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谁能用汉语给翻译一下customer engagement


customer engagement是什么意思

customer engagement客户参与双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 客户互动例句:1.Analyzing important metrics like revenue, profit, and customer engagement againstspecific goals is routine. " 针对特殊目标对收入、利润、客户互动程度等重要指标进行分析——这些都是常规手段。

be used to, be accustomed to, adjust to, adapt to 有何区别?

be used to+ do 被用来 used to+ doing 习惯 accustomed to+ 名词/doing 习惯于...,比be used to+ doing 正式adjust to适应,调节(气侯/生活等)adapt (oneself ) to + 名词,使..适合/适应(环境/情况)

请问be used to, be accustomed to, adjust to, adapt to

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 请问be used to, be accustomed to, adjust to, adapt to 意义,用法,区别 解析: be used to do sth. 过去常做,过去习惯于 be accustomed to doing sth 习惯于 It used to be said that过去人们常说 adjust to 适应,调节 adapt to 适合 区别: adapt 指“修改或改变以适应新条件”, 如: You should adapt yourself to the new environment. 你应该适应新环境。 adjust 指“调整”、“调节”使之适应, 如: You can"t see through the telescope until it is adjusted to your eyes. 你把望远镜调节到适合你的目光之后, 你才看得见。

frequently 、 usually 、 often 、 accustomed各词之间有什么区别和联系?不要翻译那些~要具体细致的差别

1, 词类上的区别:前三个都是表示频度的副词,accustomed 是accustom 的过去式或过去分词2. 用法上的区别:frequetly 表示经常发生的动作,usually 和 often 习惯性的动作;accustomed 通常与 be ~ to 一起使用,表示习惯于...。

到底Customerization 和 Customization 有什么不同?

客户定制化 Customerization客户化 customization



internal and external customer

Siukei, 你既意思系唔系想我用一间 coffee shop 做背景, 举一d例子来解释乜野叫做 internal customer 同 external customer? 2010-11-07 23:01:12 补充: Customer 照字面解, 可解作 客人 或 顾客. 在商业社会或管理学上, 一个你为他工作, 为他服务的人, 他就是你的 customer. 如果他不满意你的服务, 他可以批评你, 投诉你, 闹你... 如果他满意你的服务, 他可以赞赏你. 记住, 这就是 customer 的定义. 让我先解释 external customer, 因为这比较简单. 在一间 coffee shop, 若然有人入来光顾买咖啡, 此人就是 customer. 我们试试从商业社会的角度来看看这过程, 当这位客人进来买咖啡, 你为他倒一杯咖啡然后卖给他, 并将咖啡送到他面前, 这个过程很明显地你正在为他服务, 而他就是你的 customer. 如果他不满意杯咖啡或不满意你的服务, 他可以投诉你, 闹你. 由于这位客人是外来的, 并不属于 coffee shop 的, 你和他均属于不同的体系, 你是属于 coffee shop 的, 他是属于过路的, 所以相对于你来说, 他是你的 external customer. 现在 coffee shop 向一批发商购买咖啡豆, 这 coffee shop 就成为该批发商的 external customer, 因为大家均来自不同体系. 何为 internal customer? 大家在同一 coffee shop 内工作, 大家在同一体系内, 一个你为他工作, 为他服务的人, 他就是你的 internal customer. 举例说, coffee shop 内有位负责采购的同事, 他买回来的咖啡豆交给水吧部泡咖啡, 在这过程中我们试想想, 谁在为谁服务? 很明显, 采购的同事为水吧部服务. 由于大家均来自同一个体系, 同一间 coffee shop, 水吧部就成为了采购部的 internal customer. 如果采购的同事买回来的咖啡豆质素欠佳, 令水吧部不满意. 水吧部可以批评采购部, 或向高层投诉, 或对采购部加以遣责. 又如果采购部买回来的咖啡豆质素非常好, 水吧部可以对采购部加以赞许. 以上就是 internal customer 的关系, 他们全是 coffee shop 内部的员工, 但他们的冈位不同, 他们来自不同部门, 某部门正在为另一部门服务哩. 举多个例子, coffee shop 的清洁工人洗好杯碟后, 把它们交还水吧部泡咖啡. 我们又想想, 这个过程之中谁在为谁服务呢? 当然是清洁工人为水吧部服务, 而杯碟必须洁净卫生以及令水吧部满意. 但大家均来自同一间 coffee shop, 同个一体系, 水吧部就是清洁工人的 internal customer. 但留意这清洁工人和采购部虽然大家都是同事, 他们表面上却没有 internal customer 的关系. 再举多一个例子, coffee shop 的经理聘用了一位收银员. 谁又是谁的 internal customer? 我们又问问同一个问题, 谁在为谁服务呢? 收银员正在为经理服务, 为经理工作, 所以经理是收银员的 internal customer. 假如你于一间 coffee shop 工作, 你的上司都算是你的 internal customer. 其实任何一所机构之内, 你工作的上司都是你最大的 internal customer, 因为你为他服务哩. 如果你工作表现欠佳, 你会比人闹, 被上司 (internal customer) 遣责, 什至被开除. 如果你工作表现良好, 你会得到上司 (internal customer) 的赞赏, 什至升职加薪. 那么 coffee shop 水吧部的 internal customer 又是谁呀? 水吧部同事的上司就是他们的 internal customer. 但留意 coffee shop 水吧部泡好咖啡之后会售卖予客人, 所以水吧部亦会有 external customer. Coffee shop 采购部的 internal customer 除了水吧部之外, 还有呢? 记着我说, 采购部同事的上司也是他们的 internal customer, 但须留意采购部是没有 external customer 的. 2010-11-07 23:02:22 补充: 总结以上所说, 当不清楚 customer 的关系时, 问问自己一个问题, 谁人正在为谁服务? External customer 是外来的. Internal customer 是来自同一个体系的, 同一间机构的. 引用以上 coffee shop 的例子, 某些人只有 internal customer, 没有 external customer. 某些人会有多于一个 internal customer. 另外某些人, internal customer 和 external customer 两类都会有. 但所有人士都会有 internal customer - 他们的上司. 2010-11-07 23:02:49 补充: 讲多一句题外话, 上课时, 老师的 customer 就是你. 学习驾驶时, 教车师父的 customer 就是你. 他们正在教授你一些知识和技能, 他们正在为你服务哩. 现在回答这 yahoo 知识问题时, 我的 customer 就是你, 我正在为你服务. 留意这些全都是 external customer. 2010-11-07 23:05:54 补充: 真可恶, 字数超过了上限, 请继续睇 意见 .,系阿..我上堂果时都听唔明.令到我搞唔清楚佢地2者系咩, 因为internal customer 佢仲可以指佢内部ge员工.. 所以令我好乱.,May be I can quote the operation of a bank as an example. It is very easy to identify external customers. They are people who deposit money into the bank and people who borrow money from the bank. There is a personnel department in the bank. Staff in that department are providing service to all employees of the bank, taking care of their recruitment, salary, benefits, promotion, e This group of staff never have direct contact with the external customers. To this group of staff, the people they serve are in fact their "colleagues" - thus internal customers. ,

