Change the World This is love

讨论,请问此英语题选哪一个?The police had difficulty in_____the fans from?

个人意见,选B. restrict,vt.限制,限定,约束,制止,禁止 指把某人或物限制在一定范围之内. restrain,v.克制,限制,抑制,约束,拘束,束缚 例如: I couldn"t restrain my anger. 我无法抑制我的愤怒. I couldn"t restrain my laughter. 我禁不住笑了出来. He tried to restrain his sobs. 他竭力抑制哭泣声. 此题说限制粉丝们冲上舞台,所以选B.,1,无疑是A restrain能和from搭配,restrict不能,4,B.A有抑制的意思。,2,选A。理由:两个词都有束缚、管制、阻止的意思。但是restrain 有个固定搭配:restrain *** . from doing sth. 例如 restrain a child from (doing) mischief 制止小孩胡闹。,1,A: restraining restrain from 阻止做某事,0,a 控制~ restrict是限制,0,讨论,请问此英语题选哪一个? The police had difficulty in_____the fans from rushing on to the stage to take photo with the singer. A:restraining B:restricting 请选择并给出理由,

[这里的At the speed of a snail作什么成分?] The car is moving at the speed of a snail

状语 .

当与or not连用时,if/wether均可,但or not直接跟在连词后时,则只能用wether,

一、引导宾语从句,一般既可用whether也可用if.但   1 or not放在whether之后时,只能用whether不用if.   I don"t know whether or not he will come.我不知道他是不是回来.   注1:如果or not放在whether所引导的从句句尾,则可以用if来替换.   I don"t know whether/if he will come or not.我不知道他是不是回来.   2 在强调任意选择时,用whether…or,此时不用if替换whether.   He asked me whether I wanted to go there by train or by bus.他问我是想乘火车还是坐公共汽车去那里.   注:whether和or一起还有“不管”之意,引导让步状语从句.   Whether he drives or takes the train,he will be here on time.不管开车来还是乘火车来,他都会准时到.   3 虽引导宾语从句,但为了强调宾语部分,也可把从句放在句首,此时只用whether不用if.   Whether he will come I am not sure.他是不是来我拿不准.   4 从句作介词宾语时只用whether不用if.   It depends on whether it will be fine.那得看是不是晴天.   5 作discuss等动词的宾语时,用whether不用if.   We discussed whether we should close the shop.我们讨论是不是该关掉商店.   6 句子中有if引导的条件句,如再有表示“是否”的宾语从句,用whether不用if.   He asked me whether I"d move to New York if I got the job.他问我如果我得到那份工作是否会搬家到纽约.   7 容易产生歧义时用whether不用if来表示“是否”.   Please let me know if you need help.如果你需要帮助请告诉我.或:请告诉我你是否需要帮助.对比:Please let me know if you need help.请告诉我你是否需要帮助.   8 如果宾语从句为否定句时,则只用if不用whether.   I don"t know if it won"t rain tomorrow..我不知道明天是不是会下雨. 二、在引导主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句时一般用whether不用if.如:   ⑴Whether it is true remains a question.(主语从句)那是不是真的还是个问题.   ⑵The question is whether it is true.(表语从句)问题是是不是真的.   ⑶We have a doubt whether it is true.(同位语从句) 我们怀疑那是不是真的.   注:whether引导主语从句放在主句之后时可用if来代替. It is unclear whether/if he likes the present.他是不是喜欢那个礼物还不清楚. 三、用在动词不定式之前时用whether不用if. I don"t know whether to go there at once.我不知道是不是该立刻去那里.

clear the vacant是什么意思

clear the vacant清空-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

The seat next to him was vacant. 和 The seat was vacant next to him.哪句是对的?感谢!

