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lover of towns i am, i realize that i owe a debt


英语in our large towns怎么翻译?

in our large towns在我们的大城镇里

these days compture games have become more and more popular in many cities and towns.完形填空



Towns的读音为 [tau028anz],其中"t"发音为清音,读作[t];"o"发音为长音,读作[au028a];"w"发音为辅音,读作[w];"n"发音为鼻音,读作[n];"s"发音为清音,读作[s]。Towns是一个英语单词,意为“城镇”。它可以用来形容一个较小的、通常是农村地区的社区。城镇通常包括一些商店、学校、教堂和其他社区设施。在城镇中,人们可以享受到比在城市中更为宁静和自然的生活。因此,城镇常常是一些人选择定居的地方。除了作为一个英语单词,Towns也是一款名为“Towns”的电子游戏。town


town[英][tau028an] [美][tau028an] 生词本 简明释义 n.城镇,市镇;小村庄;城镇居民;商业中心 复数:towns 易混淆的单词:Town 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 柯林斯高阶英汉词典 短语词组 同反义词 1.N-COUNT镇;市镇;城镇A town is a place with many streets and buildings,where people live and work.Towns are larger than villages and smaller than cities.Many places that are called towns in Britain would be called cities in the United States. ...Saturday night in the small town of Braintree,Essex... 埃塞克斯郡布伦特里小镇的周六之夜 Parking can be tricky in the town centre. 在市镇中心停车可能会挺费事.



介词语法问题More and more people live in towns instead of on farms?

第一个因为三者搭配的介词不都相同,三个名词得分别用不同的介词来连接所以不可省略: 【in】 town 【on】farm 【in】 village 而如果要是town和village搁在一起,把这三个词调一下个可就不一样了.由于town和village的介词相同,所以可用同一个in来连接: More and more people live on farms instead of in towns and(in)villages. 第二个两者搭配的介词相同所以可以省略: 【in】 a classroom 【in】 a department store classroom和department store可以用相同的介词in,所以就省略成了: How to act in a classroom,or (in) a department store? 而如果后者不是a department store 而是farm,那就不一样了: How to act in a classroom,or on a farm? 我是认真回答的.希望能对你有所帮助.,10,应该是因为第一句中的三个名词用不同的介词才可以 town , farm, village, 而第二句中的classroom, department store可以用相同的介词in 所以就省略了的原因吧。,1,第一个因为两者搭配的介词不同 所以不可省略 第二个两者搭配的介词相同所以可省 加上去也是对的,1,这是因为英语中与不同名词连用时要用不同的介词 in a town, in towns (cities) on a farm, on farms 这个比较特殊 in villages in a classroom, in a department store前面已经有了同样的in,英语中同样要避免不必要的重复,所以这里只用一个,0,介词语法问题 More and more people live in towns instead of on farms and in villages. How to act in a classroom,or a department store? 都是有两个介词词组,为什么第一句中ON 和IN都要,而第二句中就只用了一个IN呢?

求 venture towns 财阀都市 所有建筑物的出现条件~

简介:创业城Venture Towns是Android平台一款由开罗(Kairosoft)最新推出的模拟经营游戏,不仅强调建筑之间的相关性,布局和规划。还强调你在地产财务方面的管理技巧。游戏里你要规划好居民区,商业区,办公区以及毗邻的道路,让住民尽可能的集中在少量的店铺消费可以很快提升这家店面的等级,前期缩短去工作途中的时间也可以有效的提升城市的产值。venture towns 财阀都市:一款经营SPA店为主题的相当有趣的经营模拟游戏。游戏的画面是2D画面,制作得相当的细致。当顾客离开的时候的满意度最高话,还会摆个POSS再走。游戏的配乐很舒缓放松,果音效比较卡通。游戏的操作很简单,只用到触屏,用到的动作也就点击、选择、拖动这几个。

请帮忙给我分析这个英语句子?In towns that are near the sea…………

which 指的是前面的 lanterns.

篮球运动员 towns 是谁?


问问题英语方面的!!town 可数不(英语中)



town英 [tau028an] 美 [tau028an] n.城镇,市镇;小村庄;城镇居民;商业中心复数: towns1.N-COUNT 镇;市镇;城镇 A town is a place with many streets and buildings, where people live and work. Towns are larger than villages and smaller than cities. Many places that are called towns in Britain would be called cities in the United States.Saturday night in the small town of Braintree, Essex.埃塞克斯郡布伦特里小镇的周六之夜。You can use the town to refer to the people of a town.The town takes immense pride in recent achievements.全镇人对近来取得的成就都感到非常自豪。2.N-UNCOUNT 自己居住的城镇 You use town in order to refer to the town where you live.He admits he doesn"t even know when his brother is in town...他承认自己甚至不知道弟弟什么时候来了本市。3.N-UNCOUNT 市中心;(城镇的)商业中心;闹市区 You use town in order to refer to the central area of a town where most of the shops and offices are.I walked around town.我在市中心逛了逛。4.N-SING (与农村相对的)城市,都会 If you refer to the town, you are referring to town and city areas in general, as opposed to country areas. More people are going to want to escape from the town into the country.更多的人将会想要逃离城市到乡村去。5.PHRASE 满腔热情地干;拼命地干 If you say that someone goes to town on something, you mean that they deal with it with a lot of enthusiasm or intensity. We really went to town on it, turning it into a full, three-day show.我们下了真功夫,把它办成了一场内容丰富、为时三天的展览。6.PHRASE 社交忙人;花花公子/时髦女郎 If you describe someone as a man about town or a woman about town, you mean that they are sophisticated, like to go out and spend money, and have a busy social life.He was known as a tall, handsome man about town.他以高大英俊的花花公子形象为人所知。7.PHRASE (夜晚)在闹市区玩乐 If you go out on the town or go for a night on the town, you enjoy yourself by going to a town centre in the evening and spending a long time there visiting several places of entertainment. My idea of luxury used to be going out on the town and coming back in the early hours of the morning.我过去对奢侈的概念是夜晚在闹市通宵玩乐到清晨才回来。


