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1.麦积山景区(Maiji Mountain Scenic Spot)1.1麦积山石窟:Maiji Mountain Grottoes1.2石窟3D漫游Rock cave 3D roaming1.3植物园Botanical garden1.4瑞应寺 ruiying temple1.5罗汉崖Arhat cliff1.6香积山xiangji mountain1.7蛟龙寺jiaolong temple2.仙人崖景区 Immortal cliff scenic spot2.1仙人崖Immortal cliff2.2仙人湖Immortal lake2.3石莲谷shilian Valley2.4净土寺Pure land temple或jingtu temple2.5观景台Looking at the scenery platform2.6十八罗汉朝观音 18 Arhat Face Kwan-yin3.石门景区 shimen scenic spot3.1北峰the north Mountain3.2南峰 the south Mountain3.3聚仙桥juxian Bridge3.4五阳观wuyang Daoist temple3.5映月湖yingyue lake3.6牧马滩Herd horse Beach3.7秦汉古墓群qin and han Dynasty Ancient grave group3.8千佛洞qianfo Cavern3.9长江黄河分水岭the Watershed of changjiang river and huanghe river4.街亭温泉景区jieting Hot spring scenic spot4.1杜甫草堂dufu Grass house4.2崇福寺chongfu temple4.3神龙峡shenlong temple4.4温泉峡Hot spring Canyon5.曲溪景区quxi scenic spot5.1曲水Wine-cup floating5.2小桥 little Bridge5.3漂流Drift5.4草滩grass land5.5鱼娃娃口Fish baby mouth5.6青龙山qinglong mountain


国家重点风景名胜区National key scenic spot风景名胜区 area of scenic and historic interest国家重点文物保护单位Key cultural relic sites under state-level protection国家历史文化名城historical and cultural city of the state中国优秀旅游城市outstanding tourist cities of China国家园林城市national garden cities国家级自然保护区national reserves世界生物圈保护区world biosphere reserve国家级博物馆National Museum国家湿地公园National Wetland Park世界地质公园world geological park国家地质公园national geopark国家森林公园National forest park国家AAAAA级旅游景区National AAAAA tourist attractions爱国主义教育基地a base of patriotic and moral education世界文化和自然遗产world cultural and natural heritage

