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《forever 》- stratovarias的歌 要表达什么意境 创作背景是什么?怀念童年吗?详细点



【 #英语资源# 导语】各位小伙伴还记得童年吗?每个人的童年都有不一样的色彩,怎么用英语表达呢? 无 ! 1.Nerve与“勇气”竟有关? You two have got a lot of nerve,coming into my home and making demands. 你们两个太厚颜无耻了,竟然敢到我的地盘上提要求。 确实,从语境上来看,Klaus和Elijah因为狼女Haley不见了,就兴冲冲地跑到Marcel的地盘上要人,这个举动确实有点“鲁莽了”。 (1)Have got a lot of nerve.这是个习惯用语,在这个习惯用语里,nerve不再被解释为我们常见的"神经"或者"勇气"的意思,而是"鲁莽"、“厚脸皮”。请看例句1里面“have got a lot of nerve”是什么意思吧。 You"ve really got a lot of nerve telling me I wasn"t spend time finishing the work! Remember, you are the one who always come to work late and leave early. 你居然好意思说我没有把时间花在工作上!记住,你才是那个经常迟到早退的人! 例句中的说话者对同事的指责非常冒火,因为那位同事就是经常迟到早退的人,没有给团队助力反而是拖后腿,还污蔑辛勤工作的同事,这可真让人生气了。 所以,Have got a lot of nerve是用来指责对方厚脸皮的说法,这个习惯用语通常是争论中用的。还有一个习惯用语和这个说法意思一样,而且也常用在争吵的时候。它是: of all the nerve.Of all the nerve和Have got a lot of nerve都可以用来说对方太莽撞甚至厚颜无耻。 (2)Touch your nerve "So I"ve touched a nerve." 我触碰到你的痛处了吧。 另一个习惯用语里: Get up the nerve.Nerve在Klaus那句话里解释为"神经",但是有时它的意思是"勇气",请看例句。 例句2中的一名职员认为领导忽视了他的业绩。他的工作该得到更高的报酬。 例句2: I"m trying to get up the nerve to walk in and tell my boss I want that position or I"ll look for another job where they"ll put me in . 我打算到老板的办公室去要求给我那个职位,否则他要另寻高明,而我要到愿意分配我到合理职位(的公司)工作。 有时候这个习惯用语用work代替get,成为work up the nerve。我们再看个例子。例句3中的小伙子很希望向他所钟情的女孩求婚,但却一直怯于启齿。 例句3: I"ve been dating with Anna three years and I"m crazy about her! For three months I"ve been trying to work up the nerve to ask her to marry me. 我已经和安娜约会了3年了而且我为她着迷。在这三个月里,我鼓起勇气向她求婚。 这里用的习惯用语是work up the nerve,它的意思便是“鼓起勇气”。 2.Freak I"m a -year-old witch living in a church attic like some kind of freak. 我是个像怪物般隐居于教堂阁楼的16岁女巫。 小女巫Davina“狰狞”地说出自己像是个怪物时,用了“Freak”这个词语。而英语中的freak可以表示很多意思。 (1)如果一个人对某件东西或某项活动特别感兴趣,我们可以称他为某方面的freak,例如: She"s an art freak. She"s totally fanatical about art. 她是个艺术控,她对艺术很狂热。 (2)Freak还可表示“奇异的、畸形的”,以前马戏团表演会有freak show(畸形秀),向大家展示侏儒、双头牛等奇形怪状的动物。过去freak通常有负面的意思,但是从上世纪60年代开始,它有了不同的含义。现在有很多年轻人称自己为freak,以显示自己与社会格格不入。Davina的那句台词中“Freak”或多或少都有这个意味。 而Freak out在美剧里更是常见,估计小伙伴们都知道它什么意思了,这里英语君就不多介绍了。 3.Pinky swear拉钩发誓 In Japan, the pinky swear originally indicated that the person who breaks the promise must cut off their pinky finger. In modern times, pinky swearing is a more informal way of sealing a promise. It is most common among school-age children and close friends. The pinky swear signifies a promise that can never be broken. Pinky swear起源于日本,起初表明人违反必须切断手指,但是后来便渐渐改变了这一个较为血腥的行为。在现代,拉钩发誓是一种非正式密封的,在学龄儿童和亲密朋友间较为常见。



想为童年留点东西,收集口袋妖怪玩偶(最好正版),我看有TOMY MC 万代什么的,有什么不一样?求大神指导





读《童年》有感 《童年》是高尔基所著,它与《在人间》及《我的大学》被人们称为“自传体三步曲”。我读完《童年》,觉得它记载了高尔基铅一般沉重的往事。作者阿辽沙的父亲染上霍乱而早早过世了,3岁的他和外祖母,外祖父和母亲生活在一起。外祖母是他一生中最珍贵的人,她的爱丰富了作者的心灵,可外祖父脾气暴躁,这给阿辽沙沉重的打击。阿辽沙的童年有酸,苦和辣,微微泛着一点甜,可他的母亲却把她儿子的这一点甜一同带进了坟墓。阿辽沙读完三年级,就永远离开了他心爱的学校课堂,不久就走向人间,到人间去谋生。在这一部《童年》中,故事的情节就是作者生活的真实写照,书中慈祥的外祖母那丰富,生动,优美的童话故事和民间歌谣使作者听了大为神往,就激发了他对正义事业的美好希望。当我读到这样一段话的时候,深有感触:“我们的生活是令人惊奇的,这不仅因为在我们的生活中这层充满种种畜生般的坏事的土壤是如此富饶和肥沃,而且还因为从这层土壤里仍然胜利地生长出鲜明,健康,富有创造性的东西,生长着善良的人所固有的善良,这些东西唤起我们一种难以摧毁的希望,希望光明的,人道的生活终将苏生。” 读了这样一段话,开始我还不太理解,后来我才渐渐明白:它是想要告诉我们新的一代是如何坚忍不拔地顽强生长,并且对美好的生活充满向往,把正在沉睡的民众唤醒。我想这也是高尔基创作这本书的另一个用意吧。


派拉蒙影业2018年中时宣布《变形金刚6》撤出2019年档期,但以变形金刚里主要角色为主线的独立电影《大黄蜂》,却马上要在2019年1月4日中国正式上映了。锁骨姐打飞的去洛杉矶看完全球首映后的最大感触是:梦里真正的变形金刚回来了! 这是一部极度暴露年龄的电影。因为2007年第一部真人电影《变形金刚》变身成科迈罗之前,动画版的变形金刚就是一只1963年的大众甲壳虫。 所以《大黄蜂》其实是《变形金刚》系列前传 ,真变迷会双手双脚赞同“大黄蜂”回归甲壳虫的。 甲壳虫一直是大众 汽车 里的神奇存在:费迪南德·保时捷操刀设计,希特勒让它成为了“每个德国家庭都开得起”梦想之车。当年代号为VW82的甲壳虫命名“Kraft durch Freude”(快乐就是力量)。而上了年纪的车迷至今还会用“拍扁的甲壳虫”来戏谑保时捷,出处是从这里来的。 80年历经三次换代,今年广州车展上见到甲壳虫经典版时,不会再有第四代了的封笔之作让人胸口攒积了说不清的复杂感觉。1.2TFSI发动机+7速DSG双离合变速箱的动力总成,符合它城市代步车的定调。当然这个特别能够圈住女人的虫子,萌宠造型和一定不会忽略的车身颜色,情怀党口袋里的20万会蠢蠢欲动的。 欧洲每年的甲壳虫派对(Beetle Sunshine Tour),每一辆甲壳虫不管是硬顶还是敞篷,不管是单色还是涂鸦都是一个C位咖,当上百辆不重样甲壳虫铺在你面前,想过这是一个怎么样的壮观景象吗? 收一辆甲壳虫的意义,不光是自家停车位上多一辆车,更像是多了个玩伴。它会一直陪着你,就像《大黄蜂》电影里从甲壳虫到大黄蜂,这个 汽车 人一直陪着内心其实很孤独的女主。 如果《变形金刚》系列的定调是骁勇善战,那《大黄蜂》的定调则是温情正义中还多渗透出了一份可爱和 搞笑 。飞机- 汽车 -机器人,三种型格的变化绝对能够重燃我们对Autobots的全部崇拜。 锁骨姐就快把自己给写激动了。2019年1月4日,记得去给《大黄蜂》递张电影票,不管你喜不喜欢这只虫子,电影本身都不会让你失望。 撰文//锁骨姐 图片//网络


《Days on my past》 I recall when I was young OH,I will play and always having funwith the neighbour next to meAnd we"ll play until the setting suntry to be The best among the othersin a game call the "Spider battle"It doesn"t matter,who is the best howthose were the days of my pastfew years later when I got to school and was late for lesson all the timeAlways day dreaming in the classtill I don"t even know the lessons doneThen my teacher always tell menever ever be lazy againwhat can I do nowWhat can I say nowThose were the days of my pastAs the days go on and onI grew up and had my first lovecandle light and sandy beachfinally give away my first kissmother said I was too young to fall in love andthen I will one day regret so love was overbut I do miss herthose were the days of my pastjust when I left my high school andgot my first job as a salesmenworking hard all day and nightno one there to lend a helping handdaddy told me not to worry andsaid that I should go on step by stepthose were the days of my pastthen once day I settled down with the only one I really lovegona small family with two kid that is what I"m always hoping forBut I still remember having fun with all my friends when I was youngI miss my hometown I miss my old friendThose were the days of my pastI miss my hometown I miss my old friendWhen will I see them again 我们老师教的,我觉得很好听!


1.原文:茨冈脸色红红地走到厨房中间,像一团火焰般地跳动起来:两手高高扬起,脚步快得让人难以分辨,衬衫抖动着,像燃烧一般发出灿烂地光辉。他放纵地舞着,仿佛打开门让他出去他就能跳遍全城!大家都被他感染,跟着他颤动起来。歌唱中,外祖母时而前进,时而后退,时而飞旋,青春瞬间回到了她的身上,令她呈现出一种鲜花绽放般的美丽。每个人都被她吸引住了。我的感想:作者将主人公当时所处的肮脏的环境写得很到位,在语言描写上很有功夫。使文章生动,令人身临其境,对美与丑及人复杂的感情有了更深层次的了解。2.摘抄: 外祖母没来之前,我仿佛在黑暗中昏睡。自从她在我面前出现之后,我那颗沉睡的心就被她唤醒了;她引导我看见了光明,她使我把周围的一切都联结了起来,编织成了一个色彩绚烂的大花环。没过多久,她便成了我终生的朋友,成为最体贴我的人。她对我非常了解,我也对她非常尊重,她对世界、对生活都充满了无私的爱。这种爱使我感到充实,使我对生活充满了信心,峥嵘的岁月里努力奋发,使我在艰难的日子里永远坚强。感想: 小阿辽沙以前的生活没有趣味,外祖母简直是他生命中的一束阳光,照亮他的生活。在那个黑暗冰冷的社会中,给了阿辽沙无限的关爱与温情,并对他进行了有益的教导。3.摘抄: 天朗气清,凄风和畅,难得有这么好的天气,我和外祖母在甲板上从早晨一直到傍晚。在明净的天空下,伏尔加河两岸被秋风渡上了一层金红色,看上去就像是两条美丽的绸缎。橘红色的轮船不疾不徐、懒洋洋地逆流而上。轮片有节奏地拍打着灰蓝色的河水,发出隆隆的响声。船尾有一条灰色的驳船被长长的拖索牵着,安详而悠闲,活脱脱的像一只土鳖。伏尔加河上空,太阳悠悠地不知不觉的转动着,天地山川一切万物无时无刻的不在运行中变化更改,蜿蜒的、碧绿的群山就像是大地的华美的衣裳的皱褶,极富线条美。河两岸的乡村,城市运运的耸立者。看上去好似一块块方饼干。金色的秋叶再水面上漂来荡去。感想: 作者在描写船上所看到的情景时,运用了很多比喻句,呈现出了一幅美伦美奂的画卷。