宾夕法尼亚州宾夕法尼亚州PENNSYLVANIA 面积:117,412平方公里; 在五十州内, 列第三十三位.人口:11,785,000人; 在五十州内, 列第四位.州府:哈立斯堡 Harrisburg主要城市:费城 Philadelphia; 匹兹堡 Pittsburgh州花:山桂州鸟:北美松鸡--------------------------------------------------------------------------------宾夕法尼亚州, 为纪念开创人威廉·宾 William Penn之父而得名. 州名的意义为"宾氏林地".一六四三年, 瑞典人来此地殖民. 一六五五年, 本州又属于荷兰, 一六六四年, 又改属英国. 独立之时, 它为十三州之一. 一七八七年十二月十二日成为美国第二州. 本州以山桂 Mountain Laurel 为州花. 本州别名, 叫做"拱心石之州". 本州箴言为"道德、自由和独立" Virtue, Liberty and Indpendence.州府是哈立斯堡 Harrisburg, 位于费城之西, 人口六万. 本州最著名之大学是一七四○年创立于费城之宾夕法尼亚大学 University of Pennsylvania. 现有学生人数两万. 宾州州立大学创于一八五五年, 地点大学公园 University Park, 学生人数约六万. 美国独立宣言和宪法都是在本州费城 Philadelphia 签订和公布的, 这是美国的诞生地 Birth place of the nation. 费城位于德拉瓦河西岸, 一六八二年, 威廉·宾选定此地而命名, 其意义是"博爱之城" City of brotherly Love.本州特征有二: 第一, 它在十三州之内, 恰居心脏地区. 美国人叫它是"拱心石之州" Keystone State,十分恰当. 第二, 矿、农、工三者并重. 宾州为美国天然资源最富之州. 全美国所蕴藏的无烟煤, 差不多全部集中在这一州内. 此外, 宾州还蕴藏巨量的烟煤, 同时也出产大量石油. 全世界第一座油井就开凿于本州西北角上台塔斯维尔 Titusville 附近, 时为一八五九年. 地面土壤肥沃. 西南部养肉牛, 东北部养乳牛, 肉与奶产量丰富. 从工业产值方面来看, 它仅次于北面的纽约州. 然而宾州西部的区兹堡 Pittsburgh 出产的钢, 就占了全美国钢产量的一半.本州主要农产是:小麦、大麦、燕麦、玉蜀黍、马铃薯及温带各种水果. 畜养肉鸡、火鸡、猪也

有首英文歌经过处理歌名大写d开头的 歌词是the什么什么什么ABC。什么什么什么onetowth

歌词很像jay Sean 的easy as 123

有首英文歌经过处理歌名大写d开头的 歌词是the什么什么什么ABC。什么什么什么onetowth

Leave Out All The Rest - Linkin ParkI dreamed I was missing,you were so scaredBut no one would listen,"cause no one else caredAfter my dreaming,I woke with this fearWhat am I leavingwhen I"m done here?So if you"re asking me,I want you to knowWhen my time comes,forget the wrong that I"ve doneHelp me leave behindsome reasons to be missedDon"t resent me,and when you"re feeling emptyKeep me in your memory,leave out all the restLeave out all the rest,don"t be afraidI"ve taken my beating,I"ve shared what I madeI"m strong on the surface,not all the way throughI"ve never been perfect,but neither have youSo if you"re asking me,I want you to knowWhen my time comes,forget the wrong that I"ve doneHelp me leave behind somereasons to be missedDon"t resent me,and when you"re feeling emptyKeep me in your memory,leave out all the restLeave out all the restForgetting all the hurt insideyou"ve learned to hide so wellPretending someone else can comeand save me from myselfI can"t be who you areWhen my time comes,forget the wrong that I"ve doneHelp me leave behindsome reasons to be missedDon"t resent me,and when you"re feeling emptyKeep me in your memory,leave out all the restLeave out all the restForgetting all the hurt insideyou"ve learned to hide so wellPretending someone else can comeand save me from myselfI can"t be who you areI can"t be who you are