how to offer great customer service

下面给你找了个不错的,你可以根据自身条件进行摘抄和修改Guests of the evaluation is to measure the quality of the merits of the sole criterion. Quality service, not only to be able to meet the emerging needs of guests, but also predictability to meet the needs of hidden guests. Hotels in this area must exercise their abilities. We must learn how to discover and understand the needs of guests. The need to establish and improve the guests to collect information and analysis system to ensure accurate and reliable information, to master the dynamic needs of guests, and we will continue to meet the needs of guests. In the first contact with the guests and services for the first time they do a good job, be able to raise the full satisfaction of guests. "Push-to-talk services to guests" at the hotel in the production is an excellent example. Many guests have experienced this kind of consumption: a stay at the hotel, if need different services, from the thick "Guide" to find the area of business telephone services. The recently opened in Hangzhou New Century Hotel rooms in the telephone set on a "one-click" services, as long as the guests of a press, will be able to solve all problems. Improve service quality in order to increase access to the value of the guests, but the cost of services; services caused by a lack of links or the cost of waste, we must attach importance to. In the hotel services, often referred to the remedial measures. However, the cost of remedial measures is often no one really to be concerned, if to do a cost-benefit analysis --- will be found. The principle of effective service: guests can meet the demand for and value-creating services, in order to be effective. Effective and ineffective services, the difference is experience, sincerity, attitude and interpersonal skills to deal with. European hotel service more effective. If the customer attaches great importance to the use of the history files. Hotel guests stay over a second stay on the need to repeat the registration. The reason for this is: Remember that only hotel guests, hotel guests can think of. Kaiyuan hotel management specification: Group to implement all the Chinese do-bed hotel services, will be replaced by cotton blankets, quilts will be flat in bed, or on the bed after the break. First of all, this user-friendly than Western-style bed, "rigid norms for less than" a similar approach should be to improve reformed. The principle of differentiation: fully meet the needs of guests, make the most of its characteristics. Hotel guests are at the center of attention. Guests have a common demand side, standardize services to meet the needs of the majority of the guests, and a higher quality of service standards. Everyone must have the job specification every detail, and accept the system and ongoing training. Guests and the needs of differences in norms on the basis of service, to provide personalized services, such as the golden key services, is the quality; personalized service is icing on the cake, the guests will stay an unforgettable experience of the consumer. Kaiyuan Hotel advocacy and "Everybody golden key" service concept, in a