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turn towards sb和turn to sb的区别

turn towards sb转向某人,是具体动作哦,身体转向某人turn to sb转向某人,虚拟的,就是像某人求助

what is your attitude toward money作文不要少于10句话

As the saying goes,money talks.What is known to us all,money is a good thing that can buy almost everything in the world.If you are rich enough,you can own flats,cars,and anything really exsiting .However,there are some things in our lives that can"t be bought by money.If you regret doing something,that is helpless,because once it happened,it"s no use crying over spilt milk,in other words,there"s no pill called regret in the world.And surely money can"t buy us happiness and health,no matter how much money you have,it makes no sense to happiness and health.So cherish what you have at present,never care too much about money,living a happy life is the most important in our daily lives.O(∩_∩)O~,自己写的,在家无聊了.





towards是什么意思 towards英文解释

1、towards,朝,读音:美/tu0254u02d0rdz/;英/tu0259u02c8wu0254u02d0dz/。 2、释义:prep.朝,向;趋向;接近(目的);将近(某一时间);对于;向……致敬;用于;有助于。 3、例句:The teacher is patient towards his students.老师对学生很耐心。




If success is the gate, the road towards it must be made up of difficulties. 成功若是凯旋门,那么通向它的道路一定是用艰难困苦的砾石铺筑的。toward是介词,向、朝向。与towards(这个才是正宗)同义,只是前者是美国人喜欢用的形式。是不是美国佬比较懒吧,可以少写一个字母,类似还有upward、downward、backward、forward等等。

1970 – A Gaze Towards The Lighthouse 歌词

歌曲名:1970 – A Gaze Towards The Lighthouse歌手:RQTN专辑:Decades And Decisionsyou"re just too good to be true.你好得让人难以置信Can"t take my eyes off you.不能不看你(意思是总想看着你)You"d be like heaven to touch.你就像天堂一样难以触及I wanna hold you so much.我多想抱着你.At long last love has arrived.终于有了爱。And I thank God I"m alive.感谢上苍让我活着.You"re just too good to be true.你好得让你难以置信.Can"t take my eyes off you.不能不看着你Pardon the way that I stare.请原谅我看你的眼神。There"s nothing else to compare.无与伦比The thought of you leaves me weak.想到你我就感到脆弱.There are no words left to speak.无语表达.But if you feel like I feel.若你和我一样感觉。then let me know that it"s real.就告诉我这是真的You"re just too good to be true.你好得让人难以置信Can"t take my eyes off you.不能不看着你I love you baby, and if it"s quite all right,宝贝,我爱你,如果可以的话.I need you baby to warm my lonely night.我需要宝贝温暖我孤寂的夜.I love you,宝贝。Trust in me when I say:我这么说请你相信:I love you baby, don"t let me down, I,宝贝,我祈求别让我难过。I love you baby, now that I found you. Stay.And let me love you, baby. Let me love you ...You"re just too good to be true.你好得让人难以置信.Can"t take my eyes off you.不能不看着你.You"d be like heaven to touch.你就像天堂一样难以触及.I wanna hold you so much.我多想抱着你At long last love has arrived.终于有了爱。And I thank God I"m alive.感谢上苍让我活着。Can"t take my eyes off you.不能不看着你.I love you baby, and if it"s quite allright,宝贝,我爱你,如果可以的话.I need you baby to warm the lonely night.我需要宝贝温暖我孤寂的夜.I love you baby.宝贝,我爱你,Trust in me when I say:我这么说请你相信:I love you baby, don"t let me down, I,宝贝,我祈求别让我难过。I love you baby, now that I found you. Stay.And let me love you, baby. Let me love you ...I love you baby, and if it"s quite allright,宝贝,我爱你,如果可以的话.


forward 副词,向前 towards,相当于to ,介词,朝着.