时态的区别,toworkout和workingout 时态的区别

The Lines的《Old Town》 歌词

歌曲名:Old Town歌手:The Lines专辑:Memory SpanOld town(Unplugged)The Corrs制作人: 科学怪人The girl"s a fool, she broke the rules, she hurt him hardThis time he will break downShe"s lost his trust and so she must know all is lostThe system has broke downRomance has broke downThis boy is cracking upThis boy has broken downThis boy is cracking upThis boy has broke downShe plays it hard, she plays it toughBut that"s enough, the love is overShe"s broke his heart and that is roughBut in the end he"ll soon recoverThe romance is overThis boy is cracking upThis boy has broken down yeaheah yeahThis boy is cracking upThis boy has broke down(trumpet"s solo)This boy is cracking upThis boy has broken down yha yha haThis boy is cracking upThis boy has broke downI"ve been spending my money in the old townIt"s not the same honey, with you not aroundI"ve been spending my time in the old townI sure miss you honey, when you"re not aroundWhen you"re not around this old townOlaThis boy is cracking upThis boy has broken down (hehehe yeah)This boy is cracking upThis boy has broke downThis boy is cracking upThis boy has broken down (yha yhaha)This boy is cracking upThis boy has broke down

Camptown Races 歌词

歌曲名:Camptown Races歌手: Johnny Mercer& The Pied Pipers With Paul Weston & His Orchestra专辑:The Capitol Vaults CollectionThe camptown ladies sing this song, doo-dah! Doo-dah!The camptown track is five miles long. Oh doo-dah-day!I came down here with my hat caved in Doo-dah! Doo-dah!I go back home with a pocket full of tin. Oh doo-dah-day!Gonna run all right, gonna run all day.I bet my money on the bobtail rag. Somebody bet on the bay.The camptown ladies sing this song, doo-dah! Doo-dah!The camptown track is five miles long. Oh doo-dah-day!I came down here with my hat caved in Doo-dah! Doo-dah!I go back home with a pocket full of tin. Oh doo-dah-day!Gonna run all right, gonna run all day.I bet my money on the bobtail rag. Somebody bet on the bay.

Camptown Races 歌词

歌曲名:Camptown Races歌手:Disneyland Children"S Sing-Along Chorus&Larry Groce专辑:Children"S Favorites, Vol. 2The camptown ladies sing this song, doo-dah! Doo-dah!The camptown track is five miles long. Oh doo-dah-day!I came down here with my hat caved in Doo-dah! Doo-dah!I go back home with a pocket full of tin. Oh doo-dah-day!Gonna run all right, gonna run all day.I bet my money on the bobtail rag. Somebody bet on the bay.The camptown ladies sing this song, doo-dah! Doo-dah!The camptown track is five miles long. Oh doo-dah-day!I came down here with my hat caved in Doo-dah! Doo-dah!I go back home with a pocket full of tin. Oh doo-dah-day!Gonna run all right, gonna run all day.I bet my money on the bobtail rag. Somebody bet on the bay.

Camptown Races 歌词

歌曲名:Camptown Races歌手:Freddie & The Dreamers专辑:The Ultimate CollectionThe camptown ladies sing this song, doo-dah! Doo-dah!The camptown track is five miles long. Oh doo-dah-day!I came down here with my hat caved in Doo-dah! Doo-dah!I go back home with a pocket full of tin. Oh doo-dah-day!Gonna run all right, gonna run all day.I bet my money on the bobtail rag. Somebody bet on the bay.The camptown ladies sing this song, doo-dah! Doo-dah!The camptown track is five miles long. Oh doo-dah-day!I came down here with my hat caved in Doo-dah! Doo-dah!I go back home with a pocket full of tin. Oh doo-dah-day!Gonna run all right, gonna run all day.I bet my money on the bobtail rag. Somebody bet on the bay.

Camptown Races 歌词

歌曲名:Camptown Races歌手:Vince Guaraldi Trio专辑:Charlie Brown"S Holiday HitsThe camptown ladies sing this song, doo-dah! Doo-dah!The camptown track is five miles long. Oh doo-dah-day!I came down here with my hat caved in Doo-dah! Doo-dah!I go back home with a pocket full of tin. Oh doo-dah-day!Gonna run all right, gonna run all day.I bet my money on the bobtail rag. Somebody bet on the bay.The camptown ladies sing this song, doo-dah! Doo-dah!The camptown track is five miles long. Oh doo-dah-day!I came down here with my hat caved in Doo-dah! Doo-dah!I go back home with a pocket full of tin. Oh doo-dah-day!Gonna run all right, gonna run all day.I bet my money on the bobtail rag. Somebody bet on the bay.

Camptown Races 歌词

歌曲名:Camptown Races歌手:The Dave Brubeck.....专辑:Gone With The WindThe camptown ladies sing this song, doo-dah! Doo-dah!The camptown track is five miles long. Oh doo-dah-day!I came down here with my hat caved in Doo-dah! Doo-dah!I go back home with a pocket full of tin. Oh doo-dah-day!Gonna run all right, gonna run all day.I bet my money on the bobtail rag. Somebody bet on the bay.The camptown ladies sing this song, doo-dah! Doo-dah!The camptown track is five miles long. Oh doo-dah-day!I came down here with my hat caved in Doo-dah! Doo-dah!I go back home with a pocket full of tin. Oh doo-dah-day!Gonna run all right, gonna run all day.I bet my money on the bobtail rag. Somebody bet on the bay.

