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i think the same to you

我和 healhtd 想的一样

The same to you.和I am the same as you.意思相同吗

1. (用于回答对方的祝愿):我也如此祝愿你! 2 .我跟你一样

Many thanks,the same to you是什么意思

非常感谢 你也一样

英语中,“the same as”“the same to"的区别

the same as(颜色、大小、质量、数目等)相同,一样。 I"d like one the asme as yours.the same to (you) (回应问候、辱骂等)你也一样。 Merry Christmas! The same to you.


THE SAME TO YOU ! 你也一样。SWEETIE 是对亲密的人的其中一种称呼, 甜心的意思。还有像HONEY ,Darling,Dear 这些都是。

问是the same for you 还是the same to you

the same to you 同意楼上的 the same for you 是在点菜的时候与他人点相同的(还有吧,记不起来了)

good night能用the same to you 回答吗


the some to you 的汉语意思


On The First Night的中文歌词是什么??


happy birthday to you the same to you正确吗

应该是A 你可以把答案的意思都翻译出来 题目是生日快乐,Tony B:没事 与此无关 C:好主意 生日快乐是个好主意?肯定不对 D:你也是 你怎么知道人家今天过不过生日 所以用排除法选A

the some to you和thank you的区别

跟你妈说the some to you 跟你朋友说thank you

在英语中,哪些情况下可以用“the same to you"来回答别人的问候?


the same as和 the same with 和 the same的用法和差别

the same as,the same to,the same with的用法区别为:意思不同、用法不同。一、意思不同1、the same as:与…相似,与…一样。2、the same to:对……也一样。3、the same with:适合...二、用法不同1、the same as:same用作形容词时指谈论的不同人和不同事物是同样的或实际上是同一个人或同一个事物,总和the连用。2、the same to:基本意思是“也”“还”“而且”,用于肯定句,在书面语中,可位于句中。3、the same with:基本含义是“适合”,主要指大小、型号等适合,也可指“适合”条件、环境、目的、要求,引申可指“胜任”。扩展资料:the same as和 the same with 和 the same的例句。1、the same as:和……一样例如:His dream is the same as mine.他的梦想和我的一样。2、the same to:一般用习语The same to you!(在别人向自己祝福后,用这句话给别人同样的祝福)。3、the same with:适合于……例如:My thought are also same with Mary.我的想法对Mary也适用。

So do I和The same to you和Me,too.的区别?

so do i:赞同别人意见时用1. 我也一样2. 我也这么想3. 我也是4. 我也是这样The same to you:回应别人的祝福时用你也一样Me,too:可以用作有和别人相同方面的情况时用,我也是

the same to you与you too的区别

the same to you 多用于祝福语you,too 一般的都能用

是The same for you 还是to you?

The same to you

You do too和the same to you的用法

do是对方句中动词的一个替代,而the same to you一般用于回答对方的关心,节日祝贺

thans! the same to you 什么意思


Many thanks,the same to you这句话我改怎么回复

It"s my pleasure.

别人说Merry Christmas能不能回答The same to you

说the same to you也行,不过一般要看语境的,假如别人拿着礼物送给你说圣诞快乐时,你肯定要先说thank you了,所以语言这东西要灵活使用。

the same as, the same to区别



the same to you 意思是“你也一样" 一般用在一个人向另一个人表达节日祝福时使用

the same to you 与the same as/with you意思一样吗。

1、别人问候你的时候,你可以回答“the same to you”,意思是:“也同样祝福你”2、当别人说他/她自己的情况时,你的情况也差不多的时候,应该说:“the same as/with you”,意思是:“跟你一样啊”。“as”和“with”相比,用“as”更地道,“the same as”是英文词组“和……一样”非常有把握哟,望采纳。^_^

the same as,the same to,the same with的用法区别

the same as:和……一样。例如:His dream is the same as mine.他的梦想和我的一样。the same to:一般用习语:The same to you!(在别人向自己祝福后,用这句话给别人同样的祝福)。the same with:适合于……。例如:My thought are also same with Mary.我的想法对Mary也适用。

same to you 和 the same to you区别

Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐!Same to you!你也是哦!I"m 19 years old.How old are you?我19岁,你呢?The same with you.和你一样。

