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写中文,但是说write in Chinese 更合适。






write的中文是什么? :




look are write 是什么意思?

意思是:看起来是写。词汇解释:look 英[lʊk] 美[lʊk] vt. 看,瞧; vi. 寻找; 注意; 面向; 看起来好像; n. 看; 样子; (尤指吸引人的) 相貌; 眼神; [例句]You"ve just got to look at the last bit of Act Three.你只要看一下第3幕最后那部分。are 英[ɑ:(r)] 美[ɑ:r] vi. (用于第二人称单复数现在时,第一、三人称复数现在时) 是; n. 公亩(等于100平方米); [例句]Jim and I are getting married.我和吉姆就要结婚了。write 英[raɪt] 美[raɪt] vt. 写; 写信; 写作; 作曲; [例句]If you"d like one, simply write your name and address on a postcard and send it to us.如果你想要一个的话,只要把姓名、住址写在一张明信片上寄给我们就行。

write a passage about120 words on how to.是什么意思啊?

Write a passage about 120 words on how to这句话的意思是:写一篇120字的文章,说明如何。具体如下:1、write英 [raɪt]  美 [raɪt] vi. (不及物动词)写,写字;写作,作曲;写信。vt. (及物动词)写,书写;写信给;著述。词组短语:write down 写下;减低帐面价值;把…描写成。read and write 读和写;直读式记录。write in 写入;写信提出(请求等);在选票上加写(非原定候选人的名字)。例句:Write me while you"re away. 你外出期间给我写信。2、word英 [wɜːd]  美 [wɜːrd] n. (名词)[语] 单词;话语;消息;诺言;命令。vt. (及物动词)用言辞表达。词组短语:in other word 换句话说;也就是说。in a word 总之;简言之。one word 一个字;一句话。例句:The appropriate word eluded him. 他想不起来那个合适的词。write近义词compose英 [kəmˈpəʊz]  美 [kəmˈpoʊz] vt. (及物动词)构成;写作;使平静;排…的版。vi. (不及物动词)组成;作曲;排字。词组短语:compose oneself 镇静。compose of 由…组成。例句:Ten men compose the committee. 委员会由十人组成。


vt. 1. 写下,书写 2. 写(书等),编写(乐曲等) 3. 填写 4. 写信给;写信说[+v-ing...vi. 1. 写;写字 2. 写信[(+to)] 3. 写作;作曲[(+for)]



writes的意思是:写。v.写;写信;写作;作曲;(write的第三人称单数)。原形:write.第三人称单数:writes.现在分词:writing.过去式:wrote.过去分词:written.短语搭配:1、write down.写下, 记下2、read and write.读和写;读写;阅读和写作。3、write about.写到;记述;写关于...的文章。4、write a letter.写封信;写信;写一封信。5、write back.回信。双语例句:1、The person who writes the dictation down is his agent .作笔录的人是他的代理。2、She writes on religion from the standpoint of a believer.她是从一个信徒的观点来论述宗教的。3、He writes with a combination of pith and exactitude.他写作既精练又准确。4、He writes, as always, in pellucid prose.他一如既往地用清晰的散文体写作。5、He writes repetitive and uninspired poetry.他写重复而又无灵感的诗句。6、He writes every week without fail.他每周都写信,从不间断。7、She is good at writing/writes very well, so let her draft the annual report.她文笔好,让她写年终总结吧。


vt.1.写下,书写 2.写(书等),编写(乐曲等) 3.填写 4.写信给;写信说[+v-ing... vi.1.写;写字 2.写信[(+to)] 3.写作;作曲[(+for)]


vt. 书写,著述,写,写满,写信给 vi. 写,写字,写信,写作,作曲




write[英][raɪt][美][raɪt]vt.& vi.写; 写信; 写作; 作曲; 第三人称单数:writes过去分词:written现在进行时:writing过去式:wrote以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Why write a letter to your future self? 为什么要给未来的自己写一封信呢?.___________________________很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

我现在有一win98的启动盘,我在进行格式化的时候,系统提示warning! you havechosen to overwrite!


write these words in alphabetical order (fromAtoZ)这句话是什么意思?