Camptown Races 歌词

歌曲名:Camptown Races歌手:Ray Anthony专辑:Sound SpectacularThe camptown ladies sing this song, doo-dah! Doo-dah!The camptown track is five miles long. Oh doo-dah-day!I came down here with my hat caved in Doo-dah! Doo-dah!I go back home with a pocket full of tin. Oh doo-dah-day!Gonna run all right, gonna run all day.I bet my money on the bobtail rag. Somebody bet on the bay.The camptown ladies sing this song, doo-dah! Doo-dah!The camptown track is five miles long. Oh doo-dah-day!I came down here with my hat caved in Doo-dah! Doo-dah!I go back home with a pocket full of tin. Oh doo-dah-day!Gonna run all right, gonna run all day.I bet my money on the bobtail rag. Somebody bet on the bay.

towel gourd是什么意思

towel gourd是丝瓜

throw in the towel是什么意思


bath towel是什么意思


throw in the towel是什么意思


tissure和paper towels的区别

tissue指餐巾纸,bath tissue 指厕纸,paper towels指大张擦手纸,厨房用纸


towel 英 ["tau028au0259l]美 ["tau028au0259l] n.毛巾;手巾v.用毛巾擦用作名词 (n.)I dry my hands and face with the towel.我用毛巾擦干了双手和面部.She mops her tears with a towel.她用毛巾擦眼泪.We installed a stainless steel towel rail on the wall.我们在墙上装了一个不锈钢的挂毛巾的横杆.Sop up the water with a paper towel.用纸巾把水吸乾.用作动词 (v.)He toweled himself dry.他用毛巾擦干身体.

he have a towel

1.What does he have?He has a towel. 2.My sister and I have a hat.


毛巾包着头towel [简明英汉词典]n.手巾, 毛巾v.用毛巾擦


难点在于au和u0259之间的过渡 元音之间的过渡有2个办法:1,中间加 j 音,比如see it 读成 see 【jit】 2.中间加w 音,比如towel 读成 "tau wu0259l 至于2个元音挨在一起是加j,还是w,根据嘴型,原则是嘴型不变化,念得顺.


英u02c8tau028au0259l。美u02c8tau028au0259l。可数名词:毛巾,手巾,抹布,纸巾。不及物动词:用毛巾擦乾自己。及物动词:用毛巾擦。双语例句:1、After bathing, the babies are wrapped in towels, so cute!宝宝们沐浴后,一个个裹着浴巾的样子,可爱极了!2、I would rather towel my hair dry than use a hair dryer.我喜欢用毛巾擦干头发,不喜欢用吹风机。3、He toweled himself down after the cold shower.他冷水淋浴后用毛巾擦身。




towel的英文读音是 /ˈtaʊəl/。以下是一些其他洗漱用品的英文单词及其用法:1. toothbrush - 牙刷例句:I need to buy a new toothbrush.(我需要买一把新的牙刷。)2. toothpaste - 牙膏例句:Don"t forget to brush your teeth with toothpaste.(不要忘记用牙膏刷牙。)3. shampoo - 洗发水例句:I use a special shampoo for my dry hair.(我用一种专门针对干燥发质的洗发水。)4. conditioner - 护发素例句:After shampooing, apply conditioner to your hair.(洗发后,用护发素涂抹头发。)5. soap - 肥皂例句:Please pass me the soap.(请把肥皂递给我。)6. shower gel - 沐浴露例句:I prefer using shower gel instead of soap.(我更喜欢用沐浴露而不是肥皂。)7. razor - 剃刀例句:He shaved off his beard with a razor.(他用剃刀刮掉了胡子。)8. shaving cream - 剃须膏例句:Apply shaving cream before using a razor.(在使用剃刀之前涂抹剃须膏。)9. deodorant - 除臭剂例句:Don"t forget to put on deodorant before leaving the house.(出门前别忘了涂上除臭剂。)10. cotton swab - 棉签例句:Use a cotton swab to clean your ears gently.(用棉签轻轻地清洁耳朵。)


总来来说就是towel是干毛巾,而washcloth是湿毛巾。towel,英语单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作及物动词时意为“用毛巾擦”,作不及物动词时意为“用毛巾擦干身体”,作名词时意为“毛巾,手巾;[纸] 纸巾”。双语例句:1、You have a blanket and I have a towel.你有一床毯子我和一条毛巾。2、One white towel.一条白毛巾。3、One does not speak against the towel, but underground bargain.人们不用说话而是靠在毛巾地下讨价还价。