thank you .the same to you什么意思


the same to you 和the same as you有什么区别

第一个用于回答对方的祝福之类的话,比如 A:Happy new year! B:The same to you! 第二个意思是:和你一样

the same to you too是什么意思


THE SAME TO YOU 翻译成汉语什么意思


the same to you是什么意思啊


the same to you什么意思

the same to you你也一样;同贺,也祝愿你;同样对你;(这可以是在祝贺、道别的时候说;有趣的是在口语当中,当别人辱骂你时,你也可以说“the same to you”)如:-"Good luck to you!"-"The same to you!"-"Have a nice Easter."-"And the same to you "下面还有一些用在句子中的例子:She might not even know it, but she"ll be doing the same to you! 她当然不会知道你在想什么,不过她会跟你想的一样。They all look the same to you (red), but Marslings are very, very finicky aboutshades of red in a way that you never imagined. 他们在你看来都一样(红色的),但火星人就是非常非常讲究红色的那种细微变化,这是你所永 远无法想象的。

the same to you什么意思


The same with you 与 The same to you 有什么区别

意思为“和你一样” ,“把同样的(祝福等)给你” 我觉得,The same with you 表示的是客观存在的一个事实 ,而The same to you 则表示 给别人的赠与

The story is organic to the story .这里的to 可以换成of吗?

organic 英 [?:?g?n?k] 美 [?:r?g?n?k] adj.有机(体)的; 有组织的,系统的; 器官的; 根本的 1. Today"s organic wine producer is typically a small, quality-conscious family concern. 现今的有机葡萄酒生产商一般是注重品质的小型家族企业. 来自柯林斯例句 2. Organic food is unadulterated food produced without artificial chemicals or pesticides. 有机食品是未使用人工化学制剂和杀虫剂的纯净食品。来自柯林斯例句



the sun is shine判对错

错。The sun is shining.

there was nothing before us but miles and miles of open grassland.这个before怎么理解什么词性


the earth runs _____the sun. 用合适的介词填空

around 围绕 环绕

None of us knows how to open the door. 这句英语是从句还是不定式阿?为什么Know要第三人称单数?


the sun on the sky还是in the sky

the sun on the sky。in the sky是空中的意思 给你几个例句 There are countless stars in the sky. 天上有无数的星星。

entertaining themselves


英语in the open air怎么翻译?


can i open ____ ?[it][they][us]

当然是IT了 你觉得呢

I love three things:the sun ,the moon and you.The


I love three things in this world The sun , the m


the sun gives us light and warmth是主谓双宾还是主谓宾补


The sun ( ) day and night A. shines B.shine 为什么选A?

这是一个拟人手法的句子。 主语作为第三人称。 所以选A 译文: 阳光昼夜交替照射


She buys her father a tie这句话的意思是,她给她父亲买了一条领带。同义句就是She buys a tie for her father


是的,The sun


u25c6Let us open the box.

求教英语中sun就是太阳的意思 那为什么要用The sun 而不是直接用sun

这是定冠词的用法,在表示独一无二的事物时加定冠词the,同样的用法还有:the moon,the earth.记住就可以了,不必纠结.

太阳(The sun)应该用第三人称吗

是的,the sun 是独一无二的,是单数,所以要用第三人称

the sun是什么意思?


a sun还是the sun

应该是the sun,因为是特指的并且是独有的.也可用a sun




sun前面要加the。 宇宙中被命名的东西很多都是独一无二的,如太阳sun月亮moon地球earth等。 the Great Wall 长城也是被特指的专所以也用the 扩展资料   The sun was low in the sky.   太阳低挂在天空。   Although the sun was shining it wasn"t very warm.   尽管太阳高照,却不很暖和。   The sun was already up when they set off.   他们出发时太阳已经升起了。   She rolled over to let the sun brown her back.   她翻了个身,让太阳把她的背晒黑点。




TheSun的翻译是:含义:n. 太阳例句:用作名词 (n.)The sun soon scattered the clouds.太阳不久驱散了云层。His yellow jacket was bleached white by the sun.他的黄夹克被太阳晒得褪成了白色。常用词组:In the sun 是在阳光里 enjoy the sun享受阳光 shadow on the sun 阳光下的影子  he sun never sets in the british 日不落

太阳为什么不用sun,而用the sun


老师问The US和The USA的区别

"The US" 和 "The USA" 的区别实际上非常微小。它们都是指代美国的缩写形式,其中 "The US" 是 "The United States" 的缩写形式,而 "The USA" 是 "The United States of America" 的缩写形式。两者都是在书面语言中使用的缩写形式,通常用于便捷性或经济性的原因。然而,需要注意的是,在口语中,这两个缩写形式并不常用。通常人们会使用 "The States" 或者直接说 "America" 来代替 "The United States" 和 "The United States of America"。因此,总体来说,这两个缩写形式的区别非常微小,常常被视为同义词使用。

怎么用Science Museum造句,急 就像:I want to visit the Science Museum. Why? Because。。后面是什么

Because I like science best.

sun和the sun都是指太阳,语句中都是直接用sun,可是单词中都是the sun,应该怎么运用呢?谢谢!

the 是特指,太阳只有一个,所以 在句子中 通常 说 the sun. 另外,月亮,也在句子中 说 the moon.