went toward什么意思

走向 went toward


toward= towards /"t05u05d,"t00:05d/adj.迫近的;即将发生的正在进行中的[用作谓语]前途有望的,有培养前途的,有利的;顺利的,吉利的温顺的,听话的,易管教的短语:make toward 向…延伸;向…前进toward(s) prep.短语:go far towards 大大有助于…双语例句In front of my beloved sis, i was like towarding a mirror seeing all of my selfishthoughts and acts . 在她面前,我好像面对著一面镜子看见了所有我的自私念头和行为。discovered with towarding of insect the wing fly is a kind of high degreecomplicacy , alpine living creature behavior of free degree . 通过研究,科学家们发现鸟类和昆虫的扑翼飞行是一种高度复杂、自由度极高的生物行为。

come toward等于什么

come to toward和to 都是朝 向 的意思




towards 介词 意为:朝,向;对于;有助于toward  作为介词时,与towards 相似,但是着重于指动作的方向,指向  有形容词的词意介词后面可以直接接名词的,不需要加 作为介词时,与towards 相似,更近于口语化


不会 ,, ,,

towards可以作动词用 ?

toward 是介词,不可以做动词用。They towards those who looked like a lost man and eager to ask them whether they need help.这个句子中towards用作动词了,所有错了。正确的应该是:They walked up to some people who looked like they were lost and asked them whether they needed help.(绝对正确的)。 在我的一生中,我从没见过显示出出此关心和爱护的一刻。that引导定语从句修饰moment。



to for toward的用法区别





直接加ed towarded

forward 和 toward的区别

forward 副词toward 介词



toward与 march into 的区别

意思之间就有很大的区别呀,toward是走向的意思,march into是长驱直入的意思二者在褒贬意思和进入程度上是不一样的。



to,at,toward的区别是什么? 都有向,对的意思啊

to +目的地 eg: He"s going to school.他正要到学校去. toward(s) +方向 eg: He"s going towards school.他正朝学校(方向)去. at 表在某个地点 eg: at school 在学校.




toward和towards这两个词在用法和意义上基本没有什么区别,可以互换使用,但前者主要用于美式英语中。其它类似的用法意义基本无区别的词还有:forward 和forwards, backward和backwards, upward和upwards等。to +目的地 eg: He"s going to school.他正要到学校去. toward(s) +方向 eg: He"s going towards school.他正朝学校(方向)去. at 表在某个地点 eg: at school 在学校.

英语。。 有些词像toward,backward等,末尾加s和不加s有什么区别?

作介词时,toward和towards这两个词在用法和意义上基本没有什么区别,可以互换使用,但前者主要用于美式英语中。其它类似的用法意义基本无区别的词还有:forward 和forwards, backward和backwards, upward和upwards等此外toward还可用作形容词,表示 即将来到的,进行中的


adj. 有希望的, 有利的, 逼近的, 温顺的 We should try our best to prepare for the toward exam.

英语。。 有些词像toward,backward等,末尾加s和不加s有什么区别?




英语。。 有些词像toward,backward等,末尾加s和不加s有什么区别?


toward和to 的区别

介词to是常用词,后接地方名词;介词toward(s)与to基本相同,但更强调方向性,朝...去. to 只是将地点连接起来,toward(s)明确方向,且不指远的地方.go to the gate,go towards the gate;go to Beijing,一般不说:go towards Beijing


近义词是orientation orientation 英 [ ?ri?n?te(?)n ] 美 [ ?ri?n?ten ] 目标,定位常用释义 释义 n. 目标,定位;方向,朝向;(基本的)态度,倾向;(岗前、学前、课前等的)情况介绍,培训;适应,熟悉 变形 复数orientations 例句 1. His sexual orientation was a lot more gay than straight. 他的性取向更像是同性恋的而非异性恋的。 2. The orientation of the planet"s orbit is changing continuously. 该行星轨道的方向不断变化。 3. To a society which has lost its orientation he has much to offer. 对一个迷失了方向的社会,他有许多要做的。