深蓝towel是深蓝色的毛巾。towel是英语单词,可以作名词、及物动词和不及物动词用。作及物动词时意为“用毛巾擦”,作不及物动词时意为“用毛巾擦干身体”,作名词时意为“毛巾,手巾;纸巾”。深蓝towel的汉语意思也就是深蓝色的毛巾。towel造句:1、You have a blanket and I have a towel.你有一床毯子我和一条毛巾。2、One white towel.一条白毛巾。3、One does not speak against the towel, but underground bargain.人们不用说话而是靠在毛巾地下讨价还价。


towel作及物动词时意为“用毛巾擦”。作不及物动词时意为“用毛巾擦干身体”。作名词时意为“毛巾,手巾,纸巾”。短语搭配:towel ring 毛巾环,手巾环,毛巾挂环,毛巾圈。sanitary towel 卫生带,卫生巾,月经垫,护垫。face towel面巾 洗脸毛巾,小方巾,毛巾。双语例句:1、You have a blanket and I have a towel. 你有一床毯子我和一条毛巾。2、One white towel. 一条白毛巾。3、One does not speak against the towel, but underground bargain. 人们不用说话而是靠在毛巾地下讨价还价。




towel 英[u02c8tau028au0259l] 美[u02c8tau028au0259l] n. 纸巾; 毛巾,手巾; vt. 用毛巾擦; vi. 用毛巾擦干身体; [例句]It seemed as if the police had thrown in the towel and were abandoning the investigation.警方似乎已经认输,打算放弃调查。[其他] 第三人称单数:towels 复数:towels 现在分词:towelling过去式:towelled 过去分词:towelled


英u02c8tau028au0259l。美u02c8tau028au0259l。可数名词:毛巾,手巾,抹布,纸巾。不及物动词:用毛巾擦乾自己。及物动词:用毛巾擦。双语例句:1、After bathing, the babies are wrapped in towels, so cute!宝宝们沐浴后,一个个裹着浴巾的样子,可爱极了!2、I would rather towel my hair dry than use a hair dryer.我喜欢用毛巾擦干头发,不喜欢用吹风机。3、He toweled himself down after the cold shower.他冷水淋浴后用毛巾擦身。

towel怎么读 towel如何读

1、towel英[u02c8tau028au0259l]、美[u02c8tau028au0259l] 2、n.毛巾; 手巾; 抹布; 纸巾; 3、vt.用毛巾擦干; 4、[例句]Use this towel to dry your hands.用这条毛巾擦干手。 5、[其他]第三人称单数:towels 复数:towels 现在分词:towelling 过去式:towelled 过去分词:towelled


towel 英[u02c8tauu0259l] 美[u02c8tau028au0259l] 过去式:toweled towelled 过去分词:toweled towelled 现在分词:toweling towelling 复数:towels n. 1.毛巾, 手巾, 纸巾 名词 n.1.毛巾, 手巾, 纸巾 He dried himself on a towel.他用毛巾擦干身子。

paper towel是什么意思

paper towel英 [u02c8peipu0259 u02c8tauu0259l] 美 [u02c8peu026apu0259r u02c8tau028au0259l] 厨房纸巾; 纸巾双语例句1She tore off two sections of paper towel and folded them lengthwise. 她撕下两格纸巾,然后纵向对折。2He turns off the faucet with a paper towel. 他用纸巾把水龙头关闭了。

He needs towel 语法有没错误 为什么

He needs a towel他需要一条毛巾

donkey ; towel ; tower ; warn这英语用谐音怎么读?


body towel是什么意思




cashier;towel; question ; 这英语用谐音怎么读??

开始儿 掏窝 快丝抻




towels读法为英[u02c8tau028au0259lz]。n.手巾;毛巾;纸巾;(towel的复数)。v.用毛巾。擦复数:towels。原形:towel。第三人称单数:towels。现在分词:towelling。过去式:towelled。过去分词:towelled。网络释义:毛巾。浴巾。毛巾,浴巾。双语例句:1、The sheets were never washed, nor the towels, nor his shirts.床单从未洗过,毛巾也从不清洗,衬衫也是。2、She didn"t like him dirtying her nice clean towels.她不喜欢他弄脏她漂亮干净的毛巾。3、with clause]Harry said that he longed for a bath and soft towels, to which his father rejoined that he was a gross materialist.哈里说他渴望能洗个澡,并能用上软毛巾,对此他父亲顶了一句,说他是个不折不扣的物质主义者。4、White towels, aprons , hand cuff and a series of other insurance products.白毛巾、围裙、手袖及其它劳保系列用品。5、Do you really need so many towels for just a couple of days?就这么两天,你真需要这么多毛巾?






towel 英[u02c8tau028au0259l] 美[u02c8tau028au0259l] n. 纸巾; 毛巾,手巾; vt. 用毛巾擦; vi. 用毛巾擦干身体; [例句]It seemed as if the police had thrown in the towel and were abandoning the investigation.警方似乎已经认输,打算放弃调查。[其他] 第三人称单数:towels 复数:towels 现在分词:towelling 过去式:towelled过去分词:towelled


towel[英]["tau028au0259l] [美][u02c8tau028au0259l] 生词本简明释义n.毛巾,手巾;纸巾vt.用毛巾擦vi.用毛巾擦干身体复数:towels第三人称单数:towels过去式:toweledtowelled过去分词:toweledtowelled现在分词:towelingtowelling以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 同反义词in AM, use 美国英语用 toweling, toweled1.N-COUNT毛巾A towel is a piece of thick soft cloth that you use to dry yourself....a bath towel.浴巾2.VERB用毛巾擦(干)If you towel something or towel it dry, you dry it with a towel. James came out of his bedroom, toweling his wet hair...詹姆斯从卧室出来,用毛巾擦着他湿漉漉的头发。