guest room placed on the personalized service questionnaire, as long as guests stay at one and fill in the demand for personalized, next will be the same. According to standardize procedures for the operation, according to the wishes of the guests, will reflect the true characteristics of their own. The principle of active service: customers get the true care and comfort is the hotel"s mission. For guests, employees with the same sense of service is the best. Is not a simple quality of service techniques and practices of the high and low art, but on the deep cultural enterprises, as well as employees of the boot of their own behavior. With this service desire to be in the service of respect for the guests from the point of view of different guests to take a different attitude, saying that different, to provide personalized service. A room attendant in the clean room, her primary responsibility is to organize a clean room. But she found that the guests do not have the clothes hanging in the bathroom, the sun will take the initiative to come up with, at the same time do not forget the message into the card room, told the guests the situation so that the guests feel at ease. Finally, she will be the smoothing shirts, buttons replaced, it is clear that this is the initiative to refinement of the service. Improve service quality awareness, it is necessary to upgrade the hotel brand as a top priority. In particular, we should pay attention to the details of the product. Only three of the services the hotel will be the gold standard (see all the guests must be clean and beautiful, made available to all guests must be used in a safe and effective, all hotel guests to see the staff must be warm and polite) truly, Well, and do well, and will create a superior image of the hotel. 客人的评价,是衡量质量优劣的唯一标准。优质的服务,不仅要能满足宾客显现需求,更要能预见性地满足宾客的隐性需求。酒店必须在这方面锻炼自己的能力。 要学会发现和了解宾客的需求。有必要建立和完善宾客信息收集和分析系统,确保获得准确、可靠的信息,动态掌握宾客的需求,并不断满足宾客的需求。 在与客人接触的第一时间和第一次就把服务做好,能充分提高宾客的满意度。“宾客服务一键通”在酒店中的产生就是极好的例子。很多宾客都有这样的消费经历:下榻一家酒店,如果需要不同的服务,要从厚厚的《服务指南》找各营业区域的服务电话。新近开业的杭州开元名都大酒店客房中的电话就设置了“一键式”服务,宾客只要摁一个号,就能解决一切问题。提高服务质量是为了增加宾客所获得的价值,但服务需要成本;服务一次不到位造成的人或环节的成本浪费,必须重视。在酒店服务中,经常会提到补救措施。但补救措施的成本往往没人真正去关注,如果去做一项成本———收益分析,就会发现这一点。有效服务原则:能真正满足宾客需求并创造价值的服务,才是有效的服务。有效服务和无效服务的差别,在于感受、诚意、态度和人际关系技巧的处理。欧洲饭店更注重服务的有效性。如非常重视利用客史档案。客人入住过一次饭店后,第二次入住就不需重复登记。这样做的理由是:只有酒店记住客人,客人才能想起酒店。开元酒店的管理规范要求:集团旗下所有酒店实行中式做床服务,将毛毯改为棉被,将棉被平铺在床上,或将其折后放在床上。这样首先比西式铺床方便使用,“呆板规范,方便不足”的类似做法值得大力改革完善。差异化原则:百分之百满足宾客的需求,发挥自身特色。宾客是酒店关注的中心。客人的需求有共同的一面,规范服务能满足大多数客人的需求,并使服务质量达到较高的水准。每一位员工都必须掌握岗位说明书的每一个细节,并接受系统、持续的培训。客人的需求又有差异性,在规范服务的基础上,提供个性化服务,如金钥匙服务,才是优质服务;个性化服务是锦上添花,会给客人留下难忘的消费经历。开元酒店倡导“人人都是金钥匙”的服务理念,在客房里放上一张宾客个性化服务调查表,只要客人下榻一次,并填上个性需求,下次就会得到相同的服务。按规范程序来操作,按客人的意愿来服务,将会真正体现自身特色。主动服务原则:使客人得到真实的关怀和舒适是酒店的使命。对宾客来说,员工发自内心的服务才是最好的服务。优质服务不是简单的服务技巧和操作规范的艺术高低,而是基于企业深层文化底蕴的厚积薄发以及员工的自发行为。有了这种服务愿望,就会在服务中从尊重客人的角度出发对不同的客人采取不同的态度,说不同的话,提供个性服务。一名客房服务员在清扫客房,她的主要职责是把客房整理干净。但她发现客人有未干的衣物悬挂在卫生间里,会主动拿出去晒,同时也不忘记在房里放进留言卡,告诉客人相关情况,让客人安心。最后,她还会把衬衫熨平,补上纽扣,显然,这是主动的精细化服务。提高服务质量意识,要作为提升酒店品牌的重中之重。尤其要注重产品的细节。只有将饭店服务的三个黄金标准(凡是客人看到的必须是整洁美观的,凡是提供给客人使用的必须是安全有效的,凡是酒店员工见到客人都必须是热情礼貌的)真正做到了,做好了,且做出色了,才会塑造出卓越的酒店形象。

求歌名:其中高潮一句歌词大约是什么“fly comeback tome”