Write the words in alphabetical order是什么意思啊



没有。cover有覆盖的意思write into是写入的意思,比如:Once the document is created, we would require a writer to write into it.一旦开始创建文档,将需要一个写入器向文档中写入内容。

write an essay on the literary contributions of geoffrey chaucer是什么意

写一篇关于 杰弗里·乔叟 对 文学 的贡献 的文章。essay -- 散文, 随笔, 短文, 评论。Geoffrey Chaucer杰弗里·乔叟(1343年-1400年) 是 英国中世纪作家。其代表作《坎特伯雷故事集》摆脱了旧时代诗作的脱离现实,矫揉造作的风格,通过塑造三十多个个性鲜明的人物,揭露了僧侣阶层的腐朽,严肃的考虑妇女问题,反映了当时各色各样的人的生活和社会的全貌,因此杰弗里·乔叟被认为是英国中世纪文学和文艺复兴文学之间承上启下的人物。

write about you rown daily routine什么意思及答案?

你好write about you rown daily routine的意思是写你的日常生活

write about your own daily routine。这句话什么意思


write about your own daily routine什么意思



spell,动词、名词,作动词时意为“ 拼写;拼成。”write,主要用作动词,意思是“写,书写;写信给;著述”。spell一般是用嘴巴拼出来,而write是写下来。

Write a speech on protecting the tourist environment

The environment problem is so serious to most countries and individuals that to sovle it should be based on the international level ranther than individual countries. Do you agree or disagree? As a concave-and-convex-sided nutshell, with the burgeoning of the science and technology, the environmental problem is becoming so serious to most countries and individuals. There is dispute over that who should be responsible for the problem. Some people maintain that to solve it should be based on the international level, while some others hold up to rely on the individuals and individual countries. I support the former one rather than the latter point of view, and I`d like to offer my opinions as follows. To begin with, all the people around the world are living on the same globe--the Earth. As a title of a public advertisement casting in China saying, "we have only one earth." --which indicates that if human beings continue to damage the circumstance, we`ll lose our lives sooner or later. Taking China for example, there was a terrible prevailing lung disease broke out large-scale around China, which was called the SARS that attributed to the eating of a kind of animal with inhumanity. Moreover, the bird flu, the BSE and other dangerous diseases can be put down to the destroy of eco-balance. Therefore, the loss of numerous people`s lives striked an alarm for all the humankind that to protect the environment was to save ourselves. In addition, international associations have mainly responsibilities to promote the individuals and individual countries to associate with each other in order to solve the environmental problem. On one hand, it is necessary to set up museums and festivals which can play an important role in educating and alerting people to make them be aware of the vital duty of safeguarding our environment. On the other hand, relative laws and regulations should be proposed and executed to confine persons deeds and all the countries behaviors as well. To sum up, the serious matter of environment is urgent to attract the world`s attention. The international level must shoulder the liability to settle it. As long as the world`s people and countries unite as a whole, I believe firmly that the environmental problem must be resolved effectively and efficiently.

write letters和write a letter的意思,有什么区别?





writing 写作


write 英[raɪt]美[raɪt]vt.& vi. 写;写信;写作;作曲第三人称单数:writes;过去分词:written;现在分词:writing;过去式:w...[例句]I will write an ebook.我将写一本电子书。