Isolation - [High Wycombe Town Hall Live 13 July 1979] 歌词

歌曲名:Isolation - [High Wycombe Town Hall Live 13 July 1979]歌手:Joy Division专辑:Still [Collector"S Edition]NANA starring MIKA NAKASHIMA - ISOLATION作词:mmm.31f.jp作曲:南ヤスヒロ编曲:根岸孝旨音を无くした blueの世界をただ彷徨い歩き続けて色を无くした 哀れなアタシは折れた羽で胸を突く见つめているのは辉くfrozen moon砕け散る优しい手で この躰抱きしめて慰めてよ いつの日か网膜(ひとみ)の奥 张り付いてる记忆の波 アナタの影どこ?先の见えない 城壁を独りただひたすら登り続けて闇に投げ出す 时间の键束サイレンサーで撃ち抜いた溺れるアタシの愿いは届くの?张り裂けるアタシの核(コア) 宙に舞う远ざかる时の彼方 darkness in the sky胸の中に 张り付いてる记忆の波 アナタの颜砕け散る优しい手で この躰抱きしめて慰めてよ いつの日か贵女は谁?贵方は谁?ちゃんと答えて 贵方は何処?私は何処?おわり

oh shame on a mirror here and john in town hall went into work and bound什么意思

  oh shame on a mirror here and john in ...的中文翻译  oh shame on a mirror here and john in town hall went into work and bound  哦,在这里,一个镜子,在市政厅的一个镜子里,在工作和约束

i am ()for the town hall -am i anywhere near?

I am heading for the town hall.

Twenty Four Hours - [High Wycombe Town Hall Live 13 July 1979] 歌词

Athlete - Twenty Four Hours选自专辑 Tourist鹰飞雁武 编辑People rushing left to rightThere"s pretty faces left to rightI"m just frozen staring into spaceFaster than the speed of lightI"m holding on, I"m holding tight"Cause stars are gonna crash into this placeAnd it"s caught wide screen so we don"t miss a thingNow I"m standing clear"cause all I waited for isClosing in,We"ve still got twenty four hoursWe"re closing in,We"ve still got twenty four hoursThis is more than daily bread,It"s three degrees, It"s something else,And you just take it all into your strideCouldn"t be an accident "Cause I cant see no ambulance,I know that we will work it out this timeAnd its caught wide screen so we don"t miss a thingNow I"m standing clear"cause all I waited for isClosing in,We"ve still got twenty four hoursWe"re closing in,We"ve still got twenty four hoursClosing in,We"ve still got twenty four hoursAnd now we"re closing in,We"ve still got twenty four hoursIt"s not overIt"s not overWe"ve still got twenty four hoursIt"s not overIt"s not over yetWe"ve still got twenty four hoursmusic...

Intermission (Live At Paddington Town Hall) 歌词

歌曲名:Intermission (Live At Paddington Town Hall)歌手:The Saints专辑:Prehistoric Sounds"Intermission"Scissor SistersTyoka526When you"re standing on the side of a hillFeeling like your day may be doneHere it comesThe strawberry smogChasing away the sunDon"t let those precious moments fool youHappiness is getting you downA rainbow never smiles or blinksIt"s just a candy-colored frownYou were going on at half-past sevenNow it"s going on a quarter "til nineAll the angels want to knowAre you lost or treading water?And you"re going on your fifteenth benderBut you"ve only got a matter of timeYes we"ve all got seeds to sowNot everyone"s got lambs to slaughterWhen the night wind starts to turnInto the ocean breezeAnd the dew drops sting and burnLike angry honey beesThat is when you hear the song falling from the skyHappy yesterday to allWe were born to dieSometimes you"re filled with the notionThe afterlife"s a moment awayYou want to tell someone the way that you feelBut then you ain"t got nothing to sayYou fight for freedom from devotionA battle that will always beginWith somebody giving you a piece of advice;By the way you"re living in sinNow there"s never gonna be an intermissionBut there"ll always be a closing nightNever entertain those visionsLest you may have packed your baggageFirst impressions are cheap auditionsSituations are long goodbyesTruth so often to living dormantGood luck walks and bullshit fliesWhen the headlights guide your wayYou know the place is rightWhen the treetops sing and swayDon"t go to sleep tonightThat is when you see the signLuminous and high:Tomorrow"s not what it used to beWe were born to dieHappy yesterday to allWe were born to die

Colony - [High Wycombe Town Hall Live 13 July 1979] 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Colony - [High Wycombe Town Hall Live 13 July 1979]歌手:Joy Division专辑:Still [Collector"S Edition]In Flames - ColonyIn your world, the day is no threatIn my world, there is an absence of lightGenetic superior cellcontrolled by the fathomless and unbearableA radical new Form of plastic and rageBiologically optimizedBut with a strangling pulseIn your world, you find me worthyIn my world, I parashoot my lifeA virtual drugstore populatedBy the fathomless and unbearableMachine, meat and bloodIn an intimate relationshipThe new - superior -More effective than all the precedingWhen we can no longer cry(And reality is torn)Then it"s easy to forget(That the responsibility lies on us all)When we can no longer cry(And reality is torn)Then it"s easy to forget(That the responsibility lies on us all)In your world, the night is no threatIn my world, the darknessTansforms to a vision of hellPopulated by fathomless and unbearablehttp://music.b***.com/song/8170168

谁有《when christmas comes to the town》 歌词翻译?