第一句是对的,next to him是seat的后置定语



The Killer什么意思。


求The Ready Set 的killer的歌词翻译。

The Ready Set Killer Stu-u-uck in a limbo (Here we go)Me and my sins go (Toe to toe oh-oh-oh)I played a vicious part (Whoa-oh)I"ve broken my fair share of hea-ar-ar-artsI"m about to blowSo if you come around then you should know-oh-oh-ohI"ll tear you up in twoGo aheadWalk it off if you know what"s best for youOoh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-oohI"m no good for you (Oh-oh)This heart ain"t built for two soRun away, run away"Cause I"m no, I"m no, I"m noGood for youI"m no good for you (Oh-oh)Get love and I bet you lose soRun away, run away"Cause I"m no, I"m no, I"m noGood for youI"m a, I"m a, I"m a love killerI"m a, I"m a, I"m a love killerI"m a, I"m a, I"m Lo-oh-oh-oh-ohL-L-Lower than real low (Here we go)Take your heart like a repo (No no no oh-oh)You dug yourself into (Whoa-oh)A pretty mess that I made for you-oo-oo-ooI"ve a lot to showFor the time you"re gonna loseBy the time I go-oh-oh-ohI"ll tear you up in twoGo aheadWalk it off if you know what"s best for youOoh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-oohI"m no good for you (Oh-oh)This heart ain"t built for two so转载来自 ※ 魔镜歌词网 Run away, run away"Cause I"m no, I"m no, I"m noGood for youI"m no good for you (Oh-oh)Get love and I bet you lose soRun away, run away"Cause I"m no, I"m no, I"m noGood for youI"m a, I"m a, I"m a love killerI"m a, I"m a, I"m a love killerI"m a, I"m a, I"m Lo-oh-oh-oh-ohBootleg emotionsBottled up explosionsIntoxicating you (Intoxicating you)Now you know the truthI"m your sentencingThey"re exiting through your skinIntoxicating you (Intoxicating you)Ninety-seven proofI"m no good for youThis heart ain"t built for two soRun away, run away"Cause I"m no, I"m no, I"m noGood for youI"m no good for you (Oh-oh)Get love and I bet you lose soRun away, run away"Cause I"m no, I"m no, I"m noGood for youI"m a, I"m a, I"m a love killerI"m a, I"m a, I"m a love killerI"m a, I"m a, I"m Lo-oh-oh-oh-oh

The Hoosiers的《Killer》 歌词

歌曲名:Killer歌手:The Hoosiers专辑:The Trick To LifeMELL - KILL作词∶MELL作曲∶高瀬一矢映画「斩~KILL~」OP针の世も见纳めだ 无様なる故郷よ祈るがいいせいぜい疵も缝えぬ神に振り翳せ Gun"s &God sword大海(うみ)はすすげぬ罪男泣きに泣くなら その肌へと降りよういいことなんか何にもなかった力づくでいい 夺って今宵はワタトクルシミノ因果斩リマセンカ?痛まぬ 最期をあげますGift in Sweeter Kill儚むな我が友よ 碑の追随を机に月を射て闇を得て地を蹴散らし戻れいいことなんて刺して引いた Answer胜利の美酒をなみなみとあなたにさよなら神経…の奥のSoul enjoy pleasure play痛まぬ最期喝采の无二Now in Sweeter Kill咲け Dragon & Tiger风の精进花 火の海までも手纲を渡そう梦の泡雪など二度と降りはしないアナタノ イノリハコノ肌ニ 刻ミマシタ尘と化す魂は猛るまで蠢くさよなら因縁の旅のGoal in Sweeter Kill

拳皇2012THE KING OF FIGHTERS i 2012 v1.0.0中 Leona连续技四 ↓蓄S+D↙蓄S 怎么连??求指教

对手不能落地 空中那连续两个光束的招数 那个人应该是不落地赶快按下S 不要松掉方向键 应为他和阿修一样是蓄力招数如果松掉在蓄力 就连不上了应手指在上面 从下 移动到斜下

michael monroe ,you are the one歌词

you are the onemichael monroeshe looks across the kitchen tableat the man she"s loved for sixty years nowmaybe all of them weren"t so grandbut she can still see him as a handsome young manshe used to hear him from across the parksinging to the crowds on saturdaysand as she watched the children in her careshe imagined that they were theirschorus:and she could see beyond her twenty yearsto a day when they would be oneto a day like today happy and graythey can still sing "you are the one"well it wasn"t quite how she"d imaginedoverseas and so far from homehe off somewhere in his uniform andshe waiting for him all day all all onethe loneliness almost drove her crazyshe tried to fill her days withempty choresthings he didn"t seem to noticethey were grooming him for warbut she could see beyond those painful yearsto a day when they would be oneto a day like today happy and graythey can still sing " you are the one"and now she hears him from down the hallsinging as he works at his deskshe"s rearranging photos in the living roomand remembering all the thingsthat she loved the beston his arm on their wedding daytheir first child on her breastthe way she feels when the family"s all togetherand the fragrance rising from the ceder chestbrings her back to the day they metand she could see beyond her twenty years...

when it serves their own purposes

特点:运用了if条件状语从句,和when的时间状语从句 it指:best thinking

翻译:Maybe I should take up surgery on the side.这句话如何翻译?语境是指一

这句话来自on writing well 第4页最后一句

I was born in Quincy,a town on the east coast of America...的英语课文翻译


I was born in Quincy, a town on the east coast of America. 求全文通顺翻译 速度速度


They call the brid polly什么意思什么是主语什么是间接宾语,什么是直接宾语?