歌曲名字是萤火虫《firefly》FireflyWhen I said go I never meant away当我说离开时我从不打算离开You ought to know the freaky games we play你应该知道我们玩的奇怪游戏Could you forgive and learn how to forget你可以原谅而且学会该如何忘记吗Hear me as I"m calling out your name当我呼唤你名字的时候听到它Firefly come back to me萤火虫飞回我身边Make the night as bright as day使夜晚像白天一样明亮I"ll be looking out for you我将会寻找你Tell me that your lonely too告诉我你也很孤单Firefly come lead me on萤火虫过来指引我Follow you into the sun跟随你在阳光下That"s the way it ought to be这才是应该的样子Firefly come back to me萤火虫飞回我身边You and me你和我We shared a mystery我们分享秘密We were so close我们是如此亲近Like honey to the bee就像蜂蜜和蜜蜂And if you tell me how to make you understand而且如果你告诉我该如何使你了解I"m minor in a major kind a way对于我来说你才是主要的Firefly come back to me萤火虫飞回我身边Make the night as bright as day使夜晚像白天一样明亮I"ll be looking out for you我将会寻找你Tell me that your lonely too告诉我你也很孤单Firefly come lead me on萤火虫过来指引我Follow you into the sun跟随你在阳光下That"s the way it ought to be我们应当这样做Firefly come back to me萤火虫飞回我身边Firefirefly through the sky萤火虫飞越天空Come and play with my desire来与我的渴望嬉戏Don"t be long,don"t ask why不要太久,不要问为什么I can"t wait another night我无法再等一夜Wait another night等到下一个夜晚Don"t be long不要太久Fire...fly萤火虫Firefly come back to me萤火虫飞回我身边make the night as bright as day使夜晚像白天一样明亮I"ll be looking out for you我将去寻找你Tell me that your lonely too告诉我你也很孤单Firefly come lead me on萤火虫过来指引我Follow you into the sun跟随你在阳光下That"s the way it ought to be我们应当这样做Firefly come back萤火虫飞回我身边Firefly come back to me萤火虫飞回我身边Make the night as bright as day使夜晚像白天一样明亮I"ll be looking out for you我将会留意你Tell me that your lonely too告诉我你也很孤单Firefly come lead me on萤火虫过来指引我Follow you into the sun跟随你在阳光下That"s the way it ought to be我们应当这样做Firefly come back to me萤火虫飞回我身边


《I"ve Never Been to Me》中文常译作《未曾有过自我》,是由hirsch,ken miller,ronald 作词作曲,美国歌星夏琳·邓肯演唱的歌曲。S.H.E.后来翻唱,收录在专辑《青春株式会社》中。这是一首流行风格的歌曲,歌曲展现了S.H.E.优美的和声及各自的唱腔特色。《 I"ve Never Been to Me 》——Charlene Hey lady, you lady, cursing at your life You"re a discontented mother and a regimented wife I"ve no doubt you dream about the things you"ll never do But, I wish someone had talked to me Like I wanna talk to you..... Oh, I"ve been to Georgia and California and anywhere I could run I took the hand of a preacher man and we made love in the sun But I ran out of places and friendly faces because I had to be free I"ve been to paradise but I"ve never been to me Please lady, please lady, don"t just walk away "Cause I have this need to tell you why I"m all alone today I can see so much of me still living in your eyes Won"t you share a part of a weary heart that has lived million lies.... Oh, I"ve been to Niece and the Isle of Greece while I"ve sipped champagne on a yacht I"ve moved like Harlow in Monte Carlo and showed "em what I"ve got I"ve been undressed by kings and I"ve seen some things that a woman ain"t supposed to see I"ve been to paradise, but I"ve never been to me [spoken] Hey, you know what paradise is? It"s a lie, a fantasy we create about people and places as we"d like them to be But you know what truth is? It"s that little baby you"re holding, it"s that man you fought with this morning The same one you"re going to make love with tonight That"s truth, that"s love...... Sometimes I"ve been to crying for unborn children that might have made me complete But I took the sweet life, I never knew I"d be bitter from the sweet I"ve spent my life exploring the subtle whoring that costs too much to be free Hey lady...... I"ve been to paradise, (I"ve been to paradise) But I"ve never been to me (I"ve been to Georgia and California, and anywhere I could run) I"ve been to paradise, never been to me (I"ve been to Neice and the isle of Greece while I"ve sipped champagne on a yacht) I"ve been to paradise, never been to me (I"ve been to cryin" for unborn children that might have made me complete) I"ve been to paradise, never been to me (I"ve been to Georgia and California, and anywhere I could run) I"ve been to paradise, never been to me

serve customers是什么意思

serve customers服务客户双语对照例句:1.There are powerful incentives to serve customers well, so why is service excellence still so rare? 企业有太多理由要服务好客户,那么,为什么优秀的服务依然不多见?

main customers什么意思

main customers主要客户;主要客户群;主要客户名例句1.Who are your main customers?你们主要的客户是谁?2.Our main customers source are from the exhibition .我们主要客户来源是展会。3.Main customers are supermarkets and big and small restaurants.主要客户是超市和各大小饮食店。4.Retail and private banking investors are the main customers, Mr Bertsch says.伯奇表示,主要客户是散户和私人银行投资者。5.Young people, as main customers, are the direct victims of this situation.蓝皮书称年青人将成为这种现状的直接受害者。

什么叫C-level customers?