write英 [raɪt]   美 [raɪt]  v.  写(字/书/信); 创作(歌曲); 开具(支票等); (往计算机等)写入;变形 过去分词: written 过去式: wrote 现在分词: writing 第三人称单数: write双语例句1. Today was really a bit of a write-off for me.  今天对我来说真的有点儿白白浪费了。2. The car was a write-off, but everyone escaped unharmed.  这辆车报废了,但人员全部安全逃离。3. Finding a volunteer to write the computer program isn"t a problem.  找个志愿者编这个计算机程序不成问题。4. The guide book contains a short write-up of each hotel.  指南上有对每个饭店的简评。5. They can neither read nor write, nor can they comprehend such concepts.  他们不会读,不会写,也理解不了这样的概念。6. His abhorrence of racism led him to write The Algiers Motel Incident.  对种族主义的憎恨促使他写了《阿尔及尔汽车旅馆事件》一书。7. Write your letter and seal it in a blank envelope.  信写好后把它装进空白信封里封好。8. On the morning before starting the fast, write down your starting weight.  早晨开始禁食前,记下你的体重。9. One in four pupils leaving secondary school can"t read or write properly.  中学毕业生中有1/4的人读写有问题。10. I could write for TV as well as any of those goofs.  我写的电视剧肯定一点儿不比那帮笨蛋写得差。


write 英 [raɪt] 美 [raɪt]


write英 [raɪt] 美 [raɪt] vt.& vi.写;写信;写作;作曲第三人称单数: writes 现在分词: writing 过去式: wrote 过去分词: written


write的ing形式是writing。1、读音:英 [ˈraɪtɪŋ] 、美 [ˈraɪtɪŋ]2、表达意思:书写;写作技能;著书立说,写作的职业;作品,著作;文字;笔迹3、固定搭配:in writing 书面;writing ability 写作能力4、例句:His writing lacks imagination. 他的作品缺乏想象。扩展资料:“write”的用法介绍:1、用作动词,表示“写,写字,书写,写作,作曲;著述;写信”He advised me to write a doctoral dissertation and stay to work in France.他劝我写一篇论文,得一个博士学位,留在法国工作。2、write可用于现在完成时,也可用于现在完成进行时,用于前者时必须接宾语,用于后者时可不接宾语。3、用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词、that/wh-从句作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词to的宾语,其直接宾语可以由名词充当,也可由that从句充当。write还可接由名词、动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。



write的名词形式是writing和writer write v.书写;写字;写作;作曲;编写;写信 第三人称单数: writes 现在分词: writing 过去式: wrote 过去分词: written 扩展资料   She"s writing a new history of Europe.   她正在写一部新的欧洲史。   Our son"s having problems with his reading and writing.   我们儿子在读写方面有困难。   I"ve never been a great one for writing letters.   我向来不喜欢写信。


snow write (白雪公主)意思 :白色的





用 法头文件:<unistd.h>write有两种用法。一种是:ssize_t write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t nbyte);fd:文件描述符;buf:指定的缓冲区,即指针,指向一段内存单元;nbyte:要写入文件指定的字节数;返回值:写入文档的字节数(成功);-1(出错)write函数把buf中nbyte写入文件描述符handle所指的文档,成功时返回写的字节数,错误时返回-1.另一种是: write(const char* str,int n)str是字符指针或字符数组,用来存放一个字符串。n是int型数,它用来表示输出显示字符串中字符的个数。write("string",strlen("string");表示输出


write的过去分词是 written如 The book is written by Lu Xin.这本书是鲁迅写的。


write的名词形式是writing和writer。 write v.书写;写字;写作;作曲;编写;写信 第三人称单数: writes 现在分词: writing 过去式: wrote 过去分词: written 扩展资料   I"ve never been a great one for writing letters.   我向来不喜欢写信。   She hasn"t written ─ not that she said she would.   她还没写信来——倒不是她说过她要写。   This expression is used mainly in speech, not in writing.   这种表达主要用于口语,而不是书面语。




write:写 动名词:writing 过去式:wrote 过去分词:written 词组:write down 写下 write a story 写一个故事,6,