英文写作 威海风景区 英文翻译 谢谢

Liugongdao Liu Granville Island is located in the Gulf population, from urban tourism Terminal 2.1 sea miles, travel by boat to reach 20 minutes. It faces the Yellow River Shuiyun pain, back then Granville azure bay, known as "unsinkable battleship" of. North Island South Liu steep relief, 4.08 kilometers from east to west, north and south the width 1.5 km, the narrowest 0.06 kilometers, 14.95 kilometers long coastline, with an area of 3.15 square kilometers, the highest mountain 153.5 meters above sea level. 10,000 ares Bihai Island East, Island West and the urban areas across the sea. Dense vegetation in the island, green and luxuriant, mainly in black, up to more than 2,700 acres, was named in 1985 for the National Forest Park. Liu island in 1999 was named the Ministry of Construction of "national scenic area of civilization." Liu Island Attractions Liu island for the state 4A-class scenic areas. Chinese Sino-Japanese War Museum, Exposition Liugongdao, Sino-Japanese War naval museum, Liu island national forest parks, attractions刘公庙. Weihai sea for the natural barrier of defense has an extremely important position. Shidao Chishan Scenic Area Shidao Chishan scenic spots for the state AAAA-class tourist attractions, the three major scenic spots is one of Weihai, is located in the largest fishing port in northern China - Shidao Hong Kong, a radius of 12.8 square kilometers. Chishan, as early as the Spring and Autumn Period on the Yellow Sea雄峙, Shou Shidao squat to Hong Kong, South Korea and Japan in South Asia to communicate and merchants gathered together to become famous in northern China. Chishan to "Eastern Mountain", "Buddhist resort," "island folk", "Forest Park" and known for. Weihai available only temple of the Buddhist temples Millennium - France and China Institute; world Guanyin unique dynamic musical fountain square - Paradise Buddha sector; the world"s largest statue锻铜, China"s first sea statues - Chishan Myojin (San Ming dynasty Habitat); classic reproduction of fisheries in northern China Jiaodong folk culture and the history of things like changes in the Folk Museum - Folk Museum Rongcheng; account of the Korean national hero, maritime trade the life of Zhang Bao Gao Paul Gao Chang feat Museum biography; show profound Buddhist culture and the Japanese yen monk Hui Tang method to Chishan experienced Temple; Shandong Province, the largest category of natural stone exhibition hall - Ya Shi Shi-lian Museum, Jade Museum, such as the top ten landscape areas, and the establishment of the earliest temples north - Tin Hau Temple; rare natural wonders -仰天Buddha. Forest Park, marine park, bathing beach, Phoenix Lake, a fishing village, flower village, the village folk painting village even point into a line of beautiful, not only to accommodate the Buddhism and Taoism, the essence of Confucian culture, but also concentrates the Shanhai the ultimate scenery is "Mountain Landscape Tour" and "religious pilgrimage tours," "Island Folk Tour" and the "ecological leisure travel," the Shangri-la. Weihai International Beach Weihai International and Liu Beach Island, Chengshan and Weihai as the three major scenic spots, is also one of the best beach is a tourist resort, summer resort of convalescence. Beach was founded in April 1992, the年接待游客million. Beach stone door is a sign of construction, it is a dolphin to the west, above, "the international beach," the six characters are well-known calligrapher Weihai autographed by Mr. Su Shengzi book. The east is a hippo, it"s a positive with a mermaid carved, life-like, the back of the beach is an international profile, but also to write Mr. Su Shengzai and carvings. Bathing beaches more than 2,800 meters from east to west, the beach area of 300,000 square meters, can accommodate 100,000 visitors. Acres around the beach and the sea pine相映成趣, beautiful. Chengshan Chengshan Scenic Area is located in Rongcheng Chengshan the easternmost mountain range, they are named Chengshan. Chengshan 200 meters above sea level, two kilometers long from north to south, east-west 1.5 kilometers wide, covering an area of 2.5 square kilometers. South Korea across the sea here,仅距94 sea miles, is the most land and sea at the eastern end of the junction, is one of the first places to see the sunrise at sea, so as the "Sun Kai or place", and "Cape of Good Hope in China" known. Chengshan is surrounded by sea and land side access, green mountain peaks, vast blue sea, cliff Weiran, snow waves, magnificent momentum, is an ideal summer resort tourism. In 1988, it has been approved by the State Council as a "state-level scenic spots."



Get/go down on one knee :单膝跪下eg:She stared, open-mouthed, as he got down on one knee.她目瞪口呆的看着他单膝跪下向她求婚。


第一段 使用缩进和它的大小和形状,应选用的。 manufacurer的身份和财产级标记应出现在头顶每材料规格。第二段1.material :螺旋gmw25 ( 8.8 )钢洗衣sae1050 - 1075spring钢铁, hardness360 〜 430hv 2.finish : gmw3359 3.unspecified细节必须condorm通用汽车工程标准和报告4.restricted物质每gmw3059 5.must是免费的毛边或闪光可能是有害的令人满意的大会,安全处理,外观或功能。在头顶部6.perimeter应倒角或四舍五入。 aslight四舍五入,所有棱角ofupset头应允许头部凸出提供不少于2.70超出了测量环10.95 to10.96直径放在头顶,垂直螺旋轴。 7.transition充分形式toincomplete线程应顺利uniform.the直径不完整线程不得超过直径充分线程8 。体直径大约等于球场直径(滚丝直径) 9.washer应保留螺杆小腿自由旋转,但必须采用最大扭矩3.0Nm的螺丝头,而洗衣机的underhead保留的鱼片之前和期间tighening大会10.if头部上方的是缩进的perirhery可四舍五入。


Film Digital Effects


Expand with heat and contract with cold (热胀冷缩)Rounding up (四舍五入)Casual inspection (临时检查)哈哈 希望可以帮到你!