答:句子意思是他们叫鸟儿作波利。句子结构是主+谓+宾+宾补,不是双宾语(直接宾语、间接宾语)。解析:They (主语)call(谓语)the bird(宾语)Polly(宾语补足语,补充说明宾语the bird)这里宾语和宾补隐含主系表结构,即the bird is Polly,双宾语则不符合这一规律。希望对您有帮助;)

sins of the father是什么意思

父亲的原罪 父亲之罪 罪过之父But I will NOT be held accountable for the sins of my father. My destiny will be my own.但父亲犯下的罪跟我毫无关系,我的命运将由我自己来掌握。

the sins of father是什么意思


from the stage什么意思? retain control over为何两个动词连在一起


—Serina has been watching the TV series the whole night.— ________. A.So her parents have B

D 答案 D [考查倒装句。结合句意可知是她的父母也是如此,所以用“so+助动词/系动词/情态动词+主语”的形式。“so+主语+系动词/助动词/情态动词”表示“的确如此”。]

She (Theme From Tv Series The Seven Faces Of Woman ) 歌词

歌曲名:She (Theme From Tv Series The Seven Faces Of Woman )歌手:Pepe Jaramillo专辑:Pure EasyParachute - She (For Liz)She has no problem with secretsShe knows how to keep themShe never felt the need to let them showI"ve had no trouble with speakingOr trusting my instinctsAnd maybe this is one that I should knowBut as I"m waiting thereThe devil on my shoulder staresLaughing that the one thing I can"t getIs what I needSheShe is the words that I can"t findHow can the only thing that"s killing meMake me feel so aliveAnd I couldn"t speakI couldn"t breathe to save my lifeAll of my chances swimLike sinking ships this time it"s itI"ll drown or make her mineMy vocal chords have been fightingMy mouth likes to spite meIt never says the words that come to mindI brought a stick to a gun fightAnd I"m stuck with my tongue tiedI run but I can"t hide what"s always there isSheShe is the words that I can"t findHow can the only thing that"s killing meMake me feel so alive and I couldn"t speakI couldn"t breathe to save my lifeAll of my chances swimLike sinking ships this time it"s itI"ll drown or make her mineI can see these things I"d doBut never seem to follow throughSheShe is the words that I can"t findHow can the only thing that"s killing meMake me feel so aliveSheShe is the words that I can"t findHow can the only thing that"s killing meMake me feel so alive and I couldn"t speakI couldn"t breathe to save my lifeAll of my chances swimLike sinking ships this time it"s itI"ll drown or make her mineWhoa I said I"ll drown or make her mineAnd I couldn"t breathe to save my lifeAll of my chances swim like sinking shipsThis time it"s it I"ll drown or make her mine

the TV series 做主语 谓语是单数还是复数?

series是单复数一体的词,所以谓语动词时复数 就像people一样,谓语动词都是复数形式的

英语翻译 我喜欢的电视剧用英语怎么说 I like the TV series?

我喜欢的电视剧用英语怎么说 The TV plays I like The TV Plays that are liked by me My favourite TV play

the TV series 做主语 谓语是单数还是复数?

series是单复数一体的词,所以谓语动词时复数 就像people一样,谓语动词都是复数形式的

the TV series 做主语 谓语是单数还是复数?