1、发音:英 [raɪt]     美 [raɪt]    2、意思:v. 写;书写;填写;作曲3、用法:write的基本意思是“写”,指用笔大方、庄重地记录一些东西。引申可表示“写信”,是日常用语。扩展资料:近义词:compose1、发音:英 [kəm"pəʊz]     美 [kəm"poʊz]    2、意思:v. 作曲;创作;编排;形成;使镇静3、用法:compose的基本意思有二,一是“组成”“构成”,引申可表示“作曲”;二是“使安定,使镇静”。


write的名词形式是writing和writer。Writing意为:写;书写;写作;(专职)写作;著书立说;著作;文字作品;文章。 writing 英:[ˈraɪtɪŋ];美:[ˈraɪtɪŋ] n.写;书写;写作;(专职)写作;著书立说;著作;文字作品;文章 v.书写;写字;写作;作曲;编写;写信 write的现在分词 复数:writings write的用法 write可以用作动词 write的基本意思是“写”,指用笔大方、庄重地记录一些东西。引申可表示“写信”,是日常用语。 write既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词、that/wh-从句作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词to的宾语,其直接宾语可以由名词充当,也可由that从句充当。write还可接由名词、动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。 write可用于现在完成时,也可用于现在完成进行时,用于前者时必须接宾语,用于后者时可不接宾语。 write用作动词的用法例句 I"ve been writing for three hours.我已经写了三个小时了。


v. 写;书写;填写;作曲一、读音:英 [raɪt];美 [raɪt] 二、例句:I"ve been writing for three hours.我已经写了三个小时了。三、词汇用法:1、write的基本意思是“写”,指用笔大方、庄重地记录一些东西。引申可表示“写信”,是日常用语。2、write既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词、that/wh-从句作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词to的宾语,其直接宾语可以由名词充当,也可由that从句充当。write还可接由名词、动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。3、write可用于现在完成时,也可用于现在完成进行时,用于前者时必须接宾语,用于后者时可不接宾语。4、write的过去分词written可用作形容词,在句中作定语。扩展资料近义词:compose一、意思:v. 作曲;创作;编排;形成;使镇静二、读音:英 [kəm"pəʊz];美 [kəm"poʊz] 三、例句:She began to compose songs at an early age.她还很年轻时就已经开始创作歌曲。四、词汇用法:1、compose的基本意思有二,一是“组成”“构成”,引申可表示“作曲”; 二是“使安定,使镇静”。2、compose作“组成”解时,是及物动词。主语是组成前的各个部分,宾语是组成后的一个整体,不用于被动结构。3、compose作“作曲”解时,可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。


write的名词形式是writing和writer。Writing的意思:书写;写字;写作;作曲;编写;写信。Writer的意思:作家;作者;著者;写…的人;执笔者;撰写人。 W rite 的用法 write可以用作动词 write的基本意思是“写”,指用笔大方、庄重地记录一些东西。引申可表示“写信”,是日常用语。 write既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词、that/wh-从句作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词to的宾语,其直接宾语可以由名词充当,也可由that从句充当。write还可接由名词、动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。 write可用于现在完成时,也可用于现在完成进行时,用于前者时必须接宾语,用于后者时可不接宾语。 write用作动词的用法例句 I"ve been writing for three hours.我已经写了三个小时了。




write:英[raɪt];美[raɪt]。v:写;编写;写信;写作;写字;作曲;写道;开(支票等);将(数据)写入(存储器);好使。双语例句:1、She had to write a report on the project. 她必须就这个项目写一份报告。2、He hopes to write a book about his experiences one day. 他希望有一天写一部关于自己经历的书。3、I"ve never been a great one for writing letters. 我向来不喜欢写信。4、She hasn"t written ─ not that she said she would. 她还没写信来——倒不是她说过她要写。5、This expression is used mainly in speech, not in writing. 这种表达主要用于口语,而不是书面语。6、Get everything in writing in order to cover your back. 一切都要立字为据,以绝后患。