toward和towards区别:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同toward向,朝,面对。towards趋向,接近,将近。adj. 在即的;有希望的。二、用法不同towardToward 通常用它作形容词。正式的学术文章中,toward 比较常用,也比较适当,但使用任何一个字都没错,亦即它们可以互换。直接源自古英语的toweard,意为朝向。The bus follows the road toward Beijing.那公共汽车是顺着朝北京去的道路行驶。towardsTowards 通常用作副词,towards在英国和加拿大的写作中比较常用。He dashed across the street and ran towards me.他冲过马路,向我跑过来。三、侧重点不同toward美式英语,在美国和加拿大等北美地区,经常被使用。towards英式英语,在英国和澳大利亚,经常被使用。



toward与 march into 的区别


请问toward 有动词形式吗,towards是什么意思有什么区别不加s


toward 加什么时态?

had formed,十六世纪末,发生在以前,用过去完成时,表示已经完成的事情。toward是个介词,后面一般加时间状语,或者是Ving形式


亲爱的同学们,今天是赵校长英语小课堂坚持日更的第60天。 一天一个英语小知识,相信日积月累的力量。 你在英语学习中,是不是经常遇到:toward和towards这两个单词呢,你是不是觉得它俩很像是同一单词的不同形式?其实不然。 下面听帅气的赵校长给大家细细道来: (1)直接说结论: 它俩的 意思和用法一模一样,没有任何区别,都是:朝向;接近 She had her back toward me.--她背对着我。 It is towards the end of April--现在接近四月底了。 (2)区别: toward:是美式英语,在美国和加拿大等北美地区,经常被使用。 towards:是英式英语,在英国和澳大利亚,经常被使用。 (3)类似的单词还有: forward 和forwards:向前;backward和backwards:向后 upward和upwards:向上;downward和downwards:向下 (4)某些时候,可以混用 美国作家和演说家,在 有意用更口语化或“乡野风味”的文体写作或说话 时,会使用“towards”而不是“toward”。 所以,在北美英语中,也是可以使用towards的。同样,在英式英语中,也是可以使用toward的。 (5)发音需要注意: toward, 英式发音:特wao的;美式发音:套呃的 towards ,英式发音:特wao兹;美式发音:套呃兹

move toward 和 walk toward 和 head toward的区别和用法

move toward 移向walk toward 走向head toward 前往三者的区别则是其分别对应的中文意思的区别:意思类似,但具体运动方式不同。move,移动,在英语中大多用来指机器、交通工具、动物、物体等,少用来指人。walk则是形容人或者猿类动物、机器人等与人类相似之物的走路。head则仅仅是去,具体运动方式未指明。具体运动方式不需要特别明确时,三者有时是可以互换的。用法(用例句说明):The plane is moving toward the enemy base at the speed of 100km/h.飞机正以100公里每小时的速度飞向敌人基地。(此处移向意译为飞向更通顺)The plane is heading toward the enemy base at the speed of 100km/h.飞机正以100公里每小时的速度前往敌人基地。(“前往”不强调具体运动方式)The toddler is walking towards the door.婴儿正走向门。

介词toward 和 to 的区别



Toward和towards是英语中表示“朝向”或“对于”的两个常见词汇,它们在意义和用法上基本相同,通常可以互换使用。然而,尽管它们在大多数情况下可以互换使用,但在某些语境下,它们可能稍有不同。首先,用法上的区别。Toward和towards都可用作介词,后面通常接名词、代词或动名词短语。例如:He walked toward/towards the park.(他朝公园走去。)I have a positive attitude toward/towards my job.(我对我的工作持有积极的态度。)She has a friendly attitude toward/towards her classmates.(她对她的同学持有友好的态度。)其次,用法上的微妙区别。一般来说,toward更常用于美国英语,而towards更常用于英国英语。这种差异主要源于不同地区和语言习惯的影响。然而,在实际应用中,这种区别通常不会对表达产生实质性影响。请点击输入图片描述此外,还有一些固定搭配和短语中更常使用其中一个词。例如:Go toward(s) something(朝某个方向走):如go towards the light(朝光亮的地方走)。Turn toward(s) something(朝某个方向转):如turn towards the left(向左转)。Be inclined toward(s) something(倾向于某个事物):如be inclined towards art(倾向于艺术)。



to for toward的用法区别



toward 英[tu0259"wu0254:d] 美[tu0254rd, tord, tu0259u02c8wu0254rd] prep. 向; 对于; 为了; 接近; adj. 即将来到的; 进行中的; [例句]What"s his attitude toward this business? Have you felt him out?他对这事是什么态度?你摸底了吗?望采纳,谢谢!