儿时的雪糕,5分一根的,一毛的两毛的都有,大婶满大街来回叫卖,看到那个装雪条的箱子莫名的兴奋,一天一根雪糕几个人吃 。




童年似一杯浓浓的咖啡,暖到你心窝,童年似一杯淡淡的茶,让你回味;童年似暴风雨的彩虹;五颜六色,炫丽无比;童年又似那晚霞后的余光,那么让人怀念;又似那弯弯的小路,让你成长。风儿不可能将这温馨的回忆给吹掉;雨儿不可能把这一件一件感人的旋律掩没,只有可爱的阳光将它照射,将它保存.... 回想那一件件儿时不起眼的事儿来,事虽然小,但那些回忆是那样觉得感动,因为有了这些回忆才能让自己不断进步,不断追断求,这样才能成长起来,童年总叫人回想。回想那五彩缤纷的梦,回想起那丫丫学语的时候,回想起刚学走路的时候,第一次踏上舞台的时候,第一次叫出父母时,第一次......那一刻刻, 那一个个镜头,霎时间浮现在你的眼前。 那是一个无法忘记的回忆,无法忘记的童年,第一次背起了新书包上学的那一天,终干能和别的孩子一样上学,对我而言这就是我的历史性的一刻,父母拿着照相机把这最开心最难忘的模样拍照下来,这也成了父亲和母亲最安慰的一项,这也成了家里最快乐的写照,这难忘的一刻,这么美好这么甜美,它一直在我脑海里浮现。可是美好的只是过去的,在温长的日子里,一次次磨练后,把软弱的自己磨练得像钢一样坚硬,学习的压力,没有人会知道,没有人会可怜,在那树叶落光的秋天里,只有苦熬的干劲,只有失去了的快乐,这就是苦的。儿时在百花齐放的春天,拥有着,美好梦想的童年,一晃而过。 至今在现实的残酷面前不会掉泪,泪都是会被那乌云所掩盖。儿时的泪是那么软弱,那么小气。童年的梦是五颜六色的,像百花齐放般的美好,让人回味,让人忘返,那时没有任何忧虑,没有任何烦恼。童年的梦又如在夜空中,那么宽阔,那么宁静,童年的梦又如无数的星星,它们只会眨着眼,不会说话,诚实和从容………无数的星星如无数的梦 ,灌入了小小的脑袋中, 从此我思考着无数的问题。 蓝天下的成长,夜空中的梦想又如在沙滩上堆积起一座座小小的城堡,堆积起在蓝色海边的梦;儿是总是喜欢在榕树下玩耍,又喜欢在那静静地坐着,听着老人讲那古老的故事,那时的梦是绿色的;儿时总是喜欢在老家门前坐着,在落叶的秋天里欣赏那一片片穿着金色的叶子在漫天飞舞, 那时的梦是金黄色的。儿时总是喜欢做梦,在梦里走着找不到出口迷宫,一次一次地被锁在迷宫里,心里那么迷茫,在现实生活中,激起我斗志时,那时那梦是火一般的颜色……… 回忆让世界一切万物变得安静,让人变得放松,让人感到温暖,让你回想起遥远而不遥远的梦,让你回想起在雨中,那雨儿是跳动的旋律。当你摔倒时,一种力量在看着你,让你回想起在蓝天下放飞纸飞机,放飞你一个个让你期待的梦。 时钟只有前进,不可能倒退。童年只有回味和回忆…….. 童年只有回忆,梦只有创造,将来只有拼搏……….. 童年以是过去的事了,只有回忆起那点点滴滴的事,只有积累更多的经验,这路才能走得更远更宽。每个人都拥有自己五彩缤纷的童年 ,童年是人生最珍贵的东西,它是你一生的开始,拥有着它那你就拥有一生,我们应该好好地珍惜它。 梦常常都会变化着,梦是人一生中追求的目标,只有奋斗和拼搏,那才会梦想成真,那才会成为现实。 … 只有回忆一切都会让你觉得美好……

英语翻译 这是我童年最美好的回忆之一,虽然它有点遗憾



childhooduff0cthe sweetest memory of my whole lifeuff0ccan"t be forgetten


doomed hero chose to


My best memoriy of my childhood is that when I still lived with my grandmother. When I was 8 years old, I lives with my grandmother because my parents were too busy so that they did not have enough time to take care of me, and hence, they aksed my grandmother to stay with me. The time with her was always delightful. My grandmother taught me how to recognize numbers from 1 through 10 and how to combine each number in order to create different numbers. She also taught me to write and read. I still remember that I was always told a story before we slept, and my grandmother"s voice sounded very beautiful which was like a nice song just singing for me. 10 years later, my grandmother passed away but she will always live in my heart deeply.


My best memoriy of my childhood is that when I still lived with my grandmother. When I was 8 years old, I lives with my grandmother because my parents were too busy so that they did not have enough time to take care of me, and hence, they aksed my grandmother to stay with me. The time with her was always delightful. My grandmother taught me how to recognize numbers from 1 through 10 and how to combine each number in order to create different numbers. She also taught me to write and read. I still remember that I was always told a story before we slept, and my grandmother"s voice sounded very beautiful which was like a nice song just singing for me. 10 years later, my grandmother passed away but she will always live in my heart deeply.



要写童年的作文 求求帮哦吧 600字

我的童年  “池塘边的榕树上,知了在声声叫着夏天……”,听着这熟悉的歌声,我的思绪又回到了童年……那个暑假,我正在和爸爸、妈妈一起吃早饭,忽然,妈妈神秘地说:“快吃,吃完咱们去公园照镜子。”我不在意地说:“咱们家有镜子,为什么要到公园里去照?”妈妈笑着说:“这可不是一般的镜子,是哈哈镜,你一照,非得哈哈大笑不可!”我自信地说:“我准不笑!”我想:照哈哈镜就得哈哈大笑,我才不信呢!今天,我就偏不笑。   到了公园,离哈哈镜馆还很远,就听到那里不时传出哈哈的大笑声,为了不笑,我故意板着脸,一本正经地往前走。   进了哈哈镜馆,只见迎面走来一个人,后背罗锅,前胸突起,右脸鼓着个大包,左脸陷个大坑,更难看的是,两只眼睛,一个大的像鸡蛋,一个小的像绿豆。“哎呀!这是谁呀!怎么长得那么难看!”妈妈看着我的神情,用手指点着我说:“这就是你呀!”“哈哈……”我忍不住大笑起来,连眼泪都流出来了。   这时,爸爸在另一面镜子前招呼我:“蓓蓓,快过来看呀!”我跑去一看,呵!我和爸爸都变成巨人了,光眼珠就有足球那么大,两只大门牙,像两把铁锹。我和爸爸都忍不住大笑起来。   我们继续看下去,有的镜子照出人来又圆又扁,活像一个大磨盘上长出了鼻子和眼睛;有的镜子照出人来又矮又胖,圆滚滚地像个皮球……,馆里的十几面镜子,每面镜前都有许多人捧腹大笑。   我禁不住好奇地问妈妈:“妈妈,为什么哈哈镜能使人变形呢?”妈妈笑着说:“因为哈哈镜镜面凹凸不平,照出人来就奇形怪状了。这是一种光学现象。”我恋恋不舍地离开了哈哈镜馆,感到非常愉快。  这件事已经过去很久了,但它却深深地留在了许我的记忆中。因为它不仅使我明白了“哈哈镜”的原理,而且照“哈哈镜”给我带来了多欢乐。


1、德维恩·韦德(Dwyane Tyrone Wade),1982年1月17日出生于美国芝加哥。2、韦德从小生长于芝加哥的贫民区之中。3、他年纪还很小时父母亲就已经离异,随着父亲和继母一起住,韦德仍然和姊姊崔吉儿(Tragil Wade)拥有很好的关系。4、 因为韦德生长在芝加哥因此非常崇拜芝加哥公牛队的篮球巨星迈克尔·乔丹。5、韦德的名字(first name)“Dwyane”是写错的,韦德曾解释是当年祖母在报户口的时候把韦德父亲的名给拼错所以继续用在韦德身上。



这是我的童年回忆 的英文.

The memory of my childhood is carousel that I have long time not to play it, therefore I want to play it one more time.希望能满意






“花瓶姑娘”只是一场简单的戏法表演,看似非常神秘,其实只是用了一个非常简单的镜像折射原理 。


















因为跳跳糖里面含有高压二氧化碳气泡,在水和体温的作用下,里面的二氧化碳会逐渐释放出来,从而产生跳动的感觉。跳跳糖是很多孩子童年时最喜欢的小零食,尤其是80 90后,小时候的糖果种类没有这么丰富,跳跳糖相比较其他糖果来说吸引力更大。总是喜欢把一整包糖全部倒在嘴巴里,感受它噼里啪啦的跳动,甜甜的味道从口腔一直蔓延到心里。不过小时候总是想不明白,为什么跳跳糖在我们的嘴巴里会跳起来,难道糖果里面加入了什么神奇的魔法?其实并不是如此,跳跳糖之所以能够跳起来,是因为它里面含有高压二氧化碳气泡。但它倒进嘴巴后,里面的二氧化碳经过唾液和口腔内温度的作用,里面的二氧化碳会迅速释放,这才能够让我们感觉到跳动,吃起来就如同在喝碳酸饮料一样,能够让人感觉到愉悦开心。我们也可以将一袋跳跳糖放入普通的水内,仔细观察它的状态,能够看到不断有气泡从糖果里冒出,这些小气泡其实就是二氧化碳。其实除了这一点之外,跳跳糖和普通的糖果原料是基本一致的,制作过程也并不复杂。只需要将制作糖果的原料先融化成热糖浆,然后再送入装有高压二氧化碳气体的环境下充分搅拌,让它吸收足够的二氧化碳,这样一份跳跳糖就制作完成了。由此也可以看出,跳跳糖其实和普通的糖果并没有区别,只不过在加工过程中多了一个步骤而已。虽然很好吃,但由于里面添加了大量的香精、色素、添加剂,所以不管是大小朋友吃的时候一定要适量,不然可能会导致蛀牙、龋齿、血糖高等一系列的问题。

跳跳糖为什么会跳原理揭秘 童年回忆神奇的糖果

跳跳糖相信有不少人小时候都吃过,把糖倒进嘴里就会发出噼里啪啦的声音,好像糖在舌尖上跳动的感觉,那么跳跳糖为什么会跳呢?据说是因为糖内含有二氧化碳,当外面的糖融化后,里面的二氧化碳释放出来就会有气泡,这样循环往复给人跳动的感觉。 一、跳跳糖的原理解析 跳跳糖所使用的主要配料其实与那些普通硬糖并没有多少区别,跳跳糖为什么会跳主要原因在糖果的内部,其实含有很多小气泡结构,里面“封装”着高压的二氧化碳气泡。把跳跳糖放入水中,观察到在它的表面有连续不断的气泡冒出,正是这些气泡使人有“跳”的感觉。 当跳跳糖接触到舌头时,唾液开始溶解上面的糖,封装小气泡的小空间外壁变得脆弱。里面存在二氧化碳,当它遇水时,跳跳糖外面的糖溶解,里面的二氧化碳就跑了出来,推动跳跳糖进一步开裂和“跳”起来,在舌头上产生噼里啪啦的感觉。 跳跳糖里面含有二氧化碳,二氧化碳放进嘴巴里面后,由于口腔里受热而且还有水分,就生成碳酸。碳酸又受热生成水和二氧化碳,这样不断循环导致糖跳来跳去,一直到所有二氧化碳从口腔呼出去就停止。如果把我们的嘴巴当作汽水瓶,跳跳糖其实和汽水的原理是一样的。 跳跳糖是一种十分有娱乐性质的休闲食品,跳跳糖的特征跟卖点,就是加了碳酸气的趣味小糖果颗粒在舌头上霹啪的作响。当你把糖块放入口中,糖融化后气体被释放出来时,你就会听到“嘣嘣”的响声。这项产品一推出就造成风行,成为小孩子的最爱。 上一页 0 /2 下一页




百思童年无屏早教机是一款专为儿童设计的早教设备,提供了丰富的内容资源和功能。以下是百思童年无屏早教机可以播放的内容及相关功能的详细说明:1. 故事和音乐:百思童年无屏早教机内置了海量的故事和音乐资源,包括经典童话、寓言故事、儿歌等。这些内容可以帮助孩子培养阅读兴趣、提高语言能力和陶冶情操。2. 英语学习:百思童年无屏早教机提供了丰富的英语学习资源,如英语儿歌、英语故事、英语对话等。这些内容可以帮助孩子提高英语听说能力,培养英语学习兴趣。3. 知识百科:百思童年无屏早教机涵盖了丰富的百科知识,包括科学、历史、地理、人文等领域。这些内容可以帮助孩子拓宽知识面,提高综合素质。4. 早教课程:百思童年无屏早教机提供了多种早教课程,涵盖了认知、语言、数学、艺术等多个领域。这些课程可以帮助孩子全面发展,提高学习能力。5. 互动游戏:百思童年无屏早教机内置了多种互动游戏,包括益智游戏、音乐游戏、动手游戏等。这些游戏可以帮助孩子在玩耍的过程中提高动手能力、思维能力和团队合作能力。6. 家长控制:百思童年无屏早教机提供了家长控制功能,家长可以通过手机APP远程控制早教机的播放内容和时间。这有助于家长更好地监管孩子的学习和娱乐活动。总之,百思童年无屏早教机可以播放丰富的内容资源,包括故事、音乐、英语学习、知识百科、早教课程和互动游戏等。这些内容可以帮助孩子全面发展,提高学习能力和综合素质。同时,家长可以通过手机APP远程控制早教机的播放内容和时间,确保孩子在使用百思童年无屏早教机时能够获得有益的学习和娱乐体验。

我最难忘的童年回忆 翻译成英语

Childhood like a cup of strong coffee and warm your heart, a childhood like a touch of tea, you aftertaste; childhood like a storm of the rainbow; colorful, very Behind; childhood that You Si Yu after sunset, people miss ; You Si ANGLE that cul-de-sac, so that you grow up. Wind can not be the warm memories to Chuidiao; Yuer can not do a thing one Melodies moving eclipsed only lovely sun exposure it, save it .... I recall that colorful dream, recalling that the Ya-Ya language learning, just learning to walk back, set the stage for the first time, parents called out for the first time, for the first time that Keke ...... , A camera, all you come in the front. Interesting childhood, things like a piece of colorful shells, these colorful shells, I hold up a colorful childhood


I very love catoon and caricature! A cartoon from childhood with can be said to me now that detective Conan! Mao Lilan and the hero is Kudou Shinichi said of boys and girls. Senior detective Kudou Shinichi in tracking the dark organization, framed took reduced drug into pupil Conan, although the body is smaller but still a detective mind in the detective firm helped Maori monarch case because Conan insists that there is only one truth. The story is full of emotions, many plot can make me cry.我非常喜欢动漫!有一部动漫可以说从童年伴随到我现在那就是名侦探柯南!毛利兰和男主人公工藤新一是青梅竹马。高中名侦探工藤新一在跟踪黑暗组织时,被陷害服下了缩小药化变为小学生柯南,虽然身子变小了 但依然有侦探的头脑 在侦探事务所帮助毛利君办案 因为柯南始终坚信真相只有一个。这个故事充满着感情色彩,许多情节都可以让我泪流满面。这是我为你找的答案,费了好长时间,希望现在对你能有帮助。


Maupassant (Guy de Maupassant ,1850-1893) August 5, 1850 Province, was born in Normandy, called noble descent, in fact, only a restoration time of their grandfather, a tax officer, his father was a loafer, not regular employment of the dandy. Guy de Maupassant in the Normandy countryside and spent his childhood town, 1,859 to 1,861, the annual sojourn to Paris with his parents, studied at Napoleon Middle School, after his father was no line, her parents divorced the mother"s return to Normandy. Home life and beautiful nature to Maupassant deeply influenced his later literary creation as an important source.1850 Born in Normandy in northwest France, a decline of provincial noble family.To Paris to study law in 1870, coincides with the Franco-Prussian War, then joined the Army. After military service, worked in the Navy Department and the Ministry of Education office.