write意思是:书写;填写;作曲,是指用笔正式、庄重地记录事情。也可以引申为“写信”。 很多人在学习到write这个英文单词的时候,通常会感觉到比较困难,因为write这个英文的单词用法比较多样化,下面让我们一起去了解write这个英文单词吧。 详细内容 01 单词发音: 英 [raɪt] 美 [raɪt]。 02 write既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词、that/wh-从句作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词to的宾语,其直接宾语可以由名词充当,也可由that从句充当。write还可接由名词、动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。 03 write可用于现在完成时,也可用于现在完成进行时,用于前者时必须接宾语,用于后者时可不接宾语。 04 She began to compose songs at an early age. 她还很年轻时就已经开始创作歌曲。 He was composing at the piano at the age of seven. 他7岁时就会钢琴作曲。 05 The painting is a copy of one in the museum. 这幅画是博物馆中的一幅画的复制品。 He asked his secretary to make a copy of the document. 他叫秘书把文件复制一份。


write的基本意思是“写”,指用笔大方、庄重地记录一些东西。引申可表示“写信”,是日常用语。既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。1.用作动词,表示“写,写字,书写,写作,作曲;著述;写信” He advised me to write a doctoral dissertation and stay to work in France. 他劝我写一篇论文,得一个博士学位,留在法国工作。 If you"d like one, simply write your name and address on a postcard and send it to us 如果你想要一个的话,只要把姓名、住址写在一张明信片上寄给我们就行。 Romeo took his leave of his dear wife with a heavy heart, promising to write to her from Mantua every hour in the day. 罗密欧怀着一颗沉重的心跟他亲爱的妻子分手了,答应到曼多亚一定时时刻刻写信给她。 2.write可用于现在完成时,也可用于现在完成进行时,用于前者时必须接宾语,用于后者时可不接宾语。 3.用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词、that/wh-从句作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词to的宾语,其直接宾语可以由名词充当,也可由that从句充当。write还可接由名词、动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。

write 是什么意思

翻译:write:写; 写信; 写作; 作曲例句:1.If you"d like one, simply write your name and address on a postcard and send it to us.如果你想要一个的话,只要把姓名、住址写在一张明信片上寄给我们就行。2.Howard, what prompted you to write this letter?《财富》:霍华德,是什么促使你写了这封信?3.They were still trying to teach her to read and write.他们还在试图教她读书写字。4.Finding a volunteer to write the computer program isn"t a problem.找个志愿者编这个计算机程序不成问题。5.Why didn"t you write, call, anything?你为什么不写信,不打电话,什么也不做?





write的用法:write的基本意思是“写”,指用笔大方、庄重地记录一些东西。引申可表示“写信”,是日常用语。既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。write的用法1.用作动词,表示“写,写字,书写,写作,作曲;著述;写信”。He advised me to write a doctoral dissertation and stay to work in France.他劝我写一篇论文,得一个博士学位,留在法国工作。If you"d like one, simply write your name and address on a postcard and send it to us如果你想要一个的话,只要把姓名、住址写在一张明信片上寄给我们就行。Romeo took his leave of his dear wife with a heavy heart, promising to write to her fromMantua every hour in the day.罗密欧怀着一颗沉重的心跟他亲爱的妻子分手了,答应到曼多亚一定时时刻刻写信给她。2.write可用于现在完成时,也可用于现在完成进行时,用于前者时必须接宾语,用于后者时可不接宾语。3.用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词、that/wh-从句作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词to的宾语,其直接宾语可以由名词充当,也可由that从句充当。write还可接由名词、动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。


write的意思:v. 写作,编写;以写作为生;写道;写信;书写,写字;谱写(音乐作品);编写(计算机程序);将(计算机中的)数据写入(磁盘或其他储存媒体);填写(表格、支票等),拟定;(笔)能写字;拼写;<加,南非>参加(笔试);书写,手写(与铅印相对);承保(保险单)短语write down 记下 ; 写下来 ; 减记write off 注销 ; 取消 ; 勾销 ; 报废copy-on-write 写入时复制 ; 写时复制 ; 写时拷贝 ; 技术write to 写到 ; 给某人写信write a letter 写信 ; 写一封信 ; 上书Write A Poem 写情诗 ; 写首诗 ; 写一首小诗 ; 写一首诗write to sb 写信给某人 ; 写给某人 ; 给或人写信write-off 债务的取消 ; 减记 ; [会计] 划销 ; 冲销Write Book 白皮书 ; 黄皮书