C-level customers 通常指首席某某管之类的高管人员,比如首席执行官CEO,首席运营官COO等

Serving the customers是什么意思





可以。customer 英[ˈkʌstəmə(r)] 美[ˈkʌstəmɚ] n. 顾客,客户; 主顾; <口>家伙; [例句]Our customers have very tight budgets.我们的顾客很会精打细算。[其他] 复数:customers

Serving the customers是什么意思


valued customers是什么意思


customer requirements和customer-specific requirements有什么区别

customers and specific customer requirements客户和客户的具体要求

写英语文章时,80% of customers和80% customers,哪个表达更准确呀



词根或者词缀记忆。customer是什么意思,customer的意思是n. 顾客,客户;主顾;<口>家伙customer 记忆方法customer的词根或词缀是: custom customer顾客n.custom 习惯 + er 表名词 → 习惯〔进商店的〕人 → 顾客customer 变化形式复数: customers所属分类: CET4TEM4考 研TOEFLCET6使用频率: 星级词汇:customer的词源和记忆技巧customer 顾客来自custom, 惯例,海关。原指海关官员,后指买者,顾客。


有 customers n.客户;顾客(customer的复数)



退钱给顾客(Cash refunds to customers)为什么记入应收账款分类账控制账户借方

cash refunds是指客户在购买商品时多付的钱具体分录为Dr:Trade Recievable 100Cr:Inventory 100此时多记付了$5Dr:Cash 105Cr: Trade Receivable 105要将多收的冲销掉Dr: Trade Receivable 5Cr: Cash 5所以trade receivable就变成借记了

customers 后面接does 还是do




现有一个数据库Sales,该库中有三个表: 客户表Customers:

--客户表Customerscreate table Customers( 客户ID int primary key, 客户姓名 varchar(20) not null, 客户公司 varchar(20), 库存 varchar(200), 客户电话 varchar(16) check(客户电话 like "123[0-9]{4}"))--订单表Orderscreate table Orders( 客户ID int, 产品ID int , 产品名称 varchar(20)not null, 定货数量 int not null, 总金额 decimal(8,2) not null, 下单时间 datetime not null , foreign key (产品ID) references Products(产品ID), foreign key (客户ID) references Customers(客户ID))--产品表Productscreate table Products( 产品ID int primary key, 产品名称 varchar(20) not null, 产品单价 decimal(5,2), 库存量 int)--(1)请根据客户表Customers的结构说明,用T-SQL语言创建该表(已创建)--(2)查询订单表Orders中下单时间在‘2012-01-01"至"2012-12-31"之间的客户ID,产品名称,定货数量和总金额select 产品名称,定货数量,总金额 from Orders where 下单时间 like "2012%"--(3)查询产品表Products中产品单价的最大值、最小值及平均值,并分别使用别名来显示结果select max(产品单价) as 单价最大值,min(产品单价) as 单价最小值,avg(产品单价) as 单价平均值 from Products--(4)创建名为v_cus_pro_ord的视图,获取总金额不小于5000的客户ID、客户名称、产品ID、产品名称、产品单价、定货数量、总金额及下单时间create view v_cus_pro_ord asselect o.客户ID,c.客户姓名,o.产品ID,o.产品名称,p.产品单价,定货数量,总金额,下单时间 from Orders o,Products p,Customers c where 总金额 >=5000 and o.客户ID=c.客户ID and o.产品ID=p.产品ID如有不懂,请继续追问




customern.消费者One that buys goods or services.主顾:购买货物或享受服务的人Informal An individual with whom one must deal:【非正式用语】 家伙:必须与之打交道的人:a tough customer.强硬固执的家伙n.顾客, 主顾[口]人, 家伙用户, 交易人消耗器, 耗电器[口](空中加油的)受油机an awkward customer难对付的家伙a cool customer[口]又大胆又冷静的家伙; 厚脸皮的人a queer customer怪人a tough customer粗暴的[难对付的]家伙, 坚强的人, 身体结实健壮的人hot customer[口]脾气暴躁 的家伙rum customer[口]怪人; 难对付的家伙slippery customer[口]狡猾的无赖汉ugly customer[口]粗暴凶狠的人, 难对付的家伙account customer立有存款帐的顾主cash customer现金交易客户charge customer赊销顾客credit customers赊户, 信用顾客debit customers借方欠户, 债务者客户radioisotope customer放射性同位素用户regular customer老主雇customercus.tom.ern.One that buys goods or services.Informal An individual with whom one must deal:a tough customer.customercustom + -er 人customer用户, 订户customer用户customer买主customer顾客, 用户customer[5kQstEmE(r)]n.顾客;主顾家伙an odd customer古怪的家伙customer客户customer顾客又称“服务对象”。customer 用户,顾客,订户 customer n.顾主 customer n.顾客,消耗器 customer n.顾主 customer订货单位,订货方,订货人,顾客,客户,用户customer主顾,用户,顾客,客户,买主