人教版六年级上册英语Unit2《Where Is the Science Museum》教案

  《Where Is the Science Museum》教案(一)   教学目标   (1)能够理解并会朗读Let"s read部分的对话;能完成排序练习。 (2)能够使学生简单了解中、西方地图不同的标语。   教学重难点   (1)重点:能够引导学生阅读并理解Let"S read部中的对话。   (2)难点:能够引导学生理解对话中出现的新时态和指点路线的新语言现象,如:Whataye you going to do after school?Get off at the cinema.Then walk straight for three minutes.   教学过程   1.Warm up/Revision(热身/复习)   (1).Letu2019s sing!   (2)根据学生设计的城市进行问答。   Where is the hospital?Itu2019s next to the post office.   (3)教师出示学生放学的图片。   T:L00k! School is over.What are you going to do after school?   S1:Iu2019m going to do home-work.   T:Oh,Iu2019m going to buy apair of shoes.   (出示词组buy a pair ofshoes并跟读)   2.Presentation(呈现)   (1)教师出示一位旅行者找不到旅行团的课件,而该团则在科学博物馆参观。   T:HeHo!Iu2019m a tourist.I canu2019t find my way to the science museum.How can I get to the science museum?(教师出示句子并要求学生跟读)   (2)A: Excuse me, is there a ______ near here?   B: Yes, there is. / No, there isnu2019t.   A: Where is the ______ ?   B: Itu2019s next to the ________.   引导学生在帮助这位旅行者的过程中学习词组及句子。   Get off,get on,walk straight等   3.Practice/Consolidation(操练/巩固)   (1)引导学生整篇阅读该对话。   (2)根据对话回答问题。   What is Mike going to do?Whereis he going?   Where is the bookstore?Which bus can he take?   4.Letu2019s read   (1).Now letu2019s read the dialogue and find out how Mike goes to shoe store.Can you draw the route on your paper?   T ask the questions.   Where is the shoe store?   How can we get to the hospital?   Firstu2026/thenu2026/lastu2026   Can you draw the route on the paper.   (2).Read the dialogue by the students themselves and answer the questions.   (3).Listen to the tape and repeat.   (4). Read and act.   Students read the dialogue and draw the route.   Students answer the teacheru2019s question.   Students talk about the route .   Students read the dialogue and answer the questions.   Listen to the tape and repeat.   Read and act.   Post-task   5.Pronunciation   (1).Listen to the tape   (2).Try to read the words.   (3).Find the rule.   (4).Read and match.   6.Good to know  Whatu2019s the meaning?   (1). Listen to the tape   (2).Try to read the words.   (3).Find the rule.   (4).Read and match.   7.Letu2019s guess:   8. Answer the questions:   9.Itu2019s on the left.   Itu2019s on the right.   I want to buy a pair of shoes.   Can you help me?   First, you can _____________________;   Next, Then you can ________________________.   First, you can ______________________;   Next, you can _____________________;   Then you can ________________________.   10.听录音回答问题。   11. Homework   1.听录音并背诵P18,签名:_____;   2. 明天到组长处背诵过关,并“u221a”   3. 完成作业本P10中的2、3小题。   《Where Is the Science Museum》教案(二)   教学目标   (1)能力目标: 能够在实际情境中正确使用询问路线的语言并能简单回答,如:Where is the library? Itu2019s near the post office.   (2)知识目标: 1)能够听、说、读、写单词hospital、cinema、post office、bookstore,能够听、说、认读science museum。 2)能够听、说、认读句型Where is the library? Itu2019s near the post office.并能进行关键词的替换。   (3)情感、文化目标: 1)培养学生团结友爱、乐于助人的优良品质。 2)培养学生合作学习能力、创新思维意识。   教学重难点   (1)重点:掌握Letu2019s learn部分的四会单词和短语。   (2)难点:正确书写四会单词和掌握三会单词museum的发音。   教学过程   Step1. Warm-up   (1). Sing a song: How Do You Go To School? (P12)   (2)Greeting:   (3)Ask questions;   T:What day is it today? Whatu2019s the date?   Ss:u2026   T: Today, I go to school on foot. What about you?   Ss:   (设计意图:在音乐中活跃气氛,使学生身心得到放松,积极主动地参与到课堂中来。进一步复习第一单元的重点句型。)   Step2. Presentation   T: On our way to school we can see many tall buildings. Do you know what they are? Now let u2019s say together.   (school,park zoo post office hospital cinema bookstore)   Teacher takes out a letter and say: This is a letter. I want to post the letter. Where can I go? (post office)   Show the word card: post office   I feel bad, I need to see a doctor. Where can I go? (hospital )   Show the word card: hospital   I want to see a film, Where can I go? (cinema )   Show the word card: cinema   I need to buy some books, where can I go? (bookstore )   Show the word card: bookstore Read the new words. Then add the new word : science museum Read and spell .   (设计意图:采用上学路上所见的建筑物的名称引出本节课的重点单词,解释这些建筑物具体是进行哪项服务来扩展学生的单词,训练学生的理解能力。加强对新单词的记忆。) Step3: Play a game   (1) Teacher hides the word card ,les a student find it out .The other students read highly and lowly according to the direction.   (2) 进行闪卡游戏,老师闪动单词卡片,让学生快速读并拼读。   (设计意图:通过玩游戏来提高学生的学习积极性,激发学生的学习兴趣。掌握和巩固新单词)   Step4 Drills T: Sarash wants to borrow some books in the library. but she does know where the library is .So she must ask a policeman how she can get to the hospital. How does she ask ?Now letu2019s listen and repeat. Play the tape. Ss listen and repeat.   (设计意图:创设Sarah 想到图书馆借书,但不知道图书馆在哪里,向警察问路的情景,帮助学生更容易的理解,引出本节课的目标语。通过听录音并跟读这一环节,再次训练单词和句子的发音并且纠正学生的错误发音,同时也锻炼了听力。)   Step4 Practice   Use pictures to practice the main sentence. Make dialogues Q: Excuse me, Where is the library? A: Itu2019s near ( in front of ,behind next to)u2026   (设计意图:就刚学的句型进行对话练习,并应用其他的方位词拓展练习。加强巩固。) Step 5 Act out Do the pair work. Then let some groups act out the drills .   Chant and sing   (设计意图:Pair work练习完后,设计了小组比赛的环节,展示的环节,让学生能学以致用 ,增强自信)   Step6 Summary: T: What did we learn in this class?   Ss:u2026   Chant and sing   (设计意图:指导学生自己复习本节课所学的重点,记得更牢。)   Step7 Homework   Copy the 4-skilled words, each 5 times.   Blackboard design: Unit2 Where is the science museum?   Hospital bookstore cinema post office Excuse me, Where is the library? science museum Itu2019s near ( in front of ,behind next to)u2026