童年时光钙镁锌是一款儿童保健品,有段时间传出消息说被曝光了,下面的我为你们介绍童年时光钙镁锌被曝光还能吃吗? 童年时光钙镁锌被曝光还能吃吗 被曝光是假新闻,不用担心。童年时光钙镁锌美国不卖?childlife钙镁锌美国人吃不吃的? 根据这个问题我做了一番详细的调查。首先谈美国,童年时光和美国最大的营养品超市Vitamin Shoppe合作是从2005年开始的,也就是说从2005年开始,Vitamin Shoppe的货架上就已经摆上了童年时光的产品。如果美国人不吃的话,我在货架上看到的钙镁锌应该是2005年生产的。然而货架上的童年时光钙镁锌都是2016年4月生产的,产品更新周期短,这说明美国人对钙镁锌的需求还是挺大的。 简单回答这个问题: 童年时光钙镁锌在美国有售,线上美国各种电商平台都有,线下我在丹佛的Vitamin Shoppe,Whole Foods,Drug Store都有看到。 童年时光钙镁锌美国人有在吃。而且从产品生产日期可以看出,需求量还是不错的。童年时代钙镁锌怎么样 宝贝一直比较偏瘦,而且有点挑食,朋友推荐童年时光钙镁锌。之前都是钙片啥的,宝宝不爱吃,这次是液体的,倒出来就和酸奶一样,宝宝乐呵的就吃了!吃了一段时间后,发现宝宝的食量真的变大了,每次都能认真的吃饭。不过挑食还是需要慢慢来的,我们也开始陆续给宝宝增加 蔬菜的种类。饮食要多样化,合理膳食,才能补充宝宝成长的营养哦!缺钙怎么补 一、乳类 严重缺钙的人最好每天食用250毫升牛奶,这样可以为你的身体提供250毫克的钙。乳及乳类制品中钙含量和吸收率均高,是人们膳食钙的主要和最好来源。 二、虾皮 很小的虾含钙量非常高,快把它加入每日的餐单中吧。其实很多水产品含丰富的钙质,尤其是可以连骨一起吃的小虾、小鱼等。 三、豆制品、绿叶蔬菜(蔬菜食品) 很多蔬菜中有含有丰富的钙,如:甘蓝菜、花椰菜、菠菜等等,其中菠菜中还富含草酸,不过这类成分不易被人体吸收和利用。 四、日照 缺钙的人要多到户外晒晒太阳,因为太阳中的紫外线可以让肌肤生成维生素D,既不会过量,还可以很好地促进钙的吸收。 五、钙制剂及含有维生素D的制剂 缺钙特别严重的人,可以根据需要适当补充钙。如食欲差,孕妇(孕妇食品)乳母、老年人、生长发育快而又偏食的小孩。警惕误区:钙补得越多越好 许多人误认为,钙补得越多,吸收得也越多,形成的骨骼就越多,其实不是这样。过量补钙并不能变成骨骼,反而会引起并发症,危害健康。 钙是这样被人吸收的:钙经胃肠吸收,进入血液,形成血钙(即血液中钙的含量),再通过骨代谢,把血钙进行钙盐沉积,形成骨骼。不是说钙吃得越多,形成的骨骼就越多。血液中钙的含量必须保持在一定水平,过多或过少都不行。过量补钙,血液中血钙含量过高,可导致高钙血症,并会引起并发症,如肾结石、血管钙化等。


童年的梦,七彩的梦;童年的歌,欢乐的歌;童年的脚印一串串;童年的故事 一摞摞。”这首歌是否能让你回想起美好的童年生活?在那五彩缤纷的岁月中, 发生过许多事情,不像星星一样的明亮。我的童年是美好的,有许多事值得回 忆…… 多年来,我的乐趣有很多都是从弹琴中得到的,弹琴给了我无限的欢乐。这是我最大的爱好,我喜欢弹琴,虽然 我因它哭过很多次,但是,它给予我的欢乐却是那么多,那么多…… 古人说“读书破万卷,下笔如有神。”真的,没什么写作天赋的我,从书中积累 了大量的好词佳句、名人名言、精彩片段。这些使我写作如虎添翼。 现在,书已经成了我生活中不可缺少的一部分,我爱书,爱读书,我知道,我一 定会在书的陪伴下快乐成 书是知识的源泉,智慧的土壤。书的海洋,对我来说是充满乐趣的,我像一只快 乐的小鸟,在书海中自由翱翔,无比美好。 喜、怒、哀、乐什么都有,这就是养狗的乐趣。


《祭十二郎文》,唐代韩愈作品,写于贞元十九年(按《文苑英华》说是写于五月二十六日,应是笔误,因是年六月下旬十二郎还写过信),文章的十二郎是指韩愈的侄子韩老成,“八仙”中著名的韩湘子即是老成之十七子。十二郎与韩愈两人自幼相守,由长嫂郑氏抚养成人,共历患难,因此感情特别深厚。但是长大之后,韩愈本人在外飘泊,与十二郎很少见面。孟郊告知韩老成六月二日已逝,但韩愈又疑问六月二十二日老成还在写信,种种的疑点让韩愈悲从中来。韩愈在文中提到自己的衰老“吾年未四十,而视茫茫,而发苍苍,而齿牙动摇”。 《祭十二郎文》 - 作品背景 韩愈与十二郎,在家庭连遭不幸的情况下一起度过了苦难的童年。又因为家族的、亲情的和年龄上的关系,韩愈与十二郎虽名为叔侄,却情同手足。这是韩愈写作本文无需为文造情的感情基础。韩愈写这篇文章时三十六岁,十二郎稍小一些,都正当人生的壮盛时期;就韩愈而言,他与十二郎虽暂分离而此后必然有很长时间相聚,可以充分体味叔侄之间的天伦乐事。但是,令韩愈想不到的是十二郎竟先己而死,于是对家族、亲情的悲痛回忆和自己与十二郎聚少离多的遗恨便一下子涌上笔端。 《祭十二郎文》 - 作品评价 南宋学者赵与时在《宾退录》中写道:“读诸葛孔明《出师表》而不堕泪者,其人必不忠。读李令伯《陈情表》而不堕泪者,其人必不孝。读韩退之《祭十二郎文》而不堕泪者,其人必不友。”〈〈祭十二郎文〉〉是一篇千百年来传诵不衰,影响深远的祭文名作,不管我们对文中的思想感情作如何评价,吟诵之下,都不能不随作者之祭而有眼涩之悲。 一、 感情真挚,催人泪下 韩愈写此文的目的不在于称颂死者,而在于倾诉自己的痛悼之情,寄托自己的哀思。这主要表现在三个方面:一是强调骨肉求情关系。作者与老成,名为叔侄,情同手足,“两世一身,形单影只”。今老成先逝,子女幼小,更显得家族凋零,振兴无望。这在注重门庭家道的古代,引起韩愈的切肤之痛是理所当然的。二是突出老成之死实出意外。老成比作者年少而体强,却“强者夭而病者全”;老成得的不过是一种常见的软脚病,作者本来不以为意,毫无精神准备,因而对老成的遽死追悔莫及,意外的打击使他极为悲痛。三是表达作者自身宦海沉浮之苦和对人生无常之感,并以此深化亲情。作者原以为两人都还年轻,便不以暂别为念,求食求禄,奔走仕途,因而别多聚少,而今铸成终身遗憾。作者求索老成的死因和死期,却堕入乍信乍疑,如梦如幻的迷境,深感

都要高中作文 记一件事 写一个人 描写景物 童年的故事 写科幻故事 我将怎样度过寒假 共6篇

在万家灯火都熄灭时,外婆家的台灯仍然亮着。灯光下坐着一个布满白发而又慈祥的老人,他头戴一副老花镜,手握一支钢笔,在书上不停地圈圈、点点、画画。他时而全神贯注;时而愁眉紧锁;时而如痴如醉;时而面露笑容。他就是我的外公。 外公虽然年纪大了,却非常爱看书。由于外公会捏橡皮泥,因此,我常常缠着他给我捏一些小玩艺。可是,只要外公一看起书,想让外公捏橡皮泥那就是“白日做梦”了。我真想把外公的书都锁进箱里。可之后的一件事,却改变了我的看法。 有一次妈妈问了我一道题:“熊猫一只手有几个手指啊?”我左思思,右想想,也想不出可靠的答案。还是去问外公吧,我心里想道。我跑到外公跟前,把妈妈的话原封不动地说了一遍。外公摸摸我的脑袋,说道:“你这小子,平日就知道玩,也不看看书。熊猫只有四个指头的啊!”“外公,您的知识可真渊博啊!这么多知识,您都是从书上获得的吗?”我羡慕地问道。“当然啦!‘书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉",只要你肯读书,博览群书,你也会跟外公一样,知识渊博的啊!”于是,在我幼小的心灵中,埋下了读书的种子,书也成为了我的良师益友。 外公不仅学识渊博,还常常无私地帮别人做事,解决问题。一天中午,我家正在吃饭。突然,马伯伯和几位叔叔进来了。他们的脸上没有了往日的笑容,却堆满了焦急与无奈。他们和外公寒暄几句后,便进了书房,我也好奇地跟了进去。只听马伯伯沮丧地说:“我家的茶树不知怎么的,生了一种怪病。先是根部生瘤,紧接着茶树就大片枯萎。我们农民一年就靠这几亩茶园养家糊口,可如今却颗粒无收,这……这可这么是好哇!”说完,便一手撑着书桌,一边低头丧气。这时,一位叔叔拿出了一棵茶树的根,递给外公,外公忙戴上老花镜,左手紧握树根,右手执一个放大镜。只见外公时而拨开树根,不停地端详:他时而握起钢笔,在纸上圈画;时而放下笔来,愁眉紧锁;时而回过头去问一两句。马伯伯他们的心情也随着外公的表情而起伏不定。过了好长时间,外公才把一张写满了字迹的纸递给了马伯伯,马伯伯接过了纸,宛如握住了救命的仙丹,他用发颤的声音说道:“太感谢您了,真不知道该怎么报答您才好。”“嗨老朋友了,还这么见外。帮这点小事,应该的。”过了一会儿,马伯伯该走了。外公忙拉住他的手,说:“等会儿。”说完,他快步走进书房,拿出了一叠东西,放在马伯伯手中,马伯伯一看,原来是一叠钱,马伯伯执意不要,可外公却说:“你家今年收成又不好这点钱算是我的一点心意,以后有困难,尽管来找我。”马伯伯握着钱的手微微地颤抖着,嘴里想说什么却发不出声音。望着眼前这感人的一幕,我的心不禁被触动了,外公的品质是多么高尚啊!他不以专长而肥私,而以助人为乐事,想到这里,外公的身躯不禁在我眼中越来越高大。 外公,他虽然没有干过什惊天动地的大事,没有一身华丽的外表但在他平凡的身躯中,却分明隐含着极不平凡的品质。是啊!外公那助人为乐和嗜书如命的精神,将会筑成心中的一座丰碑,将成为我心中的一座丰碑,将成为我习和敬佩的楷模。