求SUEDE the drowners中文翻译,最好把意境翻译出来,谢谢了,

Won"t someone give me a gun? 有谁给我一只枪? oh well it"s for my brother 哦这是为了我的兄弟 well he writes the line wrote down my spine 他将我的刺痛写下 It says "Oh do you believe in love there?" 他写道“噢,你信仰爱吗?” So slow down, slow down, you"re taking me over 哦,慢点,慢点,你要把我带走 And so we drown, sir we drown, stop taking me over 我们要窒息而死,窒息而死,别把我带走 Won"t someone give me some fun? 有谁给我些开心的事? (and as the skin flies all around us) (就象皮毛飞扬在我们周围) We kiss in his room to a popular tune 我们在他屋内伴着流行歌曲拥吻 Oh, real drowners 噢,真正的窒息者 slow down, slow down, you"re taking me over 慢点,慢点,你要把我带走 And so we drown, sir we drown, 我们要窒息而死,窒息而死stop takin" me over! 别把我带走

The tv series is还是are

加areseries是单复数一体的词,所以谓语动词时复数 就像people一样,谓语动词都是复数形式的。

求suede的《earth to the sun》的歌词

EARTH SONGWhat about sunriseWhat about rainWhat about all the thingsThat you said we were to gain.. .What about killing fieldsIs there a timeWhat about all the thingsThat you said was yours and mine...Did you ever stop to noticeAll the blood we"ve shed beforeDid you ever stop to noticeThe crying Earth the weeping shores?Aaaaaaaaaah AaaaaaaaaahWhat have we done to the worldLook what we"ve doneWhat about all the peaceThat you pledge your only son...What about flowering fieldsIs there a timeWhat about all the dreamsThat you said was yours and mine...Did you ever stop to noticeAll the children dead from warDid you ever stop to noticeThe crying Earth the weeping shoresI used to dreamI used to glance beyond the starsNow I don"t know where we areAlthough I know we"ve drifted farHey, what about yesterday, what about usWhat about the seas, what about usThe heavens are falling down, what about usI can"t even breathe, what about usWhat about the bleeding Earth, what about usCan"t we feel its wounds, what about usWhat about nature"s worth, ooo,oooIt"s our planet"s womb, what about usWhat about animals, what about itWe"ve turned kingdoms to dust, what about usWhat about elephants, what about usHave we lost their trust, what about usWhat about crying whales, what about usWe"re ravaging the seas, what about usWhat about forest trails, ooo, oooBurnt despite our pleas, what about usWhat about the holy land, what about itTorn apart by creed, what about usWhat about the common man, what about usCan"t we set him free, what about usWhat about children dying, what about usCan"t you hear them cry, what about usWhere did we go wrong, ooo, oooSomeone tell me why, what about usWhat about babies, what about itWhat about the days, what about usWhat about all their joy, what about usWhat about the man, what about usWhat about the crying man, what about usWhat about Abraham, what was usWhat about death again, ooo, ooo不知道是不是这个歌词。。

求suede《the wild ones》的歌词翻译

the wild ones There"s a song playing on the radio Sky high in the airwaves on the morning show And there"s a lifeline slipping as the record plays And as I open the blinds in my mind I"m believing that you could stay 早间广播节目里的歌声 随着空中的电波飘来 生命 伴着我们播放的音乐 悄悄地流逝 当我敞开紧闭的心扉 我相信你会留在我身边 And oh if you stay I"ll chase the rainblown fields away We"ll shine like the morning and sin in the sun Oh if you stay We"ll be the wild ones, running with the dogs today 哦,如果你能留下 我愿奔跑于这雨后泥泞的大地 如晨光般闪耀,在太阳下公然做罪恶之事 只要你留下 我们就做这样狂野的一对儿 跟狗儿一起奔跑嬉戏 There"s a song playing through another wall All we see and believe is the D.J. and debts dissolve And it"s a shame the plane is leaving on this sunny day Cos on you my tattoo will be bleeding and the name will stain 歌声从隔壁传来 在我们看来 只有DJ是可信的,负罪感已消失无踪 多遗憾啊,这晴朗的日子里飞机就这么飞走了 我身上文着你名字的文身在流血 而你的名字已模糊不清 But oh if you stay we"ll ride from disguised suburban graves We"ll go from the bungalows where the debts still grow every day 但只要你留下 我们就离开那郊区虚假伪装下的坟地 从房贷债务与日俱增的别墅中搬走 And oh if you stay I"ll chase the rainblown fears away We"ll shine like the morning and sin in the sun oh if you stay We"ll be the wild ones running with the dogs today We"ll be the wild ones running with the dogs today 哦,如果你能留下 我会为你赶走这被雨水淋湿的恐惧 我们如晨光般闪耀 在太阳下公然做罪恶之事 只要你能留下 我们就做这样狂野的一对儿 跟狗儿一起奔跑嬉戏