towardprep. 向;对于;为了;接近adj. 即将来到的,进行中的通常用于词组 go toward 朝...方向走去 make toward 向…延伸;向…前进 例如He heads toward me directly. 他径直朝我走来。The tree leans toward the house. 树往房子那边倾斜。Our troops are driving toward the enemy stronghold. 我们部队正向敌人的据点推进。onto表示"到...上" 它是动态介词, onto 在意上相当于 to+on,即表示某物向另一物运动(to),然后停落在另一物之上(on)。使用时两者常可换用。例如:He jumped onto [on to] the horse. 他跳上马。


toward和towards区别:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同toward向,朝,面对。towards趋向,接近,将近。adj. 在即的;有希望的。二、用法不同towardToward 通常用它作形容词。正式的学术文章中,toward 比较常用,也比较适当,但使用任何一个字都没错,亦即它们可以互换。直接源自古英语的toweard,意为朝向。The bus follows the road toward Beijing.那公共汽车是顺着朝北京去的道路行驶。towardsTowards 通常用作副词,towards在英国和加拿大的写作中比较常用。He dashed across the street and ran towards me.他冲过马路,向我跑过来。三、侧重点不同toward美式英语,在美国和加拿大等北美地区,经常被使用。towards英式英语,在英国和澳大利亚,经常被使用。


第三人称单数用Towards 其他人称用toward


towardprep. 向;对于;为了;接近adj. 即将来到的,进行中的通常用于词组 go toward 朝...方向走去 make toward 向…延伸;向…前进 例如He heads toward me directly. 他径直朝我走来。The tree leans toward the house. 树往房子那边倾斜。Our troops are driving toward the enemy stronghold. 我们部队正向敌人的据点推进。onto表示"到...上" 它是动态介词, onto 在意上相当于 to+on,即表示某物向另一物运动(to),然后停落在另一物之上(on)。使用时两者常可换用。例如:He jumped onto [on to] the horse. 他跳上马。


toward: [ tu0259"wu0254:d ] 介词prep:可翻译成 对于,关于,接近,将近,向,朝例句与用法: 1. He ran for dear life toward his house. 他拼命地向他的房子跑去。 2. The natural force of attraction exerted by a celestial body, such as Earth, upon objects at or near its surface, tending to draw them toward the center of the body. 重力天体如地球,所施加的自然吸引力,如地球,对处于或接近其表面的物体有将它们拉向其中心的趋势 3. The bus follows the road toward Beijing. 那公共汽车是顺着朝北京去的道路行驶。 4. At or toward the upper rigging. 在更高处,朝向更高处 5. I have shown enough forbearance toward him. 我已经对他很有耐心了。 6. I would like to take a trip around the world toward the end of this year. 我想在今年底环游世界。 7. The ground cools off toward evening. 傍晚时地面变凉。


upward和 toward 区别是两个是不同的方向。upward 向上爬The people go upward to the hill.toward 往前进 The people go toward the hill.