英文翻译 在第一时间

当我看到你的信息,我会在第一时间联系你When I see your information, I will contact you for the first time





求翻译歌词 英文翻译成汉语 Mighty To Save

每个人都需要同情爱到多数民众赞成neverending让我怜悯落在每个人都需要宽恕在仁慈的救世主各国希望*合唱*救世主,他可以移动山哎呀,浩浩荡荡拯救他是强大的保存作者永远得救他站起来,征服了严重耶稣征服了严重所以,你带我找到我我所有的恐惧和失败填充我的生活我给我的生命跟进我相信一切现在我投降*合唱* x2照你的光,让全世界看到人的复活的耶稣国王x2荣耀歌唱*合唱* x2您轻服务,让全世界看到人的复活的耶稣国王x6荣耀歌唱


许多人喜欢看电视。看电视是最重要的一件事。电视把外部世界接近人民的家园。有些人说世界比以前变小是由于电视的缘故。 到底是怎么在其他国家?人们如何生活在遥远的地方?有一家很不错的体育比赛在哪里了?什么是生活在海洋深处的吗? 如果你想回答这些和其他类型的问题,只要打开电视。你可以看到很多和学到很多。当然,人们也可以学习到阅读或听收音机。但是他们可以用电视学得更好、更容易。为什么?因为他们可以听和看。 电视有助于开我们的眼睛。电视也有助于我们敞开心胸。电视常给我们新的想法。我们学习更新更好的方法去做某事。

我们应该尽可能多地读书以开阔眼界 英文翻译

是 as many as possible 吧to open up our eyes to the world可以不


  论文摘要主要包括四个部分的内容:  第一部分:研究背景/研究目的  第二部分:研究内容/研究对象  第三部分:研究方法、以及研究结果  其中,每一部分的内容都很重要,大家要慎重对待每一部分  (本回答来源于学术堂)


《汤姆历险记》(The Adventures of Tom Sawyer)是一部美国著名的儿童文学作品,出版于1876年,作者为马克·吐温。作品以美国密苏里州圣彼得斯堡(虚构地点)为舞台背景,讲述少年汤姆·索亚与哈克贝里·费恩等伙伴冒险的故事。汤姆是顽童的角色,在美国深受小孩的欢迎。作品的英文梗概如下:Tom lives with his aunt Polly and often gets into trouble. Aunt Polly tells him to whitewash the fence, so he tells his friends that painting the fence is fun and they beg him to let them help. Tom falls in love with a new girl, Becky, but she finds out that he liked another girl before and breaks up with him. Tom and Huckleberry visit a graveyard and witness the murder of Dr. Robinson at the hands of Injun Joe.Tom, Huck and their friend Joe run away and the town thinks they are dead. Tom sneaks back home to watch the commotion and decides to return during his funeral. Back at school, Tom takes the blame for ripping a book that Becky had damaged and gets back on her good side. Tom testifies against Injun Joe in court but Joe escapes the courthouse. In the summer, the boys go hunting for treasure.They find Injun Joe who is looking to bury treasure somewhere. Huck stays to watch while Tom goes on a school picnic. He and Becky go into McDougal"s Cave and get lost for days. Huck reports Injun Joe"s plan to hurt Widow Douglas and Injun Joe runs to hide in McDougal"s Cave. Tom and Becky see him and manage to hide and escape the cave. They tell the town that Injun Joe is in there and the town blocks up the cave. Tom and Huck discover where Joe hid the gold in the caves near his corpse.