Shanghai Science Museum 前要加the吗?

Shanghai science museum这个前面应该加上the,因为特指上海那里面的科学博物馆。

i am going to science museum 不加the 对吗?

I"m going to the science museum我要去科学博物馆要加的

the science museum是什么从句

1、which.原因有2:1、先行词museum后有个逗号,说明这是个非限制性定语从句,而先行词是museum,是物,在定语从句(也就是后半句话)中作宾语成分,所以只能用which:2、we visited 后缺宾语,而先行词是物,所以在“where”和“which”中只能用which,这一情况只能在有选项的前提下判断,否则会有多种答案. 2、where 原因和上面的有一点相似,都是在先行词后有逗号,所以是非限制性定语从句.而这里的Washington(先行词)作为定语从句,也就是后半句的地点状语,所以用where ,且有且仅有一种答案. 希望你能明白. 【如需更详细的关于where 和which,我会尽力帮你解答的】

What’s in the Science Museum?回答


小白问题:‘the sun’前加什么介词好?——相关题目(选择题) =_|||

确定第二个答案么.第一个看下面短语:in the sun:在阳光下 under the sun:世界上第二个的to应该是和walk over to..配对,和the sun佩什么介词无关吧.Let"s /walk over to the sun /on the other side of the street.


There is a science museum.改为一般疑问句:Is there is a science museum?

the science museum算不算第三人称单数?

the science museum.是第三人称单数。 例如:The Science Museum is very popular. There are many people like to visit it.其中的系动词用三单的 is, 在动词不定式的我宾语中用三单的it。

the sun做主语,谓语动词用什么形式

the sun做主语,谓语动词用单数形式.例如:The sun sends forth light and heat. 太阳发出光和热。希望可以帮到你。

How to get to the science museum_怎样去科学博物馆英语作文

We are going to the science museum tomorrow. There is an old thing show in the Museum. Do you know how we can get to the science museum? The science museum is next to the Peopleu2019s Park. Itu2019s isnu2019t far from our school. So we can go there on foot .Walk straight to the west from our school, next turn left at the post office and walk for about 5 minutes, then turn right at traffic lights. You can find the Peopleu2019s Park on the right . Walk straight, and youu2019ll see the science museum. 【要领点评】 这篇作文的题目是“怎样去科学博物馆”。怎样才算是一篇好作文呢?通过你的叙述,能让别人很容易找到博物馆,这应是最基本的要求。小作者在文中告诉我们什么呢?首先他写了去博物馆的位置,最后浓墨重彩,指明从学校去博物馆的具体路线,这条路线够清晰吧! 小朋友们在写这类作文的时候,总有些无从下手的感觉,不知从何说起。其实介绍路线,无非就是告诉他人某段路的起点和终点,还有就是如何从起点走到终点。要给他人说清楚,你自己首先得清楚,然后再通过自己的叙述,将路线清清楚楚得呈现出来。一定要注意行文中一些关键的地方,如在哪儿转弯,向哪儿转,经过哪些重要的交通标志或显眼的标志建筑等。这样,你就能说清,别人也能弄明白。

the sun 可以改成a sun吗?


五年级英语作文:at the science museum

A few days ago, I went to the Science Museum near Xincheng Square with my Grandparents. It was fun.There were many things I had tried at the Science Museum. I remembered one funny mirror. I think they used one stripe of mirror and one stripe of glass. The mirror showed a stripe of your side and a stripe of the other side. It looked odd.We looked the show of the little robots, too. There is a robot which would dance to the music and it will do different actions, itu2019s really cool. There also is another robot which can speak, it can speak some English. When the museum workers knocked its head. It shouted out, “Ow! Donu2019t always knock my head, it hurts so much!” I also remembered one which is very interesting, itu2019s got a shovel and a little sweep. Thereu2019s a heavy cup also. You can sweep into the shovel and pour some sand into the cup. And if you rock the cup gently. It will make out a pattern. I think the cupu2019s got some tiny holes beneath it.Thereu2019s also the giant bottle with pumping bubbles. One bottle didnu2019t have any water inside at all. It was very hard to pump, I tried all my might, but my palm still hurts after I pumped the water hard.I watched many things at the Science Museum. They are all very interesting. But I think the most interesting parts are these. I wonder what change will it have next time for the Science Museum.

以撒里the sun 有什么用


the science museum is near here. 改为一般疑问句

is 放到最前面其它不变

the sun, the Sun 哪个对?

the sun


自然界中的真理或者唯一的物体前面都要加定冠词the,太阳 月亮 地球和其他行星 都只有一个,所以开头字母要大写!

the sun是什么意思?


have you ever been to the science museum?

Have you ever been to the science museum?你曾经去过科学博物馆吗?Yes, I have been to the science museum / no, I have never been to the science museum.是的,我去过科学博物馆/不,我从来没去过科学博物馆。Have you ever visited the space museum?你曾经参观过太空博物馆吗?Yes, I have. I went there last year / no, I haven"t.是的,我参观过, 去年我去了那里/ 不,我没参观过。I have been to the art museum many times. I also, I have visited the natural museum.我去过美术博物馆许多次了。我也是,我也参观过自然博物馆。I"ve never been to a water park, and neither have I.我从来没去过水上公园, 我也没去过。这部分内容主要考察的是一般过去时的知识点:表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态;过去习惯性、经常性的动作、行为。在英语语法中,“时“指动作发生的时间,”态“指动作的样子和状态。一般过去时表示在过去某个特定时间发生,也可以表示过去习惯性、经常性的动作。一般不强调动作的影响,只说明的事情。 句式:主语+动词过去式+宾语+其它 I had a word with Julia this morning.今天早晨,我跟朱莉娅说了几句话。He smoked many cigarettes a day until he gave up. 他没有戒烟的那阵子,抽烟抽得可凶了。
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