suede的《we are the pigs》歌词

Well the church bells are calling 教堂钟声是终极正义和神圣意志的象征,这里它不是“tolling”而是“calling”,仿佛暗示神在呼唤他沦落的子民。 在尼德兰革命中教堂的钟声也是领袖用来发动和唤醒人民的手段。 Police cars on fire 警车被丢在烈火里,这是暴乱的象征,说明维护人间秩序的力量已经荡然无存。 And as they call you to the eye of the storm “they”大概是对新的权力组织的称呼,他们希望所有人都卷入“台风眼”,即希望酿起更大的动乱。 All the people say "Stay at home tonight" 这里鲜明地指出了人民的态度,他们只想在家里躲开外面的一切,这是大众软弱自保的天性,也是麻木不仁。 I say we are the pigs, we are the swine 这里的“we”不仅是指戴着面具制造战祸的组织,也指龟缩家中的普通百姓。 We are the stars of the firing line 世界已经变成了firing line,到处在燃烧,到处是战争前线。“我们”生活在这样的时代,却忘不了自己曾经是明亮的星辰,因为心中还有希望吧! And as the smack cracks at your window 终于还是躲不掉的,窗户被敲响的那一刻,最后的避风港也要被闯入了。 You wake up with a gun in your mouth 以为麻木地酣睡可以逃避丑陋的现实,却发现枪已经顶在了嘴中。 Oh let the nuclear wind blow away my sins 这终究是我们人类的“sins”,我们不可能改正,不可能回头。既然如此,“我”也只好在核弹的飓风中毁灭。 And I"ll stay at home in my house 世界无法改变,在家中等待末日审判的来临。 But deceit can"t save you so 欺骗拯救不了你,因为麻醉自己不是拯救,你的命运被更大更荒谬的强权力量掌握。 We will watch them burn “them”是代表神圣与赎罪的十字架,以及代表人类一切的物质与精神财产。在战争的炼狱中,它们燃烧殆尽,我们眼睁睁看着,束手无策。这是对这首歌剖析的最好的了,选自suede贴吧,有什么问题可以多去贴吧看看~当然也可以找我.

Suede的《The Power》 歌词

歌曲名:The Power歌手:Suede专辑:Dog Man StarThrough endless Asia, through the fields of Cathayor enslaved in pebble-dash grave with a kid on the wayIf you"re far over Africa on the wings of youthor if you"re down in some satellite townand there"s nothing you can doJust give me, give me, give me the powerAnd I"ll make them bleedGive me, give me the power(Although I"m just the common breed)You might live in a screen kiss, it"s a glamorous dreamOr belong to a world that"s gone, it"s the English diseaseBut give me, give me the powerAnd I"ll make them bleedGive, give me, give me the power(Although I"m just the common breed)

What do people do with their old, useable but outdated(过时的) computers? Most people don’t know

小题1:F小题2:T小题3:T小题4:T小题5:F小题6:T 试题分析:这篇短文主要讲述了人们怎么处理旧的、可以使用的、但是过时的电脑的方法。有的放在家里聚集着大量的灰尘,许多被当做垃圾扔掉。小题1:考查语境的理解。根据第一段内容Most people don"t know what to do with them.可知Nobody knows what to do with their old computer.是错误的,故填F。小题2:考查语境的理解。根据第一段内容Many old computers end up gathering(聚集) dust in homes.可知在家里那些旧电脑被灰尘所覆盖。故填T。小题3:考查语境的理解。根据第二段内容可知戴尔是一个正在运用思维方式来减少大量电脑垃圾的公司,故填T。小题4:考查语境的理解。根据第三段内容可知如果电脑公司想要收集和回收他们使用的产物,他们不得不支付钱。故填T。小题5:考查语境的理解。根据第四段内容成百上千的组织只收集和修理旧电脑是错误的。故填F。小题6:考查语境的理解。根据对整篇阅读的理解可知这个故事谈论的是怎样处理使用过的电脑的方法。