书写的意思。vi.写,写字;写作,作曲;写信vt.写,书写;写信给;著述过去式:wrote过去分词:written现在分词:writing第三人称单数:writes例句:1、The writer has recently written a new horror novel.这位作家最近写了一本新的恐怖小说。2、I wrote the blank part of the financial report.我填写了财务报告中的空白部分。3、He wrote the role of a bell ringer into the novel.他在长篇小说中加入了一个敲钟人的角色。4、Please write in pen on both sides of the paper.请在纸的两侧用笔书写。5、Would you be able to write a letter of recommendation for me?你能帮我写封推荐信吗?




write的意思:作及物动词时意思是“写,书写;写信给;著述”,作不及物动词时意思是“写,写字;写作,作曲;写信”。词典:书写释义:vi. 写,写字;写作,作曲;写信vt. 写,书写;写信给;著述例句:The writer has recently written a new horror novel.这位作家最近写了一本新的恐怖小说。变形:过去式 wrote;过去分词 written;现在分词 writing;第三人称单数 writes。write的造句如下:1、The writer has recently written a new horror novel.这位作家最近写了一本新的恐怖小说。2、I wrote the blank part of the financial report.我填写了财务报告中的空白部分。3、He wrote the role of a bell ringer into the novel.他在长篇小说中加入了一个敲钟人的角色。


很多人在学习到write这个英文单词的时候,通常会感觉到比较困难,因为write这个英文的单词用法比较多样化,下面让我们一起去了解write这个英文单词吧。 简要回答 write意思是:书写;填写;作曲,是指用笔正式、庄重地记录事情。也可以引申为“写信”。 详细内容 单词发音: 英 [raɪt] 美 [raɪt]。 write既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词、that/wh-从句作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词to的宾语,其直接宾语可以由名词充当,也可由that从句充当。write还可接由名词、动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。 write可用于现在完成时,也可用于现在完成进行时,用于前者时必须接宾语,用于后者时可不接宾语。 She began to compose songs at an early age. 她还很年轻时就已经开始创作歌曲。 He was composing at the piano at the age of seven. 他7岁时就会钢琴作曲。 The painting is a copy of one in the museum. 这幅画是博物馆中的一幅画的复制品。 He asked his secretary to make a copy of the document. 他叫秘书把文件复制一份。


write的名词形式是writing和writer,writing的意思是写作;著述;笔迹;作品;writer的意思是作家;作者。 writing 基本字义 英["raɪtɪŋ] 美["raɪtɪŋ] n.写作;著述;笔迹;作品 双语例句 1.I can"t read your writing. 你的字我认不出来。 2.Maggie"s writing was virtually indecipherable. 玛吉的字迹几乎无法辨认。 3.Writing had not been invented as yet. 书写当时还没有被创造出来。 writer 基本字义 英["raɪtə] 美["raɪtɚ] n.作家;作者 双语例句 1.Anglo-Indian writer Amitav Ghosh 英裔印度作家阿米塔夫•高希 2.Emily Davies is The Times fashion writer. 埃米莉•戴维斯是《泰晤士报》的时尚专栏作家。 3.an Iranian writer in her mid-forties 一个四十五岁左右的伊朗女作家