求英文翻译: 有志者,事竟成,破釜沉舟,百二秦关终属楚;苦人心,天不负,卧薪尝胆,千三越甲可吞吴

Where there"s a way ,there"s a way.With the boat burned,Qin"s territory finall belonged to Chu. The God won"t cheat the hard working people.As the undergo self-imposed hardships so as to strengthen his resolve,three thousand soldiers from Yue destroyed the country of Wu.


【英文翻译】网上翻译:You can you up, no can no BB.这种英文根本语法不通,老外完全不能看懂。通顺意译:Don"t talk the talk if you can"t walk the walk.意为:别光说不练。比较接近原意。等值翻译:Put up or shut up. [美国俚语]意为:要么拿出实际行动,要么闭嘴。非常接近原意,而且语体也接近,都是俚语化 slang,very informal.【中国式英语来源】在使用英语时,因受汉语思维方式或文化的影响而拼造出不符合英语表达习惯的,具有中国特征的英语。这是中国人在学习英语过程中出现的,是必然的一种语言现象。随着英语在中国已经成了一个流行的话题,许多新鲜事也跟着出来了。俄罗斯新闻公布全球语言监听会公布的2005全球最流行的十个词汇清单,chinglish位列第四位。中式英语是汉语及英语的英文混合而成的合体字。学习者在写作中往往先用汉语打腹稿,或列出中文提纲,再把汉语一句句机械地转换成英语,带有明显的汉语痕迹,因而不易被以英语为母语者所接受。 中式英语指带有中文语音、语法、词汇特色的英语,是一种洋泾浜语言。【例子】you can you up,no can no BB.含义:这句话由多个英语单词组合成一句看上去像英语句子一般的一句话,但细看来却令人忍不住笑出来,因为这完全是用中文的思维来翻译的,翻译出来就是:“你行你上,不行就别瞎嚷嚷。”每个字对应每个单词,这是纯粹的中国式幽默。


a brush


买一个给猫刷毛的好刷子buy a good brush to brush the cat.


【Battle of the godsThe story is still speak is the god of heaven intrigue, the man of the earth band of story, if you like muscle man, so this movie must not miss. A group of the patron saint who hold up the whole movie, hope superior be pain group of 3 d effect will be improvedNight legendAs a fusion, the vampire and werewolves two big theme of the series, the night legend for our portrait of a mysterious and violent underground world, in the third to the Kate bei gold plug the formal return, black tights modelling cool interest dye-in-the-wood.Biochemical crisisBiochemical crisis have reached in the fifth and the original game already didn"t how much the contact, but in order to constantly brings fresh element, director, had appeared in li3 bing bing ?】 不是很准。



在过去的 英文翻译

in the past


我想,我们会是一辈子的闺蜜 => i think, we will be the best friend. "会是"要用将来时will= =

你是我心中的超人英文翻译是什么? - -

you are the only superman in my heart~


1. customer waiting area 这里的area也不必2. terminal sales area (同上)3. 缴费区实际就是 payment processing 区(area)就不必加了吧,如果加就用paymenet processing window



自由女神像 英文翻译

The Statue of Liberty is dressed in an ancient Greek robe; with a seven point spiked rays on her crown representing the seven continents and the four oceans. In her uplifted right hand holds a flaming torch symbolizing freedom, and in her left hand close to her body is a stone tablet bearing the words ”July 4th 1776” , commemorating the date of the Declaration of Independence; at her feet are smashed handcuffs, shackles and chains. She represents liberty , escaping from the oppressions of tyranny.


工作经历 [词典] work experience; occupational history; work history; business experience; [例句]在开展创造就业项目的同时,他们还启动了工作经历项目。Alongside the Job Creation Programme they launched a Work Experience Programme.


衣柜: [ yī guì ] 1. bureau 2. chest 3. chest of drawers 4. garderobe 近义词或词组wardrobe | commode | clothespress 例句与用法1. 他把所有的衣服都放在大衣柜里。 He put all his clothes in the big wardrobe. 2. 把衣柜放在对著门的那个角落里。 Put the wardrobe in the corner opposite the door. 3. 你把所有的旧衣服都处理掉, 衣柜里地方就大了. You"d have more room in your wardrobe if you turfed out all your old clothes. 4. 我们用力把衣柜搬上楼了. We heaved the wardrobe up the stairs.