  人生不得恒少年。   把道路指给儿童们。   我们往往能够记住成长中的寂寞,疼痛,却记不住童年时那段透明时光中简单快乐的小幸福。也许就像人说的那样,人往往能记住痛苦,因为痛苦比快乐更为深刻。   童年是理智的睡眠期。   儿童是进入天堂的钥匙。   没有快乐,微笑还在。没有童话,童年还在。   我的心,是一座小城,没有杂乱,没有喧嚷,只有一团薄雾,一阵微风,装着童年的纯真。   没有儿童的地方就没有幸福。   当你回味童年时光,请抱抱我。   儿童的情形,便是将来的命运。   喜欢童话,是因为把它当成了童年。   人生最大的骄傲,就是在成年时实现童年的梦想。   童年经典格言   小时候,希望自己快点长大,长大了,却发现遗失了童年;单身时,开始羡慕恋人的甜蜜,恋爱时,怀念单身时的自由。很多事物,没有得到时总觉得美好,得到之后才开始明白:我们得到的`同时也是在失去。   应该努力使子女有强健的身体,使他们在爱的环境中过和平而且宁静的童年,使他们那种美好的信心尽可能地延长。   所有漂泊的人生都梦想着平静童年杜鹃花,正如所有平静的人生都幻想伏特加乐队和醉生梦死。   儿童的天真和老人的理智是两个季节所结的果实。   孩子们,你们的未来万岁!   人在童年和少年时代,快乐和幸福如果得到的越容易,那么他在成年的生活中就越不懂得什么是真正的幸福。   学习不能超前,更不能速成,否则,孩子无童年,青年无青春,中年无乐趣,老年无安闲。   童年选择理想,青春埋藏理想,成年成就理想。   神等待着人在智慧中重新获得童年。   孩子一开始必须通过对生活的热爱来获得知识,随后他们便会脱离生活去求得知识,再往后,他们又会带着成熟的智慧重返自己更为充实的生活。   牵过的手虽然已经分开,你却和童年一起,永远住在我心里。你快乐就好。   我以为就是圣贤豪杰,也不必自惭他的童年,自惭,倒是一个错误。   童年之所以快乐,只因为不晓得过去,不知道未来。   永远是独一无二不可替代的事物:这是童年的回忆。   童年的雨天最是泥泞,却又是记忆里最干净的曾经。   我会用我的爱心和耐心去关注每个孩子,让他们拥有一个快乐幸福的童年。   童年呵!是梦中的真是真中的梦是回忆时含泪的微笑。   童年的一天一天,温暖而迟慢,正像老棉鞋里面,粉红绒里子上晒着的阳光。   Children like dirt, while their whole body and mind crave forsunshine like flowers.   儿童喜欢尘土,他们的整个身心像花朵一样渴求阳光。(泰戈尔)   I firmly believe, when children know about the world aroundthem, they should understand themselves and be filled with affection of selfapproval. Selfapproval is the mother of selfeducation. Selfesteemis one of the biggest sources of a persons senses of honor, reputation and selfrespect of health.   我坚定地相信,儿童在认识周围世界的同时,应当认识自己,应当充满一种深刻的自我肯定的感情。自我肯定是自我教育之母。自尊感是一个人的荣誉感名誉健康的自爱心的最强大的源泉之一。(苏霍姆林斯基)   Childhood is a period of life reprocess in which human being survives for good.   童年时代是生命在不断再生过程中的一个阶段,人类就是在这种不断的再生过程中永远生存下去的。(萧伯纳)   Childhood is the most wonderful period in ones life, the childthen is a flower,a fruit, dim intelligence, an endless activity and a burstof strong desire.   童年原是一生中最美妙的阶段,那时的孩子是一朵花,也是一颗果子,是一片朦朦胧胧的聪明,一种永远不息的活动,一股强烈的欲望。(巴尔扎克)   I believe sages and heroes should not feel ashamed about theirchildhood. Selfguilt is a fault.(鲁迅)   我以为就是圣贤豪杰,也不必自惭他的童年,自惭,倒是一个错误。   If my childhood can reappear, I will not waste time and l willmake good use of every minute reading.   要是童年的日子能重新回来,那我一定不再浪费光阴,我要把每分每秒都用来读书!(泰戈尔)   If you do not cultivate lively children first, you will never turn out clever persons.   如果你不首先培养活泼的儿童,你就绝不能教出聪明的人来。(卢梭)   Children were not born able to accept the restrictions oflearning.   儿童并不是生来就有接受学习知识的清规戒律的约束的。(泰戈尔)


1.求关于童年的英文小诗 关于童年的英文诗歌篇1 days of my past I recall when I was young oh I will play and always having fun with the neighbour next to me and we"ll play until the setting sun try to be the best among the others in a game call the "spider battle" It doesn"t matter who is the best now Those were the days of my past few years later when I got to school and was late for lesson all the time always day dreaming in the class till I don"t even know the lesson"s done then my teacher always tell me never ever be lazy again what can I do now what can I say now those were the days of my past as the days go on and on I w up and had my first love candel light and sandy beach finally give away my first kiss mather said I was too young to fall in love and then I will one day ret so love was over but I do miss her those were the days of my past just when I left my high school and got my first job in a sales night working hard all day and night no one there to lend a helping hand dady told me not to worry and said that l should go on step by step what can i say now what can I do now those were the days of my past then one day i settled down with the only one I really love got a small family with two kids that is what I"m always hoping for but i still remenber having fun with all my friends when I was young I miss my home town I miss my old friends those the days of my past I miss my home town I miss my old friends when will i see them again 关于童年的英文诗歌篇2 I remember, I remember The house where I was born,, the little window where the sun Came peeping in at morn: He never came a wink too soon, Nor brought too long a day, But now, I often wish the night Had borne my breath away! 我忆起,我忆起 那栋出生时的屋宇 早晨,阳光从小窗中 偷望进去: 他从不早来片刻, 也不多留半晌, 但是现在,我常愿夜晚 带走我的呼吸! I remember, I remember Where I was used to swing and thought the air must rush as fresh To swallows on the wing; My spirit flew in feathers then, That is so heavy now, And summer pools could hardly cool The fever on my brow! 我忆起,我忆起 经常荡秋千的地方 迎面而来的风是如此清爽 飞燕也颇有同感; 昔日意气扬扬的心灵, 现在变得如此沉重, 就是夏日的池水也无法冷却 我额头的热狂。 2.求关于童年的英文小诗 Childhood Banyan tree on the pond Cried at the sound of cicadas in summer Swing on the playground side Only children stopped at the top of the butterfly Teacher"s chalk board Still hard to write a non-stop chatter Waiting for class Waiting for school Wait for the games of childhood Welfare Society has everything Is not a cent in your pocket Ssu and the devil party Who grabbed the sword in the end that sticks The boy next door class How not through my window Mouth of the snacks Cartoon hands First love of childhood heart Always have to wait until bedtime Know only do a little homework Always have to wait until after exams Know the concept has not yet read the book Inch of time is money Said the teacher-inch inch of gold can not buy time Day after day, year after year Stumbled childhood No one knows why General under the sun to the side of the mountain No one can tell me There are no gods lived inside the mountain How many days are always A person facing the sky daze It"s that curious It"s that fantasy Such a lonely childhood Dragonflies fly over the sun Lush, green rice fields Watercolor crayons and a kaleidoscope Painting a rainbow that no side When will the students as high-grade Mature and grow up with Zhang"s face Looking forward to holidays, looking forward to tomorrow Looking forward to his childhood growing up Day after day, year after year Look forward to his childhood growing up 3.有没有关于童年的英文经典语句 If I were a boy again, I would practice perseverance oftener , and never give up a thing because it was hard or inconvenient. If we want light , we must conquer darkness. Perseverance can sometimes equal genius in its results. "there are only two creatures," says a proverb , "who can surmount the pyramids-the eagle and the snail." If I were a boy again , I would school myself into a habit of attention ; I would let nothing come between me and the subject in hand . I would remember that a good skater never tries to skate in two directions at once . the habit of attention becomes part of our life , if we begin early enough . I often hear grown-up people say , "I could not fix my attention on the lecture or book , although I wished to do so , " and the reason is , the habit was not formed in youth. If I were to live my life over again , I would pay more attention to the cultivation of the memory. I would strengthen that faculty by every possible means , and on every possible occasion . it takes a little hard work at first to remember things accurately; but memory soon helps itself , and gives very little trouble . it only needs early cultivation to become a power. If I were a boy again , I would look on the cheerful side . life is very much like a mirror : if you smile upon it , it smiles back upon you ; but if you frown and look doubtful on it , you will get a similar look in return. Inner sunshine warms not only the heart of the owner , but of all that come in contact with it . "who shuts love out , in turn shall be shut from love." If I were a boy again, I would school myself to say “No” oftener. I might write pages on the importance of learning very early in life to gain that point where a young boy can stand erect, and decline doing an unworthy act because it is unworthy. If I were a boy again , I would demand of myself more courtesy towards my companions and friends , and indeed towards strangers as well . the smallest courtesies along the rough roads of life are like the little birds that sing to us all winter long , and make that season of ice and snow more endurable. Finally , instead of trying hard to be happy , as if that were the sole purpose of life , I would , if I were a boy again , try still harder to make others happy. 假如我再回到从前 假如我再回到童年, 我会更多的培养自己的毅力, 决不因为事情艰难或麻烦而放弃不干。 如果我们要光明,我们就得征服黑暗。在产生的结果方面, 毅力往往可以与天才相媲美。 谚语说:“能登上金字塔的生物只有两种--雄鹰与蜗牛。” 假如我再回到童年,我会培养自己专心致志的习惯;一旦手头有事,决不让任何东西使我分心。 我会牢记:一位优秀的溜冰手从不试图同时滑向两个不同的方向。如果及早养成专心致志的习惯, 它就会成为我们生命的一个部分。 我常常听到成年人说:“尽管我希望能集中注意力听演讲后读书,但往往做不到。”其原因就在于年轻时没有养成这种习惯。 假如我能重新活过,我会更加注意培养自己的记忆力。我要采取一切可能的办法,在一切可能的场合,增强记忆力。 要精确地记住一切事物,起初的确要做出一番小小的努力;但用不了多久,记忆力本身就会起作用,使记忆成为轻而易举的事。只需及早培养,记忆自会成为一种才能。 假如我再回到童年,我会凡事都看光明的一面。生活就像一面镜子:你朝它微笑,它也会朝你微笑;但如果你朝它皱眉头,他也会朝你皱眉头;如果你用怀疑的目光看待它, 它也会以同样会议的目光看待你。 内心的阳光不仅温暖了自己的心,同时也温暖了所有跟他接触的人的心。“谁将爱拒之门外,谁就会被爱拒之门外。” 假如我再回到童年,我就要养成经常说“不”的习惯。一个少年要能挺的腰杆,拒绝作不值得做的事--就因为它不值得做。 我可以写上好几页,谈谈早期培养这一点的重要性。 假如我再回到童年,我会要求自己对待同伴和朋友更有礼貌,而且对陌生人也确实如此。 在坎坷的人生道路上,最细小的礼貌犹如在漫长的冬季为我们歌唱的小鸟,使得冰天雪地的严冬变得 较易忍受。 最后,假如我再回到童年,我不会竭力为自己谋幸福--似乎那是人生的唯一目标;与之相反,我会更加努力,让他人幸福。 4.有没有关于童年的英文美文或英文诗 If I were a boy again, I would practice perseverance more often, and never give up a thing because it was or inconvenient. If we want light, we must conquer darkness. Perseverance can sometimes equal genius in its results. "There are only two creatures," says a proverb, "who can surmount the pyramids-the eagle and the snail." If I were a boy again, I would school myself into a habit of attention; I would let nothing come between me and the subject in hand. I would remember that a good skater never tries to skate in two directions at once. The habit of attention becomes part of our life, if we begain early enough. I often hear grown up people say " I could not fix my attention on the sermon or book, although I wished to do so" , and the reason is, the habit was not formed in youth. If I were to live my life over again, I would pay more attention to the cultivation of the memory. I would strengthen that faculty by every possible means, and on every possible occasion. It takes a little hard work at first to remember things accurately; but memory soon helps itself, and gives very little trouble. It only needs early cultivation to become a power. 假如我又回到了童年,我做事要更有毅力,决不因为事情艰难或者麻烦而撒手不干,我们要光明,就得征服黑暗。 毅力在效果上有时能同天才相比。俗话说:"能登上金字塔的生物,只有两种--鹰和蜗牛。 "假如我又回到了童年,我就要养成专心致志的习惯;有事在手,就决不让任何东西让我分心。我要牢记:优秀的滑冰手从不试图同时滑向两个不同的方向。 如果及早养成这种专心致志的习惯,它将成为我们生命的一部分。我常听成年人说:"虽然我希望能集中注意听牧师讲道或读书,但往往做不到。 "而原因就是年轻时没有养成这种习惯。 假如我现在能重新开始我的生命,我就要更注意记忆力的培养。 我要采取一切可能的办法,并且在一切可能的场合,增强记忆力。要正确无误地记住一些东西,在开始阶段的确要作出一番小小的努力;但要不了多久,记忆力本身就会起作用,使记忆成为轻而易举的事,只需及早培养,记忆自会成为一种才能。 5.有没有关于童年的英文诗 Poem by Nikki Giovanni you see, my whole life is tied up to unhappiness it"s father cooking breakfast and me getting fat as a hog or having no food at all and father proving his incompetence again i wish i knew how it would feel to be free it"s having a job they won"t let you work or no work at all castrating me (yes it happens to women too) it"s a sex object if you"re pretty and no love or love and no sex if you"re fat get back fat black woman we a mother grandmother strong thing but not woman gameswoman romantic woman love needer man seeker dick eater sweat getter fuck needing love seeking woman it"s a hole in your shoe and buying lil" sis a dress and her saying you shouldn"t when you know all too well--that you shouldn"t but smiles are only something we give to properly dressed social workers not each other only smiles of i know your game sister which isn"t really a smile joy is finding a pregnant roach and squashing it not finding someone to hold let go get off get back don"t turn me on you black dog how dare you care about me you ain"t got no good sense cause i ain"t shit you must be lower than that to care it"s a filthy house with yesterday"s watermelon and monday"s tears cause true ladies don"t know how to clean it"s intellectual devastation of everybody to avoid emotional commitment "yeah honey i would"ve married him but he didn"t have no degree" it"s knock-kneed mini-skirted wig wearing died blond mama"s scar born dead my scorn your whore rough heeled broken nailed powdered face me whose whole life is tied up to unhappiness cause it"s the only for real thing i know。 6.有没有关于童年的英文诗 Poem by Nikki Giovanni you see, my whole life is tied up to unhappiness it"s father cooking breakfast and me getting fat as a hog or having no food at all and father proving his incompetence again i wish i knew how it would feel to be free it"s having a job they won"t let you work or no work at all castrating me (yes it happens to women too) it"s a sex object if you"re pretty and no love or love and no sex if you"re fat get back fat black woman we a mother grandmother strong thing but not woman gameswoman romantic woman love needer man seeker dick eater sweat getter fuck needing love seeking woman it"s a hole in your shoe and buying lil" sis a dress and her saying you shouldn"t when you know all too well--that you shouldn"t but smiles are only something we give to properly dressed social workers not each other only smiles of i know your game sister which isn"t really a smile joy is finding a pregnant roach and squashing it not finding someone to hold let go get off get back don"t turn me on you black dog how dare you care about me you ain"t got no good sense cause i ain"t shit you must be lower than that to care it"s a filthy house with yesterday"s watermelon and monday"s tears cause true ladies don"t know how to clean it"s intellectual devastation of everybody to avoid emotional commitment "yeah honey i would"ve married him but he didn"t have no degree" it"s knock-kneed mini-skirted wig wearing died blond mama"s scar born dead my scorn your whore rough heeled broken nailed powdered face me whose whole life is tied up to unhappiness cause it"s the only for real thing i know。 7.有没有关于童年的诗 Have you seen my childhood I"m searching for the world that I come from "Cause I"ve been looking around In the lost and found of my heart No one understands me They view it as strange eccentricities "Cause I keep kidding around Like a child, but pardon me People say I"m not okay "Cause I love such elementary things It"s been my fate to compensate For the childhood I"ve never know Have you seen my childhood I"m searching for that wonder in my youth Like pirates and adventurous dreams Of conquest and kings on the throne Before you judge me Try hard to love me Look within your heart, then ask Have you seen my childhood People say I"m strange that way "Cause I love such elementary things It"s been my fate to compensate for the childhood (childhood), I"ve never know Have you seen my childhood I"m searching for that wonder in my youth Like fantastical stories to share The dreams I would dare watch me fly Before you judge me Try hard to love me The painful youth I"ve had Have you seen my childhood 8.有没有关于童年的英文美文或者英文诗 经典译文:假如我又回到了童年 If I were a BoIf I were a boy again, I would practice perseverance more often, and never give up a thing because it was or inconvenient. If we want light, we must conquer darkness. Perseverance can sometimes equal genius in its results. “There are only two creatures,” says a proverb, “who can surmount the pyramids—the eagle and the snail.” y Again