技嘉主板H61M-DS2(REV 2.0)刷BIOS提示“the current flash utility is outdated"


the thorn birds英文简介在哪可以找到

《荆棘鸟》(The thorn birds)It was a book about an Australian family, which was from 1915 to 1969,among three generations, including two world wars. The main clue of it was a love story happened between Meggie and Ralph.There is legend about a bird which sings just once in its life, more sweety than any other creature on the face of the earth. From the moment it leaves the nest it searcher for a thorn tree, and does not rest until it has found one.Then, singing among the savage branches, it impales itself upon the longest, sharpest spine. And, dying, it rises above its own agony to outcarol the lark and the nightingate.One superlative song, existence the price. But the whole stills to histen, and God in His Heaven smiles.For the best is only bought at the cost of great pain.These two leading roles didn"t come to a good end. Ralph"s desire to get the strong power was so urgent that he even had his love done at the expense. But he never forgot his lover, Meggie. This self-contradictory was the main cause to lead his tragedy.

Both his parents are ______ about where he is at the moment.为什么是vague而不是explicit?

如果知道,那就不用where,从逻辑来看,不知道才会说where。Both his parents are vague about where he is at the moment.他的父母都不清楚他现在在哪里。vague about=not clear aboutBoth his parents are explicit about the place where he is at the moment.他的父母都很清楚他现在所处的地方。(定语从句,修饰the place)He was quite explicit about the matter. 他对此事的态度十分明确。

Ingrid & The Swing Katz的《Joshua》 歌词

歌曲名:Joshua歌手:Ingrid & The Swing Katz专辑:Coolest Swing Album Ever能把pop推向无底的深渊的力量rock"n"rollthe air has never felt so warmthe sky has never looked this way beforethere"s nothing comforting in changeI can"t seem to find any peace in this confusionI can"t help my mind from racingand my heart is beating faster than ever beforetell me is this really happeningI cannot tell if I am dreaminglast nightI saw you standing in the moonlightand you took my hand and we walkedbeside the riverand you saiddon"t be afraid, be strongI"m with youI"m climbing on top of my doubtdon"t let this fearget the best of mecause I find my confidence in youand I find my hopewhen I lose controllast nightI saw you standing in the moonlightand you took my hand and we walkedbeside the riverand you saiddon"t be afraid, be strongI"m with youlast nightI saw you standing in the moonlightand you took my hand and we walkedbeside the riverand you saiddon"t be afraidand last nightI saw you dancing in the moonlightand you took my hand and we walkedbeside the riverand you saiddon"t be afraid, be strongI"m with youI"m with youI"m with youI"m with you

harmony of the seas是什么意思

海洋和谐号(Harmony of the Seas)是世界上最大的游轮,由位于大西洋沿岸法国圣纳泽尔(Saint-Nazaire)的船坞STX法国船厂(STX France)建造,业主则是美国皇家加勒比海游轮公司(RCCL)。海洋和谐号游轮全长361米,比法国埃菲尔铁塔还要长出约50米;宽约66米,是迄今为止最宽的游轮。[1]

litter the seas是什么意思?


Echo And The Bunnymen的《Seven Seas》 歌词

歌曲名:Seven Seas歌手:Echo And The Bunnymen专辑:The Best Of Echo & The Bunnymen [W/Interactive Booklet]Echo And The Bunnymen - Seven SeasStab a sorry heartWith your favorite fingerPaint the whole world blueAnd stop your tears from stingingHear the cavemen singingGood news they"re bringingSeven seasSwimming them so wellGlad to seeMy face among themKissing the tortoise shellA longing forSome fresher feelingBelongingOr just forever kneelingWhere"s the sense in stealingWithout the grace to be itSeven seasSwimming them so wellGlad to seeMy face among themKissing the tortoise shellBurning my bridges and smashing my mirrorsTurning to see if you"re cowardlyBurning the witches with mother religiousYou"ll strike the matches and shower meIn water games, washing the rocks belowTaught and tamed in time with tear flowSeven seasSwimming them so wellGlad to seeMy face among themKissing the tortoiseSeven seasSwimming them so wellGlad to seeMy face among themKissing the tortoiseSeven seasSwimming them so wellGlad to seeMy face among themKissing the tortoise shell

seas and oceans; the ocean; the sea是什麽意思啊?

sea [si:] n. 海ocean ["u0259uu0283u0259n] n. 海洋、大洋and是“和”的意思,the是“那”的意思

关于“That these seas are being overfished has been known for years. 的宾语”