急求!甄嬛传 五分钟小片段英文翻译

Seventeen ye: leaf promiseYe Daying: Seventeen ye, you came.Seventeen ye: not seen for a long time has beenpromised,Leaf promise: no one asked me if I would like to, I went into the palace, and a promiseSeventeen ye: I heard about your things, you seem to bedownheartedLeaf promise: everything here is very dirty, or myhundred Chun Park cleanSeventeen ye: Oh, you remember that year? You highdangerous thingLeaf promise: remember, that was seven years ago, I was going to die, no one cares menial servants like me,is he accidentally saw I let the doctor saved meSeventeen ye: I saved you, don"t want to see today thenyou ahLeaf promise: but I am again how? Don"t want to go, let me stay in of place disgusts me, despairSeventeen ye: you have to protect yourself, myimpression of the Ye Lan in, smile, resolute, even thenshe would have found a little sweet to cheer yourself upYe Daying: when I have been unable to repay the debt,he, since the report to me, I will listen to your wordsSeventeen ye: goodSeventeen Ye Xuan son:Zhen Huan: Hey, how do you suddenly come?Seventeen ye: outside of things a busy I hurry to come and see you, a few days ago, I"m not saying my heartuneasy? I think we are at ease.Zhen Huan G: divorce?Seventeen ye: for, if GZhen Huan: I am your brother abandoned, and the sinful woman, the future is unknown, why should you so?Seventeen ye: life is about, always knot good. Xuanson, this world, as long as you and I.Zhen Huan: May, in the Royal, years of quietSeventeen ye: Xuan son, I will be as you wishZhen Huan: I know, but my fond dream, after all, is notSeventeen ye: do you believe in me, and he gradually forgotten you, I will let the static shore "newspaper youdied, we change one"s whole name, fly far and high,always be togetherSeventeen ye: Xuan son, what are you doing? You aremy couple tie the knotZhen Huan: tie the knot, stubbornly persists

帮我用英文翻译一下 “一个人在雨中,好心疼,多想为他撑伞。。。。。”

I walk in rainy.....I heart hurt I want to take umbrella with him我英语水平就这样了!

承认吧 你没有一哭就有人心疼的人英文翻译

This world no one worthy of you crying for him,the only one worth your tears for him but the people will never let you cry!


【典故出处】:清· 无名氏 《 刘公案 》第17回:「你想收别人的礼物万不能!倚仗上司欺属下,罗锅子真是省油灯?」 【 成语 意思】:比 喻老 实、不惹是生非的人 【成语注音】:ㄕㄥˇ ㄧㄡˊ ㄉㄥ 【通用拼音】:shěng you dēng 【使用频率】:常用成语 【成语字数】:三字成语 【感 *** 彩】:中性成语 【成语用法】:省油灯,作宾语、定语;用于方言,多用于否定。 【成语 结构 】:偏正式成语 【 英语翻译 】:law-abiding person 【成语例句】: 浩然 《 艳阳天 》第95章:「这个人可不是个省油灯。」


It tastes not bad=It tastes good


well done


i am really goodu3002i am really not bad


我喜欢你去死用英文翻译怎么说?Go to hell.