每个人都有一个童年,而童年趣事也就像海边那各色各样的贝壳,在海水的陪伴下闪闪发光,散发着五颜六色的光彩,数都数不完.而如今我的手上还握着那一颗最闪光的贝壳,那也正是我最难忘的一件童年趣事. 记得小时侯,我家院子里种着一棵和我出生时一起种的桔树,我经常拿小刀在树干上刻了个记号,天天去测量自己是否长高.看着一条条横线,我真盼望快快长高.有一天,我忽然发现自己比那记号矮了。天啊!难道我倒着长了?我心里害怕极了,连忙跑去问妈妈:"妈妈,为什么别的小伙伴都长高了,我怎么变矮了?"妈妈忙放下身边的活,把我放在椅子上问:"为什么这么说啊!"我忙跳下椅子,拉住妈妈的手,把她拉到院子里指着说:"我天天用小刀在树上刻我的身高,可是我今天来刻却在以前刻的横线下面了."我边说边在树上指出那两条横线.妈妈听了我的话,又看了看树,沉默了两分钟后就莫名其妙的大笑起来,笑得都直不起腰来,眼泪都出来,拍了拍傻呆呆看着她的我的头说:"傻瓜,不是你矮了,是树高了,以后可别做这种傻事喽。”我恍然大悟,原来不是我矮了,而是树高了.之后我又高高兴兴去找小鸡玩耍,真不知道自己又会对小鸡干出什么傻事....... 哈哈!有趣吧!我的童年就是这样,傻事趣事一箩筐.像给雪娃娃洗澡,剃眉毛……也正是那么多趣事,傻事组成那七彩的童年,欢乐的童年,令人留恋的童年。虽然这段金色时光正慢慢离我远去,我已不那么傻,我相信童年趣事一定会成为我人生中最美的回忆.

【阳炎】kano kido seto童年到底分别经历了什么



邓一君 英文名 Tang Yat Kwan, John Tang 中文名 邓一君 生日日期 1976/10/24 星座 天蝎座 身高 170cm 喜爱食物 甜品 入行年龄 9 岁 入行经过 由小学音乐老师推廌,报考港台儿童节目 (港台教育电视) 第一部电影 纵横四海 首次执导电影 阿丘 TV SERIES/剧集 RTHK 香港电台电视部: (1986~1991) 教育电视, 音乐小豆芽, CYC (1993) 骄阳岁月之山丘上的树 (1994) 人间有情之窗 (2002) 几许风雨- 再见骄阳- 饰: 冲 TVB 无线电视翡翠台: (1995) 5个醒觉的少年- 饰: 高伟 (1996) 灭罪先锋 (1997) 美味天王- 饰: 林小丁 大澳的天空 (1998) 几烈火雄心- 饰: 刘海宝 宠物情缘- 饰: 欧子龙 (1999) 几倚天屠龙记- 饰: 少年张无忌 刑事侦缉档案Ⅳ-饰: 武杰 缘份无边界 状王宋世杰(贰)- 饰: 同治皇帝 (2000) 金装4大才子- 饰: 华文武 陀枪师姐II-神童(童家辉) (2001) 陀枪师姐 III- 饰: 神童 酒是故乡醇- 饰: 谷丰收 寻秦记- 饰: 李小超 勇往直前- 饰: 郭炳安 (2002) 红衣手记- 饰: 徐健康 洛神- 饰: 曹睿 戆夫成龙- 饰: 江荣 卫斯理- 饰: 胡说 (2003) 九五至尊 关西大少- 饰: 朱谦 MOVIES/电影(1991) 踪横4海 (1992) 记得...香蕉成熟时 (1993) 抢钱夫妻 (1994) 记得...香蕉成熟时II- 初恋情人 (1995) 暴雨骄阳 (1996) 怪谈协会 (1997) 记得...香蕉成熟时III- 为你钟情 (1998) 阴阳路五之一见发财 (1999) 流星语 (2000) 借黑钱 (2001) 黑暗时代之无证妓女 (2002) 骑呢特工 (2003) 只眼开只眼闭 CM/广告(1990) MENTOS 万乐珠 SCHWEPPES 玉泉气水 LOTTE ICE CREAM 乐天雪米磁 (1994) MENTOS SWEET MARIE CHOCOLATE 甜心玛莉朱古力 广播剧 (2002) 出租男人- 饰: Timmothy 评点:一张娃娃脸,在吴启华《倚天屠龙记》中饰演少年张无忌,有人认为如果这部片子不如让他一直演下去会更好,毕竟吴启华也不年轻了。他还在《刑事侦缉档案4》中出演了宣萱的弟弟,在《烈火雄心》中出演了古天乐的那个弱智弟弟,《洛神》中最后一集出演皇帝,出现几分钟而已。相信由于形象的缘故,他出演反派的几率不会太大。他好像也做过主角,好像是《都市真情》吧,现在基本上没机会了吧。 发展方向:听闻他的发展方向是在幕后,我认为倒也不错,这么久都没红,是应该考虑了,也许他在幕后的表现会更好 表现最好:《倚天屠龙记》 演技指数:★★★★☆ 可塑性:★★★☆ 发展潜力:★★★★☆ 他在<<赣夫成龙>>中也扮演做饼小子,现在正在拍<<情迷黑森林>>


是否还怀念童年的自己——小恩俊歌词:NANANA眼睛一闭又一睁童年就过去了 哈 NANANA眼睛一闭又没睁这辈子过去了 哈 NANANA眼睛一闭又一睁童年就过去了 哈 NANANA眼睛一闭又没睁这辈子过去了 哈 九零年出生来到这个年代 爸妈说我当时样子有点奇怪 小时候的玩偶现在还在收藏 对于那时的关心确实有点彷徨 小的时候我们都能期待长大 一直都觉得有自己的想法 到头来还是发现没有变化 这就是童年 单纯没有牵挂 六点的动画片现在还没忘记 得不到的东西总是自己哭泣 小时候的梦想是要快快长大 现在才发现长大时多么可怕 突然发现自己身边再也没有玩伴 朋友都结婚了 或者 还在加班 挚爱的玩具 也都换成科技高端 什么时候 我们再能回到简单 NANANA眼睛一闭又一睁童年就过去了 哈 NANANA眼睛一闭又没睁这辈子过去了 哈 NANANA眼睛一闭又一睁童年就过去了 哈 NANANA眼睛一闭又没睁这辈子过去了 哈小朋友你一定要听妈妈的话 等你长大也可以像我一样黑怕 千万不要向女生放电 因为你的性格没有那么随便 要记得 不能太早步入成年 大人的事情 会浪费很多时间 还要记得 妈妈和外婆的挂念 每天按时回家 早晨多多锻炼 不要嫌弃家人对你的啰嗦 可能这些话能改变你的生活 朋友要问你为什么听这首歌 你要告诉他因为我会变的独特 要记得 不要盲目追星 长大后的你 也许可能比他还行 去学校的路上 带上你的随身听 唱thugs 的歌 让你变成精英 哎 你干啥去? 不知道呢 你干啥去? 他们叫我去凤凰山呢 凤凰山?干啥去多远啊 你吃饭了么 没吃呢 内个你跟我们玩会去吧回来再吃吧 不中(行)我们家肯定说我 那咋办啊 要不好好说说 咋说啊 我说玩去? 恩呢 你都说说去吧 咱们一大帮人都等着呢 不是我也不忒想去 要不我帮你说说去吧 我懒得去 去吧 不想去 去吧我跟你说我买好吃的了 我不想吃东西 那你想吃啥? 有妞子么? 哈哈哈哈···· NANANA眼睛一闭又一睁童年就过去了 哈 NANANA眼睛一闭又没睁这辈子过去了 哈 NANANA眼睛一闭又一睁童年就过去了 哈 NANANA眼睛一闭又没睁这辈子过去了 哈 NANANA眼睛一闭又一睁童年就过去了 哈 NANANA眼睛一闭又没睁这辈子过去了 哈



木制火车游戏Tracks - The Train Set Game 完成童年的铁路世界梦想

大家小时候是否曾经有过一个梦想,就是在家里构筑一个超大的火车铁轨系统?小虎以前很喜欢玩火车玩具,常常都会把塑胶铁轨架得家里到处都是,然后启动火车头玩具,看着它四处在家里奔驰跑着,就会觉得自己也在跟着火车头跑,仿佛像是火车旅行一样。 现在Steam上面有一款游戏《Tracks-TheTrainSetGame》,可以用小时候最爱的木头火车,架构出属于自己的火车世界!里面的素材相当多样,除了火车与铁道之外,还有像是各式建筑物、栅栏、标示牌、喷水池、花草树木等等,全都可以由自己来搭配,你可以像以前小时候玩玩具一样,搭建出你心中想要的铁路系统。 ▲《Tracks-TheTrainSetGame》的游戏宣传影片,可以看到除了第三人称之外,游戏也有第一人称视点的影片。让玩家过足自架火车系统的瘾。 ▲在自己的家中布满火车轨道!这不就是许多大孩子们小时候最想完成的梦想吗? ▲游戏中有许多物件都可以使用,包括建筑物、栅栏、轨道等等,玩家可以自己随意搭配。 ▲游戏中也有一些任务,必须要玩家考虑到乘客的使用率和载客量等等周边规划,善用巧思构筑出一个让大众都喜爱的运输系统吧! 游戏目前才刚上架,价格只要不到新台币300元,有兴趣的朋友可以上Steam瞧瞧喔!