customer 什么意思



歌词“makes you love me more"出自Varsity演唱的《Make You Love Me No More》。详细的介绍如下:歌曲:《Make You Love Me No More》艺人:Varsity所属专辑:《Make You Love Me No More》发行年代:2010歌词:How can I explain this to youThere are so many things I need to sayAfter all that we have been throughThere should be no need to play the games we playI just want to be realThere"s no need to concealThat I feel we"re running out of timeIf I could bring down the starsIf I could wipe out the scarsIf I could change, would that make you love me more?I feel it slipping awayWith every word that we sayWhat would make you love me, make you love me more?Maybe I should have held you closerMaybe I should have spent more time with youCause the times I said "I love you"I realized they were few and far betweenIs it getting too late?Am I facing my faith?I can"t wait cause we"re running out of timeIf I could bring down the starsIf I could wipe out the scarsIf I could change, would that make you love me more?I feel it slipping awayWith every word that we sayWould that make you love me, make you love me more?This isn"t how it"s supposed to beI always thought it as you and meSo won"t you show me the way to make you love me, make you love me ... more ...Make you love me ... I"ll be backWhat can I doWhat can I say to make you want me again that wayWhat can I do to make you stay, to make you love me again that, love me again that wayIf I could bring down the starsIf I could wipe out the scarsIf I could change, would that make you love me more?I feel it slipping awayWith every word that we sayWould that make you love me more?If I could bring down the starsIf I could wipe out the scarsIf I could change, would that make you love me more?I feel it slipping awayWith every word that we sayWould that make you love me, make you love me ... more?


It"s time to meet. 是见面的时候了。 该见面了。

buyer, customer,client有咩分别

buyer系买家~ customer系顾客~ client系客户~ 大公司会用customer同client唔会用buyer 对大公司黎讲customer同consumer(消费者)差唔多 例如洗头水公司 customer同consumer就系普通会买货品嘅市民 client就例如各大超级市场药房之类~ customer系普通铺头嘅顾客都得~ 超级市场嘅都系customer同consumer 咁buyer呢? 多数系网上购物咪会见到罗^^ 有D网上面嘅生意做都好大个D已经可以系话铺头架啦-_- 个D唔计u359e 净系真系为咗放咗D唔用嘅野而卖嘅卖家 咁买呢D货品个D就系buyer~ 买屋买车都系~ 唔系新屋新车u359e 新屋新车系同D公司买架嘛~ 我讲跟你住紧嘅屋/用紧嘅车要卖咁 咁买你间屋/你架车嘅就叫buyer~ 哈哈好似仔细得济... 希望帮到你~ :D 参考: Myself... buyer customer client的分别 -- 在于不同行业的顾客对像﹐有不同的称呼。例如﹕ -- a trade buyer -- a bank customer; a supermarket customer; -- a lawyer"s client; a social worker"s client; -- a doctor"s patient -- a school student 这些都是一般的用法﹐如果你话 a lawyer"s customer 就唔妥。 参考: myself


buyer是买主,买方,采购员customer是 顾客, 主顾,订户,消费者buyer相对于seller,卖方


你好。nice to meet you读音的汉语谐音是:奈斯-兔-米特-右。——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。


回答: Nice to meet you,too. 我也很高兴认识你。 短语: Hello Nice to meet you 你好 ; 很高兴认识你 ; 你好漂亮 ; 认识你很高兴 Nice To Meet You Too 新名片设计 ; 见到你我也很高兴 ; 高兴见到你太 ; 很高兴见到你太 扩展资料   例句:   "Nice to meet you," said Michael. "Same here," said Mary Ann.   “很高兴见到你,” 迈克尔说。“我也一样,” 玛丽·安说。   I"m David, nice to meet you.   我是大卫,很高兴见到你。   Thank you! Nice to meet you too!   谢谢!我也很高兴见到你!







nicetomeetyou在哪种情况下用,与how do you do的用法区别

两者都是在初次与人见面的时候使用的,但是Nice to meet you更为灵活一些,在初次见面结束时可以重复一次。即,你刚刚认识了大卫,你们的最初始对话往往是:你:我是(你的名字),Nice to meet you!大卫:我是大卫。Nice to meet you too!(注:对话当然也可以由大卫发起,只是举例罢了。)而在见面结束你们说再见时,你们都可以再说一次:Nice to meet you, (对方的名字)!但是How do you do一般不会在道别时重复,它在意思上也与Nice to meet you存在区别,指“你好”,而后者是指认识对方很高兴。个人感觉,Nice to meet you是个更有人情味、更容易拉近与初识者之间距离的一种表达,因为你在听人说这话的时候,你和对方的微笑都是很快乐的。但How do you do显得比较干硬,冷冰冰的,显得很程式化,不建议过多使用。