对着星星许下愿望 并且尝试着去相信 即使一切是多么遥远 他会在圣诞夜来寻找我 我猜圣诞老人一定是很忙 因为这样所以他才没来到我的身边 每当圣诞节来临的时候我都会想他 一年之中最好的时节 当每个人回到家的时候 带着圣诞节的祝福 每个人都不会孤独 当圣诞节来临到这个城市的时候 装饰起圣诞树 和朋友一起 是多么快乐的事情 给孩子们的礼物都包裹在红色或者绿色的盒子里 这些关于圣诞老人的事情我全都记得 只是从不曾真的见到 没有人将会在圣诞节的夜晚睡觉 希望圣诞老人在途中 当圣诞老人的雪撬铃响的时候 我听见他就在周围 当天使的使者在歌唱 我却从听不到这一种声音 当孩子进入梦乡的时候 这谎言就会被拆穿 我想要圣诞节降临在这城市

when Christmas comes to town怎么唱

I"m wishing on a star对着星星许个愿望And trying to believe会有尝试着爱情的世界Time had some even though it was flies时光又飞逝He"ll find me Christmas Eve他也会在圣诞夜找到我Have guess that time is flies有没有猜想光阴岁月When is moon rising around每当周围的月亮升起的时候I think of him when Christmas comes to town太阳落山后依然会想他It was best time of the year在一年中有最好的时光When everyone comes home当跟着这个方向的时候With all this Christmas cheer随着在风中一停后It was time was flies岁月光阴似箭Putting up the Christmas tree with friends who come around装饰起圣诞树 一点点儿爱意It was so much fun when Christmas comes to town多么快乐 每当圣诞节来到城镇时Presents for the children and it was wrapped in red and green孩子们的礼物包里并且会有五颜六色Hiding the things wind and rain I"ve heard about but never really scenery风雨阳光的天气里 只是从不曾真的有从没看风景It was no one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve无人能在圣诞夜里入眠It was hoping Santa"s on his way无论风雨阳光都希望着圣诞老人的路上Present for the children it was wrapped in red and green?给孩子们的礼物里又会都有些包裹着红色和绿色的盒子里?All the things would you I"ve heard about but never really scenery to it?这些关于风雨里的天气 只是从不曾真的见到?No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve圣诞夜没人会睡觉圣诞夜里晚上Hoping Santa"s on his way希望圣诞老人在来的路上When santa"s sleigh bells ring当圣诞老人雪橇铃声响起的时候I listen all around太阳当空照耀着并听见就在周围The herald angels sing?当天使说会要唱起圣诞的歌?I never hear a sound晴朗的日子里又能听见这种声音And all the dreams of children当孩子们一定进入梦乡内的时候Once lost will all be found无论风雨阳光都将会逝去的寻回That"s all I want when Christmas comes to town当圣诞来到小镇上的时候 那就是我所有的愿望

christmas come to town的歌词

When Christmas Comes To Town Matthew Hall & Meagan Moore I"m wishing on a star and trying to believe That even though it"s far. He"ll find me Christmas Eve I guess that Santa is busy cause he"s never come around I think of him when Christmas comes to town The best time of the year when everyone comes home With all this Christmas tear. It"s hard to be alone Putting up the Christmas tree, with friends you come around It"s so much fine when Christmas comes to town Presents for the children wrapped in red and green All the things I"ve heard about, but never really see No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve Hoping Santa"s on his way When Santa"s sleigh bells ring I listen all around The herald angels sing. I never hear a sound And all the dreams of children once lost will all be found That"s all I want when Christmas comes to town That"s all I want when Christmas comes to town

when christmascomes to town的歌词

La la la la ... I"m wishing on a star And trying to believe That even though it"s far He"ll find me at Christmas Eve I guess Santa is busy Cause he never comes around I think of him when Christmas comes to town The best time of the year When everyone comes home With all this Christmas tear It"s hard to be alone Putting up the Christmas tree With friends you come around It"s so much fun when Christmas comes to town Presents for the children wrapped in red and green All the things I"ve heard about, but never really see No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve Hoping Santa"s on his way When Christmas Comes To Town Matthew Hall/Meagan Moore Presents for the children wrapped in red and green All the things I"ve heard about, but never really see No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve Hoping Santa"s on his way When Santa"s sleigh bells ring I listen all around The herald angels sing I never hear a sound And all the dreams of children Once lies will all be found That"s all I want when Christmas comes to town That"s all I want when Christmas comes to town顺便问问:你叫周凌枫吗?

town hall meeting是什么意思

市民大会(Town hall meeting):美国竞选者与当地选民保持接触和交流意见的形式之一。市民大会也叫市政厅会议,是一种非正式的民众集会。外企中应该是指比较重要的集体会议。1. If he doesn"t go after Obama in the town hall meeting, his election is over. 如果他在市政厅辩论中输给奥巴马, 他的选举就到此结束了.2. I have a Town Hall meeting tonight. 我今晚要去市政厅开会3. November 16, President Obama will have a town hall meeting with Chinese youth in Shanghai, China. 11月16日,奥巴马总统与中国的青年们在中国上海面对面地交流。4. November 16, President Obama will have a town hall meeting with Chinese youth in Shanghai, China. 编者按:11月16日,奥巴马总统将与中国的青年们在中国上海面对面地交流。

town hall meeting什么意思?