write中文解释:一、vi. 写,写字;写作,作曲;写信二、、vt. 写,书写;写信给;著述3、过去式:wrote 过去分词:written 现在分词:writing4、相应的短语有:Never write what you dare not sign. [谚语]不要写你不敢署名的文章。nothing to write home about [口语]没什么特别有趣的地方,没什么了不起;平平常常;不十分好的。What I have written I have written. 既已写了就坚决不改。write home about 值得大书特书;很好,很精彩。write in water 水上写字;昙花一现。write oneself off [空军俚语]被击毙。write oneself out 题材枯竭;(作家等)才华已尽。write one"s own ticket 自选工作条件、待遇等。write the book 非常有权威或有经验;擅长。5、例句He would write if you would answer. 如果你回信的话,他就写信。Please write your name and address in print. 姓名和地址请用印刷体书写。I hurryscurried with the essay which they asked me to write. 我急忙赶写完了他们请我写的那篇小品文。Please write me promptly on arrival. 请你一到就写信给我。Beyond trying to write a book, he also compiled a dictionary. 除了写一本书之外,他还编了一部词典。The old man asked me to write a letter for him. 那位老人要我替他写封信。Write home as often as possible so as to relieve your mother from anxiety. 尽量多给家里写信,免得你母亲牵肠挂肚。Space your words evenly when you write. 写字的时候,字与字之间要有均匀的间隔。If you have emails or memos to write, do them all in one go. 如果你有电子邮件或者备忘录可以写写,就一口气全部做了。Everything I write. 我写的一切。


1.rebuild,recreate,reunion,reappear,replay unlike,unfinished,unable,unpleasant dislike,disappear,disagree,disadvantage,discomfort impolite,impossible,immature,imperfect,immoral 2.reporter,teacher,farmer,dancer,singer beautiful,wonderful,useful,helpful helpless,careless,selfless,homeless,useless reasonable,valuable,comfortable,readable,eatable


write读:英 [raɪt],美 [raɪt]。释义:写;编写;写信;写作;写字;作曲;写道;开(支票等);将(数据)写入(存储器);好使。第三人称单数:writes。现在分词:writing。过去式:wrote。过去分词:written。例句:1、She had to write a report on the project. 她必须就这个项目写一份报告。2、He hopes to write a book about his experiences one day. 他希望有一天写一部关于自己经历的书。3、I"ve never been a great one for writing letters. 我向来不喜欢写信。


write [rait] 中文译音 “ ruai 他” 注意:他轻轻的短音,不要拉长! vi.写,写字;写作,作曲;写信 vt.写,书写;写信给;著述


write [rait] 若爱特vi.写,写字;写作,作曲;写信vt.写,书写;写信给;著述


writeln是换行写入 write写入后不换行


was written in write用主动语态表被动时,应该这样:There is a sign ,which writes, " No smoking"


及物动词 vt. 1.写下,书写I"ve written only one page. 我只写了一页。 2.写(书等),编写(乐曲等)He wrote lots of poems in his life. 他一生中写了许多诗。 3.填写[O1]4.写信给;写信说[+v-ing][+to-v][O1][O5][O6][O2][+that][+wh-]She wrote Ellis that his father was not well. 她写信给埃利斯,告诉他他父亲身体欠佳。 5.把...描写成;称...为[O9]6.显露;使留下印记[H]Craftiness was written on his face. 他脸上露出一副奸诈相。 不及物动词 vi. 1.写;写字This pen writes well. 这笔写起来很流畅。 2.写信[(+to)]She writes to her parents once a week. 她每周给父母写一封信。 3.写作;作曲[(+for)]