介词toward 和 to 的区别

toward(s),to这两个词都是介词,又都表示“向”、“朝”、“对”之意,toward(s)只表示“方向”,并不含有达到某地之意,而to则往往带有“已达某地”的意味.Our house looks toward(s)the hills rather than the h...




prep.向;对于;为了;接近 adj.即将来到的,进行中的 go toward 朝...方向走去 make toward 向…延伸;向…前进 prep.向;对于;为了;接近 unto,upon,out adj.即将来到的,进行中的 going,underway


towards 报错 英 [tu0259"wu0254u02d0dz; twu0254u02d0dz; "tu0254u02d0dz] 美 [tu0254rdz] 全球发音跟读 口语练习prep. 朝,向;对于;有助于网络释义 迈向 朝向 态度 朝着短语move towards 走向 ; 靠近 ; 走近 ; 趋向moving towards 人服务 ; 迈向towards everyone 全新的敏锐体谅心理 更多网络短语21世纪大英汉词典toward(s) [tu0259"wu0254:dz; tu-; "tu0259uu0259dz; twu0254:dz]prep.1.向;朝着;面对;朝…方向:She extended her right hand towards me.她向我伸出了右手。The house faces towards the north.这所房子朝北。2.向着…的目标;为了…的目的;有助于:steps towards peace走向和平的步骤They"re saving money towards a new house.他们攒钱想买幢新房子。

policy of /toward/ for 有什么区别啊

区别是由介绍的功能决定的。一般来说,of带有隶属性,也有同位语连接的功能。所以后来一般强调的是策略的内容。如:The government"s policy of high interest rates is having a detrimental effect on industry. 政府的高利率政策正对工业产生不利影响。高利率正是政策的内容。toward带有指向性和针对向,所以一般接的是政策实施的对象,如:For this, the U.S. adjusted its policy toward Japan accordingly to serve its global strategy. 为此,里根政府也相应地调整了对日政策,以便为自己的全球战略服务。政策是针对与日本的关系而制定的。for有“为了...”的意思,所以带有目的性,后面一般接政策的受益者,如:In this sample scenario, you define a policy for manufacturing plant selection.在这个示例的场景中,您为生产厂商的选择定义了一个策略。生产厂商正是这个策略的受益者。不过偶尔也有可能通用的。如果有区别,则遵循上面的法则。

Global warming is a trend toward wsrmer condition


急求英语作文《我对人性的看法》,what is your attitude towards the human nature ?

As an AI language model, I don"t possess personal beliefs or emotions. However, I can provide a sample essay on the topic "What is your attitude towards the human nature?"Human nature is a complex and multifaceted concept that has been debated by philosophers, scholars, and scientists for centuries. Some argue that humans are inherently good, while others believe that they are inherently selfish and aggressive. In my opinion, human nature is a combination of both good and bad qualities, and it is shaped by a variety of factors, including genetics, environment, and culture.On one hand, humans have the capacity for kindness, empathy, and altruism. People are capable of great acts of compassion and generosity, and they often go out of their way to help others in need. This is evident in the many charitable organizations and volunteer groups that exist around the world. Furthermore, humans have the ability to create and appreciate beauty, whether it be through art, music, or literature. These qualities demonstrate the innate goodness of human nature.On the other hand, humans also have a darker side. They are capable of greed, jealousy, and violence. Conflict and war have been a part of human history since the beginning of time, and acts of cruelty and injustice continue to occur in many parts of the world. Additionally, humans have the tendency to prioritize their own interests over those of others, which can lead to selfishness and exploitation.Despite these negative aspects of human nature, I believe that people have the potential to change and improve themselves. Through education, empathy, and self-reflection, individuals can learn to overcome their negative tendencies and cultivate their positive qualities. By recognizing the complexity of human nature and striving to be the best version of ourselves, we can create a better world for everyone.

who have contributed towards the gift这个towards怎么理解

应该可以说是 用于

throw across,throw into,throw towards,三者的区别


reach toward什么意思

答案:B 提示: reach是一个及物动词,指“到达,达到”而reach for中,reach是不及物动词,表示“伸手摸”,因此,B为正确答案。 reach是一个及物动词,指“到达,达到”而reach for中,reach是不及物动词,表示“伸手摸”,因此,B为正确答案。

he was rushing towards the flock这里的"向"为什么加S


【英语】gear towards是什么意思


翻译We have confidence that your journey towards se


We turn our attention away from our own defects, and when we are forced by untoward events to