市民大会(Town hall meeting):美国竞选者与当地选民保持接触和交流意见的形式之一。市民大会也叫市政厅会议,是一种非正式的民众集会。外企中应该是指比较重要的集体会议。1. If he doesn"t go after Obama in the town hall meeting, his election is over. 如果他在市政厅辩论中输给奥巴马, 他的选举就到此结束了.2. I have a Town Hall meeting tonight. 我今晚要去市政厅开会3. November 16, President Obama will have a town hall meeting with Chinese youth in Shanghai, China. 11月16日,奥巴马总统与中国的青年们在中国上海面对面地交流。4. November 16, President Obama will have a town hall meeting with Chinese youth in Shanghai, China. 编者按:11月16日,奥巴马总统将与中国的青年们在中国上海面对面地交流。

town hall meeting是什么意思?

市民大会(Town hall meeting):美国竞选者与当地选民保持接触和交流意见的形式之一。市民大会也叫市政厅会议,是一种非正式的民众集会。外企中应该是指比较重要的集体会议。1. If he doesn"t go after Obama in the town hall meeting, his election is over. 如果他在市政厅辩论中输给奥巴马, 他的选举就到此结束了.2. I have a Town Hall meeting tonight. 我今晚要去市政厅开会3. November 16, President Obama will have a town hall meeting with Chinese youth in Shanghai, China. 11月16日,奥巴马总统与中国的青年们在中国上海面对面地交流。4. November 16, President Obama will have a town hall meeting with Chinese youth in Shanghai, China. 编者按:11月16日,奥巴马总统将与中国的青年们在中国上海面对面地交流。

Days Gone By [Live At Town Hall] 歌词

歌曲名:Days Gone By [Live At Town Hall]歌手:Mabel Mercer专辑:Mercer & Short: Second Town HallIt"s so good to see you nowIt"s been so long since we"ve been togetherYou kept in touch somehowYou always found a way to be thereI wish that I could stop the hands of time between usAll the days gone byDo you remember when we were the best of friendsAll the days gone byYou know that memories never fadeAs you"re watchin" all your days go byDays go byOh yeahLookin" back on younger yearsThat"s what our hopes and dreams are made ofAll the laughter and the tearsIt"s the feeling of love that makes usI wish that I could stop the hands of time between usAll the days gone byDo you remember when we were the best of friendsAll the days gone byYou know that memories never fadeAs you"re watchin" all your days go byAll of the feelings that we had beforeBut through the years, oh those were the timesOoh yeahalrightThe memories we shareYou can"t erase them from your mindThose were days gone byYou know that memories never fadeAs you"re watchin" all your days go byThey go by, they go by, they go by, they go by...Memories never fadeAs you"re watchin" all your days go by

townhall meeting中文如何翻译


外企员工大会town hall meeting上如何问全球CEO一个问题?


1应该怎么回答(地点是town hall)

we went to the town hall on new year,s eve .

town hall meeting是指什么样的会议?

town hall meeting跟all hands meeting的意思差不多,都是指全体人员会议。session跟meeting是一个意思,都可翻译为会议。



when christma comes to town 歌词

《When Christmas Comes To Town》 此歌曲是2004年北美上映的圣诞电影《极地特快》(又名北极特快车)的插曲。歌曲旋律充满童真,给人以温馨感,美妙的爱尔兰天籁弦乐由美国的两名少年Matthew Hall 和 Meagan Moore倾情演唱,作为最动听的圣诞金曲代表作之一,给人尤其儿童的印象极为深刻。歌词:La la la la ...I"m wishing on a starAnd trying to believeThat even though it"s farHe"ll find me at Christmas EveI guess Santa is busyCause he never comes aroundI think of him when Christmas comes to townThe best time of the yearWhen everyone comes homeWith all this Christmas tearIt"s hard to be alonePutting up the Christmas treeWith friends all come aroundIt"s so much fun when Christmas comes to townPresents for the children wrapped in red and green[01:31.08]All the things I"ve heard about, but never really seePresents for the children wrapped in red and green[01:31.08]All the things I"ve heard about, but never really seeNo one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas EveHoping Santa"s on his wayPresents for the children wrapped in red and greenAll the things I"ve heard about, but never really seeNo one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas EveHoping Santa"s on his wayWhen Santa"s sleigh bells ringI listen all aroundThe herald angels singI never hear a sound 一个And all the dreams of childrenOnce lies will all be foundThat"s all I want when Christmas comes to town

tow-word verbs

1.turn on/turn off 2.put away 3.pick up 4.fill in 5.turn down 6.hang up 7.give back 8.take out 9.put on 10.take back 11.cross out 12.use up 13.write down

求一篇长一点的my ideal town英语作文谢谢



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