My father has passed away because of cholera. Young I lean close to the grandmother at one"s side tightly , weep be afraid of and look at discomposedly as well mother. Be really that the child that excessive trouble never comes singly , grieved mothers just give birth to has also died young. Have seemed what to have no anymore being able to be reluctant to leave. Finish handling everything , our following grandmother and mother by boat go to grandfather of Buddhist nun day Buddhist nun family. Grandmother is kindly but good and honest person. She talks about batch of words is kind , both happy, and fluent. Starting from Day I seeing her, I have been close friends with her. In on board, she is told a story by me. Sound is very low , very mysterious, she bends down the body down moving closer my face, the son who opens big eyeballs pays attention to a field be looking at my eye , instilling a kind of right away as if in the heart to me uses my strength inspired with enthusiasm. Every time can, she talk is over , I always demand: "Say one again"! "All right, graceful Liao sand ". She promises always forthrightly. Grandfather family has arrived at. The adult disregarding this is still child , I all dislike, I think that self is a stranger among them. Making me no delighted specially is grandfather ", I smell animosity immediately "on him. Grandfather fog of the passionate enmity between person and person is filling the air at home, the adult has all been being poisoned enmity"s , even child is participating in a portion enthusiastically. And grandfather has run dyehouse , two uncles have laboured also in dyehouse, have employed a few farm labourers hired by the year. Mother"s arrival, makes two uncles need to break up the family and live apart being worrying about that her portion that can belong to them along originally belong to mark family possessions, stirs up disturbance in thereupon just. I think that grandfather"s temperament is very bad; Always, he makes fun of person , bullies person disregarding whose speech to compose in reply,the being vigorous laying bare out challenge, does one"s utmost to make the other party angry. Have come to the block of wood several day, grandfather compels right away let me learn to pray. I have delayed before long, a meal of grandfather whips. Adults make cloth become angry ingenious , this makes me feel full of fun , think that I just put into when dyeing a barrel a piece of the tablecloth border, farm labourer hired by the year puncture vine ridge in family dashing to over , arrests me. Even grandmother cries in fear one starting crying even. I know having got into trouble. Grandfather shoves grandmother"s obstructing aside in the evening that very day, me is carried in breast Deng Shang to strong point. My beard struggling in one"s hands , pulling him in him, bites his finger. This uses him furor, listens to such that he cries roughly especially: "Tie up! Beat him to death! ... ,"" I have lost consciousness , have proceed to have fallen ill one bend over bed to go ahead having lain several day. That several day falling ill for, is my significant a lifetime day. Within these days, I have grown very quick presumedly , have had and one kind of especially different feeling. From getting up at that time, I am keeping discomposed state of mind in mind observers, as if I in the heart exoderm has been torn off by person , this heart becomes thereupon, right away to all humiliation and agony, disregarding being self or others, sensitiveness being hard to bear. The puncture vine me to inspect with the ridge , has been whip scar all on the arm, this is that he stay to arrest grandfather"s tree brief informal note. He comforts me unceasingly , tells to lighten pained method when I suffer beating again and. The young fellow puncture vine ridge has a remarkable skill the good technology dyeing cloth. Two uncles all prepare self coming untied in the future dye moment visiting, with puncture vine Gangla go by. They are afraid that he does not follow , worry about three grandfathers and puncture vine Gangkaidi dyehouse. Grandfather has perceived their crafty plot , has teased them intentionally saying he needs to give puncture vine ridge to buy a certificate exempt from service remitting military service , he needs the puncture vine ridge most although being able to spend many money. This cannot but have made two uncles hold back completely full of gas. Grandfather has not thought what his this joke implies to puncture vine ridge more. Elegant the wife of mother"s brother just passes away anniversary uncles Rangcigang goes to cemetery in that day, being carrying the heavy cross on the back. While old artisan Geligaoli in our and family speaks joyfully, hear outside a fit epigastric upset suddenly. It truns out that uncles be back , the puncture vine ridge has lain in ground, on one"s body bloodstream needs many. Elegant uncle just says: "He has fallen , has been pressed, have squashed on arriving at back of the human body ". "Be that you smash him to death" Geligaoli shuts the sound field saying. "Even if well, ,"" At this time, grandfather has come to , his point has sent son to chirp to roar saying: "A group of jackal and wolve! I know he is your thorn in self"s flesh, ... Alas "! ... ... The young fellow puncture vine ridge has been soundless and motionless , the field has been laid mine away by person lethe. Grandmother often prays to God , tells God from the begining to the end with housework. I often beg her to say God"s story. She appears affable as soon as saying up God , Heaven , angel,; Face can"t become especially warm brilliant rays young , the moist eye reveals. One day, she is going down on one"s knees praying , grandfather comes in abruptly, hoarse throat shouts a road: "Have caught fire "! "Pardon me "! Grandmother gives a cry , the takeoff body comes, face a hall running going to. "With the ikon take off come! Wear clothes for child"! Grandmother is shutting out the voice of the staunch conductor severely , grandfather is howling but only in a low voice to weep. I have been badly scared being gazing at a flame , have been seeing that grandmother top of the head leaves a bag empty only , have been wrapping the horse quilt on one"s body , have charged the flaming building of conflagration, at the same time have cried out: "Sulfate , confused eggs! Sulfate will explode, ,"" Among stunned being in people right away, she the smoking field has been getting out all over , is carrying one barrels of sulfate in breast. She bustles about within the yard , anywhere has something to arrive at there right away , somebody all listens to her command, what the thing also escapes but her eye. Fire has been extinguished. I am in a rush and a muddle like just wanting to fall asleep , to resemble in the room to catch fire , wife of mother"s brother Na Taliya needs to have given birth to a child. I come off to crawling on heatable brick bed , just drag along to uncle at one"s side, he seizes my foot suddenly , put forth self"s strength one play, I fall on the floor. "Bad egg", I cannot help condemning him. He jumps to one"s feet , me is seized , roars saying: "Fall you to death"! I have come to over , knowledge Daonataliya wife of mother"s brother difficult labour has died. In being felt and at heart bulging in valley get up; I am member of this what in the room sees that , am an upper winter main street load fleet as if, slowly all has been crushed from my on one"s body go by, ... When being in spring, uncles have broken up the family and lived apart: Elegant but just keep in the city, Mihayier move to river opposite bank, grandfather has bought big one houses. Make the full house living tenant of institute suffer, grandfather keeps one big upstairs rooms giving self the guest who lives and receives, I and grandmother live on the cockloft. Grandfather gets up also kind and gentle to me sometimes, when state of mind is good though being him, since I am also more and more few. He teaches me learning how to read , being told a story by me even. But he talks most probably be his past history, with difference that grandmother says. But, our calmness has been broken very quickly. Evening one day, has been elegant but uncle has just come, criticize the Mihayier uncle being drunk , criticize and the Mihayi son uncle claiming to be going "father"s beard to be pulled off , to be kill him "! Grandfather"s face




雨中百合 中日语都有吧 这歌




1.英文版的高尔基的童年介绍 The Childhood of Maxim Gorky (Detstvo Gorkovo) was the first of Russian director Mark Donski"s trilogy based upon Gorky"s memoirs. Alexei Lyarsky plays the young Maxim, who grows up under the czarist regime with his grandparents as guardians. Continually demeaned by his martinet grandfather, Maxim is drawn to his warm-hearted grandmother (Varvara Massalitinova), who instills in him the willingness to pursue his writing muse. Gorky"s (and Donski"s) deep abiding love for Russia is conveyed through the film"s remarkably romanticist landscape shots along the Volga River, which cry out for Technicolor. The Childhood of Maxim Gorky was followed over the next two years by My Apprenticeship (aka Out in the World), which detailed Gorky"s life as a ship"s cook and erstwhile painter, and My Universities. ~ Hal Erickson, All Movie Guide Review 这个是Erickson写的电影介绍,、写得听复杂、 不要抄、要学学他介绍这个故事的 例如:先介绍什么、再介绍什么、 咱要去睡觉了-,.- 没帮你找多少、 去上 外国的网站会有更多外国书籍的资料、 2.高尔基的《童年》英文简介 1926. Maxim Gorky, pseudonym of Alexei Maksimovich Peshkov, Soviet novelist, playwright and essayist, who was a founder of social realism. Although known principally as a writer, he was closely associated with the tumultuous revolutionary period of his own country. My Childhood, the first volume of Gorky"s autobiographical trilogy, was in part an act of exorcism. It describes a life begun in the raw, remembered with extraordinary charm and poignancy and without bitterness. Of all Gorky"s books this is the one that made him the father of Russian literature. See other titles by this author available from Kessinger Publishing。 3.高尔基的《童年》英文简介 童年英文介绍如下: My Childhood, the first volume of Gorky"s autobiographical trilogy, was in part an act of exorcism. It describes a life begun in the raw, remembered with extraordinary charm and poignancy and without bitterness. Of all Gorky"s books this is the one that made him the father of Russian literature. 下面补充作者高尔基介绍: 1926. Maxim Gorky, pseudonym of Alexei Maksimovich Peshkov, Soviet novelist, playwright and essayist, who was a founder of social realism. Although known principally as a writer, he was closely associated with the tumultuous revolutionary period of his own country. 4.英文版的高尔基的童年介绍 The Childhood of Maxim Gorky (Detstvo Gorkovo) was the first of Russian director Mark Donski"s trilogy based upon Gorky"s memoirs. Alexei Lyarsky plays the young Maxim, who grows up under the czarist regime with his grandparents as guardians. Continually demeaned by his martinet grandfather, Maxim is drawn to his warm-hearted grandmother (Varvara Massalitinova), who instills in him the willingness to pursue his writing muse. Gorky"s (and Donski"s) deep abiding love for Russia is conveyed through the film"s remarkably romanticist landscape shots along the Volga River, which cry out for Technicolor. The Childhood of Maxim Gorky was followed over the next two years by My Apprenticeship (aka Out in the World), which detailed Gorky"s life as a ship"s cook and erstwhile painter, and My Universities. ~ Hal Erickson, All Movie Guide Review这个是Erickson写的电影介绍,、写得听复杂、不要抄、要学学他介绍这个故事的格式>例如:先介绍什么、再介绍什么、咱要去睡觉了-,.- 没帮你找多少、去上 外国的网站会有更多外国书籍的资料、。 5.高尔基《童年》中的经典名句 俄国 高尔基《童年》中的经典句子: 1、青春是一个普通的名称,它是幸福美好的,但它也是充满着艰苦的磨炼。 2、一个做主角的非有天才不可。可是天才在于自信,在于自己的力量。 3、如果你不认得路,又如何替别人引路呢? 4、时间是最公平合理的,它从不多给谁一份,勤劳者能叫时间留给串串的果实,懒惰者时间留予他们一头白发,两手空空。 5、一个人追求的目标越高,他的才力就发展得越快,对社会就越有益。我确信这也是一个真理。 6、要热爱书,它会使你的生活轻松:它会友爱地来帮助你了解纷繁复杂的思想情感和事件:它会教导你尊重别人和你自己:它以热爱世界热爱人类的情感来鼓舞智慧和心灵。 7、人应该装饰的是心灵,不是肉体。 8、一切出色的东西都是朴素的,它们之令人倾倒,正是由于自己的富有智慧的朴素。 9、每一本书是一级小阶梯,我每爬上一级,就更脱离兽性而上升到人类,更接近美好生活的观念,更热爱这本书。 10、一个人应该在自己灵魂深处树立一根标杆,从而把自己个性中与众不同的东西汇集在他的周围,显示出自己鲜明的特点。


杰瑞米. 米勒(Jeremy Miller)——国籍:美国职业:演员对于杰瑞米.米勒来说,作一个儿童演员最糟糕的事情就是他每年必须离开电视里的一家人。 “每次一个季度的拍摄结束时,他都会哭鼻子。”电视剧里的妈妈乔安娜说。直到现在,米勒还为《成长的烦恼》的结束感到哀伤。“我最怀念的就是大家那种亲密的关系。”他说。不过,在拍摄电视剧的时候,米勒最怀念的还是做一个普通孩子的那份自由——为此,他不得不乔装打扮一番才出门。“有那么两年时间,我有点儿野。我到处参加聚会,到处寻求冒险刺激。”米勒也曾经尝试着到大学去读书,但只呆了一年就被迫辍学了。“我有注意力集中性缺陷,所以坐在教室里读书并不适合我。”   现在,尽管还是喜欢玩人赌注的扑克游戏以及“带上十来个朋友一起大吃大喝,直到信用卡爆掉”。但米勒的生活安分多了。他平时住在加利福尼亚的家里,多半时间用来照顾他的两个同母异父弟弟——11岁的亚当和8岁的坦纳。当年演《成长的烦恼》挣来的积蓄花得差不多了,因此米勒说他现在“非常渴望重新开始表演”,而且最近他已经拍了一部名为《星际运输》(Space Trucking)的科幻预告片。除了表演之外,他也酝酿着别的计划。“我祖母是个厨子,她教过我怎么烹任,”米勒说,“我想有一天我会开一家餐馆,一家意大利烤肉店。这就是我的愿望。”——他说话的口气还像那个淘气可爱的本。 韩语姓名:453768中文译名:崔宇革 (另译崔优赫)生日:1985年10月28日血型:B型身高/体重:176cm/60kg家庭成员:爸、妈、一个弟弟 兴趣:电动游戏,阅读 kaw 专长:爵士钢琴演奏 理想型女友:谈得来的 主要作品:【电视剧】《诱惑》《我们曾经相爱过吗?》《王兴妃》《万江》《周末精选连续剧》《蓝色生死恋》《玻璃鞋》【电影】 《七恶童》《想去那个岛》《我的野蛮女老师》