I like you to die.


go to dead

公司结构英文翻译 急

推进本部 Forward headquarters职能机构 functional organization海外推进本部 Overseas promotion Headquarters商流推进本部 The flow of commerce promote the Part物流推进本部 Logistics Division to promote资金流推进本部 Flow of funds to promote this Part 战略决策委员会 Strategic decision-making committees董事局秘书处 Secretariat of the Board of Directors


I want to die I wanna die I want to kill myselfI will suicide



求几个海贼王中词语的正版英文翻译 顶上战争 推进城 橡胶果实 三大将

推进城 impel down

英文翻译 “我只说一次 投降或者去死” 要纯正的

I only say this once surrender or die


去死是一种粗俗、不礼貌、甚至侮辱性的表达,通常用于表达强烈的不满、愤怒或厌恶。这种表达方式既不文明,也有可能引起冲突和伤害他人的感情。因此,我们应该尽量避免使用这种语言,而寻找更合适、更文明的表达方式来传达我们的情感和意见。"去死"在英语中的翻译是"Go to hell",同样也是一种不礼貌的表达方式,应该被避免使用。在日常生活中,我们应该学会用更加温和、尊重他人的语言来表达我们的情感和意见,这样才能够建立良好的人际关系,避免不必要的冲突和矛盾。




Heavy-duty truckmiddle-duty vehiclecar


冷藏R134a R407c R404a voluime 1.b 操作tenperature的maximux 140 "c 操作对加压3.10 MPa测试压力4.65MPa 为不指定的线,角和几何的容忍使用iso 2768-mk thermo 国王专有的数据 这份资料包含thermo 国王corporation.it的内部信息被秘密提交你和trust.and 是在request.its上返回的内容可能不被透露全部或部分给其它人或者用于其他, whick的目的没有thermo 国王公司的早先的writted permisson而传送。

我终于了实现梦想。 英文翻译这句话

My dream comes true finally.


饮食区 F & B Area


【典故出处】:唐·白居易《祭李侍郎文》:「浩浩世途,是非同轨;齿牙相轧,波澜四起。公独何人,心如止水;风雨如晦,鸡鸣不已。」 【成语意思】:形容心境平静,毫无杂念 【成语注音】:ㄒㄧㄣ ㄖㄨˊ ㄓㄧˇ ㄕㄨㄟˇ 【通用拼音】:xīn ru zhǐ shuǐ 【拼音简写】:XRZS 【使用频率】:一般成语 【成语字数】:四字成语 【感 *** 彩】:中性成语 【成语用法】:心如止水,作谓语、定语;用于处事。 【成语结构】:主谓式成语 【英语翻译】:a mind tranquil as still water 【近义词】:心同止水 【反义词】:心潮澎湃 【成语例句】:屡遭情变之后,她已然心如止水,古井无波。


The heart like the stop water.


心如止水_有道词典心如止水One"s mind settles as still water.更多释义>>[网络短语]心如止水 dead at heart;Peaceful Water;Quiet Inside我心如止水 I am quiet inside;But I am quiet inside因我心如止水 But I am quiet inside详细用法>>


心如止水_有道词典心如止水One"s mind settles as still water.更多释义>>[网络短语]心如止水 dead at heart;Peaceful Water;Quiet Inside我心如止水 I am quiet inside;But I am quiet inside因我心如止水 But I am quiet inside详细用法>>


Mainly engaged in the production of auto parts.




你好,可翻译为:Originally I was too superficial.skindeep是错的,superficial才是准确的肤浅意思。 满意速速采纳并给予好评,谢谢合作!



上课不要戴帽子 英文翻译

Don"t wear a hat in class.


Cherish the happy times spent


Jesus Christ 或 JesusJesus这个字的意思是[救主],表示他要把自己的民族,由他们的罪恶中拯救出来.(见玛窦福音第一章第二十一节,思高版圣经p.1509)Christ来自希腊文,希伯来文是 the Messiah,原文的意思是[受傅者],是天主派来拯救世界者.(思高版圣经p.1509玛窦福音注解一)Jesus Christ或Jesus在当感叹词用时,表示惊讶(天啊!)或生气,但因为基督徒不喜欢听人这样随便讲耶稣的名字,所以有些美国人改口用了Gee来代替.

急求“投保,未出险 ” 英文翻译,多谢!!!



What? You don"t know it? I despise you

英文翻译:我看不起你 我鄙视你!