  nicetomeetyou的意思:很高兴遇见你。  用于第一次见面时说的话,一般的场合都可以。比较正式。这句话的答复通常是:Nicetomeetyou,too。  见面的时候,对方说:"Nicetomeetyou"(很高兴认识你)你这样回答:Nicetomeetyou,too(认识你我也很高兴)






nice to meet you的中文意思是很高兴见到你,Nice to meet you too的中文意思是我也很高兴见到你。而且这两句英文在日常生活中也是比较常用的语句,其应用比较的广泛。nice to meet you和nice to see you都表示“很高兴见到你”前者是正式一些,后者是非正式场合或者语境下使用。nice to meet you有多种同义词,具体如下:一、Glad to meet you.二、Nice to see you.三、Happy to see you.四、Pleased to meet you.五、Pleased to see you.六、Glad to see you.

有谁有oppo售后工具CustomerServiceTool.exe破解版 的,谢谢


the american idea of customer service is to make


customer service是什么意思

customer service [英]u02c8ku028cstu0259mu0259 u02c8su025cu02d0vu026as [美]u02c8ku028cstu0259mu025a "su025dvu026as 客户服务 [例句]Most of my work experience is in customer service. 我以前做过的基本都是客户服务工作. 您好,答题不易 如有帮助请采纳,谢谢

Customer Service Executive是做什么的

客户服务主管 负责客户热线咨询 投诉和售后服务

customer care 和customer service 的区别


customer service level是什么意思


what is Customer Service?

Definition: Customer service is an organization"s ability to supply their customers" wants and needs.Customers and business managers alike like to talk about what good customer service is (and isn"t), but I think this definition by ACA Group sums up what excellent customer service is beautifully: "excellent customer service (is) the ability of an organization to constantly and consistently exceed the customer"s expectations."Accepting this definition means expanding our thinking about customer service; if we"re going to consistently exceed customers" expectations, we have to recognize that every aspect of our business has an impact on customer service, not just those aspects of our business that involve face-to-face customer contact.Improving customer service involves making a commitment to learning what our customers" needs and wants are, and developing action plans that implement customer friendly processes.Common Misspellings: Custemer service.Examples: Providing excellent customer service is one way a small business can distinguish itself from the competition.More Business Terms GlossaryMarketing PlanNiche MarketSee All Business Terms

customer service为什么有时候需要加s

因为customer service是客户服务意思 客户服务不单指售后服务,还可指售后服务管理、顾客服务处等所以要加s

Customer Service什么意思


英文中 service customer还是 customer service 那个才是对?


customer service是什么意思

customer service 客户服务

customer cleareance


how to deal with customer

The communication is the marketing personnel and the reality and thelatent customer maintenance relation, promptly enterprise"s productintroduced gives the customer, simultaneously pays attentionunderstands their demand, the exchange production and marketinginformation. The communication is the marketing personnel"s foundationwork, is secret and guarantee which the modern enterprise and themarketing personnel succeeds. The marketing study from develops themarket the angle, introduced 4Ps and the 4Cs marketing combination,dissemination (Communication) is the communication, how namely doesthe enterprise link up with the customer or the customer. Tobaccoenterprise similar need and customer communication. How then carrieson the communication? Based on the network work requirement and theexperience, the author thought should pay attention to followingseveral aspects: First, communication principle In the marketing work is for carries out the exchange well withthe customer communication, then promotion sale. Therefore mustpersist five principles with the customer communication. Namely: Theequality, the reciprocal benefit, the credit, are accommodating, thedevelopment. Only has the equality to establish the good interpersonalrelationship, follows the reciprocal benefit mutual benefit thebusiness ethics principle, is realistic, is fastidious the credit,putting oneself in another"s place considers for the customer,understood the customer, the containing customer, do not have to limitthe judgement to each transaction, on each customer body, follows thedevelopment principle, can coordinate and the customer relations, setsup the enterprise image. Second, communication preparation First must draft the communication plan. To where, with thesecustomers exchange, how exchanges, exchange what? Exchanges anydegree; Its secondary preparation some material, topic. In order tocommunication time quotes, presents evidence. For example: Some brandcigarette sale, current condition, next trend, situation forecast andcorrelation data proof. Finally must memorize the customer the basiccondition. If to the customer present situation, management knowsnothing about, the customer can feel unfamiliar, the communicationwith difficulty develops. Therefore, must seek the common language,attention customer information collection and use. Third, communication main point The communication main point is must stand in the customerstandpoint, thought the customer thought, economizes for the customer,makes money. With least Qian Zuozui the big business, while whicheconomizes, the pursue benefit maximization. The anxious customer isanxious, regards as the customer matter own matter, helps to solveeach kind of difficulty and the question. The communication main point first makes the friend, latter doesbusiness. The business relation has exposed is the interpersonalrelationship, therefore, how is the friend with the customer to bevery important. We advocated the familiar customer, the researchcustomer, carry on the communication in the research customerfoundation, lets the customer feel you are the expert, understood verymuch to the market and the product, has the help to the management,thus is glad to make the friend, and listens to advice. Fourth, communication method First must establish the customer file. This is carries on theeffective communication the foundation. The customer file must havethe operating condition, but also must have person"s interest, thehobby, the important commemoration day and so on, favor with thecustomer exchange. Next, must strengthen the sentimental exchange.Chats the day with the customer, helps to straighten up the goods,both the kind nature, shortens the distance, the enhancementsentiment, and can discover expends exceptionally and the changetendency, introduces the new product, the guidance expends, when goodgives advice. Finally, must strengthen the individuality service.Provides the corresponding service according to the customer demand,provides the standardized service to the general customer, theimportant customer provides the individuality service, the specialcustomer provides the special service. The communication is the skill, the communication is an art. Thecommunication pays great attention to honest and the letter, only hashonest and the letter, can move the customer, can obtain the customerthe trust and the support. Hoped when marketing personnel and customercommunication is fastidious the good faith and obtains the success.