write是什么意思 有哪些用法

write,主要用作动词,作及物动词时意思是“写,书写;写信给;著述”,作不及物动词时意思是“写,写字;写作,作曲;写信”。 用法 1.写,写字,书写 [I,T] to make letters or numbers on a surface, especially using a pen or a pencil He advised me to write a doctoral dissertation and stay to work in France. 他劝我写一篇论文,得一个博士学位,留在法国工作。 2.写作,作曲;著述;写信 [I,T] to produce sth in written form so that people can read, perform or use it, etc. Romeo took his leave of his dear wife with a heavy heart, promising to write to her from Mantua every hour in the day. 罗密欧怀着一颗沉重的心跟他亲爱的妻子分手了,答应到曼多亚一定时时刻刻写信给她。 实用场景例句 1、There is so much vibration on a ship that one cannot write. 船上的震动大得使人无法书写. 2、Write your address at the head of this page. 把你的住址写在纸的上端. 3、He read the words and decided to write new music for them. 他读后决定为这首词谱写一个新曲子. 4、The lawyer nib his pen, spread out his paper, and prepared to write. 那律师装上笔尖; 摊开纸张, 准备缮写. 5、When he was very young, he began to learn to read and write. 他很小的时候就开始学习读书写字了. 双语例句 1、If you"d like one, simply write your name and address on a postcard and send it to us 如果你想要一个的话,只要把姓名、住址写在一张明信片上寄给我们就行。 2、I had written quite a lot of orchestral music in my student days 我在学生时代创作过很多管弦乐作品。 3、Jay wanted to write 杰伊想要写作。 4、Many people have written to me on this subject 很多人给我写信探讨这个问题。 5、Some six months later,Freud writes, Hans had got over his jealousy. “大约6个月后,”弗洛伊德写道,“汉斯克服了他的嫉妒心理。” 以上就是我整理的write的意思,感谢阅读。


write单词书写如下图:write意思有写;编写;写信;写作;写字;作曲;写道;开(支票等);将(数据)写入(存储器);好使。write造句:1、In some countries children don"t start learning to read and write until they are six.有些国家的儿童到了六岁才开始读书写字。2、He hopes to write a book about his experiences one day.他希望有一天写一部关于自己经历的书。3、Can you write and confirm your booking?你能写信来确认你的预订项目吗?4、 In his latest book he writes that the theory has since been disproved.他在最近的一部书里写道,那个理论后来已被证明不能成立。5、An error was reported when he tried to write data to the file for the first time.当他第一次尝试把数据写入文档时,报告说有错。


write的意思:v. 写作,编写;以写作为生;写道;写信;书写,写字;谱写(音乐作品);编写(计算机程序);将(计算机中的)数据写入(磁盘或其他储存媒体);填写(表格、支票等),拟定;(笔)能写字;拼写;<加,南非>参加(笔试);书写,手写(与铅印相对);承保(保险单)短语write down 记下 ; 写下来 ; 减记write off 注销 ; 取消 ; 勾销 ; 报废copy-on-write 写入时复制 ; 写时复制 ; 写时拷贝 ; 技术write to 写到 ; 给某人写信write a letter 写信 ; 写一封信 ; 上书Write A Poem 写情诗 ; 写首诗 ; 写一首小诗 ; 写一首诗write to sb 写信给某人 ; 写给某人 ; 给或人写信write-off 债务的取消 ; 减记 ; [会计] 划销 ; 冲销Write Book 白皮书 ; 黄皮书

write怎么读 write的意思

1、write的英式读音[raɪt];美式读音[raɪt]。 2、write,英语单词,主要用作动词,作及物动词时意思是“写,书写;写信给;著述”,作不及物动词时意思是“写,写字;写作,作曲;写信”。


write。write,英语单词,主要用作动词,作及物动词时意思是“写,书写;写信给;著述”,作不及物动词时意思是“写,写字;写作,作曲;写信”。短语搭配:write out写出 ; 写下 ; 全部写出 ; 写出来。word write字组写入 ; 字写入。write access写入存取 ; 写访问 ; 写入访问。例句:1. Today was really a bit of a write-off for me.今天对我来说真的有点儿白白浪费了。2. I"m going to write him in on my ballot next year.明年我要在我的选票上写上他的名字。3. The car was a write-off, but everyone escaped unharmed.这辆车报废了,但人员全部安全逃离。4. Finding a volunteer to write the computer program isn"t a problem.找个志愿者编这个计算机程序不成问题。5. That time with him is my qualification to write this book.我和他曾经相处过一段时间,所以才能写出这本书。
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