I despise you, I despise you


First of all,we are here to the new year,wish you all in the new year of work success and well-being. Thank you all for me has been taken care of,thank you all for the better,I leave my work during the support and assistance,we all have had a hard


Was it a nice trip?

顺利通关 英文翻译



born for fun

顺利通关 英文翻译

get through successfully

请问 热烈欢迎某某公司一行莅临某地 英文翻译如何正式的表达



get rid of "for", i reckon



请问 热烈欢迎某某公司一行莅临某地 英文翻译如何正式的表达

Mr.XXX, You are warmly welcomed to visit XXX


  英语脑筋急转弯,作为英语谜语的一种重要形式,深受大众的喜欢。以下是我为大家准备的脑筋急转弯 英文翻译,希望大家喜欢!   脑筋急转弯 英文翻译一   1. what must you do before you return a book to the library?把书换到图书馆之前你必须做什么? 答案:borrow the book from library从图书馆借书   2. how many sides does a circle have? 一个圆有几个面?答案:Two,the inside and the outside两面,里面和外面   3. what tree is always very sad? willow什么书树总是很伤心?答案:垂柳.谜语解析:weeping willow的意思是垂柳,weeping是哭,willow是柳树   4. what is full when it"s used and empty when it"s at rest?什么东西在使用它的时候是满的,在他休息的时候是空的。答案:a shoe鞋   5. when can you get water with a net? 什么时候你可以用用网拿到水呢?答案:when water is turned into ice当水变成冰的时候   6. What will you break once you say it? 什么东西一说出来就打破?答案:Silence. 沉默   7. Will liars be honest after they die? 骗子死了之后会诚实吗?答案:No, they won"t. They lie still after they die。不会,他们依旧撒谎。Lie still 躺着不动,依旧撒谎。   8. What always goes up and never goes down? 什么东西只升不降?答案:Your age. 你的年龄   9. Why did the boy make his dog sit in the sun? 男孩为什么让他的狗坐在阳光下?答案:He wants to have a hot dog. 他想要一条热狗。   10. Why can a bride hide nothing?为什么新娘子什么也藏不住?答案:Because someone will give her away. 因为有人会揭发她。Give away 揭发,在婚礼上把新娘交给新郎   脑筋急转弯 英文翻译二   1. why are people tired on April Fool"s Day? 为什么在四月一日愚人节人们都很累?答案:Because they have just had a long March因为他们刚度过了一个很长的三月行军march除了三月以外还有行军的意思。   2. what letter is an animal?哪个字母是一个动物?答案:BBee   3. Why is the library the highest building?为什么图书馆是最高的建筑物?答案:It has the most stories. 它的楼层最多。Story 故事,楼层   4. What is the *** allest bridge in the world? 世界上最小的桥梁是什么?答案:The bridge of a nose. 鼻梁   5. What is the difference between the North Pole and the South Pole? 北极与南极的区别是什么?答案:A whole world. 整个世界。 a world of difference 天壤之别   6. What makes naughty boys long to work in a clock factory? 淘气的男孩为什么想去钟表厂工作?答案:They want to make faces. make face 做鬼脸,做钟表面   7. What bird lifts heavy things? 什么鸟能举起重物?答案:Crane. 鹤。Crane鹤,举重机   8. A ship can contain only fifty persons. Now there is already-forty-nine persons in it. At this time,a pregnant woman es on and boards the ship. The ship sinks.Why?有一艘船只能容纳人,现在已有人。这时一位孕妇上了船,船就沉了。为什么?答案:Because is a pig bot. 那是潜水艇。Pig-bot,潜水艇   9. What"s the poorest bank in the world? 世界的最贫穷的银行是什么?答案:The river bank。河岸。   10. What month do soldiers hate?军人憎恨什么月?答案:March。行军。


B超type-B ultrasonic 国内的翻译啊 rofl。。。。。。。。


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