How well prepared would this person be if he were to call on a prospective customer for us?

这是特殊疑问句 主从复合句 虚拟语气 主系表结构 How well prepared 是表语 would是助动词 this person 是主语 be是系动词 后面 是虚拟条件句 作状语if是连词 引导条件状语从句he 是从句中的主语 were to call on 是从句中的谓语 a prospective customer是从句中的宾语 for us?是从句中的状语翻译:假如这个人要替我们给一个潜在客户打电话,他会作 如何充分的准备?

有人能回答 customer requirement 和 customer expectation的区别...

customer requirement 客户的要求customer expectation 客户的期望requirement: 这是你必须要做到的,比如产品的尺寸,数量,包装。这些落实到合同里面的实打实的需要遵守的。expectation: 既然是期望,那么完成期望客户很满意,但是如果实在客观条件下完不成,客户也可以谅解。如客户期望交货期可以提前。。但是提前不了,那也就是期望。

Customer metrics 这个专业术语是什么意思

Customer metrics: 国内翻得不统一,多意为:用户计量学,或顾客计量学。这个网址,给出了Customer metrics control panel(控制面板),值得参考:


你对我一直特别的好,每个人的情感之路都不是很顺利的,但是我相信我们可以白头偕老 P.S 这话有点qinglish的感觉


class Customer{int custid;char custgender ;char custname;Customer(char id,char name,char gender){ this.custname = name; this.custid = id; this.custgender = gender;}int getcustid(){return custid;}char getcustgender(){return custgender;}char getname(){return custname;}void setcustname(char s){custname=s;}void setcustgender(char g){custgender=g;}void setcustid(int h){ custid=h;}void printMSG(){ System.out.println("客户身份证号:"+custid+"客户性别:"+custgender+"客户姓名:"+custname); }}

explained the text tome pendant

A:New words explained(B) A:When new words were explained (A)

为什么是look at me而不是look tome?

look at是一个词组,而且他是一个固定搭配

Who can give me customer lists for fire extinguisher and accessory


In the time__takes to drink a cup of coffee,customers can get a pair of special-made shoes in th...


翻译customer loyalty program

客户忠诚计划 特制


He is at home.否定句:He isn"t at home.一般疑问句:Is he at home?肯定回答:Yes, he is.否定回答:No, he isn"t.





customer reference是什么意思

customer reference客户参考双语例句1The analytical methods and acceptance criteria used shall conform tothose in customer reference manuals on measurement systemsanalysis.所用的分析方法及接收准则应符合顾客有关测量系统分析的指南。2You might have to implement a special web service to get the customerreference stored in the domain model.你可能必须实现一个特殊的Web服务来获取存储在领域模型中的客户引用。3The context ID ( for example, a customer reference number) is used todetermine which events have a relationship.上下文ID(例如,客户咨询号)用于确定哪些事件与其他事件存在关系。4Include any reference numbers – for example for the product youbought, the account you hold, or a customer reference.乙、包括所有相关的数字,例如,您买卖的货币对、账户号码、还有交易的单号。5It could involve enabling your application on at least two IBM OnDemand middleware products and an IBM eServer platform, submittinga customer reference, and completing a whitepaper.它可能涉及在至少两个IBM随需应变中间件产品和一个IBM eServer平台上激活你的应用程序,提交一份客户参考,以及完成一份白皮书。

Customer DHL account number是什么意思

客户DHL帐户号码双语对照例句:1.Has your life been reduced to an account number? 你的生活是否已经变成了一串串的数字?




Come Back To Me_百度翻译Come Back To Me [词典] 回到我身边(歌名); [例句]I fear my thoughts will not come back to me.我恐怕我的思想是不会再回来的了。进行更多翻译

Buena suerte! Pase! Tome asiento! Hasta la vista!翻译成中文是什么意思







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