如果我们不是(被一些不幸的事情弄的)被逼无奈,我们时常会忽视自己的缺点。forced by untoward events我将它翻译成:被不幸的事情所强迫做。。。。意义成被逼无奈

why do you walk“ towards” the front of the line ? 为什么toward要加s

towards此时约等于:totowards [ tu0259"wu0254:dz, tu-, "tu0259uu0259dz, twu0254:dz ] prep. 朝,向;对于;有助于 toward 只有在如下情况才用:adj. [古]即将来到的,进行中的 其它情况,做介词时,现在都用towards了,toward 现代人已经不用,完全用towards代替了。

As is vividly demonstrated in the picture above, two handicapped young men are heading towards thei

here your english is better than most of us, who can really help you?this seems a tofel writing exam, and i can"t find any problem in your article. good job.

With a girl leading the way,he started towards the house. 为什么用leading而不用led?

1.从语法上看:with是随着的意思,作为伴随状语,一般用动词ing的形式,表示伴随的状态,不受后面主句的时态影响. 2.一般来说,doing表示主动,ed表示被动. leading 分词和逻辑意义上的主语 a girl 是主谓关系,即主动关系,所以用leading;如果用 led ,就成了被动关系,实际上没有被动关系,所以不用led.

(3DDFA-V2)Towards Fast, Accurate and Stable 3D Dense Face Alignment

亮点:主要是提出了一系列的优化方案来加速2D图片到3D模型的转换。提出了一个数据增强手段,来帮助模型在视频序列中也很稳定的生成3Dmesh。 gimbal lock :如果使用欧拉角度(x,y,z轴的偏转角)的话会造成角度混淆的问题。例如按照x转90度,再按照y转90度得到的最终状态和先按z转90度再按x转90度的最总状态是一致的,这就会导致回归模型难以收敛。一个优秀的替代方案是使用similarity transformation matrix(3*4),包含了旋转,平移,缩放的问题。 NME(Normalized Mean Error) VDC(Vertex Distance Cost) :直接计算ground truth的点和生成点的L2距离 WPDC(Weighted Parameter Distance Cost) :计算参数的差距而不是顶点的差距,并给每个参数按照重要程度(自动计算)设定了不同的weight fWPDC :加速WPDC中计算重要度的部分,从原来的每个维度计算一次换成了一共只计算一次。 meta-joint optimization :因为手动设计loss weight得到的结果一般,所以设计了一套元学习的方式,用来动态的调整VDC和fWPDC之间的关系。也就是分别用VDC和fWPDC优化模型,训练k步后选loss低的那个状态更新模型。然后重复以上步骤。 Landmark-regression Regularization :作者发现直接让模型预测2d landmark比从生成的3D模型中找对应的2d landmark做约束的效果要好 3D Aided Short-video-synthesis :为了让生成的3D脸在视频中也鲁棒(防止抖动),尝试根据输入的图片生成一些短视频,作者将视频分为以下几类:1.噪声,即随机抖动,2.高斯模糊,可以通过对输入图像做卷积完成。3.平面旋转和移动,4.空间旋转和移动,使用face profiling技术。然后应该是将生成的图片再用于训练。 face profiling :这个是在3DDFA中提出的技术,就是说当图片的3D信息和深度信息都有了的时候就可以直接旋转角度来获得新角度的样本了。

急求英语作文《我对人性的看法》,what is your attitude towards the human nature ?

The two scientists stood shoulder to shoulder with President Bill Clinton in the East Room of the White House, the same room where the American explorers Meriwether Lewis and William Clark unfurled their map of the Northwest Territories for Thomas Jefferson. Like Lewis and Clark 200 years before them, the scientists were explorers of a newly discovered landscape and they, too, had just completed their own draft map of an unknown world. Francis Collins and Craig Venter had been, in fact, rivals in the race to decode the human genome, but they had been cajoled into making a very public "truce" in a joint transatlantic press conference with Tony Blair in Downing Street. Venter, the leader of the privately run project, and Collins, the government scientist, stood together to explain that humanity was now able to read, for the first time, the genetic map describing the detailed coordinates of our DNA code.