《童年》《听妈妈的话》《hot shot》《秘密基地》《感恩的心》串词

每个人都有一个美好的童年,下面让我们一起欣赏《童年》。你经常惹妈妈生气么?那么,让我们来学学怎样《听妈妈的话》。感叹一下《hot shot》。每个人都有自己的小秘密,欣赏《秘密基地》。人要常怀感恩的心,一起欣赏《感恩的心》。


1.童年2.朴树的歌 比如 生如夏花3.许巍


演唱:张艾嘉池塘边的榕树上 知了在声声叫着夏天 操场边的秋千上只有蝴蝶停在上面 黑板上老师的粉笔 还在拼命叽叽喳喳写个不停等待着下课等待着放学 等待游戏的童年 福利社里面什么都有就是口袋里没有半毛钱 诸葛四郎和魔鬼党 到底谁抢到那支宝剑隔壁班的那个女孩 怎么还没经过我的窗前 嘴里的零食手里的漫画心里初恋的童年 总是要等到睡觉前 才知道功课只做了一点点总是要等到考试后 才知道该念的书都没有念 一寸光阴一寸金老师说过寸金难买寸光阴 一天又一天一年又一年 迷迷糊糊的童年没有人知道为什么 太阳总下到山的那一边 没有人能够告诉我山里面有没有住着神仙 多少的日子里总是 一个人面对着天空发呆就这么好奇就这么幻想 这么孤单的童年 阳光下蜻蜓飞过来一片片绿油油的稻田 水彩蜡笔和万花筒 画不出天边那一条彩虹什么时候才能像高年级的同学 有张成熟与长大的脸 盼望着假期盼望着明天盼望长大的童年 一天又一天一年又一年 盼望长大的童年


1. 英语作文 童年的快乐 A Pleasant Memory of My Childhood I am already 18 years old, but the memory of my childhood is still like an unfettable sweet dream. One day, all my family went to climb a mountain. There father told my elder sister and me that the first one to get to the top of the mountain would be given a toy. Hearing this, we began to run up. At first I kept ahead, but a few minutes later my sister was ahead of me. However, I didn"t give up. That toy attracted me to run forward, In the end I reach ed the top first. On the top we enjoyed the beautiful scenery and had a picnic. At dusk, we went down the mountain happily. I was the happiest one, because I not only got a toy train but also knew that one shouldn"t give up readily.。 2. 讲述童年的一件事 英文作文 When I was ten years old, my parents took me to Beidaihe during the summer vacation. It took us o hours to get there by bus. It was hot and sunny that day. We walked on the clean beach and picked up beautiful shells. Then we landed on a famer boat to go fishing with them. The fresh air and the beautiful seagulls made me very happy. After that we caught the crabs on the beach. It was my first time to catch the crabs that I felt very happy and exiting. We ate lots of different sea food that day. Although I was tired, I felt happy and I really had a good time.。 3. 十分 希望你用的上I was not a *** art girl when I was young. From my grandfather, even to my mom, there is nobody like me in my big family. 小的时候我并不是一个聪明的女孩。 我们的大家庭,从爷爷甚至到我的妈妈,喜欢我的人并不多,如果严格点来说吧,可能没有一个人喜欢我的。I had started to learn how to wash-up, cleaning the floors of our house was my job during a cold winter when I was at 6 years. My mom spoke to me and said that it is the right time for me to try and be an independent girl from that moment on.在很冷的一个冬天里我学会了洗碗,洗衣服,打扫地板,一些力所能及的小家务活,学着独立了。 那一年我还只是个6岁的孩子。 Common looking, a poor performer in studies, that seemed to be my spot in childhood。 Chinese parents never allow their children to dream freely. What they wish instead is for them imagine less & studying harder. A 100% mark is their proud goal, which is something they could proudly talk about wherever they go & to whomever they meet. 长相平凡成绩差,是我的特质,这似乎就成了我童年的一个污点。中国的父母其实并不是很开通,他们总是希望孩子能少点幻想多多学习,100分就是让他们骄傲的资本。 他们快乐的源泉来自于那个可以让他们走到哪都可以拿出来炫耀的分数。 But I was so different from the others. I"d never been in any kindergarten before going to primary school. The teacher rejected me when my mom took me to the entrance of the kindergarten. Maybe they could see that I am a strange girl at that time. My mom argued with them for me, but got nothing in return. My strange dress just made me look like an ugly monkey. The antique clothes were made from my mom"s old clothes. Though I did envy the other children, dressed in a tight clean uniform, dancing & singing with the teachers in a bright big room, I couldn"t join them. I developed a great inferiority plex, no talking, no *** iling, no playing, no joking, anything too funny didn"t concern me. But I really didn"t fancy being left alone. I had just fotten how to express my feelings, my thoughts, what I liked & what I wished for. 我跟别的孩子不一样,没有去过我们那个小城里的幼儿园读过。 也许一开始他们就看出我是个奇怪的孩子,所以他们拒绝了我。为此我妈妈和他们吵了一架。 但最后还是不了了之。我奇怪的衣着让我看起来像一只丑丑的猴子,那是用妈妈的旧衣服改成的。 尽管我很羡慕那个幼儿园里面的小朋友能穿着很整齐漂亮的衣服,每天都能在宽大明亮的房间里开心地跟着老师学歌跳舞,但我还是不能加入它们。我变得更加特别,不爱说话,不爱谈笑,对任何的玩乐打闹都没有兴趣。 但我并不是像这样的。我只是忘了如何去表达我的感觉,我的想法,我喜欢什么,我希望做什么。 我把自己埋没在一片麻木中。 I was a quiet girl with a rebellious temper. I paid little attention in my classes, only confining myself to my imagination and other ties. Like drawing in my Chinese class or reading a story book during Math class. Teachers were so angry that they don"t know what to say. For them, teaching a naughty student is better than teaching a quiet student who refuses to abide by the dictates of or resists adherence to a group. 我安静的性格隐匿着反叛。 我不喜欢专心的上课,总是喜欢幻想,上语文课的时候我喜欢画画,上数学课的时候我在看语文书,但我不吵不闹,只是喜欢安静的做一些与所上的课程不符的事情,老师们气得不知如何是好。对于她们来说,一个调皮的学生比一个安静却喜欢做独行侠的学生好对付多了。 其实我并不是不怕她们,只是当时的我是个不懂得如何表达自己的小孩而己。 Examinations are the only way to determine whether students study hard or not. The more you give, the more you get. The meaning of a good student is usually directly related to their score. I was not the teacher"s favorite pupil because I had never got a 100% mark, only failing my examinations every time. I began to cry when I would get the exams papers with a shameful mark. Teachers were greatly troubled about my behavior. I cried, not because of the shameful scores, just afraid of my mom"s face. 在中国,考试是学生们的考验。 分数是学生们付出的回报。努力地越多,分数自然越高。 好学生的定义往往是直接与分数挂上钩的。在所有人眼中我不是个好学生,因为我从来没有拿过一次100分。 而且连所谓的及格60分也没拿到,让老师们头疼的是,每次发试卷的时候,我总会拿着自己的那挂了红的试卷在课堂上放声大哭。老师们为此烦透了,最后不得不妥协,每次考试评卷后总是先评讲,到放学的时候再发试卷,这样就会减少了些许影响力。 每次我总是哭累了,就拿着试卷回家。我哭并不是因为羞愧,而是害怕妈妈那黑的脸和竹鞭落下的痛感。 Crying, Scores & those antique clothes remain in my mind as my childhood 。 4. 写一篇关于童年的事用英语怎么写 In my childhood, filled with a lot of interesting young Fun, will not help laughing sometimes question that all of us should ask.One thing that made me worry a new memory.I remember that during the last one year when Sunday morning, I was sitting fortably on the sofa and watch television with relish.Inadvertently, I saw on television a chicken farm in the chicken, all kinds, colors, yellow, white, a very lovely.Small brain, the eyes turn round Liuliu stop, coupled with the hairy body, especially elicit people like.I felt I needed to have an idea of buying a handful of chick-let.Mom in the kitchen cooking, I went to my mother around grinning, and said : "Mother, father to father, I have bought a few chicks!Overtime, it will give you time to buy, ah? "I have a lot of pouting and said :" I really hate! "You know they collapsed on the sofa again, a second time to have passed.Suddenly, I scare up, the refrigerator is not the egg?I think about while talking to himself on, do it!Won o eggs through the refrigerator. "Hen hatching chicks depending on the temperature of the eggs were hatched to, if I were to the hatching, eggs are being squeezed easily broken.Of the usually like my mother always said that his father"s body stove, the father"s quilt is definitely hot. "I think that the father was an egg carefully into the yard, and patiently wait for the birth of her chicks.Dad back, the storm will soon have to open their eyes, into a bedroom, opened quilts, sleeping only heard the father was not named soon, I immediately went past, and my father was out of paper shining his pants.I Wuzhuozui secretly *** iled, and her mother came running over and down the back of the skull.Dad angry and said : "Dzodzo, is not a good thing you do? "I will detail in the dark to tell the parents.We all laughed, and her mother rubbed my *** all brain : "dumb children, no eggs were hatched chicks! "My eyes what we sway.How interesting to me!It made me understand a profound truth : that people should not blindly do, but after careful thought, and action.。 5. 一片英语作文童年快乐.(70个单词的). My ChildhoodMy Childhood I"d like to tell you something about my childhood. When I was six years old, I was a lovely girl! One day, my father saw some fish in the river, so he asked me, “Why can fish only live in water?” I thought about it, then I gave him the answer, “Because there are some cats on the bank.” My father laughed when he heard that. Then he said, “You are *** art!” I was happy to hear that. Maybe you will say, “It"s a funny answer.” Now, I think, it is very interesting. And now I am *** art. My parents love me very much. I am so happy to have that childhood 6. 求英文文章一篇:一件童年记忆深刻的事 童年是快乐的,是无忧无虑的,小时候,一块糖,一只蝴蝶能让我们高兴很久。那时侯,天天与小溪、大树为伴。在春天,我和伙伴们在一起春游;在夏天,我们,在一起游泳;在秋天,我们在一起野炊;在冬天,我们一起堆雪人、打雪仗……时间过的真快,转眼间我们已经上了学,天天繁重的作业让我们没有时间去玩耍,以后参加工作,可能就把童年给忘的一干二尽了,所以珍惜童年这短暂而美好的生活吧! happy childhood is carefree, childhood, a piece of sugar, a butterfly will give us a long time glad. at that time, hou, and streams every day, with a tree for.in the spring, i and partners with spring; in the summer, we swim together; in the fall, we picnic together; in the winter, we were snowmen, snowball fights 。 。 the time off really fast, a blink of an eye we have on school, work hard every day so that we do not have time to play, after participating in the work of childhood might be worked to fet the second best, so this short-term value of childhood and a better life! 7. 童年趣事英语作文80字带翻译 I think childhood is the happiest period in life, because there are few troubles and worries at that time. The only thing we worry about is our study. Therefore, it"s a time for fun and enjoyment. In my memory, my childhood was colorful and interesting. I was born in the countryside, and I didn"t have many toys, just like other kids in my hometown. But as a creative group, we could always make a lot of toys by ourselves, which need no money at all.。 8. 英语作文,童年最难忘的事 My Childhood My childhood has gone and can never e back. Yet I still cannot fet the happy clay figures when I was a little boy and was a prince in the family. My family was not rich, but as there were only o of us in the family, my younger sister and I, we natually became our parents" treasures. I will never fet the evenings when, after supper, we sat down together and begged our parents to tell us stories. How I liked those tales told by my mother. I also remember the days when I fell sick and had to be confined to bed. My parents were then the most unhappy persons in the world. There would be no more fairy tales to be told and the whole family would lose its cheerfulness until I got well gagin. The recollection of my childhood is like a dream. It can never be recovered. I will remember it forever. It is appropriate that we should have a special day for you. 我的童年我的童年已经消失了,不会再回来了。但我仍然不能忘记快乐泥人当我是个小男孩,是在家庭的王子。我的家庭并不富裕,但只有我们两人在家,我和我的妹妹,我们自然而然地成为我父母的宝藏。我永远不会忘记这个夜晚,晚饭后,我们一起坐了下来,向我们的父母告诉我们的故事。我多么喜欢这些故事告诉我的母亲。我还记得当时我病倒了,不得不卧床。我的父母当时世界上最难过的人。将不会有更多的童话故事被告知,整个家庭将失去快乐,直到我得到好塞住。我童年的回忆就像是一个梦。它永远不能恢复。我会永远记住它。这是适当的,我们应该有一个特别的日子为你。 好像有点多 9. 英文写作 以《童年的快乐和痛苦》(The Pleasures and Pains of Child Childhood is a good time.Children with parents care, live a carefree life.Children don"t have to think what to do later every day, every day you can watch TV, play games.You can play with friends. Childhood is also have the pain of childhood.Childhood time is short and beautiful childhood passed quickly, can"t have been out in the happiness of childhood. 童年是美好的时光。儿童有父母关怀,过着无忧无虑多的生活。儿童每天不用去想以后该做什么,每天可以看电视,玩游戏。可以和小伙伴们一起玩。 童年也有童年的痛苦。童年时间短暂,美好的童年很快就过去了,不能一直出在童年的幸福中。


