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做Western blot 一般需要多少上样量


用肝组织怎么做western blot

用植物细胞做western blot 首先液氮保存叶片样品,用的时候研磨粉碎,再用蛋白提取液浸泡离心取上清 上清样品可以先去做定量检测 之后在样品中加上样缓冲液就可以进行western blot检测了

western blot时每个孔道到一般加多少样品蛋白溶液和Mark,样品蛋白浓度是多少?

根据你的样品,要检测的蛋白等来决定 一般蛋白浓度在20ug - 80ug 不等 marker的话2-5ul足够了.

western blot实验都需要哪些仪器


膜蛋白和核蛋白做western blot有什么不同


Western blot 与Western blotting一样吗一个小白的提问

Western blot 与 Western blotting 是一样的 都是指蛋白质印迹法,具体怎么用好像也没有什么强制的要求,可以写成 Western blot 也可以写成Western blotting。简单一点写成 Western 也没有关系,或者缩写成 WB 也可以

western blot 的抗体能用于免疫沉淀吗

理论上Western blot的抗体是可以用来免疫沉淀的但是免疫沉淀是在相对较弱的变形条件下进行抗原和抗体的识别,这时候蛋白质还保留着大部分的三级结构。如果用单抗IP有可能不能识别起有效的抗原决定簇位点而Western blot则是在变性条件下进行的,抗原决定簇都已经暴露,所以比较容易被单抗所识别所以用Western blot的抗体来做免疫沉淀有较大失败的可能性

western blot实验都需要哪些仪器

western blot实验都需要的基础仪器有:电泳仪,制胶板,电泳槽,湿转的转膜槽或者半干转仪,脱色摇床,暗室,X光片,红外灯,成像仪,一些基础耗材和试剂等基本上生化实验室要做western blot还是很容易的



western blot中封闭起什么作用


western blot 的工作原理


western blot操作流程

western blot操作流程如下:1、收集蛋白样品(Protein sample preparation)使用细胞裂解液,对贴壁细胞、悬浮细胞或组织样品进行裂解。然后测定每个蛋白样品的蛋白浓度。2、电泳(Electrophoresis)(1) SDS-PAGE凝胶配制。SDS-PAGE凝胶(分离胶及浓缩胶)可以参考一些文献资料进行配制。(2) 样品处理。在收集的蛋白样品中加入适量浓缩的SDS-PAGE蛋白上样缓冲液。例如2X或5X的SDS-PAGE蛋白上样缓冲液。使用5X的SDS-PAGE蛋白上样缓冲液可以减小上样体积,在相同体积的上样孔内可以上样更多的蛋白样品。3、转膜(Transfer)(1)我们推荐在Western实验中选用PVDF膜。硝酸纤维素膜(NC膜)也可以使用,但硝酸纤维素膜比较脆,在操作过程中特别是用镊子夹取等过程中容易裂开。膜的使用请参考生产商的推荐使用步骤。通常如果使用Bio-Rad的标准湿式转膜装置,可以设定转膜电流为300-400mA。(2)在转膜过程中,特别是高电流快速转膜时,通常会有非常严重的发热现象,最好把转膜槽放置在冰浴中进行转膜。 转膜的效果可以观察所使用的预染蛋白质分子量标准,通常分子量最大的1-2条带较难全部转到膜上。转膜的效果也可以用丽春 。


westernblot原理及过程如下:Western Blot法采用的是聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳,被检测物是蛋白质,经过聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分离的蛋白质样品,转移到固相载体上,且能保持电泳分离的多肽类型及其生物学活性不变。以固相载体上的蛋白质或多肽作为抗原,与对应的抗体起免疫反应,再与酶或同位素标记的第二抗体起反应,经过底物显色或放射自显影以检测电泳分离的特异性目的基因表达的蛋白成分。原理:先制备蛋白质样品,再利用SDS-PAGE原理,分离不同的蛋白质,再将分离的蛋白质进行转膜,以便固定在新膜上进行抗原-抗体结合。用固定在膜上的蛋白质作为抗原与对应的非标记抗体结合。由于此过程中,可能有未结合到抗原的抗体遗留,故需要清洗,以便保存特异性结合的抗原-抗体结合物。抗原抗体结合物暴露出一个Fc片段,相应的二抗可以结合到这个片段上,形成抗原-一抗-二抗结合物。再用相应的过氧化物酶或碱性磷酸酯酶标记到二抗上,由于加入的标记物相对质量分子很大,可以用离心作用将其沉淀下来,如果抗原与抗体结合,便可以一起沉淀下来,最后通过显色反应或放射自显影法便可检测凝胶中的蛋白成分了。