是toward the end of还是towards the end of?

都可以接近战争末期 toward the end of the war 将近20世纪末 toward the end of the 20th century ***************************1. It"s getting on towards the end of the term now. 期末即将来临。 来自《简明英汉词典》2. It"s natural to slack off towards the end of a hard day"s work. 辛苦工作了一天,快结束时有所松懈是很自然的。 来自《简明英汉词典》3. The house will be ready towards the end of the year. 这房子在年底以前可以造好。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》

dive towards什么意思

dive towards向.....俯冲dive[英][dau026av][美][dau026av]vi.潜水; 跳水; 急剧下降; (头朝下)跳入水中; n.潜水; 跳水; 俯冲,(潜艇)下潜; (气温,股价等的)暴跌,跳水; vt.& vi.突然下降,暴跌; 第三人称单数:dives过去分词:dived现在进行时:diving过去式:dived易混淆单词:DIVE例句:1.They missed out on a medal after botching their last dive. 他们错过了一枚奖章填补他们的最后一次跳水。2.In broad channel in new york city, a 29-year-old mother was forced to dive and swim out of her house"s front window with her 8-year-old daughter. 在纽约市皇后区的broad channel,一名29岁的母亲不得不带着8岁的女儿从前门窗户潜水游出

attitudes toward shopping 英语作文

AbstractA survey of 11 positive features and 10 discouraging features of online shopping was carried out on 180 students and identified certain behavioral patterns for online shoppers versus non-shoppers. It was found that online shoppers have consistently stronger positive feelings about online shopping than do non-shoppers. On the other hand, non-shoppers have more negative feelings about online shopping than do shoppers, but not consistently so. Online shoppers are aware of some of the discouraging features of online shopping, but these features do not deter them from shopping online. The implication for marketers is that they should focus on making the experience of online shopping more accommodating and more user-friendly since the positive features of online shopping ("convenience" and "efficiency") appear to be more important than the negative features ("effort/impersonality").

attitudes toward new technologies often fall along generational li是什么意思


谁有课文 public attitude toward science 的完整翻译啊,有急用,感谢


以"attitudes towards life"为题,写一篇150字的英语作文?

Attitudes towards life can vary greatly from person to person. Some people view life as a challenge and are driven to achieve success in their careers or personal endeavors. Others view life as an opportunity to help others and to make a positive impact in the world. Still, there are those who believe that life is a journey that should be savored and enjoyed with friends and family.No matter what our attitudes towards life may be, it is important to recognize that we only have a limited amount of time on this planet. We must strive to make the most of every moment, and to pursue our passions and interests with fervor.Ultimately, our attitudes towards life can shape who we are and the impact we make on the world around us. By cultivating a positive outlook and a determination to achieve our goals, we can overcome any obstacle and lead a fulfilling and rewarding life.

"attitudes towards"怎么造句?

Tom walks towards me in a hurry . We have different attitudes towards money.

Attitudes towards是什么意思

attitude towards介词短语 :对 ... 的态度例句:She has a sane attitude towards diving and never go too fast.她对于跳水的态度很明智,从不操之过急。She has a firm, no-nonsense attitude towards her staff.她对下属的态度严肃而认真。There was a certain coldness in her attitude towards me.她对我的态度有点儿冷淡。

towards evening为什么不需要加the

towards evening 傍晚不是特指,所以不用加the短语Towards The Evening 傍晚将至TV programs towards the evening 傍晚电视新闻 ; 傍晚电视新闻"Ascends towards Flowered Evening" 《朝花夕拾》傍晚at duskThis water is formed in the morning, substantially lost by lunar midday, and reformed as the lunar surface cools towards evening. 这些水在早晨形成,到月球的中午基本上都消失了,快到傍晚月球表面凉下来时,又重新形成。
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