That these seas have been overfished【by sb.】 has been known【by sb.】 for years.请问我下面的说话正确吗?谢谢。主语从句中:【sb】是逻辑主语【seas】 是逻辑宾语,但是从主的主语是【seas】,宾语是:【无宾语】主句部分,我觉得主句和主语从句的结构比较类似,应该都是被动语态才是,也就是说主句不应该是你所说的主系表结构,而是主谓宾结构,【have been known】整个做谓语,【sb】做宾语,【主从】做主语。当将known作形容词“已知的,大家知道的”时,have been相当于have done,done体现在been上,系动词的完成时态,而known作表语 没有问题!若按照你加by sb时,则known为动词过去分词,是动词含义,have been known是动词完成时态的被动语态。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

Waiting Outside The Lines歌词


大学英语作文:抓住机遇 Seize the Opportunity

【 #英语资源# 导语】学习英语贵在坚持,找到适合自己的方法,多运用多温故。以下“大学英语作文”由 考 网!   【篇一】抓住机遇 Seize the OpportunityI will graduate next year, now I start to worry about my future, I don"t know what kind of job I should work on, I see the job hunting information from the Internet, I don"t know whether I should take the chance. My teacher told me that I need to take every chance, so that I will find what I want. 明年我就要毕业了,现在我开始担心我的将来,我不知道自己应该从事怎么样的工作,我从网上看到招聘信息,不知道该不该把握那些机会。我的老师告诉我要抓住每一个机会,这样我就能知道自己想要的是什么。 Graduate season is a sad and busy season. After four years" study, it is time to say goodbye to your classmates, the building of the deep relationship makes it hard to say goodbye. At the same time, finding a job is the most important thing for students, because they need to find their places in the society. As there are many opportunities for graduate students, they always don"t know how to do. 毕业季是一个忧伤和忙碌的季节。经过四年的学习,是时候和同学说再见了,深厚友谊的建立使得我们很难说再见。同时,找工作对于学生来说很重要,因为他们需要在社会上找到位置。面对各种各样的机遇,毕业生不知道怎么做。 I have learned that I should take every chance when they job offer comes, even though I need to go to a far place to get the interview and there will be some money that I need to spend. But I will learn many things and become more competitive. 我知道当工作机会来临的时候,我应该把握每一个机会,虽然我需要到另外一个遥远的地方去面试,也需要花一些钱。但是我会学到很多东西,使自己变得有竞争力。 When the opportunity comes, I will take no hesitation to seize it. 当机会来临的时候,我会毫不犹豫地抓住。  【篇二】被骗的经历 The Experience of Being CheatedToday, as the media develop so fast, people can have access to all kinds of message, they can get the message through the phone, the commercial ads, the Internet and so on, but the developed media also provide some bad guys the ways to cheat people"s money. People must keep an eye on the information, so they won"t be cheated. 今天,随着多媒体的快速发展,人们接触到各种各样的信息,他们可以通过电话,商业广告和网络等等渠道得到信息,但是发达的媒体也给居心不良的人提供了骗钱的途径。人们必须当心信息,这样才不会被骗。 I have the experience of almost getting cheated. One day, when I was at home, I got a call, at first, i did not know who called me, the person said he was my teacher, he called my name and told his name to me. I could recognize my teacher"s voice, the person in the phone was my teacher"s voice, so I let down my guard, and talked happily. At last, my teacher asked me to send some money to his credit card, because he hadn"t carried cash. At the moment, I felt so curious, my teacher would never did such thing, he was a good teacher, so I called my teacher with his another number, until then I realized that I almost got cheated, my teacher was at home at the moment. 我就经历过差点被骗的事。有一天,当我在家的时候,有人打电话给我,刚开始,我不知道谁打给我,电话那头的人说是我老师,他叫了我的名字,告诉我他的名字。我能认出老师的声音,电话那头就是我老师的声音,所以我放低了防备,和他愉快地聊着。最后,我的老师叫我打钱进他的卡里,因为他没有现金在手。此刻,我感到很奇怪,我的老师从来不会做这样的事情,他是个好老师,因此我打了他另外的号码,我才意识到我差点被骗,我的老师此刻正在家里。 The experience of being cheated teaches me a lesson, I will be very careful when it comes to the money. 被骗的经历教我上了一课,当谈到钱的时候,我会变得小心翼翼。  【篇三】影响找工作的因素 The Factors Affect Finding a JobI will graduate soon, so I am so busy finding my future job, at first, I have no idea what kind of job I should take, I want to live near home, so I can see my parents often, what"s more, I also want to find the job which is stable and permanent. There are many factors that affect people to find a job, the location and the stability are the most common factors. 我很快就要毕业了,因此我现在忙于找工作,刚开始,我不知道自己应该从事什么样的工作,我想要住得离家近点,这样我就能经常看到父母,而且,我也想要找到一份稳定并且长期的工作。影响人们找工作的因素有很多,地理位置和稳定性是最常见的因素。 People are willing to find the job which is near home, so they can visit their parents now and then and won"t be feeling lonely. Working far away from home deviates people from their parents, they will homesick, when they feel frustrated, there is no way for them to get comfort from parents. Home is always the harbor for people to get comfort. 人们愿意找一份离家很近的工作,这样他们就能时而不时地看看父母,不会感到孤单。远离家乡的工作让人们离父母也远,他们会想念家,当他们感到沮丧的时候,无法从父母那里得到安慰。家是人们永远的避风港湾。 The stability is another important factor for people to considerate. People don"t want to change their jobs often, so they want to find the job which can work for a lifetime, even though the money is not that much, the sense of stability comforts people. 稳定性是人们考虑的另外一个重要的因素。人们不想要经常换工作,所以他们想要找一份能够从事一生的工作,虽然钱挣得不多,稳定感能给他们带来欣慰。 I take both factors when I find a job, no matter where I go, I always put my family in the first place. 当我找工作的时候,我两样因素都考虑,无论我去哪里,我总是把家庭放在第一位。