western people怎么读

[u02c8westu0259n] [u02c8pi:pl] 精锐五角场英语组

求写2篇英语作文,不要复制或者用翻译软件翻译的哦,谢谢拉... 1、western festival 2、the stress

Nowadays , western festivals are so hot in China .The festivals mainly incorporate Christmas Day , Valentine"s Day , April Fool"s Day ,etc . When these festivals come along , many young people become quite exuberant .They exchanges gifts with classmates , friends , colleagues , valentines. They chat , sing , and laugh happily .And they go to the pubs and restaurants . When Christmas falls , there are a variety of decorates such as Christmas trees , miscellaneous toys , vermilion hats , little candies , elaborate cards , blessings, ribbons and festoons in various stores , the campuses , offices , houses, etc . And on Valentine"s Day , the streets are stuffed with cerise roses . People send boxes of chocolates, diamond rings , and write love poems to the their beloved . And they sit drinking the grape wine in the bar and kissed each other on the streets . To cut long story short , many young people are really fascinated by the western festivals . While some stress is actually necessary for you to function at your best, too much takes a mental and physical toll. it"s necessary to learn to manage stress levels to prevent anxiety, depression and other conditions.You can turn bad stress into something positive, to energize your life and advance your goals. Just follow these steps:write down everything you have to do when you"re feeling overwhelmed; concentrate on one task at a time; manage your energies wisely, prioritize your workload and put in less effort for low-priority jobs, and avoid expending energy on unimportant tasks; Take small breaks during work; exercise regularly to maintain your health and release stress, or take up a hobby. Don"t push your self too hard, cause healthy is much important than anything.望采纳 呵呵

英语作文:《my faVorite western holidays》40字

My favorite western holiday. My Favorite western holiday is Halloween! It"s on the

1.Amy likes eating____(比萨饼)best of all the Western food.

1.pizza(泛指披萨不可数)2.B【上文提到过什么东西了,才用none】比如:Are there any pencils in your bag?——None求采纳!谢谢【俊狼猎英】

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曼谷Best Western Plus Grand Howard位置在什么地方


巴厘岛Best Western New Kuta Condotel感觉怎么样




WESTERN LIFE里面四个人都叫什么啊

westlife是来自爱尔兰的合唱团,由shane kian nicky bryan mark五位优秀的年轻人组成。早在1998年,boyzone的经济人louis walsh发现shane、mark、与kian共组的6人体,他决定继bz后再组一个团,在都柏林办微试,找到nick和bryan,重新整合成5人组合。walsh找ronan来为他们上"艺人养成课",原本取名westside并且已经累积相当人气,但是因为美国有一个同名团,为了避免纠纷,也为了将来进军美国,在1999年正式改名为westlife。当时的westlife在1998年底为11月加入偶像杂志的巡回演唱会(smash hits road show),也和师傅boyzone五年前一样,获得该杂志「best new act award最佳演出新人奖」。 Westlife的前身可以说是IOU,由其成员Shane和Mark先后认识了Kian,Nicky和Bryan后组队,Westlife的成名可谓英格兰岛上的又一传奇,他们以清纯的外表和抒情流行的演唱风格,一经出道就夺取了千百万欧陆少年的心,其势头不可阻挡,就连外来的成功组合Back Btreet Boys和N"SYNC等等都难以招架。成为续take that和boyzone以来又一支令人疯狂热爱的男孩组合。

western festivals的作文50字

My faVorite western holidays is Christmas ,let me tell you someting about it.On December 25, people around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Some people celebrate by giving gifts. Children may be thanking Santa Claus for new toys. They may also be going to church with their families. Christmas has so many traditions and symbols associated with it, that it"s hard to determine exactly how it came to be the celebration it is todayAh! Christmas morning! Children like to wake up early while it"s still dark and sneak into the living room to check the presents----find any with their name on it, shake them to guess what"s inside, and then maybe they"ll go back to bed and pretend they are still asleep when their parents come to wake them with a "Merry Christmas!"All in all,I like Christmas best



帮我写一遍英文作文“western influence on chinese youth"两个人的对话做演讲,急急急啊!!!


Chinese food western food辩论

Chinese Food Vs Western Food"When you are in Rome, do what the Romans do" - this saying applies to food in Shanghai as well. According to my personal experience, to have Chinese food in Shanghai is much nicer and cheaper than to have Western style food.We went to a Chinese Seafood restaurant just outside of Xintiandi Friday night. The food was very nice - fresh and delicate. We had some cod with crab meat, prawn rolls, chicken soup, fish soup and a Chinese vegetable dish. The total price was RMB190. We were so stuffed and satisfied after dinner. ( We didn"t have any alcohol because the Chinese tea was very nice.)The next morning (Saturday) I was craving for Banana Pancakes,so we decided to go to Xintiandi again to try our luck. Fortunately it didn"t take us long to find a place in Xintiandi serving Banana pancakes and other western style breakfast. We ordered a Banana Pancake and a big breakfast. The drinks were free. The pancakes weren"t very nice because they were made too thick and heavy and the flour they use wasn"t too good either. Brad didn"t like his big breakfast much either. When we asked for the bill, it was RMB150.Comparing the previous night"s Chinese dinner with the western style breakfast, we realised that going to a nice Chinese restaurant in Shanghai, you can get much better value and food than going to a western style restaurant . The food in those western restaurants always taste a bit funny ( un-genuine); it is like they are trying to cook to the western standard, but they just don"t get some easy secrets of cooking. ( The chefs are normally Chinese to save cost.)When I was in Sydney, I sometimes went to China Town to have some Chinese food. However I was never really happy with the Chinese food there - they just don"t taste right!So I suggest, when you are in one country, just go to the local restaurants. That"s part of the fun of travelling, isn"t it?

研究生英语读写译《western culture》翻译


Draft / Cheque no. or by wire transfer/ paypal /western union各是什么转帐方式?


在western blot中loading buffer的作用是什么?


open our eyes to see the western world

经济 文化 制度 的差异

如何提高Western Blot分析的敏感性和特异性

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