【 #英语资源# 导语】童年是一本有趣的书,记载着许许多多有趣的故事。以下是 整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。 1.童年趣事英语作文   When I was a child, happy things happened every day.   One morning, I just got out of the warm quilt. In the morning, the sun was shining brightly on the vast land. I got up and rinsed my mouth, washed my face, and then ran outside. I ran to the chicken cage, released all the chickens and looked at their lovely faces. I couldn"t help but want them to sleep with me, I chased the chickens all over the yard. After a while, I was full of big men, sweat penetrated my clothes, and the chickens jumped up and shouted, as if to say: we won.   I said to them: I won"t give up, and then I went after the chickens. Finally, I caught them all, and I said to them loudly; Now you lose, so I"m the real winner.   The chickens were dejected, and then I said to them: don"t give up. You also won a game just now, so both sides drew and have another game.   So we had another game, and finally I ended up losing, as if to say: we are. This is the happiest part of my childhood.   My childhood was very happy and interesting. 2.童年趣事英语作文   The years of childhood flow through my mind like waves, but there is one thing I will never forget. It"s still a little funny when I think of it now.   I remember when I was a child, I always looked at the birds flying in the sky and envied them. On a sunny afternoon, I suddenly had an idea: why can"t I fly freely in the sky like an eagle?   So I came up with a way to fly. Take out the big kite that my father often flies, find the kite string and tie the kite to my arm. Then he found a bench and climbed up like a little monkey. Then he shouted, "I"m going to fly!" Tightly tied, I only heard the sound of "Dong". I "chewed" on the ground heavily. Not only did I not fly like an eagle, but also I got a "Zheng broken human injury".   I looked up at the sky, and even the birds in the sky were laughing at me. I was still very unconvinced and said to them loudly, "don"t hurry to laugh first. One day, I will fly to heaven!" 3.童年趣事英语作文   Toys add infinite happiness and laughter to our childhood. Then, let me tell you something interesting about me and the toy yo yo!   Today, it"s my birthday. My mother bought me a yo yo. I couldn"t put it down. I held the yo yo in my hand and found that it was made of iron with a handsome young man in the middle. Look, how powerful it is! The more I played, the more I enjoyed myself. I didn"t even hear my friend knocking at the door. Fortunately, my mother opened the door. Otherwise, my friends thought I had gone to buy a cake! Friends began to play computer again. Liu Minghao shouted, "Cui Zhijie, come on, let"s play boxing emperor." I said, "I"ll finish this move first." Mother said, "you are a little birthday star. Go!" I had to put the yo yo in my hand reluctantly in the box.   Well, this is the story of me and yo yo. 4.童年趣事英语作文   Everyone"s childhood is colorful and innocent. I"m no exception. When I was in kindergarten, I did a very naughty thing. Now I can"t help laughing when I think of it.   I remember that time, my father was sleeping. After I played with all the toys, I was idle and bored. Suddenly, a "bad" idea came into my mind. I secretly prepared pigment water and pen. Then he picked up the pen, wrote the word "King" on his father"s forehead, and painted three horizontal lines on his father"s cheek as a beard. At this time, my father became a big cat. Dad probably heard me laughing in his sleep. He woke up and asked, "what are you laughing at?" I still laughed wildly. My father looked at the paint and pen on the floor and hurried to the bathroom to look in the mirror. When he saw that I drew a cat face on his face, my father couldn"t care to wipe the paint off his face, so he shouted, "come out for me." he ran past, caught me and beat me red.   Look at the quiet little girl now. You can"t imagine how naughty I was at that time! 5.童年趣事英语作文   There are many interesting things in everyone"s childhood, and of course I"m no exception. Let me tell you an interesting thing in my childhood.   It was a hot summer. I was playing at Grandma"s house. Grandma lived in the countryside and she raised a lot of chickens. One day, grandma, uncle and grandpa went out to play and left me at home alone. I was very angry and thought, why do they do this? They don"t take me out. Having nothing to do in the house, I wanted to go to the chicken house and see what those chickens were doing. I just went in and heard a bang. A hen laid an egg. It was fun. I touched the egg curiously. Eh, it was hot and wet. This is, an idea came out. I thought, the chicken will lay eggs, and all the chickens in the chicken house will be born. Why don"t you take out the eggs? Grandma didn"t praise me when she came back and saw so many eggs. Maybe she would reward me. Yes, take out the eggs! After thinking about it, I grabbed a chicken and took it out. The chicken seemed to know its fate. It flapped its wings and wanted to escape. As for me, I clung to the chicken claw to see if it was powerful or me. I didn"t take it out for a long time. What"s the matter? Why can"t I take it out? Is it difficult to lose my reward? I don"t believe it. I can"t take out this one. I"m taking out another one. I threw the chicken and went to catch other chickens. When those chickens saw me coming, they jumped up and down one by one, like mice seeing cats, and ran away. As for me, I won"t let go and try to catch the chicken. No, I"m about to become a chicken feather man in less than half an hour.   When I finally caught a chicken, I took it out. The chicken I took out screamed and didn"t take it out. I grabbed another one... The chicken I took out foamed, and I... grandma and they came back. When they saw my embarrassment, they couldn"t help laughing and asked the reason. Grandma not only didn"t praise me, but also scolded me. Later, Only then did I know that except for the hen in the henhouse, all the rest were cocks.   This is an interesting thing in my childhood. It is not only fun, but also tells me from time to time: stealing chicken can"t pick up a handful of rice. Don"t do bad things with good intentions.

求娜娜莉和鲁鲁他们的童年图 150分喔..





无主之地3童年的终结卫星在亥伯龙火箭炮塔上方的阁楼中。射击炮塔房间梯子上方的木板,然后顺着梯子爬上去,即可找到卫星。《无主之地3》(Borderlands 3)是一款由Gearbox Software开发,2K Games发行的RPG风格的FPS射击游戏,是《无主之地2》的续作。在《无主之地3》中,各家的武器也会具有更加鲜明的特点,例如Jakobs的武器发射的子弹不仅能命中敌人的致命之处造成毁灭性打击,还能向其他目标弹射;Atlas公司生产的武器会具备追踪效果,玩家们只需先标记好敌人,接下来开枪捡装备就好;Tediore公司的武器在装填时可以像手榴弹一样扔出去炸飞敌人,拿回手里的时候就装弹完毕了。


一.棒棒糖棒棒糖是我们这些90后的标配,咬着一根棒棒糖,觉得自己萌萌哒,而最熟悉的味道,非真知棒莫属啦。二.咪咪虾条最爱吃咪咪虾条了,感觉真的是超级好吃,一小包,吃完还要舔手指,真是百吃不厌。三.上好佳鲜虾片超级鲜,以前爸妈不让吃膨化食品,有次生病发烧没胃口,居然给我买了鲜虾片,导致我有段时间莫名期待发烧。上好佳名字oishi就是好吃的意思呢。四.浪味仙长大才知道,它的英文名叫“lonely god”,不过真的很好吃啊,蔬菜味的花式薯卷。五.AD钙奶现在依然觉得很好喝啊,怎么会有这么好喝的东西,酸酸甜甜不像现在很多奶茶甜品,一点都不腻,喝一排都不在话下。六.麦丽素前几天去超市,发现现在麦丽素居然这么贵了,小时候记得很便宜的,而且超好吃,一颗一颗又一颗,一包就没有了。七.无花果一小罐,里面是一根一根白色的丝,可以抿好久的,可惜现在基本上都不太见的到了。八.大白兔奶糖大白兔奶糖其实我前不久刚买了一袋大白兔,现在还在手边,从小到大,还是一样的味道。九.跳跳糖跳跳糖一直觉得跳跳糖很神奇,倒一点在嘴巴里,就会跳,比起吃,更多的是觉得很好玩,记得还有一种棒棒糖,是可以蘸着跳跳糖吃的。十.锅巴我超喜欢这个锅巴的,觉得量又多又好吃,咔嚓咔嚓。十一.干脆面干脆面干脆面牌子超级多,小浣熊、小当家、魔法士……撒点粉,把干脆面捏碎,不过我比较喜欢整块咬。还有各种集卡,什么海贼王、火隐忍者、奥特曼,虽然从来没集齐过。十二.卫龙辣条卫龙辣条现在卫龙的包装可高级了,干净有设计感,再也不是油腻腻的感觉了。



童年 高尔基


英语作文 我的快乐童年

A Pleasant Memory of My Childhood I am already 18 years old, but the memory of my childhood is still like an unforgettable sweet dream. One day, all my family went to climb a mountain. There father told my elder sister and me that the first one to get to the top of the mountain would be given a toy. Hearing this, we began to run up. At first I kept ahead, but a few minutes later my sister was ahead of me. However, I didn"t give up. That toy attracted me to run forward, In the end I reached the top first. On the top we enjoyed the beautiful scenery and had a picnic. At dusk, we went down the mountain happily. I was the happiest one, because I not only got a toy train but also knew that one shouldn"t give up readily.






Recollections of childhood

初中英语作文:童年的记忆-A Memory of My Childhood

My childhood was happy with my mother"s love. In my young heart, my mother was strong and healthy, and never got sick. She took me to the kindergarten and home every day, in spite of rain and wind.    But one day, after we got home from the kindergarten, my mother went into the bedroom and stayed in bed. I didn"t know what had happened. I sat beside her and wanted to cry. My mother said to me, "It doesn"t matter, mum has only a stomachache. I will be all right after a while." Although mother said so, I found tears in her eyes because of pain. At that time I knew adults also got ill and cried. I decided I would take care of my mother from then on. 在妈妈的呵护下,我的童年是快乐的。在我幼小的心灵中,妈妈强壮健康,永远不会生病。无论是下雨还是刮风,她每天带我在幼儿园和家之间穿梭。 但是有一天,我们从幼儿园回来后,妈妈进屋就躺在了床上。我禾知道发生什么了,坐在她旁边想哭。妈妈对我说:“没关系,妈妈只是胃疼,一会就会好。”虽然妈妈这么说,但我发现了她疼得眼中含着眼泪。那个时候我才知道大人也会生病,也会哭的。从那时起我决定要照顾妈妈。 Like many children, I had a happy childhood under the care and love of my parents. My mother took me to the kindergarten and home every day. I thought mother was so kind and healthy that she would never get sick. But one day, my father went to the kindergarten to get me back. I asked, "Why doesn"t my mother come?""She is sick, and she is in hospital. "said Father. I felt sad and frightened. Then I began to cry. "Don"t cry or mother would worry. You should be a good child." I seemed to understand my mother was too tired. I made up my mind I would look after my mother from then on. 像许多孩子一样,在父母的关心和呵护下我有一个快乐的童年。妈妈每天带我在幼儿园和家之间穿梭。我认为妈妈是那么和善、健康,永远不会生病。 但是一天,是爸爸来幼儿园接我的。我问:“为什么妈妈没采?”“她病了,在医院里。”爸爸说。我感到难过和害怕,开始哭了。“别哭,否则妈妈会担心的。你应该做一个乖孩子。”我似乎懂得妈妈是太累了。从那以后我下决心要照顾妈妈。

童年的记忆-A Memory of My Childhood

My childhood was ha y with my mother"s love. In my young heart, my mother was strong and healthy, and never got sick. She took me to the kindergarten and home every day, in ite of rain and wind.   But one day, after we got home from the kindergarten, my mother went into the bedroom and stayed in bed. I didn"t know what had ha ened. I sat beside her and wanted to cry. My mother said to me, "It doe "t matter, mum has only a stomachache. I will be all right after a while." Although mother said so, I found tears in her eyes because of pain. At that time I knew adults also got ill and cried. I decided I would take care of my mother from then on.   在妈妈的呵护下,我的童年是快乐的。在我幼小的心灵中,妈妈强壮健康,永远不会生病。无论是下雨还是刮风,她每天带我在幼儿园和家之间穿梭。   但是有一天,我们从幼儿园回来后,妈妈进屋就躺在了床上。我禾知道发生什么了,坐在她旁边想哭。妈妈对我说:“没关系,妈妈只是胃疼,一会就会好。”虽然妈妈这么说,但我发现了她疼得眼中含着眼泪。那个时候我才知道大人也会生病,也会哭的。从那时起我决定要照顾妈妈。   Like many children, I had a ha y childhood under the care and love of my parents. My mother took me to the kindergarten and home every day. I thought mother was so kind and healthy that she would never get sick.   But one day, my father went to the kindergarten to get me back. I asked, "Why doe "t my mother come?""She is sick, and she is in ho ital. "said Father. I felt sad and frightened. Then I began to cry. "Don"t cry or mother would worry. You should be a good child." I seemed to understand my mother was too tired. I made up my mind I would look after my mother from then on.   像许多孩子一样,在父母的关心和呵护下我有一个快乐的童年。妈妈每天带我在幼儿园和家之间穿梭。我认为妈妈是那么和善、健康,永远不会生病。   但是一天,是爸爸来幼儿园接我的。我问:“为什么妈妈没采?”“她病了,在医院里。”爸爸说。我感到难过和害怕,开始哭了。“别哭,否则妈妈会担心的。你应该做一个乖孩子。”我似乎懂得妈妈是太累了。从那以后我下决心要照顾妈妈

跪求童年childhood memory的 单簧管谱


谁知道这首歌的完整歌词啊!Childhood Memory 童年 (班得瑞专辑)

secret garden - song from a secret garden神秘园之歌july - my soul 忧伤还是快乐escala - children

贝多芬的 童年的回忆 钢琴曲

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