Seize the Moment , Cherish every time 中文翻译是什么意思?


英语作文带翻译:抓住机遇 Seize the Opportunity

为大家整理的《英语作文带翻译:抓住机遇 Seize the Opportunity》,希望大家喜欢。 I will graduate next year, now I start to worry about my future, I don"t know what kind of job I should work on, I see the job hunting information from the Internet, I don"t know whether I should take the chance. My teacher told me that I need to take every chance, so that I will find what I want. 明年我就要毕业了,现在我开始担心我的将来,我不知道自己应该从事怎么样的工作,我从网上看到招聘信息,不知道该不该把握那些机会。我的老师告诉我要抓住每一个机会,这样我就能知道自己想要的是什么。 Graduate season is a sad and busy season. After four years" study, it is time to say goodbye to your classmates, the building of the deep relationship makes it hard to say goodbye. At the same time, finding a job is the most important thing for students, because they need to find their places in the society. As there are many opportunities for graduate students, they always don"t know how to do. 毕业季是一个忧伤和忙碌的季节。经过四年的学习,是时候和同学说再见了,深厚友谊的建立使得我们很难说再见。同时,找工作对于学生来说很重要,因为他们需要在社会上找到位置。面对各种各样的机遇,毕业生不知道怎么做。 I have learned that I should take every chance when they job offer comes, even though I need to go to a far place to get the interview and there will be some money that I need to spend. But I will learn many things and become more competitive. 我知道当工作机会来临的时候,我应该把握每一个机会,虽然我需要到另外一个遥远的地方去面试,也需要花一些钱。但是我会学到很多东西,使自己变得有竞争力。 When the opportunity comes, I will take no hesitation to seize it. 当机会来临的时候,我会毫不犹豫地抓住。

seize the day,carpe diem中文是什么意思?


seize the time是什么意思



seizethemoment下一句是 VS Remember me.Seize the Moment抓住时机双语对照例句:1.They ready themselves to move quickly and seize the moment to further larger ends.

seize the arm是什么意思

seize the arm抓住某人的胳膊例句筛选1.seize sb. by the arm抓住某人的手臂2.seize sb by the hair, collar, lapel, etc抓住某人的头发、衣领、翻领等*

Seize the Moment是什么意思


把握今天可以用seize the day,成就未来可以用seize the future吗?如果不可以那用什么?求专业人士

您好,很高兴为您解答如下:seize 意指【抓住,捉住;夺取,占据】,可以用来抓身体部位、机会、衣服、重点,夺取基地等。用来表示 抓住今天 把握今天 也可以用“Seize Today”,抓住明天 也可以用seize the future,但不怎么地道。把握今天 可以用“Make today Count”成就未来 可以用“Accomplish/Achieve the future”更贴切些。【英语牛人团】倾情奉献,脑力结晶,手工创作,满意请记得及时采纳哦,谢谢^_^



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